#mr Ben
mellowsaturns · 1 year
it’s cuffing season
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summary: your students won’t stop teasing you about a certain handsome teacher
warnings: fluff, teasing, hidden feelings, potential workplace romance, fem!reader
a/n: this is just for shits and giggles lol. teacher!pedro is doing something to my brain
part two
You were too busy to even notice at first. But when the hushed whispers and giggles started to become louder and louder, you finally snapped out of the trance you were in while grading your student’s papers and looked up.
And of course, the ever bashfully handsome teacher that everyone somehow had a crush on was leaning against your door, watching you.
You sighed before making your way over, not missing the childish noise your students were making. “Get back to work,” you scolded.
You raised a brow at him. “Is there something you need?”
“My students are in Geography right now, and had some time to kill.”
It seemed like he always had time to kill because he was always making these visits to your classroom.
“Don’t you have something better to do than distract my students?” you teased.
“I actually came to ask you something,” he said with a gentle smile on his face.
“Oh? And what is that?”
“What do you want for lunch today?”
It has become sort of a routine by now—the unspoken habit of buying each other lunch a few times a week.
Because that’s what good colleagues do, right? Buy lunches for each other. And for him, it also seemed to include hanging around in your classroom, and making sure to always wait up for you to finish organizing for tomorrow’s lessons before leaving the school together even though you knew it takes up an extra hour of his time.
Or not, because your students once again wouldn’t stop pestering and teasing you after he left your doors today.
“You should stop coming to my classroom so often,” you said in the staff lunch room. “My students are taking it the wrong way.”
Aftering taking a bite out of the burrito, he asked with his cheeks full, “What do you mean?”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his adorableness.
“Well, my students are ‘shipping’ us now,” you replied. When he looked at you in confusion, you explained it to him. “They are basically putting us together and saying some… stuff that’s not appropriate work wise.”
“Oh, really?” he said, face and voice smug.
The two of you have always been closer to each other than to the other teachers in this school—flirty even, but if your noisy students kept on talking, other staff members might catch on and take it the wrong way.
“This is serious!”
He hummed. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, my students call me ‘Daddy’ and you ‘Mommy.’ Much worse than that shipping thing you explained to me.”
You paused for a while. “Are they seriously saying that? Oh my God…” you trailed off, embarrassed.
“Yeah, I don’t get it either. But it’s a good thing. I think,” he said with a laugh.
You let out a groan before putting your head down onto the table. Despite the potential disaster of rumours to come, you couldn’t help but to wonder, would it be that bad? Being with him? You mentally cursed yourself for thinking that.
“Well, should we?” he asked.
You snapped your head up. “Should we what?”
“Become a Daddy and Mommy.”
You snorted at his insinuation. “You are insufferable.”
He gives you a sheepish smile but you don’t miss the little glimmer of hope in his eyes that also matched yours. You lifted your left hand up. “Hate to break it to you but I’m old fashioned. Ring first,” you teased, “then we can talk.”  
He smiled at you, face full of adoration. That wouldn’t be a problem at all, he thought to himself.
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
What the Hell Are Fancams?
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Pairing: Teacher Ben (SNL) x f!reader
Word Count: 2500+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Absolutely felt called out during the SNL sketch with Teacher Ben but I knew I had to write a little something for him. I'm pulling from my own experience as an ASL interpreter in the school system (glad I finally can incorporate it!). Thanks to @vanemando15 for her help in this and for being a beta!
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
Main Masterlist
Teacher Ben Masterlist
What the Hell Are Fancams? PART 2
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New year, new school, new student. Such is the life of an American Sign Language interpreter when you work in schools. 
My last student moved out of the district so I was assigned a different one. This student's interpreter wanted to go back to work with the little ones and while I loved my time with them, it was time to swap grades. 
My student is amazing and comes from a rare family, in that she is the only member that is Deaf but everyone in her life learned ASL from the moment she failed her hearing test. In most families it's the complete opposite, causing significant language delays and isolation. It never fails to blow my mind how many people won't learn a language for their child, especially when they'd both be starting from the beginning. 
This student, Chelsea, I had worked with from her time in pre-k to 5th grade. It was great already having an established repertoire with a student and we easily fell back into our normal chatter, her filling me in on anything I missed for the few years I was back in Pre-K.
So how's this school? I ask, as she's been here 2 years already.
Not bad. Teachers are mostly ok. Too much homework though.
That's usually the case with high school. Any favorite classes?
I like acting class, but my favorite teacher is Mr. Ben. He teaches marine biology.  She gives me a look I can't discern at this.
Yeah you know, like about the whales you like and other ocean stuff. 
You're in marine bio 2 and you're calling it ocean stuff? Sounds like a great ocean stuff teacher.
She rolls her eyes at me. You know what I mean. Plus he's…
She smirks her mischievous smile that I know can only mean trouble. Nothing. Don't worry about it. 
Oh look we're at math class.
Saved by the bell, indeed. 
After math was lunch, followed by marine biology. Since it was the first day, I decided to eat quickly and get to the next class a little early so I can start on my "who I am and where I and my student need to be placed" speel. Although he may not need it since Chelsea was in his class before. Still, you never know what a previous interpreter did. 
I knock softly on the door and male voice tells me to come in. I push the door open and see that the teacher has his back to me, bent over his desk grabbing something. His very broad back. 
"Uh hi. I'm the interpreter for your Deaf student for next period and I'm here to answer any questions-"
He turns around and I forget what I'm saying. Bright, brown eyes focus on mine, brown hair that looks so soft with greys starting to creep in, matching the patchy facial hair he has. His nose? Don't get me started on the thoughts I'm having about that nose. He's wearing a blue plaid shirt tucked into black pants, and a tie with tropical fish on it. 
A faint pink dusts his cheeks when he looks at me. "H-hi. I'm Ben Morales. The kids call me Mr. Ben." 
He holds out his hand and I shake it, willing my nerves to not come through it. God he's hot. I wonder if this is what Chelsea was talking about. In fact, I'm sure it is.
I launch into my speel, albeit a little faster than I normally would, but Ben just nods along and does whatever I ask of him. 
"Do you have any questions?" I ask.
"Um… not right now. You're a little different than the last interpreter." He coughs and takes a sip from his water bottle.
"Ah yeah we all do things a little different. Is there anything that worked well for the student and you that I can accommodate?"
He chokes on his water, coughing violently. I move quickly, thumping him on the back but his face keeps getting redder. 
"You-" He coughs "-want to go on-" He coughs more "- a date?"
