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monsterfenrick · 2 months ago
Monster Rancher Battle Card: LackeyCCG Plugin
LackeyCCG is 100% Free - It runs entirely on donations, much like LegendCup - and the MRBC Mod for it is also free. Another benefit of LackeyCCG over TTS, is that it is portable, and requires very little resources so even a potato computer can run it.
This update replaces a 10+ year old legacy plugin with the revised images, new translations, additional board/player features, support for transparencies (rounded corners, tokens etc.).
The rules of the physical card game are identical to the PS1 game but includes additional cards never released in the west!
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agbpaints · 3 months ago
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Alegro Wreckers
Formed: 3025
Disbanded: 3064
Parent Command: Independent
Formed on a Outworlds Alliance border world in 3025, the Alegro Wreckers began life as a Alegro Defense & Consulting, for-hire military engineering unit working to bolster the planet's defense in the face of percieved force buildups from both the Federated Suns and Draconis Combine in the buildup to the 4th Succession War. While fears of an invasion never panned out into full scale conflict, the '20s saw the company become successful enough to amass a small stable and conventional force as 'security assets', and profitted handsomely along the peripheral edges of the Federated Commonwealth's new holdings as both a private military company and construction contractor. In 3045 the company changed its name to the Alegro Wreckers and formally registered with the MRBC as a mercenary unit.
The company spent much of the Clan Invasion performing emergency reinforcing and engineering actions just ahead of the clan front, bolstering FedCom defenses or scuttling targets deemed too valuable to fall into the invaders' hands days before planets fell. Following the truce at Tukayyid, they continued to work along the border with the clan occupation zones. In 3064, while overseeing the construction of a refinery on the planet Chahar, the Wreckers were taken by surprise by forces from Clan Jade Falcon as they invaded the world. While the Wreckers fought a brief battle to maintain control of their worksite, their two lances of battlemechs were left crippled or destroyed. The remaining Wrecker military personnel joined with the planetary militaria to perform a fighting retreat off-world, and the company entered into bankruptcy proceedings the following year.
The Alegro Wreckers specialized in urban combined arms tactics and site defense and security. At their peak in 3062, the Wreckers were comprised of 2 lances of medium and heavy mechs, 1 company of combat vehicles, 1 company of engineering support vehicles, and 2 companies of mixed infantry and combat engineers. They were led by Colonel Augustus More, who also served as the company's CEO, until his death on Chahar in 3064.
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frenchcurious · 3 months ago
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Immeuble 1928 à Bruxelles, Belgique. Architecte Raphaël Delville (1894-1970) Conçu pour le célèbre violoniste Eugène Ysaÿe-Bourdeau (1858 - 1931)(Photo credit photo Bastin & Évrard © MRBC). - source Sally Jo.
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MRBC Profile: Fursona's Fusiliers
COMPANY NAME: Fursona's Fusilers
OWNER: Savannah Caruso Cameron
CEO: Savannah Caruso Cameron
CFO: Samuel Hawker
FIELD COMMANDER: Savannah Caruso Cameron
UNIT SIZE: Reinforced Regiment
OVERALL RATING: A+ [Do we have an A++? S? S+? No? Okay. - Admin 1203]
5 BattleMech Trinaries - 75 BattleMechs total
2 Combat Vehicle Trinaries - 60 total (mix of Heavy Ground + VTOL)
1 Aerospace Binary - 20 total
2 Stars armored PA(L) infantry - 250 total
1 Trinary Elemental infantry - 75 total
2 Points Space Marine Infantry - 50 total
1 Argo class DropShip - Argo ["DropShip", my ass. Pocket WarShip, more like - Admin 1203]
2 Colossus class DropShips - Abyss (ex-SLS Abyss) [Yes, that one. - Admin 1203] & Ben Nevis (ex-SLS Ben Nevis)
INSURANCE MAX DEDUCTIBLE: Level V insurance is recommended [Scratch that, go to Level VII+ - fuckin' Lady Cameron, huh? - Admin 1203]
Restoration War (3025 - Restoration forces)
Fourth Succession War (3028-3030 - FedSuns forces)
Andurien Succession (3030-3033 - Andurien/Magistracy forces)
Ronin War (3034 - FRR/Draconis Loyalist forces)
War of 3039 (3039 - FedSuns/Lyran forces)
Clan Invasion (3050-3052 - Inner Sphere forces)
Operation GUERRERO (3057 - FWL forces)
Operation BULLDOG (3059 - 2nd Star League forces)
Capellan-St. Ives War (3061-3062 - St. Ives forces)
First Combine-Dominion War (3062-3063 - Dominion forces)
