#mostly to eat people who were mean XD
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fallloverfic · 2 months ago
Finished the second season of Castlevania: Nocturne and loved it! Spoilers below.
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Angry boi PROTEC HIS MAN!!!! Just his running to Mizrak, so worried. Even interrupted his revenge. I just love that his serpent form came back T-T And multiple times!!!
The fight scenes were so good!!! Just so many amazing ones!
(So happy they know each other and I think it's hilarious my fic could potentially be a prequel now alkdjalkdjaljdalj)
Everyone cute. Annette and Richter were just awww. Glad Edouard and Annette get to stay together, and Edouard can go home and get his bass player :3
Also so many gorgeous Adrian bits. Truly. Him coming out of the river was so mmmm. Also loved all the magic he got to use XD And the music was fun!
Also loved all the Egyptian stuff. The soul count was a little... (I was like why are you saying just 2 or 3, there's more than that...?), but apparently the # of parts has changed over time (it's not just 4 or 5) and it's you know, vampires during the French Revolution, so sure, whatever. The trip to Duat was fun! And Ammit's form was pretty cool.
Poor Tera. Bye Emmanuel, no one misses you.
Loved that we got some dragon fighting. Also that the dragon didn't die. Was worried. Though I will say, Sekhmet punching it was kind of funny aldkjlaj I felt sort of bad when Juste, Richter, and Maria were all boosting its breath like, "That can't be too comfortable for the dragon..."
Just think it's funny we have animated Robespierre joining forces with the son of Dracula to defend Paris from a crazy Hungarian serial killer noble who believes she's the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian goddess lol
The return of Drolta was really fun. I was sad she was in so relatively little of season 1. This was really great.
For historical things, I appreciate that they referenced how folks in France sold and bought food to watch executions. I also appreciate the reference to the trend of European obsession with eating mummies.
I will be thinking about Mizrox's future. I feel bad I'm mostly happy Olrox survived the season lol I like Mizrak just fine, and I like that Olrox likes him, but my priority is Olrox, not Mizrak, sorry lol Clearly they have some things to work out XD Should be fun (for someone, I hope). Someone else pointed out they never talked about the animal/soul stuff, and it was kind of just... Mizrak getting over it (or side-stepping it) and not apologizing to Olrox about it. And Olrox just... kind of accepting that the guy he's in love with is like this. I think it's funny that after having written You reluctant demon back in 2023, where they do have a conversation about it, I completely forgot it as a thing I wanted to happen lol Cause in my mind the matter is settled. Like the show, quite frankly, feels like neat fanfiction to me at this point (that's not what it is, but that's how my brain works, it's part of why I wasn't as anxious about season 2 releasing as I was for season 3 of the first series releasing). It's great in all the things it does, amazing stuff I never could have thought of, which is far better than a lot of the stuff I did in my fic (and those fight scenes, dang). But yeah, I do agree, they should have talked about it. And they don't. And it's... mm...
Another thing is that Mizrak maybe still has some racism to unpack. There's that line Olrox has about when his people were massacred by the Spanish, and Olrox says, "And our terrifying gods could do nothing to save us." And Mizrak replies, "Perhaps your gods were the problem," and it's like what the fuck Mizrak lol I don't know if it's part of his struggles with his own faith, which is very obviously happening, how if a god exists, they're allowing all this stuff to happen, that Emmanual failed so hard, and believing in a god - which is his issue - is causing so much of his issues (it's making him believe his affection for Olrox is false, that Olrox doesn't have a soul, and/or it's not saving him from what he believes is a wrong attraction, idk). Or, from a semi-logical standpoint, that Olrox's people were attacked because they weren't Christian, and that the Spanish wouldn't have attacked Olrox's people if they were Christian. Or simply that "well it's your fault for not being Christian", I have no idea. It's a weird moment. We have really not moved past the "animal" conversation all that much. Olrox is very, very forgiving. And I am way more forgiving because I forgot I resolved most of this in my fic over a year ago lol I don't know, relationships are messy, I enjoyed what I saw of them. Olrox running to Mizrak's side was a lot and I loved it. The way Olrox is like, "I thought you wanted to know" killed me.
ANYWAY though... it was a good season. Really, I liked it.
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miniwheat77 · 1 year ago
Power Hungry. (Graves x Virgin!Reader.)
!nsfw, smut, unprotected sex, non con, virginity loss, Graves is pushy, military talk, blood, violence, no minors- you know the drill!
Soap is not dead on this blog, he’s alive and well. That was not canon here! XD NOT EDITED
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It’s no secret that Commander Graves has a thing for you.
He has since the day he met you.
He didn’t care who was around when he flirted with you. He didn’t care who heard. You didn’t mind him or his flirting at first. You got along with him pretty well. You didn’t see him too much because you were apart of task force 141 and he was with his own group. But that didn’t mean you didn’t like him. You of course had no intentions of ever pursuing his advances. You were a scared virgin and that was that.
Things changed when he took over Alejandro’s base and attacked Soap.
He held you inside Alejandro’s base alongside him. Had you tied up. He killed many innocent people and threatened you. Held a gun to your head.
It was a weird day when Soap and Rudy said he died in the tank, and you heard nothing about him for months.
Until you were sitting in that office talking to Shepherd.
“Without an army you’ve got nothing.” Gaz spoke. You were standing next to him. “Wrong again boys.” When Graves appeared on screen your stomach fell. Knowing what he’s capable of. What he said he’d do to you if you didn’t cooperate. You tried to hide yourself behind Gaz. “Un-fucking-believable.” Soap groans. “Soap… you miss me?” You can hear the smile in his voice as he says it. You hear nothing but ringing in your ears for the next few minutes. Not until you hear your name and freeze up.
“Is that Y/N behind you, Gaz?” Graves smiles. He bites his lip and you freeze. “That’s none of your concern.”
“Oh come on. Let me see her. Show me that pretty face.” Gaz backs himself up into you. Giving you a chance to get out the door without being seen anymore by him. You’d have to thank him later. “It’s alright. She’s got some hard feelings.. I’ll make it up to her.” He smirks. “Fuck off.” Gaz growls. “You tied her up and threatened to kill her, I hope the next time she sees you she shoots you.” Soap rolls his eyes. Graves laughs on the other end.
You’re stood next to Gaz when Graves tries to shake his hand. Gaz doesn’t make a move and you have to stifle back a laugh. You can tell it eats Graves alive that none of you will be nice to him, but that’s not something that’s going to change. Not ever. His betrayal was unforgivable.
When Makarov got away, the task force stepped back. They had no intel, no leads. Nothing. Shadows were staying on the base with 141 and you had live alongside them until they went elsewhere. So you kept to yourselves mostly. You did your very best to avoid Graves. Until you couldn’t. You were on watch, but your partner had changed. You had no idea who was waiting up there for you. Who you’d be on watch with for the next couple of hours. You expected maybe Captain Price or another shadow. But you didn’t expect him to be waiting there for you.
His smirk was knowing, he’d purposely put himself as your partner on watch from here on out and you felt your blood boiling inside your veins. Why couldn’t he just leave you alone?
Why couldn’t he have been a good guy? Someone you could trust?
He stands up from his chair. His smile beaming as he made his way toward you. “Y/N.. how you been honey?” He smiles. By the time he comes to a halt there’s barely a foot of space between the both of you. Which gives you the perfect distance for a right hook. He doesn’t expect it, not from you. You’re sweet and kind.
He stumbled back, recovering from the hit. His eyes are wide when he looks up at you. Wiping his now bloodied lip.
He laughs. In complete disbelief.
“My name is Y/N. That’s how you’ll address me. If you don’t want to sit on watch alone for the next couple weeks, you’ll shut the fuck up and leave me alone.” Your demeanor is strong. Your chest is puffed up and you’re standing your ground. Something he didn’t expect from you. You pass by him, going to sit down. “Oh come on, you’re not still mad are you?” You freeze up. Swallowing hard. “You tied me up, held a gun to my head, and than went after my task force. I’m fucking furious that you’re still standing on two feet.” The venom in your voice stings him a bit. How you could hate him so bad.
He knows he deserves it.
“What’s it gonna take huh? To prove myself to you?” He breathes. “You’re a fucking dog, a filthy traitor. You’re never going to be anything more than the dirt on my shoes.” You make your way for the door. “You and I? Will never be friends. Not ever. As far as I’m concerned, you’d have been better off if you pulled the fucking trigger.” You seethe as you slam the door shut, going down the stairs of the watch tower and leaving him up there alone. You knew you’d have to come back tomorrow, but for now, you needed to get away from him.
You think about him a lot. You always have.
You think about how flirty he was when you first met him. How he’d make you blush. He’d wink at you in passing and your stomach would fill with butterflies. You always thought it was a stupid crush but your virginity is what kept you away. You were scared to lose it, and avoided the topic at all costs.
Seeing him now makes you realize it was more than just a crush. You had real feelings for him deep down and his betrayal cut deep and hurt worse than anything you’d ever been through. If he liked you like he said he did, why was hurting you so easy? If you like someone, how could you? You lost sleep over it, and the time you thought he was dead, you dreamt of him. You would dream about how it was all a mistake, that it wasn’t real. How he’d come running to your aid and hold you close to him. Reassuring you it was all fake.
And than you’d wake up. And he’d be dead again.
He was a lot easier to get over when he was dead. It was easier to cope with because of his betrayal. You shouldn’t care that he was dead because of what he’d done and that’s how you got through the grieving process. But now, you didn’t know how to feel. He was alive but it seemed harder to cope with.
The next day on watch, you were up there first. He came inside but didn’t say anything to you. Thank god.
He leaves you alone for the most part. Only asking certain questions about how the base worked. You were short with him.
It went that way for weeks. You kept to yourself and so did he.
It was him who finally broke the silence.
“I wasn’t going to hurt you, you know.”
You turn to look at him, eyes darkening. For a second he thinks he made a mistake. But he doesn’t stop. “I.. I was just trying to scare you. So that you wouldn’t run away.” He swallows down a lump forming in his throat. “I knew you’d be pissed. Of course I did. But.. I thought maybe if I kept you close to me for long enough, you’d understand.”
He sighs. “I was delusional. I was terrified.” He looks down at his hands. “I acted purely out of fear, Shepherd told me about the consequences of what could happen if those found out about what had happened despite me not knowing. I was desperate to cover it up. He told me to kill you but I couldn’t. That’s why I kept you tied up. I didn’t want to.”
“He used me and threatened me. He blackmailed me because he made me apart of it. And Y/N.” He breathes. Looking at you. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry for the hurt that I’ve caused you. It was never my intention, I tried to avoid it.”
You look down. It’s silent and he’s clearly waiting for you to say something. “What’s done is done.” You breathe. “Maybe you can spend the rest of your life making up for it. And maybe when you’re dead I’ll forgive you.”
And just like that, you’re gone again.
For the next week or so, he decides to get close to Gaz.
He offers to help him any chance he gets and Gaz always says no. But Graves jumps in to help anyways. It drives Gaz crazy at first, until he gets used to it.
Gaz is helping work on a Humvee and Graves is passing him tools, offering to be a runner if he needed anything. “This is about Y/N isn’t it?” Gaz asks out of the blue one day. “What?”
“You’re only being friendly to me because of her, right?”