It's my turn to have my cheeks heat up. "I- what? No I said accommodate… are you ok?"
He nods, muttering something like "Oh shit" under his breath as he turns away from me, his coughs dying down. But before we can talk more, the bell rings and students start moving about the halls. 
"Well let me know if there's anything I can do to date you, Mr. Ben. ACCOMMODATE! Accommodate you!"
Fuck. Me. 
A tap on my shoulder and I turn to see Chelsea, lips upturned in that mischievous smirk. 
I see you've met Mr. Ben.
I have. He's…nice.
Yeah, nice. Is that why your face is all sweaty and warm?
She laughs and takes her seat, eyes flicking between me and Mr. Ben as the bell rings and he starts his lecture. 
I find myself making it to that class a few minutes before the bell rings just to have a moment to talk to him. When I can talk, that is. I've never met someone who makes me trip over my words as much as he does. But soon, we settle into a routine, after bonding over our mutual love of orca whales. A couple weeks in, I bought him a brightly colored tie with orcas swimming on it. The smile he had could be seen from space. 
Chelsea can't seem to wipe the smirk from her face whenever she sees us talking. 
He likes you. Chelsea signs, giving me a wink.
Focus on your test, Chelsea. 
It's hard to when you guys are up there yelling your love for each other. You should ask him out. 
This has nothing to do with your classwork. And this is highly inappropriate. 
She scoffs. You've known me forever. 
Yes but you're not an adult. 
I'll be 16 soon. And I'm not an idiot. Everyone knows you guys like each other. 
What do you mean "everyone"?
She gestures around the room. Everyone. It's in the fancams too.
F-A-N-C-A-M-S. She repeats the sign. 
Thanks but I have no clue what that is. 
She laughs and Mr. Ben walks over. 
"Everything ok? Any questions?" He's talking directly to Chelsea and not addressing me, which is exactly what I told him to do on day one.
"No, I'm good Mr. Ben. I was just telling my interpreter about fancams." I voice for her, trying to keep my cool.
His face goes blank. "The what?"
She laughs. "You don't know?"
Before he can answer the bell rings and we head off to next period. 
At the end of the day, Chelsea takes my phone and pulls up one of these fancams and wow. It's basically a Mashup of hidden video and photos taken of Mr. Ben that have been heavily edited and music added, making him look hot. How is this appro-
Oh shit I'm in this one. Apparently Chelsea is not the only one to try and push us together. 
The next day, I make it to his class early as usual. He walks from around his desk to lean sit in front of it.
"Hey Mr. Ben."
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Ben?"
I smile. "Sorry. Habit."
"Hey…so what was that fancam business from yesterday?"
"I uh.."
"Please tell me. These kids all talk about them and I have no clue what they are."
"I don't-"
Oh God his eyes are all big and brown and just like a damn puppy. 
I sigh, shaking my head when I realize that was audible and I'm staring too long into his eyes. I could get lost in those eyes. 
I pull my phone out and walk over to him, leaning my butt against the desk next to him. 
"Ok, so please remember that I was shown these and am in no way affiliated with the creation of the fancams."
He chuckles, leaning in closer to me. He smells good, like fresh parchment and aftershave. 
"Are you ok?" He asks me.
"What? Oh yeah. Uh the fan cams."
I scroll through and pull one up, handing him my phone as it plays. His face becomes redder as it plays on. 
"I uh..who…who made these?"
"I'm not sure. Chelsea said a bunch of the students did-"
"There's more than one??"
"Y-yeah. Look." I swipe through a few more until it settles on the one that puts us together. I try to swipe past it but he catches sight of it before I can.
"What was that one?"
"Oh nothing. It's nothing."
"But it had my face-"
"Just another fancam."
"And yours."
"Kids these days. They will make any-anything."
"I can't see it?"
"Uh nah you don't want to-"
"Oh I think I need to see it."
He's not pressuring me at all, more like flirting, but…that's not possible. There's no way he holds the same crush for me as I do for him, right? 
My boldness coming from some tucked away insanity, I reach over and swipe the video back up, letting him watch it in its entirety. 
"The kids…want us to go on a date?"
"Apparently so. C-crazy, right?" I swallow hard, hoping he can't hear the way my heart is pounding though my chest, his scent filling my head and making it very hard to focus. 
"I don't think it's crazy."
That fucking bell ruins everything. 
At the staff meeting the next morning, they ask for chaperones to the homecoming dance. Teachers groan but a few hands automatically go up, volunteering their evening. I raise mine too, Chelsea already telling me she had been asked to go by the person she'd been crushing on since last school year. They had spent the entire summer learning as much ASL as they could in order to talk to her, which was too touching for words and I know it meant the world to Chelsea. I won't have to follow her around but I'll be there in case of emergencies. 
To my surprise, Ben raises his hand shortly after watching me raise mine. The admin takes down names and the meeting concludes, Ben catching up with me as I start to head out to homeroom. 
"You're volunteering too?" He asks. 
"Yeah. Chelsea is already going and while she doesn't necessarily need me, she asked me to come in case she does. I think she's nervous."
"That kid learned asl for her, right?"
I nod. "Yeah. She's super excited although she'll deny it."
"Sounds like her." 
We walk together for a hall or two. 
"I gotta go this way to homeroom."
"Oh. Right. Um, see you soon?"
"Yup. See you!"
When I make it to his class at my usual time, I can see he's nervous about something, his eyes extra wide and small beads of sweat accumulating at his hairline. 
"HI, Ben."
Silence as I unpack, but then he's standing near me and all I smell is him. 
"Can I ask you something?" He asks.
"Yeah of course."
"I…uh did.. um… would you-"
A student pops their head in, asking for clarification on the homework and he shakes his head, turning to help them.
Homecoming arrives and I pick out a simple dress to wear. Not quite prom dress but definitely nicer than school attire. I head into the dance and get my assigned area and head there, milling about as people and students start to file in. Music blares as the dance starts andI  feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning, Ben is standing there, a navy built suit, dark button up shirt and - the whale tie I had given him shortly after we met. His mouth is agape as he takes me in. 
"You…you look…"
"Is that the tie I got you?
He picks up the end and looks at it. "Yeah. I thought it would go good with my outfit."
"Brings out your eyes."
Just then the music stops and switches to a slow dance, the DJ insisting that teachers should join in on this flashback. "True" by Spandau Ballet starts to play and a few staff members laugh and pull each other to the dance floor. 
"D-doyouwanttodance?" Ben speaks so quickly that I can't understand him.
