#mostly because we would get beers afterwards
astrojaxsaga · 8 months
Currently at le gym, just finished my weights workout (Iron Series day 17/30: Upper Body) and am stretching before an easy run on the treadmill for like 25 mins. Now that the weather is going to be turning around in a couple weeks, I'm wondering if I want to train for a 5k. During peak covid, I invested in a running program through the Strava subscription, and running 3x a week kept me plenty busy. And I was able to get my 5k down to like 28 minutes, which is pretty good for me.
I remember that there are 2 reasons why I don't run as much anymore. 1) I hate running in the wind/heat, and 2) I can't drink water while running so I need to hydrate like crazy before a run, give myself time to let it settle, THEN I can leave the house. Which means I have a million excuses NOT to run if I don't feel motivated. Both of these things are alleviated by working out with weights in a gym instead lol.
But idk, I kind of miss the challenge of running. And finding new cool trails around my house. And merch from 5ks !! But mostly long runs are really meditative.
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AITA for letting my dog correct (nip) my niece to prove a point and refusing to punish him?
I own an ex-K9 called Biggles. Biggles is impeccably trained, a total gentleman when you're not being an asshole to him, but also has no time for your bullshit. He'll tolerate a lot more hassle from the younger kids in our family, but if they're allowed to persist in bullying him, he will correct them, just like he would the adults of the family.
Mostly Biggles will just push them over and walk away. Its his way of saying to leave him alone. Sometimes he'll bark loudly, a kind of 'fuck off now' bark. At the very extreme, he'll give them a tiny little warning nip on the arm or hand.
(Biggles has only ever nip corrected kids twice in all the years I've had him. Once when my cousin thought it was 'cute' to dump her toddler right on top of Biggles and let him rip at his fur and try to bite at his face, and once when my nephew was having a tantrum, Biggles tried to snuggle up to him to soothe him and my nephew hit him in the face.)
I firmly believe in learning how your pet communicates and respecting their reasonable boundaries. To me, if you're yanking on a dog's tail and ignoring everyone warning you to stop and you get a nip to the back of the hand for it, that's a valid consequence of your actions and you've just learned to respect the dog enough not to try pulling its tail out of its spine.
(This likely seems unfathomable to a lot of you, but I must clarify that Biggles isn't some hyper-reactive aggressive, dangerous dog like my sister thinks. He will more than happily play around with the little ones, faux wrestle with them, let them paw all over him and fuss at him, ect. He loves children, they're his babies. He does not love being in pain, and if the person causing it will not respect him or me enough to listen to my warnings, I believe they earn it when he warns them too.)
Anyway. Like you might've guessed, yanking on his tail was what my niece was doing at the beer-and-barbeque this weekend. I told her not to. My parents told her not to. Even my sister half-assedly suggested 'maybe Biggles wants to play a different game.' Biggles got up and moved away from her twice and she followed him both times to 'keep playing.'
My entire family knows how Biggles works. I warned my sister Biggles wouldn't tolerate what was happening. My sister told me I shouldn't own such a dangerous, unpredictable dog and he should be put down if he can't handle some 'rough love from a kid.'
(This was not rough love. This was my niece literally ripping at his tail thinking his pain responses were funny.)
I didn't want to cause a scene or subject Biggles to further harassment so I decided just once I'd cave and take Biggles inside so he could get some peace and I could enjoy my burnt ends without my sister squealing in my ear about being cruel to her child by telling her off.
Unfortunately, Biggles' patience ran out before I could make my way over. My niece yanked at his tail again, hard enough that it actually jolted him on the grass, and Biggles whipped around and nipped at her hand. I got to see her hand afterward and there was just a little red mark, no blood or broken skin. He'd just pinched her a little.
My niece screamed bloody murder like he'd taken her hand off and my sister screamed bloody murder about my 'vicious animal.' It devolved into a massive family-wide argument against my sister because my entire family knows its just basic respect and kindness not to cause an animal pain deliberately, and that its my sister's fault for not listening to anyone when we all told her and my niece not to hurt Biggles.
My sister stormed off and has since been blowing up the entire family demanding that Biggles be put down. She's threatened to call the cops, animal control, you name it. None of us are worried about that. There wasn't even a proper mark left on her hand and Biggles will pass any behavioral test with flying colors, but my sister is giving everyone grief and is refusing to attend any family events if Biggles will be there.
My dad is firmly on my side, but my mom is imploring me to just fake apologise to get some peace back. When I recounted the story to my colleague this morning, he said she got what she earned, but also why would I bring Biggles to an event I knew a disrespectful little shit of a kid was at?
I don't feel like an asshole in terms of allowing my dog to establish his boundaries. In my and my family's opinion pets are their own entities and should be treated with belonging and respect when part of a family. Its also just common sense not to cause an animal pain for the fun of it.
However, I'm also very aware that getting nipped by a dog, especially at such a young age, can be catastrophic. My niece could be terrified of dogs for the rest of her life, and while I don't feel guilty she got corrected, I do feel somewhat guilty that I didn't intervene sooner and have possibly set her up for failure in the future. And I do feel like an asshole for letting it get to that point, but it did all happen pretty quickly.
All things considered I do love my niece, she's family, she just gets away with murder because my sister thinks being a little girl is an automatic pass to do whatever you want without consequence.
I've probably painted Biggles out in a real bad light here, but I can assure you that in general Biggles is the perfect family dog. He's loving, playful, he tries to share his kibble with everyone at dinner, he helped us teach my uncle's puppy tricks and how to behave and potty outside ect.
So I guess I'm really asking am I the asshole in this situation, as the one responsible for Biggles?
What are these acronyms?
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eddiesxangel · 10 months
Kiss Me Underneath the Mistletoe | Mechanic!EddieMunson x Friend!Reader
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Cw: Eddie and you share your first kiss. Fluffy goodness. Implied smut (Mentions of a car accident but no injuries) Eddie and the reader are both in their 20’s. Use of nicknames for reader. GN Reader :)
WC: 1.5k
The party was in full swing when you pulled up to Steve’s driveway. Eddie offered to pick you up because your car was still at his shop. Your card had gone into a tailspin on some black ice and got stuck in a ditch a few days ago. You were okay; only some minor damage to the bumper had to be fixed. Thank god you had your mechanic friend's phone number memorized.
“There you are!” Steve sounded exasperated. There were about fifteen cars parked outside his house, and music and laughter filled the home. It was warm and comforting, but Stevie looked stressed.
You really had only been half an hour late. You had to rush home from work with no car, so you had to take the bus, which took ten times slower. Only to get ready, and then you and Eddie had to rush to the bakery before they closed for the evening to pick up the Christmas cookies you promised to bring tonight.
“Sorry Stevie, I had to pick up the goods.” you wiggle the box of Christmas cookies you had picked up. And Eddie wiggled the bottle of bourbon in his hands to show you brought gifts.
“Yes!” Dustin said as he zoomed past you, swiping the sugary treats out of your hands.
“Hey!” You placed your hands on your hips.
“Sorry! But can’t wait any longer! You’re late enough; we only get these once a year.” Dustin was not sorry.
“Whatever, just save me at least one” you giggle.
“I’ll sneak you some, don’t worry,” Eddie whispered in your ear as a fantasy of his lips touching your neck comes to the forefront of your mind. Your body shivered from the proximity, and only Eddie noticed. He knew he got you. You would be his tonight whether you knew it or not.
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The night continued without a hitch; dinner was excellent, and there were games, music, and many more drinks afterwards.
There were a lot of people here you didn’t recognize. Mostly Steve’s coworkers from the office. You had gotten separated from the group when a few of them cornered you with the most god-awful conversation about trades and charts and who knows what.
You finally spot someone out of your group, thankfully Eddie, who can read your face better than anyone. You made the save me eyes, and he beelined to your rescue.
“Hey, there you are! I need your help in the basement. Steve needs us to bring up more booze.” he rests a hand on the small of your back.
You quickly and politely excuse yourself from the conversation, and as soon as the basement door closes, you let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god! I don’t think I could stand another moment; I don’t know how Steve does it!”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll always be here to save you,” Eddie smirks, his big hand still on your lower back, guiding you toward the cold cellar.
“Oh, we are actually getting drinks?” You question.
“Yea, babe, what did you think we would be doing down here?” he playfully wiggled his eyebrows before passing you a smaller case of beer while he took on the heavy load. You were a little disappointed; you thought you might get some alone time with Eddie before returning to the party.
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You make your way back up to the sounds of cheering and laughing, unsure what’s going on. You both make it into the kitchen, restocking the cooler and fridge, oblivious to the crowd following Steve, who came running in, waving around some green and red plant while simultaneously spilling his red cocktail on the floor.
“Kiss!” Steve pops up behind you and Eddie, startling you both.
“What the fuck, man”—“You scared me!” You both say simultaneously.
“Too bad, you gotta kiss,” he says, wiggling mistletoe above your heads. You scan the group behind Steve; all your friends stare at you like zoo animals.
“Wha-” “Come on-“ you and Eddie were cut off.
“My party, my rules, you’re standing under the mistletoe. You gotta kiss,” he smirks like he knows what he is doing. It wasn't a secret to your friends you had a crush on Eddie.
“Steven!” You scold. Did you want to kiss Eddie? Yes. Did you want to do it forced in front of all your friends?! No.
As you stood your ground, it became more apparent that Steve wasn’t leaving until Eddie planted one on you.
You look to Eddie to gauge his feelings, but his poker face is not helping.
"You really don't want to kiss me that bad, sweetheart?" he raises a brow to you. Maybe he had read your situation wrong.
"What? No. Yes. No! I just want-" You were cut off because you heard your friends begin to chant behind Steve’s stupid, smug face.
“Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!”
“Fine!” You succumbed to the peer pressure. You turn and grab Eddie’s head in both hands, pull him down, and plant one on him.
If you were paying attention, you would have heard the cheers from your friends. A minute later, you would have heard the gags and them scurrying away when Eddie stuck his tongue in your mouth. You would have heard Steve mumble “atta’boy” before leaving you two alone, but you didn’t hear anything other than your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
All of your senses were consumed by Eddie. His mouth was soft and gentle like he didn’t want to break you. He tasted like cranberries and bourbon. His tongue broke through, and you let out the slightest whimper as your hands moved from his cheeks to his waist…. His tight little waist that you have been drooling over since you saw him in that tight black tank top with his coveralls hanging off his waist, sweat dripping down his chest and grease-stained skin. When you walked into his work for the first time all those months ago. He was pure sex appeal that day, and you hadn’t seen him the same way since.
Eddie’s hands crept up from the waistband of your pants, slipped up under your shirt and grazed the soft skin of your back. Goosebumps spread throughout your whole body as Eddie continued to pull you closer to him.
You could have been there for a minute or an hour, you didn’t know, but the moment finally broke when Dustin walked back into the kitchen for those special cookies you’d brought.
“Oh my god! Get a room” he rolled his eyes, and the two of you broke apart, not realizing you were sucking face and feeling one another up in the middle of Steve’s kitchen like you were two teenagers.
A rush of blood spread across Eddie’s face. His lips were just as red as his cheeks. Your face was also just as hot. You could feel the rush of blood travel up your chest to your throat and across your cheeks as you took in what had just happened.
An uncomfortable giggle left your lips, and Eddie swore he heard angels singing. A smile broke on his face, and you felt at ease.
“You wanna get out of here?” Eddie reaches out a hand. You grab it while frivolously nodding your head. Eddie pulls you through the crowded house, trying to slip past everyone.
“Get it, Eddie!” “That’s my boy!” “Finally!” “About damn time!”
All your friends shout, and you hide your face in Eddie’s chest while he pulls your coat out from the closet.
Eddie giggles as Steve approaches the both of you, blocking the door.
“So when’s the wedding? Do I get credit? Or does Eddie? 'cuz he asked me to set up this elaborate ruse?” he wiggled his eyebrows at the two of you.
“What?” You looked at Eddie, and he chuckled uncontrollably.
“I’m going to have to cut you off, man. No more Christmas cocktails for you.” he swiped the crystal glass from Steve’s hands and chugged the rest.
“Hey!” Steve drunkenly protested.
“What’s he talking about Ed’s?” You giggle.
“Ol’Eddie here asked me to help divide a plaaaaan to get yo-” Eddie cupped a hand over Steve’s mouth and smiled at you with the biggest grin that said he was guilty.
“Real smooth, Munson,” you playfully roll your eyes.
“It worked, didn’t it?” He stepped closer and lifted your chin up to him. He was so cocky, but it made your stomach do a summersault at his touch.
“Ok, turtle doves, get out of here already and make a little drummer boy,” Steve winked.
“Ew, you're gross Steve! Ed’s right, no more cocktails for you.” Robin grabbed Steve by the arm and whisked him away while you and Eddie giggled out the door.
“So you’ve been wanting to kiss me?” You bite your lip as he opens the passenger door for you.
“Yeah,” he sighed as he pushed up against the car while looking into your eyes.
