#mr. plotz
reggiejworkshop · 1 month
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"An Unlikely Ally"
Wakko: " Oh, we thought you guys didn't know how, Plotz. "
Whether it's incessant cooperate meddling, poor business choices from certain CEO's, unfair treatment to workers, to various shows and movies being removed or prevented from being seen by the general public, certain situations like this will spark a call to action, and a demand for change.
Such actions can draw a crowd of both people in and outside the industry, and sometimes people you would least expect.
With the Animation Guild negotiations underway, I thought this would be a neat idea to do! I normally don't do socio-political stuff like this that often, so don't expect this to be a regular feature, but as someone who appreciates cartoons and the work that goes into them, I felt compelled to make this exception!
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dorkynerd23 · 4 months
Reblog If You Love And You're A Fan Of Animaniacs!! ❤️✨
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animationgirl89 · 9 days
Happy 31st Anniversary To Animaniacs!! ✨💛💙🩷✨
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"Helloooo Nurse!! ❤️ The original 90's Classic Cartoon, 'Animaniacs' was released on this day back on September 13th 1993. Wow, even after so many decades after the original show ended and premiered it's still being talked about and is still beloved even after all this time, despite how you feel of this show whether you're a fan and don't care for it, you can't deny the impact the show had. You can tell and clearly see all the love, hard work and passion that went into the original show. Animaniacs still holds up to this day and will forever hold a special place in my heart and just brings me so much comfort and I even say that it's honestly one of my favorite cartoons, there's so much to adore about this show and there's also many things for what made this show so great and timeless, as not only was the show incredibly and ridiculously funny and hilarious that you can still go back at this show and still laugh until you literally collapse, but the show is also unique, has heart and is filled with so many memorable and loveable characters, sends a love letter to not only classic Looney Tunes but also to the rubberhose era of cartoons."
"Although this show wasn't perfect and does have some flaws as nothing is perfect, the good most definitely outweighs the bad in my opinion and nothing changes for the impact this show had not only on me but also on so many other people as well too and this show will continue to be timeless and is honestly one of the best shows to come from the 90's and just in general as a whole! This show and all these wonderful characters will continue to live on in all our hearts and will remain timeless for more years and decades to come. I'm glad that I was able to discover this show as it's really had an impact on me and helped me during some tough times in my life and it'll always hold a place in my heart. Thanks Animaniacs (along with Tom Rugger, Steven Spielberg + the rest of the talented crew and voice cast) for everything, thanks for creating this amazing, timeless and great show, I'll ALWAYS love and cherish it for the rest of my life." 💜
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webbytbh · 8 months
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The Warner siblings annoying Mr. Plotz
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30 years of Animaniacs!
this took 26 hours Please blow this up and share this with others,
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Even More Animaniacs Headcanons
--The Mime creeps Wakko out. He claims "Mimes are just clowns but silent and delusional." He still tolerates him though.
From a distance.
--Dot's favourite flavour is strawberry. Strawberry ice cream, strawberry milk, strawberry cake-you name it, she loves it!
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--In-universe, most of the meta jokes on the show are ad libs.
--Jürgen (Scratchansniff's brother) always had a twisted side to him and a tendency to overreact (he'd have to to do those types of experiments). Scratchy just never brought it up and acted liked nothing was wrong with him to avoid angering Jürgen and stay on his good side. The Warners keeping him busy provided the perfect excuse (and scapegoats) for him to fall out of touch with Jürgen over time.
--Lesbian Hello Nurse ftw!
--Wakko likes stargazing.
--The Warner Ghosts in "A Christmas Plotz" weren't just figments of of Plotz's imagination-the Warners really did invade his dreams to give him a badly needed ego check. How? Toon logic! Their appearance near the end of the segment even seems to imply this:
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Mr. Plotz stealing Wakko's ha'penny and Yakko being the best protective big brother he can be.
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musemelodies · 5 months
walter: i've got a bone to pick with ya, putz!
plotz: IT’S PLOTZ!
walter: i know...
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god … hyperfixation crossovers
on that note it would be so funny if an animaniacs/a series of unfortunate events crossover had chicken boo as count olaf. that would be a little silly i think
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wordthieve · 4 months
This is going to sound weird, but ... I'm so fucking proud of Buck and Eddie.
