#ms. jacobson
burgerbelchers · 24 days
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You'll notice a mixture in front of you on the Bunsen burner. This mixture is the most powerful love potion known to man. Whatever you do, don't drink it.
BOB'S BURGERS 2.08 - Bad Tina
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salty-icecream · 8 months
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Back on the grind
I may not be finished but at least page 2 is
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meaniezuchinni · 6 months
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This was my first idea for the last day of smsw. Ms Padaro & Ms Jacobson chatting in the halls after school.
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whartonists · 1 year
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Miscellaneous The Gilded Age Season 2 BTS photos posted by Nicole Brydon Bloom on Instagram
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
thinking about a fanfic i was writing earlier this year where bob and linda were at a parent teacher conference for tina w/ ms jacobson and they were talking about tina being autistic and ms jacobson was like. yknow in older generations it was common for people not to be diagnosed except in the most severe cases and autism is usually genetic etc etc can you think of anyone in your family who might be autistic *raises eyebrow* and then later when bob and linda were leaving bob was like WAIT .was she implying that im autistic? and linda was like bob im gonna be so real w/ you right now. yeah she was
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sleepyone232 · 2 years
Please. Some of ya'll bobs burgers simps request something Any character. Any situation. a n y t h i n g. I just had a little trauma and I need to think about something else this instant- So- Pretty please?
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gav-san · 1 year
A Vintage Bouquet | 1/5 | Mihawk x reader
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Pairing: Dracule Mihawk / Fem Reader
Length: 1/5 Chapters
Summary: Trapped in a monastery and threatened with an impending marriage, you'll strike any deal with a Pirate to escape what your father has in store for you.
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“What a treat, for a great warlord of the sea to come to our island.”
Mihawk didn’t remove his feet from the table, barely even bothering to blink at the approach of the voice. Its owner, Rear-Admiral Jacobson, was the insipid leader of the Marine Outpost here, a dull man fitting of the dull backwater.
“It’s truly an honor to host you.” The marine said, taking out a chair to join him, much to his irritation.
“Charmed,” Mihawk replied dryly, barely acknowledging the large man in the marine uniform. “I’m sure.”
The rear admiral laughed, taking a seat on the bar left of the famed swordsman. He didn’t sit too close, clearly aware he was unwelcome, but not scared off 
“I don’t mean to overstep, Hawk Eyes, but I’m shocked to see you here. The West Blue has been very quiet on the pirate front, and less so on any budding warriors. Illa de Palma is paradise for us here.”
Mihawk tilted his head.
He could outright refuse to chat with Jacobson, but it would likely be detrimental. Mihawk was no fan of bright sunlight and the thick humidity on Palma but he did find their wine to be pasable. Insulting the owner of the best vineyard on the island wasn’t going to get him his shipment, or any future ones on any island, knowing the way the wine-masters held grudges.
With a sigh, knowing he wasn’t getting off without revealing a little info, he acquiesced. 
“It isn’t nearly that complicated. I was headed this way and was followed. Since there or no decent vineyards between here and the Grand Line, I thought I may find something interesting.” The swordsman said, raising a glass of dark liquid, and swishing it. “I have yet to decide if it was worth the diversion.”
The rear-admiral Jacobson perked a brow.
“I’d say so, but since it’s my wine, I have a stake in your opinion.”
Mihawk took a measured look, before taking a short drink of the wine, before looking back.
“It’s not terrible.”
The Rear Admiral laughed.
“That’s high praise. I’m not sure anything could please your stiff palette, other than the best.”
Mihawk took another sip, letting the liquid run across his tongue.
“It’ll do, I suppose.” He said, putting it down. “It doesn’t seem like your little island is very interesting otherwise.” The rear admiral Jacobson smiled at the swordsman.
“Interesting? Perhaps not for a man of your caliber, but for me, it’s been divine. We export the best wine and women!”
Mihawk tilted his chin.
“The monastery girls,” Jacobson added, with a wink. “The nobles send their daughters here to learn how to be good wives. Makes the entire island a pretty penny, and we get to see pretty women.”
“How quaint,” Mihawk responded with little care.
Jacobson leaned in as if he expected a juicy bit of gossip, and Mihawk raised his glass again.
“Oh, don’t be so closed-mouth! I know you came in with that fancy noble who has his eyes on our girls! Tell me if it’s true that he wants to take our sweet, lovely island beauty. I speak, of course, of Ms. Gabriella!”
Jacobson named a woman's first name that Mihawk prompted recognized and ignored. The swordsman gave a sound that was similar to a snort, though he was too elegant to do so outright. He was tempted to immediately leave hearing that name again. After having to listen to that incessant noble who decided to follow him, he could live a very long life and not have to hear it again.
“This conversation turns tedious,” Mihawk replied, “Such things hold little interest for me.”
“Always the swordsman, dedicated to your craft.” The rear-admiral joked, much to Mihawk's great annoyance at the familiarity. “For a former pirate, you have always been quite dedicated, much like those nobles.” 
“I’m a pirate, not a savage.” The pirate scoffed, lowering the wine onto the bar with a clink. He rose, moving to leave before he had to hear any more nonsense. “The wine is astringent. Hardly worth a visit.”
The Rear Admiral gaffed, scooting his chair so the swordsman could pass.
“You should pass by the monastery. They had the best wine on the island.” Jacobson said, raising the glass to take a long sniff. “They always purchase our best for their private sacrament.”
