#most people talking about star wars onlie aren’t little kids
weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months
Okay I understand Andor being most people’s favourite Disney+ Star Wars show
And that is an excellent choice because it’s an amazing show
But I always get kind of upset when I see people explain why it’s their favourite
Because I often just see people saying that it’s the best because it doesn’t have *insert list of stuff that other star wars stuff has*
But like…most of what I see in those lists are what makes star wars...star wars
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darlin-djarin · 2 years
i should sleep but i need to talk about the skywalker family and their chromosomes
it starts out a little silly but i promise i get deadass once i start talking about luke and how he was born.
now, it all starts with anakin.
anakin had no father, his mother birthed him like he was jesus (jesus intersex representation?? 😨 that’s another story) and she could only give him X chromosomes. that means either anakin didn’t have chromosomes, he had two X chromosomes, or he had just one X chromosome. considering his mother birthing him and his fatherlessness (loser), it’s most likely that he had a single X chromosome. therefore he was intersex.
now he probably still had cock and balls (derogatory), otherwise he couldn’t have had kids with padme. if the jedi order had a sex ed class (they probably did tbh), then anakin would probably know or realize that he only had one X chromosome, and therefore he realized he’s intersex.
as much as i love the idea of non-binary anakin- let’s be real guys. anakin would be those types of dudes who, when asked what their pronouns are, would answer with “nor/mal”. people would mention his beauty or his feminine demeanor and he’d be like “i’m not gay”. or something like that. i’m projecting my homophobic brother’s personality onto him. they’re very similar and i’m not particularly fond of either of them. at least, not anakin in the prequel movies.
my big boy chad master anakin in the clone wars had ultimate lightskin rizz.
anyway so onto luke.
it gets serious here.
since anakin only had one X chromosome, and padme had XX, then both of them contributed an X chromosome to their children. they literally couldn’t be able to make a biological male child. if they did end up having a male child, they would either have to be also intersex, or trans.
leia and luke were both born with XX chromosomes.
“but olly! in the movies, they said luke was a boy when he was born!” ah wonderful observation, my silly little padawan.
obviously star wars “humans” aren’t clearly “humans”, rather aliens as well. so likely their biology might differ from irl. but if we were to ignore that and consider all the possibilities, we could come up with a logical explanation.
obviously the technology in the star wars universe is very advanced, at least more advanced than the options we have available. i think the topic of gender and sexuality isn’t even a real thing in the universe. gender is a social construct, right? and clearly with the different aliens, races, and religions in the universe, the discussion of what “gender” is wouldn’t technically apply anywhere because gender isn’t real.
back to the technology part- i’d like to think the universe at that time would be able to find out a child’s “gender” or orientation by examining their brain when they are born. according to this study by Dr. Julie Bakker in how trans peoples brains correspond with the gender they identify as, regardless of how they were born, it can be understood that even from a young age, trans people think and process the same way cis people would within their respective identity/gender.
i think it would make the most sense that when luke and leia were born, they were given brain scans or something of the sort to determine what their gender/identity would be, regardless of how they were biologically born.
therefore we get luke’s “gender reveal” in the movies, even though he was likely born as a biological female.
basically trans luke is canon, y’all are just cowards.
so the whole skywalker family only have X chromosomes. until we get to ben solo. because of Han’s Y chromosome, ben would’ve been born as a cis male (derogatory).
that’s why he became evil. it’s bc his whole family is trans and he was kicked out for being cis.
hope this made sense
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cowprintsillies · 1 year
Fic Update
Update for Ranboo’s Terrible No Good Guide to Freedom: The Long Way Round - Chapter 1 - CowPrintLilies, TheStanleyParableEnjoyer - Generation Loss (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own]
Haha I’m ignoring that i haven’t updated in three months ITS OK BECAUSE IM WRITING NOW AND I WONT BE LONG!! It’s getting done!! Soon to be posted!! Here’s an excerpt from the chapter in progress!!
The walk there is uneventful in a physical sense. Security, thank his lucky stars, hadn’t reared its ugly head yet as it so often did. Charlie wasn’t dumb enough to think it never would- he’d become intimately acquainted with its claws way too many times to think like that- but it wasn’t here yet. 
Emotionally, the walk there may as well have crushed him with a comically large piano and laughed in his face about it. Because something happened and they aren’t talking about it. Ranboo is the most courageous kid Charlie has ever met and probably ever will. Desperation only gets you so far and if that was all that was keeping Ranboo going they would’ve given up loops ago. Ranboo is one brave fucking kid. They had, for all intents and purposes, had to (whether those people came back or not) kill a lot of people to survive. And they had still gotten back up, gotten back to escaping. 
The kid trailing behind Charlie now looked like a few choice words would break them in half. It made something in Charlie’s chest crawl. Something not just happened, something changed. And he is going to fucking kill whoever did it if it’s the last thing he does.
Ranboo trips slightly as the flooring transitions from tile to carpeting.
Charlie doesn’t mention it.
The walk continues like this for the better part of 10 minutes. The odd Employee roamed idly about the floors, and Charlie would lead the way and Ranboo would follow meekly behind- save for whenever they steered Charlie from making a wrong turn. Sue him, he’s new to the whole “keeping his memories thing” and yes he may be a little bit overwhelmed with the whole thing because first of all it makes no logical sense for time to loop around them but then again Showfall Media makes no sense and he’s trying his best to be there for the kid because he gets a horrible familial burning in his collarbone whenever he thinks of what they went through and are still going through-
Ranboo tugs on the back of his shirt before Charlie walks into the side of a cabinet.
-and his internal monologue has become nonsensical rambling. Awesome, real helpful Charlie.
Ranboo is looking at him with the air of a kicked puppy. Or- no, more like the air of someone who just watched someone else shoot a puppy then put it in a meat grinder. Either way Charlie doesn’t like the expression on Ranboo's face. Their eyes don’t belong on someone so young. The poor kid looks like he’s been through the wars. It’s plain trauma. Charlie internally curses Hetch’s name into the dirt, as has slowly become a tradition whenever he thinks particularly hard about the situation. 
Charlie takes a moment to mentally slap himself back into the present moment, however shitty the present moment has proven to be, and takes stock of the surroundings. No immediate or imminent danger, save for himself almost giving himself a new bruise with that cabinet. Charlie then mentally slaps himself again because how had he managed to get so lost in his thoughts to not pay attention to where he was going? He knows first hand that this place is dangerous and he just daydreamed instead of looking out for Ranboo? Some good he’s doing.
First note of order is that they successfully reached the Puzzler’s Wardrobe Set which means that he can finally try and lighten the mood. 
Ranboo had been standing by Charlie, idly looking over the various assortments of clothes, wigs and miscellaneous items in an attempt to completely ignore the whole situation that had lead them here to begin with and had, like he said in his previous inner monologue: settled a growing rock of worry right in Charlie's chest. Whenever they notice Charlie looking at them they physically straighten up to try and look more put together than they clearly were. 
It’s weird. A lot of this situation is weird. Honestly weird is an understatement. Charlie should say something to break the strange silence coating the two of them, and he’s not sure why he can’t. A million words and questions come to mind such as are you ok what happened what did you see how can I make it better, all swirling and twisting together in one mass of fear, worry, anger and care. Everything knots together in his heart and by the time it’s reached his mouth no longer makes any sort of sense. He wants to say a lot of things. 
What's wrong?
Who hurt you?
What happened?
How can I help?
Please let me help you.
It will be ok.
But what came out of his mouth instead is-
“Want to dress up?”
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ireallyamabear · 1 year
okay i thought about it and here is what i would do if I was put in charge of Lucasfilm: first i would wonder how i came to be in this position, but i do have some memory issues so I just go with it. then i cancel all upcoming star wars properties, not only the shows and movies but all the books and comics, videogames and even the lego star wars shorts. i beef up the Lucasfilm legal division, pulling the most promising young lawyers from all over the world who never watched star wars ever. their goal: draft up a legal document that will make it impossible to produce any star wars content ever again. meanwhile the internet is wondering what my next move will be, as i’m a total newcomer to the world of media. then I’ll announce the only project we will be doing that year: a 20 minute black and white short prequel about skeen in an imperial prison. ebon moss-bachrach doesn’t want to do it at first but I pay him 360 million dollars. in the meantime, the team of lawyers is working 35 hour weeks (i’m a good employer) towards my secret goal.
reddit twitter and tumblr are united for the first time in wanting to boycott the skeen movie (that’s the title btw), but when it releases everyone is so starved for sw content they watch it anyway. it is massively controversial because it depicts prisoners eating each other out of desperation, but the ones that are eaten aren’t humans so it’s unclear if it’s cannibalism. i can’t even watch it because i forgot this squicks me out a lot. i gave the creative team total freedom, which might have been a mistake.
during all of this my home life is shit, but let’s not talk about that. i do 12 hour zoom calls everyday because I refused to relocate to california, but then my home address gets doxxed and i have to move to an undisclosed location in the middle of the night (there are a lot of threats against me). people are absolutely hating me, asking for mando season 4, asking for andor season 2 (i have seen the screeners and it is good, btw). dave filoni and jon favreau write an open letter to ask me to reconsider the pause on star wars production but i respond in the only way i know how - with the mariah carey “i don’t even know her” gif. after a while, favreau moves on to develop a vr based immersive series about ultimate fighting about his character in friends. by all accounts, he’s happy.
one of the lawyers betrays me and leaks my plans to the world. fans are in outrage. it’s clear now that i’m planning to ban any sw related media, deep fakes, adaptations, hell, even re-releases of the old stuff. why? i’m not available for comment. from now on, star wars will only exist in your memory, the only place it has ever been good.
there’s an outpouring of fan creativity in the wake of that bombshell leak. people begin to make fan films that are so good and creative that a new wave of avant garde scifi film making is ushered in. a person who worked on the andor set gets massively famous with their spoken word rendition of the scenes they can remember. i go after them with everything Lucasfilm has. this makes the video of their performance even more popular and it becomes the 2nd ever most viewed clip on Vimeo.
other streaming services green-light a mass of scifi and fantasy shows just in case they have the next sw on their hands - entertainment abhors a vacuum. There are so many good new properties, it’s an embarrassment of riches. my favourite of them all gets cancelled after one season though - I will never be sure if it’s because of my bad karma or because someone blabbed about my preferences and this was retaliation. i can’t trust anybody in my inner circle. All over the world, people still are wondering why I did it, but in the end, they are much happier now. sometimes little kids see a star wars toy - one of the few ones that didn’t get destroyed in the five waves of merchandise burnings I had ordered over the years - and asks their parents about it. “It’s nothing.” the skeen movie gets a throwback oscar for special effects twenty years later.
