#mr. harper x mc
coffeeheartaddict2 · 5 months
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Here's a potential little prompt for Casey! Use as you see fit, or delete if you don't see fit! lol :)
Who am I?
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Casey Ramsey
Category: fluffy angst
Rating: PG
Word count: 401
Warnings: mentions of mental health
Summary: Casey is due to have baby Hudson in about six weeks and she is already starting to feel some of the loss of identity that occurs when a child is born. As a pre baby Mother’s Day present, Ethan tries to ease some of Casey’s concerns
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Author’s note: thank you to @jerzwriter for not only sending me this prompt but for also hosting a Mother’s Day event for which this is a submission for.
The identity change that happens when we welcome a young one and the changes around that are real and it affects people differently.
Mothers Day 2025
It was six weeks until they were due to meet baby Hudson. The pregnancy was a wanted surprise and thankfully, aside from some morning sickness, the pregnancy had been relatively trouble free. Casey had clearance to work up until 36 weeks gestation. Casey had already begun handing over some of her duties to Aurora Emery, who was going to be the team leader whilst she was on leave. Tobias was also helping out where he could also.
Despite everything going well, Casey could not help but start to feel the gravity of the changes that baby Hudson was going to bring to their lives, especially hers. It was humbling that she soon there was going to be this tiny human who will be completely dependant on her. She was looking forward to being a mum but the thoughts of the loss of identity that came with that were starting to haunt her. Despite reassurances from her friends, the team, Harper and Ethan, she could not help but feel that who she was now, Dr Casey Ramsey would be lost.
Ethan was already at a lost with what to say or do, at least without coming off as condescending. So he got to searching. Even though Hudson was not born yet, he still wanted to do something, to celebrate the upcoming milestone for them. He was looking at coffee mugs, he did not know fully why, they both had several anyway but one caught his eye.
“It’s Miss, Ms. Mrs
Written on the side. He ordered it thinking that it would be a cute and useful reminder that she will always be Dr Casey Ramsey.
Mother’s Day came and Ethan made her breakfast. He brought it to her in bed. He then gave her the box with the mug inside. Casey opened it, having no idea what it was and she the mug, chuckled and then hugged Ethan.
“No one can take away the title of Doctor, not even our son. You will soon be a mother but you will never stop being a Doctor.” Says Ethan.
Casey kisses him sweetly.
“Thank you Ethan, I am sure I will need reminding of this but thank you.”
They spent a lazy morning in bed before heading out to lunch and both were excited that this time next year they would have someone else to celebrate Mother’s Day with.
Authors note: hooray I was able to keep it to Drabble length for the Mother’s Day Drabble event.
Casey did need to be reminded several times in the first year of Hudson’s life that she was still a doctor, not just a mum.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @cariantha @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @alj4890 @zealouscanonindeer @youlookappropriate @tessa-liam @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985 @lucy-268 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
17 notes · View notes
kinda-iconic · 9 months
Our Last Hope
Author's Notes: And so it is here, the next instalment of Amelia and Ernest's story. I cannot begin to tell you how long I have been working on this - so much so that I have had to split it into two parts! I have loved writing this so much, even though I have broken my own heart once or twice. I hope that you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it.
Pairing: Ernest Sinclaire x MC (Amelia)
Word Count: Over 3'500
Tagging: @princess-geek
Additional Tag list (due to past interest): @bloodboundismylife, @i-put-the-sin-in-sinclaire, @nala-raines
Song inspiration: Thank You (youtube.com) From the 'Queen Charlotte' Soundtrack
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Luke makes his way along the darkened corridor, a beam of silvery moonlight illuminating his path. He walks in silence, the sudden chiming of the grandfather clock causing him to startle. He takes a moment to recover, rolling out his shoulders before continuing, only to stop in front of an all-too-familiar door. He softly raps on the wood, pressing his ear against the door as if listening for movement.
But he hears nothing.
He looks down, frowning as his gaze befalls a slither of light underneath the frame. He knocks once more, this time accompanying his efforts with the verbal announcement of his presence.
“I know that you are in there, Ernest,” he waits for a response, but he is met with crickets; after a moment, he speaks again, his hand gently grasping the doorknob, “I am coming in.”
He justles the handle, just for a familiar voice to call back to him from the other side.
“There is no need. I am fine.”
Luke shakes his head, a soft smile escaping him, “I am afraid that I cannot accept that until I see you with my own eyes.”
When he receives no answer, Luke enters the room, quickly spotting Ernest, who sits quietly in his armchair, a glass of scotch nestled between his fingertips. He appears dishevelled, his hair unkempt, dark circles making their home under his eyes. He lifts the glass to his lips, downing its contents.
“You have seen me now,” Ernest retorts, exhaling harshly; he reaches for the decanter, his eyes focusing on the auburn liquid as it swirls around its encasement, “are you satisfied?”
“Not in the slightest.”
Ernest scoffs, shaking his head in drunken amusement.
“We cannot help but be concerned, Er-“
“It’s Mr Sinclaire to you,” Ernest counters, “my given name is not one that I allow to be spoken that freely.”
“Other than by Amelia, you mean.”
“Amelia is my wife,” he refills his glass, taking a grateful sip; the liquor burns its way down his throat, causing him to grimace, “that certainly is stronger than I remember.”
“Is that not what you were drinking before?”
“I have finished that bottle already,’ he lifts his glass in the air, gesturing to the empty chair beside him with a tilt of his glass, “drink?”
“If it means that I can watch over you for a little while.”
Ernest doesn’t answer; instead, he rises from his perch, pondering over to his liquor cabinet. He retrieves a fresh glass from within, his fingers fumbling over the rim as he tries to better his grip. Luke frowns, walking over with an offer of assistance.
“Let me help you with that…”
He reaches forward, but is stopped by Ernest, who raises a hand in dismissal.
“I am capable of collecting a glass, Mr Harper.”
He places the vessel down, filling it near enough to the brim. Luke winces, the sound being swiftly rebuked by the quip of Ernest’s brow.
“Have I displeased you in some way?”
“N-no, I just…” Luke lifts the glass to his nose momentarily; he takes a swig, clearing his throat soon after, his eyes enlarging as he watches Ernest finish yet another glass, “maybe you should slow down a little bit.”
“I would say that I am going at a fairly reasonable pace.”
“I meant with the drinking, Sir.”
“I drink as I see fit.”
A comfortable silence passes between the pair for a moment, neither daring to so much as utter a single word. It is only after a couple of minutes that Luke speaks, his expression growing sombre as he studies the broken man before him.
“Normally, you would not hesitate to ask someone to join you in this endeavour.”
“Well, I…I guess I just wanted to be on my lonesome for a little while.”
Ernest walks back over to his chair, slumping back into the leather.
“Is there anything that you need?” Luke enquires, “I can get one of the maids to make you something to-“
“You could get me another scotch,” he looks down at his empty glass, his brows knitting together in a frown, “I…seem to be out.”
“Have mine. Or at least…half of it.”
He retrieves Ernest’s glass, dividing the untouched liquor equally. He places the glass on the end table before meandering over to the fireplace, holding his dainty glass in his outstretched palm. After a moment, Luke tilts his head towards the spirit, his expression unreadable.
“I know it is not much,” he admits, carefully pondering the appropriateness of his following admission, “but I thought that it would be best not to supply you with more should the Doctor need to discuss anything with you.”
Ernest collects his offering, bowing his head in quiet appreciation.
“Is that something that you have decided upon yourself, or did the others influence that decision?”
When he is met with no immediate reply, he shakes his head, a despondent sigh escaping his lips.
“The amount I drink is no concern of yours, nor should it have ever been a talking point for your gossip.”
“Forgive me, Sir,” Luke appears hesitant, aware as to the severity of Ernest’s emotional state, “but we had no choice but to discuss it.”
“My,” Ernest retorts, his response almost sarcastic, “has the rumour mill already run dry?”
He downs the contents of his glass without pause, heading back over to the decanter; his brows furrow in concentration as he fixes himself another drink. He takes a swig, only turning to face Luke once his second glass is almost fully depleted.
“I am sorry that you have drawn the short straw tonight, Mr Harper,” his tone is hollow, “I am not exactly what one would call ‘pleasant’ company right now.”
Luke frowns, “that is not true in the slightest.”
“You were previously close to referring to me as a drunkard.”
“We are worried about you,” Luke takes another step towards to his counterpart, yet choosing to remain at a respectable distance, “if ever you would like anyone to step in and look after the child or sit at Amelia’s bedside-“
“I have no desire for either,” he stops himself short, giving in to his frustration, “I will take care of my family. They are my responsibility.” Ernest takes one last sip of his drink, the glass shaking slightly in his grasp as he forcefully slams it onto the table, “I’ll be damned if anyone else shoulders that.”
“You need rest, Ernest,” Luke approaches cautiously, placing a comforting hand on Ernest’s arm, “you have not slept since Amelia delivered, neither have you been eating properly.” He replaces the lid on the decanter, holding it by its neck before moving it elsewhere, “I can go and ask Briar or one of the kitchen maids if they could prepare-“
“I will eat when my wife is well and not a moment before.”
“What if Amelia doesn’t get better?”
The two men regard one another before Ernest looks away, casting his gaze out the window and to the ground below.
“I do not wish to talk about that.”
