#motherfucker that last one? i get why ash was struggling
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darlin-collins · 4 months ago
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nah bc these are the poses alexis was pulling out in that yoga class 😭
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honkceasar · 1 year ago
Hi I have an absolutely insane amount of random ass pd headcanons that I’ve decided to unleash onto the world today so here’s part one of my insanity!!!
-Ashe plays guitar, can’t remember if this is canon or not honestly
-Will taught himself guitar after Ashe got possessed, tries to learn his favorite songs (absolutely CANNOT play my famed disappearing act, much to his dismay)
-Will collects and cures bones as a hobby, has a necklace with Henny’s skull on it and a couple bones from Vyncent’s world
-Ashe is that genre of autistic person that doesn’t make a lot of facial expressions, so the most uncanny part of the trickster is seeing these over the top expressions on her face that he personally would NEVER make
-William is a horrible driver because he has glasses and refuses to wear them (this is also why he doesn’t yell at Dakota to wear his, he’d be a hypocrite)
-William likes to sew but he’s so unbelievably slow at it. He wants to have like proper patch pants, but it takes him too fucking long to put that many on there so instead his pants only have a couple patches on them made with old jeans and fabric paint
-Vyncent would def do horseback riding as a hobby, he probably misses when he would do it at home
He’s also definitely brought the boys with him to do his horse girl shit
-Ashe is really good at drawing!!!! I feel like she’d be one of those people that has a killer marker collection but doesn’t use them that often cause he does digital art
-William is absolutely addicted to caffeine you can’t tell me he isn’t
-While Ashe was gone Vyncent took his beanie and William stole like all his fucking clothes. They’re all too big but he doesn’t care, nor does he plan on giving any of them back
-Dakota definitely has chew necklaces but they don’t last long cause he fucking destroys them
-Vyncent and Dakota both vocal stim so fucking loud dude (I can’t decide if I think Will does too because Charlie does irl or if William actually would)
-Dakota gets night terrors about Williams death
-Dakota struggles with reading but he likes audio books, he’d probably listen to some with Ashe’s headphones when they’re on a particularly long road trip. Idk what type of books he’d like though. I could see him liking the Percy Jackson series but I can’t explain why
-Vyncent’s one of those guys that wears layers no matter the weather and somehow never gets too hot
William also wears layers when it’s hot out but he’ll be sweaty as a motherfucker and like. Dying
-William was a tech theatre kid, definitely ran lights and got very specific about color washes
-Dakota used to be a babysitter before the hero stuff to make some extra cash, he’s always been good with kids
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year ago
survey #198
When was the last time you read a whole book, to the last page exactly? Very recently, I read regularly.
Have you ever begged the opposite sex for anything at all? To stay with me, yes. Which I'll die before I do again.
Do you know anyone who claims to have the ability to see the future? No, which I'm grateful for, because I'd be concerned about anyone who did think this.
Can people read your facial expressions easily? If so, why is this? Yes, because I don't hide emotions well.
When you go to the movies, do you actually watch the movies or not? ???????????? ticket prices bro??????????? concession prices bro????????????????????? I'm watching the damn movie lmao
Have you ever had one of those major fights with your current bf/gf? No major ones, no. Our very few instances that could count as arguments were small scale and settled quickly. We prioritize healthy communication.
Does it scare you when the sky gets really cloudy and dark during the day? Yes, because of how terrified of tornadoes I am.
What was the last amusement park you went to? Did you have fun? It was a town fair-like thing many, many years ago. I did have fun, but it's a bittersweet memory because this event was very close to when Jason and I split. It may have even been the same night, but I can't remember perfectly.
Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music? Not that I remember.
Do you have Pop-Tarts in your house right now? No. I LIKE them, they're just such empty calories, so we don't buy them. I'm hungry so shortly after eating them.
Is anyone’s birthday coming up? Yeah, my youngest niece has her birthday in a few days.
Does someone owe you over twenty dollars? Oh yikes, this hurts lmao. My older sister technically owes me $100, and the only reason I know this is because Mom compared how much I got for Christmas with how much Nicole got, and initially, Mom was mad because it looked like Dad gave me $100 less than Nicole. (For context, Dad gave Ashley all the envelopes to give to me and Nicole.) Mom mentioned this to Ashley over the phone and she admitted she took a hundred out of my envelope for some bills she was struggling with. I don't think she knows Mom told me; Ash has said nothing about this to me, and it's extremely hurtful. I wouldn't have given a shit if she asked to borrow $100, like just communicate with me, don't do shit like this behind my back and I only find out because my mom is always looking for a reason to be mad at Dad.
Do you like sour candy? I fucking love sour candy.
What has changed most about you in the past year? I think I've gotten better about saying no. I'm one of those people that are so scared to hurt people by telling them no.
Ignoring nutrition, could you live off veggies for the rest of your life? hell fucking no lmao
How are things between you and the person you like/love/are with? We're great.
If you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? Rammstein but I'm sunscreening the shit outta myself lmao, I know the Feuerzone stories
Why aren’t you in "love" with your last ex? Because I never was, no Nazi deserves my positive attention, and nor do people with a penchant for lying their ass off ever since we met as children.
Do you think being born was a mistake? I don't believe in cosmic plans like fate, destiny, etc., so I don't believe it's possible to ultimately be a "mistake." The closest you can get I suppose is an accident, but that's not necessarily a mistake.
Have you ever been arrested? I have not.
Has a relative ever been arrested? Not that I'm aware of.
Is there a holiday you wish no one celebrated? Which is it? Why do you feel that way? I (thankfully) don't think it's as "celebrated" as like, Halloween or Christmas, but Columbus Day. Motherfucker didn't discover shit. Him landing here was just the start of a genocide.
What would you paint on a rock? I feel like I'd try to make it resemble the scale from Dragon Tales, lol.
Do you have a favorite hoodie? Yes, it's one my sister Nicole got me! It's primarily black but with a floral design that also features skulls.
Do you like who you are? Right now I don't, but I'm trying to get better. I've been thinking more kindly of myself lately, though, but it's with plenty of effort and lots of deep thinking and therapy.
What is your latest new hobby? Man... it's been so long since I got into a new hobby. I suffer severely with anhedonia, so truly having fun is quite rare for me; I barely get anything out of things I already like.
Do you get carsick? No.
What sport is your favorite to watch? I only like dancing.
How many pounds do you need to lose/gain before you’re at your ideal weight? All I'm saying is well over 100 pounds.
What does the last T-shirt you got look like? Dad got me an Alice Cooper shirt for Christmas, which features him and the text "hey stoopid" (an album/song title) on it.
Do you think weird it’s for someone to have never tried soda? Not really, especially when you consider places like third-world countries that barely have access to just clean water. I guess here in the USA, I'd be surprised to hear you've NEVER tried it.
Do you have the same religious beliefs as your parents? They're both Christians, so no.
What’s your favorite Led Zeppelin song? "Kashmir."
Do you have a nervous habit? (e.g. biting nails, tapping feet, smoking) Wringing my hands together and fiddling with my ear gauges.
Would you be/are you a good role model to a younger sibling? I'm not. She's an infinitely better adult than I am, I can hardly believe she's my "little" sister.
Do you have any appointments coming up? I always do.
Do you put appointments in your phone’s calendar app to remember them? No, I have a planner.
Will you be visiting anyone’s house in the next week or so? I'm sure I'll help Mom watch Emerson on Friday.
Have you ever used Tumblr? Do you still use it today? Yes to both.
What’s your favourite Ben & Jerry’s flavor? Phish Food, oh my god it's divine.
Have you ever been to a school reunion? How was it? No, and I have no interest in going. I've found through a Facebook friend that they're in the process of planning our high school's 10-year reunion, and I'm just like... yeah hard pass
What are your parents’ names and what do they do for a living? My dad Ken is a mailman, while my mom Donna is on disability for cancer, but she volunteers at multiple places. She does more for free than I EVER would.
Do you have any siblings? What are their names, age, and grade they are in? I'm just gonna list my two immediate sisters: Ashley (30) and Nicole (25).
Do you know a schizophrenic person? My boyfriend's mom.
Who were you last in a car with and where did you go? My mom, to a doctor appointment.
Name the last 3 people you kissed and list one nice thing about each one. Girt is very intelligent, Sara is creative, and Tyler was... kind, I guess?
Who was the last person to kiss your forehead? I'm sure it was Girt.
The last song you heard, what does it make you think of? The characters Cottonmouth and Lizard from Wings of Fire.
How do you think you'll celebrate your 100th birthday? I highly doubt I'll make it to 100. I don't even mean that in a depressing way, I just have too many health issues and things that run in my family.
Which television family is most like your own family? Oh I don't know, I don't watch enough TV for this.
What kind of pet could someone have that would make you think that person is crazy? I don't get the appeal of owning venomous animals if their venom is medically significant. I just don't think it's worth it, people have died from this.
Name something you keep on the nightstand. I have a moon lamp that you can change to a variety of colors.
As a child, what frightened you the most? Tornadoes.
During high school, what was your worst subject? Math.
At what age did you get your first kiss? Early into 16, as far as consensual kisses go. I've told the story of the two pre-k and kindergarten kids who harassed me all the time during recess.
How many pieces of gum have you chewed today? None, I don't even have any.
Do you know anyone who is paralyzed? I don't believe so, at least not personally.
What did you do last night? I read for a while.
Who was the last person to text you? My mom.
Do you get intimidated easily? Yes.
Why did you last cry? I cried a little bit a few days ago actually, I was just very exasperated over my meds not doing what they should, my anhedonia was at peak severity, and I was just overall very stressed with life and what I'm doing with it.
Did someone see you crying? No, I wasn't crying long and I also kept wiping tears away so Mom wouldn't see.
Do you crack your knuckles? No, I absolutely hate the sound of cracking joints.
What is the wallpaper on your cellphone? My lock screen is a beautiful art piece with a luna moth with the text "enjoy the now" arched over it, and my home screen is artwork by my favorite artist NukeRooster (socials name, anyway), called "Denialism." I want it tattooed one day.
Where is your best friend right now? He's at work today.
Can you count to 100 in any other language? German.
Are you a fan of Rob Zombie? Yeah. His music, anyway. His movies aren't my thing.
Last two songs you listened to? It was "V.A.N." by Bad Omens ft. Poppy and then "Sport frei" by Lindemann.
Is your skin sensitive? Yes, very.
Are you sensitive in general? VERY
Have you ever made a gingerbread house? Yes.
Who did you last get in a fight with? My mom.
Do you like Jalapeno Cheetos? Hell yeah.
Name one thing you ate today? The "all berries" version of Cap'n Crunch.
Do you watch videos on YouTube? Almost constantly.
Do you regularly use a blow dryer? I never do.
Would you date someone who was a different religion than you? I could not date a person who is more than faintly religious. Having one is fine, but holy shit keep it to yourself.
Have you ever had sushi? I never have and never will.
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nahimjustfeelingit-writes · 3 years ago
A writing scenario I never finished:
Erik and his Best Friend 🫣
I think I gave this idea to someone lol
What he said had been nagging you since last Friday.
What would make him ask you that? Where the fuck did it even come from?
The more you replayed his words in your mind, the sound of his voice so clear, you shake your head with disbelief.
“Have you ever been titty-fucked?”
“…what did you just say?”
He simply shrugs one shoulder before taking a drag of his weed.
“I said, have you ever been titty-fucked?”
He’s your best friend, someone you can turn to, and his sexual comment alarmed you. It could be a mixture of things that had him talking crazy.
For one, you’re wearing a halter top that displayed your beautifully formed, burgeoning, breasts. Secondly, he’s smoking weed and you know your best friend like the back of your hand. When he gets high, he’s a horny motherfucker on the quest for pussy to ravage.
“I’m gonna act like you didn’t just say that to me, E.”
You lean back against his loveseat before glancing at him strangely. Erik simply props his sock covered foot up against his coffee table, leg swinging, a hand resting lazily against his crotch, and his hood up. Erik could feel your eyes glued to him so he cocks his head to the side while chewing on his bottom lip.
“Are you gonna answer my question or nah?”
“Yes, I have, but what are you planning to do with this information? I’m genuinely curious.”
Erik swipes some ashes from his crotch.
“As much as we talk about sexual shit—”
“I think you need to put the weed out and get some rest, Erik.”
Your eyes burned into the side of his handsome face before you stand from the loveseat, stretch your arms, and adjust your leggings. Lastly, you grab your handbag and climb over Erik’s leg that’s propped up on the table.
“I’m gonna head out. You good?” You questioned while taking slow steps towards his apartment door.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna finish this last bit off and take my ass to bed. Let me know when you make it home, Tweety, If not you know I’m blowing your shit up.”
Erik called you Tweety because of the shape of your lips. It annoyed you at first but knowing that he won’t stop you decided to just give in. Secretly, it was starting to grow on you. He didn’t need to know that though.
“I will, Erik. Love you.”
��Love you too, girl. Be safe.”
The second you shut his door behind you, was the moment you began to wonder if your best friend has deeper feelings. It only complicated things because there is another guy, one he hates, that wants to make amends with you and start over. He’s home from prison now and he just got a new job in construction. Last time you spoke to him he got approved for his apartment and he’s driving too.
Why did Erik have to go and say some nasty shit like that? What was he implying? That he wanted to titty-fuck you?
Little did you know, your bestie was plotting something. So many times he’d watch you prance around him in your breast-hugging tops, salivating with each sway and jiggle. It’s been like that forever, especially when he gets high. It’s like you wanted him to reach over, lift your shirt, yank your bra cup down and feast on a nipple.
That Friday night, Erik was struggling to keep his cool in front of you. His lascivious thoughts made him feel guilty and awkward when you left his apartment. You were wearing that tight top that was straining around your triple D breasts and he couldn't help but gaze solidly at them, noticing the slight outline of your protruding nipples.
That was last Friday and you didn’t expect a call or text from him at this point. Sitting up in your bed at 3 AM, finishing the last box braid in your hair after working on the style for eight hours, you could see a FaceTime call coming through your phone and his name boldly stood out with the dim lighting of your bedroom. Pausing, one greasy finger extended to answer, you wait for him to speak first.
“Tweety, what you doin’ ?”
“I’m just finishing my hair. You?”
“Alone now. Glad I ain’t waste my night with this girl.”
“What girl?”
“You don’t know her. I wasn’t feeling it so she left.”
There is a rather long pause and it makes you roll your eyes. Clearly, he isn’t going to bring up what happened last Friday.
“What, Erik?” You respond with a huff.
“Come roll my blunt.”
“Excuse me?”
Erik chuckles, “Come roll my blunt.”
Your eyes lower to your phone and you can see that Erik is resting on his bed on his back and the glow from his TV danced across his face. His locs are tousled and he’s shirtless. His voice sounded groggy, probably from taking a nap minutes before he called.
“Do you see what time it is? Why would I get out of my bed at almost four in the morning to roll a blunt for you?”
“Because you love me and you can’t tell me no.”
“I’m telling you no right now, Erik. It’s late as hell I’m not driving to your place.”
“Not for me? That’s messed up…”
“You act like you can’t roll it yourself. It’s not hard.”
“I got it ground up, all you gotta do is seal it for me.”
“I said no, Erik! You haven’t talked to me in a week and the first thing you say is come roll your blunt?”
“But you do it better…you seal it tighter…”
“How about if I come over there?”
“You ain’t giving up, are you?”
“I miss you.”
You smile and roll your eyes at his words. Okay, you missed his ass too.
“Come on then.”
“Love you! I’m on my way.”
You hang up the call and giggle to yourself. He’s absolutely right, you can’t tell him no and actually mean it. Standing from your bed, you clean the hair up and toss it in the trash before heading to your bathroom to wash your hands. Staring at your reflection, you admire your work, impressed with the way it turned out since it is your first time….
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rpmemestorehouse · 4 years ago
2010′s Internet Memes Starters
Change wording as needed
“Are you frustrated?”
“What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I-”
“Let me tell you why that’s bullshit.”
“Oh stop it, you.”
“Aww yiss.”
“France is bacon.”
“That’s cute.”
“Lie down. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.”
“Has science gone too far?”
“...said no-one ever.”
“We need to go deeper.”
“Do you think this is a motherfucking game?”
“Oh baby, a triple!”
“Brushie brushie brushie~”
“Spooky scary skeletons!”
“You could stop at five or six stores, or, just ONE.”
“You hear about video games?”
“Release the kraken!”
“Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?”
“ ‘It will be FUN’, they said!”
“You’ve been GNOMED!”
“Deal with it.”
“And not a single fuck was given that day.”
“It’s a double rainbow!”
“The rent is too damn high!”
“You jelly?”
“Challenge accepted.”
“Come at me bro!”
“Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?”
“Are you a wizard?”
“Bitch please!”
“I know that feel bro.”
“Shut up and take my money!”
“I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.”
“I hope you step on a LEGO.”
“That really rustled my jimmies.”
“And then a skeleton popped out!”
“I’ve seen some shit.”
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
“This isn’t even my final form!”
“You had one job.”
“Kill me.”
“Majestic as FUCK.”
“Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about [insert]?”
“I swear on me mum...”
“You have no power here!”
“What a time to be alive.”
“If I pull that off, will you die?”
“It will be extremely painful...for you.”
“Hide the pain Harold.”
“Local man ruins everything.”
“Mom, get the camera!”
“I cri evrytiem.”
“The struggle is real.”
“I am the one who knocks!”
“This is the darkest timeline.”
“I’m about to end this man’s whole career.”
“I regret nothing!!!”
“I lied.”
“I’ve seen enough [insert] to know where THIS is going.”
“Oh god why-”
“Everyday I’m shufflin’-”
“You wot mate?”
“Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...”
“Man door hand hook car door-”
“Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, vomit on my sweater already, Mom's spaghetti-”
“Oppa Gangnam style!”
“When [place] is ashes, you have my permission to die.”
“I only cried for 20 minutes.”
“Pepperidge Farm remembers.”
“Go home, [Name], you’re drunk.”
“Fuck me, right?”
“I should buy a boat.”
“Apply cold water to that burn.”
“420 blaze it!”
“That’s a nice new [insert]. It would be a shame if something happened to it...”
“I too, like to live dangerously.”
“You know nothing, [Name].”
“I’m getting too old for this shit.”
“Does this look like the face of mercy?”
“It was me, [OWN NAME]!”
“Stop trying to make [insert] happen! It’s not going to happen!”
“You merely adopted the darkness.”
“See? Nobody cares.”
“I will find you, and I will kill you.”
“I understood that reference!”
“Listen here, you little shit-”
“It’s an older meme, sir, but it checks out.”
“Ravioli, ravioli, give me the formuoli.”
“How do you do, fellow kids?”
“Ow, the edge!”
“*teleports behind you* Nothing personal, kid.”
“Pee is stored in the balls.”
“We have food at home.”
“You must be new here.”
“Goats are like mushrooms, if you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters.”
“That’s the evilest thing I can imagine!”
“Dammit Moon Moon!”
“When u mom com home and make hte spagheti-“
“When will you learn? When will you learn?! THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES?!”
“helo would u like some of this hot choclety milk?”
“Be strong, [Name]. Be strong for Mother.”
“Ayy LMAO.”
“Surprise, bitch. I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me.”
“Shrek is love, Shrek is life.”
“Heard you were talking shit!”
“The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
“Look at me. I’m the captain now.”
“This could be us, but you playing.”
“They played us like a damn fiddle!”
“I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.”
“I’m in me mum’s car, broom broom!”
“Hand me the aux cord.”
“Press F to pay respects.”
“Trust nobody, not even yourself.”
“Anime was a mistake.”
“It’s just a prank, bro!”
“Don’t talk to me or my son ever again.”
“Are ya winning, son?”
“Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.”
“I lived bitch!”
“You just have to say that you're fine, when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand.”
“*chuckles* I’m in danger.”
“That wasn’t very cash money of you.”
“They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.”
“Alone on a Friday night? God, you’re pathetic.”
“Why the fuck you lyin’? Why you always lyin’? Mmmm oh my GOD, stop fuckin’ lyin’~”
“You’re gonna have a bad time.”
“I’m at soup!”
“Congratulations, you played yourself.”
“I’m you, but stronger.”
“This is fine.”
“Hello darkness my old friend~”
“Jesus Christ, it’s Jason Bourne!”
“I have crippling depression!”
“That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo.”
“Take a fucking sip, babes.”
“Brother, may I have some oats?”
“God I wish that were me.”
“Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.”
“Oh, worm?”
“Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?”
“Am I a joke to you?”
“Let me in. LET ME IIIIIINNNNN!!!!!”
“You know I had to do it to ‘em.”
“Why is the FBI here?”
“Oh no baby what is you doin’???”
“Hey man, you see that guy over there?”
“Buenos días, [Name]!”
“Hey there demons, it’s me, ya boy.”
“Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.”
“Then perish.”
“Somebody toucha my spaghet!”
“My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.”
“Weird flex, but okay.”
“I’m baby.”
“OK, boomer.”
