#movie: pompeii
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wizardcrowe · 1 month ago
but if you close your eyes… 😌
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sirgawin · 7 months ago
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every now and then i remember the kit harington abs pompeii movie
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magnetoapologist · 1 year ago
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The Last Day of Pompeii (detail) – Karl Bryullov // Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on November 16, 1581 – Ilya Repin // The Old Guard (2020)
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spockvarietyhour · 7 months ago
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🎵Oops, I did it again,🎵 🎵did it again.🎵
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jackfuckingtwist · 1 month ago
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oxventure wyrdwood as bastille songs! (oxventure)
wyrdwood as a group: daniel in the den | blue sky & the painter cressida: the silence lug: pompeii willowfine: get home robin & morven: the draw robin: icarus morven: sleepsong
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fearlessechoes · 7 months ago
So guys… I finally just watched the Pink Floyd Live at Pompeii movie and…. OMGGGGGGGG IT WAS SO FREAKING GOOD!!!!!!!
I was completely entranced and captivated while watching this movie; it was so magical seeing them play, and it was filmed so beautifully!!! I just adore how the camera never was still; it was always moving and switching positions and sometimes was even in sync to the music!! And I just adore how they included footage from Pompeii as well (the mosaics, Mount Vesuvius, the old architecture…). What made it even better was seeing how the band themselves enjoyed it too! I could see in all the songs they were completely vibing (especially Nick and Rick). I am still jittery and full of adrenaline writing this… Genuinely one of the best, if not the best, concert movie I’ve ever seen!!!!
Here are my fav moments (from the top of my head)
The spinning camera whenever the cameras really focused on Nick
The eye contact Nick held with the rest of the band in some moments
Roger banging the gong and cymbals like a madman in A Saucerful of Secrets
Just, the entirety of Echoes Part 1 and how it was filmed (especially when they did the crazy cuts during the groovy part and those short cuts to just seeing Roger and David play)
Rick and David petting Mademoiselle Nobs (it was so cute!!!)
Seeing everyone just completely entranced and vibing in the celestial voices part of A Saucerful of Secrets
How the camera switches between Rick and David singing in both echoes parts
How Nick loses a drum stick during One of These Days
How the footage was slowed just before the beat drop in One of These Days
Showing Nick playing the drums from multiple angles repeated across the entire screen in One of These days
The slow pan during the groovy part of Echoes (and during other songs as well)
Showing David playing the guitar repeated across the screen during Echoes part 1
Showing Rick’s hands during echoes part 2 (piano players still amaze me; how do they do two drastically different things with each hand???)
The volcano erupting footage playing while Roger was screaming in CWTAE
Just, in general the footage they showed of Pompeii (like the artwork, statues, mosaics, nature, etc.)
The really fast cuts during Echoes’ groovy part and A Saucerful of Secrets
Just in general the amount of attention Nick got from the camera crew in this movie (it was so cool seeing him play, and Nick deserves more love!)
The spooky fog in STCFTHOTS
That one part where Rick plays piano with footage in the background in STCFTHOTS, as well as the parts with Nick playing with footage in the background
Them sitting on top of the amphitheater with Roger’s and David’s hands being really close
Since I watched the 1974 theatrical version, I also liked the interviews with Roger, David, and Nick
The banter the band had in the recording studios
When Nick repeatedly says he doesn’t want crust with his pie
Rick playing piano in Us and Them
David playing the guitar parts of Brain damage and having to do multiple takes (really shows how they worked in the studio)
Roger noodling with the synth looking all pretty like (at least to me) in On The Run
Roger playing/recording the bass part to Eclipse with (possibly) David looming in the background and watching
Roger looking over David’s shoulder trying to see what magazine he’s reading and Nick trying to do the same before quickly giving up (in Us and Them)
And lastly, all the parts in the movie where it shows the band playing while they’re all huddled up and close to each other with footage playing in the background
Sorry for rambling… I was so excited after watching this that I just felt like writing down this post…
Btw, this is where I watched the movie: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyGHs2yXwu1S_JEOpW3vlFeXFla449SLs&si=wEOTAQbgzJRQ9Rvi
Apparently it’s the best version out there…
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grimdarkqueen · 2 years ago
Pompeii (2014) the movie is so hilarious, amazing cast, not so great writing but the true winners are the reviewers.
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arttecair · 7 months ago
Vesuvius and Pompeii. Aerial View. #travel #napoli #italy #nature #histo...
Vesuvius and Pompeii. Aerial View
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didanagy · 2 years ago
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POMPEII (2014)
dir. paul w. s. anderson
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daincrediblegg · 1 year ago
least favorite jared harris role
boy that's tricky. considering I watched both The Eternal and The Ward earlier this week (in lieu of birthday celebrations bc of course I celebrate by watching things with my one special little guy in it)... there are new contenders. that being said I think there's two answers for this: actual worst role, and role that is the most painful for me to watch. and it's two different answers actual worst role goes to Older Will Robinson in the 90's reboot of lost in space because not only did they put him in a fucking muppet wig but for SOME REASON they decided to dub his voice??? which is just a baffling choice on the part of the producers. it's painful to watch and to look at and it just isn't worth it like?? why would you cast that boy if that was all you were going to do with him? as for the 2nd, the role that is most painful for me to watch? the man from UNCLE. Look. I came in initially for my man. only for him to have a grand total of like. two minutes of screen time. if that. and it's a fucking guy ritchie film to boot (not entirely derogatory. he has his moments as a filmmaker. but some times I think 'this guy is gonna get cancelled any fucking day now' just by watching any given film of his). so then when I watched it, and told folks I watched it and that Henry Cavil is also in it, everyone else wanted to watch it with me. I have seen this movie a grand total of 5 separate times with 5 different people in the last half a year alone and let me tell you. that's four too many times. not worth it for the sliver of jared being delicious that you get for your efforts of sitting through the rest of a guy ritchie film. deeply unsatisfying fr. never fucking again man.
