#mr neighbor give me strength
anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Get off my lawn
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Title: Get off my lawn
Written for @buckybarnesbingo (Round 6)
Card: B004
Square Filled: Y5: Kink: A/B/O Society
Ship/Main Pairing: Alpha (Teacher) Bucky Barnes x Omega (Teacher) Reader
Rating: Mature
Major Tags/Triggers/Warnings: a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, misogynism, arguments, enemies to lovers, idiots in love, panty theft, implied smut
Summary: You hate your neighbor and co-worker.
Word Count: 1632
@buckybarnesevents „Hot Bucky Summer 2024”: “We’re…enemies to lovers.”
@buckybingo (expired): Square 3: High School Teachers AU
@AllCapsBingo (expired):  G3: AU: Teacher
@warmandfluffybingocards: Square 9: Enemies to lovers
@the-slumberparty (expired): Square 7: Lingerie
@buckbarnesbingo Round 5 (expired): B1: Knitting
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You need time away from … everything and everyone.
Sometimes it’s hard to love your job. On days like this, when the parents of your students bug you because they believe you are more than a teacher you want to quit. According to some parents, you must be a therapist, a nanny, and a private tutor at the same time.
Impatiently clicking your pen, you listen to the last father’s rant. He’s angry because his son won’t do better than a D for months. It’s not your fault his son plays on his phone all the time.
“I’ll stop you right there,” you raise your hand, not letting the man argue with you. “It’s past my work time, still, I agreed to talk to you.” You rub your pounding temples. “Let’s be honest. Your son could do much better if only he put a little more effort into schoolwork. He just doesn’t want to.”
“That’s not true!” And he tries to argue again. Alphas are all the same. They try to force you into submission by raising their voice. “He’s a smart boy, but you don’t give him a chance.”
“Sir, I must ask you to lower your voice. I’m not your omega, and I resent your tone,” you get up from your seat. “Your son plays on his phone all the time. When I ask him to listen to the lecture, he gets cheeky. He doesn’t respect his teachers or fellow students. He’s disturbing the lectures too.”
“Mr. Barnes said my son is a good student,” the alpha snarls and puffs his chest. You roll your eyes and decide to end the conversation.
“Mr. Barnes is a gym teacher. Of course, he believes your son is a good student. Jack only ever shows interest if he can push others around and use his physical strength to intimidate others.”
“Are you implying that my son is a bully?”
“No,” you smile cooly. “I’m not implying that your son is a bully. I’m telling you that he is a bully. If you want Mr. Barnes to teach your son English too, you can ask him to be his tutor from now on.”
You grab your bag and jacket to leave the room, ignoring that the alpha snarls in your direction. You have handled men like him before and won’t whine only because he believes you must cower in front of him.
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Today is not your day. First, you had to endure your student’s father, and now you run into the only co-worker you hate.
“Ah, Ms. Y/L/N,” James Buchanan Barnes, the cockiest motherfucker you ever met, purrs. “I heard you had trouble with Jake’s dad.” He grins, knowing he made things even harder for you. “Maybe you should leave the young alphas to me.”
“Maybe you should not stick your nose into other people’s business, Mr. Barnes,” you quip before marching away. He won’t get under your skin. Not today out of all days. It’s the last day of school. Summer lies ahead and you won’t allow him to ruin your mood.
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“I wonder if you bought these for someone special,” Bucky laughs as he steps toward your fence to look at your rotary airer – or rather at your lingerie hanging on the airer. “I thought you hate any alpha.”
“Get. Off. My. Lawn,” you twirl around to glare at him. “What the fuck is wrong with you? What kind of man sneaks around an unbonded omega’s house to stare at her lingerie?”
He snorts when you put your hands on your hips, and snarl in his direction. “I’m not on your lawn, doll. This is a public street. I can stand here as long as I want to.”
“If you don’t get out of my sight, you’ll regret it,” you point your index finger at Bucky. “I’m warning you.”
“You’re cute when you believe you can scare me,” he laughs. “What are you going to do, huh? Threaten to throw your lingerie at me.” Bucky throws his head back, laughing. “No, I know. You are going to stab me to death with your knitting needles.”
You growl loudly. “How do you know I knit?”
“Women like you,” he steps closer to your fence and puts his hands on it, “lonely omegas no one wants to mate spend their time with knitting and telling themselves they love being single.”
“You—” you inhale sharply before turning around. Bucky is still laughing when you grab the water hose. You suddenly turn back around to spray Bucky right in the chest, soaking his shirt. He ungracefully backpaddles.
“You…” He growls when you laugh at his predicament. “Do you think this is funny?” Bucky takes off his shirt and flings it at you. “You’ll wash it and give it back to me.”
For a moment, you look at his chest, drinking his defined abs in. He is perfectly toned, and you hate him even more when your eyes drop to his thick thighs.
“In your dreams,” you rip your eyes off his body to grab the shirt and toss it in his face. “Get away from my house, you creep. What kind of man stares at a lady’s lingerie?”
“Lady,” he snorts. “You’re a fury, not a lady!”
Bucky watches you storm off, an amused smirk on his lips. He loves to toy with you and rile you up. Your scent gets stronger, and you almost drown him in it. The alpha inhales deeply, purring low in his throat as his lower half yearns for something more than your scent…
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“That bastard,” you pace back and forth in your living room, eyes drifting toward the wool and your knitting needles on the coffee table. “I should stab him with my needles. One day, I’ll do it.”
Your cat meows loudly. The stray you saved a year ago wants more food, not an angry omega disturbing its sleep. “What? I took you in. You should be on my side!”
You’re about to fight with your cat when a knock interrupts you. “Christ, can I not get a moment of silence?” You walk toward the door, taking deep breaths to calm down. You don’t want to yell at someone only because Bucky Barnes riled you up once again.
“Coming,” you coo while opening the door. You put on a fake smile, but it falls when no other than the thorn in your side stands in front of you. He waves his shirt and growls your name. “What are you doing here?”
“I told you; you’ll wash my shirt!”
“I told you to get off my lawn, bastard!”
You snatch the shirt out of his hands, drop it to the ground, and stomp on it before kicking it away. “If you come here again, I’ll stab you with my knitting needle.”
“I knew you are knit—” he can’t end his line because you slam the door in his face.
“Yeah, fuck you too!”
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“Where are my…” You stare at the empty rotary airer. All your lingerie and even your favorite nightie is gone. There is nothing left but Bucky’s dirty shirt. “That motherfucker stole my panties!”
He made it. Today is the day you’ll end James Buchanan Barnes's life. You run inside to get your knitting needles, a grim expression on your face. He brought it upon himself with his cocky attitude and stupid smile. How dare he drown you in his scent anytime you are near him.
The alpha will die and it’s all his fault…
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“Open the fucking door!” You harshly knock at his door. “I know you are at home, you fucker! Stealing is a crime. Trespassing is a crime too!”
Bucky slowly opens his door. Today the cocky fucker has his hair pulled back. The white undershirt he’s wearing is a little too tight. He smirks at you and crosses his muscular arms over his chest. “What can I do for you doll?”
 “You know exactly what I want, Barnes,” you throw his dirty shirt in his face. “Give me back my lingerie and nightie, you fucking creep!”
“I don’t know what you are talking about?” He dips his head to let his eyes wander up and down your body. “If anyone stole clothes, it’s you. How did you get my shirt, doll?”
“You won’t get away with stealing from me,” you take a step closer to Bucky to push against his shoulders. He stumbles backward and hits the door with his back. Bucky yelps when you press one knitting needled against his crotch, poking his balls.
“Doll, what are you up to?” He watches you place your other hand on his chest, moving it up and down. “Y/N?”
“You’ll never underestimate me again,” moving your hand to his throat you smirk. “I want my lingerie back. If you don’t give them back, I’ll take something from you.”
“I can’t give them back,” he breathes heavily feeling the needly poke his sack. “I’d love to give them back…though…but…I can’t…I swear.”
“Why not? Did you give them to one of your one-nighters?” You snarl his name. “Where are my panties?”
“In my nightstand,” Bucky licks his lips. “They are dirty…though.”
You gape at him. “You fucker!”
“Yeah, I fucked them good and hard,” he grins when you drop the needle to cup his crotch. “I imagined it’s your needy hole I stuff with my thick cock.”
“You’re a pervert and a creep,” you fist his undershirt with both hands. “If you don’t want me to stab you with my knitting needle, you’ll wash my lingerie…”
“Hmm…” he purrs when you step away to move your hands under your summer dress. You shimmy out of your panties and ball them up. “What are you doing?”
“Oh, you will wash these with your dirty mouth…”
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msmk11 · 1 month
Five More Minutes
Finnick Odair x fem!reader
WC: 1.5k
CW: Fluff, angst, the games, illusions to death
Summary: Five more minutes. A phrase you say often but only now really mean.
Day 16 of mk’s mad dash
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The cold waves crash against your legs as you run through the water away from Finnick. Two person tag is pointless, really, but at the young age of eight, practicality is not an important thing on your mind. You’re still at the age where you’re similar in height and strength to the blonde, so you pretty easily outrun his attempts at tagging you.
“Wah, wah, you can’t catch me Finny!” You tease, sticking your tongue out.
“I told you not to call me that!” he yells, a pout growing on his face.
By the way his brows furrow in concentration, you can tell that your best friend is more determined than ever to catch you.
You run back up onto the shore, your feet sinking into the wet sand beneath you.
“Hey guys!” A voice shouts distantly.
You stop running and look up to see Finnick’s mother at the back door.
“It’s time to come inside my loves, dinner is ready!”
Just when you’re about to respond, a cold wet hand presses your arm.
“Tag, you’re it!”
Finnick stands beside you, golden hair windblown and wearing a big smirk.
“Not fair!” You shout back, betrayal written all over your face, “the game was obviously paused.”
“Never said so,” Finnick answers, arms crossed bossily.
“I’m gonna get you!”
You look back at Finnick’s mom, “five more minutes!”
“Five more minutes.”
You look up at Mrs. Odair standing next to you, arms crossed and an anxious expression on her face that she absolutely cannot hide from you.
“Five more minutes,” you agree, reaching out and squeezing her arm gently.
Five more minutes. Five more minutes until Finnick would finally arrive home from the Capitol.
Finnick. Your Finny. The Capitol’s newest Victor. The youngest too, winning at the young age of only fourteen.
After being gone for weeks, you’d finally get to see him again. You’d finally be able to rest easy, knowing that he’s alive, safe, and within walking distance.
You hear it before you see it- the horn of the large, silver train warning everyone to back away from the railway. As it glides smoothly into the station, your stomach erupts in anxious butterflies, equal parts eager and nervous to see Finnick after all this time.
The train door slides open and the first person to step out is Finnick’s mentor, Mags. But then, there he comes, your best friend.
It seems the entirety of District Four is crammed into the small train station awaiting Finnick’s return, so the whole platform erupts into cheers at the sight of him exiting the train.
Finnick, ever the charmer, immediately puts on his best smile, waving to the crowd. Though you know a lot of it is an act, you can tell a part of him is genuinely happy to be home surrounded by his neighbors and friends.
His smile turns fully genuine, however, when he sees his parents and you waiting for him near the front of the platform. Finnick runs straight into his mother’s arms. Though he already towers over her, he looks so small at this moment, relieved to be back with his mama after all the trauma he had faced. When he pulls away, he gives his dad a hug too and then turns to you. If possible, his smile grows even wider and he opens his arms to you. You run straight into his arms at full force and he catches you, barely even stumbling under your weight.
You bury your face in his neck, “Welcome back, Finny.”
You’re already ready to kill someone and the games haven’t even started yet. Interviews, in front of millions of people, are starting soon, and you’ve never felt more uncomfortable. You aren’t against dressing nice, but as a sixteen year old girl from the districts, you’re certainly against dressing uncomfortably and so lavishly. The big, poofy, blue gown you’re wearing is supposed to resemble the ocean, but you’re sure your stylist has gotten it all wrong. One is pleasant and good and makes you happy, the other is a stupid-ass dress with itchy fabric.
Luckily, your team has at least given you a few minutes alone before your interviews to collect yourself.
There’s a soft knock on the door and before you can even respond, it’s opening and closing quickly. Finnick is upon you in a second, arms wrapped around your waist and his chest flush against yours.
“Finnick,” you sigh, “what’re you doing here? I thought mentors weren’t allowed to be back here before the interviews?”
