#mr. diy for shopping
canideadmeow · 2 months
successfully planned a full-fledged solo date for my birthday, i hope it doesn't rain that day tho :)
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pepprs · 1 year
acnl is a superior game to acnh in almost every way except the graphics. it’s actually making me mad
#purrs#working at the roost… mr shrunk… main street … multiple shop upgrades… megaphone (and microphone AND CAMERA on the ds)… villagers have#distinctive personalities and spread rumors and ask to schedule a time to come to your house… pattern grass… kappn island minigames… bananas#and mangos and durians and perfect fruit… the town tree and all the history in it… like idk. i love acnh too but it’s just so hollow and i#wasn’t even around for acnl in its glory days. like i STILL haven’t unlocked all the shops or shop upgrades on acnl or even met Gracie yet#or whatever and on acnh the only thing i need to do is get like 2 more reactions and then ive completed the game. and it just feels#pointless logging on and whatever (ik im saying things that have already been said a million times) bc the villagers are just dolls who say#the same 3 things over and over again. meanwhile eunice and benjamin are two of my og acnl villagers and they’re still there 5 years later#and i log on and talk to them and it’s so rewarding to bc they feel like actual.. people! who i love and who love me. whereas my acnh#villagers who i also love will just carry on exactly as they were no matter how long ive been gone. idk. i just don’t understand why they#decided to downgrade so much for acnh and let go of all these features and characters. i really hope they’ll make another game and that jtll#have everything new leaf had and more. and i mean the new horizons features can stay too (except for diy. i HATE diy)#ac#exterior building customization beyond just houses… sitting on rocks and tree strumps (and tree stumps having patterns)…. 😭💔#the basket where you could put stuff from kappn islands in there so it wouldn’t fill up your inventory….
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azenpal · 8 months
The answer to my maybe
– aaron hotchner x neighbor!female reader
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summary | being in a new place is weird, but you make it harder for yourself by crushing on your neighbor
warnings | nothing really, just me trying to envision a pervert hotch, cliffhanger
word count | 2055
a/n | hi, i’m just going to drop this one here because i can’t find the inspiration for the smut part of this story<3
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Living in a house alone isn’t as fun as the movies made you dream of. Although you enjoy your alone time and doing the things you promised yourself you’d do for years. Somehow, there was still that nudging feeling that something wasn’t in its right place, telling you there’s a factor missing in your life now. The cycle of waking up, going to your job, doing an activity, and picking up a hobby felt mundane when you end the night staring at your ceiling. And it turns out, there were only a few DIY projects in your home you could do until you feel fed up with it. So here you were, laying on your sofa on a Saturday, staring at your window, hoping inspiration hits you to do anything. 
But if you could be honest, the only reason the view looked good was that there’s a chance you’ll see a glimpse of your neighbor– Aaron Hotchner, no— Agent Aaron Hotchner. The neighbor who introduced himself as you were moving the boxes in your home. The guy that told you places to see and restaurants to try as soon as the second time you met him. The father of Jack Hotchner, an adorable bundle of joy dressed as a cute little boy. The man your friends refer to as the hot neighbor when you confess to them how you feel “hot” every time you see him, among the many other confessions you would do and are willing to do for that man.  
But over the weeks, you grew to have a soft spot for the Hotchners each time you saw them playing outside or walking back to their homes with their ice cream. So, of course, bringing them snacks and buying Jack toys that remind you of him became a habit of yours and is certainly not just an excuse to see his dad, although that is a bonus. Yet every time you see Mr. Hotchner, you start to feel that your liking of him is growing too strong. It became so bad that you actually tried not to initiate any conversation with the Hotchner, but Jack is just too damn cute to ignore, and your resolution easily crumbled after two days. Failing to control your feelings and thoughts for Aaron, your mundane days were over but filled with nights imagining how it would feel to be in his arms. 
So, aside from your normal routine, nothing has changed, and you still have a lot of free time. But instead of finding a new hobby or trying to be productive, most of your days are now spent thinking about what you could do to stop your never-ending fantasies with Aaron. Maybe you just have to get out and spend money. Or maybe a shopping haul? Or maybe your period is just nearing, and you’re just horny at a different kind of level. Or maybe you just really need to get laid. Or maybe you need some romance in your life?  
Or maybe, just maybe, you were starting to want the feeling of a thrill? The idea of being careless, having the ability to just do without thinking of the consequences of your actions, or simply, your coworkers’ idea of having fun every time they have a drink. But a one-night stand is just a no-no; you know that you don’t trust people that way and the paranoia that you’ll get murdered if you’re alone with a stranger is just too strong for you to sleep with a stranger. 
But now that you’re thinking about it and you’re hearing your thoughts, maybe you’re just being dramatic about your life.
Then again, your friends have told you to go out more and “explore.” Meet new people and enjoy the different possibilities life has to offer aside from your usual safe and plain routine. So, heeding your friend’s advice, who may either start an adventure or a murder, the temporary answer to your maybes is meeting their friend, whom they all talk kindly of. The truth is, you will never do this on your own. The reason being a mix of anxiety, fear, insecurity, and your strong imagination of how your date would and could dump you on the spot in a hundred ways made you stop your finger every time you want to try a dating application. But knowing that the people you trust know the guy eases your negative emotions. However, while you’re thankful to them for being supportive, a part of you still regrets using the words “bored to death” and “looking for a thrill” when you opened up to them; after all, a delusional part of you wants to be on a date with your neighbor. 
And after weeks of talking with Jake and a side of asking your friends about what to do and if what you’re doing is correct, you actually had the courage to meet him. But behold, now that the meeting place is set and the time is also scheduled, you did not think of the possibility that you will rack your brains configuring countless combinations of your clothes. You want to appear like you put in the effort to look presentable but not overwhelming because maybe he could be someone special and think that your clothes were too much. But all you know is whether he likes you or rejects you, you want to look and feel good tonight and not think of Aaron Hothcner.  
With your bed filled with pants, shirts, skirts, your favorite underwear, and the dress you felt confident in, you step back, trying to think which combination will make you feel good tonight. There’s only a small chance that this date will solve your problems, but you want to try your best; after all, it’s better not to have regrets. So, holding onto your two favorite underwear while still in your towel, you try to imagine which would be better to boost yourself up. 
But then again, the point of this date was for you to feel something new, so maybe wearing the usual wouldn’t be the right way to start- and also in hopes of getting some, as your friends have said. So, looking at the further edge of the bed, you grabbed the caramel nude and periwinkle underwear you have and contemplated between the two. Periwinkle would look good on you, but maybe it’s too much for a first date? Not that you want to impress him with your underwear. But caramel nude feels the safest right now, not too far off your comfort zone, but still different. 
Choosing the caramel nude underwear made you feel as if you’ve taken a big step in getting ready, even if you haven’t chosen what to wear. Although realistically thinking, it would take you hours to decide what to wear, so opting to do your usual make-up, you sent a picture of all the clothes in your bed to your friends for their choice. 
While waiting for your friend’s reply and starting on your make-up, you glimpse the dress you’ve only worn once for a specific purpose-- to deliver cookies to Aaron Hocthner’s door. Stupid? Yes. But do you regret buying it? No. You couldn’t say you regretted buying that dress because he complimented you for wearing it. And it’s not just that he said you looked pretty in it, but the fact that he noticed it was the first time you wore it made you feel hot. You could just combust on the spot. But of course, you didn’t admit it was new when he asked if it was, making a lie that you didn’t realize you still have that dress. 
