#movie au aesthetic
sharksliveinspace · 2 months
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“Wow. Human Earthworm 4 sucked.”
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heartshapedbabydolls · 5 months
Me and my cowboy
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nemesyaaa · 2 months
buffalo 66' au ! old!serial killer!rafe x young!sugardoll!reader. moodboard & aesthetic only ! (not a fic please !)
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you were a young doll stucked in your baby blues shades world, who was born to fall into old men traps. and this one was an old serial killer who made you a missing girl in your small town.
you adored him like he was the only god in the world. and you even started to believe that when he kidnapped you it was not a crime but intimacy.
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you were a young crybaby, a babydoll full of tears, with a sweet white and blue soul, pure as heaven, and soft as clouds. you wanted nothing more than to be the wife of the old daddy with dirty bloody hands that can kill for you, but never hurts you.
“ i just wanted you to know that i think you're the sweetest guy in the world. and the most handsome. i love you. ”
you were to him the innocence he never had, the peace he wanted to hold forever. you were his little girl.
“ i will be very sad if you don't come back. just tell me, don't lie to me.”
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“ you adore me, you love me, you cherish me, jesus christ you can't live without me”
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“ i'm gonna step out of the car for one minute. one minute, i'm gonna step out. put your hands on the dashboard like that. hold 'em like that. don't let me see you move them one finger, not one finger move, not one twitch of a move or i'll come back and choke you to death. i swear to god, don't move, little girl. i can put a gun on your angel face, and blood on your pretty tears. ”
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“ do you still think i'm the sweetest guy in the world ?" " yes, always. can i hug you now ?"
tadouuum !!! hbddd @bunnyrafe <333 (i'm 'ot so so proud of it but wish you like it) + @fae-of-prey thx to make me think of it
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pfpanimes · 5 months
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⌕ coraline moodboard.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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i-belswan09 · 5 months
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sweetercalypso · 8 months
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“Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way.”
Ellie Williams x Jurassic Park
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sonicexelle-junkary · 11 months
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“You’re at the party and you’re not alone.”
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callmedylan · 11 months
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EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!! He’s trying to flirt.
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semisolidmind · 1 year
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these two have been living in my head rent free all damn week
(@kaijufluffs and @celestialkiri , your babes are adorable and i adore their dynamic so so much. king just seems like the kinda guy to always wanna show off how beautiful and wonderful his wife is (and be a lil smug about it), hence the pose)
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moonkake-143 · 3 months
𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 | Into the Labyrinth
Goblin King!Eddie X AFAB/Fem!Henderson Reader
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Edited By the lovey: Jen
Contents: Slow Burn, One sided pining from Eddie turned mutual, love at first sight, fluff, angst, no use of y/n
Summery: Your time starts now and your first challenge awaits.
Chapter 2/? {wc: 5.7k}
Part 1  Part 2
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The walk felt long and arduous, especially with the sun beating down on you as hard as it did. How odd it was that you were just under the cover of darkness back home— it had been cold and stormy, but here the sun was high up in the sky, with clouds only partly covering the land. Below you, the grassy hill felt as if it went on forever, and for a beat, you thought it did— a sick trick already at the start, but one thing remained a constant in your mind.
        Find Dustin and get out of there.
        You thought those words over and over like a mantra, or hell, even a prayer, pushing yourself forward despite the burning sun. Despite the clock that timed you from the top of that damn hill. Despite the handsome, curly-haired man who brought you here in the first place.
        Cursing him, you shook your head and continued your trek, finally reaching the bottom of the hill and landing on a dirt road. The surrounding fields were barren, and crops rotted in tipped-over barrels. The area was devoid of life, and as the smell of charcoal invaded your nostrils, you scrunched your nose in disgust, picking up the pace. With sunken thatch roofs, the houses were charred, and when you came closer, you noticed arrows stuck in the rotting wood. You noticed the claw marks that scarred the doors and the rust-colored stains that marred the sides of the cottages. There had been some sort of struggle; a carnage that had been long forgotten, but there were no bodies in sight— as if they had just up and vanished.
       Just what happened here?
        As you walked, the ash-stricken houses began to converge the closer you walked towards the forest, as if a village was waiting deep inside. A growing uneasiness followed you until you finally stopped in front of a signpost, realizing that the dirt road forked into two paths— one that went into the forest, and another that continued towards abandoned farmland. Both signs were illegible, written in a language that resembled the scribbles of a two year-old. But even if you could translate them, the wooden signs were so damaged, rotting and falling apart, that you struggled to decide which way to go.
        Without warning, a gust of wind swept through you, and you shivered, rubbing your arms to combat the sudden chill. Now you really wished you had a jacket, rather than just a tank top. However, you noticed that the wind whisked a trail of leaves into the woods.
        If that wasn't a sign, then you didn't know what was.
        Taking a deep breath, you followed them down the path.
        Time seemed to stand still as you walked through the damp forest, but then again, time felt a lot different here. The trees provided a much-needed cover from the burning sun, casting gloomy shadows. It seemed to be a logging camp, with a scattering of wooden cabins that looked in better shape then the ones outside, but were still unsettling to walk past. You found more arrows, with rusty axes embedded in the trunks of trees, but nature seemed to overtake them. Grass and daisies grew in the gaps between abandoned machinery, covering the pieces in moss. More houses seemed to go deeper into the forest, all seemingly abandoned and overgrown.
        As you walked, the humidity caused your hair to frizz up and covered your entire body in an uncomfortable layer of sweat. You let out a huff and wiped the condensation from your brow, your legs aching.
        How long had you been walking for? Was this all for nothing? Had you gone the wrong way? Was there no labyrinth at all? Questions swirled around your mind as your chest swelled, your breath shortening. The heat was not helping— it felt suffocating, as if the entire forest was a damp sauna. What was it with this sudden change in weather?
       With a ragged breath, you finally stopped walking, and your vision blurred with tears. Anxiety gnawed at your very core, your body tensing and trembling as you buried your face in your hands, taking deep breaths. Slowly, you tried to steady yourself, your head aching and pulse pounding. As the pain in your chest subsided, you lowered your palms from your eyes, slowly opening them.
        In front of you wasn't the dirt path, but a large gate— one that hadn’t been there before. It was tall and deeply ornate, with a stone arch and iron bars that were curled into what looked like bats. Moss and vines twisted along the cobblestone pillars on either side, but what caught your eye was the wide, seemingly endless wall that encompassed the labyrinth. You slowly walked up to it, grabbing onto the iron bars and pulling— but the gate was locked.
        "Come on, I've come this far…” you sighed.
        "Halt! Who goes there?”
        Jumping in surprise, you spun and frantically looked for the source of the voice, bringing your arms up in a defensive position— albeit a rather weak one.
        "Who’s there?!” you called out.
        The disembodied voice seemed to chuckle at your attempt at intimidation.
        "I should be asking you that! What brings a human to my neck of the woods?”
        The voice sounded feminine and held a jolly lilt of humor, one that eased your stance slightly. Looking around, you kept your fists up, stepping forward. Maybe those karate classes from elementary school would kick in if something did happen.
        Then as swift as the wind, someone from the top of the gate dropped behind you.
        Yelping, you tripped and landed on your bottom, stirring up dust that caused you to cough.
        Curse your lack of instincts and balance. Those classes did nothing to prepare you.
        When the dust settled, you found a pair of striking blue-green eyes staring you down. You let out a gasp, quickly scooting backwards in a feeble attempt to crabwalk away from her. She was sun-kissed, as if she spent her life outside, with freckles dotted across her nose— or was it dirt? You couldn't tell, but she was studying you like a specimen, her eyebrows married in concentration at the possibility of you being a threat. But then she relaxed and flashed a sharp-toothed smile, her teeth both blinding and scary.