Graves sighs. “Gaz. I’m trying to make it up to you guys. I know it’ll take forever, but I’m trying.” He mumbles. “What I did was fucked up and if the shoes were on the other feet I’d have put a bullet in my head already and I’m thankful you haven’t because I know you want to.”
“She liked you.”
Graves freezes up. “What?”
“She did. She had feelings for you. She buried them deep afterward but she did. Had nightmares about you for fucking months after you died.” Gaz mumbles. “I… didn’t know that.” He sighs. “Of course you didn’t, because you don’t care about anyone but yourself.” Gaz wants to ring graves neck for hurting you. You’re like his little sister and seeing you be in love with someone who’s so selfish eats him alive. “I’m trying here. Okay?”
“You scared her.” Gaz slides out from under the Humvee. It’s where he’d been working. He picks up a towel and wipes his hands off. “I’ll never forget the look on her face when you betrayed her. When you betrayed all of us. She kept a fake face on, made us all think she was okay when she cried herself to sleep for days afterward. She’d never been so scared, she didn’t know who to trust or what to do. Captain Price had to send her off on leave for a couple weeks so that she could recover. She tried so hard to hide how she felt. Seeing you probably eats her alive, and having to work alongside with you I’m sure has ruined any kind of healing she’s done.” Gaz shakes his head. “And what the fuck she ever saw in you…” he scoffs. Throwing the towel down. “She’d be better off if you had died in that tank.”
He walks away, leaving Graves standing there alone, again.
He hated how bad this task force hated him, but he understood.
Soap is who he approached next, trying to keep him company. But Soap barely showed him the time of day and when he did it was the bare minimum. Soap hated Graves. With a burning passion. But that didn’t mean he stopped. Soap did all kinds of chores all over base, so Graves started helping.
He worked alongside Gaz, doing grunt work in the shop where Gaz tried to learn everything he could about the Humvee’s. He helped Soap with chores around the base, every single day. When he wasn’t busy that’s what he was doing.
For two hours a day, he was sitting up on watch with you. He never said a word, only did what he was supposed to.
When it came to missions, he let Captain Price control everything. He told the Shadows to follow his orders and do what they’re told and Graves did too. He kept his mouth shut and did exactly what they wanted.
On these missions, Graves watches Ghost like a hawk. Making sure he was safe, taking down a couple men that sneak up behind Ghost along the way. Graves knows to keep his distance and try to make amends by staying away, Ghost is too dangerous.
At the end of the day, if Graves dies on a mission, not a single person is going to care. He did something unforgivable, something he can’t come back from. If one of them decides they’ve had enough of him one day and kills him, they’ll cover it up and said he died in action. And that will be the end of Phillip Graves. It eats him alive day and night, but nothing compares to the way he’s hurt you. He thinks about back then, the way you’d smile and blush in his presence, roll your eyes at his flirting. Now, you were cold. Falling in love with him, or catching feelings. He doesn’t know which.
Having feelings for him destroyed you. Turned you into a cold hearted person. Who killed and served like there was nothing to it. All of the life you’d once been full of was drained because of him. Because he was supposed to protect you, but he was the one on the other side of the gun to your head. He stabbed you in back and you trusted him so much.
“What do you want from me Graves?” Soap finally snaps one day. Graves is helping him clean up the mess hall. Soap is stacking the chairs up and graves is sweeping as he goes. “I don’t want anything from you.” He mumbles. “What? You’ve been following every single one of us around like a lost puppy doing anything and everything we say, if you think that’s how you’re going to win us over it’s not going to work.” He scoffs. Graves shakes his head. “That’s no my intentions, Soap.” He sighs. “Than what are you doing?”
“I just want to work alongside you guys without hating each other. I can’t take back what I did, but I can be better. That’s what I’m trying to do.”
Soap rolls his eyes. “You betrayed us. We’re never going to like you. Not ever.”
“And that’s okay. But I’m going to do better and I’m not trying to prove that to you, I’m proving it to me.” Graves continues sweeping the floor. Leaving Soap with nothing else to say.
It goes on like this for months.
The task force worries of course, they don’t want to get comfortable with him because the last time they did that, he tried to kill all of them.
But they get used to it. To his help.
Graves follows after you. Hiding in the shadows. It’s late at night.
He doesn’t know what he’s thinking. Maybe he just isn’t thinking at all.
He knocks at your door quietly and you’re confused as you open it. But your heart rate picks up when you see who it is. What on earth is he doing at your door so late?
“Hey.” He breathes. He steps toward you and you hurriedly step back. “What do you want?” You say quickly. He raises his hands in surrender. “I just wanted to talk to you.” He breathes.
He can see your pupils are blown wide, you’re on edge. Had he really scared you that bad. He can see you clutching your sidearm. He sighs. “I swear I’m not going to do anything. You don’t have to be scared.” He breathes. “I’m not scared. The only thing between me and you is a bullet.” You breathe. “Just.. please. Talk to me?” He bites his lower lip, looking down at the ground. You sigh. “What do you want?”
He steps into your room, closing the door behind himself. “I just wanted to ask you..” he breathes. “Is it true you have feelings for me?”
“Had.” You finish.
“Okay.. so it’s true. You did have feelings for me.” He sighs. “Yeah. Until you betrayed us and put a gun to my head.”
He winces as the words leave your mouth. “I.. I wasn’t going to hurt you. I was just trying to scare you.”
He sits down on the edge of your bed, you’re standing in front of him, just a few feet away. “It worked.” Your eyes darken. You draw your gun from its holster, pointing it right at him. “Maybe it’s your turn.”
He closes his eyes as you move closer, pressing the barrel of your gun right to his forehead. He winces when you cock it.
“I’m sorry Y/N.”
He reopens his eyes, seeing that your eyes have filled with tears. Your hands have begun to tremble. “You’re not sorry.”
“I am. I’ve never regretted anything more. I hurt you, and I’ll never forgive myself for that.” He breathes.
Just as a tear slides down your cheek, you spin around to hide it. Wiping your cheek and shoving your gun back into its holster. “You need to go.”
“I’m not going. Not until you know how sorry I am.”
“Just go!” You wipe your eyes. You don’t want him to see you cry. “No.. not this time.” He breathes. He stands up, pulling you into him. You fight him until you’re sobbing so hard that you can’t contain it anymore and finally you relax back into him. He holds you against him while you cry. He pulls you back into the bed, your back against his chest as he holds you tight against him. You’re sitting in his lap but he’s got his arms wrapped around you. You’re still trying to fight him through sobs but you’re weak. He swallows hard, a lump growing in his throat.
Eyes fill his own tears. “I hate you.” You cry. “I hate you for what you did- I hate you for hurting me so bad.” You hiccup. “I hate you because I still care-“
You hang your head, trying your hardest to stop this panic attack.
He holds your arms to your side and keeps you there until your sobs quiet. Until you’re doing nothing but hiccuping. Thats when he finally stands up and sets you down. Kneeling in front of you. He takes your hands in his and forces you to look him in the eyes.
“You’ll never know how much I hate myself for what I did.” He swallows hard. You can see he’s got tear stains on his face. “You’ll never see how much it hurts me. Seeing you like this. I’ll never forgive myself for hurting you so bad. And I swear to god on my life I’ll live the rest of it protecting you. You don’t have to believe me. But..” he grits his teeth. Trying to hold back his own emotions. “I care about you. And you don’t have to believe me. But I was never going to hurt you. I wanted you by my side. It’s why I kept you tied up. I want you, I’ve always wanted you to be with me. So.. forgive me, for what I’m about to do.”
You look confused, your heart has finally relaxed in your chest. “Wha-“
He stands up, pressing his lips to yours. You start to panic again, trying to push him away. But he forces himself on top of you. He forces you back onto the bed, using his weight to pin you underneath him.
He’d already taken his vest off. Leaving him in only a t-shirt and jeans. He reaches for his belt. Once you hear the rattle, your eyes widen and you try harder to push him away. “Wait- Graves wait!” You push him back. He only pins you down, pressing his lips to yours again.
He forces your pants down your legs, keeping his lips on yours.
You didn’t realize how strong he is. Because no matter what you do, you can’t get him off of you.
He grips the base of his cock, and just as he’s about to slide into you, you force your head to the side.
“Please! I’m a virgin!”
He freezes on top of you. You look up at him, and all he can see in your eyes is terror. He steps down onto the floor, quickly lifting his pants over himself. “W-what?”
You pull your legs up to yourself. Hugging them to your stomach. “I’m.. a virgin.” Your voice is barely above a whisper. He back away further.
“Fuck.. fuck. I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking- I-“ he reaches quickly to buckle his belt, going for the door.
“Wait!” You stand up.
He freezes up, his hand on the door handle. “Don’t…” you freeze up. Unsure of what you’re about to do. What you’re about to let happen.
“Don’t go.”
He turns back to you, swallowing hard.
“You said… you won’t hurt me.” You breathe. “Y/N..” he trails off. Looking down at the ground. “I want you to do it.” You look up at him. His heart thumps in his chest and he doesn’t hesitate to close the gap between you again. His lips are on yours before you have time to change your mind. He returns himself between your legs, exposing himself once more.
He presses the tip of his cock at your entrance. Looking down at you. He makes sure you’re wet enough, pressing himself inside of you. He tries to go slow but seeing you wince. He lowers himself into you. Covering your mouth and bracing himself before you have a chance to make any noise of protest. Thrusting himself inside of you. Your eyes widen and you cry into his hand but he shushes you, whispering into your ear to reassure you that it’ll only hurt for a minute.
And that fast, your virginity is gone. You’d given it to the person who hurt you the very most.
You look up at him. Eyes full of tears.
He finally moves his hand.
“Phillip.” You breathe. Hearing his full name come out of your mouth is foreign.
You wince as he slides out of you, thrusting back into you. “I trust you to take my virginity.” He clenches his eyes shut.
“But if you betray me again.” You whisper. “It will be me who kills you this time.” You look up at him.
He buries his face into the crook of your neck, picking up his pace and thrusting deeper into you. Angling just right to hit that spot inside of you that has you crumbling. “You’re not going to have to do that. I can fix this.” He breathes. “I can’t take it back but I can be better. I swear.” He mumbles. Hips rocking lazily into yours. “I’ll show you.” He grits his teeth. The weight of him above you overwhelms you. You have to remind yourself why he’s there. Not to hurt you. But to make you feel good. You hold back all of the racing thoughts by focusing on the way he feels sliding into you. You can feel him pulsing against you, throbbing against your gummy walls. You swallow him up, clamping tight around him. It’s the most intense pleasure Phillip has ever felt. Ever.
The pleasure is white hot and it settles into your lower stomach, his too. Like an oncoming tidal wave. About to wash away all of the pain and hurt.
Each thrust he takes into you, you forget a little more. How could he make you feel so good but have hurt you so bad? Your lips part as he glides into your spongy spot, a gasp leaving your lips as your thighs start to shake beneath him. He knows he’s got you cornered. He’s going in for the kill.
You shake and whine. Mewling out his name and pleas. You’re panting out how good he feels inside of you and he’s so close to falling apart, he feels like he’s going to implode. He raises himself up, taking deeper thrusts into that spot that you like. He looks down at you. Seeing your lips slightly parted. Sweat forming at your hairline. It throws him into a daze. How pretty you are and how you’re letting him fuck you, you let him take your virginity and as far as he knows, you hate him. You wanted him dead. You take in a jagged breath, eyes going from his eyes to where the both of you now connect. Watching his cock slide in and out of you. He’s big. He stretches you out. It hurt at first but you’ve gotten used to it. You’re amazed by how fast the pain had subsided.