“But that is exactly why it needs to be spoken about,” Luke counteracts, “we have all spoken to the Doctor. We know the prognosis-“
“He had no right to discuss Amelia’s condition with any of you,” his exclamation is one of anger, his words laced with emotion and unwarranted venom, “the only one that has any right to know what is going on is me; nobody else.”
“So her brother doesn’t have any right to know how critical her condition is? Her family deserve to-“
“They are not the ones that will feel the impact of her absence the most.”
“No,” Luke’s face falls, his voice taking a sombre tone, “they’re not.”
Ernest retires to his chair, his fingertips gently grasping onto the hem of its material.
“How are you doing? I-I know that is a daft question, but…”
“I honestly cannot recall the last time that someone asked how I was,” Ernest murmurs, “that is not to say that people have not bothered with me, but rather…at least not verbally.”
Luke smiles sadly; Ernest takes his silence as an opportunity to continue.
“Amelia has never been one for fuss,” he smiles sadly as his mind begins to reminisce, “all of this…” he gestures softly with his hand, “all the doting and constant upheaval…it is the last thing that she would have wanted.”
“We do this because we care about her,” Luke interjects, “Amelia is one of us; she is, for better words, the glue that holds us all together.”
“That would be a beautiful sentiment if my wife was not lying unconscious in her death bed.”
He stands once more, his unsteady feet subconsciously carrying him over to the window, paying the drop of his name no mind. He remains stood in silence for a moment, his eyes fixated on the curtains before he speaks softly, his voice quiet and sombre, as if his hopefulness has diminished entirely.
“My wife…she is going to die. I cannot and will not sugar-coat it.”
“There is still hope that-“
“Hope?!” Ernest scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief, “if that is what you truly believe, then maybe you really are just like the rest.”
There is a short hesitation before Luke stands, brushing away the creases in his jacket.
“I will let that comment pass given the circumstance.”
Ernest remains quiet, his gaze set on the horizon as the sun begins to set once more. Knowing that there is nothing else that he can say to lift Ernest’s spirits, Luke collects his satchel from the ground, eyeing the insignia that has been skilfully carved into the leather.
“You may have given up, My Lord…but I have not,” he pauses momentarily, shouldering the bag, “I promised her father that I would watch over her, and that is what I intend to do.”
He makes his way over to the door, but he is stopped in his path by the sudden intrusion of Miss Sutton, her mouth hanging agape in surprise.
“Forgive me for the interruption…”
“Not at all, M’Lady,” Luke bows his head in acknowledgment before looking over at Ernest, his face aglow with disappointment, “I have nothing more to say.”
He leaves the room, closing the door softly behind him. As if sensing that he is still not alone, Ernest turns to Teresa, taking yet another sip of the liquor, “to what do I owe the pleasure, Viscountess?”
“The Doctor would like a word. He believes that Amelia might wake soon.”
“Has anything changed since I saw her last?”
“She is less clammy…and a little bit of colour has returned to her cheeks,” Teresa smiles warmly, “Percival is at her bedside with Harry and Briar.”
“I told Nanny Weskit to take him upstairs to bed.”
“He wanted to see his Mama,” she frowns, her brows furrowing slightly, “is that not a good enough reason for him to stay up past his bedtime?”
“Amelia is not his mother.”
“And you are not his father,” Teresa retorts, “but he treats you as such.”
Ernest falls silent, contemplating her words. She folds her arms across her chest, waiting for a response, but receives none. After a few minutes, she sighs in defeat, looking to the floor as she collects her bearings.
“Look…I understand that you are hurting…” she takes a cautious step forward, “but punishing yourself and taking out your frustrations on others…it is not helping, Ernest.”
He turns at the sound of his name, having not expected its use.
“I cannot begin to fathom what you are going through…but pushing us all away when you need us the most? It is not going to help you. It is not what Amelia would want.”
“Then let us in,” she walks over to him, placing a gentle hand on his arm, “allow us to help you. We can watch over Amelia…take care of the children-“
“That is my responsibility.”
“This is not something that you should have to shoulder on your own. We are here to support you.”
He smiles sadly, “I highly doubt that our mother-in-law would agree with that.”
“Henrietta refuses to agree with anything unless it directly benefits her,” she returns his smile, “I know that as much as anyone.”
“I am sorry that you have to endure her temperament so frequently.”
She shakes her head dismissively, “both yourself and Amelia have been subjected to much more than I, believe me.” She beams with pride, interlacing her arm with his own, “and with regards to Henrietta, I must insist that you remember that we are both interlinked. Neither you nor I need to face the brunt of her crassness alone.”
“How is that?”
“We married into this family,” her smile brightens as she looks down at her wedding ring, seemingly becoming lost in a memory, “we may not agree with how our mother-in-law chooses to present herself, but we endure her and everything that she throws our way out of the love and respect we have for her children.”
She exhales softly, giving his arm a comforting squeeze.
“Now, how about you and I join Harry for dinner. I dare not leave him alone with his mother and her meddlesome nature too long.”
“Henrietta is here?”
“Mmmm,” she nods, her lips pressing together in a thin line, “she arrived shortly after the dinner bell was rung.”
“I did not expect her to visit, especially not when Amelia is gravely ill.”
“I am afraid that I do not believe her visit to be for Amelia’s sake but rather her own.”
“She probably wants to witness Amelia herself, seeing as she so desperately clings to the idea that Edgewater rightfully belongs to the Viscount.”
Teresa frowns, casting her gaze downward, “I do wish that you would refrain from discussing Amelia like that, but I…I will not question your grievance.”
“Where is she now?”
“In the dining room, I believe.”
“Then I shall need you to deliver my apologies to the Viscount, for I do not wish to see her face at this given time.” He pauses, “nor will I sit for a meal whilst my beloved is unwell.”
“At least escort me down there,” her words befall that of a plea, “that way you are not left to stew in your own thoughts any longer than you have to be.”
Ernest hesitates, the notion causing him to bristle…but eventually, he nods.
The pair begin to walk down the hall towards the dining room, Teresa trying to engage Ernest in gregarious conversation, but as they turn the corner, a frosty voice calls out to them from ahead. Teresa stops almost immediately, her eyes met by an icy blue glare.
“I see that you have taken it upon yourself to entertain your wiles, Miss Sutton.”
“I was simply checking on Mr Sinclaire, Mother,” her last word spoken hastily with a hint of frustration, “it is his family that we are here to see.”
“Keeping company with your sister’s husband alone?” She tuts slightly, “whatever will the servants think?”
“I should hope that they would appreciate my compassion for the Countess’ husband and her children whilst she is ill.”
Henrietta huffs in annoyance, having not expecting Teresa’s witty retort.
“Careful now, Miss Sutton,” she smiles smugly, her words harsh and condescending, “the last thing you want is to be labelled as his dalliance.”
“To even suggest the notion-“
Henrietta chuckles to herself, swiftly changing the target of her bemusement as Ernest stutters, his cheeks reddening with anger.    
“Why are you getting so defensive over a baseless accusation?” She feigns surprise, a gasp of shock escaping her lips, “unless…unless there is some truth to it…”
“I have not and will never entertain the company of another woman. I am faithful to my wife!”
“But is she faithful to you, my Lord?”
Ernest inhales sharply, his eyes widening as his anger begins to boil over. After a moment of silence, he calls out to a member of his household as the lady passes him by.
“Forgive me for troubling you, Cecelia, but I am afraid that I am in need of a favour most urgently.”
The young woman bows her head in acknowledgement, “of course, Sir. What is it that you require?”
“Have a note sent to the Marlcaster estate. Tell them that my darling Mother-in-Law requires a carriage to escort her home at the earliest convenience.”
“But that is not-“
He holds up his hand, the gesture seeming to silence her immediately.
“Tell him that his mother has grown tired and wishes to rest in the comfort of her guest bed.”
“That is a LIE!” Henrietta snipes, turning swiftly with a scowl to face the maid, “I am not some old crone that takes naps in the daylight or needs assistance to complete the smallest of tasks. I am the mother of a Viscount! I DEMAND to be treated as such, even by YOU, Mr Sinclaire.” She smirks coyly, “you are forgetting your station, Sir.”
“And you seem to have forgotten whose home you currently reside.”
He regards Cecelia once more, his expression shifting to one of warmth, “I have changed my mind. Please forget everything that I told you to write down.”
“Do you…not request a carriage, My Lord?”
“On the contrary,” he looks down at his wrists as he speaks, reaching to adjust the cuffs of his shirt, “I do still require a carriage, though I am afraid that the wait is too long for my taste.” He lifts his gaze once more, fixing it on Henrietta, “ask Mr Harris if he would be so kind as to escort her ladyship back to her residence instead. Tell him that I shall pay him triple for his service.”
“And the note?”
“Kindly inform Edmund that his mother is no longer welcome at the Edgewater estate, for neither myself nor my staff are able to entertain her inexcusable and downright insulting presence any longer.”
“H-how dare you-“
“I am not finished,” he interjects, retrieving a pouch of coins from his pocket; he passes it over to Cecelia, his eyes still fixed on Henrietta, “this is a gesture of goodwill, see to it that Mr Marlcaster receives it. Maybe he might be able to purchase himself some earplugs to drown out her irritating voice.”
“Would you please just stop with that incessant whining,” he replies coldly, “my wife is on her death bed, and rather than be by her side I am stood here with you. Do you still not see why I am insulted by your mere presence at this hour?”
To Teresa’s surprise, Henrietta quietens. A young stable-hand approaches, tipping his head in acknowledgement.
