#mostly shadowpeach thoughts
starry-kattz · 2 months
Macaque: Lady Bone Demon, where do we go when your destiny is complete?
LBD: We go somewhere far away and very very nice, where everyone you love is.
Macaque: Okay. Lady Bone Demon, why do I miss people who hurt me?
LBD: That's because you're a dummy. A stupid, little dum-dum.
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fluffypotatey · 11 months
Shadowpeach's reaction to believing the other is dating again
ANON I AM SO SORRY T^T i meant to reply to this the moment I read it then got distracted and now it’s almost 1am (edit: it is now 1:30 lmao)
you have come to ask me, a girlie who is a sucker for unhealthy shadowpeach and long time lover of the jealousy & possessive tropes, about shadowpeach’s hypothetical reactions of the two monkeys believing the other is back in the dating scene?
well, obviously, they would be completely fine. absolutely no negative reactions or breakdowns or obsessive thoughts hindering their ability to function and be mentally healthy. of course.
however, i feel like swk would be more subtle about it. like maybe he hears something out of context said by MK or Mei or Tang or Red Son or Sandy (who might have also jumped to the same conclusion) and is like “oh……” and then is oddly quiet for maybe a month, freaking out MK
also, SWK would have his own internal battle of wanting to see Macky to confirm but also not wanting to see Macackle because the confirmation would break him. but he would make so many excuses to see Macaroon by visiting Pigsy’s noodle shop then chicken out when the time does come (the funny part of me says that Pigsy is the only one aware of SWK’s true intentions and is very annoyed about it)
the anger doesn’t really come until SWK feels fed up with Macaroni’s “mixed signals,” meaning Macky’s very bad attempts at being civil/flirting. because “if Macky thinks he can just use my feelings while being in a relationship he can think again!” (despite Macky never being in a relationship but Wukong never confirmed this so is mad for the sake of this hypothetical SO and himself while struggling with his own very messy feelings. because he likes it when Mac has his attention on him, he likes it when Mac tries to woo him the same way he had tried when they were younger and ignorant, he likes it when Mac cannot help but look at Wukong, he likes it when he makes Mac forget all about that stupid significant other because Wukong and Mac used to be something and could still be that something if Mac just gave Wukong a chance or if they had never ended their old relationship like the way they did. if only, if only, if only, if only, if only—
with Macky, ahahahaaaaaaa hoo boy.
not subtle. very unsubtle. like, yes, even Wukong can see and notice Macky’s very unsubtle and unstable self but unlike everybody else who is aware of the reason, Wukong would just be confused on why Macky is always weirdly snappy and grabby and always feel the need to mention Wukong’s love life????
anyway, Macky would not react well. 1) because it feeds into his angry theory that Wukong found their relationship to be superficial and temporary 2) he has been revived for, uh, *checks watch* not very long, so imagine going through a severe break up and dying them being resurrected and trying to enact revenge on your ex (of whom the feelings are still too raw) but you’ve been out of time for so long that you cannot process shit 3) it is my belief that Macky had nobody else as close to him as Wukong was
so, Macky hearing through the very botched grapevine that Wukong is back in the dating scene? man’s is not handling it well. house/apartment/whatever establishment he was staying in is trashed. he replans his revenge against Wukong. he stalks Wukong obsessively bc he has to see that bastard in the act because maybe then he’ll be free. he would sabotage any and all attempts of demons, humans, whoever that whispers about pursuing Wukong because….reasons
(obviously the reasons are not the fact that Wukong moving on terrifies him, the fact that he can be so easily replaced hurts, the fact that he cannot let go despite everything, the fact that Wukong still smiles the same, that Wukong still laughs the same but it’s so much lighter, that he understood what it was like to be loved and cared about by Wukong. to have all of his attention on Macky, to hold him so gently even though these same hands could break him (and have), to be treasured and desired by someone so powerful. how could Mackarell give up something so precious? he is still selfish and has been deprived for f that love for too long. why on earth would he ever wish for someone else to have a piece of what he once had?)
so yeah i’d say they would be coping sO well :)
#this is a side tangent but shadowpeach deserves some more fics with both or either of the two idiots being jealous#please#for me#ley them simmer or wallow in their personally inflicted angst/pining soup while i giggle and read with delight#and when i say i’m a lover of this trope i also mean i’m a connoisseur of this trope#i have tastes and am picky about it#bc there are some…….not great works that try this trope (to put it politely) and it hurts bc i KNOW it could be written sO good#also funny note: this reply was supposed to end after I shout ‘they would be so horrible lmao’#but then I thought nah lemme share my elaborated thoughts#another side note: I am sure y’all notice I call Wukong and macky’s thing a relationship instead of friendship or situationship mostly bc#a relationship can mean many things and my view of shadowpeach is both romantic and qpr#like the vibes fit for both of them and I’ll just roll with either#but i struggle to call their thing a friendship because to me that takes away some of the aspects of swk and macky#do i think they even dated in the past? no but i DO think the two were so attached to the hip that to outsiders they saw 2 boyfriends even#if nothing was technically official of their relationship being romantic or platonic but it blurred the lines so well nobody could be 100%#& even in the current plot their relationship is STILL blurred to me so i can’t pick and like both options (both are severely unhealthy ofc#lmk#shadowpeach#asks#anonymous
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i don't ever expect to be in a relationship nor have I ever look forward to one ,but suddenly I crave for it . It felt weird and unnatural
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complete-clownery · 9 months
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Hahaha okay rant about this amazing fanfic (you probably heard of this one already but still)
So whenever it comes to explaining and writing under my posts I just get lazy but I need to push through this cuz I need to talk
So the fanarts were made for the lmk fanfiction sunbreak, that a lot of you (probably mostly shadowpeach shippers) had read, and it is amazing, I read trough it as fast as my brain let me and as you can see it has pleasantly scratched my brain so much so that I even (attempted) to make fanart for it
Ngl if I wasn't a major pussy I would try to illustrate the whole thing or make covers for each chapter but Im unable to work on something more than 2 hours and I would want those to look good, but good looking art (if I don't mess up) takes 6 hours ughh--- annoying much---
Anyways I'm not good with literature but man is this fix a masterpiece *chefs kiss* its everything its amazing, I was unable to put it down once I started it
Okay i dont think I have the brain capacity to explain how much I worship the writer of this masterpiece @ladygreenfrisbee , so i'm just going to talk about the drawings a tad
So first picture with Red Son and MK its sort of like an au in the fic where the whole lbd plot is somehow nonexistent and after Macaque gets to his sisters domain they settle down and raise the kids together without much of an issue aside from assassinations keep happening and trying not to get in trouble with the heavens
Id like to think that Gongzhu still wouldn't let the court tailors to put any form of red or gold on MKs outfits and only allowed the yellow after when MK was old enough to declare that yellow was his favorite color, but even now she would insist on some form of purple and shadow motives to let others know who the mother is
We also got baby MK and toddler Red Son and sassy LIF and Mac
Third pic with the lion: I don't know what it was or why but I just love general Song so much--- he's a major dickhead but sgvshshsevkdididhr (actually I kinda love all the original characters in this one, from the generals to the old lady in the beginning of the book, (gosh I also wanna draw some scenes from those chapters I loved how Mac and she interacted hshsjsj))
so chapter 34 was probably my favorite so far I re read it about two more times cuz it was amazing to see Macaque being the schemer he is and try to piss of Song lol
Last picture: its a sketch/a wip or whatever (probably not going to finish it but im still putting it there cuz its somewhat decent looking)
Its the part where Wukong remembered of Macaque finally finding him and asking for him to come back to flower fruit mountain.
I tried to make Macaque look more unhinged on this one but since I didn't finish it I dont think its that noticable so fuck that but I also gave him a halo like the saints to symbolise his suffering and what not (thought it looked cool and fitting think whatever you want about it lol)
And that all ((((hollly mother))))
If you read this trough, thank you and congrats👏👏
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kyri45 · 3 days
i remember seeing your first (or second? cant remember) part of the shadowpeach bioparent au comic around the time it was posted and thought 'oh cool, welp thats the end of that let me see some other lmk fanart' and honestly i never thought it would come this far bc most lmk aus that catch my eye rarely go over 2-3 parts, or beyond concept art. you have no idea how much it means to me that you are working on this comic (though no pressure ofc feel free to take breaks any time ik youve got another comic youre working on as well) because you portray lmk characters in such a perfect way i dont see very often, and i mean it ive consumed SO much lmk art. im mostly referring to shadowpeach because a lot of ppl are portraying them as a romantic couple or complicated romance, but in general i enjoy platonic ships more, and you do it in such a way that it just tickles my brain sometimes. also even though they (especially macaque) act in a way you wouldnt see in the show like, ever, the entire series of events that lead to many of their 'unusual' behaviors and conversations actually makes it feel canon-according. i rarely see that and even have struggles with portraying them like that myself, so youre literally one of my top favorite artists atm for that one (your artstyle is so yum too).
anyway make sure to take care of yourself and drink enough water and eat and get enough sleep! i hope youre doing well!!
AGHDMHSMFYS THANK YOU!!! Tysm for this message i literally weep :’)
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
[The ones who manage to unearth their version of Luzhen clutch the newborn Stone Monkey tight, sobbing at the joy of finding another of their kind.]
That’s those that do have them. Their universes aren’t identical, so there is likely some that don’t have a Luzhen because their moms mate did perish in the flood: like, say, TMKATI-verse.
Mostly because I was looking through the old posts and one way for Luzhen to be born was somebody locking Peach into the furnace, but not turning it on and that counting to start the process. Obvs different rules now, but variety, you know?
That and the rest of the SWKs can quickly learn why Stone Eggs are a last resort kind of deal, with Peach nearly croaking during birth. Like, ‘Damn, there is a way for us to die, even with all these immortalities’, you know?
Also: [Cherry, holding his little bro up like Simba: PEEEEEBBBBBLLLEEEE!!!!!!!]
If none of the modern kids do the Circle of Life, I will be disappointed.
Recall that back then also were going by the thought of Nuwa having a hand in SWKs creation? Well, thought here: she’s responsible for Reborn-Luzhens creation. Don’t know, just had the idea of a small undefined soul causing some havoc near Nuwa – because it wants a family, it was promised a family, why won’t it be getting its family anymore – reminding her of the Havoc and she ends up making a little clay monkey for the soul to inhabit.
Kinda like TMKATI, just less pregnancy and more clay.
Then she drops the little troublemaker off at Smokey’s, “He really wanted to be born” she shrugs and peace’s out.
Smokey, who was doing his best to suppress his grief at the apparent fact that his dad had died in his world, just now has waterfall levels of water coming out of his eyes. His little brother harassed a god to ensure his own birth! Truly, they are related.