“You know you didn’t need to drag Steve into it” you giggle.
“Well, where’s the fun in that baby?” He whispered before leaning in to kiss you again. Your body felt it was on fire even though it was below freezing outside. You didn’t care. Eddie’s warmth was enough, and his warmth was indeed the thing that kept you warm for the rest of that night.
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melanieph321 · 8 months
Dominik Szoboszlai x Black Reader - First Sight Part 2/8
The corner shop challenge
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This story is about the night reader met her boyfriend Dominik and the series of crazy events that led up to the beginning of their love story.
The conversation between you never died out. It's not like you fought to keep it alive as the two of you were walking side by side, it just refused to die.
"Okay, let me ask you a question." Dominik said, walking beside you, warming his hands in his pocket.
"It's a hypothetical one."
"Yes, ask away."
"Alright, but the rule is that you must answer truthfully."
"Rules to answer a simple question? How intriguing." You smiled.
"Yes, but it's like a game. You can ask me anything afterwards, I promise to give you my sincere answer."
"Got it, just get on with it." You said, a bit excited to hear the question.
"Okay so, would you rather fuck a goat without anyone finding out, or would you rather have people believe you fucked a goat even though you didn't actually do it?"
Your steps altered, your eyes batting clueless at him. "Um...come again?"
"Like, would you rather have sex with a...."
You held up a silencing hand. "I heard what you said, I just...just why?"
He grinned. "I told you that it was a hypothetical question. It's mostly for me to get to know you better."
"Right, because asking 'Hi, what do you like to do with your life', doesn't cut it anymore?"
"It doesn't though." He chuckled. "People don't dig deep to answer those kind of questions, therefore they aren't sincere. I'm asking you to be sincere with me Y/N."
There it was again, that stupid spark. During your short walk to the corner shop you noticed that whenever your name escaped his lips your heart simply jolted. It was an amazing feeling and an annoying one at the same time.
"Fine." You sighed, allowing yourself to ponder the question.
You emerged in front of the corner shop, the question not yet answered as you stepped inside. However Dominik was patient with you, letting you take your time. Perhaps he really did want to know how your mind worked?
"I'd let people think I fucked the goat." You nodded. "How traumatizing it would be for both me and the goat if we actually did it."
Dominik nodded, just taking in your answer, not really judging you for it.
"What would you do?" You asked.
"Ah ah." He shook his head. "You can't ask me the same question I asked you."
"Why not?" You frowned.
"It's the rules of the game."
What a silly game, you thought.
"Ask me something else."
"Okay, okay."
You took a walk around the shop, thinking of interesting questions to ask. The bell above the door rang as people were coming in and out. Dominik looked conflicted of what kind of six-pack beer to choose from the many brands. Now and then his gaze lifted, glancing over to you, chuckling when he saw that you were already staring back at him. "Got a question for me yet?" He teased.
"Okay I got it." You said, leaving your aisle and joining his. "But it's more so a challenge then a question." You cleared your throat. "If that's allowed?"
"To challenge me?" Dominik's stance changed, his eyebrow twitching with his curiosity. He went from respectfully flirting with his eyes, to now leaning against the beer shelves, with a look that said, if you challenge me to go down on you, I will.
"Yes." You nodded, with your hands behind your back as not to give away your trembling hands. "I challenge you to strip naked, pop a can of beer and chug it down right here in this aisle."
"What?" He blurred out. More so surprised by the question itself then appalled by it. He was still smiling. "You want me to do what?"
"You heard me." You said, hands on your hips. You regained some of your cool following his quite hilarious reaction. "But if you're not up for the challenge Dommy, I won't force you to do anything."
"Please don't call me that." He said, kicking off his shoes.
"What? Dommy?" You tried to ignore the fact  that he was doing exactly what you asked him to do, stripping down, right there in the beer aisle of a corner shop somwhere in Liverpool.
"Yes, that." He sighed.
You chuckled. "What, you don't like my new nickname for you?"
"No, so stop calling me that before it catches on."
"I bet Trent would like it." You said, but quickly held a gasp from escaping your mouth as Dominik's hands gripped the hemn of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head. Your eyes widened at the sight of his hairless skin and outlined abs. He had tattoos on his arms and across his chest, one tatto running up his sleeve, the other cutting of just below his elbow. And whatever the ink on his chest meant you were here for it.
"Like what you see?" He smirked, catching you staring as his hands went to the strap of his belt. "One thing you should know about me Y/N..." He said,  removing his belt with a violent jerk. ".....I never say no to a challenge."
The air in your lungs disappeared, your heart beating fast as Dominik stripped himself of his pants, along with his underwear, leaving you to stare blankly at his dangling dick.
"Hand me that beer can will you?" He arched his back, standing proudly in the nude. He gestured for you to hand him one of the cans of beers behind your back. You did so with your eyes squeezed shut.
"What's the matter Y/N, you didn't think I'd do it, did you?"
Along with his teasing you heard the sizzling of the can of beer as he opened it. You heard him tilt it's content upside down and chug it down his throat. Although a loud burp let you know that he was finished, you refused to open your eyes until you knew that he had gotten dressed again.
"Hey, you there! Stop that!"
Your eyes flung open, only to see Dominik with panic in his eyes.
"What are you doing in my shop?"
Turning your head, you saw that an older man was charging down the aisle with a field hockey stick in his hands, looking more than keen to bash your heads in with it.
You looked to Dominik and he looked to you. "Run!" You said simultaneously. But as Dominik took off in one direction, butt naked by the way, you dropped to the floor, gathering his clothes. You then ran for your life, out of the corner shop and onto the lit streets. You and Dominik got separated as he ran out before you, but then you saw a pale figure shivering behind the nearest dumpster. It was Dominik, crouch down, covering his dick with his hands.
"Oh my god, Dominik!"
You rushed towards him, handing over his clothes, helping him get dressed.
"Fuck me." He muttered, still shivering to the point of his teeth rattling.
Suffering from terrible guilt, you did the only reasonable thing by pulling him towards you, wrapping your arms around him tightly. "I'm so sorry Dominik, so fucking sorry."
His chest vibrated when he chuckled. "Don't regret a challenge well done Y/N."
How could he be laughing and making jokes, you thought. Dominik was basically on the verge of getting pneumonia because of you.
"Shit, your still so cold." You said, feeling it rub off on you. You were still hugging him tightly, no plans of letting go until his body stopped trembling against yours.
"Don't worry, I'll warm up." He spoke against your temple, assuring you that the cold wasn't that bad. Still, you refused to let him go, at some point becoming one with his heartbeat slowly pulsating against your ear. His hand went to stroke your curls, the soothing sensation indescribable.  "You know..." He whispered. "If you wanted to see me naked you could have just said so before we left the apartment. Hey, I would've joined you for a quick shower in Sami's bathroom if you had...."
"Fucking dickhead."
Dominik couldn't help but to laughed as you pushed him off of you, breaking up the hug. The tender moment between you lasted briefly, his body having stopped shivering. He was back to himself.
"So were to next?" He asked as the two of you left the back of the corner shop.
"Well we still haven't bought any beer." You said. "Not that I'll ever recover from the sight of you chugging one down naked."
"Oh come on, don't lie." He smiled. "You loved seeing me complete your challenge. I'm surprisingly impressed how your mind works Y/N."
You lowered your head, hiding your smile.
"I say we head downtown, I know a guy that can hook us up."
"Fine." You muttered, trying not to make it obvious that you were happy that your night with Dominik wasn't over just yet. Little did you know that it was only the beginning.
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s4lv4tions · 9 months
in the still of the night, i held you; nsfw
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pairing; nanami kento x fem!reader summary; "so before the light, hold me again with all of your might, in the still of the night." - the five satins wc; 2.6k cw; smut (non-penetrative sex), cisfem!reader, mentions of misogyny, alcohol use an; HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! have some sweet husband material kento to take with you into 2024 :')
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In your genkan, Kento kneels to undo the buckle of your heels. They’d been a gift from him not even a year ago — high-end and real leather and more comfortable than most heels, but still a pain in the ass when you've been wearing them for 8 hours. His hands are warm and soothing where they rub gently over your bare heels, setting each foot gently upon the ground afterwards. You’re stuffed from dinner and blinking sleepily, all pliable and softened by an evening of tireless socialisation and too much sake.
“That Yamada fellow,” Kento says. He stands again, brushing imaginary dirt from his suit. “I don’t like him.”
He takes the jacket from your hands, your handbag, too; hangs them up on the coat rack and then deals with his own coat, and you watch him all the while. Perhaps you had a little too much beer, because even as he speaks, you can only stare at him — the thickness of his forearms as he wrangles off his coat, the sleeves of his shirt pushed up to reveal veins and corded muscle; his handsome side-profile, his strong nose and furrowed brow and angular cheekbones… If you were more artistically inclined you have no doubt he’d be your muse. It seems especially criminal to think that Kento has never considered himself particularly attractive. Your head thuds back against the front door.
Blinking away your sudden haze — alcohol or fatigue, you don’t know —, you peer over at him, curious. “Oh?”
There's an answering hum. Neither of you move — still standing in the genkan, you in your summer dress and woollen jumper, makeup done to the nines, slumped against the door. Him in his khaki slacks and button up, handsome as ever, leaning against the wall. You're in a bubble, here — halfway between the izakaya you'd spent the evening at and your bed. It's timeless, quiet. The only thing to be heard is the distant sound of traffic through your living room windows, just around the corner.
You tilt your head in thought. “I mean, he’s a clown, but he’s harmless. Just stupid."
"I don't like the way he spoke to your friend," Kento says, nose wrinkling. Ah, yes — you knew it had bothered him. Yamada is what one would call dead from the neck up — an idiot. How he's stayed employed so long is a mystery to you, especially with the amount of complaints he's garnered from female employees. He's not a creep (mostly), just ignorant and annoying. Thinks women should quit their jobs when they get pregnant, thinks maternity leave is a scam, thinks women are too emotional for leadership positions. Tonight he'd made the mistake of ordering your friend to serve him a drink in front of Kento — not the worst thing he's ever said or done, but it irked Kento nonetheless. You'd seen your boyfriend's eyes narrow and quickly shooed Yamada away to another table with the allure of more alcohol, and hoped that was the end of it. Clearly not. "Does he speak to you like that?"
"Mm. Sometimes. I guess he didn't tonight because you were there. You're pretty scary, Ken."
He only watches you, frowning. Doesn't take the bait. "Nothing's been done about him?"
"Mm-mm. We used to report him a bunch, but it's more trouble than it's worth." Another beat of silence, and you shoot him a smile. "Don't worry about it, Ken-chan. It doesn't bother us anymore. It's like working with an overgrown child."
"A man like that shouldn't have a job in the first place."
Finally, you push yourself off of the door — stroll slowly to where he stands, arms raised to loop around his neck. His frustration is silent — it most often is — but he accepts your embrace easily. His hands plant themselves over your lower back, warm and calloused, and a deep sigh filters through his chest. His nose nudges against the crook of your neck. "Sorry. None of that is your fault."
"Mm. It's okay." Exhaling, you let your eyes flutter shut. The entirety of your weight rests on him at this point. The drunkenness is wearing off, leaving only a pervasive lethargy and meddling craving for something requiring far more energy than you have. "Hey, Ken. Wanna fuck?"
Kento's breath hitches in your ear, before he lets out a laugh. His hand brushes up your spine, and you don’t bother to suppress the shiver it sends through you. "You're so vulgar. And you're almost falling asleep, darling."
“Mm.” Nudging your nose against the side of his neck and revelling in the goosebumps that rise there, you press your chest harder against him. “I have enough in me for a quickie.”
"We're getting you to bed."
“Hm? No! The night’s not over yet, Ken…” And yet you barely fight as he urges you forward, still wound around each other like a ball of string. Through the darkened living room and past the shape of your kotatsu, down the hallway and past the pantry and bathroom until you reach the bedroom. The lights are flicked on, dimmed to something more palatable, and Kento nudges you towards the bed.
You collapse like a sack of potatoes. You realise quite suddenly that you’d expended most all of your energy for the day and were truly running on fumes — considering you can count the amount of coworkers you like on one hand, and alcohol cuts your temper short. Somehow you still have enough energy to prop yourself up on your elbows and watch as Kento stands in the doorway of the en suite, rifling through the cabinet until he comes away with some cotton pads and a bottle of micellar water.
You know you’re watching him like he’s hung the stars in the sky. You know your eyes are wide and glassy when he kneels by the bed and begins to wipe your makeup off, unfathomingly gentle — because he meets your gaze just once and laughs softly, all too fond, before returning to task. Swiping softly over your lips and under your eyes, all traces of mascara and eyeliner and concealer and whatever-else gone within a few cotton pads. Then he traces over your face with another one just to be sure — or perhaps just to map out your features under his fingers, indulgent and sweet. When he’s finished, he doesn’t leave, though — just stays and watches you in silence.