“My Lord.”
“See to it that the lady finds her way to a carriage and out of my sight.”
“Certainly, Sir.”
Ernest responds with a curt nod; he spares her no second glance, instead turning on his heel and making his way back along the corridor in the opposite direction, disappearing as Henrietta is removed from the house. Teresa follows along after him, her footsteps hurried.
“Sir, you are going the wrong way!”
“My apologies, Miss Sutton.” He continues on, quickening his pace as he heads towards the stairwell, “but I must bid you goodnight.”
“What about escorting me to dinner?”
“I have spent so long dwelling on what may come to pass that I have forgotten to focus on the present,” he regards Teresa over his shoulder, “I am sorry, Miss Sutton. I know that I agreed to accompany you, but my priority must be my wife and child.”
Before she can get a word out, Ernest disappears up the stairs, completely blanking those that he passes on his way. Dejected, Teresa turns back in the direction to which she came, only to bump into Mr Harper.
“Where has he gone now?”
“Upstairs,” she sighs softly, looking at the flowers that decorate the railings, “he has gone to be with her.”
“Without dinner?”
“He will not eat, Mr Harper. He will not eat or drink…I fear that he is unwell.”
“He is concerned for Amelia’s welfare. We all are.”
“And what if he decides to journey down the wrong path? I worry for him.”
“As do I,” Luke smiles sadly, “but he is tending to Amelia. He will not leave her side.”
“He should be resting."
“I agree,” he tips his head, “but it is also a good thing.”
“How? I am afraid that I do not follow."
 “If he is with Amelia, then we know where to find him.”
“And if he starts to spiral?”
“Then we will be there to catch him,” Luke’s gaze travels to the landing above, his smile softening as he notes the opening and closing of Amelia’s chamber door, “I made a promise…and I intend to keep it.”
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cariantha · 11 months
Hunger Pains
Book: Open Heart, Post-Series
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks)
Rating: Explicit
Warning: 🔥NSFW, ⛔18+ Only, contains explicit sexual content
Category: Fluff, Smut, Halloween
Word count: 2.6K
Summary: Sawyer is in a bad mood. Ethan helps her calm down.
🫦From Anon: Can I get a fic with Ethan giving MC a love bite or hickey?
☀️From @peonierose: Ethan & Sawyer + “sunshine”
🍬From @jerzwriter: "Actually, I like candy corn!"
🎃For @choicesoctober event: Costume / Halloween / Vampire / Meme
🥰For @choicesprompts Flufftober 2023 event: I want to take care of you.
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“Mr. Cox. An appropriate name for such a dick,” Sawyer thought to herself, blood boiling as she exited Room 513. 
The patient being cared for inside could easily steal the title of “Biggest PITA” away from the infamous Nigel Platt. And only making matters worse, her consultation had been interrupted multiple times by a cocky intern eager to show off. 
Once the door closed behind her, she spun on Dr. Perkins. 
“How many times have we told you not to interrupt when your resident or attending is speaking with a patient? If you do that again, I’ll make sure you are written up.”
Sawyer strode to the nearby nurses’ station to update Mr. Cox’s chart. The obstinate intern followed. 
“How am I supposed to learn anything around here if I’m not allowed to ask questions?” he argued.
“You start by shutting the hell up and listening. Had you done that in the first place, we wouldn’t be standing here having this conversation. If you were really trying to understand something back there, you would have directed your questions to me. Instead you attempted to conduct a medical history interview, on an extremely agitated patient, minutes before he goes to surgery,” she scolded. 
“This is–”
Her patience wearing thin, Sawyer spoke over him. “Jaaackie, get Dr. Know-It-All away from me before I go all Ramsey on his ass,” she demanded through gritted teeth. 
Jackie, having caught the tail end of the exchange, looked up from her tablet. 
“I think you just did,” she answered, “...and Perkins, the patient in 506 needs a new catheter. Now.”
“But that’s not even my pati-” he started to complain.
With one harsh look from the Chief Resident, Dr. Perkins finally tucked his tail between his legs and sulked down the hall.
"You're breathing fire today," Jackie quipped as she rounded the desk to leave.
Sawyer ignored her and continued typing furiously on her tablet.
Down the hall, Jackie and Bryce traded places getting on and off the elevator.
“Hey, have you seen Brooks? I mean Ramsey. Brooks-Ramsey?” Bryce guessed, not sure what to call his friend since she and Ethan surprised everyone by eloping a couple weeks ago. 
Jackie pointed in the direction of the nurses’ desk. “I hope you brought snacks. She’s in a mood again,” she warned as the steel doors closed between them.
A minute later, Bryce slunk next to Sawyer, bumping shoulders to get her attention.
“Finally. What took you so long?” Sawyer rebuked, shoving the tablet towards him. “Here, take this guy away. And while you have his head open, feel free to poke the part of his brain that disables his speech.”
“Well, aren’t you a pocketful of sunshine this morning,” he teased.
“After a few minutes with this asshole and you’ll understand why,” she said, storming off.
“Annnd, Dr. Ramsey it is,” he decided. 
Shortly thereafter, Sawyer sat in the diagnostics office and stewed in silence as the team meeting ran over schedule. Her annoyance grew more intense with each passing minute as Ethan and Harper debated, and Tobias egged them on for his own amusement. No longer able to take it, she interrupted. 
“Do you need me? Because, if not, I have patients who do.” 
Her three colleagues snapped their heads in her direction, surprised by the bite in her tone. With raised eyebrows, she looked at the team leader and challenged him to respond. 
Ethan cleared his throat. “Uh, let’s see how the labs come back and continue this discussion when we have more information.” 
Harper and Tobias quickly got out of Dodge as Sawyer stacked her notes and gathered her things. When she stood to follow, Ethan reached for her hand and held her back.
“Hey, what’s wrong? What’s got you so wound up?”
She exhaled deeply, his touch instantly calming her.
“I’m sorry.” Frustrated tears welled in her witch-green eyes. “I'm super cranky. These third-trimester hormones are no joke. My mood the last few days has been…” 
A single teardrop fell down her cheek.
“Come here,” he urged, pulling her into his lap. “It’s been, what?” 
“It’s either been hangry or hornery or both,” she pouted and sagged her shoulders.
Cracking a smile at her dramatics, “I know what ‘hangry’ is, but 'hornery?'”
“Horny and ornery.”
With a shake of his head, Ethan caressed her swollen belly. “So, what I hear you saying is you’re irritable because you're either hungry or horny…”
“Right now, it’s both,” she interjected, her fingers seductively dancing up his chest.
“And the cure for this condition is to either feed you … or fuck you?”
“Look, I’m not saying food and sex would solve all my problems, but it would sure help me calm the hell down,” she admitted with a coquettish grin.
“Well, as much as I’d like to help you satisfy your hunger pains, all I can offer right now is this.” 
Ethan reached for the bowl of Halloween candy on the conference table.
“Boo,” she scowled playfully. Sawyer stood and sifted through the options, “I’ll take the candy corn off your hands and leave the chocolates for you. I know they’re your favorite.”
“Actually, I like candy corn,” he said, ripping a small package open with his teeth and pouring them all into his mouth.
“Seriously?” she asked, surprised.
“My dad loves them. We always had a bowl out during the season. I used to push them up on my canines when I was a kid and pretend I was Dracula.”
“Aw, cute. Well, if that’s true, then I’ll take some of these too,” she reached back into the bowl and stuffed her pockets. “Supposedly, chocolate is a good substitute for sex. Feed two birds with one scone.” 
A couple hours later, Sawyer was down at the lab demanding the results for one of her patients.
“What do you mean it’s going to be another four to six hours? I ordered these tests yesterday!” 
Her raised voice began to draw the attention of others, including her indirect supervisor. Ethan was just finishing a consultation with the hospital’s lead hematologist, when he heard the uproar. 
The lab assistant snapped back. “Look, lady, we’re doing the best we can. The tech will run the test as soon as he’s back from lunch.”
“Lady?! Do you see this badge? That’s Dr. Brooks to you.” 
Sawyer spewed red hot anger as she spun on her heels. From several feet away, Ethan could practically feel the heat radiating from her. Her neck and cheeks were crimsoned and her fists clenched at her sides. 
“That’s enough,” he admonished, taking Sawyer by the wrist and swiftly pulling her into a familiar and dark supply closet.
Ethan loomed over her as he backed her into a corner.  
“I know… I’m sorry,” she apologized. Sad cat-like eyes pleading for forgiveness. 
“This kind of stress isn’t good for you or the baby,” he advised. “This is serious, Sawyer. You leave me no choice but to help you calm down.” The corner of his mouth began to turn up in a sly grin, as he ran his hand over her hair. 
“Oh, thank god,” she sighed, crashing into his lips.
“We’ll…have to be…quick…and quiet,” he murmured between desperate kisses.
As Sawyer slipped out of her shoes, Ethan lent a hand, sliding her pants and underwear to the ground. As she stepped out of them, Ethan unzipped his pants and pushed them down to expose his rising need. Their white lab coats provided a curtain of privacy in the event that anyone walked in on them. 
Lifting her up around his waist, Sawyer tried to wrap her legs around him. With several extra inches around her midsection, she had a hard time locking her swollen ankles behind him and finding a comfortable position.
“Ethan, my belly. This isn’t working,” she squirmed under his hold.