        "So it is you! The girl Eddie’s always on about!”
        "Oh, sorry for startling you— here, lemme help you up.”
        She grabbed your forearm, hoisting you up as if you weighed nothing, and you winced as her sharp claws lightly grazed your skin. Her dirty-blonde hair was chopped just above her shoulders, her eyes crinkling under her wide grin. How could she smile even more?
        "Who are you?”
        "Oh right, I’m Robin! I watch over this gaudy-looking gate!”
        Robin stepped back from you, and it was then that you fully took her in. She wore a similar outfit to Eddie's, dressed in a poet shirt and tight trousers, with gloves fit for an archer. Slung over her back was a longbow and a quiver of arrows, and a dagger was sheathed to her hip. Gold piercings adorned her ears, which were long and pointed— something you had only ever read about in fantasy novels.
        "You’re an elf…?”
        "Oh hells no! A goblin, actually! Never seen a goblin before? We're nothing like those posh pricks!"
        "No, I've never seen a real goblin before..."
        "And it's been a while since I've seen a human! They're quite rare around here.”
        Shaking your head, you stared at her in awe. Goblins always were depicted as small, evil green things, but Robin— she looked human. It made you wonder what elves really looked like.
        "I know, I am quite stunning, but I'm afraid I'm taken!"
        You realized you were staring for longer than was socially acceptable, and your face turned bright red as you broke your stare.
        "You're really the girl he's always talking about, huh? I can see why he likes you.” The relaxed tone disappeared from her voice, her previous expression returning as she studied you. The goblin woman then began to circle you like a vulture, sizing you up and scanning you from head to toe.
        "What? Why are you doing that? Robin, right? Please, can you let me inside?”
        "Woah, one question at a time. Start with the most important one.”
        "Can you please let me inside?”
        "I can, but that’s not the right question.”
        "What? What do you mean not the right question?”
        "You ask a lot of questions, huh?”
        Robin finally stopped in front of you and stared, a smile slowly appearing on her face. She was quiet, letting you stew in your own mind.
        What was she talking about? You said please, was that not enough?
        You turned your back to her, opening your arms and lifting them to the sky.
        "Open Sesame? Abracadabra?”
        Robin burst into a fit of laughter, her own face turning red as she clutched her abdomen, her shoulders shaking. You dropped your arms in embarrassment, cheeks flushing as you wracked your brain for what could have been the answer— why wouldn't she open the gate?
        Oh wait.
        "...Will you please open the gate?”
        "Now that’s more like it!”
        Robin turned and pushed vines aside to reveal a wooden lever, pulling it down. The mechanisms began to churn, the cranking of the gears becoming louder as you walked closer. Anxiety quickly settled into a permanent place in your stomach.
        "How bad is it?”
        "The truth? Terrifying. Are you really going in there?” Robin watched you with curious, worried eyes.
        "I have to…for my brother.”
        "You mean the brother you wished away? How admirable. But here’s your official warning: a mere human like you may not make it out alive. The labyrinth is no game to take lightly— you might forget which way is which, fall into a pit of spikes, or encounter a monster thirsty for blood— you'll never know what you might find.”
        Staring wide-eyed at the open gate, you turned to her.
        "There are monsters in here? You're not messing with me?“
        "Afraid not, but here— you might need this.”
        Robin unclipped her dagger, quick to wrap the belt around your waist.
        "Promise we’ll be friends if you make it out alive?”
        "When I make it out…”
        "That's the spirit! Now go get 'em! Don’t die!" Robin’s smile was blinding as she pushed you towards the entrance. "Good luck, and don’t take anything at face value!”
        You swallowed the lump in your throat as you stared at the stone walls, which seemed to beckon you inside. Taking a breath, you crossed under the gate, which quickly fell shut behind you with a loud bang. You jumped, turning to see the goblin woman waving from the other side.
        Letting out a surprised huff, you faced ahead once more.
        "Alright, I gotta find Dustin," you thought. "I've only got thirteen hours— how am I even going to track that? Robin mentioned monsters...at least she gave me this…"
        Pulling the dagger from its place on your belt, you examined it. It was a simple thing wrapped in leather, with a slightly curved blade. Embedded in the hilt was a red stone, possibly a ruby. You held it out and slashed at the air, imagining your target as someone with curly hair and brown doe eyes. Once satisfied with yourself, you sheathed it away and continued your journey.
        You walked slowly, taking in your surroundings and keeping a watchful eye out for any traps. Brown roots covered the stone walls and spilled onto the path in thick chunks. You carefully maneuvered around them, but the passage seemed to go on forever, and you slowly went from a walk to a jog, and from a jog to a sprint, running down the path with no end in sight.
        Your careless running finally caught up to you when you tripped over a thick, gnarled root, toppling over and tumbling to the ground. Knees digging into dirt, you huffed as you looked up, and from the corner of your eye, you saw it.
        The labyrinth was moving.
        By the looks of it, it changed ever-so slightly— nothing the careless eye could catch so quickly. The walls shifted in what looked to be a wave of magic, pulsating as if they were alive, and the root you had just tripped over slowly disappeared, rescinding into the stone crevices behind you. Was the labyrinth alive after all? Or was this Eddie’s doing?
        You punched the ground in frustration as the pain in your knees became a dull ache. Groaning, you sat up against the wall, your face red not just from exhaustion, but the anger that bubbled to the surface.
        "You can’t be serious!" you screamed at the bright blue sky, hoping someone— anyone— would listen. "What the actual fuck am I supposed to do? Hey, Eddie! Yeah, I have a feeling you can hear me, you prick! What the fuck!? You didn't say it fucking moves! Or that there were monsters in here!”
        You were met with dead silence as you leaned your head against the stone wall, catching your breath and closing your eyes.
        "Alright, this is fine, just breathe. This is like one of those DND campaigns. Yeah, okay, maybe none of this is even real. Did I finally lose it? What if Dustin is dead? Oh god, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself— what if I'm dead too?! What if mom finds me on the side of the road?!” Your ramblings carried through the silence of the labyrinth, hands trembling as you raked your fingers through your hair in anxious panic.
        Tears threatened to escape your eyes, and you tried to will them away, but had to shove your palms against your eyes to force them to hide. You wouldn’t cry, not over this, not over hypothetical scenarios. Dustin was alive— he had to be. You remembered his bubbly laugh. You remembered how curious he always was, often getting into trouble. You remembered how he tucked his head of curls under your chin when you watched movies together. Then you thought about how scared he must be without you there, in the dark and surrounded by terrifying monsters who could eat him if they wanted to. You tucked your knees close to your chest, hiccups erupting from your body as the tears you tried so hard to fight back flowed from your eyes.
        "Are you alright, dear?”
        You jumped at the sudden voice. It was a gentle thing, feminine and holding a motherly lilt that pulled you out of your internal dread. You searched for the source of it, eyes teary.
        "Would you like a spot of tea? I believe I have some leaves perfect for brewing.”
        The source of the voice finally revealed itself to you, hanging from a vine on the wall. Rubbing the tear stains from your cheeks, you leaned towards the creature. A spotted mushroom sat on its head, and delicate, glistening fairy wings sprouted from its back. You shook your head at the question.
        “What troubles you, my dear?”
        The fairy was small but seemed wise with age, with pointed ears that stuck out from her dark brown curls. Her skin was golden, as if the sun blessed her, and she wore a dress made of leaves. Her voice was warm and inviting, but her golden eyes looked you over with sorrow and worry— a mother's gaze, no doubt.
        "It’s this maze! It moves without warning! How am I supposed to get through it in thirteen hours?! Dustin is probably scared to death and it's all my fault!”