He pulls away a little and gives you a wink, “perks of being the Capitol’s Darling.”
You roll your eyes and scoff at him, but secretly you’re grateful for his status in the Capitol. Without his unwavering support at your side every second of your games journey so far, you certainly would’ve cracked. You’re not sure how you’re gonna fare in the arena.
Finnick looks you up and down, “you look….”
“Like an idiot?”
“No,” the blonde says, suddenly very serious, “You look beautiful, really. Though I suppose you always are.”
You’re interrupted by the door opening. A backstage assistant peeks their head in the room, “you’re on in ten.”
When the door shuts, Finnick squeezes your waist gently, “okay, we should probably go.”
You stop him before he can pull away, “wait! Five more minutes, please.”
Finnick nods and pulls you impossibly tighter, resting his forehead against yours. As you stare into his seafoam colored eyes, a wave of calm overcomes you.
You’re so close that your breaths intermingle, and your stomach does a flip.
But you don’t need to say anything else, because his lips are already on yours.
Even though Finnick never has to work another day in his life if he doesn’t want to, he’s still up and off to the docks every day before the sun even rises. It’s a habit of his you used to admire, maybe selfishly so, because he always showed up on your doorstep after a morning on the water with some sort of gift or breakfast in hand. But now, now that you and Finnick live together, you hate it. Even though you’re happy he’s doing something he enjoys, you, again, selfishly, want to keep him in bed a little longer.
When you feel him start to stir next to you, you instantly whine into his bare chest.
“Where are you going?”
Finnick’s strong arms squeeze you tightly, “gotta get up and head to the docks, sweetheart, you know this.”
“No,” you moan tiredly, “stay here.”
Your boyfriend places a soft kiss to the crown of your head and mumbles into your hair, “you know I can’t. Gotta work.”
You open your heavy eyes and look up at him, chin still resting on his muscled chest, “but you don’t have to. You could stay here and lay with me.”
Finnick sighs and you know he feels bad, but you also know you won’t change his mind. You find his stubbornness endearing, even if it works against you sometimes.
“Sweetheart, I’ll be back before you know it, okay?”
You huff dejectedly, “fine. But will you at least lay with me for five more minutes?”
The blonde pushes a strand of hair out of your face, “okay, pretty girl, five more minutes.”
The squeal of delight that escapes you makes your boyfriend chuckle, and you wrap yourself around him like a baby koala bear.
You look up at his pretty smile and long, soft eyelashes and place a soft kiss to his jaw, “Thank you, my love.”
Much like all the mornings before, you cling to your husband tightly as you two lay in bed, preparing to face the day ahead.
But nothing about this morning is typical.
Instead of contentment you feel fear, instead of rested you feel restless, and instead of Finnick being eager to start his day, he clings to you just as tightly, head buried in your chest listening to the beating of your heart.
You mindlessly run your fingers through your lover’s curls, the only thing keeping you from completely breaking down.
Today is the day of the quarter quell. A day you never thought would come- when you have to enter the arena again. Even worse- when Finnick has to enter the arena again.
You’re still in shock over it all, and you can’t help the bitterness you feel towards the “girl on fire” for putting you and Finnick in this position again. Still, you try to keep your husband’s words in mind- it’s all for the revolution.
Only time will tell if you two would make it out alive.
Finnick’s rustling startles you from your daze and you look down at him, watching as he glances towards the clock on the nightstand.
“We probably should-“
You pull Finnick towards your face, “just five more minutes, okay?”
Five more minutes. A phrase you’ve said countless times, but only now really mean in the face of death.
Five more minutes to hold your husband. To kiss him. To love him in the security of your bed. To pretend that the world doesn’t wait outside your door.
Oh what you’d do for five more minutes.
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astrologicalsstuff · 2 years
Composite observations
Composite is median of two placements that can indicate the nature of the relationship. What you value in your own chart can be compared to the composite and show what the relationship means to you.
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This is not my art😖😖
Aries (fire) placements in composite probably show up in your first relationship.
It gives first love kind of energy burns hot and fresh.
Lots of planets in the 7th house composite can indicate polyamory or at least a couple that likes to be around other people a lot ESPECIALLY Venus sun or mars.
Pluto in the 7th can mean the opposite, where when other people try to join the relationship they feel left out or try to come between them.
Sun and rising in composite can show where the relationship takes place example: cancer at home, Leo at parties
Dignities may matter more in composite than they do in a natal chart, they just indicate very bluntly strengths and drawbacks.
Sun in libra is debilitated because aries exalts the sun. Libra sun can indicate codependency! Not necessarily a bad things depends on the couples needs but I’ve seen this for couples that just fall into place and it’s hard to work without each-other. Honestly in terms of relationships it’s a great placement just watch out you may find yourself in years to come realizing you’ve lost yourself completely or you have no goals of your own.
Mars in libra composite is also in fall and could indicate a relationship where one person is just trying to keep the peace. Mr friend had mars in libra with this guy we both knew and the guy didn’t like the her but didn’t say anything because he didn’t want to start a problem.
I noticed moon in the 12th house indicates that someone if not both parties are hiding their feelings I have friends who are married with this placement and it is hard to watch.
Neptune in the first house LIES or romance? This is such a deceitful placement watch your back I’m not kidding my friend thought this guy was in love with her and he hated her behind her back. Same with Pisces in the first. This can also indicate drugs and alcohol upon first meeting.
Difficult planets in the 11th can indicate their friends don’t like you (Pluto,neptune, Mars, Saturn.)
Having natal squares to the composite chart is not a bad thing, opposite signs learn a lot from each other so in a composite they usually create whit would be a square to the natal.
Gemini placements in composite may also be a more social couple that needs other people to keep the relationship going.
I think neptune in the 8th in composite may also indicate some confusion around feelings. Or a sacrificial bond? Still unclear.
Sun square moon composite big fwb energy the role of the relationship conflicts with the feelings
Similarly aries sun or rising may be a relationship based on sex
Virgo risings in composite you met your partner in your everyday life, my friend and her husband have Virgo rising with Mercury in the 4th(home) and she met him because he was her neighbor.
Saturn in the second house we didn’t give each other ANYTHING.
This is so specific but I had Chiron in libra in the 8th with a guy and we were poly and he gave me an std from the other person we were with but I never had sex with her and he never got it😭😭😭
That’s it for now I’ll do composite readings for free if you send me a message through my Instagram account I just want to learn more about composite relationships but there’s not a lot of info out there🥰🥰
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hlficlibrary · 1 year
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HL Fic Library 🌸 Short Fics
(Part Two ~ 5k-10k)
Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
🌸 Just Your Jinx by @larryatendoftheday (T, 10k)
Harry Styles may or may not have accidentally jinxed his extremely fit new neighbor, and it's not so easy to make things right.
🌸 a garden in bloom by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry (G, 10k)
Louis used to live the quiet sweet life of a small business owner in the English countryside.
Then Harry Styles came along.
🌸 Make Him Want to Sin by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird (E, 9k)
The stranger’s sharp gaze landed on him immediately, the eye contact shattering through Harry’s defenses. For the first time in his life, Harry had an instantaneous reaction to someone. The man stared down at him with interest, like he wanted to take Harry apart and put him back together again, piece by piece. Harry wanted that more than anything, and he wanted it right now. It took every ounce of strength he had ever possessed to not drop down to his knees instinctively.
All from one glance.
Harry is a curatorial assistant at the London Museum of Natural History, on the day of the big annual gala he catches a glimpse of someone unexpected.
🌸 Give Me One Excuse by green_feelings / @greenfeelings (T, 9k)
Louis gets dumped by his fiancée and Harry is his replacement. It's not their decision to get engaged, but it's their decision to get married.
Or, an Arranged Marriage Royal AU.
🌸 You Deserve It All by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings (NR, 9k)
Just once Harry would like to face his ex and feel confident, but he's shit at confronting Nick and unfortunately his shopping skills aren't much better. Thankfully for him, the cute sales boy at the clothing shop knows a thing or two about fashion and making ex boyfriends green with envy.
🌸 Night Out by @helloamhere (E, 9k)
Symphony hall was the first place Louis had felt at home in this city, and he always had the box to himself. Until tonight.
🌸 a body wishes to be held & held by @turnyourankle (E, 9k)
Harry wants to return the favour after Louis helps him out with his heat.
🌸 Sweet to the Soul, Health to the Bones by wildhalos (T, 9k)
“When you walk in, every single thing stops. I see you, only.” Someone keeps declaring their love on the brick wall outside Louis’s office window. It's possible Louis should be concerned, but the romantic in him would like to believe a stalker would use something slightly more vicious than chalk and pretty words.
🌸 Second Time's the Charm by @cherrystreet (E, 8k)
Louis’ mother is convinced she met her son’s soulmate at the market. Louis is extremely hesitant to go on the blind date she’s set up, but she’s persistent, begging and pleading, pulling out all the stops. After all, mothers do know best.
(Or maybe they don’t.)
🌸 Now That It's Over by @lululawrence (NR, 8k)
“What are the odds we would both be at Mariano’s on a Thursday night?”
Louis’ shoulders tensed. What the hell was he doing here?
“Harry? Hi? The odds are pretty crazy, yeah.”
Harry smiled down at Louis the way he used to, but there was also a glint in his eye that Louis absolutely did not like. Harry was also dressed in his favorite black and white striped women’s jeans and a printed shirt only he would ever be able to pull off. It was quite rude of him to come and interrupt Louis, particularly while looking so good. Louis hadn’t seen him since he’d finished moving his shit out of what was once their shared flat, so this being the first time seeing him wasn’t exactly providence in Louis’ mind.
Or the one where Harry and Louis broke up two months ago, and Harry just might be sabotaging Louis' dates.
🌸 good enough (for you) by localopa / @voulezloux (G, 8k)
omega louis is next in line to rule the pack. in spite of the rule saying he needs an alpha to rule, he creates an impossible olympics to find a worthy mate. harry somehow wins the gold.
🌸 Mr. Tuesday by @jaerie (E, 8k)
Tuesday. Harry loved Mr. Tuesday.
It was true that most of his clients were regulars, but there was just something about Mr. Tuesday that would make him stand out amongst the others even if he hadn’t booked almost every single Tuesday with him for the past year. It was the first day of Harry’s work week and Mr. Tuesday always eased him into it in such a pleasant way.
🌸 Holding out for something more by SunTomato / @sun-tomato (NR, 8k)
"This isn't a social call, is it, Curly?" Harry's gaze drops to the floor. "No." Harry takes a deep breath, fists clenching at his side, before he looks up again. His eyes meet Louis’ with a mix of fear and determination. "I want to make a deal."
OR The one where demon Louis really doesn't want Harry to trade away his soul, even if he can't explain why.
🌸 I Don't Love You I Want in Your House by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup (T, 7k)
Harry comes into the bakery almost every day trying to woo Louis.
Zayn works out at the gym maybe a little more than necessary so that he can get the chance to watch Liam train.
Niall is the only one who ever checks the mail.
🌸 Your secret’s safe with me by lightswoodmagic / @lightwoodsmagic (M, 7k)
He knew almost everything about Haz, considered him his best friend. He knew his favourite movies and books, how he liked his coffee, knew how many pets he had and what he was most afraid of. Louis knew how to calm him down when he was panicking, and that he’d lost his virginity to his ex-boyfriend when he was 17. He knew that Haz had curly hair, green eyes, that he was tall and considered himself slightly awkward. He knew his Instagram account that only had aesthetic pictures or ridiculous jokes, but in the all the time that Louis had known him, he’d never learnt, or been allowed to know, Haz’s full name, what he sounded like, or what he looked like.
Louis didn't care.
Or, when Louis' favourite singer comes back and announces he's performing again, him and the rest of his group chat decide to go. When Haz, the man Louis' fallen in love with without meeting him, says that he can't, Louis tries his best to convince him with a drunken phone call, hearing his voice for the first time. It's not until he's at Royal Variety that he swears he can hear it again.
🌸 'Sup by MediaWhore / @mediawhorefics (G, 6k)
Gemma really wants her little brother to sign up for a dating app and get back in the game after a messy divorce. Harry thinks he’s way too old to swipe. They compromise to devastatingly embarrassing results.
Meanwhile, all Louis wants is to finish the play he’s been commissioned to write, but one of the regulars at his local coffee shop keeps distracting him.
ft. older larry, pushy gemma, harry being a disaster gay and silver fox louis.