[The knowledge that he might be considered divine royalty under Celestial Law would be a bit much for him right now.]
Honest question: what do the rest of the SWKs think about that? Like, that has to knock the wind out them, for sure.
referencing the Wukongverse learning about Stone Matriarch au + our older post about Nuwa and Houtu making Luzhen on accident + Furnace - Fire = Stone Egg.
I should really do an updated TMKATI timeline post once my exams are over. Currently I'm thinking of altering it so that the twin boys of the Nodelets - Jidu and Luohou - are the ones created from one of the parents getting trapped in the Furance without the fire, likely from LBD stealing the Furance/capturing one of them. I'm thinking Luzhen (like possibly Canon!MK) would be created by Nuwa since TMKATI!MK got found by the Shadowpeach parents as a "broken" egg and they accidentally became his parents.
The Stone Matriarch au likely doesn't apply to many of the other universes since it is in of itself an Au. If any of the SWKs find an egg at the bottom of FFM/Mount Huaguo, it's like a million to one chance.
The one that does is super hyped/sad though. Not sure which.
I love the idea of Reborn!/Smokey's Luzhen getting created because Nuwa encountered a little chaotic soul wanting to be born + realising that she shoudl probably give him to someone with a similar origins.
And let's just say; what if... Reborn!Luzhen's soul was created as a reincarnation?
The Reincarnation of a *certain* Primordial Demon who has just died? And may need to be raised in tandem with it's Qi Energy counterpart in order to grow into a (mostly) balanced monkey?
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As for the method in which: (Stone Monkey + Furnace) - Samadhi Fire (or they waiting too long) = Egg?
Most likely candidate would be Netflix!SWK/Cherry.
Because he's the exception of Monkey Kings who haven't been "furanced" yet.
I'm just imagining the next Wukongverse he pulls up looking SUPER rough.
Starfruit: "Wow, you look like Hell." Cherry, covered in burn scars: "Don't remind me. Ran into some jerks who stole a bunch of alchemy supplies from the immortals." Sugar: "Calabash?" Cherry: "No thanks I'm not hungry. Well anyway this guy working for Heaven thinks I'm too dangerous to be walking around, and he tosses me into this big pot. I run out of air and somebody turns the heat on! For like a month!" All the SWKs who Know: *winces of sympathy* Ace, jokingly nostalgic: "Ah the Trigram Furnace. Usually happens before the Buddha's hand though." Cherry: "Yeah don't remind me. Luckily my new friends got me out and woke me up." Dawn, suddenly pauses: "Wait. Woke you up?" Cherry: "Yeah I sorta passed out just before the worst of the fire started." Dawn, gettign concerned: "And were you asleep for that whole time?" Cherry, getting nervous: "Yeah??" Dawn: (*shares a look with the other monkeys. A bunch nod their heads with nervous expressions*) Cherry: "Why, what's the problem? Did you guys not fall asleep?!" Smokey: "How could we? The flames of Samadhi nearly turned me to ash. Only way me or any of us survived it is because the Wind corner has a higher pressure." Cherry: "There was corners in there?" Dasheng: "You didn't train in alchemy under Subuhti as we did. The Trigram Furnace is made up of eight corners according to the major celestial elements, with each corner having the properties of that element. The Wind element feeds but also suffocates fire, so even True Fire weakens there." Cherry: "Oh. I think I survived cus I just went into a dissociative state and became a statue." Dawn, now convinced: "YOU PETRIFIED!?" Cherry, getting scared: "NOW I AM!?"
Cue the monkeys who know about how Stone Eggs are formed dragging Cherry to see Guanyin. The bodhisattva explains that; yes, Cherry is carrying a mini-him all wrapped in a stone casing, all because the lack of air in the Furnace caused his body to believe that it was time to bud off into a new monkey. Cherry faints. Joyfully.
Cherry, rambling excitedly: "A mini-king! No! A Prince! NO! A PEBBLE! And he'll be *just* like me!" Dawn, stressing: "Aren't you worried that it could kill you!?" Cherry, brushing him off: "Pff! I'm immortal. Can't die. If I was really worried - I'd just grab a few more pills or peaches." Dawn: (*grabs Cherry by the collar of his armor and pulls him closer. eyes glowing red*) Dawn: "I have over twenty times the amount of immortality you have, and I almost f*cking died. The only reason I'm here today is because Guanyin, the goddess of safe birth, was at my side. And because my Macaque would have dragged me back from Diyu if I had. So. Be. Worried." Cherry, nods fearfully: "Y-yes sir."
But the young Monkey King is still super jazzed about his upcoming mini-him. Even if he's now looking up other ways him can become immortal so that he can meet his little pebble and give him the hugs he himself was denied as a baby.
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Lastly this part might need to be it's own post due to the amount of thoughts I has.
[The knowledge that he might be considered divine royalty under Celestial Law would be a bit much for him right now.] Honest question: what do the rest of the SWKs think about that? Like, that has to knock the wind out them, for sure.
Send in more of your thoughts :3
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lint-beetle4 · 1 month
Could you do a three way involving Wukong (switch), Macaque (ftm, sub), and Nüwa (mostly inexperienced, later dom)
Which essentially boils down to our two chaotic monkeys showing her the ropes and how love-making is supposed to be between partners, as her only experience involves her being coerced and sometimes SA’d by her abusive ex-husband (Fuxi).
(Bonus Wukong and Macaque use nicknames like jewel, starlight, and mango for Nüwa, and for each other they use King/Queen, sunlight/moonlight, and peaches/plum)
(I won't write any smut with Nuwa in it, but this request is a bit important to me, so I'm doing it in a more platonic manner with some details shifted around.)
Breaking Traditions (Nuwa-centric, Shadowpeach, fluff and angst)
Below discusses themes of abusive relationships and emotional+physical abuse. Be warned if you are sensitive to those topics.
Nuwa's hands were stained with clay, her hard work finally done as she dragged a stick through mud, watching as the final humans forms, looking at their world with hope and joy. The snake goddess laid in the heavens, watching over as her creations explored the large Earth before them. Time passed quickly, humans falling in love, making children, forming families and countries alike.
In that moment, Nuwa lowered her hand once more to five stones scattered across the earth. Four hatched one after the other in their own corner of the world, celestial primates with powers beyond anything the celestial realm could comprehend. The final stone was laid, left to incubate until its demise was ready. With sad eyes, Nuwa watched her newly created children left their stone egg, the thrum of power and intelligence running through them.
Slowly, the goddess grew lonely, watching as her creations interacted and mingled, battles creating friends and slaying loved ones.
The serpent goddess had longed for connection, the scars of her brother and partner still singed in her soul. Fuxi had left her long ago, a shell of the bright, nuturing person Nuwa once knew. He helped create humans, guiding lost souls and implementing their morals and social order. They were a duo, passionate and tender.
Yet, as humans became crueler, so too, did Nuwa's lover.
Her body hid away scars and faded bruises, yet the biggest wound would forever be in her heart as Fuxi left with nothing more than the words.
"Your heart is fat for the love of children, yet empty of your love for me."
Nuwa stayed in her corner of the universe, watching over children with newfound duty. She would ensure that they survive with what little they have been given.
The celestial monkeys had grown up, centuries of experience on their back with their own respective journeys. Humans had grown to a wonderful species--violence and peace in harmony. Nuwa had gazed down upon the Earth, watching as two celestial monkeys circled each other, laying their eyes upon each other with interest and surprise.
Nuwa witnessed how their life progressed, how the sun shone so brightly that the moon burned in its light. The sun's fire extinguished, only to be sparked anew as light entered the world once more. A journey west happened, the pillar nearly broke, yet here they were--Nuwa's little creations made of love and empty promises--alive and still thriving. The cycle was near completion, and the egg was likely still incubating peacefully, Nuwa thought.
The moon and the sun revolved around each other once more, both slightly dimmer and more broken than they were before, yet they still glowed happily in each other's shattered presence.
Nuwa felt a pang curiosity run through her-- a sensation she hadn't felt in a while.
Seeing her children were together alone, Nuwa summoned them, watching their surprised faces as light enveloped them. The two monkeys landed sounded on the ground, the two of them looking around before their eyes settled on the patient goddess.
"Oh, great. What now?" The ginger monkey--Wukong, she recalls-- growled at her. "Haven't you done enough?"
The Six-Eared Macaque--thankfully, he kept his name-- merely stared expectantly, eyes flickering the plane in a hidden show of nervousness.
"Children, I've watched you live your lives for eons now, watching through every cycle, every reincarnation, and yet, I have only but one question for you." Nuwa leaned down to them, trying to get to eye level of the two expectant monkeys. "How is it that you hurt yet fall in love again?"
"What?" The Six-Eared Macaque scoffed, a bitter, confused expression on his face. "You brought us here to ask us for--for relationship advice?"
Nuwa's face did not betray her, stony and relaxed despite the growing shame she felt--briefly, the snake goddess thought to send them back, to have questions unanswered; yet, she persevered, the hot lashes of her lover fresh on her immortal skin.
"Yes." Her tone was cold--it needed to be, lest her children gain an upper hand.
The two monkeys glanced at each other, silence questions and conversations shared between them before Wukong sighed with a nod.
"Fine, but that question of yours is loaded. Start with something simple--and don't take too much of our time, surely you know how time passes here."
Nuwa nodded, accepting the demand. "I will send you along your way after a few questions. I won't keep you here for long."
Pausing slightly, Nuwa's silence rang through the celestial harmonies along her plane, soon a question formed in her mind.
"Six-Eared Macaque, Wukong has hurt you, yet you come back to him. Why?"
Macaque huffed, his fur pricking slightly at the question before he sent a hesitant gaze to Wukong. At the sight of the ginger monkey's welcoming smile, one of comfort and acceptance, Macaque spoke.
"I was angry--at first. I heard he had a new student, decided to mess with his student. That was supposed to be last of our interactions, but...I owed someone a favor--a big favor, and that meant I had to go against Wukong again."
Macaque's eyes looked away, slight shame in his posture before Wukong laid a hand on his shoulder. Macaque's body relaxed, his shoulder's lowering.
"After I settled my debt, I just...Kept coming back. Whether it because I wanted to mess with Wukong, or his student needed help--I couldn't keep away for long."
Nuwa's eyes spelled interest, her serpent tail coiling into her body.
"Eventually, Wukong and I talked--through everything. We found a middle-ground, something to start off of. I still don't forgive everything that happened, but I know I made my mistakes too. I admitted to them, tried to make up for them, and I keep those memories in my mind, so that I can work on not repeating history."
