havenmoon1369 · 13 days
One more sequel
Thinking about doing one more sequel to my series, but changing it a little bit and putting it in somewhat present day and having it involve Drew, Quinn, and CM Punk. Gotta think about it the story and what I could put into it. What do y'all think? :)
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havenmoon1369 · 18 days
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dear ol man got claymore’d out his shoes 😭
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 10
December 25, 2018
It had been almost two months since Heath was arrested, he was charged with kidnapping and pleaded guilty, he was sentenced to 50 years in prison. This was a great relief to Drew, the bastard got what he deserved is what he kept telling everyone before going home on holiday break. Drew's family flew in from Scotland since they hadn't seen Quinn in almost two years, Drew invited Stephen and Erin to join them for Christmas dinner since they had helped him so much when Quinn was taken. Quinn had done well after the ordeal, her therapist was working with her and she got back to normal pretty quickly. Drew finally got himself into therapy as well, just talking to someone helped him a great deal and his nightmares had reduced in frequency.
Christmas morning came, everyone was happy and smiling while opening presents. Quinn was very happy, her dad had spoiled her a bit and got her a new gaming PC so she could play with her new friends from school, they had gotten her into new games and she wanted to download artist software to help with her art skills. Everyone gathered at the dinner table to enjoy the meal that was cooked, shared some good memories, laughed at new stories, and enjoyed each other's company. While everyone was in the living room falling asleep from food comas, Drew and Quinn were talking, cleaning up and putting away leftovers; "So Quinn did you like everything you got for Christmas?" Drew asked her, "I do, everything was amazing, this is the best Christmas so far" Quinn said happily, "I'm glad sweetheart, it's the least we could do after the year we've had" Drew said. "Tell me honestly dad, do I have to worry about anyone else getting mad at you and taking me as leverage?" Quinn asked with a hint of attitude, "Honestly Quinn, I hope not. I hope from here on out if someone has a problem with me they take it up with me and leave you alone. You've been through enough and I want you to start having a normal life because you deserve that darlin'" Drew said sincerely, "Thank you dad" Quinn said smiling as she went over to hug her dad. Drew hugged her back "Come on sweetheart, let's finish cleaning up so we can go join in on the food comas in there, I'm exhausted" Drew said jokingly.
After cleaning up Drew and Quinn joined the family in the living room, they turned on a Christmas movie to watch, Quinn fell asleep not long after and Drew was the only one awake and he got lost in his thoughts again. He really hoped what he had told Quinn was the truth, anyone who had a problem with him better take it up with him, he was getting tired of people thinking that taking his child and hurting him and his family in the process was going to get them anywhere. He just wanted a normal life and he was damn well ready to make it happen one way or another. 
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 9
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Drew arrived in Birmingham just before sunrise, his anxiety was through the roof, all he wanted was his kid back safe and sound, and fate just kept pushing their reunion out further and further. He pulled into the driveway of the house where Heath had kept Quinn, Drew jumped out of the car, unlocked the door, and ran inside. "Quinn! It's me dad, where are you sweetheart?" Drew yelled but he was met with absolute silence, "Quinn! Where are you!" Drew yelled again but no response. Drew's heart dropped, he ran through the entire house but there was no sign of Quinn. The TV was still on from the night before and the news was showing Heath had been apprehended but there was no sign of Quinn, Drew seeing this lost it. He picked up the TV and smashed into the ground, screaming with tears coming down his face, Heath lied to him and he believed him. Drew knew deep in his heart Quinn was gone and unless Heath came clean he'd never find her. Drew collapsed on the floor in anguish and despair, he was reliving the nightmares in real life, the one thing that mattered most to him was gone. Drew laid there until he couldn't cry anymore, his heart completely shattered by the grief, and no strength left. His phone ringing brought him back out of his state, it wasn't a number he recognized and he let it ring but after a few seconds it called again, Drew still not caring let it go to voicemail, but again after a few seconds the phone rang again, this time Drew taking notice that whoever is calling needs to talk to him, he answered the phone with a broken voice. "Is this Drew Galloway, father of Quinnley Galloway?" the voice asked, "Yes it is, who is this?" Drew asked, "Mr. Galloway my name is Detective Curtis Goodwin, I'm with the Birmingham police department, we found your daughter, she's okay but we're taking her to the hospital just to be on the safe side." the detective said. "Is she okay? What hospital?" Drew said, his heart pounding in his chest, "We've taken her to the children's hospital in the city, she looks to be okay, we're just taking her just to be on the safe side." The detective said reassuring Drew, "Okay I'm on my way, thank you so much" Drew answered and he hung up the phone, he rushed out to his car and began the journey to the hospital to be reunited with Quinn.
Drew arrived in record time to the children's hospital and was met by Detective Goodwin, "Mr. Galloway, they just took Quinnley for an x-ray she was complaining of her ankle hurting, probably nothing too serious, but I would like to give you some information while we wait" he said. "Alright that's fine, at least I know she's safe that's all that matters" Drew said. The detective took him to a private room to speak to him. "So Quinnley told us that when Heath stepped outside to make a phone call last night she turned on the news and saw the amber alert for her and took off running, she ran through the woods, tripping over branches and rocks, that's probably how she hurt her ankle, to a neighboring house to hide from Heath. She alerted the people living in the house when one of them came out to walk their dog and they recognized her from the alert. She said she spoke to you during the time she was with Heath and was under the impression Heath was just babysitting her, why didn't you tell her about her being kidnapped?" The detective asked. "I was told by Heath if I did then he would hurt her and I didn't want to risk it, plus my daughter has severe anxiety and I didn't want her to be afraid, so I told her she was just staying with Heath for the time being. I drove to meet Heath last night to give him a ransom he demanded and he told me no police and that Quinn was going to be returned to me then, now I see why she wasn't with him or at the house where he was keeping her, I have the address that he gave me, I know you'll need it." Drew said. Just then the nurse came in to tell them Quinn was back in her room and she would be discharged shortly, "You go on be with your daughter, we'll have you answer some more questions later." the detective said, Drew nodded and followed the nurse to Quinn's room, Drew took a deep breath and entered, "Quinn?" he asked in a gentle voice, "Dad!" Quinn screamed and ran over to her dad and hugged him, Drew returned the favor. "I was so worried about you sweetheart I'm so sorry" Drew said as he started crying, "Why didn't you tell me Heath had taken me?" Quinn asked through her tears, "He was doing it to hurt me, he blamed me for something that wasn't even my fault, and I didn't want you to be scared. You running away and hiding was the bravest thing you could have done and I'm so proud of you for it." Drew said, still crying. "I just ran dad, I ran as fast as I could, I think I heard him leave, did they catch him yet?" Quinn asked panicked, "Yes they did, he's in jail and he's never going to hurt anyone ever again" Drew said. Drew and Quinn sat together until the doctor discharged her, luckily her ankle was just twisted a bit and she would be fine in a day or two. Drew had told the detectives that he was taking Quinn home and that whenever they were ready to ask questions just to call him.