Federated Commonwealth Civil War (3063-3067 - FedSuns forces)
Jihad (3067-3081 - Allied Coalition forces) [Too many battles to list, but they were at SCOUR for sure - Admin 1203]
Operation GOLDEN DAWN (3081 - Republic of the Sphere forces)
Hachidori Incident (3093 - Republic of the Sphere forces)
Victoria War (3103-3105 - Republic of the Sphere forces)
Operation CELESTIAL SPEAR (3111-3113 - Republic of the Sphere forces [defending])
First Capellan-RotS Raids (3120 - Republic of the Sphere forces [defending])
FWL-RotS Raids (3123 - Republic of the Sphere forces [defending])
Raid on Corey (3130 - Republic of the Sphere forces)
Gray Monday defensive actions - Mars (3132 - Republic of the Sphere forces [defending])
Kurita-RotS Raids (3133 - Republic of the Sphere forces [defending])
Battle of Terra (3134 - Republic of the Sphere forces [defending])
Second Capellan-RotS Raids (3134 - Republic of the Sphere forces [defending])
First Invasion of Skye (3134 - Republic of the Sphere forces [defending])
Battle of Terra (3135 - Republic of the Sphere Loyalist forces [defending])
Operation SHOFAR (3149 - Republic of the Sphere forces)
Operation ERUPTIO (3149 - Republic of the Sphere forces)
Operation TIAMAT (3149 - Republic of the Sphere forces [defending])
Battle of Terra (3151 - Republic of the Sphere forces [defending])
ilClan Trial (3151; elements of - full command not engaged)
Operation TOUCHDOWN (3153 - Third Star League forces)
Fursona's Fusiliers have a long and storied combat record in the Inner Sphere, participating in nearly every major action of note within the Sphere and Periphery in the last two centuries. Thanks to their odd mixture of Sphere and Clan culture, their internal bonds are incredibly strong, with many "legacy" members continuing a several-generation family tradition of service to their enigmatic CO. [NOTE PENDING FILE EDIT: Lady Caruso, or Cameron, apparently, has a very good reason to be enigmatic. Update the file and ranking accordingly. - Admin 1203] While their services come at a steep cost, they are well worth the C-Bills, acting morally, ethically, and effectively, handily placing them in the highest echelon of units working under the MRBC.
[EDITED by ADMIN 1203 on 04-10-3153 - Jesus Christ...]
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Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission (MRBC) Persons of Interest Dossier
Section 3.1.2: Unregistered Contractors (Periphery States)
Part 41, Federica Knox ("Knox's Knaves")
[1.0] Unit Overview
Knox's Knaves (see attached file for heraldry) are a small-medium mercenary unit operating in the rimward inner sphere and periphery. Intelligence shared by the Federated Suns suggests it can field two BattleMech lances, supported by a DropShip and an unconfirmed formation of Inner Sphere Standard battle armor. Conflicting reports claim that the Knaves possess at least one point of Elemental battle armor, but this is unlikely due to lack of historical Clan presence in the region.
[2.0] History
Knox’s Knaves were founded and are led by Captain Federica Knox, a MechWarrior and former soldier in the I Corps of the Taurian Defense Force. Her family history is unclear, though it is known that previous generations emigrated to the Taurian Concordat from elsewhere in the Periphery. Notably, Knox claims relation to a Clan Mongoose, styling herself as “The Last Khan of Clan Mongoose.” (see section 2.1)
[2.1] Claimancy
Clan historical records refer to a Clan Mongoose that was destroyed and absorbed by Clan Smoke Jaguar circa 2868. The likelihood of Knox holding blood relation to these Clanners is very low, and it is much more probable that her title was invented to impress denizens of the rimward Periphery who are unfamiliar with the clans. There is no record of Knox herself having ever been in contact with members of the Clans.
[3.0] Combat Record
Knox pilots the Orion ON1-MB Jackalope. She has proven to be a capable BattleMech commander and pilot, surviving at least five combat actions including two “hot drops” into enemy fire.
[4.0] Known Employers
Knox's Knaves are known to have been hired by public and private interests in both the Taurian Concordat and the Magistracy of Canopus. The unit is also known to take clients deeper in the Periphery, but no records indicate that it has ever been hired within the Inner Sphere, though evidence exists that the unit has been hired to act against the Federated Suns at least twice (see after action report: New Shriner)
[5.0] Current Status
The current operating theater of Knox's Knaves is currently unknown. It is not unusual for smaller unregistered mercenary units to occasionally operate outside of the MRBC information gathering sphere, however, so this is not cause for alarm.