“Kento,” you say quietly.
“I want you.”
His thumb nudges away a strand of hair tickling your temple. “You have me, darling.”
“Hm.” That’s not what you meant, and he knows it, but you’re too tired to actually have him, anyways. Your eyes flutter shut, heavy and sticky, and he takes that as his cue to continue — pulling down your tights from your legs, unzipping the side of your dress. Lifting it over your head and replacing it with a large t-shirt that you vaguely register as his; and then leaving you to deal with himself, presumably. You hear the rustling of fabric and the thud of them hitting the floor, the metallic clink of his belt buckle.
Still — a budding sort of heat warms your stomach; hides itself beneath your ribs and wriggles about in your mind. It’s annoying, pressing, unfaltering — flickering thoughts about how firm his biceps are; how big and warm his hands feel when they spread your legs and press your knees against your chest; how his body covers yours entirely in the throes of it all, hot and heavy and sweating with the heat of it all; the skill of his tongue, fuck, long laves of it against your—
“Asleep already?”
“Mm-mm.” You crack an eye open; glance up at him in all his glory, plaid flannel pants hanging low around his hips, a white t-shirt covering his chest. “You’re so unfair.”
As you close your eyes again, you feel him climb onto the bed beside you — the mattress dipping under his knee, the blankets rustling, and then a large hand plants itself upon your stomach. “Why’s that?”
You don’t say anything, only arching (perhaps a bit wantonly) into his hand.
“Ah. I see.” The hand smooths up and down, thumb rubbing soothing circles against your skin, and a deep exhale filters out of his chest. You can almost hear the fond smile in his voice when he bows his head towards you and says: “Do you really need an orgasm to sleep?”
“Are you—” Yawn— “Are you teasing me right now?”
“No.” His fingers twitch subtly against you.
“Because that would be mean, Ken-chan.”
“I’m never mean to you. In fact—” His fingers begin a slow descent downwards, bunching your t-shirt just under the curve of tour ribcage. They leave goosebumps in their wake on their path below the elasticated hem of your panties— “I’m far too lenient where you’re concerned.”
His fingers are almost icy cold in comparison to the sweltering heat between your thighs. At that first brush against you, you give out an embarrassingly high-pitched sigh, but you have no energy to feel any shame. It's not your usual reaction to such simple touch — not the wet mess between your legs, nor the noises that are being wrung from you — but between the alcohol and syrup-like lethargy… Needless to say, Kento’s fingers are thoroughly soaked within a few moments of practiced petting, gliding between your puffy lips to where you’re willing and weeping.
His fingers — those damned fingers, careful and practiced and just slightly calloused — dip momentarily into you, and you hear his breath hitch in time with yours. Your limbs are tense, now, no longer splayed every-which-way with little care; they’re coiled tightly, excitable pressure locked away in every joint, twitching with each mote of pleasure he gives you.
And oh, does he give. Your stomach goes rigid with it. He’s only tracing his fingers around your opening — watching you with eagle eyes when your stomach jumps every time he passes over a particularly sensitive patch of skin. It’s not enough to start those sparks of pleasure aflame in the pit of your chest, those involuntary contractions that make your mouth salivate — but it’s well more than enough to begin to kindle them. More than enough to get your back arching at the momentary entrance of a single finger.
“Hm.” Your sigh edges on a whimper, tapering out as you attempt to regain control of yourself. “That’s — that’s not gonna do very much, Ken.”
He doesn’t answer, at least not verbally. The finger pops back out — slickened and shiny — but there’s little time for complaint. Almost instantly his fingers dart up to your clit, circling the hardened bead in a pace you can only describe as indulgent. Indulgent for you or for him, you can’t tell, but you make a sound like the air’s been punched out of you regardless.
It’s just the start of it — you know, those tingles that begin in your clit and warm in your stomach, sent as shivers up your spine and your ribs, pooling in your nipples and fizzing in your fingertips. Just the start, but enough to have you squirming, pressing up to the few fingers that pleasure you. At your side, Kento huffs a laugh. He presses himself closer to you — dips his head so that his nose nudges against your jaw, hot air warming up your neck.
“Is that enough?” His voice is, somehow, more husky than usual — but still unerringly adoring.
“Uhm—” Then, hips jumping out into his touch — unconsciously, might you add— “Just — faster, please.”
“Greedy.” He means to admonish you, but Kento is no less indulgent than he usually is; pressing down harder, petting at you with wet sounds that reverberate through the room — shlikshlikshlik— even adding another finger to the mix, like he simply can’t hold himself back any further. It’s liable to drive you insane, the sheer sensuality of it all — the shivery, excitable pleasure that zips up and down your legs, the stuttering breath in your chest. When you gasp out, hardly able to hold your sounds in your throat, his breath comes out laboured. “There you go, darling. Take what you need.”
You’re humping into his hand like an excitable virgin, panting low in your chest as his fingers and palm grind against the slippery flesh of you. It should be embarrassing, the raw abandon you move with, but there’s nothing but fondness in Kento’s face, and your need burns you up from the inside. You’d push him onto his back and have your way with him if you had the strength — for now, you can only continue to flex your aching thighs up, shivering as the tell-tale shocks of your impending orgasm begin to creep along your spine. It's never usually this quick.
“Fuck— F-Fuck, Kento — oh, I’m—” Your mouth falls open, knuckles aching where they grasp at the sheets — your body tensing all over, waiting for the dam to break, for your body to lose complete control of itself — “Hah, I’m gonna cum — oh, I’m cumming, what the fuck, I’m—”
In seconds, Kento’s mouth is on yours — sloppy and messy, the way he only gets in the throes of passion when he cares more about your pussy squeezing his fingers than any sense of propriety. You’re not even lucid enough to kiss him back — your entire body, entire mind, is trembling with your orgasm; pussy squeezing uncontrollably around him, clit throbbing against his palm. Your toes curl and your legs kick out, frantic to ground yourself in some way, but—
“Mmf— God—” What feels like minutes later, gasping, you pull away from Kento’s lips, shuddering heavily as air filters back into your spent, pleasure-ridden body. Your entire lower half feels numb, staticky and half-dead; your head swims with a dizzying mix of endorphins and fatigue — the sudden hours of socialising and drinking hit you like a brick. If you had been sleepy before, you were bone-dead now.
You’re still twitching with the aftershocks of it all when Kento places a chaste kiss upon your forehead, slipping his fingers out of you — and, not even realising that your eyes had closed, you crack open one to peer at him.
Kento smiles, and pets his clean hand over your hair. A single strand of blond sits awry, drifting low over his forehead; between his legs, a large tent presses up against his pyjama pants. Other than that, he’s perfect — you’d never guess he just finger-blasted you to mars and back. “How are we doing?”
Limp and syrupy-soft, you blink up at him. “Hi.”
He watches as your eyes drift shut again, head flopping sideways to rest against the pillows. His question of “Bed time?” is a rhetorical one; nevertheless, you give him a half-baked semblance of a nod.
“Alright. I’m going to clean up.”
Chuckling to himself, he begins to shift to get off the bed — but your hand grasps his wrist just before he can get out of reach. He glances down at you. “Yes?”
“I’m gunna… give you… such… good head… in the morning…” A large snore follows your statement, and your hand falls to your side — and just like that, after almost an hour of bribing and convincing and urging, you’re dead to the world. Snoring your little head away and curled up towards his side of the bed, like you're waiting for him.
Kento shakes his head to himself all the way to the bathroom — off the bed, across the carpet, into the ensuite. As he stands in the bathroom, washing his hands under that cold, fluorescent light, he notices his smile hadn’t dimmed, not even once.
Never a dull moment, he supposes. He can stand to live with that.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months
Nancy was grateful to Robin and to Dustin for pushing her and Steve back together. It gave them the chance to see and feel what it was like without the weight of Barb's death hanging over them like a storm cloud. It also made Nancy realize that she had actually loved Steve and probably always would. She hadn't stayed with him out of some weird sense of duty to Barb because she felt like she had owed it to her because her best friend had died that night. She had stayed with Steve because she had wanted to. After coming together beneath the sheets, they both got the closure they needed, especially afterward when they jumped fully clothed into the very pool that Barb had died in.
"It's not our fault," Nancy had gasped for air as she resurfaced.
"No, we just wanted to be together," Steve said.
They floated on their backs for a while, staring up at the inky night sky. The stars twinkled down on them knowingly. Nancy just stared back at them and swam over to Steve, kissing him. Their relationship ended two weeks later, just after a threesome with Jonathan. It had left Nancy feeling a little wanting as Jonathan and Steve had mostly focused on each other, but it was good. Even though Nancy had already broken up with Jonathan, it had felt like the perfect goodbye to her relationship with both of them. Although she'd miss having sex with them, especially Steve. He was always really good at that.
"Maybe we could find the perfect partners that would let us sleep together once a year," Steve had joked.
"My ex-boyfriends certainly looked good together," Nancy had smirked when Steve blushed.
Meanwhile, Robin had gone back to hanging out with all three of them since it wouldn't be her third wheeling anymore. They listened as she complained about the fact that Vickie's parents had dragged her out of town.
"And right before we could kiss too. . .how cruel was that? Vickie had just gotten up the courage to tell me she liked women and that she liked me. . .months, I have spent hanging out with her as friends when her parents announced they were moving," Robin rambled. "She clearly wanted to kiss me, but she didn't want to do it in front of her parents. I am never going to get my first kiss. I guess I'll just become a nun."
"Yeah, right," Steve and Nancy said.
"I really liked Vickie," she said softly.
Robin was currently laying upside down on the couch, her head hanging over the side. Her light brown, almost blonde hair was brushing against the carpet. A ray of sunlight danced across her face, accentuating her blue eyes. The light didn't bother Robin? Nancy stared at her, mesmerized by her freckles and then suddenly her lips. What was that about?
"You're going to find someone, Robin. You'd be surprised how many secretly queer people there are in this town," Steve said.
"Yeah, that's true. I mean, I always thought you were straight, but then it turns out that my own best friend also likes boys!" Robin said.
"Surprise," Steve grinned and Nancy laughed.
"Fuck off," Robin said affectionately.
"Maybe like Steve, a lot of them aren't aware that they're like you yet," Nancy said.
Robin's eyes moved to stare at her. Nancy swallowed as Robin looked as though she were studying her. She felt a fluttering in her chest, and her stomach grew warm as she gazed back into Robin's eyes. What is this? Had Nancy just inadvertently talked about herself just then?
"Maybe," Robin said softly.
"I'm going to get a drink. Does anyone want anything?" Steve asked.
"I do! Get me a root beer," Robin said. "Please, and thank you."
"Uh, I'll help you," Nancy said.
"Ha! Nancy thinks you're incapable of carrying two things of drinks," Robin laughed.
"Fuck off, Robin," Steve said with the same amount of affection that she had used earlier.
Nancy followed him into the kitchen and watched as he tried to decide what drink he wanted for himself. She boosted herself up onto the island.
"Steve?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah?" Steve asked as he closed the fridge and turned around.
"I think I like Robin," Nancy said.
"As in. . .?" Steve asked with raised eyebrows.
"Romantically," she said.
"Oh! That's so great!" Steve exclaimed. "I didn't think you were into women."
"Yeah, me neither. Although, I don't think I necessarily care about what gender a person is," Nancy shrugged. "I don't know. . .it kind of just hit me when I was watching her talk. Do you really think this is great? I mean, I'm your ex and she's your best friend."
"Did it bother you when I stole Jonathan?" Steve asked.
"You did not steal Jonathan," she laughed. "And no, it doesn't bother me."
"Look, Nancy, we got to end things differently this time. . .we got to end it on our terms with no bitter feelings. We both know now that we do love each other but that it's not enough. We got the closure we both needed. I'm happy with Jonathan, and I think you're going to be happy with Robin. She's so great and so are you. You both deserve this," Steve said.
"I love you," Nancy said.
"I love you too," Steve said and pressed a hard kiss to her forehead before helping her off the counter. "I'm just going to hang out in the kitchen."
"I swear if you slap my ass and tell me to go get 'em tiger, I will shoot you," Nancy scoffed.
"I wasn't - okay, am I really that predictable?" Steve asked.
Nancy laughed. She grabbed a root beer from the fridge and a coke for herself just as they heard the front door open. A moment later, Jonathan entered the kitchen. Steve beamed and eagerly greeted him with a kiss.
"Well, it looks like you have something to do other than hang out in the kitchen," Nancy teased.
"Don't you have something you should he doing?" Steve asked.
"Did I miss something?" Jonathan asked.
Nancy laughed again and left the kitchen. She entered the living room, causing Robin to sit up immediately. The suddenness of it caused her hair to flop messily over her head. Robin quickly fixed it before Nancy handed her the soda. She sat down right next to Robin.
"What happened to Steve?" Robin asked.
"Jonathan is here," Nancy replied.
"Okay, so I guess we're never seeing him again," Robin said.