First of all, look at Buck not assuming the worst and asking for more information, gently confronting Eddie but giving him space. And yes, Eddie instinctively and immediately shakes his head and tries to pretend the conversation isn't happening, but then Buck won't let it go, and he won't let it turn into an argument, either. And then Buck says: "I'm worried about you."
Buckles, you absolute sweetheart of a human. He lays it out clearly and simply: I care. I'm worried. Imagine having a friend who will hold that space and make you face it but will not condemn you for it, because they are worried, and they love you.
And then Eddie, instead of denying it, instead of "leave it" or "I've moved on" or any of that, admits "I'm worried about me too." Like, fuck.
And THEN Eddie comes clean to Kim! That's HUGE! From Mr I Will Carry This To My Cold Dead Grave sits her down and admits everything, and apologises for all the right things. It was a shitty thing to do to someone, and she is entitled to recall him as that crazy guy she kind of dated who thought she was his dead wife. But he wore what he could of it and he sat there and accepted that he had caused her pain and that he could not fix it.
And FUCKING THEN, (when I can only hope Kim is wearing a really great wig instead of getting her hair cut) he LETS HIMSELF BE ANGRY WITH SHANNON. The fact that instead of being full of guilt and apologies, he stands there and says "Where was my letter?"
Eddie, my beloved hot mess, bravo. I am plotzing over how much progress is behind him asking "where was my letter?" Instead of the crushing self-recrimination (while also acknowledging his faults), he is letting himself say "what about me?" and "I deserve that". How long has he been struggling to find it in him to offer himself any grace, any semblance of sympathy and empathy? How long has he thought himself unworthy of love, or at least any more of it than he got from the stunted and strangled example of his and Shannon's relationship? How many years of living for other people, of shoving down what he wants, of punishing himself for everything that happened, everything that he survived, everything that he lost, and he stands there in this ridiculous, absurd, painful situation and says "Where was my letter?" That, my friends, is how you do THERAPY.
Yeah, there's a bunch of other stuff he's still dealing with, and my heart just WEPT at "I'm broken", but oh, honey, this is a STEP.
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ifbrd · 1 year
Me, a dumb 20-something with absolutely no mental health credentials of any kind: The Warners clearly aren’t “insanely” they are simply children in less than ideal circumstances. Everything these kids do can be explained by either them being kids, them being abused by the studio, them being famous, them being young with godlike powers or some combination of the above. For crying out loud they were trapped in a water tower for 60 years, it’s a wonder they aren’t more chaotic and destructive. In general, they seem to genuinely care about the people around them, until someone does something they see as unfair and then they lash out. If given lots more love and little bit of proper guidance, the problems these kids cause could be greatly diminished, if not handled entirely.
Dr. Scratchansniff, a literal psychiatrist who is (hopefully???) educated and trained in his field and who’s literal job is to help the Warners: I just will never understand these kids! Why in the world would they smash Mr. Plotz’s desk and then call him a “pop-poo head”? I mean they say it’s because he locked them in a water tower for 6 decades but that can’t be right. They are just so unpredictable and irrational! They are driving crazy!!
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fractualized · 1 year
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And so begins the Knight Terrors interlude for TMWSL! I'd thought maybe we'd get more clues to the which-Joker-is-Joker mystery with this, but this issue opens in the dream, and over in Knight Terrors: First Blood, there's just a small close-up with Joker's face when he becomes afflicted with sleep so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyways spoilers, dark humor, and nightmarish imagery ahead.
The opening scene made me cackle, I found it so unexpected.
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LOL Just. The fucking slide. Jesus.
Joker, Gaggy (whose presence may indicate the TMWSL backers are also dreams), and a goon (who is possibly a human stand-in for Jackanapes) confirm that Batman is, in fact, dead.
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Aw, no point in the heist now that Batman is unable to stop it, and once again Joker's towing around the corpses of people he cares about.
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He brought Bruce into the diner to sit next to him omfg
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Earlier Joker laughed about Batman falling off the roof, but now it's sunk in that their epic battle ended forever in the dumbest way possible. Other heroes just don't have the same appeal.
