#mr cuckoo for cocoa puffs
shysheeperz · 1 year
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snailstrom · 2 years
been keeping a close eye on the cereal killer poll results and notes because that was a real parliamentary debate i did in high school. i need you to know that the patrick bateman tony the tiger reasoning is literally 1 step away from our actual argument in tony's favor.
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brightlybound · 2 months
Which hp characters had their glow up at Hogwarts and then got hit with the ugly stick in their 20’s? I want an unhinged list lol
Lmaoooo. Unhinged, you say?
Cormac McLaggen: started off as Mr. Big n' Beefy, then got into smoking mandrake leaves. Side effects include: limp hair and limp dick.
Oliver Wood: resident Quidditch hottie, never knew when to quit. Forgot to apply Sunscreen Charms 9 out of 10 times and became as leathery as a Quaffle by his early 20s.
Xenophilius Lovegood: super hot stoner with funky fashion tastes. Sampled far too many of his wife's experimental potions and started to believe you could only shower when it rained and brush your teeth when the moon was full.
Sybill Trelawney: smelled like incense and was a super mysterious, sexual deviant. All the boys wanted her, but she only dove into 😼. Then she was slapped with The Seeing Stick and went cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Why would you bother brushing your hair when you could see the future?
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kandisheek · 1 month
Little Heroes Kindergarten by peppypear
Pairing: Steve/Tony, minor Tony/Strange Rating: T Words: 112,408 Tags: Fluff and Crack, No Powers AU, Kindergarten
Summary: “Dad, I don’t like Mr Thanos. He’s an alien.” Peter insisted. “He’s not an alien.” Tony sighed, turning the car into the road leading to Little Heroes Kindergarten. “I know what you’re trying to say, but you can’t keep shouting things like that in public, especially in this political climate-”-- A collection of oneshots and short arcs in an AU where Thanos is Peter's kindergarten teacher. 75% crack, 25% plot. Betcha never read a Stony CACW Fixit fic like this one before!
Reasons why I love it: I don't even know how to describe this fic. It's one of the most hilarious concepts ever, transforming canon into a kindergarten setting where somehow the characters, the canon plot points, even the fucking canon dialogue make an appearance in a completely natural way. Did I say natural? I meant to say batshit insane, completely off the rails, cuckoo for cocoa puffs shenanigans. It's stuffed to the brim with crack, anime lingo and inside jokes, and it's the most entertaining thing I've read in a very long time. Definitely check this one out if you like weird shit, and I mean that as the highest compliment I can give.
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Austenland as a concept is so funny to me. Shannon Hale writes a silly little romance novel about a woman too attached to Mr Darcy from Pride & Prejudice (specifically Colin Firth from the 1995 series, to the point where she owns the DVDs but hides them in her potted plant like porn) to form real romantic relationships, so her rich great-aunt leaves her a trip to a Jane Austen immersive experience in her will, where she meets a real-life Mr Darcy and falls in love and they live happily ever after so dreams CAN come true, actually, as long as you allow yourself a little bit of hope beside your reality. Five years later, with a movie in development, she writes a sequel, but you can’t recycle the same plot, so she decides to go the Northanger Abbey route this time except WHAT IF THE MURDER WAS REAL?! MAYBE IT WASN’T?! IS OUR PROTAGONIST CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS?! IS HER DIVORCE MAKING HER SEE THE WORST IN ALL MEN?! WILL SHE EVER FIND LOVE AGAIN?! DOES SHE DESERVE IT?! Also a famous movie star is here for some reason and we’re besties now
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silentbutlively · 7 years
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ok but guys I was tryna take a photo of these two boxes at Safeway to highlight my confusion as to what the differenc is between the two and what the purpose of that alternative logo is but what i got pretty much 100% sums up the spirit of cocoa puffs
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bakushima-simp · 3 years
random hcs pt. 2! feat. pikachu, shitty hair, & pinky
kaminari denki ~
⚡so i've heard that kami reads shakespeare? for funsies?
⚡ i'm never saying funsies again
⚡ anyway, this mans is obviously smart as hell
⚡ idk if this is canon or not, but this is fanon so it's fine - he always has A's in english
⚡ dude speaks the language fluently atp
⚡ he got the opportunity to travel to america during a hero study and was having casual conversations with everyone he passed by
⚡ his mentor turned around like 🤨 ... 😏😌
⚡ mr. grinch smile type beat
⚡ people are always surprised when they find him doing anything that relates to having a brain
⚡ speaking of brains... tiktok
⚡ denki totally has it
⚡ he's always hopping on the latest trends, learning all the dances
⚡ he's even created a few of his own
⚡ he's quite well known on the app, actually
⚡ he convinced sero to make a dance with him & it ended up being a trend
⚡ just denki & sero in the fyp for weeks
kirishima eijirou ~
✊🏽 this mans is wild
✊🏽 he literally stands and takes every hit thrown at him and continues to fight back afterward?? yeah you're not gonna tell me this dude ain'tt a little bit cuckoo for cocoa puffs
✊🏽 we all know how he looked up to mina in middle school
✊🏽 he definitely learned how to dance from her at some point
✊🏽 they both try to teach the squad some of the alien queen's choreo at some point
✊🏽 bakugou & sero are the only ones who really catch on
✊🏽 kami just does tiktok dances in the back, but he slays that shit dw 😌
✊🏽 but back to the manliest man
✊🏽 a bit of an ick for me at least but scabs
✊🏽 dude has scabs & deep scars from taking so many damn hits all the time
✊🏽 don't get me wrong tho, they make him look so badass
✊🏽 kiri thinks the scars contribute to his "manliness factor" or sum shii 🙄
✊🏽 his "arm day" isn't spent working out, but rather taking care of his arms & working with the support gear students to create more protective gear for the rest of his body that also won't hinder the use of his quirk
mina ashido ~
🛸 mina listens to this playlist expeditiously and has choreo to every song
🛸 no reason why, she just does
🛸 jirou let mina play her rnb playlist at a party once, and let's just say shit went down
🛸 it ended up with a boys vs. girls dance battle
🛸 kiri was holding it down for a hot minute
🛸 i'm talkin some matt steffanina, tim milgram type stuff
🛸 but then everyone else got tired and stepped back & mina and bakugou ended up battling by themselves 😭
🛸 baku was coming through when hot shower came on see: nicole kirkland
🛸 then woman by doja cat came on
🛸 mans was moving his hips so hard 😭 mina was killing it and katsuki was just about to dislocate something 💀💀
🛸 the whole thing is recorded on denki's phone and he holds it over kacchan's head every day
🛸 an-ty-ways, back to my girl
🛸 mina has skin problems bc of her quirk and does skin care with the girls whenever they're free
🛸 her extravagant skin care routine has saved the lives of class 1-A 🤧🤧 (boys included)
🛸 it's become a tradition of sorts for someone to join mina on her skin care day (which happens to be a part of her wash day)
🛸 usually deku is with her (bc wash days are their thing) and uraraka will tag along (bc she's in her simp stage lord help her)
🛸 so all of mina's followers are constantly questioning how someone can have such beautiful skin all the time
🛸 being the queen she is, ashido posts her skincare routine online and it gains a shit ton of attention
🛸 next thing she knows, she's getting phone calls from popular makeup brands and ends up being the youngest hero to have a consecutive makeup line AND deal with a clothing brand
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castielpit · 3 years
The Nightmares Don’t Stop- 10
Warnings: mentions of wounds, cleaning wounds
Chapter List
Shaking the fog out of your head, you turn back to Clint and to the object that you kicked onto the floor. It was one of the alcohol wipes. He was going to clean the wounds on your thighs. Your shoulders slump and you lean your back against the wall, putting your head in your now shaking hands. Steve’s hands fall from your shoulders.