Mihawk raised a hand, not bothering to give a reply.
He was not much inclined to take the word of someone who touted such fine taste and failed to live up to the expectations, but he had run low and disliked the idea of setting off without a fresh crate. 
He learned against a pier, next to his boat, listening in to the local fishermen passing, morning still fresh. Villagers only give him half a glance and Marines kept a wide distance, more familiar with his old Wanted Poster. 
He had learned early in life that the best way to discover the best wine was to listen to the townspeople. And though he wasn’t much inclined to speak, he had found his fair share of bounties simply being near. 
But he did raise a brow at the topic of today’s rumor mill. 
It was the name.
The name of the girl, at the monastery. Ms. Something Gabriella. It seemed that this girl was of some importance in the town, her name was like a buzzing fly in his ear.
Gabriella Gabriella Gabriella
What was that first name?
Ah yes.
Ms (name) Gabriella.
After putting the two together he pressed his lips together. 
The last name alone was popular enough that he hadn’t thought much when people shouted praises about the girl. However, the first name was unique enough that it did cause a memory of something to resurface.
Isabella Gabriella.
An old pirate captain, who enjoyed daggers. He wondered if there was any relation between the girl and the pirate swordswoman he had known long ago, who had been a fearsome foe indeed when he was a young man.
She often bragged about her precious little daughter, who had the same name as this monastery girl.
He glanced at the Monastery, turning. Well, he supposed it wouldn’t be that big of a detour. 
Perhaps even bearable if there was good wine.
The white sheets fluttered in the cool sea breeze that the evening on the coast had brought, the crisp breeze ridding it of the last wrinkles and folds. Careful fingers folded the fabric into a sharp square, placing it in the large wicker basket next to the laundry before you turned to the last row of hanging sheets.
You couldn’t help stop your eyes from wandering past the tall stone wall of the Nunnery Annex and gazing down the hill where the shimmering white of Ciudad Blanca lay, flaunting its beauty to all who came across the Isla de Palma.
You could appreciate the artistry that had gone into the white facade of the rich town, as you had once been part of something.
You blinked, hearing your name.
Ms. Gabriella.
Calls of it came from those passing, able to see through the cutouts in the wall, making you feel akin to a goldfish in a too-small bowl. 
The monastery walls had been built less for the comfort of those inhabiting it but as a symbol of its wealthy patrons. It was a very popular destination on Isla Palma, and though you preferred cloistering herself away in the depths of the monastery, you had watched those visitors with a melancholy stirring in your heart. 
Adventurous, free, people.
Located in the West Blue, the beautiful city saw more than its fair share of seafaring wanderers, an almost alarming toss-up of Marines and merchants. You heard more than you saw, as enough seemed to fear the Gods that they would visit, climbing the stairs to reach the tall white building.
And, inevitably, some of those travelers were almost certainly pirates masquerading as sailors. 
And despite your hair being tightly pulled back into a strict bun, secured by coif and wimple, under the black veil, it did little to hide your lovely face and sparkling eyes, as bright as the lights dancing off the warm ocean. 
And others noticed, as well.
When you were on rotation for laundry or any other tasks outside the monastery walls you would be cat-called, harassed, or confronted by angry women.
you tended, hiding yourself behind the last youets, folding as quickly as you could.
You weren’t surprised at the rough-looking travelers who called as you trod behind the Abbess, as you greatly suspected they were pirates. But the number of Marines who would leer at you and the other sisters was downright horrible.
You whipped another sheet off the laundry and winced when you heard a rip.
Mother Superior would be greatly displeased with her, as she already thought you taking the food and space that so many other young females would be grateful for. 
A good marriage, the Mother Superior had often told you, was something a face like yours should aspire to. It was one of the Abbotess’s many ways of letting you know that time was ticking for her, and if you could not find a proper husband, you’d be found one.
Choose, you foolish girl, choose! 
Countless men had been offered to her, but the photos and love letters blurred before your eyes as panic caused your stomach to heave.
Your entire body reacted to the notion of marriage, shoulders squaring and knees locking as you attempted not to drop to your knees.
You felt a drop of sweat run down your shoulder at the thought of accepting one of the many proposals coming through the Monastery letterbox. Many wealthy men came to the island, but few were good. Less who had all their teeth, and had the resources to afford a bride dowry for her.
And those acceptable were almost exactly like father.
Your father, a name not earned but given regardless, was a noble living in the holy city of Mary Genoese, bathing in wealth and privilege. you hadn’t seen him in years. He saw you more as a prize swan than flesh and blood, and the only reason you heard from him was when he reminded you of your duty to marry, mainly through very unpleasant Den Den Mushi calls via snail.
And his latest he hasn’t held back, letting you know that whoever you accepted, expected to receive a generous offering for her. 
The Mother Superior had a vice-like grip on your arm, keeping you in check. 
Of course, you agreed.
A record number of Berry would go on to continue running the monastery with your success. That was the whole reason girls like you were boarded and raised by nuns.
But your worth was ticking down if you passed into your thirties without choosing. 
The town bell rang, counting down your hours.
You wanted to pull the entire line of laundry down, angry at everything. Your life hadn’t started as a plot to turn into a breeding cow! 
Your mother had been an adventurous, independently wealthy captain before wedding father. He had promised her a similar lifestyle after getting hitched, just adding his fine title as a nobleman with a residence in the Holy City. 