That day also made you think that, just maybe, you had a chance with him. See, you remember what he wore the first day you saw him. He was wearing a Rangoon green polo; well, it was a well-fitted polo. You’re still unsure about the color, given that you just obsessed about it and searched for hours in the hues and shades of green that day. He also had sunglasses on, but you didn’t get a good look at them because the moment he saw you walking on your pavement, he quickly got rid of it and approached you while smiling. 
And as you see yourself smiling like a fool while remembering that day, you realize maybe that day sealed your fate already. But the buzzing of your phone cut your thoughts as your friends all voted for you to wear a dress. Making you remember the goal of tonight’s plan, stop thinking about Aaron Hotchner. 
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Your date is a hot man. If you were in the mood for sex, you might jump his bones to end your dry spell. This is not a denial of the fact that you were in the mood for sex because, technically, you are, just not with the man in front of you. And maybe one more reply of saying what and I’m sorry I didn’t hear that, and your hot date would also know that your mind is floating to someone. Floating to someone serious-looking, big, hot, FBI, and most definitely your neighbor.
At this point, you have given up trying not to think about Aaron. Maybe when the date ends, you could say sorry to your friends and then thank them for doing this for you. You could also ask them to help you make a move on Aaron because, apparently, he’s in your head no matter what distraction you put yourself with. When you entered the place, you tried to imagine what restaurant Aaron would choose. Does he prefer a casual dinner? Would you be riding in his car while talking about your day to each other? Does he like the food you love? Would he wear a suit? Does he talk about his friends or work when on a date? Would he tell Jack about your date? Does he end a date by dropping you home and kissing you goodnight? Or maybe he would invite himself in and stay with you for the night?  
As the minute passes, you answer all your questions by imagining different scenarios of how your date would go. So, with a smile, kiss on the cheek, and goodbye, you entered your home to do the same repetitive way you end your night. But as you take your clothes off, you realize that somehow, what was first to be an evening you looked forward to turned out to be a night you just wanted to end. Wearing only your underwear, you flopped your body in your bed and exhaled loudly. You could not stop thinking of him at all. And no denial method of yours could get you to stop imagining a date with him. So maybe it would be better to just be honest with your feelings? Maybe you could ask your friends for advice. 
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Picking up the phone, ready to tell them everything, you got a message from the man you were trying to avoid by all means.
Aaron Hotchner.
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Prepare? What does he mean by that? Does he-
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About to reply to Aaron that he sent you the wrong message, you look to your right and realize that the window is wide open. The window where you first saw how hot your neighbor is is freaking open. Rushing to close it, you checked if he was still there. How long has he seen you walking around in your room in a towel? 
Did he see you twirling and posing earlier while holding your underwear? 
Did he see everything? 
Mouth opening and mind flooding with questions, you realize what the hell just happened. 
The hot neighbor you’ve been crushing on has seen you posing in front of the mirror while holding your underwear and checking yourself out.
He saw you.
In your underwear.
And if this isn’t the most embarrassing night of your life, maybe finding a new place is the right answer to all your maybe’s. 
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Endnote | now that i have dropped this, i will now contemplate how the hell i’m going to continue this but anywhore tysm for reading this!
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: this turned out less halloween-y than i planned, but i think its still cute hehe
SUMMARY: It was supposed to be a perfect, cozy fall weekend. Right until you doubt whether you're the perfect fit for your older, successful boyfriend.
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There’s a pep in your steps as you walk out of the elevator on the top floor of Harry’s office building, carrying the lunch you made him and you’re dropping off for him now. You’re excited for tonight and this weekend, because it’s gonna be the perfect fall weekend. You’re having a cozy movie night tonight, watching Nightmare Before Christmas and Coco while eating caramel apples and popcorn, drinking hot chocolate and tomorrow you’re going to the pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins that you’ll carve later in the afternoon. It’s literally what every girl dreams of at the end of October and Harry is a partner in all of it even though you would have never guessed he’s the kind of man to do these things when you first met him years ago.
You know your way around the office well by now so when the two assistants sitting behind their desk spot you, none of them question who you are.
“Mr. Styles is in a meeting,” Riley says as you approach them.
“I know. I’m just dropping this off for him. Can you give it to him when he’s done? I made him lunch,” you smile bashfully as you set the bag with the containers in it onto the desk. You even put a cute little sticky note on top.
Can’t wait for tonight, hurry home to me! Bone appetite! Love you! Xx
You love the pun and you know Harry will too.
“Of course,” Riley nods with a smile.
“Alright. Thank you, have a nice day,” you smile back as you turn around and head back towards the elevator. You sink your hands into the deep pockets of your wool coat and wind the candy you showed in there, wanting to give it to Harry too, so you start walking back to the assistant, but before you could turn the corner you hear them talking.
“I know! This is so silly,” Riley laughs.
“Silly? More like ridiculous. Her boyfriend is the CEO and she is bringing him lunch with sticky notes,” the other assistant, Tina snorts.
“I never understood how he could date a woman like her. No, not even woman, she is a girl.”
“Have you seen her in that oversized jumper?”
“The rainbow colored one?”
“Yes! It’s hideous! I wouldn’t even dress my toddler in it. Harry is a billionaire, I don’t know how he puts up with her childishness.”
You chew on your bottom lip so harshly, it almost starts bleeding. Their words hurt and turning around you rush back to the elevator so you can leave as fast as possible.
It sends you down a spiral. Are you really that childish? You always knew Harry and you come from different worlds, but you thought they clash perfectly. He is a CEO, insanely successful, lives in a penthouse and is thirty-six years old while you just turned twenty-six. You were an art teacher until you switched, so now you design book covers, but you still teach a few classes in a private school, because you like the kids so much. You lived in a one bedroom apartment before moving in with Harry, which was the size of the bedroom you now share with him. You don’t wear designer clothes, you love thrift shopping and you tend to DIY anything and everything.
As you arrive back home, walking into the penthouse you take a look around. You still remember how it looked when you moved in two years ago, very clean and modern, like the cover of an architecture magazine. But now you see your own touch everywhere.
Colorful candles spattered on every possible surface, chunky blankets covering the grey couch along with a bunch of pillows, you’ve put up fall decoration here and there, making the place cozier and more like home instead of leaving it so sterile. Harry never said he finds your things childish, not even your extreme amount of funky mugs or your plants, all in different pots or random art you hung at every possible empty spot in the place. They are far from his taste, but these little things make the penthouse homey.
Or at least they did until now.
As you look around you only see how childish and ridiculous all this stuff looks in the expensive penthouse that was once Harry’s modern home. What if he hates all of them? If he finds them hideous, but he just doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.
He is a decade older than you, a serious businessman and you’re making him watch Coco tonight and you have plans to go to a pumpkin patch tomorrow. How could you think these were the things he wanted to do?
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“Your girlfriend dropped this off for you, Sir.” Riley places the bag on Harry’s desk when he returns into his office and he would have known it was from you even if she didn’t tell him. It’s in that bag with the polka dots all over that you love to use so much. It brings a smile to his lips and then he finds the sticky note. His smile grows from ear to ear.
“Thank you. I’ll be leaving early tonight, I have plans. You guys can leave around three too, if you want,” he tells her to which she nods before striding out of the room.
He can’t wait to spend the evening with you, curled up on the couch, watching the movies you chose. There’s nothing he would rather be doing on a Friday evening.
Wanting to get home as soon as possible, he really does leave early, texting you on his way home. You usually text him right back with a bunch of emojis, but this time you just send a simple okay and it concerns him. Something happened. He knows it.
“Babe! I’m home!” he calls out upon walking into the penthouse, looking for you and he notices that something is off right away.
Most of the candles are gone. And there’s only one blanket left on the couch. The pillows? Gone too.
“Y/N?” he calls out again and that’s when you walk out of the bedroom, dressed in a simple black dress. It looks great on you, but he knows you wouldn’t wear it, not at least without a fun jacket or mismatched jewelry.