“God, Mr. Barton I am so sorry for everything. My body reacts before my mind can catch up and I see someone coming towards me or someone makes physical contact with me and I just go insane and I am so fucking sorry,” a tear slips out of your eye.
“Unless it’s Steve, huh?” an amused voice says. You lift your head from your hands to see Clint grabbing the alcohol wipe off the floor and placing it in the trash. He turns back around with a goofy grin on his face. Your brows furrowed in confusion, causing Clint to chuckle. “Don’t worry about it Y/n. I’ve suffered much worse, especially from a certain former Russian spy who shall remain nameless…”
“Hey, I didn’t do anything you didn’t deserve,” Natasha protests from beside Tony in the doorway now, a smirk dancing on her face.
“In fact, give him another kick just for good measure, kiddo,” snarks Tony, a mischievous look in his eyes. Suddenly sarcastic comments are being thrown around by everyone except for you, Steve, and Bruce. You sit there, mouth hanging open in astonishment, which Bruce moves to grab the wipes and bandages from Clint, handing them off to Steve with a small smile in your direction. Bruce then quietly slips out of the room.
Steve looks down at the items now in his hands and up to you, as if asking for permission. You nod at him shyly, not used to the intensity of his eyes.
“This will sting a bit, sorry,” Steve murmurs. You nod absentmindedly as he goes about cleaning and bandaging your wounds before cleaning the blood off of your hands and out from underneath your fingernails. Your mind wanders to Clint’s comment from before. Why were you so comfortable with Steve’s touch? You look at the face of the man in question. He is undoubtedly handsome, anyone with sight could see that much, but that couldn’t be the reason why. Your father had dark long hair, often pulled back into a ratty ponytail. He was a small, mousy man with lean muscle. And personality-wise? He had nothing in common with the gentle being that is Steve Rogers. Maybe your mind was less wary of men who don’t look like your father. Clint has a similar build to your father while Bruce has that sort of mousy posture. You shake the thoughts from your head. This isn’t what you should be worrying about right now.
“That should be good,” Steve says, gathering all of the trash and going to throw it away. The sarcastic commenting seems to die down at this, giving you a chance to speak.
“What time is it? Shouldn’t all of you be working with the rest of the recruits?” you ask, eyes glued to your bandaged thighs.
“It’s 8 P.M. You were passed out for about 6 hours, but Bruce said you would wake up every now and then, never for more than a few minutes at a time,” says Natasha. You groan at the news.
“God this has got to be one of the worst first days ever,” you complain to no one in particular. You feel a dip in the bed next to you as Steve sits back down. You glance over at him and he flashes you a sympathetic smile.
“Not according to Miss Romanov here,” replies Tony. “Apparently you made quite an impression on her and Katniss before you went all cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.” Steve glares at Tony lightly at that comment, but your mind focuses on the compliment that Natasha must’ve given you. 
“Oh, um...thank you,” you say to Natasha, who nods at you and then promptly leaves the room. “So, I suppose I should get going back to my apartment,” you begin, but are cut off by Steve.
“Do you need someone to walk you back to the dorms?” he asks innocently.
“I actually live in the city, not the dorms here at the compound,” you respond. Steve looks at you with a hint of confusion in his face, his head tilted to the side like a puppy, but he quickly recovers.
“Oh! Well we can get you a ride,” Steve says, already getting to his feet and holding out a hand to help you off the cot. “What’s your address?”
Tony, clearly remembering where you live because of the package thief incident, recites the address. Steve whips his head between Tony and then back to you, lowering his offered hand.
“You live there? That’s a pretty rough area, isn’t it? Why don’t you take a dorm room, at least for the night?” Steve offers. Now it’s your turn to whip your head up.
“No! Sorry, um, but no. I would rather not,” you quickly respond. Steve and Tony look at you as if waiting for an explanation for your short outburst. “I, um...remember when Bruce asked me about PTSD earlier?” The two mens’ faces drop in understanding, both of them having been through hell themselves.
“That’s why you’re living in that shithole? So you don’t wake up the other recruits from nightmares?” questions Tony. You nod in response. “Hell kiddo, if I knew that I would’ve given you other options. You’re staying here in the compound for the rest of the month. No ifs, ands, or buts.”
You glance at Steve in worry.
“Won’t I wake up the rest of the people in the compound?” you ask, confused.
“All of the rooms are soundproof. Almost all of us have PTSD in some form. Nightmares like yours are almost commonplace around here,” Steve explains, his jaw clenching at the last part.
“Alright! Then it’s settled. FRIDAY, please alert the staff to prepare one of our empty rooms for Y/n here,” yells Tony excitedly, not letting you even get so much as a word in.
“Would you like me to alert Ms. L/n when the room is ready for her, sir?” the robot asks.
“Perfect!” Tony responds, giving you and Steve a two-finger salute before leaving the room altogether. You and Steve sit there in silence for a few moments.
“What the hell just happened?” you question, eyes still on the door, not fully comprehending everything that Tony just said. Steve just sighs.
“Tony Stark just happened,” Steve chuckles.
“Are you sure I won’t be too much of a burden here? I mean, it’s the Avengers. I won’t exactly fit in,” you tell Steve.
“This compound was made to house a ton of people. Trust me, you won’t be a burden at all. And the Avengers are just normal people when it comes down to it. Don’t let it intimidate you, y/n,” he replies easily. Hearing him say your name made you smile and you look at him, only to see him smiling back at you.
“Ms. L/n, your room is ready for you,” says the robotic voice of FRIDAY. “You will be across from Mr. Barnes.” Steve furrows his brows in confusion and looks at you with something like concern in his eyes.
“That was almost too quick,” you say, chuckling nervously to cover your surprise. “Is that Mr. Barnes as in Bucky Barnes?” Steve opens his mouth to say something but FRIDAY cuts him off. 
“Yes, Ms. L/n. His full name is Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. He often defers to Bucky, Buck, or James.” You look to Steve who looks almost nervous at what you might ask him.
“He’s your best friend, right?” you ask Steve, who looks at you with surprise which then turns into a warm smile. 
“What, that punk?” he says teasingly, raising an eyebrow. You giggle. Again, what’s with the Avengers that they somehow make you giggle? Steve’s smile widens even further. “Yeah, he’s stuck with me and I’m stuck with him.”
He then re-offers his hand to help you up. You accept and climb to your feet, pulling your shoes out from under the cot and slipping them on your feet. You straighten yourself back up and dust imaginary dust off of your shirt. You cringe at its hideousness.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure Tony’s staff got you some clothes to change into,” Steve shakes his head with a chuckle. He opens the door with one hand, and begins leading you to your new room. You don’t even notice that your hand is still in his.
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My Bloody Valentine: Final Part
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,045
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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If the key to getting to Famine was through souls, then you needed to go to the last person who died which meant going to the morgue and talking to Dr. Corman. Dean knew these people better than you, so he did all the talking when he spotted a nurse he was familiar with.
“Hey, Marty. Is Dr. Corman around?”
“You haven't heard?”
“Heard what?”
“He died last night,” he sighed, taking you three to see the body. The nurse uncovered the head so you could get a good look at him. “Guy's been dry for the last 20 years, but this morning, he left work, went home, and drank himself to death.”
“It’s Famine,” Castiel admitted.
“Would you give us a minute, please?” you asked.
“Sure,” Marty nodded, leaving the room.
“Shit! I really kind of liked this guy,” Dean sighed. Castiel placed his hand on the stomach of the body to get a feel if the soul was still intact or not.
“They haven't harvested his soul yet.”
