#movie based rp meme
hymemena · 13 days
The Scott Tibbs Documentary Sentence Starters Part 2/3
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Swearing, mentions of death, mentions of murder, hero worship, bullying, police work
"So, I started researching some of the victims."
"I found this video."
"Stay with me on this."
"How exactly did you get away?"
"Is it true?"
"How could this psychotic killer benefit society?"
"Did you get that?"
"One person to have learned is a chick. She got some issues."
"I'd fuck her."
"He's not the lead on the case, but he'll have to do."
"They escaped."
"More like calculated."
"What do you think they have planned?"
"He's probably dead already, isn't he?"
"I'm not gonna comment on that."
"What was wrong with them?"
"Excuse me?"
"So what was their problem?"
"Alright, so that old man was a waste of my fucking time."
"We're gonna try something else."
"So, you deal with a lot of near-death experiences, right?"
"Yes, you could look at it that way."
"Would you say it takes a certain type of strength to survive something like that?"
"There are a lot of variables."
"Maintaining a positive attitude is one of them, but it's not a guarantee."
"Don't you think if somebody believes they can do something they can do it?"
"Like if their life depends on it?"
"If they believe they could make it out, they could do it right?"
"I'm sorry, what was this interview going to be used for again?"
"So after I was so rudely abandoned by the fucking MD, I found out the other survivor is here."
"Sir? Sir? Can I help you?"
"Yeah, you can help me."
"I need for you to sign in, first."
"I need to see some ID."
"Sir? Sir?
"Hey, [name]. How's it going, man?"
"Sir, you need to come with me."
"Look, look. Nobody told me anything about that."
"Come with me."
"Get the fuck off of me, man. Don't touch me."
"Hey, hey! Come on, let's go!"
"I'm gonna start spreading the word!"
"Nobody wants to give me any answers."
"You're making a movie about a serial killer?"
"Are you crazy or something?"
"You wanna know what I think?"
"You think he serves a useful purpose?"
"Do you kids know who I am?"
"I know you've heard of me."
"You should come out to one of my shows, you could be one of my groupies, yeah!"
"Are you mental? Are you crazy?"
"Who says any of these people are innocent?"
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Comparing my long-term writing partners of 7 years to the ones I made last year, there was a very clear difference and I have the sinking feeling that it will persist: My old partners put a ton of work into our threads. We chat, we plot, we're silly, we send memes, we built the relationship between our muses, we explore AUs and whatnot. It's very satisfying. Whereas, 90% of the new people I encountered last year had an entirely different approach: Writing back and forth with you when your muses click and at first it's fun, letting the ooc talk fade out as soon as we actually want to plot, then ignoring everything we ever wrote or wanted to write in favour of a different writer and muse to whom they do exactly the same. And often, it's based on which show or movie is currently trending before they discard their partners and move on to the next one, when something new airs. Letting your inspiration direct your creative flow and responses is one thing. But in my humble opinion, these RP flings are very unsatisfying and do nothing to enrich the experience in the long run. But then again… that's not what those writers have in mind, anyway. I'm just glad I managed to establish a circle of partners who I know I can always write with. Others, especially newbies, don't have that luxury in this environment. Good luck, everyone.
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lifesliced · 4 months
Fill in this form to let your RP partners your preferences in terms of writing. Knowing your partners better makes figuring out the kind of interaction you can have with each other easier! Repost, don't reblog.
name: hal
preference of communication: tumblr dash, IMs, discord
name of muse(s): this is a multi, but it's currently heavily featuring josh washington and my oc romeo, but there are many others
best experience: it varies honestly! i had a lot of good experiences over the years and am having them now as we speak
rp pet peeves / deal breakers: deal breakers are kind of the usual, just like don't be under 21 ideally is a big one, don't be strange in a bad way. pet peeves are pretty general, just don't steal from me/lift content from me, use me for anything, or force me into anything? but mostly asking anyone, they'll tell you i'm pretty easygoing.
fluff, angst, or smut: fluff or angst? i don't mind having a sexual theme to a thread or having like the characters have a sexual relationship, i just don't traditionally write hardcore smut, i'm more of an inference/fade-to-black kind of guy, but i'm not afraid to discuss sex and sexuality. if that makes sense??
plots or memes: both
long or short replies: either, it depends on the thread and reply i think, some threads can have super long and short replies simultaneously, some one-liners turn into multi-paras.
best time to write: for me, it's whenever i have time, but i prefer super early morning or really late at night
are you like your muse: it depends? i'd say more i just have sometimes things in common with them or similar life experiences (which is usually just to base some reality off of whatever i'm writing if i can, like going through a breakup or something idk). like josh likes movies? so do i? we both can write? but we aren't probably super similar, i'd say. i'm much more neurotic.
tagged by: not a soul tagging: i would like to get to know more about you, so feel free to do this too!!
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What I hope to see with the New Default Skins.
(breaking my silence to hyper-fixate on default skins for blocc game wheeeeeeee!!!)