And so you were a child who had worn only the finest dresses, even when running through the swelling ocean waves, hair perfectly coiffed even as you lay to sleep.
Maids regularly pampered her, and the best tutors engaged her mind. You voraciously read books and loved your father for generously giving you so many. Many afternoons had been spent aboard your mother's ship, set up in a hammock reading romance and eating the finest sweets, and even tasting the fine wine they sailed around delivering.
Your mother's crew was mostly retired marines and had generously taught you all about the wine trade as if you were their child. Your mother taught you more than a few tricks with her daggers, though you preferred the feel of a sword.
Your mother had made you hide this when you visited your father. He had, over time become more and more vocal about his dislike of sea life, how women didn’t suit it, especially concerning you in particular.
You had, deep down, had a feeling that something had gone sour in him.
It had probably not helped that over time, your mother had taken on the lion's share of raising you, and your noble father had mostly enjoyed staying at home, raking in his wife's wealth and attention with far too much free time on his hands. They spent more time away than together, and soon, it was clear divorce would be imminent.
On your sixteenth birthday, your mother, her ship, and the entire crew were shot down by pirates and murdered. 
You had miraculously been on a rare vacation with your father. He had praised the heavens for such good fortune but you deeply grieved, unable to find any value in your life compared to your mothers.
You weren’t even half the woman she was, in any respect, and now she was gone, you saw just how strong she had been to counter a man like your father.
Father wasted no time introducing the newest addition to his collection. And you meant that as a plural since it wasn’t a day after your mother’s passing that you discovered your mother was just one of four wives that your father secretly had. He went around town, touting how you were to be sold off in a similar manner.
You were determined to cut ties, your anger roused at such a callous insult, but before you could touch a penny of your inheritance he locked it away, then he locked you away, per the flexible arm of his noble title. 
Your entire future shifted, and any chance at a seafaring life was gone. And it took less than a day for that to be made clear.
And there was nothing you could do about it.
You paused, hands loosening before you tore another bed sheet, focusing to take another deep breath. 
Taking out your anger here would not give you back what you had lost. You would only receive toilet cleaning duties for the next month if you didn’t control yourself.
But every day, anger cinched your middle tighter, and inevitably, those invisible stays would break, or simply cut you in two. 
Breathe, you reminded herself.
“Ms Gabriella, my beloved!!” Another voice called behind your back, and you scrunched your brows together. It was close. A cold shiver danced down your spine. 
Heffery Jones.
“Lovely Sweet thing!”
You recognized that drunk voice and your brows furrowed. What a terrible day, you decided. While most of your well-wishers managed to control themselves and not climb the nunnery, this voice was coming too close to her.
You flinched, turning at the figure who was half dangling over the brick, waving too enthusiastically your way.
One of the somewhat poor townsmen, a very young fellow with brown hair and yellowing teeth grinned at your lost expression.
And very drunk. 
“My love, why haven’t you responded to my proposal?” He cried out to you, still struggling on the balustrade. 
“Go home Heffery, your wife works too hard for you to waste it on drinks.” you retorted, your tone flat. You didn’t have the time to state all of your reasons, but that was a start.
Not that it worked.
“Darling, let’s run away and go sail the sea together! My wife means nothing!” He cried, wiggling to try and get over the sharp spikes.
You actually liked Mary Jones and feel sorry you had married Heffery. But it was arranged, like most marriages in town. You were sure the only reason Mary Jones hadn’t run off was her children, who all looked suspiciously like your neighbor, rather than her husband. 
You readied herself, grabbing the laundry basket, in case you needed to throw it at him.
“Heffery Jones, don’t you dare!” The voice of the Mother Superior rang out, startling both of them.
You, for once, were flooded with relief as you heard her call out from one of the many windows. Even if it meant a lecture later, of why you had been the problem. For now, Heffery could take the tongue-lashing of the older woman, for however long it took him to realize he needed to run.
The Abbot didn’t hold much power in the monastery, but he had a den den mushi phone and paid off the local marines for problems like this.  
But Heffery Jones wasn’t known for his intelligence or listening ability, and he attempted to jump over the brick. Even the solid shoe you threw aimed at his face didn’t change his mind.
He still attempted to jump.
And this was only an attempt as he inadvertently sacrificed his fancy waistcoat on a lantern pedestal and flung himself back the other way, into the road. Your shoe met with a satisfying thump and fell to the ground on the other side.
You heard the alarm of the local church regulars and the dismay of drunk sailor men who had followed Heffery from his bar to egg him on, as well as the distant thuds of Heffery rolling down the hill, probably straight back into the bar he had come from.
So you waved goodbye, cheekily.
Mother Superior burst through the side door, just as you finished folding the laundry, hiding ripped sheet at the bottom of the pile.
“That disgusting man! And you, you! Must you flaunt yourself? If you wish to be seen, hurry up and choose a respectable suitor!” 
you knew better than to argue, simply apologizing. Thankfully you weren’t forced to grovel for long, as the Abbot flew through the door, bouncing back from the Mother Superior's large girth.
“He is coming!” He cried, falling into a tumble of robes.
“Great Heavens!” The nun said in tandem, as Abbot cried out his news. “I already chased the Jones boy off!”
A nun followed the father, picking him up from the ground, and the old man wasted no time delivering his news to both of them.
“Not the boy, Mother!” He said with a flourish, slipping around her. 