“The only way to get to Famine is through a game called “Capture the Soul.” Our best shot starts with him,” you noted.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Dean sighed.
The more you spent hiding this secret of yours, the more guilty you felt, but it would be worse now if you told him since he didn’t even have a say in the matter. It’s hard to even look at him without falling apart, but you had to try and get past it on your own. Maybe you can make another kid and this won’t even matter. However, the same issue still stands as before—you couldn’t raise a kid right now with everything going on. You couldn’t do that to them. All you could do right now was work the case even if your guilt was eating your insides.
You and Dean waited in the parking lot until you saw a demon exit with the doctor’s soul. Right now, there was nothing so the waiting was excruciating. Dean was just sitting there in silence, and you thought if you told him now, he could begin the process of healing. Before you had a chance to say anything, Castiel appeared in the front seat with a bag full of hamburgers. He opened one and began eating it with a smile.
“Are you serious?” Dean asked.
“These make me very happy.”
“How many is that?” you asked.
“I lost count. It's in the low hundreds.”
“Okay, you need to stop,” you muttered, sliding over to his side and placing both hands on his head, your fingers digging into his forehead.
Both hands glowed bright blue as you gave him an even bigger dose of your magic. As soon as you let go, Castiel dropped the burger since he no longer craved it.
“You can’t keep giving me that.”
“I know, but it’s just temporary until we find Famine,” you sighed.
“Fine,” he said, leaving the car in silence. It was like that for a few minutes until he broke it again. “What I don't understand is where is your hunger, Dean?”
“Well, slowly but surely, everyone in this town is falling prey to Famine, but so far, you seem unaffected. We know why Y/N is immune to it, but I don’t know why you are.”
“Hey, when I want to drink, I drink. When I want sex, I go get it. Same goes for a sandwich or a fight.”
“So, you're saying you're just well-adjusted?”
“God, no. I'm just well-fed.”
“Look there,” Castiel motioned with his head.
Looking at what he was pointing to, you saw a demon exit the hospital with a black briefcase with the soul in it, no doubt.
“Yeah, that’s a demon, alright,” you sighed.
“Let’s go,” Dean declared, turning on the car to follow him at a safe distance.
The demon led you all the way to a diner, and by the looks of it, there was no one inside—no one but Famine and demons.
“You want to go over the plan again?” Dean asked, but Castiel didn’t answer. The magic you gave him apparently wasn’t enough since he was eating another burger. “Hey, happy meal. The plan?”
“I take the knife, I go in, I cut off the ring hand of Famine, and I meet you back here in the parking lot.”
“Well, that sounds foolproof,” Dean scoffed.
The angel disappeared in a flap of wings, so it was just you and your boyfriend left. Castiel was a good angel, and he was quick at getting things he wanted, but this was just taking too long. He should have been in and out in seconds.
“This is taking too long,” you sighed.
“I agree,” he said, and you two got out of the car to investigate.
Walking inside the diner, you looked around to see nothing but dead bodies everywhere—one in the fryer, three on the ground, and the rest inside where the tables were. Passing by the window that separated the kitchen and the counter, you noticed a certain angel on the floor eating something. Upon further inspection, you noticed it was ground beef.
“Castiel!” you hissed, trying to gather his attention.
He looked back but continued to eat as if he couldn’t stop. So much for your magic trying to help him. Two demons appeared from either side of you and Dean, so you took care of yours while Dean did the same. Blasting the demon with you magic, you flung him through the wall with ease, creating a big hole to the outside. Two more demons filed through, and they collectively used their powers on you which was enough to at least subdue you. The demons took you and Dean into the main room where Famine was waiting in a… wheelchair?
“The other Mr. Winchester and Ms. Singer.”
“What did you do to him?” you demanded, motioning to Castiel.
“You sicced your dog on me. I just threw him a steak.”
“So, this is your big trick? Huh? Making people cuckoo for cocoa puffs?” Dean glared as he struggled against the demons.
“Doesn't take much—hardly a push. Oh, America, all-you-can-eat, and all the time. Consume, consume. A swarm of locusts in stretch pants. Yet, you're all still starving because hunger doesn't just come from the body, it also comes from the soul.”
“It's funny, it doesn't seem to be coming from mine.”
“Or mine,” you glared.
“Yes. I noticed that. Have you wondered why that is? How you could even walk in my presence?”
“I have a little back up,” you explained, your eyes turning bright blue in the process.
“Ah, yes, Amara. That son of a bitch. Can’t touch you, my dear.”
“Well, I like to think it's because of my strength of character,” Dean chuckled.
“You, however, I disagree,” he said, moving closer to Dean and touching his arm. “Yes. I see. That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex.”
“Oh, you're so full of shit.”
“Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to girlfriend, and lie to yourself, but not to me! I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just keep going through the motions. You're not hungry, Dean, because inside, you're already... dead.”
“Shut the hell up,” you glared, the blue in your eyes getting brighter.
The fact that he said this made the guilt slam into you at full force. A kid would have brought life and happiness into Dean’s life, and you stole that from him without him even knowing. All of a sudden, you were filled with such guilt and anger, you didn’t know how to deal with it.
“Let him go,” Sam said from behind everyone.
Famine turned around to face the younger brother, and you gasped in shock when you saw the same black glow he had around him when he was dining with Ruby. His face was also covered in demon blood, so that was a dead giveaway.
“Sam,” you whispered, the light in your eyes dying just a bit.
“Sammy, no!” Dean yelled.
The two demons guarding Famine start to move towards Sam to attack, but Famine stopped them.
“Stop! No one lays a finger on this sweet little boy. Sam, I see you got the snack I sent you.”
“You sent?”
“Don't worry, you're not like everyone else. You'll never die from drinking too much. You're the exception that proves the rule. Just the way... Satan wanted you to be. So,” he lifts his hands and gestures to the demons guarding him, “cut their throats. Have at them!”
“Sam! No!” you yelled.
“Please, be my guest,” Famine grinned.
“Sammy, no!” Dean repeated you.
Sam didn’t want to drink the blood; he wanted the demons dead. He lifted his hand, closed his eyes, and started to pull the demons from their meatsuits. All of them started screaming, and once you were able to move, you stepped back next to Castiel who just kept eating. Sam was hell bent on destroying these demons, and you raised a hand swirling with blue magic when Dean stopped you.
“Let him.”
“He’s getting rid of the demons.”
“He’s killing himself!” you yelled.
Sam continued to do what he was doing until all the demons were out of their bodies. He lowered his hand, opened his eyes, and glared at Famine.
“Well, fine. If you don't want them then I'll have them,” Famine said, tipping his head back and opening his mouth wide.
He devoured all five demons at once, moaning happily when he got his fill. Sam steps forward and extends his hand toward Famine, trying to do the same thing he did to the demons.
“I'm a Horseman, Sam. Your power doesn't work on me.”
“You're right. But it will work on them,” he grinned, doing exactly what he said he was going to do.
The souls inside of Famine began pouring out of every crevice and nook, and the more power he used, the more his nose began to bleed. Famine screamed in pain until every single soul was ripped from his body. Every single soul disappeared, and Famine slumps in his chair, his eyes empty.
“Sam!” you said in a judgmental tone.
Castiel got up, no longer filled with the need to eat red meat.
“You don’t get to judge me! You, of all people do not get to judge me!” he yelled right back.
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Your dad was gracious enough to let you use his panic room to lock Sam in since that was the way to rid him of the demon blood. You, Dean, and Castiel stood outside of it as Sam screamed to be released.
“Let me out of here, please! Help!”
“That's not him in there. Not really,” Castiel sighed.
“I know.”