"Yeah, they're probably going to be kissing," Nancy said teasingly.
"Nancy! You know how sensitive I am," Robin said and hit her with a pillow.
Nancy watched her as she opened the root beer and took a drink. She watched as she tilted her head back slightly, exposing her throat as she swallowed. Robin let out a refreshing gasp as she pulled the can back. Nancy's eyes followed her tongue as it wiped away the soda on her lip. Suddenly, Robin let out a belch, breaking Nancy's trance. She giggled.
"So, what upset you more: the fact that you didn't get to kiss Vickie or that you didn't get to kiss a girl?" Nancy asked.
"Well, both are equally disappointing," Robin said.
"You want to know what kissing a girl is like? What her lips feel like against yours?" Nancy asked.
"At this point, I think any willing girl will do," Robin said with a sigh.
Nancy smiled and turned Robin's face towards her. She leaned forward and captured Robin's lips with hers. She smiled when she felt Robin gasp in surprise, but it falterd when Robin didn't kiss her back at first. Then, suddenly, Robin was cupping the back of her head and returning the kiss quite eagerly. Nancy wrapped her arms around Robin and deepened the kiss. Robin pulled back with a gasp, her hands gripping Nancy's waist.
"What was that?" Robin asked.
"That was called kissing," Nancy said.
"Hilarious. No, I mean, you're not like, just throwing me a bone here, are you?" Robin asked.
"I like you," Nancy said sweetly.
"I, uh, like you too," Robin said, blushing. "Even if I ramble?"
"I like the rambling. . . I just hope that you don't think I'm being so forward so soon after Vickie," Nancy said.
"No, just forward enough, I think," Robin said. "I mean, Vickie and I never really went anywhere."
"I'm sorry that she sort of got yanked out your life before you could find out if it would have gone anywhere," Nancy said. "I really did like her. She was nice and I have to say that she surprised me when everything went down."
"She fought like hell. I suppose that's why her parents decided to get her out of here," Robin said and paused. "Thank you for acknowledging Vickie. You're very sweet."
"So, are you, but I'm not always sweet. . .I can be mean if you want me to be," Nancy said.
"Nancy Wheeler, are you flirting with me?" Robin asked.
"Maybe a little," she grinned.
Robin leaned in to kiss her again when she gasped and pulled back.
"Steve!" Robin exclaimed.
"I'm Nancy," she said slowly.
"Hahaha! You're cute and funny. I get it. No, but what about Steve?" Robin asked.
"He's alright with this. I talked about it with Steve. We're good. Besides, he stole my boyfriend so we're even," Nancy said, and they laughed. "Do you really need to ask him?"
"No, I trust you when you said that he's okay with this, but you shouldn't be surprised. . .me and Steve are terribly codependent," Robin said.
"I might have picked up on that," Nancy said in amusement.
"I just want you to be prepared. We will literally call each other and debate with each other about what we're going to have for breakfast. I'm his mole cancer checker, and he literally looks for lumps. I make sure his hair isn't receding, and he reminds me to take my vitamins. We also check under our beds for monsters. We also have frequent sleepovers," Robin said. "Scared yet?"
"Nothing is going to scare me off, and all of that actually is very cute. Steve is very much a part of my life, too, and what happened between us recently. . .it made us realize that nothing is ever going to change that," Nancy said and paused. "Do you and Steve braid each other's hair?"
"Ugh, he does mine, but he refuses to grow out his hair for me to do his," Robin said. "Maybe now that you're my girlfriend, we can attack him from both sides."
"Am I?" She asked.
"Your girlfriend?" Nancy asked.
"Uh, yeah, I mean, if you want," Robin said.
"I would like that," Nancy said and kissed her.
Robin squealed and pushed her against the cushions. Nancy laughed against her lips.
"Nancy Wheeler is my girlfriend!"
Two weeks later. . .
The front door to Steve’s house burst open, startling the casual double date that was occurring in the living room. Eddie stormed into the room with Chrissy trailing behind him. Robin had her head in Nancy's lap while Steve laid in between Jonathan's leg. The TV was on.
"Was anyone else other than Dustin going to tell me that we could come out of hiding?" Eddie asked.
"Oh. . .were you in hiding? I thought you moved out of town," Steve said.
"Yes! . . . Wait, did everyone think that?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah," Robin said.
"What's going on here?" Chrissy asked with a grin.
"This looks. . .okay, when we left Byers was dating Wheeler and Buckley was pining over a redhead," Eddie said. "And Harrington was pining over Wheeler."
"You would think that after everything we went through, he'd remember our first names," Steve muttered, and Jonathan laughed.
"He calls me Cunningham, and I'm his girlfriend," Chrissy laughed.
"Well, Jonathan broke up with Nancy, Nancy got with Steve, then Steve and Nancy broke up. Vickie moved away now, Jonathan is dating Steve, and I'm dating Nancy," Robin said.
"Jesus, the next thing you're going to tell me is that Jeff is dating Argyle," Eddie said.
"Jesus, that is a good fucking guess," Jonathan whispered.
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jackiequick · 2 years
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Reader/Bob x OC (Nurse Anna)
Other Characters: The Daggers (+ JenPen Mitchell) and a few other background characters
Timeline: Set some time after The Uranium Project
Setting: The Bradshaw Household
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It was an delightful Tuesday afternoon, the sun was shining brightly but it was windy and a bit chilly outside. The crew was mostly there expect for Amber who was assigned with a few meetings with her father that day, other than that the Daggers were together at The Bradshaw Mitchell household.
Usually they would be outside on the patio but it was too windy to sit outside today, so they all hang out inside in the connected kitchen and living room area. Fanboy, Phoenix and Payback were fighting over which set of movies watch next on the flat screen Tv while Coyote and Bob was helping Rooster fixing the front windows that seemed to go scratched from week…let’s just say it no more playing inside.
JenPen was putting away groceries that they brought earlier while Hangman was sipping a beer in the kitchen island nearby one of the stools, plugging in everyone phones to charge.
“Hey, what time is Angel coming back home?” Jake asked using Amber’s nickname instead as he glances at his Instagram account.
“Why? You miss your girlfriend?” Jen teased the pilot, grabbing a bite of the freshly washed grapes left on the kitchen counter.
“Wha—No! I mean yeah, of course I do, Miss Bradshaw.”
“Mitchell—Bradshaw, actually. When I do get married, I might keep my last name.”
“Pfff, Bradshaw is too much a chicken to finally find a ring and propose to you.”
“Be nice, you’ll be Uncle Hangman one day you will have to be on your best behavior.”
Jake laughed at the nickname and rolled his eyes, “What you doing this weekend?”
“Uhh, I got to study the metrics for a few planes and might just wash my hair afterwards.” Jen said with a simple shrug and smile.
After a while, Coyote and Bob took a break from helping Bradley with the window. Javy went to wash his hands in the kitchen while Bob headed to the bathroom upstairs to wash his face. While Javy was drying off his hands, he heard a light ping coming from the section of phones being charged.
Coyote raised an eyebrow, checking to see who’s phone it was exactly. He flipped though the phones and lightly tapping each other curiously until another message came in. It was Bob’s phone.
You could’ve sworn Javy did a double take as he saw the message, the poor man’s jaw dropped. The message first being a photo dump of the beautifully made sky outside and the new message said ‘Hey darling! How are you?💘’
“Huh?” Javy muttered, he tries not to be curious about his friends business because everyone tends to be somewhat open with a lot of things. But this caught his eyes since he never heard of Bob Floyd having a lady. He read the caller ID and continued, “Who’s Nurse Anna?!”
Javy’s yell caught everyone in the room’s attention, all faces whipped around towards the tall man in confusion. Everyone expect Phoenix who was sorta listening but too busy texting Lieutenant Magnet Kenner about god knows what. Rooster was sitting next to his girlfriend messaging her tired shoulders as he asked, “Uh, what?”
“Who’s Nurse Anna?!” Coyote repeated again as if it was obvious the first time he questioned the name.
“Uh context please, pal..” Said Payback turning his head from the couch to look at him.
“I was drying my hands after helping Roo with the windows and I heard a ping coming from one of the phones. So I went to check who’s phone it was and guess who’s phone it was?”
“Relax, it’s probably a friend of his from work.”
“A friend? Oh really?! A friend who’s a nurse…?”
“Uhh yeah…”
Fanboy stood up from the flooring in the living room to see the messenger ID on Bob’s phone lock-screen. Later on another message popped up from Nurse Anna saying 'Change of plans I might not be free Friday but we can definitely do Saturday instead 💞'.
Mickey smiled and let out a small chuckle reading it out loud, “Uhh I don’t know Ruben, the contact on the ID says Nurse Anna with a blue heart emoji! She called him ‘Darling’ in the two messages she sent to Bob. She asked about meeting up on Saturday and added a few love emojis too! I don’t think it’s a normal friend from work kinda thing…”
Coyote joked, “What? You think they’re just hooking up?! Like a causal hook up? Gahhhh no, that’s not Bob’s thing, last time I checked.”
The trio kept arguing on who is this Nurse Anna girl was and acting like they were trying to decipher a mystery case. JenPen added in a few jokes about how ridiculous they were acting, however she was just as curious about it all.
Hangman thought it was just a casual weekly hook up between the their friend and some pretty girl or something. The loudly voiced conversation kept going on for more than two minutes as all the Daggers expect Phoenix, who was just watching all of them discuss the matter at hand.
Little did they all know Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd was upstairs, standing in the hallway near the staircase hearing everyone, trying his hardest not to laugh.
Rooster eyebrows bounced motion and laughed as he exclaimed, “Damn! Well it looks to me that our WSO has himself a little girlfriend.”
Hangman was sipping his second beer as his mind was clearly in space. Soon enough his eyebrows popped up and he almost spit out his drink coughing, “BABY ON BOARD HAS A WHAT—?!”
“Awww he fell for a nurse.” Jen says in pure awe how Bob was probably in love, leaning into Bradley’s warm touch on her shoulders.
“I’m still on the part where Bradshaw said GIRLFRIEND!” Hangman said chuckling and coughing a bit.
“I think it’s cute.” Fanboy replies with a smile, “And she sounds super sweet!”
The conversation contained so much energy and no one noticed that Bob was gone, since they more focused on the mysterious lady.
Fanboy thinks she’s blonde with green eyes, Hangman thinks she’s gotta be a redhead with green eyes, Ruben believed she was a nurse on base for the longest time, JenPen guessed that she must’ve been one of the most talented nurses in school and Coyote had a gut feeling Bob met her months before they all returned to Top Gun for that mission.
Rooster was curious as he stated his questions to the group, “Who can she be? I never heard a nurse named Anna...or so I think?”
“I bet she’s hot! Like super hot!” Hangman said grinning as Coyotes chuckles slapping his shoulder mutter for him to shut up.
Ruben turned to Phoenix smiling, “Your awfully quiet, anything you’ll like to share with the class?”
Phoenix looked up from her phone confused, “What do you mean? Just because Bob and I fly together doesn’t mean I know everything about ‘em, he probably met her one day before we all met at the bar or something. Last time I checked nurses need a night off to have fun too.”
“Your sure about that? Phoenix you fly and eat together, you share teaching tips together. Also you guys even shared a life or death experience together with all of us. I feel like you know something!”
“Well I-”
Suddenly they all heard footsteps and the room went silent, some of them noticing their teammate walking into the living room. They all waited and looked around as if they were just caught in the act of a horrible prank.
“Phoenix doesn’t know because she was passed out in a hospital bed in another room, when it happened.” Said the voice of the man who’s phone started all of this with a soft smile. Bob stood there leaning against the wall fixing his glasses and trying not to laugh at their faces. Especially Natasha’s confused one.
Everyone turned to Bob in shock and motioned for him to continue. He said, “Well, after the whole bird strike that went down that same day, Phoenix and I was sent the to the med bay, when I met her. I woke up, less than half an hour after it happened, doctors came and checked on me. Then Anna walked in…she came in with extra blankets and check on my IV, to see if I needed anything…”
“And?” Phoenix asked, waving her hand gently as if to cue in that she wanted more information about this.
“She was pretty. I didn’t have my glasses on and I've just woken up with a headache, so my vision I was still slightly blurry, but I could tell she was absolutely stunning dressed in her blue scrubs and her brown hair that was in a ponytail…and she was very kind.”
Hangman smiled, “That’s her job, Bob, to be kind and treat patients well, for they can try and get better.”
Rooster looked up glaring at his blonde savior, “Who’s telling the story? Him or you?”
“Him duh!”
“Then let him tell it, Bagman!”
“Yikes..sorry, Floyd continues please, she sounds pretty nice.”
Bob smiled laughing softly and continued, “Because she is! Gentle and passionate too. She stayed with me for a while, asked how I was doing at the moment and what is my job in the Navy. Uh, eventually we started talking about movies and music, and then before she left to go see other patients..I asked her out, telling her once I got out the hospital and could be finished with our missions, I would like to take her to a nice restaurant…”
JenPen smiled listening as she heard Fanboy asking, “She called you darling? How long have you two been going out?”