He sighs, gathering up…courage?
"Do you want to dance?"
"Yes. But you don't have to if you don't want to-"
"No! I want to!" Shit, was that too enthusiastic? 
He smiles, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants before offering me his hand. I take it, the warmth from his hand spreading into mine. He guides me to the dance floor and spins me to him, his hand hesitating over my hip. Gently, I place my hand over his and guide it to my hip, encouraging him to grip me with his fingers. 
His eyes find mine as he leads, neither of us saying anything, just staring into each other's eyes. My stomach is in my chest and I swear he can feel my heart pumping out of my chest. He's wearing cologne tonight, but underneath it I can smell that familiar smell of him that makes me forget words. A minute passes before he leans in and speaks in my ear. 
"You know we're going to be in another fancam because of this, right?"
I laugh. "You're probably right. But it's worth it."
He pulls back and looks at me again, his brown eyes sparkling as he stares deep into my eyes. The song ends but Ben doesn't drop my hand or my hip. 
"Will you come with me for a second?" He asks. 
"Of course."
Removing his hand from my hip, he winds his fingers through mine and pulls me through the crowd of students and out of the side door, turning down the hallway and moving away from the cafeteria doors. 
"Ben, what-"
He spins me around and pulls me tight to his body. His eyes flicker between mine and I can feel the nervous tension bubble between us threatening to pop. 
And then it does. 
His hands come up and cup my face, bringing his lips to mine as he places the softest kiss to my lips. He pulls back and I follow him, unwilling to let him go. 
"Was that ok? I should have asked before-"
I grip the tie around his neck and pull him to me, deepening the kiss. His lips are warm and inviting, better than anything I could imagine. His hands are gentle, one sliding around to the back of my head and the other settling on my hip, pulling me in closer. A slight moan from him goes straight through me and I can feel myself getting warm. 
The doors bang open and we fly apart, laughing nervously when the students that had come through the doors disappear down the hall to the bathroom without even spotting us. 
"Are you asking me on a date, Ben?"
He pushes his body back against mine, having felt my tug on his belt. 
"I am." His voice is somehow deeper and it goes straight between my thighs. 
"I'd love to."
He kisses me again and starts to put away, but I grip his tie tighter and pull him back down. His eyebrows scrunch together in a question. 
"Let's go check if your classroom is empty."
The question drops, lips hitching up in a knowing smile as he slides his fingers between mine, pulling me down the hall to his room. 
What the Hell Are Fancams? Part 2>>
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics
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in my convoluted brain au this woman 
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is none other than the mother of
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wildemaven · 8 months
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Professor Ben taking break from writing his book… for some relief
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ladamedusoif · 1 year
Visiting - Overview and Masterlist
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(moodboard by the wonderful @cutesyscreenname)
*cross-posted on AO3*
*Series In Progress*
Pairing: Professor!Ben (College AU) x OFC Lydia/fem!Reader (reader POV/2nd POV)
Summary: Seeking a change of scenery after her life falls apart, Lydia crosses the Atlantic and arrives in a small New England town, to spend a year expanding her intellectual horizons as a visiting professor of art history at a small liberal arts college. Her growing friendship with Ben Morales, professor of Hispanic literature, forces Lydia to confront the fallout from her past - and raises unexpected questions about the future.
About Lydia: A couple of years ago she'd have told you her life was over. Now, at 41, Lydia has realised the future is hers to make - even if that means never opening her heart up again.
She's an art historian and European - though this should not be taken to imply a specific appearance or ethnicity! Her family and other aspects of her background are established.
You'll notice that the physical descriptors for Lydia are deliberately loose, other than: her age, that she's fem/AFAB, her hair is starting to grey, and she's got stretch marks and a whole metric ton of issues with her own body. In other words: she can look whatever way you want her to look in your own imagination, bearing these aspects in mind, and be from wherever you want her to come from.
Rating: Explicit (18+) - individual chapters will have their own ratings (there's a lot of fluff and angst ahead) but smut will be very clearly signalled. Expect bad language throughout. If you read beyond the warnings on each chapter, you are agreeing you're 18 years or older.
Content: Professor Ben College AU; smaller-than-usual-for-this-fandom age gap (she is 41 and Ben 47 when the story begins); canon is not a thing here; slow burn; explicit smut (eventually); discussion of infidelity and emotional abuse; discussion of self-esteem issues; references to body issues; strong language; alcohol; I'll update if I need to as the fic continues
A/N: My love for Mr Ben is well-known but I couldn't stop thinking about him as a literature professor and, well, here we are. This is my first fic, and it's written as an AU with nary a sprinkling of canon about a character who existed for five minutes in a sketch. Make it make sense, Rose.
This is going to be a multi-chapter series (I have a plan and an outline document and everything). I plan to add some headcanons for Professor Benjamin at some point, and will pop some little drabbles in amongst the full chapters.
There will be smut - but this is a slow-burner. You have been warned.
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Main Series:
Chapter 1 - The Visitor
Chapter 2 - Bright in the Sea
Chapter 3 - Ghosts
Chapter 4 - Save Me
Chapter 5 - This Must Be The Place
Chapter 6 - If You'd Accept Surrender
Chapter 7 - Forget Who We Are
Chapter 8 - Sister Winter
Chapter 9 - Open Your Eyes
Chapter 10 - Something About You
Chapter 11 - My Favourite Work of Art
Chapter 12 - If I Must Have A Future
Chapter 13 - Coming Soon!
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One-Shots and Drabbles:
An Inspecteur Calls: A Pedrotober One-Shot
Books: A Merry Fic-Mas One-Shot
Christmas Tree: A Merry Fic-Mas One-Shot
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Please let me know if you'd like to be added to a taglist!
Thanks: to the people who made me feel less bonkers for developing an entire world around Ben and Lydia - @cutesyscreenname, headcanon collaborator, moodboard creator, and Prof Benjamin E. Morales enabler supreme; the incredibly encouraging, kind, and heroic fic writers whose understanding of how to embrace the sensitive and emotional hidden side of 'canonical' characters is an inspiration - @lunapascal, @imaswellkid, @julesonrecord
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(bookshelf divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
secret admirer
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A/N — Can’t believe I’m writing for a one-time sketch character but it’s a Pedro character and 🤣😆 I just adored him
Summary: Mr. Ben receives an unlikely gift from a…secret admirer?
Tagging @loveforfandomsstuff
Pairing - Mr Ben x new teacher!reader
Valentine’s Day was always hectic at the school. Students clamoring to pass out their gifts and cards, teasing, and the overflowing heaps of discarded candy wrappers.