The Abbot grabbed your hands, gleefully. 
“Your fiancé! He has been chosen! And he’ll be accompanied by a Warlord of the sea!” your mouth fell open, but you stopped herself by biting her lip. 
“Pardon?” you croaked.
Mother Superior cackled in thanksgiving, holding up her hands in praise to the sky. 
“He can afford a Warlord?!? He’s clearly rich and powerful enough to pay for an entire new section of the building!” Mother Superior cried out, picking up the Abbot and spinning him.
The man cried out in alarm, but you felt like you had been the one being spun. you knew the time had been ticking down, but your father had promised your mother, in a written will, that you would be able to choose your husband!
You stepped back, breath getting heavy. The Abbot and the Mother Superior danced around one another, leaving you the chance to dash away, trying your best not to hyperventilate. You flung yourself around the corner fleeing the wide courtyard to the smaller citrus grove. 
Others disliked the mushy ground, laden with rotting oranges, and so you often found respite there.
There on the bench, you raised your lone barefoot to look at the consequences of a very impulsive throw. Not that it hadn’t been deserved, but now you’d have to go beg the gate guard to fetch it for you. 
You glanced at the old, bolted side gate in the wall behind the last tree. 
If you dare, you could unlock it, dart out, and get it herself. You questioned if it was worth potentially being discovered, but if you were quick, and only to avoid unnecessary drama, it very well might be. Tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear you sighed, agreeing it was certainly a bad day.
This inner debate was cut short when you heard a thud, near the gate. 
You jumped up, startled, head snapping over.
A shiver ran down your spine at what you had found.
A shoe.
Your shoe.
There, in a space bare of any fallen oranges, lay your shoe.
You dash to the gate, from where the shoe almost certainly came, thrusting your head out of the small space on the top. And you only caught your beneficiary as they turned the corner, the edge of a dark coat.
And you were unsure why such a small glimpse of a simple kind of action made your stomach erupt in butterflies.
You turned, ready to call out to the person, or something.
You jumped back, throwing on your shoe just as Mother Superior turned the corner and found you. 
“Quit hiding around, it’s time to get ready! Your father wishes to speak with you!”
If there was anything that could make this day worse, it was getting a call from your father. The den den mushi for the convent was not only slow, but your father had become unbearable.
The snail did a great job conveying his disregard for you.
“Do us both a favor, you, and be on your best behavior.” 
“Father-” you began, only to be sharply cut off.
“-While you may not want to be married, you, but there’s no other respectable path for your future. I promise there are much worse suitors who are interested, who wouldn’t care much for your consent.” 
“Pirates, even.”
You froze. 
“Be a good girl, my dear. I mean, anything is better than one of those Doflamingo boys. I’ve heard that Donquixote is little better than a brute. He’s been looking for a noble bride and has the money. He had no real title, since that debacle, and has been calling me up incessantly.”
Surely your father wouldn’t be cruel enough to consider that? you didn’t dare call his bluff, only to be proven wrong. you had heard plenty about the fallen noble Doflamingos, and you knew that your father was no longer joking. If you pressed him, then he’d make it worse for you.
“You’ll be a darling, won’t you, my dear? Go make pretty eyes at that nice new fiance and make sure you walk away with a ring.”
“Yes… father.”
You sat in the citrus grove, finally alone. It was chilly, being outside well into the night with only a shawl, still wearing the day dress.
Fingers clenched in the fine, high-waisted cotton dress, simple but well made. It had been the only nice dress you possessed, but had still needed a quick fitting since you had lost weight as time slipped on. Dainty slippers pinched at your toes, clearly borrowed from someone who had smaller feet. 
Your hair had been groomed till it shone, left mostly up twisted into a pretty pearl netting to keep your face clear of any strays. Even makeup had been acquired.
Not even a week had passed, but you already met your new finacé.
And it had been what you expected. You had hoped that it wouldn’t be an extended meeting with the Noble fiancé because alas, no good were wishes anymore. Ronald W. Canonfire the Fourth was a long-winded, much older man looking for a pretty third wife, just to liven things up, since his other two were getting so old. And he disliked their ‘worn’ bodies since they had had almost twenty children between them.
You grit your teeth and played dumb.
Though you had been engaged, a first meeting tended to be shorter, by tradition. It was mostly to assure the buyer that the bride was as had been showcased to be. And if he approved, which he probably would, the wedding would proceed. And your next meeting with him would be the day you would go down the aisle.
Good Lord.
You couldn’t live that way.
You wouldn’t.
You took in a deep breath, your chest heaving. Surely, this was not going to be the way your life went. Whatever it took, you would not be going down that aisle. You could secretly take the vows, or maybe even slip away, and find work on the docks disguised. Or stowaway!
Anything, but this life.
So you stood, unsure of what path you were going to take, only sure that you had to take it. 
And to hear a lock break.
The door on the side of the monastery creaked open.
You whip your head around, confident someone has somehow read your thoughts.And your chest nearly seizes as you brace yourself for whatever is coming.
The first thing you saw, from the deep shadows of the doorway, were well-oiled boots. Followed by dark pants, a rich black coat, and a sleek hat with a feather. A cutting figure, to say the least. His scandalous lack of a shirt was not missed, nor were the cut muscles that gleamed pristine white. 
You take a step back, thinking you should probably call out for help, but are unable to find the words.