Nuwa nodded slowly, her eyes clouding with certain memories. Perhaps she was the problem--too clingy, too passive; so much yin, but never enough yang.
Should she return to her husband, beg for forgiveness for things she knows not of?
Should she grovel at her lover's feet, worship him as human once did?
"Wukong, you allowed the Six-Eared Macaque back in your life as did he. You've killed him for trying to kill your master--an eye for an eye. Why is it that you keep him with you?"
"Didn't hear Macaque?" Wukong scoffed, restrained hatred clear in his expression. "We talked. We both made mistakes, some unforgivable, some that we've healed through."
"We worked on our issues, present and past, and when we were ready, we--we decided to test the water, to try and love each other again."
Macaque's eyes softened at Wukong, his tail secretly wrapping around Wukong's.
"We still fight, we still have to step away from each other, but we do so knowing that we have each other's back like we did before. We're trying to heal, and I know that Macaque is trying just as much as I am."
"So you two have accepted each other equally?" Nuwa finished with further intrigue. "How...strange."
Macaque raised an eyebrow, a silent question in the air that Nuwa couldn't avoid.
"I, too, have fallen in love." Nuwa's voice went quiet, a secret shared between the three of them. "A love that has scorn me like fire, as if I gotten too close to the sun and its rays had burnt away my scales and seeped into my skin."
Wukong and Macaque shared another exchanged glance, regret and surprise in their eyes as Nuwa continued.
"I was out-shined by my lover, and for my failures, the sun never soothed my wounds, instead it simply left with nothing more than words I could never forget."
Nuwa lowered herself further--a bow so low that she nearly prostrated herself in her pleas.
"I have one last question to ask of you: how are you able to return to a love that may scorn you once again?"
Macaque took a slight step back, his claws trembling as he clenched them into his hand. Wukong's shock was evident, his hatred turning into a burning pity that further prodded at Nuwa's growing regrets. Yet, it was the dark monkey that spoke, his voice near silent in the white noise of Nuwa's home.
"The sun has hurt you and left you to fend for yourself--tell me, do you wish to return to that life when the sun has given you nothing? Did his rays warm you? Did they merely burn? Have his words even soothed you, softened the blow of his action?"
Nuwa's only response was shame, her eyes avoid the angered stone monkey.
"Why should you return to a star that never shined for you? Why chose to be hurt when there's more to your existence than scars?"
Wukong nodded, his words overpowering the goddess.
"Did he ever say sorry?"
Nuwa shook her head, her eyes filled with sadness and despair. "I've abandoned him--too focused on the welfare of my children, never on him. He worked so hard to create morality and order, yet what have I given him?"
"Suddenly your work is now invisible?" Macaque hissed, eyes boring into hers. "You made all of us, and yet he's the person who put in work."
"It was in equal parts." Wukong argued to Nuwa. "You both have done an equal amount of work into humanity, yet he leaves? What has he done for you?"
"He's helped with so much. Surely, you've all heard." Nuwa held back a sigh, determined to keep her composure.
Macaque growled under his breath, stepping closer to the snake goddess as his whispered to her harshly. "What has he done for you?"
Nothing, the answer was clear. The two worked together, simply claimed the other as their lover. There was nothing between them aside from two lonely gods in an empty universe. Fuxi loved his humans as Nuwa did, yet outside of their work, nothing existed.
Nuwa lowered her head a simple shake of her head. Her heart was full of love for both Fuxi and her children.
Yet, did Fuxi see her as the same?
Were they nothing but shared words and empty promises?
Was his treatment out of irritation for Nuwa or their children?
"Let me repeat myself," Macaque's voice demanded, holding no room for question. "If the sun chooses to hurt you so much with nothing more than lashing fires and burning scares, why choose to chase after it? You, too, are a star yourself, are you not--burning bright with passion and giving warmth and life to those around you?"
Nuwa looked at Macaque with a mixed expression, her expression finally betraying her will, walls crumbling around her mind.
"You choose who you give your light too. Sounds to me like your 'sun,' was simply too proud to lessen his flames, to allow you to shine with him."
Perhaps. Yet, Nuwa couldn't accept it. She longed for her Fuxi to return, the thought of simply never seeing again was unbearable.
"You deserve someone who respects you, goddess or not." Wukong reasoned, his tone softening greatly. "Anyone who doesn't view you an equal is someone who shouldn't be with you, period."
Nuwa lowered her eyes, thoughts buzzing through her brain as she lifted her head, mending her broken expression as she simply released any tension in her with a sigh.
"You've given me much to think about, my children." Nuwa lifted her hands, watching as light sparked throughout the air. "I won't waste your time further."
"Hey." Wukong reached out, calling Nuwa one last time. "Don't settle for less. If you truly want to return to him, don't allow him to hurt you again. You deserve to be loved just as much as you love your creations."
Nuwa eyes widened, understanding rushing through her as a warm feeling replaced the bitter cold in her chest.
To love someone as she loved her children...An interesting thought, a fascinating comparison. Wukong faded into the light, brought back to the mortal world as Nuwa let her thoughts linger.
Such a warm, tender love...sounds so nice to experience.
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platinumrosetail · 10 months
Playtonic Yandere REBORN Nezha Shadow peach yandere monkey king reborn shadowpeach and yandere monkey king hero is back X Pokemon baby female sawble harpy reader
Like the they found a egg that a Beautiful blue with white cloud's on it and it seems some demons really wanted it cuz it can do something they don't know about and planjng on truning the baby into a weapon until ether sun or Macaqua or whoever found yhe egg and saod nope and took tbem home . Please and thank you
Got it! 😁👍 now it’s been a while since I last seen these movies so some things might be remember wrong but I’ll try my best to remember as much as I can for it! 😅 😁 oh! Also my lmk requests is still CLOSED!! So don’t go requesting for any lmk as I’ll just delete them, now movies with monkey king in it sure but no lmk, got it? Thank you for understanding! Also we know macaque wasn’t actually in any of these movies but we like to think that he was and just wasn’t shown or something like that if that makes sense lol.
Warning: noob author, female child reader, platonic yandere characters, and others.
Characters: nezha reborn!shadowpeach, monkey king reborn!shadowpeach, and hero is back!shadowpeach.
Nezha reborn!shadowpeach:
The three little monkeys (do they have names??) found a egg while exploring through the street while being mindful of where they’re going though the was a problem surrounding egg.
They had spotted demons crowding around the egg, one monkey suggested that two of them should distract the demons surrounding the egg as much as possible and as safely as possible while the other goes and get monkey king and macaque.
Sun comes in and took care of the demons, mostly just taunting and making fun of them before knocking them out completely.
The three monkeys showed the egg to sun who was curious on what you were as he never seen an egg like yours.
Sun decided to bring you home to show you to his mate; macaque, and see what he think they should do.
Macaque decided to adopt the egg as he knows what would happen to you if he doesn’t as when you hatch you’ll be used as a weapon in the wrong hands.
You hatched not long after and they were shocked to see a blue baby harpy girl that had clouds for wings, you were very cute so you get stuff easily by using your big innocent eyes if you reach for something you wanted.
Monkey king reborn!Shadowpeach:
The group came across some demons while on their journey to save their master from the king of demons; yuandi, that was underneath the tree that they stole the fruit from.
Monkey king was annoyed at the demons as they were blocking their path so he decided to take care of it and in doing so almost cracked the egg the demons that blocked the road they were on if it weren’t for macaque stopping his recklessness before it could destroy the egg.
(Decided to add macaque on the journey as I thought it made sense plus it helps with the story.)
Macaque scolded monkey king to be careful and mindful on where he attacks as he was about to kill a innocent life in the egg, monkey king grumbled but apologized anyway as he knows not to make his mate mad or else he’ll be punished and not the good kind of punishment (lol I had to 😂).
The group continued on but more careful than before what with the fragile egg that is now with them for now.
Before the battle between them and yuandi they hid the egg far from where they’re battling at to avoid it getting destroyed, and thankfully no one decided to steal it to either eat or raise it the egg as their own which monkey king joked about but was elbowed in the ribs by macaque.
The egg pretty much hatched right after macaque picked it up to hold while they were heading back but now they’ll be traveling back with what looks to be a little harpy girl that has cloud like feathers for wings.
Everyone fawned over you, though monkey king only did it while everyone is asleep at least he thought everyone was asleep macaque is silently watching loving how sweet his mate is to you and what a tsundere he is, one night you look over at macaque while monkey king was doing something real quick and macaque quietly signaled you to not tell monkey king, you didn’t quite understand but you kept quiet anyway as monkey king soon got back to silently fawning over you as macaque quickly pretended to still be asleep.
Hero is back!shadowpeach:
Liuer had found an egg and brought the egg to macaque and his master (the old monk doesn’t have a name from what I see) so they could see what they should do with the egg.
Macaque suggested that they could leave the egg with him as he has experience raising young ones what with the monkey subjects back at flower fruit mountain.
Though tragedy soon came what with the trolls came into the village and were targeting infants, and while in the midst of the chaos macaque and the egg, liuer, and a infant girl was separated from the monk and soon came to a cave after some trolls found them again.
Apparently the cave they had to take a short lived break was the same cave sun wukong aka the monkey king and mate to macaque was sealed in by Buddha. Macaque didn’t know he was sealed so close as all he knew that his mate was sealed by Buddha after fighting with the gods of china and he looked everywhere afterwards but apparently he was right under his nose by being in this cave he didn’t even know was there. It wasn’t until liuer got some blood from his hand onto the hand like statue did macaque begin to realize who was sealed here though the trolls soon was able to get in and began to attack them again.
Monkey king defeated them before moving away to get the chains on him off, macaque was wondering why monkey king didn’t say anything to him when he had the chance and began to follow him along with liuer.
They traveled together and met a pig demon along the way, they had a few troubles on the way what with the trolls and their leader but in the end they were able to defeat their leader though not without a few scares. They egg hatched while they were battling after they won they were met with a very cute baby harpy with cloud like wings and feathers, liuer and Macaque both fawn over you though you’re mostly in monkey king arms macaque teases him about how much monkey king seems to love you like you were his own child which flustered him and had him try and deny it even though it’s true.
(A/n: hope you liked it!! I’m honestly really sad to see not that many fanfics for these movies, I do plan on making one but it’s going to be in the future unless something happens that allows me to make one sooner, I do have a few ideas but that does mean I’ll be making the books now as there’s lots of other things to be done before that so I’m sorry on that, I actually might be able to post some things for it on here for it but that’s probably it anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
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violetjedisylveon · 5 months
Family Trip To Hell (Diyu)
Little Star chapter 7
Summary: Wukong, Liu'er and Ma go to the underworld to get their kiddos names out of the book of the dead. Wukong's mom has a long overdue talk with her son.
