#mostly kryon
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icarus-suraki · 18 days ago
I have a small(ish) collection of witchcraft books, all of which I got for free when someone dropped them off as a library donation (we weren't going to add them to the collection, so I just took 'em). And I keep debating about passing them on to whoever might want them because, like, I'm not doing anything with them. They're just hanging out and taking up space. Most of the titles are still in print. A lot of them are basic Llewellyn publications. One is just a basic Big Blue Buckland. A number of them are by Cunningham or Campanelli (and Silver Ravenwolf lmao). So it's not like they're rare books.
But then I'll flip through one just to see if it should stay or go and I'll come across the most ridiculous made-up nonsense Golden Bough "secret European witch cult" sacred feminine bullshit that I have seen in many a year and I'm like "Fuck. Now I want to keep it."
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lokbobpop · 3 years ago
early 15c., "encouragement;" c. 1600, "something that tends to excite," from excite + -ment. Meaning "condition of mental and emotional agitation" is from 1846.
something that excites or rouses. 2 : the action of exciting : the state of being excited.
Excitement excite meant ex cite ment exc it e ment ex cite ment
Writing the word excitement
I thought about kryon saying on a recording the other day how he and anu played in all the energy that we created and didnt care about the hell people were living in creating this energy how they would lie in it mountains of it all for them only how they only let those below have small amounts and kept it to themself i want to say you awful mother fuckers i want to say get your ass down here now and really live what we have all lived within us for millions and millions of year how come not once in all that time did you not think about the people who were in hell everyday children being malested how could they not see what that did and aloud just so they could just wallow in others misery with out even a single thought of what they are doing then i looked how i have done the same within the animal kingdom where i have millions of animals die in horror so i can eat them they cry desperately not to be killed they cry for days for there calf back because we want there milk it all wrong we dotn have there best interest at heart we dont even see them as sentinel beings just animals less than ourselves it’s horrific how could i do this to them then i can go into blame well they did this to me and made me do this but i cant if they are not help responsible that means i cant be and i have ot be for what i do hand had done ot another. But i see this is something i still have to work out ive been hiding it from myself and others that I actually feel this way like not wanting ot look at it because no one else looks at it and i do see that im just as bad and do the same things as them i see the point of them ever actually thinking about us for one minute knowing the pain most life goes through down here i g=have thought about what i do many times how come they never did how do you do that with no thought for another what they are going through am i i the same no no in all ways is that why i never did what they did I to me and millions of other?
Reading excitement
Having fun laughing playing then the thought of this doesnt last very long its so short lived you might have excitement for a moment a few hours and if you are really lucky a few days but its not something you live all the time is it it cant be tapped into like now i want to live excitement for the rest of the day it’s like something has ot happen for you to be excited right you just cant bring it up at will and if you do it lasts moments what if you could just like excitement when you pleased and forever how long you pleased you decide whe you are and for how long? Well you can cant you really who said you cant but you cant i an energy why ot has to be from you your beingness not outside of you but you saying right now i want to live excitement but without the energy it brings within me as stable calm alive creating it within me being alive as me right now yes as me not in energy i see it the way to go.
What gets me excited I ask myself winning money getting something i really like a piece of furniture making love being with my family with dogs animals many things make me excited it just for short term and then you have ot pay the penalty of the polarity of that excitement because it wasnt real you were living in energy no your true being.
Boyfriends yes when i was younger the excitement i=of a new boyfriend was awesome for me i was so excited to meet an new guy and get to know him and what it would be like to be with this person i was taken away with the energy and living within it until it fell out and it wasnt so exciting anymore no it would go flat id get bored and want out of it.
I think of fair grounds and the excitement of there rides but mostly im afraid of all rides like i get scared easy but maybe thats the excitement of the ride so how do you do a ride and not go into energy of the ride but just enjoy it mm interesting thought
Saying excitement
When my heart trembles with excitement and i cant control the way it feels its out of my control
Fun and excitement looking for it within my relationship
Does this definition support me no i see i want to be excited but not sure how to handle it within me without going into energy like they say when someone has won a lot of money there whole mind is resetting everything within them now they have money its like has a complete upgrade to now see things in a new like the energy that comes up within the excitement is used to reset you in the mind constructs
Excitement ex see cement
To be full calm with enjoyment to bring about an open awareness within me
I will live this word with looking into how to be excited without energy like to see what its liek to live this word without energy at my own free will yes i will live it in my ex next word and maybe with parts of my day i can live it cleaning my teeth yes whey not i choose when and that seems a good idea.
