nothingeverlost · 5 years
mrsmarisacoulter replied to your post “If you could take a week long cooking class what would be the theme?If...”
I think cuisine from another world would be cool. You could do foods of mythical creatures inspired by their lore, or whatever your own take is
I do a unicorn one day class, but mythological creatures is interesting.  A day of unicorn recipes, a day of dragon, a day of mermaid, and... need a fourth.
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bibliophilecats · 5 years
Also, I see the Sookie Stackhouse series on your banner. I finished that a while ago, but thoughts? Ships?
I started reading the series back when the TV show came out (in Germany) and there was all this hype. I only saw very little of the show (I did not like it), but my friend watched the show and gave me the first book to read. Then I got the first nine books in the series, read and liked them a lot but these were all the books published at that time. I kind of lost interest in the series then, but two years ago I re-read the first books and got all the rest. It was a huge Sookie Stackhouse marathon and probably not the best thing I could have done (the description of Sam is the exact same in every book, I can still tell it by heart :-) )
Overall, it is a nice, fun series. And I am quite happy with the final couple. For me, the series took a little dive when more and more fairies came into play (and there is this one short story which basically boils down to her grandfather sending her a one-night stand which I just found yikes). The transitioning from her first boyfriend to her second one was done quite well, Charlaine Harris manages to make Bill not the Evil One, which is always nice when dealing with exes in a book. One thing I did like and still remember (kind of try to emulate) to this day is how Sookie would always get a shower and put on nice clothes when she felt down or was having a crappy day. I don’t remember all that much, unfortunately, and there isn’t too much more I can say about the content. Oh, I love the glittery covers of the edition I bought. 
What are your thoughts on the series? Did you watch the TV show? Do you have a favourite ship?
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lordeasriel · 5 years
Do we have s confirmed year or so for LBS? Because I've always factored in time working differently between our world and Lyra's. Especially since The Collector's definitively confirmed that, with I think some meta confirmation from Philman. It had Marisa travelling to our world in our 40's and 50's at about age 20 or so, in a story told in our 70's, and then meeting Will in our 90's. I always felt that established that their world had a different timeline and were on different year nymbers》
[2] Entirely. But I do feel like I remember the year being mention in LBS, even though I just half read it (not reallt interested in Malcolm. Give me Marisa or Asriel, or buzz off). Might have just seen it on a Wiki, though. Not to mention they do say in TDC that the Tokay is a ‘93. So you would have to assume it’s much earlier in their century. A good wine would be treasured, not gobbled up in a few years. Y'all their world’s timeline is wonky is hell. Hell, we could easily assumw that the flood》 [3] In LBS *was* the flood of 53, unless otherwise indicated
There isn’t a confirmed year, I believe the wiki used to say it LBS happened during 1986, placing Lyra’s birth somewhere in August 1985. However, there isn’t a number explicitly said, so from what I gathered, the person who wrote the wiki likely just did math with Lyra’s age, probably assuming HDM happens in the 90s (as it does in Will’s world.) As for The Collectors, according to the wiki, the painting was finished around 1890 and the story is set in December 1970, meaning that even with a different calendar, Lyra’s world would have to move faster in time than Will’s, which as we know, does not happen. It’s also difficult to say if the Collectors can count as canon, given that Philman almost entirely dimissed every information he gave there (her last name, all the mixed up dates), so The Collectors definitely doesn’t fit in with the rest of the books.
In LBS, Malcolm overhears two guys talking about the floods and that’s when we learn the flood happens every forty/fifty years, two of the big ones had happened in 1883 and 52/53, so the Great Flood in LBS is not the Flood of ‘53. (This means either Asriel was very young when he helped the gyptians in ‘53 or the Flood mentioned as the Flood of ‘53 in NL is actually the flood of LBS and Philman just forgot the year when he was writing LBS, given that those books are newer than HDM). in order to match the pattern of the floods, the Great Flood would have been around the 90s or 00s, which wouldn’t match the original story timeline all that well, but it could, I don’t remember if there is any canon dates during TSK to validate that, we assume it’s the 90s because Philman wrote in the 90s and the enviroment indicates it’s the 90s
Your Tokay comment is very on point, but given I always assumed HDM happened during the 90s, the ‘93 Tokay always made me think of 1893. We also know that in canon, Oakley Street was founded in 1933 and that at least two kings passed away/retired between that and LBS, as the narrator says the current king is in favour of the agency, opposed to his father who was indifferent and aligned with grandfather who pratically founded the organization. It’s also said that TSC’s current King doesn’t seem to be aligned with OS, so we can assume another king passed away between the events of LBS and HDM. And again, this is speculation at best.