🌸 Easier by @allwaswell16 (E, 6k)
The last person Louis wants to see is his ex-boyfriend who also happens to be his soulmate.
🌸 Bijou by @kingsofeverything (E, 6k)
Being in love with his best friend wouldn't be so awful if Harry didn't have to listen to him constantly complain about how the guys he dates don't measure up.
🌸 We're Getting Better With Time by @haztobegood (T, 5k)
Hello Harry, this may seem out of the blue, and even weirder if you don’t remember me. We hung out for a few weeks back in the summer of 82. A picture of you showed up on my facebook tonight, I think because we have a few mutual friends on here. I know we haven’t spoken in forty years, but I thought I’d just shoot you a message. I hope you’re doing well. L
Or, the one where Louis is single, Harry is recently divorced, and they reconnect on Facebook forty years after they first met.
🌸 old macdonald had a farm by vintagehistories / @adoredontour (NR, 5k)
Louis is a hedgehog, Harry is a fish, Niall is a parrot, Liam is a golden retriever, and Zayn is Zayn. It’s a crazy twenty-four hours.
🌸 Only Reason by @letsjustsee (NR, 5k)
“We are so lucky to have with us one of the leading experts on beekeeping in the modern age, Dr. Louis Draper.” No. No, no, no… “I know I speak for many of us when I say that this man’s books have guided our practice, or helped us get started,” Harry continued, and Louis watched as the crowd nodded their heads in agreement. Oh shit. No. What? No. But then Harry was gesturing towards him, saying “Dr. Draper?” into the microphone, the crowd was applauding, and Louis found himself walking up the stairs to the stage.
Or, Louis is most definitely smitten with Harry from the second he sees him, but he is also most definitely not the world's foremost expert on beekeeping. He decides to roll with it anyway.
🌸 Get Nesting & Soft Knots by ishiplouis / @pocketsunshineharry (G, 5k)
AU where Omega Louis who runs a nesting materials Youtube channel meets Alpha Harry who knits his own blankets
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myth-blossom · 3 months
I have had “Cold Hard Bitch” by Jet stuck in my head for days…
Hello Nonny! That song is so damn fun and I’ve been blasting it on my speakers again. It got me thinking about Diana and Grey and the frenemy nature of their relationship. With that in mind, I hope you like how I re-envisioned their first meeting. Enjoy! 😁
She entered the popular lounge and chose a private booth in the back, her image clear in the reflection of the large mirror behind the bar’s bottle display. Her sultry blue cocktail dress replaced the muted colors of professional wear he had grown accustomed to seeing, though for a Friday night, her change of attire wasn’t unusual. He casually sipped his bourbon and watched her order a drink before lighting a cigarette.
Lucas Grey didn’t know what to expect of Diana Burnwood, and that bothered him. When Olivia was unable to dig up much about Burnwood’s past, he decided to follow her from a safe distance. After a week’s worth of quiet observation, he hadn’t discovered much about her personality, her habits, her potential weaknesses or her hidden strengths. She handled herself carefully, not that he expected much else with her ICA affiliation. Though as a handler to 47, he had rather hoped she would let some sort of intel slip.
Getting closer wasn’t ideal, but it was a calculated risk for his mission. Burnwood became slightly easier for Olivia to track and him to travel to, with her having stayed in one place for longer than a few days for once. If he hoped to learn anything about her and get an opportunity to reunite with 47, he would have to close the distance between her daily route and his recent perch over the café across the street.
He was impressed when the bartender appeared with another bourbon for him ten minutes later, its pour coming from a finer vintage than he had previously consumed. “On behalf of the lady, sir,” she offered, gesturing to the back of the lounge in Burnwood’s direction. It seemed his target was sharper than he realized.
Grey took the glass and turned in his seat to raise a toast in her direction. She nodded and seemed to beckon him to the booth with a smile. Against his better judgment, he left the bar to make his approach.
“Was that an invitation?” he asked. She sipped the last of her wine and returned the glass to the table.
“I thought this would give you a better view,” she teased. “Please, sit.”
He slid into the booth beside her, guarded but wearing a smirk. She had chosen the best area of the lounge with no neighboring patrons nearby to pay them any mind, as if her presence dictated the exclusive reservation of the space. She was certainly interesting, if perhaps more dangerous than he had originally given her credit for. He couldn’t allow the distraction of her dress raised high on her thigh as her slender leg crossed over the other, or of the shape of her painted lips as she blew out a steady stream of smoke… 
He tore himself away to gesture at her empty wine glass. 
“Can I return the favor?” He noted the imprint left behind by her lipstick and ignored the urge to stare at the origin. “A glass of red, was it?”
“That’s correct,” she nodded. He signaled a waiter over to refresh her drink before giving them privacy once more. “Thank you, Mr….”
“Call me John,” he replied.
“John,” Burnwood repeated, her face neutral but her tone offering a hint of mischief. “Do you come here often, John?”
He sipped his bourbon, its taste more striking the second time around. He would’ve feared the addition of poison had he not watch her keep still at her table the entire time. This is a great vintage, he thought, and let his caution stay hidden beneath a calm expression.
“No. Just visiting.”
“How do you find it?”
He eyed the well-dressed businessmen and socialites near the bar with not-so-subtle disdain. “The crowd is unappealing—present company excluded, of course,” he gestured to her stiffly. She chuckled. “The drink is decent, though.”
“I see. And is it the drink or the company that keeps you here?”
He held her gaze as he drank his bourbon. “I haven’t decided.”
She placed her hand on his thigh and leaned in closer. He felt his breath catch in his throat at her intimate touch, her warm breath tickling his ear as his grip tightened on his near-empty glass. 
”Oh, but I think you have…”
Just observe, he tried to remind himself. You’re only here to observe.
The voice of reason faded into nothing as he allowed her temptation to meet his lips, his eyes closing easily at the pleasurable sensation of a stranger’s kiss. It had been months…years?…since he last allowed himself such a delicacy, and for good reason. It was far too easy to get distracted from his surroundings, to let his guard down, to become prey instead of predator in enemy territory—
He felt the recognizable sting of a needle pricking his leg, his attention so ensnared by the temptress that he neglected to notice her subtle movement. He would’ve spat a particular curse against her lips had his vision not immediately grown foggy, his body succumbing to the drowsy effects of the sedative. She took the glass from his loosened grip as his arm thudded weakly to the table.
“I don’t know who you are or how you found me, but I won’t let it happen again,” she murmured, her voice slipping away as his head dropped to his chest. He watched her drink the last of his bourbon before exhaustion claimed his vision.
“Sleep well, John.”
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picafreesita · 6 months
When my head touched the pillow in an instant, the morning light arrived…
Exactly, it was already daylight.
I quickly got up, looked around, next to me I had Sally and Julie peacefully asleep, the occasional snore coming out of their mouths. It was as if they had actually slept more hours than I felt. What was happening? Sunlight flooded the house just like yesterday's birdsong.
From outside you could hear a good morning. I went out and went to the first window I could find, opened it and watched as the neighborhood filled with life again with the neighbors.
Wait…what was that smell?
It was strange, it was as if it were something dead, a nauseating smell that was mixed with hints of sweet smell; I had never smelled anything like that. I took several inhalations to look for its origin, this only made me begin to lean forward, allowing a part of my body to come out of the window.
I turned to look down.
Its colors were vibrant, it was as if a rainbow rested on each petal except for some that were a deep blue color that took away the symmetry of its beauty; Although this sounded like the most incredible thing about their figure is not compared to those black and white spots that stole the spotlight from the rest, I would swear that they seemed to be… eyes
I frowned as I felt a new wave of his foul scent.
"Good morning, Jolly" Poppy greeted me from the street, I could see her standing.
"Oh hello"
She walked towards me and told me
"Do you really like flowers? They are wonderful, don't you think?"
"The aroma calls me… a strange aroma, I had never smelled anything like it"
"Where do you come from the pansies don´t exist? These grow everywhere, you could even find them in soup. Sometimes I like to use them for that, they give it a good touch with other ingredients"
"I guess it tastes better than it smells, its smell is horrible" I let out a small laugh.
"That can't be"
Poppy bent down to cut one of those flowers and then smell it.
"To me, it seems like a sweet and splendid smell, even Eddie and Julie make wreaths with them"
She handed it to me and I smelled it again, in a quick reaction I frowned and moved it away from me.
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"Maybe the problem is my nose, it may be broken"
"Oh no! Let me see" With her big wings she took my face to see it closer to her, she held me so tightly that the only thing on the other side of the window was my feet hanging on its frame.
"It seems that everything is in order," she said with a sigh of relief, returning me inside.
"Oh, good morning Poppy," Sally greeted behind me. The two girls slowly walked out of the pillow fort.
"Hello girls" She kindly waved one of her wings as a greeting.
"Yes, I'm hungry. What do you want for breakfast?" Julie asked.
"Waffles! "Let's make waffles!" she said, Sally.
"I'll see you in a while, enjoy your breakfast," Poppy said saying goodbye and walking away from the window.
Both girls shouted:
-We will do it!-
During breakfast, Sally and Julie began to play with their food, they decorated it with colored sprinkles and syrups of all the flavors you can imagine to form funny faces on them, I don't know if it was just me but my waffle looked like…
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"David" I whispered in a sad tone.
"Did you say something? Is there something wrong with your Mr. waffle?" Sally asked.
"No, nothing. Only Mr. Waffle is very delicious" I responded with a smile.
Looking at the clock in the living room I noticed that it was 10 in the morning.
"I think I better get ready to leave" I interrupted and then got up on the table.
Julie also got up and told me:
"I have been thinking and we should wash and even mend your clothes"
"It's true, you should leave completely renewed. This way you will have much more strength to find your friends,” Sally replied.
"I really don't want to abuse your kindness" I responded.
"I insist, now we are friends. And friends always support each other"
I guess they had a good point, what I was wearing were nothing more than scraps that I found along my way, things that I could even consider as proof of my survival.
"So what am I going to use? I don't think I can´t spend most of the day in my pajamas"
"Let's see what's in my closet, you may be a little taller than me, but I Julie "fashion icon" know that I have something perfect for you, trust my magical design skills," She said moving his fingers while He began to walk backward until he entered the room.
"Come on!" Sally said pushing me inside. After they finished getting ready it was my turn.
I scrolled through thousands of outfits, some that were tight and some that were too baggy, many more was like something Sally said "didn't suit my vibe," from plain colored clothes to those that had the most eye-catching patterns I've ever seen. Dresses, pants, scarves, shirts, and more flew through the air creating thousands of possible combinations.
"Wait a minute, I think I found the perfect outfit!" Julie said, confident of herself.
In a last round, they dressed me in a three-piece outfit along with some white high-waisted boots. It was a long, puffy, colorful shirt that was accompanied by a black vest with hearts sewn on as pockets and along with an orange skirt.
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"I think…I think I like it" I said
"It's perfect!" They shouted at the same time.
"But there's still something to fix, and that's your hairstyle," Sally said.
"That´s a cinch!" I was dragged again, only now towards the bathroom where they began to brush.
"Gosh, I didn't realize that many parts of your hair are shorter than others everywhere"
"I cut it myself" I confessed embarrassed.
"I'll have to match it. Sally, scissors"
A hairdressing gown had covered me up to my shoulders.
"Let's get to work!" Julie exclaimed.
After a certain time, I began to see many strands sliding smoothly on the hairdressing gown.
"Now we have to style it"
With a few more brushes and several passes of hairspray, Julie was finally done.
"Vuala! My masterpiece!"
When I looked in the mirror I couldn't believe that it was me that was in front of me, I got up and took off the hairdressing gown revealing the complete look.
Sally laughed and said:
"Yes, you are pretty"
I couldn't stop looking at me from head to toe. Am I really pretty?
"Very well, since we are all ready, it is time to go" Julie indicated.
She took my clothes and put them in a yellow bag.
We left the house heading to Poppy's house which was sitting knitting near one of her windows. Julie kindly asked her to fix my clothes and she accepted the task without any problem and even told me that I looked very pretty.
"Thank you," I said shyly.
When we said goodbye we walked to Wally's house to find out what he had in store for us that day.
🌈3<<<;<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>5🌈
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May i request a sandman fic where Dream is forced to interact with children, preferably with Death
(also, despite death being there, could you perhaps not make it depressing)
Didi's Brother
Dream of the Endless x Reader (but its mostly dream & ze baby boy)
Summary: "Di!" I rather excitedly called, grabbing the woman by the arm, "you didn't tell me your brother was hot." She laughs, "don't you think it would be rather odd if I told you 'oh, I have a hot brother.'"