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brianwestchest · 7 years ago
Day 806- I’m Tired Boss
I'm tired, boss. Tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I'm tired of never having me a buddy to be with to tell me where we's going to, coming from, or why. Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world...every day. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head...all the time. Can you understand?- John Coffey- The Green Mile
Last night when I went to bed, Tywana asked me how I was doing.  I said “I’m tired.” which one might expect when one is turning in the for the night. Being tired when you’re going to bed is a good thing. It hopefully means you’re on your way to a good night’s sleep. 
But, this wasn't a physical tiredness.  I require very little sleep.  I very rarely get sleepy. Physically, I’m a high energy person. I’m up with the sun, no matter what time I go to bed.  I walk first thing in the morning- between six and seven miles. This tired is tired of being a stranger in a strange land.
When I got on Facebook, someone had linked me to a website that was the transcript from a channeling session.  In part it read:
Lightworker, if I ask you, "Who are you?" you would say, "I’m tired." That’s the answer we get all the time. It doesn't answer the question at all, but it's what is on your mind the most. And how are you today, we often ask? "I’m tired" is the reply. You’re tired when you wake up and you’re tired when you go to sleep, and that’s because so many of you are doing the heavy work. So tired are you that you feel you are spiritually wrung out.
How many of you are convinced that it’s your last time here? [Many hands are raised] Well, guess what? You’re wrong! "Kryon, I don’t want to hear that. I’ve done my part and here I am. This is a very tiring thing... coming and working on Gaia. I don’t want to do this again. I've earned some rest."
Wow. So that’s it. That’s why I’m so tired. And I’m not alone.  The people who would attend such a session are people who are looking for meaning in life. They want to know why they are here. They want to know where they are going. They want to know what to do while they are here. And, it seems most of them are not only tired, they’re saying “This is it. Reincarnation or not, I ain’t coming back here.”
Then tonight, I’m on a meeting with Sara Ruble. Sara’s son Scott passed away, suddenly and unexpectedly, like Shayna, in 1994. Scott was Sara’s only son. He was a healthy 19 year old at the time of his passing. As Sara spoke of five years after Scott’s passing, ten years after his passing, 23 years after his passing, some of us just cringed.  One of the mothers I’m good friends with sent me a private message saying she just can’t handle thinking about that long here carrying on.  We have had that conversation often.   I think that, in general, people who have lost children are lightworkers. We signed up for the toughest of duties.  And we are mostly, if not all, very tired.
Sara has an interesting taking on free will versus soul planning. Basically, there is no free will, while we are here.  It’s all planned. Many people bristle against this. They want to feel they have choice. They want to feel they are free agents. And, how can we hold anyone accountable if they don’t have choice?  Sara said that perhaps where free will comes in is when we are setting up the plan.  That prompted me to think “Yes.  We do have choice. But, our choices have already been made- by us.”  This whole thing is very difficult to reconcile. I’m still working on, but here is one of the benefits of Sara’s way of thinking.  
We cannot fail.  We have set out the plan. We are working the plan. We are infinitely loved. We have more help than we can imagine.  And, we are more powerful than we can remember.  When we ponder “What is my life’s purpose?”  we can end up in despair.  I’m not a powerful person. I can’t reach a lot of people.  I don’t have money or influence.  How can I make the mark in the world I’m supposed to make? What if you could just rest in the faith that, by virtue of just being here, you are fulfilling your purpose? What if you could rest in the faith that you are exactly where you are supposed to be on your soul’s path, in spite of appearances?  What if you could know that all you have to do is hold on and the mission will be accomplished?  Maybe you would feel a little less tired.  Maybe you could hold on just one more day.
I don’t think anymore the we need to go looking for our life’s purpose. It will naturally come to us. We light workers aren’t all going to be the ones to lead the charge.  Many of us just need to hold the space.  Many years ago I attended a church that had “Small things done with great love will change the world” engraved above the doorway. Almost twenty years later, those words have deeper meaning to me than they ever have. If we can all just keep doing those small things, we will change this world. And that, lightworkers is what we are here to do.  