You claw at his back through his shirt, holding onto the fabric for dear life as he tears you to shreds.
“I’m… I- oh my god.” You inhale sharply. He clamps his hand over your mouth once more. Resting his weight on you and thrusting into you lazily. “It’s alright. Give yourself to me.” He mumbles. “Go on baby. Give it to me.”
Your eyes roll back before clamping shut. His eyes widen as you clench down around him. A gasp leaving his lips as you throb. “Oh fuck- I’m gonna cum too.” He breathes. He wraps his arm around you, holding you still and tight to him. You shake from your orgasm tearing through you. Your eyes open, going wide when he lets out a moan. You say something into his hand but he’s still got it over your mouth. His thrusts come to halt as he reaches his high and you gasp as he cums inside of you. When he finally draws his hand away from your mouth, you’re too shocked to even know what to say. He presses his lips to yours and this time, you kiss him back.
He slides out of you, hearing you gasp as he does.
He moves himself to lay beside you, pulling you into him. “I’m sorry.” He mumbles. “I shouldn’t have pushed you like this.” He breathes.
You choose to say nothing. Not at first. You let what just happened sink in. Your chest feeling heavy once more.
You’re an idiot for trusting him with your virginity.
“Hey. Look at me.”
He cups your cheek, forcing you to look at him. “Stop overthinking. Just relax. No thoughts, it’s just you and me.” He forces you to look at him.
You nod your head.
A few months go by.
The task force hates to it admit it, but Graves is an important part to the team. He’s pretty much redeemed himself, but they try to keep their guard up anyways.
Soap and Graves are walking along the side of the building when they hear shoes scuffing across the floor.
“You know we all know about you and Y/N right?” Soap brings up out of the blue. Graves feels his blood going cold. “I didn’t know that.” He sighs. “Yeah. For a couple weeks now. Gaz wanted to ring your neck.” Soap laughs. “I’m the one who stopped him.” Soap sighs. “I hope you prove us all wrong. Because if you do anything to her..” he trails off. “You already know.”
“Yes I do.”
They hear the sound again but this time they decide to check it out. Surprised when they see a new recruit crowding you.
“Something going on here?” Soap mumbles.
“No. We’re fine.”
“No! I said to leave me alone!”
Graves is quick to intervene. “Woah- you heard the girl. Back off.” He gets between the both of you. “You touch her again and I’ll cut your hands off. Understand me?” He crosses his arms over his chest. Seeing the new recruit with fear in his eyes. “Come on. Taking you to Price’s office.” Soap scoffs. Grabbing a hold of his shirt and tugging him along. “You alright? He hurt you?”
You shake your head. “I’m fine.”
“Cmon, I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year ago
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Fic Finder
Feb 24th
1. Eyyyy it's me boyfriend XD (eyyyyy hello again 😊 - Mod C)
I'm here for a fic (I think it's a time travel fic) that I forgot the name of. All I remember is a scene where a village in Lotus Pier was flooded and Yanli, Jiang Cheng, and Wei Ying went to aid the people. Lan Zhan and Jin Zixuan also tagged along but Lan Zhan is openly courting Wei Ying on that fic while Jin Zixuan is being himself
And that's sadly all that I remember 😔. Thank you!
FOUND? This is probably a stretch but #1 isnt And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 139k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together), is it?
2. There was this fic I read sometime ago and it was about how lan Wangji accidentally uses silencing spell on wwx too hard that wwx isn't able to open his mouth again and lan Wangji isn't able to lift the spell. It's during the cloud recesses study arc and the major issues with the permanent silencing spell is that Wei Wuxian isn't able to even eat anything and he can't practice inedia fir long. Please find this fic?
FOUND? 🧡 Couldn't Scream Couldn't Shout by mermorgie (T, 42k, WIP, WangXian, Not for jc stans, i tried to not bash jc too much but like, Muteness, Sign Language, references to selective mutism, Homophobic JC, canon jc characteristics, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Anxiety Attacks, Pining, LWJ is a Panicked Gay, Supportive Sibling LXC, JZX Tries, LQR Tries, Protective JZX, Scheming NHS, Bisexual JZX, LWJ is Bad at Communicating, WWX Has ADHD, Autistic LWJ, WWX Has a Fear of Dogs, Jiāng Family Bashing)
3. hi !! this is for ficfinder, i'm looking for this modern au with crime elements ?? i think wwx is a thief/pickpocket, and lwj and the lan clan are organised crime ish but art associated. lsz and ljy were also heavily featured as mentees of lwj, wwx makes a playlist. it was multi-chap, probs over 30k. they correspond over email quite a bit, and it's set in multiple cities, there's an entire chap where they talk to each other in logical fallacies and friere is quoted. tysm !!
FOUND! (i’ve got) trouble in mind by seularen (E, 76k, wangxian, JGY/LXC, modern w magic, heist au, thief WWX, forger LWJ, consigliere JGY, epistolary, long-distance relationship, d/d elements, Canon wangxian kinks, happy ending)
4. Brain cannot brain rn so I need you guys' help finding a fic
So like, it was a Canon divergent fic where wwx submitted himself to the clans and was ordered to be cleansed of resentful energy in order to... prove he wasn't corrupted? Something like that? For the Wens? And it was ritual dual cultivation. He was sent blindfolded to a room so he couldn't tell who it would be (it was lwj, of course.) Wwx knew it wouldn't exactly work cuz he didn't have a core, but he did it anyway.
There was a second.... part? Chapter? The was from Lwj's pov of after, where he finds out about the core, then JC? A Jiang disciple? Shows up to tell them to get their asses to the conference hall because JGS is being JGS and this whole thing was mostly just a distraction
That's all I can remember, thanks for the help!
Hi 👋 4 from the latest fic finder, a friend on discord found the fic I was looking for! It was 'the meaning of the ritual' by newamsterdam
FOUND! the meaning of the ritual by newamsterdam (E, 8k, wangxian, Explicit Sexual Content, Blindfolds, Light Bondage, Ritual Sex, Canon Divergence, Let LWJ Fuck the YLLZ 2k19, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Porn with Feelings)
5. I'm hoping you can help me find a fic.I haven't had any luck searching for it. I think it's a time travel fic. At one point it's during the Cloud Recesses classes. Jiang Fengmian is the Chief Cultivator and comes to talk to Jiang Cheng. They're talking in Nie Huaisang's room and he and Lan Xichen are standing outside it. Jin Zixuan walks by talking loudly about Jiang Yanli in a really rude way and Jiang Fengmian hears him and comes out to confront him. Any help would be appreciated!
FOUND! We'll Build A Dynasty (one the heavens can't shake) by One_eyed_God (T, 66k, wangxian, WQ & WWX, WN & WWX, JYL & WWX, canon typical Jiang family dynamics, BAMF WWX, Canon JC Characteristics, POV Outsider, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Relationship, WWX is a Wēn, Sect Leader WWX, Genius WWX, The Casual Intimacy of Hand-Holding, A Love Letter to WWX, Minor JYL/LXC, Not JC Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It) the scene described happens about a third of the way into the first chapter
6. Hello and I hope I'm doing this right. I remember this fic that's set in the modern setting and mo xuanyu is recently married (engaged?) To lan zhan but wei ying takes over the body and then just decides to follow along. Lan Zhan ends up finding out that it's a different soul and ends up falling in love with him. I don't remember the name and I hope you can find it if it's not deleted. Thank you! @nightshade2017
FOUND! Write It on My Neck by diamondbruise (E, 23k, wangxian, A/B/O, Transmigration, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Fake Marriage, Falling In Love, Jealousy, Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Spanking, usual wangxian cnc elements, Misunderstandings)
is it a transfiguration as opposed to resurrection?
7. hello! love what you’re doing with the blog! i need help finding a fic: i remember it was lqr pov and at one point lwj left the lan sect behind to go to the burial mounds and lqr and some other elders go to investigate and find o ur lwj and wwx married and adopted a gaggle of children. i remember lqr nagging on lwj for disrespecting lan rules bcs he was wearing like too many adornments and spoiling the kids. also the rabbits had their own pen in there.
FOUND? 🔒 Unpack Your Heart by Terri Botta (Isilwath) (T, 22k, wangxian, Romance, Everybody Lives, Canon Divergence, LWJ Has Feelings, Protective LWJ, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, Burial Mounds Ensemble as Family, Wangxian in Love, YLLZ WWX, Lan Clan Elders are Assholes, Minor Transgender Character, Qiongqi Path Divergence, LWJ loves his bunnies)
8. Hello! I'm looking for a fic which I cannot remember the name of. The main things I remember are that Meng Yao stays for the Cloud recesses lectures and roommates with Nie Huaisang. The only scene I can remember is Nie Huaisang ends up mudering a Jin disciple who tried to kill Meng Yao with a rope. Wei Wuxian ends up finding them afterwards and getting help right after.
FOUND? somewhere to belong by KouriArashi (T, 62k, LXC/JGY, JGY & NHS, wangxian, JGY & WWX, Canon Divergence, Friendship, Developing Relationship, Families of Choice, Class Issues, Bullying, Light Angst, Politics, Eventual Plot, Happy Ending)
9. Hello, I am looking for a fic where Wei Wuxian is not brought into the body of Mo Xuanyu. Rather a random cultivator does the ritual instead as revenge for killing his family in the nightless city. His terms are for Wei Wuxian to despair, so naturally WWX finds Lan Wangji and falls in love only for the ritual wounds to start trying to kill him for not despairing. He nearly loses his arm before they figure out how to save him. Happy ending.
There's also a few bits about WWX trying to get the sword of his body's og owner to come around and work with him. @shinyobsessed
FOUND! A Storm of Laughter in the Stillness of the Jingshi by OnlyMeAndMyBones, 2nd in series (T, 74k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, LXC & WWX, angst w happy ending, hurt/comfort, injury, recovery, mental illness, depression, PTSD, rehabilitation, slow burn, empathy, guilt, forgiveness, suicidal thoughts)
10. Hi! Can someone help me find this fic, please?
Lan Wangji is a post-war-soldier and nowadays is actually helping people to adopt a therapeutic “bunnie”. A man named Wei Ying goes there trying to find a bunnie to adopt, lwj get supper mad because this “man” is loud and disastrous and ask (order) him to go out of there. Later he learns with lxc that “Wei Ying” is actually Wei Wuxian, one of the most dangerous people from the war.
Lwj gets sad about his treatment towards wwx, because both of them are very traumatized by the war. That’s the beginning for their future relationship. It’s setting in modern setting too.