“Yep, this one’s going in my cringe compilation.”
“This is so sad. Alexa, play Despacito.”
“Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.”
“All right then, keep your secrets.”
“They did surgery on a grape.”
“It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.”
“Look how they massacred my boy!”
“Bro! You just posted cringe! You are going to lose subscriber.”
“Wait, that’s illegal.”
“Bro, I’m straight-up not having a good time.”
“Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants maybe?”
“I’m gonna do what’s called a pro gamer move.”
“Say sike right now.”
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rueluxprince · 4 years ago
Why Does Jin Guangyao Have So Many Goddamn Ships
This dude. I don’t know what is with him. He can be shipped with so many goddamn people, and you can find something in canon (show/novel/audio drama) to justify it. You like a specific trope? He’ll have a ship that gives it to you. (Lets extrapolate some from canon)
Qin Su/Jin Guangyao: Naive yet headstrong heiress trying to fight on the battlefield and contribute to the greater good. Bit off more than she could chew and was rescued by a gentle and quietly self-assured young man. Romance and comedy ensues as she vows to make him her husband! Flowers! Hijinks! Enlisting quirky handmaidens for advice! Jin Guangshan doesn’t exist in this one!
Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao: hero saves the beauty, gay edition. Young bookkeeper wants to be worthy of noble young master’s esteem, works his ass off, puts himself in years of danger, finally climbs to the top and now must deal with the “is he or is he not” of romance in politics! Is he or is he not? He’s always at your house and gives you a free pass to his house and draws you exclusive paintings and only attends conferences hosted by you and trusts you completely! But he never says anything! Cue the yearning! The soft touches! Reminders of etiquette! Swooning into strong arms!
Jiang Cheng/Jin Guangyao: reluctant and accidental co-parents reluctantly and accidentally fall in love in the long years of raising a precocious nephew into adulthood. The kid turned out surprisingly okay, with a commendably hard moral backbone. One realizes it’s nice to have a perpetually angry grape ready to blow up in your defense. The other realizes someone closest to him is already fulfilling all his marriage requirements and he didn’t even know it! Domestic bliss! Cute kids! Internal struggles of sexuality! The italicized oh!
Nie Mingjue/Jin Guangyao: Noble and righteous leader recognizing and promoting downtrodden but talented beginner –> no good opinion forthcoming but still wants to care his own way older brother x turning down a dark path but still wants to go back the way things were younger brother –> So much resentment fierce corpse x unable to forget the guilt murderer –> they are buried together. Deteriorating relationship! Shakespearean tragedy! Ultimate darkness! Death! Eternity with each other!
(Honorable mention: 3zun - a wholesome ouroboros loop of death, mystery and found family)
Nie Huaisang/Jin Guangyao: you ever have that one childhood friend that takes care of you and indulges in your oddities and protects you with murderous looks and a scarred back even though he’s frailer than you are; and then that childhood friend murders your older brother but leaves you alive and still takes cares of you and spoils you and would drop everything to help you with a made up problem? And so you’re now left seething in rage because how dare he ruin you and love you all without pause?! Cue the revenge plots! Lies! Deceit! Best actor winners going toe to toe on the world’s biggest stage! Inner conflict! Angst! More conflicted plotting!
Mo Xuanyu->Jin Guangyao: You’re weak and a mess and constantly bullied and the only one in this huge and scary house that ever showed you kindness is your older half brother. He becomes a god in your eyes, all golden and brilliant and surrounded by equally golden and beautiful people you can never touch. But you still try despite everything because he’s the sun and he wanted you to thrive, and you’re just a little moth ramming head first into the flames. And when you’re scorched to the bone and everyone still keeps on trying to stomp you into ash and you finally decide to take revenge, you still can’t bring yourself to blame that splendid sun who were never yours in the first place. Resentments! Unrequited love! More angst! Inner courtyard intrigues! More tragedy! Poetic inner monologues!
Su She->Jin Guangyao: generous and focused ruler x dedicated and competent supporter. He gives you all the respect you need and you know in your soul you will die for him and you don’t care one whit about it. You protect his heart but you always stood one step behind. The position beside him is taken, often by a soft figure in golden silk, or an eminent figure in blue satin. Jealousy! Loud expressions of loyalty! Ego management! Pining and simping!
Xue Yang/Jin Guangyao - friends who murder together stays together. One causes wanton destruction and the other picks up after them. Not because he particularly cares that people are getting hurt but the cost analysis tells him it’s not worth the clean up. You pay for my shopping, I rip out the tongues of anyone that insults your mother. Lighthearted talks of murder! Scheming with friends! Lots of cursing! Dubious experiments! Lots of magical cursing! Friends with benefits!
Wen Ruohan/Meng Yao: local megalomanic tyrant sees this random ass kid all bloodied up and gleaming with spite and went “I would like to raise that one. I’ll give it a sword and I’ll teach him stuff and I won’t say I appreciate him but I will definitely save him from imminent danger.” And that kid acknowledges said tyrant as his teacher and tortures for him pretends to love him, all the while stealing his secrets and preparing to stab him in the back to win the war. Struggle! Trauma! Living in hardship! Double agent reminding themselves not to be conflicted! Psychological torture!
Wen Chao + Wen Xu: uhhhhhh, the canoodling with stepmom trope? Do we even go that far on tumblr? It’s a possibility I’ve considered for about two seconds and now I wish I could wash my brain out.
Jin Zixun~~Jin Guangyao: the “I know I’m slapping the me two years ago in the face with what I’m doing right now but it’s love so I don’t care” trope? All the Jins do this. The year before you were all “why are you always here you don’t belong here you bastard son” and now you’re all “wheres A-Yao he promised he would ambush this public menace with me owo?!??!!??” What a weakass motherfucker with weakass principles.
Honorable mentions:
Wei Wuxian + Jin Guangyao: best in law dynamics, potentially. Terrorizing the Cloud Recesses, eating lots of spicy food, hiding secrets in perfectly groomed hair, causing aneurysms in Lan Qiren, violating all the OH&S regulations Etc.
Lan Wangji + Jin Guangyao: best in law dynamics, actually. It’s a whole battle. Jin “I am physically incapable of seeing someone and not wanting to take care of it” Guang “yes I will be calling you Wangji and trying to give you stuff and show audible concern for your love life” Yao vs. Lan “I do not wish to know you I do not care for your seating arrangements do not ever invite me to your banquets again” Wang “just because you’re maybe dating my precious older brother does not mean I will not refute you to your face about my boyfriend at your banquet in front of said brother” Ji.
(And yes the last two are purely familial/platonic. And also everyone else? You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift is the most fitting theme song for half of them)
~more MDZS metas under #my thing# tag~
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cherrycheolliesc · 4 years ago
Let Me Hear You Say
part 46: Joshua’s Weeb Closet. (46/50)
red below 👇 (1.5k words)
“You know I can break out of this, right?” you say to Mingyu who is currently holding you down. He just scoffs knowing you can't move anywhere, but entertains you, “I know, it just makes me feel strong”
“You already strong, Gyu. Anyways where is everyone?” Seokmin asks. You look around the room only seeing half of your friends in Seungcheol’s small living room. Seungkwan and Wonwoo are sitting on the couch quietly talking. You wonder how they became friends because you've never seen them talk to each other. You assume Jeonghan and Joshua are probably somewhere making out so they don't have to deal with actually setting up the party. Seungcheol and Jihoon seem to be lecturing Chan about who knows what. Things are finally quieting down when everyone decides to watch the movie that's playing until someone bursts through the doors, “I'm here motherfuckers. The party is finally getting started”
“She drunk, isn't she,” Cheol asks as he points towards the small blonde girl in Mina’s arms. Seoyeon nods as she brings Chaeyoung to one of the rooms in the apartment. When she comes back, everyone turns towards the commotion at the front door. “You can't make me go inside. I'll bite you, you know I will” 
“Soonyoung, if you just go inside, it'll make everything so much easier,” Jun says as he continues to try and push the smaller boy in. Everyone just watches him, Minghao, and Vernon struggle to bring Soonyoung in until Cheol eventually just picks him up and holds him down, “You two are gonna talk like two grown adults or I’m firing Jihoon”
“Woah why am I getting involved in this?” Jihoon asks walking over to the rest of the group. Everyone looks confused before Chan talks, “How can you even fire him?” 
“Yea and with what job exactly,” Soonyoung says causing Cheol to roll his eyes, “Look if guys talk to each other, I'll tell you where I work” 
“One, no one cares. Two, stop lying to yourself, it's okay if you're unemployed. We won't stop loving you just because you don't have a job, Cheollie” you say which only annoys him more. Jihoon confused asks, “Why do you guys really believe he's unemployed? The dude is literally our boss.”
“ ‘Our’ boss?” Seungkwan says, “yes our boss. He's at the building all the time. How did you not know that?”
“To be honest I thought he was just going there to hook up with you, Ji,” Jeonghan says before getting a drink. “Ew, why would I hook up with Cheol? He's like my brother. That would just ruin your friendship.”
“And that is exactly why I’m not admitting my feelings for Y/n!” Soonyoung screams before trying to run away but failing as Cheol is still holding him down. You decide yelling back is the best option, “like I would ever admit my feelings for you.” 
“That’s it! Time out for you two until you can figure out your issues. Bring them to Shua’s weeb closet and don’t let them out until they're cool with each other.” Cheol says before lifting Soonyoung. Mingyu sees the message Cheol sends and brings you to Joshua’s room as well. “Hey hey, why are you taking them to my closet? What if they fuck in there?”
“Then they'll be happy again,” Vernon says with a smile on his face. Shua rolls his eyes before giving in. Eventually, you and Soonyoung are both shoved into the small closet. You try to stay as far as you can from him, putting a blowup titan in between the two of you. To ease the awkwardness after a few minutes of silence, Soonyoung asks, “You think Shua uses this thing as a sex doll?”
“If he does, I regret touching it,” you reply. The boy beside you laughs and says, “If I remember correctly, you and Joshua sleeping together for a whole two years after college, right?” 
“Yeah well, it was kinda weird. Let's just say, you aren't the only furry in our friend group.” This makes him laugh again before finding a place to sit down. You take a seat beside him as he leans his head on your shoulder, “I’m sorry, Y/n.”
“For what exactly, Soonie?” You ask back wanting a better explanation than just a small sorry. He rolls his eyes before saying, “You already know why. For being immature and not dealing with things like an adult.”
“To be honest, none of us deal with things like adults. We're just the worst. I guess I’m sorry too.” you say back to him. The two sit comfortably in silence just relaxing in each other’s company. Why did we make things so hard for no reason? you wonder. That thought quickly goes away when you remember that the two of you are friends and you never want to ruin that, but your thoughts are interrupted, “I love you, Y/n. But I mean even if it's pretty obvious, I know I'm not very good at showing it.” 
“But we're friends, Soon,” you say back before walking to the other side of the closet. You glance at his face for a second and see a bit of hurt in his eyes. Why am I still hiding how I feel? What’s the point of lying to myself and everyone else? You ask yourself before he breaks your thoughts once again, “Y/n, you say that, but then you're willing to fight with me for months because of the whole situation. Why are we just continuing to do this to each other?” 
“I don't know, Soon. I really don't know,” you reply, overwhelmed, burying your face into your hands. He walks behind you and gives one of his famous, familiar back hugs to comfort you. You relax into the hug as he softly kisses your shoulder, “it's okay, Y/n. You don't need to have an answer right now. It's not wrong to want to take everything at your own pace. I just don't want to feel like I have to constantly avoid you because like you said, you are my best friend.“
“Are you trying to say ‘the power of friendship is so strong’ that we can get through things like this?” you sarcastically say as you laugh and lean into his arms. He giggles and replies, “That's exactly what I’m saying.” The two of you once again sit in silence. You take in everything from the moment you first saw Soonyoung as a small boy eating dirt in the playground to this exact moment You wonder when everything changed, “When did you realize you loved me, Soon?” 
“There isn't an exact moment. I think just over time my love constantly grew for you. I didn't realize it at first and never really wanted to accept it because, well I'm pretty sure it's obvious why,” he responds. You feel the same way. You've always just told yourself it was because of that dance, but you know those feelings have always been there. More importantly, you know you've acted on those feelings before. “Why did you leave me after graduation? After I told you I love you?” 
“Because I was stupid and a coward. I got jealous of Joshua, but then I started to think I wasn't as good as him. I wouldn't be good enough like him. I thought I wouldn't be able to make you happy like he would, ” he says honestly. You don't understand how he could ever think he wasn't good enough. You loved everything about the kid, from his weird tiger obsession to his incredible dance skills. “Soonie, you know I never believed you weren't good enough. And to be honest, Shua wasn't the greatest boyfriend. He was an amazing friend, but there's something off about knowing your boyfriend is denying his feelings for someone else”
“I guess that's how Seoyeon felt. It was just seeing you in the arms of a model like him brought up my insecurities I guess. I thought it would be too hard to compete. So I ran away because I didn't want to deal with the feelings, ” he explains still holding you in his arms. You feel how much bigger his arms got over the years and decide to ask him another question, “When did you start working out? Not that I'm complaining, but the last time Cheol asked you to work out with him you called him a loser and told him there's no reason to work out when you have a cute face.”
“Yes, my face is adorable, but I figured I'd just work out because why not. Also, Ji paid for a year's gym membership in China by accident,” he answers while softly laughing. The two of you continue to talk about random things for the next few hours without anyone interrupting you. You hear soft snoring on the other side of the door. Soonyoung quietly opens the door to not wake the sleeping person on the other side. You walk out to see Seungcheol and Wonwoo fast asleep on each other and quickly take a photo before sneaking away. You and Soonyoung decide to leave through the window to avoid questions or stares from anyone else. For the rest of the night, the two of you wonder who knows where and finally you feel happy to be with your best friend for once.
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↣ summary: after not seeing each other for years, Yn is ecstatic when she finds out all of her friends will finally be in the same place at one time. but unfortunately an unwanted dream turns a 12 year friendship into hateful relationship between yn and soonyoung.
↣ pairing: reader x soonyoung.
↣ genre: angst, comedy, youtube au, sm au. friends to enemies to lovers.
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a/n- tbh i don’t really know how i feel abt this chapter. but also i don’t really see myself as a good writer when it comes to like written things like this but i really want to get better because i want to open requests soon when i get the time.
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justcallmefox89 · 5 years ago
Truth or Dare Part 9 - Diavolo’s Ending
The Demon Lord’s castle is in an uproar and Mammon steps up to hold things together.  The Devildom gets a visit from two unforeseen visitors who have the ability to change the course of fate.
Written from the perspective of a female OC
NSFW - threesome, guy on guy, penetrative sex, anal sex, unprotected sex, shower sex.........filth.  It’s just smutty, smutty filth.
TWs - discussions of death and dying
Mood List:
Jonathan Young - A Whole New World (cover) Max - Lights Down Low Jarryd James - Do You Remember The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It Hozier - Almost
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I feel nauseous and my head is pounding.  
Too much Demonus, not enough water.  I am never going to The Fall with Asmo ever again.  Never. 
A strong pair of arms surround me, holding me up.
“Fuck off Asmo.....this is all your fault,” I say, slurring.
“I assure you my darling, I am not Asmodeus and this situation is in no way his fault,” a voice behind me says, light and airy, tinkling like wind chimes swaying in the breeze.  
I recognize that voice.
“She’s right,” another voice chimes in.  “This is a situation borne of your own stupidity.”  A pause.  “Took courage though. You must have a pair of brass balls on you, human.  You get that from my side I’m sure.”  
A sardonic chuckle.
Low and husky, this voice sounds a lot like mine.  But there’s something else.....something darker, dangerous.  Something that brings to mind prey running through a forest at twilight, being pursued by something shadowy and quick and ominous, leaves and grass rustling as something runs for its life.      
I blink, blearily trying to focus, when a face pops up right in front of mine.
“Holy motherfucking fucking fuck!”  I yelp and stumble back.  
The face frowns, and when I look a little closer I realize I’m gazing into a pair of green eyes that look startlingly like my own.  I don’t know the owner though.  This woman’s long chestnut hair is held back from her face in a series of braids, her skin streaked with decorative lines that have been painted on by something chalky and blue.
“Language,” the voice from behind reprimands me softly.
“Sorry,” I say automatically, turning around.  
I know you.
Her skin is pale, like mine, but she has soft, dove grey eyes and flowing white hair.  White hair like........ like Mammon’s.
“Where’s Mammon?  Where’s Diavolo?”  I ask, whipping my head around, realizing I’m in Diavolo’s study.  
Everything looks hazy and out of focus, like a soft watercolor painting.  I see a group of men huddled around something on the floor, and breathe out a small sigh of relief when I hear Mammon and Diavolo speaking, although I can’t make out what they’re saying.
I face the pale woman again as the dark haired woman looks on impassively.
“Lilith why are you here?  Is it safe for you to be here?” 
The other woman snorts.  “We’re not in the Devildom, child.”
“Then where are we?”  I ask, panicky.
“A....purgatory of sorts,” Lilith answers carefully.
Purgatory?  But that’s for .................flames.....Mammon screaming.  Blood.  Skin burning.  Pain, so much pain.  Oh shit.
“I died?”  I swallow hard.  “Then the ritual didn’t work.”
The dark haired woman scowls.  “You’re not too far gone for us to help you, but you’ve sure pushed the limit of what we can do.”
“Oh fuc-”
“Arianthi!”  Lilith fixes me with a stern look.
“Sorry,” I mumble, avoiding her eyes.  “So I’m just a little bit dead?”
Lilith nods.  “There’s still enough time to for us to send you back.” 
A sound from far off in the distance drifts towards us.  Something that sounds like wood creaking and groaning, waves pounding against rocks.  And an unearthly haunting melody, underscored with eldritch screams.  It’s beautiful and terrible all at once, and I fight the urge to clap my hands over my ears.  My eyes dart around the room, searching for the origin of the noise.
“We don’t have any more time Lilith, we have to go.  NOW!”  The other woman hisses.
“I know Morrigan, I know.”  Lilith grabs my shoulders and bends down so we’re eye to eye.  “We can’t help you anymore after this. The Demon King is powerful, but he isn’t invincible.  And soon, even he won’t be able to deny your place in the Devildom hierarchy.”  
She flashes me a secretive smile.   
“You’ve drawn attention from other powerful beings though, so be on your guard.  Mammon will protect you, stay close to him.”  She kisses my forehead and gives me another smile.  “I’m proud of you.  Both of you.  Tell him that.”
I nod and she moves away, Morrigan stepping into her place.  She cocks her head to the side and looks at me curiously.  
“We don’t know each other, but you’ll learn of me soon enough.  You’ve always been one of my favorites; the first one of mine to wreak such chaos in hundreds of generations.”  She smirks at me.  “You’re entertaining, I’ll give you that.” 
The noise from earlier sounds like it’s getting closer.  She takes my hands in her own.  “Diavolo is a fine demon and he will be a wonderful ruler.  You chose well.  Be good to each other.”  
She presses a her lips to my forehead then roughly shoves me back.
Shiiiiiiit.  Pain.  So much pain.  All the pain.  
“No, no, no, no,.......not again baby, please not again.  Come back....”  Mammon
“Solomon do something!”  Diavolo.
“I’m trying, I’m trying!”
My eyes don’t want to open and my body is sore and stiff.  I’m restricted, feeling claustrophobic.  I jerk and try to struggle free of whatever is holding me.
I try to stretch and blink my eyes rapidly until they stay open.  My clothes are in tatters, and the smell of fire and ashes surrounds me.  I try to breathe in but my chest constricts, my lungs unwilling to take in oxygen.  
Two pairs of arms tightly wrap around me, sandwiching me between two powerful bodies.  I can see Barbatos and Solomon over Mammon’s shoulder, their eyes wide.   
I heave to one side, breaking the boys’ hold on me, and roll up onto my knees. My back and legs feel leaden, and it takes all my effort to stay upright.  I try to say something, but end up coughing, trying to force stale smoke from my lungs.
Diavolo drapes his coat over me and Mammon rubs my back soothingly, urging me to relax.
“I got ya baby,” he murmurs reassuringly.  “Get it all out.”
Diavolo motions for Barbatos and gives him a series of whispered instructions.  Barbatos nods several times, then rushes out of the study, turning back to look at me one last time.  
I let out another harsh, hacking cough.  
“The fuck did you do to me Solomon?”  I mutter.  
Diavolo kneels and pulls my hair back from my face, easing some on my claustrophobia.  
Solomon barks out a surprised laugh.  “It really is you,” he says delightedly.  
“Of course it’s me, you fucking cut rate Harry Potter.”  I’m swaying on my hands and knees, exhausted.  “What happened?  Why is everything so heavy?”
Mammon helps me up to my knees and leans me against his chest.
“Are you real?  You’re really back?”  he whispers, hesitant and hopefully.
I nod, grateful to have him holding me upright.
He stays silent.  Uncertain.
