funscarylaudna · 3 years
@mostlyanything19 replied to your post “it was a m a z i n g”
This is probably futile because I keep asking people and everyone seems to be just like *shrug* “you gotta be lucky” about it, but: how did you find your group? How did you get together? I would like to play dnd SO BAD but I have no idea how to go about connecting with people, I don’t know anybody…
Well, this time around I'm a DM, so it was... Well, much easier than the time I looked for a group as a player, because I just texted a few close friends and put up a "looking for players" story on my instagram account and the friends that were interested showed up very fast (I also specified that I was looking for players who are into high fantasy/medieval/steampunk settings, are fully vaccinated and aren't supporters of Jair Bolsonaro, my country's president).
But when I started playing D&D for real back in, idk, 2018, I went on some Critical Role related Discord groups and looked for channels where DMs were looking for players and vice-versa (that's how I found my first group). I'm pretty sure there's also lots of Facebook groups and Roll 20 has community forums and a section where you can look for a group too. But if you do find a group and you guys decide to meet up to play in person, please be very careful. I'd recommend playing online first, if you have the choice.
I do think there's a luck factor in it, though, I was very blessed to have my first group be a bunch of the best kind of weird and nice and respectful guys who didn't even know each other previously and became some of my favorite people in the universe. So I don't have a lot of advice because I'm stuck with them from the beginning, I guess.
If anyone has better advice, please reply to this post. Good luck, buddy!
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callmearcturus · 4 years
mostlyanything19 replied to your post “I'm actually super mad about it so heres a messy ask. The thing with...”
It's a weird relief to find someone having actually complex and multilayered thoughts about Basira, and I appreciate it.
basira is a fascinating character and i’m excited to see how her character arc ends. she’s been back for like 1.3 episodes and one of those episodes was p much about her. i’m hyped as fuck.
at this point, they show can’t unring the bell of making her a PoC cop
(which, sidebar: there are PoC cops. that’s not the problem. but their stories def shouldn’t be written by white dudes because the complexity of what it’s like for a person of color to be enfolded into a white supremacist organization and the compromises that requires-- i’m not a big believer in “only write what you know” but also I cannot fathom any white person being capable of writing it, yanno)
but i’ve personally found the use of daisy and basira to explore the cult of cops to be super interesting, in part bc TMA’s view of this shit seems to follow my personal politics, so obviously I’m going to enjoy it
and I’m interested to see where basira goes from here, and the level of Tragic her final dismount is going to me.
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darcylindbergh · 4 years
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i did that i’m glad you’re excited because i sure am!! i hope you have an amazing year!! <3<3<3
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Okay!! Can I please request 1, 8, 10 for Sprotte/Frieda (and if you feel like it, make it poly and throw Fred into the mix)! 😊
1. which one would go “Oh.” and which one would be oblivious?
this is pretty much in my fic, so that’s not news, but I really think Frieda would understand her feelings as being romantic pretty early on while Sprotte would stay purposefully oblivious FOREVER. It’s not Sprotte’s fault, she’s just not good with difficult feelings and she would rather avoid than examine them I think. 
Frieda’s “Oh” moment might even be connected to Fred? Like, it’s all well and good and they’re all friends (or, you know, mortal enemies) until Frieda notices the way Sprotte sometimes looks at Fred when she thinks no one’s watching. And Frieda gets kind of melancholic about that, and because she’s practiced at examining and categorizing everything, she thinks about it. In fact, she can’t stop thinking about it. 
And then she’s doing a class project with Fred for some reason, and she’s unhappy about it because she was hoping she could do it with Sprotte instead, and they’re in the classroom, and Frieda sighs and looks over to Sprotte who is paired with someone else and pretending to work. Or maybe actually working, and maybe Frieda should get on that, too, so she shakes it off, then turns her head to Fred next to her who is looking at Sprotte with the same wistful gaze as Frieda only seconds before. 
And Frieda quietly goes “Oh.” Because not only does she realize her own feelings in that moment, seeing her own expression mirrored in Fred’s face, she also realizes that Fred must like Sprotte back. And Frieda thinks that from now on in, her life is going to become so much more complicated.
8. what’s their (weirdly specific) love languages?
