#mr big band
hot-for-rock · 4 months
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Billy and Paul are slaying here
Also them mixing up Pat and Paul 💀
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freakaz-0-id · 4 months
my favorite thing about mr big is that they don’t act their age most of the time they fr be acting like 20 year olds now and it’s amazing
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sunkatatanka · 2 years
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Eric Martin… need to draw him more I think
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catbarrage · 1 year
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i think it's time for the big sleep
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flashnthunder · 8 months
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Band of Brothers + Eyes
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pcktknife · 1 year
how old are pearl and marina? i was under the impression splatoon was populated entirely by kids but those two seem to be adults with careers
misconception that tends to annoy a lot of splatoon fans I think lol. Your player character and the others you see around the hub are meant to be around 14 (maybe a lil older in 3 cause theres a slight height difference from 1 n 2) but there's a whole world outside of the kids who play turf wars and stuff so yes there are older inkfish. all of the idols are adults (20+yo) and 2 of them have a grandparent (100+yo) featured in the games
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Preface: Mike's answers were received as an audio recording and I've transcribed them here to the best of my abilities - he reads the questions out loud, which i don't include. He's jovial and snarky AF in his answers, which might fall a little flat in text. "Source's" followup answers were in text and copy-pasted, they're a lot more sincere. I've decided to post all answers in full...you might be surprised by them and you can take them how you like, but don't shoot the delivery person (me) or the messenger (the Source).
Ok, here they are: question, Mike's answer, Source's answer [my commentary]
whens the mexico tour mike? do you hate mexicans mike?
(joking on that last one ofc xd)
There are a lot of tours happening. You're gonna have to be more specific. A better question is: when will my tacos be ready?
I'll expand on this one. He is very close to signing off on a small tour with one of his bands. He is also trying very hard to find a way to reschedule the one he had to cancel, but the logistics is making it hard. He is trying to keep his touring to 3 weeks out max and 2 months home. Which is hard to do with his bigger band.
do you still have toodles the baby doll, the one you had in 92'-93'? do have any other antique items similar to toodles? if so, what are your favorites?
Wait, we need a visual for this story, hold on [Mike and the Source giggle, I don't know what happens here edit: this probably when the toodles/hippo/pig video was recorded]...let's see, what's next...mmm...yeah....nope...pass
He has a few antique items. Like a shrunken skull and a medical amputation kit from the 1700s.
roddy, somewhat recently like a few months ago, in an instagram live did a qna and someone asked him what he thought about trey and he told a story about him having a ball of straight boogers that he collected his boogers in and i just wanna ask if that is true or not because that is a insane story if it actually did happen
....booger ball? HAHA ok...hmmm? Well where do you put your boogers in huh??? Do you eat them? put 'em in your stomach? [Source: "eww"] That ball sounds pretty good about now, right?hahahahh
Mike knows nothing about this. It doesn't sound to me like something Trey would do now. Who knows what he did when he was younger though.
What does Mike think about his fans?
What do i think about my fans....well...if I'm being honest? I question their mental health...HAHA...sorry...I didn't mean to! [Source: "MIKE!"] I kid, I kid....I'm very grateful...to all ten of them....[chuckle]
He is truly grateful for them. Some also scare him a little.
What was the best prank Mike pulled on tour??
....I would ask Crain or Pearson... [Source has a big laugh]
With Dead Cross. He had arranged for the police to pull over their van while touring in Texas. The officer was a fan and Mike had him "plant" drugs and a gun in the car. Dave knew what was happening but Justin and Mike were freaking out. They were handcuffed and laying in the dirt when they found out it was all a joke.
Who has a nicer butt? Mike or Trevor?
Again, you're gonna have to elaborate on that one....I mean, which Mike? I can't POSSIBLY be expected to answer the question without knowing...hahaha
Mike gets my vote. He has a great butt.
Is there a lyric to a song Mike wrote that was so unhinged that he thought it was better to keep to himself?
Ya, the answer is nope.
So many choices, but he doesn't do regrets. I will tell you that the bullshit he spins about his Faith No More lyrics being random and impersonal, is just that. Bullshit. A good number of those lyrics are highly personal. Furthermore, quite a few of these songs when woven together tell a very personal story. You will NEVER get him to admit this though.
What is Mike's sexual orientation?
