#ms. grace
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haysaca · 2 months ago
I've only now been made aware of the "Kayla is dead" theory where Ms. Grace is apparently an imposter that took her body and the real Kayla was trapped in the motel mirror (as it was confirmed by Tuesday that there WAS someone in the mirror)- which Argus shot, thinking it was some kind of entity only trying to copy her.
And holy shit that would be one fucked up tragic twist for Argus lmao. I would be fine if Ms. Grace is actually Kayla and she just has a very toxic situationship with Argus, but twisting this into a tragic yuri would be so good too (and would in turn just make Argus x Ms. Grace 10 times more toxic).
Throughout haunted highway, Argus was constantly tormented by the mystery of Kayla's status, her hope fluctuating as they searched for clues. Then came the mirror encounter, where Argus declared to Vertin her no-hesitation philosophy and shot it, only for this to haunt her later as Tuesday manifests their fears- where she becomes uncertain on whether or not she actually shot the real Kayla. From which, after taking a moment to hold Vertin's hand, she affirms to herself that it wasn't Kayla with absolute certainty.
Which makes it all the more tragic if this theory was true.
She was so close to solving the one case that always eluded her, and now she never will no matter how much she grows- all because she never hesitated.
Poor girlie might have accidentally shot her one chance at a happy yuri, but hey at least she still has 2 toxic yuris to potentially pair with! One that is in sharp contrast to her praise kink and one that gives her a double dose of tragedy!
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arcanistsanctum · 3 months ago
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Ms. Grace and Ms. Kimberly Story Sprite
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pinkygirlymeg · 2 months ago
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Ms Grace in the “Arcanists in a Nutshell” style because I love her very much and she should have one
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fishareglorious · 2 months ago
if ms. grace ever becomes playable do you think argus would speedrun through the five stages of grief fifty times the moment she catches glimpse of her in the suitcase
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misandriste · 11 months ago
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↳ morgana + 🗡️ in 𝕸𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖓 ⧽ 𝟏.𝟏𝟎 "𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔐𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔗𝔯𝔲𝔱𝔥"
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kayhi808 · 4 months ago
@lex-is-up-all-night-to-get-bucky That a beautiful way of putting it! Steve Rogers is a prized muscle car! 😍
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First Crush ask.
Feel free to to ignore but this just came into my head and I needed to get it out before I forgot.
We’ve seen how protective our Miss Abby is of Mama and of Papa Bucky, but how would she handle Uncle Steve having a date?
Maybe she’d be scared he would like this new person more and wouldn’t come home. Mama and Bucky would have to try and convince her that’s not going to happen but she’s still unsure so she insists they stay over and she tries to stay awake until he comes home just to make sure.
Then maybe a couple of weeks go by and she finds them hanging out in the living room so she climbs into Uncle Steve’s lap and asks “Is she’s your giwlfwens?”
And lastly, when they do become bf and gf, she says to her Mama something about having more family now cause she has Aunty as well 😩😩
@jvanilly and I were just brainstorming about fixing Steve up with someone. Abby is protective over Uncle Steve but it's different. She doesn't wike some of his dates, but most times she isn't too bothered. She's secure in the spot she holds in his heart. He made them families. He can't take it back. Families are forever Hope you enjoy this.
Autumn is turning the leaves to bright orange, red & yellow on the walk to daycare. Mama is on a business trip with Director Fury for the next 2 days, so Bucky was on Abby duty until he got called away on a mission. Steve said he'd stay with Abby & it wasn't a problem. How hard could it be?
Steve has a grip on her hand as they make their way down the sidewalk, slowing his steps to match hers. "And you knows what?"
For the 15th time this morning, "No, what?"
"Maui, tinks he's so funny, but he's not. I needs to tell Chloe & Mia we can't wikes him. Pu'a is NOT boat snack."
"But what if they run out of food? Maybe they HAVE TO make Pu'a a snack."
Abby dramatically gasps & tugs her hand out of Steve's & stops in the middle of the sidewalk. "Uncle Steve!!" She glares at him & he laughs. "You not funny either. Dey's on a boat! The ocean is sooooooo bigs. They can eat fish!" Steve laughs harder which infuriates Abby. She turns on her heel & stomps her way towards daycare. Steve tries to grab for her hand but she jerks her hand away & keeps it out of his reach, so he ends up just following close behind her.