Anyway, what would you do.
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pentechnics · 2 years
I completely agree with what you said about mando. I have seen all the SW movies (including the newer trio loft) but I really don’t remember anything but was able to follow mando s1-2 with no problems. I also wasn’t really watching because it was SW but rather because the relationship between Din and Grogu is so special
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Let’s talk about it!!
I feel like the real magic of Mando, the thing that made it stand out so much, was that Din was just a dude. A random guy trying to live his life and help support his covert. He wasn’t part of the greater star war — no force, no jedi/sith, didn’t even live on one of the major planets — just dealing with the fact that his existence lies within the results of those bigger actions.
My introduction to Star Wars was The Force Awakens and that is still my favorite movie and is near and dear to me (that one and TLJ were the only SW things I’d seen by the time I watched Mando), but I really wasn’t sucked into the SW universe until Mando came out because I just didn’t vibe as much with the bigger picture elements, if that makes sense. There was too much going on and too many strands of the story to keep up with and too many people who just had to be right about everything—
but as we know, DIN DIDNT KNOW SHIT ABOUT STAR WARS. and therefore, WE could know no shit and we’d be right where we need to be to follow his story! What a beautiful concept!
And that doesn’t necessarily go away once Grogu enters the picture — he just has several questions. As do we. And we go with him to find the answers! And that’s where weaving in Ahsoka and Luke made perfect sense and now that Grogu has chosen to not pursue that branch of the narrative we don’t have to be as involved with it, y’know?
And here’s where I get beefy with how Jon is portraying the next arc of Din’s story. It seems — we won’t know for sure until we see the season, but it SEEMS — like they’re going full-on into him becoming the Mand’alor and reuniting Mandalorians. The second part is lovely, we know he lost his covert and needs to figure out for himself what being a Mandalorian means to him now. And finding more of his kind will definitely help him do that. Shared trauma. Group therapy. Love that for him.
I have no doubt that he’ll still be my simple guy. I just don’t wanna have to know all of TCW to be able to understand this season or ‘get the most out of it.’ I wanna not know shit and learn alongside him again.
But more than anything, knowing him as a character, I just don’t think being Mand’alor fits. And that’s just my opinion and I recognize that but listen our mans has lived his life in quiet corners and secluded alleys by his lonesome (covert and Grogu excluded) by choice. Do we really think he’d want this?
And hey, maybe my interpretations are wrong. Maybe he won’t do it. Maybe he’ll go as far as to help reunite the scattered clans into a more cohesive people and then pass off the reins to Bo-Katan or whoever else might show up (not Paz, tho. We know he would never lmao) and then go back to being a simple space dad and raising his kid. We’ll see.
I know some diehard, lifelong SW people that aren’t as into Mando because it’s not ‘classic Star Wars.’ And I know others, including myself, that love it the most for that very reason. It has a little bit of give for the classic fans, like those cameos and mentions of greater things. Those just aren’t the forefront. Which I love!
Plus, at the heart of every Star Wars story is found family, which is exactly what Din and Grogu are. Like you said, my love, their connection is just so unique and special! They and their dynamic are the driving force behind this show — it doesn’t need anything else to carry it. They are why we love it so much. Bigger SW is a pile of puzzle pieces of things that get put together to form a narrative and Mando is more like a poster. It’s all already there, created by a few key elements and has some of those in common with the puzzle, but can stand alone. You don’t need to do the puzzle to enjoy looking at the poster. (Idk if that makes sense but it’s all I can think of rn lol)
The force is just Grogu’s little quirk. The empire’s just the bitch that made Din’s life harder and made it personal when they tried to hurt his kid. He took names and kicked asses, and then he was done with them. Mandalore’s gotta just be the current thorn in Din’s ass that he needs to tweezer out.
Side characters. Assist trophies, if you will. But not the driving force. That’s them:
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also I hate the whole ‘repenting for his sins’ dialogue but tbh I think they’re just using that for hype I don’t think it’ll actually be that deep and he’ll instead take the time to come into his own and explore other types of mandalorian life that feels much more like what he’d do but that’s just me. Also I’m still very much recovering from what they did to BOBF so I can’t help but be anxious in general about how this is gonna go. Wouldn’t put it past Jon to shoot himself in the foot with his best work.
Double also, after seeing that thing Jon said I am just pissed that there just seems to be no effort or forethought being put into the timeline of the narrative!!! Hire writers, Jon!! Give Din and Grogu the intent their story deserves, in every way!! Or I’ll bite your face!!
ok rant over thank you for this ask darling!! ❤️
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Danny and Michael Philippou know how to fill up a room. Most debut film-makers are slightly tentative about being interviewed. How does this work? What attitude am I expected to strike? The raucous twins, sons of suburban Adelaide, require only a nudge to begin their clamorous duologue.
We’re talking about Talk to Me, their superb new horror film. It leans towards the teens-in-seance genre. But it’s grimmer than that suggests. And fresher. And odder. And has more to do with social media.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. We just wanted to try and modernise it a bit,” says Danny. “I feel that if the Ouija board were to work today then everybody would be doing it. There is this weird search for attention with social media. So that seems like a cool place to set it.”
Michael overlaps: “There are positives and negatives to social media. If you make a mistake with a drug or whatever, that isn’t forgotten. It is immortalised forever.”
They should know. The brothers are already famous as creators of the RackaRacka YouTube channel. Their horror spoofs and stunts have drawn them two billion views and almost seven million subscribers. (I think that’s a lot.) Their breakthrough came with Harry Potter vs Star Wars, whose inspiration requires no further explanation, a little less than a decade ago. By 2017 they were sufficiently prominent to figure on Australian Financial Review’s list of the 10 most influential people in Australian culture.
Michael’s earlier comment reveals an equivocal attitude to the online life. But they have contributed to us ending up in this place. Fair?
“We did a lot of crazy film-maker stuff,” he says. “There was a lot of violence. Maybe that can contribute to a kid wanting to see an R-rated film or whatever. But we were just trying to make something that was fun and engaging to watch.”
The Philippous are a publicist’s dream. Danny (hair usefully dyed blond) and Michael (conveniently unshaven) bark merrily as they finish each other’s sentences. They fire out so much energy I wouldn’t be surprised to hear no generator was required on set. We are still making sense of these new routes to fame. A century ago directors made up their own rules. Much of the generation that emerged in the 1960s had been to film school. Television commercials offered informal training to the next batch. Then pop videos. So are YouTube and TikTok the new film schools?
“We were lucky enough in that, before the YouTube stuff, we had crewed on films before,” says Michael. “They are not going to turn down someone working for free. I had worked in every department. So I knew how a film set ran. If we had just gone straight from YouTube to a film set, it would, I think, have been a bit of a slap in the face.”
The film community probably still has a prejudice about those who come from the YouTube world (as they once did against those who came from commercials or music videos). There is an expectation that everything will be tricksy, jokey, busily cut and generally hopped-up. That doesn’t describe Talk to Me. The film follows a group of young people whose experiments with an embalmed hand cause them to rub up against the unhappily deceased. There are jump scares in here, but the film is also at home to an impressive creeping unease. There is a parallel – unavoidable but not overstressed – with teenage attitudes to recreational drug use. It is creatively ambiguous about the final catastrophe.
“We just wanted the kids to be in over their heads,” says Danny. “It’s as if they have this home-made bong and they don’t really know what they’re messing with. The rules aren’t ironed out. But it is about being in over your head. There is no expert there.”
Michael interjects: “We were going to do it with a studio, and it was a guaranteed theatrical release. They were giving notes, and it was taking it in that other direction. We need creative control. If not, then it becomes someone else’s vision. So we took a role of the dice and did it independently.”
Danny and Michael have been at the entertainment business for more than a decade. They are knocking on 30. But one is, nonetheless, impressed by their assurance. That roll of the dice really paid off. The film had its world premiere at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, where it triggered an old-fashioned bidding war. In the end the increasingly influential A24 – Oscar best-picture winner for Moonlight and Everything Everywhere All at Once – grabbed the US rights. Reviews have been ecstatic. That must have been a satisfying experience.
“There was this weird hype around the film,” says Michael. “It was getting amped up for some reason. And I didn’t like that, because I’d rather people not go in expecting big things. And then we heard about all these distributors critics and directors that were going to be there.”
You know if a comedy is working because people laugh. You probably can also tell if a horror is working. Audience members rock back in their seats. They shriek. They gasp.
“The audience was so loud and so reactive,” says Danny adds. “It was alive. It was stressful.”
Michael says: “Every time someone would go off to the toilet the door would open and this light would shine on the whole crowd. Then they’d come back and the door would open again. Argh! This is taking them out of the movie! They’re going to hate it! It was just so stressful. Then the reviews came in and we heard all the reactions.”
Watching the Philippous speak gives us, perhaps, some insight into how they work on set. Their half of our conversation is a busy collaboration that moves at its own four-legged pace. They are bouncing notions to one another as if in a game of verbal squash. Of course, cinema has a long history of directing siblings. The Coens. The Dardennes. The Farrellys. The Maysleses. The Wachowskis. Why does that relationship work so well?
“Making a film is such a mammoth task,” says Michael. “It’s like a big symphony of all these different departments – visual, audio, script. If you have the same vision you can keep that united. Even if other people don’t see it, at least I know that Danny sees it.”
Danny adds: “We grew up together and we’ve made so much stuff together. We have a synchronised thing. Writing is different. I couldn’t write with Michael.”
His brother says: “I feel like it’s a bit of a cheat code.”
I wonder when they first realised they had become a phenomenon. It is hard to judge in that online world. A few thousand hits barely matters. Does half a million? When does that word “monetise” come into the conversation? It does seem as if Harry Potter vs Star Wars was the tipping point. The video is still there. Two blokes in suburban Australia pit lightsabres against magic wands. The fight-work and the effects are, considering their limited resources, genuinely extraordinary. Nobody watching that would be surprised to hear where the creators have ended up.