“Hey!” you attempt to smile at him as you kiss him on the lips shortly.
“You’re so dressed up,” he hums.
“Yeah, um… I thought that maybe we could ditch the movie night and go out for dinner. I reserved a table at that sushi restaurant you like.”
“You want to ditch movie night? But I thought… what about Coco? It’s your favorite!”
“I’ve seen it a million times already,” you shrug. “And for tomorrow, maybe we could go to the spa and—“
“Alright, wait, slow down,” he cuts you off. “Sushi instead of movie night? Spa instead of pumpkin patch? What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” you play innocent, but he can see right through you.
“Don’t lie to me. Something surely happened and I don’t like what it did to you. You’re not… you’re not yourself. And where are the candles and blankets?”
“Y-You noticed them? I was just… I cleaned up a bit…”
“No, you didn’t clean, you put away most of your stuff, it almost looks like it was before.”
“Because…! They didn’t belong here, it’s better this way. Don’t you think?” you sigh, moving away from him to keep yourself together, but he pulls you back and taking your chin between his thumb and index finger, he makes you look at him.
“Baby, talk to me. What happened?” Your lips wobble as you shake your head, but you know he won’t leave you alone until you tell him. “Tell me what happened, I don’t like seeing you sad,” he softly pleads.
“I’m childish,” you say in a whisper.
“I’m… ridiculous and childish. You should… You should be dating someone more mature.”
“Where is this all coming from?” he asks in disbelief. You’re hesitant to answer, but you can’t hold it back any longer.
“I dropped your lunch off today and I heard the assistants talk about me. They said that I’m childish and basically we’re not compatible. And… Maybe they are right.”
“No, they are not!” he answers straight away.
“Have you looked around? I moved in and brought all this… random stuff and messed up your modern and expensive home.”
“No, you made it into our home. I loved every little thing you brought with you!”
“You did?”
“Of course! This place didn’t even feel like home until you moved in. You brought so much light and joy, I love the blankets and pillows, all the candles and anything that reminds me of you.”
You open your mouth to say something, but no words come out. You’re in awe and most importantly, in love.
“And they make the place homey, but you make it my home. You’re my home, Y/N.”
“I’m gonna cry,” you announce as the first tears roll down your cheeks. Harry just chuckles and kisses your forehead before pulling your head to his chest.
“Let’s find those blankets and candles, change into some comfortable clothes and get a head start on that movie night, hm?”
“Okay,” you nod after a hiccup. Taking your face in his hands he wipes your cheeks before kissing you softly on the lips.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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surely-galena · 6 months
So I finally read Vyn’s Winterwish SR Timeless Wishes and it has NO right to be this funny. I was laughing the whole way through
First, we continue the saga of Vyn unable to handle the cold (like fair enough dude, he’s wearing THREE layers in this card -- vest, shirt, turtleneck). Attached screenshot is from the Blizzardous Threads of Red invitation where we see Vyn trying to imply he is this close to freezing. (It's because he's not wearing gloves...)
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And then MC goes ahead and calls him a PATHETIC MEOW MEOW--
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Next up, we have Vyn getting unintentionally psychoanalyzed by the handicraft shop owner. Hey. Hey Vyn... how does it feel to have the tables turned on you...
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Then Vyn and MC return home and we get THIS BIT that still makes me laugh:
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Vyn, what are you using Ogier for??? Is cleaning your room all the SPECIALLY TRAINED BODYGUARD is good for? This is so hilariously baffling to me. Does Ogier literally drop by Vyn's place just to tidy up? Is he going to walk into the room and sigh at the sight of Vyn's bedroom floor covered in a ridiculous amount of yarn? And this begs the question: what else does Vyn call on Ogier for? To deep clean the kitchen?? Ogier, my guy, I genuinely wonder how you feel about this because you are not beating the butler allegations...
Okay, and then we get some wholesome fluff where Vyn and MC exchange gifts, but Vyn looks so perplexed at MC's collection of wishing cards that I had to include this screenshot. MC truly never fails to surprise him.
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And then after the card story is done, we get THIS text conversation when MC declares she wants to make... DIY slime. Vyn's reaction is what makes this part for me. Mr Fancy Two Degrees honestly had no clue what slime was and was probably mildly concerned at her suggestion (although she explains what she means by slime after the cutoff).
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Vyn, expecting normal activities like crochet or pressing flowers: What shall we try next?
MC, incredibly up-to-date on all the current trends: slime!!! :DD
Vyn: say what now
The second text message references the Cooking Card again and I just thought it was hilarious that Vyn purposely misunderstands the point of the card. He uno reversed the situation on her, but I can't really fault him for that. It's definitely a Vyn move.
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stick-by-me · 2 months
you got any good recommendations for good little stickers that aren't too expensive? I'm wanting to decorate a Bunch of toploader cards if that helps give an idea for what I mean
I'll admit, I had to google toploader cards (and even then, I'm not completely sure what you're looking for, vibes-wise?) Regardless, I tried to assemble some of my picks for things I thought would work.
Of course, if you are able, my first suggestion will always be to go to craft/toy stores near you and see what they have. It's almost always better to see your project materials in person, just to make sure they work for your vision. Even generic stores like Target sometimes have hidden gems, often found near the greeting cards, the arts-and-crafts section, or by the register.
Of course, the internet is obviously a wonderful place full of stickers.
When I think small, cheap stickers, my first thought is usually Korean stationary. If you want wholly decorative stickers, such as hearts or ribbons, that would certainly be my recommendation, though they are often a very distinctive style that could clash with the vibe you're going for. I know Sunset Studio DIY is doing a clearance sale right now, but frankly if you just google "Korean stickers" you should find a bunch of cute stuff for pretty cheap :]
I think I'm biased in recommending them, but I really do love Mrs. Grossman's micro stickers. They're just... so cute. I have the bugs. And the dessert. And the shoes. And the discontinued weather...
If you want a more vintage look, or even just more variety, I'd take a look at Sticker Magic. I have not bought from their website, so I unfortunately don't know if shipping would rack the price up. If it does, and you're US-based, I know Sticker Planet has some of their stuff for pretty cheap, too. Though, a lot of them are a bit thicker than your average sticker. So if you need your cards to lay flat they may not be the best option.
If you want to focus on a particular animal and just buy in bulk, I think I'd recommend Beyond the Box Creations. I admittedly haven't bought from them myself, but I've had my eye on their dragon set for a While. Might be a bit large for what you want, though?
I wouldn't consider Pipsticks minis super cheap, but I don't think they're super expensive either. You get a decent amount for the price you pay, and Pipsticks is pretty good quality all around. And some of them are just. Really cute 😭.
And, if you truly, honest-to-all do not care about consistency or cohesion, sometimes it's fun to just buy a sticker (flake) grab bag! In the past, I've gotten some from CandySweetDesignShop, TakeASipCo, BookishStickerClub, ArtfulLynnz, KawaiiPackrat, and probably more. (I have a problem.) The risk you take with these, of course, is that some of what you get might not work. Still, they're fun! And you can almost always find one in your desired genre for decently cheap. You can find them on almost any multi-hosting shopping site (like eBay, Etsy, Mercari, etc.) If you want small stickers, it might help to clarify "sticker flake grab bag" or "sticker mod grab bag".
As an expansion on that last suggestion, I'll let you in on a little secret. This is the best vintage sticker mod mystery pack I've found, as of now. AND it's in stock!