Three hours later, Drew and Quinn returned home and were met by Stephen and Erin. They both rushed out to hug and embrace Quinn, grateful she was okay and unharmed. 
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 8
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"SHIT SHIT SHIT!" Heath yelled running out the open front door, "QUINN! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Heath screamed looking for Quinn but it was night time and he couldn't see anything. "Quinn, I'm taking you back to your dad, let's go!" Heath yelled trying to see if he could lure her back but still no response, Quinn was long gone. Heath ran back inside, trying to think of how he was gonna explain Quinn's absence when he went for the ransom. "Shit, what the fuck am I gonna do? He's gonna fucking kill me if I don't show up with her, I want that fucking money though, FUCK!" Heath said, talking to himself. "I've got it, I've got it! I'll just give him the address and the key to this house and tell him to pick up Quinn and when she's not here, it won't be my fault! Yeah, that will work" Heath said with a smug sense of accomplishment. Heath started packing up everything of his so it would look like he was never here, he went out to his car, he taunted Quinn some more as he was leaving. "Okay Quinn goodbye forever, you'll be stuck here while I go meet up with your dad" he said jokingly. Heath pulled out of the driveway, heading for the meet up point.
Drew drove as fast as he could to the meet up point, while he was focused on getting Quinn back home safely, he still wanted to beat Heath to within an inch of his life for doing this just because he felt betrayed over something Drew had no control over. Drew pulled into the deserted gas station around 2:30 am, he called Stephen to let him know he was there and Stephen reminded him to call when Heath got there in case of emergency. The minutes ticked by very slowly, Drew was getting more anxious and worried, every scenario ran through his head over and over again, he kept checking the time every minute until it hit 3 am, but no sign of Heath. Drew was getting angry, this was his plan. Why was this bastard running late? The time kept ticking past.
Drew still kept watching the clock every minute, wondering when they were gonna show up, until he saw headlights coming down the road. Drew breathed a sigh of relief "Okay, here we go." he told himself, he dialed Stephen's number with him picking up after the first ring, "It's go time" Drew said, "Alright mate, be careful" Stephen warned him. Drew stuck the phone in his jacket pocket and got out of his car while Heath did the same, Drew started walking towards Heath but he wasn't having it, he pulled out his .38 revolver on Drew "Hold it right there Drew, don't get too excited now, I want the money first." Heath demanded, but Drew shook his head "No I see Quinn first before you get this money" Drew said angrily. "You got a hearing problem, I said I get my money first then you get your kid" Heath told Drew, "And you've got an understanding problem, my kid first or no fucking money" Drew yelled. Heath then cocked his gun, still pointing at Drew "Don't make me use this dude, you won't ever see your kid unless you drop the bag and back away" Heath warned Drew, but Drew stood firm he wanted Quinn first. Heath knew Quinn wasn't in the car but Drew didn't know yet, so Heath moved towards the back door and opened it, and pointed the gun inside the car "Do we understand each other now, drop the bag Drew and back the fuck up! Heath screamed. Drew immediately dropped the bag and backed up not wanting his daughter to get hurt, Heath immediately came over and grabbed the bag and took it back to the SUV, "Alright Heath, you've got your money please give me Quinn back" Drew said, "Not gonna happen bro, I'll give you the address and key to the place I was keeping her, you go get her yourself" Heath said with a smile on his face, "YOU SON OF A BITCH THAT WASN'T OUR DEAL" Drew screamed as he started marching toward Heath, but Heath raised the gun again "I'd stay the fuck back if I were you" Heath threatened but Drew kept walking towards him, Heath got scared and dropped the gun and tried to get into the SUV but before he could Drew got his hands on him. Drew immediately started punching and kicking Heath over and over again, he stopped only to ask him the address to where Quinn was, "It's in my notebook, on the front seat along with the key, I swear she's there she's fine." Heath said feeling all the pain from the blows he took. Drew dragged him back to his SUV and put him in the backseat and grabbed the key and info from the notebook, he also took the car keys and threw them away from the car so Heath couldn't drive off. He opened the door again to the backseat and started wailing on Heath once again and then started screaming at him for taking Quinn. "You fucking son of a bitch, you think taking my daughter was your only way to get my attention! You could have asked me for help Heath and I would have because you were my friend, but no first thing to come to your dumbass mind is kidnap my daughter for money!" Heath looked at Drew with blood pouring down his face, "Then go ahead and kill me, you know you what too" he said, Drew was considering it but decided not to, "No, I want you to experience prison, being held in an unpleasant place, never escaping, sounds perfect for you. The only people I feel sorry for are your wife and kids, they'll never forgive you for this Heath, and you'll have that with you as well." Drew said. He laid one more punch on Heath knocking him out and shutting the back door, he grabbed the phone out of his jacket pocket "Stephen you there?" he asked, "Yeah I'm here mate you okay?" Stephen asked worryingly, "All good, listen call the police to this address, tell him that Heath Slater is in a Black SUV sleeping in the backseat and needs to be picked up" Drew told him, "Okay what about you mate, do you know where Quinn is?" Stephen asked, "Yeah I got the info right here, she's in Birmingham I'm going to go get her now. I'll call once I have her" Drew said, ending the call.
Drew got his car, put the address in his GPS, and waited until he heard sirens to leave the gas station; he wanted to be sure Heath wasn't getting away. He sped for the interstate to get to Quinn as fast as he could. 
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 7
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"Quinn! Quinn, where are you! Drew screamed as loud as he could, "Dad! I'm here!" he could hear Quinn's voice but couldn't see her, "Where darlin'? I can't see you!" he screamed again. "Dad help!" he kept hearing her voice but couldn't find her, Drew could feel his heart racing in his chest, "Quinn tell me where you are!" Drew screamed again, but this time no response, just complete silence, "Quinn! Sweetheart, answer me! QUINN!" Drew screamed over and over but no response. "Sorry Drew, you're too late" he heard a voice say from behind him, all he saw was Quinn on the ground and Heath standing over her, he towards Heath screaming but as he did, he woke up from the nightmare.