1. All of them Getting featured in those shorts and animations on YouTube, like Steve and Alex do.
I would love to see them all in the Animation Vs Minecraft series, or how they’d look in Music Videos, those Black Plasma Studios vids, the jokey meme videos, heck even the trashy clickbait videos would probably do a lot better for not re-using the same 2 skins over and over and over again.
2. There is enough of these skins to fill a small SMP world. So perhaps a DefaultSMP series either as Fanfiction, RP or a YouTube Series?
What better way to utilize all the new characters, than to show them all interacting with each other! I really enjoyed watching HermitCraft (haven’t been able to keep up with it the past couple of years but sssshhhhh) And having in mind all the different personalities and how they played off of each other, I think it would be great to have some of this with some Original Minecraft Characters too!
Sure, It might not be as 100% authentic as the real personalities, but them being fictional characters will allow more surreal and chaotic situations.
(Characters could be shipped together without making things really awkward for IRL alter egos + I don’t think any of the skins are ever gonna be outed for horrid/problematic behavior in this lifetime.)
3.Spin-offs and Crossovers to Feature these characters!
On the smaller side, I would like all of these skins to be Equip-able in Dungeons and Legends. (You can Equip Steve/Alex skin in Dungeons, so it would be consistent, and I think it’s safe to assume for Legends too.
If Smash Bros ever adds Minecraft to their game again, I would love to see all of these dorks make it too. (Tennis Alex and Enderman... I will miss you)
Actually, It would be neat if those crossover packs they did with Bedrock have, started to incorporate them as guests, even if just a little bit.
4. Default Characters Featured as Actual Protagonists in Story-Based Content in the Future?!?!
It just hit me, that all of these skins would probably make scripting and writing a lot easier for the official Minecraft Movie. (Though I would also be perfectly fine with Steve and Alex just exploring the world.)
But beyond that, If Minecraft were to ever try something like Minecraft: Story mode again, I personally would love to interact with them or as them, heck they don’t even need to talk, (though I would go wild if they did).
something something begging for Minecraft Story Mode Season 3.
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rphunter · 3 days
🎃💉🦇 back at it with a fresh new ad!🦇💉🎃 not replacing anyone!
i'm a 22enby fella who's got an itch for something dark and whump-y! i write in third person, present or past tense, semi to advanced 'lazy lit' over discord! i use servers to keep things organized, and i love chatting ooc with my writing partners :} i love ovsessing over our characters, sending memes/tiktoks, sharing music, etc etc, and i'd love a partner who's the same way! i consider myself pretty active, but i do work most of the week- if i can't get a reply to you, i'll at least be active ooc. i can promise at least one reply per day (usually a lot more, but i don't wanna get anyone's hopes too high, bc again..work).
i'm looking to write some oc x oc stuff! mxm is preferred, but i'm open to potential mxf (i will be picky on this! i have a lot of mxf rps atm). polyamory is also super encouraged, but not required! and while i want to collaborate on a plot, dead dove themes are also preferred! i would also prefer to use *actor faceclaims for this! i think of it as **casting actors in our own movie, lolz. (*open to musicians, models etc as well.) when it comes to nsfw, i write switches and prefer writing against other switches, or doms. no overly submissive characters, please! just not my cup of tea, i fear.
(**about casting actors: i think it would also be super fun to format this like a movie or a tv show! with actors cast as certain characters in our plot, separation into 'episodes,' etc etc! this isn't necessary, but i think it would be neat)
okayokay, onto the fun stuff😎
so, like a lot of people, i just watched Dinner in America, and i thought it was great. i'm DYINGGGG to write a character like simon (probably also w/ him as a FC, if not a similar look) against other male or masc characters (bonus points if they're also weird/outcasts like patty!). i'd love to plot something along the same lines as those in the movie, but with a few tweaks (i'm not an expert on punk stuff, lol) of our own.
tldr? mxm plot based along the same lines as/inspired by Dinner in America, but with whatever twists we want :}
let's come up with something devious together! like this post and i'll slide into your dms🎃
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prpfz · 4 days
💉🦇 back at it with a fresh new ad!🦇💉 not replacing anyone!
i'm a 22enby fella who's got an itch for something fun and whump-y based off Dinner in America. i write in third person, present and/or past tense, semi to advanced 'lazy lit' over discord! i use servers to keep things organized, and i love chatting ooc with my writing partners :} i love obsessing over our characters, sending memes/tiktoks, sharing music, etc etc, and i'd love a partner who's the same way! i consider myself pretty active, but i do work most of the week- if i can't get a reply to you, i'll at least be active ooc. i can promise at least one reply per day (usually a lot more, but i don't wanna get anyone's hopes too high, bc again..work).
i'm looking to write some oc x oc stuff! mxm is preferred, but i'm open to potential mxf (i will be picky on this! i have a lot of mxf rps atm). polyamory is also super encouraged, but not required! and while i want to collaborate on a plot, dead dove themes are also preferred! i would also prefer to use *actor faceclaims for this! i think of it as **casting actors in our own movie, lolz. (*open to musicians, models etc as well.) when it comes to nsfw, i write switches and prefer writing against other switches, or doms. no overly submissive characters, please! just not my cup of tea, i fear.