        "Oh dear, our king hasn’t properly warned you of the labyrinth, has he? Well, I can tell you with certainty that the brother you shed tears for is safely tucked away in his manor. Our king is kind and always watches over us, including little ol’ me. But in this place, things are not what you expect— for example, take that wall in front of you. It is no ordinary wall.”
        The fairy's wings gently fluttered as she lifted herself towards the wall. Placing a small hand against it, she seemed to keep floating forward.
        Slowly calming your tears, you picked yourself off the ground and approached the wall. Hand outstretched, you expected yourself to stop short, only you stumbled forward.
        "So it’s an illusion...” You walked further and were finally able to place your hand against the cobble, where you saw paths on either side. The fairy slowly settled onto your shoulder, her wings limply hanging downward.
        "I’m sorry, dear— my wings don’t quite flutter how they used to. Can you set me down near that mushroom there? Thank you.”
        "No, I should be thanking you. I needed your help.” You crouched and held your palm towards your shoulder. The fairy hopped onto it, and you set her on the dirt.
        "Oh dearie, it was nothing. Now go, he’s waiting for you!”
        "Thank you again.”
        The fairy gave you a warm smile before waving you away, her hands sparkling as you straightened up. There were two paths to choose from, both looking nearly identical. You looked to the right first, which was lined with spotted mushrooms, and then to the left, where flowers grew from stone walls. Your feet moved towards the left path, distracted by the flowers, but you stopped. 
        "Maybe the flowers are a trap. Their smell is so overwhelmingly sweet, it's giving me a headache— I can't go that way.”  You shook your head and swiftly turned to the right, following the mushrooms down the path.
        You walked and walked for what felt like hours, the pulsating walls shifting from gray cobblestone to green hedges, the changes taking place in your peripheral vision. When you looked over your shoulder, you noticed that shrubbery covered the opening you came through. You pulled the dagger from its sheath and carved an arrow into the ground, marking your path. Keeping the knife out, you trekked through the hedge maze, and when you reached a dead end, you sighed and turned back— only for the arrow mark to be missing.
        "What the hell? This is such a sick joke— I swear it was right here! Ugh!” You stomped, and the stone tile beneath your foot clicked. Your breath stalled short as your eyes darted around, but you saw nothing. You heard the sudden rustle of leaves, and turned to find that the dead end had opened into an archway. It could have been some sort of trap, but you were desperate, and hurried through the opening.
        The passage slowly opened to a courtyard surrounded by round hedge walls, and you froze as fear took hold of you. Between two pillars, you found a mysterious creature sleeping. It was blocking something— a door.
        "This has to be the way. Of course it wouldn’t be so easy. I need to find a way around this thing— whatever it is."
        You surveyed the creature from a distance, still frozen in fear and awe. Curled like a sleeping housecat, it resembled a golden lion with feathered wings. How were you going to get around it? Your sweaty fingers gripped the hilt of the dagger Robin had given you. It wasn’t much, but you took comfort in having something to defend yourself with. You inched forward, trying to find a way around the beast.
        The animal stirred and you froze immediately, sweat beading on your temple as you defensively held the knife in front of you. The creature then growled and twisted, stretching out in its sleep. A crystal ball rested under its paw, suddenly lighting up, and an all-too-familiar voice shouted through it.
        "Chrissy, wake up!”
        The creature hummed and swiped at the ball, which rolled its way towards you. Maybe this was your chance for contact— to see if your brother was alright.
        You quickly sheathed the dagger and dropped down to hoist the crystal ball into your hands, backing away from the creature. Larger than the one previously offered to you, the orb reflected a man with shaggy curls. You glared at his image, but Eddie's attention was elsewhere as he shouted at someone, his voice muffled by all the noise around him. In the background, you heard the sounds of goblins yelling and knocking each other over as something metal loudly clattered to the floor.
        "Eddie, the kid is causing too much trouble! He nearly decapitated little Mike with a sword just now! You watch him, I need a break!” 
        "Stevie you can't leave now! He likes you!"
        "Not my problem! And stop calling me that!
        The unknown man huffed in annoyance before walking off and Eddie rolled his eyes before he let out a heavy sigh. 
        "Some one else was watching over Dustin? And he was around a sword?!"
        Eddie's pointed ears twitched at a high-pitched scream and he groaned, before turning his head to face you.
        "How many times do I—? Oh hello, Miss Henderson.” His eyes widened, not expecting to see you on the other end of the crystal.
        "Where is he?” Your voice was low and angry as you quickly hid behind a pillar, but he seemed distracted.
        "Where’s who? Hey!" The ball jostled as it was ripped from his hands. "Get back here!” He started chasing after the thief, and when he seemed close, you heard childish laughter.
        "Dustin, is that you!?” Your eyes brimmed with tears as you clutched the ball close, a relieved sigh escaping— none of your fears had come true. 
        The laughter became louder as your brother’s gummy grin took center stage, his blue eyes crinkled with glee as he ran, the crystal shaking in his hands.
        "Dustin! Dustin! Are you okay?!” Your voice shook as you tried to get his attention, lowering it as the sleeping creature stirred. He laughed and joyously called your name.
        "I okay, no worry!”
        "Are you sure? You're not hurt? Where are you?” Your questions came out quick, but he giggled, his curls bouncing as he ran.
        "I at Eddie's house! I like it here and I like Eddie! He play with me and I still eat my veggies, like you say! But Eddie don’t eat.”
        "I’m coming to get you, okay? I'll be there soon. Then we’re gonna go home and eat all the ice cream you want. If the goblins do anything bad, then you hit them real hard and run away.”
        "Yay!" The boy cheered, but his running slowed, his eyes droopy and tired. "Pinky promise...?”
        "Pinky promise…I…I love you.”
        "Love you…” he yawned.
        Suddenly he was scooped up, laughing sleepily— something you didn’t think you would miss so much.
        "I’ll take that back now, you little rascal— time for bed.”
        The image shook once again as Eddie plucked the crystal ball from Dustin's grip, holding it out to show the two of them. Dustin dug his face into his shoulder and clung to his neck, legs wrapped around his torso. The man’s eyes were gentle as he shifted his attention from the boy to you, and with a soft voice, he stared you down.
        "You have eleven hours— I'll see you soon.”
        Red smoke filled the crystal, and when it cleared, he was gone.
        "What was all that about? No, forget him, Dustin is okay. He's been eating and now he's going to sleep. See me soon? When I see Eddie, I’m gonna—"
        You set the large crystal ball on the ground and turned to the now very-much-awake creature— one that was half-human, dressed in a white and gold toga. Her ocean blue eyes were piercing, her golden hair perfectly framing her soft face.
        "It seems you caught me napping— you must be the famous Henderson girl I hear so much about.” The creature's voice was soft and tired, her eyes staring you down as you stood away from her.
        How did all of these creatures know you?
        You kept still, your heart furiously beating in your ears. You were sure she could hear it too.
        "That knife at your hip— I hope you weren't planning on using it on me. Otherwise, you might have been my lunch.” she grinned nonchalantly.
        You quickly shook your head— a lie.
        "Come closer, don't be shy. I’m Chrissy and I promise I won’t eat you— there are things here that are far worse than me. Now for your test!”
        You slowly began to approach her, noticing three large locks on the door behind her.
        "Test? What kind of test?”
        "It’s really easy, just answer some riddles and unlock the door behind me to continue towards the city. Easy-peasy!”
        "Wait, riddles? You're a sphinx?” You wracked your head for the story, remembering the creature from a book of Greek mythology you read for history class.
        "Well no, I’m a goblin. We come in all shapes and sizes." Chrissy was a large creature, but she began to shrink, her lion legs shifting into human ones. Her toga reached her ankles, and her bare feet seemed to have been dipped in gold. Her blonde hair fell just past her shoulders as she yawned, arms stretching out above her head.