Drew was grasping his chest, trying to catch his breath, Stephen came running into the living room where Drew had slept. "You okay bro?" Stephen said concerned, "No, I want my kid back. Did Heath call yet?" Drew asked, Stephen shook his head "No nothing yet, but you were out for awhile, it's almost 8 pm." Drew just sighed "This is ridiculous man, I have his money why the fuck can't he just meet me somewhere and let me give it to him and get Quinn back!" "I know Drew, we all want her back safe, but we can't risk anything, we don't really know Heath's state of mind. He could snap at anything and everything if we're not careful" Stephen said, trying to reassure his friend. "Come on mate, you need to eat something, you need your strength" Stephen said helping Drew off the couch, Drew was still exhausted from all the anxiety and fear he was feeling. Drew sat down at the kitchen table, while Erin heated up some food she had cooked earlier. "You didn't have much to cook in here, so I just made some chili" Erin said as she sat the bowl in front of Drew, "Thank you Erin I appreciate it" he said. Drew didn't have much of an appetite but Stephen was right, he needed his strength so he slowly ate the food in front of him, keeping an eye on his phone the entire time. He got done eating and went back into the living room to wait for the phone call.
Back in Birmingham, Heath was getting his final plans put into place. Quinn was getting cabin fever; she didn't have her phone, there was no computer or IPad, only the TV which Heath said she was only allowed watch cartoons, nothing else which made her a little bit suspicious. "Alright Quinn, I'm gonna step outside and make a phone call, we'll call your dad afterwards okay?" Heath told her, Quinn nodded never taking her eye off the TV. Heath called Drew, he picked up after the first ring, "Yeah Heath?" Drew answered, "Alright Drew, I got it all figured out, I got a place for us to meet, it's very remote, there's only a gas station there and that's where we're gonna meet." Heath said, "And you're not gonna pull any tricks, I'm gonna get my kid back right?" Drew asked, "Yes Drew, I told you that from the beginning, no tricks from you either, no cops, no friends, just you. We'll meet in Sullivan, AL at the country gas station at 3 am. I mean it Drew no tricks, just you and the money" Heath demanded. "Alright, I'll see you then, can I talk to Quinn?" Drew asked, "You'll be seeing her in a few hours Drew, you can talk to her then." Heath hung up the phone right after. "Heath? Heath! Let me talk to Quinn!" Drew yelled, but then he realized the call ended. "That son of a bitch didn't let me talk to her, she better be okay or I'm gonna rip his head off" Drew said angrily. "Did he tell you where to meet him?" Stephen asked, "Yes in the middle of nowhere gas station in Alabama, I know Hunter said I needed to involve the police but I have to go on my own, please cover for me Stephen and I'll make sure it doesn't come back on you, I'll take the fall." Drew pleaded with him, "Alright mate, for Quinn. But as backup you give me that address and you call me and stick your phone in your jacket pocket just in case I need to call for help for you, understood?" Stephen not giving Drew a choice. Drew gave him all the info to Stephen, got the money together, and started heading for Alabama.
Heath came back into the house, he noticed it was really quiet "I bet she's fallen asleep" Heath said to himself. He came around the corner to see the news on the TV showing the Amber Alert for Quinn and a picture of Heath as a suspect, he looked around the room and the front door wide open, Quinn had taken off and Heath knew he was in deep trouble. 
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 6
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November 4th
Quinn slowly started waking up, she could hear noises that sounded like pots and pans being hit, and a TV on low volume playing cartoons. Once she was fully awake she jolted up realizing she wasn't at home, she was in an unfamiliar place. Heath saw her sit up "Hey hey hey kiddo! It's okay you're safe!" Quinn looked around the voice who said that and saw Heath in the kitchen, "Heath? Is that you?" she asked, "You remember me! I knew you would, you're a smart kid" Heath said. "You look different, you got tattoos and your hair is shorter" she observed. "Well I needed a change, you've grown up a lot since I saw you last. What are you 12, 13?" he asked, "Yeah I turned 13 a few months ago, but Heath where am I, where's my dad?" she asked. "He asked me to bring you here, he said you were in danger, and trusted me to look after you while he tried to get the situation under control" Heath said, knowing he was lying to her. "Danger? No, no this can't be happening again, no I want to go home, I want to go home right now!" Quinn started yelling, feeling her anxiety starting. "Hey kiddo it's okay, let's take a deep breath, do you do grounding techniques for your anxiety at all?" Heath asked, "Yeah I learned it in therapy, but how did you know?" Quinn asked curiously, "Your dad told me you had pretty bad anxiety, so I know a few things that can help. I know you're scared but you're safe here okay? I'm gonna make you some breakfast and then we'll give your dad a call okay, do some grounding exercises, watch some cartoons, and take some deep breaths okay?" Heath said, trying to reassure Quinn. Heath went into the kitchen to make her some breakfast, he knew he had to confront Drew about calling the police but he couldn't do it around Quinn, and he had to make sure the police weren't listening in when they spoke. "Here you go kiddo, some eggs and pancakes, you eat that and keep watching TV, I've got to go outside and make a phone call then you can talk to your dad alright?" Quinn nodded as Heath walked outside to call Drew.