Determined to make this work despite the cramped space, Sawyer slid down. She shrugged off her lab coat, turned her back to him, and placed her hands on the wall.  
Ethan took the hint immediately. His hands began to roam under her shirt, starting at her sore back. His thumbs applied light pressure as he worked his way down the length of her spine, earning a few grateful groans. He also spent a few seconds massaging her ass, finishing with a gentle squeeze. 
Closing the small gap between them, Ethan reached around and tenderly appreciated her baby bump. Then slithering his fingers into the cups of her bra, he ghosted around her sensitive nipples. 
Sawyer felt his breath next to her ear and turned her head to meet him in a passionate kiss, his erection poking and teasing her backside.
Navigating in the dark, Ethan leaned back to align himself with her entrance. “God, Sawyer,” he gasped, easily gliding between her slick folds. “You are so ready for me.”
She looked over her shoulder with a smile and jokingly reminded him of her libidinous mood swings. “What’d I tell you? Me so horny.” 
With an amused shake of his head, he pulled back gently, then began to pump his hips. Slow and soft at first.
“Mmmmm, that feels so good, babe,” Sawyer mewled.
Ethan picked up the pace. He pushed harder and deeper, but careful not to get too rough with his pregnant wife or her precious cargo.
“Ohhhh,” she let slip a little too loud.
“Shhhh, baby,” he breathed heavily, working up a sweat.
As her legs began to tremble, Sawyer kept her hands firmly braced against the wall for support. 
“I’m close…cover…my mouth,” she panted.
With a hand on her hip to hold her close and steady, Ethan reached around with his other and gently covered her mouth. He leaned in and pressed his chest against her back, resting his chin in the crook of her neck. “Let go, beautiful,” he mumbled against the feel of her rapid pulse.
After a couple deep pumps, Sawyer’s whole body shuddered. She moaned her satisfaction into Ethan’s hand. The vibrations pulsing through her body, and the warm breath against his palm, provoked his own release. Clamping his mouth onto her neck, he muted himself.
The euphoria made her forget all her aches and pain. So, when Sawyer tightened her muscles around Ethan’s still bursting length, it hardly registered when he bit down hard on her throat.
To avoid getting caught, they didn't spend much time basking in the afterglow. Ethan gave his wife a loving kiss, and when he was certain she could stand unsupported, he pulled up his pants and helped Sawyer step into hers. 
With a quick peek into the hallway, Sawyer checked to see if the coast was clear. “Hold on…it’s Wen,” she whispered, holding up a hand to halt him. 
When Dr. Wen disappeared around a corner, they exited the supply closet.
“Do you think she heard us?” 
“If she did, I’m sure she assumed it was only one of the ghosts that she believes haunts these halls,” Ethan chuckled. “The more important question is, are you feeling better?”
“Much better, thank you.”
“Well, let’s make doubly sure and head up to the cafeteria for some lunch.”
Later that night, at home and in the shower, Ethan pushed wet hair away from Sawyer's neck and discovered the frightful bruising.
“Oh, Soe, I’m sorry,” he expressed, carefully skimming his fingers over the bite mark. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Sawyer touched the tender spot and moved around him to see her reflection in his shaving mirror. 
“Oh my gosh!” she laughed as she traced her fingers over the imprints of his teeth. “I married a freakin’ vampire!” 
“I’m sorry. But, hey,” he innocently smiled back in the mirror, “...only a vampire can love you forever.”
He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face into her neck. “Mwahahaha,” he snarled at her ear, before placing a delicate, healing kiss to the love bite.
The next day, the newlyweds arrived at work hand in hand and walked toward the attendings’ locker room. Pausing just outside the door, Sawyer turned to face her husband. 
“Hey, just a reminder I volunteered to help in the clinic this morning. Carrick said he would do rounds for me.”
“I remembered,” Ethan said, bending down to give Sawyer a quick but loving kiss on the lips. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. I’ll see you later,” she returned, reluctantly letting go of his hand.
Stepping into the locker room, she spotted a familiar face. Well, sort of. 
“Whoa, that looks soooo good, Elijah. Gross, but so realistic,” Sawyer awed. 
“Thanks! Those of us in the research department agreed to dress up like lab experiments gone wrong.”
“Well, mission accomplished. And, Happy Halloween, by the way. I know it’s your favorite day of the year.” 
As Elijah excitedly talked about his zombie character - which of course was inspired by a new John Carpenter video game - Sawyer tugged on her white coat and checked her reflection in the mirror. 
The bruising on her neck was much more prominent the day after and under the harsh fluorescent lighting of the hospital. She tried to adjust her hair and fix the collar of her jacket, but it was no use. She dug through her bag searching for her makeup case, quickly realizing she left it at home.
“Shit,” she thought to herself. 
“Aren’t you dressing up this year?” 
Elijah’s question brought her back to the conversation, and an idea popped into her head. 
“About that…do you have any more fake blood?”
“Yeah, there’s a tube in my locker. Help yourself,” he offered on his way out.
Down in the free clinic, Sawyer examined a very inquisitive eight-year old who noticed the bite mark and the two drips of dried blood on her neck. 
“Say ‘ahhhh!’” she instructed, using a tongue depressor to check the back of his throat. “Good, no swelling back there.” 
“Doctor! Did you get bit by a vampire?” 
“I’m afraid I did,” she admitted, putting on a bit of an act.
“Was it Dracula?”
“That’s still up for debate,” she laughed to herself, picturing little boy Ethan with candy corn fangs.
“Did it hurt?”
“Did he suck your blood?”
“Justin, for goodness sake,” his mother chided and rolled her eyes.
“It’s fine,” Sawyer waved her off.
“Did he make you into a vampire too?”
“No,” turning her back to the young patient and facing his mother, she muttered, “...he just got me pregnant.” The patient’s mother cackled out loud.
That afternoon, Sawyer was on the fifth floor to check on a patient, when she spotted Ethan stepping into the hallway with Esme and her intern. When they were safely out of the patient’s earshot, he wheeled around on the intern and launched into a stern, and familiar, lecture. 
“...It doesn’t matter that you’re still learning…Whether this man lives or dies is on you…There is no room for mistakes…”
When he was done with his tirade, Ethan marched over to the nurses’ station and began tapping away on an iPad. 
“Don’t sweat him. He’s all bark and no bite. Isn’t that right, Dr. Brooks?” Esme asked as Sawyer approached the scene. 
Mrs. Ramsey shook her head vehemently. “Oh, no,” she spoke loud enough for Ethan to hear, “he bites alright.” When he looked up with a raised eyebrow, she winked and kept walking. 
A couple minutes later, Ethan’s phone pinged with a text notification.
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Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @potionsprefect @jamespotterthefirst @annfg8 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @quixoticdreamer16 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @inlocusmads @txemrn @trappedinfanfiction @mvalentine @takemyopenheart @openheartforeverinmyheart @coffeeheartaddict2 @genevievemd @starrystarrytrouble @hopelessromantic1352 @kyra75 @lsvdw-blog @rookiemartin @headoverheelsforramsey @zealouscanonindeer @lilyoffandoms
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lucy-268 · 2 years
Not the Right Person
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Series/Pairing/Characters: Open Heart - Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Charley Valentine); Sienna Trinh; Aurora Emery
Rating / Warnings: General
Summary: Various “Celebrations” for Valentine’s Day when you aren’t celebrating with the right person.
Comments/Notes: Written for CFWC Valentine’s Day event @choicesficwriterscreations, and Galentine’s Day, February 13, @choices-february2023.
Disclaimer: Most characters belong to PB, Charley is sort of mine
Word count: 737
Residency, Year Two:
Charley was logged onto the computer at the nurses’ station nearest the diagnostics office. She was entering notes for her cases, while alternately looking down the hall. She was surprised when the lights were turned off and Ethan stepped out into the hall, pulling the door shut behind him. He had his briefcase in one hand, and was holding his phone to his ear with the other.
As he got closer, she overheard the very end of his conversation right before he hung up. “I know I said I’d go, but I didn’t realize it was Valentine’s day when I agreed to go out with her!” He dropped his phone in his pocket and froze as he saw Charley. She quickly averted her eyes from him and back to the computer.
“Dr. Valentine, did you get the test results back on Mr. Barnett?”
She nodded. “I took care of it. Baz was right, so he’s taking care of him right now.”
Ethan nodded, and shoved his hand through his hair. “So I don’t need to stay? I’m happy to cancel my plans.”
Charley shook her head. “Baz and June have it under control. I’ll be leaving myself soon.”
“Do you have plans?” Ethan asked, not sure whether he was hoping she would or wouldn’t. He knew wanting her to not have plans was unfair as he insisted on a reset.
“Yes, I do.” She logged off the computer and gave him a tight smile. “I need to run. See you tomorrow, Dr. Ramsey.”
After turning away from Ethan, Charley hurried to the stairs, bypassing the elevator. She hurried down to the staff locker room to shower and change. Soon she met Aurora and Sienna in the atrium. Jackie was notably missing. “I hope I’m not too late.”
Aurora smiled and shook her head. “Right on time. We have plenty of time for our reservations.” She held up her car keys. “Let’s go!”
The host greeted them when they arrived and soon they were seated near the terrace. Sienna laughed. “I figured since we were a group of three on Valentine’s day, we’d be shoved into a corner!”
Aurora grinned. “It helps since I’ve known the owner and chef since first grade.”
A smiling waiter appeared, with three glasses of water. “Good evening, ladies. Do you have any questions about the menu?”