I hope these were helpful! If you want more specific advice, feel free to send another ask to help me narrow it down :D
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flapjackthekandikid · 2 months
Hi!! I was wondering if you have a list of 90s raver t shirt brands (including for women) I always see brand names for pants, and I would love to know what to look for online, thank you!
man I didn't see this in my inbox until now haha.
unfortunately there's not like, a master list of shirt brands really aside from those already connected to rave pants brands (jnco/kikwear kikgirl/gat/etc.) mostly because manufacturing shirts with prints is/was incredibly accessible (especially in the 90s) for just about ANYONE to do; so some of my favorite men's brands like clobber or freshjive that were heavily rave-influenced were simply screen printed in people's apartments in the early and mid 90s. They were either sold to shops on melrose in like 20-30pc amounts, or just out of backpacks at raves, but to my knowledge and from looking at catalogs, any of the stuff even like early anarchic adjustment were made in maybe 100-140pc amounts at MOST and just in sizes L and XL usually. 26red and some others got their start that way, caffeine was a record shop first before they ever made clothes, I have a handful of their tapes and records they used to put out.
Most of the early ravewear was just skate stuff that ravers /liked/ like hookups or split, the thing that made it "rave" was just ravers /wearing/ it, they weren't really "raver" brands. Today it's still kind of like that, I'll wear like a bugsex shirt or a 'mr clean' shirt or just local artists I like that have cartoony graphics; early happy99, souldog, I have a guess jeans shirt that has a synthesizer mockup on it, a modern phug shirt that had an acid print this one run, and other stuff, but none of those are "raver" brands per-se, you have to style them with other raverwear and accessories and such for them to be in "raver-style". The "rave"-ness is in the inherent diy perspective or clever re-appropriation towards rave (in the same vein as sample-culture in mid-90s rave music as well) and why it's so hard to truly sell "rave" to the masses even today hahaha.
in the late-90s you had stuff like newbreedgirl or random in-house hot topic brands making stuff more "rave"-oriented like the rainbowbrite shirts or the wonderland bootlegs, but ravers would also go for tinkerbell or ppg shirts sold in the same shop; it was kind of up to the shop to curate what vibe they wanted to sell. The only rave-specific brands I can think of (aside from ones attached to rave pants brands) were mostly just one-offs from record labels like the untranslatable, pureacid mixtapes, dr. freeclouds; printed flyer parties themselves like jujubeats and stuff; or random fuct, pimpgear, or thc one-offs that were usually just a play on drug culture and not so much rave. I have a thc shirt that has the nasa logo spelling "mdma" on a pill, but those were sold at skate shops or record stores.
the tldr is really that there aren't many "raver" brands and that if ravers wore them, it /was/ a "rave" brand in that haha. The few that did cater to ravers were either fully diy sold at parties themselves and/or record shops, but most "brands" were just one guy that made 2-3 designs at most for him and his friends hahaha. A lot of current clothing I see at underground raves in LA is the same or sold directly from vendors at little tables at some renegade under a bridge
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scratchandplaster · 11 days
Hello! This is for the Ask Game for Elliot, Morris, Shepard, Ben, and Lukas
🍽️Food and Drink
💓Mind, Body and Soul
Ask game
Yay, a long one. More fun facts!
👕Is there someone your character tries to look similar to?
Elliot: is forced to wear formal apparel for every performance he does. All fancy with a suit and tie, but he tries to make himself look casual wearing it, like a bad boy pianist to scare the squares in the audience 😌
Morris: also tries to look badass and mysterious in his leather jacket. He only got a handful of shirts and pants, though, so his options are limited.
Shepard: has to look harmless and inviting for strangers to trust him. That's why he's sporting the grandpa look right now. Luke describes it as "the poor man's Mr. Rogers".
Ben: likes for his loved one's too dress him up. He even tried Avery's outfits on (they didn't fit right) and is excited to experiment with style.
Lukas: is happy when he finds textiles that don't make him feel uncomfortable. Looks don't matter to him.
👕If your character had to get a tattoo what would it be?
Elliot: wants a little stylized bunny on his ankle. RIP Daisy.
Morris: Thank god he's on the run, otherwise every of his obsessions would get a place on his body. Down his arm it would just be like: X Y Z Paul Amber Elliot
Shepard: gets a tramp stamp 💔CLAIRE❤️‍🔥
Ben: wants to look cool, so he'd pick a flaming skull down his back before Lukas and Avery drag him out of the studio.
Lukas: is scared of needles. But the temporary ones are fun, especially if they have rock themed motives. And with rock, I mean stones.
📦Is there an item your character liked that they can’t get back? 
Elliot: HIS DAMN NERVE CONDUCTION! Or his wrist brace, Chris' DIY version sucks.
Morris: His job. Wait, that's not an object. Does his innocence count?
Shepard: Claire got cremated in her favorite clothing. If Shepard hadn't been nearly going insane back then, he'd kept it to make a pillow case out of it or something like that. He could still hold her close.
Ben: Trunks. He gifted her to the triplets and he doesn't like to take gifts back.
Lukas: When he left, he forgot his birth certificate. He didn't think it was important, so that decision only brought problems with it.
📦What would it take for your character to give up an item they really like?
Elliot: If his parents need it. Otherwise, he requires a pretty good reason to share. This damn only child, smh.
Morris: If he's into you: nothing. If he's not, you won't get it.
Shepard: likes to share. But what will you give in return?
Ben: Just ask nicely and give him a hug.
📦Is there a type of object your character doesn’t like?
Elliot: Pet toys that are a danger to them.
Morris: All these self-help books the algorithm always suggests to him. So weird.
Shepard: Things he can't make into money.
Ben: Placenta, I guess 😭
Lukas: The ones with weird texture. If it's wet or sticky, he doesn't want it. It's nearly impossible to make him gifts he likes, only Shepard and Ben managed to.
📦Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
Elliot: can sometimes be a bit much with his bunny obsession. But he'd never be ashamed of it.
Morris: still got a blankie from his childhood somewhere hidden in his apartment. He'd never admit it, though, HE'S A MAN!
Shepard: thought about pressing Claire's ashes into a diamond. Jewelry doesn't fit his image, sadly.
Ben: always wanted to try out these...adult objects...he heard Avery talk about.
Lukas: still hopes to expand his geode collection if his budget allows it.
📦What is most important to your character when shopping?
Elliot: Smelling shampoos in the drug store.
Morris: Hiding from any cameras, so the cops won't catch his ass.
Shepard: Buying some treats for his boys.
Ben: Looking at new things.
Lukas: That it's cheap.
🍽️What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
Elliot: Christmas cookies he baked with his mom.
Morris: Little Debbie snack cakes.
Shepard: His Polish nanny made him these delicious little dumplings once, but he never found them again.
Ben: The first meal Shepard ever cooked for him - chicken soup.
Lukas: The ones Dad left the spicy seasoning out of. He gave up spices long ago.
🍽️What food or drink does your character consider a treat?
Elliot: Sometimes his abuelita sends over a care package with Coco Rico and other snacks.
Morris: When his ramen package comes with extra sauce.
Shepard: A glass of wine he sometimes drinks in the office. Don't tell the others, they have addicts on the property.
Ben: Pumpkin butter 😬 He's a huge fan.
Lukas: I'm gonna make it canon that Shepard makes him snacks like these
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💓What is a habit your character has that others might find cute?
Elliot: seduced so many people with his piano skills. Also with his pets, his caring nature attracts plenty of people. For better or worse...
Morris: He tries. He really does. Maybe someone will find that cute enough to ignore the red flags some day.
Shepard: let the boys paint the entire camper's inside with acrylic paint. Generally, how he acts around children and how patient he is with them.
Ben: hugs a lot.
Lukas: cleans and properly places things where they belong. It's not really a habit, more of a compulsion.
💓What scents does your character find comforting?
Elliot: Cloves and all-spice.