I think Frieda’s is simple, it’s both “Acts of Service” and “Words of Affirmation” in equal measures. Whenever Sprotte feels bad, she brings her cookies, bakes her waffles, or brings her tea (or all three of these), and says: “listen, you don’t need to talk about this, but i’m here for you. whatever you need.” You know what, let me change that: I think Frieda’s love language is actually tuning into other people’s needs and delivering just that. If someone needs a hug, she gives it freely. If someone needs an open ear and/or some solid advice, she has all the time in the world and some kind words for them. If someone needs a distraction, she’ll take them out to the movies and pay for popcorn. Frieda shows love through showing attention.
Sprotte on the other hand is mostly about “quality time”. She wants to take people on adventures, she loves to plan exciting dates, but she loves just as much just... co-existing next to each other. like, being in the same room, being close, but not having the need for conversation or action of any kind. She’s just gonna sit there and play with a cat or dog (or whatever pet she’s gonna get as soon as she can. maybe she’s even gonna keep one of the chickens at her place for a while, maybe one that’s sick and needs some extra care) while making sure that Frieda actually takes a break for once and just reads a book. Sprotte’s love language is making sure you have a good time.
10. which one steals the other’s clothes?
okay this one I feel is hilarious for them because we all know Sprotte only has like two pairs of pants, three shirts and two sweaters and that’s it. And she’s happy that way and always has been - she loves her completely worn-out leopard print jeans and those shirts that have been washed and worn so often that they’ve become soft and comfortable. But any chance she gets? She’s gonna steal Frieda’s stuff. It’s because Frieda’s clothes are so unique and so very much her that Sprotte likes to keep them around to always be reminded of Frieda. And it doesn’t take long before she starts wearing some of it as well. Like that cute teal beanie Frieda crocheted last winter. Or that oversized shirt Frieda got from volunteering at this one non-profit. 
Now, what’s hilarious is that Sprotte’s mum and grandmother start to notice it. So they start to gift clothes and stuff to Frieda in the hopes that Sprotte will end up wearing them and finally update her wardrobe for once. Sprotte of course doesn’t fall for that because she only wants things that remind her of Frieda, and a new pair of jeans or a boring store-bought sweater just won’t do. 
Frieda is very amused by it and either way, she considers it a win-win because on one hand, she gets nice new clothes, and on the other, she gets to see Sprotte in her stuff, and that just makes her heart melt.
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gerrydelano · 4 years
Ok you must be getting flooded with these but. BLOODWATER BALLAD. HOLY FUCK. I didn't listen for ages because the AutismTM decided the stars weren't in position or whatever but I did just now and I'M. How did you DO that??? I had SUCH a visceral reaction to this I was honestly kind of winded when it was over, like. THE DRUMS. The RHYTHM. THEY L Y R IC S. I'm not a music knowledge person but all I can say is holy fuck, man, this was INCREDIBLE.
i am a bit flooded right now but AHH. thank you so much! i really did just shake my laptop for a while until the little pieces fell in place like that how the grinch stole christmas ornament game toy i got from wendy’s 20 years ago (that i literally cannot find a reference of on the internet for some reason, alright!)
i’m glad it could hit you like that, i really didn’t expect for it to get anybody this powerfully! i’m 🥺
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forineffablereasons · 5 years
mostlyanything19 replied to your post “she’s heeeeerrreeeeee!!! this is an ott light magnifier - it...”
Can I ask what that is you have your stitching spread out on? It's so bright I can't make it out, is it a Q-snap? I've started my projects with a hoop bc that's all I've got at home, but I'm thinking of getting sth else, I just don't know what.