Thank you! @weicongee
FOUND? Recovery by Unforth (G, 27k, WangXian, Modern AU, Rabbit Breeder LWJ, Veteran LWJ, Veteran WWX, PTSD, therapy animals, Therapy Rabbits, LWJ is an Asshole Sometimes, Doctor WQ, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Former Prisoner of War WWX, LXC is a Good Brother, Gray Asexual LWJ, Anxiety Disorder)
11. Hi hi! There's a modern au fic I'm looking for that I can't find no matter how many tag searches I do! It's a modern au where wwx gets drunk and sad bc he loves lwj and he doesn't think he cares for him back. Nhs calls lwj for a rise home for him, but wwx doesn't know its him and "services" him on the way home if you know what I mean
I think it ends with nhs texting one of them to talk to each other so they finally get together
FOUND!🔒Nie Huaisang plays cupid like a baller by KizuKatana (M, 10k, WangXian, Accidental drunken confession, Dirty Talk, sort of mistaken identity, Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism, so much pining, So many tropes)
12. hello i am looking for a fic where lan wangji is a stripper and wei wuxian is the bodyguard who is protective of him, and it was probably xianwang @ahiku-chan
13. hi! Last year I read a fic where Wei Ying is kept imprisoned or like in an unresponsive state in Jin Guangyao’s secret room behind the mirror. He’s accidentally consumes/cursed with a spell that requires him to have sex to stay alive? Jin Guangyao then calls Jiang Cheng to pick him up and they return to Lotus Pier where after a couple of days Wei Ying like I have to leave cause I don't deserve to be here. Lan Zhan then finds him in a state of delirium. That was the last update then. Thank you sm
FOUND? 🔒 The Return series by LtLJ (G, 63k, JC & WWX, wangxian, WWX & WQ, WN & WQ, Canon Divergence, Yunmeng Brothers Reconciliation, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, YLLZ WWX, BAMF LWJ, five year old JL, ten year old LSZ, ten year old LJY, discussion of a canon suicide attempt, canon-typical curses, Angry sabre spirits, BAMF Everybody, Complicated Relationships, they're trying but they aren't there yet, BAMF NHS, Canon-Typical Behavior, Hurt/Comfort, WQ Lives, WWX & WQ Friendship, BFFs)
FOUND? till our ribs get tough by feelslikefire (E, 38k, JC/WWX, wangxian, WIP, Dubious Consent, Forced Feminization, magical pussy, Sex Pollen, Fuck Or Die, Possessive Behavior, Breeding Kink, Canon Divergence, Top JC, Top LWJ, Bottom WWX, Bondage, bondage via Zidian, Dubcon Somnophilia, WWX has possessive boyfriends but luckily he's into it, Intercrural Sex, Cunnilingus, Anal Sex, Spanking, Pussy Spanking, Dirty Talk, Porn With Plot, Oral Sex, Rough Sex) It has fuck or die and starts with Wei Wuxian being kept in the secret room
14. Hi! I'm looking for a fic that I clicked on in tumblr (possibly through your page, I have no clue) read about half the first chapter put my phone down and then reloaded the app it went all the way back to the top of the feed, never to see the fic again 😭
It was a Canon divergence AU, WWX thought Something Was Probably Up when he got the invite to JL's one month celebration so went in disguise as a woman, and the first line was him hitting on LWJ, who obviously twigged almost right away and took him to an inn, and that was all I got to.
Sorry it's not much to go on but hopefully someone recognises it! Thank yooou 💕 @scenicpixie
FOUND! My Leaves Reach Ever for the Sun by nonplussed (T, 26k, WangXian, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fix-It, Crossdressing, Idiots in Love, Sharing a Bed, Canon Divergence, Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies)
15. hi can u plshelp me find this fic it's driving me crazy as i don't remember the name
Basically wwx and lwj are already married but wwx wears a mask all the time and tbh they barely get to see each other like during the cave scene here lwj kept on deliriously calling his name they then kissed for the first time (they were already married during this)and then lwj pushed him away like literally ...
also they like had sex for the first time at where wwx was sitting w his ghost girls(they were already married during this too)...the ghost girls were still there this time lwj jus appeared wwx waxed poetry abt him jus standing there(who woudnt)he indirectly told wwx to not commit infidelity wwx seductively walked to him seduced him they fucked then wwx pushed him away literally and yea lwj went away
also wwx had adopted some babies too at the end i rmb
and yea during all this wwx wore tht fucking mask
FOUND? sounds like A Price to Pay by wangxianist which unfortunately has been deleted. 😭
16. hellooo, i'm looking for a fic where wei ying came from new york (i think) it was somewhere in america to china. wei ying lives with lan zhan along with his uncle and brother. i still remember a scene where lan zhan asked wei ying to take off his shoes but he misunderstood and took off his pants instead lol. thanks!!!
FOUND? The Fifth Type of Non-Contact Force by Caixx (Not Rated, 83k, WangXian, Modern AU, High School, Slice of Life, Slow Burn, Fluff and Humor, Actually Somewhat Canon, Mutual Pining, Horny Teenagers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Non-Graphic Smut)
17. Hi, I'm not sure if this is how this works. If I'm doing it wrong please let me know.
I've been looking everywhere for a story where Wei Ying is a reincarnated phoenix and doesn't know it. He eventually finds out and because of everything he goes through, he's taken over by the pheonix, and the firebird part of him wants to destroy the world.
I remember the sects locked him in the Gusu caves while they tried to find out how to control him.
Eventually Lan Zhan figures out a loophole where the Phoenix/firebird agrees to hold off until Lan Zhan dies...and then Lan Zhan cultivates immortality as a loophole. I remember it was on AO3 and was complete.
I'd be grateful for any help you guys could give me. @vitolieltrue
FOUND? Breathing Firestorm by ladyshadowdrake (M, 110k, wangxian, angst, fluff, captivity, creepy WRH, no non-con, dreamsharing, politics, people making the best decisions they can, epic length, mythical creature WWX, canon-typical violence, dark, happy ending)
18. Hii i have a fic i cant seem to find anymore T_T. It was modern, explicit, with genderbent wangxian and pretty much just smut. I have this vivid recollection of butch lan wangji with short hair sitting in a bar (?). Then (but this might be me confusing two fics together tbh) they agreed to a deal where lwj showed wwx how to kiss, how to be intimate etc, and theyd have lessons at lwj's house every few days or such.
FOUND! throw the keys back by dustyloves (E, 31k, wangxian, F/F, Gender Changes, Cisswap, Modern, College/University, The Porn Is the Plot, Virginity Kink, Dom/sub, Teacher/Student Roleplay, Sexting, Dirty Talk, Non-Consensual Spanking, Mild Painplay, Mutual Pining, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Under-negotiated Kink, despite the tags it's actually quite soft)
NOT FOUND! sideways by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 20k, wangxian, F/F, Modern, Cisswap, butch dyke LWJ, Casual Sex, not so casual sex, many many orgasms, Fingerfucking, Cunnilingus, strap-on sex, So much kissing, WWX gets rekt, straight girl WWX, except for how she isn't)
19. For the fic finder, I saw someone mention a fic in which after LWJ and WWX wander off with their donkey in the novel epilogue, they come back and find that LWJ's been voted Chief Cultivator behind his back. He does not take this well. Does anyone know of it? @kedaliya
20. Hey I'm looking for this fic where either WY or LZ is a camboy and the other accidentally finds the account. They subscribe and continues to watch their channel behind their back.
But the camboy eventually finds out and they have a fight regarding respect and boundaries. All is well in the end but the camboy is extremely disappointed the other went behind his back to watch his channel and pretended like he didn't know anything. The other party apologises.
Does it ring any bell? @imstillthinkingaboutithmm
FOUND? For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm (E, 170k, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Pining, Porn, like in the writing and also as a plot point, onlyfans au, repressed LWJ, sex worker WWX, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Background ChengQing, background NieLan, background XuanLi, Nonbinary NHS)
FOUND? ❤️ All Old Things are New Again by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (M, 52k, wangxian, modern, reincarnation, sugar daddy, kink negotiation, gentle dom LWJ) HGBun has reached immortality and finally finds WWX reincarnated
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sigmasoyboy · 13 days ago
Heyhey, i just saw this answer and realized that we need more lore about our trio ;)
Everyone seems to be talking about them on other "pages" of yours too and i have to admid they are getting more and more intriguing xD <3
long time coming but I'm happy to report I have finally finished Elov, Wallace and Lesley's profiles in my OC directory ! ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )
also here's some slightly reworked titbits about them that are still relevant from an old retrospring answer, as a treat:
- he was his father's muse up to his late teen (replacing his mother who resented him for it). His father's work was very controversial because of it's eroticism being present even when photographing his underage son, though nothing was ever done about it as the work remained ambiguously artistic. - he started going to clubs meant for adults as early as 13 because his parents knew a lot of people. He almost never hung out with people his age. - his need for thrill is def pathological. Boredom drives him insane, he has to be doing some sort of stupid, dangerous shit constantly and only thrives in chaos. This has led him to self-sabotage a lot, including fucking up his relationship and chance at stability with Wallace. - he thrifts most of his clothes and has very rarely worn an outfit more than once since he started killing. His goal is to look as trashy and provocative as possible so he has no qualm picking lingerie, tiny dresses, mini shorts and skirts in the women's section. He sometimes also steals clothes from the villas he breaks into; he discards those all the same. - his modus operandi is to hitchhike in the evening and wait for an unsuspecting guy to pick him up -if he gets picked up by a woman, a couple or a family, he will simply hitch a ride without harming anyone. When it is just a man he will usually wait either for an empty stretch of road or for the guy to respond to his flirting, wether by stopping and engaging in more or flipping out and trying to attack him/get him out of the car. Elov likes to play rough and fight, the thrill comes from the uncertainty of his own survival so he will pick men who are bigger than him (not complicated). He's not scared to strike when the car is still moving but his favorite situations is when he gets to make the first move when sex was initiated, totally surprising his victim, though he sometimes treats himself to striking at climax. - he's a messy, careless killer. Once his victim is dead, he steals whatever he needs from them, changes his clothes (he always has a spare in his bag) which he will just throw in the next container and at most drives the care a little further off-road, but that's the most he'll do in term of disposal. Leaving tons of evidence behind is part of the thrill. - his favorite food is those little canapé with fish roe, creme fraîche, chopped red onion and lemon. In general, he loves tiny appetizer food, probably because he grew up eating mostly this since his parents were so often invited to gallery openings and such. It does means he quickly developed a palate for very 'grown-up' foods such as raw oysters or blue cheese, in part in an effort to act mature for his age.