Drew was an emotional wreck, he hadn't slept at all, he was worried sick about Quinn. He was at home waiting for the first call to come in, Stephen and Erin were staying with him. Drew had come clean to them about what happened to them earlier in the year, both were shocked but agreed not to tell anyone, not even the police. Drew had also spoken to Hunter, he agreed to help as long as Drew lets the police help with the ransom pick up. Everything was in place, the waiting was the most difficult part. Drew's mind ran wild, what if Quinn's already hurt, what if he's already killed her and is just going to take the money and run, how could he have not seen this coming, why didn't he report the damn texts? Right as he thought he was going to have a breakdown his phone rang, it was the unknown number. "Heath let me talk to Quinn!" Drew demanded, "You've fucked up bro, you called the fucking police? This could have been quick and easy but now you've made it ten times worse!" Heath said angrily. "Someone else called the police, they saw you take Quinn, the police arrived not long after our conversation last night" Drew said trying to convince him, "Yeah bullshit dude, I'm not stupid, how do I know I'm not being recorded by the police right now?" Heath asked. "I didn't tell the police about the ransom Heath, they think it's just a simple revenge kidnapping okay? I have the money, tell me when and where you want to meet so I can get my kid back and we move on." Drew said, "No man, change of plans, you calling the cops I got to change the entire thing now, you're gonna have to wait" Heath said. "I'm not waiting Heath, I've got your money, I want my kid back NOW!" Drew screamed. "Screaming ain't gonna get her back any sooner Drew so shut the fuck up!" Heath yelled. "Okay here's the deal I'll let you talk to Quinn, but you do not mention the cops, the amber alert, the fact that police are looking for me, you don't ask about her location, and you stick the story that's she in danger and I'm just keeping her safe, got it? Heath said. "Do I have a choice?" Drew asked sarcastically, "No you don't, I'm gonna keep you on speaker and the first thing I hear that I don't like I'm ending the call, is that understood?" Heath demanded, "Understood" Drew said sternly. Heath went back inside, Quinn was finishing her breakfast while watching TV, "Hey kiddo turn the TV down, your dad is on the phone" Heath said to Quinn, Drew's heart pounded in his chest, just waiting to hear Quinn's voice. "Hey dad, what's going on, why am I having to stay with Heath?" Quinn asked her dad, Drew held back tears, he was happy to hear her voice and that she was okay. "Something's come up sweetheart, I needed you to get away from the situation so I could handle it without you being in danger, I promise once it's taken care of I'll tell you the whole story, but for now you listen to everything Heath says and don't go against him at all, okay? Drew said, Quinn was confused "But dad I don't even know where I am, he won't tell me" she said with a scared tone, "I know Quinn but it's for the best okay?" Drew hated telling her that. "Okay dad, how long will I be here?" she asked, "Hopefully not too long, me and Heath will stay in touch okay?" Drew said, trying to reassure her as best he could. "Okay y'all we got to cut this phone call short, I'll be in touch Drew, say bye to your dad Quinn" Heath said, "Bye dad, love you" she said as Heath ended the call before Drew could tell her he loved her.
Once the line went dead, Drew lost it. He broke down into tears, he was glad to hear her voice but he felt his world crashing down, he couldn't go through this again. Stephen and Erin tried to calm him but nothing worked, Drew eventually passed out from physical and mental exhaustion. 
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 5
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"Who the hell is this?" Drew asked in a deep tone, "What? You don't remember your old leader from 3MB?" the country voice said, then it dawned on Drew "Heath, what are you doing mate? Do you have Quinn?" "We'll get to her in a minute, I guess I owe you an explanation" Heath said. "You're damn right you do! Heath what the fuck is wrong with you? You've kidnapped my daughter!" Drew yelled into the phone, "Woah woah big man if you wanna know how to get her back I suggest you shut up and listen to me" Heath demanded. Drew took a deep breath "All right Heath I'm all ears", "I got fired because of you, they wanted to make room for you, what makes you so special huh? I had been with the WWE for eight years, and they brought you back the first chance they got and said the hell with me, my wife left took the kids too, I ain't got nothing to show for after eight fucking years, but they bring you back and make you IC champion within a month? Eight fucking years and what did I get in all that time? A few tag team championships with nobodies and that's it! No pushes, no other championships, nothing! Just low card matches to pay me the minimum. What I am betting is though, they're paying you good money, where you and your kid can live comfortably and still have money put back. You want your kid back Drew? Then one of two things is gonna happen, you're either gonna get me back on the roster with a high paying contract or you're gonna pay me twice what you're gonna be making, that's the only way you're getting your kid back."
Drew sat there in silence and anger for a few seconds before speaking "Let me get this straight, you blame me for your firing and in exchange for my kid you want ransom?" Drew asked calmly, "Yeah pretty much" Heath said sinisterly. "Heath please don't hurt her, I'll get you what you asked for just please don't do anything, she's been through a lot, she has severe anxiety, if she starts to have an attack you don't know how to calm her" Drew said worried. "What are you talking about man, why does she have anxiety, isn't it just something all kids go through, what's the big deal? Heath said jokingly "No Heath it's not something all kids go through, she has it because this isn't the first time she's been kidnapped by someone from my past! Six months ago we were taken because of something I did when I was younger. The bastard broke her arm and nearly drowned her, I almost lost her. Now you've taken her and the only thing I can think of doing is ripping your fucking head off your shoulders, but I won't do that in order to keep Quinn safe, but you have to promise me something. I'm going to get you what you want, but in return you don't hurt Quinn physically or mentally, you do not scare her in any way, and you let me talk to her whenever you call because I know you and I know these situations, you'll call. You also come up with some story about how you're keeping her there for her safety and not that she's been taken. Do we have a deal? Drew asked. Heath was quiet, shocked by what he had just heard, it had jolted him into reality, finally after a few seconds he responded "Fine Drew, you get me what I want and I'll keep in touch with you, and I won't scare or hurt Quinn, I still remember how she looked up to me, you, and Jinder, she's a sweet kid. But if you screw up Drew then I'm going to forget about our friendship and deal real quick, I'll call you in the morning to see what the update is, you can speak to Quinn then." Heath hung up the phone.
Drew's mind immediately started racing and his anger boiled inside of him. "Not again, this can't be happening, why her? Why can't they just leave her alone" Drew said to himself, with tears streaming down his face. He tried to formulate a plan but his thoughts were all over the place, about that time Stephen came walking in, saw Drew crying and started to get worried. "What's the matter bro?" Stephen asked, "She's gone, Heath took her" Drew said crying, "What do you mean Heath took her? Heath took Quinn?" Stephen asked panicked, Drew nodded, "We have to report Drew! They could still catch them tonight" "No Stephen you don't understand, he's planned this for months, he's sent threatening messages since before I came back, I tried having them traced but it led to nowhere, he knows what he's doing, and he'll hurt Quinn if I don't pay the ransom." Drew said panicked, "How much does he want?" Stephen asked, "He wants either twice my salary which would be close to 500 grand, or he wants his job back with that amount on his contract." Drew responded. "He's a bloody idiot if he thinks he's getting his job back after taking your kid. Drew, listen we still need to report it, is he going to call you again? Stephen asked, Drew nodded, "Okay if he sees it's been reported you tell him you had nothing to do with it, that someone else reported it and that you didn't tell the police about the ransom, that you're still gonna pay him no matter what, that way if someone does see them they can get her back" Stephen said. "Okay let's call, but I need to talk to Hunter, explain this whole thing to him, and see if he can help with this ransom situation, the money has to come from somewhere, and I don't have 500k just lying around" Drew said wiping his tears away. "I'm sure he'll help, let's call the police bro, sooner we do the better." Stephen said.