(**about casting actors: i think it would also be super fun to format this like a movie or a tv show! with actors cast as certain characters in our plot, separation into 'episodes,' etc etc! this isn't necessary, but i think it would be neat)
okayokay, onto the fun stuff😎
so, like a lot of people, i just watched Dinner in America, and i thought it was great. i'm DYINGGGG to write a character like simon (probably also w/ him as a FC, if not a similar look) against other male or masc characters (bonus points if they're also weird/outcasts like patty!). i'd love to plot something along the same lines as those in the movie, but with a few tweaks (i'm not an expert on punk stuff, lol) of our own.
tldr? mxm plot based along the same lines as Dinner in America, but with whatever twists we want :}
let's come up with something devious together! like this post and i'll slide into your dms🎃
give a like and anon will get back to you
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therapardalis · 9 months
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Multi-fandom OC. (Fandom based, but with original lore.)
1. Mun is severely over 21. Victoria, Australia (Australian EST). Not mutuals only, but semi-selective. 18+ only, please.
2. Rules are under the Readmore below. Last rules update 24th August 2024.
3. Muse Information on Carrd. For her main verse, please read at least the summary at the top. Several of her AU verses have different versions of the muse. Marvel, Dune and Tolkien verses are movie/TV based.
4. Policies on this blog. Not 'rules' but how I do things here.
5. Mains and Exclusives.
6. Please don’t reblog memes from me if you’re not going to send one. Reblog from the source instead. Memes - Ship Memes - NSFW Memes / NSFW HCs - Munday Memes - Open Starters
7. Muse Stats Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue-Grey Age: In AU verses, usually 30+ Place of Birth: In her main verse, Cornwall, England Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual
8. Rules under the cut.
Basics Original character and writing are mine and not for reproduction. (2012-2024). Likewise original graphics on the blog (icons, promos, background images) are made by me and are not for general use.
I do not consent for any of my writing or graphics made by me to be used with, for or as part of any form of AI generation.
I apologise for the harsher tone of these rules, but people have been ignoring them a lot lately.
I do NOT RP with:
Minors. No-one under 18 years, selective with under 21. No age mentioned, no follow.
Anyone who does not have a rules page somewhere.
Personal (non-RP) blogs. I'll check to see if you have RP sideblogs.
Discord only 1x1 with people I don't know/haven't spoken with before.
If your blog is mostly or completely intended for any of these, do not interact.
Instant smut (see below).
Infidelity/cheating plots.
Non-con, dub-con (including A/B/O) or sexual assault.
Incest. You do you, but I don't wish to engage.
Toxic ships, dead dove. Again, you do you, but not interested.
Pregnancy threads, especially where my muse is the one pregnant.
Animal abuse.
Abusive/manipulative characters. I’ve had abusive relationships OOC, and I do not want to be dealing with them in my RP as well. Villains are on a case by case basis, but muses who are by their canon nature or intended to be played as abusive are not.
Very, very selective with;
‘Unrequited crush’ threads need to be talked about first, and boundaries set. Usually only with muns I know well.
‘Fight’ threads where it’s Thera against someone else’s muse. Her vs random NPCs is fine.
Child muses (under 13). NPCs are OK, but not children who are the main muse. Any threads with older teens will be strictly platonic.
Shipping / Smutting. No instant smut. Smut may happen in the context of a ship, but it's not the sole intent of this blog.
Shipping needs to be talked about first. Thera is multiship, male-attracted, and we enjoy shipping. But it’s still not going to be an automatic-everybody thing. There’s got to be some sort of IC build up and OOC talk as well, to see how the muses get along and that we're on the same page. If we haven't talked about it OOC, it's not happening.
No means no. On both sides. If I say no to something I expect you to listen. Conversely, if you say no I’m going to take that as final, so if you change your mind later you need to tell me.
Also please do not say yes when you mean no. Just rip off the bandaid, OK?
Interaction Please communicate, please reciprocate. This is a hobby, but it’s a hobby we should both enjoy and it’s not enjoyable when something’s all one-sided. Busy happens, favourites happen, but if I’m doing all the sending and messaging and you don’t do any, especially if you’re active with others, then no hard feelings but I’m going to move along.
Reblogging Memes Please don’t reblog memes or starter lists from me without sending me one. You don't have to send me something, but if you don’t please reblog them from the source instead.
Post length I’m good with any, as long as we’re on the same page. But if I’m doing paras and getting one line back, it makes me wonder if you really want to be doing it at all. If you’re stuck, I’m totally open to waiting, plotting or re-writing.
Triggers and Tags NSFW or strong violence will be tagged (smut is tagged ‘BadThings’ and 'NaughtyList'), potential triggers as '[thing] tw'. If you need anything specific tagged, let me know (if you have a tag already blacklisted, tell me and I’ll use it).
Likewise, if there’s something you’re not comfortable RPing (or thought you were but then realise you’re not) please say so - I only ask that you do the same for me if needed.