They get to her classroom & Abby is still in a bad mood. Ms. Grace greets the kids & parents at the door. "Good morning, Abby." She looks up, not expecting to see Steve. "Oh..uh good morning, Mr....Captain Rogers." Her cheeks flush pink as she kneels down to help Abby off with her jacket. She notices the scowl on her face. "Are we feeling ok, Abby?"
"I's mad." She shucks off her jacket, "Tank you, Ms Grace."
Abby goes off to sit with Chloe & Mia, "Hey, where's my goodbye?" Abby gives Steve a scowl & shakes her fist at him which makes him laugh. "I'm sorry. I kind of riled her up this morning."
Grace hides her smile, "I can see that. Where is her mother today?"
"Y/N is on a business trip & Bucky is on a mission. So that leaves Uncle Steve." He looks over at Abby & he sees all 3 little girls giving him the evil eye.
"Wow! You really messed up. She tattled on you." Steve grimaces. "I'll try to smooth things over before you pick her up this afternoon. "
Steve smiles down at the cute teacher, "I"d appreciate it."
"Abby, honey, can you put your toys away? Uncle Steve is here for pick up." Grace gets Abby's backpack from the hook along with her jacket.
"Hi's Uncle Steve." Ms. Grace helps Abby on with her jacket, when Steve pulls Pu'a out from his jacket with a sign around it's neck.
"Here, I made Pu'a a sign for you."
Abby takes her stuffie and shows Ms Grace. "What it says, pwease?"
Grace breaks into a smile for Steve, "It says, 'Not boat snack. DO NOT EAT'." Abby gasps & hugs the pig to her chest. Standing, & whispering, "Good job, Captain."
"Tank you, Uncle Steve! I loves it so much!" Abby raises her arms up for him to pick her up. Once settled in his arms, she gives him a peck on his cheek.
"I apologize for this morning. I was not funny."
"No, you wasn't." Squeezing his face between her palms, "But I forgives you, cos you so cutes. Isn't hims cute Ms. Grace?"
Bright blue eyes filled with humor meet hers, "He's got potential." That earned her a cocked eyebrow from the super soldier.
"You no tinks him cutes?" Ms. Grace lifts her shoulder in a delicate shrug. "Wook! He's so handsomes."
"Abs, stop." Trying to angle his face away from Abby.
Abby reaches over to squeeze his bicep, "Show her your muscles. Hims so strongs," giving his arm another squeeze. "I helps him make dis at the gym."
"Wow, did you?" Grace tries to hide a smile.
"Uh-huh! Show Ms. Grace your tummy! Even his tummy gots so much muscles.
Taking Abby's backpack from Ms. Grace, "Ok Abs, that's enough." Grace laughs at how uncomfortable he is. "Say goodbye to Ms Grace. We'll see her in the morning."
"No, waits. Hims runs super fast, like a car! He has fancy bicycle like my Papa. It goes brrrmm brrmm! He's also smart in the brains. He can reads you storybooks." Steve hurries out of the classroom.
"Abigail! Why did you do that?"
"What? Ms. Graces is so nice & pretty. I loves her. You haves to ask her on a dates!"
Steve looks back at the daycare center & sees Grace watching them from the window & that brings a smile to his face.
@waywardhunter95 @wintrsoldrluvr @rebeccapineapple @ordelixx @onceithough @thezombieprostitute @ilovetaquitosmmmm @julvrs @unaxv @s-a-v-a-n-a-34 @winterslove1917 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @mrsnikstan @hisredheadedgoddess28 @itsteambarnes @otterlycanadian @purplecolordeer @samsgirl93 @buckitostan @littleredwolf @mcucatlady @silas-aeiou @hzdhrtss @florie1 @thecubanator2 @enchantedbarnes @selella @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @cjand10 @pancake-05 @ozwriterchick @crazyunsexycool @baw1066 @nommingonfood
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taniahylian · 2 months ago
Ms. Grace: a Foundation spy
Okay, buckle up because this is a wild theory, which was sparked by just a single word, but it's backed up by a lot of facts, so let's dive into it, shall we?
First of, left's look at the description of an event that will become available next patch: Phototaxis in study.
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You see it, don't you? Now, let's first remember that we, as the player, see everything through Vertin's eyes. As such, if someone named "Moth" sent intel to us, they're likely affiliated with the Foundation in one way or another.
Moth is likely a codename, however, and not the character's actual name. Why? Because we have already seen a character associated with moths, and her name is Ms. Grace, and she's a spy.