But it brought a smile to Ben’s face seeing the students enjoy themselves. Reminded him of back when he was young and in love….
Amidst all the chaos, Ben noticed his phone vibrating in his pocket. Fishing out, he saw a message from a number he didn’t recognize yet along with its following musical fancam attachment.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Here’s to hopefully talking to you soon
Your secret admirer
At that, Ben quickly alerted his students about the imposing message.
“Class, what did I say since our last assembly about these…fancams? Who sent this?”
“Not me!” “Who, Mr. Ben??” “Mr Ben has a secret admirer?!?” “Who’s the lucky one??”
As you were rushing by to handle your next class of students, you heard the commotion coming from Mr. Ben’s home room along with a quick glance of his blushing face.
You tried your best to hide the growing smile on your heated cheeks as you walked on. Given that this was your first year as a teacher here, you were quickly smitten with such a man.
He was a kind man, a good listener and always made you laugh in the teacher’s lounge, and sat by you at the assemblies. Granted, you wanted to take things a bit further, and maybe this was the spark you needed.
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popcornforone · 5 months
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Time for another little Drabble. This time as it’s February we have something Valentines themes for what the Pedro Pascal Characters have got up to. So I hope you enjoy this little selection of notes.
Most of these are fluffy but a couple have spicy notes to them (ahem always Dave) so read at your own discretion.
Joel Miller
We’re talking outbreak Joel. He knows you miss your mum & her baking on a weekend. So he’s spent his time & his favours on getting you some fresh bread. “You don’t want to know what I’ve given up for this” he says, but he knows it’s worth it as you sniff the fresh small loaf & he sees the look in your eyes evoking so many memories. He knows it was worth it right there. He slowly pours you a fresh cup of coffee as he watched you slice the bread open & you beam as you look at how fluffy the inside is.
Max Phillips
Red Roses
“Careful not to prick yourself” he says licking his lips as you arrange them. “Maybe I want too” you reply. You only allow him to drink from you when you are intimate on special occasions & as your undead man has actually made an effort to get you something for Valentine’s Day, you feel maybe tonight he can taste more than just your pussy when you have sex. A small drop falls from your finger & he licks his lips, his eyes dilating. “Well someone wants more than just a taste?”
You’re not going to ask Ezra how he got an extra tank of oxygen for the two of you. The less you know the better. But he’s proud & offers you to fill up your reserve first. “Fill it all the way baby, I only want you gasping when we’re having fun in our pod later” he then extends his hand, your gloves gripping each other as you rest your helmets against each other. “Maybe being stuck in this moon with you wasn’t the worst thing to happen to us” you sigh.
Marcus Moreno
A card & chocolates
Marcus honestly forgot this morning that it was Valentine’s Day but he did have to rush out the house to save the world from evil marshmallow creatures who were trying to take over. When you get home a little pink heart card is sitting on top of a box of your favourite chocolates from him with a note. It says he’s sorry & you sigh & smile as you sniff the card, it smells of him. You then put on the news to see him giving a press conference about how the world is safe. That’s the only gift you really need that he is alive & okay.
Mr Ben
A new bag
He saw how sad you were when in the Christmas sales the handbag you were saving for didn’t drop in price. You clicked on it every day in January hoping it would drop in price but it didn’t. So on his way to the restaurant he’s booked for tonight he’s poped into the store & purchased it for you. “But Ben we can’t afford this” you exclaim as you open in. “Yes we can” you go to protest but he stops you “can’t I treat you just this once baby” you blush & lean across the table & give him a small kiss.”I thought you paying for dinner as enough of a treat” you smirk & raise your glass of red wine to him.
Javi Gutierrez
Diamond earrings
Javi is over the top about Valentine’s Day. Breakfast in bed, a teddy with a heart, roses, oysters & a romantic lunch which ends with him slipping two diamond earrings in your ears. He can tell you’re now a little embarrassed & you are but you know he will never change. He wants to spoil you, so why not. Especially now he’s a big Hollywood screen writer. Your loyal puppy adores you too much & is too sweet that he’s gone over the top with the romantic cliches.
A new horse
You are loving life on the ranch & now Silva is helping you to learn to ride, but his horse is stubborn.It will only accept you if Silva has the reigns. So when you wake up on Valentine’s Day & see a new grey horse outside that he is brushing, your eyes light up. “His name is Sebastian” he says as he brushes the horses mane. You grab a carrot & nuzzel against it, instantly bonding as Silva hugs you from behind.
Dave York
New handcuffs
Dave has sneaked out to see you once he’s treated Carol to her perfect valentines night. He’s now at your apartment. You’ve already 69, & you are sitting on his lap cock warming him inside you, before you get onto the rest of it. His hand is strumming your clit as you moan while holding the cuffs up. “They are technically from work so good luck wriggling out of those baby” he says before his spare hand spanks your arse & his movements get more vigorous.
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alphabetatoes · 1 year
teacher ben (snl) headcanons >:) 🫶🍎✨
a.n.: snl: *puts the men of star wars in educational positions* me: *bout to smash that wRITE BUTTON* these are quick lil hc's abt everyones favorite science teacher (but instead of high school i propose he is the most popular professor at community college) !!!
the "anti fan cam" assembly 100% happened because a student in bens intro to astronomy class accidentally airdropped a video to the entire class (including mr. ben, conveniently as he shared his screen for lecture)
this man LOVES quirky lil ties and you are always the first one to make fun puns about his tie of the day ("your solar system tie is out of this world!")
he WILL promise extra credit to any student who can beat him in a game of chess (he's the sponsor for the college's chess club). to date, 3 students had taken him up on the offer (little do they know even if they lose, he gives them some credit for trying)
once wrote you a math haiku for valentines day. it read as follows: are you an angle? / neither right nor obtuse but... / acute one at that!
you were the prominent writing professor at the college so you appreciated the thought
one great thing about working at a small community college is that y'alls doors are right next to each other (joint office hours!)
y'all chaperoned homecoming together - needless to say, many a fan cam were made.
you couldn't deny ben was attractive, but your favorite part about him? just how passionate he was about his career.
teaching was truly his calling and you were glad to be a part of it.