“Oh no! She calls every single one of her patients darling or dear but for me darling just stuck I guess. I call her doll or honey, sometimes sweetie.” Bob said the last few nicknames with a laced dreamy smile as if thinking about his lady.
“You didn’t answer Fanboy’s questions though! How long?! I gotta—” JenPen asked but was cut off with a hand covering her mouth.
Rooster had his hand covering his girlfriend’s mouth snickering and looked up at Bob smiling, “Go on. She’s quiet now.”
Once again Bob laughed shaking his head and went on explaining, “We’ve only being seeing each other for 8 weeks more or less, with our busy schedules and all. I wanted to keep our relationship a secret for a while. You know, just the two of you and see where it goes."
Coyote rubbed the back of his neck chuckling awkwardly, "And I let it slip..I'm sorry man, I didn't know and you know I can get a little nuts sometimes."
"It's perfectly fine, I was expecting for you guys to find out eventually this month or so. Actually glad it wasn't Jake."
Hangman looked up with his eyes widen offended and gasped somewhat loudly, "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN-?!"
"You would've texted Javy! Better yet, you would've called Amber then she would've told the all ladies!"
"I wasn't going to do that!"
"Oh really?"
Bob pointed to the iPhone in Jake's hand brightly lit as his fingers were on paused. Robert asked, "Who were you texting, Hangman?"
"No one." Jake exclaimed quickly, closing the messages that he was sending to his girlfriend and throws his phone on the couch. Everyone's eyes darted to the iPhone that showed messages from Amber popping up like crazy.
"You were saying.."
All the group could do was laugh and roll they’re eyes at this point from seeing the scene play out. Truly none of them were sad or annoyed Bob for keeping such a darling secret, it’s his life and he should be able to keep such good things to himself, of course when JenPen and Bradley did say that when Bob and his lady were ready they would love to meet her one day. Bob appreciated the welcoming ideas and support he’s getting as he went on to actually reply to Nurse Anna’s text messages knowing she might be busy but 100% checking her phone waiting for a reply soon.
Coyote kept apologizing for spoiling that little surprise even though no one was really mad at him or anything, as Fanboy and Payback sending all the good thing to their teammate’s way. As for Phoenix, she was very much happy but a little disappointed in herself for not finding out sooner or at least pick up the clues firsthand.
If your wondering about Hangman, he left the gang early to pick up his lady and well this happened…
Jake sat in the car, opening the door seeing Amber as he grinned like an idiot bursting to tell her everything that happened today. And once Amber climbed into her seat grinning and buckled in her seatbelt she said, “Ok, oh my god. Tell me everything!”
“Yes!” Jake shouted as he buckled in his own seatbelt, “Baby on board has a girlfriend! I was like ‘What? That’s crazy?!’ I didn’t believe it, but from what I heard she’s really pretty cute and she’s a nurse.”
“Ugh! Why is it that the day I have to work, is that day all the good things happen? Let me guess, you found out!”
Hangman snickered, “Nope!”
“Then who?”
“What?!” Amber gasp laughing.
Let’s just say the rest of the ride home was full of gossip and laughter from that one single car. The rest of day went as follows, Coyote and Payback went out to keep helping Rooster with the broken window, Fanboy and Bob chatting about their day and future relationships, while Phoenix and JenPen were ordering stuff on Amazon as they fixed up a few things around the house.
Thank you for reading this story and I really hope you liked it! 💙
Tags: @t-nd-rfoot @gaminggirlsstuff @theloveoftoms @rooster-84 @happilycameron @mandylove1000 @topgun-imagines @levijeanqueen @drspencereidhotch @fanboygarcia @starkleila @msrochelleromanofffelton @gcthvile and etc
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What drinks da2 characters order
In absolute fuck it we ball energy, I am replaying da2 here is a post for any of u who are still here from when I made this blog in high school
Yes this is modern / our world i dont care
Hawke: coronas. No, coors lite. Idk the beeriest college beer there is. Hawke is a ferelden farm boy this dude doesn’t even do mixed drinks he buys 6 packs only. Catch hawke in the club with one of those pitchers of beer thats like 64oz. If he must, whiskey soda(cola), and his go to shots are jameson
Varric: old fashioned is his go to, gin and tonic if he’s slowing down, and guinness if he’s really taking it easy, he doesnt really do shots
Fenris: he’s from tropical tevinter so must be tequila and mezcal, he usually does traditional tequila shots with salt and lime, but he’ll take a traditional margarita, salt rims on everything, he also likes tajin and will do mango if it’s spicy. Wine is a whole other ball of wax but he doesn’t really fuck with anything white or rosè he’d drinks cabs
Isabela: she’s a pirate so she likes rum, rum&coke is her go to, but she’ll do piña coladas, daiquiris, mai tais, and corny stuff like jello shots, blowjob shots, isabela only really likes shots if they’re this big communal event you make everyone do, she doesn’t do shots on her own, she’s the queen of mixed drinks and is low maintenance, if no rum she goes to vodka cran
Anders: white claw queen, trulys, high noons, go to mixed drink is long island iced tea, maybe screwdriver, but he will send things back if they’re not sweet enough and makes a terrible sour face every time he does a shot. This does NOT mean he does not do shots. He just has no preference bc he has no taste for liquor. He will order those ice blended drinks that are gross fake sugary, he drinks artificial shit like green apple flavored vodka, he brings malibu to every house party
Carver: he’s cut from the same cloth as hawke so he also drinks 6 packs. they order gallons of beer at a time and split them often, he’s always sipping mini fireballs out of his pocket as if he’s not surrounded by alcoholics, and he orders hennesy shots flat with no special flair
Bethany: cosmo, lemon drop, sex on the beach, sangria, she rejects beer because of her brothers, but she’ll do whiskey shots with them. she also likes ceremonious shot rounds like isabela
Aveline: ok so she’s obviously not down at the bar getting fucked up with everyone else, she mostly drinks beer and wine, she likes ipa’s and can get surprisingly sophisticated about beer, she doesn’t feel she has the refined palette of good wine choice (but she’d probably pass up many others) if she must order a mixed drink she’ll have whatever her friend is having, and if they’re doing shots she takes them like a pro
Merrill: oh boy this one’s hard. I think they just feed her drinks until she likes one and the ones she picks are so random to them they can’t follow the pattern. In reality, she has a preference for an herbal taste where she’ll like anything that tastes like she’s eating the forest or a garden, gin because it’s piney, garnishes with sage or basil or rosemary but she always eats the garnishes out of her drink whole, and she also likes to chew on the ice afterward. She’s a huge lightweight and gets drunk after two drinks but she really doesn’t mind the taste of them bc she would eat grass so she slurps down many a hard drink and then shes wasted
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the-everqueen · 3 months
5 - Corinthian, Rose Walker, Desire of the Endless
9 - Donald Pierce, Ty Shaw, Steve Murphy
5 - go on a six hour road trip with (no car radio, you choose who drives), sit next to on a six hour plane flight, sit across from on a six hour train journey mm...once i placed the Corinthian i felt good about deciding the other two. CLEARLY gotta get in a car with the Corinthian. will that road trip end with me dead? yeah, probably. BUT i think he'd have a fun phone playlist. also he'd be the one driving, most likely, not because i can't but because i assume he'd have a much cooler car than i ever will. ideal road trip partner, imho. Jed obviously had a fun time!
Rose for the flight. i HATE flying, esp. "long flights" (for me, that's anything 4+ hours), i usually get red-eyes when possible so i can sleep. so i trust that either Rose and i could politely do our own things for most of the flight (also we're both on the petite end - VERY handy because, uh, sorry to her but she will be in the middle seat because i always get a window seat but at least we won't be cramped like every time i end up sitting next to a dude who's 6 ft and miserable). OR we could talk about books/whatever she's writing. i'd happily rubber duck for Rose Walker. if the flight is 6 hours, are we going to the UK? i'd have a bunch of questions for her if she's going for family history stuff, so long as she's cool with that.
Desire for the train. this is mostly because i assume any sort of extended trip with Desire involves sex and i'd be less squicked out about that in a train bathroom vs a plane bathroom. i do NOT trust Desire's taste in music, so no car playlist privileges. we'd have fun gossiping about the other passengers. if this is a six hour train trip through some part of the U.S., they'd be a fun distraction from All Of The Farmland (inevitable).
9 - watch a soap opera with, go to a play with, watch your favourite movie with soap opera goes to Pierce. that bitch loves a good telenovela, i'm sure. we could make it a weekly thing. he's got theories about where Vanessa's arc is going, i've got the latest chisme on his coworkers. win-win.
Steve Murphy is so...old-fashioned, in some respects, that i'd want to go to a play with him. OBVIOUSLY it would be something queer (maybe we just go all out and see "Angels in America"). unlike Pierce, he doesn't gab the entire time, and he buys me a drink at intermission. he's quiet and profoundly, visibly uncomfortable the entire time. afterward we go to the nearest diner and he makes awkward comments on the parts he thinks were done well. i eat a stack of pancakes and stare at him.
(even more ideal than a play...a musical. i DO think Steve Murphy would low-key enjoy a musical, even if he pretended it was silly. what musical would i take Steve to? the 2023 revival of "Merrily We Roll" or maybe a Dave Malloy thing)
i'm trying to decide what my favorite movie is in this context but regardless it goes to Ty Shaw. if it's something overwhelmingly sincere, like LOTR, he's definitely already seen it and goes into the rewatch with sweet enthusiasm. if it's something in the vein of "made just for me, horse," i.e. The Social Network or Challengers, then we end up having really intense sex somewhere around Act 2. either way, he brings beer/popcorn and i either bake cookies or smuggle a bunch of candy into the local theater.
send me a number and three names
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
When you become the handiest person on your block, lesser homeowners will flock to your door in order to seek your counsel. Sometimes there is a pretext to it: just need to borrow a tool, oh, and while you’re here, do you understand what the fuck “grout” is? That kind of thing. Usually, when confronted with home-repair questions, I pretend not to be able to speak English anymore (I have a forged doctor’s note explaining that it is a pathological mental condition brought on by unresolved childhood trauma) and eventually they go away.
Once in awhile, though, there’s a job so interesting that I can’t help but get involved. You might think that these are hard jobs, or at least ones where I can learn something. Nothing doing: when I’m helping out a neighbour, it’s because I suspect that there will be a really funny story afterwards. Such a currency will never depreciate, and in fact will probably allow me to get a couple free beers at the local watering hole when they get a new bouncer who doesn’t recognize my face.
My neighbour, who we’ll call Hal because I think that’s his name, wanted to fill in the old swimming pool behind his home. It was dug into the ground decades ago by the bourgeois previous owners, who were capable of comfortably maintaining a household with children on a single income. Hal knew that this era was over, and in either event that he would never be able to afford the water bill required to fill such a pool, and so he decided it would be a nice way to extend his yard. Having a large and featureless yard also appealed, but mostly to me, because I knew there was a pretty good chance I could later leverage my helping-out into him letting me park a parts car or two there.
Filling a hole in the ground with dirt is not difficult. So why did Hal ask me for help? It’s really very simple. Human beings are social animals, and doing home maintenance without someone nearby to shoot the shit with is torture. Many hands make light work, even if the only hands actually digging and tossing are yours, and everyone else’s hands are just holding your craft beer and pointing at cool cars driving past. After a few hours of a well-spent Saturday, the hole was filled.
This is where the trap is sprung: drunk on our success, we were already making plans for the rest of his house. Maybe we’d put some solar panels on the roof. Fix that crack on the driveway. Hell, we could do anything. Unfortunately for Hal, I remembered the presence of my rare affliction just in time, and quickly slipped into a string of coprolalia while fleeing, until I was well out of his earshot. 
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death-in-a-handbasket · 9 months
Ooh on the topic of drinking !!
What would Ayatsuji's favorite drink(s) be? Is he a fruity margarita guy or straight vodka
And any other characters you have in mind I love reading your thoughts!!