There is something downright transfixing about this man, and it’s not just the way his muscles cut down to the downright sinful apex of his pants. 
He’s older, but not much.
Your mouth goes dry.
“Are you going to throw your shoe again?” He has a mild tone, almost bored. “Or should I wait?”
“You-” You mutter in fascination. “You are the man who threw back my shoe.”
He steps through, letting the gate swing close behind him.
“Why are you here?” You ask, perplexed. You might be afraid, but he looks so disinterested that you can’t help but feel a bit calm.
“Are you going to throw it at me this time?” He asks again, a sharp brow raising.
Heck, the man’s entire face was sharp, accentuated by well-groomed facial hair, and generous lashes, held together by a severe expression. 
His unmissable eyes must have seen your first, for when your gaze reached his face, he was already looking at her. 
Startled, you realized they were gold. Gold, and almost alien in appearance. All of these things were eye-catching and startling.
And for a moment, both stared.
But that’s not what you gazed at with an abrupt interest.
Just as he stepped into full view of the single lantern overhead, the light danced off the large metal cross on the man’s back, giving you a view of what must be the largest sword you’ve ever seen.
“Is that a kriegsmesser?” You said before you could stop yourself. “It’s enormous.”
You swear at yourself, as a reminder that the last thing you need to do is start fangirling over weapons, lest you encourage the intruder to use his own. And for it to come out like you is an innuendo.
It truly was a long, horrible day, if this was your best manners.
One of the man’s brows lifted, followed by a slight down curve at the corner of his mouth.
“Yoru.” He answered, and you blinked. “Is hardly so simple as a mere Kriegsmesser. She may be my largest sword, but I’m effective with all I equipt.”
Your mouth tilted in a smile, glee filling your chest, before you managed to clear your throat at his sly joke. Suddenly you were ten again, on the deck of the ‘Sweet Joy’ and practicing your footwork. 
“Yoru,” You repeated, subtly swaying the motions you’d use with such a sword. It sounded familiar, though it had been ten years since you had read anything about swords. “May I see her?” You ask, forgoing all manners, like a bar whore.
This time, the man actually gave a smile, though it was very subtle. 
“It’s not for taming bunnies.” He said, coming a step closer, and glancing down at your feet.
“Lend me your blade and we can test that theory.” You retort sharply, much to his amusement, the way he leans forward.
“I hardly here for a fight with a nun.” He said with a drawl, his tone mildly amused. 
“I am not a nun.” He waved a hand like it made little difference. “Why did you come?” you said cooly, moving to put the bench between you. You hoped he was here to take you hostage, but you couldn’t make it seem easy, and give yourself away.
The man sighed, giving you a long look as if he could read your mind.
“Don’t kid yourself. I heard there’s good wine here.” The man replied, leaning against the door of the outer wall
You blinked.
“I guess.” you said, “But this isn’t exactly a store.” 
“Understood,” He said wryly.
“And the Abbot will also be asleep by now, even for a distinguished gentleman yourself.” You fold your arms.
“Hense the sidegate.” He tilted his fancy hat to the broken side door.
“Rude.” You reply. “I should scream.” You wave a hand.
He moves so quickly you don’t see him place a finger on your mouth until it’s there.
“Perhaps we can come to an accord.” The man said, and you stepped back, slapping the hand away.
“Perhaps, for the right price.” you gave him a long look. “Do you own a boat?”
The man lowered his chin, giving you a hard stare that you struggled to keep, and only did so since your entire life was on the line.
A nod and you assumed that meant yes.
“I need passage off this island. And quickly,” You muttered, lowering your voice and stepping closer. He sighed as if you had asked him to pluck the moon out of the sky.
“Oh? Now why would I ever do that? Even good wine isn’t worth a private ride on my boat.” He said, tone flat. 
“The wine is the best on the island. A vintage from my mother’s last shipment.” You bartered, standing your ground. “My word is good. I have my sommelier certification, and still have an active registration in the Vineyard Guild. I know wine.”
The swordsman looked you down steadily with his gold eyes.
“What’s your mother’s name?” He said, moving to the bench to sit before you, one leg elegantly flung over the other.
“Isabella Gabriella, the captain of the-”
“The wine merchant and you’re her daughter?” You wonder if you should be offended by the long look he gives you, but for some reason it fills you with butterflies, to be seen so thoroughly.
“You knew my mother?”
“Very well, girl. You’ve piqued my interest. Let’s make a deal.” He lifts a hand, gesturing to the monestary.
“I require two crates of wine for your passage to the next island.” He says, and you look at him harshly.
“This wine is worth at least a trip to the Grand Line.” You counter, fingers clenching your arms.
“Now why would a bunny like you want to go to the Grand Line? Surely you don’t think well-bred girls such as yourself are better off there than here?”
“If wine isn’t enough, then I’ll fight you for the honor of riding on your boat. If only to prove to you I can handle myself. ”
“Fight? You, a little bunny?” He said, this time you knew you had amused him, by the way the corners of his mouth raised. 
“I doubt I could defeat you, swordsman, but I’m not a girl. But if I can land even a single blow, would that impress you?”
“Very well.” He said, folding his arms. “This is hardly an appropriate venue. When an opportunity arrives, we’ll see what you’re made of.”
You lower your arms, placing your hands flat against your dress. Better for him to underestimate you now.
“Fine. When and where?” 
The man stood, turning to the gate, practically making you follow him out.