2 hours later... Birmingham, AL
Heath was backing into the driveway of the house he had rented, he got Quinn out of the backseat and took her into the house and laid her down on the couch. He went back outside and covered his SUV with a car cover and went back inside. He turned on the TV and saw there was an Amber Alert out for Quinn with Heath as the main suspect and a description of the car that matched Heath's SUV. Heath had planned for that as well, he had already changed the license plate so it couldn't be traced. "Drew, you've already made a mistake." 
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 4
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November 3rd, 2018 Around three months had passed since the last threatening text Drew had gotten but he was vigilant. He had asked a police friend back home in Scotland to take a look at the texts and see if they could track who sent the texts but it led to a dead end. Every text and picture that was sent was from a different disposable phone each time so there was no way to trace it. Drew had put a safety plan into place with the nanny, she was too text him when she dropped off Quinn at school in the mornings and Quinn was too call him after she was picked up, the only people that could pick her up was Drew, the nanny, Stephen, and Stephen's girlfriend Erin since they lived in Nashville and could pick her up if they were in town. Everything was going well for them otherwise. Drew had dropped the title to Seth Rollins and was feuding with him, Quinn was adjusting well to school and had even made a couple friends in her Art Guild. She was looking forward to the holidays that were fast approaching, Drew's family from Scotland was flying in for the first time in three years and she was excited to see them. Quinn was also excited because she got to travel with her dad this weekend since the house shows were in neighboring cities, tonight's would be close to home in Nashville. She was hoping her dad would win tonight because it was also the 6 year anniversary of his mom's death and it would be a nice tribute to her. She was only 7 years old when she passed away but she had many memories of her that she would cherish.
"Quinn we got to go sweetheart! We're running late!" Drew yelled from the kitchen, "I'm ready!" Quinn said as she ran down the steps, "It's really cool I got a ringside seat tonight" she said as they walked out to the car, "Yeah I figured since we were the home city tonight, it would be a lot more fun for you. Not to mention your friend and her mom will be at ringside with you" he said. "I hope you win tonight dad, it'd be a really nice tribute to Nana, it's been 6 years today" she said, "Yeah it has, it's hard to believe, feels like only yesterday" Drew said getting tears in his eyes, "Don't cry dad, I'll start crying too" Quinn said, "Sorry sweetheart I still miss her a lot, but you remind me of her in so many ways" Drew said trying to wipe away the tears "But you know, I will win tonight, I'll win it for her" he said proudly. Quinn smiled, she looked out the window and started daydreaming on the way to the arena.
Drew and Quinn arrived 30 minutes later, the show wasn't supposed to start for another two hours. Quinn ran to catering to get her some dinner while she waited, one of the crew team members would walk her to her seat when it was time. She ran back to her dad's locker room, ate her dinner, and watched some shows on her IPad until it was time for her to go take her seat. 10 minutes after she was seated her friend and her mom sat down next to her, they were all excited for the show. Her dad's match was third on the card, even though he was a bad guy she was still gonna cheer for him. Finally about 45 minutes later, her dad's music started playing, Quinn, her friend, and her friend's mom all cheered for him while everyone else booed. Drew circled inside the ring doing his poses, he spotted Quinn and gave her a thumbs up noting he saw her. Seth Rollins came out next and everyone cheered for him including Quinn, she knew he was fighting her dad but Seth was an awesome dude and she couldn't help but cheer too. About 10 minutes into the match, someone came up behind Quinn and tapped her on the shoulder. He was wearing WWE crew gear and he talked into Quinn's ear since it was loud from all the noise of the arena. "Quinn, I need you to come with me, your dad asked me backstage to come get you during his match, something's happened and he wants you in the locker room" the crew guy said. "Oh okay, yeah I'll go backstage" Quinn said in a confused voice. She told her friend and her mom where she was going and they nodded while they continued to watch the match. When Quinn and the crew guy got backstage, she noticed they were heading towards the parking lot instead of the locker rooms, "hey I thought my dad said we needed to go to the locker" Quinn was cut off by a needle pain in her neck and she fell unconscious right after.
Drew won his match against Seth Rollins, while everyone booed Drew looked around for Quinn but didn't see her, he casually walked over to Quinn's friend asking where she was, the friend gave him the same info Quinn had given her, saying she went back to the locker room. Thinking the noise got to Quinn, Drew didn't think much of it and he headed back towards the locker rooms. Once he got back there, Quinn wasn't there, he ran to catering to see if she was getting her some food but no sign of her, he ran back to the locker room to grab his phone to call her. He noticed however there was a new message from the unknown number, his blood ran cold, he opened the text. It was a picture of Quinn at ringside watching his match, the caption read "She was right under your nose and I got her". Drew immediately started panicking, he broke out into a cold sweat, his mind racing, before he could do anything his phone rang, it was the unknown number. Before Drew could say anything, he heard a thick country accent answer first "Been a long time Drew, guess you're wondering why?"
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 3
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Middle August, 2018
Drew was on edge with these random unknown numbers texting him threatening his daughter. Quinn was due to start at her new school in two weeks, this person knows where she lives and knows Drew has taken her on the road with him, how will she be safe at school? He kept trying to reassure himself that unless they were on her pickup form, no one could take her from there without permission from him. But who was sending these messages and why? Was it related to what happened 7 months ago? Was it someone who knew he went into the mansion and stole the goods for Barclay? Or was it just someone close to him playing a cruel joke? All of this uncertainty was driving up Drew's anxiety, but he had to focus he had an Intercontinental Championship match against Bray Wyatt this Sunday at Summerslam and he was determined to win, he deserved to win after everything that had happened.