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: fem!reader, single mom!reader, Death is referred to as Didi, Dream boy Morpheus is referred to as Murphy, fluff, angst?, typos, etc.
A/N: i hope you like it!!! its pretty fluff! and also nonnie ???? it's never depressing when death is around!!! HAHAHH i made the kid a baby boy because i normally write dream in a girl dad lens. boy dad time HAHAHH Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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The moment the boy heard a knock on the door, he scrambled in excitement and ran to the door screaming, "MUMMA, SOMEONE'S AT THE DOOR!"
Upon hearing this from the bathroom, I yell back, "okay, I'll be out in a minute. Don't open the door."
The child nodded but ran to the door anyway, checking to see who it was, pressing his cheek to the entrance. He hoped it was their neighbor. She was an old lady who always gave him sweeties (in secret).
When he doesn't hear anything, he pulls away and busts a lung out, "WHO IS IT!"
He hears a chuckle.
"It's auntie Didi!"
Oh em gee, that was even better!!!!!
"MUMMA!" the boy screams his guts out that it echoes inside the bathroom.
I sigh but chuckle. I flush and step out.
"Goodness," I huff as I jog towards my son, who was jumping in excitement, "give me a chance."
The moment the door opens, the boy leaps towards the dark clothed woman and strangles her legs, "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!"
Both of us look down and chuckle at the boy. Didi brushes his wispy hair back and gently pinches his cheek, "hello, Benji."
I lean in and hug the woman, "hey, Didi, thanks for coming."
Didi chckles, "happy to watch this sweetheart."
When we pull away, I then lock eyes with the man behind her. My lips part at his dark eyeliner, sharp cheekbones, and messy hair, "oh... hello there."
"Greetings," he says, lips barely curving into a smile.
Didi turns over her shoulder, "this is my brother, Murphy."
"Oh," I say, unable to take my eyes off him, but do so rather reluctantly.
"I hope you don't mind. He's going to be babysitting with me today."
Upon hearing this, Benji pulls away from Didi and peeks behind her, examining the tall man. Seeing that he looks quite similar to his beloved auntie Didi, with their goth aesthetics, he agrees with himself that he's probably going to be just as fun as her.
This was how Murphy became Benji's right-hand construction man as he busied himself in the livingroom, building a fort.
"HMMM," he hums loudly, "I think you should up and-" he fixes the pillow walls, "-and- and get mumma's pillows because it's falling!"
"Benji, no," I call as I hear this. I adjust my coat on my shoulders as I head for the door, "just use the pillows here."
Benji whines as his right hand man kneels down next to him to keep the pillows from falling. The boy protests, "but mumma!!!!"
"If you want him to get the pillows, you have to go up with him," I say as Didi chuckles at the child, "and you have to ask him politely."
Benji beams and immediately yanks Murphy from the fort, making it topple down, "uncle Murphy, can we please, please, please get some pillows upstairs."
"Benji," I warn.
Murphy stands and nods, "very well."
Benji excitedly drags him with all his strength, "we can get the stuffed toys too!!!! MR. SNUFFALUFFAGUS!"
I watch as Murphy bends to allow the boy to drag him by the hand up the stairs. I turn to Didi, who is also watching them go upstairs.
Because of the boys short legs, it takes rather long for them to climb the steps one by one. Murphy pulls his hand out of the boy's grip to hold him on both arms, "would you like to hold on the hand rails, Benjamin?"
Benji turns to Murphy and reaches out to him instead, "carry?"
Murphy stills for a moment, but then picks up the child, craddling him in his arms. Something happens to my heart as I watch him climb the stairs with my baby. Once they are at the top, my stomach flurries at the sight of him tickling my son sweetly.
"Di!" I rather excitedly called, grabbing the woman by the arm, "you didn't tell me your brother was hot."
She laughs, "don't you think it would be rather odd if I told you 'oh, I have a hot brother.'"
I burst into a fit of laughter, "point taken."
Didi giggles with me.
"So... is he single?"
Didi rolls her eyes, "why don't you ask him yourself?"
I clear my throat and shake my head, "just curious..."
She raises a brow and crosses her arms.
"Are you sure it's alright for him to watch Benji with you?"
She shakes her head, "oh, you saw them. Just go already, unless you wanna be late. And anyway, I'll be right here the whole time."
Eventually, all the pillows in the house were used to fortify the castle upon the couch. Murphy was then assigned to play a monster and Didi was assigned as a fairy. Benji was obviously a knight.
"Okay," Benji points as he looks to Murphy, "destroy the castle."
He is a bit shocked, "must I? We spent much time balancing the pillows in order to stand like this."
Benji shakes his hands, "no, you have to-" but then hurtles himself into the plush pillows and destroys it himself as he growls.
Didi giggles as he watches the child do this. Murphy watches, entirely still.
Once destruction was laid upon the pillowy castle, Benji stands and then gasps, "OH NO THE MONSTER DESTROYED IT!"
Didi places a hand on her lips, holding back her laughter, "gosh. Don't you just hate it when that happens?"
Murphy finally understand his role. He crosses his arms then tilts his head, a rather threatening stance in all honesty. The prince of stories muses, "𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔯𝔢𝔪𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢. ℑ 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔪. 𝔔𝔲𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥 𝔪𝔶-" SMACK!
Benji takes a pillow and wacks it across the monster's waist in the middle of his speech.
Flabbergasted, Murphy could not do much other than accept the assualt of the Knight of Featherdown. The pillow slips out of Benji's hand because of a particularly hard hit on the man's leg. The boy then grabs the other pillows and stuffed toys, chucking it to Murphy. It barely hits the monster because of knight's poor hand-eye coordination.
Didi laughs, "the fairy will help!"
And so the knight and the fairy fight the monster until he gets the wits to grab a pillow and shield himself.
"ℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔟𝔢 𝔡𝔢𝔣𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔡!" Murphy proclaims, "ℑ 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔡𝔢𝔳𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔪!"
His sister translates for the boy, "sir Benji! He says he's going to eat everything!"
"𝔅𝔲𝔱 ℑ 𝔞𝔪 𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯."
Benji growls through a giggle, "GOOD ALWAYS WINS!"
Eventually, Murphy is defeated, sprawled chest down on the carpet, a five year old sat on his back victoriously.
Benji, thoroughly excited by the turn of events, giggles as he catches his breath. He decides to mimic the man and lie chest down on Murphy's back. The latter feels his cells come alive at the feel of the boy's heartbeat.
"You are a valiant opponent, Sir Benjamin," Murphy mutters.
Didi chuckles and sits down next to them. She rubs the kid's back, "he means your a great knight, Benji."
Benji turns to Didi then slides off Murphy. The boy walks over to her, "Aunti Didi."
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Is Murphy a puppa?"
Didi blinks and turns to her brother. She places her hand on the boy's back, "why don't you ask him."
Murphy, who obviously heard this, pushes himself up and sits down, waiting to be asked.
Benji turns to him, "are you a puppa?"
He straightens his back and nods, "I am."
"Do you have a son?"
"I do."
Upon hearing this, the boy frowns, "oh."
Didi brushes the boy's hair, "why do you ask, Benji?"
Benji shakes his head and gives no response.
Lord Morhpeus does not like this, and so, he makes the child sleepy.
Benji yawns and stretches.
Didi smiles at him, "wanna take a nap?"
Benji nods.
The moment Benjamin goes to sleep, Murphy meets him in the Dreaming. The child is clad in armor and is sat upon the back of a unicorn. Murphy asks the knight what his question meant and the boy tells him he wanted to ask him to be his puppa.
Murphy thinks about the boy's words for a moment then nods, "I will be your puppa whenever you are in my realm."
Sir Benjamin, Knight of Featherdown, beams, "thank you, puppa."
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kissorkill16 · 3 months
When We Were Once Happy: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
Summary: A story before Trinity moved to Raven Brooks.
Chapter 20
3 weeks went by before Mr. Peterson was finally done with his latest creation, and was ready for the grand opening.
When Aaron texted the good news to Nicky, he practically flew off his seat in excitement.
Now here the Roth family was, getting ready to go to Golden Apple Amusement Park, the first amusement park they've ever been to. Nicky was impatiently standing by the door, stomping his foot and crossing his arm.
"Mom, hurry up! I want to get there in time to ride the new coaster!"
"Just give me a minute, Nicky. I'm still putting on my makeup."
Nicky had to hold back the urge to groan. He was too excited to wait any longer, he had promised Mr. Peterson that he'd be there in time, and he wanted to keep that promise. Another good thing about this was that Bubba wasn't coming, not like she wanted to come anyway.
Luanne finally made her way down the stairs. "Alright, I'm ready."
Jay ran to the front door after her. "Me too, I just had to finish my Ding Dongs."
Luanne rolled her eyes, "Of course your sweets come first before anything.", she said. "Now, have you both used the bathroom?"
"Does everyone have deodorant on?"
"Do we have everything we need before we leave?"
"Okay then, now let's go."
On the way there, Nicky could barely stop shaking from so much excitement. He kept thinking about all of the fun things he and his friends would do when he got there. Riding rides, eating candy, playing games, and winning prizes. It was going to be the best day ever, he could tell.
About half an hour later, they finally made it, and Nicky practically bolted out of the car. But Luanne grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
"Honey, you need sunscreen.", she said, squeezing the bottle of white lotion and rubbing it on her son's face.
"Mom!", Nicky complained, his face turning red.
"It's always important to wear sunscreen on such a hot day like this.", she said.
Finally, after a face full of sunscreen later, they finally walked through the golden gates of Golden Apple Amusement Park.
Everything was so massive and shiny, like it was made of actual gold. It was beautiful.
Despite the beautiful scenery, Nicky was only focused on one thing, finding his friends and having some fun.
Jay and Luanne sat down at a nearby table, and Nicky ran off to find his friends.
"We'll be right here, just text us if you need us, Narf!", said Jay.
Nicky nodded at him before running off again.
The kid found his friends on a park bench, sitting near the carousel. He immediately waved at them, and they waved him over to join them.
"So glad you could make it, Nicky.", said Aaron.
"Yeah, I'm so excited. This is like, my first time at an amusement park."
Everyone looked at him surprised, like he just grew a tail.
"What?", asked Nicky.
"You've never been to an amusement park? Where have you been living all this time, under a rock?", Maritza asked, incredulously.
Nicky looked down at his feet and rubbed his arm.
Mya took his hand and pulled him onto the carousel. "Well we're here to make sure you have the best time of your life. Come ride the carousel with me!", she said, positioning herself on her mechanical horse.
Nicky positioned himself soon after, and the carousel started to ride them in circles, making such soft and energetic music.
"This is nice.", Nicky thought to himself, smiling softly.
When Nicky and Mya were done with the carousel, the group of friends went to the hammer and bell, the first one they put to test it out was Nicky, of course.
"This is easy, Nick. All you gotta do is hit the bell with the hammer. Seem easy enough?", asked Maritza.
Nicky shrugged. "I guess.", he said. He lifted the hammer high over his head, and slammed it down on the bell. However, it didn't make it very far.
"Sorry, I don't have much upper body strength.", he said. Maritza playfully rolled her eyes and took the hammer, "Let me show you how it's done, my friend.", she said.
She raised the hammer high over her head, and practically slammed it down on the bell, and the ding sound definitely sounded out.
"Yeah! That's what I'm fucking talking about!", she said. A man showed up with a giant teddy bear and gave it to Maritza.
The kids played so many more games after that. They played the apple basket toss, ring toss, leap frog, Cornhole, guessing booth, prize punch board, water gun race, cake walk, and balloon darts.
They all rode the Ferris wheel together. With Aaron next to Nicky, Enzo next to Ivan, Maritza next to Mya.
Up on the Ferris wheel, Nicky was completely mesmerized by the sight of the ground. How small everyone looked from up high, it was so cool.
"Having a nice time so far?", asked Aaron.
"The best time of my life.", replied Nicky. Then he looked up and turned to Aaron, "Do you know where Lucy is?", he asked.
"I think she's off somewhere playing games with her parents.", Aaron replied. "But we're all totally riding the ride together, and Lucy said she'd be here in time for the grand opening."
"Great. I totally can't wait!"
When the kids finally got off the Ferris wheel, they all saw Lucy at a nearby concession stand, a balloon tied on her wrist. Nicky immediately ran to her, "Lucy!", he said. Lucy turned her head to see Nicky, and she smiled and ran to her friend.