Mind you, all of these is mostly circunstancial, so the timeline is just simply broken because Philman doesn’t care about logistics all that much. As a fic writer, I personally like to have a timeline that it’s consistent so to build that you have to sacrifice the things that are divergent, which is a lot. And I enjoy the idea of Lyra’s world in TSC being during the 2000s cause I like modern stuff with vintage stuff lmao
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mellifera38 · 5 years
Haha Thank you very much! That was very much my goal. :D
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odiinsons · 5 years
Hey my dude, I promise this is NOT meant to chastise you. I don't think you did anything wrong, at all! I just wanted to let you know that you might want to be careful about discussing class as it pertains to HDM. The books (and the show, if you look carefully) have a thing about all servants' daemons being dogs, and that's provided a fair few debates (arguments) about classism for the story. I just don't want you to get shit when you clearly aren't malintentented. But you know the internet....
Hi! Well, as I read this message I'm like Lord, not again! Cause, as you might know, being on the star wars fandom is no walk in the park. For some reason I thought that with HDM would be different but .. as you say, people on the internet are something else.
Hmmm actually I don't think my meta post gave any views on classism per se, I just stated facts on what's on screen for me, and what I felt, it's still a big issue for the characters. I'll continue my line of thought with this subject but taking into account your advice.
Thank you for the head's up!
PD: def no comments on the dog daemons interpretation
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laciefuyu · 5 years
I was terrified reading that tremendously long and RACIST AS FUCK post. But hell yeah, for you! Smash that post!
So was I.
How can people being so blatantly racist is beyond me uhhh and not to mention the misogynist jumped out! They just need to broadcast it to the world how much a bastard they are it seems
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I think my ask was going to be if you could write a fic where Marisa and Asriel are working together on the Svalbard thing, and Lyra shows up alone? Cause your Asriel killing Lyra fic was GOOD
wait do you mean Bolvangar/The Station like Marisa and Asriel would both happen to be there? would Lyra be brought in like it happens in the show/book where they walk in and see Lyra trapped? or did you have something else in mind? Feel free to tell me the details you wanna see. 
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scullbob-mulpants > callhimnowmarisamylove
We really going for a full HDM theme now I guess, many thanks to @mrsmarisacoulter for the url :) 
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nothingeverlost · 5 years
Nel, tell me the truth. Do people really subscribe to that astrology stuff, or is it a cultural joke? Because I feel like people might actually be taking it seriously, and I'm not sure how to approach that. Also, please post this publicly. I need perspectives
Yeah, I’m sure some people take it very seriously and some with a grain of salt, and some as a joke.
I think there’s no way for day to day predictions to be right.  But I do think that there’s something to be said about what your sign is.  We talk about how family influences us, friends, society, etc but nature and seasons and weather and things impact who we are as well, so I do think there are going to be things that people born in October have in common that are typically different than those born in March.  And when you’re born puts you in a different timeline with things like holidays and the start of school, so August babies are going to have a different relationship with school, being barely five when they start, than May April babies as an example.
In some ways astrology is early psychology.
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bibliophilecats · 5 years
Is January 13th the day you read the part of The Amber Spyglass that broke your heart forever? Because- and it's probably a different pairing- for me it was January 19th 2008. Just curious as to whether or not you did that too.
Wow, you remember the exact date you read the book. And that long ago, too! I am really impressed. I cannot remember when I read The  Amber Spyglass. I know where I bought the first book in the series (in Galway, Ireland during the summer of either 1998 0r 1999) but that are all the dates I remember in connection with this series.
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lordeasriel · 5 years
Oh wow, I hate you right now. But like fandom hate you, cuz fiction and you're a real life person, and it's just a headcanon. But how dare! This is just regarding your Marisa hc that she took Lyra as a bargaining chip. But since I'm about as mad about that as I am that apple fanta exists... So GRRRR. I think this is supposed to be a silly ask. Marisa is bae. Strawberry fanta is superior. Go Colts. (I'm a Vikings fan). And Merry HallowPatricks Day
hahah i’m so sorry I hurt your feelings. but Marisa is far too ruthless not to see Lyra as a useful tool; that wouldn’t erase her feelings, of course, whatever they were; marisa was, however, very much in the line of self preservation.
i also had no idea strawberry fanta existed lmao what world is this? 
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Dude, your blog so quality that I came here to ask something, chickened out and walkes away. And when I came back I just started scrolling and reblogging. Like oh shit Tumblr good today
efemldfsmlsfdmdl UR SO SWEET WHAT THE HECK
if you ever remember what it was just toss me a message!!! (you dont gotta do an ask if you feel like having a longer conversation)
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armandmaxxing · 9 years
Actually is Lyra
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rywikzy · 9 years
If I was your lover, we would never do anything romantic.
haha I feel that
sounds chill
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isitconsensual · 9 years
The Secret Life of Bees doesn't have any rape scenes in it. The father is just mentally and physically abusive; he never touches her, sexually.
Can I get more opinions on this one for a consensus?
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nothingeverlost · 4 years
When do we get to hear an old man sing thank heaven for little girls?
I just posted the link!
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