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omigooness · 6 years ago
I have a song list, which some of you have seen. It holds the secrets of my story, like the pages of a finished book, so says Meg’s father (Inkheart). But besides that, I have been asked to answer some questions. 
What is my favorite color? 
Oh no. A hard one.
No white. Haha.
My hair is limp and curly, at the bottom. It used to curl all over the place. It used to be red, then blonde, then brown. In the Percy Jackson series Aphrodite takes the form of the one you think is the most beautiful, and when I am in my avatar state (The Last Airbender), I am never the same person for very long. I thought many important things during that time, much of which I have not copied down, unlike now. Do you see the joke there? But for a while I was Minerva (The Promised Neverland), The Wizard Howl (Howl’s moving Castle), Megan (or maybe Mikan from Gakuen Alice), SpongeBob, Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty), Julia (someone I know), Barbosa (Pirates of the Caribbean) Marlow (Heart of Darkness), Gloria, oh Gloria, and later, even Charles Wallace (A Wrinkle in Time). Much of my transformation had to do with knowing, and how to know, what to know. The 30 truths and 30 lies riddle from ‘This Book is Trash’ is mine. 
Next time I go into my avatar state, I hope I have sex with someone. Nothing too insightful. I know it sounds like that, but really, sex is alot of things we may not always realize. It is setting your heart free. It is realizing that we are very primal, deep down, and that we can love anyone in this way.
A few things I remember from my avatar state is that you can see things in black in white, or you can go into a very gray zone. You can even see things in color. Kryon knows this. His ‘Who is god?’ speech should finally start to be clear now, that the prophesy has eclipsed, and destroyed everything. 
Most of my riddles belong to god, but there are some which are truly mine. I have the same ability as he. I can change reality, but I do it in a vague kind of awareness. Am I just made from metal? The answer is no. Only the highest minds are made from metal. Mine is surprising at times, but mostly useless. I think it might be sleeping.
Thanks for reading. I’ll share more later.
- Lauren
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midiosinterior · 8 years ago
Nine attributes of the human being
1. The human group
i. The higher self - which resides in the DNA at the corporeal level ii. The human consciousness - mostly in 3-D iii. Innate - the smart part of the body
2. The soul group
i. the higher self - What is always there in everything ii. Your guide set - it’s you, standing apart from you as your advisor on the planet iii. The part of your soul that is always on the other side of the veil
3. The support group or the Gaia group
i. the higher self - in the magnetic grid of the planet that is affected by and affects human consciousness ii. The crystalline grid - an invisible, multidirectional grid that captures human action iii. The whales - the Pleiadians seeded both humans and whales. They are a living library and are a part of you
Mt Shasta June 2013 
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happysublimewizard · 5 years ago
I share with you all a very small glimpse of my mystic knowledge. Having one of the Masters as my mentor/teacher.
Long post. High quality, worth the read. Feast on the fountain of knowledge like our ancestors. Tone may sound angry, but it is not. These teachings are quite different from scholarly and construct. You learn it as you move through life. Change happens and you'll just get pulled regardless. Can't answer things for others, words don't teach. Its all pure experience and understanding of concepts you experience that shapes understanding. The answer is always within. Those who are not at mastery must learn through baby steps.
Concept behind transmutation. What you think as transmutation is something material. Incorrect. Transmutation is beyond that which is the changing phases of energy. You people are all too focused on material and mortal energetic states.The flux and organization of energy when condensed enough shall become matter. But the material state doesn't matter. It is the way how energy takes shape and how its related and expressed that counts. It is through understanding the shape of that energy is how matter is shaped in order to relay that energy is what really also counts. In other words, it is the shape and a manifestation as well as the expression of the energy is how matter manifest itself. Transmission lies within just a couple things. Energy doesn't go away or gets destroyed. It only changes states. That is transmutation.
Don't penetrate the veil. You don't need to penetrate the veil. You'll lose connection to 3D physical life if you did. The source in you resides mostly beyond the veil so you never need to penetrate anything. The answers are always within.
Jesus didn't heal people. He just saw the health in them and in his connection to source brought them to realize it.
What is Source? Source is a stream of energy that is constant and consistent. A person chooses when their incarnation comes to an end. Not 3D you, your greater part controls when. You'll never know until you're one with the rest of you that happens after physical death.Your source will tell you you've learned a lesson. The Earth shifted into 5D. 3D is also 4D experience. 3D and 4D experience move hand in hand. 5D is completely different energetic existence.
