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acesw · 2 months ago
Disabled Characters in Reverse: 1999 - Part 1
Hello! With the new patches having been announced over the course of time, I figured it was time to renew an old lore-post of mine. This is the list of disabled characters in R:1999.
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I posted these on twitter last week, but I decided to wait until the release of 2.2 so that I could uplift some spoilers for the game. Some minor spoilers ahead for 2.3 and 2.5 are ahead!
From the length of the entire text alone, I've separated it by 3 posts. This post here will guide you in the known characters who are physically disabled. I now have 14 characters in the main spotlight here, and I hope you enjoy reading this incredibly long post. So now, let's get started.
Chronic Illness: Cristallo, Rabies, Erick, Semmelweis, Barbara
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Cristallo was born prematurely, with an added condition that makes her physically fragile. As seen in the game, she needs a life-support system to maintain her health when she’s outside. It’s also implied that her condition may be a recurrent cancer, as her arcane abilities are tied to a machine that provides cobalt therapy, a known advancement in radiotherapy in the post-WWII era.
In Sotheby’s anecdote, it’s been noted that Cristallo needs extra accommodations to her room, and it’s crucial that the electricity is kept running; she would risk having episodes like seizures otherwise.
Rabies is an odd case. In his stories, it’s stated that Adam Miłosz cured Alicia of rabies through unknown means, at the cost of contracting the disease himself. However, instead of the virus being acute and guaranteed to be fatal, it became a chronic illness to Rabies due to the abundance and use of arcanum.
Since the rabies virus attacks the brain, his cognitive capabilities and ability to recall things before the present had been impaired, making him rather docile and animal-like in nature as a result.
As revealed in her anecdote, Erick has a hereditary blood condition that came with her arcane skill. While her arcane skill grants her insane strength, overusing it will accelerate the effects of her blood condition to the point that it can turn fatal. To prevent this, she also inherited an armband from her grandfather, Harald. The armband suppresses Erick’s ability to use arcane skills, but by extension it also prevents her condition getting worse.
Semmelweis’ journey in the roguelike has been very clear that she suffers from the Beyond disease, a parasitic and incurable disease that mainly affects the brain by heightened hallucinatory symptoms paired with vampiric-like symptoms. The disease has a high fatality rate, but survivors tend to be granted abilities and urges equivalent to that of a vampire.
Semmelweis keeps her symptoms at bay through Lorelei’s arcane skill, and maintains her urges with sweets such as chocolate. While the Beyond Disease is most known for being passed on via contact, (e.g. biting) it has also been found to be genetically carried by some people.
(Bonus mention: Valentina is also a canon survivor of the Beyond Disease, having become a full vampiric-like being. She was the one that bit and infected Semmelweis)
Being born as a cross of 3 different beings, Barbara was born with a delicate body and she suffered a multitude of conditions growing up. Among them, asthma and insomnia were the most prominent. These conditions were incredibly debilitating for her growing up, and they continue to persist til her adulthood. Because of these medical scares (and her instinctive tendencies), she also has anxiety. For this—and strangely enough—her conditions can be alleviated with stuffed toys and the country music that she keeps on her at all times, much to her chagrin.
Amputees: Shamane & Willow
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Shamane lost his left arm as a punishment for his previous failures. But after having lived without it for 20 years, the lack of it doesn’t bother him anymore. In fact, he finds pride in his loss, claiming it as a “token of bravery.”
Prior to the events of 1.3, he crafted his prosthetic arm as a means to avoid scaring kids. In his I2, we see that he was provided with a more modern prosthetic, likely provided by Laplace.
Willow is mainly characterised by her ability to perform in floor gymnastics having a prosthetic leg. Even when she lost her leg when she was younger, it didn’t stop her from performing to the best of her capabilities and reworking her skills in floor.
Blindness: Urd, Ms. Radio, Argus
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Urd, despite her mysterious presence in the story, is most notable for her blindness. Throughout all her appearances, she's always found with a covering over her eyes, and has been referred to as the “blind woman” throughout the game many times even prior to her reveal. She also has recurring partial amnesia, with the “Storm” being the main cause of it.
She still chooses to travel across cities despite it, documenting her travels and insights about each place as the “Friend From Afar.”
Despite all the awakened lacking any eyes, Ms. Radio is the only character that has explicitly stated that she does not have any eyesight. She uses her body vessel and the radiowaves to be able to sense things around her, and is a generally sensitive entity.
Argus is notable for her vision impairment and partial blindness due to an untreated injury paired with her arcane skill. She struggles to see at nighttime, and has to activate her arcane skill to be able to do work. She tends to use picrasma candies to keep her arcane skill running for as long as possible.
However, Argus will tend to overexert herself and her arcane skill, which can result in her having temporary complete blindness. She refuses to have her injured eye treated nor be provided a prosthetic either.
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Mobile Disability - Noire
Our new character here, Noire, is most known to be a wheelchair user! Whether she was born with a disability or not, this aspect is incredibly important for her and I’m excited to see how that will go for 2.5.