“I was the one who kissed you, our very first time,” I begin, speaking slowly.  “We sneaked out after Lucifer did his room inspections that night.  We started at The Fall but we wound up at Hell’s Kitchen so you could play cards.”
Mammon’s heart is pounding in his chest, getting faster and faster with my every word.
“We had been there forever.  I was ready to go home.  But you were drinking and you were winning so you wanted to stay.  We made a bet on the next game.  If you win, we stay and you get a kiss.  If you lose, we go home and I got to pick a movie for us to watch together on our next movie night.”
Mammon’s fingers are stroking my cheek, listening intently to each low, labored word.  Diavolo kneeling next to me fades away; it’s just us two in this moment.  
“You lost.  It was raining outside and we had to run back to the House of Lamentation..... you were bitching and moaning the whole time.”  I grin at the memory.  “We couldn’t get in when we got home.  Lucifer figured out we were gone and locked us out.  I was cold and wet and tired of you bitching so I finally asked....” 
 I stop to cough.
“Ya asked me if I would shut the hell up if ya gave me that kiss I was asking for earlier,” Mammon picks up the story.  
“And you looked at me and said, “Maybe”.”  I croak out a laugh.  “So I pushed you against the door and kissed you.  We just stayed out there, kissing for I don’t even know how long.  Until Lucifer let us in.”
Mammon looks down at me, his eyes shining with unshed tears.  “It really is you,” he whispers.  
“Told you so.”
He gives me a soft kiss.  “Don’t ya dare ever do somethin’ like that again.  Ya ain’t allowed to leave me ever again.”
“How long was I out?”  I ask.
“You weren’t out baby.”  His voice breaks.  “You were gone.”
“No,” I shake my head.  “I saw you.  I was here.  I  - AH!”  
A blinding pain sears up my spine and it feels like someone has stuck their finger into a bundle of raw nerves.  
I look over my shoulder and see Diavolo touching my back delicately with one finger.  “Dia stop!”
The pain is so intense that the corners of my vision start to go dark.  I feel a heavy weight pulling me backwards, and something soft and fluttery tickles the back of my neck and waist, while something muscular and thick wraps around my left leg.   
I’m panting, on my hands and knees, waiting as the pain starts to level out.  “What was that?  What just happened?” 
Diavolo and Mammon snap to attention, Diavolo helping me up and Mammon arranging his coat so all my important bits are covered up.  The minute Diavolo lets go of my arm I start to fall, dragged backwards by an unfamiliar weight.
“I got you princess.”  Diavolo picks me up and I cling to him like a baby koala as he strides out of the study and up to our bedroom, Mammon following us. 
“Solomon, go ahead and stay in your usual room for the time being.  We’ll need to talk after we help Arianthi get cleaned up and we all get some rest,” Diavolo orders him. 
Diavolo is moving so quickly I can’t catch Solomon’s reply.  He doesn’t stop until we’re standing in front of the full length mirror in our bedroom.   I slide down to the floor and turn to face the mirror, Mammon on my right and Diavolo on my left.  
“Oh my dark lord,” I breathe.  
Mammon and Diavolo are grinning like idiots.
“Hang on baby, we got ya,” Mammon says.  He gently presses his hands between my should blades and massages softly while Diavolo bends down and carefully unwinds something from around my leg. 
Large, black feathered wings fan out behind me, matted and bloody, and a long tail coils behind me, thick and muscular, covered by black leathery skin.  My green eyes have taken on a golden sheen, mirroring Diavolo’s.  Mammon and Diavolo stand and return to my side.  
“We did it,” I whisper.
“You did it princess,” Diavolo murmurs.  “You came back all on your own.”  
He pulls me into a hug, careful of my new wings and the tender skin of my back.  
“l thought I lost you,” he whispers, kissing my forehead.  
“I told you a long time ago that I was tough,” I whisper back.  
“I’ll never doubt you again princess,” he says with a low chuckle.  
I look back into the mirror and wince.  I’m covered in blood, ashes, and various other substances I don’t care to think about.
Mammon’s arms snake around my waist and he kisses my cheek.  
“Don’t worry baby, we can stay here and clean ya up right.  Love on ya some.  Take all the time in the world,” he murmurs suggestively, smirking over at Diavolo.  
“Wait!  They were there!”  I grab Diavolo’s arm.  “Did you guys see them?”
“Hey, breathe princess.  Breathe for me.”  Diavolo rubs my shoulders, large hands warm and comforting.  “Who are ‘they’?”
I look back and forth between Mammon and Diavolo.  “Lilith and this other woman.  They sent me back.”
Mammon goes rigid at the mention of his sister.  “Lilith was there?”
I nod rapidly.  “She said I was in some sort of purgatory and I was only a little bit dead, but there was enough time for them to send me back.  I could see you in the study but it was all fuzzy.  She said that Diavolo’s dad was ‘powerful but not invincible’.”   
I stop to suck in some air.  Diavolo looks troubled and Mammon looks gobsmacked.
I take Mammon’s hand.  “She said you would always protect me.  And that she was proud of you.  She wanted me to tell you that.  That she was proud of you.”
He tears up, carefully folding me into his embrace.  He sniffles a little as I hug him tightly.  
“Arianthi?”  Diavolo asks quietly.  “Who else was there?  You said two women were there.  Who was there besides Lilith?”
I twist in Mammon’s arms to face Diavolo, staying firmly in Mammon’s embrace.  “I didn’t know her.  Her name was Morrigan.  I’ve never seen her before.”
“You’re sure her name was Morrigan?”  Diavolo asks, studying me carefully.
“That’s what Lilith called her.  Do you know her Dia?” 
“I never knew her.  She’s older than my father even.  I wasn’t even sure she existed to be perfectly honest,” Diavolo says, baffled.  “I’ll have to go through some books in the library tomorrow to make sure, but from what I remember of the old stories she was a very powerful demon.  The ancient Celts worshiped her as their goddess of destruction and war.  There’s been no mention of anyone seeing her in...............forever.”
“So sayin’ this Morrigan was the one with Lilith, why would she care about our girl?”  I can hear the confusion in Mammon’s voice.
“She said I was one of her’s.  She said that more than once Dia.”
Surprise spreads over Diavolo’s features.  “What else did she say?”
I close my eyes, trying to think back to Morrigan’s exact words.  
“She said I was entertaining and the first one of her’s to cause so much chaos in generations.  She said I was one of her favorites.  That you were a fine demon and you’ll be a great ruler.”  I smile.  “She said I chose well.  And that we need to be good to each other.”
When I open my eyes I see Diavolo staring at me intently.  He starts to laugh, tears forming at the corner of his eyes.
“What’re ya laughing at?”  Mammon sounds irritated.
“If she truly is one of Morrigan’s it means that Arianthi is descended from a demon as well as an angel.”
“Ow Mammon,” I frown, rubbing my ear.  “Too loud.”
“Sorry baby.”  He gives my ear a soft kiss.  “Ok, so our girl has demon and angel blood.  So what?”
I chew on my lower lip, thinking.  “Do you think she might have been lying about who she was?  Lilith would have known if she was lying right?”
Diavolo frowns and scrubs his hands over his face.  “I don’t know princess.  I really don’t know.  We’ll figure it though, I promise.”
I shuffle from side to side, itchy and ready to be clean again.  I don’t know what else to say.
“Alright.  That’s enough.  We’ve been awake for too damn long and Arianthi needs a shower. Hell, we all do,” Mammon says, taking charge.  “C’mon.  Inta the shower with both of ya.”
Mammon leads us into the bathroom, shutting the door softly.  He gathers me close and kisses me, gently pulling Diavolo’s coat and what’s left of my clothes away from my body.  
I hear Diavolo turning on the shower behind us, warm steam and the scent of vanilla wafting towards us, and the sound of his clothes softly hitting the tile floor.  Mammon puts his hands on my hips, backing me towards the shower, lips never leaving mine.
I stop moving when I feel Diavolo’s body at my back and his hands run over Mammon’s on my hips.  Mammon breaks our kiss long enough to shuck off his clothes, then gently urges Diavolo and I into the shower.
This shower is now officially as close to heaven as I’m ever going to get. 
A glorious artwork of glass and tile, with multiple shower heads, and more than large enough to fit all of us comfortably.........perfection.
I stand under the spray of water for a few minutes in silence, rinsing the worst of the blood and vomit from myself.  
“Who’s going to tell me what happened after everything went dark?”  I finally ask, as gently as I can.  
Mammon and Diavolo switch places, Mammon moving behind me while Diavolo faces me.
“What’s the last thing you remember?”  Diavolo asks, pouring some body wash into his hands, and then passing the bottle over my head to Mammon.
“Fire.  You two in front of me.  My skin was......burning.”
He stays silent as he runs soapy hands over my arms and chest.  “We tried to get to you but the fire kept us back.  It wasn’t natural.....it burned us when we tried to get through.”
I jump as I feel Mammon’s hands on my wings, long dexterous fingers cleaning and smoothing feathers, tucking them into place.
“Shhhh baby,” he says quietly.  “I’ll have ya all clean and feelin’ better in no time.”
“By the time the fire was low enough for us to get to you,” Diavolo pauses, his jaw clenched.  “You weren’t breathing but you were......”
“Lookin’ normal again.  Not burned.  Like nothin’ had happened,” Mammon says curtly, finishing for him.  His touch becomes rough for a second, and he immediately softens as I flinch.  “Sorry baby.”
I look down at my arms and legs; my skin is unmarked, not even a scratch.  I look back up at Diavolo in confusion.
“Barbatos heard the screams.  Solomon started looking for another ritual, one to bring you back.......” Diavolo trail offs.  
“How long was I gone?  It couldn’t have been that long.”
“Too goddamn long,” Mammon grunts behind me as Diavolo answers, “About twenty minutes.”
I start gnawing on my thumbnail anxiously.  
Dying twice in one year isn’t a good track record.  
A tapping sound echoes against the tile drumming in beat with the thoughts running though my mind.
“Arianthi?”  Diavolo holds my face in his hands.  “Calm down.  You need to breathe princess.”
“I’m calm, I’m totally calm,” I respond quickly.  
“Baby?”  Mammon rubs my shoulder and then points down.  My tail is tapping out a staccato beat on the tile floor of the shower.
“Oh.”  I make a conscious effort to slow my breathing and relax my body.  My tail - god how fucking weird is that - slows, then finally stills.  “Is that how it always is?”
“Yeah,” Mammon answers, continuing to preen my wings.  “It’s just another body part ya learn how to control.  Ya get used to it after a while.”
“How do I put them back?”
Diavolo shrugs.  “It’s not hard.  Relax and try to clear your mind from everything else.  Then just picture your human form.”
“Give me a few more seconds back here.”  Mammon tucks the last few feathers into place, smoothing the barbs down.  “Alright, give it a try baby.”
I close my eyes, concentrating on the steam and the noise of water hitting tile.  I picture myself like I was before the ritual, when I was truly happy, tucked safely in bed between Mammon and Diavolo.  There’s a moment of sharp pain, and then the extra weight on my back and shoulders vanishes.  
“Ya did it!”  Mammon says proudly, kissing my neck.
I turn in his arms, lacing my hands behind his neck.  He surges forward and presses his lips to mine.  He licks along my lower lip, then gives it a harsh nip.  I open my mouth, eagerly allowing him access.  His tongue strokes mine and his hands slide over my waist and down my hips, moving to caress my ass.  
Maybe it’s the rush of being a newly turned demon, or maybe I’m just happy to not be dead, but I need to feel his body against mine.  His warmth makes me feel alive, his mouth against mine sparking a familiar heat low in my core.  I just need.
Diavolo presses against my back, cock hard and firm against my ass.  His hands run over my sides, reaching forward to stroke Mammon’s cock.  Mammon moans into my mouth, his hips rutting forward against Diavolo’s hand.  I card my hands through his hair, tugging his head to the side and kissing his neck.  
We spent a few minutes teasing and touching, reaffirming our connection to each other.  Reassuring each other that we’re all together and safe.  Diavolo suddenly pulls back, surprising me and Mammon.
I feel Diavolo’s eyes on me and I turn around to face him.  “What are you thinking about Dia?”
His eyes cloud over and he flushes with shame, looking guilty.  
“I should never have pushed you to do that,” he whispers.  “I was so afraid of losing you that I didn’t think about anything else and you......” He chokes up.  “You died.  That was my fault.  I was so sure I was right that I willingly put you in danger.  I killed you.”
“Oh Dia, no.  Don’t do that.”  I step into his arms, wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head against his chest.  “I agreed to it.  I took that risk.  And it worked out.  I’m here and I’m fine,”  I try to reassure him.
“Because someone else interfered and brought you back,” Diavolo challenges me.  
I stay silent, unable to argue.  Mammon hugs Diavolo, leaning his head against his shoulder, offering silent comfort.  
“If that hadn’t happened and Solomon couldn’t figure out a way to bring you back.............”  Diavolo’s voice is bitter and filled with self-loathing.  
I don’t know what to say.  What he’s saying is true but oddly, I’m not angry about it.  
I’m not dead, I’m strong enough to live through whatever his father may throw at us, and I get to stay with Diavolo and Mammon without worrying about old age, or any of the other dangers that come with being human in the Devildom.
“Diavolo.  Shut up,”  Mammon commands.  Diavolo looks down at him in confusion, stunned into obedience.  “I’m still not happy about the heavy handed way ya went about it, but it ended up bein’ the best decision.  Arianthi’s here and she’s fine.  Better than fine.  I just wanna enjoy the fact that our girl is safe and she’s here.  And she’s like us now.....We don’t have to worry about losin’ her ever again.”  
Mammon sounds exhausted.  “I just wanna enjoy havin’ both of ya with me.  We can figure everything else out later.  Can we just focus on lovin’ each other for a few hours instead of all this other bullshit?  Get some damn rest?”  
I’m very conscious of the fact that we’re all still naked, slick with water and steam from the shower, and I’m eager to forget the last 12 hours.
Is that all it’s been?  This night has gone on forever.
“Mammon’s right Dia,” I murmur, running my hands over his chest and down his stomach.  
“We just pulled off something totally insane.”  My hand strays even lower, stroking his cock.  “Let’s celebrate a little bit, show how much we love each other.”
“Fuck princess.”  Diavolo chuckles, moving his hands under my thighs, lifting me up and pressing my back against the wall of the shower.  The cool tile is soothing against the tender skin of my back, and Diavolo is careful to not be too rough with me.  
“You two present a very powerful argument,” Diavolo says, smirking at me.
I wrap my legs around his waist and wiggle against him.  “Wasting time Dia.”
The head of his cock brushes against my clit, and I buck my hips against him, urging him to hurry.  He gives a low grunt and slowly lowers me onto his cock.  I’m slick with arousal, ready for him without any of our usual prep.  I moan as his cock stretches me, burying my face into his neck.  
Encouraged by my noises of enjoyment Diavolo thrusts up into me, eager but cautious, not wanting to hurt me.  I snake a hand up the back of his neck and into his hair, giving it a sharp yank.
“Faster,” I whisper into his ear, softly biting his earlobe. 
I look over Diavolo’s shoulder and see Mammon standing behind him, running his hands and mouth over Diavolo’s back.  He marks him with love bites, lowering his hands to massage Diavolo’s thighs.  
Diavolo shudders at his touch and moves his hips faster, rutting up into me hard when Mammon slips a slender finger in his ass, teasing and stretching, preparing Diavolo for what’s coming next.
Diavolo groans with lust.  “Mammon.........Arianthi....” he pants.
Mammon sinks his teeth into Diavolo’s shoulder, adding a second finger, never losing his rhythm.  “Better fuck our girl a little harder than that, she’s not making enough noise.”    
Diavolo obeys his command and I cry out, the sound echoing off the tile of the shower.  
“Fuck!”  I whimper, clinging tight to his shoulders, as his cock pounds into my pussy at the perfect angle.  
My legs tighten around his waist as I cum, pussy clenching around his thick cock, urging him to cum with me as Mammon finger fucks his ass.
“Nah,” Mammon teases, stilling the motions of his hand.  “You’re not cummin’ yet Diavolo.”
Diavolo whimpers, rutting into me.  “Please....please don’t stop now.”
“Let’s move to the bed,” I murmur, kissing him and biting at his lower lip.  “Let us take care of you Dia.”
Diavolo reluctantly releases me while Mammon turns off the shower.  The short trip to the bed seems to take forever; Diavolo is tense with lust and the stress of the past day, and he keeps sneaking touches and kisses from us until Mammon slaps his hand away.  He pushes Diavolo onto the bed, keeping me by his side.
“Bend over,” he growls, pushing me forwards a little.  “Hands on the mattress.”  
I obey while Diavolo looks on in confusion.  Mammon runs his hands down my spine, stroking slowly, before moving his hands a little lower to arch my hips until they’re just so.  Diavolo looks on, biting his lip, while Mammon slowly thrusts his cock into my pussy, inch by inch.  His makes a small whining noise, watching Mammon fuck me, eyes dark with lust and impatience.  
“You think he’s waited long enough baby?”  Mammon mutters, his hips moving excruciatingly slowly.  
I consider Diavolo, taking my time and smirking, while I enjoy the feeling of Mammon’s cock.  “Yeah.....yeah I think so.”
Mammon slowly pulls out, caressing my ass.  “Give me a kiss then get up there with him,” he demands playfully. 
I turn and give him a deep kiss, teasing him with my tongue.  
“So bossy tonight baby,” I murmur against his lips.  “I didn’t know you had in you,” I tease.
“Neither did I,” Mammon chuckles darkly.  “But I’m gettin’ into it.”
I climb up next to Diavolo and we both restlessly wait for Mammon’s next commands.
Mammon tosses Diavolo a pillow.  “Put that under your hips,” he says, moving between Diavolo’s legs and hooking them over his thighs.  Mammon looks at me and jerks his head towards Diavolo.  
“Ride,” he says with a smirk.
I giggle and move to straddle Diavolo.  
I like this side of Mammon.  Really, really like it.
“Holy fuck,” Diavolo whispers as I sink down on his cock.  
I start to move my hips, pulling off of him completely, then slowly taking his thick cock all the way back in my pussy.  He moans, then jerks suddenly, and I look over my shoulder to see Mammon, stroking his cock while he finger fucks Diavolo’s ass.
“I wanna fuck ya Diavolo,” he growls.  “Only if you want it.” 
Diavolo nods helplessly, throwing his head back against the pillows as his large hands grip my hips.  
“Words Dia,” I tell him playfully.  “Use your words.”  
I tease his nipples with my fingertips while I ride him, relishing his eyes on me.
“Yes,” he gasps.  “Yes, I want you to fuck me Mammon.”
Mammon makes an intelligible noise deep in his throat.  I look back again, watching him remove his fingers from Diavolo’s ass, then gently thrust his cock into Diavolo’s hole, stretching him slowly and thoroughly.  Once he bottoms out, he holds himself still, giving Diavolo time to adjust.
“This ok?”  Mammon asks, waiting for a signal to move.  
“Fuck yes,” Diavolo hisses between his teeth; torn between moving his hips up to meet my mine as I ride him, or pushing them down to meet Mammon’s thrusts.  
Seeing him so uncertain, a writhing, whimpering mess, and feeling the aftershocks of Mammon’s rough thrusts and his harsh breathing against my back as he fucks Diavolo drives me closer to my second orgasm.  
Mammon’s hand comes down hard on my shoulder, limiting my movement, and forcing me to grind down against Diavolo, taking his cock even deeper in my pussy.
Diavolo’s hand slides down his stomach to the point where our bodies meet, and he uses two calloused fingers to tease and rub my clit.  I moan and bite my lip, rolling my hips faster.  Diavolo thrusts up into me sloppily, close to his own orgasm.
Mammon gives a low laugh, still fucking Diavolo while he watches both of us come undone.  
“That’s right baby...... I wanna watch you cum while you ride him.  Diavolo I wanna feel ya cum inside our girl, feel this tight little hole of yours clench down on my cock while I got it buried deep in your ass.”
His words push me over the edge and I cum, taking Diavolo deep for the last time, my pussy twitching and spasming around his thick cock as I cry out his name.  
I feel Diavolo shudder, warm cum spurting into my pussy over and over.  I fall forward, bracing myself against his chest while I give him a deep kiss.  I hear Mammon let out a guttural moan, and feel the telltale tremors of his hips moving roughly and slamming his cock into Diavolo’s ass one last time as he cums.
Diavolo whines in protest when Mammon and I finally move off of him, making grabby motions at us.  “Come here.”
We lay down on each side of him, cuddling into him, and he wraps an arm around each of us, pulling us as close as possible.  
“That was a fantastic suggestion Mammon,” Diavolo sighs, kissing him softly on the lips before turning his head and kissing me as well.  
Mammon and I rest our heads on each side of Diavolo’s chest, smiling gently at each other.  
I love you, he mouths at me.
I love you too, I mouth back. 
“Let’s get a few hours of rest,” Diavolo murmurs, already sounding sleepy.  “We are going to have one hell of a conversation with Solomon and Barbatos when we wake up.”