Wallace: - before his arrest, he was a cellist for the Uppsala Chamber Orchestra. He would also offer private cello lessons on the side. - he also had a cat named Mitzi who he was really fond of. Sadly for Mitzi and despite his sister trying to pretend a family member did indeed take her in after his arrest, she was put down. He wasn't fooled in the slightest by the lie. - nonetheless, he still has a fondness for cats. Their feisty temper amuses him. On the other hand, he doesn't like loud and unruly dogs much. - he was closeted until his arrest. During the only phone-call he had with him after, his father made it very clear that to him the most vile part of his murders was their homosexual nature. - the only family he still has contact with is his younger cousin. They sometimes dine together once he is free but rarely as she lives in the capital, is busy with her studies and, despite holding onto the memory of the nice cousin who shared her fondness for music strongly enough to still see him despite everything, she's still just wary enough not to feel comfortable staying at his place, even though he has never harmed a woman. This hurts him, but also that's what you get when you killed people, so he doesn't say anything about it. - he doesn't have much of an opinion on his nickname but dislikes being called like this to his face. - he successfully sued for breach of physician-patient confidentiality when his unauthorized biography was published. This went public and stirred much conversation about wether or not someone like him should be allowed the right to privacy. - his very first kill was actually reported as an accidental death by auto-erotic asphyxiation that he merely 'discovered'. It was only revealed he had intentionally left his friend, who he had offered to "spot" for, die after the publishing of said biography, as he hadn't confessed to it even to the court. He told his former therapist that he was so deeply transfixed by it that he found himself unwilling to help, he also mentioned the unreciprocated romantic feelings he harboured for the victim and admitted to masturbating to the scene before calling the police, details the press ate up and he wishes had stayed private. - before meeting Elov, Wallace wasn't really interested in trying to apply for parole even if he was nearing the end of his 18 year sentence, in part because he believed it was both hopeless and that he had nothing to return to anyway. Elov convinced him by showing his interest in him wasn't merely edgy morbid fascination- or perhaps he just let himself be convinced that he saw more in him than just a potentially dangerous boyfriend to titillate his adrenaline addiction. - even though he has explored much of the underlying issues that led him to murder in his youth and has agreed to how wrong what he did was, he cannot grasp remorse beyond the concept itself, which frustrates him greatly. Nonetheless, this awareness did lead to his therapist judging him to no longer be a threat to others. - before Elov grew tired of having to wait for his parole to end, he had planned to use his Scottish citizenship to move there with him and start anew, even thinking of registering for civil union. That's how infatuated he was with him. If his prescription hadn't ran out he might have been able to move on from the relationship, though with much difficulty. - he learned quite a bit of cooking in prison but became most interested in it when he applied for parole, as him and Elov made plans to live together. He was a decent cook before he was arrested but he tended to neglect feeding himself correctly, generally only eating real meals during family dinners and when eating outside. - his favorite food is black pudding with a simple side of mashed potatoes. Funnily enough, he does prefer the swedish blodpudding to the scottish one, though he likes both and did crave a full scottish breakfast as soon as he knew he would be released, which he did get to eat (though it paled next to the real thing). He is no picky eater and has always been eager to try new cuisine.
Lesley: - he currently has seven rats and an old Irish Wolfhound named Thaddeus that used to be the family dog. He cares for all of them as diligently as he tends to the garden and the orchard. He's most comfortable when he's surrounded by animals and plants, but he's also deeply lonely. - he only vaguely identifies as male, but it's mostly because he has trouble identifying as a person to begin with. His body feels foreign to him and he prefers not to see too much of it, stripping only to shower, where he tends to dissociate heavily. - he had trouble with people following the incident so he was home-schooled. - to this day, he feels uneasy being driven anywhere and prefers to be in control of the vehicle. He drives an old beat-up 1980 suzuki carry to work. - his grandfather was quite interested in "new" technology and would let him play on his computers (starting with a commodore 64). This is what got him into tinkering with computers. - his modus operandi is to befriend suicidal users online, offer to meet in person, drug them and slit their throat to offer them a quick death wether or not they still spoke of wanting to die when they did meet. - he was only nineteen when he first killed, making him the one who started the youngest, but he also is the one who has killed the least, as befriending his victims is slow and does not always work. - despite Elov thinking he is one, he does not considers himself a killer. On the other hand, he's more preoccupied with being unable to tell wether Elov does wish to die or not than with the fact that he has a killer under his roof. Elov's promiscuity is not helping with either, and Lesley is too touch-starved for reason to prevail. - his favorite food is curries in general and his grandma's hand pies which contains, you guessed it, curry. He has learned to make them and still do to this day. He also kept the habit of drinking 'Chocolate de Maní' (a sort of roasted peanut and cinnamon warm drink, which despite the name contains no cocoa) every week-end even after his grandparents passed. Ironically, even if he is ok with seafood, he dislikes fish. He's very set in his habits and does not really seek new flavors.
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the-words-we-sung · 9 months ago
Thoughts and pictures - S3E4
I've never been that slow with a Young Royals rewatch >< It's hard for me to get through this season (especially now that I'm in the last 3 episodes...)
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And here we go, starting directly with a very sad Simon 😞 Omar plays a crying Simon way too well, it breaks my heart every damn time...
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I like hearing Wilhelm call Simon his boyfriend 🥰 Also is it me, or do we have a lot more close up shots in season 3? (No clue if that's what it's called, I mean shots that are very zoomed in on their faces like this one.)
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Vincent drawing a dick on the ground, of course... And I don't get his explanation: "why even try if there's no reward for the effort?". It means if the school closes, they all won't graduate and have to do their grade all over again? Surely if they're taking tests and all, it counts for something? Why fail an important test and take the risk to fail your year? 🤔 (Not gonna lie, most of Vincent's reactions to what's happening to the school this season left me quite perplexed ^^') And if it's just the graduation ceremony that is cancelled, it still doesn't mean they're not graduating, does it? 🤔
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But can you really Simon?
And Wilhelm repeating his mother's words "it's a privilege, not a punishment" breaks my heart >< (Also I'm gonna be a little shit about it but even the Royals have a choice in the end about accepting or not their role and job: after all, Wille is gonna renounce it in 2 episodes :p)
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I do like what he said about the role of the royal family in Sweden! We have very little information on that in the show so I appreciate it here. And he looks so pretty in this light!
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Wilhelm sounded so surprised that Farima said yes immediately when he told her they needed to help Simon. He was expecting to have to fight them on that.
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Why did he have to delete his whole account? Why not just put it on private? (I know I've read in several fanfics the idea that searching and deleting through all the new people who followed him before going on private would be too much of a hassle but I feel like it's a stretch, and an acceptable price to pay to keep his account?)
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Their conversation about Wilhelm's choice of foundation makes me so so sad! I had hoped that he would see Simon's point of view on how he can use his role as Crown Prince to try and make things better! I was actually pretty surprised that he was 100% not interested. It's a new facet of Wilhelm's personality that we hadn't really seen before I guess? And it feels like it creates a serious gap between them, it shows that they're not on the same page at all about a pretty serious subject (which is not good for the future of their relationship...)
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This shot of these 3 made me laugh :p
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This one hurts... Another crack in their relationship 😩 Simon is realizing how different they are. He knew they were but this season is showing us a side of Wilhelm that just seems incompatible with Simon :/ It's not just differences in tastes or personality, now it's differences in their core values also. And that is a huge problem.
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So we learn that Simon mostly avoided Micke for Sara's sake. Or maybe he's exaggerating that fact because he's really angry at her.
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The sit-in scene is very funny, they're all so dramatic, thinking they might starve to death xD I didn't think that August's eating disorder would be confirmed this way! Also I guess Vincent does have ADHD then? It was not just an excuse to get pills.
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"Because we are different?" Yeah... that's what this episode is really about, how different you both are. Which wouldn't be an issue for me if it was less about such important matters :/ I wish we had seen them learn more from each other this season, instead of being in conflict to much.
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I agree with Felice that it's getting out of hand! (I still enjoy the whole thing though 😁). I don't dislike Stella as much as a lot of people seem to, but I don't like her in this scene and how she talks to Felice!
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Cutest scene of the episode.
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I adore this scene. It makes me want to cry. I love them both and I'm so happy that they're slowly finding their way back to each other <3
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"Erik was there." This sceeeeene!! Such a punch in the face, so fucking terrible >< (So well acted also!!)
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Another trauma for my poor boy...
So lots of mixed feelings with this episode! I'm very frustrated with Wilhelm and his reactions, but I love the Sara arc. I really like the end of the episode, with some very good scenes. But now I really don't wanna go watch the next one ><
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adventure-showdown · 1 year ago
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Zagreus sits inside your head
Zagreus lives among the dead
Zagreus sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping.
ok so, its the 40th annivercery!! its not offical as the show was off the air at the time, but still!!!! every single companion and doctor actor Big Finish managed to get they got!! but do they play their parts? ...actually not really! here we have the end of an arc that two seasons coming, Charley and 8 has been through a lot, and at this point their story comes to a starteling and rather horrid conclusion! (OR IS IT?) Charley, who has been rescued from death by the eight doctor, rescuing her when he was not supposed to, has been through a lot, and even as that got solved last episode, by saving her from becoming a portal of death to galifray (a long and better constracted story XD), the doctor and the tardis has sufferd a huge explosen of an anti time bomb! making the doctor to become infected with an anti time infection! making him concive himself as the childhood time lord rhyme known as Zagreus! so now he must distory the entire univerce hahaha, because apperently Rassilon, ie one of the og creatorss of galifray socity wants to make the doctor into Zagrues so he can use him to distroy his emenies!! by distroying him body and soul!!! but what's this??? his former selfes as random people around the time stream coming in with the steal chair????? all led by a very rightfully annoyed Charley because the doctor refused to kill her as she asked because she loves him???? what the fuck will happen next!! all led delightfuly by Romana and Leela, and K9, and a rather jealous and EVIL tardis played by the Brigadier himself!! in between this 3 HOUR LONG epic and delightful advanture, apart from the absolote chaos of the event, you will get a suprisingly beutifull speaches filled with exploration of the meaning of love, of friendship! of a love so strong that it shall forfit between dimantions and also canon, the doctor explores what it actually means to be in love with a companion! and Charley, explores what it means to love him even more strongly back! what it means to be the doctor!! and the fact that the distruction of the tardis is actuall the thing stopping him from completely losing himself to loss and grief 😭, the absolote hammering in of the fact the coraption of time lord scoaity and Rasilon's bigotry, and finally someone understands that if you corrupt the Doctor, you have the absolotle potancial to distroy the entire univerce!! Paul Mcgann screaming for amazing hours, as he has the best time playing the baddy and people who are not the doctor!! India Fisher as Charley giving it her all and being amazing at it!! (also the fact that this delightful story is the leadthrough to one of the most terrefying stories of doccy who history, Scherzo! as it explores the themes of this story in a much more detailed way! but that's a horrefying story for another day XD) (@geronimomo-spd )
The 30th anniversary special is overly long and complicated but mostly it is INSANE ! Alice in Wonderlands, giant animatronic rabbits, Vampires and an evil doctor who hAMS it up,,,,that and 4 different doctors as well as TONS of companions plus the Briggs who is actually the TARDIS. it makes no sense! Compels me tho. Everyone says it with me : Zagreus sits inside your head Zagreus lives among the dead Zagreus Sees you in your bed And eats you when you're sleeping It's the best anniversary special day of the doctor whomst ? (@gnougnouss )
Once upon a time...
There were two friends, and together they travelled the cosmos. They thwarted tyrants and defeated monsters, they righted wrongs wherever they went. They explored the distant future and the distant past, new worlds and galaxies, places beyond imagining.
But every good story has to come to an end.
With no times or places left to explore, all the two friends have now are each other. But maybe that's one voyage too many. Maybe they'll discover things they'd rather have left undisturbed... hidden away in the suffocating, unfeeling, deafening brightness.
Once upon a time. Far, far away.