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Quite a lot of moths in her design, right? Seems rather intentional. Not to mention that, when she's disguised as Kayla, the only difference between them, aside from the eye color, is that Grace has a moth pattern on her bandana.
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Not to mention that, when Vertin encounters Grace for the first time, an odd detail is mentioned; a white moth landing on the flowers Grace was holding.
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Okay, so we've stablished that Grace is heavily associated with moths, but how do we know she's a Foundation spy that infiltrated Manus Vindictae? Very simple; a trail found in this event.
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First we see this report from Andreas Sylvester who, if you remember, is a low-ranking Zeno soldier that was left behind at the abandoned Texas facility. As such, he is unlikely to be privy to classified information and, although he does in fact seem to know that Grace is a spy, he came to the rather logical conclusion that she's a Manus Vindictae spy that was sent to report to them about Zeno's activity in Texas. However, Constantine's response is very suspicious.
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She recommends him to not interfere with Ms. Grace's work, likely because she knows Grace is actually a Foundation spy, carrying out her orders, rather than an actual Manus member.
Also, if Ms. Grace is a spy, that would explain why she was using transformation rituals; she needed to change her appearence into someone the Manus would have no knowledge of (since she's likely a high-ranking Investigator, the Manus probably already knew her original appearence), so she picked a random country girl (Kayla) to change into her, and ended up accidentally trapping her in a mirror in the process... or perhaps it wasn't accidental at all; after all, it'd be very bad if the Manus ever met the real Kayla.
Let's also not forget that, according to Vertin, the Foundation teaches this particular transformation array to their SPDM students, which furthers the connection even more.
There's also what happens at the end of Anjo Nala's trailer. If you need a refresher, after the Manus members give Anjo order after order, she snaps and kills them... but here's the thing: Anjo physically can't disobey the commands given to her by the seal, and she also can't even touch her master, much less harm them. So how could she kill the Manus members? ... Unless she was ordered to.
And who was holding Anjo's seal during that scene?
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Ms. Grace, of course. She's also the one who says the final line in the trailer, in the format of some sort of report: "Towards the end of 1990, the succubus left for Sao Paulo". And we know for a fact that, indeed, Anjo followed their orders and ended up going to Sao Paulo.
So, Ms. Grace isn't dead; she's the only survivor of that massacre and, if my theory is correct, she's also the orchestrator. She used Kimberly to kill these high-ranking manus, while at the same time not blowing her cover, and making Kimberly seem unstable/unreliable, so the Manus would probably want to get rid of the seal. Quite a smart move, if you ask me.
But what do you think? Too crazy? Honestly I can't wait for the big reveal that Grace was working for the Foundation all along, if it happens at any point in the future.
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sprout-lmao · 9 months ago
My ass just changed my ship I ship Ms. Grace x Ms. Circle now
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notadwarf-planet · 1 year ago
hatchetfield text posts pt.3
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lemonberry-soda · 1 year ago
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Been seeing some ideas for a butchy Grace and had a thought
I think she'd call herself Disgrace as a edgy cover name
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momentomori24 · 21 days ago
I really hope people haven't forgotten that Grace is actually pretty smart and helpful during class trials. Like this woman spent half the time brain dead from getting zapped (a third time) and then woke up to drive the trial forward along with Wolfgang and Damon. She was the one who guided us to the answer of how Cara was killed through the bucket mechanism, and was even the reason we realised there was a mechanism used for the murder at all. She's very much capable of coming up with logical deductions on the spot and actually be correct, as well as remain relatively calm and composed while doing so.
When she immediately latches on to the first person with even a crumb of a chance to be the killer, when she disrupts the investigation by unintentionally hiding potential clues, when she immediately resorts to hostility over being suspected herself and allows that grudge to cloud her judgement later-- that's not her at her A-Game, nor is that her just being stupid. That's her reasoning being shaken by grief. Her erratic behaviour during Chapter 1's trial contradicts her behaviour during Chapter 0's trial, and that's because this time the victim isn't a lifeless doll based on a person she's never met and has no connection to; the victim this time is the man she's grown the closest to, the first person in our group she met and someone she allowed herself to be vulnerable with in a way she wouldn't be with anyone else. The one to give her hope in her moment of paralysis induced by her near death experience and the only one to actually reach out to her in a way she'd actually reach back. The person she thought was vulnerable, unable to leave his bed, and who she had to find dead after walking out the door and leaving him behind despite it all. She's not stupid or incapable of making rational deductions, nor is she bad at making sound arguments or reasonable accusations-- she's literally just guilt-ridden and grieving.