"I told you guys I'd be here.", she said.
"Nice balloon.", said Nicky, pointing to her red balloon.
"Thanks. I bought it with my Golden Apple coin.", she said. "What do you guys want to do?"
"We were about to go get some candy, and we're in a hurry! We gotta get to the golden apples before they run out!", said Mya, hopping up and down.
Lucy's eyes sparkled. "Oh! We better go!", she said, running to the candy stand.
The kids followed soon after.
The kids sat down, eating a whole bunch of snacks. Hot dogs, pizza, chips, chicken legs, corn dogs, and everyone's favorite, golden apples.
Mya held a sparkling wrapped candy to Nicky, "This is a golden apple. Try it, it's very good."
Nicky unwrapped the foil, and put the candy in his mouth. It's like the whole world exploded in colors. It was so sweet, but also sour, and it was crunchy and juicy, almost like a normal apple.
"This is amazing!", Nicky said, his hands flapping around like a baby bird.
"I told you. You want more? We got more than enough for everyone.", said Mya. Nicky nodded so fast.
A few snacks later, the kids could barely sit up straight from being so bloated. Nicky was so hyped on sugar and could barely sit down, was this what a sugar high felt like?
Just then, kids started running somewhere to the other side of the park, all screaming "IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE!", Nicky stopped running around and turned in the direction of where they were running to. It was all so crowded, and he could barely see. Before he could tell any of his friends, they were already up and running to the crowd.
"Come on, Nicky!", Aaron called out, Nicky ran behind the group.
The kids pushed their way to the front of the crowd. The first thing they saw was the mayor and Mr. Peterson, out of his usual argyle sweater, and in a freshly washed tuxedo.
The mayor held the microphone to his lips. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, kids of all ages, welcome to Golden Apple Amusement Park. You've all been waiting for it, hell, I've been waiting for it, and here it is. Before our very eyes. But before we announce the name of the ride, let's give a round of applause to the world famous engineer and theme park designer, Theodore Masters Peterson!"
Mr. Peterson stepped onto the stage, waving to the crowd as it clapped and squealed with excitement.
The mayor handed the microphone to Mr. Peterson.
"Thank you very much.", he said to the mayor, before turning back to the audience. "Now, this creation, unlike any other, is named after the one thing this park has to offer. Before I made this, I've noticed that there's no rollercoaster in this park, so I thought I'd change that. I've dropped many hints. It involves an apple, a rotten apple. Now let's get this show on the road.", he said, stepping back, and opening the gate to the coaster.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...", everyone waited with baited breath. "Rotten Core!"
The gate to the rollercoaster opened, and everyone applauded and excitedly squealed so hard, they could've started an earthquake.
The rollercoaster was large, had many twists and turns throughout the tracks, and on the tallest part of the track was a golden apple, with a hole and track going through it.
Nicky took out his phone and texted his parents, "I'm going on the new rollercoaster, I'll text you when I get off.", then he put his phone back in his pocket, but not before a hand grabbed it.
"You don't need to text us when we're right behind you, Narf.", it was his parents. Jay put Nicky's phone in his pocket, "We'll hold your phone until you get off the ride.", he said.
"And I've checked for any nearby trash cans and bathrooms in case you feel like throwing up.", said Luanne, and Nicky's face turned red.
"Geez, Mom! Announce it to the whole world why don't you?!", Luanne rolled her eyes and gave Nicky a kiss on his forehead.
"Have fun, sweetie.", she said.
Nicky ran to the coaster, along with all of his other friends. They all sat down in the cars, holding their hands on the metal bars, and Lucy tied her balloon string on her bar.
"You ready, sweetie?", asked Mr. Yi.
"A little nervous, but yes.", replied Lucy.
Mr. Yi smiled at his daughter, "It's alright, honey. Me and your mother will be watching. We'll be right here when you get off.", he said, giving Lucy a thumbs up.
Lucy gave her father a thumbs up back, still smiling nervously.
Mr. Yi stepped back and let the ride operator do his work, and soon enough, the carts started to move.
Nicky's heart started beating rapidly, and he didn't even realize he was hyperventilating until Aaron held his hand.
"What's the matter?", he asked.
"Nothing, Aaron. I'm just really nervous. This is just my first time on a rollercoaster.", Nicky replied, trying to steady his breathing.
Aaron squeezed his friend's hand, "It's going to be alright, Nicky. You'll be okay.", he said, giving him a reassuring smile.
Nicky smiled back, and tried to focus forward on the tracks.
The carts moved upwards on the hill of tracks, making the kids struggle to sit up. Then they were at the top, and suddenly, the carts stopped.
"What's going on? Why're we stopping?", Nicky asked, trying not to freak out.
"Dude, calm down. We're getting to the best part of the ride.", said Maritza in the cart ahead of him, and pointing to the front of the tracks.
Everyone in the carts put their hands up in unison.
Nicky turned to look at Aaron, "You're supposed to put your hands up for more fun.", he said. Nicky hesitated for a moment, but he eventually put his hands up.
Then he felt the wind being knocked out of him.
The carts jerked forward and now they were moving as fast as racecars, going in the same twists and turns on the tracks. Everyone screamed with excitement, everyone on the coaster was having the best time of their lives.
Nicky could barely keep himself together, he was feeling something in between a mix of fear and excitement. Maybe it was one or the other, or maybe it was both, he couldn't tell as he screamed. Either way, he was screaming so much.
"THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!!!", screamed Maritza.
"I'M GOING TO PUKE!", screamed Enzo.
"IT'S GOING SO FAST!!!", screamed Ivan.
All of the kids were screaming at each other as the carts started to go faster and faster than the moment before that, and it was starting to scare Nicky.
"IS THIS PART OF THE RIDE?", he asked Aaron.
"I DON'T KNOW!", Aaron replied, almost sounding as scared as Nicky.
"I'M SCARED!", screamed Lucy, holding onto the metal bar with her balloon.
Soon, the cars started moving faster than the speed of light. The speed became too much for any of the kids to handle, and everyone on the ground was panicking and trying to get the ride to stop.
Nicky was panicking the most out of the other kids, "I want to get off! I want to get off!", he kept screaming in his head.
By some miracle, the ride operator found the emergency brake, and pulled it so hard it could've come off.
However, the carts didn't stop, instead, they broke off the tracks and started flying off high into the sky. Before anyone knew it, the carts dropped all the way into a forest full of trees.
The last thing Nicky heard before everything went dark was Lucy's high-pitched, earth shattering scream.
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hidden-poet · 6 months
Till.Death; 1
original(ish) story
description; Harry has always been a traditional man with traditional values. A women place was in the home, with a man to protect and provide for her. Harry was happy to play to his role, becoming rich and powerful with only the intention of bring it home to his little wife. The only problem was that the ex's piled up and his bed remained cold.
Until a young female barista started working at his local coffee shop, and Harry was determined to live out his white picket fantasy.
Only posting so i always have a copy. Please no feedback. I wrote this quite young.
The continuous door bell woke Harry from his sleep. He flicks on his lamp and rushes out of his bed room, grabbing his dressing gown from behind the door. His feet shuffle over the cold wooden steps and the cold titles of his home as he reaches the door. Swinging it open in annoyance to revel the women he threw out of his home 48 hours ago.
"I am pregnant" where the frozen women first words. He eyes the wet women standing at his door step. Her coloured red hair was dark and stuck to her forehead, her skin pale with red blotches were the rain had harshly come down upon her, her nose and cheeks carried a crimson red from being flushed and her attire did not meet the expectations of a cold winter season of London. Still he did not invite her in.
"Congratulations" his tone was bored and it matched the closing of the door. She wasn't the first cunt to try and pin a pregnancy on him and she wasn't the last.
She stopped the door with surprising strength that made Harry stop and give her a second audience.
"It's yours" she begs.
"It's not. I used protection" the door beings to close once more.
"Yeah, well, it didn't fucking work" she shoves against the wood.
He flings the door wide and grabs her by the neck, "you ever swear at me again, whore, and I'll do some remodeling with your head"
He shoves her back into the rain as he releases his hold, stepping himself into his door frame. He needed to see if the neighbours were watching. There were no secrets in the protected, high class community of everdale. The bored housewives and their maids were always peering out their window looking for a good story to tell the others as they ran into them at the supermarket or book club.
Harry was their favourite topic and the last thing Harry needed was for a gold digging whore to ruin his representation. If not for himself, for his future half. He must protect her representation as Mrs styles.
"it's yours! I haven't been with anybody else" she pleads, in a louder voice then Harry would have liked.
His laughter competes with the heavy rain.
"It's true! I haven't even had a chance to pick up my phone since we left hells gates night club together. When you fuc-" Harry eyes darken at the thought of the word coming out of her mouth towards him.
"When you sleep with someone" she correct, "you run the risk of a baby, and we've done a lot of that over the last four days"
He scans the neighbored for any busy bodies but figures it was too early in the morning for the upper class to even consider getting up to hear what the commotion was about.
"Please, I have no where else to go. Look I'll do whatever you say. I'll play subservient to you like you like. Treat you good, baby. You know I know how" she steps forward towards him and his attention goes back to her.
His eyes go to her belly; it could very well be true. They did screw a lot, it's possible that one of the condoms were faulty. A rush ran through him. He could be a father. Sure, it wasn't how he wanted his first child conceived but still excitement at the prospect of his own child shone through.
"Get inside of the house" he commands. She runs past him into the warmth of in doors, and he slams the door closed behind him.
"go sit in the living room" he watches as she instantly does, "on the wooden arm chair, not the fabric stuff" he yells after her.
Harry storms back up stairs, taking them three at a time until he reaches the landing, and takes a sharp turn into his bedroom. Going to his bed stand he picks up his iPhone and dials his doctors number.
He doesn't pick up the first time, and the sound of the message bank send Harry into a rage, kicking his oak stand and throwing his only source of light across the room.
HE sits on the bed now in the dark and try's the number again. This time the doctor doesn't take long to pick up,
"Mr. Green is, ak-hum, is everything ok?" the old man asks, clearly just haven woken up.
"No, No, not everything is ok. I've got a women in my house claiming to be carrying my child, and i need to know if that's true or not"
"Oh dear" The old mans nerves were frazzled when it came to his only client. One, he was too old to be dealing with a full case load, only having to be on retainer for one healthy, fit, young client and still being able to pay off his mortgages was a dream come true. Secondly, whenever Harry came for a check up, it felt like he saw through him. As if Theodore was not worth the time to sit there and discuss his results with, despite his older years and experience.
It fairness, however, Theodore was a obstetrician, having specialized in small children and child birth. Even if he was among the top of his field in the practice, It was odd to him at first as to why Harry was so persistent to keep him on retainer, and only him. Now he thinks, it was for situations like this.
"well, bring her into the practice tomorrow morning first thing, and we can find out. How far along is she?"
"maybe five days"
"Mr. Green, she has to be pregnant at least three months before we can conduct a parental test"
"Three months? The hand whore has to be in my house for three fucking months?"
"well, Sir, You could always get her hotel"
"so she can run away with my child? no until i know for certain, she's not going anywhere. Three months from today we will be at your office at 8:30am. That's Friday, 18th of March. I'll see you then, doctor"
harry hangs up the call and throws his phone back on the table top. Part of him hopes that the child is his, even if its not born from his wife. It may not be the way he wanted a child but he was getting on in years, perhaps it was better to get it out of the way.
He rubs his face feeling a head ache come on. He was now going to have to deal with Vanessa for the next three months.
cold vanessa, who may be holding his future baby in her wet frame.
He grabs a towel from his en suite and goes back down stairs to the living room where she sat on the wooden arm chair like she was told.
She watches him carefully as he approaches her, holding out the towel.
"thank you" she says as she takes it and wraps it around her. She remembers, he was big on manners.
He doesn't offer the same curtesy back, sitting down on the white fabric sofa, and turning on a lamp so that he could see her better.
"this is how it's going to go. You are going to stay in one of the spare bedrooms in the house for the first three months of your pregnancy before i can find out if the bastard is mine"
She goes to object; it was his, she was sure of it, but his hand flashes up to stop her. Don't interrupt him when he was talking, she remembers.