God-Modding. I write my muse, you write yours, and if in doubt, ask. Please don’t decide for me what she does, thinks or feels (or did before the events of the thread), that your muse has done something major to her, or put her in a certain situation, without running it past me first. Also, ignoring what I’ve just written and continuing as if Thera never said or did something counts as god-modding, too.
Verses are separate unless it's been discussed OOC beforehand. Please don't shoehorn Thera into your own existing group verse without talking about it with me first.
Meta-gaming is giving your muse OOC knowledge IC. There are muses out there powerful enough that they could know things, but please talk to me about it first. Your muse suddenly knowing all about Thera for no IC reason and without asking me is not going to work out.
On those last two points, I also reserve the right to say no.
Vague/Guilt-Posting Trying to pressure or guilt me into RPing with you is going to have the opposite effect to what you want. Asking if I saw a post or reminding me once or twice is fine, talking to me directly about a problem, likewise. Messages specifically intended to make me feel bad for not replying/RPing with you are not.
Thanks for reading through!
Last rules update 24th August 2024.
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iobartach · 1 year
hello there! 👋
Mun is 30+ years old / irish / GMT+0 timezone; call me nix! I track the #iobartach tag
i work a full-time job, soooo real life will take priority over tumblr'ing at all times. hence, it will mean that thread replies will be slow. like, a few weeks slow, so sorry in advance about that!
this blog will feature my own take on miguel o'hara, and is inspired by both the across the spider-verse film and the 2099 comics! i also draw influence from the usual scifi / dystopian things; bladerunner, cyberpunk 2076, altered carbon to name a few, so if there's anything you'd like to know or clarify, feel free to reach out!
i would also like it to be known that my version of miguel is not here to be either an instant ship or a punching bag. i understand the appeal and the temptation, and that, particularly in the across the spider-verse movie, he's coded as the antagonist, but please don't assume he's here for automatic smut, or to be hated on or humiliated by your characters! thank you!
mun has no triggers; is open to rping just about anything but smut!
shipping? ehhhhhhhh we’ll seeee :’) i'm kinda the type to ease into that stuff, if at all. friendships tho? enemies? 👀 sign me uppp for such plots!
not mutually exclusive! And aye, i'm all for following and interacting with other miguels out there!
given the nature of this muse (read; freaky half-spider lad), themes of body horror and experimentation will crop up from time to time, but i try my best to put such darker stuff under read mores & attach 'tw'/trigger tags on it
i absolutely adore crossovers of all types! i would be delighted to throw miguel at you!
will rp with canons & oc’s!
asks! memes! the whole lot! i absolutely adore writing up things based on them! most of the time i tend to answer asks in their own posts, as i make the assumption that folks may want to continue them in a thread, so feel free to reblog anything i've answered that i've tagged you in, if you'd like to keep on going!
same goes for sending in memes; absolutely feel free to browse through my meme prompts tag and send in anything you like! the memes i reblog don't have 'expiry' times, so if you see some prompt you are tempted to use, go for it!
and ditto if you would ever like to randomly interact; i loooove receiving just random asks with a bit of context to them <3
where possible ... pleeeease reblog memes and art / musings / etc posts from the source? it's beginning to get rather frustrating when i see people i haven't even said two words to yet just yoink a post off me 😅
lastly, i get it that sometimes things just don't work out between muns and muses, and that's okay!!! life happens! i'm completely fine with it, won't even hold it against ya. but, if at all possible, can i invite you to approach me with why you're blocking me first, instead of just doing it out of the blue? i'm aware there can be valid reasons, but i am here and willing to listen. cheers :')
and if you're in the business of repeatedly softblocking, feel free to just block me instead. i won't make a habit of chasing after folks like that, or have my time be wasted, without any explanation(s) provided. thank you. 👍
We're here for a good time Not a long time (not a long time) So have a good time The sun can't shine every day
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x-i-l-verify · 11 months
Trick or treat!
One good turn deserves another!
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If you want a rec... hm, well, it's not a "rec" per se, but I'm sure you see me posting a lot about it, so I figured I'd explain what the Dream SMP is just for clarity's sake. ^^;
So, to quote tumblr user existentialterror: "The Dream SMP is a private multiplayer Minecraft server. A bunch of Twitch/Youtube streamers roleplayed on it regularly from 2020-2022. It grew a 'plot' based on improv which later became somewhat scripted in advance. There are arcs, seasons, worldbuilding, and factions."
I personally describe it to people as this strange, unholy mix of Game of Thrones, Homestuck, and Loony Tunes, but it manages to still be compelling somehow despite all its many flaws (the story could have seriously benefited from having whatever the Minecraft RP version of a Dungeon Master is, that's all I'll say about it). It's also the single most nuanced and fascinating study of morality and perspective I've ever seen in a fictional medium (one that was absolutely wasted on its target audience because a lot of people - especially younger people - aren't capable at looking at stories through an objective lens anymore), because the DSMP has no single main protagonist. Every character is the "main character," and their story intertwines and intersects with the other characters', creating a vast web of character conflicts and interactions. A character can be the flawed hero of their own story, and a despicable villain from another character's POV. A silly little guy to one character, and the worst person imaginable to another. Basically, "Villain" by Stella Jang is the DSMP theme song. And I think that's neat!