Word count: 5.1k
Warnings: Wukong and Macaque's past(mostly Wukong's tho), mentions of death(they're in the underworld), mentions of murder, implications of destructive tendencies,
A/N: There is a very minor OC here, he is a Diyu registrant/receptionist, so I've decided to call him Zhù Cè Rén which means registrant according to the translator I've been using. He and Liu'er are buds so Liu'er calls him Zhù Cè which is to register and that's why his name is that. His name is his job.
Yuze(Wukong and Ma's mom)
Shadowpeach Family AU Masterpost
“Boring! This is the most boring way into the Diyu!” Wukong whined.
This entrance of the Diyu was pretty dull and mildly depressing. All the cool stuff was at another level. For their business today, they didn't need to go too far into the Diyu. Liu'er had insisted on not pissing off the underworld gods, again, so they were going the boring way.
“This place is depressing.” Ma commented, looking around at the large, cave-like passage they were using.
Unlike either of them, Ma had (luckily) never been to the Diyu before.
“It's the underworld, it's not supposed to be very fun.” Liu'er pointed out.
“Eh, guess so.” The albino monkey shrugged, adjusting her grip on Xuěhuā.
They walked for a few minutes longer, following behind Liu'er, they passed another set of guards checking for the living, his mate had a quick chat with the guards, who like all the others were happy to see him again, before they were allowed through.
A little further down, the passage opened up into a larger cavern. There was what looked like a desk carved out of the wall and a demon sitting at it, doing whatever it was underworld demons did when they weren't dealing with souls.
“Zhù Cè!” Liu'er called out, waving to his friend.
The demon glanced over and blinked a few times before scrambling to his feet to greet the shadow monkey.
“Liu'er! I haven't seen you down here in over a century! I was starting to think something happened to you!” The underworld attendant said excitedly.
“I've been a little busy. I thought I told you and yuè mǔ when I was last down here.” Liu'er said, lifting Chao-Xing out of his arms.
The little cub giggled at the sudden uppies. Zhù Cè stared at her with a scrunched up face.
“How in here did you two manage to make something so cute?” he asked, letting the cub grab one of his fingers in her little hands.
“Hey!” Wukong objected.
“No, no, I was wondering that too.” Ma said.
He glared over his shoulder at his annoying older sister. His daughter’s giggles brought his attention back to his mate and their child. Chao-Xing was playing with some squishy ball toy Zhù Cè had on his desk that she somehow got her little hands on.
The demon was staring at the playing baby monkey with more scrutiny than before. He pulled a pair of glasses out of his pocket, leaning closer to the infant.
“Zhù Cè…? What are you doing?” Liu'er asked, slightly leaning away.
“Oh… this is exciting!” Zhù Cè exclaimed, scrambling to write something down in the notebook Liu'er said he always had on him.
“What is exciting?” Wukong asked.
“That is a brand new soul!” Zhù Cè pointed at Chao-Xing.
“We haven't seen one of those in over a thousand years! … Odd that it's just the one, these usually happen in groups… oh! But you two made this one, it's impressive that you made this one, new souls are hard to create and maintain to term-”
“Hang on, can you back up a bit to the whole “brand new soul” part?” Liu'er said.
Yeah, what the actual fuck does that mean?!” Wukong agreed.
The demon shrunk back, searching his desk for something. His dark eyes lit up when he got whatever he was looking for. A heavily used scroll.
“Let's see here … ah- there it is. Celestial monkeys, you two, exist outside of the natural order, your creation doesn't happen the natural way. You don't have past lives, these are the first incarnations your souls have had,” he paused, gesturing towards the now bored infant chewing on Liu'er’s fur, “she's just like you, she doesn't have a past life, she's a new soul.”
Wukong glanced down at his daughter, the cub met his gaze with a cheerful chirp for snacks and cuddles. Liu'er passed her back without much fuss, he settled the little monkey in his arms. Considering how they made her, the new soul idea made sense.
“Does the new soul thing have any negative side effects?” Liu'er asked, masking his worry with a sense of curiosity in his voice.
“Nope. If anything, she's better off than the normal souls, she won't have any of the déjà vu they sometimes get from their past lives cause it doesn't exist for her.” Zhù Cè shrugged, setting his scroll back on his desk.
Wukong's ear flicked, Ma was cutting up a pear for Xuěhuā; the pair of albinos must have gotten bored with all the soul talk that didn't concern them.
“It's no wonder it took you a century to have a kid, new souls are hard to make.” Zhù Cè was saying.
“Really?” He asked, zeroing in on the demon.
The attendant shifted under his gaze.
“Yeah, if you didn't know how to do it right, it wouldn't work, no matter how hard you tried.” He said.
And here he was, thinking the problem had been them all along, turns out the problem was their species.
“That's all very nice, Zhù Cè, but be a dear and step aside. I'd like to talk with my son.”
The voice of Wukong's (recent) nightmares echoed throughout the cavern.
A monkey demon appeared in front of the Kings with crossed arms and a thoroughly pissed expression.
“Oh you are absolutely fucked.” Liu'er whispered.
“Not helping.” Wukong whispered back.
Yuze glared up at her son, scathing green eyes burning his skin as she examined him. She definitely wasn't pleased.
“Mā.” Wukong greeted nervously.
“Shí Hóu.” She growled.
“Yeah, you're so dead.” Ma commented.
Wukong glared at his sister, who cracked up behind him. Yuze growled a low warning, snapping her son's attention back to her.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” She prompted.
“Uh, we had a baby?” Wukong tried, holding Chao-Xing out for his mother to see.
The dull brown and gray monkey glanced down at the cub, happily chewing on her own tail completely oblivious to the tension.
“Cute. You're not getting out of this.” she said.
“I'll just take that from you.” Liu'er took Chao-Xing out of his doomed mate’s hands.
“You are in so much trouble, mister.” She growled.
Yuze grabbed him by his ear, dragging him further along the cavern. He heard Liu'er snickering from behind, and while he knew this was deserved, he couldn't stop himself from shouting,
“Hey! You did a lot of shit too! Why isn't she mad at you?!”
“She already talked to me about all of that. And I visit at least once a decade!” Liu'er shouted back.
Wukong reluctantly let his mother drag him to his doom. She took him further down the path, to a distance where her inevitable shouting wouldn't bother the cubs. No doubt Liu'er would hear every second of it.
Yuze finally stopped and turned around to face him. He winced at the anger in her eyes. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she shook her head.
“You've done a lot of shit, Shí Hóu, I don't have the time or patience to cover everything. Just the big ones, alright?” She said, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“You're not shouting?” He asked in surprised confusion.
He'd been certain his mother would scream and shout, he was so sure she would be furious, that's why he avoided her for so long.
“I thought you were-”
“Shí Hóu, I was, and still am, but shouting won't get us anywhere. Let's just talk, okay?” She gave him a soft, understanding smile.
Tears stung his eyes. Over the centuries he forgot how understanding his mother could be.
“Talking sounds good.” He nodded.
She smiled before gently pushing him down.
“Get down there so I can see you properly.” She instructed.
Once he was sitting, she flicked his hair around with her tail, laughing not so quietly as she paced in front of him.
“Where do you want to start?” He asked nervously.
She paused, her tail tip twitched.
“That lion and his brotherhood.” she growled.
Wukong flinched, his old brotherhood was a sore subject for everyone involved, most recently with the whole DBK situation. Liu'er had never much cared for (or trusted) any of the others during their days as a brotherhood, he'd gotten closer with DBK after, mostly due to his relationship with Princess Iron Fan, and with what the others did, Wukong was perfectly fine with never discussing them again.
“What was the deal with him? Was he really able to convince you of his short sighted delusions that easily?” She asked, looking down at him with something akin to pity.
Wukong shifted under her intense gaze. Looking back, he wanted to strangle his younger self for trusting that liar. He wanted to strangle his younger self for a lot of things actually.
“I thought I could trust him, it was a stupid decision and I really should have seen the signs sooner, but I guess I just ignored them because I liked the way he made me feel.” he admitted slowly.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” She asked.
“I… not with them… not for a while…” he answered.
“And what were you looking for?” she pressed gently.
Wukong didn't want to say it out loud, he knew in his gut she wouldn't be offended, it still felt like a betrayal.
“… help…”
That was the simplest way he could put it. He knew she was well aware of what he was trying to find back then.
“Even when you already had it?” She pointed out.
He winced, she gave him a more stern look.
“You have a bad habit of trying to deal with things yourself, xiǎo guǐ.” she told him.
“Yeah… I know.” He sighed.
“Then why haven't you stopped?” She asked.
He looked up, about to rebut her statement
“Don't say you have, you stayed up on the mountain for three years dealing with a death by yourself, Mihou doesn't count, he had to go through the same shit. You didn't go to anyone about it, you still haven't.” she swiftly cut him off with a sharp stare.
“Back to the point, why did you listen to him over everyone else? Mihou hears the future, his abilities weren't as well developed back then but they still gave him an idea of what would happen, yet you ignored his warnings. I know you were arrogant and headstrong and didn't think about consequences, but that seems pretty extreme for you, you used to always listen to what Mihou said,” she paused and shot him a questioning look, “unless you were worse than I thought you were after I died?”
Wukong gave his mother a sheepish grin.
“Of course.” Yuze sighed heavily, rubbing her face.
“I'd ask where I went wrong, but I know where I went wrong.” She muttered to herself.
“Well, is that the only reason, or is there something else?” She said.
“He was saying what I wanted to hear… what I thought I needed to hear… it was pretty stupid in hindsight.” He said with a weak chuckle.
“Táo huā, everything looks different in hindsight.” She said lightly.
His chest warmed at her words.
“I’m glad you dealt with them, the elephant can be released someday, but the other two can stay in there for eternity for all I care.” She said.
“I couldn't agree more.” He nodded.
There was an awkward (to him at least) lull in the conversation. 
“The eyes are new.” She said finally, gesturing to his face.
“Oh, uh, yeah… they've been like that for a while.” He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.
“I know.” She nodded before letting out another heavy sigh.
“Shí Hóu, we need to talk about what happened on your journey.”
“Mihou and I-”
She raised a single hand.
“You killed your mate. You killed your best friend. We need to talk about that.” She insisted.
“It's one of the reasons you've been avoiding me.” she added, crossing her arms.
Wukong shrunk away from her knowing gaze. 
“Take your glamor down, I bet your hair's a mess.” She instructed.
He would have argued, but she was one hundred percent correct. His hair was a mess, Chao-Xing had decided to climb onto his head on the way here and chew his hair, she was definitely developing a chewing habit.