Mammon and I mumble our agreement, eyelids already fluttering with exhaustion. 
“I love you Arianthi,” Diavolo whispers.
“I love you too Dia.”
“Mammon?”  he says hesitantly.
“You’re very special to me.”
The last thing I see before I drift off to sleep is Mammon’s shy smile as he responds.  “You’re special to me too Diavolo.”
Something rouses me from a deep sleep.  I look around the bedroom blearily; it’s completely dark.  Diavolo is still sleeping next to me, Mammon snoring softly beside him.  
I sit up and tilt my head to the side, listening carefully.  I hear a raised voice from the lower floor of the castle and the sound of several pairs of feet thudding up the stairs.
“Dia!”  I start shaking his shoulder.  “Dia wake up!  Someone’s here and I heard Barbatos shouting.”
“Barbatos doesn’t shout,” Diavolo mutters, pulling a pillow over his head, never even opening his eyes.
“Dia wake up and listen!”  I snatch the pillow away.
He blinks, giving me a dirty look before hearing the footsteps.  They’ve reached the top of the staircase now.  He props himself up on one forearm, reaching back to shake Mammon.
“Whaddaya want?”  Mammon grumbles, his head popping up over Diavolo’s shoulder.  His messy hair is haloed around his head and his eyes are barely open.
“Listen!”  I whisper. 
“That’s not Barbatos,” he says, eyes widening as he hears the commotion in the hallway now.
“Definitely not.”  Diavolo looks serious.  “Out of bed.  Get dressed quickly.  Whoever it is I’d rather meet them when we’re not naked.”
I pull back the blankets, ready to get out of bed, when the door to our bedroom flies open, slamming loudly against the wall.  I throw a hand up in self-defense, scooting back towards Diavolo.
Diavolo throws one arm around me, pulling me to him and pushing my head into his chest, his other hand reaching out for Mammon.  After a moment he gives a loud roar of outrage that vibrates in his chest, quickly followed by Mammon yelling, “Oi!  The fuck are you doing here?!”
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jay-and-dean · 6 years ago
Captive Chapter 6 : Secrets
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_Dean x Reader_
Summary :
Dean Winchester is an enemy.
Every man of letters and hunters are enemies.
During the Great Purge in Europe, when every european Men of Letters allied to eradicate monsters once and for all, using hunters as their cold-blooded hounds, long before the BMOL took an interest in USA, they killed my mother, and made me go through hell. I killed so many of them I lost count, and lived a life on the run. Until one day I heard about American Men of Letters extinction, and decided to try and find peace there.
That was without counting on the exile of some BMOL, and the existence of the two best hunters of the world.The fisrt time I saw Sam Winchester, I almost killed him, and Dean has me now…
He is going to kill me, right ?
Future warnings : Violence and captivity, Swearing, Angst, Fluff, Smut.
Chapter Warnings : Angst, heartbreak, secrets, swearing, blood, fluff, smut.
Words : 8.5 k (I did it again…)
Sam's pov
           Billie never answered. Angels never let Cas go to Heaven to check on Dean, they didn't even confirm he is there. Rowena can't bring him back, not the real him anyway.
           I'm desperate.
           The first minute I was stoned, dizzy. I watched Y/n has she understood faster than me, she was screaming and begging, her breathing was whistling. And my brother was lying in her arms, inert but intact, not like when the Hellhound tore him apart or when Metatron broke his face before stabbing him.
           It's almost like he is sleeping.
           Then I have to call Cas and he tells me, tears in his eyes and in his voice, that we can't stay in that parking motel. I spend an eternity trying to make Y/n let go of Dean's body. She won't, she yells at me. And when Cas and I take him from her, she begs. It's unbearable.
           I lose track of hours. I'm frenzied. Trying to find a way to bring him back, I forget to eat or pee... Everything. I need my brother. I can't lose my brother. Not again, not for good. Y/n stays by his bed completely silent, looking at him, barely blinking. She just sits there, dry tears all over her face, his hand in hers.
           It's her that makes me react. That's her complete torpor, like she died with him, that makes me realize we have to burn his body now. She refuses, silently at first but when Cas enters the room she panics and starts yelling at me again. It's like she was possessed, her screams make the walls tremble, her blue eyes shine like never, she fights us like a lioness would fight for her cubs. But when she unintentionally hits me hard, she stops and falls on her knees, crying.
           She doesn't come with me to the hunter funeral, and even if I'm a little afraid to leave her alone, I have to say this is a relief, her pain is more than I can bear. I cry for hours watching Dean's body burn, even after everyone left.
           And a week pass... I still try to find a way to bring Dean back and I try to keep Y/n alive. She doesn't eat, she lays on his bed all the time and when I try to talk to her she just says she's sorry, that she can't move.
           Then I realize she is going to die. That's what she wants to, she has nothing left I guess. And for a second I envy her, because right now I want nothing more than to lay next to my brother's ashes in that forest and sleep forever. But there is Jack, and Cas. And there is her. Dean, he loved her truly, like I never seen him, like he was ready to let her in his life. That thing between them is sacred, and it is my duty to take care of her now.
             I knock on Dean's door and bite my lips as I come in, it still kind of smells like him in here.
"Hey Y/n..." I try.
She doesn't answer so I put a knee on the bed to get closer. She squeezes the pillow she's been cuddling.
"Let me help you" I say weakly. "Talk to me."
"I can't..." she whispers.
I sigh and come closer, then I lay on the bed beside her. We stay silent for a moment, she, turning her back on me and holding that pillow, I, looking at the ceiling.
"I miss him like crazy, you know" I start, hoping that talking to her would make her talk to me. "This morning I found expired bacon in the fridge and start crying like a baby... This is so painful I don't think I'm realizing fully."
"I do..." she says with a broken voice. "I realize perfectly" she starts to cry. "I realize that I won't see him ever again and that I won't hear his voice, he will never say knew words and taste new food... Th-that he will never know what happens at the end that show we watched together... I perfectly realize that his smell will fade and, and that nothing will ever compare to it."
Her words break my heart and I start to cry. The things she says are true and I have a thousand more of those ideas when it comes to my brother, but it is her voice, that tone like every one of her cells were in agony.
"I... I need him to take me in his arms" she sobs. "I need him so bad and he will never come back. I... I'm not ev-even human... I'm not sure I'll see him in Heaven. But I c-can't, I'm sorry Sam I can't keep going. There is nothing left for me..."
"There is me" I try, strangled.
"And I love you Sammy, you are the only friend I ever had... But I..." she's struggling to breathe. "I can't... It has to stop, that p-pain. I can't take it... I can't take it Sammy. I can't..."
           I turn to take her in my arms, spooning her. She's shaking and cold, her stifling sobs preventing her from talking. I know I can't make her feel better, I have to give her a purpose so she won't kill herself.
"Martins did that" I whisper. "The man who hurt you all those years took Dean from us. Don't let me avenge him all alone. Fight with me, one last time, Y/n. Fight."
She stiffens in my arms.
"Okay..." she says and I silently take a deep breath.
 Reader's Pov
             I totally lost track of this motherfucker. I found one or two Men of Letters and they told me Martins was missing. He just vanished a few days after he killed Dean. I guess he fears what I'm going to do to him.
           He has no idea...
           Even if I'm a wreck, I stand like a hollow shell. I eat to power my body but nothing have taste, I shower because that's what people do, but I don't remember I did most of the time, I puke most of what I eat, and I still can't sleep, pleading the pain to stop at night. I can't feel anything, neither real physical pain nor pleasure, only that unbearable agony of him being dead, each and every second. I have that image of Dean burned inside my eyelid, so I cry whenever I close my eyes... But I'm still alive.
           My body is constantly craving, but I don't really understand what it asks for, except Dean. I guess that's what they call missing.
           Sam is the kindest human being. Even with the immeasurable loss he's dealing with, he's still sweet and patient with me, yet I can see him lose weight and grow more tired every day. Dean would know how to take care of him...
           I killed exactly fourteen Men of Letters since my love was taken from me. They all told me the mission was aborted, because Martins was missing. No more recruitment, no more talking about the Blue Death. Dean would have loved that. But he's not here to hear them, so I cut their throat and move to the other without any relief.
           I come back home covered in blood and nod to Sam when he asks me if I found one more.
"I bought pizza" he says.
Dean will never eat pizza again... I'm not hungry, I'm nauseous even, so I frown and leave the room telling him I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say, he's trying so hard to make me live. But he has to understand I'm already dead.
           I get in the shower and wash the blood off of my hands, watching it run around my fingers and fall in the water at my feet. I'm dizzy, my stomach hurts but I don't care. Dean will never shower again... I play in repeat that time I yelled at him in that bathroom in my head. I was so afraid he would break my heart ; that's strange to think of this now...
           I remember him thrusting inside of me and it's almost like I could still feel him there, stretching me too reach deep within me. How I felt full and whole with him around and inside me. I put a hand on my lower stomach. I would kill to feel him here again.
           Tears fall from my eyes and I bite my lips to focus on revenge, to let the sharp pain going through me without killing me. Not yet.
           When I wrap myself in his blanket, knowing I won't sleep at all, I start to pray out loud.
"Please... Just please tell me he's in Heaven... I'm begging you" I burst in tears. "I won't- I won't ask anything anymore, I just need to know he's happy and warm. I... I need to be sure someone takes care of him. Please. Please. Please..." I ignore how pathetic I sound.
"Dean..." I cry. "Dean baby, please..."
 Sam's Pov
             She's crying again, begging Dean to come back, pleading him, saying she can't breathe, saying she needs him to make her breathe like he used to do.
           I'm crying against her door again. Is it possible that she loves him that much ? Is it possible that my brother will never come back ? Tonight I can't come inside the room 11 like I sometimes do. This is beyond my strength.
           And my lie is killing me.
           Castiel said I shouldn't lie to her, but I can't do other way, she would have died if I told her what I did.
           I killed Martins.
           I found him, and I watched life leave him as I killed him slowly, high on grief, not even recognizing myself. I hid the lead I was following because I knew if she finds him, she'll kill him and die. And she's the best hunter, so I knew I had to find him quick, I had to do it first. He was strong, he was redoubtable, I almost got killed during that fight, but I had my hate to make me stronger. He asked me why I would care for that girl, that monster. And I stabbed him once more.
"She was just a baby angel..." I told him.
"You have no idea Winchester."
           I stole her vengeance, for Dean and for her childhood, for her life.
           Since then I watch her look under every rocks, follow every path, torture and kill to find him. And I just don't say a word.
           I lied to her about those bruises he made on my face, and about the one Bobby made on my jaw that time we fought. He told me it was her fault Dean was dead, and I lost my temper, I just hit the man in the face, and he fought back.
           Everything is falling apart...
 Reader's Pov
             I get up at 5, I fell asleep for the first times in a long time, I slept three or four hours. I'm still exhausted, defeated by despair, but I need to find Martin. Sooner I get him, sooner I can end this hell.
           But lately, there is something strange about me, I mean, except the fact that my soul shattered, it's like my energy wasn't regenerating anymore. My wounds don't heal, the bruises don't fade, the exhaustion won't leave me. Is it because of how bad I want to die ?
           As I try to get up, I fall loudly, taking the bedside lamp with me when I try to lean on the nightstand. It shatters on the floor. I'm stunned for a moment. It never happened to me before, not even when they poisoned me to see if my body could heal without antidote and I was extremely sick for a month.
"Y/n, you're okay ?" Sam says, opening the door.
When he sees me on the floor he rushes to help me.
"What happened ?"
"I don't know" I frown. "My head keeps spinning."
"You have to eat and sleep" he sighs.
"But I eat ! I ate a full meal yesterday, I even drank the smoothie you made me..."
I struggle to get on my feet, even with the tall hunter's help.
           In the bathroom, I grunt. If I can't stand properly, I will fail in front of the enemy. And I can't. I can't fail because I look forward to stop feeling anything.    
           "Maybe you should rest today" Sam states when I enter the kitchen to take a piece of bread.
"No, I can't offer that son of a bitch a bonus day. He has to die, this is taking too long."
"Y/n... Are you sure you're eating ? Because you look skinnier everyday" he says and I point at my mouth full of bread.
"Well I don't know, you don't look so good..." he shrugs.
"Of course I don't" I say with my mouth full and drink milk from the bottle.
           When I turn I almost fall again, catching myself on the counter. Sam gets up and grabs my arm. He sighs.
"Y/n..." I push him away. "Dean would have wanted you to live" he whispers.
I look at him with so much hurt in my eyes, it reflects on his.
"Dean would have wanted to live" I grunt.
"He sacrificed to save your life, are you going to act like it means nothing ?"
"He died because of me..." I murmur trying not to cry again.
"That's not what I said. I just... You fought all your life, are you going to just give up now ?"
"Yeah ! Why not ?" I groan.
"You know what ? Dean would be so disappointed in you right now !" Sam mutters, clenching his fists.
"FUCK YOU SAM !" I yell running out of the room.
             I hate myself and I hate everything. I hate that Sam is right, and that I yelled at him.
           I enter Dean's room and let my body fall on the bed. My stomach and my head ache. I put my face in my hands and take a deep breath. I feel like I could faint.
"Y/n" Sam says, entering slowly.
"I'm sorry Sammy. I shouldn't have talked to you like that" I whisper.
"I guess I had it coming... Y/n, let me ask Cas to check on you, please."
"Sam... Sam can't heal me, you know that... he tried once, remember ?"
"Please Y/n..." he pleads.
"Bring me mac and cheese..."
"What ?" he raises his eyebrows.
"Dean always made me mac and cheese. I want some... If you do this for me I'll let Cas check on me even if I'm sure he won't be able to see or do anything. I have to be in a good shape to fight Martins."
           Sam offers me a beautiful smile and I see the Winchesters genes on his face, somehow it makes the pain even worse, because those similarities remind me of a thousand ways Dean was different.
             When he leaves, I look down at my body. What is happening to me ? I undress and stare at myself. Bruises are still not fading, even that one Dean made digging in my hips while we were making love.
           I put my hand on the three little blue points his fingers made, and start crying. I would like them to never vanish, I want Dean everywhere on me. I want to keep every remains on my skin.
           My body is an altar, my body is his. They tried to control it, break it, own it, but he made me feel it and love it...
           Thinking about that I notice the tattoo on my hip. That fucking enochian symbol, the same Ketch carved on my skin. Except Dean took care of it and the scars disappeared completely... Now it's my turn to make the unwanted marks go.
           With steady hands and a straight, determined face, I decide I won't die with their mark on me, only Dean's. I take a knife.
           I don't want to get my love's room dirty, so I take a tank top of mine, panties, and leave it.
           I enter the dungeon and take a deep breath. Who would have know my time in here were among my best memories ? I sit on the floor where my mattress were. I think about that first kiss, about Dean's wrinkles and about the way he used to smile when he was tired... I just, as always, think about him.
           The knife enters my skin, right below the tattoo and I clench my teeth. I'm done being marked like an animal, I know what love is now, I know what I want and what I deserve.
           Blood is running abundantly on my thigh and I try to remove the entire tattoo without damaging my muscles and nerves too much. I have to fight soon and I clearly don't heal fast, or at all, anymore...
"Shit..." I grunt when pieces of my flesh fall on the floor. Still, I don't really care about anything anymore.
           But before I can finish completely, my head spins and the smell of blood unexpectedly makes me sick. It never has before.
I faint.
             I open my eyes and see I'm bathing on my own blood, half naked on the dungeon's floor. My stomach aches so much.
"You're beautiful" a voice makes me jump.
I lift my head in a moan of effort, realizing I might actually be dying.
           A man is here. A middle aged man, not that tall, with dirty blond slightly long hair and incredible golden eyes.
"Who are you ?" I mutter trying to sit. "Where is Sam ?"
"Sam just run out of gas..." he says calmly.
"If you want me dead, get in line... behind me actually" I groan, putting a hand on my lower belly. Is that what women describe has period cramps ?
"I'm not here to hurt you" he states.
"Does Martins send you ?"
"Actually, he prevented me from knowing about you for years. I'm not fond of him. Good thing he is in hell."
"He's not..." I frown. "He killed Dean."
"Yeah and Sam killed him" he shrugs. "Let me look at you... Wow, you are really pretty and brave."
I take a deep breath because just talking is exhausting now.
"He didn't find him..."
"Yes" he insists. "He did, and never told you because, well, you know our sweet Sam, he's going to do all it takes to keep you safe."
A tear roll down my eyes as I think about Sam lying to me, I don't have enough strength to be furious, but I feel anger punch my chest.
"Now I have a mistake to undo" he says. "Y/n... I'm so sorry they used me to do this to you. And I'm sorry for your mother, she seemed like a brave girl, and you clearly got her looks."
He kneels next to me and helps me sit straight.
"Who are you ?" I ask with my jaw clenched.
"They call me Gabriel."
"Gabriel ?" I sigh puzzled. "The archangel ?... Didn't you die ?"
"Well, hiding I'm not actually dead has been my specialty... And Y/n... I'm your father."
"What ?" my head spin and I have to put my palm under it to keep straight.
"That tattoo kept me from knowing about you, they used me. I don't know how they found out I was on Earth back then... I'm here now."
I look into his eyes and feel cold heavy tears fall on my thighs.
           I prayed all my life, I begged Heaven, I cried so many night and waited for an angel for so long. And my father is Gabriel. The last archangel alive... All I had to do was removing that tattoo... That's why they carved it so often on me.
"Too late" I sigh.
"It's not, I can heal you. I'm here to make things right."
"Dean is dead. Nothing matters anymore. The only thing you could do is tell me if he's in Heaven"
"Rah ! Dean... If anyone had told me my daughter would... Dean Winchester. I mean. Fate won't let me forget about them... Listen. He is. He is in Heaven and it's a beautiful Heaven..."
I inhale like I just escaped drowning, loudly and powerfully. And the stranger claiming to be my father continues talking :
"I know about you now. Let me take you back in time, I will protect your mother and you, give you a good life. No more pain, loneliness, no more misery. Dean promised you no one would hurt you again, I can promise you no one would have ever done it..."
"What ?" my head's spinning.
"I never knew I wanted an offspring, until fifteen minutes ago, for you, for me it's been months. Now I need to protect you. My first thought was to go back in past and turn down your mother's mouthwatering offer... But you are my daughter, Y/n, just seeing you..."
"No, thank you."
"How can you refuse to let me offer you the life you prayed for all those years ?" he frowns, searching my face. "I heard all your prayers in one go when you ripped that off your skin, you know. I started to cry in the middle of a poker game..."
"If Dean is not part of this life, it means nothing at all..."
"Dean again !" he rolls his eyes.
"Unless that means he doesn't die because of me..."
"Y/n... I froze time I spent an entire year digging into your past, I can't stand what they did to you. You could grow so powerful without those spells, you could compete with Jack, with me... No one would be able to hurt you ever again."
I bend because of the pain in my belly. And he sits, soaking his pants in my blood.
"You are not changing you mind, aren't you ? You're suborn, just like your father" he seems to fight an internal war, and finally sighs. "Okay listen. You are going to live."
"What for..." I cry.
"Because those strange feeling you are experimenting, the headache, the sharp pain in your belly, this dizziness and all... This is pregnancy."
My eyes widen, my hands start to shake like crazy even if I'm not sure I'm processing what he just said.
"What ? Are you crazy ? I'm not... I can't !"
"I'm used to announce pregnancies, now I guess" he tries to joke, referring to the Bible.
"I can't be pregnant !" I yell, indifferent to his humor.
"Except it happened, true love can be surprising sometimes... I just learned I was a father, and I have to be a grandfather right away..." he smiles wistfully.
He touches my sweaty hair but I'm too shocked to protest. I look down at my lower belly and burst in tears.
           I can feel it now. I know he's not lying.
"Listen to me Y/n."
I don't, I rub my stomach, and breathe laboriously.
"Y/n, listen to me carefully" he says seriously, taking my face in his hands. "I give you two options : Either you come with me, I make you happy and powerful, give you the childhood you deserve, clean this mess... I can even show you Heaven. Dean... he will die anyway, but you will never miss him because you won't know him. You won't need him to be happy." I cry even more but keep my eyes on his beautiful golden ones. "Or... I let you there, with that little boy in your belly. But you have to fight for your life. You have to take care of you because he takes your energy, and you can't allow to brutalize your body like you always did. You have to eat and walk and sleep. You have to take care of you, and him."
I nod.
"Tell me" he says letting go of my face.
"I- want that b-baby" I stammer, shaken by emotions. "He's Dean's. I won't ever choose a life in which it disappears. This baby boy is a part of Dean..."
"So... you are ready to suffer that agonizingly sorrow of losing the man you love because you love him too much to forget about him or to lose something you never wanted..." he shakes his head. "Are you sure ?"
I nod.
           He touches my hair and the pain on my waist fades. The bruises vanish, the dizziness calms a little. He bends and puts a kiss on my forehead.