“Dean, Sam just has to get it out of his system. Then he'll be—”
“Listen, I just, uh... I just need to get some air,” Dean interrupted, leaving the room as fast as possible.
Once he left, you broke down crying before knocking into the wall behind you since your knees buckled beneath you.
“What the hell did I do?” you sobbed, looking at Castiel for help.
He felt bad that you were in this situation even if he felt like you should have done better about it.
“He’s going to hate me when he finds out,” you gasped, your cheeks stained with dried-up tears.
Your lungs started caving in on themselves, and all it took was the shortness of breath for you to realize you were having a panic attack. Black splotches entered your vision as you fought to get your breathing under control. Dean was very good at making them go away, but then you would have to explain what set it off, and you couldn’t do that right now.
So, all you could do was suffer through it since you deserve at least that.
“He won’t hate you.”
“Of course, he’s going to fucking hate me!” you sobbed louder. “I hate me.”
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hazelandglasz · 5 years
Kitty and Elliott bonding over how insane their friends are, because the two of them would make a dream NY power duo.
Oh definitely
On AO3
None of it was planned, really.
Kitty didn’t plan on liking New York so much.
She didn’t plan on wanting to be around her former classmates / mentors so much either.
It’s not that she doesn’t have other friends, far from it, thank you very much, it’s just …
Their insanity is irresistible and knows no bounds.
And she, for one, is here for it.
Cue the popcorn she always keeps in her bag when she goes to hang out with them, because drama or something always happens with this lot.
She has missed one elusive Elliott Starchild Gilbert, but if he hangs out with this lot, well, Kitty is willing to bet her favorite Marilyn Manson t-shirt that he’s just as cuckoo as the other Cocoa puffs.
Until she meets him.
The circumstances of their meeting is, in itself, a good omen of what was to become the Greatest Friendship in all of Glee Club/Not Glee Club but still, history.
They meet at a System of a Down concert, when Elliott offers his shoulders for Kitty to sit on.
Unprompted, may she add.
Just like that, out of the goodness of his heart toward a fellow, vertically challenged fan.
After climbing down, Kitty offers to buy Elliott a drink or something, wink wink, which he very gentlemanly declines (the wink wink part, not the drink Elliott is no fool).
They sit in a dinner nearby and order fries with milkshakes before introducing each other.
And loudly exclaiming, nearly in sync, “it’s you!”.
See, their friends talk about them quite often/ Not as often as they talk about their friends, though.
And now that they have officially met, Kitty and Elliott have a “date night”, sans wink wink and sans “Glang” (as in, Glee gang).
No, it’s just the two of them, eating pizzas and telling each other about the insanity the other either doesn’t know of or the other wasn’t here to witness.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for Gaga--”
“--but that performance was insane.”
“Kurt showed me videos of the Glee club tribute to Lady Gaga two years before that, it did sound a bit over the top.”
“They already did Gaga and Shuester made us do it again?!”
Elliott slurps the string of cheese dangling from his slice before frowning. “Come to think of it, a lot of our friends’ insanity seems to grow from the trash fire that was this Mr Shuester.”
Kitty snorts and giggles, forced to put down her own slice. “You’re far too kind to them, Gilbert. Shuester fed their crazy ways, sure, but they had a solid base to work on to begin with.”
They look at each other before exploding in peals of laughter.
“You know,” Elliott says once they have both calmed down (and once they go through a good portion of his homemade beer), “as much as I love One Three Hill, maybe it’s time for me to pull a John Lennon.”
Kitty may be sitting upside down, but she still frowns convincingly. “Are you … going to wear glasses and turn into a misogynistic pig?”
“Not what I had in mind, no.”
“Are you going to get murdered by a fan?! Cause that would definitely be something.”
“No! Kitty!”
“Too dark?”
“Too gruesome.”
“Fine, Killjoy Brigade, what do you mean, then?”
“Find my Yoko Ono.”
“Find yourself an Asian woman who’s going to give you everything you need in terms of inspiration?”
“Nooo, oh my god, Kitty, I’m asking you to be my partner!”
Kitty falls off the couch before reappearing like a meerkat. “Your--your partner.”
“My duet partner, yes.”
“Ah, that kind of partner. You almost had me there, Gilbert.”
“What did you--ooooh,” Elliott whistles. “Nope, still not batting for that team, Wilde.”
“Besides, don’t you already have a partner, partner, wink wink, nudge nudge?”
Kitty snorts into her empty bottle of beer before shaking her head. “Who on Earth are you talking about?”
“The latest kid shipped from your special brand of Ohio, Roddy?”
“Roderick.” That is definitely a blush on Kitty’s face, but she will blame it on the alcohol if it is the last thing she does. “What about him?”
“Aren’t you sweet on him?”
“I’m not sweet on anybody.” Kitty picks up Elliott’s dark sofa blanket. “I am the Night.”
It’s Elliott’s turn to laugh into his beer. “And you dare make fun of Blaine for Nightbird?”
“I do not walk the streets at night, looking for people who need help!”
“No, you don’t. But neither does he … Right?”
“Nightbird does every night Kurt is otherwise buh-sy.”
“Oh my God, tell me more …”
Two weeks later
“I cannot believe Elliott ditched us for Kitty.”
“Um, I can. Besides, he didn’t “ditch” us, he simply has more projects than a gig with us every other two months.”
“...It has been a while, hasn’t it?”
Blaine rushes on the chair next to Kurt, planting a breathless kiss to his temple. “Sorry I’m late, I couldn’t get out of rehearsals. Did I miss them?”
“Nope, you’re good.”
“Roderick is getting us a bottle.”
“And now, ladies, gentlemen and other people …”
“Shhh, I think it’s their turn.”
“... please welcome to the stage Faaaalse Alaaarm!”
The spotlights immediately catch Elliott’s red jacket and Kitty’s matching sparkly, red jumpsuit.
The group immediately spots their immaculate white platform boots.
“Good evening, we’re False Alarm! Get your rock on!”
What follows is a succession of songs from all genres covered in a hard-rock, metal way.
It’s surprising, it’s entertaining, but most importantly for their friends assembled and, well, rocking it out in the audience, Kitty and Elliott look like they are having the time of their lives.
“We’re False Alarm! Good night!”
(When Kitty goes to jump in the crowd  after one particularly impressive high note over Abba’s Gimme Gimme Gimme, Roderick rushes to catch her in his arms.)
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spyrkle4 · 5 years
The continued trilogy of showing my Mom bh6
Last time ended on The Impatient Patient and we continued onward up to Small Hiro One
Here are some highlights! -”I wanna be Fredzilla wait nvm” my mom after the intro to Mr Sparkles loses his Sparkles
-She laughed at Gogo’s fear of sticker parties, mom omg
-”Really?” my mom when seeing Mochi steal Sparkles’...Sparkles
-”Mr Sparkles has lost it” YEAH MOM....ACCURATE STATEMENT
-She chuckled at Baymax’s therapist quote XD
-”Sparkles has gone cuckoo for cocoa puffs” I CHOKED
-”He’s jealous of a friggin cat” my mom’s reaction to Sparkles murder attempt at Mochi
-”Awww” when Aunt Cass and Mochi reunite 
-”They don’t want the sparkles for what you think they want” my mom’s reaction to Sparkles at the end
-”I don’t like you” My mom @ Obake which is a FREAKING MOOD
-”He’s weird” I asked my mom how she feels about NBB and that’s what I got
-”Using innocent NBB for evil! D :” her reaction to THAT scene (creepy Obake)
-”Racing stripes and evil” when NBB does the go kart escape (lol)
-”Yeah that’s going to go over brilliantly” when Hiro and Wasabi do a half-baked solution to their problem 
-”I don’t like him” when Obake figures the whole teams identities...MOOD MOM
-My mom giggled at Baymax’s “I fell down” line XD
-”I don’t like him” my mom @ Trengrove...GOOD EYE MOM 
-”I like her” my mom @ Wendy, ME TOO MOM, ME TOO WENDY’S GREAT! -”I’m gonna go with evil” when Trengrove acts weird...well she’s not wrong
-She laughed when the creepy kid put all his googles on, XD
-”I think he steals the idea of other people,” ur not wrong mom...ur not wrong
-”She lies” my mom LAUGHED at that
-”Told u he doesn’t know anything” My mom is smart folks, a smart cookie
-She laughed when Fred kept slurping Trengrove’s bad sport drink lololol
-”HAHAHA he’s rocking out!” when the creepy kid jams to Karmi’s song
-My mom really liked the creepy google kid XD
-My mom did a shudder when I told her the kid in the pic next to Granville was Obake
Isn’t my mom such a mood?! She’d fit right in with the fandom!