Characters include:
A violent anarchist pigman who somehow manages to be the most open-minded and based character in the entire series.
A sentient slime monster who pretends to be human by saying things like "I have so many bones! I have like 300 bones in me like everyone else!" and "Hello, fellow meat brother!"
An anthro fox who suffers from prophetic nightmares and serious daddy issues.
A sweet, silly demon who spends half the series being a chaotic menace and the other half either being mind-controlled into a cult leader or being traumatized by what he did under the influence of said mind control.
A former king who spends most of the story sleeping to escape from the crushing disappointment of reality and who reshapes his dreams into what he wants reality to be courtesy of a deity he befriends while there.
And many more
Also the fandom is full of very talented animators. :D Here are just a few of the super cool animations they've made over the years. (Links because the rest of the videos are unavailable outside of YT dangit)
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Requiem | Fundy Lore [DSMP animatic]
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Tightrope | GeorgeNotFound Lore [DSMP animatic]
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Folding Chair | BadBoyHalo Lore [DSMP animatic]
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The Search | Season 2 Lore Recap [DSMP animation]
Put “trick-or-treat” in my inbox and I’ll give you either a) a meme or two related to a fandom you’re interested in (if I don’t know you as well I’ll go random/miscellaneous) or b) a random book/movie/game rec. Feel free to specify, or to ask for both!
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hymemena · 19 days
The Scott Tibbs Documentary Sentence Starters Part 1/3
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Swearing, mentions of death, mentions of murder, hero worship, bullying, police work
"Hey, give me the fucking camera."
"I've known them since I was like, five."
"The first thing I remember thinking when I met the guy was 'What a fucking pussy.'"
"Tried to toughen 'em up."
"It didn't do a hell of a lotta good."
"Alright, on me. Go wide."
"Am I in focus?"
"Fucking focus?"
"You're in fucking focus!"
"So, anyway, [your muse's name here]."
"I was pretty fucking-- Shut the fuck up, man! I'm trying to fucking do something here!"
"Don't make me fucking tell y'all again."
"The next thing I know, I hear on the TV they might have gotten themselves iced."
"To be quite honest, I don't give a shit about [name]."
"Dude, that's fucked up."
"I was like 'fuck, yeah!' What a fuckin' rush, man!"
"So I acquired this sweet little camera and I'm making my own documentary about this sick fucker!"
"Come on, man, let's show them that shit we were looking at earlier."
"Hands off the keyboard."
"Just take it easy."
"Authorities are treating this as a particularly gruesome crime scene."
"Now, detectives are looking for any information."
"So, I got a tip from my buddy."
"Asking me to come down to this enchanting locale?"
"Hey, baby!"
"What'd you bring me down to this shithole for?"
"I knew it, man."
"They're a fucking ninja!"
"Yeah, man, yeah. Hey, hey, I don't give a shit."
"This evening, [name] was captured and then questioned at length."
"If you want any chance of mercy from us when we catch you, we better damn well see [name] in one piece."
"This guy actually had the balls to pop a cop. My fucking hero."
"Turns out there's not a whole hell of a lot of information available."
"What can I say? They're no rockstar."
"Just a boring kid that grew into a boring adult."
"It's like something clicked."
"Found their reason to live."
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ttheagcd · 4 months
I’m V. 35+. Minors DNI. Low activity.
private & highly selective indie rp blog for Alex Claremont Diaz from Red White and Royal Blue. Book and headcanon based.
On app mode because my laptop died. I can basically do all but cut posts, that’s all I will ask you to do.
affiliated with: hstoryhuh / soulwaned / waehles / faeritael / ssolessurvivor / forrkeeps
MEMES // rules under the cut
No godmodding. A little “he moved” / “he did” is fine but please DO NOT control my muse’s life / decisions / actions.
Fade to black is preferred when it comes to sm.ut. As much as I enjoy reading a good fic or book, writing it just doesn’t work for me.
I also spanish and my Alex will also use it from time to time but I will also send you the translation so you don’t have to go and look it up. I really don’t mind doing it.
I have read the book and my main verse is set to book canon, if you want the movie verse you can let me know and we shall use it.
Shipping is open to anyone but must be built upon first.
Multimuse and oc friendly. Shipping with such applies like the rest. Must be built upon ect. Gimme all the crossovers let’s go.
Replies are slow because I work a full time job during M-F and I’m always tired when the shift is over.
I don’t write / interact / follow kid muses blogs. Nothing against the kid muse, I just don’t like kids per se and it’s not easy to write with them for me. Your muse must be of age for me to interact with them.
Triggers will be tagged as - insert name here - tw. Please please please tag any posts with imagines of sharks or zombies. Those are my two biggest triggers / phobias. If you need anything to be tagged or tagged in a specific way please let me know and I will do it.