"you will not drink, smoke or have sex. You will be on a healthy diet, and you'll go to the classes to find out what you're supposed to be doing to ensure the health of the baby. You will do all of this without fail or i will chain you up in the attic, and you will loose whatever little freedom i give you for the next couple of months. After the time is up if it is true, and the baby is mine, I'll give you a hefty sum to carry it to term and a larger sum to disappear after it's birth. if it's not true, i toss you and it to the curb".
her eyes don't sway from his own; something harry hated.
"it's yours, harry, and when that's proven, I'll be everything you've ever wanted" she moves towards him, kneeling down and resting on his knees, "i've seen the box that you keep hidden"
His eyes turn cold at the thought of it. He had caught her snooping and kicked her out, assuming she was looking for things to take. what she found was much worse then any valuable he had.
"the cut outs of the domestic families, the stuffed bunny , the good little house wife rule book, the wedding ring" he grabs her jaw tightly to stop her from talking.
"you go through my things again, and i'll break every bone in your hand".
Friday 18th of March
Harry dives into a park, cutting the engine off quickly and unbuckling his seatbelt. It was the day he waited for the last three months. He has been up since 5, and even now they are 20 minutes early.
"it's yours. You'll see, Harry, and we'll be one big family" Vanessa promises, partly to herself.
"stop talking" he demands as his long legs stretch outside of the car. She follows him in her sundress, that she wore especially for the occasion.
He walks ahead of her into the building, a small practice with a push and pull door that actived a bell upon use. He holds the door open for her, and another pregnant women walking through, who both thank him.
They walk straight into the waiting room that were situated along two corridors of doors.
harry takes off his sunglasses and places them into his pocket, "go take a sit. I'll tell the doctor we are here"
Vanessa kisses his check before doing as he asks. It disgusted him beyond measure to be kissed in public by a women who was not his wife.
He wipes it off harshly, and try's not to take his anger out on the receptionist. A young girl, with long black hair and a wedding band. Another thing he was disgusted by; married women in the workforce.
"Hello, Sir, how can i help you?" she greats.
"i am here to see DR Anderson" He trys to stop himself but his eyes fall to her ring, following it as it moves.
"He is just back there waiting for you, ill page him right now"
'Thank you"
Was her husband dead and too poor to leave her any money? she seems like she would be a dutiful wife; polite, efficient, tidy. If he wasn't dead, he should be.
His next train of thought took him to his own finances, he should buy more passive stocks for his future kids. Something that could act as pocket money but nothing that would be too high risk. It would be good for them to learn management and manipulation of stocks early. Perhaps, it might save them the fate of this poor young girl who married a fool, and is now forced to work. And while his first born son would take over his company, and look after his siblings and mother in the event of his death, setting up a nice passive income would take off some pressure off James, or maybe, Benjamin, or maybe-
the sound of his name being called broke his day dream.
He shook his head and turned around to gather Vanessa who came waddling over at the call of her lovers name.
"You're early, Mr Green" the old man wore a doctors coat over his 50's era suit, and black square glasses.
"yeah" he breaths and takes up Vanessas arm.
"it's no worries. I've just finished setting up the room if you wanted to come back. And who's this lovely creature, the partner, I assume?" he hold out his hand to her and Vanessa looks to take it.
"It doesn't matter. Lets go" he urges, tugging her along behind the rushing doctor.
Only when the door had closed was she released.
"if you just want to take a seat up on the table, dear, and I am just going to take a sample of your blood. And Mr Green, i need a swap from you"
The doctor passes Harry a tube with a cotton swap, and he places rubs it against his cheek, while the doctor takes a blood sample from vanessa.
He holds the tub tightly in his hand while he waits for the doctor to encapsulate the blood, print out a label and then ask for it back.
"i'll be back in five minutes with the results" Theo squeezes Vanessas hand and gives her a smile before disappearing to do the test.
The couple sit in silence while they wait and Harry was grateful for it. Either way he feels like he looses.
"did you mean it, when you said you were going to kick us both out? Don't you want a family?" vanessa questions.
"was that your plan? hope that my want for a family wins against any sane thought i have?" He bends his head to the ceiling trying to find focus.
"I've been with you everyday these last few months, i can tell you there is very few sane thoughts in that head"
"So it was a payout you were after? you weren't expecting me to actually find out if it was true or not, only pay you go away money?"
"what i want is for you to love me! haven't i been perfect! Haven't i played house well enough for you, cooked you meals, made you cup after cup of tea, ironed your shirts" She begins to whell up, a mixture of hormones and stress that her and her baby might be homeless in less then 3 minutes.
He brings his head back down, "no, no you've been less then perfect from the start. You think a few cups of tea makes you worthy to be my wife? You're not wife material, you're a whore who went home with a man you didn't know because of his net worth. And got used for days not because you were worth something but because you were worth nothing. And this baby-this baby if mine is staying with me, and you are going either on a seat in a first class plane or in a wooden box. You fucking decide"
The door opens again and cuts the scene. They return to that anxious parents,
The doctor re-enters the room with a slalom look on his face. "i am very sorry, Mr Green. You are not the father"
Harrys head returns to the ceiling as a mixture of emotions run through him, he gathers himself quickly and pushes past the doctor and out the door with Vanessa following behind him.
"Harry, just wait, please" she begs, he does wait however, only to hold the door back for a women entering the clinic. Even in his rage, he wouldn't deny that.
He walks out and lets the door fall into vanessa.
The sound of her begging is disrupted by him unlocking his vintage car with his keys.
"does it matter, really? it can still be your child"
He freezes as she goes around to the passenger door and hold a hand up to her, "what makes you think you are getting in this car?"
Harry gets in the car himself, with what was suppose to be with great vigor to get out of main street. Instead, he sat there, rubbing his face, giving Vanessa enough time to sit in the car and buckle herself in.
"FUCK" he screams suddenly, bashing his hands against the steering wheel, "i was suppose to get one thing. ONE thing that i wanted. IT'S MY TIME. IT'S MY TIME".
"Hey, Hey" Vanessa wraps her hand around his and he shoves her off.
"look, if let us stay, i promise i will find you that girl you are looking for. I know exactly what you want right? someone sweet, a goody two shoes, someone to take care of you, right? I can find that. You're too busy, let me find her. Who better then a fellow women who can see what they are truly like. Let me stay and prove to you that i can find your happy ending"
Harry doesn't verbally answer her but turns the car on and drives home with her, which is answer enough.
Two years roll pass of fighting with Harry. The girls she set up weren't enough. he wanted her out of his house. He was stupid for allowing her to stay.
But she did in the end manage to find her. Plain Jane behind a counter in a ugly uniform but a bright smile and a lovely attitude. She was sure that Harry would adore her. Just his type, shy but friendly, intelligent but not overly so, eager to please, a push over, she took care of people; remembering their orders, giving them extra napkins without needing to ask, wiping down a table before they sat down, covering regulars when they were short-changed.
Harry was not a normal man, who could adore things safety. Vanessa knew that once she was found, she was lost to the world forever. He would ensure that he had complete control over every aspect of her life. Her studies would never be completed, she would never get to travel through Europe with her friends, her family may not even ever hear from her again.
He had wanted this, her, for so long that Vanessa was sure it drove him insane. She would be his possession, his little wife, bare foot and pregnant as good little wives should be.
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endlessnightlock · 2 years
I’d love to see your take on the fluff prompt 27 if it interests you. :)
27. "You're crazy if you think I'm letting you sleep on the couch."
40 fluff prompts
Previous drabbles in the series: 
Why Are You Upside Down 
You Got Me Flowers
There’s Animal In Your Sweater, Isn’t There
An In-Panem, Alternate Universe series
Summer before 11th Grade
"Your family is going to wonder where you are when you don’t show up tonight,” Peeta says, unlocking the door above the bakery and ushering Katniss inside. He shuts it behind them, and with a barrier between them and the outside world the shouting and occasional gunfire in the Square mutes some. Peeta is aware of his own frantic heartbeat, the blood rushing through his ears. He sags against the kitchen counter, the strength seeping from his limbs. They made it. They’re safe. Better yet, they're alone, he realizes. He's not sure he could deal with his family now.
His mother and father and Rye are at the Cartwright’s, finalizing toasting plans with his brother’s future in-laws. Curfew is soon, and they'll be stranded until sunrise.
While his father and brothers like Katniss, Mrs. Mellark still hasn't given in. He’s too tired to play moderator.
“I didn’t tell anyone we were watching from the square,” Katniss admits, following Peeta through the quiet apartment to the front room. She moves to the window facing the square, pushing the curtain back.
Peeta stands behind her and leans over her shoulder, peering out into the street below. The Peacekeepers seem to have the crowd subdued once again. Dozens of people, including a few of his Town neighbors, are led away, guns drawn as motivation to walk. A dull ache settles in his chest.
“Kind of feels like a waste,” Katniss says, pushing the curtain to cover the window and stepping back. Her expression is pinched. “Fighting the Capitol will change anything.”
“I’m not sure if I agree with that,” Peeta says as Katniss sits on the couch. She unlaces her boots and he watches her routine that’s become so familiar to him. Funny how he never thought that would happen. “I think they’re brave,” he adds.
She tugs one boot off. “I think it’s idiotic.”
The situation isn’t funny, but he laughs anyway. “Of course you do. Starting something you can’t finish isn’t logical."
Katniss tugs the other boot off her foot and frowns at him as she stretches out on the couch. “We can’t all be Mr. Do-Good, like you.”
“Probably not,” Peeta says. “What would become of us? Standing up for what we believe in.”
“It would get us killed,” she murmurs, eyes falling closed. 
Peeta ignores that comment. “What are you doing?”
She looks up at him. “I’m so tired. Do you have a blanket I can use to sleep out here?”
Katniss gives a very un-Katniss-like squeak when Peeta bends over and scoops her off the couch. She forgets how strong he is sometimes. Her heart flutters inside her chest, and when he smiles crookedly at her that warmth she feels around him lately spreads through her belly. Their gazes lock, and she’s oddly breathless.
“You’re crazy if you think I’m letting you sleep on the couch,” Peeta says after clearing his throat
Katniss doesn’t know what to say as he quickly sets her on the floor again. His cheeks are red. She’s looking everywhere in the room but at him. 
“If that’s cool with you-” he begins.
“Yeah,” she says quickly. Embarrassed for some reason, Katniss follows Peeta to his room. They remain quiet as they lay side by side on his bed, but now that they’re here, she can’t fall asleep. Her mind whirs, and she doesn’t want to close her eyes because every time she does, scenes from the square flash across her mind.
Shouting erupts from outside once again, followed by short bursts of gunfire. Peeta has his arms around her, pulling her close before the first sob has fully crossed her lips.
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Theresa and Steve, a love story for the ages.. part 2
Part 2: A little ditty about Jack and Theresa. This will be short. 
In chapter 3, Theresa goes to Boston College. Before she even has time to settle down, guys are already staring at her in the cafeteria. 
”There was a group of kids at a nearby table looking at me.  A girl learns to read expressions. ”
Every time Norman describes how girls/women think, I lose a brain cell. 
”One boy was intently looking at me.  I called him Mr. Intense.  He was very handsome, with short hair as black as my own, and he was around six feet which was a good match for my five feet four inches.  I liked taller guys and apparently he liked smaller girls. He wasn’t gawking at a pretty girl, or lusting for her body.  He looked interested.  And that’s ok.  A girl gets used to being looked at.”
This is Steve. She’s basically in love with him already. What’s the difference between lusting for her body and being ”interested”? 
My experience is that most women don’t enjoy being stared at, but men think we do. Norman reminds me of those insufferable guys who think women’s main task on Earth is to attract men. He probably is one of those guys.
In Theresa’s case, of course, she’s already being watched by 400 government agents, so she should be used to it. But I don’t think Norman considered that here. She doesn’t even question whether Steve is a watcher, and that’s why he’s so intently staring at her. This chapter has zero HAL and discusses Theresa like she was an ordinary college student. There’s just one brief interlude - which I will skip here - about her watchers being caught by campus cops. 
One of Norman’s issues as a writer is that he doesn’t even try to fit different parts of the book together. This chapter is about Jack and Steve, so HAL is not relevant here. You’d think if Theresa gives off heat and has super strength, that would be mentioned at least in passing. The boys would notice she gives off heat, right? Or she could slip up and use her powers by mistake. That would have made the book much more interesting. Theresa’s career as a baseball player is also completely dropped, she has no interest in joining college level teams, and no one is pressuring her to do so. 
”   But it wasn’t Mr. Intense who made the first move.  A boy next to him, Mr. Fastmove,  brought his food tray over to my table.”