“It was literally that video on YouTube,” says Michael. “We went to bed and it was on 3,000 views. We woke up it was on 500,000 and, by the end of the day, it was at 1.5 million and we had 100,000 subscribers. We had put so much effort into stuff outside of YouTube that no one ever saw. We didn’t put so much effort into that. It was, like, three days’ work. We thought, What if we focus on that and see how it goes?”
Danny and Michael make it clear that they always saw the YouTube stuff as a way into film. This is where they wanted to be. And, despite their age and background, they have always loved the theatrical experience. Look where they have ended up. The distributors seem to have positioned Talk to Me as counterprogramming to the arrival, a week earlier, of Barbie and Oppenheimer. And the latest Mission: Impossible will also still be about.
“It’s horrifying,” says Danny with a broad grin. “I was, like, ‘Oh no, we’re going to get buried.’ I saw an article listing the top five films. It was our film and Oppenheimer. I thought, What the f**k are we doing next to a Christopher Nolan film? That is crazy. Everyone was ‘Barbieheimer, Barbieheimer!’ Is there no Talk-to-Meheimer?”
Just wait.'
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Could I request a Bucky Barnes x reader smut? Basically she and Bucky have been together for some time and maybe it’d be a little angst where the two are talking about the future and Bucky not thinking he can ever have a normal future? Which would result in soft smut and later reader being revealed as pregnant so Bucky finally gets his family
I’m Home
Pairing | Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary | based on the request ^^
Warnings | angst, smut, oral sex (m receiving), fluff, pregnancy, mentions of death
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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The Wilson’s boat rocked sturdily upon the water, swaying as the boats worked aboard. Your hand held the weight of a silver spanner, twirling it in your fist as though it were a knife, thinking of the long road ahead of you. Sam had the shield now, that was a good start, but still, there was a ways to go until the world recognised him as the captain that he was meant to be.
There was so much destruction ongoing in the world, what with the flag smashers, and whomever the power broker was, and surely, you knew on the shallow surface, that there would be masses more problems to arise. It was exhausting, to know that there was no end to the war on earth, and that you were surely going to be fighting the threats until you could no more.
Bucky felt the same; he had just gone from one war to another, losing everyone that he cared about along the way. Steve had given everything up to finally find peace, and yet, the two did not share the same opportunity. An escape was never laid at your feet, instead, the pair of you were trapped in the cycle of cruelty, being blended around in a shredder by reality.
“Hey.” A voice confiscated you from the lonesome containment of your thoughts; it was Sam’s hosting sister, Sarah. I’m her own way, though you doubted that she would never admit such a thing, she was a hero. She had become a widow, and not to mention she remained a stable mother to keep her boys afloat, as well as nurturing half the kids that lived within close proximity.
“Hi Sarah.” You put the tool down, giving her your ample attention as you stood, tugging your fingers into the loops of your jeans as you stepped out of the boat, and onto the dock. “Anything I can help with?” It hadn’t passed your attention that Sam and Bucky had disappeared, but not into ash like last time. Instead, they had walked off in the direction of the house, most likely meddling about with a ball, in the back yard with Jim and Jody.
“I just came to let you know I’ve made the sofa up for you and Bucky. Are you sure you’ll be all good, I could always kick Sam outta his bed and make him sleep on the living room floor?” The two of you had nightmares, if you were to be separated from him for even a night, it was certain that the pair of you would greatly suffer. That was something you didn’t want to burden any of the Wilson’s with, screaming in the middle of the night because flashes from your past struck an unconscious nerve.
“All good, and thank you Sarah. You didn’t have to let us stay here, we both appreciate it, a hell of a lot.” One thing that you had learnt throughout your years was to show gratitude. The smallest amount shared had the ability to spring up moods, and had even set you on a much more heroic path than the one that you had been originally been placed upon.
“You’ve earned your stay.” Sam’s sister shrugged with modesty, acknowledging the help that you and Bucky had not only given to Sam, but to her family’s legacy. The two of you had aided with fixing the old wreckage that had now returned to the form of a boat, keeping it afloat rather than permitting it to sink from the quarrels that Sam had with himself regarding fixing the damned yet meaningful port of transport.
“This life you have, it’s great. I get it’s not easy, but it’s beautiful. You have two wonderful kids, that you’ve done such a great job raising, and not to mention, these community that you have is so loving and kind, even to us outsiders.” The pair of you had paused outside of her front door, speaking. “Sam is lucky to have you, he truly is.”
“Well, maybe one day this life could be something similar to what you’ll have.” The sister of your friend smiled, though your mirroring expression retracted. In a stumble of thought, you shook your head, not believing that possibility. This all was... perfect. That was something that you had never had, nor would you think that you’d ever be permitted such a peaceful lifestyle.
“I don’t think that would work out.” You sincerely mumbled, feeling the sad swelling in your chest at the prospect of all the luxuries that life had denied both you and Bucky of. It wasn’t fair all the same, but the two of you were used to being denied human rights, let alone the simplicity of nothing more than a life together. “As nice as it sounds, me and Buck aren’t really cut out for all this I suppose.”
“The world does not choose who can and cannot have a family, there’s always a way. Just because you haven’t had the most ideal line of story does not at all mean that you can’t make it work, from as much as i know, you two deserve a life together, that doesn’t include being shot at, or shooting at other people. Sometimes, you’ve just gotta go for it, and hope for the best.” She gave you a final nod, before heading inside, and you trailed after her into her her residency.
The two of you went your separate ways, and there, you saw Bucky, sat up on the sofa, his hands clasped together as his eyes stared towards the tan bag, that concealed not the shape, but the Stars and Stripes of the infamous shield. It was much a relief that it was no longer in Walker’s toxic clutch, however its presence, among other things, were taking a clear toll on your boyfriend.
“You ever feel like we’re stuck?” The air was tense around you both as he spoke solemnly, it diverting to match the mood of his question. “Like we’re us, and I love us, but it makes me think that it’s it. Just me and you, on this path for the rest of our lives, never getting a compensated break, nor an average person’s future. I want this, what these people here have, not the combat that is aided by this metal arm, or the associations that stick to us like life lines.”
“All the time, it’s on my mind James.” With a sigh, you came to sit beside him on the couch, resting your head against his bionic shoulder. “I ever wonder if there’s a timeline of you and me where there’s none of this ruckus, we just have a nice little house in a quiet and accepting place, and maybe a kid or two in the future.”
“I’d give anything up for that.” He looked at you, almost wide eyed, as his hand slithered down onto your knee cap, rubbing small circles as he wore a blunt and endearing smile upon his infatuating lips. “I mean that Buck, that sounds...”
“Perfect?” He asked, leaning closer as he grabs your chin with his wondrous fingers, his nose brushing alongside your own as his puckered lips fell upon yours, earning a small hun of content from within you. “Because you’re perfect to me, and no matter what life we are encased in, I want to share it with you. I want stare at the night sky and watch the moonlight illuminate the side of your face, and the stars reflect in your entrapping eyes, that I want to look into like a medium’s orbs forever, because that is how I will see the future that I ever so hope for.”
“How long have you been working on that one Barnes, because you are usually not that smooth?” A small laugh erupted from your mouth, but you were quickly silenced as you felt a cold metal hand slither up and beneath the back of your tank top, rubbing along the seam of your spine, as his lips ran down the column of your throat, evoking small and delicate whimpers out of you.
“Shut up doll, because I really want to fuck you now, and those words leaving your mouth are making it kinda hard to concentrate.” A furrow imbedded between his brows, as you tilted your head at him, a smirk proclaiming your expression as you pulled the material over your head, and reached behind yourself to unclip the back of your bra.
“Kinda hard to concentrate, hun?” You asked nonchalantly as his gaze zeroed in on your bare breasts, his hands smoothing along your ribcage as he adjusted his grip of you so that he was palming at your breasts, and squeezing the nipples. “I want you in me baby, I’ve practically gone days without you inside of me.” Licking your lips, you reached down to palm your beloved through his layers, earning a positive groan from the former assassin.
“Hours, you mean. I fingered you on the road trip here.” Yes, that was true, however, it was only his fingers, not even the metal ones, and whilst you loved what they alone could do, he had to be discreet as you were sat on the back of the truck, which had carried the primary parts for the Wilson’s family boat. If you were to scream out, they’d have surely thought that you’d fallen off the back of the truck and pull over, or if they had much sense, they’d have noticed that there was more going on than two passengers sat side by side on the journey to their small neighbourhood by the docks,
“You heard me Barnes, otherwise I’m sure Sam wouldn’t have any problem if I came to his room in this state of undress that I am currently portraying.” Growling was never Bucky’s fortes, however the sound aggressively ripped through the tunnel of his throat, as he threw off his grey top, quickly unfastening his belt, as he awaited for you to strip the rest of your clothing before him.
But rather than doing so, as he stood before you, your hand had trouble resisting the sight of his cock that had bobbed to attention, and thus, you wrapped it around his toned flesh, giving it a couple jerks that had his head reeling back, before you tongued his tip, moaning to yourself at the taste of him invading your sensitive taste buds. “Love your cock.”
As soon as you said that, Bucky gently gathered your head in a ponytail so that it was free from bombarding your face, and groaned as quiet as he could as you sucked him in your mouth, running your tongue up the side of his shaft. “Is that a part of your dream world baby doll, the sight of my cock throbbing to be inching down that perfect little throat of yours?”
To answer him, you pressed your head down deeper, humming around him as your eyes ogled up at the sight of your super soldier, who was trying his hardest to keep his eyes open, and attuned to the sight of you. He held his bottom lip between his teeth, as you lightly gagged around him, pulling off him, and squeezing his balls, before running your hungry tongue along the middle of his sack.
“Always. It would be a dream if you made love to me right here and now though, I’m not sure I can wait any longer James.” Bucky took a long inhale, before ravishingly pulling down your jeans and panties in one go, and tossing you so that he was below your form, and you hovered over him, toying with his erect cock. “I love you so much Bucky, and I’m scared of what’s to come. I have a feeling that there’s gonna be a fight.”