Each step of each plane involves a massive energy shift. Each layer requires a body that can handle that level of energy for each plane. Develop yourself. If you tried to move up faster than you can handle, you;ll get fried if you try right away.
Self development of the soul. How would you expect 6d self to rise if 3d self is stupid? Work on your mission. When you rise all levels of you as complete self must rise. You in this consciousness has a mission to develop yourself in order to return yourself to completion. Then eventually return to The All Source. Must learning you must do. And knowing yourself is part of that learning.
Consciousness creates Light. Thoughts can move beyond the speed of light, and can transcend dimensional boundaries. Consciousness creates thoughts, consciousness gave rise to mind. Hence the first Hermetic Principle being that of Mentalism. Because thoughts are a manifestation of consciousness. Its through peace and connectedness that you return to your consciousness. Consciousness can't die. It recedes. Light is removed from darkness does not make any sense. Darkness is Light, just dimmer and at a slower rate of vibration. The physical death of the body is just a change in energy state. There is no true death. Only when the mind decides to recede and is in its own self inflicted pain. There is no death, there can be confused consciousness however. This confusion happens when you attempt to understand concept outside of your dimensions of thought.
All have the desire to learn more but are confused since they haven't expanded their mind to catch the frequency energy of the concepts. People do very little self exploration. Instead they expect others to explain things to them.Explore concepts and begin to step outsiode your mental comfort zones and perhaps youll discover useful things. Instead of attempting to fit concepts too big for your puny consumers.
Quieting the mind during meditation. Balance is the key. And silence. So STFU mentally and become still. Your consciousness is the pond, the ripples are your thoughts, and the tides your emotions. Notice how they all act as one. And the power of the universal forces are inherent as you observe.
If you're not dreaming then you're at peace. Peace is a state of stillness, a connected state of energy at the forefront of potentiation of creation. It is a state of awareness as well. Peace is the state of least resistance, a connected awareness of the source of all things. It leads you to the deep state of conscious awareness.
Where do the Masters exist? They exist in planes beyond your perception. In energetic planes. For their learning, they did not read physical books, there are no books. They are a lot more dedicated in their learning than you are in yours. None of them would physically smack you if you were their student. They'll just send you loving thoughts that'll be of such degree that youll be obliterated, That's why people do not understand planes of energy.
Awakening into these teachings is not your current self that determines it. It is the complete you that decides.Only in full readiness will you even be offered. Current you decides decisions from this plane of reality. Whatever happens after depends on your development. Become wise, stupid. Wondering about this means you're not ready for it. Only a few are selected. Some are conduits for a greater cause. Others are just stupid and confused.
During relaxing moments meditate. It means no thoughts, and experience the peace and stillness of consciousness. Your sudden thoughts is you knocking yourself out of STFU. When you STFU, feel that satisfaction of good feeling thoughts. Circulating with ease rather than sudden. Constantly attempting to force things is showing your impertinence. Quiet yourself from producing thoughts. Once you know silence then see how you're producing or generating thoughts. Practice stillness and observe. And allow yourself to mesh your teach/learning and learn/teaching together.Just observe yourself in stillness.
Protection. Just relax your soul is already on top of protecting you at energy level. One's stupidity makes it harder on the soul.
The amnesia and mind wipe that happens at Saturn. Its for those who want fresh start.
Do NOT force your vibration to raise higher than you can handle. If your vibration doesn't match up to the entity you want to channel, this will cause distortions to health like dementia. And unbalanced state of vibration. Don't rush. This sort of practice goes to the core of consciousnesses. If you attempt before you're ready, its overwhelming. And worse if you cant match and harmonize the frequency. Many have destroyed themselves, leading to their physical death. It will lead to your overwhelming experience and debase your mental foundation.
Remembrance of dreams and out of body experiences. Most are not developed to remember. Even if one did, if current you is dumb and in the darkness, you won't remember even if you tried really hard. If the soul does things for its growth but is beyond your current understanding, the remembrance won't happen. You will not be served what you can't handle. Key is to STFU to be still and observe. People in their haste ask for things too intense for them to handle currently. I ask, do you really want to destroy yourself? You don't get info unless its pertinent to your growth. So you wont know what you dont get to know. But with synchronicity you can make connection, but first must develop yourself and advance yourself.