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haysaca · 2 months ago
Argus and her recurrent toxic yuris
Finished 2.1, was a fun ride, I think I have a few thoughts in mind but rn the most prevalent one is: Damn, I did NOT expect argus and tuesday to be more toxic than valenweis. So have a compilation of my reactions I guess.
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Sheesh girlie is actually just taunting her to the extreme and I didn't even include her whole jab at her candy reliance. This is legit the perfect pair for the hatesex trope.
Like for a moment, I even thought tuesday was implying she banged and stole kayla here lmao
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(its canon, poor argus got ntr'd, source is me I swear I'm not just delusional)
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She just insulted her outta nowhere lmao. Though a delusional mind (not me) can interpret this as tuesday wanting to break argus down to tears.
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Girl was actually rendered speechless 😭😭 Sorry tuesday she does not match your freak at all!!
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She cannot be tamed at all and she's so real for that ngl. I'm so glad they went all out on her lack of fear/fear is her kink because I just absolutely adore unapologetic villains and she's definitely one, or rather a pretty good psychopath since she doesn't really care much for people, only their fears (I think, I haven't seen her story yet). Anyways argus made the right decision to dip, she CANNOT handle her freak.
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That's about it for this toxic pair but I wanna talk about kayla too since I feel like she ain't a much better option for argus considering yknow, her identity and affiliations 😭
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I know this is just an illusion by the motel but it'd be so fucked up if their relationship was actually this toxic, like the motel digs up stuff from their memories so this insecurity or perception of kayla had to come somewhere from deep inside argus' mind.
What's worse is, she could be right, considering kayla is a top tier of manus fucking vindictae 😭. Poor girl has insecurities of being wielded like a mindless tool, tries to assure herself that the woman shes pining and looking for is not that, only for said woman to be avoiding her because shes already served her purpose for her (I think, we'll see in argus' story I guess).
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Though it could be a more mutual angsty case if we interpret kayla's smile as a sign she considers argus as more than that, maybe a pet instead :P (have high doubts she actually reciprocates her feelings the same way).
Poor argus cannot escape scummy women, hope she'll find happiness in vertin's suitcase because let's be fr she's joining us.
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Also I absolutely love this particular quote because it's not just a jab at argus' trust issues but also an indirect one at her insecurity in her own image, her fear of hesitating, failing and being seen as incompetent (I think she has them? otherwise i don't really know what the townspeople in her hallucination are meant to signify).
Ok one last thought: I think argus' best shot for a happy yuri out of the entire 2.1 cast is legit with Ms. Karen Kimberly over here.
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Because as hostile as their interactions are, their dynamic was pretty funny and nice compared to tuesday's harassment.
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They radiate big bully x dumb bimbo energy, a pretty classic and tame rivalry dynamic. Kimberly's also the one with the least malicious/mean intentions towards argus, she doesn't want to harm or even use her, she just wants to eat!
So long as they take the time to talk it out and not point lethal weapons at each other, I'm sure they could get along in some way (looking at you argus, put that gun down and listen to your heart more, you big softie).
Alright that's about it for my ramble on argus and her misfortune with women, shoutout to @jeremy_exe on twitter for cooking up the only anjoargus art I've seen so far.
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arcanistsanctum · 3 months ago
Overture | Ms. Grace
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A journal, unable to close due to the ink still being wet. It fills the sealed room with the scent of wood pulp, ink, and flowers.
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pinkygirlymeg · 2 months ago
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More Grace
I'm not obsessed with her I swear I'm completely normal about this woman sbwvwywh
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curestardust · 1 month ago
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MS. GRACE: "Autumn, 1990, we met the succubus. The seal was her shackle. The seal was her ruler." KIMBERLY: "I live to serve. I serve only to satisfy your desires." (..) KIMBERLY: "To slaughter like a butcher? Just because you find it amusing? What a ridiculous command. Stop bossing me around!" MS. GRACE: "Toward the end of 1990, the succubus left for São Paulo." Anjo Nala Trailer - Code Name: Kimberly
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stari-hun · 3 months ago
I think 2.1 gets to me cause it’s such a good concept but E lucevan le Stelles patch is still in my head and it was literally such a banger because of the passion every single VA had working on it that it permanently wrecked my standards. Could you imagine Tuesday’s monologue with the same raw emotion that Marcus’ had? Like I wish they leaned into her being such a freak
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