It’s a great and fucked up dissection of the Doctor and Charley’s relationship, with a healthy dose of body horror (anonymous)
you will never look at the handshake emoji the same way again (october)
Really creative concept. Puts 8 and Charley into a situation where they have to confront their relationship and what they mean to each other while dealing with an incredibly engaging creature. I can't name an audio that suits the medium better and Ive been consuming Big Finish at an alarming rate. Also noises™️ (anonymous)
Absolutely INSANE episode back when big finish was allowed to get WEIRD weird it has everything: heartfelt discussion about the doctor/companion relationship, love, cannibalism, body horror, the exploration of a very alien world. All of this while making full use of the audio medium in a story that could simply never have been done anywhere else. It's a must listen for everyone. (@gnougnouss )   
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legoiscrying · 2 years ago
Since you guys liked my first k2 analysis so much, I've decided to make a second one and mainly focus on things that I mentioned in the last paragraph there: how I see their romantic relationship. This is probably going to be more headcanons than analysis but we'll see lol (it ended up not)
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As I mentioned before, I don't really see k2 having some sort of special feelings for each other when they're young. Meanwhile it can kinda work with Kenny, it's probably won't work with Kyle: Kyle already has two strong sources of emotions. His bond with Stan and his sort of rivalry with Cartman clearly means more to him. And to get myself more clear: No, I do not erase everything I said in the previous post about their interactions, they're still very sweet and in my personal opinion important. But if we analyse Kyle's relationships with others and give everyone some sort of a status, Stan would be "best friend", Cartman would be "frienemy" (it's not so obvious when I say it like this but we all should agree that Kyle cares a lot about the shit Cartman says, not necessarily in a good way but it's still a huge source of emotions for him). And Kenny, as I believe, would be just "friend". Not much to add.
But if we're looking a little bit further...Time skip for a few years. Or not a few. High-school maybe?? Or adults?? Whatever you prefer more
From this part it'll be mostly headcanons because different people can see the future relationship of the main four differently. I'll talk about my personal point of view here (I think it's the most popular one in the fandom anyways)
So this is where Kyle's previous sources of strong emotions are kind of fading away. With Stan...I'm almost sure that no one is going to argue with me for this. Stan, as a depressed individual, would probably at some point of his adulthood change his relationships with people. He'd cut contact with some and just sort of change his attitude to other. And although I believe Stan and Kyle would still be friends (close friends??) when they grow up...There's not going to be the "bond" as strong as it was before. This is debatable, but even if you don't agree with my statement: One source of strong emotions is definitely not enough.
With Cartman my point of view is much easier to explain: they're not kids anymore. I believe their rivalry won't dissappear, but. They're not kids and not gonna fight 24/7. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this properly, but I think it's just not gonna take all their time. So yeah. It's not enough
Kyle feels a bit more lonely. So he hangs out with Kenny, who pretty much feels the same. They spend time together, talk a lot, remember some things...And realize how similar they are to each other (this part is also analysis btw, I didn't come up with it from nothing). They realize that back then they both were trying to act kind to people around them, but no one seemed to appreciate it as much as they wanted. They were doing it differently and was getting treated differently, but in the end both ended up being lonely without much people around. You. You can feel my thought here. right
They realize how similar they feel, so they decide to try to help each other. Just make some company. It won't hurt, right?
It didn't. I see them a bit fast burn... They start to appreciate each other's company more. And more. They hang out in a lot of different places. Anywhere you can get your old buddy: like seeing some cool movies with him, taking him to restaurants so you can make sure he eats well, sometimes going to his ol' house with him to help his sister...At some point Kenny starts calling it "dates", and Kyle is extremely flustered about this.
Kyle falls first, but Kenny confesses first: so their relationship-thing happens not so long after that.
And yep. This is what I wanted to share from now. I really hope someone reads all that xD
Love k2, appreciate k2, enjoy k2, share k2. They're very lovable little guys!
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(If this gets 100 likes AGAIN I will write k2 headcanons. Go)
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scrunglepaws · 2 months ago
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(Key for who's who)
Yeah, the Kits are mostly freaks, just ignore them. dkfjsldsdf The boys in the middle all come from very harsh backgrounds and will do what they gotta do. Y'all know about Nine, his backstory is the same as canon. CT-Mangey grew up in a jungle with dinosaurs+ect megafauna and all his sentient neighbors were super aggressive. CT-Kit grew up as an orphan in poverty, living on the city streets. Sails grew up in a cutthroat, post-apocalyptic endless sea of pirates with few resources. Not 100% sure on all of them, but Sails and Kelpie have definitely taken lives before.
Doing the strength/combat skill ones made me hate power scaling because I kept futzing with them and making micro-adjustments. To settle some of the placements on the strength chart, I asked myself "Between these two, who would win an arm wrestling match?" xD Kelpies have mythical levels of strength, so he had to be very high up there. CT-Mangey is essentially werehog Tails, so that's sort of like magical strength too, plus he's huge. Kit cheats by being a cyborg. I imagine Mangey and Tails have similar levels of strength, but with the arm-wrestling thing in mind, Mangey pulls ahead just a little. Mangey is constantly active as well, while adult Tails spends less and less time adventuring/fighting in favor of being in his lab/workshop. Mangey is just bigger as well. Sails is a bit lower just by being smaller, scrawnier, and malnourished (… D8). Nine is also a lot skinnier and malnourished (more to poor diet rather than overall lack of food), and is even less active than the others. He's more built for stealth and avoiding confrontations. CT-Kit and Folklore Tails are basically wusses. xD They're not specifically -frail- though, so I didn't feel the need to push them aaaall the way to the left.
The combat skill one was a little bit easier, though I still fussed with it. Obviously, Tails has a ton of experience with all of the wacky adventures he's been on. Kit was basically "born" into immediately training and fighting for his life. Regardless if he hasn't used these skills in a long time, they don't just vanish. Sails has seen some shit. This is where Nine drifts apart from his canon depiction (who I imagine has much less skill from being a stealthy lurker). Even though he mostly avoids scraps with others, he does a lot of research/training in his lab just out of paranoia/preparedness. Mangey used to be very unskilled, but trained to learn the various fighting techniques of his Boscage buddies, so he's got some tricks up his sleeve. CT-Mangey is just an overall brute that can defend himself in general scraps, but doesn't have much experience with technique or anything like that. I'm actually a bit unsure about CT-Kit? Despite growing up on the streets, I imagine he wasn't really the brawling type. Instead he learned all of the social cues/ect on how to stay out of dangerous peoples' paths. Kelpie is hella strong and can just smash/chomp you, but… He's never actually been in a fight, I don't think? I mean, who would be dumb enough to try. Folklore Tails is a pansy and I love him for it.
Nine and CT-Kit are from the city. They're smart and intuitive, but being 100% out of their element? Yeah, they dead. Kit's a bit more to the right because of when he and Surge were sort of in the wilderness after Starline died, but they mostly had the amenities of that base. Also, Kit could easily catch fish and purify water if he had his pack. And I imagine the metal virus would be decent at protecting him against most pathogens, so he could get away with eating raw fish. But he's still quite out of his element, so I dunno about him lasting a super long time.
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eloaholiveira · 1 year ago
Hello, I’m one of the contestants of the AU Sonic Smackdown, @delightrolls, the creator of the Sonic Thunderstorm AU. I was trying to decide who to vote for between you and @wereh0gz, but the decision is proving to be difficult. Would you kindly tell me more about your Freaks AU? Anything and everything you feel comfortable sharing about your impeccable story! And if you want some more specific questions I would like to ask these questions and I apologize in advance for the amount of them, your AU is just very intriguing. Feel free to take your time answering all of these:
Are all Echidnas Wood Nymphs / Dryads / Drus or is it just Knuckles? If it’s just Knuckles how did he get like that?
Did the Knuckles Clan still invoke the wrath of Chaos leaving Knuckles as the sole survivor?
Are characters like Omega, and Cream in the Freaks AU?
Are the Chaotix still detectives? If not, what do they do?
What are Zombies like? Do they eat brains like most Zombies in stories do or do they eat something else?
Is Silver also a Vegan Vampire?
Can Vampires also be satiated by Animal Blood or is it only Mobian / Tree Blood?
What are the pros and cons of drinking Mobian Blood vs Tree Blood?
Can Vampires eat solid food or are they limited to fluids?
If someone is bitten by a Vampire are they guaranteed to turn into a Vampire or Zombie or can other things happen as well?
Are Vampires weak to Sunlight?
What happens when The Order takes someone? Are they killed or imprisoned? If they are imprisoned what happens to them in prison?
What are Demons like?
Were Surge and Kit born Demons or did someone or something turn them into Demons?
Do Iblis, Solaris, Dark Gaia, and Light Gaia exist in this story?
Can someone earn the title of High Howler outside of killing the current High Howler? How would one do this?
What are the lifespans of the various Freaks?
What are Fairies like?
Sticks doesn’t believe in the Supernatural but is a Fairy, are Fairies not Supernatural?
What does the Morning Glory Pack do?
If Mimic turned Mighty and Mighty is part of Amy’s Pack does that mean Mimic is also a part of Amy’s Pack?
How many members are in Amy’s Pack? Is Eric in Amy’s Pack?
Is Ashe also a Werebeast?
Has anyone willingly become a Freak?
Would eating a possessed object completely destroy it or would the Ghost simply possess the person who ate them?
Thank you for your time and regardless of whether you win or lose I think your story is impeccable :)
Hey!!! And thank you ❤️
1- Yes, all echidnas - from Knuckles' tribe - were Wood Nymphs.
2- Yes, and Knuckles still guards the Master Emerald at Angel Island.
3- Cream is in the AU!!! I just have yet to draw her, and shes a mundane. Not sure ig Omega will appear just yet.
4- The Chaotix are still detectives, think Kemono Jihen: they take care of supernatural incidents, sorta like vigilantes(is that the correct term? ^^") They're also family, Vector is the single dad of these two. lol
5- You got flesh-eating zombies... and then you have Gadget, who personally loves pastries. XD
6- Silver is learning about 'vampire veganism' with Espio.
7/8- Sort of, a sentiment's blood not only make them stronger but they're also well fed. Vegan vampires are weaker since they don't consume live blood.
9- Yes vampires are weak to sunlight, but it's mostly based on their diet. Those who drink live blood might get hurt real badly, and those who are vegan usually have way higher tolerance to sunlight just getting itchy.
10- Still reworking/revamping The Order
11- Demons are either sinners or born-demons. Demons can be summoned by mundanes, sinners cannot.
12- Surge and Kit are born demons, they got summoned by Starline.
13- Gaia is a single entity like a God, Iblis and Solaris do not exist in this story.
14- You don't need to kill the previous High Howler to become one, you can earn the title, it's not well known how to do so, but you must not have killed innocent people in order to earn it. Or you could be a High Howler's Heir and inherit the 'throne' when they die.
15- Still working on fairies, but they're mostly chill, being able to change between fairy form (tiny) and mobian form. Fairies have powers related to the elements/nature.
16- Fairies are supernaturals, Sticks just never took fairy form/'unlocked' her powers so she never figured out she was a fairy herself! XD
17- Morning Glory is currently trying to track down Mimic, since he's going around causing mayhem n all.
18- Amy's pack got 7 members, 2 of which are demons (Surge and Kitsunami). Eric is an omega, he's on his own, and Ashe is a mobian, he didn't get turned.