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janaispunk · 8 months
I wish SNL would release the footage of Pedro filming all those Mr. Ben edits!!!!
i would pay a lot of money to see those lmao 😭
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mellowsaturns · 1 year
now we got a reason
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summary: turns out, hiding your feelings is harder than you thought
warnings: fluff, hidden relationship, workplace romance, kissing, teasing, suggestive content but nothing too explicit, all the feels, pet names, it’s kinda cheesy i’m sorry, fem!reader
wc: 1.1k
part one but can be read as a stand-alone
a/n: it’s mr. ben’s world and we’re just living in it
— — —
It’s during those extra minutes in class where one of your students decides to take one for the team and ask you.
“How come Mr. Ben doesn’t visit you anymore?” one student calls out instead of doing their class work.
Here we go again.
Sighing, you place your pen down. “Is there a reason he should be visiting me?”
“Well… He always does,” another student adds.
“And he hasn’t for a while now,” pipes in another.
God. You loved your homeroom students, you really did, but if only they would focus on their education as much as they do with your love life.
“Whether he visits me or not is none of your business,” you answer with a bit of an edge.
That gets your entire class perked up, and suddenly, everyone’s whispering and murmuring among themselves. And you know exactly what they are talking about with words like ‘Break Up?’ ‘Fight’ and ‘Misunderstanding’ being thrown around.
You just simply look down and ignore them and your feelings.
“Did something happen between the two of you?” a brave soul asks.
“Frankie,” you say sternly. “Focus on your work.”
It’s lunchtime when you’re making your way down the empty hall for a department meeting. You never make it to your destination because someone pulls you into an empty classroom.
You let out a small yelp when your back hits the door, locking you inside. The panic never comes because you know just who it is.
Looking up, you're met with a pair of beautiful brown doe eyes.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he says with a charming smile.
Ever since he made that Daddy and Mommy joke and you teasing him that he needed to put a ring on your finger first—he had asked you out on a date.
Then another. And another.
It didn’t take long for him to officially ask you to be his girlfriend—a home cooked meal at his house with a lit candle and everything.
After that, he couldn’t get enough of you.
He’s caging you with one arm propped up onto the door as a way to impress you and you had to stifle your laughter at his enduring shamelessness.
“Hey,” you whisper back.
He grabs one of your hands and rubs gentle circles on the delicate skin. “I missed you,” he murmurs.
“You missed me?”
He hums. “Of course I did.”
You let out a small chuckle. “You saw me this morning.”
“I know,” he says with a small pout, “but I usually see you more than that.”
Ever since the two of you made it official, you had suggested that he stop coming by your classroom so often to reduce the chances of getting caught. And he had consciously agreed because he had no control when it came to you—he would’ve accidentally kissed you in front of the whole class, he had said himself.
It’s not like there were strict forbidden rules about teachers getting together, but just to play it safe, the two of you agreed to keep it on the low for the meantime.
But he just couldn’t keep his hands to himself, it seems. Because while he can’t go to see you in your classroom, he’s always pulling you into empty rooms for a quick stolen kiss.
“It’s hard for me too,” you confess, intertwining your fingers with his. “They ask me about you all the time and I have to act as if we had a fight or something.”
It was the hardest thing in the world because you’re so lovestruck that the mere mention of his name results in an automatic smile.
But you had to keep the act up—just until the two of you figure out how to tell your colleagues and most importantly, your boss.
He brings you into a hug. “I know, baby. I know.”
“You know this is highly inappropriate, right?” you say into his chest.
He smirks. “You never complained before.”
You pull away. “Yeah but this time you led me into a classroom with the lights off,” you chime. “Are you suggesting something?”
He lowers his head, just enough that his lips brush past your ear. “You know better than to tease me, honey,” he says, voice so thick and guttural that you had to shut your eyes to stabilize yourself.
He may look reserved and modest, but he was anything but that, especially when the two of you were alone.
Pulling back, he smirks at your reaction. Then, the next thing you know, his plush lips were on yours.
No matter how many times the two of you do this, the first touch always ignites a spark.
And for Ben, he would never get over this feeling, one that he longed for ever since you transferred to this school.
And because he always loses himself with you, his lips are now on your neck—gentle, yet eager from all those years of pining.
You helplessly let yourself melt into his touches for a minute before gently pushing him away. “Not here,” you whisper.
He nods, always thinking about you and putting you first.
(It didn’t matter anyways, he’s staying over at your place this weekend, there will be plenty of time. It doesn’t need to be said.)
You hum and pull onto his tie. “I see you’re wearing the one I bought you.”
The blue one with little planets on it because it was so him.
He looks down and a grin spreads across his face. “Of course I’m wearing it. It’s all I’ll ever wear from now on.”
He gives you a peck on the tip of your nose. “C’mon, let’s get out of here before the other teachers think you got kidnapped or something,” he says referring to your meeting. One where you’re probably very late for.
Exiting the classroom, he quietly shuts the door while you giggle at him, both of you acting like guilty school children.
When you turn around, the two of you are stunned—like deers caught in headlights.
Because one of your students is in the hallway. And they’re staring at the two of you.
You look back at Ben and your eyes widen even further because when did his hair get that disheveled?
“Uh…” you start, voice in a panic, “This isn't what it looks like. Really.”
But the poor soul just looks at you. Then, something unexpected happens. “Wait. So you two aren’t in your divorced eras?” they say happily.
You and Ben look at each other with confusion. Divorced—What?
“What does that even mea—”
But Ben doesn't even get a chance to finish his question because they’re already off in a rush, pulling out their phone and typing something with a sneaky grin on their face.
The two of you take a deep breath. “Oh god,” you mutter.
This was definitely going to get addressed at the Assembly next week. 
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
Love at the Top
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Pairing: Teacher Ben x f! Teacher reader
Word Count: 3200+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: This was an ask that was pm to me from @fishingforpike and I couldn't pass! I hope it's what you want (and if you want a smutty part 2 I may be down for writing that)
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
Main Masterlist 
Teacher Ben Masterlist
Love at the Top Part 2
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Graduating wasn't easy. Interviewing for my first big job was harder. But the hardest so far is this. Teaching high school English fresh out of college - and I know no one at this school. 
I moved to a new city right after graduation after accepting the English teaching position so not only was it my first real degree job, but it was in a new city with a whole new culture. And I was teaching high school. Which shouldn't be an issue because I'm 24 which means I can still relate to the youth of today, right? 
I hope so.
I completed all of the new hire orientation at the district building. Today I finally get to see my classroom and start setting up while navigating all of the back to school meetings and having everyone point out "the new teacher". I hope there aren't any ice breaker games. 
"Welcome back everyone!" The principal starts the all staff meeting with a typical speel of announcements. 
"Before we continue, let's do some ice breakers to get us into that back to school spirit!" 