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thebigreylotheory · 5 years
Belated TROS trailer reaction and thoughts
Been doing lots of painting.  Rewatching TFA, TLJ, and Solo and painting.
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Ok, wow, originally intended to have this up by May the 4th….but like I mentioned some posts ago, bantha poodoo happens. (Caps is the same :( )
It’s finally, finally time for my TROS trailer reaction, thoughts, and a few theories! (I don’t know about you, but I’m still not over how good it is. Say what you will, Star Wars has the best trailers.)
Breathing is very important to the sequel trilogy. (I would say that Rey that is totally going to be ahead of the game for Lamaze class if we get a sequel-sequel trilogy/book/comic baby some galaxy far far away day.)
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I’ve wondered if the movie will take the time to explain how the Skywalker lightsaber has been repaired? My feeling is, sorta like ROTJ, it’ll just be there like Luke’s green lightsaber. So, you’ll either have to make up your own head canon OR we’ll eventually get books and comics for the time gap between TLJ and TROS that will explain exactly what Rey did. Since she’s a scavenger, and mechanically inclined around junk, my feeling right now is, it’s possible she might have gone on a journey for a new kyber crystal and she’s repurposed the hilt. Which I think could be symbolically interesting….almost saying she’s “her own person (crystal)” on the inside now, but externally carrying on the outward mantle of her teacher/master Luke.
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Which leads me to: by now, you’ve probably heard the theory that the last name “Skywalker” might transform to a term for the henceforth new Jedi. Personally, I am a fan of this theory. I think it would be useful for keeping the Star Wars eras straight when referencing any potential future Star Wars films/books/comics. For example, instead of saying “post-Skywalker trilogies,” one could say this-or-that takes place during the Jedi era or the new Skywalker era, etc (as well as, hopefully, the Knights of the Old Republic era someday soon).
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AND, if Rey dubs herself (and perhaps any future students she has) a Skywalker….then, well, oddly enough, it would fulfill the whole Rey is a Skywalker discussion in the most interesting way possible. (While also keeping the plot open for her to choose whomever *coughcough* Ben Solo *coughcough* she would like to romantically be with someday.) It could potentially mean anyone could be a Skywalker. I’m a Skywalker. You’re a Skywalker. We’re Skywalker. Sign me up.
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Luke is everybody’s spiritual father. (And I guess Vader is everybody’s grandfather??)
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And, on a kinda odd note, being a Caravan-of-Courage-baby and a long-time SW fan, thinking of the name Skywalker, does anyone else think it sounds like a talent? Or is my brain just connecting Moonwalking with Skywalking? I guess, technically, Rey isn’t Skywalking here, right? It’s more like Skyjumping? Skyflipping? Maybe she’s really a Skyflipper. Part dolphin.
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But I slightly digress, back to the trailer.
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When this scene hit, I initially thought, from a distance, the TIE was a TIE bomber. Haha, silly me. 
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I have fond memories of the TIE bomber toys Revan/Devan had as a kid.
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Yay, Lawrence of Arabia will be returning to theaters Sept. 1st and 4th, presented by TCM! I did a middle school history report over Lawrence. Mostly because I wanted to learn about desert warfare so I could write better Star Wars fan fiction. It’s all about Star Wars, people. It always has been.
Now, that’s what I call TIE racing!
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Sweet butter tacos, by now I have paused these scenes over and over trying to decide if this is Kylo Ren and/or if the scenes match or they’ve been sliced much like the TLJ trailer. 
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HAHA. You trailer editor people are so good. You did it just enough to make me crazy until December. THANKS.
But, I guess it’s safe to say, in this sequel trilogy, when the camera zooms to black gloves, it’s probably Kylo.
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Gee, these two just can’t flirt normally. It’s like they thought, “Oh what can we do on our date that hasn’t been done before?” “Oh, I know, let’s play chicken with the TIE Fighter!”
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No, in all seriousness, as it’s been said before many times now, this would be a really strange way to try to take Rey out…
Wouldn’t Kylo be a man and just face her? He hasn’t been afraid to face people before.
And, I don’t know…some people I know are hoping that they are working together somehow, which I hope they are, don’t get me wrong,…but at the moment, I just can’t think of why Rey would need to jump on a TIE Fighter/Kylo’s TIE. (Mind out of the gutter!) I mean, if they are working together, practicing even, for some Force trick/feat that needs doing to destroy or infiltrate something, it looks like she could have climbed on the TIE before it took off?
I mean the Interwebs might tell you that she needs to practice her jumping so she can have the high ground later, but I still don’t know.
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It could be a dream/vision. Simple enough.
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It could be that ForceTime is acting really weird?
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Did we really understand or have all the rules of ForceTime in TLJ? Could it be if ForceTime connects and Rey and Kylo hold-on to another they can pull each other to a different location? So for instance, if Rey jumps on the TIE she could be transported to where Kylo is?
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That would mean there was a reason Luke told them to stop. Did he know either Kylo would be pulled to Ahch-To in the flesh or Rey would end up at the First Order (before she totally left in the Falcon for the First Order)?
Dunno. That could be getting too “beam-me-up-Scotty” or too “magical” for SW. We’ll see. I’m open to most things so long as they’re done well.
Alternatively, because Caps and I have also been reading SW comics for a few years now, I think it’s also possible that Kylo could be possessed here. 
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As in, someone:
Like monkey-hands here, or whomever monkey-hands works for (Palps, Hux, The Resistance, KOR), took Kylo’s helmet and added Sith-y stuff to it.
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I want to lean towards the idea of an enemy/frenemy of Kylo’s changing his helmet. I thought it was a little unusual that Kylo would go back to wearing the helmet after smashing it. I mean, character-wise, I figured it would remind him of Snoke’s taunts. It seemed like a step backward. Like going back to a security blanket after you’ve gotten over needing it. Dunno, are they going to capture him and force him to wear it? Making him Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs to get him out of the way?
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BUT, there again, I guess, I could stretch my imagination and believe that Kylo, might, might, go back to wearing his helmet on his own, if he thought there was some power or knowledge to be gained. And, either, earnestly, he did it to himself or it was a TRAP!
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And possibly, in this scene, possessed Kylo is about to crash wherever Rey is, but she saves him by cutting open the hatch, etc? 
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(She’s learned to lift rocks, but could she stop a TIE via the Force and climb in and save someone? Maybe, but it, arguably, wouldn’t look as cool or dramatic). And if that were the case, Kylo would be in some serious debt to Rey for saving his life. Girl already spared him once. Twice, if you count she didn’t run him through on Starkiller Base.
Anyways, back to reviewing the trailer chronologically.
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Somehow this reminds me of the Lost City of Atlantis. Was there a city on Bespin below Cloud City? According to Wookiepedia Bespin is a cloudy place. Sooo, could be Lando’s entrance in the movie, possibly.