        You watched in awe and she smiled brightly, giving you jazz hands. The golden bangles around her wrists clanked when she did so.
        "Alright then, I have three riddles for you. If you can’t solve them, then unfortunately, you'll be...misplaced.”
        "Wait, misplaced? Where to?”
        "Typically you’d be placed anywhere in the labyrinth, but in this case, I was told to send you back to the beginning.”
        Your eyes widened and she laughed, her jewelry jingling as she approached you.
        "So, are you ready or not? You don’t have that much time…”
        Taking a deep breath, you nodded. Hopefully all those Dungeons and Dragons sessions would pay off.
        "I’m ready…I think.”
        She clasped her hands together in prayer and her blue eyes gently closed. When she opened them a few seconds later, they glowed a bright gold. You flinched at the unexpected change, but tried to relax. This was your first true test.
        "Your first riddle is this: if given one, you’ll have many or none at all.” Her voice echoed throughout the landing, shaking the hedge walls.
        You steadied yourself and delved deep into your mind, stewing in the question. You had to think carefully; if you gave the wrong answer, you would have to start all over again. And if you did, there most likely wouldn't be a kind fairy creature to help you. What would you even choose to say? There were so many choices.
        Taking a deep breath, you shakily gave your first answer.
        "A choice…?”
        Chrissy smiled, and a lock from behind her fell to the floor.
        "That is correct— your destiny is shaped by the choices you make on your journey through life. Many choices can alter your path, whether they lead you to ruin, or lead you to glory. Choices give the power to challenge your fate. Now your second riddle is this: some are cherished, some are hated, and even if lost, they remain with you.”
        You stared at her, taking in her words, imprinting them into your mind. It could be people— maybe it was. But how are lost people still with you? In your heart?
        Suddenly you thought of your father, the day he left Hawkins ingrained into your memory. Your mother was pregnant with Dustin at the time— you remembered her crying after work, still in her scrubs. You remembered the day she came home with your brother in a carrier and how she cried for weeks after. You remembered seeing her less often. You remembered waking up to feed Dustin when your mother worked night shifts. You remembered not having a Sweet 16th after he was born. You remembered helping to pay for his racecar bed. You remembered getting him to say your name for the first time. It was his first word. You remembered raising him, and you remembered loving him so much. But you remembered the sleepless nights before tests. You remembered missing school to watch over him when he was sick. You remembered crying when he wouldn’t stop. You remembered having to swallow back the tears when your mother was there. The memories were a cocktail of pain, loss, and happiness.
        You remembered…
        "Is the answer memories?”
        Another of the locks fell to the ground, causing it to shake.
        "Correct— memories are powerful. They may hold a person's love or hate, their joy and their grief, and some may choose to block them out. The memories you hold dear will always be imprinted into your heart, even as years pass. Our memories shape us, and you are now stronger because of them. Keep those memories close, for even if they hurt, they are a part of who you are. Now, your last riddle is this: they arrive every night, whether invited or not. They can be seen, but not heard or touched. If one falls, they all keep moving.”
        You absorbed her words into your mind— you needed to get this right, or you would be doomed to reset this death trap. Tapping your foot, you tried to wrap your head around the riddle. You looked up at the sky above you, falling into a distant memory.
        "Whas in da sky?”
        "Those are stars, Dustin. You can only see them clearly out here.”
        "Because it's dark here.”
        "The dark is scawy...”
        "It can be, but the stars will always keep you safe.”
        "Well, you see that up there? That’s the North Star— when it comes out, you make a wish on it. And guess what? If you follow it, it can take you home.”
        You sat on the driveway with Dustin in your lap, staring up into the starry sky. There had been a blackout, and your mother was still working at the hospital. The sudden darkness had scared the boy, and you tried to calm his cries by bringing him outside.
        "It can?”
        "Yeah, and do you wanna know the coolest thing?”
        "Sometimes stars fall from the sky. They say bye-bye to their mommies and they go on their own adventure. They fly by and spread their magic dust to make you happy.”
        "Really? They not scawed?”
        "Maybe, but it’s okay to be scared. Their mommies are always watching.”
        "And sisters?”
        "Yeah buddy, their sisters watch them too.”
        Dustin leaned against you, staring up at the sky with awe in his bright blue eyes. The stars, despite the blackout, kept on moving.
        "Is Mommy still working?”
        "Yeah, the hospital needs a lot of help, so she’s staying late.”
        "I sleep with you?”
        He looked up at you with pleading puppy-dog eyes, and how could you say no to that? You sighed and gently nodded.
        "Yeah, you can sleep in my room 'til Mom gets back.”
        He cheered and leaned against you, his eyes starting to close, and for a second, you thought a comet shot through the sky.
        You wished things were different.
        "Stars— the answer is stars.” Your voice came out shaky and unsure, and you held your breath until finally, after what felt like years, the final lock clicked open and fell to the ground with a heavy thud.
        "Correct— for centuries, the stars have guided the lost, and today, their memory guides you forward. Whenever you feel lost in your heart, unsure of how to navigate the darkness within, then look to the night sky. Follow the stars and allow them to guide you, just as they guided others long ago. Just as the stars keep moving, so will you. Congratulations— you have passed the test and may continue on your journey.”
        You held your breath, your eyes wide with shock. Your heart raced as you stood still, as if one wrong move would send you back to the start of the labyrinth. But your anxiety melted into joy when you realized that you had done it— you had passed the first test. You let out a shaky breath, your trembling hands quickly rubbing away the joyous tears that poured down your cheeks. Breaking into a smile, you turned to the orb, pointing at it with a determined fire in your eyes.
        "See that, Eddie?! Fuck you, I did it! Bring it on!”
        Chrissy smiled and tried to hide her laugh. She closed her glowing eyes, and when she blinked them open, she was herself again.
        "Do watch out for traps, won’t you? I would like to see you at the banquet.”
        "Yes, I would like to see you there alive and well. We have a celebration coming up and would love to have you there.”
        You stared at her with confusion etching your features— as if you would voluntarily spend another second in this godforsaken place.
        Chrissy stepped aside as the door swung open, exposing a topiary of a lion on the other side of the passage. You turned to her as she stretched and yawned, her form shifting back to her more animal-like appearance. Swallowing a lump in your throat, you were finally able to voice your concern.
        "Are the next trials harder?”
        "Well, everything has its difficulties and everything has its solutions. You’ll be fine, just keep looking ahead.”
        "Alright, thank you!”
        You took a deep breath, and with a newfound excitement, you passed through the doorway, your eyes trained on the topiary ahead. You looked back at Chrissy, who seemed to settle into sleep, and with a wide smile, you began to run. Your shoes pounded against the flagstone floor as you hurried through the passage.
        But then the flagstone was gone, there was no ground, and your eyes widened as you fell down a gaping abyss. You clawed at the edge of the stone, but it was too late. Your heart raced as you helplessly flailed your arms, the darkness swallowing the scream you let out as you plummeted into the unknown. Was this the your fate all along? Had you made the wrong choice? Gone the wrong way? Were you going to die?
       "I should have looked where I was stepping."
        You fell down, down into the abyss, and the darkness consumed you.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I know it took almost a year to get here but it's here! I'm a full time college student and coming up with original puzzles for this was no easy feat I'll tell you what. I promise I haven't given up yet! Don't forget to reblog, like and comment it really helps! (gosh I sound like a Youtuber lol) But anyways thank you again for reading and back to the writing cave I go!
Taglist: (If you want to be placed on it comment under here)
@fan-girl-97 @sh0wthyself @maxstecc @mirkwoodshewolf @bellalillyrose @under-the-clouds @bllshtbel @ali-r3n @darknesseddiem @ladyjbrekker @mewchiili
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m-cristiny · 3 months
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76 notes · View notes
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Notes: 18+ Sex & miscarriage mentioned
All the love and praise to my favorite blonde babe of an editor @ab4eva who holds my hand through it all and @precious-little-scoundrel for her screams of support!