Hehe - you wanna take that one [source]? [Source: eehhhuuummmmmmmmm....no...no I'm good]
I feel like if I answer this, there will be a lot of disappointed people. I'll just say he had a wife, he has a girlfriend. You do the math.
Were Mike and Trevor ever a thing?
Sure....in his fucking wet dreams....hahahahah
Yes, they were and are “friends” Seriously though, not that I am aware of, and I've known them both since 1989.
Did mike get a BJ from that groupie he talked about in the making of Angel Dust? Or was it all made up just to troll?
[Mike skips over this one]
I'll answer this one. That was a true story. All of it, including the fact that he did NOT take her up on her offer of giving him a BJ. *He would like to add that he often wonders if that was a mistake and he missed out on some "really good head." He is kidding, of course. When he said he doesn't like groupies, he was being sincere. It gives him the "ick”
since it's time to ask anything: how big is Mike's dick?
Shamefully small....you're like Dora the Explorer on the hunt for it. [Source laughs]
I have ZERO complaints [you might guess the Source's relationship to Mike here]
first and foremost, is mike doing ok? i mean, both mentally and physically.. i just hope he got over all the things that were troubling him and is in a good state right now😭
Wow, ya....um....that's really kind [he truly sounds taken aback by the question] I am doing well. And...um.... I thank you for the support, it's appreciated. Truly, I mean that....ok....I'm done....you do the rest, [source]. [recording ends]
He is doing well. He is taking the advice of his care team and limiting his work. Enjoying life. Moving forward you will find his tours are broken into multi-week sessions followed by some downtime, and projects will be less frequent, but hopefully more satisfying.
is mike currently working on some new music/projects/plans to revive some of the old ones? some upcoming collaborations maybe?
Yes. However he told me I could only give you a very basic answer. He is working on something new, but his priority and focus is on fulfilling the tours he had to postpone or cancel over the past few years. Starting with his “slutty” group. [the slutty group is Tomahawk ;) ]
now for the more personal ones… [the previous two and the next two questions were all from the same anon]
those weren't personal?😂oh boy!
Yeah he isn't going to answer these. But I will try.
what is mike's current relationship with trevor? are they on good terms? do they talk/spend time together still? i think we can all agree that there is kind of an elephant in the room right now regarding their recent interactions (i'm very much looking at you trev)
Things are probably the best they've been since high school. They do live on different coasts and both tend to keep busy, so they don't have time to really "hang" out, but that hasn't really been something that they do since high school. They see each other enough over work and yes, they really do enjoy working together. Especially now that they have both matured some.
is mike still… married?? i need to hear the most elaborate answer for this one because his marriage in particular is a real twilight zone haha
Bless you for asking this! Personally, this subject irks me a bit. So I am glad someone asked, as I would love to set the record straight. Yes, he is still technically married, but only for legal reasons. I cannot give you more details as it would violate someones privacy. However; he and Cristina are not together. He likes to be vague about this, as it
is somewhat of a security blanket for him. Now that he has gone public about his demons, you can probably understand why he likes to keep people at an arms length distance. Especially women. Yes they separated and then reconciled. It didn't work out. Having a significant other that is never around can lead to loneliness and other issues, and they just couldn't make it work. Even so, they still remain friends and live a few blocks away from each other. Romantically, that relationship is dead AF. That does not mean that he is "available" though. He isn't. I promise you he is happy. At least he says he is. He is the love of my life.
[I asked about my gifts for Mike from the Southern US Bungle tour, they DID end up on the bus, the anal hook got passed around and somehow ended up with Dave?!??! Mutherfuckr....anyways, I gave the Source the link to where I got it in case she wanted to get another one for Mike. And as for the socks...]
That was very kind of you and he definitely appreciates the thought and creativity put into these gifts. I have definitely seen the socks with blood dripping. I'll look for the ones with the skull. He did mention to me that he's loves all the socks that fans have given
him. So I am sure he has them. As for the anal hook. Thank you for the link. I'm not sure that man needs any more "gadgets" if you catch my drift.
[I apologized for the "is he still married' question...you all know how I feel about that topic...]
It's okay. Like I said, I honestly don't mind answering that one at all.