Though Joker does try to keep up the fun.
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But when the ship captain says it'll be easy for him to just hand it over…
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It's just not the same. :(
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I just want to highlight that Joker appears to be eating refried beans and marshmallows.
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As per usual, without Batman to fight, Joker realizes he doesn't have any other goals. Even Gaggy still has a taste for crime, and he throws the paper at Joker as he leaves.
(Side note: do you think Lex Luthor has shown up on Real Housewives of Metropolis? Like in party scenes or something?)
The Jobs section in the paper apparently spurs Joker to try something new. He goes for a job interview at none other than Wayne Enterprises, and we finally run into Insomnia.
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Readers who've read Knight Terrors: First Blood will realize this man is this dream's manifestation of the Bad Guy Who Incited the Event, but if you haven't, just his appearance is a clue that something's not right about him.
But this is Joker's dream, so he doesn't notice anything weird apparently!
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He looks like such a goof. 💕
Joker starts off the job by trying to search on his workstation for where all WE's money is or their secret weapons projects or…
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….. something "of Bruce Wayne." Which has to be "naked pictures." I don't care if you think batjokes is real or not, that's the obvious fill-in.
We'll never know for sure because of Helen (which was also the name of the nurse in TMWSL #3 who called the cops on Joker at the hospital, and that probably doesn't mean anything, but I remembered it). Joker introduces himself.
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(Johann was also a name from the hospital, the dead husband of that patient at the end of TMWSL #4. Which also probably doesn't mean anything but maybe Rosenberg could switch it up with names?)
Now that Batman is gone, it appears that Joker wants to start trouble at Bruce's old company instead. Even when he's trying to get a new purpose, it's still related to fucking with Bruce. Unfortunately for Joker, in a comedic bit about corporate bureaucracy, Helen reveals that their nameless department isn't really responsible for anything important.
A few weeks pass, and Johann becomes known as the office comedian.
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But his supervisor does have complaints about his performance.
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Joker does not respond well to this bad feedback!
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Check out the issue if you want more of a man's head exploding.
The next morning, Joker tries to incite some kind of… uprising? Mass resignation?
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Yeah, yeah, end-stage capitalism, we've all seen it, J.
In the regular world, Mr. Dee might be talking to Johann about that brutal murder in the breakroom, but as Joker prepares to take down Mr. Dee as well…
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And here's some extra weirdness: Joker didn't start working at WE until after Batman plotzed himself. How has Bruce taken a shine to him?
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That job title is killing me.
If you've taken a look at Knight Terrors: Batman, you know that Insomnia claimed that he has no control over where people's dreams go and that he's just going along for the ride. However, Insomnia certainly has control over how he presents, and he's looking for the Nightmare Stone. So I think the promotion he's offering is a careful suggestion to draw Joker deeper into this scenario to see if that's where Doctor Destiny hid the stone.
And it's interesting that Joker still says here that Batman is dead, despite two statements indicating that he's alive. If Batman is still around, that means so is Joker's reason for being. He should jump on this! But the thing is, this dream and TMWSL take place after Joker War, after the batjokes divorce. Batman explicitly abandoned Joker to figure out how to survive on his own, and they haven't seen each other since. In Joker 2021, Joker was implied to have suicidal thoughts. In TMWSL, we have one clown who left Gotham as soon as he returned, and another who was expressly depressed. Batman fucks with the rules of their game and ruins it? He might as well have died "like a %$!@?*& moron."
Insomnia is practically throwing a cue in Joker's face: Batman is still out there to play with! Joker can run out the door right now! Or he can burrow deeper into this new goal, into this dream, and hide from the abandonment. It feels like a test to see if Joker will take Insomnia where he wants to go.
And Joker chooses to burrow. More weeks pass, and now he's the funny(?) boss.
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Instead of getting called to HR, he gets invited to drinks!
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That guy's WTF, CAROL expression is killing me.
Wait. D'Amico??
That's the name of the doctor who pulled a bullet out of Joker's brain in TMWSL #3! These names can't be an accident at this point. I still don't know if they mean anything, but y'know, they're there.
Alright, so now Joker is at the point where he goes to office happy hours.