He starts to pair us up, trying to match people outside of what they teach. 
"And Ben, you'll be with the new English teacher." He gestures between me and a man I've not met yet. 
Ben turns to face me and my stomach jumps into my throat. He is gorgeous. All dark eyes and graying dark hair, button up shirt tucked into his dress slacks with a tie that says "Science ROCKS!" on it with pictures of rocks all over it. He has black framed glasses which he's taken off his face to fiddle with nervously as he stands, walking to me. 
"H-hi. I'm Ben." He holds his hand out and I shake it, noticing that his palms were slightly sweaty. 
I tell him my name. "Nice to meet you."
We get through the ice breaker game and I find myself crushing hard on Ben with his shirt tucked into his pants. 
The meeting resumes and everyone goes back to their seats. I find myself stealing glances at Ben across the room and I swear I catch his eyes a few times but there's no way he's looking at me, right? 
The meeting ends and I gather up my things, trying to remember how to get to my room from here when I feel someone walk up to me. Turning, I see Ben, shifting nervously from foot to foot. He leans in and speaks quietly to me. 
"Need help getting back to your room?"
"How did you know?"
He smiles and now I know I'm in trouble. "Happens for all of us. What's your room number?"
"Uh…" I check my paper. "148-B." 
"Oh that's not far from me. I'll take you there.. if…if you'd like?"
"I'd love that, thank you."
Ben escorts me to my room and looks around at the bare walls and boxes stacked everywhere.
"You have some work ahead of you."
I sigh. "Oh yeah. I haven't had a moment to unpack anything." 
"Do you want some help?"
"Oh. Um.. I don't think so." Really I'd have him stay but this is my first room and I'd like to set that up myself. 
He smiles but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Ok. Well if you change your mind, I'm in 140-A. Just at the end of the hall." 
"You're welcome."
We stand there for several awkward moments before he gives me a little wave and heads out the door. What the fuck was that? I can't have a crush on a coworker already. 
I start to unpack, the room slowly coming together. I find myself thinking about Ben and when I can't take it anymore, I decide to set aside some posters that I'll say I need help with. 
I head down to his room and take a breath, gently knocking on the door.
"Come in."
I push open the door and have to pause - his room is heavily decorated, earth science posters plaster the walls, stacks of books around the edges, bins and bins of rocks are everywhere. It feels like organized chaos and I love it. Wait, is that a lightsaber in the corner? 
"Oh hey. How's the room coming?" 
"It's..nowhere near as cool as yours."
Is he blushing? "I - my room's a mess. Especially compared to yours I'm sure."
"I think it's wonderful."
A few moments pass before I work up the courage to ask. 
"I- could you help me hang a few things? I just don't want to fall off a chair."
"Y-yeah. Of course!" He walks towards me.
I point to the corner. "Is that a lightsaber?"
Now I know he's blushing. "I uh… yeah." He sounds embarrassed. 
"I have Ashoka's. What color is yours?"
His eyes snap to mine, a light igniting behind them. "Green. You have a lightsaber too?" 
"2, technically. I'd love to get my own at Disney one day."
He smiles wide. "Oh it's a great experience! That's where I got that one from. So you're a Star Wars fan then?"
I nod. "Absolutely."
"Are you old enough to see them in theaters?"
I laugh. "Well not the original ones, but yeah. I was little and they were re-releases but that's when I fell in love. They were my first movies in theaters."
We chat about Star Wars all the way back to my room and while he puts up the posters I could've easily hung myself. Once he finishes, he turns to me, dropping his voice quieter than normal. 
"Ok, want the real low down on the school?"
"Ooo yes!"
He chuckles. "Ok my young Padawan." He launches into a mini Ted talk about the best bathrooms, which stairs cases to avoid, the sticky elevator, which lunch lady will sneak you extra food, although I have a sneaking suspicion that applies to Ben only. 
"Thank you so much, Ben! What would I have done without you?"
He waves a hand. "I'm sure you would've been fine."
"Can I buy you lunch tomorrow?"
He starts coughing violently but waves me off when I move to help him. "What?"
"As a thank you. Can I buy you lunch?"
"Oh really you don't have to."
"Of course I don't. But I want to. What are the good spots?"
"You don't want to go to lunch with an old man like me."
I blow a raspberry at him. "Please. You aren't old."
"I'm 47. And you're what, 20?"
"24. And stop acting like you're 120. You're only 47."
"It's a 23 year difference."
"So you've done the math between us?"
What did I just say?
He blushes hard, hands not sure whether they want to settle on his hips or cross his broad chest. "N-no. I mean it's simple math."
I nod, trying to hide my own embarrassment. "It is. But it's not bad. We get along just fine, don't we?"
He opens and closes his mouth a few times. "I-yeah but…wouldn't your boyfriend mind?"
Is he fishing? 
"It's a thank you lunch so it wouldn't matter even if I had a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend."
He says nothing, studying me. "A simple thank you is just fine, Padawan."
"No matter how much I insist, you're going to turn me down aren't you?" 
He nods. "Afraid so."
"Suit yourself. I was going to see if we could catch the early bird special."
He puts his hand on his chest in mock shock. "Is that an old person joke?"
"It would be if you were old."
That first week back for teachers flies by, mostly thanks to Ben. He's helped me decorate and setup nearly my entire room, helping me with every vision I had as "It's your first classroom so you decorate it how you want." 
Then it's time for students. 
Ben comes in early that first day and drops by my room, quietly handing me a cup of coffee he'd brought me from a local coffee shop, telling me I'll be brilliant on my first day after seeing the nerves in my eyes. 
"You've learned so much, Padawan. They'll love you. Just don't show them any weakness and you'll be good."
He waves, giving me a smirk as he heads back through the door. "You'll be great!"
Somehow I make it to lunch without vomiting. The kids were actually not too bad so far. And I get to see Ben at lunch. 
He's saved me a seat, sliding me a peanut butter cup when I sit across from him in the teacher's lounge. 
"How did you know I needed this?" I ask him, eagerly peeling back the paper and stuffing the entire cup into my mouth. 
He smiles. "I just had a feeling."
We settle into a routine, spending our lunch time chatting about anything and everything, popping into each other's classrooms with some random excuse to just say hi, students or not.
A  couple months later, one of my students approaches me, handing me her class work as I take a sip of water.
"Miss, are you dating Mr. Ben?"
I choke on my water, throwing my hands in the air. "I-what?"
She's smiling at me. "You're dating aren't you?"