“It bores me to wait, so be by the docks to my ship by next nightfall. And only come if you manage to get the wine, girl.”
“I’m not a girl.” You say, and then clearly annunciate your name, but the man just walks down the cobblestone road, away from you. “What’s your name?” You call out, brows furrowed, arms holding the door to not clang.
He doesn’t look back.
And as you swiftly go back into the monastery, already planning your escape, you can’t help but get the notion that you’ve heard that name before.
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https-hunter · 1 month
Tinimmy week day 4 wip I never finished but I thought it would be appreciated.
Working title: she blinded me with science
Lab day.
Tina usually doesn’t mind lab day. She and Susmita are partners and while Tina isn’t as good at the science aspect of their experiments, she shows interest and often fills out the worksheet. The two of them have a system and it always works on lab day.
Except for when Susmita is sick.
“Ms.. Jacobson?” Tina asked, peeking through her safety goggles on top of her glasses. “My partner is out.”
Ms. Jacobson looked up from the tests she had been grading. “Hm? Oh, that’s okay, Tina, you can just work with…” she said she she scanned the room, looking for an uneven number of kids, “Jimmy Jr.! Zeke and Tammy alone.” She turned back to Tina. “You can work with Jimmy Jr.”
Tina’s heart quickened at the idea of completing the lab assignment with Jimmy Jr. It felt like an erotic friend fiction come to life was about to start.
“So, do you like…chemicals?” Tina asked in an attempt at flirting.
“Um, I guess?”
“Cool, cool. Me, too.”
“So…what do we have to do for this assignment?”
Tina blinked. “Good question.” She began flipping through the papers Ms. Jacobson had handed out. “We have to make elephant toothpaste, that big foamy thing.”
Jimmy Jr.’s eyes lit up. “You mean we get to make a volcano? Hell yeah!”
“In a way. Let’s see, we need hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodide, and…water.”
“I’ll get it!” Jimmy Jr. declared excitedly before practically bolting to get the chemicals from Ms. Jacobson’s desk.
Tina had not finished pouring the water from the lab sink by the time Jimmy Jr. came back, vials in hand. “Wow, that was…quick,” she remarked.
“I know. I’m a good runner, huh?”
Tina thought back to the mile run and stifled a laugh. “Yeah, uh-huh.”
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mysteryideasgroup · 1 month
Manager Eda Jerryson
Manager Eda Jerryson
She found out ___ (Leader of Mystery Teams) has injured after broken leg. She tells them to pick him to back inside their rooms
Full Name: Eda Jerryson
First Name: Eda
Last Name: Jerryson
Nicknames: Manager Eda, Ma'am, Miss/Mrs./Ms. Eda
Blood Type:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Friends: Mystery Inc. Team, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Chris Klug, Manager Theodore Shushman, Bruce Wilkinson (Worker), Businessman (Worker)
Enemies: Avalanche Anderson (True Culprit), William Jacobson (True Culprit)
Species:  Human
Status: Alive/Active 
Alignment: Good 
Weapons: Snow Shovel
Powers and Abilities: 
Skills and Abilities: Snow Shovel skills, clean skills of snow
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Styles:
Eyebrows Styles:
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me
All belongs to my msa x sd ocs sonas and my new msa x sd ocs sonas 
All belongs to her msa x sd ocs sonas and her new msa x sd ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series Shows
Scooby Doo SD belongs to WB (Warner Bros) and HB (Hanna Barbera) of Animated Movies and TV Series Shows
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kalinara · 3 months
Dream Movie
It's the Dream Show challenge again! This time, it's a movie! I hope you enjoy it!
The Marvelous Ms. Marbell
Quick Synopsis:
Sweet elderly Ms. Mary Marbell has quite the reputation for solving murders. But when an unpleasant business man with more money than sense, and more enemies than either, is found dead in his office, Ms. Marbell's investigation takes on some interesting complications.
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Annette Badland - Ms. Mary Marbell, amateur detective extraordinaire. But does she have some secrets of her own?
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Annie Murphy - Nicole Fletcher, Ms. Marbell's trusted aide. Ms. Marbell has the sharpest of minds, but she isn't exactly adept at wiggling through windows or creeping into closets. So when the investigation requires a bit more physical legwork, young Nikki is happy to oblige.
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Elden Henson - Detective Jack Winchell, the investigating officer. He's never worked with Ms. Marbell before, and he's quite skeptical of her reputation. At least until he sees her results.
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Michael Shanks - Darren Holt - Our victim. An entirely disagreeable fellow who any number of kind, simple folk would love to see dead. But who could have done it? And why duct tape?
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Jeff Goldblum - Aaron Jacobson - One of many potential suspects, but the one with the most recognizable face. He lost a lot of money due to one of Darren Holt's shady business deals. He also made his fortune in hardware, particularly duct tape. Could he perhaps be the murderer?
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Sonequa Martin-Green - Tara Mars - An American blogger and investigator who has teamed up with a like-minded British counterpart. Ms. Marbell once proved her father guilty of murder, but Tara still has questions.
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John Boyega - Stephen Smith - A British blogger and investigator. He's been following Ms. Marbell's exploits for years, and he thinks he's started noticing a few concerning patterns.
Full Synopsis:
Businessman Darren Holt has been murdered and Ms. Marbell is on the case. Despite the skepticism of her new "partner", Detective Winchell, Ms. Marbell thorough and gentle examination of witnesses and evidence soon bring results, and Aaron Jacobson is arrested for the crime.