Memes are always welcome but please reblog from the source and not from me. Send memes !! Best way for me to break the ice with someone ooc is to send a meme. Don’t be afraid to do the same.
If you’re going to unfollow me, please soft block or hardblock me. It’s awkward enough when I reply to an ask or meme after some time has passed and then I realized I was unfollowed but I’m still following.
I will no longer be writing with Euphoria muses. I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with the ones I’ve written and it’s already tainted enough. The fc’s don’t matter to me because the actors all have other roles. It’s the characters I don’t want to write with anymore. Not following this rule will have you blocked.
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anotherrpfinder · 4 months
Hey there! 27F looking for some people +20 to roleplay with!
Quality> Quantity. I tend to mirror posts but I’m realistic, when it comes to some scenes posts tend to get shorter (like when we’re in a dialogue heavy one). I don’t need novella-length posts.
Doubling is a must. Also, I like to play both Canon and OCs, so I expect someone who also likes it.
Although I'm more interested in action, adventures and character developtment, I still love romance, so expect some in this RP. MxF (playing both genders) is my main kind of pair, although I’m open to MxM and FxF too. AGED UP IS A MUST, and although I'm open to human x mutant pairings I won't be asking for them on my side.
I like OOC chit chat, sharing all our memes, silly headcanons… I won’t pressure you for replies.
Now, the fandom I've never thought I would be searching for ngl:
Teenage mutant ninja turtles - TMNT - Mutant Mayhem = Bayverese > Rise: I finally watched the 2023 movie and I had a blast, which made me watch the Michael Bay movies out of curiosity and I liked them too. I have been watching Rise but I'm not comfortable enough to do a full search on them, as in, I'm still getting used to their characterizations. I still keep it on my ad because I'm open to it, but it's the one I have less ideas for. I’m open to something based around those movies, with a few changes here and there. Before, during or after, I don't care, but using the movies' universe as a base would be easier for me.
Although I believe my OCs are very adaptable when it comes to their love interests and I'm not picky about who to roleplay for my partner because I love all the brothers and I'm liking the idea , I believe that I'm leaning towards playing against a Donnie in the Bayverse universe and Mikey in the MM one. Again, not super picky but I know that listing this stuff helps a ton.
Thanks for reading and please send me a message if you’re interested or have any questions!
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celestialmantdonna · 4 months
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Welcome! I'm Mint (26, any pronouns) and here I write Mantis, mostly MCU-based but with some comic + game influences. Indie, semi-selective, mutuals only, 20+ muns only. I do not own Mantis, the Guardians of the Galaxy or any Marvel characters; they all belong to their respective creators, this is fan content. If we are mutuals don't be afraid to reach out to me to plot, suggest new verses, send me potential scenarios for our muses, etc. This blog is for fun so please be nice!
I default to using a normal sized font for accessibility, but if you want me to use a small font/you use it yourself because it's not a problem for you, I will!
Rules and guidelines are below the cut. Thank you in advance for reading them! (But no really, read them before interacting pls.)
Relevant links: muse | bio | verses | memes
1. This blog will have SPOILERS! If you want to watch the GotG movies without knowing any spoilers, you might wanna avoid this blog.
2. I do not write with muns under the age of 18, or ideally 20. If I can't find your age somewhere on your blog, I will assume you're under 20 and I will not write with you. I'm sure you write really well but it's just a me thing!
3. Do not reblog my OOC posts/threads you are not involved in. Do not reblog my open starters if we are not mutuals. If you enjoy my writing, I appreciate that! But please, if you're a personal blog, don't reblog anything that is not a gifset/image/fanart. I get that not everyone reads the rules, and sometimes it's an honest mistake. But if you do so deliberately, I will block you. Sorry.
4. I am multi-verse and multi-ship. OC & crossover friendly. I am semi-selective. Mutuals only except for asks.
5. No godmodding. This one's pretty simple. Despite Mantis having the power to control others, she will only use her powers on your muse if your muse agrees or if you and I have discussed it and you are okay with it. Similarly, if your muse can also control others, let's discuss it! Let's see what they can do to Mantis! It's fun to explore their powers, but no actual godmodding.
6. Shipping is fun and we can discuss it but please: no forcing ships and no saying our characters are dating/married without telling me. On a similar note, no saying our characters have a child without discussing it prior. I consider it a form of godmodding, and chances are I'll stop writing with you. Unless I reblog memes about sending in hypothetical kids, don't do that. I'm not saying you cannot do that with your other rp partners if they're okay with that, but don't do so with me.
7. I am me and Mantis is Mantis. Please separate the two, because I separate the muns from their muses. I want to write and create with you, not help you fulfill some sort of fantasy. I understand we can all use our own emotions and life experiences to put ourselves in a specific headspace to write, but if you're living vicariously through your muse, I'm not the partner for you. Nothing against that, I have a friend who writes self-insert, reader-insert stories and one-shots and my friend is an amazing writer. Don't be discouraged, you'll find the right partner!