She sat down behind him, running her skilled fingers through his hair, eliciting fond memories from simpler times when he and his mother would talk about anything and nothing for hours on warm, sunny afternoons.
“I was confused when he showed up dead again, and when he told me what happened… I was… angry to say the least.”
“Now, I know what happened and why it happened, I know that it was a mistake, for both of you…” she trailed off, he felt her claws working through a tough knot.
“But! Just because I understand doesn't mean I'm not still just a little bit disappointed in the both of you. I thought I taught you better.” She finished, moving onto another knot.
“It broke him, you know that? Sure he was partially responsible for it, but never in his life did he think you would kill him, even if it was an accident.”
“He was so hurt when I first saw him, so hurt. He got angry later, but under all that anger and bitterness was a pain he didn't know what to do with.”
“He returned to life lost and broken. He had no idea what to do with himself, and while I suppose he ultimately went down a better path, he very easily could have gone the other way.” She told him somberly.
His mother fell quiet, working on his fur, Wukong finally found it in himself to ask her something.
“Do you know what happened after he came back? He's frustratingly vague about it whenever I ask.” He asked.
“Hmmm… nope!” She chirped smugly, popping the ‘p’.
“You do know!” He shouted, glaring over his shoulder at her.
She laughed, tossing her head back.
“It's not my story to tell Shí Hóu.” She said.
He huffed and turned around grumpily.
“I'm sure you'll find out soon, he's just saving it for some prank.” She patted his shoulder gently.
“You know that you've both been lucky so far, right?” She prompted a few minutes later.
“You worked through that issue, it took you ages and you dragged poor Chenxiang into it, but it's done now. So what are you going to do about the others you have? Or others you will encounter later?” She said, finally working out all the knots in his hair.
“What other issues?” He asked, glancing back at her.
“The business with Demon Bull King? Mihou was pretty upset when he told me about that.” Yuze pointed out.
“Oh.” She knows about that. He guiltily looked away from his mother's sharp green eyes.
“That's another thing I wanted to talk about.” she said, running her hands through his groomed hair, gently pulling and twisting it back into a braid.
“I didn't want him to die…” he admitted.
“Can you explain it?” She requested gently.
“He wasn't stopping, he was hurting innocent people, if he didn't stop they were going to do something about it… so it was either kill him or make him stop some other way!” He shouted
“… and he wouldn't listen to reason…” he finished.
“Reason means little in the face of emotion. You should know that by now.” She scolded lightly.
“I- uh- yeah, I should.” He relented.
“Oh little Shí Hóu, you still have no idea how to communicate.” She sighed fondly.
He huffed at her statement, slightly offended. He could communicate just fine!
“Here’s what you do, when he gets out, and I bet it's going to be soon, you need to have a talk with your brother. Explain your actions and motivations, then listen when he tells you his.” She told him.
“I'll give it a shot.” He said reluctantly.
DBK was unlikely to forgive him for what he did, he could have, should have, done something else. That way Princess Iron Fan wouldn't have had to defend her territory and raise her son all on her own, his former brother could have seen his son grow up, and Wukong took that from him. Gods, why didn't I do something else!
“Get out of your head, Táo huā.” Yuze snapped calmly.
He glanced at her, she raised an eyebrow in amusement.
“I'm still your mother, even if it's been over a thousand years, I know what you look like when you're lost in your thoughts.” She said, tucking a flower she got from… somewhere, into his now braided hair.
“Now, how are you and Mihou going to handle this going forward?” She prompted.
What do you mean?” Wukong turned around to face her.
“Are you going to tell your daughter?” She asked.
“Yes…?” He said uncertainly, praying she wouldn't elaborate.
“The truth, will you tell her the truth?” she specified, narrowing her eyes.
He coughed, he'd been hoping she wouldn't ask that.
“About what?” he asked, feigning ignorance.
Yuze swatted the side of his head.
“All of it, what you two did to each other, what you did to your brother. Are you going to tell her the truth about you?” She almost growled out.
Mango and I haven't even talked about this with each other yet… how the here am I supposed to answer that? He avoided his mother's all too knowing gaze.
“She has Mihou's ears, what will you do when she hears something you haven't told her about yet?”
“They don't seem to work the way his do, maybe they just look the same.” He suggested.
She glared at him. Yeah okay that wasn't the best suggestion, and Liu'er suspected that she would grow into her hearing.
“Are you even going to tell her at all?” Yuze growled.
“I don't know when we'll tell her!” He shouted.
“Once she's old enough to understand for sure, but we will tell her! Eventually.” Wukong insisted.
Yuze rested a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“It is better if you tell her sooner rather than lie to her longer.” She said knowingly.
“Are you going to say anything?” He asked hesitantly.
“I may not agree with your decision but I will respect it. Besides, it is not my story to tell.” she said.
Wukong let out a sigh of relief.
“But if she comes asking, and you haven't told her yet, I won't lie to her.” Yuze warned.
He nodded in understanding. She smiled, satisfied enough to drop the subject, for now. 
“Let's head back, I've got grandkids to meet.” She said, fluffing up the top of his head as she stood.
He followed her up.
“Nuwa wants to know when you'll visit.” Yuze said out of the blue.
Wukong hummed in response. His relationship with his… creator… wasn't the best, not by a long shot.
The goddess never had anything to do with him. It had been easy enough to think that was just because Yuze had taken him as her own when he was younger and didn't know any better. But no! Nuwa had never gotten involved in his life at all, not even when he went to the celestial realm. She never paid any attention to him, never showed him anything but apathetic disinterest.
She didn't care.
That's what he thought for most of his life anyway, the truth wasn't much better.
She didn't think she needed to do any of that.
She hadn't thought she needed to take any action because by the time she realized he existed, Yuze had already taken him as hers and in her opinion, Yuze was doing a better job than she ever could, so she just didn't do anything!
The irony of a Mother Goddess being such a shit parent to her creation was laughable.
“Can’t wait to deal with that.” He grumbled.
Yuze swatted the back of his head.
“Nuwa fucked up, everyone, including her, can agree on that. She thought it was for the best and she was wrong. The important thing is that she realizes and admits she's wrong and she's trying to be better.” Yuze scolded him.
Wukong huffed and rolled his eyes.
“Give it a chance, it's not like you won't be fucking up with your own kid.” She told him.
“Wait, do you think I'm going to mess up that badly?” He asked, dread making his fur puff up.
He already had his doubts, his past experiences with teaching someone hadn’t gone well, if he was that bad of a teacher how bad of a parent would he be?
“Every parent messes up a little bit, mistakes are part of parenting.” She said.
“Really, how did you mess up?” He snapped.
She raised a challenging eyebrow at him, he immediately regretted his question.
“I didn't teach you murder was wrong. Because I didn't think I had to.” she said smugly.
“fuck.” He pouted.
She laughed, tossing her head back, as they finally got back to the main cave.
Wukong stepped to the side to avoid being knocked over by the blur of white slamming into his mother.
“Ma! How have you been, xiǎo guǐ?” Yuze chuckled, hugging her daughter.
Wukong gave his mother and sister some privacy, heading over to where Liu'er was sitting with the cubs.
Xuěhuā was squinting in the direction their mother went, undoubtedly only seeing a fuzzy patch of white in the darkness, while Chao-Xing was chewing her cousin's tail, because they obviously weren't using it.
She stopped using her cousin as a chew toy when she realized he was back. His little cub squealed, reaching her adorable little hands out for him. Chuckling, he let her grab onto one of his fingers.
Unsurprisingly, she started biting it.
“We have got to work on her biting habit.” He said to Liu'er once he sat down.
His moon nodded.
“One of these days she's going to try eating her own ears.” He sighed.
Liu'er's ears were covered in teeny tiny bite marks from their curious cub giving the glowing ears a little nibble whenever she was near them. She didn't have the strength to hurt anyone yet, and when one of them said “ouch” she'd stop and lick the spot she was just biting in a little apology.
It was one of the cutest fucking things he'd ever seen.
“Where'd Zhù Cè go?” Wukong asked, noticing the underworld demon's absence.
“Oh, he had to take care of something, got an urgent message from his boss. He said he'd be back soon.” Liu'er said.
Wukong felt the fur on the back of his neck standing up. He had a gut feeling there was some sort of trouble brewing. A quick glance at his mate showed he had the same feeling.
“We'll talk about it later, if it's not solved. He whispered as Ma and Yuze came back to them.
“If what's not solved?” Ma asked.
“Underworld business. Zhù Cè had to leave.” Liu'er answered easily.
His mother narrowed her eyes skeptically, but didn't make any comment about it. Instead she sat down and flicked her tails towards the pair of cubs.
“Now, who are these cute little cubs?” She asked.
Ma picked up her cub, bringing her closer to their mom.
“This is Xuěhuā, they can't see shit and refuses to wear glasses.” Ma said, setting the toddler cub into Yuze's arms.
The mostly blind cub blinked their pale eyes cluelessly at the strange monkey.
“Who you?” they asked.
“I'm your grandmother.” Yuze said.
“Mama's Mama?” They inquired.
“Yes, that's me.” She answered.
“You smell good. I like you.” Xuěhuā chirped, happily cuddling up to her.
“Well, I'm so glad I smell good.” Yuze chuckled.
“Yeah, smell like a baby! Sweet!” Xuěhuā nodded aggressively.
“Like a baby? No that can't be right, babies are stinky.” Yuze shook her head.
“I can prove!” Xuěhuā insisted.
They scrambled out of their grandmother's hands, scurrying over to Chao-Xing sitting on his lap.
“Can I borrow?” Xuěhuā asked him.
He glanced at Liu'er, his moon nodded, a soft smile on his face at the toddler's antics.
“Sure thing kiddo.” He allowed.
Xuěhuā squealed, happily taking Chao-Xing out of his lap. The smaller cub let out a confused squeak as she was carried over to the brown and gray monkey.
“Here! Smell!” Xuěhuā demanded, shoving their cousin into Yuze's face.
Chao-Xing gave them the angriest baby face she could muster up.
“Hmm, this baby doesn't smell like a baby, she smells like fruit.” Yuze said.
“That's all uncles feed her!”
“hmm… I think this baby is made of fruit.” Yuze concluded.
“No! She's not fruit!” Xuěhuā giggled.
“Here! You check!” The albino toddler just dropped his cub.
He swore he had a heart attack.
Nothing happened, Yuze had her hands underneath Chao-Xing the entire time in case Xuěhuā slipped.
“Xuěhuā, you can't drop the baby.” Ma scolded lightly.
“Okay.” Xuěhuā turned back to Yuze.
“She's not fruit.” Xuěhuā stated confidently.
“I guess not.” Yuze conceded to the cub.