But that's when Tara Mars and Stephen Smith show up, with a lot of questions. While Ms. Marbell has been investigating murders, they've been investigating Ms. Marbell and they've come up with one heck of an alternate theory for the crimes.
Is Ms. Marbell simply a brilliant, yet underestimated, amateur detective? Or is SHE the murderer, carefully choosing the most unlikable, distasteful victims so that she can send her real targets to prison instead?
Complicating the investigation is the discovery that Stephen Smith and Nicole Fletcher had once been very close friends in their shared Ms. Marbell fandom.
Ultimately, the murderer is revealed to be Nicole Fletcher. She'd long admired Ms. Marbell, and as the elderly sleuth's reputation began to fade, she'd taken it upon herself to provide new cases. She's imprisoned, Aaron Jacobson is set free, and a devastated Ms. Marbell returns to her sad, empty home.
In the coda, Ms. Marbell is visited by her long estranged grandson, Philip (as played by Arthur Darvill). As they enjoy the fresh air, she notices a very angry fellow shouting at the women on the street. "That one next," she tells her grandson, who nods solemnly as they continue their pleasant walk.
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burgerbelchers · 3 days
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BOB'S BURGERS 2.08 - Bad Tina
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friendswithclay · 7 months
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“Afro-Caribbean potter Ms. Sandra making a traditional cooking pot with clay coils in Morne Sion, Saint Lucia.”
Ph by: Katarina Jacobson.
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meaniezuchinni · 7 months
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May I present, the Ren-fae club. A very secret club, consisting of Ms. Jacobson, Ms. Padaro, Mr. Ambrose & Ms. Schnur.
See More Seymour’s Week, Day 5 (finale) - Free Space (Whimsical)
I contemplated Coach Blevins (mostly because I like drawing characters I feel aren’t in a lot of art, especially this week!) but Ambrose fit much better.
Ambrose and Schnur definitely get snarky together, and Ambrose is a fierce encourager when Schnur gets embarsssed about dressing up. Jacobson & Padaro are work besties that have now transcended work. They both love faerie smut type novels.
I had a lot of fun doing this one (even though free space day is kinda overwhelming to me haha). I hope you’ve enjoyed my contributions to SMSW. It was my first time really engaging with any fandom in this way or doing one of these weeks. It has been amazing, fun and the community is LOVELY! Rest assured I’ll be sharing much more burger drawings in the future. A huge thanks to @seemoreseymoursbay (I think I heard that it’s @babsvibes behind the scenes?) for putting this all together and keeping all our entries safe on their blog.
Inspo\referencephotos below
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See first photos of 42 new Hallmark Christmas movies (Entertainment Weekly) - Hallmark Movies & Mysteries
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Ms. Christmas Comes to Town Premieres: Oct. 26, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Cast: Erica Durance, Brennan Elliott, Barbara Niven Contains: A holiday shopping channel host, a life-changing medical diagnosis, and the holiday trip of a lifetime Official description: "A shopping channel host known as Ms. Christmas (Niven) receives a terminal diagnosis, which inspires a multi-city excursion set to spread Christmas cheer before her farewell broadcast."
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My Christmas Guide Premieres: Nov. 2, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries  Cast: Amber Marshall, Ben Mehl Contains: A teacher who loses his eyesight, an adorable seeing eye dog, and a dog trainer Official description: "After losing his eyesight, a college professor (Mehl) adopts a seeing eye dog from a guide dog trainer (Marshall). As they all begin to spend time together, his confidence returns and his heart begins to open."
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Mystery on Mistletoe Lane Premieres: Nov. 9, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Cast: Erica Cerra, Victor Webster Contains: A good ol' fashioned holiday mystery, hidden connections Official description: "New to town, Heidi Wicks (Cerra) and her kids discover a Christmas mystery in their historic home. Local handyman and historian David (Webster) helps along the way, finding his own surprising connection."
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A World Record Christmas Premieres: Nov. 16, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Cast: Nikki DeLoach, Lucas Bryant, Aias Dalman Contains: A huge Jenga tower, a town fundraiser Official description: "Charlie (Dalman) is an autistic boy determined to set a Guinness World Record by stacking 1400 Jenga blocks. His mother Marissa (DeLoach) and stepfather Eric (Bryant) encourage him to reach for his dream and they all celebrate when he gets the good news that he'll have his chance on Christmas Eve. In the spirit of the holiday, they organize a fundraiser giving the townspeople an opportunity to donate and decorate a Jenga block, with the proceeds going to benefit kids with autism. Charlie's journey to setting the Jenga world record gives them all the chance to learn more not just about themselves, but about what family really means."
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A Season for Family Premieres: Nov. 22, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Cast: Brendan Penny, Stacey Farber, Benjamin Jacobson, Azriel Dalman Contains: Adopted siblings, an unexpected reunion  Official description: "Maddy's (Farber) adopted son Wesley (Jacobson) has just one Christmas wish — to meet his brother Cody (Dalman), who was adopted into a different family. Cody's father Paul (Penny) is a widower who is not ready to have this conversation with his son, so he turns down a meeting. However, circumstances bring the two brothers unknowingly together and they become fast friends, while sparks fly between Maddy and Paul."