8. I don't care whether you use icons or not or whether you occasionally commit typos. I do ask you try to use punctuation at least a little because if not, I will read entire sentences without any sort of pause, with no inflection or sense of pacing whatsoever. I really value creativity and characterization and I myself will, probably, have a typo every once in a while, it's all good, just try to keep a bare minimum of grammar.
9. I will never pressure you to reply to threads so please don't pressure me. If I think you actually forgot to reply I might gently remind you and you can do the same with me. This is supposed to be a fun hobby, let's remember that, yeah? I can be forgetful at times. If we're writing together please don't assume I do this because I don't want to write with you. If I'm writing with you it's because I want to and you do as well.
10. No OOC drama. Please. I am here to write and have a good time. In order to interact with me, be constructive when OOC, not destructive. I know we're all human, I understand we all have bad days, it's all good, but don't be a dick. Be respectful, to me and to anyone else I may be writing with. Don't police who I can or cannot write with, because I won't do that to you. I don't want OOC drama. Give me all the drama between muses though!
Some additional info:
Duplicates are welcome.
You can send Anonymous asks, they are welcome and appreciated. They can help me develop headcanons, ideas, etc.
If we're not mutuals and I answer one of your asks, though, don't expect it to become its own thread. I want to believe no one is being direspectful on purpose when it comes to this, but I wouldn't want you to take the time to write that, since I probably won't reply. Never anything personal, I wish I had time to write with everyone, but you know, real life and all that.
I don't write sexually charged material, it's just a preference of mine since I use writing as a tool of storytelling. If I tell you a story, personally I'm not gonna describe every little thrust/moan/gasp. Though if our muses have chemistry and I'm comfortable with you as a mun I'll absolutely be open to writing something a little spicy, but mostly fade to black/pillow talk/morning after stuff. It will be tagged ns;fw. Unprompted smutty starters/asks will get you blocked. If you write that with your other rp partners I don't mind though so don't worry about that.
If we're already writing together and you want to try a different dynamic, just reach out! While I do like to build relationships (of any kind) between muses, we can absolutely have more than one verse.
If you've read this far without yawning drop a 🪐 in the ask box (Anonymously or not) and I'll write a little playlist for you with songs I think the Guardians would have on their Zune.
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roleplay-today · 5 months
Hey there! 27F looking for some people +20 to roleplay with!
Quality> Quantity. I tend to mirror posts but I’m realistic, when it comes to some scenes posts tend to get shorter (like when we’re in a dialogue heavy one). I don’t need novella-length posts.
Doubling is a must. Also, I like to play both Canon and OCs, so I expect someone who also likes it.
Although I'm more interested in action, adventures and character developtment, I still love romance, so expect some in this RP. MxF (playing both genders) is my main kind of pair, although I’m open to MxM and FxF too. AGED UP IS A MUST, and although I'm open to human x mutant pairings I won't be asking for them on my side.
I like OOC chit chat, sharing all our memes, silly headcanons… I won’t pressure you for replies.
Now, the fandom I've never thought I would be searching for ngl:
Teenage mutant ninja turtles - TMNT - Mutant Mayhem = Bayverese > Rise: I finally watched the 2023 movie and I had a blast, which made me watch the Michael Bay movies out of curiosity and I liked them too. I have been watching Rise but I'm not comfortable enough to do a full search on them, as in, I'm still getting used to their characterizations. I still keep it on my ad because I'm open to it, but it's the one I have less ideas for. I’m open to something based around those movies, with a few changes here and there. Before, during or after, I don't care, but using the movies' universe as a base would be easier for me.
Although I believe my OCs are very adaptable when it comes to their love interests and I'm not picky about who to roleplay for my partner because I love all the brothers and I'm liking the idea , I believe that I'm leaning towards playing against a Donnie in the Bayverse universe and Mikey in the MM one. Again, not super picky but I know that listing this stuff helps a ton.
Thanks for reading and please send me a message if you’re interested or have any questions!
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volcre · 5 months
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VOLCRE ;; independent tumblr-only semi selective rp blog for canon & oc female muses. this blog will be 21+ & will contain nsft, dark, sinful, triggering themes that mostly will not be tagged ( will never force those topics on anyone not willing to write them, talk to me, let's plot it out ). mun: 27+, she/her, call me anna.
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GOOGLE DOC MUSE LIST , RULES & WANTED SHIP LIST mobile friendly quick rules & temporary list of muses under the cut!
current list of muses:
hermione granger ( fc: emma watson )
rhaenyra targaryen ( fc: mostly milly alcock )
vaenyra targaryen, oc, ( fc: charlize theron )
bella swan ( fc: kristen stewart )
harley quinn ( fc: margot robbie )
lois lane ( fc: amy adams )
evelyn carnahan ( fc: rachel weisz )
natalia romanova ( fc: scarlett johansson )
elizabeth bennet ( fc: keira knightley )
lila black, oc
alathiel, oc
mobile rules:
no hate, no callouts, no anon hate. if you send mean ooc asks to people and i happen to get one, i will block you. if i see you reblogging callout posts, i will block you. sorry i'm here to enjoy my time, not to stress over whatever happens on the dash.