Dispersing info from entities like Ra, Kryon, and Abraham. Idea of channeling an entity. They are energy holders, like a bookmark placed inside of a book. They receive and hold onto energy, then send that energy to where it is needed or called. Energy from Source. 6D is a state of being at a different plane of being.There is no way we can understand at our current plane of consciousness. It is a state of being. The over-soul is linked to you, it doesn't need to be anywhere. It just is. Human mind wants to know where when theres no where to be. Just is.
For those who are constantly complaining and whining about life being unfair. Drop that shit. You should have a really nice day and enjoy it immensely. All is well within you and the ball keeps rolling. Don't complain. Complaining drains the energy and pushes you out of a higher frequency. It is well within you because you realize that your bounty lies within. You've come to learn to complain less while you realize the feelings and awareness that you do want. You've learned to switch your attention away from complaining in order to focus on what you truly want. Slowly and surely you are fast tracking your way to the graduation your soul has in store for you. There is never a need for you to demand from God or your God Source of what you want because that part of you is always in line with your wants and needs. Your work is simple. Align with your vortex and Source and all is well within you.That is how I train my consciousness to become closer to the master that I want to be and am
Consciousness gave rise to Mind. Hence the first Principle being that of Mentalism, a mental universe that exists in the immaterial time/space and material space/time. The Hermetic Teachings are an extension or distortion of The One Spiritual Law. The Law of One. The framework and system for reality, that The All created for itself, in the One Original Thought. The purpose of Nature is one grand experiment for all of Creation, whether you like it or not, you're part of it. This experiment is consciousness creating and experiencing in order to know itself better, to refine and develop itself. You, as Co-Creators and Lightworkers, assist the One Infinite Creator Consciousness in this exploration, whether you're consciously aware of it or not. This process of exploration is free to continue infinitely, in an eternal present. In a circle, where is the beginning point and where is the ending point? This circle is where past, present, and future occur simultaneously in one reality. We exist as thought-forms inside a universal living mind. A change to the future results in a change to the past, a change to the past results in a change to the future, a change to the present or "now" results in changes to the past AND future. When one knows the beginning, one also knows the end. When one knows the end, one also knows the beginning.
The idiot humans decide to worship instead of learning the secrets of Nature and making it available for everyone. They made tales and shit and then kept the info to only the ruling class. They distorted the teachings by turning it into a creed. Teachers became priests, mixing theology with the Hermetic philosophy. The so-called Holy Wars and others like it being examples of positive teachings distorted into negative, and humans who were tricked into following through their own free will. The whole idea behind the Hermetic Teachings is the workings of the INNER sciences, the science of the invisible, the immaterial time/space.The science of Consciousness, Mind and its correspondence to reality. Modern science focuses on the OUTER, the physical, the science of the visible. Resulting in an incomplete scientific model.
These Spiritual Laws are known as the sets of Natural Law which are mathematically expressed for each lenticular vibratory pattern that you call a "system." Star systems, planetary systems, galaxies, universes, planes, dimensions, atoms, all the way from the smallest, to the largest, inner, outer, including those not yet born, and infinite regardless which direction or energy is explored. Thus, many dimensions and planes infinite in number are possible. There is a massive shift in energy required to move between planes and dimensions. The higher self or soul or oversoul residing in 6D is in charge of your subconscious, in charge of you, self to self, on a soul level, and will block you from doing so because you will destroy yourself in the process of not knowing what the fuck you're doing to yourself. It is all a state of being. It will take you millions of years worth of incarnations to get to that level. Until you realize this, the answers that are sent to you from Source will be undecipherable. You won't find what you're looking for on the outside. "As above, so below. As below, so above."
Reality is like an onion with infinite layers. Peel each layer to find another. And another. And another. Infinitely inside and out. Each new layer of reality created is a "refinement" of the one that came before. The Creator doesn't create as much as it experiences itself. Each is like a line that is stacked on top of each other, and below each other. All are connected, accessible, and assigned a unique vibratory range or frequency. Want to move upwards or outwards? Raise your frequency. Want to move lower or inwards? Lower your frequency.
The Law of Attraction grid is like a chessboard. Grids can be used in games, fill with ideas and info like in spreadsheets. We live and work inside of this grid, and most don't realize. Like within the society its within the grid.
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Service Desk
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