"Dean tricked the Trickster good in the end, knocking up my daughter, depriving me of the opportunity to be a father..." he looks a bit sad. "But he's a good man. I never thought I'll say that but the Winchesters are great men, I'm happy my grandson will have this name... I guess he's the only one that could make you happy now I missed this opportunity as a father. I'm sorry for everything, Y/n, I know you don't need me in your life, I'm too late like you said. Please let me see him from time to time, if he looks like you it will be quite a sight" he kindly takes my hand.
"I hope he'll look like Dean" I smile in a sob.
"Just know your prayers are heard from now on..."
With that he vanishes in a majestic sound of wings.
             I look down at my still flat belly and try to calm my heart. I can't do this without him. I can't do this without Dean... I need him...
"DEAN !" I scream in sobs.
           Sam enters running. He let himself fall on his knees and takes me in his arms, he's shaking and sweating.
"I thought they got you... I thought... I knew for sure I had enough gas and suddenly... Someone wanted me to be far from you..." he looks at my face and my body. "Did somebody hurt you ? What is all thas blood ?" he panics.
"It's mine, but I'm okay. He healed me."
"What ? Who ?" he pants.
His eyes widen.
"Gabriel is dead" he says.
"No... He... Sam it's him. My-my father..."
He searches my eyes and stop breathing for a second.
"The archangel Gabriel ?"
I nod.
"He was the Target, they knew he was on Earth, they knew he was among humans and let the ladies... the tattoo kept him from feeling me but now... I... removed... Sam I'm pregnant." I blurt out.
"What ?" he asks puzzled.
           I sit and tell him everything, I tell him what the archangel said. I'm confused and crying and clinging to his flannel but he listens to me.
"He has to bring Dean back !" he says. "He owes you that !"
I shrug, lowering my eyes.
"He gave me a choice, Sammy..."
           I'm sitting on the war room table, stroking at my still absent baby bump, Sam is talking continuously, about Gabriel, about using him to bring Dean back, about that child in my belly, about everything... He's walking fast between the kitchen, the bathroom to bring me what I need to remove the blood, and the war room, giving me tones of food while he asks me a thousand questions and answers it before I can open my mouth every time.
"I can't do this without him..." I whisper, making him stop.
"You can, you are the toughest person I've met... And I've met my family" he smiles. "And you won't be alone, I'm right here, Y/n."
"I want Dean, now..." I cry like a child.
           The doors opens in a loud noise, and when I look up it's like the sun had just switched itself back on.
           Dean is there.
           He looks down at us and sighs in relief, a hand on his heart.
"Shit ! What happened ?" he looks so worried.
I can't move, I stare at him while he quickly goes down the stairs and Sam join him in long steps to hug him roughly.
           In the arms of his brother, Dean doesn't stop looking right in my red puffy eyes. I didn't even remember how beautiful he was. I stand there, tears still running down my cheeks but I stay silent, motionless.
"You were dead, Dean !" Sam cries in his brother's arms.
Not being the one against his chest is painful but keeping my eyes on him eases everything.
"I know... I woke up in the forest... How long ?"
"Almost two months" Sam says letting go of him.
           And Dean turns to me. He walk slowly as if he didn't want to scare me. I get up.
"You look exhausted and leaner..." he says low.
"You were dead" I shrug.
"Shit angel, look at you..." he whines with tears in his eyes.
"I love you too" I says, sniffing.
He bends slowly and cups my face like I was fragile, then he puts his lips on mine gently.
"I love you..." I cry against his perfect plumb lips.
He kisses me again.
"You were gone and I..." I continue. "I can't live without you, Dean. I can't..."
"I'm here" he takes me in his arms. "I'm here, angel..."
             I don't know how long I stay in his arms, but when I stop focusing on only his face, I'm laying on the couch on him, he strokes my hair while talking to Sam.
"Gabriel !" he suddenly says a little louder.
He looks down at me. I nod.
"Angel, you're the Trickster's daughter ?"
I nod again and wrap my arms tighter around him, almost afraid he would be mad at me for that.
"She's an archangel Nephilim, Dean, that makes sense" Sam says handing his brother a beer.
"Your father killed me a hundred times, you know that baby ? With a piano once, and with a taco..." he smiles at me, squeezing me a little more. "He also helped us so many times..."
           Sam talks about the fact that he killed Martins, and I don't even react. I know I'm mad at him deep down, but Dean is here, nothing else matters.
"Sammy..." Dean cuts him. "I'm going to bed."
"But you just came back !"
Then there is a silence and I look up. They're having a silent talk like they often do.
"Okay we'll talk about everything tomorrow" Sam says. "I'm so glad you're back, Dean."
He gets up, kiss my forehead, touches his brother's shoulder, I take his hand and squeeze it, like I was thanking him. He smiles sweetly and leaves, taking a book with him.
           Dean hums slightly, puts his beer down and wraps his two strong arms around me, crushing me just a little.
"What did you tell your bother ?" I whisper, snuggling even more against him.
"Something like : The last thing I told her before I die is that I love her, I would love some private time with her to talk about that" he says and I can't help smiling.
"All that ? What did he answer ?"
"A lot of things angel... That he had been worrying like hell for you, that he can't believe I'm back, that he understands... And there was something else in his look..." he wonders. "Like... I don't know."
I look down at my stomach and start to shake a little. I was too drown in him, I had almost forgotten. Shit, what am I going to do ?
"Are you okay angel ?" he suddenly worries, sensing my body tense.
"Did you eat today ?" he says kissing my cheek.
"I did"
"So come here" he says taking me in his arms to help me get up. "We're going to bed" he slips a arms under my knees to carry me. "You don't weight anything angel, you better gain weight."
I bite my cheek, thinking about my belly going round in a few weeks.
"I will" I promise in a sigh.
           He puts me down on his bed and takes his shirt off. When my tank top goes up and shows my stomach I tug on it to hide, even if I know he can't see it yet. It's too much, I'm just not ready, I'm afraid I'll ruin his life. He's a hunter, he doesn't want this...
"Have you seen my pillow ?" he asks in a soft murmur and I start panicking again.
With trembling hands I take it from the side of the bed I've been crying every night and give it to him.
"Hey, calm down. I'm here now. Breathe angel... look at me... breathe. Look at my mouth, baby" he says making that o with his lips.
"I couldn't b-breathe when y-you were..."
           He lays next to me and take me in his arms, making me feel the warmth of his soft skin, and his lips on my shoulder.
"My bed smells like you" he whispers in a shy smile.
I would like to tell him how I was terrified by his smell fading away but I stay silent, and lower my head to allow my lips to touch his hair.
           "How was it ?" I murmur after a while.
"What ?"
"Heaven ?" I dare, moving his hand a little when it rest on my lower stomach.
"Hum... It was you mostly..." he murmurs and I feel a tear run down my cheek, but not a heavy, painful tear ; that one is calm, silent.
Then we fall asleep, not right away, but after a while I just let it take me, focusing on Dean's body, feeling him wrap me like he does, like only him can do, with the large and warm wings of his magnificent soul.
 Dean's Pov
             I wake up before her. Of course I do, I don't really need sleep, I slept for weeks. She looks so tired and so beaten. I can't even imagine what she's been through, if what she says is true, if she loves me... The idea of losing her is killing me.
           Is it possible that she loves me ? I tortured her, captured her, kept her locked up, yelled at her... And yet, just by the way she's holding me, I could swear I can feel it. That love. No one ever touched me like that, no even Lisa.
           I look at her body, the tattoo is gone, the scars are gone, and yet she's so pale, her tank top still stained with blood. I want to kiss her lips and every part of her skin, but she has to sleep, so I stay still, watching her.
           I try to find resemblance with Gabriel, but I don't, I guess his vessel doesn't really count. It's strange to know I fell in love with his daughter... I think about what we've been through together, about everything, even Casa Erotica, I hope he doesn't know how I Casa-eroticated his daughter. I smile for myself at the thought...
           First a cold blooded monster, then Sam's murderer, then a cute lost girl, an experiment, a fierce warrior, then the woman I love. And now, an archangel daughter... She is full of surprises, that is the thing she has in common with her father.
           She moves and puts a hand on her stomach, whining a little in her sleep. I take her hand away and stroke where it seems to hurt, she wraps her arms around my neck. But soon she stars panting and sobbing in her sleep.
"Dean" she calls. "Dean please I can't... bring him back... please" she cries.
"Hey, hey... angel, I'm here. I'm right here."
           She opens her eyes and for a second she seems confused, then she turns to nuzzle against me.
"It was a nightmare, I'm here to stay... I want to take a shower" I add. "Will you come with me ?"
           I can't help it. I know I should just give her some time, she obviously went through a lot, but having her naked against me is a new kind of torture, and she's not helping, brushing against me and kissing my chest all the time. My hands lay on her waist and go up on her currently too visible ribs while she's washing her hair.
           Just with that gesture I make her moan under her breath. She puts her head under shower head, her arms above her head and my cock twitches. The foam is sensually running along her skin like it wanted her as much as I do. When the shampoo slides along her pussy down her inner thighs, I groan.
           She opens her eyes and bites her lip, her eyelashes wet, making cute spikes. I bend to kiss her jaw and start nibbling at it. I'm getting hard, I can feel my stomach tremble in anticipation already.
"Dean..." she moans.
"God Y/n..."
Her hand brushes the head of my cock and I jump a little.
"Yes... Yeah baby, touch me please..." I whisper in her ear.
           She wraps her hand around my length and comes closer, flattening her breast on my chest. I close my eyes and let my head fall on her shoulder under the water, breathing droplets of water with each inhale.
"Don't drown" she murmurs with that deep voice she has when she's aroused.
I shake my head and take her hand in mine, adding pressure. Shit, I should stop. But when I'm about to push her hand away she kisses me deep, her tongue obscenely caressing mine, her hips rolling against me. She making me crazy again. I can feel her hunger and it's the hottest thing ever.
"Let me make love to you, angel" I pant, letting go of her hand.
"Yes..." she moans.
"Not here... Shit, this is..." I feel that electricity go through my body, and I know exactly what this feeling means. I'm going to loose control. "Oh fuck Y/n stop touching me. Please... You have to stop now."
She smiles and bites her lips. Then teasingly strokes me again, very slowly. I have to focus hard not to come in her hand, I have to grab her hair but that makes her moan, so it's even worse...
"You remember Dean, that you promised I could taste you ?" she sensually purrs in my ear, rolling her wrist.
"Sh-shit... yeah I remember..." I wince.
"Because right now I really would love to have this" she squeezes my cock just a little more. "On my tongue."
While I take a shaking breath, she licks my earlobe.
"But baby..." I whine pathetically. "I want to make... I want..."
"Can't I have both ?" she purrs again.
"Yes... damn angel. Please, do it" I give in and she falls on her knees.
           The minute I feel her lips on me, I groan low. She takes the base in her hand and starts licking at the head like I was fucking delicious. I put my two hands on the tiles to steady myself and look down at her.
           When she takes me in her mouth I groan, watching her beautiful lips around my cock, her cheeks hollowing, her eyes looking up at me.
"Fuck !" I cry out.
And she takes me even deeper, swallowing around me, her eyes watering as I hit the back of her mouth, feeling the tightness of her throat. The bobs of her head are steady, and my heart is not anymore. I feel it violently beat my chest. I try not to move, I try to fight the urge to thrust forward, and somehow I manage to stay still while she takes me even deeper when I thought it wasn't possible.
"Oh God..." I pant. "Y/n, I... I'm gonna..."
But when I thought she would move away, she takes my ass with both hands and pushes me further inside, making me moan loudly as I come hard, not able to hold back anything anymore.
           I'm a panting mess, shaking and smiling like an idiot when she gets up.
"I missed you" she says, wrapping her arms around me. "Never leave me again."
 Reader's Pov
             Dean went to the kitchen to bring food. I wouldn't dare to remind him how horny I was : he wanted me to eat something, so I'm going to eat.
           I take the towel away and look down at my body, I can't believe a little Dean is growing in there... I never thought I would become a mother, I still don't really realize I will. I never imagined living long enough for that, or my body allowing that. I don't even know if I can be a mom, if I want to... I'm pretty sure I can't. I only know torture and fighting, suffering and running away. But this is Dean's. Oh God, Dean has been inside of me all this time.
           He opens the door with a tray and his eyes widen. He closes the door quickly.
"Angel, you're naked !"
"And ?"
"I almost asked my brother to bring the food while I was washing my hands" he smiles.
He puts the tray on his bed and cups my face, kissing me slowly.
"I don't want to rush you, but... would you move in with me, baby ?" he says stroking my back.
"I already kinda live here..."
"Mh... In my bedroom" he kisses me, staring that fire again, the wet one that was waiting between my legs. "I want to be with you baby" he whispers in my ears, making Goosebumps appear on my skin. "Do you want me ?"
"I always want you..." I moan when he cups my ass.
"I mean in your life Y/n... I want to be yours" he kisses my throat one time and searches my eyes.
I nod, not really knowing what to say. I'm his. I'm just his...
He lays me on the bed and starts kissing me everywhere, I try to stop thinking about that secret inside my womb and focus on every parts I love about him. Freckles, lips, hands, that little chubby part on his waist, and those piercing eyes... absolutely everything. He gives it all to me...
           When he takes his pants off, I'm already trembling, clinging to him like my life depends on it, and actually I think it does.
           He takes his time, kissing every inch of my skin, letting me touch every scars, count every freckles. His kisses are slow but passionate, his hands are calloused but soft. I feel that connection between us, I feel that perfect warmth coming from his soul, and those perfect tickles from his nails.
He kisses my jaw and go down my body.
"Yeah, keep saying that angel..."
"Dean..." I moan when he wraps his lips around my nipple.
And just then I realize how sensitive my breasts are. I arch my back and grab his hair, tugging at it. His tongue keeps teasing me and I bite my lips to hold back screams.
           Then he lets it go and kiss under it, nibbling at the skin, licking at it. When he reaches my lower stomach and kisses it I freeze, and push him.
"What ?" he asks looking up at me.
"Just... come here, I want you up here with me" I answer.
           He comes back up and looks right in my eyes.
"I love you" he smiles.
"I love you" I say seriously, stroking his hair.
           When he enters me, I stay silent, mouth open wide to adjust to all those feelings, of him being so strong and tall, and stretching me, but also of him being back.
           His thrusts are slow, lazy even, like it wasn't even about chasing the end, but just about being together. He looks at me the whole time, and I wrap my thighs around him to have him deeper.
           Just like that. I want to spend my life just like that. With his arms holding me while his beautiful thighs contracting to thrust softly inside me. With his mouth leaving burning kisses all over me, with his voice so low and lost.
"Y/n, angel... You're perfect... I love you..." he praises the whole time.
           But the pleasure builds too fast, Dean is inside of me, making love to me, so even if I want it to last forever, I start to sweat, and my thighs squeeze him...
           Before I can tell him how much I love this, I come, in a strangled breath, with a happy tear. And he fasten his thrusts for just an instant before he fills me with his cum in a low groan, reminding me of my secret...
 Dean's Pov
             I open my eyes and yawn silently, feeling her asleep in my arms. I have to stop doing that, I didn't know I was such a cuddler. Every morning I wake up all wrapped around her and she's sweaty, telling me my body's too hot... But I can't stop touching her. I just can't.
           I've never been so happy in my entire life, these last two weeks were better than Heaven. Just making love and cuddling, eating a lot and taking long showers. Sam says we have a case, so tomorrow we are back on the road I guess.
           Sammy took care of everything for me while I was spending my time with Y/n, he even contacted the BMOL to ask them if they heard of a Blue Death. They haven't. Every man that knew about Y/n his dead or mysteriously vanished. He tried to contact Gabriel but no one heard from him. Castiel didn't even know he wasn't dead.
           She moves slightly, her back still on me. And when she hums I know she's awake. She takes my hand and puts it lovingly on her heart like she always does.
"Morning angel" I whisper, kissing her neck.
"Morning baby..." she answers sleepily.
I pass my hand on her side, enjoying her naked form, and the curves she got back since I make her eat three times a day.
           When my hand comes front, brushing against her stomach she takes my hand, squeezes it like she was anxious, and get up quickly.
"What ? No morning cuddles ?" I pout.
"I... I'm hungry she says" but I can sense something odd in her voice again.
"Are you okay ?" I ask, suddenly terrified.
What if she was really hiding something from me ? What if she was regretting this ? Me ? It's the third time in three days that she won't let me touch her. Maybe I was stupid to think she could actually love a man like me, flawed, violent, old, damaged...
           She takes one of my flannels and this actually eases the fear a little. She always takes my flannels. Then she turns toward me with a soft but preoccupied smile.
"I have to talk to Sam about that case" she says casually.
"Yeah, but before that..." I stretch my hand to take hers and kiss her knuckles. "I need to take a warm shower with my girl."
"Yeah not today Dean..." she says, her words punching me in the guts. "Take your shower" she kisses my forehead. "I'll make you coffee."
           When she's about to leave the room, I sit on the bed and call her.
"Angel ?"
"Yeah ?"
"I love you" I say desperately.
"I love you" she says absent-mindedly.
           Then she closes the door. No "baby", no "and I love you more", no morning sex or morning cuddles.
           Is she already tired of me ?
           In the shower I try to calm. She says she's in love with me, she wouldn't lie. We don't lie to each other. She still wants me, she proved it yesterday when she bent forward on the ironing board, pushing her panties down, begging me to take her here and now. We broke the dawn board !
           I'm worrying for nothing... Maybe she just looks forward to go out of the bunker. Yet I took her out, often, that time I took her to that restaurant, I know she enjoyed it, even if she told me to never do this again. I smile at myself remembering her words while she was laughing so hard : We're not fancy people, it was great, but it was not us. We were freaking out the whole time baby, have you seen you holding a glass of wine ? You don't have to spend money on me baby. Take me for a ride, or to that food truck that makes incredible donuts-burgers next time. I want Dean, I love Dean, not Christian Grey...
           Then I remember her pushing my hand away yesterday, when I took her in my arms from behind and my smile fades instantly. I remember her smile fading when I told her I wanted to eat her out. I remember that time she turned off the light while I was making love to her...
           When I approach the kitchen I hear her voice, it's sad, and I stop walking, silently listening to what they're saying. I hate myself for spying on her, but :
"I can't tell him Sammy ! I just can't..." she whines, making me worrying more.
"He loves you, you can't keep secrets from him" my brother answers with his serious smart voice.
"I'm afraid..." she whines.
"Y/n, it's been two weeks since he came back" you have to talk to him. "You have to tell him what happened. It's was an accident... And I'm sure he'll"
"I know but every time I try..." she cuts him. "I see this beautiful happiness in his eyes... I can't undo it now, but I'm freaking out !"
"I wouldn't want you to undo this, Y/n, you hear me ? This is the greatest thing happening in ages..." my brother groans.
My heart falls at my feet. She wants to leave me. They're talking about my return, why are they... Or maybe she had an affair with my brother. I... I was away and... Now that I think about it, Sam often avoided being alone with me those last two weeks...
"He will find out, Y/n, what will you do ? Hide from him ? Sleep in another room ? You will break his heart..."
"I know ! I know... don't say that. I just have to find the right time."
           I turn around and go back to the bathroom. I put my hands on the sink, look in the mirror. Why would you love her, you have nothing to offer, she doesn't even think you belong in a nice restaurant for your dates. She hates you.
           I take a deep strangle breath. A single tear falls on the sink, I think I just heard my heart break, that's an awful sound.
@tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @roonyxx @animegirlgeeky@thefaithfulwriter @parinarain @vicariouslythruspn @paradoxical–intentions  @emeow1496
Thank you for you feedback and your kindness, you are awesome <3
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marbledaesthetics · 5 years ago
MakeupArtist!Reader x 5SOS Headcanons
-meeting during a video shoot
-probably keep all your opinions to yourself because the last minute call made it obvious that you are replacing someone
-the boys immediately love you
-wanting way more of your input than you’d expected
so much glitter
-like this is to be expected but so much glitter
someone probably has to change at some point because they got glitter on themselves and can’t get it off
-(bonus points if it’s you and you end up wearing one of their button ups)
-you all work really well together, so they invite you to come on tour full time
-constantly losing little things because the boys take them to wear when you aren’t doing it for them
-“don’t act like you think I didn’t see that” 
-their looks get bolder as the tour goes on
-convincing Luke to wear eyeliner
-you probably start really light with this the first time or two, then whoops, super bold
-he probably was originally going to take it off before going on stage, but damn he looks fabulous
-the fandom loses their shit
-asking you girl things becomes a thing
-like cute date ideas or if you think one of their gfs would like something they found
parts of the fandom low key think you’re dating one of them
-it becomes a joke every time you’re in public with one of them
painting nails together and it’s just soft
-doing fake nails with Luke once because he’s curious and bored
-he panics about how he’s gonna play later when he can’t get them off
-you end up popping them off just fine and it’s all good
-he’s so soft with them on tho
-just tapping on everything and giggling like a little kid
-“jfc you’re worse than Ash” “yeah, at least when I do it, I have rhythm” “fuck off”
-doing something super bold for fun, and they leave it on
-I’m not sure any of them would be 100% down, but I feel like Michael would be the most against this
-doing something really dramatic and cropping it to just the eye so you can post it to insta
-the fandom recognizes right away ofc and flips their shit
the fandom flips their shit a lot, let’s be real
-I feel like any hate with this would put them off from anything dramatic publicly
especially Luke
-doing something absolutely gorgeous on Calum while he’s napping or not paying attention
-my mind goes straight to really dark pinks and yellows for this
-he’s definitely not pleased, but he doesn’t want to take it off either
-“I don’t want to offend you” “I literally do not care if you take it off” “still, you worked so hard”
-he digs it, but won’t admit it
-doing the white/green Christmas TiKTok trend
-i would like to reiterate that the fandom undoubtedly loses their shit every time something new happens
-even though he would participate the least, Michael will flame any interviewer who gives them shit about anything
-I feel like Luke would want you to teach him some of this stuff
their girls would probably join in on the fun
-totally calling someone out on the fucking exposed hickey’s
-“it had to be the jawline you horny motherfuckers”
-“i didn’t think you’d be able to see them” “have you seen this man wear button ups? how could you possibly consider that” 
-side note that no one probably cares about: i don’t understand why people struggle to cover hickeys, just put a red liquid/cream product over it (like liquid blush or lipstick), set it so it won’t smear, and use a concealer. you might need to do it a few times, but unless the mark is going on black, it should go away just fine
-anyways, back on track
-braiding Ashton’s hair
-he realizes they stay in really well and keep his hair out of his face, so this becomes a regular occurrence
-dramatic pause while I scream
-if you put glitter in Luke’s hair once, you will never be allowed to stop
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animebw · 5 years ago
Binge-Watching: Pokemon, Episodes 4-6
In which Ash learns to leave his pride at the door, the last member of the trio joins the gang, and Team Rocket continues to be the best.
Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
We’re officially on our Pokemon journey now, which means it’s time to settle into an episodic adventure holding pattern as we make our way through this vast and wonderful world. There’s sure to be many ideas and pockets to explore in the future, lots of little one-off observations and low-key analysis that cover a broad spectrum of ideas. Much as with my Inuyasha binge-watch, I suspect my analysis will become fairly fragmented as time goes on, picking out individual details in each set of episodes to pore over as opposed to larger connective threads of thought. That’s the nature of episodic storytelling, to some extent; it takes a Gintama level of forethought and planning to consistently weave overarching trends and avenues of thought into seemingly disconnected adventures, and whatever else it is, Pokemon is no Gintama. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t still some commonalities to examine over the course of multiple episodes, and nowhere is that sense of thought more evident than with Ash himself.
Expanding off of my thoughts last time, Ash is a character defined by a push and pull between his stubborn pride and his genuinely good intentions. He wears his heart on his sleeve and wants to be the best Pokemon trainer he can be, but he’s got a lot of blinders as to what being the “best” entails. And when that ignorance is brought to his attention, it’s a struggle for him to leave his ego at the door and accept the lessons that will lead him to be better. But he eventually gets there regardless, because his pride is ultimately secondary for his love of Pokemon and his desire to do right by them. I definitely wasn’t expecting him to get ego-checked quite so hard quite so frequently, but considering it gives him plenty of opportunities to grow past his ignorance and show off what he’s really capable of, I’m not complaining. It’s a legitimately powerful moment in episode 4 when he accepts that he needs to take responsibility for his own mistakes (”If I were a better Pokemon trainer, I’d stop making all these excuses!”). And when he faces down Brock in episode 5, he’s willing to accept defeat and try again later instead of pushing to victory at the expense of the battling Pokemons’ well-being. Of course, he gets his badge anyway, because kid’s shows are really fond of the whole “you won in the way that actually mattered deal”, but honestly, I can’t complain too hard about it, Ash definitely earned a lot of respect by not using the convenient sprinkler system as a shortcut to victory. Any hero who values a fair fight is alright by me.
It’s Time to Brock!
And speaking of Brock, welcome to the team, you squinty-eyed softie! Our adventuring party is officially complete now, and I think I’m definitely gonna enjoy having Brock on board. I recall really enjoying him in Diamond and Pearl, and seeing him here reminded me why: Brock’s just a really likeable dude. He cares deeply for his friends, he does right by the people who need them, he’s refreshingly free of toxic masculinity in how adeptly he acts as den mother for his many siblings, and he’s not averse to being an extra motherfucker as the situations demands (I forgot how much I loved all the themed Pokemon Gym designs from the games). He’s the very definition of chill, and his maturity serves as a welcome contrast to Misty and Ash’s bickering; every good adventuring party needs its voice of reason, after all. Plus, that scene where he offloads all his responsibilities onto his deadbeat dad, pursuing his own dreams at last now that his family has someone else to rely on, was really goddamn satisfying. Bottom line, Brock’s a very welcome presence, and I look forward to what else he’s got in store.
Blasting Off Again
I said it before and I’ll say it again: there is no antagonist quite like Team Rocket. Jessie, James and Meowth are some of the most absurdly lovable rapscallions to ever grace the silver screen. I honestly wasn’t expecting them to show up in pretty much every episode, but I’m not complaining at all, because they are a frigging delight. I love how committed they are to being fabulously over-the-top, even when they’re getting their asses handed to them: (As they’re soaring away from the force of a giant fucking music laser: “I give it two thumbs down!”) I love how comically incompetent they are in the face of far more talented trainers, but they never stop trying their damndest. I love how often they become victims of their own hare-brained schemes, falling into their own traps and descending into petty bickering as they realize just how completely they’ve screwed the pooch (”At least I have ideas!” “Yeah, and they’re all bad!”)   I love how Ash is already sick of their motto (”Don’t you guys ever get tired of saying the same thing over and over?”), and I really love how committed they are to saying that motto every single damn time they show up. Interrupt them? They’ll shush you and pick it right back up, because they are committed to the goddamn bit. The rest of the cast is acquitting themselves decently, but so far, Team Rocket is the real star of the show. Here’s looking forward to many happy blast-offs to come!
Changes From the Games
It’s become pretty clear by this point that I can’t take the lore of the Pokemon games for granted in the anime version. Almost every episode has thrown me for a loop at least once with a detail that contradicts all the strategy and backstory I’ve picked up from the likes of FireRed and Platinum. So I figure it’s probably best I start an ongoing section for all the ways that the anime is not like the game moving forward, just so I can keep track. Cool? Cool. Here are all the moments in these episodes that do not follow the rules of the video games!
-Metapod is able to actually attack opponents, while in the games their power Harden was purely defensive. That said, two Metapods using defensive Harden to challenge each other in a teste of endurance was actually a really clever battle strategy.
-Pikachu’s Electric-type attacks are effective against Onix and Geodude, despite both of them being part Ground-type. Apparently, Ground-type Pokemon aren’t invulnerable to Electric-type attacks here.
-This isn’t so much a change as a point of interest: I assume Misty’s still a gym leader in this continuity, but if so, why’s she out on her own and incognito? That’s gotta be an interesting story, judging by that downcast look at the Cerulean City sign...
-I never did really get what the Metronome attack was supposed to be in the game. Guess it’s just a big fuck-off moon laser. 
Odds and Ends
-”It guarantees that any attacker will get the point right where it hurts!” I was not expecting the Pokedex to be this sassy, not gonna lie.
-Okay, I know the kinds of rival trainers you meet in the games get pretty out there, but I don’t think I remember a freaking samurai.
-”You two are more hard-headed than your Metapods!” Alright, Misty’s growing on me.
-Oh man, Beedrill used to scare the crap out of me back in the day. I don’t think I’d have been able to handle a whole swarm of them.
-”But we made it from paper to reduce the weight!” Of course you fucking did.
-Wow, Butterfree already? Nicely done!
-”Pewter City is grey, the color of stone.” Flint is something else.
-kashdkasj I forgot about the identical Nurse Joys
-”My conscience is holding me back!” pfft
-”We’ve hit rock bottom!” Actually, you’ve got a little farther left to go.
-”The most fantabulous rescue I’ve ever had!” See that just makes me wonder how many rescues you’ve had that you have so many to compare them too
-”And they... do the Macarena!” akjsdkjasd Ash confirmed not a Pokemon whisperer
-”Gary was here, Ash is a loser!” Wow, Gary’s the pettiest bitch on the face of the earth, huh?
And on we go. See you next time!
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Sharky rescuing Deputy from Joseph's bunker a year after the great collapse. And they go back to Jacob's bunker that was taken over by what's left of the Resistance and Joseph vows to take the Deputy back
*I love this prompt!*
Sharky leaned back against the concrete wall of the bunker. It was Jacob’s. After the resistance managed to push back against the peggies in that region, they took Jacob’s bunker, keeping all of the supplies and gear.
It was a good thing they did.
The nuke dropped and with the snap of fingers, Hope County was nothing but ash.
Sharky had managed to hide himself in a nearby bunker until the brunt of the explosion and fallout. He had enough food and water to last until the resistance managed to find him. They had been on an expedition, looking for supplies. Boy, was he glad they found him. He was out of rations for a couple days and started to think he was going to waste away.
For a bit, though, he thought that maybe it wouldn’t have been such a bad thing. He never found out what happened to his Deputy. He didn’t know whether or not she was alive, if she had been killed by the seeds, or obliterated by the explosion.
She was his light. Her absence left him in darkness. They reassured eachother when things went south. They comforted eachother when baggage became too heavy. She was everything to him and that was all the motivation he needed to go find her.
Could any radiation exposure potentially kill him? Yeah, but what was the point if he couldn’t boogie with her one more time. What was the point if he couldn’t hold her in his arms again, feel her soft hair under his fingers?
There woudn’t be.
“Sharky, we are going by Dutch’s bunker next. Tammy and Wheatly would like to know if you are coming along.” Sharky felt hopeful for a moment. Dutch was the closest one to them and his bunker would have been able to withstand the blast. Could she and her deputy friends have made it to that bunker? If there was a possibility, then by god he was going to investigate it.
“Got nothin’ else to do. Might as well go up to get a nice, fresh breath of radiation.”
Wheatly smiled at the at Sharky’s attempt at humor and left him alone.
Too soon? Probably.
Everyone here changed after the deaths of all of those people. People who were influential to their cause and led them valiently, were wiped out. It left many people helpless and hopeless, including Sharky.
“Well, let’s get a move on, doggy…”
They wore the special radiation suits that were stached within Jacob’s bunker, bringing extra in case they found any survivors. It was a harsh journey, the land was ravaged by rubble and rock, the earth splitting in huge gaps or appearing to have crumbled.
Dutch’s bunker didn’t appear to be affected though, the ground appearing to be intact around it.
Sharky stared at those metal doors. It made him sick to his stomach, thinking about not finding her or worse, finding a corpse. Tammy knocked on the metal, the sound echoing over the empty land.
Why wasn’t anyone answering? Sharky kept quiet, getting a bad feeling. He looked to Tammy, silently inquiring about her next choice of action. Her idea was to use the repair torch in order to get in.
Tammy looked to Wheatly, gave him a nod and he knew exactly what to do.
The anticipation crawled up the pyromaniac’s throat.
Sharky held his gun tightly In his hand, while Wheatly began to cut the door. “Do you think anyone’s inside?” He asked, more directed toward Tammy. She let out a sigh, “Dutch is supposed to be here. He had goods prepped, I just hope it was enough.”
Sharky got a bad feeling. “Don’t you think Duch’d’ve opened the door if the guy was down there? He coulda heard the racket we’re makin’ a mile away.”
Tammy was in thought for a moment, staring off into space, before answering, “He would’ve. I’m thinking that we may always have to assume the worst and hope that we’re wrong. There’s always a chance of that.”
Wheatly and Sharky pulled open the doors and stared down into Dutch’s bunker and were suprised to be met with Dutch’s corpse being nailed to the wall, his sins carved into his flesh.
“DUTCH!” Tammy screeched and had to be held back by a crying Wheatly. Sharky was the only one who didn’t feel phased by it. Dutch was never rude to him, but made it clear that he never thought Sharky could be taken seriously.
Who came down here to kill and hang Dutch up like Christmas lights? Deputy and himself personally saw to John’s, Jacob’s, and Faith’s death. The only one left who would have stood any sort of chance against Dutch would have been Joseph, himself.
And if he made it here…
…then Dep could be here as well.
“Tamms, imma need you guys to stay up here. I’m gonna go check and see if anyone’s down there.”
Tammy looked like she wanted to protest, but kept her mouth shut, giving him the extra suit bag.
“Be careful.”
He made his way down the steps, passing Dutch on the way. He smelled so bad, skin beginning to rot. It was a shame, but there was no time to mourn. Adrenaline pumped through him at the thought of Joseph being down there.
He stepped in to the rooms. They look lived in and marked with the PEG mark. He peaked into Dutch’s radio room. Empty. Office? Empty.
‘Check the bedroom’, he thought to himself.
He readied his gun, took a deep breath, and entered. To his surprise, there was his Dep, cuffed to the bedpost. She looked dirty, bloody, and malnourished.
“DEP! Are you, alright? Dep, come on and wake up for me!” He cupped her hollowed cheeks between his palms, stroking her greasy skin with his thumbs, not giving a damn. “Come on, baby… We’re gonna get you outta here…”
“Lock…” she whispered.
“Got to… pick the lock.”
He got up to find the key only to be met by Joseph’s fist colliding with his face.
“Charlemagne. Didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” Sharky grabbed his shot gun off of the floor, cocking it and aiming it right at him.
“I’m takin my Dep and I won’t say it twice.” Joseph put up his hands, showing he was unarmed. “
She is my child, Charlemagne, and I am her father. You will not take her from me without consequence. You can try and take her now, but you will regret it later.”
“That’s what you’d like to think, Broseph. WHEATY! TAMMY! GET DOWN HERE!”
He could hear the frantic pace of their footsteps as they came down stairs into the bunker.
“Where are you!?” shouted Tammy.
“We’re in the bedroom! Move your ass!” Sharky, held his finger over the trigger, staring straight into Joseph’s eyes. That fucker tortured her and he was going to fucking pay for it.
“What did you- Joseph? The Deputy? You piece of shit!” She about charged him, but Wheatly held her back.
“Get the fuck off of me! I’m gonna kill this sonofabitch!” Tammy struggled to pull free and was only silenced when they heard Dep whine.
“Don’t… Please don’t kill him… just take me and go… don’t hurt him… please, Sharky.”
And how could he deny that? He couldn’t. He wanted to put that fucker in the ground for everything that he’d done.
“NO! THAT FUCKER’S BROTHER KILLED ELI!” Wheatly’s face contorted into almost agony. He wanted to let her go. But he trusted the Deputy’s decision and pulled Tammy back.
“Jacob paid for that with his life. Just leave Joseph here. It isn’t like there’s anything here. Please…”
Sharky stepped forward, pressing the gun against Joseph’s chest.
“Start walkin’ and go to the next room. We’re gonna lock you in a room and take along your weapons, then we’re gonna get my Deputy out of here, and then we will unlock the door. If you start somethin’ I won’t fuck around. I’ll kill your ass whether she wants me to or not.”
He didn’t say a word and did as told, sitting in the old bunkroom. After searching the room for any possibly stashed weapons, they left to search for any goods that may be left.
He let Tammy pick the lock on the cuffs, since Joseph wouldn’t tell them where the key was, and helped you into the radiation suit.
“You are insane. You have lost your mind. You expect us to just let that fucker live?”
The Deputy looked at Tammy with tired eyes. “He suffers more being alive than dead. Trust me. I would know.”
Sharky came back with a duffel full of guns.
“Are you feeling alright, Dep? Baby girl, how’s your legs? You gonna be alright to shuffle?”
She laughed weakly, falling forward into Sharky’s grip. “Sharky… Thank you! You keep telling me that I’m the hero, but you save me countless times. You should probably be the new Deputy.”
Sharky pulled her tightly against him, tangling his fingers Into her hair, gripping her jacket like it was his lifeline. “Nah. That’s too much responsibility for me, Sunshine.”
He gave her back to Tammy so she could be helped out of the bunker and left him to unlock Joseph’s door.
“You are going to regret this.” He heard in a whisper from the other side of the door.
“You come anywhere near her again, you motherfucker, I will shove my flamethrower up your ass and cook you inside out. I’m not bluffin.’ I’m past the point of kidding around.”
Silence. Click.
The door was unlocked and Sharky was gone.
“I promise you that I’m going to get her back. You won’t be able to stop me this time. God is watching. God tells me this is what’s right. God tells me that she belongs here. God won’t let them take her.
God won’t let you take her for long.“
(Sorry it’s so long!)
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coteriesrp · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
So, I’m honestly terrible at writing apps because I like... think in abstract shapes and colours and textures only, and trying to put words to that makes me cry on the best of days. My process writing this involved a lot of constant procrastination between bouts of sentences, but I tried to maintain my focus on the essence, the vibe of the character (which I hope comes through in this app). I just tackled whatever I had muse for on a given day, and only wrote as much as would come out, and this is the result, ultimately...
out of character info.
ALIAS › Ghost
PRONOUNS › he / him
AGE › 30
TIMEZONE › gmt+1 (or +2, depending on daylight saving idk)
LINES › incest, child abuse, graphic sexual violence/assault, paedophilia, animal cruelty
VEILS › physical/emotional abuse, racism, homophobia, transphobia
in character info.
GENDER & PRONOUNS › cis man & he / him
APPARENT AGE › late 20s
DISCIPLINE › Fortitude
If Zaki had a choice, he wouldn’t be perceived at all. His entire being blurs the lines between nature and nurture; was he always wild eyed and violent, or is it a defence mechanism constructed from a life that threatens to swallow him whole every night? If you ask him, he’d tell you that he doesn’t know. And frankly, he doesn’t care. As long as people stay at arm’s length, he’s… well, not happy, but less on edge. What others see as standoffish, Zaki sees as a healthy and warranted dose of suspicion and mistrust. Even those who see his kind as the ultimate expression of freedom — clanless — have something to hide. He doesn’t know what, but he’s not about to wait to find out and get burnt. It’s better to kill than be killed, right? And he’s quite good at killing.
As much as Zaki wants to go about eternity alone, it’s just not safe. He knows survival is easier when you have people watching your back, and besides… he owed the local Anarchs a favour. Fuck knows what they would’ve asked for if he said no to this.
Life as a mortal was similar to life as a vampire, except that he has more power now, and no one to tell him that ripping out throats is illegal, or whatever. Sure, the Camarilla tried to tell him so much, but… that’s why he’s not a Cammie, right? His philosophy for life — or the lack of it, whatever technicalities you wanna go with — is simple: kick before you’re kicked, survive by any and all means necessary. If anything, Zaki’s incredibly adaptable to a variety of situations. And one way to stay on top of the food chain is to identify the biggest, baddest motherfucker in a given area and draining them dry.
Zaki tries to steel himself from the plights of others — Kindred or kine — as much as he can. Just bury his humanity deep where most nights even he won’t be able to find or recognise it, and it’ll get him through his lack of life. Of course, not as easy it sounds. He’s naturally in tune with those in situations similar to himself, and perhaps it’s his humanity rebelling against the Beast, but it’s just as loud and insistent sometimes as the urges of Blood and Beast.
— He’s twenty-nine when his life comes to an end. Not because some supernatural being saw fit to suck his blood from his body and replace it with just a drop of their own – no, that comes later. Twenty-nine and bleeding out in an alley in Banha, slow, painful, the bullet lodged in his stomach enough to seal his fate, but unfortunate enough in its placement that it would take at least a few hours. It’s the dead of night when, through sweat and the haze of pain, a figure moves closer from the mouth of the alley. They watch, stand there for a long moment. His eyes close to darkness, accepting of the end. When he wakes several hours later, it’s to a hunger he’s never felt in all his years on the street and an instinctual terror bubbling in his unharmed stomach, telling him to hide, hide, hide.
— The Blood struggles as much as the Camarilla vampire in his grip, twisting to free themself to no avail; Zaki's fangs sink deeper still and the thick Blood – thicker still than that of kine – fills his mouth. He swallows, mind bursting, finding his senses still and focus. Every gulp brings him closer to what he can only presume is a peace of some kind; the cold body turns yet colder and without the Blood to animate, the elder vampire turns to ashes as if in slow-motion. Just as the ash threatens to engulf his mouth, Zaki pulls his head back and drops what's left of the true corpse crumbling in his hands. For the first time in his miserable deathly existence, the Hunger is sated. He takes a deep breath.
– JAZIRI - Although he doesn’t precisely understand or like it, there’s something in Jaziri that Zaki feels drawn to. Perhaps it’s the lamb to the slaughter idea they seem to inhabit, or perhaps it’s because in another life, he could’ve easily fit into their shoes. He doesn’t exactly know how to deal with this, but it makes him softer towards them than towards others.