[6.0] Conclusion
The MRBC Information Division recommends loose observation of the situation to stay aware of any changes in astropolitical events involving Knox's Knaves. Aside from possible ties to the Clans, the unit is fairly standard as a Periphery mercenary company. Federica Knox may be a useful asset in actions against House Davion. Personnel have been dispatched to gauge usefulness to the Commission.
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harwood-pmc-official · 1 month ago
MRBC Records, Subject: Harwood PMC
Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission Profile
COMPANY NAME: Harwood Private Military Company
OWNER: Robert Ingraham Harwood
CEO: Robert Ingraham Harwood
CFO: William None Chang
FIELD COMMANDER: Robert Ingraham Harwood
RELIABILITY RATING: C+ [see MRBC Collected Incidents File 17-Green-HPMC]
UNIT SIZE: Regiment
Nine Mixed BattleMech Lances
1 Company Mobile Infantry
1 Company Mechanized Infantry
1 Flight Aerospace Fighters
1 Colossus Dropship
Associated Support and Admin Personnel
INSURANCE MAX DEDUCTIBLE: Level IV insurance is advisable, under current leadership.
FedCom Civil War (Steiner and Davion Forces)
Operation ÜBERSCHATTEN (FWL Forces)
Operation BROKEN FIST (FWL Forces)
Operation SOVREIGN JUSTICE (FedSuns Forces)
Operation SCOUR (Republic Forces)
Various Engagements During the Dark Age (Due to the HPG Blackout and astonishingly poor record-keeping, data from this time period is fragmentary at best, however all reports indicate extreme, if ruthless, effectiveness.)
Draconis Combine Civil War (Various security contracts)
Battle of Terra 3151 (Republic Forces)
Despite their often mixed reception and conduct under their prior leadership - including a list of ethics violations and MRBC sanctions long enough to fill a separate file [see MRBC Collected Incidents File 17-Green-HPMC] - Harwood PMC has turned a new leaf under its new management [well, new-ish - meet the new boss, same as the old boss - Admin 1203]. The command is noted as being reliable, efficient, and prompt in delivering on their promises when hired. [All that said, the record still notes incidents where double-crossing the PMC leadership tends to render the double-crosser... metabotically challenged in short order. Don't betray them unless you want to die. - Admin 1203]
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theseventhoffrostfall · 1 year ago
Speaking of, Hammer's Slammers also has the impartial arbitration/bondholder commission for mercenary work, which I'm gonna guess was direct inspiration for BattleTech's MRBC. When I read it, it got me thinking that in my setting, there wouldn't likely be a single unified and recognized such authority. It'd be more like at least a dozen, and much like nation-states it'd be a few purely new and spaceborne ones (like the the Centauri Mercenary Commission or whatever) tucked in amongst primarily existing polities' own commissions (Like NATO's, I dunno, Professional Soldiery Contracting and Trust Committee).
Of course, this dilutes the mercenary profession from being theoretically impartial and it starts becoming political again. Like, aside from the fact of "PMC's" in their modern incarnation (that of a government agency in all but name, a la blackwater or wagner) still existing, any mercenary company would either have to walk the tightrope of maintaining standing among several of the numerous bond-boards and the signatory states they represent, or pick one and stick with it and try to fight against the tide of amalgamating into a free-floating (and responsible for your own maintenance and recruiting, and semi-deniable, and somewhat disposable) military asset for said signatory states as dictated by the bond-board.
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postsofbabel · 13 days ago
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future-nevada · 7 months ago
The 892nd MRBC provides wet and dry gap crossing capabilities to combat ...
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aldrossini · 9 months ago
Foto oficial no Facebook MrBiondocraft
Loving brown tones palette. Official profile pic at MRBC FB.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 3 months ago
MRBC used a lot of words to say "you're wrong" without actually explaining why they think that way. And to imply malice, based on nothing.
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monsterfenrick · 1 month ago
Promo Vid: MRBC CCG 100% Free to play, so come play!
This is really just a promo to muster interest. The scene is incredibly low on players and could use new folks to mix things up and try new things out. Jump in the Monster Rancher Discord in the #mr-battle-card channel and ask for help to learn how to play, or see if anyone is available for a game!