19- I shall talk about that soon... 👁️👁️
20- The person who ate it would probably die... or vomit it out. XD
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ushioliddell-blog · 4 months ago
I hope you like bittersweet treat @rattyboyisemo <3
So....Maxpierre, and trying not to repeat anything I said before. Took me an hour to find, but.....Here we go =D
After Horror Expedition, Q!Aypierre NEVER talk about Pomme. To ANYONE. He listens when the others co parents talk about her, jokes with them but not talk about on his own. He is so skilled that people often think as usual, he is indifferent and careless about her. And at the same time, really care about Q!Max, putting him before his own needs, even assuming things like he never want to be touched again (an another headcanons I have is it's Q!Max who decides to sleep with him again but in a more tender and passionnate way because Q!Aypierre assumed he would never want.... Why ? Because I remembered what Q!Max said in Purgatory : he didn't hate at all. He just have real trouble to admit it loud xD But that's another story XD )
He rebuilds SOFIA for him, but....never try to be his second dad. Always joking, always gentle but never accept to be his dad, to the point of making believe her in her code it's Q!Max who rebuilt her. At first, Q!Max didn't see anything because Q!Aypierre's love help him heal his wounds and because he becomes really overwhelmed with joy to be reunited with his daughter. He assumed like the others he was fearless and not traumatized. To the point of becoming to think he takes but don't know what to give because he seems to have everything and it troubles him (self confidence issue return ).
But one day, a sentence slips from SOFIA, too happy to be with her dad and creator again, and he sees how strange it is. He tries to tell it's Q!Aypierre but she denies everytime. He begins to think they hate each other and look more closely but see nothing but kindness and affections but never.....family affection. More like friends. He tries to explain to her but she denies again. He tries to think more about it and realize he never tell himself it was him. He understood because he was the only one able in the area but he never told him. And from this point, he begins to see all his others little attentions, who he said to be by chance and coincidences, all these things he knew were from him but he never realized fully. Doesn't help his lack of confidence at all XD He tried some little things but in the goofiest way, because he thought they were never enough. But these touchs him and he said it. But that doesn't seem enough (for him).
And he realizes he needs more informations (We need more informations lol ) because he doesn't know him so well. But too embarrassed at the thought of asking him, he ask them to his friends (the French, Q!Bad, Q!Pac ). He realizes they assume things like him but some of them (Q!Bad and Q!Pac ) explain to him to have seen him hide some of his darker thoughts in work, jokes, sentences with double meanings.... With the French, he realizes he never talks about Pomme again and one things he knew for sure was his love for her.
And after that he begins to look more closely. And he begins to see how he overworks at some time like.....the one year of his arrival on the island, all the jokes, sentences said to distract him and the others from his fears and doubts and how he feels, sentences that slips of his mouth because of his love for him which lower a little his defense and because no one really hear them, habits he keeps from the island like being wary of thunder, people coming too closely....
A lot of guilt results in of this for not seeing it before. And trying absolutely everything to help him too, like he always did for him. But in the goofiest way because not used to take care of this like staying with him when he decides to overworks himself, making sure he eats well....
And Q!Aypierre didn't see it at all, like before, mostly because no one ever care about that, since the only person who care is no more (Pomme ). (Q!Bad cares, it's just that Q!Aypierre and him are used to see but not make the other talk about ). And with time, and love which lower his defenses, his traumas slip more and more unconsciously making him seen as afraid of loosing a child again, thinking no good can come from his parenthood, afraid of being seen weak and abandoned for that again, used to deal alone with his traumas, thinking his partner's traumas are much more important to deal with, and his will come later.
With that Q!Max finally realizes that like him he has trauma, is not far perfect and he too can give him some comfort and make him realize it's okay to not be perfect, he will still be there.
Such a long post, a little bit rushed on the end sorry for these two things XD Especially because you wanted it not so complex XD But I hope this treat was enjoyable and if it inspires you, my pleasure <3
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artsybug0 · 2 years ago
What are some facts about Millie? (Can also be for any AU!)
❤️Fun Facts About Millie!❤️
She’s afraid of the dark so she uses a nigh-light when she sleeps
She likes foods with strawberries in them more then just eating strawberries
Her entire home is lovecore decorated
She has three adopted parents who are in a poly relationship
She has seven adopted brothers
She’s the oldest sibling but third to be adopted
Millie can do many tricks on her roller skates. She even puts on a show for her neighbors with Barnaby
She caught feelings for Wally first
She compliments people a lot about how they look like characters from books she’s read
She gushes often about romance stories
You can often find her sitting on Howdys counter reading out loud to him as he works
She stims a lot (she’s just a happy gal!)
She word stims Wally’s name often
She’s afraid of fire (like big fires)
She moved to the big city to go to a good college to become an author.
She graduated with a BA (Bachelors of Arts)
She’s worked a lot of jobs and has been almost all over Hollywood for work, but as you can imagine for a puppet. That didn’t get her anywhere
She gained her kinda violent tendencies while living alone in Hollywood (learned behavior for her own survival)
She became extremely depressed and had thoughts (and one attempt) at 💀 herself
She was literally dragged into the studio to be a replacement Actor for Welcome Home Puppet Show by Janet
She knew how to act because at that time she’s been pretending to be a “damsel in distress” to manipulate men into using their money on her so she can have a comfortable life for years.
She’s a big fan of Eddie’s
Millie only worked so hard to be Wally’s friend so she can hopefully get him to meet up with her youngest brothers who she used to watch WH with all the time
Millie originally planned to use Wally’s feelings to manipulate him into giving her everything she wants, but she caught the feelings before she could do anything (Wally was rude and cold towards her at the beginning so she saw this as revenge)
She at first declined Wally’s gifts for her because she was nervous she was accidentally manipulating him to think that’s what he wants to do (she wasn’t, he just loves spoiling her)
She has a list of “reasons why I love Wally” on her phone that she occasionally adds to
Egg was a gift from Wally, he’s their baby
Millie was engaged to a human once
Doesn’t have a friend group
She roller derby’s
Everytime you see her she has a new bruise or scratch
She often gets into fights
She thrives in annoying people
Refuses to acknowledge that she has valid feelings
Her wings flap when she’s angy
She didn’t get as much as a height boost as the rest so she’s pretty small compared to everyone 😂
She teases a lot
She hates being teased though
She’s used to being described as hot or sexy but as soon as someone calls her cute she’s embarrassed and red faced
She’s actually pretty lonely, and despite how she acts, she really does care about what people say or do to her.
She’s very attached to her partners Susanna( @yami-xd character) and Wally. But mostly Susanna because she doesn’t call her mean names and is pretty nice to her
Is the most likely Millie to have 🔞 with you (if you’re around her age, 23-27)(she’s a ho)
Rainbow Factory
She’s by far, the loneliest Millie
Her parents death were later in life so she would of been at least 13 when it happened
She was never adopted
Her scars were caused by a chemical explosion she was too close to
Only Wally visited her in the hospital (that’s how she developed strong feelings for him)
She soon changed job titles and became his assistant
Even though she’s his assistant she does a LOT more then what is required of her. But she doesn’t mind.
She mixes coffee and energy drinks in a cup and chugs it down at once before working
She had extremely jealously over those who have things she doesn’t (friends, family, beauty)
She really despises Julie in this Au but doesn’t do anything about it. She only hates her because she’s Wally’s ex
She has a soft spot of kids, they remind her of herself before everything happened so she wants to protect them
She’s made fun of for her scars so often she doesn’t believe anyone if they compliment her for being “pretty”
She keeps trying to ask Wally out but backs out last second
She passes out often from overworking herself and starving her body
All the other Au’s I don’t have much put together to make fun facts about them yet so this is all I can give for now!
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internals1ut · 5 months ago
Helloo, I recently started following you and first of all I really love your content, thank you for feeding this small fandom 🫶
Do you have any smutty headcanons about Sho x Subaru that you can share? Lately I'm obsessed with that shipp (English is not my first language, sorry xd)
Hello anon! Thank you for your kind words and the follow as well! I am so happy you enjoy my works, it means a lot that what I post is what people are enjoying!
You also reminded me I haven't really written anything Sho x Subaru yet so thank you for this lol
You all make me so happy! You guys are my Dandelion <3
As for your ask, here you go anon!
Also feel free to one and all to come join my discord linked on @internalscream1ng carrd!
**✿❀ ❀✿**
18+/nsfw/minors gtfo
ShoSuba is probably Sho's most gentle sex partner, he knows that Subaru's body couldn't really handle it as well as what he does with Leo but he does his best to still meet Subaru's needs.
Sho's first wet thought of Subaru was when he offered food with a white sauce on it, Subaru loved the meal so much which left a bit of the sauce on the corn of his lips,,,,, of course Sho's mind went to that and he excused himself before the thoughts took the control.
They both favor the position where Sho spooning Subaru from behind and Sho holds up one of his legs as he thrusts inside. It's a favorite for them both since Sho gets to hold Subaru and Subaru likes it because he could hide his face easily if he wants to.
The most bdsm they do together is when Sho uses his blindfold to tie up Subaru's hands to the bed post, that way Sho can still see his face to make sure there is enjoyment in their time.
They mostly have sex at Sho's room the most, there has been talks about having the star and Hotarubi's captain, Subaru Kagami , is coming to Vagastorm with Sho? Who knows what they are doing? Bet they are really good friends.
Leo was the first to know what the relationship of Subaru and Sho, only because of his good hearing and overheard bunch of sex sounds - he definitely had a field day teasing Sho about it.
They are very good with communication, especially in sex. Sho is someone who can go rough and rouge meanwhile Subaru is more into being delicate and gentle... But they always find a way to meet in the middle.
The first time Subaru started to cry in sex since his body started to get overwhelmed, Sho had an absolute freak out - If it was someone else then he would of course ask them if they were okay, but with Subaru he is absolutely a mess - He starts to frantically apologizing if he did something wrong - Subaru reassures him and tells him that he is okay, he just needs to take a break from a minute. They get a bite to eat and cuddle, Sho waits for Subaru to make the move when he is ready, even if it doesn't resume they both still cuddle.
They do have safe words, they don't use or haven't used them yet during sex , most of it is food names from Sho's truck. Like I said those are barely or never used only because their communication is PEAK during sex.
Also believe it not, Subaru is the one who leaves hickies on Sho not the other way around so everyone thinks Subaru is topping when it is the other way around. They don't correct anyone. Sho thinks it's funny.
Thank you for your request!
It means a lot I hope you enjoy this bit!!!
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veliseraptor · 1 year ago
xuexiao hanahaki au for the ask meme cuz I feel like if anyone's gonna get me interested in a hanahaki au, it'd be you XD
high praise! I mean, this is me writing a trope I generally don't like (though I've now read...I think two takes on it that I actually did) by means of going "taken seriously, there's something here about the grotesque, painful, and distorting power of love, and that's neat" especially when it's applied to xue yang. because xue yang in this is the one getting hanahaki'd. basically I was going "I can make this absolutely horrific/focused more on the body horror of it all, and that sounds like fun" and that's what initially kicked off me thinking about this as something I could actually write.
(I think somebody asked me about it, at one point, but of course now i can't find the post.)
I also can't find the other post that was the second phase of me going "oooh I think I can make this work for me", which was about hanahaki not being about unrequited love but about repressed love, or unexpressed love, and playing with that, where it's not about how someone else feels but (in this case) about how xue yang does, and how that interacts with the way xue yang does (or doesn't) recognize or understand his own feelings, and...yeah. basically (1) make it horrific and (2) make it not about unrequitedness but something else that I personally find more compelling
the short version of all of this is "making xue yang cough up flowers for fun and profit is a new way of making him suffer I haven't tried yet", so there's that too.