Morris: Elliot's 😊 So wholesome.
Shepard: Claire's ☹️ He still got a bottle of her perfume.
Ben: Fresh rain and honey.
Lukas: Pine and lemon balm.
💓Are there scents your character dislikes?
Elliot: Hospitals.
Morris: Amber's 👁️ She's such a bitch.
Shepard: When the new residents claim they don't need to use deodorant.
Ben: Wet felting 😳 It stinks so bad.
Lukas: Animals.
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kkotda · 10 months
koi!! how are you!! am here with some flowers and sparkles to brighten up the season!! ✨💐 i hope you’re having a wonderful weekend 🥺
and i am curious!! (again 🤭) if you were to receive/give a gift from/to your fave/s, what would it be!! 🥺
ty for the flowers they're going in a vase rn and then i'll dry them and keep them forever (🍮 here's some custard in the hopes that you like custard ;-;)
BUT please always your curiosity is my favorite thing!! anyways hmmm if i were to receive a gift from ken- WAIT I JUST HAD THE GREATEST THOUGHT idk how much you know about tot (tears of themis) but omg marius (in my head he's early 20's because i said so!!!) would so do that trend of pics where you thought your gf was etc + your fav pic of her BUT HE WOULD PAINT THEM INSTEAD CAN YOU IMAGINE RECEIVING PORTRAITS i know i would be too embarrassed to look at them BUT PORTRAITS PORTRAITS NOT PICTURES BUT PORTRAITS (he's an insane art kid LOL)
but they're both extremely rich and like ceo's and whatnot so me trying to buy them gifts might backfire because i'll try to surprise one with something that ik they wanted JUST FOR THEM TO HAVE BOUGHT IT ALREADY </3 so i like to do the diy stuff! getting creative making scrapbooks or folding like origami stuff i love that stuff and it makes me so happy being able to like do something for them (I WANT TO LEARN HOW TO DO THE PAPER FLOWER BOUQUETS THAT IS SO CUTE)
as for kenma, i think he would buy literally anything and everything that he thinks i would like or reminded him of me :,3 coming home to a mountain of shopping bags and boxes and he's just sitting like i got a little something for you and i'm like LITTLE???? lol
WHAT ABOUT YOU??? iwa and gojo better bring their a+ game otherwise i'm outgifting them >:3
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grvntld · 1 year
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27 august 2023—did a last-minute home stuff shopping at mr diy. hehe. we didnt get errthang we were looking for though bc we actually had a bunch of errands to do for some reason and we were just not that in the mood to shop. lol. okiE, fine, the reason we were in a not-so-good mood was bc portus had a rlly bad experience from his supposed dog groomer and we were rlly upset abt it. i dont wanna get into the details kasi nakakainez lalo so lezz skip that part naaaa~
ayOrn, we shopped then we looked for a different dog groomer then we went to mah parents' house so we can give my dad the laptop slash document leather bag we got for him then we went to my cousin's house so portus can meet donut, my cousin's dog. hehe.
they were so cute! portus was rlly excOited to meet and play with donut, but donut, i think, was getting overwhelmed from the attention portus was giving her. lol. regardless, they looked like they had fun naman, especially si portus. he rlly had fun and im happeh na we were able to change the course of his day and end it with him enjoying his time with donut. he rlly looked so so so happeh on our ride home. i just know in my heart na nag-enjoy talaga siya, and i just hope that's enough para di magstick sa kanya yung experience niya earlier in the day.
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laxmiree · 2 years
[CN] 5th Anniversary - Lucien (Creative Workshop)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a story that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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I was surprised and delighted to pick up the "gift" that was left in it- a pink and purple gemstone.
“It's so beautiful… I discovered that it looks a lot like your eyes.”
“This seems to be a poudretteite, one of the rarest gemstones in the world.”
“He knows very well that this box is difficult to crack, so the person who can unlock it-”
“-must be worthy of this precious gift.”
✧ 5th Anniversary Event | Prologue | Creative Workshop (You’re here!) | King Fuk Street | Wonderland | Star Plaza | Final Day- Heart Rain Lake | Roast! | Truth and Dare Pinball Machine | Random Event tidbits
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MC: Oh no, I think I left our camera in the hotel room!
MC: (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) What's wrong with my memory? I obviously thought about it before I left the hotel!
Lucien: Rather than memory, I would say that MC is now a bit confused
MC: I'll go back and get it now, so don't follow me around.
Lucien: I actually have a quicker way to do it, but it requires some small payment.
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MC: What about… Mua! Will this be enough?
Lucien: This payment is slightly more than expected, so let me help you find it directly.
MC: Is it possible that you already helped me...?
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Lucien: My confused lady, please look down.
Lucien: It's always hanging on your chest.
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MC: There seems to be a street full of DIY craft stores -
Lucien: They are creative workshops.
Lucien: This place is focused on DIY creativity for tourists to "create freely".
MC: This "Mr. Tour Guide" is very impressive - his language is simple and straightforward.
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Lucien: So the next time you have a similar question, you can ask me directly.
MC: Then the almighty Professor Lucien… please recommend a handicraft store for me~
Lucien: There are many options. After all, MC's craftsmanship is always very good.
Lucien: Like the cute shaped bento, ceramic couple mug...
Lucien: Or some small ingenuity that appears at home from time to time.
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Lucien: So I think it's a good idea to visit every store and try it.
MC: I've been complimented so much, so I really need to show off~
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Along the way, Lucien familiarly took me to experience a lot of creative handicraft shops, which made me suspect that this person secretly did his homework before coming.
However, the emerging suspicion dissipated in the lovely handiwork-
A pair of chubby little fox and rabbit crystal key pendants looking crystal clear under the sunlight.
MC: I now seem to appreciate the charm of DIY~ it has an extraordinary power to make things unique.
MC: Like both of them, each outline can't be reproduced a second time.
As I said that, I held up the little cuties and shook them.
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Lucien: I agree, but I have another interpretation.
Lucien: Very often, a unique presence emerges first, and then something different and unique is derived from that presence.
Lucien: For example, because of you, there are them.
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MC: And to cite another example, it is because Professor Lucien brought me here that they are here.
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Lucien: My student seems to be getting smarter and wiser.
While talking, he inadvertently slowed his pace, and a small wooden store broke into my view.
The display window is filled with boxes made of different materials and in different shapes
Wooden Luban locks, steel triangular cones, and nearly a hundred other strange objects occupied my eyes.
Lucien slightly leaned down and looked at the various delicate boxes with me.
Lucien: This store seems to be more special than other creative stores. Should we go in and take a look?
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I nodded and walked in with Lucien. This is a small store specializing in the production of mechanical boxes. According to the guidebook, the fun of deciphering is up to five stars
Considering that I had a highly intelligent genius with me, I confidently jumped at the chance and dragged Lucien to the service desk.
A store clerk dressed in a professional style enthusiastically introduced us.
Clerk: The machine boxes you see now were designed by previous customers.
Clerk: Experience the process of choosing the box of your choice, unlock the mechanism, and get the gift left by the last customer…
Clerk: Then modify the box, design your mechanism, and put in the gifts you want to leave behind.
Clerk: If you're interested, pick a box you like.
He guided us to a wooden shelf. Looking at the different shapes, I had difficulty choosing. I glanced at Lucien and saw that he was seriously surveyed.
MC: Why are all these boxes open and clawed?
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Lucien: Perhaps because the designers have different personalities, the appearance of the presentation will be very rich.
MC: That's right... Then I must look for a new one~
I said as I carefully scanned the shelves, and suddenly my eyes lit up- In one corner of the wooden shelf was an extraordinarily simple, unadorned square box.