"So if you win that title, does that mean you'll be on the road more?" Quinn asked her dad as he was warming up for his match on the last Raw before Summerslam. "It might yeah, but don't worry I'll still be home at least two days a week. I know that doesn't seem like a lot but I want to get started off on the right foot and show them I'm champion material. I don't want to be released again" Drew said. "Well, if I'm on break for school can I come with you?" Quinn asked, "Of course! Have your nerves calmed any about starting school a couple weeks?" he asked, "A little bit, they have some clubs I'd like to join, mainly the Art Guild" she answered with a smile, "See now that's the spirit" Drew said as he got up from his warm up and came to sit down next to her. "Listen, I know we've been through a lot this year, we've been through a lot of trauma, but getting back to normalcy is one of the best things you can do. I've got wrestling and you've got school and friends to look forward too. It will take some time to work through everything but I believe in you, you're a brave warrior like me" he said, Quinn turned and gave her dad a hug "I know dad, I love you" she said, "I love you sweetheart" as he returned the hug.
Summerslam 2018
Drew still hadn't received any new unknown texts and he was hoping at this point it was all behind him. While Drew was warming up, he heard a knock at his locker room door, "Who is it?" he asked "An old friend, may I come in?" the voice said, Drew instantly recognized the voice and his suspicions were confirmed when Jinder Mahal walked through the door "What's up bro?" Jinder asked as he went over to Drew and gave him a hug "Nothing much man, I heard you were coming back, didn't realize it was this soon!" Drew said happily. "Yeah my debut is in a few weeks, I'm looking forward to being back" Jinder said smiling. About that time, Quinn walked through the door, having been down at catering getting some lunch "Quinn, you remember Jinder don't you?" Drew asked "Yeah I do! Hey Jinder!" Quinn ran over and gave him a hug, "Oh my goodness, this can't be Quinn! She's grown too much!" Jinder said, astonished "It's me! I'm 13 now" she said "No way, that's not possible, you were just 8 years old when I saw you last." Jinder said. "She's growing up so fast bro, time needs to slow down just a little bit" Drew said "Yes it does, how've you two been? You should be starting school soon right?" Jinder asked, pointing to Quinn. "Yep I'm going into the 8th grade, starting at a new school and everything" she said "Yeah we moved to Tennessee earlier this year and found her a smaller school to go, it will be nice" Drew said, "That's awesome, hey Drew did you hear what happened to Heath by chance?" Jinder asked, "No I didn't, what's up?" Drew asked, confused. "Apparently he was released a couple months before you came back, they were making room for our debuts and they weren't using Heath at all so they released him. Not long after his wife left and took their kids because he wouldn't go work in the independents." Jinder explained, "That's a shame, he's a really good friend, I don't know why he hasn't reached out, I could probably help him get out of that funk and give him some good contacts in the independents." Drew said, "Well hopefully he'll come around and start fixing things, he's just got to work his way back up like we did. Well I know you're busy getting ready for your match so I'll see you around, you take care! Jinder said as he gave Drew another hug, "Take care Jinder'' Drew said. "Well that was a nice trip down memory lane, I remember Heath too, that was your 3MB days when you were a Scottish rockstar wannabe" Quinn said laughing, "I don't know what your laughing at because those were some fun times for me" Drew said amused. "You looked like a dork wearing a bandana and bedazzled wrestling pants" Quinn said, still laughing. Drew just looked at her with a sarcastic face. "I've got to get ready for my match, eat your lunch, and stay out of trouble" he said as he left the locker room. Drew's match was about an hour into the show, he ended up winning the IC title off of Bray Wyatt, and then went backstage for his interviews. Once he was done, he retrieved Quinn and his wrestling bags from the locker room and they headed for the hotel, thankfully Raw was in the same city as Summerslam so they wouldn't have to travel that night. Quinn was lying in bed reading a book on her IPad while Drew was browsing his phone on the sofa while watching TV. Drew was checking messages when he saw the dreaded unknown number again, he gulped as his heart rate started climbing fast. He opened it and Drew's heart sunk into his stomach, it was a picture of Quinn in his locker room alone, the caption read "It could have been easy to take her right now with you so close yet so far away". 
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 2
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Two weeks later: Omaha, Nebraska
Drew had been medically cleared and was debuting on Raw tonight after being on NXT for the majority of last year. Quinn was with him, after she had calmed down her and Drew had discussed her going back to school and having a nanny stay with her. He was going to enroll her at an alternative school where classes would be smaller and it would help her anxiety some, she probably had a better chance to make some new friends. Quinn was still a little nervous with her dad going back to work but knew it had to happen. "Where's my Goddaughter?" someone said loudly as they came through the locker room door, "Uncle Stephen!!!" Quinn jumped up from the chair and ran to him, "Ahh it's good to see ya darlin" Stephen said as he hugged her. "I've missed you uncle Stephen" she said, "I've missed you too, here let me look at ya! You've must have hit another growth spurt, you're getting taller every time I see ya. Where's your dad darlin?" he asked, "Oh he had to go down and find out what time his match is, I think he's going to be a bad guy on this brand" Quinn said. "Well that happens sometimes Quinn, I was a bad guy when I first got here, then I gradually turned good, then when I came back with my new look I was a bad guy. Don't worry though, I think your dad likes being the bad guy sometimes" Stephen said. "Yeah, why did you decide on a big mohawk and a new nose ring? Pretty big new look if you ask me." Quinn said with some attitude, "Mid life crisis?" Stephen said laughing. Drew returned to the locker room and saw Stephen right away and gave him a big hug, "How are you old friend?" Drew asked, "I'm doing just fine man, just catching up with my Goddaughter, how are you mate?" Stephen asked, "Doing okay, just getting ready for my match tonight, I'm fighting Bray Wyatt then I'm supposed to turn on him" Drew said, "Oh come on dad really? You're really gonna be a bad guy and turn on Bray Wyatt?" Quinn asked with that teenage attitude, "Yes sweetheart unfortunately that's how it has to be" Drew said smiling, "I don't like you being a bad guy dad, especially since I'm starting at a new school and trying to make new friends, I'll get so much heat" Quinn said. "Don't worry darlin, I'm only a bad guy in the ring, remember that" Drew said trying to assure her. Quinn just rolled her eyes and sat back down in the chair "You can't deny she's got your attitude Drew" Stephen said laughing while Drew glared at him. "Listen mate, what time is your match tonight?" Drew asked "Oh I'm on first thing, why do you ask?" "I was wondering if you could stay back here with Quinn while I go for my match?" Drew asked Stephen, "Sure mate no problem, everything okay though, usually Quinn is really independent" he asked confused. "Ahh you know, just first night back jitters, just want to make sure no one bothers her" Drew said trying to ease the tension, "Alright, whatever you say mate" Stephen said still skeptical.