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battletech-mercenaries · 7 years ago
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In 3085, the Second Star League was left asunder.
Corrupted by partisan infighting, the withdrawal of certain Successor States, and difficulty wrangling internal forces, the Star League disbanded, with many SLDF forces returning to their home nations, and leaving the worlds around Terra once again in chaos.
For the people of Terra, it was a time of uncertainty and fear. Under the Star League, they had celebrated political influence and independence, a time without Comstar administration or Blakist occupation. Since the fall of the Terran Hegemony, the people of Terra finally had a say in how their own world would be run. Now, Comstar was back, but all the more weakened as the SLDF had gutted them, leaving them open to Free World League intrusion.
A group of Terran SLDF soldiers grew sick of outside groups lusting for Terra. Disgusted by House Marik’s attempts to seize control and distrusting the Liberty Holds, the soldiers banded together as Eden’s Guard, and went into business for themselves as mercenaries.
Supporting a Battlemech and Battle Armor company, Eden’s Guard also have a significant wing of their forces dedicated to medical, engineering, and political personnel. Holding themselves to the standards and ideals of the Star League, Eden’s Guard leave worlds in better condition than they arrived to. The unit specializes in peacekeeping operations, preventing fighting from reaching too high of a boiling point, and does not shy away from opening dialog between both sides if it means a meaningful resolution. As such, they are renowned not only for their ability to operate as a military force, but as a diplomatic and humanitarian one, as well.
Captain Penelope Trumbull invites you to earn riches and glory for yourself and the Eden’s Guard Mercenary Unit, on Battletech Mercenaries!
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clashthreads · 8 years ago
I know it's an old post... but your MRBC that you made, did you ever do anything with them? Ever thought about making and selling some? The game is amazing and it's a hidden gem.
I’ve been making “real looking” English versions recently. As in, I’ve been collecting as many scan or high quality photos as I can, then making English versions that hopefully look faithful to the originals in terms of design. Still very much a work in progress, but you can see what I’ve done here. I’m at around 73% collected of all cards, so it’s going well!I don’t sell them, but I’m more than willing to share the masters if you would be interested in finding a good way to print them!On that note, I still haven’t found a nice way to print them at a quality, price, and method I’m happy with, so I’m always open to suggestions.
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ikelawliet · 8 years ago
English Monster Rancher Battle Cards (Fan-made to look official)
OK! So! Wondering what Monster Rancher Battle Card is? Well, it’s a card game I love, that almost went completely extinct. Long story short, back in 1999, MRBC was a trading card game that came into existence and then died out just 2 years later with almost no following or digital trace. I really loved it, and I wanted to be able to play it.
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a page of original monster cards I made this post a while back, highlighting the progress I had made at that time in recreating the game. (You may notice I’ve stolen a lot of text from that post for this post. I spent a lot of time making these cards, so please excuse me if this post itself is brief. :P)
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card backs
However, the game barely existed physically, and a lot of the cards were never translated into English, except digitally.
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a page of Suezo’s skills At that point, I was more trying to recreate the game and enhance it for physical play. I was going off the aesthetic style of the Gameboy game (my favorite look of MRBC) and making my own changes based on game balance and usability.
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a rare Tiger holo card    Hop back to now, and I’ve been lucky enough to get my hands on an almost complete set of Series 1 of MRBC. (In total, there’s 4 series, and some promo cards here and there. Series 1 covers about 40% of the total cards, including all the key cards for the game.)
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a cleaned, translated card    So I scanned and cleaned all those cards then made some neato-templates so that I could lay all the information, now in English, back onto the cards.
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a Photoshop template I finished inputting all the data, and now they’re ready to go! You can play with these, the rules, and maybe a few counters.
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a cleaned Hare holo card
Here’s everything needed:
Previews: Here.
Downloads: Here.
Rules: Here.
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balearicultras · 2 years ago
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Always a joy and honour to feature in Dr Rob’s @banbantonton Muchas Gracias for the Perry G and Jazxing love 🙏🙏🙏 #acidhouse #chug #alfos #balearic #balearicbeats #justinrobertson #deadstock #higherlove #perrygranville #musicaelettronica #indiedance #eivissa #windsor #thegovernor #jazxing #chicagohouse #vinyllovers #vinyl #gdansk #acidhouseculture #banbantonton #junorecords #acidhouselove #acidhouseraves #acidhouserave #housemusicfamily #breakmode #mrbc #seanjohnston #duncangray https://www.instagram.com/p/CktFFsfs8uu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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