“Oh! She's got two tails! And glowies! I like glowies!” Xuěhuā chirped.
“I bet she's much easier to find.” Yuze agreed, frowning slightly at the cub in her hands.
“How old is she?” She asked.
Wukong's tail twitched anxiously.
“About six months.” He said.
“She's a bit small, does she eat enough?” She inquired, her fur puffing slightly.
“She's got Wukong's appetite.” Liu'er snorted.
“Ah, well all cubs grow differently, some slower than others.” She said.
“What's this little one's name?” she asked.
“Sun Chao-Xing.” His moon said proudly.
“How long of a fight was that one?” Yuze snickered.
“They fought for about a decade.” Ma said.
Wukong stuck his tongue out at his sister.
“I'd expect nothing less.” His mother laughed.
They spent another hour or so talking more until Zhù Cè finally came back, with the king of the underworld himself in tow.
King Yama had the Book of the Dead and miffed expression on his face.
“Sun Wukong, you are permitted to remove the names of your child and your sister's child, no others.” Do you understand?” The king growled.
Before he could even say anything to the underworld king, his mother grabbed him by his ear, yanking him towards her.
“Don't try anything.” She warned with a growl.
“I won't! I promise!” he squealed, absolutely embarrassing himself in front of the present company.
Yuze released him. He rubbed his sore ear. The underworld king had a barely concealed smirk on his face.
“I understand.” He nodded.
“Very well, the pages have been marked in advance.” King Yama said, opening the book.
Wukong took Xuěhuā’s name off first, then Chao-Xing’s. He didn't get to take much of a look at the page once he crossed his daughter's out, Yama shut it before he could get a good look.
“Your business is finished here. Please get out of my domain.” King Yama ordered somewhat politely.
Liu'er snickered. Wukong knew Yama had a pretty good reason for not wanting him down here, the last time he was here he wrecked a lot of important stuff looking for answers, but that didn't mean he wasn't a bit offended by it. Yuze grabbed his arm.
“Yes, you're on your way out now, I'll see you to the exit.” She said, glaring at him pointedly.
He rolled his eyes, it's not like he had any reason to cause trouble this time. Liu'er said goodbye to Zhù Cè, Wukong noticed the demon was considerably more nervous than he had been before.
Maybe Yama’s mad he wasn't doing his job. He thought.
He and Liu'er walked ahead of his mother and sister, they were talking about ways to see each other more frequently, apparently his mother had a few favors with Nuwa she could cash in.
The only good thing he could say about his creator is that it certainly looked like she was trying.
They reached the entrance to the Diyu pretty quickly, Liu'er was wished goodbye and good luck by everyone they passed.
“Don't let the little ones test their immortality too much.” His mother warned lightheartedly, playfully flicking each cub's fur up with her tail.
“We won't.” Ma said, hugging their mother.
“We leaving nǎi nai?” Xuěhuā asked sadly.
“Cheer up bèi, you'll see me again.” Yuze told the cub.
“Okay Nǎi nai! Bye!” Xuěhuā chirped, waving their hand excitedly as Ma stepped through to the other side.
“You two be careful with that little one there okay?” Yuze said.
“Of course Mā.” Liu'er nodded to her.
“And don't smother her either.” She added.
“We won't.” Wukong laughed.
“I expect to see you again before she turns two.” She said, giving them both a tight hug.
She had to stand on her toes to reach them properly.
“You both got too tall.” She huffed.
They all laughed.
“Well, you better not keep Ma waiting.” Yuze said.
“Right, see you soon.” Wukong said.
Yuze watched her son and son in law leave the Diyu. She turned, heading back into the Diyu.
The realm’s King was beyond her reach, he didn't like her much anyway. Zhù Cè was helpfully scared of crossing her, he had let her know when her son arrived.
The registrant paled once he saw her.
“Zhù Cè, what's going on down here?” She asked.
“I'm afraid I can't tell you that.” He admitted.
She glared at him.
“Is it going to be a problem?” She prompted.
“No…” he glanced away.
“Is it a problem for my family?” She hissed.
“I'm really very sorry, but I can't tell you.” Zhù Cè insisted.
She growled.
“It is none of your concern regardless.” King Yama said from behind her.
She glared over her shoulder.
“I think it's time you returned to your mistress, monkey.” He sneered.
“You know, I'm glad I don't have to be stuck here.” She snarled, baring her fangs at the King as she left the underworld.
Nuwa glanced up once she returned.
“How'd it go?” the Mother Goddess asked nervously.
“Yama is an asshole.” She growled.
“Something happened in the Diyu while we were down there. He doesn't want anyone to know what it is.” She crossed her arms with a sigh.
“Think it means trouble?” She glanced at the goddess.
“It's not anything good, that's certain.” Nuwa sighed.
Yuze watched her friend carefully, she had been acting differently for the last three years. Something weighed heavily on her mind.
“I got to meet the little one.” She said, changing to a lighter subject.
“What's she like?!” Nuwa asked excitedly.
Yuze smiled, happy to spend the rest of the day gushing about their granddaughter and her grandchild.
I rushed it a bit at the end, mostly cause I just wanted this chapter to be done. I've been working on it for almost 4 months. It was fun but lots of big emotion stuff and it kept getting away from me and I have a bunch of notes on the stuff in this chapter so please feel free to ask questions if anything confuses you!
Next chapter is shenanigans!
VJS Out!
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abyssal-art · 1 month
I heard that you're working on an LMK au. (I am too lol) Can you share some details about it if you're comfortable with that?
Yessss I’ve been wanting to share!!
Name’s being workshopped, but it’s gonna be something centered around the Samadhi Fire- specifically the idea that Red Son followed the story of JttW a bit more and mastered the Samadhi Fire as a kid,,, somewhat
I love Red’s whole firey and short tempered personality so I wanted to keep it here- so how would that kind of power, which clearly reacts to strong emotions, work if he kept it through the story of lmk?
I’m gonna do a sort of comic format for this at some point but rn I’m getting the basics so this is mostly a skeleton of an idea
The design idea I’d have for Red Son would be more cliche demonic and how I interpreted him while reading Jttw on my own- also thought the son of the Demon Bull King should have horns,,, so,,
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I’ve shared this design before- I’ll update it when I get the chance but this is what I’ve kinda been using :3
What’ll it kind of be like?
I’m thinking of starting with pre-show stuff, then work onto the pilot and onwards. There’ll def be differences, esp around s3, so expect that
Who else will be involved?
Just me rn lol- if anyone likes this concept and wants to swap ideas, my DMs and asks are always open!!
What character relations are going to be here?
Spicynoodles will be the big one- not as prominent plot wise but it’ll be there bc I like the ship and perhaps angst
Might have some freenoodles im the background- they’re canon in my mind
I will NOT include Shadowpeaches. In this AU the mystic monkeys are all brothers- that’s my personal interpretation of lmk, but no shame if you ship em :]
Any other tidbits or notes?
Expect angst! This entire au came from a daydream while listening to Crush my Johnny Manchild and the Poor Bastards. Won’t go for the meaning of that song, but for any big warnings there will be:
Alcohol, character death, general trauma stuffs, accidental self harm, whole lotta fire damage
I’m working thru my fascination and fear of fire all in one!!
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lunar-wandering · 2 years
Shadowheart AU
If not obvious this is a Shadowpeach centric AU. It’s mainly a comedy but the way I’m gonna lay this out is gonna make it feel like an angst AU at first purely because it makes the punchline funnier that way.
Anyways, so;
Macaque just straight up doesn’t speak for the first half of this AU, aka, all of the canon show thus far. He covers his mouth with his scarf, and does mumble sometimes, but it’s too quiet for anyone to hear.
Wukong, knowing that the Macaque that he knew would absolutely never shut up, is under the impression that this one is an imposter, aka someone pretending to be his dead friend. Macaque can’t tell him that this is not the case, as he refuses to speak.
Macaque does have a method of communication though. He uses note cards.
Wukong, in episode 9: there's no way that's the real Macaque, the Macaque I know would've NOT shut up while doing all this awful stuff Macaque: (pauses in the middle of being about to throw an attack, digs through his pockets, pulls out a piece of paper and yeets it at Wukong's face) Wukong: gAH- Wukong, peeling off the paper and looking at it: .... -(The paper says "You're a dumbass")- Wukong: ....did you fucking have this prewritten??? -(another piece of paper smacks Wukong in the face- this one having ‘YES’ written on it)-
Macaque has a heart shaped clip on his scarf, Wukong has a heart shaped clip in his hair. (Pictures of the designs will be at the bottom of this post)
Macaque’s clip turns blue when Lady Bone Demon partially possesses him, and when he’s freed by the Samadhi fire it turns grey and breaks in half, causing his scarf to come loose from around his shoulders, so he has to cling to it to prevent it from falling.
Wukong's clip shatters when he's possessed. His hair, normally kept in a braid in this AU, also ends up loose. (He continues to wear it mostly loose afterwards). When he's freed, Macaque rebraids that tiny bit and takes out one half of his heart clip thingy, and uses it in replacement of the one Wukong lost. The half a heart in Wukong's hair turns purple and the one Macaque puts back on his scarf turns golden pink.
Wukong was too tired to protest the action in the moment/was lost in thought over the idea of his old friend being alive and decided to indulge in the illusion for a bit, and then later he just... can't seem to want to get rid of the heart clip. He stares at it like "this isn't from the real Macaque, it's from an imposter" but still just, has this part of him that so desperately wants to believe in the illusion so he just... leaves it.
Post Lady Bone Demon's defeat, Wukong begrudgingly lets Macaque hang around even though he's still under the impression that he's, yknow, not the real Macaque. Even so though, he did help out, and MK is weirdly deciding to let him hang around, so Wukong lets him stay.
Wukong finds out Macaque is the real Macaque after seeing him sitting on Flower Fruit Mountain with his glamours down, playing with the monkeys like he used to. He promptly leaves for like, 4 days to process this revelation.
He also kicks a tree half way across the mountain during this time.
Okay. Time to reveal the main plot point. The reason Macaque doesn’t talk. Drumroll please.
Macaque is cursed to end every sentence with “I love you”.
Obviously since this is Macaque and he wouldn’t want to be caught dead saying “I love you” in ANY context, he decided to just shut up entirely.
This of course leads to scenes earlier in the AU such as;
Wukong: how dare you. how dare you impersonate him. do you know how much he meant to me? He was my world. Macaque, under his breath: tch, says the one that killed me- I love you Wukong, genuinely didn’t hear: w h a t?? Macaque, too flustered to do anything else: (punches Wukong in the face)
What’s REALLY fun about this AU is that in this AU specifically. Wukong’s love language is words. So after Macaque’s curse get’s revealed they’re both just dying 24/7.