– PEACH - Zaki suffers peach for their usefulness, as their skill in and understanding of tagging and graffiti is one of the main ways the coterie can safely communicate with other Anarchs. That said, Peach is far too loud for his liking, and he doesn’t trust it one bit.
miscellaneous info.
Here’s a playlist, and a character blog, and a pinterest, kids!
Hello, I see you reading this, I sure hope you have a wonderful day. (:
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thefreckledone · 8 years ago
Pompeii 34
Sakura placed her dreamcatcher downstairs, looking around guiltily as she did so. She knew that her friends would have a quite a bit to say about what she was about to attempt. Sakura covered the dreamcatcher with a sheet, hoping that her recklessness would pay off. It was a gamble, but for the answers she sought, it would be more than worth it.
Sakura climbed the stairs to her apartment once more, blinking as she saw Sai sitting outside her front door. He hadn’t been there five minutes prior, but Sakura was becoming accustomed to the abrupt comings and goings of those around her. Time and manners worked differently in Pompeii than they did in New York and she had to remember that.
“Hi Sai,” she said, pushing open the front door as he stood. “What brings you my way tonight?”
“Yamato and your neighbor are bickering again,” he said as he pushed past her, seeking the haven of her couch. He curled himself up there and watched her with unblinking, doleful eyes.
“Again?” Sakura repeated. She moved into the kitchen, rummaging through her drawers and grabbing a melatonin tablet. She chewed it, grimacing. It was just as well that Sai had arrived. Sakura was too keyed up for sleep at the moment. She might as well bake. “Have they been fighting often?” She paused in her search, thinking. “They did just fine at dinner the other night. It was awkward, but neighborly dinners often are.”
“Ours are not,” Sai pointed out. “They are conversing outside from their balconies. It seemed tense. Perhaps I misunderstood. You mentioned having dinner with them. Perhaps it is part of a specialized mating ritual?”
Sakura choked on the handful of chocolate chips she’d popped into her mouth. Coughing, tears streaming from her eyes, she pounded at her chest and finally managed in a weak voice, “Somehow I don’t think that’s the case,” before devolving into giggles.
Sai entered the room, silent as always, crouching by her side. “Have I said something amusing?” he asked, seeming lost.
Sakura gasped for air and patted his hand as best she could. “Where have you been all my life? I have to keep you around!”
Sai cocked his head though Sakura thought she saw the slightest of smiles tucked away at the corners of his lips. “I accept,” he replied. “Is it alright if I stay the night here? I do not wish to interrupt Yamato. This courting ceremony is obviously important to him.”
Sakura sobered a bit, remembering the night she had planned. “You’re welcome to stay, Sai, though I’m not sure if it’ll be much quieter here.”
“Why not?”
“I believe I’m going to have nightmares tonight,” Sakura replied.
“Would you like me to wake you?” Sai asked, looking uncertain.
Sakura’s smile warmed as she looked at him. “Thank you for the offer, but no. I have some questions I need answered.”
Sai simply nodded, not asking questions as he followed her around the kitchen. He remained her silent but stalwart companion as she began to prepare lemon squares. Sai took directions in the kitchen gracefully and Sakura appreciated his presence as she worked through her jitters. The lemon squares could be taken down to the clinic tomorrow too. Sakura knew that a few of the clients would appreciate the homemade treat.
Sakura took a seat on the couch as the lemon squares baked, feeling the melatonin drag down against her eyelids. She was tired, even without the melatonin in her system.
“Go to sleep,” Sai said, pulling her to her feet. “I’ll take care of the lemon squares.”
“Thanks, Sai,” Sakura replied through her yawn. “You’re the best.”
She stumbled through her nightly habits before falling into bed, right as the timer in the kitchen dinged.
Sakura stood upon a chessboard, unable to protest as a ghostly hand, unattached to a body, moved her forward a space. She could feel the eyes, crawling across her skin, invading her boundaries. She was a pawn. Sakura stared up at the knight a few spaces away, its gaze unseen but still piercing.
Sakura felt taken apart, judged and found wanting.
She was powerless.
A scream rent the air and Sakura turned her eyes, catching sight of another pawn as it fell beneath the crushing weight of a rook. The sound of breaking bones was sickening, even more so when Sakura caught sight of the pawn’s face.
It was her.
“A pity,” a voice said. Sakura opened her mouth to scream against the pain of the voice, beyond male or female, ageless and all powerful. Yet nothing came out of her throat, she was drowning, choking on her own incompetence, her inability- “Let us try once more.”
The hand grasped Sakura once more and again she moved forward another space. Sakura could see the white knight more clearly as he lifted his sword, running a whetstone against the edge. It was looking at her, warning her of what was to come. She was next, she was just a pawn, she was nothing-
Sakura took a deep breath, centering herself as she closed her eyes against the terror pressing down on her. This was a dream. She was not a pawn, she was so much more.
She would not be controlled.
Sakura opened her eyes again, muscles tensing, straining against whatever it was that held her still. She saw the knight begin to move her way in that all too familiar l-shape, both hands raising its sword. Sakura could see her reflection in the sword, her pale drawn face and determined eyes.
As the sword came down, Sakura sprung forward, ducking around the knight. She felt the sword pass closely over her head, ruffling her hair with the force of it. But she was already away, sprinting toward the end of the board. Dream physics still applied as the board stretched out across the horizon, too long for her to even see the end. However, Sakura had the power here and her steps ate up the ground beneath her. She could hear the enraged yells of the entity behind her and of the other pieces on the board, but Sakura didn’t mind them.
She just had to make it to the end.
And suddenly she was there, staring down the wizened white king. It sat upon a regal throne but its body was deteriorating. It had lost its power, though it still wore the mantle of king. It was a sad thing, less than human dressed in the trappings of royalty and prestige. Sakura stepped up to it, shoving the king back against the throne, the knife Sai had given her materializing in her hands.
“I may have been a pawn,” Sakura said, pressing the knife against the king’s throat. She was addressing the entity as a whole, the thing in the forest that taunted and harassed her from the shadows. “But I have won your little game and I make the rules now.” She drew the knife across the king’s throat, ignoring the golden ichor that flowed down its lily white skin and the way it coated her hands. There was an ear-piercing shriek as Sakura lifted the crown from the king’s head, a weighty, gaudy thing. The ichor flowed onto the crown, turning it gold. Sakura could feel her ears ringing, bleeding as the entity bellowed against her. She placed the crown upon her head. “I’m the motherfucking king here.”
Sakura was ripped away from the board as an overload of images bombarded her. She saw the heroes of old, the sacrifice to the volcano, an old, angry anguish beating against her chest. They would pay; all of them would pay. She would not stop until Pompeii was ashes around her…
The scene shifted and suddenly she was in a fragrant garden, surrounded by trees of all kinds. Pears, peaches, pomegranates, and more hung ripe and heavy from the branches. Sakura reached out toward the trees, unbearably hungry…
It was dark, quiet. In the flicker of moonlight that shone through the thicket, Sakura could make out a small shrine. It came up about to Sakura’s hip. It was covered in moss and various other flora, little bluebells growing alongside it. There was a small plaque at the front of the smooth shrine, though the words were worn away by time. Sakura knelt by it, a solemnity in her heart that wasn’t there prior. She closed her eyes, bowing over the shrine.
“How could you?”
Sakura woke with a gasp, sweat slicking her skin. She sat up, glancing down at her fingers. They were clean. It had all been a dream.
Sakura exhaled heavily, flinging her arm across her eyes. She laid there for a few long moments, waiting for her heart rate to calm.
Finally she sat up, scrubbing her eyes.
It was time to get her dreamcatcher, though Sakura had a strong suspicion that the entity from the forest wouldn’t be bothering her any time soon.
One thing she knew for sure, it wasn’t Orochimaru.
“Are you joining me or not?” Sakura demanded, tucking the omamori behind the hamsa that hung around her neck. Sakura carried multiple talismans, nearly twenty in all, placed strategically around her body. Some were gifts, others were purchases from the Goblin Market. She had to be prepared. Sakura turned to the book expectantly. “Well?”
This is a bad idea, it replied, shaking its pages in her direction in a rueful manner.
“I know,” Sakura said, pulling her hair into a ponytail. “However, I need some answers and no one has been forthcoming. So I need to find them for myself. I’m going out into the forest with or without you. I’d much prefer for you to be there with me.”
I don’t like this, the book said, snapping shut in anger.
“I know you don’t and I know that I might get myself into even more trouble,” Sakura said, methodically wrapping her knuckles with bandage. She tried a few strikes, bouncing on the balls of her feet. It had been years since her last boxing match, sometime back in college before medical school stole away her extracurricular activities, but it felt good to be back at it once more. “I refuse to be sidelined by others. I’ve been caught in the crosshairs of this fight one too many times.”
The book didn’t respond, but when Sakura headed for the door, it leapt in her way. I’m not pleased about this decision, but I’ll feel better going with you rather than letting you struggle on your own.
“Great!” Sakura exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “Can you draw me a map to the site of the Founding Sacrifice?”
The book sat still for so long, Sakura wondered if it had heard her. Why do you want to go there?
“Because I’m nearly certain I had a vision of the place last night,” Sakura replied. It had been difficult to sort through all of the things she’d seen the night before, but there was something about that last scene that seemed especially important. She remembered Suigetsu’s words from so long ago. There was a site where the Founding happened and Sakura knew that shrine was for the Maiden who gave her life for the protection of Pompeii. She didn’t think Suigetsu had actually followed through with his rash words about finding the site, if he had, he certainly hadn’t mentioned anything. And Suigetsu was the bragging sort. “I have a general sense of its location, even if you decide to abstain from giving me the map. It’d just cut down on some of my wandering.”
I’ll guide you. If a book could sigh, Sakura assumed it’d be similar to what the book did now, folding its pages inward before releasing them outward once more. Know that I do this under protest and I reserve the right to be the first to say, “I told you so.”
“Of course,” Sakura said, locking up behind herself. “I’d be disappointed if it were any other way.”
The book snapped itself shut in the way it always did when it felt snippy with her.
Sakura caressed the binding of the book fondly, glad to have it here with her. Despite her cavalier attitude, she was afraid. Her wrist ached as she remembered her last encounter with the trees. She knew what she was doing was foolhardy, but Sakura couldn’t remain idle. The secrets being kept from her, for her “protection” as she heard over and over again, had devastating ramifications; ones that Sakura didn’t know how to combat.
Which was why she marched up the path behind the clinic, making her way into the brush that grew with wild abandon. Sakura’s mood darkened as her environment did, branches greedily crowding out the light of the sun. She was doubly grateful for the book’s presence as it thrummed in her hands before falling open, showing a picture of the shrine within a circle, with words etched above it reading, “Founding Site.” Beneath the picture was a box that showed three footprints.
“Cute,” she murmured, feeling her anxiety abate slightly. “Will you let me spin the stop when we get to our destination?”
I’m a book, not a video game, the book said, writing above the faux PokeStop.
“Yeah, but you’re a magic book,” Sakura replied, unable to fight the grin that crossed her face. “Can I catch something too? I’d love a Wartortle.”
Don’t push your luck, kid, the book replied as the footprints bar pulsed. There were now only two tracks. We’re getting closer.
Sakura looked up, startled to find that they’d made their way pretty deep into the forest. The trees that surrounded her towered high above her head, the branches so thick she couldn’t see the tops of the trees. The book had done a good job of keeping her distracted, immersing her in its pages rather than the reality that encompassed them. Grip tightening on the book, Sakura said, “C’mon, not even a Pikachu?”
And so they continued back and forth, bantering lightheartedly. Yet Sakura didn’t take her eyes off of her surroundings, attentive now to the encroaching shadows and rustling leaves. There were moments where the trees shook with the wind and Sakura almost thought she heard the whispers...but no, the sounds remained those of a normal forest.
So attuned was she to her surroundings, Sakura felt the moment things shifted. It was a slight thing, a hush brought on by magic. It felt sacred, tranquil. The hairs on Sakura’s arms and neck stood on end. She couldn’t help but feel that her very presence here defiled the land. This place was ancient and she was an interloper.
Something on the book’s page flashed and Sakura glanced down. The footsteps had disappeared and the circle began spinning. The book made fireworks dance across the page. Sakura chuckled wetly, immediately looking around as her laughter echoed. It was a happy sound, but in this place it felt somehow violent.
“What was that for?” Sakura asked softly, hating the way her voice still carried.
You needed it. I’ve done my part; the rest is up to you, the book scrawled before folding shut.
Sakura patted its binding in thanks before tucking it away in her satchel. Her hands shook as she did so, but Sakura ignored that. She took a deep breath to steady herself, catching a heady scent, fresh and rich. It was opulence and life, something so unique that Sakura paused.
She took in her surroundings once more, following the scent as it led her along through the trees to a small pool of water. The water of the pond was still and should have been stagnate, but Sakura could see to the bottom of the pool. It was the clearest water she’d ever seen.
And beyond it lay the shrine. The areas uncovered by moss shone a brilliant white, untouched by time. At its base was a bundle of incense, the ends of which were lit. The incense was giving off the smell that led her here. Sakura, who’d been making her way toward the shrine, stopped short, as a shiver ran down her spine.
There was someone else here.
Sakura adjusted her stance, widening her legs and bringing her arms up at the ready. When nothing attacked, she cautiously reached for one of her charms, the nazar, and placed it over one eye. Still, she saw nothing.
Something creaked behind her and Sakura dropped into a crouch, turning, ready to strike.
The first thing she noticed were the flowers.Daffodils. Daffodils in resplendent yellows and oranges, brimming with life. They sprung from every crevice, covering nearly every surface possible.
The second thing she noticed was that the flowers were covering a suit of armor. It was old, ancient really, rusting in places and missing parts. It was riddled with gaping holes, filled only by the abundant daffodils. It was empty, aside from the flowers. In truth, it seemed to be held together by the flowers that spilled over the seams, binding the armor to the earth and to life.
Sakura narrowed her eyes, straightening from her crouch. The suit of armor didn’t move, though Sakura could almost feel it watching her. It was older and there were far fewer pieces, but Sakura could swear that she’d seen this set of armor before.
During Founder’s Day.
Sakura gulped as she stared up at the suit of armor with new eyes. This, whatever it was, was the remnants of one of the Founders. The armor was obviously built for a large frame, as it stood nearly seven feet in height. Even in death, the Founders were larger than life.
Sakura wasn’t sure if it was alive, but it was certainly capable of movement as it hadn’t been here a few moments prior.
With shaky steps, Sakura made her way closer to the armor, watching for any sign of aggression. There were none. She reached out, fingers trembling and placed her hand to the chest piece of the armor. It was warm.
Sakura looked up into the face plate of the armor. Daffodils spilled over the edges and Sakura could see the emptiness behind them. Yet she could feel its gaze upon her, gentle but heavy. “What are you?” she asked, trailing a hand across the flower. “Why are you here?”
The armor offered her no response, not that she truly expected one. Instead it reached up with one massive hand and plucked a daffodil free of its shoulder. Slowly, it reached forward, tucking the flower behind her ear with a tenderness that belied its strength and size.
Sakura captured its hand in both of her own as it moved to pull away. Her eyes flickered to the shrine and the incense. “Do you guard this place?”
The wind whipped up around them and the suit of armor scooped her up in its arms, swiveling in place to drop her atop the shrine. The branches around them sprung to life and the whispers set in as the suit of armor took a defensive stance in front of the shrine, in front of her.
It was protecting her.
Sakura watched in awe as the armor, so docile and gentle moments ago, ripped a branch free and slammed it into its brethren in a cacophony of noises. Sakura noticed that none of the branches even attempted to attack her or the shrine, focusing entirely on the suit of armor.
For a moment, it seemed that the armor would win.
Then there was a horrific scraping sound as a branch pierced the side of the armor. The suit stumbled, daffodils falling as it wrenched free of the branch. More branches began to strike the armor, lancing it through. Sakura watched in horror, realizing with a start that the holes she’d seen in the armor earlier were from the trees.
The entity in the forest hated the suit of armor as much as, if not more than, it hated Sakura.
Sakura wrestled her knife out of her satchel before dropping the satchel and darting forward, heedless of the danger. She sliced across one of the branches that still pierced through the armor’s side, smiling in satisfaction as it drew ichor to the surface.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” Sakura murmured through clenched teeth as she pulled away and parried a blow from another branch that left her arms aching.
Everything was still for a moment and Sakura had a feeling that she’d done something unexpected, both to the suit of armor and the entity of the forest.
Then, everything snapped back into action as a branch cracked against Sakura’s jaw. Sakura tasted copper as the branch cut her skin open, but she gritted her teeth and reached out with one bandaged hand to take hold of the branch. She sliced through it with the knife, turning the branch left in her hand into a baton of sorts, knocking back the branches as they attempt to hit her.
Beside her, the suit of armor rose and began swatting at the branches that swarmed them. It took the heaviest of the blows, always angling itself over Sakura in protection.
Still, Sakura took her fair share of hits. Some places openly bled, while others formed the foundations for what Sakura knew would be fantastic bruises. The trees were unrelenting in their force. For every branch struck down, others rose to take its place. It was only a matter of time before they fell beneath the forest’s force.
Sakura glanced at her companion, grinning as it took out three branches in one blow. She wasn’t going to stop either. She couldn’t give up now, no matter what.
There was a magnificent clanging sound somewhere beyond Sakura’s line of sight and the whispers picked up into a crescendo of hatred. Sakura braced herself, knife flashing as it caught the flailing branches around her. And then the branches were gone, as were the whispers.
The entity fled.
Sakura glanced around, wondering why for a moment before her eyes caught off of gleaming metal. Another suit of armor crouched over a pile of broken branches, a large sword in its hand. This suit was similar to the first, though instead of daffodils, it was filled with marigolds. It stood to its full height and Sakura shrank back slightly as it turned her way. It flicked its sword once and approached.
Sakura widened her stance, raising her knife. She knew she was no match for this thing. She could taste the magic on it and on the other one, potent and heady and overwhelmingly powerful.
Still, she refused to go out without a fight.
The daffodil armor stepped in front of her, facing the marigold. They stood tensely for a long moment before the marigold suit returned its sword to its sheath. It thrust out another sword to the daffodil warrior, which took it.
Sakura stayed on alert, ready for anything. She stepped forward, hissing as it agitated an injury on the meat of her thigh. She glanced down, glaring at the cut that seeped blood, hating her weakness. A shadow fell across her, the only warning she had before she found herself flung through the air, landing with a shriek in the pool of water.
Sakura leapt to her feet, raring for a fight. She stopped as she realized that there was no pain to any of her movements.
Sakura glanced down, awestruck when she found herself free of all blemishes. She was healed. Sakura looked up at the sets of armor once more, grinning as she exited the pool.
“No wonder you keep this place secret. You could easily put me out of my job.”
Sakura walked out of the forest, bone-tired but satisfied. She hadn’t gotten all of the answers she sought, hell, she had more questions now, but it was a start. She’d done something, however small it might be.
She’d promised to return to the clearing soon, but first Sakura needed to investigate the town more. Hiruzen was sure to have books on Pompeii’s Founding. Maybe she could find out more about the heroes, about the warriors that once inhabited the suits of armor.
One thing Sakura knew for sure: the entity in the forest did not care for the shrine. In fact, Sakura was almost sure it feared that place.
Sakura glanced around, realizing that she was coming out of the thicket near the grocery store rather than her apartment. She’d no idea how she’d gotten that turned around in the forest, though she wasn’t too surprised. Pompeii was surrounded on all sides by the trees.
Sakura turned slightly, raising a hand in greeting as Hashirama approached her. “Hashirama,” she said. “It is nice to see you. How is the search going?”
“It’s slow moving,” he replied, looking harried. “There’s less resources at hand than we’re used to.”
Sakura’s frown deepened. She knew he considered Yamato one of those “resources.” “Well, I hope everything is resolved soon. I’ll see you around, I have to get home. I have dinner plans.”
Sakura strolled on, conscious of his stare. What she did not realize, however, was the way his brows furrowed as he watched her leave. Hashirama then turned toward the forest, lips pursing as he traced her path with stormy eyes.
A/N: pawns can become any piece EXCEPT a king, so basically dream!sakura breaks the game and gives the forest entity the middle finger. finally my third grade experience of chess club is of use in my adult life. are you proud of me mother?
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years ago
Chapter 19/??
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Reader (Your/Name), (Full/Name)
Summit: It all begin at the Sports Festival when Shouto’s other half met Endevour by mistake. The student never thought to see his partner fight against his father just to show him that he is wrong. It started from that instant, Shouto’s new path started exactly from that moment thanks to his friends and his beloved one.
<<They arrived… Miraje’s superiors again?>> whispers Joel staring at the door.