Aurora shook her head. “I think we’re ready for the started. Madeline recommended a seafood tower and sauvignon blanc to start. Is that okay?”
Charley and Sienna looked at each other and nodded. “If the chef is recommending it, I’ll try it.”
The ladies had finished their starter and ordered their main courses, salmon for Charley, Chilean sea bass for Aurora, and roasted lamb for Sienna. They had laughed, reminiscing about prior Valentine’s days. Aurora took a sip of her wine. “Oh, I don’t think someone is having a good date tonight.” She gestured toward a table by the fireplace. “I think that’s a friend of Aunt Harper’s. Tina something? Tina Richards.”
Sienna and Charley looked over. Tina was frowning at her date. Sienna agreed. “She doesn’t look happy.”
Aurora frowned, trying to remember. “Harper said she just moved to Boston. She’s looking for a fresh start after a divorce. Harper has been setting her up on blind dates.”
Charley gave a cursory glance at the table and then focused on the man. She would recognize the jaw anywhere. “Ethan.” She didn’t even realize she’d spoken aloud.
“It is!” Aurora said.
Sienna looked at Charley. “Are you okay?” she mouthed to Charley, who nodded.
This next morning Ethan was surprised when he got to the diagnostic office. Charley was already there with a cup of coffee form Derry’s. “Good morning, Dr. Valentine.”
She looked up from the latest issue of the NEMJ. “Hello, Ethan.” She nodded to a second Derry cup on his desk. “I brought you coffee.”
He picked up the cup and took a drink. “How was your… how was your… evening last night?”
Charley stared at the words in the magazine. “It was a lot of fun.” She turned to look at him. “How about you?”
Ethan opened his laptop and turned to face it. “Mine was not what I was expecting.”
Charley turned back to her magazine and Ethan pulled up a file on his computer, both thinking about how their evening could have gone better if they were with different people.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Dance it Better
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Book:                   Open Heart (Post Series Timeline)
Pairing:                Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey)
Rating:                 Teen
Category:            Fluff/Romance
Warnings: Very mild suggestive flirting
Summary:   An over-tired Casey storms into Tobias's office quite cross, but she leaves with a bright new perspective.
Words: 1150
A/N: I picked up the 30-Day challenge because I needed a creative boost. A little backstory, I picture this taking place when Casey was pregnant but didn't know it yet. It explains her exhaustion and mood swings.
A/N 2: This is for Day 11 of @creativepromptsforwriting 's 30-Day Writing Challenge: Write about two characters dancing together / Also participating in @choicesflashfics (Prompt in bold.) / And @choicesjanuarychallenge - Day 12, both Angry & Happy
Tobias & Casey Masterlist 30-Day Challenge Masterlist Full Masterlist
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“Excuse me!” she huffed as she pushed through the hall. Not a trace of her signature bright smile in sight. “I said excuse me!” She barked as an unsuspecting intern cowered to the side.
“What is going on there?” Nurse Sarah muttered as Casey slammed Tobias’s office door behind her.
“Got me,” Maureen shrugged, “but I’m glad I’m not Dr. Carrick right now.”
Tobias looked up from his desk and removed his glasses, a half-smile on his lips. He was always delighted to see his beautiful girlfriend, but….
“Yes?” he asked cautiously, hoping for a positive response.
“Why the hell did you do it!?” She scowled.
Tobias’s shoulders fell with a sigh. “Do what, exactly? My job?”
“Is your job screwing me over?” she asked, his cocky little smirk only adding fuel to her already burning fire.
“Well… that depends. Are we talking at work or at home?”
Her eyes narrowed; he wasn’t flirting his way out of this.
“You took me off the Porter case! I’ve been on it since day one!”
“I know, and you’ve done a wonderful job. It’s just….”
“Then why the hell did you take me off? It’s bad enough you wouldn’t back me this morning, but to give the case to Harper! Really?”
“Casey,” he glowered. “I made a decision based on medical need. You know as well as I do home stays home, and work stays here. I’m not about to side with you just because we share a bed.”
“Nor would I expect you to! But my treatment plan was valid! It’s been tested and is far less invasive than surgery! But neither of you would even give it a chance!”
“Because his disease is progressing too rapidly. Every case study you supplied was with patients the exhibited a much slower rate of metastasis. Waiting means losing precious time….”
“You still think my opinion doesn’t matter just because I’m the junior doctor on the team! I don’t have the experience you, Harper, or Ethan have… but I’m here for a reason! I’ve seen immunotherapy work in cases that are even more progressed than Mr. Porters, and I….”
“Wait!” Tobias interrupted, his face turning red. “Are you suggesting that I don’t value you as a doctor?! You better have some sound proof of that because it’s absolutely untrue!”  
“Then what is it?” She demanded. “Ethan’s on vacation for a week, and you’re in charge, so you need to make a statement! You know he would have sided with me!”
“I know no such thing! And, yes! I’m in charge while Ethan is gone, and I made the call based on the facts presented. Not to mention, Mr. Porter was in favor of Harper’s plan!”
“He… he was?”
“Yes! So before you hurl accusations at me, next time….” though he was on a roll, his words stopped quickly as Casey’s face fell. 
Her lower lip trembled. Embarrassed, her face fell into her hands which did a poor job of muffling her sobs. Tobias’s head tilted in confusion.
“Uh… Case? You OK?”
“I’m sorry,” she blubbered. “I should have talked to Mr. Porter first. I just…”
“You weren’t required to… I was. I told you I’d speak to him during the meeting, and I wasn’t….”
Casey’s weeping intensified, and she plopped into the chair behind her.   
“Hey, hey, hey….” Tobias implored, crouching on a knee beside her. “What’s going on? Are you OK?”
“I’m fine,” she said, wiping away her tears. “I shouldn’t have overreacted… I know you wouldn’t be unfair to me… I’m…. I’m sorry.”
“It’s OK,” he said, rubbing reassuring circles on her back, “But you’re all over the place today. When’s the last time you slept?”
“Sleep,” she laughed deliriously. “What’s sleep. I have two more hours on my double and….”
“If you need to catch a break in an on-call room or take a nap here….”
“No,” she insisted. “It's just two hours, then I’m going home to sleep for twenty-four hours straight. What I need is a diversion to clear my mind so I can finish my shift without biting someone's head off again.”
“Well, then you’re with the right guy,” he grinned.
Casey shot him a look. “Tobias, as much as I love accessorizing your desk, I’m too tired right now.”
“Is that really all you think I’m able to do?” he scolded. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he found a song and tossed his phone on a side table.
“Dr. MacTavish,” he grinned. “I’ve been looking at you in that labcoat and scrubs all this time, and I can think is….” He let out a long, slow whistle. “So, if you're not willing to get on my desk, would you at least give me this dance.”
She shook her head playfully.
“Come on,” he flashed a bright smile and a peek under his own lab coat. “You know you want a piece of this.”
Laughing, she slowly rose to her feet. “You’re an ass!” She laughed.
“Yes,” he growled, wrapping an arm around her waist and taking her other hand in his. “But you love me.”
“I do,” she whispered, snuggling her head into the crook of his neck. “And honestly, I’m the ass today. I’m sorry, T….”
“Shh, shh, shh, shh!” he insisted as he held her close against him as they swayed to the smooth sounds of John Legend’s crooning. He wasn’t leading as much as carrying her, so sleepy, her slight frame felt like lead in his arms. “Just dance, baby,” he whispered.
The song went on for one, two minutes more, and by the time it ended, they both forgot why she initially came to his office. He stared down at her with those piercing eyes and a smile that had her reconsidering the desk after all, but when the music stopped, he took a step back.
“Feeling better?”
“With you, always.” 
“Good,” he grinned, reaching behind her and placing a loud pat on her butt.
“I think you deserve that a little.”
“For being a good girl or a bad girl?” She winked, delighting over how his cheeks turned red.
“Yes!” He answered. “Now, just promise me you'll go home and sleep when you’re done with your shift. I’m worried about you.”
“Don’t worry,” she smiled from the door, “I’m so tired, I'll be heading right to bed. But… I should be well rested by the time you get home.”
“Good,” he stared with a lecherous smile. “Then we can dance again.”
“Oh, that’s what we’re calling it?”
She walked out of his office quite differently than she walked in. With a soft expression and that bright smile returned to its proper place, she waved at Nurse Sarah, who was looking her way.
“Looks like everything is better now,” Sarah observed.
“Good to see settling down doesn’t mean Carrick lost his touch,” Maureen chuckled. “Dr. MacTavish is a lucky lady.”