 Elvis Presley Quietly Marries At Home
The man with the famous pelvis is now a married man! Colonel Parker confirmed that Elvis married Paramount actress Leona Grace at his home in Memphis on the nineteenth of March. The wedding comes on the heels of rumors that the new Mr. and Mrs. Presley are due for a visit from the stork. The Colonel’s response? “Those are questions for a different day”. The hush hush, spur of the moment wedding did not follow an engagement announcement and no pictures of the happy couple seem to exist beyond set outtake photos. The event reportedly took place in the evening with just family and close friends in attendance totaling about 50 people. A red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting was served for dessert and sources say that Elvis's own music was played late into the night as friends danced in the backyard of Presley's Graceland mansion. 
Leona had once heard Joe remark that Graceland was full of ghosts. He had chuckled with a cigar hanging out of his mouth when he had said it, but Leona had believed him. Once in a while she'd get an eerie feeling at night when all the lights were out and the various friends and relatives who occupied the mansion were tucked away in bed. Clad in a white slip with her feet bare, she crept down to the kitchen for a glass of water and a little peace. The master bedroom was dark and cold, Elvis asleep under the black silk sheets. It had been a whirlwind few months and she was only ever able to reflect back on it all when she was alone, which was a rarity since becoming Mrs. Presley. She was still unsure as to where everything was in the kitchen, but glasses and silverware she was sure of. Leona thought she heard creeping footsteps behind her, and kept peering over her shoulder as the sink water ran. She settled on to one of the stools, her petite legs swinging as she sipped her water and tapped her freshly manicured nails on the table. She and Patsy had ventured out to the beauty salon earlier in the day, Elvis's cousin was a sweetheart but her non-stop chattering about the room down the hall that needed decorating seemed to be the only topic of conversation. 
Leona’s biggest worries used to be whether she was getting cast in the newest buzzed about picture. Now the big concern was whether to have yellow bunny wallpaper or a toile print with puppies. She was still getting used to the weight of the 6 carat diamond on her hand, soon enough there would be a tiny little hand gripping hers. She let out a sigh she didn't know she had been holding in. Escaping Florida and the kitchy circus-like routine at Mac’s Mermaid Cove in the Florida Keys, Leona had been sending money back home to her mother and Grandma Alice in Orlando and scheming to win her breakout role. She had wanted to be a leading lady, but could never quite make the mark. She had once heard a director refer to her as “Florida trash”. She wasn't one to give up easily though. That persistence and all of the nagging and pleading to the higher ups at Paramount, helped her land a cushy supporting role in one of the newest Elvis Presley films. Paramount had agreed to lend her out for a price, now sitting in the kitchen of Graceland she did feel a bit smug knowing she wouldn't have to pay that price anymore in life. 
The role wasn't Oscar worthy, but she felt like a winner the second Elvis had drawled hello to her and gently held her hand. There were flowers and gifts, despite the fact that the blonde leading actress also seemed to be receiving similar gifts from him? He had taken her out for milkshakes on a Friday night after being out with their co-star the night prior. With his buddies mingling about, the owner in awe and basically allowing Elvis to turn the burger joint into his personal hangout, the two had kissed and whispered in the backseat of his car. A little warm up for what was to come. Two days later he took her on the floor of his trailer and filled her full, twice. 
What followed were nights of passion, a few tipsy heart to heart confessions where he talked of the loneliness since losing his mother and Leona told him of the loneliness she had been born feeling. She ignored the fact that he seemed to be wooing their co-star, or even the fans who traipsed into his trailer and left with dresses half buttoned or even on backwards. She liked what they had, she was allowed a moment of fun in life. Soon enough, things would wrap when the movie ended and this would be a story for her one day memoir. Her dalliance with the king. 
Except - things took a different turn. Three days before shooting wrapped for good, blame all that rain for dragging out production, Leona had collapsed from what everyone thought was “heat exhaustion”. Only she knew, it was a combination of heat exhaustion and a missed period. The studio doctor quietly confirmed with a serious tone that Leona was indeed pregnant. Rather than take the options the studio was pushing, Leona knew that men had the power. And Elvis? Well he had more power than even the president, it seemed. With shaking hands and a face powdered full of blush to hide her pale face, she waved down his car filled with friends. He jumped out and leaned against the driver's side door, flicking a toothpick between his lips as she told him he was to be a father. He took the news shockingly better than most. My baby? He had smirked. He wasn't questioning paternity, more like confirming the news to himself out loud. His smile was big and she had a feeling his eyes were gleaming under those sunglasses. He nodded and placed his giant hands on her shoulders. “Everything is gonna be alright honey, we'll make things right and do the right thing,” he had assured her, topping it off with a tender kiss to her forehead. He wagged a finger and ordered her back to her trailer to rest, he'd be by soon. Then he slid back into the car and she heard him chuckling and announcing something to his pals who in turn all whooped and hollered as the car left the lot. 
The water was cool and just what she needed to refresh her dry throat. She hadn't had much of an appetite at dinner despite proddings from Dodger. Everyone had told her she'd feel better as the days passed, she was officially 12 weeks and 2 days pregnant. She was crossing her fingers the better days were now upon her. She had been sick as a dog the day of the wedding. All hastily arranged and shrouded in secrecy as it was. She had settled for a dress the studio had gifted her, it still needed to be let out at the last second courtesy of one of Jerry's flings who was a costume designer. Once she had finished her drink, she placed the glass in the sink and crept back up the stairs. Down below, she heard muffled voices and a flirty female laugh. Probably Charlie and some blonde. They all tended to be blonde, the women who fluttered to the Mafia boys. The next best prize considering the King himself was taken. Leona wondered if he truly was though? They were virtual strangers when they married, but the deeply religious and old fashioned side of Elvis wouldn't take no for an answer. They had to marry, plain and simple.
 She cursed herself for not wearing socks, her toes were freezing. They were painted a shade of red that seemed to make Elvis's tongue wag. On their wedding night, the passion he had shown her in his set trailer and in the backseats of cars still seemed to be there. Albeit, he was softer and a bit more gentle given her delicate state. They hadn't been apart for more than a few hours since they said I do. She could say fairly confidently that there weren't other women in his life. He was due to shoot another film in a few months time, Leona was curious if that would still be the case when they were apart. She slowly took each step that led her closer and closer back to the bedroom where he slept with a shy little boy like smile on his face. She was fond of him, sure, and definitely attracted. Maybe love would bloom with time, like her growing body she mused. The door creaked open, the dim light from the hallway flooded the room and Elvis stirred. “Doll? You ok?” His drawl even more pronounced and gruff sounding. “I was just getting a drink, I didn't mean to wake you,” she hushed him. She closed the door, closing the world off and away from Mr. and Mrs. Presley. It was so rare they were truly alone, she realized. He was sitting up, his hair a bit of a mess. He ran a hand through it and then patted the bed beside him, “C’mere pretty baby, come talk to me till my eyes close”. She scurried back into bed and her feet brushed against his. He threw his head back and chuckled in that way that made her heart flutter. “Someone's got cold feet!” he crooned in her ear. Then he was pulling her into his arms and under the covers. Her feet continued to dance with his as she laid on her side, his lips teasing behind her ear. She let out a satisfied hum and burrowed deeper into his embrace. 