Yukito: liquor and whiskey. more on the sweet side than not but it def burns, takes a bit for him to get drunk but when he does it is the most vulnerable state you’ll ever see him in, doesn’t drink often but might indulge if there’s something worth celebrating, a lot of his alcohol he has on hand ends up as a cooking ingredient
Tsujimura: likes a good tasty martini but prefers harder drinks because she wants to be badass like all the spy women in her favorite works, can both settle down with a good beer and also do straight vodka if she’s feeling bold (relatively low alcohol tolerance though and passes out after the latter) drinks after work sometimes with coworkers from the special division
Ango: mellow drinker, starts off with whiskey and sips it throughout the night, too responsible most of the time to drink past slightly tipsy, his body is mostly comprised of caffeine instead, might put a little alcohol in the coffee to take the edge off sometimes (only if the day is going really bad and it doesn’t work tbh)
Nikolai: could drink paint thinner if he wanted to (he has) gets rowdier and slightly more emotion when drunk but can somehow still function impeccably well even when plastered, he’s just deeply more chaotic LMAO, probably drinks vodka cut with the fruitiest mix on planet earth because this man likes pizazz, alcohol tolerance so deranged no one is sure if can actually die from alcohol poisoning
Fyodor: doesn’t drink often because he doesn’t want it to impair his mind plus he’s anemic and like 7 pounds soaking wet, it goes right through him like water so he’s fairly lightweight, but if need be he’ll sip on a little vodka throughout a night and go nap after he’s done
Fukuchi: could down a barrel of sake like a boss but the minute he gets drunk old man peepaw is a damn party animal, drinks socially and for sport but it bites him in the ass every time though we know this man gets WHIPLASH fuckin hangovers
Bram: doesn’t want alcohol but doesn’t dislike it either, cannot get drunk by any stretch, mostly just samples shit from time to time for the flavor
Sigma: liquor and wine boy, prefers not to drink but will do it for show while at the casino, can hold his alcohol but prefers not to go past tipsy, a moderate and chill man
Teruko: can outdrink Fukuchi and remain fully lucid on command. everyone is scared of her
Jouno: not much of an alcohol man, will sample a little sake but he doesn’t especially care for it plus his tolerance is super high, passes on drinks most times
Tecchou: can drink his weight in alcohol, has a preference for beer and sake, but instead of getting rowdy in any way he just takes a nap directly afterwards and wakes up normal the next morning with no hangover, no one is quite sure how he does it
Tachihara: more likely to go out drinking with the pm than the hunting dogs, will drink the fancy stuff if need be but he’s a beer man at heart, you can take the scruff off this boy but it’s still there in his heart, slow drinker but once he gets going he’s super happy and rowdy as shit, not immune to doing shots, helps balance out Chuuya’s bitchiness at times
Hirotsu: old fashioned whiskey man, sips on it throughout the night but never gets drunk, the most sober man drinking in the bar tbh, mostly does it to relax, the guy there to keep Chuuya from being a total dick
Chuuya: a wine guy as we all know, starts out slow and savoring it but then gets emotional and pissy and start downing the damn glass, prone to being an angry drunk and yelling like a little bitch before getting shepherded home
Mori: has seen his fair share of alcohols in his time but prefers to remain sober
Verlaine: likes white wine and vodka, also gets angry tipsy and will judge the quality like a megacunt, no one likes to drink with him
Ranpo: prefers not to drink as he despises most alcohol tastes but can be persuaded into amaretto with how much it tastes like candy, gets loud and affectionate when drunk, will call you an idiot and pass out on your arm
Dazai: will try and drink any and every alcohol, can remain entirely lucid no matter what he’s ingested but he loves acting drunk and passing out anyways for the experience and also to be inconvenient for some people (Kunikida)
Fukuzawa: sake enjoyer, doesn’t drink often but drinks slow and steady, high alcohol tolerance, rarely gets drunk
Yosano: wine lover, gets loud and rowdy when drunk, is a social drinker but also samples different kinds of wine in her free time just to judge the flavors
Higuchi: doesn’t drink often but might mellow out and get sad over a beer or whiskey
Oda: drinks slowly and methodically throughout the night, also a beer or whiskey man, prefers to mostly take in the ambiance of the bar than the experience of the alcohol, might get buzzed but hasn’t taken it much further than there
Francis: drinks socially and mostly champagne, gets more energetic and egotistical the more alcohol enters his body, will spend money on progressively stupider shit as the event goes on because he has no sense of consequences while drunk
Sober gang:
Atsushi: low alcohol tolerance and lowkey kind of scared
Akutagawa: he coughs every time because it burns his throat, could have a decent alcohol tolerance if he wanted to but his body can’t take it
Mushitarou: despises being drunk and hates the taste
Poe: too scared to do it
Nathanial: to religious to do it
Gin: not really her thing
Lucy: could hold her own if she wanted to but she hates the way alcohol makes people act and prefers to pass on it
Kunikida: designated driver and wouldn’t touch alcohol because it violates his ideals
Tanizaki: also too scared to do it but if Naomi was allowed she’d get tipsy for fun
Lovecraft: alcohol has net zero effect on him so he simply Doesn’t
THIS WAS SO FUN y’all feel free to request any of your faves I forgot ��
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Crazy days guys! So last Monday, my prof was like "yeah, and this week, I'm going to take your problem seriously" and I thought, well, we've had the problem for over a month now, so thanks for probably finally thinking about it. And on Friday he sent me a mail with a short version of the solution and damn, it was depressingly immediate. If he had thought sooner about it, I'm could have had that much more in my thesis :( But well, at least I have this now.
On Friday, I also was at the revue of our local student club. None of my best study buddies were going, but some people from my office thankfully adopted me for the time. I actually understood way more than I thought I would! By far not everything of course, but enough to be proud of myself.
On the weekend and Monday I tried to fill in the holes in my thesis. I didn't really get into it though. But on Monday I actually was able to think about one of the two bigger holes and found a solution for one part of it.
On Tuesday, my supervisor explained the solution to the big problem in slightly more detail, leaving most details still to me but fair and I actually think I worked them out, but I did that on the blackboard so I still have to write it down in a concise way. Only if I manage that I feel like I can say I truly have the solution or understand something. But then I couldn't be stopped and probably found pretty much of the solution to the other hole and that still wasn't enough and I got the other part of the first hole down! And all of that within some 4 hours.
After that I went with a brand new friend to an organ concert by student from the local conservatory which was mostly pretty nice. It's been some time since I have heard cool organ playing and I missed it a bit. The acoustics were still weird for me tho. It actually turned out that my brand new friend actually played the organ herself.
After that I realised that I had fucked up going to the pharmacy and if I did not manage to find a pharmacy that was still open then I would have to go to do the walk of shame to my doctor and tell her I need another prescription, but I found one and they even had my stuff there! I always go to the same pharmacy every three months like clockwork and they never have my shit ready -.- But I got lucky there and the cashier also was the nicest.
Then we wanted to go to streetfood but I said let's get bubble tea instead because there is only one place in town (can you imagine TT_TT) and we were close, so I wanted to use the opportunity, but she was like "I have bubble tea at home" and I joked and was like, well then let's go there, and she was like "sure, what do you wanna eat? I think I have everything for kimchi soup." So we went to her place and I ate her kimchi soup and she told me about what Hongkong is like and she complimented my Chinese because I can read like three characters because I watched too much WoH and Untamed.
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And finally today I had another half unexpected outing with my best study buddy here. We for us rather spontaneously met up and tried out a new place for take away. Was okay, but I won't go there again. But after that I was like, wanna go to the art museum, it's open for another hour. So we went there, me with our empty beer cans in my backpack and her with the rest of her take away in hand (we obvsly left in the lockers). And I showed her one piece of art that I wanted her opinion on and we looked at a cool installation (at least I liked it a lot) and talked about what it could mean before we read about it afterwards. Apparently people were also just like "many layers something something time something earth something something", and I think our interpretation fit into that quite well lol. After that we speedran an exhibition about a local painter (I think). It was extremely nice to talk about art with someone. When I went with my German friend and her boyfriend we also talked about it but it was kinda different, more general or something? Something was missing, but I got it today, so that was nice!
And in the evening when I got home, the moon was in the sky so very beautifully that I had to pick up my camera again. Feels like it has been some time, perhaps a month? But my sense for time is gone even more than usually. But yeah. I need a new camera.
So life has been kinda intense the last week at least. It's the sun, I tell you. Perhaps I am procrastinating a bit. But then, I feel like I am actually a bit more productive because I have all these mini deadlines if I am meeting people in the evening. Perhaps it also doesn't make too much of a difference productivity-wise, but at least I am pretty damn happy right now. And as long as I get a degree, who cares about the grades? (It's probably far more problematic that I don't have any job experience lol. But I have to say that I am a bit sad that I just do not sit down to do the fucking math, even though whenever I manage to sit myself down, I really love doing the fucking math.)
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strawbrygashez · 2 years
Java Dude x Postal 2 Dude
Shit I don’t wanna say
This fic takes place during Paradise Lost!!! Dude helps out this other Pdude :D I wonder what will happen?!??!??!
At this point, Dude thinks that even if God himself came down from the great Heavens, it wouldn’t shock him much. This week up till now has put him in thru the ringer with how many odd situations he found himself in, some more humorous than others. The one he was in right now probably should have him freaking out a lot more but honestly, he mostly felt ‘whatever’ about the fact that basically a clone of himself was walking beside him in the rain, acting nonchalant as could be as he whistled out some tune.
Honestly Dude was more surprised by the fact that he spared what little money he had on him as it was to get the man next to him his ‘oh-so-needed root beers’. Not only that but he agreed to let the man stay with him in his hotel room. Okay, maybe it shouldn’t be that surprising. Dude could be a bit of push over sometimes but that was mostly saved for people he actually knew well or had some level of care for. He’d only just met this guy this morning while taking care of some morning errands, so he wasn’t exactly sure why he was doing this. Perhaps it was the man’s story about loosing his home and car that hit so close to home. Well, he supposed since this guy seemed to be Dude himself and looked pretty similar to him, they’d have a few thing in common. He still wasn’t sure exactly what ‘Java Dude’ was. For all he knew he could be just a hallucination but honestly he couldn’t get himself to care enough to press him on more about it. He’d gone thru weirder things these past couple of days anyways.
Pulling himself out of his thoughts for a moment, he glanced back over to the other man. He really didn’t seem to have much of a care in the world for what was going on either. Maybe he was used to odd shit going on as well but it seemed like he caught Dude looking because he finally stopped whistling to smile. “I know I said it already but thank you so much man! I haven’t been able to get my hands on these for a while.” He said, making a show of shaking the bag the bottles sat in. Dude just shrugged. “Yeah well.. like I said I needed to pick some stuff up from the store anyways so- If you really wanna show me how thankful you are, why don’t you show me some appreciation when we get back?” SHIT. Dude covered his mouth quickly and froze in place. Oh yeah…He had that problem still where shit he really didn’t mean to say would slip out for some reason. His face burned a bit as he stared wide eyed at Java who just was watching him blankly back. Of course his brain had been quiet until then to say some weird shit..okay, earlier the voice talking to him was going on about how handsome this other Dude was and the voice wasn’t exactly wrong..but jesus fucking Christ. He wouldn’t mind jumping off a building right now.
“Shit. I didn’t mean to s-” Dude cut himself off when Java looked down and turned a bit red also. “Wow. Heh didn’t take you for the extremely forward type..uhm..I gu-” fuckfuckfuck. “No. I didn’t mean that, okay? Let’s go already. I’m fucking starving.” Dude quickly spat out before walking again, a bit faster than last time. Java only watched for a moment before smiling again and trying to catch up. “Hmm.. I didn’t expect you to be that shy to back down so quickly also though. What a shame.” Java teased as he leaned down a bit to look at Dudes face as they walked. It was still a bright red. Dude groaned and ran a free hand over his face.
“I didn’t- god. Okay. You see this wound up here pal?” Dude asked pointing up to his obvious bloody head wound with a frown. Java nodded. “Ever since I got this..I hear a voice and sometimes it says shit I don’t want to say. So..don’t flatter yourself bud.” Dude tried, swallowing afterwards. “Oh..so you’re like schizophrenic?” Java asked tilting his head. “I- no..probably not anyways.” That actually got Dude to laugh a little for some reason. Java grinned again also and threw a arm around Dudes shoulder. “Well, I still don’t mind showing you some appreciation later.” He joked. “Wouldn’t be the first time I did something like that for a quick drink.” Well..Dude assumed he was joking anyways, sometimes he really wished he could get sarcasm better but even if he was joking..it got his mind going and he really didn’t wanna think about the taller, buffer man like that right now, especially when all Dude really wanted to do was get out of this cold ass rain and relax for the first time in a while. “Hm..so there is a even more desperate and slutty version of me. Good to know.” Dude replied, still not daring to look him in the face. Java chuckled a bit at that. “You’re somewhat of a slut then?” Dude frowned again in embarrassment and shrugged Javas arm off as the hotel came back into view. “Shut up man.”
Luckily things eventually calmed down a bit once they were back in their hotel room as they casually talked about whatever bullshit they were currently facing. It felt nice to know they weren’t alone in dealing with this kinda shit actually. Being able to talk about the stuff Dude constantly goes through and actually be heard for once made him comfortable enough to finally loosen up since the first time in a while and lean back into the small couch while he listened to Java continue on about how he ended up in Paradise of all places. “I was so close to getting my car back too. I was in the middle of telling my story on the damn news but they cut me off. Can you fucking believe it?” He asked as he took another sip of his root beer and pushed some of his loose hair behind his ear. Dude nodded with a, “Trust me. I can..” while Dudes life never really involved dealing with gangs like Javas does, he knows all too well about life throwing the worst at you..and thinking you’re so close to having something positive happen for it to just all fuck up again.