Mr. Intense is organic, if unoriginal, but Mr. Fastmove… There is a moving company called Fastmove, but apart from that, I didn’t find much on google. Maybe Norman coined this phrase. 
”Hi,” said Mr. Fastmove.  “Can I sit here?”
      “Sure,” I said with a smile.  I had been advised to be friendly from day one or be labeled a tease for the rest of our four years.”
Oh no Norman. No no no. No. 
”I’m Jack Koster,” said Mr. Fastmove.  “Aren’t you Theresa Sullivan, the baseball player?”
      I had been on television a lot.”
Gotta work in those brags at every opportunity. Once you mention his real name, you can drop the nickname, but I think Norman is just proud of what he did here. Also note there is NO description whatsoever of Jack’s looks or manner, just that he came to her table. Norman isn’t even trying. 
“I am,” I said, and we were off and running.  I noticed that Mr. Intense looked disappointed.  It made me think of someone whose neighbor won the lottery.”
Being with Theresa is like winning the lottery. Our humble girl. 
I genuinely don’t understand why she hooks up with Jack at all. All she had to do was say ”nice to meet you” and walk away. She shouldn’t feel obligated to date the boy who happens to talk to her first. 
Next, Theresa looks up both boys on BC’s computer system where, in 2017, ”BC provided free disk space and all the students were urged to set up a webpage about themselves before they got to school.” Norman probably wrote this part in 2001 and forgot to change it.
This is all she says about Jack: 
” Jack was a boy from close to New York City but not in it.  His father was owner of a specialty food store.  Jack was going to be a history major, a guarantee of a job in his father‘s store.”
Is Norman negging history majors? This reminds me of a skit show that advertised college degrees, including a 13-year degree for really dumb students who are just killing time before they get a job in their father’s business. Maybe Norman thinks history is equally pointless. (With the exception of Joan of Arc.) 
But enough about Jack, who cares about the boy she’s actually going to date. Let’s talk about Steve. 
”  Mr. Intense was Steve Hartley.  His father was a physicist for Intel and Steve was majoring in physics too.  That was interesting.  He mentioned he was Catholic.  Also interesting. ”
Wow, a Catholic boy in a Catholic college? How interesting. 
”Steve’s page showed the kid of a research physicist, precise, succinct, and somewhat lacking in spontaneity.  Something like myself, actually.  It wasn’t a bad thing, except in reality TV shows where they have to keep the gab going all the time.”
Just date him already. You can’t fully know someone’s personality just based on whatever ”webpage” they set up, either. He’s still a complete stranger. The mention of reality shows really ruins this paragraph, too. If people in reality shows just sat silently, it wouldn’t be very good TV. Norman has to work in every single pet peeve of his. This is a typical problem for people writing their first story. 
” Jack knew I was not the kind of girl who had to put up with foul language or crude jokes, and he carefully avoided them.  He was one smooth operator.”
*headdesk* Being a ”smooth operator” isn’t necessarily a good thing, and is in fact associated with manipulating others. I don’t even know what Norman means here.
” One Sunday Steve saw me at Mass.  He looked embarrassed, like somebody who had missed his chance, not somebody who did something bad.  Well, four years is a long time and the campus had a lot of women.   ”
Why are you even looking at him when you’re dating someone else? 
”Steve seemed nice in person.  He always gave me a little smile like he was glad to see me.  He and Jack were casual friends and apparently didn’t  talk about me.  But I’d seen the looks.  Steve was genuinely interested. ”
Yes, you already made this point. She’s going on about Steve and his interest, while dating Jack. Wouldn’t that be a sin, dating a boy you don’t care about and spending all your time admiring another boy? It doesn’t seem like something a good Catholic girl would do.
”There was nothing wrong with dating Jack for a while.  It was already clear that we were not compatible enough for a lifetime of commitment.  He was a little careless about schoolwork and had no passion for his major.  I was fanatical about mine.  But Jack was fun to be around for the time being.”
She’s fanatical about her major, which she doesn’t even name here. Spoiler alert: it’s math, which she picked because it was meant to help with HAL? I’m not sure how that would have worked. Later on, she says that all she ever wanted was to be a high school math teacher, something she never mentions before that moment. 
After Jack comes to her table, there is not a single scene where Theresa and Jack talk to each other alone, or go on a date. Not a single one. Jack is never fleshed out. What does he look like? Is Theresa attracted to him at all? What’s his personality like? If he has many stories to tell, you could give an example and have him tell a compelling story. That would have been interesting. 
One of the more famous triangle dramas was on ”The Office”. Roy was initially established as a jerk, but he was kind to Pam at least sometimes, and he truly tried to better himself. We knew she would end up with Jim, but Roy was not a complete monster, and he seemed human. Jack has no personality, no description, nothing. I believe KrimsonRogue said that the characters are somehow less than two-dimensional, and Jack definitely fits that description. He’s like a cardboard cutout of a boy. 
”Come October it was Homecoming week, always a big weekend on any college campus.  There were many special activities going on and we had to choose a list.”
Remember this later when she claims BC has no entertainment or parties at all. 
”Friday nights, the kids would ‘hang‘ around,  meaning drift up and down the dormitory hall talking and joking with anybody there. ”
How do you do, fellow kids?
”Jack’s door was open and I walked in.  There were six boys visiting Jack including Steve Hartley, and one girl.”
I guess it’s relevant for later that Steve is there, but it still sounds like she only has eyes for him.  
As Theresa walks into the room, an awkward silence falls. 
”Hi, Theresa” said Jack with not a lot of enthusiasm.  “This is Ginny.”
“Hi” I said.  There was not much else to say until I found out something.
“Ginny dropped in by surprise” Jack said.
”Yeah!  I could see that!  I couldn’t remember seeing her around campus, or at least not in our complex.  She might be somebody from outside.”
This would be a lot more powerful if Theresa actually gave a damn about Jack. 
Also names. Ginny is short for Virginia. There is another character called Virginia later in the book, just like there’s another character called Jack. I doubt Norman has read ”Harry Potter”; he probably knew young girls called Virginia when he was growing up. What’s wrong with age appropriate names for 2017? Emily, Sophia, Madison? 
”The embarrassing silence continued.  Ginny looked very uncomfortable.  She had known no more about me than the other way around.  Ginny’s position near Jack made it clear she considered herself his girlfriend.”
Jack has to be discarded so Theresa can be with Steve. For some reason, Theresa can’t just tell him they’re incompatible and she’s not interested in pursuing the relationship in the long term. He has to cheat on her, because this gives Theresa the moral high ground to dump Jack and move straight onto Steve.  
Norman probably thinks this is a great twist and the readers will be aghast at Jack’s behavior, but it just comes off as flat. He’s shitty, but there’s no stakes, because they hardly have a relationship at all. 
Jack promises to come up to Theresa’s room to talk. 
”I went back upstairs.  This was the most humiliating experience I ever had.  All those boys were watching.”
This at least is a normal human reaction to the events, I’ll give Norman that. But Theresa isn’t truly sad, she’s just embarrassed. It’s not her heart, but her ego that is wounded. 
And this is where the different editions begin. Buckle up for a wild ride through Norman’s weird imagination in part 3: roads diverged in the Kindle, and that made all the difference. 
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 9
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Drew arrived in Birmingham just before sunrise, his anxiety was through the roof, all he wanted was his kid back safe and sound, and fate just kept pushing their reunion out further and further. He pulled into the driveway of the house where Heath had kept Quinn, Drew jumped out of the car, unlocked the door, and ran inside. "Quinn! It's me dad, where are you sweetheart?" Drew yelled but he was met with absolute silence, "Quinn! Where are you!" Drew yelled again but no response. Drew's heart dropped, he ran through the entire house but there was no sign of Quinn. The TV was still on from the night before and the news was showing Heath had been apprehended but there was no sign of Quinn, Drew seeing this lost it. He picked up the TV and smashed into the ground, screaming with tears coming down his face, Heath lied to him and he believed him. Drew knew deep in his heart Quinn was gone and unless Heath came clean he'd never find her. Drew collapsed on the floor in anguish and despair, he was reliving the nightmares in real life, the one thing that mattered most to him was gone. Drew laid there until he couldn't cry anymore, his heart completely shattered by the grief, and no strength left. His phone ringing brought him back out of his state, it wasn't a number he recognized and he let it ring but after a few seconds it called again, Drew still not caring let it go to voicemail, but again after a few seconds the phone rang again, this time Drew taking notice that whoever is calling needs to talk to him, he answered the phone with a broken voice. "Is this Drew Galloway, father of Quinnley Galloway?" the voice asked, "Yes it is, who is this?" Drew asked, "Mr. Galloway my name is Detective Curtis Goodwin, I'm with the Birmingham police department, we found your daughter, she's okay but we're taking her to the hospital just to be on the safe side." the detective said. "Is she okay? What hospital?" Drew said, his heart pounding in his chest, "We've taken her to the children's hospital in the city, she looks to be okay, we're just taking her just to be on the safe side." The detective said reassuring Drew, "Okay I'm on my way, thank you so much" Drew answered and he hung up the phone, he rushed out to his car and began the journey to the hospital to be reunited with Quinn.
Drew arrived in record time to the children's hospital and was met by Detective Goodwin, "Mr. Galloway, they just took Quinnley for an x-ray she was complaining of her ankle hurting, probably nothing too serious, but I would like to give you some information while we wait" he said. "Alright that's fine, at least I know she's safe that's all that matters" Drew said. The detective took him to a private room to speak to him. "So Quinnley told us that when Heath stepped outside to make a phone call last night she turned on the news and saw the amber alert for her and took off running, she ran through the woods, tripping over branches and rocks, that's probably how she hurt her ankle, to a neighboring house to hide from Heath. She alerted the people living in the house when one of them came out to walk their dog and they recognized her from the alert. She said she spoke to you during the time she was with Heath and was under the impression Heath was just babysitting her, why didn't you tell her about her being kidnapped?" The detective asked. "I was told by Heath if I did then he would hurt her and I didn't want to risk it, plus my daughter has severe anxiety and I didn't want her to be afraid, so I told her she was just staying with Heath for the time being. I drove to meet Heath last night to give him a ransom he demanded and he told me no police and that Quinn was going to be returned to me then, now I see why she wasn't with him or at the house where he was keeping her, I have the address that he gave me, I know you'll need it." Drew said. Just then the nurse came in to tell them Quinn was back in her room and she would be discharged shortly, "You go on be with your daughter, we'll have you answer some more questions later." the detective said, Drew nodded and followed the nurse to Quinn's room, Drew took a deep breath and entered, "Quinn?" he asked in a gentle voice, "Dad!" Quinn screamed and ran over to her dad and hugged him, Drew returned the favor. "I was so worried about you sweetheart I'm so sorry" Drew said as he started crying, "Why didn't you tell me Heath had taken me?" Quinn asked through her tears, "He was doing it to hurt me, he blamed me for something that wasn't even my fault, and I didn't want you to be scared. You running away and hiding was the bravest thing you could have done and I'm so proud of you for it." Drew said, still crying. "I just ran dad, I ran as fast as I could, I think I heard him leave, did they catch him yet?" Quinn asked panicked, "Yes they did, he's in jail and he's never going to hurt anyone ever again" Drew said. Drew and Quinn sat together until the doctor discharged her, luckily her ankle was just twisted a bit and she would be fine in a day or two. Drew had told the detectives that he was taking Quinn home and that whenever they were ready to ask questions just to call him.
Three hours later, Drew and Quinn returned home and were met by Stephen and Erin. They both rushed out to hug and embrace Quinn, grateful she was okay and unharmed. 
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You have the most beautiful and cute face I've ever seen in my life ❤️
Hello Miss or Mr. Anonymous :
O mo mo ... that's so sweet and I guessed You and the last one asked me Anonymous maybe are neighbors. 😅 😆 Have you got a meeting to think how to fix Chu Lan just for fun. 🤣 😎
THANK YOU! (comfort me such nice words)🍀 Have a beautiful heart and cute smile to give people strength for living, I think This's most important in anytime with any ways! 🤝 Taiwan mountains tea for you 🫖🍵 and I am having beers now... too hot, no rain, stuffy! 🍺😉
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moon gif and COMFORT 🦕 gif 
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kagedbird · 6 months
Ao3 20 questions!
Tagged by: @azures-grace I tag: @bamsara @argisthebulwark and anyone else! (I can't remember who writes solely on Tumblr or not, sorry for not tagging you if you do write on Ao3 as well!!)