EDIT: found the post I was talking about!!! the "originally created" thing sort of [citation needed] for me, but the concept itself I like
There were the things about Jinlintai that Xue Yang expected to appreciate (good food, warm bed, consistent supply of sweets), and the annoying things that he might’ve predicted if he’d thought about them (the people, mostly).  Then there was the shit that came as a surprise, like the performances that got put on sometimes. Plays of stories he sometimes knew and sometimes didn’t, some better and some worse and some just stupid as all fuck.  “Was that supposed to be Liu Qiuyue?” Xue Yang asked Jin Guangyao, who paused, pulling his brush away from the letter he was writing, and looked at him. Xue Yang waved a hand. “Last night. The story. That’s what it was, right?”  “I believe so,” Jin Guangyao said after another moment, setting the brush down. Xue Yang smothered a smile of triumph at the indication that he had his attention. “Why do you ask?”  “Cause it was different than the version I’d heard,” Xue Yang said. “The story I knew she wasted away cause she wouldn’t eat after Prince what’s-his-name turned her down. But this one had her…” He wrinkled his nose. “Puking petals, or something. Unless that was supposed to be symbolic.”  Jin Guangyao gave him one of those looks that he got sometimes, like Xue Yang had surprised him by not knowing something. Xue Yang could never decide if it annoyed him or was a good thing. It was the reverse of what most people were surprised by, anyway.
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labyrinthofsphinx · 6 months ago
Dear Vox, I have a Few questions…
So Vox what happened at Christmas?
Did your brother pull crap on Alastor like he did with you? Did he have nearly every family member in on it?
I mean you and Al could have hunted him down and have Al eat him for dinner(wait that is weird but then again I am going to continue)…but then again Al doesn’t eat garbage 🗑️ or junk food 🌭…And that’s what your brother sounds like…
A garbage 🗑️ bastard than again the rest of your family except for aunt(your aunt sounds like a saint and sweetheart) sound like that especially your brother… wait those people aren’t your family because family doesn’t treat each other like that…
I think that Al and Drift are your brand new family now………and that you really don’t need that type of negativity in your life anymore……have you ever thought Vox of going low to no contact with them……
P.s. think about it
-sincerely your unnamed fan……
@crazyshipper67 asked: Can we see the Chrismas incident? 👀
@crazyshipper67 asked: why doesn't Vox spend Christmas with Al? Friends spend Christmas together all the time.
Your honor, asked and answered! XD But I guess a bit of retreading old grounds:
We'll get to the Christmas incident eventually, but it's kinda a plot point to be shown later, so I can't actually show you guys right now. But as both Vox has said and has been explained, the short of it is that Al met Vox's family over Christmas, and they were absolutely degenerates.
They didn't have a term for no-contact at the time, but Vox fully intended to cut them out of his life entirely afterwards...but Al wouldn't have it. He may not like them, but he values blood family ties too much to ever want to be 'the thing' that ended Vox's familial ties. What he doesn't know, or realize, is that Vox's family was basically dead to him for a while now, and it was all mostly for appearance, bragging rights, and his own attachment issues. But the Christmas incident, and, very specifically, the fact that they went after Al, gave Vox that last push he needed the decide he's had enough. All of them, save Aunt Edith, have been cut off, except to the extent that he has to look like he cares for the public (sending birthday presents to his nephews and whatnot).
The reason why Vox spends Christmas alone is because Al and Vox got into a fight over Vox cutting his family off. Al really, really values family from his mother and he didn't think the incident was bad enough for that reaction (it totally was, even in isolation of everything else they put Vox through over the years). Vox refused to even entertain the idea of allowing them back into his life after that. They were at a standstill, and Vox, reading the writing on the wall, proposed a solution: he'll have them over for Christmas. Only for Christmas. That's what they settled on...except that Vox was lying. Again, he just refuses to speak to them. So, every year, he heads back up to New York, dresses the house like he's going to have a party, then stays in the empty mansion by himself until New Years. Al stays in New Orleans and has Christmas over his house or Rosie's. The radio station hosts it's own party, which was kinda brought up here.
Vox would love to spend the holidays with people who actually care about him, and who he loves dearly, but because of that little 'understanding' he has with Al about it, he can't. So, it's just been Vox alone for some time.
...and, no, Al wouldn't hunt Vox's brother for sport. He's Vox's brother after all, and he has two kids. Also, so far as Al is concerned, he doesn't meet the qualifications for his 'list'.
Also, also, just because Vox doesn't want to see his family ever again doesn't mean they don't go out of their way to try see him. It's all just for the money, fame, and power though, not any attempt the rekindle anything. That ship has long since sailed. (Think of it this way, Vox hasn't disowned them yet on account of Al. He's not married and has no kids of his own. If anything should happen to him, his parents would get everything...then his brother and nephews. And Vox has a lot of money, property, and a giant corporation.)
Sooo yeah, sorry I can't show it yet, but I promise we'll get to it!
Thanks for the asks though!
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w1ngedv01d · 3 months ago
i’d like to know more about the gods in ur wildlife AU….
no pressure ofc!! also i love the premise i think that it’s great and neat and ya
Hello! Thank You for the ask! Hi!
So, obviously, we don't have all of the wild cards revealed yet, but that's Okay! I have room in the pantheon for more as things develop ^-^ I'm not revealing the real names of each god juuust yet, but I will list what wildcard they're connected to, and some titles if I've decided on those.
(Also tldr on the plot for newbies: The Wild Life Plot, mostly, except it's a set of trials where each wild card is connected to a God from a pantheon running the trials. And the participants are champions chosen by said gods)
The Wild Card/The Summoner - Grian! Not a God yet. He's currently just a (mostly) human person. He's in charge of drawing from the deck and allowing the deity of the week to affect the realm they're stuck in. When he pulls the cards from his deck, he immediately knows Which god is affecting the realm that week, and what the effects will be.
Growing/Shrinking Wildcard - The Gemini Twins! They're a set of, well, twin siblings, who are connected to being giant and being small, respectively. The older twin is a man, and a Giant, while his androgynous younger sibling is the tiny one in charge of the smallfolk. In myth, they were the ones who created Giants and smallfolk like pixies and such, waaaay back in the day. It's even said that the older twin, the Giant, helped build the Nether Fortresses with his own hands. They are inseparable and also STICKLERS for theme and aesthetic. So naturally, they chose Gem as their champion based on name alone. XD
Hunger Wildcard - The Zombie. They were a Giant, once, in the Time Before, and resurrected as a god with an unending hunger that normal food wouldn't satisfy. Myth says that they refused to harm their friends and townfolk, so resorted to eating anything around them, just to stave off the hunger. Rocks, plants, trees, anything they could find. They influence the realm by afflicting the participants with their own curse. The first Champion they chose was, of course, Cleo.
The Immortal Snail - The Zookeeper. This God is very similar to Scar in a lot of ways, to the point that -while there are certainly differences- people who know both would find the similarities eerie. He has a deep love of living creature, from cows to snails to mushrooms, and -as a notorious prankster- uses his armies of beloved creatures to cause mischief and pranks to the people around him. He wants a friendly rivalry with Scar so bad, and doesn't process that him being A Whole God and Scar being Just A Guy means there really isn't a power equality to even warrant a rivalry. He's a fun loving, life-loving, guy who tries to make friends with pranks! He had a wife, who was known for her connection to fungi and fungal growth, but she has not been seen in many decades, and is not seen as a current part of the pantheon. He never speaks of her whereabouts, but it is clear that he still has fondness for her. He has a unique fondness for Grian, and of course Scar was chosen as one of his champions.
Time Dilation - The Observer. This God is one of the newer ones, and little is known about her. When she takes over the realm, time starts out very slow, but the call from Grian to "Do Something Cool!" is very important, because as soon as the time effects kick in, cameras appear to take pictures of each Champion. Cameras and screens manifest everywhere, Watching. Tracking. This God is silent, and reaches out little to mortals, or even the other Gods. No one knows what she is thinking, the connection between her theme and powers, or even which one/s of the participants were her chosen Champion/s... or Why. It is said she takes rigorous notes on how the time acceleration affects each participant, but no one has ever found such notes, nor do they know why she would be taking them.
Trivia Bots - The Engineer. This God has been working with Mumbo's family for many, many years, and is the reason why Mumbo knows about the Trials- and how Mumbo and Grian even met. He has gone by many names in the past, many faces, many identities, as it suits him. Always an engineer, always an entertainer. But whether he be man, woman, neither, both, or some other option, it changes based on the generation and mood that takes him. This era, he takes the form of an older, heavy-set man with a large brown mustache and beer belly, who works in an old Tech Superstore that is now far more out-of-date and behind-the-times than it was when it first opened. That doesn't bother him too much, though. He doesn't care about being the best, or the first, as long as he's doing what he loves. Because of his connection to Mumbo's family, and often manifesting in the human world in some way, this God is one of the few to take on human names from the culture in which he is inhabiting. He has done so in this form, just as he has done all the others. While he can do other redstone type things, this guy loves robots, and has been fascinated by mortal trivia shows, which has led to the beloved Trivia Bots from his time affecting the realm.
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brb-on-a-quest · 7 months ago
if u were in an alternate universe, where u are dream self, what would u be?
if u were in another alternate universe, where u are ur worst self, how would u react?
if u were in another au, where, ur counterpart simply doesn't exist but all the people u know do, how do u think u would fit there?
if u were, again, in another au, where ur counterpart exists and the people u know don't, what would u do? come back or stay there?
if u were, again, in another au, where ur and ur loved ones' counterparts exist, but they don't know each other, would you change it?
I would, as always, not know what the heck I am doing but doing the best I can anyway XD (Ideally I'd have like cool magical powers or fighting abilities or maybe even knowledge of how to play an instrument, but uhhh I Don't Hope for Much).
Oh, hot villain arc birb would be very interesting to meet. Probably would feel a lot of emotions, mostly guilt and regret and sadness and not being able to somehow fix my au self. I do think it'd be really funny if I started tripping my evil villain AU self up because, like, she's me so we have the same thinking patterns and I could just easily like go back and help as best as I can? idk. Maybe too idealistic... but also you give me plot ideas. hmmm saving that for later
This would also be really funny because I'd have all the information to ingratiate myself into the friend group but they'd know nothing about me and I could like speedrun friendship exp so fast. I'd be like "well, here's your favorite brand of chocolate that is basically the only one you can eat" and they'd be like *gasp* "however did you know" and i'd laugh manically and be like "a little birb told me *giggles manically*"....they'd probably think I was stalking them. if it were people that I currently don't get along with....well then that just got 1000 times more awkward but interesting to see where the "refresh" on that relationship goes.
This is kind feels like what going to college feels like, ngl. I mean I still had access to family and like a couple people back home, but overall, this is just what it feels like going back to school for a couple months. Or when I move between states which I have a lot of experience with. So the answer to this would be: which au did I come from, and is this one a better environment for me. Could I reach back and pull out the people I cared about into this au with me or am I the only one who has multiversal travel? As much as I would hate for the old me to randomly disappear for the people I care about, if the other environment is healthier for me and my personal growth... I'm not scared of it yk?
well, I'd try. Or maybe I'd just make friends with my loved counterparts and my counterpart (so we don't have hot villain arc birb again).
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