“There’s always a fight doll face.” He rubbed his thumb soothingly across your jaw, pulling your hips down closer so that you were rubbing your slick folds against his standing cock. “But this is what we’re fighting for, the rest of our lives together. I’d be damned, one day after this, and if I were to die, I’d be a happy man. There’d be the memory of you to keep me forever happy in the afterlife, and not to mention, there’d be no more wars for me to participate in.”
“I’m not going to let you die Buck, even hypothetically. We saw how your little hypothetical synopsis went last time.” Tapping his cock against your clit, a breathy sound evicted from your lips, as you stared down at the two of you intimately touching, the sight alone making you more turned on and impatient. “No one is allowed to kill you, otherwise I’ll unleash hell on all their flag smashing asses.”
Giving him one last stroke, you guided his tip towards your entrance, removing your hand once you had him situated, so that you could rest it upon his sturdy shoulder, and sink down on him, the feeling of him stretching you being the most euphoric sensation that you had ever endured. Hushed moans ceased from the both of you, as Bucky’s hands gripped your ass cheeks, only adding to all of the pleasure that was erupting within you.
“Think your pussy is gonna kill me before anyone else does; your so tight.” His pitch had rose, as your fingertips danced along the left side of his handsome face, invisibly connecting the dots of his beauty marks. You allowed the pair of you to adjust for a simple moment, before you began to raise your hips, sliding up his super soldier rod, only to slide down it again.
The actions were repeated, as your own hands trailed down his warm skin, to drag down the golden lines of his vibranium arm, only to bring the weapon to your mouth, and kiss every black finger up, as you tried your best to muffle the moans that were hoping to reap free. “So fucking big, I love you and your cock.” You muttered, your sight turning blurry as Bucky realised that it was his turn to do the work, and thus, he thrusted up into you, making echoing sounds of your skin slapping together reverberate around the room.
“Love you more.” He gritted his teeth, pulling his metallic hand away from your numb lips, so that he could swirl the elegant digits around your clit, the action provoking whimpers to rapidly surpass your exterior, as you bit harshly onto your own lip, and screwed your eyes shut. “Cum for me doll, want you to cover my hard cock in everything you have. Come on baby, you can do it.”
Without much thought, as your mind was too scrambled to do so, you reached for Bucky’s spare hand, pulling it to your mouth as you sucked on his fingers as though you were blowing him. A low moan that was dialled down from the presence of his flesh digits, ran from your mouth, as you began to bounce your hips, chasing and eventually reaching your high. You came around him, pushing him too over the edge, his seed filling your walls, as you collapsed atop of him, huffing from exhaustion as you removed his salivated hand from the realms of your mouth, resting your head against his panting chest.
Stringed sighs fell from Bucky’s breath as he tried to catch his own breath. His hands rubbed your back, not only to comfort you, but also to subconsciously pull you closer against him, and his softening cock that was still inside you, and was keeping his cum plugged within your tender and pulsating walls. If life was easier, there’d be more time for this, and that, but for now, it was just every now and then. Maybe you’d win this fight and survive until the next one, but maybe, you’d lose and never battle again.
Life was precious, that was something that you had not only learned as an avenger, but also something that had been told to you by Isiah. That man thought that you deserved a normal life, no fighting, no super soldiers. He himself was the biggest yet silent critic of those with additional strength, but his opinion was never going to sway you, not as you stared out into Sarah’s backyard, and watched the man that you loved play with the boys.
They had the shield, and were whisking it through the air like a frisbee; dangerous, yes, but again, life could only amount to so much without an ounce of pain. A content and satisfied smile absorbed any pain on your face, you were enraptured with the sight of Bucky like this, he was like an uncle to these two kids. He was no captain America, that was for sure, but you didn’t want a man in Stars and Stripes, all you wanted was him to be at peace, and it was a fact unbeknownst to him, that you had made such an alternative to that.
“Still want all this?” Sarah emerged, a cheap yet formidable bottle of wine pursed in her hand, as she held two clear and tall glasses in her hand. You hummed, watching as she poured the thin red consistency into one glass, but as she went to fill the other, you held out your hand, shaking your head. The woman was confused, last time you had visited, and were entangled on her sofa with the limbs of your boyfriend and a shaggy old blanket, you had kindly accepted her offer.
“Sure do.” You sighed, staring out into the green abyss where Jim was hanging from Bucky’s arm like it were a branch. “How do you do this, this whole mother thing? I’ve never been able to wrap my head around how you make it look so easy, it’s just, you do such a good job.” Your palms rested flat on your thighs as you laughed at Sam ordering Jody to jump on Bucky’s back, as he fell down in faux defeat.
“It never is easy y/n.” She placed the open bottle down, along with the mismatched glasses, that were asymmetrical considering one was half filled and the other wallowed in emptiness. “But every step of difficulty is worth it. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t miss their father, but they’re my priority. For Jim and Jody, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do, and you’d understand that if you ever opened yourself up to giving your life of heroism up to have all this.”
“I might have to.” Twiddling with your fingers, glancing up at your boyfriend, realising that he was in fact not looking over, you clasped your intwined hands over your stomach, smiling softly to yourself. “And maybe not having another option is the best option for me and Buck, because we don’t have to fight with ourselves over being included in our duties, we have new ones.”
“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” Sarah asked, resting her nurturing hand upon the tile of your shoulder, prompting you to turn your face towards her. There was a conflict in your eyes, it was something that she recognised her younger self having once worn. It was the idea of putting everything aside, all for a child, everything that she had ever known, so that she could put her baby boy first. “Does Bucky know?”
“He will.” You shifted your head down, unsure of yourself. This had been what you had wanted, and whilst you still envied Sarah for the role she had, you were hurt. A part of you wanted to be an avenger until you were nothing but a soul drifting in the abyss of non existence, another didn’t want to let the knowledge of being a carrier for a new future crumble you. “I just need a moment to tell him.”
“I’ve got it.” She sent you a wink, picking up the items she had brought out, before she called on Sam and the kids to come inside. Sarah had gifted you the opportunity of revealing the truth to your partner with no one else around; you appreciated that. As he stalked closer, you met him halfway, sinking into his arms as he hugged you.
“Looked like you were having fun with the boys.” You verbally noted, loving the feeling of him running his fingers through your hair. “You’re amazing Bucky Barnes, to me and to everyone. I just, don’t want you to freak out on me, I have something big, really big, to tell you, and-“
“Baby, I know.” He smiled, pulling back so that he could look you in the face. “I have super human senses, I heard their little heart beat for the first time yesterday. We’re having a baby, and I couldn’t be happier about it. In fact, I want to ask you if you’ll accept my question of making Sam the godfather.” You nodded, tears standing in your eyes, as you brought the man down for a kiss.
“Yes. But I’m not sure that he’ll be praising us for making a baby when we technically created him or her on the couch inside.” Bucky shook his head at you, kissing your forehead before walking inside with you, preparing to tell the Wilson family, that had along the way became your own, the good news- well, not the sofa bit.
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monocaelia · 3 years
royalty au headcanons
what they would be in a royalty au and the sweet moments shared with them.
feat. albedo, childe, diluc, kaeya, venti
genre : fluff, slight angst in childe's
❀ albedo
albedo is the royally appointed painter of your family. he's in charge of painting all of the portraits of the royal family, which is well deserved. the blond artist's brush strokes and painting techniques make all of his works of art feel so alive, almost as if they could walk out of the canvas they were painted on and live amongst the people.
he prides in his works, always making sure each square inch of each painting absolutely perfect before presenting it to the royal family. even if they were already perfect to begin with. but, as they say, you're your own worst critic.
from since you were both young, he was hired by your family to teach you the basics of the arts as well as how to properly hold a brush.
so, you could say albedo has watched you grow from a grubby child to the elegant and refined person you grew up to be. an honor, really, to watch the stars in your eyes grow brighter and brighter with each passing year.
"ah, you've messed up the brush stroke here," albedo's gentle voice points out the mistake in your technique. your ears burn from having your mistakes pointed out, but you know it's for the best. you clear your throat and try to fix it, only to have albedo sigh from beside you.
"like this, your highness." before you can even react, you feel the heat from albedo's chest radiating against your back and your hand is encased in his own. he guides your hand with his, making the brush you're holding glide smoothly across the canvas.
his hand is cold, you think to yourself, and you wonder if he's been maintaining his health properly. but in contrast to his hand, his breath is warm against your ear as he talks you through the painting technique.
it's hard to focus when you're feeling overstimulated from the proximity of the blond painter and the rather domestic position you're in; almost as if your entire body is being embraced by the artist you grew up with.
"understand, your highness?" his quiet voice breaks your thoughts. he's close to you... so close. you gulp, praying to the archons above that albedo couldn't feel your hands shaking from this entire exchange.
"i thought you were supposed to call me by my name when we're alone together, albedo," you stutter out shakily. it's then that albedo realizes the position the two of you are in. his teal eyes widen slightly in surprise and his ears begin to burn a light pink. the artist pulls away, muttering a small apology to you.
though, albedo has to admit that having you in his arms, albeit for painting, felt so nice. from the position he was in, albedo could have counted the thousands of stars that your eyes held; and he would do anything to see them again.
❀ childe
ajax became a knight of your kingdom from a young age. he was always bored from the day to day schedule of his familial job; he wanted more and nothing could satiate the need to do something, anything that could give him the exhilaration that he needed.
which being in the knights provided for him. from learning how to properly wield a sword, to sparring with the best knights in your kingdom, to being a master at any and all weapons in your artillery, the ginger haired knight loved every second. he always felt alive when wielding his weapon, always grinning ear to ear when he's sparring for fun.
despite being a terrifying machine of war, ajax would never betray your family, let alone you. he swore an oath to protect everyone in the kingdom when he joined the knights, and that included you. the one who has watched him since he was a clumsy knight in training, fixed up his injuries, and wiped his tears away when he was frustrated with himself.
the call of ajax's name alerts him of your presence along with the quick pads of your shoes against the pavement. said male turns to look at you, smile big and bright on his face. "your highness! fancy seeing you here so late. did you miss me that mu-"
"is it true?" you interrupt him. your furrowed brows and frown etched onto your features contrast against the bright expression on the knight's. ajax's smile falters a bit when you stop in front of him, holding your arm and biting your lip in concern. "is it true that you're going to fight in the war?"
ajax blinks, stunned at your question. but he laughs lowly, not helping you in your concerned state. "of course, why wouldn't i? i made an oath to protect you, your family, and the people. it's my duty to go to the front lines."
his cerulean eyes stare into your own. you take a breath, hesitating on what to say or do next. ajax assumes you're going to scold him for throwing himself into the pits of danger, assumes that you're going to yell at him because when he fights he fights with no care to his own body. he would power on through the fight until he physically wasn't capable anymore.
