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fronsz · 1 year ago
Istnienie snu w moim życiu ma bardzo ważną funkcję. Jest swego rodzaju źródłem moich dekadentycznych ciągot. Od wyrywanych kończyn, poprzez wylewanych mózgów z miejsc do tego nie przystosowanych (mam na myśli dupe na przyklad). Zastanawiam się czy to pasja która skończy się zabijaniem ludzi siekierą lub inną formą zobaczenia na własne oczy krwi flaków i śmierci przede wszystkim. Jednak od tego powstrzymuje mnie jedna rzecz, nieśmiertelna, niezmienna moralność człowieka dobrego. Miłość do innego człowieka czy też po prostu większa wiara w innych niż w samego siebie. Nie ganiałbym za kimś z siekierą bo dbam o ich życia bardziej niż o swoje co się kłóci z moimi ciągotami. Może moja podświadomość jest pieprzoną psychopatyczna krainą wypaczeń ludzkich pragnień a moja świadomość to miły ptaszek wśród lasu miłości i błogości.
Walcząc ze sobą uciekam w alkohol, alkohol który uaktywnia u mnie dużo skrytej nienawiści którą podświadomie posiadam. Uciekam od bycia miłym ale nie mam pojęcia czy po kilku piwach kiedyś nie sięgnę po siekierę. Nie wydaje mi się. Brzydzę się przemocą a jednak jej pragnę. Kocham ludzi i ich nienawidzę. Nie potrafię czasami ze sobą żyć mimo ty zaprzeczeń i trudnych do określenia celów moralnych.
Pewnego dnia miałem bardziej ciężki sen (zazwyczaj śnie w momencie gdy trzeźwy się klade; gdy pijany rzadko śnie, może też dlatego pije [jeden z wielu powodow]) w którym przechodząc przez mroczne korytarze trudnego do określenia budynku, zauważyłem strome i szerokie schody z których spadały w dół ludzkie części ciała, świeżo obcięte w bardzo nie elegancki sposób. Spadały w dół a na samym dole ogień a przed nim małe blade dziecko co twarz azjatycką posiadało. Mówił coś po niemiecku przy okazji flaki spadające chlapały jego twarz krwią. Jednak dziecko mówiło dalej na tle ognia. Czułem grozę i tajemnice. Niezrozumienie czegoś jest najbardziej przerażająca rzeczą w życiu. Coś co działa ale nie masz pojęcia jak a przy okazji jest straszne.
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vintage-ukraine · 3 months ago
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Grandmother with Wild Beans by Mariana Motyka, 1998
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gacougnol · 2 days ago
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Agnieszka Motyka
The promise of shadows
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henk-heijmans · 7 months ago
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Passers-by on the street, ca. 1969 - Jan Motyka, Polish
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moradadabeleza · 7 months ago
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Jan Motyka
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fotos-art · 4 months ago
Jan Motyka
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thebuhonerodazorrow · 2 years ago
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Cyberpunk 2077
Your voice
Dark Horse
CD Projekt Red
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danbusler · 2 years ago
Platinum Thrill Rocks The Fallout Shelter
They rocked the fallout shelter with some classic tunes.
Platinum Thrill at The Extended Play Sessions – Fallout Shelter in Norwood, MA. on July 13, 2023.The band features Amanda Mograss, Scott Motyka, Mike Martin, and Mike Dupras.
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timesofocean · 2 years ago
Wind, solar generate record 12% of global electricity in 2022, marking new era of falling power emissions
New Post has been published on https://www.timesofocean.com/wind-solar-generate-record-12-of-global-electricity-in-2022-marking-new-era-of-falling-power-emissions/
Wind, solar generate record 12% of global electricity in 2022, marking new era of falling power emissions
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London (The Times Groupe) – The Global Electricity Review published Wednesday by independent think-tank Ember suggests wind and solar contributed 12% to global electricity generation in 2018.
Wind and solar generation are predicted to drive the world into a new era of falling fossil fuel generation and power sector emissions starting in 2023, according to the fourth annual report.
“In this decisive decade for the climate, it is the beginning of the end of the fossil age,” said Małgorzata Wiatros-Motyka, report author and Ember’s electricity analyst. “We are entering the clean power era.”
According to the report, 93% of global electricity demand is represented by 78 countries in 2022.
In 2022, wind will account for 7.6% of global electricity generation, up from 6.6% in 2021. Wind energy generation in the UK increased by 17% year-on-year, enough to power almost all of the country.
Last year, solar power generated 4.5% of the world’s electricity, up from 3.7% in 2021.
Adding enough electricity to power all of South Africa, solar power grew by 24% year-on-year for the 18th consecutive year.
China accounted for 37% of the growth in solar power’s share globally, while the US accounted for 17%.
The data shows that more than 60 countries now generate more than 10% of their electricity from wind and solar.
Compared to last year, wind and solar generation met 80% of the increase in global electricity demand, which reached 2.5%.
Countries with highest shares of wind and solar in electricity generation
With 418 terawatt-hours, or 4.7% of its electricity, China generated the most solar electricity last year.
Chile had the highest share of solar energy in its electricity output last year with 17%, followed by the Netherlands with 15% and 13%.
With a 9.3% wind share in its electricity mix, China is also the largest generator of wind power in the world, while Denmark has a 55% percentage share.
Last year, wind and solar contributed 22% to the European Union’s energy mix.