I don't mind answering any of these. Look, I think he is hot too. I would be a total hypocrite if I didn't understand the fascination. Which is why I encouraged him to answer these. Plus he is so damn guarded. It's good for him to open up. Baby steps. Answering a few questions won't hurt him or change his life.
What turns him on about a woman or man?
I did try to get him to answer this question seriously… I tried. Instead he started describing me. Except for the end when he added and "Big sweaty hairy balls." Obviously I can't answer this for him, but I can tell you what he has told me what he likes about me… at least the PG version. He always tells me his favorite thing about me is my
kindness and big heart and that I accept him unconditionally. I know, probably not what you were expecting. He also tends to be attracted to women who are creative and successful. That is my own observation from the women he has dated. He also loves dark haired and dark eyed women, with a wicked sense or humor. He is also definitely an "ass" man. As for men, I have never heard him honestly mention being attracted to one, other than when he was joking around.
[to me, and I decided to include...] I know you all like to fantasize that he has gay tendencies. So if you prefer to keep this answer quiet I completely understand. But I can assure you, he is not keeping his gay side closeted or anything. We are very open minded as a couple and believe me, if he wanted to experiment. He could have.
What's his favourite fragrance?
Currently it's Burberry Touch. He also likes Montblanc Legend.
[I interject: *me again - actually there's a lot of chat around what fragrance mike wears….people really like
it….if he wants to share the internet would be forever grateful]
I understand. He smells amazing. Scents are a big thing with him.
Is Mike really into the BDSM community or is it all stage acting?
I did say we are a very open minded couple. Plus the man is an Aquarius.
That's that on that, folks. There were a couple of questions that have come in since these, I haven't sent them in yet, hoping to get a few more in so I can send a block of 'em. The Source says we're still welcome to ask, but she can't promise anything more from Mike. I personally want you all to know the interactions I've had with the Source have all been very sweet. It really does sound like she wants Mike to start be more comfortable out there in the world again, and so I want you all to love and support them both with all your bits.
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georgeweasleyx · 1 year
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Eric Martin lead singer of Mr. Big
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the crows have brought a ✨gift✨
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metal-sludge · 8 months
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YNGWIE MALMSTEEN reviews fellow guitarists' solos including NUNO BETTENCOURT, ZAKK WYLDE, CC DEVILLE, and RITCHIE BLACKMORE in HIT PARADER, August 1992.
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hot-for-rock · 3 months
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Mr. Big ♥︎
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freakaz-0-id · 4 months
today was the best day of my life
i got to meet my favorite band and i’m gonna yap about it in this post.
when i got to then venue i was give some stuff they would sign and also brought a pin up of eric and a cd cover to sign! first was sound check which was amazing. then it got to the signing which scared me shitless but once i got to bill it went away as he told me not to be nervous. i didn’t talk to nick much but he was so sweet. then lord i got to my favorite man eric martin i told him i had this print for him to sign and he lost his shit he kept asking me questions about it was jabbing paul telling him about it and said it made his day. i showed them all my tattoo and they absolutely loved it especially paul since its for a song he wrote. eric told me he has to show me this interesting tattoo. after that was photo time! i asked eric for a hug and he gave me a nice one and he also smelled amazing. we took three pictures and in the last he fucking choked me?? which absolutely ruined me. then it was time to go :( me and my dad took our goodies back to the car and he had to stop in a shop across from the venue. i waited outside and i looked up and low and behold there is eric himself locked in on me and and told his gf that he just had to talk to this kid and he asked me if it’s ok to take a picture of my tattoo and i let him. we chat for a bit and he couldn’t find a picture of that tattoo but he did show me something else which made me feel honored?? im not gonna say cause idk if it should be told to a bunch of people but some close to me know. after our lil interaction he thanks me for my time and goes off.
then at the show i luckily got barricade! right in front of eric too. he pointed at me a few times and during my tattoo song he pointed at me and at the end of the song he played with my hand! (fun fact four people around me patted my back when the song came on lol). and the very end he held my hand and gave it a squeeze and gave a lil nod.
all in all this was something i will never forget mr. big saved my life at 15 and ill never shut up about how they deserved more popularity.
give em a listen you won’t regret it!
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youmakemerock · 7 months
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ughgreendayy · 4 months
“wave bye 👋🏼”
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possible-streetwear · 4 months
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megahorous · 1 year
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Milk Can Origins
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