it is a Q-snap! I use hoops and Q-snaps pretty interchangeably tbh but I really like the Q-snaps - on hoops I feel like I can only use about an 8 inch one comfortably at the max because I have these wee baby hands and i always stitch two-handed, but the Q-snap I have here is an 8x11, and I can go as long as I want on the long side as long as I keep that 8 on the short side (I had my GO stitch loaded into an 8x28, which was really a 17 and an 11 hooked together, and an 8x17, at different times). the only thing I would say about Q-snaps is to PLEASE get the ON-BRAND Q-snaps, and get a few different lengths and adapter pieces so you can try a few sizes out to find what’s comfortable. do NOT try to use the off-brand kinds you can get from hobby lobby or michaels craft stores, they are not nearly as good for getting your fabric tight and they are built with ridges in the snaps that can hurt your stitches, they are not worth any cost-savings or convenience. Q-snaps are one of cheapest of all the great frame alternatives, and I know loads of people who stitch huge and complicated pieces on them as well as wee little things. they’re lightweight, they hold your fabric tight, i think they’re easy to use once you get your fabric loaded, the only thing i say to watch out for on them is that when you are far enough in your stitch to have to lay the snap over your stitches, put a piece of fabric between your snap and your stitches to keep things tidy (I just have cut up strips of a t-shirt I use for this purpose). And you don’t have to, but I also use grime guards on my Q-snaps to hold excess fabric and keep things clean - I don’t have a good one that fits the 8x11 frame so I’ll be making my own probably on Monday actually because I have the day off, which is super easy, I use this tutorial. you can see more of my projects loaded into Q-snaps with grime guards on them on @honeybeestitches. I ordered my Q-snaps from everythingcrossstitch.com which has a 20% off coupon for your first order, but you can get them from loads of places like 123stitch.com or if you’re canadian i think chartingcreations.com carries them too. 
there are a lot of other options out there but I think I’ve seen you post that you’re more of a beginner? so I would recommend the Q-snaps instead of anything heftier at least while you’re getting into it though I do know folks who use Q-snaps for expert level stuff as well.  
i hope that helps!! 
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Any Other Name by mostlyanything19
word count: 5k
The Angel of the Eastern Gate.” Crawly grins. “What’s your name, anyway? You never said.”
“Oh...” Apologies, Aziraphael almost says, but then he doesn’t. That would be taking things a bit too far, he thinks. This is still the Enemy. “Aziraphael.”
“Aziraphael,” repeats Crawly—or tries to, because halfway through the word he chokes. Quite badly.
Or: What if Aziraphale’s name was originally "Aziraphael", in keeping with the conventional spelling and pronunciation of other angel names, but because of its divine nature, Crowley is physically unable to say it out loud.
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holtzyrans · 5 years
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@mostlyanything19 I'm so glad you remember it! For your bittersweet fic reading pleasure, here's the current opening line:
"Justin and Adam have an unspoken agreement to not talk about it."
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poladraws · 6 years
I have a question: Is it ok with you if I used your two amazing Good Omens arts as my phone lockscreen & background screen? Because that would just be /perfect/!
Hello! Of course please go ahead! I opened them on my phone and realised with the odd canvas I used, they’re almost the perfect size for phones and I’m using them as well. Thank you for appreciating them
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sternest · 6 years
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A tale as old as time
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avelera · 7 years
mostlyanything19 replied to your post “Actually the news of a possible LotR reboot is especially funny when...”
fdjksa feel free to not shut up, I'm really enjoying watching this unfold from the sidelines xD
Well don’t mind if I do lol
But seriously, I just can’t stop thinking about what an impossible task this is like, I’m wishing them the best of luck because I think everyone can agree that the world is hardly a worse place if there are two amazing takes on LotR out there
But I’m just thinking about pacing for example, like, Frodo doesn’t even get out of the Shire until over an hour into the films, which would naturally be a condensed version of the books compared to a tv series. So what, are we gonna have a half season of Frodo futzing around in the Shire before he goes off on his journey?? Is the Council of Elrond going to be its own episode, how do you even dramatically pace this thing?
One of the biggest complaints against the LotR book is that the pacing is really tough on a modern audience’s attention span, if you’re going to have a more accurate,  l o n g e r  take on this story,  are we gonna spend the tv equivalent of the 50 pages Tolkien spends talking about wtf Hobbits are?? Shall we examine the canonical  m o n t h  the Fellowship spent in Lothlorien? How about the cut characters, a whole musical episode of Tom Bombadil! More elves than you can even imagine and two of them are  i d e n t i c a l   t w i n s  now!
Shall we introduce Imrahil, another random prince of Men for no apparent reason given what he adds to the plot? Or have a subplot in Minas Tirith of Bergil showing Pippin around ? Seriously what exactly did PJ not film in the 12+ hours of the trilogy that desperately needs to be shown but also extended further  in a TV series?? Are you honestly going to tell me they’re going to make sets that are more grounded and realistic than PJ’s version and not CGI nightmares, given they spent something like 6 years cultivating the land where the Shire set would be built so that it looked like a real farming community??