Maybe because of the minimalist style is particularly conspicuous around here, I have a kind of inexplicable good feeling about it
Lucien: Ah, looks like MC has chosen?
MC: Um, it feels like the most eye-catching!
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MC: And I have a hunch that although this box looks simple, something may be hidden inside that makes people want to explore it!
As I was fiddling with it and ready to start unlocking the mechanism, I suddenly thought of something.
MC: Lucien, don't you want to choose?
He stood calmly as if he had already prepared.
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Lucien: I already had my choice long ago.
He pointed to the mechanical box in my hand.
Lucien: I want the box you designed.
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Lucien: I'm only interested in your box. I don't care about the other boxes.
The floor lamp mixed with the remaining sunlight, reflecting those eyes that were like deep water.
MC: Oh? Does it mean… that Professor Lucien is very confident that he can solve my modified mechanical box?
He looked at me quietly, with a look of certainty.
MC: Hmph! Just wait. I'll make it difficult for you!
However, after a few minutes, I don't know if it was because I was too slow to open the box or the store was too hot, but my palms were sweating.
MC: Uh...
There are very few buttons, but no matter how I fiddled, it did absolutely nothing.
It seems that I am not wrong about this ordinary box. It truly hides...
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There was always a glance falling on me, and I curled my lips in frustration and buried my face in Lucien's coat.
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MC: Ugh! Lucien, I reasonably suspect that the person who designed this box did it on purpose! They simply don't want the next person to solve the puzzle.
The chest beneath my cheeks vibrated slightly as if he were suppressing laughter.
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Lucien: Doesn't that just mean you've stepped into his trap?
I blinked in puzzlement as I looked at his face.
MC: What does that mean?
Seeing that he smiled but did not say anything, I held up the box and repeatedly turned it upside down, trying to find a flaw. But except for a few switch-like buttons, it was almost seamless.
MC: I don’t see any trap… But there must be a reason for so many buttons, right?
Lucien's eyes flickered, and he raised his hand to smooth out my bangs.
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Lucien: I think it's supposed to… fascinate you and get you into his rhythm.
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MC: …You mean, instead of thinking about the design logic of the other party, it is better to slowly decipher it according to my own rhythm?
Lucien did not say anything, just smiled. I thought about it and once again lowered my head and started tinkering.
Although I haven't figured out the pattern yet, I believe that if I patiently try every possible answer in every combination-
I would be able to discover its true side.
I don't know how long it took, but when I pressed the button for almost the 1000th time, with a "click", the box in my hand instantly fell apart into pieces of springs, iron, and small steel balls.
At the same time, there was a beautiful twinkle of light.
I was surprised and delighted to pick up the "gift" that was left in it- a pink and purple gemstone.
MC: This man is so generous. How can he give a precious gem as a gift?
I took the gemstone and held it out in front of Lucien. His deep eyes were slightly twinkling within the translucent gemstone.
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MC: It's so beautiful… I discovered that it looks a lot like your eyes.
He smiled, and his fingertips pointed to the gem that I was holding.
Lucien: This seems to be a poudretteite*, one of the rarest gemstones in the world.
MC: This gift is too valuable!
Lucien: I think it shows that the man really valued his own design.
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Lucien: He knows very well that this box is difficult to crack, so the person who can unlock it-
Lucien: -must be worthy of this precious gift.
MC: Then I have to cherish it properly, not only because it is precious, but also because it is proof of my hours of effort!
After I said that, I carefully put the gem into my bag. However, looking at the parts scattered in front of me, I was in a dilemma.
MC: The whole thing is scattered. How do I modify it?
Lucien reached out and took a spring scattered all over the table.
Lucien: I guess he set up an automatic disassembly mechanism after opening, so it cannot be put back once successfully opened.
Lucien: It seems that the designer only wanted one person to unlock it. Unfortunately-
He changed his tone and blinked at me a little worriedly.
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Lucien: What should happen to my gift?
MC: Eh?
He pointed to the scattered parts, and I reacted immediately, poking his palm with some embarrassment.
MC: But the box is impossible to re-assemble now…
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Lucien: But that was an uncontrollable accident. The gift MC promised me shouldn't be affected by this, should it?
He silently caught my finger and softly hooked it as if he had been greatly wronged.
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MC: So, according to Professor Lucien, now I owe you a gift, right?
He winked slyly and nodded as a matter of course.
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Lucien: Yes, and I'll remember to ask for it.
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(t/n: IT DOES LOOKS LIKE HIS EYES. Poudretteite is one of the rarest gems known. It was named after the Poudrette family, owners and operators of a quarry near Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada where the mineral was first found. It is a rare borosilicate with hexagonal crystallograpphy, with price around $3,000 per carat)
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tagesmosaik · 1 year
Tagged by: @dejlige-dage thank you ☺️
Rules: Tag 10 (aka some) people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: Taken
Favorite color: 70s retro orange, baby 🧡
Song stuck in my head: Do You Hear The People Sing? - Les Misérables (Movie soundtrack) No, I don't know why. It's been ages since I've watched the movie and still this song pops up in my head from time to time.
Last song listened to: Strong Man - Tina Dico She's one of my favorite singers. I heard this song playing in a coffee shop earlier today, which was nice.
Last thing I googled: Which kind of glue, filler etc. I should use for making mosaics out of sea glass and where to purchase this stuff here in Denmark. Solution: Trip to Germany, where I can buy the required things in one of the several diy stores that immediately came to my mind... Or give the next best options I can find in my local hardware stores a try. 👍
Dream trip: Hard to pick just one. I'd love to visit Ireland one day. And going back to Norway, with my boyfriend this time. I'm convinced he'll be amazed by the nature. ☺️
Anything I want right now: Hm, let me think. A snack would be nice, maybe some leftovers rolled up in a wrap... Other than that I'm just looking forward to a chill evening, probably on the couch. Or in the chair I'm sitting in now, if my cat doesn't let me get up.
I'm tagging: @ladjarica @northernmoments @nordic-language-love @raisedtokeepquiet @cuttlefishbones @booksnpictures @mrs-bingley
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snailvibes · 2 years
Also I wanna know about all of Four’s plushies. We know about Mr. Wiggles, we know about Chilly, we know about Chocolate Milk, who else?
She’s got a LOT of plushies as gifts over time so I’ll stick to the ones I think are important to her/have appeared in fics lol
- Froggy is stuffed frog from the fireflies fic, they were the first gift Four ever got from Callie and she still carry’s it around the house a lot.
- buttons is the Dinosaur plushie Maya got for her birthday this year (you can find them in the post about it, April 2nd lol) she named him that Cus his eyes reminded her of buttons
- Patches is the cotton candy bunny from the old brainwashed au fic but she still exists in canon. As mentioned in the fic Marie got her for Maya one time when she was out of town. Four slept with her for months because of how soft she is
- Mr Moos is from a fic I probably won’t upload but he’s a brown cow plushie that Marie also got for Four from when she was out of town. Mr Moos in particular along with Mr Wiggles are friends with a lot of Eight’s plushies
- Hopscotch is a stuffed red cat Dedf1sh got for Four as a gift around when they first met. They wanted to make a good impression and Callie told them she collects plushies so Ded went shopping for stuffed animals, saw what looked like the stupidest looking cat doll ever, and bought it immediately. Four adored it because it’s all rag doll like and it’s also one she carry’s around a lot still
- Moonpie is a stuffed spider pearl + marina got her when she was staying at their place when Callie and Marie were out of town. Marina did some DIY plushie surgery on it before they gave it to her and put a little strawberry scent patch in it (pearl helped by picking the scent) and four slept like a baby on it like a pillow the entire week she was there (she still sleeps on it especially after nightmares or panic attacks or just extra bad days)
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annwynisland · 1 year
Furniture Catalogue
Item names spelled in US English. Ctrl+F (find keyword) recommended. I can customize with Cyrus if specific color variant(s) desired.