Speech Impediment - Balloon Party
Balloon Party as a child had contracted an illness that caused her to have a persistent high fever. In the end, she awakened her arcane skill this way, with her being able to cough up balloons that can be harmful or a cure to anything. However, it might have also affected her speech because of the physical strain that comes from coughing, it results to Balloon Party’s speech being slowed and having abnormal pauses before she speaks again. 
Burn Scarring - Joe
Being a blacksmith, Joe gained a lot of burn injuries due to his work. He developed his skill over time, but it came at a cost; these scars became a part of him. Considering that Joe very likely never went to get proper treatment due to him growing up less privileged, it’s also likely that these scars crudely healed and can cause some pain. His scars are most prominently seen in his face, but they extend down the left arm and even both his hands, which are bandaged.
Albinism - Windsong
Windsong has indicators that she may have albinism; from her white hair, pale skin, and differently-coloured eyes. It can be assumed that she has Type 1 OCA, which leaves her to have the aforementioned features. There isn’t much beyond that mainly due to this being a popularized headcanon among the fandom, so what other symptoms she might have is open to interpretation.
Honorable Mentions
What is this section? The honorable mentions list is meant as a list for:
-Characters I realized I should've added here but it was too late
-Characters who have some headcanons/insights from other users from both Twitter and Tumblr, and I took it to consideration
I hope you enjoy these ones. :)
Oliver Fog - Depression, Arthritis/Chronic Pain (credited: @space-magician on tumblr)
Early on in childhood, Oliver had been exposed to how the London fog takes a heavy toll on his family and has experienced grief early on due to his father passing away from overexertion. It prompted him to start working as a (greatly desensitized) Fogwalker, feeling an unbearable weight on his shoulders metaphorically and even literally with how he struggles to get up in certain weather conditions. It hints towards him having chronic pain/arthritis due to the intensive nature of his work, as well as depression stemming from his grief.
Loggerhead - Short-Term Memory Loss
Loggerhead has short-term memory loss as an aftereffect of her awakening, causing her to slowly lose memory over the course of 3 days. However, Laplace provided her with a special film that allowed her to maintain her memories for longer.
Last Notes
Of course, these are only the first batch of this list, and I hope you'll have fun reading the next two installments here once linked. :)
Psychologically Disabled Characters
Neurodivergent Characters
Thank you!
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hexadecimaltimetravel0 · 4 months ago
I am the biggest fan
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I'm sorry, I forgot to add Lucy, I'm sorry.... >⁠.⁠<
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sleeplesssmol · 1 year ago
This image really captures everyone's personality
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Vertin unbothered and accepting their fate
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Lilya just looks annoyed like "Well, shit."
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Sonetto is literally 🥺
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Regulus being the one with the most energy but tbf her reaction is the most normal during the catastrophe.
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colorful-shr1mp · 1 year ago
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I've been playing Reverse1999 for a While...And I just Have to say that I love Ms Radio 🗿 she's just a nice Lady....so Yeah I humanized her 😎����
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talestales-art · 1 year ago
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“Every girl deserves a bouquet of flowers.” Happy Birthday, Ms Radio! Ft my humanised/gijinka designs
All Gijinkas/Designs here!
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Gifts from her friends!
A bouquet from Door. An apology from Lilya & Regulus (encouraged by the very scary lady Sputnik). A signed photograph of the great Darley Arabian. A box with a necklace from Alien T (and Darley Clatter, he wasn’t allowed to gift a photograph of himself).
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vertin-is-the-frog-guys · 5 months ago
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a collection (p.1) of signatures that i like
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tootditoot · 1 year ago
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It is Ms. Radio's Birthday my dudes Saw @talestales-art's art of Ms. Radio and couldn't stop thinking about it. Love the idea and design of theirs so I wanted to add on to that AaaaaAAAAaaAAaa
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manleytea · 6 months ago
finished page
this was meant to be a small test but i kinda just kept going lmao
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more close ups below
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testing some fine liners ft sonetto
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awkwardmark · 10 months ago
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debdarkpetal · 8 months ago
Via Luke Brandon Field on Instagram Stories
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cringeartisthebestart · 5 months ago
Duck Song but Radioapple
I spent way too much time on this LMAO
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hexadecimaltimetravel0 · 2 months ago
Ms Radio is a ✨romantic girl ✨💕🌸
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sleeplesssmol · 11 months ago
Who is this Cyan Coat stranger sneaking around my Wilderness? I can't think of anyone in such a bright color like cyan.
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colorful-shr1mp · 1 year ago
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TODAY IS HER B DAYYYYYYY 😭😭😭😭 I love Ms.Radio, she's so babygirl
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talestales-art · 1 year ago
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Gijinkas of Door, Sputnik, Ms Radio, APPLe, aliEn T and Darley Clatter from Reverse:1999
You can tell Sputnik was the first one I made lol. I might do full body designs if people like them :) also I guess they’re technically not humanised but arcanists but u get the idea
Do y’all see the vision btw
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vertin-is-the-frog-guys · 5 months ago
i feel like not enough people talk about ms radio
she's so cute rabansndmndjdjskmd
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