While Drew was out in the ring, Stephen was in the locker room with Quinn just catching up with her. "So how's your summer been? Are you excited to start at a new school?" Stephen asked her, "My summer break has been fine; just gaming, eating, and sleeping. And no I'm not looking forward to the new school, dad's been letting me do online public school since we moved I don't get why I have to go in person" Quinn said. "Well darlin he probably wants you get that social interaction you need to make friends" Stephen said trying to reassure her "I don't want to go in person, my anxiety has been horrible since we left Florida, what happens if I have an anxiety attack in front of everyone, they'll make fun of me and I couldn't handle the embarrassment." she said with tears in her eyes. "Listen darlin, I bet your dad has researched this school a lot and saw it's the best option for you, they probably can help you through your anxiety if need be, and I bet there's other kids like you there, they won't make fun of you, you could probably make friends with someone just like you and make everything better. Just give it a chance okay?" Stephen said while still trying to reassure Quinn. Quinn just sighed and buried her face in her hands, she wanted to tell Stephen the real reason why she was having so much anxiety and why they left Florida so suddenly but she swore to her dad she would tell a soul, "Okay uncle Stephen, I'll give it a chance". "That a girl! Use that Scottish strength and bravery!" Stephen said, trying to lift her spirits.
Drew finished his match and returned back to the locker room after doing interviews, Quinn was watching Youtube on her IPad, "Alright Quinn, are you ready to go home for a few days?" Drew asked, "Yeah, what city is up next? she asked, "I believe we're going to Boise Idaho for a house show, go ahead and start gathering your stuff, we're leaving in 15 minutes." Drew said as he grabbed his phone to check the schedule, as he did he noticed yet another text from an unknown number. His heart started racing and he got a cold chill down his spine as he opened it. It was another picture of Quinn this time by their rental car, and the text read "You really think bringing her with you will keep her safe? You're wrong". 
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 1
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Early July, 2018
Drew had been having nightmares since he and Quinn were kidnapped six months ago, but this one felt like he was there all over again. He sat in bed holding his chest because he thought his heart was going to explode, he was sweating, and having cold chills. "Damn these nightmares" he said to himself. He got up and went to his bathroom, he splashed some cold water on his face, and looked at himself in the mirror and sighed deeply. After he slipped on some jeans, he walked out of his bedroom down to Quinn's room just to check on her since he was wide awake now, he opened her door as quietly as possible and thankfully she was sound asleep safe in her bed. He closed her door and went downstairs to the couch to watch some TV. As he was watching TV, he got a text from his best friend Stephen; who went by Sheamus in WWE, it was a picture of him and his longtime girlfriend Erin in a bar with some other WWE wrestlers. The text below it said "Can't wait to have ya back out with us soon!" Drew was close to being medically cleared from his injury soon and wondered how it was going to go after everything that had happened. He hadn't told anyone, not even Stephen about what had happened to him and Quinn. He was looking for a nanny to stay there while he was working and on the road once Quinn started school but he was hoping to take her with him during the summer just to keep an eye on her. He hadn't brought it up to her yet but after how real the nightmare was he decided to talk to her about it tomorrow. He started winding down and dozing off about an hour later and finally fell back asleep.
Drew woke up to the midday sun shining into the living room "wow, 12:37 been awhile since I slept that long" looking at his phone. He got up off the couch and stretched out his muscles, walked upstairs to his room, and put on a shirt then walked down to Quinn's room and knocked on the door, "Can I come in?" he asked, "Yeah" Quinn said softly. Quinn was sitting at her desk playing on her computer while eating a sandwich with some chips. "How are you feeling today sweetheart, did you sleep okay?" Drew asked her as he sat down on her bed, "Slept fine, the anxiety medicine the therapist put me on helps me sleep better now. Why were you on the couch? she asked. Drew looked at her puzzled "How did you know I was on the couch?", Quinn pointed to her lunch "Uhh duh! I saw you when I made breakfast then lunch." letting her teenage attitude shine through. "Wow attitude much?" Drew said sarcastically while Quinn just shrugged, "Well I didn't sleep well so I just went downstairs and watched TV, guess I fell back asleep" he said, "But anyway I came in here to ask you a question and talk to you about something" he said, "Oh no what is it now dad?" Quinn said with even more attitude, "I wanted to ask you if I get medically cleared soon if you would like to come on the road with me until you start school, and how do you feel about a nanny staying here once school starts and I'm on the road?" he asked her. "I mean I don't mind going on the road with you for the summer but really a nanny? What am I five years old? Why can't you just homeschool me and let me just stay with you?" Quinn said in a raised, sad tone. "Darlin you need to be in school and be around other kids so you can make friends and start getting back to normal, besides the nanny would only be here Thursday nights to Tuesday mornings, I would be here the other times." Drew said trying to reassure her, "Dad I'm 13 now, I've got to start all over on making friends, all of my friends are in Florida it's not going to be easy, I'll feel like a freak" Quinn said very upset. "I know it won't be easy but" "But nothing dad! No, I don't like the idea, just leave me alone!" Quinn yelled, she turned and put her head on the desk and started weeping. "Quinn it will be okay I promise" Drew said trying to reassure her "Just go away dad please" she said quietly. Drew got up and left her room, taking a deep breath as he stepped away from her door. He knew this was all his fault and she was having a hard time, it broke his heart. He walked downstairs, deciding to do a quick workout to blow off some steam. He grabbed his phone so he could listen to some music to help him work out his anger and frustration, he noticed he had a text message from an unknown number. When he opened it, Drew fell back onto the couch. It was a picture of Quinn taken from a distance outside in the backyard, the text read "Your daughter is beautiful, too bad you can't keep her safe anymore" 
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)- Nightmare Flashback
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Drew was back in Scotland, he was tied up in that basement again, he was seeing Quinn get hurt all over again, he tried to scream but nothing came out. 
He was then at the mansion, stealing the stuff he was supposed to, he was in the van fighting to take control of it so he could save Quinn. 
He was shooting and killing Barclay's men again, he was searching for Quinn again, he watched as she was plunged into the water with her feet tied to cinder blocks again.  He fought off Barclay long enough to dive into the reservoir to save his daughter, he dragged her to shore, only this time she wasn't waking up.  He kept doing CPR, but nothing was working, his worst nightmare was happening. He tried to scream out but there was nothing but silence, until Drew woke up from the dream. 