It’s hysterical really. Like;
Wukong: i swapped your coffee with decaf mint flavoured tea Macaque: i fucking hate you, i love you Wukong: getting mixed messages but i love you too-
And then there's twenty seconds of silence and then Macaque has his head on the kitchen counter and is clinging trying to use it to keep himself from fully melting into the shadows and Wukong is putting his hands over his face and quickly walking away because he said "i love you too" on IMPULSE.
Wukong is the LAST PERSON to find out about the curse by the way. Everyone else found out about it because Macaque slipped up and said “Thank you, I love you.” when someone handed him something, and although the others thought nothing of it at first, Macaque immediately tried to backpedal and stumble his way out of what he just said, and since he has to end every sentence with “I love you” he basically ends up outing himself.
The way Wukong does find out about the curse is something in and of itself though.
Y’see, Macaque wanted to apologize to Wukong. For obvious reasons. He'd already done so for the others through doing requested favours and stuff and writing apologies to them but he had NO IDEA how he should start trying to apologize to Wukong.
So he goes to Sandy for advice, and, well, as it happens, Wukong happened to be secretly chilling on top of one of the crates on Sandy’s boat when this occurred.
Macaque: ........how do i tell Wukong I'm sorry -I love you? Sandy: well telling him you're sorry will probably take a while, you've had a long history with him and theres a lot to make up for, starting with smaller actions and favours first might work. Now though, telling him you love him would take quite a bit longer- Macaque: thATS NOT WHAT I MEANT THAT WAS THE CURSE AND YOU KNOW IT- I LOVE YOU Sandy, patting Macaque on the head: mhm yep i love you too lil monkey
Wukong falls off the crate he was sitting on and down into the water, but neither Sandy nor Macaque notices.
Wukong tries to just ignore it at first. Macaque starts doing small chores and favours around Flower Fruit Mountain and Wukong tries his absolute best to pretend that this is normal.
Eventually this accumulates to Wukong forcing Macaque to verbally apologize to him on his doorstep, except this backfires horribly because hearing the first “I love you” being technically directed at him absolutely murders him on the spot. Macaque doesn’t even notice Wukong break over it because he himself gets so flustered after two sentences that he instinctively teleports away.
Them actually talking through their issues actually takes at least a week because they both keep getting distracted by Macaque’s curse and have to take hour long breaks after only a couple minutes of conversation.
There’s a couple more things other than that but I think I’ll stop this post here by saying that when they kiss each other they leave behind little heart shaped marks on each others faces.
Oh. One last thing actually.
Once they get back together, Wukong calls Macaque “his Shadowheart” in this AU.
Anyways here’s the low quality design notes I have for this AU.
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floretskybright · 1 year
Shadow's Realm AU (Shadowpeach)
MK concept
Guayin discovered what was happening from a drunk and depressed Wukong and made a plan to reunite the two monkeys , she created MK and gave him two bodies , one in the shadow's realm and the other in the mortal realm , so he could switch between the two worlds. The events of the lmk serie goes mostly the same but when MK goes to sleep in the mortal realm he's awake in the Shadow's world and is the adopted son of Macaque and the astral vessel of Wukong , MK will understand the situation and what to do after growing up
(Wukong doesn't know MK is his son because in the Shadow's realm he looks like another primate , Macaque doesn't know either because he doesn't look at the mortal realm anymore so he doesn't suspect Wukong's sucessor and their kid to be the same person , MK also goes by another name in the shadow's world given by Wukong and Macaque)
The MK of the mortal realm is adopted by Pigsy and Tang , the rest of the cast acts the same
It's a running joke that MK thought that his parents were the monkey king and the six eared macaque when he was young , not knowing it was the truth and thinking he was simply a fan even when they find strange for one of the parents to be the dead Macaque , MK eventually gave up convincing them until he found his father Wukong in this realm
Later when Wukong still doesn't know that Macaque and him are real and not him hallucinating MK try to make him see the truth. ( All between the events of the serie)
When Wukong and Macaque finally talk the three of them will be a family of three , for real this time , and Macaque will create another vessel so the three can live some days in the mortal realm and others in the shadow's realm.
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night-foxbear · 3 months
Hellooo Monkie Kid fandom!
I am not new to the fandom, but this is the main acc I made for this hyperfixation is
My other socials are:
•Tiktok: fox_bi|@fox_newmoon
•Twitter: Night|@BlueStarFennec
•AO3: Imma-Not-A-Lady-Im-A-Queen
•Discord: Night Fox|@icarusnight
•LioDen: RedFoxBear
•WolvDen: NightFoxBear
Here, I hope to:
•Engage with the fandom more
•Share some of my art occasionally
•Share my headcanons
•Maybe write some stuff if people request for it (scenarios, imagines, drabbles, headcanons, and one-shots)
•Talk about my current fanfic project known as ‘Make A Deal With God’, and
•And just share my thoughts in general over the series
Some other stuff I am into:
•Warrior Cats
•Under 18+
•LGB w/o T
•People uncomfortable w/ NFSW
This is a safespace for:
•Muslims (as a Christian, I will not tolerate Islamphobia on my page)
•🍉 activists (Zionists ain’t welcome here)
•Non-zionist jews (supporting Gaza does not mean I will have room for antisemitism on my page)
•Aspec people (Not one of y’all, but you lot are so chill)
•Trans people (Personally, I am cis, so I apologize for anything offensive I say ahead of time)
•Mspec people (As a bisexual, we mpsecs stick together)
•ND people (also literally my people)
•POC (i’m mostly white and I am raised white, so criticism and feedback for when I step out of line is greatly appreciated)
•Respectful Christians, atheists, and whomever else
•Disabled people
•Furries (personally not one, but y’ll are mostly chill)
•Therians (Also not one, but I respect you guys)
•Indigenous folk (y’all are literally so cool)
•Hispanics/Latinos (My grandma is from Mexico, and I really wanna reconnect with the community as a whole, so I especially you lot with open arms)
•Artists (esp beginner artists)
•LMK/Crossover lovers (my people!)
•People who don’t ship MK with Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Wukong, Macaque, or Azure
•People who don’t ship Mo, Bai He, Nezha, and Tripitaka with anyone
•Rarepair shippers (I love you all sm)
•Shadowpeach shippers (the brainrot is so frfr)
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cloud-somersault · 7 months
hey so finally found some time to read the epilogue (SUCK IT UNI) and got too excited to finish the first chapter bc i wanted to let you know that i LOVE your macky pov!!!!
it has his sneakiness, his distrust, his pessimism and confusion AND I LOVE IT!!!
also love your concept on the maturity of immortals bc i know it was sort of a once off line for context sake to explain Mac’s expectations with Wukong but i would love to read more of your thoughts on immortality and maturity 👀 if you’re interested <3
AWW THANK YOU!!! That's the second comment i've gotten about how i write Macaque, so it's very relieving to hear. I wanted people to INSTANTLY understand that this is a whole ass different character and the way he thinks and what he thinks about are important. He’s very snarky, distrustful, angry, hurt, pessimistic, and lost. Macaque has such strength after everything he’s been through. He acknowledges that he’s lost. He knows that he’s unsure of what he wants to do considering killing Wukong or not, but he gets up and walks forward anyway. I really admire that about him.
About immortality and maturity — I mostly wanted to show how those things can vary dramatically depending on the individual. Maturity highly depends on the person’s background, their experiences, the people they meet, the friends they make. We are molded by others. We are a collection of important bits and pieces of other people and our environment. We are shaped in this way. But everyone is shaped differently and at different rates.
If we look at just shadowpeach, it’s vastly different between them.
Macaque shows maturity because all he does is think about outcomes and he makes decisions based on those outcomes. He ponders possibilities so often because of his ability to see into the future. Since he’s cursed, he can only see potential futures. If he wasn’t cursed, he could get more concrete info. But either way, he takes every outcome, every perspective, everything into account before acting. When he acts, it’s intentional. He waits. He stalks. He gets all his ducks in a row and then fires them off one after the other so the other person is so stunned and confused they don’t even see him coming.
Macaque has patience to put his plans into fruition, that’s a part of the reason why he’s so confused as to what he’s going to do. He knows he has the capacity to wait this out. He is not irrational. He’s logical. He doesn’t act on impulse. Every action he takes is methodical. He owns up and takes responsibility for his actions. He’ll admit fault. He might begrudgingly do so, but he’ll do it. And he does prioritize other people’s well-being. He saved MK and he’d do it again.
But Macaque is roughly the same age as Wukong and shows such awareness and respect for himself and understanding for how the world works. He’s been shaped by life experiences, but what he’s taken from them is different compared to what Wukong has taken from those experiences.
Wukong still shows signs of immaturity despite his immortality. He’s still kind of reckless (running off to fight LBD alone). He’s impulsive (running off to get LBD info and leaving MK behind). He’s not great at making plans. He doesn’t understand how others feel about him. Mei told him that MK and co. are his friends — Wukong didn’t see it that way. He was shocked by this, by how upset Mei was. He always has this distance with people and with MK’s friends. The one he’s truly close to is MK himself.
But Wukong is shaped by his experiences. He rushes forward because that works 90% of the time for him. He’s solved issues that way. He goes in without a plan because he’s smart and witty and mischievous and he’s gotten himself (and others) out of trouble just with his quick thinking many times before. He’s not great at making plans because so often the plan doesn’t work out. He makes an outline but understands that things go awry and the unexpected can happen. He knows that frustration of things not going according to plan.
So, Wukong is shaped by these experiences. And he has grown wiser. He knows more about the world. He’s enlightened. He’s disciplined and knows to think for at least a second before rushing in. He’s willing to talk instead of going straight to violence. But all those centuries he spent fighting demons — that has an impact on him. It affects his maturity. Because what did he take from those experiences? We know he learned from the Great Monk and the other pilgrims. We know he wised up, but in comparison, Wukong is just a different person, and he learns things in different ways. And it can take a while for someone to unlearn some behaviors and this is an immortal being — it’ll take even longer for him to unlearn things.
Time to an immortal is strange and warped. It works completely differently. It’s been thousands of years since the pilgrims died, and Wukong still has things to learn. They set him on the path, but he has to keep walking it. But he’s hurt because his friends aren’t with him… The people who started him off on this journey are gone, and he’s reluctant to open his heart to others. That’s why it’s so important that he’s willing to make new connections now and repair old ones. Now he can be influenced by other people by getting their perspectives, understanding their experiences, listening and talking to them and broadening his horizons.