The dark, silent bedroom gave them more than just privacy. It was easier to joke, open up, and try and make some sense of this situation they found themselves in. He was pressing soft, open mouthed kisses to her neck and shoulders. His hands came to rest on her tits which she was sure had already gone up a cup size or two. He had seemed to notice as well. Her white cotton nightgown would probably be on the floor soon, but she wanted to talk some until that happened. She wasn't sure what to say, she really just wanted to hear him. Steady, calming, reassuring words. He had a knack for making troubles fade away. His raspy voice piped up as he rested his head against her. “Been thinkin’ bout doing a little recording again….not for the public though…wanna sing a couple songs for my baby, you can play em while I'm gone and stop em from fussing”. She felt that cheeky grin of his against her skin. “Oh? What are ya thinking? Adding a little rock n roll to Rock-A-Bye Baby?” Her laughter was met with a rash of kisses to anywhere he could reach. Then slowly, his hands left her breasts and trailed down to her lower belly where things were just beginning to form.  “You're doin a real good job darlin’,” she could hear the tell-tale sign of sleep in his voice as his thumbs continued to rub small circles on her womb. She wasn't sure what exactly she was doing a great job at. Being a failed former actress, pregnant and married off in a flash, now resigned to a life that while glitzy and glamorous could also be fairly isolating? Was Elvis himself even aware of the sort of life he lived and how vastly different it was from most people? The thoughts tumbled into her head reminding her of the way she watched the seaweed tumble in the ocean water as a child. She'd pick Memphis and the Presley's over Florida and her own family any day, that's for sure. 
She wasn't even sure of when exactly she fell asleep or for how long. That is, until she was awakened in a sweaty instant, she felt like her insides were being rung out like an old rag. She was hot and cold all at once, and her thighs felt soaked? She practically threw herself out of bed, that's when it all began to register. The squeezing, tugging feeling in her stomach seemed to be in sync with the sharp, stabbing in her lower back. Her hands went to her thighs, Had she? No. It was blood. The blood from her thighs stained her hands, it dripped down her feet, and when she spun around on uneasy, shaking legs she noticed it was all over the sheets as well. It was too much blood. Gasping and wailing, she leaned over the edge of the bed as the room began to spin. With all she had left in her, she shoved and begged for him until he shot up. “What's a matter?!” He barked in confusion. “Get me a doctor..get someone…help..” her breathing was coming in spurts as she felt a tingling sweep from her shoulders to her toes as she continued to grip the sheets, hoping this wasn't what she thought it was. She didn't hear his response, she couldn't. Everything went black. 
She drifted in and out of consciousness for what felt like days on end. She heard the sounds of the doctor's voice, smooth and sympathetic. Della and Patsy talking softly to her. Dodger pressing a hand to her forehead. Sometimes she'd blink open an eye and catch Vernon in the chair in the very corner of the room. He was always there though. Elvis with his mouth close to her ear, murmuring, praying. His big hands squeezed around hers when he wasn't brushing her chocolate curls out of her face. Slowly, she came to the realization of what had happened. There wasn't going to be a baby Presley arriving in the Fall any longer. 
The weeks that followed cemented a hysterical bond of sorts between Leona and Elvis. Every morning, when Mary brought Leona's breakfast up on a silver tray, Elvis would sit with her and make sure she drank her orange juice and take the horse pill looking vitamins the doc had recommended after all that blood loss. She had felt weak, physically and emotionally. With her father having run off when she was a child, and being raised by the overbearing tyrant duo that was her mother and grandmother, Leona had always hoped that her dreams of stardom would also blend well with a white picket fence. Dreams of coming home from movie sets to a shelf lined with little gold statues covered in sticky fingers, T-ball games, and a dog romping with a passel of kids in the sprinkler, an adoring husband by her side. Her hopes and dreams had perished alongside her baby. Elvis had leaped into his faith, reading to her, singing, telling her hope wasn't lost. She wasn't so sure though. They had married because of a baby, did she still have a marriage if she didn't have a baby?
Six weeks and one day after that horrible night, Leona had finally broached the subject. Was he going to cut her loose and they could annul the marriage? After all, they barely knew each other. Plus, Leona wanted her career, she couldn't rest without knowing if she was actually capable of cutting it as an actress. Elvis was aghast and furious. She watched his lips curl up and his face contort in anger in the same way it did when he fought with his father. “My wife ain't leaving my house,” he had snarled in her ear. Was he…hard? He was. This man was getting a hard on from ordering her around and telling her there wasn't going to be a divorce. And there definitely wasn't going to be a career for her like the one she had been used to. She raised her voice and spurred him on. He was hard for her and seemed to want to fight for her? Was Leona twisted for feeling a fluttering in her heart? She backed him into a corner and rambled on about the high possibility of him going on to screw other women in dark corners on movie sets or backstage. Was he really wanting to hang on to this marriage when there were so many pretty blondes desperate to taste him? His nostrils flared and she jammed a finger at him, conveniently landing it just above his cock. His eyes were dark with anger and lust. She gripped his shirt, wrinkling it, and finally pulled him to her mouth for a searing hot kiss. She saw no other way to end this dance at the moment. On the floor of their bedroom, he took with passion, panting into her ear and repeating, “You're my wife for my whole life, ya ain't going nowhere”. Bite marks littered her neck. He was inside her for the first time since it had happened. It made her emotional in more ways than one as he cradled her face and thrust into her desperately. Her orgasm ripped through her violently in perfect sync to his, he didn't withdraw. “This is your job now, being my wife and pleasin’ me,” his voice was smug and cocky as he tenderly tucked her into bed and pressed a soft lingering kiss to her cheek.
Since the dalliance on their bedroom floor, Leona had made it her mission to amp up the drama and theatrics. She had had some bit parts in a couple comedies, and was striving for a perfect sort of dark humor to get under Elvis's skin, convince him that she need be kept busy and not in a princess in a tower situation. Except - it was having the opposite effect it seemed. He found her antics amusing? She had started off strong, first making a trip downtown to Harris department store. She has bought a robins egg blue negligee, sent a sales employee scouring the back stockroom for the perfect pair of white kitten heel slippers with a little feather poof, and a white sheer scarf to tie up her hair. The cherry on top? A pair of cherry red, heart eyed sunglasses that she had once worn as an extra on set. Elvis was due for a lunch meeting with that vile reptile they all called Colonel Parker.  Elvis had pressed a kiss to her shoulder as she sat at her dressing table powdering her face. She was clad in just her panties and bra, he had yet to see her little ensemble. She felt goosebumps form as he slid the strap of her bra to the side and pressed a kiss to the bare skin that had been covered. 
“See ya in a bit, baby doll, gotta meet with the Colonel about some stuff,” his lips lingered on her skin while he eyed her in the mirror. Leona couldn't suppress the sour look that appeared on her face.
“What sort of stuff?” she questioned cooly. 
“Some movie stuff, ain't nothing for you to worry that pretty head about,” his tone was casual yet dismissive. Those were fighting words for Leona, who stomped her foot like a child and demanded to know just exactly why he was allowed to make movies while she had been regulated to pick flowers in the garden with the dogs, lounge in the pool, and shop herself silly with Patsy. She felt like a bird in a cage, albeit a gold-plated diamond-studded cage. 
“Oh, ya want me to start calling you my pretty little baby bird?” he teased, those long fingers, perfect for reaching all the right spots, were tickling at her ribs. Leona yanked away from his grasp and pouted. “Baby, you're a wife now, my wife, I'm gonna take care of things. No need for you to stress yourself and slave away to send money back home to your momma and granny, I had my daddy send a check two days ago,” Elvis explained, sliding on a pair of sunglasses that made him look utterly delectable as he shifted his weight from one leg to another in the doorway, seemingly unable to keep still. 