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Did I read somewhere that Kylo is tackling a Knight of Ren here? (Double checked and yes.) That’s interesting. I could come up lots of out-of-the-hat-theories as to why. KOR turns against him. Kylo turns against KOR. KOR Civil War? KOR Battle Royale where the survivor of the Hunger Games gets to be Master?
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But what’s really interesting, is the fact that Kylo doesn’t slice the guy in two pieces with the lightsaber.
And that, to me, also spawns some theories. Is the tackle just a cinematic scene to show Kylo’s strength? Maybe Disney doesn’t want to go “Darth Maul-ing” people in two pieces? Kylo, for some reason, isn’t killing people on this particular day or any more at all? Or Kylo’s in a super rush and is more focused on getting a certain location in a hurry and whatever, guy was in the way? It made me concerned, mmm, can’t Kylo use the Force in this scene? He isn’t Force Pushing or Freezing the guy?
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This week on “This Old Helmet,” Norm and guys add detailing to a once dilapidated helmet. Yup, it was a real fixer-upper. If Mr. Monkey doesn’t work for some VIP, he’s a really strange janitor.
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Ok, Finn and Poe are going to, canon, start a boy band in TROS, right? This is a scene from their KPOP-ish music video, right? “‘Cause I want it that way…” If they don’t dance, so help me Star Wars...I’ll make them in a fanvid.
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To be honest, I’m not sure if I like D/O yet. The jury is still out for me. Mostly because I thought some of the other concept designs were much cuter. Although, I can’t wait to see the Droid Builders tackle this one. I’m still stuck on a mouse droid.
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Aww, yeah, welcome back Lando! Mr. Smoothie! (I wish he’d been apart of TFA and TLJ, but better late than never.) I know, I know the ship should be Chewie’s now, but I secretly hope that Lando is able to donate money to restore the Falcon, like an old classic car. *coughcough* Reylo Wedding Gift *coughcough*
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Hmm, moisture farm or temple? Guess we’ll see. I’m loving that the troops possibly have jetpacks and/or sand-speeders?
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Dunno, after the whole Rambo C3P0 poster, I’m wondering if someone’s after C3P0 here? BB and R2 have had their “find-that-droid” day, maybe it’s C3P0’s turn?
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Aww, the medal. Sweet medal. 
I can give you some out-of-the-hat ideas about this, too. Maybe this is Han’s. Maybe it’s in Leia’s collection of memories and she takes it out for nostalgia, to feel close to Han in spirit, or for the anniversary of his death. Maybe she’s decided to give it to someone else? Or, worst-case scenario, the Resistance needs gold and this is all they got left?
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Or, this is Luke’s? And ditto on everything. Maybe Luke left it behind before he left for Ahch-To? Maybe he gave it back to Leia? Or maybe Leia and company find more of Luke’s belongings elsewhere? Maybe Luke was using it as a bookmark in one of the Jedi Texts?
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Goodness. When the trailer hit Celebration, this scene filled my heart with the greatest bittersweet joy. 
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I’m really glad that the extra/reworked footage of Carrie as Leia looks good. That it will uphold her legacy. It’s been on my mind ever since her passing.
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In fact, I was so caught up in being happy that the footage looks great, at first, I didn’t stop to think why Leia and Rey are hugging?
And, at first, I was so vicariously being Rey while watching the trailer, hugging Leia with my own emotional fan tear, that I didn’t consider why is Rey crying?
Well, theory-wise it could be a number of things. Rey and Leia have really bonded, and maybe Rey’s about to go on a dangerous mission? Or the Resistance has had a major setback?
But, I think one of the biggest, most emotional, thing both Rey and Leia have in common is:
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Yup. Benny Boy.
And, this thought/feeling opens up a whole new can.
Um, have they heard something about Kylo/Ben that’s upsetting? And, if so, would this scene take place early or late in the film? I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors that Kylo/Ben might not be making it out of this one entirely. Dunno, to me, it almost feels like Rey’s upset that she’s failed at something. I guess, especially, because it’s extra/reworked footage of the reaction to Han’s death.
Again, with the band! It’s like a 90s Alternation Rock cover!
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My question is: What is in Rey’s hand? Is it a bag? What’s in the bag? Is she carrying the Jedi text or some other special item? Is it a device? What sort of device?
Have they all been camping? ‘Cause Finn and Poe have bags, too. Do they got thermal detonators in there?
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I’m assuming, since they look more angry/focused than shocked, that their on some sort of mission to find this broken piece of Death Star II? That their purpose is to go inside? Or destroy the rest of it? Either way, if I learned anything from Wind Waker, it doesn’t look like a good day for sailing towards it.
Now, in the split second when Luke says “no one’s ever really gone” again…I wanted to believe we were going to get a Force Ghost reveal. Or that possibly, the-Force-killed-Luke was just social media red herring.
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I never dreamed that laugh….
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Chilled me to the bone.
The biggest “oh Sh*$” moment of my movie trailer watching life.
 Ooo the possibilities. More thoughts on Emperor Palps’ return later.
Until then my Reylos and Star Wars friends, May The Force Be With You!
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pinknerdpanda · 7 years
Hell’s Bells
Word Count: 2038 Characters: Dean x reader, Sam, Carol (ofc), Barney (omc) Warnings: Crack. That’s all this is. Crack. Requested by: my amazing and wonderful twin @hannahindie
A/N: This was written for my Merry Manda’s Panda Presents celebration. This was beta’d by the incomparable @wheresthekillswitch. Thank you for the nudging and the direction. You are a godsend and a “genuis.” ;)
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Hell’s Bells
“I hate this and I hate you!” Dean shouted as best as he could whilst still whispering into his phone.
“Scissors will never not beat rock, Dean.” The amusement in Sam’s voice was evident, even through the small, tinny speaker. “Besides, I know you’re secretly excited. Even if you won’t admit it. I’ve heard you.”
“Wha, I don’t...you can’t…” Dean sputtered. “Where?”
“Where haven’t I heard it? In the car, in the shower, in the motels at night when you think I’m asleep. Which, by the way. I am right there, man. That’s just not cool.”
“Alright!” Dean shouted, drawing stares from the people around him. “This is not the kind of thing I want to talk about with anyone, alright? Much less my nerdy, overgrown, little brother.”
“Excuse me,” a sweet, melodic voice filled Dean’s other ear. He whirled to find a girl with striking eyes and shiny hair standing just feet from him. His mouth went dry. “Sorry to interrupt, but we’re about to get started.”
“Sam, I gotta go bye,” Dean mumbled hurriedly into the phone and ended the call without waiting for a reply. He turned his attention to the girl, a charming smile plastered across his face. “Hello, there…”
“Y/n,” she smiled, handing him a folder. “And you are?”
“Nice to me you, y/n. My name’s Dean Winchester.”
“Likewise Dean. It’s nice to see a new face. We’re just right over here,” she led him to the front row of chairs and motioned for him to sit. “Ok everyone, I think we are ready to begin. First of all, it’s so great to see you all again, especially after last year’s little...let’s say ‘adventure’? Second, I would like to introduce you to Dean Winchester. Dean, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and why you’re here today?”
Dean stood and turned to face the rest of the small group. There were four other men and half a dozen women and they all looked at him expectantly. He cleared his throat. “Well, uh. I’m staying in town over the holidays and saw online that you were looking for recruits and I thought, what the hell.” He held his hands out and shrugged, a cocky grin on his lips. An older woman, with short, white hair and large, round glasses frowned at him. Dean sat back down.