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And he's not even killing anyone! That's a bad sign. Uh, for Joker, relatively. It's a good sign for anyone else. But who are those shadowy figures?
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Our favorite murderclown is back in action, ready to remind any street thug that Gotham is his town!
Oh wait, it's not just any thug. It's Gaggy, who is very surprised to see Joker. Gaggy says he looked for Joker when he heard the rumors that Batman came back, and Joker tells him not to tell lies. His old life comes back and literally kicks him in the gut, once more telling him Batman is back, and Joker still doesn't want to hear it. He emphatically sheds the blood he just shed.
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Just a jokey boss-guy, apparently…
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It kills me that the fucking microwave is still there.
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Yeah, you know this is definitely not a joke before we get to the end. Because Batman is definitely dead!
Until a guy says that Batman saved his wife from a mugging just last week.
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Joker knows how handsome Batman is. That's why he was looking for those naked pictures.
So now Joker has someone not just referencing Batman or bringing up rumors, but talking about an actual encounter with for-real, swinging-around, totally alive Batman. And it seems to make him angry— until he waves it off, implying it might just be another guy. (And I mean, with all the kids Batsy's got around, maybe.)
He grimaces when the batsignal shines overhead, but again makes himself ignore it.
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lol Is the white dog like a white rabbit? Knight Terrors: Poison Ivy also has a guy wearing a top hat with a white dog. I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be Penguin because his shirt has shamrocks on it which feels more Jervisy… It won't be a shock if Mad Hatter has deeper involvement in these stories, but I didn't notice him in the Batman one so I dunno.
Once Joker gets in his apartment, we see flies. Lots of flies.
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So back in the real world, Joker has been explicitly aware that Bruce Wayne is Batman since Snyder's run, but in this dream, he's back to separating them. Maybe this shift happened over the course of the dream, or maybe it's been since as early as the promotion conversation, when Joker didn't seem bothered by the mention of Bruce, but when Insomnia brought up Batman, Joker was quick to say he was dead. Either way, Joker's now acting like they're two totally different dudes, one a boring rich guy who Joker has no great interest in and never did, nosirree.
The news story is also interesting. Back near the beginning when Helen is explaining wtf their department actually does, it turns out to be, in a ludicrous roundabout way, related to accounting. So I'm guessing in Part 2, Johann gets called up to talk to Mr. Wayne about the mess… 👀
And Bruce Wayne is of little concern for someone who's gone up against Batman, now rotting in Joker's closet!!
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Boy howdy.
This is an ominous chapter end for Joker. He wants to have some purpose outside of Batman, but 1) Batman is still obviously hanging over him no matter how much Joker tries to ignore him and 2) his efforts have thus far led him right back to where he was in his depression: rotting his brain with reality TV. Yeah, he has a job, but it means so little that it doesn't matter that he has no clue what he's doing. Yeah, his coworkers laugh at his jokes, but when they do it's because they're not taking him seriously at all. He's obviously harmed people, but they completely miss him as a threat. He's neutered!
So far, Joker's Knight Terror is a terrible dream about the stark way he sees life. You either get to be in endless magnificent rooftop fights with Batman, or you better find satisfaction in being an empty drone.
Putting this together with how TMWSL has been going and the Darwin Halliday stuff in Batman, it all feels like it's pointing to some change in direction for Joker in the future. I'm afraid I'm not going to like where it all ends up… but for now I'll keep enjoying Rosenberg's storytelling.
... Also hey is anyone at DC gonna write about where Joker got his fake eye? I know it doesn't matter but I keep wondering about it.
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321spongebolt · 7 months
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"What if Animaniacs had a crossover with Scooby-Doo?" by me.
Since 1998, "Scooby-Doo" has had a lot of direct-to-video movies. Some having crossovers with other Warner Bros. properties. And it got me wondering if there should be a direct-to-video "Scooby-Doo" movie, that had a crossover "Animaniacs".