ACNH Nintendo Switch
Alto saxophone
Analog kitchen scale
Anthurium plant
Antique bureau
Antique chair
Antique clock
Antique console table
Antique mini table
Antique wardrobe
Arcade seat
Artsy table
Baby panda
Basic teacher's desk
Beach ball
Beach chairs with parasol
Beach towel
Board game
Book stands
Bottled beverage
Box corner sofa
Box sofa
Broom and dustpan
Bunk bed
Campfire cookware
Camping cot
Candle chandelier
Cardboard box
Casablanca lilies
Cassette player
Cat grass
Champion's pennant
Changing room
Checkout counter
Clothes closet
Clothesline pole
Coffee beans
Coffee cup
Coffee grinder
Coffee plant
Colorful juice
Cooking tools
Cool sofa
Corner clothing rack
Counter table
Covered wagon
Crane game
Creepy skeleton
Cruiser bike
Cuckoo clock
Cup with saucer
Cute chair
Cute DIY table
Cute sofa
Cute wall-mounted clock
Cute wardrobe
Cypress bathtub
Cypress plant
Decorative bottles
Deep fryer
Desk mirror
Dessert carrier
Diner counter chair
Diner counter table
Diner dining table
Diner neon clock
Dinosaur toy
Director's chair
Dish-drying rack
Display stand
Document stack
Double-door refrigerator
Double-edged sword
Double Gloucester cheese
Double sofa
Dreamy bed
Dreamy rabbit toy
Dreamy wall rack
Dual hanging monitors
Elephant slide
Enamel lamp
Evergreen ash
Exam table
Exercise bike
Exit sign
Fancy violin
Fax machine
Festival zongzi
Floating-biotope planter
Floor light
Floor seat
Fluorescent light
Folding floor lamp
Fortune-telling set
Froggy chair
Garden faucet
Garden gnome
Garden lantern
Gas range
Glass jar
Hanging cube light
Hearty ramen
High-end stereo
Homework set
Iced coffee
Imperial bed
Imperial chest
Imperial decorative shelves
Imperial dining chair
Imperial dining lantern
Imperial low table
Imperial partition
Ironing board
Ironing set
Judge's bell
Karaoke machine
Kids' tent
Kimono stand
Kitchen counter
Knife block
Lab-experiments set
Large covered round table
Large magazine rack
Lily-pad table
Long bathtub
Magnetic knife rack
Metal can
Metal pot
Meter and pipes
Mini circuit
Mining car
Modern cash register
Modern office chair
Moroccan lights
Moss ball
Mounted blue marlin
Mr. Flamingo
Mrs. Flamingo
Oil barrel
Oil lamp
Outdoor air conditioner
Outdoor bench
Outdoor folding chair
Owl clock
Painting set
Papa panda
Paper-chain ceiling garland
Paper lantern
Paper tiger
Patchwork bed
Patchwork sofa chair
Pendulum clock
Pet food bowl
Pinball machine
Pine tree
Plasma ball
Plastic canister
Pop-up book
Pop-up toaster
Popcorn machine
Porcelain vase
Portable radio
Pot rack
Potted starter plants
Premium nigirizushi
Pro coffee grinder
Puppy plushie
Rattan armchair
Rattan end table
Rattan low table
Rattan stool
Rattan table lamp
Rattan vanity
Rattan wardrobe
Retro fan
Retro stereo
Rice cooker
Rock guitar
Rocket lamp
Rotary phone
Round light fixture
Round pillow
Round space heater
Salad bar
Sandwich plate meal
School chair
School desk
Serving cart
Set of stockings
Sewing machine
Sewing project
Shaded floor lamp
Shaded pendant lamp
Ship-wheel door decoration
Shopping bag
Short file cabinet
Shoyu ramen
Silver confetti blower
Silver mic
Simple kettle
Simple panel
Simple shaded lamp
Simple table
Simple wall shelf
SLR camera
Small mannequin
Small vase
Soft-serve lamp
Spaceship control panel
Spinning wheel
Square bathtub
Standing toilet
Strapped books
Studio spotlight
Study carrel
Study chair
Study desk
Study sewing box
Super-premium nigirizushi
Surichwi tteok
Table lamp
Table with cloth
Tabletop record player
Tangled cords
Tape deck
Tea set
Thank-you Mom mug
Throwback container
Throwback dino screen
Throwback gothic mirror
Throwback hat table
Throwback rocket
Throwback skull radio
Tin bucket
Tin robot
Tissue box
Titan arum
Tool shelf
Toy box
Traditional tea set
Train set
Transit seat
Upright speaker
Utility sink
Vacuum cleaner
Velvet stool
Vertical banner
Wall-mounted candle
Wall-mounted LED display
Wall-mounted phone
Wall-mounted TV (50 in.)
Water cooler
Weight bench
Winnowing machine
Wood-burning stove
Wooden pendant light
World map
Yule log
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mrknobs406 · 1 month
Essential Tools and Supplies at Mr. Knobs: The Leading Hardware Store in Mysore
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Visit our shop today
Contact Us Today!!!
When it comes to finding the best hardware store in Mysore, Mr. Knobs stands out as the top destination for both professional contractors and DIY enthusiasts. Whether you're undertaking a large-scale renovation or a small home improvement project, our comprehensive selection of high-quality tools and supplies ensures that you'll find everything you need under one roof.
Your One-Stop Shop for Hardware Supplies in Mysore
At Mr. Knobs, we pride ourselves on being the premier hardware shop in Mysore. From construction materials to plumbing supplies, our extensive inventory covers every aspect of your project needs. We stock a wide variety of hand tools, power tools, paint supplies, and building materials, making us the go-to hardware shop near you. Our competitive prices and unparalleled customer service make every visit to our store a rewarding experience.
Comprehensive Range of Hand Tools
Whether you're a professional carpenter, an electrician, or a DIY enthusiast, the quality of your hand tools can make or break your project. At Mr. Knobs, we offer a wide range of hand tools from top brands, ensuring durability and reliability. Our selection includes hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, and measuring tools that cater to every specific need.
Each of these tools is made from high-grade materials to withstand the rigors of daily use. Additionally, our expert staff is always on hand to help you choose the right tools for your job, ensuring you complete your projects with precision.
Power Tools for Every Project
When it comes to power tools, Mr. Knobs offers the best in class. Our collection features everything from drills and grinders to saws and routers. We stock power tools from renowned brands known for their innovation and longevity. Whether you're working on woodworking, metalworking, or general construction tasks, our power tools ensure that you get the job done efficiently.
Our knowledgeable staff is here to guide you in selecting the right power tools, providing expert advice to match your specific project requirements. With our commitment to quality, you can be confident that our tools will enhance your productivity and deliver professional results.
Extensive Plumbing and Electrical Supplies
No project is complete without the right plumbing and electrical supplies. At Mr. Knobs, we offer an extensive range of plumbing fixtures, pipes, fittings, and wiring that meet both residential and commercial needs. Our plumbing supplies are sourced from top manufacturers, ensuring they meet industry standards for quality and reliability.
Our electrical department is equally impressive, offering everything from circuit breakers, switches, and cables to lighting fixtures and electrical tools. We cater to both professional electricians and homeowners looking to upgrade their wiring or install new electrical systems.
Paint and Finishing Supplies
A fresh coat of paint can completely transform any space, and at Mr. Knobs, we carry a full range of paint supplies to help you achieve the perfect finish. From interior and exterior paints to primers, sealants, and varnishes, we offer products in various finishes and colors to match your design vision.