Look, I love Tolkien’s works to death, but I’m the first to admit when some things are cut between text and screen for a very damn good reason. Literally no one was complaining that the LotR films weren’t long enough.
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random-fireworks · 7 years
mostlyanything19 a reblogué votre billet “How cool was Various and Sundry Villains?!”
#the point about sam sounding like colin as sam is so -- yes???#I KNEW he made me think of something with that delivery!!#colin has a scene where he sounds EXACTLY the same in an old episode#(isn't it when dean asks what's in the present and sam says 'a pony'?#i could swear that is the scene where he sounds exactly like that) 
YES I was thinking about the pony scene!!
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glass-closet · 7 years
Hi! I've been mulling over something and thought I'd ask you, I've been pretty out of touch with J2's lives, become recently re-obsessed and haven't all caught up yet. Anyway: On March 4, 2016 Jared posted a facebook video for the AKF anniversary where he says in the last 12 months he's had his lowest low (we know that one - May 2015), but also "my highest high". That's the one that's puzzling me and I'd love to know more about it. Do we have any clue what this "highest high" could've been?
Hello, sweetheart!
I apologize for having to make you wait so long for my response, but this required some serious digging from my part. I can’t help but think his highest high is a combination of things, rather than a specific pinnacle from that year.
Jared’s breakdown changed things for the J’s as far as I can tell. Gradually the amount of bearding dropped and they started being seen together more often. When I’m browsing both of their twitter accounts from that time, I see a whole lot of mentions of each other and selfies together from them. I think Jared’s breakdown was a wake-up call to them both - to try and live as honestly and openly as they could while still maintaining the closet.
There were also a couple of trips that the J’s went to - Turks & Caicos and Whistler. Some of the slip-ups from that era are golden!
And we really, really need to talk about AKF! It’s such a deeply personal project that must’ve opened up the dialogue with fans in a new way for Jared. To finally let this secret out and to be accepted for an imperfect human being must’ve been huge. Not to even mention hearing how the campaigns helped other people in their daily struggles with anxiety and depression must’ve affected him! It feels good to know you’re not alone. Jared opened up about his demons with such sincerity and the response was overwhelmingly positive. I admire -- no, I adore him for his courage!
In short, many beautiful things (AAAAHHH, YES YOU ARE, OH NO! PLEASE! I CAN’T!)  happened during that year and my bet is that Jared’s “highest high” was a combination of all that occured. Less bearding, less hiding and the realisation of the wonderful AKF campaigns are the things that stand out the most for me.
Thank you so much for encouraging me to take this stroll down the memory lane, darling! I do apologise for the delay again and hope that your week turns out to be fabulous!
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PS: While I was looking into this video on spn-gossip, I came across this lovely gem.
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darcylindbergh · 4 years
I just bought your book!! :D Can't wait till it arrives; I'm really glad Amazon UK carried it too, bc with the state of the US mail these days I'm not sure it would've gotten to Germany till like, after Christmas. This way, I'm only looking at a week or so.
listen the mere thought of my wee book going all over the world is SO MUCH omg !! i really hope it gets to you in time but if not a little christmas treat? lol i’m so excited for you to read it, i hope you enjoy it!! 
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Wilde Hühner content on tumblr??? Es geschehn ja noch Zeichen und Wunder, wie cool ist das denn! :D Ich liebe diese Bücher! heut morgen hab ich ein paar Minuten durch deinen tag gescrollt und prompt auf dem weg zur Arbeit drei Zeilen fanfic geschrieben und fhsjshsjdgsj wow, Kindheitserinnerungen
muaaahahahaha yes wir zerren dieses Fandom aus der Versenkung und bauen es neu und so gay wie möglich, schließ dich uns an! :D :D
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Ernsthaft, wenn du deine Fanfic irgendwo postest, sag bescheid! Egal wie lang oder kurz, ich brauche mehr Hühner-Content!
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number9580-blog · 7 years
anyways not all men have flat chests but this alone doesn't make them trans
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