What I imagined was if CEO Thaddeus J. Plotz (once again voiced by Frank Welker, who also voices Scooby-Doo and Fred) announced that a new Warner Bros. movie is in production, but when a monster emerges in the middle of pre-production, plans for this upcoming feature are postponed until further notice. When Mystery Inc. arrives at the Warner Bros, Studio Lot with their Mystery Machine, Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne, and Fred would meet Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, who would aid Mystery Inc., given they know the studio lot inside and out (They live in a water tower after all). A couple of gags I thought about are if Yakko and Wakko fell in love with Velma and/or Daphne, with Dot in love with Fred. And when splitting up to search the studio, Wakko could follow Scooby and Shaggy, who as usual, wind up finding a cafeteria and ultimately, whatever monster chases after them. As for the ending of the movie, I was thinking that the suspect dressed as the monster would've been one of the actors who have a resentment towards the CEO for his treatment on the film's production (you know, like executive meddling in a sense), and although the actor is fired, he still curses at Mr. Plotz, the Warner siblings, and "those meddling kids and their dumb dog". Mr. Plotz would start to feel a token of appreciation for what Mystery Inc. did and would make arrangements for Mystery Inc. to partake in the Hollywood red carpet premiere of the new movie (with perhaps any of the Mystery Inc. members serving as the replacement for the suspect they got fired.). And following suit of Scooby and Shaggy's food moments, Wakko would've been the one swiping the last sandwich or whatever food would've been served during the wrap party.
To promote this movie, I was thinking Warner Bros. record label, WaterTower Music should release a soundtrack for this proposed crossover, containing all the songs and score with just the pre-recorded audio without the sound effects that would be used in the film.
This is all I've got, but hopefully one day, we'll see a "Scooby-Doo"/"Animaniacs" direct-to-video crossover. Heck, this would've been the first "Animaniacs" movie since "Wakko's Wish" (which will be turning 25 this Christmas).
Credit for this template goes to DeviantArt user, MagicalKeyPizzaDan
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cf56 · 2 years
We all know Wakko is afraid of clowns, but in the fourth episode of the original series The Warners are flying a hot air balloon with a clown face on it. This makes me wonder if something rather "unpleasant" happened while they were flying, causing Wakko to fear clowns by association? Like me with Footballs (long story)
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I certainly don't see any reason why that couldn't be the case. Otherwise, why wouldn't Wakko be scared of the balloon? Three possibilites:
He wasn't scared of clowns yet.
He doesn't know it's a clown balloon.
He isn't scared of inanimate objects that look like clowns, only real clowns.
It begs the question, of course, of what that unpleasant incident could have been. I don't think it would have involved a crash or anything, as he and his siblings have fallen from high heights many times before and been completely fine afterwards. My thought is that it could have been something else besides him or his siblings being harmed- maybe a bird hit the balloon and died. I think something like that would affect Wakko deeply and perhaps make him fear clowns.
I hope you won't mind if I use your ask as an opportunity to go into this more deeply. We don't have much evidence to get an objective answer as to why Wakko fears clowns, but maybe there's enough to allow us to single out some possibilities that are more likely than the others. Let's start by looking at the most important episode on this topic, "Clown and Out."
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The episode starts by showcasing Mr. Plotz's fear of clowns, which is very similar to Wakko's. He is shown on a therapy couch with Scratchansniff repeating the mantra "A clown is my friend. A clown will not bite me and throw me in the basement. A clown is not a big spider." It seems possible that his fear of clowns stems from It (both the novel and the original TV series were released a few years before Animaniacs). At the end of the episode, Wakko is shown repeating the same mantra, though the spider part is (presumably) cut-off.
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Wakko's fear of clowns stemming from watching It would be an easy explanation. However, it's muddled by the fact that, when he meets a clown exactly like Pennywise in the reboot, he's not scared of that one. Maybe the mantra could also relate to the possible balloon incident, with the fear of "a clown biting me and throwing me into a basement" represents the balloon crashing.
It could be a case of Scratchansniff being his usual incompetent self and trying to apply the same treatment to two patients with fundamentally different problems. Wakko wouldn't know the difference between good treatment and bad treatment and would likely just go along with whatever the doctor says, even if it doesn't apply to his personal problems with clowns.
Now, how scared of clowns is Wakko? Extremely. Scratchansniff says "Wakko has one of the most extreme cases of clownophobia I have ever seen. Wakko's fear of clowns... is so great that he becomes kooky and extremely unpredictable." Keep in mind that Scratchansniff, incompetence aside, has over 50 years of experience, so that is saying a lot. Could an extreme phobia like this come just from watching one horror movie?