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sleepontheflooor · 2 years ago
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milo & cassia aesthetics .⁠*⁠・⁠。゚
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chiropteracupola · 2 years ago
yes i already know what it is but i would like to hear more of Seaside For Your Health please <3
for those of you who are not jon my good friend jon (with whom this fic was brainstormed in the most literal sense) this is my SECOND fic for the wolf and the watchman. which as I said earlier I said I would write No fics about.
...and also this is in fact the fic where cardell and winge go on an ENTIRELY TONALLY UNSUITABLE ITALIAN VACATION!
look I think I'm allowed to spend thousands of words on winge not actively dying of consumption and cardell going someplace warm where the water doesn't remind him of death and both of them having a nice day for once in their cold sad lives.
“Good morning, Jean Michael.” His words are dry as ever, but today, sound less as if they originate in a throat entirely crusted over with rust. “Hardly morning anymore,” Cardell replies, with a tip of his head to the window. Winge pulls himself upright, his newly folded legs allowing Cardell enough room to properly make himself comfortable on the bed. “You ought not to permit me to sleep so long,” says Winge, but Cardell only scoffs and shrugs his shoulders. In that moment, what he wants more than anything is to push Winge back down and keep him still, to cast him solid in sunlight like an insect in amber until he’s satisfied with their rest. But Winge is already hauling himself to his feet, bracing himself against the headboard with both hands until he is confident that his legs will hold his weight. It’s rare now that Cardell needs to draw him out of bed and set him on his feet himself, for with his recovering health Winge has regained that strange energy and passion that had burned in him as he investigated. It is with that sort of methodical yet quick movement that Winge prepares himself for the day, donning his sole suit of fading crow’s-feather black as Cardell waits and watches. Cardell leans back, bracing his head against the wall, and makes himself comfortable while Winge dresses. There is enough idle talk to fill the room to his contentment — of the city, of their neighbors, of the Roman ruins in the foothills — anything at all that he thinks might pique Winge’s interest. Winge nods along as he buttons his waistcoat nearly to his chin, occasionally interjecting with a quiet hm! and a look back at Cardell. That is conversation enough for Cardell; he is perfectly satisfied to watch Winge ready himself for the day and trust that he will live to see that same day through.
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aubster249 · 1 year ago
Cannot BELIEVE I've now found TWO instances of my favorite ultra-specific plot point (whodunnit mystery where the culprit is a volcano)
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wfhandwatchingtv · 1 year ago
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When someone says something I don’t like
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years ago
Pompeii (2014)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
Pompeii wants to do for its titular city what Titanic did to the ship. Along the way, it borrows more than a few elements from Ridley Scott’s Gladiator. Sometimes, mixing two seemingly incompatible things works out but you don’t always get Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, if you know what I mean.
In 79 A.D., Milo (Kit Harrington) is a talented gladiator called “the Celt” by the romans who wiped out his tribe and enslaved him. Brought to Pompeii, he catches the eye of Cassia (Emily Browning) when he helps get her carriage out of the mud. She is returning home, tired of the corruption of Rome and of Senator Quintas Attius Corvus (Kiefer Sutherland), who has been relentlessly pursuing her hand in marriage. While Milo and Cassia both look for a way to escape their worlds, mount Vesuvius looms in the distance, belching more smoke than usual…
This movie assumes you’re stupid, which is much worse than it being stupid itself. Pompeii ominously shows Vesuvius every 10 minutes. In no time, you become exasperated. Take a poll. How many people could even name an Italian volcano besides the who destroyed Pompeii? Who even knows anything about the city besides the way it was destroyed? You want to establish crucial plot points ahead of time but this film overdoes it to the point of comedy. When James Cameron brought us back to the doomed ship, he made the effort to sweep us off our feet. The Heart of the Ocean, lavish sets, stories of ordinary people looking for a better life and above all, the romance. By the time that iceberg showed up, we were so invested in Jack and Rose we'd almost forgotten a disaster was incoming. Paul W.S. Anderson wants to do the same thing. Unfortunately, the clumsy dialogue and feeble story means you never fall for the would-be lovers. Seemingly aware of this, the film instead tries to dump a bucket of action on the screen as a distraction. Are we not entertained? Nope.
The resemblances between Pompeii and Ridley Scott’s epic sword-and-sandal adventure can’t be coincidental. It steals entire scenes and then proceeds to do them so badly you’ll be in stitches. It’s trying so hard to be epic, particularly when lava begins pelting the Roman city and Milo races through the streets, dodging flames, falling debris and, most dangerous of all - Kiefer Sutherland chewing the scenery. Did we even need a villain? All he does is make the whole thing seem contrived. What are the odds the one man Milo swore vengeance upon is in the same town as him on the day the volcano erupts. Not only that, the villain happens to be pursuing the same woman as Milo and with the same passion that burns away common sense. The idea is for the calamity to heighten the tension, for us to desperately cling onto the hope that things will work out. I doubt anyone watching will be kept in suspense.
Considering the films it’s impersonating, Pompeii has the good grace of being mercifully short. Also noteworthy are the special effects - the disaster sequences look great. Otherwise, this whole thing is a write-off whose only purpose would be to be shown as a double-bill with either Titanic or Gladiator to prove once and for all that those films are good. Seeing a cheap knockoff gives you a new appreciation for the original. (On DVD, November 23, 2019)
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arttecair · 7 months ago
#vesuvius #pompeii #aerial #travel #napoli #italy #nature #landscape #vu...
Vesuvius and Pompeii Italy 🇮🇹 napoli
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