"Uh… no we aren't. We're just good friends."
"Uh huh."
"Why would you ask that?"
"You're just always with each other. I thought you were together."
I bring this up to Ben when I drop by his room during planning period. He blushes furiously, red creeping up his cheeks as he removes his glasses to wipe at them nervously. 
"What, uh what did you tell her?"
"That we weren't dating. Just good friends."
He nods, his eyes looking a little sad. "I can't believe they'd think you'd date an old fart like me."
I laugh. "You're not that old, how many times do I have to tell you that?"
"You're closer to them in age than to me."
He's not wrong. 
"That's just numbers. Besides, none of them have those little gray hairs in their hair."
His fingers come up to run at his hair. "Is there something wrong with it?"
"Not at all. Trust me, it works."
His eyes meet mine and they shift ever so slightly down to my lips before flicking back up. He opens his mouth to say something bit then the bell rings, extinguishing any sort of spark we felt in that moment. 
The State Fair comes to town and it's all the students can talk about. Apparently it's a big thing here and so, I decide not to give them homework and even push back their planned test, which earns me a class full of whoops and hollers every period. 
At lunch, I mention this to Ben who chuckles and says I may have surpassed him as favorite teacher now. 
"Oh please, all the kids love you."
He chuckles and shakes his head. "I have no clue why."
"Really? You're a fantastic teacher and really take the time to get on their level so they understand the subject."
He stares at me. "You- you think?"
"I love watching you teach. It's obvious you care and the kids can pick up on that."
He blushes, red dusting his cheeks as he turns to his sandwich, mumbling a "thanks".
"So this state fair is a big thing?"
He nods, swallowing the bite of sandwich. "Huge. It's not small either, has concerts and livestock shows, typical fair food and rides, and a bunch of other stuff."
"Sounds fun. I've never been to a fair."
He chokes and I jump, moving around the table to thump him on the back. 
"Y-you've never b-been to a fair before?"
I shake my head. "Nope. Parents didn't want to pay for it."
"Well you have to go then!"
"By myself?"
"Fairs aren't fun alone. I'll take you."
Silence stretches between us as his eyes grow wide when he realizes what he said. 
"I mean as friends, of course."
I smile, letting it not reach my eyes. "Of course."
"I uh… I'll pick you up Saturday morning?"
"Sounds perfect."
I swear I've tried on everything I own and I can't settle on something to wear. It's not like it's a date, but it feels like something… more. I don't know how to explain it but I know I want to wear non school work clothes. 
I finally settle on a sundress, pale green with embroidered flowers and vines running across it and pair it with some short boots, not wanting to walk across dirt in sandals. 
The knock at my door comes promptly at 11am, exactly when he said he'd pick me up. I grab my bag and open the door, smiling wide at his choice of black slacks and a light blue top that somehow brings out his eyes. I've never seen this man in a color that he can't pull off. 
"HI Ben! Wait…does your bow tie have little Earths on it?"
He smiles nervously, fingers twisting his bow tie. "Yeah it does! Do you like it?"
"I do!"
His smile is brighter, but then his eyes rake down my body and something shifts in him, his eyes becoming darker.
"Y-you look…"
"Oh. Is this not fair appropriate? I can change-"
"No! I mean, no. It's perfect. You're perfect."
"I uh said come on let's go."
He wasn't kidding - this fair is huge. 
He insists on paying, buying parking and my entrance ticket, helping me decide which fair foods to try as I'd never had any of them. We hit up the petting zoo, a livestock show that one of our mutual students was competing in, and looked at all of the vendors, some selling some really unique things. 
Then it was time for rides. 
We went on several different ones before I needed a break, noticing the relief on Ben's face when I insisted we rest. The sun was starting to set, so Ben said we should rest on the ferris wheel. 
"You have to catch the sunset from the ferris wheel," he insists. 
I don't have the heart to tell him I'm not a huge fan of heights. 
We get in the cart and pull the bar down and I think I'm doing OK…until we move. The second we start to ascend, my hand flies out and I grip Ben's thigh, trying to basically insert myself into his lap. 
"Are you ok?" He asks as we continue to climb, cart stopping every few feet to let someone else in. 
"I… I'm g-good."
"You're gripping my thigh."
I try to let go but I can't. "Ok… I'm terrified of heights."
We make it to the top and the wheel starts to move slowly around and I think I'm going to lose it. 
Ben hesitantly puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side. He squeezes me slightly, adding just enough pressure to calm me. His other hand lays on top of mine, which is still gripping his thigh. He manages to slide his fingers around mine, the warmth from his hand grounding me in the moment. He rubs his thumb along the back of my hand, trying to comfort me. We stay like that through 2 rotations of the wheel before it stops, us at the top. 
"Why is it s-stopped?"
"It's to take in the view. But you don't have to."
I nod. "I think I'm doing b-better." 
"Can I ask you something?"
"You just did."
He chuckles sarcastically. "Ha-ha. But seriously, why did you agree to the ferris wheel if you're not a fan of heights?"
The cart rocks and I squeeze him harder, unable to think clearly. "To be with you."
He stiffens. "To..what?"
The cart sways again and my grip tightens. 
"I want to see the sunset."
He rubs his hand up and down my arm. "You don't have to." 
"No. I want to."
I take a deep breath and open my eyes, immediately starting to breathe faster as my eyes take in the height. 
"Hey, padawan, look at me."
My terror filled eyes find his, soft and warm and comforting, and I find myself relaxing, getting lost in those brown eyes I love so much. His hand comes up to tuck some hair behind my ear and his fingers brush my cheek. 
I sigh, the tension leaving my body the longer we stay like that. His eyes flick down to my lips and linger for a few seconds before meeting my eyes again. 
I take my hand from his and place it on his chest, gently, hesitantly, gripping his shirt and tugging slightly on it to pull him toward me. He acquiesces, slowly lowering his head to mine, but then he pauses, lips an inch from mine. 
"I'm 47."
"I don't care."
I tug him ever so slightly again and a moment later, he pushes his lips to mine, mustache tickling me as he kisses me. It's gentle, restrained, as if he can't believe he's kissing me. He pulls back, dark eyes finding mine, wide and asking if that was ok. 
I slide my hand up to his cheek, rubbing my thumb over his patchy stubble before sliding it behind his head, pulling him down to me, deepening the kiss the second our lips meet. I feel his hand come up to cradle the back of my head and he sighs into me, pulling me as close as he can, a slight moan in the back of his throat. 
He pulls back, but stays close, eyes meeting mine. 