"would you stay with me if i asked you to?"
your question surprises the ginger knight. out of all things that you could have done or said, he wasn't expecting this.
his finger strokes your cheek, sliding forward until your jaw rests in the palm of his hand. ajax gives you a smile, endearing yet bittersweet. he wants to stay here with you, to see your annoyed expression when he ends up hurting himself again or the huge smile on your face when he does something dumb.
but duty calls. and you know that.
his heart falls when you sigh and pull away from his touch. but it flutters again when he feels something hard press into the palm of his hand, your own covering his.
"then, promise me you won't die out there, ajax. take this lucky charm of mine and stay safe. i'll miss you."
you plant a quick kiss on his freckled cheek and run off before he could see you cry. unfolding his hands, he's greeted with the delicate, red mask you've placed in his hands.
❀ diluc
being the heir to the throne of your own family makes it hard to miss the prince of the neighboring kingdom. prince diluc is a stoic and hard to please person. every time you've seen him in passing at royal balls, he has always had a frown or blank expression on his face.
but, despite what his outer expression and appearance shows, the young prince is a kind and gentle individual. at least to you. in contrast to how stoic he is with others, his warmth is always welcoming and comforting to you. if he's being honest, you're one of the few people, if not the only person, who has witnessed the genuine yet small smile of prince diluc.
when he has the time off, he writes letters to you, often complaining about how useless the knights and how he would rather work alone. but he never fails to indulge you about the little things that have happened since the last time he has spoken to you. how he misses seeing you and that the next time you visit he would take you to a beautiful meadow he passed by on one of his scouts around mondstadt.
you, his only friend who sees the young prince as who he is, and not what the rumors, nor what his title says he is.
"thought i'd see you out here." diluc's ears perk at the familiar cadence of your voice. his eyes that held the warmth of fire flit up to look at you, and his breath is taken away. underneath the gentle glow of the moon, you're practically glowing in front of him. with rich, beautiful silks covering your body and a comforting smile quirking your lips up.
"what are you doing out here? it's cold out here, and the party's inside, [name]," he scolds you. diluc's expression deadpans when you stick your tongue out the corner of your mouth and shrug. when a cold breeze flows through and you physically shiver, the red haired prince sighs and slides off his coat, throwing it over your shoulders.
"i could say the same to you. besides, i saw you out here looking lonely and like a fool, so i thought it would be nice to join you. so you don't look so pathetic." it takes everything in the young prince to not take his jacket back from you and march back inside the palace with the intolerable guests. "i'm kidding! but not about the lonely part. are you alright?"
the playful glint in your eyes disappears in that moment, captivating diluc yet again. he could never outright tell you this, but your eyes are the most beautiful he has ever seen. filled with actual starlight and twinkling with fondness for the awkward prince.
"yeah, just a bit overwhelmed with the guests inside."
you hum in response to him. "well. why don't i keep you company then? from one royal to another. we don't have to say anything, but having someone with you is comforting, right?" ruby eyes widen when you step forward and grab onto his hands, intertwining them. he hopes his cheeks aren't as red as they feel and that you can't see his blush despite the proximity.
"r-right. as long as it's just you, [name]."
maybe the young prince will find the courage to be more forward with you, ask to court you with a bouquet if your favorite flowers and a love letter slipped in between the petals. but for now, he finds solace in your company and your gentle hand laced with his.
❀ kaeya
the origins of how kaeya ended up in your kingdom's calvary is an enigma. no one is quite sure where he had come from, nor had any idea who he trained under considering he was an exceptional equestrian and sword fighting on horseback came so easy to him. every time anyone asked him about his background or history, the blue haired knight would always brush it off and redirect the conversation to something else.
despite having a mysterious background, kaeya still ended up captain of your calvary not too long after he joined your kingdom. though, anyone could have expected it considering he easily outwitted the previous calvary captain in their own sparring sessions.
during his time there, you can't admit that kaeya hasn't caught your eye. he's handsome; his laughter and taunts while sparring with the other knights sends butterflies to your stomach. charismatic and always lightly teasing you whenever you drop by the knight's hall made it difficult to suppress the rhythmic thrum of your heart.
"oh come on, your highness. don't tell me you're getting cold feet now." the smirk on kaeya's face only grows when you send him a glare. he finds it amusing that you're still trying to stand your ground despite your evident fear of the horse in front of you. "i thought you knew how to mount a horse."
the calvary captain snickers when you tell him that you are going to, that you're just not familiar with his horse. his sapphire eye follows your movements and form a crescent when his horse turns her head to look at you.
as you try and muster out an explanation on why you were startled, kaeya takes this time to slide his hands underneath your arms and hoists you up above the horse. your leg slips over the saddle of the pure white mare and you yelp in surprise at the sudden motion.
before you can yell at kaeya for not warning you, the calvary captain climbs onto the saddle behind you. because of the limited space on his horse, the blue haired knight's chest is pressed against your back and his arms encase you so that he could properly hold onto the reins.
"cat got your tongue, your highness? there's no need to be so scared, i won't let you fall. well, unless you're being more unpleasant than usual. don't blame me if you end up on the floor."
laughter surrounds you when you yell at the calvary captain to 'stop messing around.' he can't help it; kaeya loves riling you up and hearing his name slip from your lips regardless of if it's in between fits of giggles or out of anger when he teases you one too many times.
from the position you're in, you aren't able to witness the endearing look that adorns kaeya's visage when you calm down and lean into his touch as soon as his mare starts moving.
❀ venti
there's nothing that suits venti more than being associated with music in some way, shape, or form. he's a well known musician around your kingdom; knowing at least the basics of every instrument known to man and having every song he has ever heard by memory.
rumors around your kingdom flutter around, saying that hearing a song sung by venti himself could cure almost any disease because of how angelic and healing his voice is. of course, it's not true but the young bard likes to play along with it. anything to get free drinks at the local bar, right?
there's no surprise that your family hired the bard to become your piano tutor. but cheeky smiles, poetic songs regarding the beauty of nature, and lyrical poetry of the beauty you hold make it hard for you to not fall for the playful virtuoso.
a delicate melody drifts down the halls of the castle, elegant staccato piano cords resonate in each other's harmony. your fingers deftly glide over the ivory keys, eyes closed and letting your memory guide you through the piece.
beside you, venti plays your counterpart with a gentle smile on his face. a contrast to the beautiful, yet complicated composition that was being performed.
it was his idea to learn this rather tedious piano duet; you thought it was too difficult because of the complicated melodic line and technical harmonies. you recall many nights filled with frustrated tears and crumpled silk from trying to perfect the melody given to you; and venti's gentle voice as he consoled you during those nights and urged you to rest.
before you know it, the piano duet ends with a final statement of the tonic harmony. silence settles into the room as the final chord resonates in the empty concert hall, only to be broken when you shout victoriously.
"your highness, that was a wonderful performance!" venti congratulates you with a proud smile on his lips. the percussive beat in his chest accelerates when you beam at him, the candlelight making your eyes gleam as if they held the entire universe in them.
"it's all thanks to you, venti! oh gosh, i'm so proud of us i could almost kiss you!" the statement leaves your mouth without thinking and leaves the both of you stunned. one, two, three beats of silence and on the fourth you begin to stutter out an apology with a flustered expression on your face.
venti's airy, light laugh fills your ears and echoes against the vast walls of the concert hall. you want to dig yourself in a hole and hide for the rest of your life.
"and what if i take you up on that offer, your highness? or should i call you [name] now? a kiss ending this performance of ours would be way better than a bow, don't you think?"
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arrowjaeger · 3 years
Basic TMNT Headcanons (2012)
because i think we need more tmnt headcanons that aren’t solely revolving around how they would be as a boyfriend…
• he/him
• bi guy in denial
• doesn’t fully understand what LGBTQIA+ is but supports it
• is the oldest of his brothers
• definitely has all the first born traits
• goody-two-shoes, tattletale, annoyingly nice etc.