Too frustrated to formulate a response that would accurately convey her angst, she took a beat before swerving herself around to face him. With a grin that could only be perfected after years after trying to charm sweaty, fat producers in suits, Leona turned to her husband. Her voice was dripping with a faux sugary sweet tone, “I'll be here waiting for you to get back, baby”. She knew that's exactly what he wanted to hear. Elvis blew her a kiss before he disappeared down the stairs. She heard him below in the kitchen, chatting with Mary, probably grabbing a sweet treat. His pals downstairs playing pool, she knew that'd be his next stop. Rounding them all, lest he ever go anywhere alone. It was the perfect time for Leona to change into her newest purchase and head outside, to the driveway. She examined herself in the mirror, she knew if the sunlight hit just the right way that everyone would be getting a nice view of Mrs. Presley’s chest courtesy of her basically sheer nightie. Her fingers combed through her chocolate curls and then she added an extra coat of lipstick, spritzing herself with some of that perfume Elvis had brought back after a trip away with the guys. With the sunglasses hiding her green eyes, it was now or never. She scurried down the stairs as fast as her kitten heels would carry her, the front door was in her sights and Elvis's booming laughter could be heard on the floor below her. 
Suddenly a voice called her name, “Miss Leona where on earth are you headed in that get up? Looks like you belong up there in that bedroom the way you dressed!” Mary, Elvis's long-time housekeeper, was a peach with a spitfire sense of humor. She had been warm and motherly since the minute Leona had walked through the front door. A single finger came to rest on Leona's lips and she pointed to the floor, Mary caught on it seemed. She flung a dish towel over her shoulder and rolled her eyes good naturedly, “Don't you worry, I certainly won't be running and gabbing to Mr. Elvis tellin’ him his wife is half naked in the yard where folks and fancy photographer men might see…girl…you best do whatever it is you planning and fast”. Almost giddy with anticipation and curious to see just exactly how this scheme would land with her husband, Leona’s heels clicked on the driveway. She paused and did her best to look down towards the gates, shockingly, there was no one there. She wasn't sure if she was glad about that or not. Elvis's Cadillac was parked just a little past the front steps. If she was laying in the driveway, Joe wouldn't dare move an inch. Hell, they'd all be too busy averting their eyes and making small talk amongst themselves about what nice weather Memphis was having recently. What was her end game exactly? Leona wasn't completely sure. She just wanted Elvis to see her and hear her, truly. Her grandmother had told her growing up that marriage was a compromise, but if all else fails defer to your husband. When Leona had called home to tell her mother and grandmother she was marrying the Elvis Presley, her grandmother had said in not so many words to forget compromise and keep Elvis happy at all costs. Why should she stifle herself down for him though? Ok, maybe she didn't need to go back to Hollywood full-time. But she needed something, anything, to keep herself busy and fulfilled. If she had to spend the next fifty years praising him and his work, picking out curtains, and entertaining the Memphis Mafia and their various girls of the week she'd absolutely need a sanatorium. 
The black asphalt was warm on the backs of her legs as Leona lay like she was making a snow angel. She heard the door open, the rowdy laughter and loud conversation that signaled the arrival of Elvis and co. Then someone spoke up, Leona was a bit too far back to place exactly who, but she thought it might be Charlie. “Uh, EP, that your wife laying down there in front of the car?” his voice sounded nervous. Suddenly the only thing Leona could hear was the sound of the birds and heavy footsteps approaching. It was as if the sun had snuck behind the clouds, everything felt dark as Elvis's shadow engulfed her. She pulled her sunglasses down and batted her eyelashes up at him. “Headin’ out honey?” She purred, she could feel her nipples hard and a hazy sheen of sweat covered her basically naked body. “Was plannin on it…seems to be a little detour though” Elvis crowed. “What are you up to little girl?” He leaned down closer to her face. “Well wouldn't you like to know..” Leona laughed, picking at her cuticles as if this whole scenario playing out was perfectly logical and normal. She watched him shake his head still, still sporting that grin, and motion for the guys to wait in the backyard. Her eyes darted to the side when she realized Elvis was laying down on the pavement beside her, his arms stretched back cradling his head. “I've got time…tell me baby”. He had his sunglasses on and a big toothy smile. Leona didn't expect him to use this tactic.
She crossed her arms over her chest, blocking his view of her hard nipples. He snorted when she did that. Her bottom lip jetted out into a pout. “If I'm here - and I'm certainly not going anywhere, you made that perfectly clear - then you should be too. No movies for me means no movies for you.” She lifted her shades to look at him and see if she could gauge his reaction behind his own sunglasses. His lip twitched and then he nodded slowly. “I'm so utterly bored, if you try and leave you'll just have to run me down, I've got nothing to do. I can afford to lay here practically naked for all your buddies and fans to see if that's what you'd like…honey.” She turned on the charm for the last part. Cooing and dropping her voice into a sweet little starlet tone. “Well ain't you slick”. Suddenly he was sitting up and sliding the sunglasses off. He towered over her from above. “Listen - I know you and half the folks in the house would just love it if I ripped up old Colonel’s contracts but I ain't doing that…I can't. So if you wanna lay on the ground and be a little whiny baby wife, have at it. I might have to punish ya for it though,” his voice was raspy when he spoke that last sentence and it made Leona’s stomach flip flop in the best way. “Or….you can march that pretty little behind back to our bed and wait for me to get home. If you're a good girl maybe I'll bring ya something shiny huh?” He was rising to his feet and held a hand out to her. Leona gripped her fingers into her hair frustrated before cutting her eyes up at him. “Fine..” she scoffed, taking his hand and marching back up the driveway, into the house, and past the family in the living room. Elvis trailed behind her like he was making she she'd do just that. When she reached the bottom of the staircase she yelped when he suddenly slapped her ass. Her plan foiled, she was now back to reality and keenly aware she was half naked in the foyer. She ran up the stairs, she didn't have to look behind her to know he was ogling her barely dressed body. When she reached the top of the stairs she did something that made him chuckle loudly enough that his father asked him what was so funny. Leona turned and winked at him before disappearing to their bedroom. 
Just as her husband had suggested, Leona took to their bed. Mary had come up and changed the sheets and the evidence of how Elvis had licked her until she gushed last night was no longer present. Laying on her back like the starfish she remembered collecting as a child, she felt a tad foolish. She hadn't accomplished what she had hoped for and now she was destined to sit and wait for Elvis's return. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes and she flicked them away with her finger tips lest she ruin her makeup. Now what? She thought to herself. A melancholy mood washed over her and when Mary came knocking announcing dinner, Leona sent her away claiming she wasn't hungry. She heard the older woman return and leave a tray outside the door but Leona couldn't muster up the energy to rise and feign eating. She caught her reflection in the mirror above the bed, tussling her hair with her fingers and throwing it back. She allowed her thoughts to wander and imagine what life would be like had she not fallen into this marriage. She'd probably be hustling all over via orders from the studio, fittings here, screen tests there. She didn't miss that part. Being on set, delivering perfectly executed monologues in one take, becoming someone entirely different? That's what Leona missed. Proving herself, making a name on her own, those were all things that had once lit a fire under her. All of that jazz about making lemons into lemonade would suggest that Leona try and do some of that here in her married life. Should she be like some of the other wealthy kept women in Memphis and join the garden club? Something told Leona that despite whatever money Elvis threw their way, she wouldn't exactly be welcome. Curling onto her side, Leona came to the realization that if she wanted to act she'd have to consider Graceland her only sound stage. Was there room for two hot shots in this house? Elvis's words from earlier rung in her ears. He had called her a whiny baby wife. Him and his good natured teasing. Maybe that was it though, that could be her new role. She could embrace her new title as leading lady of Graceland and be this whiny baby wife character.....
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janadoesstuffwrong · 4 months
Can't really be surprised that I'm so diehard for zutara when this movie essentially deep-fried my brain as a child
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nemesyaaa · 1 month
( tw ; cannibalism as a form of love.)
( bones and all (moodboards) au's belong to @starfxkrreloaded )
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hope you like it moony !! <333 (bc as i said i will sacrifice my bones and body for him. come, eat me alive. let me be a part of you. consume me.)