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
-Currently 16.
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
-Currently 800,424. (Will change for sure on the 15th haha.)
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
-Skyrim, Five Nights at Freddy's / Security Breach, Undertale, Divinity Original Sin 2, and Baldur's Gate 3.
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
-Precious People, Four Makes a Family, That Little Thread, My Neighbor Mr. Roboto, and Forgive Me, for I Have Sinned. (Greatest to least in the top five.)
5 – Do you respond to comments?
-I try to respond to every comment I can, but some I just don't know how to respond to! I'm mentally kissing every commenter on the head though. Mwah.
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
-Angstiest ending? I don't know if I've ended anything super angsty, despite my love for the genre. I prefer hurt/comfort. Can't say I can answer this one.
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
-Oh, That Little Thread for sure. But only because TESSDE isn't remotely finished haha. But I'm still very proud of how TLT came out. :)
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
-I have had a stray hate comment here and there, but I just meme and dab on the haters until they die from their own cringeness. #HatersLoveMe
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
-...The smut kind? I'm not sure I understand. Read 'You're a Feisty One, Aren't You? I Like That', if you need specifics, I guess. (Only if you are above age obviously.)
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
-Oh my god I used to on FFNET. I don't think it's crazy, but even before I discovered FFNET, my friend got me into writing crossovers, and it was a massive Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Code Geass, and Death Note combination with self inserts. I miss it, it was a good stupid time, haha.
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
-I've had people try to tell me they can't get writing down correctly, and oh, would you mind helping me write this out? What about this? Until slowly I'm literally writing their story and they're POSTING IT ONLINE. ON Ao3/FFNET. LIKE. A PARAGRAPH AT A TIME.
But also I was one of the first few people who had the Ao3 scalpers target their fics, but I have no idea if someone is out there on Wattpad or something using my shit. I don't self search, so I do not know.
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
-Yes! Not on Ao3 though. (Ah good old days of middle school and writing dumb things with friends.)
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
-I'm a self shipper by trade, I'll admit it. But I was a very big Sesshoumaru / Kagome shipper in my baby years. Now I lean more towards Loid / Yor. Love those idiots.
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
-TOO MAN TO NAME. I REGRET LEAVING ANY FIC UNDONE, BUT I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO GO BACK. The past is in the past and it's time is over, unfortunately.
16 – What are your writing strengths?
-Focusing on characterizations and researching accuracies for making things logical not only in the fantasy realm but also reality. I love combining the two and giving people a little educational lesson along side their story time. It pleases me to teach others new things and myself. I also think my pacing has gotten a lot better over the years.
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
-I tend to structure things differently than most people, and genuine writing formats— even using em dashes, I never learned until this year the difference between it and a hyphen— so it comes across as lesser than other people's writing, I think. Less polished. I like bouncing things around textually, having breaks in spots to let the mind "breathe" in between words or phrases to try and give it a bigger impact, but it weakens actual structures sometimes.
That and word choices. I'll be stuck for ages on what word to use. I hate repeating words or phrases, so it'll take me longer than necessary to just choose a damn word.
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
-I've done it many times and think it's fine! I use translators because I am unfortunately only educated in English (and my brain has difficulties learning other languages), but I try my best and do ask around friends if things are accurate if they speak the language.
If you're not sure what it says, just translate it through a friend or Google. Or, read the bottom AN to see if the author translated it for you. I grew up with American's using broken Japanese in their fanfics, you think I'd see dual languages any different? Lol.
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
-Inuyasha? Naruto? Crossover? I don't remember!
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
-Biased. 'The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: DragonBard Edition', otherwise known as TESSDE. It's my bread and butter, my longest length story, and one I would die to complete. We're technically half way there in terms of arcs, but definitely not in chapters, haha. I look forward to the day it's complete, and I hope others enjoy it too.
Below are the questions to copy and paste for yourself!
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
5 – Do you respond to comments?
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16 – What are your writing strengths?
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
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soupsspoons · 1 year
8. Strawberries and Strength
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Rosemary McCants had been growing a garden in her backyard for as long as Hannah could remember. Although it wasn't nearly as big as the community garden, which Hannah always hated working in, Rosemary took great pride in the upkeep of her small plot. Whenever Hannah could, which wasn't very often, she would walk over to Mrs. McCants' house to see if she needed any help tending to the garden. Mrs. McCants always said yes, telling her to try and pick some stubborn weeds or help water the things she herself couldn't reach. Hannah never minded the work she did for the older woman, especially considering how it would inevitably end in a nice cold glass of lemonade every time. When Hannah was still a girl, before everything had changed, she would help her mother tend to a small garden that they had in their backyard. It wasn't much bigger than Mrs. McCants' and it was filled with the most beautiful strawberries. Even before they grew into berries, the little white petals that cradled a golden center decorated the plot, like dots of paint on a canvas. One of the reasons Hannah loved spending time in Mrs. McCants' garden was because she also grew perfect strawberries, just like Hannah's mother.
After helping Mrs. McCants water her garden and pick anything ripe, Hannah asked if she could take some of the wonderful red berries. It wasn't that she necessarily had a need for them, or even a plan really, but something about them made her ask. Of course, Mrs. McCants replied by picking a couple of small bushels of the fruit and placing them in a little basket on her patio table.
"Actually, dear, would you do me another favor?" McCants asked before Hannah left. "Take another basket over to Father Gabriel. I just want him to know how blessed we are to have him here." McCants had gathered another basket of strawberries, this time with a note inside, similar to the one Hannah herself had given to the group.
"Sure, Mrs. McCants." With that, Hannah said her goodbyes and began walking the fruit back home. She would probably just wash them and leave them in her fridge for a snack. Or maybe she could make a sort of strawberry shortcake with them, Hannah thought. On her way home, Hannah passed by the old garage that had been turned into a church not too long ago. Hannah peaked in through the opening, noticing the makeshift altar that was surrounded by worn candles. Nearby the altar, there was an empty table, perfect for her to leave the berries.
Hannah had never really talked to Father Gabriel, but she also never had anything against him. She could tell some members of the new group weren't very fond of him, but still, if Rosemary liked him then who was she to disagree?
Hannah passed Carol's house on her way home. She didn't usually go this way, going by the infirmary was much quicker, but the day was so lovely that she didn't mind it. The sun had been out all morning, giving the whole town a wonderful golden hue. These were Hannah's favorite days. When the sun was out like it was this morning, everyone just seemed to be in a better mood. People were happy when it was sunny. Things were quiet in town, just the sounds of light chatter from neighbors and soft grumblings from far-away Roamers. The new group called them Walkers, which honestly isn't all that different from Roamers. But still, Hannah preferred her own name better.
She had almost passed Carol's house when Hannah saw Sam running out of the front door. He didn't look scared, not like Carol had done anything, but still, there was a layer of panic covering his face.
"Sam? Sam, hey what's wrong?" Hannah asked, pulling his attention away from whatever had happened inside.
"Nothing, it's fine. Sorry." Sam breathed out, continuing to walk away from Hannah. She couldn't tell if he was angry or scared, but either way, it forced her to follow him.
"Sam? Did something happen? Did Carol do something?" She tried.
"No, no," Sam said quickly, "We just, well, we made cookies?" He said it like a question.
"She had me steal some chocolate from Olivia so she could make me some of the cookies, like the ones from the party." He explained, unphased by what he had just said.
"Steal? Sam, you can't take things like that from Olivia. Especially not just because Carol tells you to." Hannah tried to reason with him. Olivia was already on edge as it is, she doesn't need kids coming in and stealing things. And the fact that Carol had been the one to send him made Hannah even more upset.
"Look, just-- Why were you running? Did you get caught?" With everything inside her, Hannah hoped he hadn't been caught. She knew Deanna wouldn't be too upset, if anything she would scold him and then let him on his way. But Pete was different than Deanna, and he had a different way of dealing with things.
"Of course, I didn't get caught," Sam said sort of smugly, making Hannah chuckle lightly, hiding her smile. He stood for a moment, waiting for her to force him to continue. When she didn't, he simply sat on the pavement, crossing his legs over the top of one another. Hannah quickly realized he had more to say.
"What's up, Sam?" She asked, now sitting next to the kid. He kept his head down, much like Carl had the other night. He and Carl were similar, Hannah also realized. They both had a hard shell, a wall they had built on their own, but behind it, the two boys always had more to say.
"I asked her for a gun," Sam said softly.
"I thought, you know, since she stole the guns, she might let me have one." He looked up at Hannah and she could see the desperation in his eyes. "It wouldn't be for me. I just, I want to have one."
Hannah hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should push.
"For your mom?" She said. Sam looked at her and she worried that he might be mad. Mad that she brought up something he had never explicitly told her. And yet, he looked almost happy when she said it. Happy somebody else said it for him. He didn't say yes, but they both knew the answer. All Sam ever wanted was to protect his mom. To protect his brother. He just wanted to feel safe.
Safety. How safe could you be in a world like this? A world where everyone, dead or living, was looking to kill. Maybe that's what Carl had meant last night. No matter what, people wanted to hurt others, but when you're on the inside it's much easier to hide. Carl told her she was weak, and maybe she was. Maybe being afraid of being hurt made her weak, but Hannah had never known anything else. For as long as she could remember she had been running. But she didn't want to live like that forever. She didn't want Sam to live like that.
"We can teach you. We can learn" She had said that to Carl last night. Hannah decided, then and there, that strength could be taught, it could be learned.
The first step to learning strength would be helping Sam. She couldn't give him a gun of course, but there had to be something she could do, some way she could protect him, protect Ron and Jessie. Jessie, Hannah thought. Maybe she could talk to her, try to understand what was really happening in that house. But Hannah didn't want to force her to talk about that, she didn't want to make Jessie uncomfortable. Who else could she talk to that would know about Jessie and Pete? Hannah thought, and finally, she knew who she would have to talk to.
Hannah had mixed feeling toward Rick. They had never really had a conversation, so it wasn't fair of her to say she didn't like him. Hannah just didn't trust him. Not yet.
When she arrived at Rick and Carl's house, she had begun to feel the same way she had felt the first day they met, when she'd offered the tour. Hannah's palms became sweaty, her stomach hurt, and she prayed she was making the right decision talking to him.
"You're a police officer, right?" Hannah asked, trying to ease into the conversation. She stood in his living room, which was very similar to her own. She had planned to talk to Rick alone, but when she entered she was immediately met with Carol as well. Hannah was still upset with what she made Sam do, but she knew Carol could help her.
"I used to be, yes" Rick responded.
"So you know what to do if someone is in trouble." Hannah tried her best to be vague, not wanting to expose something if Rick didn't already know, though really it came out more suspicious than she had intended.
"Sure?" Rick began to look concerned, "Are you alright, Hannah?" She was surprised he had remembered her name.
"It's not me I'm talking about," She continued, now understanding why this had been so hard for Sam to talk about, "It's just-- well you know Jessie, right?" Rick nodded. Carol seemed to notice how Hannah was struggling and focused on the conversation more. "I'm just worried about them is all." Under the stare of Rick, who was still the Mountain Man in her mind, Hannah couldn't get out more than that. How was she ever going to learn to be strong if she couldn't even do the first step?
"You're friends with Ron and Sam, aren't you Hannah?" Carol asked as if to try and ground her. Hannah couldn't tell if this was part of her nice act or if she really meant it, but honestly, it didn't matter.
"Yes, I am."
"Is this about Pete?" Hannah was surprised when Carol said that.
"I mean--Not--" Hannah stopped her stuttering words, "Sam, he's a really sweet kid. He and Ron are great, and so is Jessie. They're perfect. But Pete, he isn't." Rick nodded, urging the girl to continue, "Sam told me he asked you for a gun today and I knew why he needed it. Everyone knows but no one can stop it."
Rick looked at Carol, his face hard with anger, silently asking if this was true. She didn't say anything for a moment, only nodding her head to confirm what Hannah had said. Carol hesitated, and Hannah thought she might not say anything at all, but finally, she spoke.
"Rick, I know how this is going to go with Pete. There's only one way it can go." Rick turned as she spoke, looking at Hannah, preparing her for what he knew Carol would say next.
"You're gonna have to kill him."
He only nodded.
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Hiii Loveliesss! This chapter is a little longer than my others so I'm happy about that. I know there still isn't a lot of Carl but I promise it's coming.
What do we think about Sam and Hannah's relationship? How about hers and Ron's??
Thanks for Reading!!!
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