<<Those motherfuckers?! They need to leave (Y/N) alone.>> says Tenka angrily, <<They are gonna kill her one day.>>
<<Tenka.>> Shuu instead, tries to calm them down, <<Hakkai-san is here, he’ll protect her, don’t worry.>>
<<I won’t lie, but I feel uneasy when those people come to call (Y/N). We must be with her, Hakkai-san and his wife can’t go against them, but we can as the chosen ones of the beasts.>> says Lenka, <<The last time, (Y/N) almost died, they don’t care about her health, they don’t even understand how dangerous is her quirk. They hurt her enough for my flavors.>> he stands up to go towards the door, but Shuu blocks his way, <<They came for Ash Crow once again, we need to protect (Y/N) or she’ll die. Her mom and Yamato will haunt us if we let this happens.>>
<<You noticed it too, right?>> Tenka approaches the twin and tries to move the giant from the door, <<Our (Y/N) is more violent from the last time we saw her. Move Shuu, we will protect her.>>
<<Hold on, hold on.>> Todoroki doesn’t understand a single word, he just heard the name of his girlfriend, the word “die” and his brain went in blackout, <<What are you talking about? Who are these Miraje and Hakkai?>>
Seeing the reaction of the student, the others sigh and calm down. They take their time to find the right words for explaining the situation, but Todoroki presses them.
<<We spoke too much.>> says Joel, <<How much do you know about Fiery Sins?>> Midoriya hands his notebook and the man starts to read carefully, while Shuu speaks to break the silence.
<<Let’s start from the beginning.>> says, <<Very often, her mother went in our orphanage to sing and play music for the children and one day, we met (Y/N). That little girl always invited us to play, having no judgments for us, quirkless people.>>
<<You are all quirkless?>> asks Kirishima politely, <<I thought it was a rare condition in this era.>>
<<The society is cruel, they think we can’t do anything because we don’t have powers, but living with (Y/N) for years, I’m glad I was born like this.>> comments Tenka trying to hear what you are talking about, but you are too far, <<(Y/N) taught us a lot, how to fight, how to play some instruments, but we spent only a few moments together. The reason is because she was born in a greedy house, and it started to train her to be the number one in each field. Study, knowledge, fighting… One day we went to see her, and the old men of the house won’t leave her even the time to say hi to us. We waited until she was done, but when an old man was gone, another one came and begin a new training.>>
<<It got worse when her mom passed away. We barely could talk with her, but after one year, she came back to the orphanage and started to do the same things her mother did.>> continues Lenka, <<She asked us to play something for the children and her would do a show. That moment we understand how hard she worked to control her quirk, but we were naïve to think that a huge power like that wouldn’t have a price to pay.>>
<<Miraje’s family didn’t want us because we are quirkless, but one day, (Y/N)’s beasts talked to us.>> says Joel laying the notebook on the table, <<Now we have powers, and we used them to help her with anything she was struggling, but we were naïve again. Shuu’s brother, Yamato, was chosen by the Wrath beast, and…. He died 4 years ago. It was really shocking for us, but for (Y/N) was something that I can’t even explain. The ribbon she has, it was Yamato’s wristband, she’s mirroring his hair style too. Yamato was her hero, he saved her from the darkness when she was lost, but suddenly, his light disappeared….>>
<<Thanks to the bond we have with (Y/N), we can use her flames without being hurt by them…>> continues Shuu looking at the piano, <<We know how dangerous are these beasts, but not Miraje’s family. If she uses Arsene, she loses weight. If she uses Ba’al, she tends to sleep less… The most hurtful ones are Ash Crow and Astraroth. If she uses Astraroth too much, she gets sick for weeks, her whole body is in pain and has big damages, she can barely move because it’s too painful to endure… And Ash Crow…>>
<<We can’t deny that Ash Crow is her strongest beast, but that strength has the highest price.>> Tenka takes the lead because Shuu refuses to keep going, <<Every time (Y/N) uses the Wrath flames, Ash Crow paints her soul with his ugly black, changing her from inside. The more she’ll use it, the more her life will get shorter and her personality will change in bad.>>
<<The last time we saw her was almost two years ago, and she wasn’t so aggressive.>> comments Lenka, <<If she uses Wrath, the beast will make her evil and merciless. The price Ash Crow wants, is her whole being.>>
<<……>> the classmates are breathing fast, they can’t believe that (Y/N) hid something so important, especially to Shouto.
<<Tell me more about the beasts.>> says Todoroki swallowing hardly his saliva, <<I won’t let her use her quirk anymore. It’s too dangerous.>>
<<Then go to kick those motherfuckers out.>> comments sarcastically Tenka, <<They want Ash Crow to resolve their stupid problem.>>
<<I knew that would end like this…>> a voice comes from the corridor, so your childhood friends run back to their seats and fake a conversation. You walk in with a letter in your hand, glasses laid on your nose and go to a painting across the room, <<Fucking bastards, why I can’t win over them? What stops me?>> those whispers attire the attention of everyone, <<…Useless living beings…>>
<<Shuu…>> Joel whispers to the man when he saw the girl opening her safe.
<<(Y/N), is everything ok?>> the giant moves behind her but maintains some distance for the privacy, <<Do you need us with you?>> he speaks with a sweet tone, even if his voice still sounds scary.
<<Don’t worry.>> she closes the safe, covers it with the painting and looks at him smiling, <<I can deal with it by myself.>> the girl walks over but a call stops her in front of the door.
<<You know that it’s not your fault if Yamato died, right?>> says Shuu, <<You mustn’t keep everything inside, we can solve this all together. Like the good old days… We will be always by your side, we are a family, you are our little sister, tell us if there is something->>
<<I won’t accept any help for these situations anymore.>> she turns with watery eyes, <<I will not do the same mistake never again. I won’t lose any of you, it will cost my life.>>
<<You got better in acting.>> Tenka’s voice is harsher, <<Stop hiding your pain, you always suffer and endure everything on your own. You don’t share bad emotions with anyone, not even with us.>> he goes nearer you and stares right into your eyes, <<We learnt how to recognize your fake faces, yet you pretend that everything is fine when is clearly not. That really pisses me off.>>
<<Done?>> that cold answer shocks everyone, <<I need to go->> the pale green twin pushes the door closed and blocks you between his arms, <<Move Tenka, they aren’t patience people.>>
<<What you will do if I won’t move then?>>
<<I’m upset now, I won’t say it again.>> her eyes are so evil and so her voice, <<Step.Aside.>>
<<Don’t stress her, stupid!>> Lenka grabs his brother and drags him back, <<Can we talk after this end?>>
<<Sure.>> the girl leaves and closes the door, when Tenka is cursing and trying to chase her just to talk with those stupid old men. He is too violent, suddenly, a thick lay of ice enclose him, leaving only the head free from that coffin.
<<Joel, you depressed bastard!>> Tenka tries to get out, but it’s impossible, <<Don’t you dare to use Hakuren on me!>>
<<You didn’t leave me other choice. When you will calm down, I’ll free you.>> the icy boy was about to speak, but the room is light up by lightnings coming from Tenka, <<Even using Ba’al, you can’t break that ice.>>
<<Fuck!>> Lenka was reading the letter that you forgot there, <<Oi guys, read this!>>
They read and at each phrase, their eyes open wider more and more. What they are reading exactly? On the back of the paper there is a wax seal…
<<Are fucking kidding me?!>> that is the first time Shuu swears, <<Now I’m angry.>>
<<Don’t under my watch!>> Tenka opens the window near the garden and exits looking for you, <<I won’t lose (Y/N), Yamato was more than enough!>>
They all run in the garden, so they U.A students follow them, even if the journey is short. On the back of the estate, there are Miraje, Hakkai protesting against three persons with elegant and ancient suits, and a white veil covers their faces. (Y/N) is far from them and stares at the grass immobile. When Shuu sees red veins near her eyes, he rushes towards her.
<<Hey, hey, come back here.>> he cups your face in his big and warm hands, <<Everything will be fine… I’m sure of it.>> the girl falls on her knees and Shuu hugs her tightly, <<Jesus, don’t do this crazy shit again…>>
<<(Y/N)!>> the others approach you quickly, and when Shouto brings you near him, your childhood friends, stand between the group and those three creepy persons, <<Are you ok?>>
<<Yes, just a little tired….>> you answer to him, feeling his fast heartbeat against your ear.
<<Please move aside.>> asks one man, <<We need her.>>
<<Arsene.>> the same blue flames that you have, now are surrounding Shuu in a chain shape.
<<Hakuren.>> now your white flames forge for Joel two long and sharp claws of ice.
<<Ba’al.>> Tenka magically has this long katana, which blade is surrounded with strong electric shocks.
<<Belphegor.>> Lenka grabs a long whip, that he cracks it showing those pure and silver flames.
The night is lighted by those flames and your friends don’t have the intention of step aside. Seeing the flames burning so vividly, the three men make a few steps backwards asking what they are doing.
<<That’s our line!>> screams Shuu, <<Stop calling (Y/N) to solve your problems! Her life doesn’t belong to you, leave her alone!>>
<<Her seven beasts belong to our lineage, as her quirk belongs to us! She will use it as we wish!>> says one of the chiefs, <<She is the third coming of Kafka, she will behave as so!>>
<<You don’t belong anything…>> voicing everyone’s thoughts, the four friends increase their flames and move a single step forward, scaring the chiefs, <<She is (F/N), not the third coming of Kafka! She wants to be a hero, not your stupid doll and you all are crushing her dream!>>
<<Her beasts are on our side, we will protect her and her dream form you all bastards!>> adds Lenka cracking his whip, <<Leave now, it’s the last warning.>>
<<We control the seven beasts as we wish, do as we say, or else…>> Tenka raises his arm and slowly, thunders fall loudly near him, burning the grass and destroying the ground, <<You’ll not leave this house alive.>>
<<Your will, (F/N)?>> this time is a woman who speaks under that white veil.
<<I thought I was clear before.>> you stand supported by Shouto and Izuku, <<I will not help this family anymore. You don’t worth my life and my emotions. Solve this crisis by yourself, I don’t want more sins inside my heart.>>
<<Very well, then we will leave for today.>> the woman walks followed by the others two who whispers their disappointments, <<Stop complaining. She voiced her will and we must respect that, since she’s the third coming of Kafka, that’s the rule.>>
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21.5, 22, 22.5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Last Chapter
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fanficimagery · 8 years ago
Mae (from Quotev): I really want to request a Supernatural one-shot, but I have no idea what for :/ All I know is I would want it to be a SamxReader
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Sam X Reader 
"I.. don't know.. how much longer.. I can take," you heave. "It's too fast. T-Too smart."
"Suck it up, Y/N," your blonde partner scoffs. "You voluntarily chose this life."
You pant as you try to catch your breath, staring at the side profile of the rather gruff blonde in combat boots and who likes to wear her eye makeup dark. You don't know her, only that her name is Claire, and you only decided to partner up when you realized you were hunting the same Wendigo. 
She's younger than you, but also more experienced which is why you had no problem with her taking the lead. "Maybe we should call in back-up? You do know other hunters, right?"
"Duh. But stop worrying. We can handle this."
And almost as if she's jinxed it, a clawed hand grasps you by the shoulder and flings you away as if you weigh nothing. You go crashing into a tree, crying out as the right side of your ribs connects with the hardened bark. Claire starts shouting, lighting up a molotov cocktail as she calls out to you to make sure you’re still conscious.
"Come on!" She then screams, turning in a slow circle as she follows the sounds of snapping twigs around you.
"Are you.. crazy?!" You grunt, sitting up and putting your back to the tree. "We're in the middle of the woods. Put.. the cocktail.. out!"
"Fire is the only way to kill this thing."
The moment she looks at you, the Wendigo blurs up behind her back. Your eyes widen in horror, especially when the thing grabs Claire by the back of the neck and lifts her in the air. But as she struggles to get free, the molotov cocktail slips from her grasp and shatters beneath her feet.
The liquid spreads and hits the feet of the Wendigo, it screaming in pain as it drops it's prey. Claire rolls out of the quickly growing fire, patting herself down to make sure she's not on fire herself and you scramble for a flare gun that's in your pack.
The fire spreads up the legs of the creature by the time you grasp the gun in hand, you gulping and sneering at the monster before pulling the trigger. The flare surprisingly penetrates the stomach of the Wendigo, it lighting the monster up from the inside until it's nothing but burned flesh and ash.
You breathe a sigh of relief, slumping back against the tree before wincing in pain and Claire starts to chuckle as she climbs to her feet. As she walks over to you, she holds out a hand to help you up. "See? We didn't need any-" A roar cuts her off, followed by two more answering roars that sends shivers up and down both your spines.
With widened eyes, you murmur, "Can you call in back-up now?"
She nods. "Yeah. We can call in that back-up now."
When you get back to your motel room, Claire makes you pop a couple of pain killers because your ribs don't feel any better. She makes a phone call to two brothers after grabbing a bucket of ice and a dish towel to make an ice pack for your ribs, and then tells you to rest because the brothers are are about a couple hours away.
So while you rest, Claire paints Anasazi symbols- symbols which were drawn to keep a Wendigo from passing over them- around the room. A symbol is painted over each window in the front room and bathroom, over the back of the door and another one underneath the welcoming mat outside the room. Though Wendigos didn't go into populated areas, neither of you wanted to chance it since you just killed one of their own.
Afterwards, as Claire piles together your weapons after shoving some food down her throat and yours, you practically sink into the mattress as everything becomes.. odd.
"I.. I think I'm high," you mumble. Your hands apparently have a mind of their own, smoothing up and down and back and forth over the blanket. "This feels soooo good."
Claire's head snaps up, she groaning when she catches sight of you. "Seriously? Don't you have any tolerance for pain killers?"
You shrug. "Dunno. But this- this is what clouds must feel like." You grin as you continue to wiggle against the mattress and Claire loses the battle with the hilarity of the situation. 
She groans again, but ends up chuckling. "Jesus Christ. I would end up with a light weight newbie."
"New-bie. Neeww-bee," you over enunciate. "Sounds a lot like.. boo-bie." Giggling at your own words, your hands lift up to gently cup your breasts over the sports bra you're currently wearing and give them a quick squeeze. Claire snorts just as someone knocks on the door and your eyes widen in surprise. "I got it!" You then try to sit up too quickly which only results in reminding yourself that you’re injured when the pain in your ribs flare up. "Motherfucker!" You shout.
"Chill out. I got it," Claire says. "And stop feeling yourself up. Dean might get excited."
Slowly laying back down, your eyes scrunch close until the pain subsides. You hear Claire greet a Dean and a Sam, muffled footsteps coming deeper into the room and a hum of confusion.
"Dean. Sam, meet Y/N. Y/N, meet Sam and Dean Winchester. We, uh, we sort of partnered up," she explains. "But then we got in way over our heads hence you coming in as backup."
Your eyes flutter open, you having to blink a few more times to focus your gaze before you're able to drink in the combined hotness of the two newcomers. "Uhhh.. Claire?" You squeak, your arms slowly covering your bare stomach. "Can I talk to you real quick?"
The brothers raise their eyebrows in surprise as Claire rolls her, but she drags her feet closer to the bed anyway. As she stands directly in front of you, cocking her hip and crossing her arms over her chest while blocking your view of the brothers, you say, "I thought you said boys? These are men!" You hiss quietly. Or try to, really. "Really hot men and I'm totally high out of my mind. Oh my god. Why would you do this to me? You're a total menace, Novak!"
She barks a short laugh, the corner of her lips lifting upward. "If that was meant to be private, they totally heard."
"She said that we heard whatever you just told her in your high induced panic," the slightly shorter brother says, coming up behind Claire and practically towering over her as he smirks down at you. You groan in both pain and embarrassment. "By the way, what the hell happened?"
He's asking you the question, but then looks to Claire who sighs as she turns and plops down on the edge of the bed. "Wendigo threw her into a tree. Her ribs are pretty banged up."
"That explains.. this then," the other brother, the shaggy-haired one, says as he shrugs out of his jacket, "but how did you get in over your head?"
"Stupid monster had a family," you mutter. "And now they're pissed."
"A family?" Shaggy asks. "And here," he says while laying his jacket over you, "you look uncomfortable and I don't think you're capable of crawling under the blanket in your condition."
"Thanks, Shaggy." You sigh in relief and the other brother snorts in amusement. Sliding your arms through the too long sleeves, you use the backwards jacket as your personal blanket since you're not wearing a shirt.
"It's, uh, it's Sam," he grins.
You nearly swoon at the grin directed at you. "So pretty."
You smile, the brother who must be Dean then groans and Claire huffs. "Anyway," she drawls a little too loudly. "We killed the Wendigo after a couple of mishaps, but there were more lingering by. They were pretty pissed when their comrade fell."
"A family of wendigos, huh? Boy you really stepped in it this time, kid." As he moves to ruffle Claire's hair, she ducks out of the way with a scowl twisting up her pretty face. Dean huffs in amusement at her and you just watch as the scene plays out. "If we do this, all hands need to be on deck." He warily looks at you, calculating something within in his mind.
Sam grunts. "Uh. No. She's hurt. The only place Y/N is going is to the hospital."
"No, no," you're quick to interject. "No hospitals."
"Why not?" Sam frowns.
And you shrug. "Because bills. All they're going to do is tightly wrap my ribs, and give me more pain meds and bed rest. I'm not spending thousands of dollars just for that."
"Well she's not wrong," Claire agrees. "She can- she can stay. The three of us," she says, gesturing between herself and the Winchesters, "can hunt the Wendigos."
"I don't know. Stony McStonerson might need supervision."
"Bite me, Bean."
"It's Dean."
"My name," he snorts, "is Dean."
"Yeah, well, today it isn't."
"Christ, you're like a five year old." As Claire stomps over to her bag, you snicker at Dean's pout. Sam walks over to Claire to watch what she's doing, the both of them having a hushed conversation. He tries to stop whatever it is she has planned, but she shrugs out of his grasp and then stomps back over to you.
"Hey. What's th-" Claire yanks the jacket half off of you, she then plunging a needle into your arm. "Ow! What the fuck, blondie?!"
"Sedative," she smirks. "Now we can go do what needs to be done and you can sleep it off."
"Oh, you bitch," you slur as your body starts to relax even further without your consent.
"Awesome," Dean remarks, smiling at what's just taken place. "We can put the 'do not disturb' card on the door handle and be back in time for when she wakes."
Eyelids feeling heavy, you lets your lids slide shut before forcing them open. Sam smiles sheepishly at you as he grabs the blanket from the second bed, he then draping in over you as he reclaims his jacket.
The last thing you see before the blissful darkness overtakes you is Claire and the Winchesters gathering up your stockpiled weapons before exiting the room to go hunt.
When you wake up next, it's the following afternoon.
Sam greets you with a smile and the correct dosage of pain meds for your still throbbing ribs, and you groan in embarrassment. "So yesterday happened, right? That wasn't just some terrible dream I was having?"
"Uh. No," he laughs. "You were kind of out of it yesterday."
Your nose wrinkles. "Stupid Claire." You struggle to sit up, brushing off Sam's offer to help as you prop yourself up against the headboard. "So where is everyone? I'm pretty sure you had a brother with you yesterday."
"Dean and Claire went to get food. Dean's always hungry and I don't trust Claire to not cause you any more harm." You snort as you pop the pill into your mouth, then reaching for the glass of water on the side table. "How do you know Claire, anyway?"
"Um. I don't. Not really." You take the meds and then drink the entire glass of water, you sighing as Sam apparently wants more of an explanation. "This Wendigo was just my second hunt," you say. "When I realized there was another person around asking nearly the same odd questions I had wanted to ask, I sought her out and realized she was a Hunter too. We teamed up and well.. you know the rest."
"Second hunt? Did you always know about.. monsters? Or is this new to you?"
"New. I had no idea monsters existed until one dragged my little brother right out of my arms one night we had went camping. I knew the authorities wouldn't believe a word I said, so I just kept quiet. They figured I was just in shock and chocked it up to a bear attack."
He smiles sadly. "I'm sorry. Being introduced to this lifestyle is never easy. Trust me. My brother and I would know."
"Winchesters," you then drawl out, scrunching your eyes as you try to get your mind to work faster. "Dad was John, right?" Sam looks at you, surprised, and you blush under his stare. "I, uh, I researched. I wanted to know exactly what I was getting myself into and went deep into the internet for research. I found an odd Hunter by the name of Garth-" Sam snorts, but you continue on, "and just went from there. He hooked me up with a few numbers for other hunters he was close with in case I ran into some trouble and also gave me a list of his fake government official numbers should I get caught up with the real authorities. Thankfully I haven't had to use those."
"Yeah. Garth is.. Garth," Sam muses. "Good guy, just not the best Hunter."
"Aw. He seemed decent," you chuckle. "But anyway, he mentioned you guys. Said you were the best of the best. He tried to give me your numbers, but all of them were duds."
Now it Sam's turn to blush. "We have a lot of accidents. But, uh, I'll give you our new ones before we leave and get yours in return. You know, just in case."
"Yeah," you slowly smile. "Just in case."
For some reason, Sam just would not cooperate with me! I’m sorry this was kind of dull.
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