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @gryffindordaughterofathena @genevievemd @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
Tobias Only: @kyra75 @icecoffee90
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Throwback Fics #127
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It Lives in the Woods
Burnt Orange Leaves | Dan Pierce & F!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Open Heart
Before 'I Do' | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @potionsprefect
A Christmas Meeting | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @trappedinfanfiction
It Was Not Meant to Be This Way | Ethan Ramsey x Harper Emery; Naveen Banerji; Tobias Carrick - @coffeeheartaddict2
Postcard Memories | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Sienna Trinh x M!OC - @liaromancewriter
This Christmas | Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @lucy-268
A Very Lahela Christmas: Hala Kahiki | Bryce Lahela; Keiki Lahela; Mrs. Lahela - @storyofmychoices
Wanna Bet | Tobias Carrick x F!MC; Sienna Trinh; Jackie Varma - @jerzwriter
The Royal Romance
Cordonian Karaoke: Riley | TRR MC; Liam Rys; Drake Walker - @angelasscribbles
Pen Pals | Liam Rys x MC - @ao719
The Life of Riley; Chapter 19 Holidays with the Brooks Family | TRR MC x M!OC - @bebepac
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missameliep · 2 years
What if this fanfic was a book? - The Cursed Heiress (Desire and Decorum AU)
The Cursed Heiress by @noesapphic is a Desire and Decorum AU! with a powerful MC named Joanna Mills (though she is known for other names that are revealed in the series as more and more of her secrets come to light), mythological creatures, supernatural elements and crossovers with Choices' books such as Bloodbound and Nightbound. In this series, we follow Joanna while she learns the secrets that will change her entire existence, meet the five people whose destinies are entwined with hers and prepare herself not only for the role of the Earl of Edgewater's heiress but in the upcoming war that can destroy humanity.
If this series was turned into a book, I thought of a few ideas for covers inspired by Joanna's magic powers and the color red.
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But I can already envision a special edition with hardcover and The Damned Daughter too.
You can read the A/N and have access to all the chapters of the main series and the series The Damned Daughter, info about the MC and lore, one shots etc
I hope you like it, Noe! ☺️
Tagging a few of you who might like seeing this: @storyofmychoices @princess-geek @lorirwritesfanfic @lilyoffandoms
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Choices Calendar 2019- August (Desire and Decorum)
So August is almost upon us, and with it return our beloved four LIs! Ernest, Hamid, Luke and Annabelle have waited long enough, and are finally ready to make us theirs! I can’t wait! Can you?
So as celebration, one of our month’s designs is Desire and Decorum!
These designs are dedicated first and foremost to @lady-kato , since I know she loves Ernest almost as much as me! Of course, can’t forget @mariaoz , who I have the pleasure of sharing the D&D diamond scenes with! And @itsbrindleybinch , the beautiful Hamid stan! <3
Now that that’s over with, time to move on to our designs!
So what are we waiting for? Let’s away! ;)
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Click for better quality!
Coming next month...
One of the upcoming books was already unveiled in the ES post (check it out here)! Here’s the next one, as promised! ;)
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For any calendar-related posts, look for the phrase “Choices Calendar 2019″ or “Choices 2019 Calendar”! You’ll find it there.
And if you like it, don’t forget to reblog it so more people can enjoy it! =)
Thank you to @kaitlyn-liao for the transparents and backgrounds! And to @hippotitty for the transparent title in the sneak peek! =)
The following designs will be uploaded on August 25! Mark your calendars! ;)
I am starting a calendar tag list. If you wanna join, all you have to do is comment/reblog and ask! ^-^
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nazariolahela · 6 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day to my wonderful Choices Tumblr fam. My MCs and their LIs are celebrating in style. Hugs and kisses to all you beautiful peeps!
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grapecaseschoices · 6 years
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Kissing the LIs is great and all, but have you ever just cuddled in a barn?
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 10 months
When life has other plans (4/16)
Crime and punishment
Book: Open Heart (AU)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Casey Valentine
Word count: 2724
Warnings: sexual references, language
Category: angst
Rating: Mature
Summary: the fallout continues from the death of Mrs Martinez. Casey makes a decision that will put her in the fight of her career. There is also fallout from the confrontation with Landry and inspiration from an unexpected source leads to a cure for Naveen.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Authors note: well a lot happened last chapter and it sets up a bit for coming chapters.
Casey and the gang had been in emergency when it was busy before but this had not prepared them for what they were greeted with. There had been a train derailment on the underground T network. Triage had not been done on site as they were getting people out as they were able. Zaid went through the triage tags and away they went. The first patient that Casey came across she had to assign a black tag and that was upsetting. She kept on, trying to be quick but when she was speaking to the patients, finding out more to reach the diagnosis accurately was a hard habit to drop. Casey had never seen the emergency department that hectic, even Dr Harper Emery was down there assisting. A doctor suggested calling Dr Ramsey but Harper said he was out of state. It was a large-scale emergency, not just in numbers but with how long it was taking to get passengers out. Then news came through of a collapse in the tunnel. Just then an ambulance arrives. A little girl with some scratches arrived and was asking about the paramedic that saved her. Casey found out that the girl was the daughter of a man whom she had not long seen too. Then she was startled. The ambulance doors swung open and in on a gurney came Raf. He was badly injured and required surgery. Casey was seconded to assist with the surgery with Harper and Bryce. Raf thankfully pulled through but at the end Casey was alone with Harper. She stated that she knew she was involved. Casey stayed quiet. Not wanting to do or say anything stupid on fatigue’s doorstep. She is dismissed and makes her way to the locker room. She is met there by Sienna and Jackie and they go to a local diner for some much needed sustenance and caffeine.
“Ok so big elephant in the room, Dr Ramsey…”
“Dr Ramsey has been secretly treating Dr Banerji since before Dr Banerji quit. I stumbled upon this fact and since then we had been treating him in secret. The day Dr Ramsey quit is when he had to tell Naveen that he only had a month at most to live…”
“What Jackie is meaning is the other allegation…” said Sienna
“Yeah I had heard rumours but the people who said them were quite lowly ranked…” said Elijah as he wheeled up to the table.”
“After Miami they were actually stating fact. Ethan was keeping my work with Naveen out of the rankings. Nor did our extra curriculars affect the ratings either.” Said Casey adamantly.
The gang sat quietly to process what they had heard.
“Given the steady rise that does track, but what will happen if you win?”
“Can we not take for granted I will win.” Says Casey. “There is the Mrs M investigation cloud hanging over me. With Ethan having quit, who knows what is happening with the competition.”
“Yeah but with Ethan gone and if you maintain top position then there would be no room for accusations.” Said Jackie, “And besides keep your head down and bum up, they will find it difficult to pin this on you.”
“Yeah and what if the family organise a full autopsy? What then Jackie? Huh? The tip that the family received detailed a lot and that son of a bitch knew what was going down and when.” Said Casey, trying to hold back the tears.
“I just wanted to help her.”
“You did,” reassured Sienna, “You saw how happy she was to finally leave the hospital and do all the things she wished to do.”
In that moment Casey knew what she had to do.
“I am going to request an Ethics hearing. You all know I went through proper channels, yes I did what I had to do but it was for the right reasons at the end of the day.”
Her friends were shocked but they, like Casey, knew that an investigation led to very little scope to defend her actions. Casey knew she was in for a fight of her career but a wise mentor had always told her to never give up and that is what she was going to do, Never give up.
The next day came. She was nervous. She had never expected to be up for an ethics committee this early in her career but she knew she did what she did for the right reasons. She made her way to the executive floor to Harper Emery’s office. She asked her assistant if she was in. Casey then waited to be seen. She was then seen. Harper was surprised to see her and was even more surprised.
“It was me that gave Teresa the medication. She was aware of the risks but she still wished to have the treatment. I am aware that what I did was wrong but I would like to request an Ethics hearing to defend my actions.”
Harper thought on Casey’s words for a moment.
“Yes, many of us knew how much she resented being stuck in the hospital. But yes, what you did was wrong.”
“Which is why I am requesting an Ethics hearing.”
“I will grant you the request, it will not be easy though.”
“I know,” says Casey.
“You will continue to work until your preliminary hearing. I will notify you when that will be.”
“Thank you, Chief Emery.” Says Casey as she leaves.
She makes her way down to the main hospital and continues with her work.
A few hours later, Harper receives a call from Ethan, wanting to sort out exit paperwork. Harper stated she would do so but things were busy, stating that there was a rather large emergency and that Dr Valentine had requested an Ethics hearing.
“I can testify for Case… I mean Dr Valentine.” Stated Ethan.
“Absolutely not Ethan.” Said Harper. “Firstly you do not work here anymore. Secondly, I heard some of the rumours, I do not know for sure if they are true but I have seen you two interact and it certainly was not your usual interactions with staff, let alone interns. It is clear that you favoured her in some way. I can not let you do it.”
Ethan groans and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Fine Harper, I just hope she can get a fair trial.” He hangs up and lets out a frustrated scream. Alan walks out with a cup of coffee.
“Is everything alright Ethan?” He asks.
“No, it’s not. Casey has requested an ethics hearing and I know she will be hard pushed for a fair trial.” Said Ethan, frustrated.
“Furthermore, I am not allowed to testify for her!”
“Why not?” Asks Alan, confused. “You worked with her, you know how capable she is…”
“I was accused of favouring her and deep down I know Harper is right.” Said Ethan.
“I know you kept your relationship…”
“It was not a relationship dad, it was two consenting adults who chose to partake in activities.”
Alan took Ethan at his word but he knew his son was lying to himself. He had not seen Ethan this enamored with anyone in a long time. They sat and they had their coffee. Alan knew that there was a lot on his son's plate and he was saddened to hear about Naveen. He had met Naveen several times over the years and they had become quite good friends. He also knew that his son would have thrown everything into trying to cure him. He knew that losing Naveen would be a shock and he was not looking forward to that. He left Ethan alone to think.
Ethan knew he could not testify and it frustrated him. He knew Naveen’s spot on the committee had not being filled but he knew that some of the members were close to Declan Nash. He was again rueing letting Panacea into the hospital. Then he had a thought. He had the details for Louis, as well as the photo of Teresa standing out the front of Sacre Du Couer. He decided to email him. He also contacted Alma. He knew she was appreciative for what Casey tried to do for Delores and he knew she would testify for her. He did not know which other staff members would testify for her but he hoped what he could do in the background will give her a chance.
