19 posts
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revadworks · 2 years ago
Father...??? Dear dad!!!
A father may be common man for the entire world but to his daughter he is king of her kingdom, a king which never lets her down, who loves her unconditionally!!! I remember my mumma saying…”that I’m the fourth child of my family and that too a girl, when my dad heard of my delivery news he became happy but when he came to know that again it’s a girl he got a bit upset but that sadness vanished…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
It is not just forcible intercourse; sexual assault means to inhabit and destroy everything.
What Is Sexual Assault ?
Rape is the wrongdoing of savagery, not sexual enthusiasm. It is intended to debase, mortify, and control. The aggressor can be an outsider or somebody known and trusted. It can transpire, whenever, wherever. The injury of being ambushed is a stun from which numerous casualties never completely recuperate. Regardless of which structure it takes, rape is as much an issue…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
#OneLastTime....Dil Bechara (review)
#OneLastTime….Dil Bechara (review)
The film will consistently have a place with Sushant Singh Rajput – on target as far as possible, his exhibition shows precisely why the slashes he had weren’t customary. 
As Dil Bechara unfolds, two things air pocket to the surface in a flash – and piercingly. One is the acknowledgment of the sheer tremendousness of the misfortune that Sushant Singh Rajput’s less than ideal death speaks to.…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
India has vowed to build Pashupatinath temple in Nepal.
India has vowed to build a Rs 2.33 crore sanitation office at the notorious Pashupatinath Temple complex here to improve the foundation in the blessed place of worship for the travelers, pilgrims as per an official articulation.
The Pashupatinath Temple (Nepali: पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिर) is an acclaimed and consecrated Hindu sanctuary complex that is situated on the banks of the Bagmati River, around 5…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
Mãe..... Mommy!!!
Mãe….. Mommy!!!
When I opened my eyes, I saw your face, With teary espies, You took me in your embrace.
You struggled, you sacrificed everything you had, You made me an acknowledgeable person in the crowd.
You showered me with your love and care, Your values and morals turned me into a debonair.
You have always appreciated me, Your gentle touch has always protected me.
Your satisfaction propped me up on,
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revadworks · 5 years ago
Searching for home, from home.
"Chase your dreams but always know the road that will lead you home again."
Home sweet home, a place where we are conceived, where we grow up, where we battle, where we cry, where we fall, and afterward stand up ever to rise. An individual consistently thinks beyond practical boundaries, huge life, enormous fun, and huge dreams. We grow up thinking beyond practical boundaries, needing to have…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
Actions do not speak louder than words!
Actions do not speak louder than words!
” A B C D E F G… Z” We all know each of the 26 letter sets and we learned them at a little age and how excellent it is that with those 26 letters we structure words, sentences, and passages. What’s more, how one of a kind is the way that the entire English is framed from 26 letters, we utilize these letters to shape our words and sentences and feelings. But somehow a few people on some edge of…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
Intoxicants are harmful to health!
I was cutting vegetables for supper, when I out of nowhere got a call from my little girl’s number, ” Your girl is hospitalized please come soon.” I was quiet on hearing that, unfit to hold power over my feelings I called her father and educated him about the call, he and I arrived at the hospital as soon as we could, stressed and strained. I approached the receptionist for my girl’s ward and she…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
Success post pregnancy.
“Never surrender since progress comes just to the individuals who thump at his entryway.”
 Each individual faces issues, however, everybody’s issues are extraordinary. A man’s concern contrasts from various perspectives from a lady’s concern. Here, by issues I don’t mean mensuration, contemplate, and so forth., yet hereby issue I mean difficulties a ladies face post-pregnancy. This is my story…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
Anonymous murderer...
Anonymous murderer…
I came back from office at practically 8’o check in the night, drained, tired. I was in no disposition to plan supper however I had too as my flatmate was away for seven days. From the start, I thought to get myself supper from an eatery yet had just barely any bucks left in my pocket of which I had to pay for room rents and some essentials. I arranged dinner and was having it when I heard that…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
Divorce, story of betrayal!
From adolescence, each young lady is taught home and family. Since youth, I trusted in family, I put trust in solidarity and I put trust in obligation of a couple, I had confidence in perfect partners, soulmates. We as a whole grew up hearing fantasies of Cindrella, Snow White and a few stories like Laila-Majnu, Romeo-Juliet. The story which took my heart the most was Laila-Majnu and their never…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
He is not dead, he is martyred
Every person has some kind of relationship with another person. I also had with him. He was not my darling or closest companion but rather he was my brother. He was not just my brother but also my life, my adoration, my best accomplice, my fraternal twin. I adored him alot. However, never found the opportunity to offer the last bye, goodbye! We were conceived on the same day yet on different…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
Miscarriage because of cancer.
I am getting married, everything is set and almost ready. Day after tomorrow I will be taking seven vows with someone I don’t know. I have met him or actually I have seen him once, only once when he arrived with his family to meet my parents or rather let’s say to do the formalities of wedding but it’s ok, this is how it was meant to be. Since childhood I was said, ” One day you have to marry a…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
Dear future husband,
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Hello love its me …your future wifey!! Right now you might be with your friends having some vodka or beer or chilling with your own self at your apartment or you might probably be asking your darling/ love that did she had her food or not or you must be planning your future with her having four or five kids and a wonderful home and whatsoever you must be looking to have in a family but tadaaa,…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
The World's First Death!
The World’s First Death!
Death is the end of life in a living thing. All biological and living activity of the living thing stop, including the mind and the senses. The usual signal for death in humans and many other animals is that the heart stops beating and cannot be restarted. This can be caused by many things. All living things have a limited lifespan, and all living things eventually die.
The one who comes into…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
The man who challenged Einstein's Theory.
The man who challenged Einstein’s Theory.
Many big mathematicians have come and gone in the world and also became very famous and left their mark and become immortal in the pages of history.This story is also of such a person who was a very big mathematician, but with time he got lost somewhere.
Vashishtha Narayan Singh-A man who ignited minds.
Vashishtha Narayan Singh , born in 90s, was an Indian scholastic.Born on April 2,1942 to…
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revadworks · 5 years ago
I'm struggling to be a writer.... A perfect one!!!
I’m struggling to be a writer…. A perfect one!!!
“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”— Louis L’Amour
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A writer may be a one that uses written words in several styles and craft to express ideas. Writers produce distinct sorts of…
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