"Are…are you sure? I'm such an old man."
"I really like you, Ben. Like a lot. But I don't want to make you uncomfortable-"
"I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
My finger traces a pattern on his cheek and he closes his eyes briefly before finding mine again. 
"You could never make me uncomfortable. You're the only person I've ever felt like I could be myself with."
Oh God, his eyes are like a puppies' and I don't know what to do.
"Would it be bad of me to make out with you before the first date?"
I mock thinking, finger poking at my chin. "I'll allow it."
"Oh thank God."
His lips pressed to mine and the kiss is more frantic, deeper, more emotion behind it than before. Like he's relaxing and allowing himself this chance at happiness. 
I clutch him to me, my leg sliding over his as I try to slide into his lap, forgetting about the lap bar. And the fact we're in public. Ben chuckles, placing his hand hesitantly on my bare thigh.
"Not here, sweet girl. Too many eyes. And I want you all for myself."
Love at the Top Part 2
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena-library  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics
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“mr ben” real name is actually Benjamin but on the first day of class he was so anxious he panicked and did the “cool teacher” move, sat backwards in his chair and told his class to call him mr ben. he has since learned that probably wasn’t the best idea. 
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wildemaven · 8 months
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Professor Ben
Inspired by Visiting
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ladamedusoif · 1 month
Paper: A Visiting First Anniversary Update
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Paper is the traditional gift for a first anniversary. What could be more fitting for a pair of academics still trying to figure out their future? 
A year ago, I posted the first chapter of my first foray into fanfiction and my first attempt at writing fiction since I was a teenager. Visiting took a lot of courage to write, let alone to post; but the sheer pleasure in drafting and planning Ben and Lydia’s story made me feel I should share it. 
There are still three chapters of the story to come, and I know I’ve been slow and not a very good or engaged writer.
Life has been complicated lately, and for various reasons it has just been easier not to be on here as much (if at all - and if it was noticed!) But I had to mark their anniversary, somehow. So, a year in, and with the story still unfinished, here are some reflections - and, if you read to the end, a (slightly smutty) sneak peek for chapter 13…
I launched the two dorks into a fic world dominated by DBFs and age gaps and all sorts of other tropes that Visiting just wasn’t, never would be. The tropes have shifted somewhat but their story still doesn’t speak to any of the big ones. That’s Ben and Lyd, though. They never were ones for following trends.
At times I’ve felt strongly that this wasn’t a story anyone really wanted, that it was my fault for writing it badly. Some chapters felt both vital and nigh impossible to write, as I second-guessed myself and the readership and wondered what I was doing wrong, exactly. And then sometimes a chapter I’d poured everything into just… went unseen, it seemed.
And then I would receive the most beautiful comments and responses to the story, as readers find it and connect on some level with Lydia, Ben, and their little world. In my sort-of Tumblr hiatus I know these comments have built up and I need to respond properly to each and every one. But know that I am eternally grateful, incredibly touched, and that many of them have made me cry. The same goes for the people who recommended the story on fic lists, who sent wonderfully kind anons about the work, who have made me want to keep going with it.  
There is a bittersweetness to the anniversary of starting Visiting. There are people on here who were such vocal, enthusiastic cheerleaders of the story both in public and in DMs who just fell away after a chapter or two. (I still wonder if they have been keeping up.) There are people on here who I was so close with, who knew the motivations for the story and its inner workings, who chose, out of the blue, to act as if it - and I - no longer existed. Such is life. Such is the nature of online friendship. But it’s particularly strange when someone has been there for the drafting and writing and then…isn’t. 
But such instances are in the minority. The readership for Visiting might be small, but it’s brought me into touch with some incredible, wonderful, generous people who have become firm friends. There is no greater feeling than knowing that your little story about two middle-aged academics finding themselves falling for each other when they least expected it is liked - heck, loved, even, by even one or two other people. (Tell your friends! More readers welcome! But you guys are the best ones.)
A final, more general observation about this story and why it exists. We have often seen statements on here about how dark!fic is “healing”, a way for people to work through experiences and issues in their own lives. I would argue that softer fic is healing, too - that healing doesn’t have to be sought or validated through creative explorations of brutality, violence, coercion and pain. It can be, of course - but it’s just as valid to seek it in stories that are softer, kinder, warmer, even. Lydia’s conviction that she is permanently broken, that she is fundamentally unlovable, could not be undone with anything other than love and safety. And the story does seem to have reached some people in that way, and for that I’m really delighted and proud. 
And I’m really touched and grateful to all of you who have stuck with the story, have got in touch to comment, to ask if there’s more, to talk about how much you love it. You have no idea how much it means, truly. There is more coming: three chapters more, in fact, if I can just get my brain together. But, as a thank you and an anniversary gift, here’s a little bit from the next chapter:
You rest your head on his shoulder and bring your arms around his waist, hugging him close to you under the blankets as you enjoy the symphony of nocturnal sounds in the back yard. 
He chuckles as you hold him tight. “You must know by now I’m not going anywhere, Lyddie.”
“Don’t laugh when I say this, but - sometimes I feel like I need to hold you extra close, just to be sure you’re real.” 
He tilts his head and smiles at you. “That I’m real?”
“That you’re real. That all of it is real, Ben. I’m not used to things… working out, I guess. All my life I was left lonely or things fell apart, and - I still have to remind myself that yes, this is real, I’m not dreaming.” You sip your champagne thoughtfully as he kisses the top of your head, broad hands caressing your body.
“It’s real, love.” He kisses you again, gently squeezing your hip. “Even if I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky.”
You push away the blankets and wrap your arms around his neck as you begin to make out, his hand snaking up under the skirt of your floral-print summer dress and pressing greedily into the flesh of your thigh. 
He breaks away to kiss and suck on your neck, pausing to whisper in your ear: “Does this feel real enough, baby?”
You give a little cry of pleasure before breaking into fits of giggles, grinning as you feel Ben’s smile against your skin. “I guess it’s pretty real, Ben, as these things go…”
“As these things go?!” He pulls back, leaving a parting kiss on your collarbone, before spreading out the blankets a little on the wooden decking. “Lie back, Lyd, and I’ll give you real.”
And now, if you don’t mind, I will enjoy a celebratory ice-cold Corona, and raise it to my idiots-in-love who are still waiting for their happy ending.
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noisynaia · 1 year
I have a head canon that these are both mr. Ben
Like maybe he’s a drama teacher that does commercials on the side
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ozarkthedog · 1 year
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Hot for teacher 😛
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