• has seen every episode of space heroes 37 times
• is maybe a little too protective over his comic book collection
• like he wouldn’t even let his brothers talk about it
• pretends he’s edgier than he is
• is listed as “Fearless” Raph’s phone
• often wrongly deemed as Splinter’s favorite
• listens to one direction
• unknowingly listens to music about gay men and vibes to it not realizing he relates to it
• always makes his bed in the morning
• probably does yoga at 6 am in the dojo
• will only watch sci fi
• plays adventure games like Zelda or Tomb Raider
• makes the best tea
• is mostly vegan
• a poser when it comes to skateboarding
• has separation anxiety
• teachers pet when it comes to learning ninjitsu
• thinks he has the best smile
• probably has dimples
• would rather be cold than hot
• being cold blooded that leads to issues
• relates to Linkin Park’s “What I’ve Done” on a spiritual level
• cannot sing
• like he cannot carry a tune whatsoever
• if the ninja turtles came out with a christmas album, Leo would be stuck playing the triangle
• he’d try to sing backup but Donnie would turn his mic off
• he/him
• kinda homophobic but he doesn’t realize it/kinda just internalized homophobia
• second oldest
• is sour that he isn’t the tallest
• secretly likes frank sinatra music
• most protective brother but he’d never admit it
• honestly he’s just a big teddy bear
• is determined to make himself look good in grey sweatpants
• doesn’t know how to play his drum set but likes the vibe it gives his room
• wishes he could learn how to play the guitar but he doesn’t have enough fingers
• is listed as “hulk” in Mikey’s phone
• is probably still learning how to read
• problem child (tm)
• dry scoops protein powder
• always adds 30lbs when he tells you how much he can bench press
• likes action movies as much as he says he likes horror
• he hates horror
• rages when he plays Fortnite or Apex
• he also plays Twisted Metal
• does clap push ups to show off
• has amazing thighs
• surprisingly the best driver out of all of them when he tries
• he/they
• baby he’s bi bi bi
• likes April and Casey both but hasn’t realized it yet
• third oldest
• middle child (tm)
• complains about being the middle child but no one hears him cuz he is *cough* the middle child
• has a concerning obsession with star wars
• hopeless romantic
• has like 12,000 date ideas but is too scared of rejection to ask anyone out
• 70% brains, 30% coffee
• corrects others grammar (sometimes he just mutters the corrections under his breath)
• gives the BEST gifts
• super insecure about the way he looks
• hates his hands and wishes they were smaller so he could work on his tech easier
• love language is definitely words of affirmation
• listens to too much dubstep music
• he definitely listens to vocaloid
• read all of the harry potter books in a week
• he is nearsighted and he didn’t even realize people could see things that were so far away-
• wore April’s glasses once and was blown away with how much he could see that he asked if he could keep them
• she let him have them (seeing as she either wears contacts or just accepts the fact that she can’t see) and he popped the lenses out making his own customized spectacles
• he only wears them sometimes but usually has them on him
• wants to wear a bi flag colored mask in june
• is obsessed with hoodies
• is listed as “Donato” in Leo’s phone
• anxiety and depression
• maybe a little ocd
• probably helps tutor kids online
• enjoys Alfred Hitchcock and Twilight Zone
• really doesn’t feel like he has time for games but when he does he sticks to the classics like Tetris or Kablooey
• occasionally plays Overwatch because April plays it
• is basically the therapist of the group
• gives the best advice unless it comes to relationships
• knows all the LGBTQIA+ labels
• if you talk to him about how you are feeling about sexuality or gender he with diagnose you
• memorizes spotify ads
• lip syncs to them whenever they play
• he/they
• doesn’t use labels but identifies strongly with pansexuality
• go with the flow kinda dude
• doesn’t care about labels
• supportive as fuck-
• youngest out of his brothers
• used to like being called “baby brother” but after being called it for 15 years he started getting sick of it
• *fs 180 ollies into your dms*
• brain empty unless it comes to skateboarding moves, then he knows all the terminology
• probably a pro at Tony Hawk 3 for the PS1
• secretly is an amazing graffiti artist
• has teamed up with Casey to make amazing pieces more than once
• definitely makes tiktoks and everyone just thinks he is a guy in costume or is a cgi creation
• has an insane amount of followers
• is OBSESSED with Jojo Siwa
• would wear high tops if his feet would fit into them
• probably has a JoJo Siwa scooter with matching knee and elbow pads
• has “High Top Shoes” on repeat in his brain 24/7
• is listed as “Baby Bro” in Donnie’s phone and he hates it
• honestly an amazing cook when he tries to be
• laughs at hate comments
• Splinter’s actual favorite
• only watches cartoons or Nickelodeon sit coms
• relates to Cat Valentine
• sucker for minecraft
• he found a cat village and built his house right next to it
• screams whenever he sees a baby zombie
• they run so fast
• gives the best relationship advice
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
Wherever You Go, I Will Follow (Boxer! Metal Arm! Bakugou x Reader) Underground!AU
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Art credit: @/helloclonion on Instagram
Warnings: violence, drinking (everyone is of age), hints of ptsd and depression, mentions of cloning norms, angst but fluffy ending.
Synopsis: Bakugou doesn’t like to talk about what happened to his left arm. Years of fighting underground had made him harder than nails. Society was messed up. Children weren’t born, they were made and any who aren’t adopted are raised in mass orphanages. But you’re special. And you’ve chosen the light even though you’ve seen the darkness. Who else to get through to his heart other than someone like you?
Words: 7.8k
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The lights blind you momentarily as they flashed on. The humidity in such a crowded space packed with people was making your skin crawl but it was worth it for the greatly anticipated show.
An underground arena that had this much hype was rare since most fighters didn’t make it past their 20s due to injuries so severe from boxing that it cost them their lives.
There were zero qualified doctors here in the society riddled with old factories that didn't exist anymore and sleazy underground cities where nothing could grow anymore due to the pollution. It had fallen to ruin and only a select handful that could heal like they claimed to. 
Due to that little insignificant fact, that meant the expected lifespan of everyone down here wasn’t more than 30 years of age.
Of course, it varied from section to section, but there was enough pattern to know that there wasn’t long to live once you got to your teens.
Therefore, everyone lived fast and hard down here, trying to experience as much as they could before it was their time to go.
And while you couldn’t say that you blamed them, that wasn’t how you wanted to live. You wanted to fight back against the norm and make a difference that would change this world.
Which is why you were so interested in this particular fighter.
Bakugou Katsuki. 
A reformed individual with a criminal record after a looting with his crew went sideways. He was stronger than most with an attitude and ego bigger than the city itself.
He was renowned to be one of the baddest in the underground and had a personality as difficult as a cloned Siberian tiger.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. You didn’t know why Mic couldn’t come scout today instead of you, you hated how jam packed Bakugou’s fights got, which is why you always steered clear of them.
Well, that and because you weren’t exactly partial to his famed temper.
Then, the glint of metal had you on the edge of your seat, eyes sparkling with curiosity as you caught a better look the second time around as he stomped into the ring. 
Was that… a metal arm?
It looked like something straight out of Marvel’s Winter Soldier from back in the day. Scarily so. 
You faintly recalled that his opponent’s name was Shindou, supposedly the underground’s upcoming rising star to the top. His undefeated reputation preceded him and he certainly was easy on the eyes.
So why did you find your gaze drawn to the arrogant boxer with a cocky smirk on his face across from the guy that was cuter than him?
Metal arm flexing, sweat dripped down his brow, his crimson eyes narrowed in concentration and tinged with a hint of malice as his much larger rival took a swing at him to kick off the round.
Bakugou blocked it head on, retaliating with a force that sent him spiraling towards the cage. His wrapped hands were crusted with blood and he hastily brushed the dirtied, spiky hair that fell into his eyes out of his face, a ravenous hunger coming through as he bounced on the balls of his feet. 
“Is that all you fucking got, extra?!” He screamed in Shindou’s face and you actually had to cover your ears at the sheer volume that carried through the stadium, egging him on.
Your mouth dried as Bakugou caught him across the jaw the second he flew at him, knocking out his opponent in one go, calling the match in under thirty seconds flat. 
Holy shit, he’s good. You thought to yourself, thoroughly impressed, barely able to hear yourself over the crowd’s roar as Bakugou punched his fist in the air victoriously. 
His technique seemed rough to the naked eye but taking a closer look, his form and tactics were flawless. His overall strategy could use a little work, since he seemed particularly keen on using brute strength, but he was really good at turning the tables on his opponent in an instant.
And really good at making sure that they couldn’t get up again after he threw them down.
You had your share of good fighters. Not like that, you dirty minded creature, you were a scout for your father’s gym. 
Aizawa wasn’t a revered name by any means, but that didn’t mean he lacked skill. He was the one who could take down more people than any other pro could, but he absolutely hated media attention. Hence why almost no one knew of his abilities, other than a select few of his colleagues and fellow fighters. 
And you of course. You were so incredibly proud of your him.
He had recently been scouting new talent after taking in several kids: Shinsou, Todoroki and Midoriya. 
The female boxers in his ring were a literal force to be reckoned with. You weren’t sure you’d ever seen someone pack a punch with as much power as Uraraka when she got serious. And no one could beat Yaoyorozu when they stepped in the same arena as her.
In the underground, it was normal to come across those that talked big, but rarely have you ever seen them deliver.
This guy had some raw talent. Perfect. 
Looks like Uncle Hizashi’s instinct was right.
After the fights ended and the exciting night came to a close, you wormed your way through the rows of people lining up to claim their bets that they had placed at the beginning of the night. You were at least smart enough not to get sucked into all that. 
A cage match had too many variables. The odds could change in a split second, no matter how good or bad the fighter was. And since there were no rules, anybody could win. 
You found the boxer in the designated fighters’ alcove security had put there especially for them to wind down. Here, they would be hidden away from the crowd and only the fighters knew about this spot aside from those that protected it.
“You’re good.”
Bakugou snorted, not looking up at the sound of your voice as he continued to unwrap the tape from his hands. “Of course I am, dumbass.”
You cocked an eyebrow at his arrogant attitude but after a fight like that, you guessed the pride was well deserved. After all, the guy he went up against was undefeated. No one had beat him and after Shindou earned his reputation of tearing the limbs off of the fighters he faced, no one wanted to step into the ring with him after that.
But Bakugou didn’t back away, even going so far as to taunt this guy, boldly proclaiming that he’d beat him.
Normally, you would brush off those guys as no good but he made good on what he said he would do, so you were at least a little bit curious.
A little.
You still didn’t like his attitude though. 
Tossing the bloodied wraps in his bag, he ignored you as you just stood there like a lost puppy. People like you didn’t belong in the underground.
Bakugou scowled and huffed scornfully, throwing his bandages down with a little more force than necessary. 
Patching up wasn’t too bad this time around. He was lucky the round ended when it did though, that fucking extra had too much boisterous energy and willpower that had carried him this far. Still, it was better than fighting bare-knuckled. 
There was a time when wraps or gloves weren’t allowed. People liked the blood and violence, and craved someone to come out victorious by taking the other’s life.
Fucking sickos if anyone asked him. 
Bakugou slung his gym bag over his shoulder and shouldered his way past you since you had yet to say a word after that initial, begrudging praise. He couldn’t care less if you hung around but he wasn’t going to stick around for the damn media to catch whiff of this fight.
Once it was leaked that he had won, they would take a percentage of his cut and he would have to go without food for another week just to pay rent on that shitty place he stayed at. 
It wasn’t much but it was better than the streets.
“Wait.” You called out, inwardly chastising yourself for being so pathetic. 
You weren’t star-struck or nothing, so why were you feeling so tongue-tied?
Taking a deep breath when he snapped his head around to glare at you in annoyance for stopping him, you rolled your eyes when he tapped his foot impatiently. 
“You gonna take all fucking night, extra?” Bakugou barked at you, clearly not playing around. 