Java shook his head as he leaned onto the couch on his side, facing Dude. “It really fucking sucks they burned down my own house down too..do you know how many of my action figures I lost? I spent so long collecting all those..” Action figures? That’s..kinda cute. Dude had his own ‘weird’ collection too, of krotchys in wherever his trailer was now. “That sucks. Sorry man..how’d the wife take it all?” Dude asked taking a sip of his own bottle of root beer though it wasn’t a drink he usually liked or picked up for himself often, but he spent the money on it so he thought he might as well take a bottle. Java raised a eyebrow and smirked a bit. “Wife?” He repeated. Dude shrugged, he assumed since they were both ‘Dudes’ more parts of their life would line up..but obviously he was wrong. “I don’t have a wife. I’m not really into women to be honest.” Java replied taking another sip. So there is a straight up gay version of himself..interesting. “Oh. Uh..that’s ok. Do you have a dog?” He continued. “Nope. It was just me in that house. It could be a bit lonely but I had some friends around.”
Dude couldn’t help to be a bit jealous at the fact this ‘Dude’ didn’t have to had dealt with a bitch of a wife day in and day out. Besides his occasional problems he was thrown into, Java ‘Dudes’ life seemed a lot more easy than his own. “That’s cool. My uh.. bitch of a ex wife left me a while back. Thank god.” Dude chuckled as he watched Java go to open another bottle. “That bad, huh?” Java asked as he looked back at him. Shit..This other Dude was really pretty now that Dude is this close to him and can see him well in the lighting. He was a lot more well kept than himself, with a cute haircut that fit him well, a clean shaven face and muscular body type. He also didn’t wear sunglasses all the time so Dude could see his brown eyes perfectly. The bastard didn’t have all the ginger traits.. no freckles, no green eyes, or extremely pale complexion, lucky him. “Yeah, I guess.” Dude finally said after a minute of silence.
“Well that’s good. I wouldn’t want to be stuck with someone I thought was a bitch” Java smiled, sitting back in his original position after grabbing his drink. Dude began to speak, “Mm. I- of course you wouldn’t. The only bitch here is you, pretty boy.” Shit. Not again. Dude scowled and caught a glimpse of Java turning red again. Dude ran both hands over his face. This was seriously starting to piss him off “fuccckkkk! I didn’t mean-” Java shook his head before gently taking a hold of one of Dudes wrists. “H-hey, it’s okay. I get it. It’s fine. Don’t stress over it Dude.” Java gently spoke as he watched him. Of course hearing Dude talk to him like that got his heart going..but he didn’t really mean all that stuff so it was fine. Even if he thought Dude himself was super attractive too.
He could see Dude taking some deep breaths in and out before Dude slowly peaked over his fingers. It was super adorable to see him get embarrassed like this though..maybe that’s bad to think in a situation like this but oh well. “I’m sorry.” Was all he said. Java grinned and while he loved being able to see Dudes green eyes since his glasses were now crooked, he shook his head again and fixed them for him. “Like I said it’s fine. I don’t mind..” Dude was so thankful, because he was sure if he talked like that to most other guys he knew he’d end up on the ground in a couple minutes flat so- “kiss me”. Java Dude only fumbled for a second before sitting his bottle back on the table. “Heh. You’re such a flirt Dude..the wound again? Or uh was it the voices you said made you talk like that..” Java asked trying to remember back to earlier.
Oh how badly Dude wanted to tell him that that was just the voice..it actually really was but for some reason he didn’t find himself wanting to say he didn’t mean that this time. It was out of no where and cheesy but..this tension between them was killing him and like he thought earlier, none of this would even compare to how weird the previous past days have been. “I uh- that’s wasn’t just..” Dude began, now blushing again, pissed off at himself for seeming so weird in front of him the whole day. Java was still for a moment, just watching him again before he pushed his own loose hair behind his ear again, like a ‘damn girl’ Dude thought…but couldn’t help find cute. “You want me to..?” He wasn’t really sure why he was asking again because Dude obviously was nervous and wasn’t gonna be able to go “hell yeah. Give me some sugar babe!” Unless the voice decided to say that of course. But Dude just gave what looked like a nod even though he was facing his head away from him.
Java smiled while scooting a bit closer and gently taking Dudes face in his hands and ever so carefully facing him back to look at him. It made Dude feel sick honestly getting handled like that but he did want this to happen.. “Fucking sissy.” The voice spoke. At least Dude and the voice both wanted to say that this time..well Dude half heartedly wanted to- but before he could think any more of that thought, Java finally leaned in and pressed his perfect, soft lips up against Dudes rougher chapped ones. It felt..weird but so right and good. And by the way Java seemed to melt so quickly into this and deepened the kiss, he could tell he was really liking what was going on too. Dude got ahold of himself and finally began to kiss him back, traveling his hands down to Javas hips, getting a high off the way even that alone got Java Dude to make a small sound at that, which allowed him to slip his tongue in. It didn’t take long for things to get even more hot and heavy before Dude suddenly needed to pull back finally to breath, now that he was underneath Java, it just all intensified it more seeing those eyes looking down at him. Java licked his lips and he watched Dude try to catch his breath.
Finally Dude began to smile also as he started to relax again. “Yknow..if you really don’t have anywhere to stay..after I get my trailer back..I wouldn’t mind uhm..you staying with me for a bit.” Java giggled and shook his head. “Really? We barely done anything yet and you’re already wanting to move in together?” Dudes smile stayed as he shrugged, looping a finger around the chain of Javas dog tag necklace. “I guess I’m used to that kinda reaction though. I guess we can see how it goes, sweetheart.” Dude pulled Java back down by the chain, capturing him in another kiss.
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morgana-ren · 11 months
Ok so bartering/bribing Nightmare or Reaves, Astarion to help you escape from Ilya. I know they're only toying with you and it's all a big game for all four, but hypothetically, what would you have to offer to get them to "help"?
I'll go in order of how easy it is to get them to 'help' you. It's a Faustian bargain trying to get any of these rabid men to help you, but I suppose when you're chained by the collar to Ilya's bedpost, anything seems better than there.
We'll start the list off with the easiest of the three, which is obviously Reaver.
He and Ilya get on quite well, so he's likely going to be the first of the three to meet Ilya's latest sexual conquest because Ilya simply cannot resist showing off to him. They get on like two peas in a pod when it comes to libertine hedonism, so he's likely to meet you sooner rather than later. He's deeply interested in the comings and goings of Ilya's personal life (mostly the comings) and so once Ilya decides he's keeping you, plan on seeing Reaver about the manor relatively soon.
Ultimately, 'uncle' Reaver is a simple man with simple goals: Sex. Filthy, libertine, impolite, messy, disgusting, and repugnant sex.
If he takes a liking to you (and he will) the good thing is you won't have to approach him. He will approach you.
Reaver is usually a well-known businessman or celebrity, and chances are you are aware of him and his... proclivities. Trusting him is a poor choice given what you usually know about him, but sometimes, you're so desperate to get away from Ilya that you cannot imagine that Reaver is worse.
He will tell you how it aches what is left of his soul to see such a pretty thing so miserable and mistreated, and he simply couldn't abide himself if he didn't help. He could probably figure out a way to smuggle you away from Ilya— for a price.
Naturally, he's taking a great degree of risk here, and he's betraying his brother dearest, so it's only fair he gets something in return, yes?
That something is mortifyingly degrading sex in ways no one in polite society would ever dare ask for. And he will ask for it in the most casual way imaginable, as if he's asking you to pick him up a beer from the bar, all with a charming smile and wandering hands.
There's two ways it can go if you're utterly mad and agree and go through with it:
1) Reaver tells Ilya all of this beforehand, and Ilya joins in as some form of twisted punishment, to which afterward, Reaver says something along the lines of "Oh dear, he's on to us. I'm afraid we must wait a little longer, ma cherie. Don't let him ride you too hard, hmm? He seems quite irate at our little plan to elope and I simply couldn't live with myself if he hurt you terribly on my behalf."
Basically, a very elaborate setup to a threesome and he's getting what he asked for regardless of his end of the deal. Sometimes Ilya will simply watch him, and other times, Ilya will slide in and make things extra difficult, depending on how he's feeling. They're very close and it's likely in that case that they both thought it would be funny to give you hope only to cruelly yank it away while both were getting fucked. It's a fun group activity. That's like a Saturday night to them.
2) Reaver is actually quite serious. He will help you escape— to his dungeon instead.
Reaver loves Ilya and considers him a brother. Reaver is also a manipulative, underhanded ass. He will backstab them if there's something he covets and call it 'just business.'
If he spends time around you and finds himself charmed, he will hatch a plot to 'save' you from Ilya, only to keep you captive himself in the name of 'keeping you safe.' He'll tell you Ilya will hunt you to the ends of the earth and the only place you'll be safe is in his secret rooms. You're a poor little thing without a penny to your name so he won't charge you for it. He's certain you can work something out.
Reaver and Ilya will kill each other over this repeatedly until Nightmare eventually steps in, tired of having to resurrect Reaver. Things get messy when they both have feelings. How it proceeds from there highly depends.
Second on the list is Asto.
Asto isn't as openly licentious as Reaver is (almost no one is, really) so he's going to be a bit more subtle in his attraction. Ilya will let him feed off you just to show off how delicious your blood is, and if he's feeling generous, will let Asto 'play' with you. You're going to be the pretty wallflower regardless of whether he accepts, serving drinks (usually your own) until you've been drained dry and to the point of hallucinating by both of them. Asto is more respectful of Ilya's feelings and isn't always likely to make a move on you without Ilya's consent.
The best way to get him to cast aside his brother and help you is to make him like you. Fight him, insult him, make it fun for him. Be clever and feisty and taunt him. Don't go down easy. Make him work for everything he takes from you. Asto and Ilya have similar tastes, so chances are it shouldn't be too difficult. Be fun in a way he can't forget.
If you've done it right, Asto isn't going to want the fun to end, and he's not going to want Ilya's permission every time either. Jealous is a good word for it.
That being said, he will try to barter with Ilya first, going through the proper channels and going above board.
When that doesn't work, he will get underhanded.
He'll try to convince Nightmare that you're a distraction or a risk to darling Ilya, and that he could handle you better. Nightmare will see through this usually, however. He will try to appeal to Ilya's 'brotherly' love. Failing that, he will simply wait until Ilya is distracted and he will abscond with you, hiding you away somewhere he thinks Ilya won't look while playing innocent and pinning the crime on one of his brothers or perhaps just how crafty you are.
Asto isn't like Reaver in that he will hold you captive. He's going to let you go and come for you whenever he wants. He wants you to fight and throw a fit every time he comes for what he's owed. He will remind you who you owe your freedom to.
However, Asto is the most 'moral' of the group (albeit hardly at all) so reminding him of his captivity under Cazador might make him feel pity. Thing is, Ilya is his brother, and getting him to betray him won't be easy. Asto must like you to go to bat for you. Enamoring him is an effective way. Play your cards right and manipulate him. Be fiery and strong and make him think it's a damned shame that you're cooped up here, stuck under Ilya taking his cock day in and day out. Make him think it's a waste that you aren't his. Think of it as him seeing a wild, beautiful, bucking bronco locked in the stables rather than being ridden properly. The brothers, while loving each other, are arrogant, selfish, and also in love with themselves. Make him covet you enough to snub Ilya and he will.
He'll forgive him later, he's sure.
He's going to tell you that you owe him a free meal whenever he wants, but everyone knows it's far more than that.
It isn't simple and it's going to take time, but it is possible.
By a wide margin, the most difficult of the three is Nightmare.
Nightmare is going to have no interest in you at all, even if he finds you attractive. He's going to be rude, dismissive, and treat you like dirt. If Ilya offers to share, Nightmare will usually sneer and refuse, preferring torture to sex and calling Ilya a degenerate.
He will refer to you as 'Ilya's little whore' on the best of days and instruct Ilya to be more on top of your discipline. Either he's going to ignore your existence almost entirely, or he's going to take great pleasure in tormenting you and causing you pain.
Don't bother trying to seduce him. It won't work at first. He has to want you badly enough to act which isn't a game of flashing cleavage like Reaver or being feisty like Asto. It takes cunning and craft and time.
Nightmare likes his girls clever, fragile, and vulnerable. Be interesting. Talk to him. Be clever. Be smart. Say things that impress him. Look up to him, make him feel wise and powerful and strong. He will insult you and make every interaction a hell, but after a while, it will stick in his head. Let him catch you crying. Be soft and pretty. Be polite and show proper decorum at first. Look up at him with big doe eyes. Be the pretty little damsel and make him your hero. He's so much better than Ilya. He terrifies you. You behave around him because you respect him.
Enchanting Nightmare is easily the most difficult of the three, but it's also the most likely to win you your freedom... In a manner of speaking. Nightmare actually has the power to keep you from Ilya if he so desires. He can sequester you away in a pocket dimension or keep you in the black palace. He is technically Ilya's boss.