Wakko has a visceral reaction to seeing a clown. It makes him paranoid enough to bring a stool over to the tower door just so he can stand and watch through the peephole. He does this in the middle of playing hide-and-seek with his siblings on his birthday, an activity which he presumably enjoys very much.
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However, it doesn't make him lose all reason. He doesn't immediately resort to violence, even though, being Wakko, he very easily could. He first tries to ask the clown to go away repeatedly, explaining that he's scared, and only after the clown refuses to leave does Wakko resort to violence and tricks to get him to go away permanently. (To Mars.) It should be noted that Wakko, after his siblings ask him what he's been doing, says that he had to get rid of "the" clown. Not a clown. Does Wakko, at this point, believe there's only one clown in the world that tries to constantly terrorize him? Probably not, but it's a funny thought to consider.
So, now, having gone over the important information from the primary episode about Wakko's fear of clowns, let me present my several personal theories on why Wakko fears clowns.
It's simply an irrational fear that has no particular cause.
If I feared clowns, this would be the reason. They don't leave you alone. They keep trying to entertain you, even if you're clearly not entertained by them or even scared of them. Wakko asks the clown in this episode to leave several times, but he doesn't listen. Could Wakko's fear of clowns be related to a lack of control, perhaps relating to the lack of control he felt when locked in the tower?
The Warners are often shown to be legitimately scared of things they find to be unfunny or unentertaining, such as Baloney the Dinosaur. Maybe Wakko is scared of clowns simply because he finds them to be unfunny. I don't see any reason this couldn't be the case, but I won't discuss this possibility any further, because it's a boring answer.
This is the one I find most intriguing. Wakko hates clowns because of his own internal insecurities. The Warners look a lot like clowns, with their white faces and red noses. Maybe Wakko sees clowns as a reflection of the way everyone else sees him and his siblings, or the way he thinks they see them: annoying, unfunny "entertainers" who won't leave you alone. No one takes clowns seriously just like no one takes the Warners seriously.
Let me be clear: in any case, I don't think Wakko is aware of the reason he fears clowns. He just knows he does.
Sometimes, looking at the meta answer to a question can help you find the in-universe answer. I'm not sure that's the case here. Out-of-universe, the writers probably just gave him a random phobia for the sake of making an entertaining episode, and there's no deeper meaning behind it. He's just scared of clowns. I could be wrong, of course. There could be a super detailed Animaniacs lorebook out there recording the whole backstory of every little plot point and character trait in Animaniacs. If it exists, I'd love to see it, but obviously that's probably not the case.
I think the most helpful information we have to help find the answer to this question is Wakko's reaction to Nickelwise. Why is Wakko afraid of most clowns, but not afraid of Nickelwise? The differences between Nickelwise and other clowns might tell us exactly what Wakko fears about most other clowns.
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The reason Wakko gives for not fearing Nickelwise is that he's a "cutie", and his eyes "look like mine."
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So, in other words, Wakko doesn't fear Nickelwise because he relates to him. The thing that this most strongly proves is that Wakko's fear of clowns isn't totally irrational. If it was, he'd be afraid of Nickelwise no matter what. There is a reason for it.
I think this could support my fourth theory. If Wakko's fear of clowns stems from others' warped perceptions of him, then a clown that more closely represents who he truly is would be less scary to him.
Another possible reason that Wakko doesn't fear Nickelwise, which is never mentioned in the episode, is that he only fears clowns that are meant to be funny, not clowns that are meant to be scary. This could support my second or third theories.
Have we been able to rule out any theories with this information? No. Have we been able to establish any theories that are particularly more likely than the others? Not really. I think it could be any of the theories, including the balloon incident one, or a combination of several of them. The truth is there's just no objective way to know with the incomplete information we're given, so all we have is speculation. But it's fun to speculate! Thanks for your interesting theory and for giving me an opportunity to speculate, anon. And good luck in your fight against footballs.
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 10 months
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I'mma say this again. she should've been the CEO in the reboot.(she is so "the man" by Taylor Swift, it is so real)
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This is just the Warners' and Plotz's dynamic
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