Mortals, comparatively, live for such a short time — they cram everything they can into their lifespan because they know it’s limited. An immortal doesn't have that constraint. They can stay emotionally immature as long as they want. You could argue that the limit of time and the prospect of death is essential to change. That fear can compel people to do ridiculous things. Without that fear, what drive do you have to change? You change to…keep your relationships, to better yourself, to learn and grow, but an immortal may not find those things valuable. They may value other things like comfort or rest or magic or whatever.
It’s something to keep in mind. I think the differences in their maturity is a huge hurdle for shadowpeach, and it’s one that’s stemmed from their past. They think very differently, so they work well together, but when it comes to subjects they don’t necessarily agree on or when it comes to confronting someone or fighting someone, they may argue about how to go about it. They may take different views from something that’s said to them. They react in different ways. They’re mad for different reasons.
But that’s what’s so interesting about characters and about people, too. The way they respond and the many different ways they respond. The difference in thinking and how we arrived there…it’s fun to write about, it’s fun to have two conflicting viewpoints combating each other. And that’s why people like rivals and enemies to lovers so much. It’s that coming to an understanding, it’s the effort to reach a good place. It’s jumping over that hurdle just to be with the other person.
That’s what draws us in.
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imminent-danger-came · 5 months
hi (its the anon who sent you the ask about misogyny lol/correct opinions anon (i dont think my opinions are that great but thank you!) except im not on anon anymore lol) ive been meaning to ask you now you feel about the hero mk warrior mei thing; its by far the most popular interpretation of the hero and warrior dichotomy being applied to mk and mei and it IS a concept İ personally like in my head (İ ❤️ tragedy) but the fandom interpretation has kind of ruined it for me (personally) because it feels like a lot of people only take mk's role in the narrative into consideration and just kind of slot mei into the warrior role without much thought toward her actual character or importance to the plot. that doesnt mean İ hate the idea by any means, but it does kind of make me more critical towards it lol
İ am personally kind of biased towards the hero mei warrior mk thing because for one, İ think mei-swk parallels create such an interesting conflict for mei, and two, because its the less popular interpretation in the fandom İ dont have to see as many bad takes on it haha (im joking)
(also there are SO many parallels between mei & swk that i rarely see pointed out by other fans... like i outside of you i dont see Imk bloggers point them out very often 💔 (ive *never* seen someone point this out before but do think mei stealing the jacket she that gives to mk in 3×02 from ao guang parallels swk stealing the staff from ao guang?))
all of that aside though, im not personally sold on either of these options! İ dont think mk & mei directly fit into the roles of the hero and warrior in the same way as macaque and wukong did! to me it feels like the hero & warrior dichotomy is being set up to be subverted by the show to an extent (whether thats because the show is going to have mei take on the role of the hero, or because mk and mei wont fight at all, or a secret third thing is up to your personal interpretation lol); especially when you take into account the average audience's perspective on the hero and warrior stuff; the obvious conclusion that ive seen most people make is to have mk as the hero and mei as the warrior with most people not even considering mei as the hero/mei paralleling swk! İ dont think this means that mei-swk parallels dont exist (İ spent a decent bit of this ask talking about them LOL) but because they require more inference on the audience's part they dont get talked about as much, which does make me think that show is going to call it into attention at some point (although İm not great with predictive analysis haha, im mostly just putting my thoughts on the table here)
thats pretty much all İ have to say on the topic lol (sorry İ rambled so much haha) im not sure that last bit makes sense AT ALL but hear me out im cooking! İ meant to reccomend some songs that İ thought fit the Imk characters ages ago that İ forgot about lol, anyway İ think burn by the cure is SUCH a samadhi fire mei song. like its one of those songs where it feels like it was made for the character. big shot by jhariah fits like. 90% of the Imk cast imo. like İ know everyone in the comments section is talking about spamton and yes the song is very spamton coded BUT if you erase all your preexisting memories of spamton and only imagine monkie kid characters with it, it becomes a macaque/mei/swk/mk/whoever-coded song. like "think you're a big shot / İ think you're raveled up in a tangle of did nots / you're always just a bit shy, following behind" is so shadowpeach divorcecoded to me. "yeah it's not fair, İ know it's not fair / you aint the only star that's been left for dead" is so shadow play coded to me (it sounds more shadow play coded in the actual song trust me here). İ also think martyr by depeche mode is a samadhi fire mei song (although im pretty sure you could say any depeche mode song is Imk character coded and youd be right aha) also İ think ヘヴンリーユー by lonepi kind of goes down the same route as big shot where you could apply it to multiple lmk characters and it would still fit. its kind of a mei & mk take on the roles of the hero and warrior type thing to me (their asses are NOT escaping samsara!) (one of the english translations of one of the lyrics is literally "time and time again" (what mei says in 3x10) İ think those are all the songs ive been meaning to mention here as of right now ! sorry if this ending seems abrupt İ just dont know how to end asks haha
faggotvivsection I can't believe it was you the whole time! *MK 2x05 voice* What a twist! I always enjoy seeing you in my notes, so hello :)
Anyways, as for the 3x02 Mei and Wukong parallels, I think it goes deeper than just Mei stealing the jacket!
Ao Guang: "Stealing from me? On orders from the Monkey King no doubt."
Mei also steals the map from Ao Guang on behalf of Wukong, just like he had stolen the staff in the past. I think in a way, the map and the staff were both "roadmaps" to get more power, you know. The map enabled them to unseal the rings, and the staff gave Wukong a suitable weapon.
Ao Guang specifically comments on both Mei and Wukong's weapons, Mei with her sword and Wukong with stealing the staff. In a way, both of their weapons are dragon related, one from the Dragon of the West and another from the Dragon of the East.
When it comes to hero and warrior mk/mei, I lean towards both! I think they're both the hero and the warrior for each other in their own respective ways. I love warrior Mei specifically because of 3x10, and because MK refuses to abandon her thus subverting the typical progression of the hero warrior dynamic (even if he can often be dismissive of Mei, stealing things from her [2x06, 3x03], putting a strain on his relationships for power [1x06, 2x03, 2x06, 2x07, 3x03]). I think moving forward however, Hero Mei and Warrior MK are far more likely to play out!
I have a whole samadhi fire part 3 tag centered around a parallel prediction, where we continue the parallel that was set up in 3x10 and 4x08, and while MK is on the verge of destroying the world have Mei get through to MK and reach him. In 3x10 MK is actually able to reach Mei...but in 4x08, MK runs away before Mei can make it to him. So if we had a moment where they were able to close that gap, and neither of them leaves, it'd be really satisfying. I am a huge believer in Hero Mei Warrior MK, don't let anyone ever tell you it isn't real.
Anyhow, onto the song recs:
Burn by the Cure
"Oh don't talk of love" the shadows purr Murmuring me away from you "Don't talk of worlds that never were The end is all that's ever true There's nothing you can ever say Nothing you can ever do" Still every night I burn Every night I scream your name Every night I burn Every night the dream's the same Every night I burn Waiting for my only friend Every night I burn Waiting for the world to end
What a "Samadhi Fire Mei pov toward MK" song am I right. It's also very Warrior Mei ("It follows the tragic tale of a legendary Warrior, and how those who bring light into this world, inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear" -> "Oh don't talk of love the shadows purr", love a good light and dark motif)
Big Shot by Jhariah
Though I may love Spamton, and this is a very stage motif-y "There is no audience" kinda song, I do get the Shadow Play vibes (it's also giving theater Kid Macaque versus Wukong have stage fright lol), and over course it's overtly shadowpeach-esque. I also get a little bit of s2/s3 Macaque @ MK, especially with "You ain't the only star that's been left for dead"
Yeah it’s not fair, I know it’s not fair You ain't the only star that’s been left for dead I asked about your name on the moon It was quiet nobody knew you Aim like an atom who swears it’s going to shoot you Are you the only one-of-one to be found? If you could see the rest, would it bring you back down? You’re no big shot, think you’re a big shot I think you’re raveled up in a tangle of did nots You’re always just a bit shy, following behind I think you’ve spent enough time Singing the same lines
Martyr by Depeche Mode
I've been a martyr for love And I will die in the flames As I draw my last breath As I close in on death I will call out your name I've been a martyr for love Nailed up on the cross While you're having your fun As the damage is done I'm assessing the cost
THE SAMADHI FIRE MEI @ WUKONG OF IT ALL. Mei having to bear the consequence of Wukong's decisions, potentially burning herself from the inside out.
ヘヴンリーユー (Heavenly You) by lonepi
As the moon waned, I realized you weren't with me anymore. As the dawn of the new day broke, I hid my tear-swollen voice amidst the morning dew. You had said something like, "It's all my fault that you're this way." That's right, it's your fault. But just remember, that's not all of it. Every time my positives overcome the negatives, you toss them in the trash and do it over. You've stanched all those opportunities away from me time and time again.
The first pair that comes to mind is MK @ Wukong, or Macaque @ Wukong, but I think MK @ Mei would be interesting, even if not exactly canon. Mei is carrying MK's mental health on her lone shoulders, so that being disregarded in favor of blaming her for his problems...I dig that sort of broken Mei & MK dynamic.
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months
¿Qué opinan el Canon!LMK gang del DadBod!Wukong au y el no tan sutil MomBod!Macaque au? Uwu
translated via google;
"What do the Canon!LMK gang think of the DadBod!Wukong au and the not-so-subtle MomBod!Macaque au? Uwu"
Mostly they're more taken aback by the Au Wukong and Macaque's casual/comfy vibes at first. It's only when they all sit down to discus universe differences that it get brought up.
Canon!MK, whispering: "Hey... how come your Monkey King is a little... out-of-shape?" Au!MK: "Out of shape?? He's always been like that. I mean he got a little bigger cus of the Eclipse twins, but he's always been fluffier than bama." Canon!MK: "Dang... wait. Does my Monkey King have a dad bod he's been hiding it with glamours?" Canon!Mei: "I wasn't gonna bring up your Macaque's hips cus he's your mom but... god damn how does he find pants that fit?" Au!Macaque, popping in behind the kids: "Stretch-fit mostly. Lifesavers once you've carried a bunch of kids." Canon MK & Mei: (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄) "Sorry Macaque." "Yeah, sorry other us's mom." Au!Macaque, chuckling: "No worries kiddos. I once got stuck in my own shadow portals cus of these things."
Meanwhile the canon Shadowpeach are looking at their au selves in amazement, fear, and envy - mombod!Macaque's hips + dadbod!Wukong's tummy and thighs making their canon selves think unholy thoughts about eachother.
Also the fact that the au shadowpeach couple are noticeably older? Like?? SWK likely never thought about what he would look like with wrinkles and a few gray hairs, and Mac wasn't sure he'd ever live that long. It gives them a weird sense of excitement and comfort to see their au selves looking older and happy.
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