Y/n laughed and then coughed to cover it up. “Ok, well, it’s nice to have you. Alright, let’s all turn to page one and get started!”
“How’d it go?” Sam smirked from across the room.
Dean tossed his keys on the nightstand and flopped on the bed closest to the door. “Well, I pretty much carried the second half. Now, if friggin’ Carol would just learn the difference between forte and mezzo forte, we might actually make some headway, but no. Heaven forbid someone three blocks away might miss her hitting the high C.”
Sam gaped at his brother. “What?”
“Shut up,” Dean sighed. “Learn anything good yet?”
“Not really. Basically, for the last three years, something weird has happened every time the carolers have gotten to the last song. The first year, there was a house fire across the street. The next year, a freak thunderstorm knocked all the power out in a two mile radius. Then last year, a bear escaped from the zoo and the group was forced to cut their set short.”
Dean chuckled, remembering y/n calling last year an ‘adventure.’ “Well, according to y/n, the setlist has been the same for the last 25 years. Apparently this group is a local tradition. So what is it about that song that makes everything go cuckoo for cocoa puffs around here? And, how can we fix it so we can be out of here before Christmas eve.”
Sam shrugged. “I’m not sure, but something tells me you better keep practicing your DoReMi’s and figure out where you can rent a top hat, because rumor has it they dress very Dickens-y.”
Dean ignored his brother and chose to roll over instead. This was not his idea of a merry Christmas.
“Dammit, Carol! Get it together,” Dean roared, as another chorus of sighs rang through the small rehearsal space. “Where’d you learn to keep rhythm, anyway? William Shatner’s school of music?”
“Dean, a word please?” Y/n stood, gripping Dean’s arm and dragging him to the back of the room. Once they were out of earshot, she let him go, lowering her voice. “Listen, I know she can be irritating, ok? But her husband is our biggest sponsor and a pillar of the community. If Carol leaves, we are kinda screwed. I appreciate that you are saying everything we are all thinking and your passion for this music,” she licked her lips and Dean forgot for a moment what she was saying. “Well, it’s refreshing. But, maybe bring it down a notch?”
“But, the bells, y/n,” Dean flailed dramatically. “The. Bells.”
“I know. It’s a little…”
“On the nose? Obnoxious? Awful?”
“Kitschy,” y/n corrected, “but ‘Carol of the Bells’ has been her song for the last three years and she’s enjoyed it so much, that I hate to tell her no.”
“Wait, three years?” Dean quirked an eyebrow.
“Yeah, that’s what I just…”
“So Carol’s been jingling her bells to ‘Carol of the Bells’ for three years?” Dean gripped y/n shoulders.
“Yeah, well, she’s tried,” y/n frowned. “We never seem to get through it without something...”
“Change it.”
“Excuse me?” Y/n scowled at Dean.
“Ok, listen, I’m not really here because I love singing. I’m here because something weird has happened every year for the last three years. Don’t you think it’s odd that the first time there was a freak incident was the first year Carol caroled? It’s almost like someone really doesn’t want to hear her sing it. Frankly, I can’t say that I blame them.”
Y/n scoffed. “Look, Dean or whoever you are. I don’t know what game you’re playing at here, but I don’t need some cocky, bow-legged, smart-ass, whackadoo telling me how to do my job, alright? I don’t care how green your eyes are or how gorgeous your tone is. So, don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.”
“So wait, wait,” Sam choked, tears streaming down his face, his sides aching. “You got fired? From the carolers?”
“Laugh it up, gigantor,” Dean crossed his arms. “But when you’re done guffawing like a child, maybe we can get back to work and finish our job?”
Sam dabbed at the corners of his eyes and shook his head to clear it.
“Ok, you’re right. Of course,” Sam sighed. “So, this Carol person…”
A knock at the door cut him off. Dean pulled his pistol from the waistband of his jeans, moving to look out the peephole. He squinted at Sam and turned the doorknob, tucking the gun back away.
“Hey, y/n. Come on in,” Dean held his arm out and stepped back enough for her to walk in. “This is my brother, Sam. Sam, y/n.”
They nodded at each other and y/n turned to Dean. “Sorry, I should have called but I didn’t have your number on me, and I saw your car parked outside…” she trailed off.
“That’s alright, come have a seat,” he pulled a chair out and removed a stack of books, setting them in the floor. She sat down and stared at her hands in her lap. “What’s going on?”
She chewed on her lip for a few seconds, and then, determination settling over her face, she began. “I’ve been thinking about what you said and I don’t understand how or why, but, I don’t know…” she took a deep breath and continued. “I found this taped to the door of the rehearsal space today.”
She handed Dean a neatly folded sheet of paper. He opened it and read “‘Carol of the Bells’ = Carol from Hell. Signed, Carolers against Carol Caroling.” He frowned. “That’s way more Carol than I care to think about. So you think it’s from someone within the group?”
“No! I mean, I don’t know. I’ve known most of those people my entire life. I went to school with some of them, Mr. Peterman was my history teacher and Janice was my mother’s best friend,” Y/n sighed. “I just don’t want anyone to get hurt. Do you think you can stop it?”
Dean smiled. “I have an idea.”
“Good God, almighty, Carol. Can we just focus on the birth of our Lord for one second instead of making it about you for once? Please?” Dean’s lips twitched with effort as he struggled to keep a straight face. He’d been looking forward to this moment for the last three days and the moment had arrived. Carol’s face was the a shade of red Dean had a hard time identifying, but it certainly coordinated with the greenery hung around pavilion.
“Well, I never…” she stammered, smoke practically billowing out of her ears.
“Yeah, well, maybe you should sometime,” Dean turned back to the group. “Everyone in favor?”
The ten other group members raised their hands, none of them making eye contact with Carol as her face blossomed from a lovely Christmas red to a muddy maroon. Carol marched off the stage, her low, sensible heels’ stuccato hammering through the chilly evening air.
“You good to hit those high notes, Dean?” Y/n smiled at him, knowing full well he’d practiced non-stop for the last three days. He nodded and took his place. Y/n hummed the first note, counted off and they began their final rehearsal before the big show that night.
Just as Mr. Peterman’s final low and resounding “dong” began to fade, the incessant sound of moderately priced, ergonomic heeled footwear on wood grew. Everyone sighed as Carol’s still-crimsoned face came into view again. This time, she clutched onto a small, knobby kneed and timid looking man with thin, grey hair combed straight over his head from one ear to the other.
“That’s him, Barney,” Carol swung a short, plump finger towards Dean’s face. “That’s the man who said those terrible things and stole my part.”
Barney looked up into Dean’s hard and slightly amused face, his watery, blue eyes widening as he took in all of him. Without another word, Barney leaped toward Dean, wrapping two, thin, frail arms around Dean’s chest and squealing.
“Thank you, young man. Thank you! Thank you!” Barney practically danced his way back down the stairs, leaving a disbelieving Carol standing awkwardly, her finger still inches from Dean’s face.
“Here’s to an engaging performance from the lively newcomer,” y/n clinked the neck of her bottle against Dean and Sam’s and they all three chuckled and took a sip. “So, now that you’ve reached the heights of fame in these parts, what’s next for you, Mr. Winchester?”
“Ya know, I thought I would skip all the unseeming scandals and rehab visits, and slide right into making B-list porn,” Dean nodded solemnly as y/n and Sam choked on their beers.
“Wow, well, I mean at least you have goals,” y/n chuckled. “So ol’ Barney made a deal with the devil to make his wife happy? Also, that’s a real thing that you can do?”
Sam swallowed and set down his beer. “It is a real thing, though I wouldn’t recommend it. Barney was lucky the demon slipped up and put a counter-curse on those bells Carol was so fond of, or I’d never been able to talk him out of it.”