Your eyes widened as the metal plates on his left arm clinked together as he raised up his fist threateningly.
“I’ve got places to go and shit to do.” He grumbled. “So if you’re just going to stand there like a fucking—”
“Do you want to be a part of Aizawa’s gym?” You blurted out before he could get too carried away on his rant.
Bakugou arched an eyebrow in surprise. He hadn’t been expecting that. It was rare that the scruffy old man took on recruits.
Huffing, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and scrutinized you. “Who the hell are you?”
You cringed at how rough his voice laced with suspicion came out but you supposed you could understand. 
Collectors were far too common these days, usually rich scouts from corporations that searched for talented fighters to partake in their financial war when it turned bloody.
You weren’t really sure how it was possible for those airheads to train delinquents into soldiers for their military to fight in the wars that they created, but all you were really concerned about was dodging those scouts.
They weren’t people to trifle with.
Bakugou’s suspicions were misplaced this time around though and you jutted out your hip, planting your hand on it as you regarded him disinterestedly. 
There was only one thing that you could say to get him to trust you.
“He’s my dad.” You said quietly.
The boxer nearly choked on air and you flashed him a cheeky grin when he whipped his head around to glare at you.
“Fuck, seriously?”
You nodded and a heavy exhale whooshed out of his lungs in one breath.
Bakugou cocked up an eyebrow, seeing you in a completely different light. “Holy shit.”
You resisted the urge to dash away under his intrigue but you flinched when his eyes landed on you again.
“Sorry.” Bakugou muttered, averting his eyes. “Just never seen one before.”
You scratched the back of your neck, a habit you picked up from your introverted father whenever he was put in uncomfortable situations. “Yeah…”
Children weren’t born anymore, it was illegal. Partly because expenses couldn’t be covered if people got pregnant and partly because the kids would have nowhere to go, but mostly because the government wanted a controlled population. 
By controlling the gene pool, they could create whoever and whomever they chose, placing them in different status’ around the world to fill in the gaps and create the perfect society.
Except, it really wasn’t all that perfect.
You had been a product of your mom and dad’s unconditional love for each other, something else that was also forbidden, especially in the underground cities where disease ran rampant and claimed numerous innocent lives everyday. 
Your mother wasn’t dead but she did have to leave soon after you were born to protect you from the government officials that would come if she stayed.
Your dad was heartbroken but once every three years, the three of you were reunited under the bridge where seagulls cried and the waves crashed upon the shore.
Once upon a time.
Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest, his bicep bulging and you were willing to wager that he specifically got those measurements for his metal arm tailored to those specifications just so his huge muscles were distractingly the same size. 
He was still not entirely convinced you were who you said you were. He knew that you had to at least be a bastard’s biological child, no one was bold enough or fucking stupid to say that much out loud, but he still wasn’t sure that the old man was your dad.
Not bothering to be discreet as he eyed you up and down, he motioned for you to give him a little more information.
“Aizawa, huh?” Bakugou drawled. “You don’t fucking look like a brat that belongs to him.”
Clearing your throat, you smirked. Now you were the one tapping your foot impatiently. “Thanks, I’m told I have my mother’s eyes.”
He glared at your sarcasm but you didn’t care.
Craning your neck to the side to get a better look at that beautiful arm of his, you pouted when he ducked out of range.
“Prove that he’s your dad.” He demanded and you feigned innocence before shooting him a grin when he rolled his eyes irritably. 
Crossing your arms over your chest, you responded cheekily, “Coffee and cats are his two favorite things in the world, and he only tolerates Uncle Hizashi on a whim when he’s wasted.”
Bakugou barked out laughing and you smiled at the boisterous sound escaping from his lungs. 
“So,” You kicked your feet, scuffing the dirt as you sidled over to him. “You in or what?”
His left arm glinted in the dim, flickering light of the alcove and he tucked in his chin the slightest bit to stare down at you, the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“Hell yeah.”
Exactly one year later, you were weaving in between the clustered bodies in the dingy underground bar you were at to make your way to the obnoxious and rowdy group in the back, all while balancing a tray of beers in one hand.
They had just arrived a few minutes ago, eagerly chatting with your dad, who was their trainer, even though he looked like he’d rather be anywhere else but here.
Your skirt flared around your ankles as you sashayed through the crowd dancing on the dancefloor, a couple strands of hair sticking to your forehead from the exertion of how many tables you waited on already.
“First round’s here!!” You announced, beaming brightly at the packed group of 15.
Shoji, Mineta, and a few others couldn’t make it due to conflicting schedules. But it was alright, they would come again another time. Besides, you were quite sure that a special someone couldn’t care less if they made it or not for this particular day. 
“YES!!” Kaminari shouted escatically, throwing his hands up in the air.
A chorus of “thank you’s” came from the girls as Ashido eagerly reached for her first drink of the night, downing half the bottle in one go. You predicted she was going to be out like a light within the hour if she kept that pace up. 
“Don’t get shitfaced, Kaminari.” Jirou twirled a strand of her dark hair cockily as she teasingly held the last one out of arm’s reach. “Lightweight.”
“Jirou!!” Kaminari protested while the table burst into laughter.
The edgy fighter eventually gave into him, shaking her head in disapproval when he proceeded to chug all of it straight like it was some kind of shot. A knowing smirk appeared on her face when he choked.
“Told you so.” She rubbed in his face as Asui leaned into her side.
“Shut up!!” Kaminari shouted between violent bouts of coughing. It only got worse when Ashido slapped his back, already drunk.
But the slight pink dusted across his cheeks clued you in on what he was really doing.
You shook your head. If he was any more dense, you would’ve smacked him upside the head. Maybe then he would’ve come to his senses and that he didn’t need to do all these things to impress her. 
Jirou never hated anything more than someone who felt fake to her.
As you distributed the rest of the drinks to a clueless Todoroki, a way too eager Midoriya, and handed water to Koda, who thanked you shyly with a small nod.
You smiled at him, then left to the bar that your uncle was managing to get the order for the next table while Iida shouted for everyone to make sure they drank responsibly so that they didn’t cause any problems for you. 
But it was largely ignored in favor of raising their beers in a toast for the birthday boy.
Bakugou scowled in the corner that he was shoved into, wondering why he of all people had to be dragged to this shitty celebration for a birthday he couldn’t care less about. It was too loud here and it was making his head hurt. The only consolation he got was that you were a rare sight, wearing a dress that he had bought for you a week ago.
The seamstress who had made it for him specifically had charged him an incredible amount of money for it, since fabric of any kind that wasn’t made from recycled garbage liners was nearly impossible to come by.
But being a part of the ring of fighters that made up Aizawa’s Warriors gave him credibility and enabled him to make even more money than he did before, so it wasn’t a problem.
That much. 
After rent on his rundown place and scrounging for food, he had saved up the rest for weeks before he was able to afford the pale blue satin dress edged with delicate white lace around the sleeves that cascaded off your shoulders. The tightly-fitted bodice that wrapped around your waist was a simple leather corset, accentuating those curves of yours more than should be legally allowed.
You looked absolutely delicious. 
You continued to sweep around the tavern, oblivious to the looks you were getting. You had a bit of expertise in waitressing due to the lack of income your dad was able to provide so you had to convince him that you really didn’t mind helping out with the staff tonight.
The bar, owned by your Uncle Hizashi, a retired fighter but not retired in spirit, had all the profits go to the orphanages the city couldn’t keep track of or be bothered to pay for; which enabled those kids who were abandoned to have a roof over their heads in all the uncertainty.
The state of those houses holding those homeless children were horrendous. 
But your dad and uncle were taking steps to create something new that would provide them with some relief and a new family.
Kirishima clapped the ash-blond on the shoulder, jarring him out of his annoyance. “Come on, Bakugou, loosen up!!” 
He clicked his tongue and scowled at the red-haired guy’s energy. No one would think that this fun-loving guy and people person would be such a terrifying fighter in the arena.
Kirishima frowned when he noticed his lack of enthusiasm. “C’mon man, I know this isn’t your scene but Y/N worked really hard on this.”
Bakugou’s drink nearly spilled as he set it down abruptly. He wasn’t expecting that. Aizawa had told him that his friends had arranged this.
Picking up on his confusion, Kirishima then proceeded to tell him about how you gathered everybody to ask if they’d be willing to attend the party and how all of them enthusiastically said yes. You had gotten special permission from your Uncle Hizashi to borrow the VIP section of his bar and convinced your father to go easy on their training today. 
Really, the grumpy man with the metal arm should be thanking you since you were the reason all of them weren’t sore to death with barely enough energy to keep their heads up. 
Kirishima was going to blame it on Aizawa. He was tough on them. Too tough. No one should be that determined to make their students push past their limits but everyone knew it came from him caring more than anyone else. 
They were all like his adopted children, in a weird, skewed way. But, no one was going to argue against it. None of them had their biological parents in the picture. 
Besides, Aizawa had enough room for them all to crash in his home. An abandoned mansion overrun with thick green vines but had no working electricity whatsoever looked like something straight out of one of those old horror movies back in the 3000s. 
Bakugou scoffed. Like hell should he care about whether or not you planned this. He didn’t ask you to do any of this, you decided to do it all on your own. 
“Whatever.” He grumbled, snatching his bottle before stalking away from his shocked friends left in the dust. 
Todoroki raised an eyebrow as Kirishima sighed and Midoriya’s expression saddened when he saw him leave. They were supposed to be celebrating…
And yet, all three of them knew why today was so hard for the explosive boxer.
You frowned as you noticed the slumped figure retreating to the back of the establishment. Finishing up serving the drinks for the table you were waiting on, you briefly made a detour to your uncle and asked if it was alright that you take a break.
Ever the doting uncle who loved to spoil you rotten, Mic’s eyes softened understandingly when he noticed who you were staring after and granted you permission.
“Just don’t tell your dad I let you off the hook.” He bargained with an exaggerated wink and you giggled.
“I won’t.” You reassured, setting down the tray and squeezing his hand in thanks.
Then, you followed Bakugou. 
He disappeared around the corner and as soon as you tailed him, you came to a stop in front of a heavy door. Your brow furrowed, wondering why he would be coming here. 
Step after familiar step you took until you eventually came to a standstill on the roof.