Casey had hear preliminary hearing. It was short, basically telling her that she was suspended. Declan was in the room. Looking smug. How she wanted to give him a piece of her mind but she refrained. She knew she had a fight on her hands. She was already buoyed that Alana Hudson had been touch already and mentioned she had been made aware of proceedings and would happily testify for her. She had already contacted Annie, her first patient as well as Shonda. She went home and went to start research for her trial.
Next day came and Casey needed a break. However she was struggling with what to do. It had been so long since she had so much free time. Then the door to her apartment opened with the gang including Bryce and Raf. They had brought food and drinks. She was surprised and Sienna said we are here to help and support you. After a few minutes there was a knock at the door. It was Zaid and Ines popping in to see how Casey was. They asked about who she had to testify for her. They then told her that a few doctors have a regular tee time at the country club and they should go and impress them. They go and get dressed for the part and make their way. They found their targets easy enough. Dr Calais, Dr Yannick and Dr Lazoya. They caught up with them and discussed their work and then Casey admitted that she was the one who administered the medication to Mrs Martinez. They were shocked and of course wanted to know why. Casey had the information that her and Bryce had found and she forwarded it to Dr Yannick. He was impressed with how thorough she had been. She also stated that Teresa was aware of the chances of it working or failing and that she still chose to try the treatment. Dr Lazoya stated that the hospital was at war over this situation. There was people who wanted Casey made an example of and then there were others of she did the wrong thing but it was for the right reasons. The trio agreed to testify for Casey at the hearing. They finish the round and head back home. Casey was asked by Sienna if she should ask Dr Ramsey to testify, given how fractious the hospital was over it. Casey said she would ask but she had not heard from Ethan for a few days. She was pleasantly surprised to receive a message from him when she reached out. She went to his house, somewhat apprehensive. Ethan greeted her at the door, looking disheveled. He asked if she had joined a cult. Casey said no, a country club to which Ethan said same thing. He offered her a scotch which she took. Casey came right out and asked if he would testify for her.
“I would if I could. I asked Harper and she forbade it stating I was biased and she was right. I am too biased.”
He so badly wanted to tell her that he was responsible for Alma testifying and how he had reached out to Luis Martinez but he was not sure if the plans would work. Casey however was frustrated.
“So what, are you giving up? Is what you told me about never giving up bullshit?”
“No it is not, it has been so fucking hard not being able to save another person that I give. Damn about.”
Then he kisses her hard and hungrily. He lifts Casey and she wraps her legs around his waist and he walks to his bedroom. Only breaking the kiss to remove Casey’s dress. He walks her over to the window and puts her against the glass. The coolness makes her shudder. He kisses down the column of her neck and lays waste to her bra. He whispers huskily in her ear
“The view is so much better when you are here.”
He kisses his way down to her core. He worships her at the altar of her sex and she succumbs to her climax screaming. They make their way to his bed, and he enters her and they have an emotionally intense session. They reach another high together. After awhile they lie intertwined in his sheets.
“What happens if I lose the ethics trial?”
“I do not know, we will figure it out, there is the question of if you can still practice.”
“That is true, what about you?”
“I have put in an expression of interest to work as part of a team with WHO. There is that pandemic down in Brazil.”
“That would be challenging.” Says Casey.
“It would but it is the mission and how Naveen found the team. Giving those who had nowhere to go access to medical care.”
Casey nods. So if you get selected you will go, so should we wait until you come back and decide then?”
“Well if we are not working together it does take that out of the equation.”
“True, we can not stay in an arrangement forever..”
“No but if you do make it through the hearing I will stay and find work in Boston.”
“Really, as I said before, there is not that major impediment of you working under me. What we get upto will not have any impediment on your career..”
He kisses her, sweetly and full of promise of what is to hopefully come. They go another two rounds before falling asleep.
Casey awakens first the next morning. She lets Ethan sleep and makes her way out of the apartment and back to her own. She stops off and grabs a coffee and makes her way to her apartment, only to receive a shock of seeing Landry there. He was also surprised to see her. I thought no one would be here.
“Yeah well, in case you were not aware I am suspended pending an ethics committee hearing.”
Landry deflates.
“Can’t you accept that you did the wrong thing?”
What is wrong about alerting a patient to an alternative treatment that had a chance of working? She knew the risks and chances of it working or not and chose to take her chances.”
“You needlessly took a mother from her family.”
“She resented what her existence had become. Are you telling me that you only want your patients to merely exist and not live fully?”
Landry looked affronted. Casey makes her way to the bedroom to get changed. She comes out and gets to building her case. She is interrupted by Landry unable to get his books into a box. She decided to help him. She packs the books in such a way that the weight is distributed evenly. Landry marvels at how he had packed them differently and still fit. Then Casey has a lightbulb moment.
“I think I know what is wrong with Dr Banerji.”
She messages the gang to meet her at the library. Landry looks confused.
“Dr Banerji has had an illness but what if it is two illnesses fighting and using his body as a battlefield.
The gang finally meet her at the library and are shocked and annoyed that Landry was there.
“It was his packing that gave me the thought.”
Everyone knuckles down and they realise that there must be a phage fighting an infection but they needed to find out what.
Landry stated that no one would suspect him and he went to get a testing kit as well as Naveen’s address. The gang was not happy with the turn of events, especially since he could just blab what has been happening but Casey said sadly he is our only choice.
He came back with the equipment and the address and they headed out. Casey hoping against hope that there was still a Naveen Banerji to save.
Authors note: Not at all sorry for ending it there. Chapter 3 was a marathon and if I added the whole saving of Naveen it would have been another one and well I did not want to do that to you.
I will take a mini break, I have a Christmas fic that I want to get done before Christmas and then I will come back to this AU. It is also summer here in Australia which means summer holidays so I do lose some writing time so please be patient.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @cariantha @zealouscanonindeer @alj4890 @youlookappropriate @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @socalwriterbee @liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985 @lucy-268 @tessa-liam
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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bigbrown-eyes · 6 years
In Mr. Harper's last diamond choice he talks about being a soldier, and he is the first character from choices that doesn't seem to take pride in it, and not only that but he goes on to say how the war he was fighting in wasn't about values or freedom, it was a war about profit and he didn't want to take part in it. We love an anti imperialism king, a skinny anti army legend. Fuck it up, Mr. Harper
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cariantha · 11 months
Hunger Pains (PG-13 Version)
Book: Open Heart, Post-Series Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: Teen Warning: Language; Pregnancy; Sexual Situation Category: Fluff; Halloween Word count: 2.2K Summary: Sawyer is in a bad mood and Ethan attempts to call her down.
Prompts: 🫦From Anon: Can I get a fic with Ethan giving MC a love bite or hickey? ☀️From @peonierose: Ethan & Sawyer + “sunshine” 🍬From @jerzwriter: "Actually, I like candy corn!"
Events: 🎃For @choicesoctober event: Costume / Halloween / Vampire / Meme 🥰For @choicesprompts Flufftober 2023 event: I want to take care of you.
A/N: The original🔥spicy🔥version of this fic, can be found here.
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“Mr. Cox. An appropriate name for such a dick,” Sawyer thought to herself, blood boiling as she exited Room 513. 
The patient being cared for inside could easily steal the title of “Biggest PITA” away from the infamous Nigel Platt. And only making matters worse, her consultation had been interrupted multiple times by a cocky intern eager to show off. 
Once the door closed behind her, she spun on Dr. Perkins. 
“How many times have we told you not to interrupt when your resident or attending is speaking with a patient? If you do that again, I’ll make sure you are written up.”
Sawyer strode to the nearby nurses’ station to update Mr. Cox’s chart. The obstinate intern followed. 
“How am I supposed to learn anything around here if I’m not allowed to ask questions?” he argued.
“You start by shutting the hell up and listening. Had you done that in the first place, we 
wouldn’t be standing here having this conversation. If you were really trying to understand something back there, you would have directed your questions to me. Instead you attempted to conduct a medical history interview, on an extremely agitated patient, minutes before he goes to surgery,” she scolded. 
“This is–”
Her patience wearing thin, Sawyer spoke over him. “Jaaackie, get Dr. Know-It-All away from me before I go all Ramsey on his ass,” she demanded through gritted teeth. 
Jackie, having caught the tail end of the exchange, looked up from her tablet. 
“I think you just did,” she answered, “...and Perkins, the patient in 506 needs a new catheter. Now.”
“But that’s not even my pati-” he started to complain.
With one harsh look from the Chief Resident, Dr. Perkins finally tucked his tail between his legs and sulked down the hall.
"You're breathing fire today," Jackie quipped as she rounded the desk to leave.
Sawyer ignored her and continued typing furiously on her tablet.
Down the hall, Jackie and Bryce traded places getting on and off the elevator.
“Hey, have you seen Brooks? I mean Ramsey. Brooks-Ramsey?” Bryce guessed, not sure what to call his friend since she and Ethan surprised everyone by eloping a couple weeks ago. 
Jackie pointed in the direction of the nurses’ desk. “I hope you brought snacks. She’s in a mood again,” she warned as the steel doors closed between them.
A minute later, Bryce slunk next to Sawyer, bumping shoulders to get her attention.