this blog will focus mostly on headcanon ideas. the very base of my muses might be set in their canon story lines but most of the time i don't like how a particular show / movie / piece of media continued & this means i will stop following the canon and instead focus on my own little additions. sometimes it will mean changing the canon, sometimes it will mean adding a little something to it. example: natalia not d*ing on that cliff OR getting brought back by cap when he went to put back the stones. pls don't assume all my muses are based in their newest canon timelines.
i write heterosexual female muses who are romantically and sexually interested in males. im comfortable writing mf, mmf. i will not write romantic/sexual ff.
i enjoy longer replies. it is what gets my creative juices flowing. i don't mind if i receive a shorter reply once or twice every other time, but if it's happening over and over - i will loose excitement and focus for that particular thread.
all the memes and open starters on this blog are alwasy open, to mutuals and non mutuals. it's a great way to start our muses off with a random scene. i don't need to plot out before writing something, but if you'd like to get some details down - lets plot!
this blog will focus on some usfw / tab.oo topics. things such as sm.ut, go.re, bl.ood, in.cest, etc will be mentioned and will not be tagged.
i'm a 28 lady, i will not write with anyone under the age of at least 21.
my ims and asks are always open to ooc conversations!
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zaunseye · 6 months
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what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? ━━ Well, I suppose my love for the character came first and foremost, but I had some ideas about him that I wanted to explore. I started out writing some fanfiction for him on AO3, but found that I really wanted to interact with other writers in the fandom, and roleplay is the most straightforward way to do that! I'm really enjoying it so far!
is there anything you don’t like to write? ━━ There's a few things I prefer not to roleplay, the first and foremost is Jilco. Sorry you will just never catch me doing anything concerning that. Another thing is Silco getting his way 100% of the time. I like there to be struggle in most aspects of his life and work. He doesn't make it easy on himself with his choices, and it gives me more to do in roleplay.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? ━━ I love writing Silco getting himself injured or in peril. He's delightfully stubborn, which usually ends up with him getting himself into some terrible situations, in canon and otherwise. I also really enjoy writing him being protective over those he cares about, because he expresses those emotions in such a unique way from other people.
how do you come up with headcanons? ━━ Usually I just get inspiration from a scenario I'm writing or a perspective I'm exploring. Silco makes his opinions pretty openly known in the show, which gives me a great base to start from. Another blessing of the great writing team on Arcane. So yeah, most of the time I just search for inspiration. Sometimes I turn to ask memes and quizzes, but other times I just think of it on my own.
do you write in silence or do you play music?  ━━ I have to have music on. I have entire playlists dedicated to characters I play, and Silco is no exception. His playlist mainly comprises of dark techno, industrial, and some alternative pop. It's mainly music that either matches his character or the vibe of The Last Drop under his reign. It just helps me get into his mindset with a touch more immersion.
do you plan your replies or wing them? ━━ I try to plan where I can, but also leave things loose enough that it doesn't feel like it's railroaded. I prefer to have heavy communication with my rp partner, and a general direction of where the thread is going. Goals, themes, tropes, etc etc. That being said, I also don't mind having a bit of improve for shorter form roleplay, where there's a paragraph or less to write at a time.
do you enjoy shipping?  ━━ With Silco? It depends. He's not exactly a very open person with his love since Vander, but it's not impossible. When he does form a bond with someone, it's usually deep and passionate, regardless of its type (platonic, romantic, familial, etc). I've had some interests, but really I wait for my rp partner to bring it up, because the last thing I'd want to do is overstep! Let's just say I'd be happy to explore it with the right people.
what’s your alias/name?  ━━ Zigg / Ziggy / Z
age? ━━ 30
birthday? ━━ June 4th
favorite color? ━━ neon green
favorite song? ━━ Too specific!! Here's a few:
Kill or Be Killed -- The Bloody Beetroots, Leafar Seyer Supermassive Black Hole -- Muse Cyka -- Russian Village Boys, Cosmo & Skoro CVNT -- Sophie Hunter Farben -- Orange Sector
last movie you watched? ━━ Batman: Ninja
last show you watched? ━━ Arcane
last song you listened to? ━━ Nature Calls - Iguana Death Cult
favorite food? ━━ tinola, corn chowder, pork schnitzel, japanese curry
favorite season? ━━ spring / fall
do you have a Tumblr best friend? ━━ I have several people on here who I consider close friends and great RP partners! @system-contact has been around my whole life as my closest friend, and I cherish them as someone I can always count on to be a well-versed and engaging rp partner. @bleedinghearth is a friend I've had for a while now, and I love their characters and originality, as well as their wicked humor. @jynxd has been wonderful to write with and get to know over the time I've spent in the Arcane RPC, and I love our little chats in DMs! @shimmerbeasts is a fantastic writing partner with a fun world to play in, and has been so kind and welcoming to me in the RPC, which I really appreciate. @ferinehuntress is a fun person with a wide range of characters, many of which I've had fun reading and writing with, and Panda's happy energy is just contagious.
tagged by :: @jynxd (tysm!) tagging :: anyone who wants to do this!
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