“What would have happened if you hadn’t?”
Dean winced, “Well, let’s just say ‘hell hound’ isn’t a euphemism. Though by the look on Carol’s face, I’m not too sure he’s going to fare much better.”
“What was he so happy about, anyway?” y/n asked. “It’s not like he knew the bells were cursed, right?”
Sam huffed. “Nope. Guy had no idea. He was just glad someone finally had the balls to tell Carol no.”
“Well,” Dean raised his bottle again, y/n and Sam followed suit, “here’s to balls, bells and Barney!”
Like what you see? Want more? My Masterlist is here. Thanks for reading! :)
My Forever Tags - Stay weird. I love y’all: @wheresthekillswitch @pretty-fortune @arryn-nyxx @emilywritesaboutdean @fandommaniacx @cookie-dough-lova @impandagrl @maddieburcham1 @trexrambling @beachballsizeladyballs @hannahindie @rosie-winchester @winchesterprincessbride @that-writer-one @deansdirtyduchess @fandomismyspiritanimal @angelsandwinchesters @cfordwrites @zenia3 @charliebradbury1104 @9769997118 @mogaruke @luulaachops @supernaturaldean67  @barbedwireandbubblegum @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @muliermalefici @galaxy-jellyfish-queen @canadianjelly @kathaswings @almusanzug @feelmyroarrrr @captainradicalpassion @bethbabybaby @thinkwritexpress-official @akshi8278 @hexparker @emoryhemsworth @boxywrites @atc74 @anticipate1003 @super100012 @lovesj2m  @easelweasel @masksandtruths @ellen-reincarnated1967 @growningupgeek @there-must-be-a-lock @sylverminx @mrswhozeewhatsis @amanda-teaches @cassieraider @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @its-my-perky-nipples @squirrel-moose-winchester @carryonmyswansong @sandlee44
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athleticeq · 7 years
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Different view these days! Mr was finally feeling up to a little wander around the property!! The horse I thought (from bad advice) was a lil cuckoo for cocoa puffs actually fell asleep while we stopped to talk to another rider😂😂 I think this guy is gonna give me some great stories! #AEQ #BennyBennyBooBoo #NewBoy #HeNeedsAShorterNickname #TBNation
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jornami · 8 years
Hamilton High School AU!
A/N: I'm so excited for this! With every person’s headcanon there's a little something about me too!
Request: no one asked for this, but did that stop me from writing it? No
Let's start with Aaron because he is me
He freaks out about his grades. He checks them three times a day. Minimum.
He once tried to go the whole winter break without checking his grades.
Spoiler alert: he lasted for three hours
One time he got a 69 on a math test
He freaked
He started looking up McDonald's applications and told all his friends that he could kiss his dreams of college goodbye
I actually did this. He actually did this.
He's also in debate club
Him and Alexander argue the whole time every single meeting
Student Body President
The other members have renamed it “The HamiltonBurr Discourse Club”
Let's do Eliza next, shall we?
She's in chorus and she outshines everyone
She auditioned for District Chorus and got in of course
She has the hugest crush on Alexander and none of friends know why
She has straight A’s
She packs her lunch strategically
Her sandwiches are always perfectly cut
she has her carrots and hummus in a container that looks like this
she always puts a napkin on the table and on her lap
All the teachers love her
Got all her community service hours done her freshman year
She's that girl that's so perfect you just wanna punch her but you can't because she's so kind
Let’s give it up for the baddest female in town, Angelica Schuyler 
No one messes with Angelica Schuyler
She eats fuckboys for breakfast
She's in Social Justice Club
She got kicked out of history class for saying, “America is a hierarchical structure that was built by sexist white men.”
And let's just say they definitely had something to say to talk about in the next Social Justice meeting
Also got kicked out of English class the next week for saying, “Well, excuse me for thinking that we should read books by a variety of authors not just old, dead white men!”
I love her. She's my hero
I'm not even going in any specific order at this point, so I'm going to talk about Gwash!!!
He's the sexy math teacher that everybody wants
He wears button ups and rolls up his sleeves,,, and,,,, his hands,,, they’re so big and,,,,I,,,, lost all ability to for,m sentences,,,,
He's clueless to the fact that everybody wants him
“Wow class! I've never had such a big turnout for after school SAT prep!1!1!”
Poor baby, he's clueless, protect him, okay?
Calls Alexander son
Next up, my sweet sunshine, my cinnamon roll, my curly haired freckled faced cutie, JOHN LAURENS!!
He's in Social Justice Club too
He loves to doodle !!!
He's gotten so many points taken off for classwork for doodling on the side of them
His binders are filled Polaroids of his friends and pictures of sloths
Common misconception: his favorite animal isn’t turtles; it's sloths!!!
He's notorious for taking naps in class???
“John what's the answer to number 6?”
“Uh, y=7x-8”
“John, this is Spanish class.”
Yeah,,,he never lived that down
Thomas motherfucking Jefferson
He's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
He packs Mac and cheese with ketchup 3 out of 5 days of the school week
Shows up to class late
Goes on random tangents in Debate Club and ends them with
“And if you don't know, now you know.”
Never goes anywhere without his sidekick/echo/lap dog James Madison
Theatre nerd
“Today I'll be performing a monologue for A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.”
Then continues to recite the monologue until the teach interrupts and says,
“Young man, I asked for your name.”
Starts speaking in French for no reason at random times,,,,,????
“Mr. Jefferson, answer the question in English or go see Mr. Seabury in the office.”
“Peu importe.”
Complains about school but is getting all A’s
Yay! Time for Maria!
She's super introverted
She writes poetry and music and sits in the chorus room during lunch to focus
She writes like she's running out of time
She can sing her ass off
Always afraid that she's going to get the answer wrong but always ends up getting it right
She is quiet, but she's definitely judging you
She very shy and gets intimidated very easily
Angelica always stands up for her
Lafayette! Ladies! Lafayette!
Uses his French accent to get what he wants
Also uses French to confuse people
He's sort of a rebel??
“Laf, we can't make out in the dressing rooms!”
“Shhhh, you worry too much.”
Is also a theatre nerd
Is the only person getting an A+ in AP French
throws raging parties when his parents aren't home
Despite his rebel ways, he's getting straight A's
And Peggy, of course!
Went through a phase in middle school where she wore headgear
They called her metal mouth even when she got it off
She hit her glow up freshman year and every guy was throwing
themselves at her
She's the person who finds the quizlet for the whole test online
Then people are asking how she got an A on the hardest test of the year
She'll never tell
She's in theatre and she always end up in the ensemble even though she deserves a starring role
Also in district chorus
Eats in the middle of class????
They’ll be taking a test and all you hear is a bag crumpling
She once brought peanut butter crackers and started coughing up a lung because they were so dry and got caught in her throat
help her
B rahhh B rahhh it’s Hercules Mulligan
Is the king of Home Ec
Knitted all his teachers scarves for Christmas
Looks like a jock but is really a big softie
A model student™
Hates math class with every fiber of his being
 Tutors people for fun
And last, and definitely least: Alexander Hammy Ham
If Mr. Washington calls him son one more time he's going to wild out
His spam account on Instagram is mostly rants about Mr. Washington
Don't let this fool you...he loves Mr. Washington
Turns Debate Club meetings into rap battles
Incapable of answering a question without going on a tangent
“Mr. Hamilton we get it. Please, sit down.”
Laughs at Burr for freaking out over his grades but also freaks out about his grades
Oblivious to the fact that Eliza likes him
Only eats nachos from the cafeteria
Has his name displayed on the “Perfect SOL Score Wall” multiple times
Hates Shakespeare with a burning passion
smarter than most of the teachers
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