“Finally. What took you so long?” Sawyer rebuked, shoving the tablet towards him. “Here, take this guy away. And while you have his head open, feel free to poke the part of his brain that disables his speech.”
“Well, aren’t you a pocketful of sunshine this morning,” he teased.
“After a few minutes with this asshole and you’ll understand why,” she said, storming off.
“Annnd, Dr. Ramsey it is,” he decided. 
Shortly thereafter, Sawyer sat in the diagnostics office and stewed in silence as the team meeting ran over schedule. Her annoyance grew more intense with each passing minute as Ethan and Harper debated, and Tobias egged them on for his own amusement. No longer able to take it, she interrupted. 
“Do you need me? Because, if not, I have patients who do.” 
Her three colleagues snapped their heads in her direction, surprised by the bite in her tone. With raised eyebrows, she looked at the team leader and challenged him to respond. 
Ethan cleared his throat. “Uh, let’s see how the labs come back and continue this discussion when we have more information.” 
Harper and Tobias quickly got out of Dodge as Sawyer stacked her notes and gathered her things. When she stood to follow, Ethan reached for her hand and held her back.
“Hey, what’s wrong? What’s got you so wound up?”
She exhaled deeply, his touch instantly calming her.
“I’m sorry.” Frustrated tears welled in her witch-green eyes. “I'm super cranky. These third-trimester hormones are no joke. My mood the last few days has been…” 
A single teardrop fell down her cheek.
“Come here,” he urged, pulling her into his lap. “It’s been, what?” 
“It’s either been hangry or hornery or both,” she pouted and sagged her shoulders.
Cracking a smile at her dramatics, “I know what ‘hangry’ is, but ‘hornery?’”
“Horny and ornery.”
With a shake of his head, Ethan caressed her swollen belly. “So, what I hear you saying is you’re irritable because you're either hungry or horny…”
“Right now, it’s both,” she interjected, her fingers seductively dancing up his chest.
“And the cure for this condition is to either feed you … or have my way with you?”
“Look, I’m not saying food and sex would solve all my problems, but it would sure help me calm the hell down,” she admitted with a coquettish grin.
“Well, as much as I’d like to help you satisfy your hunger pains, all I can offer right now is this.” 
Ethan reached for the bowl of Halloween candy on the conference table.
“Boo,” she scowled playfully. Sawyer stood and sifted through the options, “I’ll take the candy corn off your hands and leave the chocolates for you. I know they’re your favorite.”
“Actually, I like candy corn,” he said, ripping a small package open with his teeth and pouring them all into his mouth.
“Seriously?” she asked, surprised.
“My dad loves them. We always had a bowl out during the season. I used to push them up on my canines when I was a kid and pretend I was Dracula.”
“Aw, cute. Well, if that’s true, then I’ll take some of these too,” she reached back into the bowl and stuffed her pockets. “Supposedly, chocolate is a good substitute for sex. Feed two birds with one scone.” 
A couple hours later, Sawyer was down at the lab demanding the results for one of her patients.
“What do you mean it’s going to be another four to six hours? I ordered these tests yesterday!” 
Her raised voice began to draw the attention of others, including her indirect supervisor. Ethan was just finishing a consultation with the hospital’s lead hematologist, when he heard the uproar. 
The lab assistant snapped back. “Look, lady, we’re doing the best we can. The tech will run the test as soon as he’s back from lunch.”
“Lady?! Do you see this badge? That’s Dr. Brooks to you.” 
Sawyer spewed red hot anger as she spun on her heels. From several feet away, Ethan could practically feel the heat radiating from her. Her neck and cheeks were crimsoned and her fists clenched at her sides. 
“That’s enough,” he admonished, taking Sawyer by the wrist and swiftly pulling her into a familiar and dark supply closet.
Ethan loomed over her as he backed her into a corner.  
“I know… I’m sorry,” she apologized. Sad cat-like eyes pleading for forgiveness. 
“This kind of stress isn’t good for you or the baby,” he advised. “This is serious, Sawyer. You leave me no choice but to help you calm down.” The corner of his mouth began to turn up in a sly grin, as he ran his hand over her hair. 
“Oh, thank god,” she sighed, crashing into his lips.
“We’ll…have to be…quick…and quiet,” he murmured between desperate kisses.
For several minutes Ethan used his hands and lips to lavish his new bride. As their activities became more frenzied, more intimate, Sawyer couldn’t help the moan that escaped her lips. 
“Shhhh, baby,” he breathed into her ear.
“I’m close…cover…my mouth,” she panted as she began to tremble.
Sawyer’s whole body shuddered and she moaned her satisfaction into Ethan’s hand. The sensations provoked his own release, and to keep himself quiet, he clamped his mouth down on Sawyer’s neck. Hard.
To avoid getting caught, they didn't spend much time basking in the afterglow. After a loving kiss from her husband, Sawyer peeked into the hallway to see if the coast was clear. 
“Hold on…it’s Wen,” she whispered, holding up a hand to halt him. 
When Dr. Wen disappeared around a corner, they exited the supply closet.
“Do you think she heard us?” 
“If she did, I’m sure she assumed it was only one of the ghosts that she believes haunts these halls,” Ethan chuckled. “The more important question is, are you feeling better?”
“Much better, thank you.”
“Well, let’s make doubly sure and head up to the cafeteria for some lunch.”
Later that night, at home and in the shower, Ethan pushed wet hair away from Sawyer's neck and discovered the frightful bruising.
“Oh, Soe, I’m sorry,” he expressed, carefully skimming his fingers over the bite mark. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Sawyer touched the tender spot and moved around him to see her reflection in his shaving mirror. 
“Oh my gosh!” she laughed as she traced her fingers over the imprints of his teeth. “I married a freakin’ vampire!” 
“I’m sorry. But, hey,” he innocently smiled back in the mirror, “...only a vampire can love you forever.”
He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face into her neck. “Mwahahaha,” he snarled at her ear, before placing a delicate, healing kiss to the love bite.
The next day, the newlyweds arrived at work hand in hand and walked toward the attendings’ locker room. Pausing just outside the door, Sawyer turned to face her husband. 
“Hey, just a reminder I volunteered to help in the clinic this morning. Carrick said he would do rounds for me.”
“I remembered,” Ethan said, bending down to give Sawyer a quick but loving kiss on the lips. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. I’ll see you later,” she returned, reluctantly letting go of his hand.
Stepping into the locker room, she spotted a familiar face. Well, sort of. 
“Whoa, that looks soooo good, Elijah. Gross, but so realistic,” Sawyer awed. 
“Thanks! Those of us in the research department agreed to dress up like lab experiments gone wrong.”
“Well, mission accomplished. And, Happy Halloween, by the way. I know it’s your favorite day of the year.” 
As Elijah excitedly talked about his zombie character - which of course was inspired by a new John Carpenter video game - Sawyer tugged on her white coat and checked her reflection in the mirror. 
The bruising on her neck was much more prominent the day after and under the harsh fluorescent lighting of the hospital. She tried to adjust her hair and fix the collar of her jacket, but it was no use. She dug through her bag searching for her makeup case, quickly realizing she left it at home.
“Shit,” she thought to herself. 
“Aren’t you dressing up this year?” 
Elijah’s question brought her back to the conversation, and an idea popped into her head. 
“About that…do you have any more fake blood?”
“Yeah, there’s a tube in my locker. Help yourself,” he offered on his way out.
Down in the free clinic, Sawyer examined a very inquisitive eight-year old who noticed the bite mark and the two drips of dried blood on her neck. 
“Say ‘ahhhh!’” she instructed, using a tongue depressor to check the back of his throat. “Good, no swelling back there.” 
“Doctor! Did you get bit by a vampire?” 
“I’m afraid, I did,” she admitted, putting on a bit of an act.
“Was it Dracula?”
“That’s still up for debate,” she laughed to herself, picturing little boy Ethan with candy corn fangs.
“Did it hurt?”
“Did he suck your blood?”
“Justin, for goodness sake,” his mother chided and rolled her eyes.
“It’s fine,” Sawyer waved her off.
“Did he make you into a vampire too?”
“No,” turning her back to the young patient and facing his mother, she muttered, “...he just got me pregnant.” The patient’s mother cackled out loud.
That afternoon, Sawyer was on the fifth floor to check on a patient, when she spotted Ethan stepping into the hallway with Esme and her intern. When they were safely out of the patient’s earshot, he wheeled around on the intern and launched into a stern, and familiar, lecture. 
“...It doesn’t matter that you’re still learning…Whether this man lives or dies is on you…There is no room for mistakes…”
When he was done with his tirade, Ethan marched over to the nurses’ station and began tapping away on an iPad. 
“Don’t sweat him. He’s all bark and no bite. Isn’t that right, Dr. Brooks?” Esme asked as Sawyer approached the scene. 
Mrs. Ramsey shook her head vehemently. “Oh, no,” she spoke loud enough for Ethan to hear, “he bites alright.” When he looked up with a raised eyebrow, she winked and kept walking. 
A couple minutes later, Ethan’s phone pinged with a text notification.
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Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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alais-bladesoflight · 2 years
Even when I don't choose Luke Harper route I don't pair him with Cordelia.
And it feels annoying even I don't pair them they still like each other (just not confessing) It feels like ruining his loyal personality to MC. Like how could he forget MC that fast ?
I'm selfish yeah . Since it is not real life in:))
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julia-highstorms · 4 years
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But it's so fun! XD
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