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naurimastaur · 1 year
A prank to die for
1980s slasher au featuring the Weasley twins//
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Summary: With camp’s annual house competition coming to a close, the twins take the fate of their team into their own hands, employing Fred’s nemesis Y/N along the way. Things go awry however, when someone tries to axe their plans. Literally.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x fem!reader
This is a bit of a long one so strap in! Ps. Requests are open
Squashed between the most frustrating person alive and the wall of the abandoned outhouse toilet, was not the ideal midnight rendezvous anyone would have in mind.
“Why hasn’t George signalled to you yet? It’s been half an hour.” Y/n huffed, her head pressed against the damp wood of the wall in exasperation before she thought better of herself.
“Could’ve ran into a lovely lady on the way,” Fred replied equally agitated. “None of your sort I’d hope, wouldn’t be very enjoyable.”
“You are a freak why am I doing this with you?” She spat, venom dripping from her every word.
“Cant resist the charm, I reckon”
“Then you’re as delusional as you are ginger.”
“And yet you don’t seem to be backing out of the idea. Could it be that you wanted this alone time with me?”
“I think I’d rather be chased by a serial killer.”
“If only a serial killer hated themself enough to waste time running after you.” He smiled to himself, her irritation fuelling his triumph.
She bit her tongue, thinking back to the moment she made herself a professional clown.
“Y/n!” George called out, jogging to meet her walking pace, Fred tailing him. “We have a proposition for you. A real win-win deal.”
“We? As in him too?” She signalled toward Fred, who’s head was bowed in deep shame like a disobedient dog.
“Yes we,” George elbowed Fred before continuing. “It was his idea actually to include you.” Now that was interesting.
“The house competition ends tomorrow and it seems the trophy is missing.” Fred rubbed his previous attacked arm before continuing. “We know that Tom from your house has it hidden somewhere, and you know exactly where it is.”
“And? Why would I help you betray my own team?.”
“Because we all know Tom is a massive prick who needs humiliating, and he’d deserve it too with everything he said about you.” George looked at her meaningfully.
“At midnight tonight you will help us get it from his cabin, and George will set up the distractions.”
She was horrified at that. “Why cant you do the distracting? If I’m doing this, I’m doing it with George.”
“He can’t do much distracting when he’s the less handsome twin,” George winked. “Besides, I’m the fireworks expert.”
“This is all for the sake of a prank isn’t it? The two of you are ridiculous.”
“Pranking is within our nature,” Fred shrugged. “It would be cruel to suppress it.”
“Are you two used to people listening to the utter shite you speak, or am I the only one with the misfortune?” They both grinned at this.
“Fine. Yes. Okay, I’ll do it.”
The silence was eating away at her faith. This didn’t feel right, everything was quiet. Too quiet. She couldn’t hear the chirping of the crickets, or the rustling of leaves stuck in the wind’s embrace.
“Fred we should really go and check on him. This isn’t right.”
Fred wasn’t a stranger to the feeling; in fact he felt like that every time he was parted from George. Half of his soul, half of him. It was never right, but he wasn’t ignorant to what she was feeling either.
They took off towards George’s hideout, before Fred came to an abrupt stop.
“What? What’s wrong? What is it?” She questioned with haste, before noticing a flashlight flickering on the forest ground. It was blinking in urgency; on and off and on and off. It was aggressively bright, flooding the area surrounding with artificial light. That was supposed to be George’s signal. Where is he?
“Well that’s creepy as shit,” Fred commented, taking a casual notice of a distant figure lingering just beyond the light’s touch.
George must’ve leaked our plan. He thought to himself. Useless git.
The figure began approaching however, with heavy rushing footsteps. Fred placed a protective arm in front of y/n on instinct, he felt nauseated that his natural instinct was to do anything of the sort. To her.
He stepped ahead, placing himself only a few feet away from the new person. He was close enough now to see them fully.
They had the build of a man with broad shoulders and a muscular frame. There were no eyes on their face, just sunken regions of skin where some might have been, adorned with scarred tissue. Notably there was no mouth either, just a gaping hole were one was supposed to be; A mask.
“Alright mate from one prankster to another, the costume is overkill but I applaud the dedication.”
“Fred…”y/n began to urge. Her eyes beginning to adjust to the thing adjacent. How hadn’t she noticed before?
Fred threw a dismissive wave at her.
“Look, I do honour my pride but we could collaborate on this house prank. Double the effect of the humiliation, bigger win. I’m sure Tom would shit himself at the sight of you.”
“Cant you see I’m networking here?” Fred scolded, oblivious.
“Fred look at it! I mean actually look!”
Fred saw it now; the skin loose and peeling from the sides of its face, that his brain had originally convinced itself was a mask. This wasn’t a costume and that wasn’t its face. This was a creature that was figuring out what a human face was supposed to look like, but it didn’t have all the materials and it wasn’t finished learning.
He took notice of the silver point peeking from beyond its coat. An axe. A thick crimson red coating it’s blade like a second skin.
“Y/n RUN!”
“No shit!”
Racing after Fred’s physical and vocal lead, the thought of her imminent death became all too plausible. Their voices were intwined in a harmonious plead for help; to warn, to scare, to do something.
They reached the first cabin, their hearts beating in a rhythmic dance. Her focus on their escape delaying the urge to search her surroundings. Or rather, lack of.
“Where is everyone?”
“What do you mean? They’re in their bunks surely. We’ll need to get everyone out immediately.”
“Right, and where are we?”
“The bunks.”
“And who’s here?”
Fred’s head snapped up in disbelief, noticing the empty beds around him. Before logic could grace his one remaining braincell’s lonely existence, he raced outside.
Y/n sank to her knees, reality hitting. The thump of Fred’s urgent knocks at each cabin matching the pounding in her head. Everyone was gone.
She got up, raw determination pumping in her veins like adrenaline. They needed to get to the kitchens. There would be knives there, a heavy bolted door. There they stood a chance.
“Oh look you weren’t that far off with the serial killer joke earlier, you just forgot to mention the massive bloody axe he’s carrying!” Fred snarled at her, his voice hoarse from the terror clawing at his throat. The earlier fear was well gone now, the two of them already returning back to their usual bickering.
“Why the fuck is he chasing us for?” She whisper yelled at him, accusation laced in her tone, choosing to ignore his previous sarcastic remark.
“How the fuck should I know?” He shouted back, glaring at her in the process.
“I don’t know because you’re… you!” She argued, turning away from him and evaluating the cabin.
“My apologies then, it seems I left my psychic powers at home today!” He spat out, blocking the kitchen door with any object in his path.
“If he doesn’t kill you I’ll do it myself,” she huffed out, just for the sake of getting the last word in the argument.
Fred ran a hand through his shaggy hair in frustration, before taking notice of her still frame. She stood perfectly straight, like a puppet held up by its strings. Her hands clasped in a tight fist, the skin turning red from the tension.
“What?” He interrogated, purely annoyed by her presence but intrigued in her reaction all the same. “What is it?”
“If the campers aren’t here,” She turned to look at him, her eyes wide with fear. “Then who’s blood is that?”
He took notice of her face, once illuminated by the silver glow of the moonlight,now was masked by a deep maroon.
He followed her gaze, transfixed on the window in an involuntary daze. The glass was tainted red, blood gathering under it in a thick pool of bubbling heat. If it wasn’t coming from the inside, that could only mean one thing.
“We’re fucked.”
A/n: I took an educational trip to a bench in the cemetery for inspo for this, just for my IBS to kick in and I had to run fifteen minutes home so I didn’t shit myself in front of the resting souls❤️ I will never try to be aesthetic again lesson learnt.
@thescrunkler @stock0hoim
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