With about 15.5% of its electricity generated from wind and solar, Turkey remains above the global average.
Coal still largest electricity source with 36%
A new record high of 39% of global electricity was generated by all clean electricity sources combined. In terms of clean energy sources, hydro generated 15% of global electricity, followed by nuclear with 9%.
Despite record clean energy generation, fossil fuels still accounted for 61% of global electricity. In 2022, coal accounted for 36% of global electricity generation.
It was found that wind and solar generation limited the increase in coal generation by 1.1%.
Gas accounted for 22% of global electricity generation last year, a slight decrease by 0.2%.
Last year may be peak of power sector emissions
Last year, power sector emissions reached an all-time high of 1.3% due to the high share of coal and gas in global electricity generation. Power sector emissions rose last year despite record clean energy generation.
Ember calculated that last year’s emissions from the power sector would have been 20% higher if all electricity from wind and solar came from fossil fuels.
The report forecasts that 2022 may be the year of “peak” electricity emissions and the last year of fossil fuel growth.
As wind and solar deployment accelerates, there will be a drop in fossil generation of 0.3% this year.
“The stage is set for wind and solar to achieve a meteoric rise to the top. Clean electricity will reshape the global economy, from transport to industry and beyond. A new era of falling fossil emissions means the coal power phasedown will happen and the end of gas power is now within sight,” Wiatros-Motyka said.
“Change is coming fast. However, it all depends on the actions taken now by governments, businesses and citizens to put the world on a pathway to clean power by 2040.”
Global CO2 emissions are dominated by electricity generation, which accounts for about 40% of all energy-related emissions in 2021. Gas accounted for almost 25% of the power sector’s emissions in 2021, while coal accounted for 75%.
In order to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, the global electricity sector must first be decarbonized, and clean sources need to be deployed much faster than they were in the past.
“A total of 942 gigawatts of solar PV have been installed in the last decade, whereas 853 gigawatts of wind energy have been installed. According to Ajay Mathur, director general of the International Solar Alliance, “China, the United States, India and Japan have contributed the most to the global solar PV capacity.”
Solar and wind energy costs have decreased by 82% and 34%, respectively, while coal-fired energy has remained at similar levels and nuclear energy costs have increased by 61%.
“The global renewable share is increasing, but to achieve net zero by 2030, the renewable generation must cater to at least 60% of the total generation from renewables,” Mathur said, stressing that the way forward lies in pacing up renewable energy and making renewable energy technology a global public good. TIMES OF OCEAN​​​​​​​​​​
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evermore-grimoire · 9 months ago
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The Evermore Grimoire: Witches
Technopagan is a modern term for those who wield the power of technopathy. It's also a term that was coined by the older generation of witches who refused to acknowledge any of their own kind out of fear that they would become too powerful and uncontrollable. However over time the term "Technopagan" has slowly changed from being a stigma to one of empowerment and freedom against outdated stereotypes that no longer fit into today's society. Even those who don't wield this unique power may identify as a Technopagan as it could align with their own beliefs surrounding gender and sexuality. This also includes a desire to create safe spaces for young witches and warlocks as well modernise witchcraft as a whole in order to reflect the world of today. One things for sure, they're here to stay because they're the future of the magical community that must be nurtured in order to survive any future battles.
artwork by Małgorzata Motyka-Karnas
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paolo-streito-1264 · 7 months ago
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Jan Motyka, 1969.
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semioticapocalypse · 5 months ago
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Jan motyka. Przechodnie na ulicy [Passerby in the street]. Krakow, Poland. 1970s
I Am Collective Memories   •    Follow me, — says Visual Ratatosk
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dawkacynizmu · 4 months ago
mam do was dwa pytania
jak w waszym regionie dokańczalo się rymowankę "siekiera motyka w plocie dziura"
i który smak z tych lodów był waszym ulubionym
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gacougnol · 2 days ago
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Agnieszka Motyka
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dontforgetukraine · 3 months ago
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War veterans & sculptors in Lviv are working together under guidance of artist Yaroslav Motyka on "The Abduction of Europa," a reinterpretation of Rembrandt’s painting. Part of UNBROKEN Art program, the project also serves as art therapy for veterans. —Euromaidan Press
Source: Lviv City Council FB
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i-have-no-idea-for-name · 15 days ago
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but I'm devastated by the translation...
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Knight is translated to Nać (it's what we call the leaves of tuber vegetables)........ are you fucking kidding me
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Good thing they kept Dog man instead of Człowiek Pies for example... (I wouldn't be mad if they translated Greg to Grzesiek lol ✨Pies Grzesiek✨)
Big Jim is... Gruby Józek (fat Joseph)........
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Deppy is Dorota (Doroty)...
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But tell me one thing...
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why. the fuck. DID YOU NAMED SARAH MOTYKA (hoe) CHOLERNIK (cholera- shit/damn)
The only good things from the translation were these
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Cat Jail is Koci Kić, kić kinda means jail but this word is taken from kot-cat so it fuckin fits perfectly
Dr. Scum to Profesor ✨SZUMOWINKO✨ i thought it was just for a joke but it's a literal translation
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wich makes it even more fucking hilarious 😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖
I haven't finished this book yet, but when I look at this translation, my soul begs for mercy...... I hope it won't be like that in the movie, in the trailer they normally said "Petey" and I hope it stays that way...
Edit: he just broke it... he just fucking tore up the page.... I'm gonna buy a new one
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