Thing is, he actually loves Ilya very much and he won't do this to him him lightly, and even if he does, he won't break Ilya's heart. Nightmare isn't looking for love or attachment in ANY regard, so it has to creep up on him. He has to see some kind of future with you, or like you enough that he decides he wants you for himself. If Ilya loves you, and things get messy, he's going to try to broker a deal where both sides are happy. He's going to want to share.
Nightmare would have you believe he's impenetrable, but that's very much not true. You can make him take a great interest in you and eventually fall for you against his own will. That's pretty much the only way he's going to get involved.
That or actually being a nuisance and getting in his way. If he believes you're a detriment to Ilya or his personal plans, he will be very vocal about it, but believe you me, you do not want to make an enemy of Nightmare.
You can tell your plan is working when Nightmare becomes particularly cruel. Nightmare enjoys torturing his objects of affection and being a real bastard to them. When he seems keen on making you cry, chances are he secretly wants to touch you in ways that aren't appropriate. He's going to deliberately make messes just to watch you clean them up. He's going to force you to make him a whole elaborate dinner only to sit you on his lap and feed from you afterwards. He's going to squeeze you just to see how react when you're hurt. You're going to run into him in the dead of night and he's going to terrify you just to give himself the giggles.
He still likely won't take up Ilya's offer to ravage you; rather, he's going to corner you when you're alone and instrument some ridiculous scenario and get creepy very fast. When his hands are on you, nails digging in to the back of your neck, hissing what an airheaded little harlot you are and how you're clearly only useful on your knees, telling you that you've earned what he's about to do to you, you've succeeded in planting yourself in his head. You'll begin having very realistic nightmares (no pun intended) about him night after night. It's a very painful, terrifying confirmation.
Sometimes it happens even if your goal isn't seducing him. Sometimes he just falls on his own.
Nighty won't ask for anything. He will simply do. When he wants you, he will simply take you. He's a sight bit more 'honorable' than the other two and won't hurt Ilya or lie to him in most cases, but he will make it known that he has taken an interest and intends to act on it. He's very capable of being underhanded but he usually doesn't have the need to. He's very diplomatic in most cases.
Thing is, this probably isn't a good thing and I wouldn't recommend it. Nightmare will lock you away, and he is worse than the other three. It's literally jumping from the frying pan into the fire. The other three will torment you, yes, but it doesn't hold a candle to what turns Nightmare on. Turning this old dragon's gaze towards you isn't easy, and my God, is it miserable. Nothing gets him throbbing like a girl wailing and weeping for him, weak and pretty and pliant. He will fuck you and lick your tears. He will make you blow him until you black out only to cum on your face and the floor and make you lick it clean. He will make you bleed and tell you how good you taste, and that it's your fault. He will fuck you until he literally cannot feel his legs and will cum dust, and then he will wrap his tail around you and force you to pet his horns and cuddle him like it's all some adorable domestic setup-- assuming you've earned the right to be on the bed and not the floor.
He's a devil, for fucks sake.
All the men are utterly abhorrent. Really. Like once one of them has taken a liking to you, there's really no freeing yourself. None of them are particularly more desirable than the others, but I would say Nightmare is probably the worst of the lot, followed by Ilya and Reaver in a tie, and then Asto. Asto, ironically, is a bit more 'human' than the others despite being a complete and total bastard, and he's capable of having sympathy and pity for you a bit easier.
Keep in mind, this Asto is massively different and has a different escape story than the canon Asto. He's essentially a different person. Looks the same, but ended up falling in with the bastards and sort of.. became one.
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ozimagines · 6 months
Any thoughts on Chico being a parent?
I have a couple, thanks for asking😂 I love the idea of Chico as a dad, and have played around with it in fanfiction. He loves hard. That’s gotta mean something, right?
Chico Guerra as a Parent would include…
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He’s not exactly the classic “fatherly” type
He never really saw himself with kids and a family
Mostly because he never thought he could
(I write Chico with an older brother, Roberto (Bobby), who joined El Norte before him on the outside and when his older brother was killed in a gang war, he just stayed because that’s all he’s ever known. This is important for how I view him)
He’s reckless and wild
But he’s kind to kids, always
Even before he has ones of his own
He was always the “cool cousin” at family functions
There are lines even criminals don’t cross
His stomach turns when he heard about Beecher’s son
He’s up every night for a week wondering how terrified that little boy must have been up until the end
Breaks his heart💔
When he gets a chance for kids, adopted or biological, he surprises everyone at how he is with them
He’s not necessarily a perfect dad, but he’s a loving dad
Chico likes to get on his knees to talk to his kids
His friends think it’s “fruity” but the kids really like someone meeting them at their level
He always makes it seem like they’re getting away with something
“Here’s three dollars, don’t tell mom/dad.”
“Can you keep a secret? I always wanted to be an astronaut. Shhhhh…”
*making chocolate chip pancakes* “and now we add extra chocolate and don’t tell anyone about it.”
The kids love it, they feel like he really sees them
He loves kids; they say the weirdest stuff
“You think spinach tastes like horse feet? Ok. Explain.” 😂
Big fan of putting his kids on his shoulders or neck
They always get the best views at all shows and parades
Fuck the people behind him tho
Only the best for his kids
Sees them as an extension of Bobby; giving them the life his brother never had
He is SHIT in the kitchen… but literally anytime his kids are hungry, he’s on his feet asking what they want…
even though he knows fuck all about kid tastes
“Ok… an afterschool snack…” *rifles past the beer and cornflakes* “umm…”
His significant other comes home to find the kitchen a mess but some very happy children eating what Chico calls “sugar seizure bagels”
(Bagels with jelly, marshmallows, chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, and sprinkles)
Likes to toy with his kids
“Ok… we have spicy lobster and squishy peas or… cosmic brownie?”
“Hmmmm okay, if you’re sure…”😂
Chico’s in charge of the pantry
Comic brownies, devil dogs, roll ups and gushers… looks like a fallout shelter for a five year old millionaire.
Makes breakfast every Sunday; egg bagel sandwiches he personalizes for each kid.
Keeps trying to add stuff to show off for his kids
Doesn’t realize they think it’s perfect with just a little cheese lol
Kids watch cartoons while dad cooks
Dad making comments from the kitchen
“Y’think he’s ever gonna get that mouse?”
“Wish my car worked just sticking my feet out of it…”
“No. You cannot call me papa Smurf. Please.”
Likes it when the kids take naps on his chest afterwards
That’s something he’d miss terribly as they grew up
Until one day after a fight his teenager, seeing him reclining on the couch, just goes and sits next to them, watching tv until they both fall asleep, Chico pulling his kid close.
Chico lets his kids paint his nails but he draws the line at wearing it out.
Though he quite liked the black polish…👀
If you’ve ever watched Liar Liar with “the claw”, Chico has something similar with his kids; the Tickle Police
“Scuse me, ma’am/sir, you know how cute you were going just then? That’s a write up.”🥹
Insists on tucking them in
Will tell stories that may or may not be kid appropriate…
“Then Prince Carlos threw his… drink… at the officer.”
Is INCREDIBLY supportive
Tolerant and Chico Guerra don’t automatically go together… but he wants his kids to have what Bobby didn’t.
“You want to be an engineer? No one’s got a better head than you, kid.”
“A surgeon? I’d go to you if you were my doc. Wouldn’t trust anyone else.”
“You want to be an interpretive dancer… that’s… pretty cool.”😂
No one ever told Chico Guerra that he could do anything
So he wants his kids to know the world is theirs.
When they’re sick, he treats them like royalty
He’ll take off work and stay home with the them, watching movies and refilling their Gatorade.
He never hesitates to cuddle them when they’re sick, often resulting in him getting sick himself.
Chico used to be a huge baby when he got sick
With kids, he wants them to see him as Superman, so he always makes it seem less bad than it is
“Nah kid *blows nose* I’m fine, Daddy’s fine.”
If anyone bullies his kids, he genuinely will not know how to cope
He doesn’t want his kids fighting everyone like he did
But damn does it boil his blood when they get home crying.
He sits with them and talks, listens to what the other kids said or did
“You’re not gonna take this. Next time they fuck with you… *gets look from S/O* *sigh* go tell a grown up.”
He’s trying really hard to be a positive influence
He doesn’t want his kids to had the life he did
When his kids are old enough to learn about gangs in the neighborhood, Chico tries to explain.
“They’re gonna pretend they’re your friends and they’re not. I’m saving twenty years of your life here, kid.”
When some of his old “friends” talk about recruiting his boy, Chico almost breaks parole.
“Let me make this painfully clear…”
Every day he tries to protect his kids from men like him, and it changes his view of life.
If his kids are happy, he decides, then his life won’t have been a waste
And when you ask family friends and onlookers, Chico Guerra has some happy fucking kids.
Bonus: the movie Inside Out made him cry. He watches a lot of movies with his kids but that movie just quirked something inside of him. He loves that fucking movie.
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hekate1308 · 1 year
You Lost It. Well, We Lost It.
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Prompt: You lost it. Well, we lost it.
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Destiel
It’s not that Dean doesn’t like that Cas chose to become human and go hunting with them. As a matter of fact, he loves it, perhaps a bit too much, all things considered, but that’s not the point right now.
“You lost it.”
When Cas just gives him an unimpressed stare, he adds, “Well, we lost it.”
And that is not a good thing when the it in question is a basilisk who can kill people by looking them in the eye, and they’re in the middle of a small town in Western Kentucky. Maybe if they had Sam, this would be easier, but they can’t use him to cover more ground because he had to go help out another hunter a state over.
���Alright. What do we know of basilisks? An egg a cock laid, having been hatched by a toad…” he mumbles to himself.
“In the most famous story, it was at the bottom of a well” Cas supplies.
Dean nods. “Alright then… old houses it is. Don’t think a moder storm drain would be something they go for.”
And so, off they go.
“This is a little bit more complicated than I hoped it would be” Dean mumbles as he tries to see if there is anything down the well of the abandoned house using a small mirror. Should’ve gone for a big hand held one but they sadly seem to have gone out of style. “Hey Cas, could you hold unto me? I think I could get a better look then…”
When he raises his head, Cas has tilted his own and is studying him.
And then, he blushes and looks away.
“Come on, Cas, it doesn’t matter” he insists even as he can feel his own heart drop just a little as he recalls that Cas hasn’t really touched him since he came to stay with them. “No one is going to see us”.
Finally, he nods and reaches to hug Dean from behind. He tells himself not to enjoy this and leans down… “There it is!” He exclaims but before he can do anything Cas has pulled him back sharply.
“What the hell, man?” he complains.
“You were just going to try and get it.”
“Of course. That’s why we’re here” he snaps.
“Dean, it could kill you with one look…”
“Which is why we have to deal with it!”
Cas seems to want to object, but when he sees Dean’s face, he doesn’t say anything which is probably for the best.
“Alright. Here’s the plan. I only take one weak flashlight, so I can’t properly look it right in the eyes. What do you say?”
Cas simply looks at him again and eventually nods.
Mostly because they have no choice, but hey, one has to take the wins one can get.
Turns out, the thing is fast, which is probably why they lost it in the first place.
“Come one” Dean mutters, trying to grab it again –
“All peachy down here, Cas.”
“I could come down as well –“
“Don’t think both of us would fit.”
In truth, they probably would, but close proximity to Cas is not what he needs right now, not when Cas clearly doesn’t want –
The basilisk hisses at him and he grabs its tail. “Hah! Got you. Cas, do you have the bag?”
He lets it down and Dean makes sure the basilisk is well and truly zipped up. “Good. Off we go.”
“Alright, thanks Garth.” He hangs up. “Garth knows someone running a magical zoo… We can drop the basilisk off there.”
“Good” Cas replies and then they are silent for a few moments before Dean decides to ask because –
Well –
The truth is he is tired of pretending that he feels nothing for Cas, and part of him – part of him that sounds annoyingly like Sam – thinks that he deserves to know, and if Cas wants to leave afterwards, he will be a big boy and handle it, although he’ll probably be torn a new one by his brother.
“Hey, Cas. I didn’t insult you or anything when I asked you to grab me back there, did I?”
Cas looks at him, his eyes wide. “I – no – why should you –“ he eventually stammers.
“Just thought – well – you didn’t seem stoked, that’s all” Dean shrugs and decides to grab a beer from the fridge.
Only to almost drop his bottle when Cas says unexpectedly, “The problem is the opposite.”
“Huh?” He rights himself and stares at him. “You’ll have to explain that one –“
“I –“ Cas swallows then seems to come to a decision as he announces, “The trouble was that I was “stoked”, as you say, to be able to hold you, not the other way around.”
Dean blinks. Takes a few moments to understand. Then, his heart beating wildly, he holds out his hand and says, “Well, we should do something about that, then…”
Cas stares at his hand for a few extremely long seconds before taking it, but Dean has the feeling all the waiting will be worth it.
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