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Author's Note- New Story
Hey guys, I'll be posting a new story soon, new chapters every couple of days. Hope y'all enjoy, here's the summary :)
Drew thought after moving and taking precautions himself and Quinn would be safe, he thought wrong.
I do not own Drew Mcintyre, Sheamus, Jinder Mahal, or Heath Slater characters, only my original characters Quinnley, Erin, and the Detective. Trigger warnings for kidnapping, beatings, and guns. This is entirely a work of fiction. Everything is all used fictitiously and do not reflect anything in real life. Cross posted on other fanfic sites.
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havenmoon1369 · 4 months
Thank you!
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed "Getting Her Back", thank you for the likes! That was my first fanfic and I didn't know if it was gonna turn out good or not. I do have plans for future fanfics just got to get the stories right in my head and put on paper lol. I'll update when I have the themes ready to go :)
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havenmoon1369 · 4 months
Getting Her Back- Chapter 10
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One month later
Drew had moved himself and Quinn out of Florida just to be safe and bought a house in Rural Tennessee. He put cameras up and had alarms on the doors and windows, he wasn't taking any chances. Quinn's arm was healing well, she was sad to move away from her friends but going back into that house gave her panic attacks. She had also begun having nightmares that made her feel like she was back in that room in Scotland. Drew had scheduled her to see a therapist to talk about her anxiety and nightmares. Drew's nightmares had continued as well, even worse than before but he wanted his daughter taken care of first. From the news he had gathered from trusted family back in Scotland, the deaths of the henchmen were blamed on gangs and Barclay's body was pulled out of the reservoir, it gave Drew comfort that he was actually dead and couldn't hurt him or Quinn ever again.
"DAD!" Drew was jolted awake by the sound of his daughter screaming for him, he rushed to her bedroom, and flew open the door. "What is it Quinn?" he asked, she was breathing heavily "Another nightmare dad, when will they stop I don't like them" she asked with anxiety in her voice. "To be honest darlin, it takes a very long time to get over something we've been through, but talking helps, I'm glad you're going to be seeing the therapist soon, it will do you wonders kiddo" Drew said. "Well now that we're awake, how about we go downstairs and watch some TV until we get tired again" he said trying to make her feel a little bit better. Quinn nodded and followed her dad to the couch, "Here you pick the movie or show you want to watch" Drew said handing Quinn the remote. Quinn turned on her favorite movie Big Hero 6, and for the first time in a while she was smiling and laughing, Drew was happy to see this. Eventually Quinn fell back asleep but Drew didn't disturb her, he let her sleep on the couch and he stayed in his recliner. The calm and stillness of everything got Drew into a deep thought process. He thought about everything he did wrong back in the day of his early heists, how many people did he piss off? How many hold grudges? Is there going to be another Barclay Harris? Drew looked over at Quinn who was sleeping peacefully for now and that's all he could ask for at that moment. He thought to himself "If there are more people out there looking for me, if they come then I know what to do now. This whole experience proved when someone is pushed to the absolute limit, they will do everything and anything to protect those they love. If they're brave enough to come my way, I'm ready for them."
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havenmoon1369 · 4 months
Getting Her Back- Chapter 9
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Drew immediately started looking through the water to see if he could find Quinn, after about 30 seconds he found her, she wasn't moving and his heart dropped. He swam to her, cutting her feet loose from the cinder blocks and tearing the tape off her hands. He swam up to the surface with her in his arms as quickly as he could, he then swam to shore with her carrying her lifeless body onto level ground. He began CPR on her, every second felt like an eternity, he started begging for her to wake up. "Come on Quinn, wake up baby girl, I know you can do this, wake up please!" Drew continued compressions and mouth to mouth, his heart was breaking more and more because he was getting no response from her "Don't do this to me Quinn, please honey wake up, don't do this baby girl, come on wake up!" Drew said crying. "QUINN WAKE UP!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, just then Quinn started coughing and choking up water, Drew turned her on her side so that the water would come out easier. She rolled over on her back and was breathing heavily from the coughing, she looked up and saw her dad crying over her, "Dad?" she asked "Yeah baby it's me, I got you." Drew said as he lifted her into his arms and cradled her as they both started crying, happy to be reunited. Still holding Quinn, Drew looked up because he sensed movement; Barclay was starting to stir and Drew knew he had to finish this once and for all. He laid Quinn down on the ground "Quinn I want you to stay here, cover your ears and close your eyes. Whatever you do, don't open your eyes or uncover your ears until I come back for you" Drew said softly but sternly to her. Quinn did as he said, he got up and started walking towards Barclay.
Drew watched as the man who had injured and almost killed his daughter was trying to crawl away, but Drew shot him in both legs and arms, rolled him over on his back, and dragged him to the dock. Barclay started begging Drew to stop but he didn't listen instead he started laughing at Barclay, "Stop? You want me to stop? You didn't stop when you broke my daughter's arm, you didn't stop when you had me do your dirty work and collect those items from the mansion, you didn't stop when your henchmen started shooting at me, and you definitely didn't stop when you sent my daughter into the water to kill her. I've got news for you, she's alive but you won't be for much longer." Drew said in a sinister tone. Drew took the remaining cinder blocks, rope, and duct tape out of the boat, "I'm guessing these were for me and Quinn, looks like they're for you now" Drew said as he started taping up Barclay's hands, he taped his mouth shut because he had said enough, and then he tied the rope around his feet which he then tied to the cinder blocks. Barclay was pleading through the tape over his mouth but Drew refused to listen. "You know Barclay, back home where I wrestle they have nicknames for me, one being the Scottish Psychopath, you want to know why that is? It's because I show no mercy to my opponents, and I show no mercy to the man who tortured me and my daughter, see you in Hell Barclay" Drew suddenly kicked the cinder blocks into the reservoir and watched Barclay go under the water never to hurt him or his daughter ever again. Drew took a big deep breath and walked back over to Quinn, he grabbed her hands off her ears "Open your eyes darlin', it's me dad" Quinn sat up and hugged him, "I was so scared dad, I know you've always told me to be brave but I was really scared" Drew held her "I know I was scared too, I was scared I was going to lose you forever but we survived, we're going to be okay." he said as tears dripped down his face. "Come on, let me get you to a hospital and let's get that arm fixed up" Drew picked up Quinn and carried her away never once looking back at the reservoir.
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