We also provide all the necessary accessories, including brushes, rollers, drop cloths, and painter's tape, making sure you have everything you need to complete your painting project. Our paint experts are available to offer tips on color selection, paint types, and application techniques to ensure professional-grade results.
Building Materials for Every Construction Need
For those involved in larger construction projects, Mr. Knobs offers a wide selection of building materials to meet all your requirements. From cement, bricks, and sand to steel rods, tiles, and wood, we are your reliable partner for high-quality construction materials.
Our materials are sourced from the most reputable suppliers, ensuring that they meet the highest standards for strength and durability. Whether you're building a new home, remodeling an existing structure, or working on a commercial project, our building materials will ensure that your foundation is solid.
Gardening and Outdoor Tools
In addition to our comprehensive indoor hardware supplies, Mr. Knobs is also your destination for gardening and outdoor tools. From shovels, rakes, and hoses to lawnmowers, trimmers, and pruners, we provide everything you need to maintain your garden or outdoor space.
Our range of gardening tools is designed to make outdoor maintenance easier and more efficient. With top-quality products from leading brands, you'll find the perfect tools to keep your garden in pristine condition year-round.
Safety Equipment and Accessories
At Mr. Knobs, we understand the importance of safety on every job site. That’s why we offer a wide range of safety equipment, including helmets, gloves, goggles, and protective clothing. Our safety gear is designed to keep you protected while working on any project, ensuring that you can focus on the task at hand with peace of mind.
We also stock a variety of tool accessories, such as drill bits, blades, and fasteners, so you can complete your projects efficiently and effectively.
Why Mr. Knobs is the Best Hardware Store in Mysore
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Unparalleled Customer Service
At Mr. Knobs, customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are always ready to assist you with any questions you have, ensuring you find the right tools and supplies for your needs. Whether you’re a first-time DIYer or a seasoned professional, our team provides personalized service to make your shopping experience seamless.
Competitive Pricing
We understand the importance of staying within budget for any project. That’s why we offer competitive pricing on all our products without compromising on quality. Our regular promotions and discounts make it even easier to get the best value for your money.
Convenient Location and Accessibility
Located in the heart of Mysore, Mr. Knobs is easily accessible from anywhere in the city. Whether you're searching for a hardware store in mysore or need to pick up supplies on your way to a job site, our store is conveniently located and stocked with everything you need.
Commitment to Quality
Every product we stock at Mr. Knobs is carefully selected for its quality and reliability. We only partner with the most reputable manufacturers to ensure that our customers receive products that stand the test of time. This commitment to quality has made us the trusted choice for hardware supplies in Mysore.
Visit Mr. Knobs Today
For all your hardware needs in Mysore, visit Mr. Knobs, the leading hardware store in the city. Whether you're undertaking a major construction project or simply need to fix a leaky faucet, we have the tools, materials, and expertise to help you get the job done right. Visit us today to experience the best hardware shopping experience in Mysore.
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forensicated · 2 months
04x14 - Requiem
TW: Death
Malcolm slowly approaches Pete looking rather ... concerned... by what he's just seen in an old Victorian house that is being renovated. Pete waited outside because he thought the call was a waste of time but he grins. "... Don't tell me it's genuine?!" Malcolm tells him to go and look for himself whilst he tries to contact the beat Sgt.
Pete introduces himself to the owners of the house and asks for the husband to show him what was found. The husband explains that he was doing some DIY and he found something rather disturbing after knocking some part of a wall down.
Bob arrives and heads inside to have a nosey himself. He stares and composes himself before returning to the family and asking if they can have a seat somewhere for a chat. There's only the bedroom outside of the room of doom and it's not tidy because of the renovations. Bob tells them it's fine and not to worry about it and he follows them through after asking Pete to contact CID and forensics.
Mr Trent tells Bob he was making a start on creating a feature fireplace and he started to remove bricks when 'that sort of appeared' That is a skeleton. The Trents have lived in the house for 5 years and have no idea who lived there before them because it was empty before they purchased it. They'd not heard any rumours from the neighbours of previous residents and kept themselves to themselves. Bob warns them that other colleagues will be coming and suggests they arrange somewhere else to stay for the weekend whilst it's removed. The Trents have isolated themselves and don't have friends or family they could stay with so Bob arranges a WPC to attend to look after the wife and daughter whilst it's sorted.
Pete almost gets run over by a man parking poorly with a nagging wife. The man drops the shopping as she moans at him about buying the wrong wife. They appear to live above the Trent family.
Bob lets Pete and Malcolm return to the station to cover the policing of a football match and he waits for CID and forensics to arrive. Ted and Mike complain about how slow forensics and photographers are on weekends. Ron Passmore is the forensics man and they're all surprised he hasn't retired yet. Bob warns them that what they're about to see is even skinnier than a traffic warden that Ted once pulled and he lets them into the room.
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Boys will be boys! 🤣🤣
Ted measures the room out and worries Mike that there might be more bodies hidden behind the wall. The elderly forensics bloke comes complete with his own pipe and is rather affable. He has been around long enough to know all of the oldtimers well as Bob and Ted greet him warmly. A man in the upstairs apartments is seen watching the comings and goings. Outside Dashers is struggling pacing out the size of the room and keeps losing count.
The skeleton is a lady and establishing the cause of death will be rather difficult. Ron says she's been there for 'a good few years'. Ted sends Mike to speak to the estate agent and the council to see if he can find out some history of ownership.
Ted goes to knock on the neighbours and leaves those who almost ran Pete over until last as they're having a stand-up row. When they do speak to them they call the Trents "Mr and Mrs Bad Taste and their brat of a kid." The place was empty when they moved in and the people who owned their flat now live in New Zealand. They claim the man who lives above them is 'a bit basic'. He's lived there for years and used to live with his mother who was put into a home but he's quite isolated now and doesn't answer the door.
Mr Trent is not happy about how they've lived there with the lady 'living' in the wall the entire time as it feels like she has the real 'right of stay' there over them and that she's been 'watching' them the entire time.
Ron shows Bob a further grim discovery, he thinks the remains of an infant have been placed with her.
Mike has found out that the flat was empty for almost 10 years before the Trent family arrived. Before then for 3 years it belonged to The Russell Family and before that, the O'Connors lived there for 18 years. Before them, it belonged to a married man, Mr Price, who was in the Navy. He passed at sea. Before that, it belonged to Miss and Miss Sylvester, two spinster sisters. The information Mike has found covers them to at least World War 2 and possibly longer depending on how long the sisters owned it for. Ted zones in on Mr Price. Why didn't Mrs Price take over the property when he died? Seconds later. Mr Goodall from the top flat makes a break for it. He thinks they're there to arrest him for fiddling the DHSS. Ted tells him he couldn't care less, he just wants to know about the previous occupants of the basement flat. Ted asks him about The Price's. Goodall was a kid at the time but he remembers Mrs Price was always ill. She was barely ever seen and Mr Price went away one time and never returned.
Viv takes the little girl out whilst the bodies are removed so she doesn't have to see or hear anything. Bob calls Mike and Ted through and shows them what they've found. There is still only one body, the others are dolls. Mr Price had built a shrine to his wife and put a letter in describing how he'd come home from sea one day to find her dead from natural causes. They had no money, no friends or family and so he couldn't afford to give her a sacred burial. He was going back to earn enough cash to be able to bury her properly and had placed her in the wall to let her rest without anyone disturbing her with her favourite things and he would then return once paid to bury her. He lost his life at sea before he could. He signed the letter off saying how much he loved his wife.
Satisfied there is no crime to answer to as Mr Price is long dead, Ted gives permission for Mrs Price to be removed from the house and laid to rest.
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