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Time for Her to Come Home for Christmas Premieres: Nov. 30, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Cast: Shenae Grimes-Beech, Chris Carmack, Grace Leer Contains: Mourning the loss of a family member, a small town mystery, an army service member Official description: "Facing her first Christmas without her mother and looking to avoid loneliness, Carly (Grimes-Beech) heads to a quaint town to lead the church choir at Christmas.  Once there, Carly meets Matthew (Carmack), a man back in town after serving in the army.  As she gets to know Matthew, the choir and townspeople, she stumbles across clues that suggest she may have been brought here for a life changing reason.  As the mystery unravels one thing is clear, this journey will teach Carly about true love, learning to trust, and that forgiveness is needed to finally heal."
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To All a Good Night Premieres: Dec. 7, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Cast: Kimberley Sustad, Mark Ghanimé Contains: A Christmas festival, a life-saving encounter  Official description: "A small-town photographer (Sustad) saves the life of a mysterious man (Ghanimé), who may just be in town to buy her family's parkland — which is also the location of the annual Christmas celebration."
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Heaven Down Here Premieres: Dec. 14, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Cast: Krystal Joy Brown, Tina Lifford, Juan Riedinger, Richard Harmon, Phylicia Rashad Contains: Based on a song, four strangers trapped in a diner during a snowstorm, unlikely friendships Official description: "Inspired by Mickey Guyton's song of the same name, Heaven Down Here tells the story of four disparate people who find themselves stranded in a local diner on Christmas Eve when a snowstorm hits the town. Imami (Brown) is a widowed mother of two who's having trouble making ends meet and reluctantly agrees to work the Christmas Eve shift, where she clashes with her boss Dan (Harmon), who doesn't exactly embody the Christmas spirit.  Felix (Riedinger) is a local pastor desperately trying to secure food for parishioners while his faith is challenged by his alienation by his son.  Clara (Lifford) is a hospice nurse with an obstinate patient (Rashad) and whose daughter is moving away, causing her to question her place in this world.  Throughout the evening, these four bicker, bond and unwittingly provide each other with the answer to their respective prayers."
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Miracle in Bethlehem, PA Premieres: Dec. 21, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Cast: Laura Vandervoort, Benjamin Ayres Contains: A single mother, stuck for the holidays, a man living a permanent bachelor lifestyle Official description: "A new DaySpring movie. Successful and fiercely independent, Mary Ann Brubeck (Vandervoort) adopts a baby girl to raise on her own just before Christmas.  Due to weather, she and the baby get stuck in Bethlehem, PA for the holidays.  When there is no room at the inn, her only option is to stay with the innkeeper's brother Joe (Ayres), a quintessential bachelor who lives in a house that he treats like a barn.  As Mary Ann learns the value of community by spending time with Joe's family and participating in the local church's Christmas events, Joe starts getting his act together with new motivation…and the two begin to see each other in a new light."
Click these links for more, ew.com, today.com, tvinsider.com
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br1ghtestlight · 11 months
making a bobs burgers oc but its just the 7th grade teacher bcuz we dont have one in canon. in my fanfic he was called mr. huang as an obvious reference but kinda vibe with him now..... im willing him into existence he's real now. but honestly i might end up drawing him. here are all the wagstaff teachers we have so far (from memory)
mr frond: guidance counselor/general everything do-er
coach blevins/mr belvins: science teacher and gym coach. possibly also coaches the basketball and wrestling teams?
ms merkin: music teacher
mr ambrose: librarian
mr branca: custodian
ms labonz: 4th grade teacher
ms twitchell: 6th grade teacher
ms jacobson: 8th grade teacher
mr grant: spanish teacher and a/v club advisor
mr desanto: photography teacher (extremely funny that they have a Dedicated photography teacher at wagstaff but apparently one singular teacher for the entire 4th grade year. WHAT is this schools budget breakdown)
nurse liz: school nurse
ms. padaro: only seen teaching the history unit in 4th grade but im choosing to believe she's also a fifth grade teacher most of the time
prinipcal spoors: school principal (never appeared in an episode)
mr branca: janitor
ms schnur: receptionist i think??
ms selbo: also possible receptionist but for the entire school instead of just principal spoors
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mannytoodope · 1 year
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Louise: ( groans ) School again. Punching in for another day of unpaid child labor before we go home and do more unpaid child labor.
Tina: I know, right? Multiply this, spell that, and build a pipe cleaner model of that other thing. Oh, darn, I forgot to do that last night.
Gene: Where's Amnesty International when you need 'em? I mean, probably somewhere important. They're great.
Louise: Teachers keep dishing it out, and we keep taking it.
Mr. Grant: Fresh baked brownie? Blondie?
Gene: Mmm. I was just handed a baked good for some reason, but yeah. Hi, Tina!
Ms. Jacobson:( sniffs ) New shampoo?
Tina: No, we had one squeeze of shampoo left, and we've been adding water to it for a while. Hey, about my pipe cleaner project, I didn't do it.
Ms.Jacobson: Don't worry about it. Okay.
Student: Thanks for holding the button, Mr. De Santo. Do I tip you or...
Teacher: Looking good, Rudy.
Rudy: Good at what?
Louise: What is h-happening?
Gene: Are we at the right school?
Ms.LaBonz: Hi, Louise!
Louise: Whoa. That's a lot of "hi," Ms. LaBonz. You okay?
Ms.LaBonz: I'm fine. How are you?
Louise: Confused. Thank you.
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