Behind you, the heavy door slammed close but it sounded different than usual. Something metal crashed into it, denting it by the sounds of it, and it wasn’t until you turned around that you found Bakugou’s vermilion eyes boring into yours.
The wind was stronger up here and you pinned your arms down to your side, knowing full well from experience how mortifying it would be if your skirt decided to flip up right now.
“What the fuck are you doing up here?” He snapped angrily.
To his surprise, you didn’t look the least bit fazed by his outburst.
“I live here.” You responded nonchalantly, undeterred by his characteristic abrasiveness. 
If Bakugou was startled at that revelation, he didn’t show it. If anything, he looked even more irked, though you didn’t know why. He didn’t have any reason to suspect you of lying but in this world, it was safer to be skeptical than sorry.
However, you hadn’t given him one reason to doubt you the entire year you’ve known him. Not one.
So if anything, he trusted you more than the majority of the rats in his rundown city and just as much as his small circle of extras. 
Picking your way past him carefully since the roof didn’t have a safety rail, you made your way towards the curtained tent hiding behind the generator. Pushing the tattered material back, you showed him the bedroll and small table set up with a few bottles of water, a case of beer and a worn book. 
Bakugou’s mouth dropped open but he recovered quickly so by the time you turned back around, he had the same indifferent, kind of irritated look on his face.
Then, he was a bit at a loss of what to do. It wasn’t often he was faced with the dilemma of being wrong so blatantly. Should he apologize? Even when he didn’t say anything but the thought that you were crazy ran through his head? Should he apologize for something you weren’t even aware of?
Nah, fuck that.
You gingerly took a seat at the edge of the roof, leaning back on your hands as your legs dangled. Patting the spot next to you invitingly, a soft smile curved on the corners of your mouth as he grumbled but came over anyway. He plopped down on your right side and you took a moment to study him. 
He looked exhausted, spirit whittled down to the bone until there was nothing left for him to salvage. His eyes were bloodshot and the beer bottle in his hand probably wasn’t doing any favors for him.
Glancing at him out of the corner of your eyes, you asked worriedly, “You okay?”
He huffed in annoyance at your question.
“Fine.” He ground out through clenched teeth and you shut your mouth.
Bakugou clearly wasn’t looking to talk but you yearned to help. You wanted to be there for him. 
Kirishima hadn’t told you much, only that the incident that took Bakugou’s arm happened a long time ago and wasn’t something he liked to relive. 
You didn’t push it. You had your own share of traumatic experiences in this god-forsaken place and hated nothing more than being forced to talk about by a well meaning friend. So you understood it well. 
Instead of pushing the topic, you sat with him in silence. You didn’t ask why he walked away from the party or why it looked like he was drowning himself in his sorrows to forget something, you just offered him a quiet place to sit, with the company of yours truly.
Fate was flawed. You knew that ever since you were born.
The warped sense of justice that the city had was suffocating. People were put away in prison only to be left to rot with no chance of redemption. Those that made it out were casted out to the underground with no hope to see the light. 
Combatants-for-hire wasn’t an unusual job to take on in the ruined city. All Might knew you too had been mixed up in some shit. 
But it was what made you strong in the end.
“I’m here.” Was all you said softly, staring out at the city lights that were especially illuminating tonight.
Thanks to the heavy pollution, the stars could no longer be seen with the naked eye so this was the closest thing you could get to those twinkling lights raised high in the sky. 
“It’s funny.”
You tilted your head towards him as he spoke and was a bit surprised to find him looking directly back at you with an expression you couldn’t quite decipher. 
His eyes were a little dazed, probably from the alcohol, but he looked a little more grounded than he did a minute ago.
Bakugou chuckled but it was short and grated against your ears for a second.
It was mocking.
He tipped his head back, downing the rest of his drink before harshly wiping his mouth with the back of his hand while he crushed the bottle in his metal fist.
Leaning over, he let go and let the shiny crystals plummet to the ground below. 
You smiled faintly, watching how they sparkled. It looked so pretty. 
Sitting back down, Bakugou mimicked your posture and huffed out a dry laugh. “Out of all the shitty extras in the world, you would be the only one to fucking get through to me.”
Your puzzlement must’ve shown through his alcohol-induced haze because the next thing you knew was that he teetered to the side as he lost control of his equilibrium and careened into you.
Out of reflex, you caught him and gasped at the temperature difference as his cold metal arm pressed against you. You could feel it through the thin fabric of your dress and latched onto it when he moved to pull away.
“Sorry.” Bakugou slurred curtly as he gathered his bearings and tried to detangle you from him. 
But his coordination wasn’t the best and he was growing more and more frustrated when you wouldn’t let go.
He snarled. “Let go.”
You shook your head firmly. “You could fall.”
Oh yeah. You two were on the roof. 
This was a bad idea. 
He didn’t know how he ended up here with you but he needed to leave. Immediately. 
Bakugou stumbled to his feet, somehow managing to lose his way halfway to the door and face-planted in something that smelled faintly of lavender. Snuggling into the soft thing that was rubbing against his face, his brow furrowed in annoyance as you giggled at him.
“You have to take me out on a date first if you want that.” You teased lightly and he immediately sat up as he realized he had crashed in your bed.
He scrambled upright, nearly falling over again in his haste. “Fuck, I’m—”
“It’s alright, Katsuki.” You reassured nonchalantly, coming down to sit beside him, but not close enough where your legs were touching.
Bakugou’s mouth twitched at the sound of his first name but his eyes softened the barest bit and he didn’t fight against it. 
Before he met you, he hated his name. It was a reminder that the place he came from was from a lab, cooked up like some sort of sick science experiment to fulfill a role in society that was chosen by some prick who had money.
It was a reminder that he wasn’t real. That he was expendable to all those bastards that ran the world.
But when you used it, when you spoke it with such tentative curiosity and genuine concern, he didn’t feel so unimportant anymore.
“Fuck.” Bakugou breathed as you leaned closer to examine his face.
Your forehead creased in worry and you raised a hand to his head to check his temperature to make sure he wasn’t running a fever. “Are you feeling alright?”
Squeaking when he suddenly grabbed your hand, you gasped in shock when he tugged you towards him. 
You crashed into his chest and your cheeks flushed hotly as his chiseled form honed from years of training molded against your front. 
His arm wrapped around your shoulders and it took a second to realize that his metal arm was planted firmly on the ground, keeping the two of you steady. 
But when you reached out your fingers to brush against it, he ripped away from you.
You pulled back immediately, apology weighing in your gaze as your eyes flicked away from him. “I’m sorry, I—”
“It’s fucking hideous.”
You balked at his tenor. “W-What?!”
Bakugou looked away from you, his gaze fixed on the ground behind you as he rested his chin on top of your head, stubbornly refusing to look you in the eye as you breathed steadily against the base of his neck.
You were warm. Delicate.
He didn’t expect someone like you to understand.
His vermilion eyes were shadowed by the ghosts of his past that continued to haunt him and he sighed heavily, curling his arm around you tighter. He didn’t want to let you go just let but he didn’t know why you weren’t pushing him away. 
Your soft voice rang out. “Katsuki, what do you mean? It’s not hideous at all.”
He clicked his tongue but otherwise didn’t verbalize his disagreement. 
“How could someone like you possibly understand this shit?” He spat but you didn’t recoil like he was half hoping you would.
At least then he would have an excuse to leave, under the guise that he had upset you. But you didn’t do any of that. 
Too fucking precious. Always saw the good in everything just like that shitty nerd. 
You closed your eyes in defeat. “No… I suppose I can’t.”
You didn’t quite understand him. 
The bite in his tone sounded like you had hit too close to home, and yet, his thumb was absentmindedly running over the satin of your dress that he had bought you, your side heating up under his chest and warmth bloomed from your heart.
And yet, he wasn’t pushing you away.
Leaning down, you rested your forehead against his shoulder, your heart beating too loud for your own ears. “You don’t have to say anything, but I know what it feels like to be an outcast too.”
Bakugou eyed you cautiously, wondering if this was some sort of trick because he was drunk and definitely not as attentive as normally but your tone was open.
“Yeah, maybe you do.” He scoffed, scorning you under his breath. “Maybe you don’t. It doesn’t fucking matter to me.”
“Maybe it doesn’t.” You whispered, tracing patterns on his chest as your head lolled to the side to gaze at him with complete vulnerability. “But just know that you aren’t alone.”
Bakugou whipped his head around as you stared at him. Didn’t you get it already? He didn’t want to fucking taint you with all of this shit that went on down here.
He didn’t want to tell you that he had to settle tinkering with whatever scrap metal he could find in the junkyard just to make his left arm operational again, didn’t want to tell you that the government had offered him a real replacement prosthetic but at the cost of becoming one of their combatants fighting in a war he never chose and as a result, he was casted to the side when something went wrong.
He had lost everything. 
The second he had been tossed out on the street, he had come crawling back to Kiko, a spunky little girl a part of the UA orphanage in the east, one of the ones that Mic funneled money towards to fund their food and supply them with fresh water every three days.
The girl, no more than ten at the time, with her dirty blonde pigtails sticking out on either side of her lopsided head, had been born with a unique appearance.
The officials called it a defect, as though they were talking about an object of mass production.
Fucking disgusting.
It never seemed to bother the girl though, and she often claimed that she was tougher than all those men in fancy suits. Bakugou liked her spirit already.
Kiko had had this habit of tracing her stubby little fingers all over the scars from his fights whenever he came to visit and it had been her idea to forgo a realistic prosthetic from the corporation that was looking to hire him and just go out, full badass, just like Bucky in the Winter Soldier.
It was her favorite movie but Bakugou claimed he had absolutely no idea where she learned that kind of language from. 
He had chuckled and patted her on the head at the time, swearing to hell and back that there was no fucking way he was going to build a metal arm. He would scare the kids if he did that, not to mention, full-grown adults.
But Kiko simply bounded over to him and beamed up at him like nothing was wrong in the world. It was fucking contagious, begging for him to at least consider it, selling the point of how cool it would look.
“You would be a superhero, Bakugou!!” She cheered, raising her hands up high, demanding for him to lift her up even though she wasn’t five anymore. “And you could save everybody, just like you want to!!”
He never got a chance to show her the finished product. Would she have liked it? Would she run around, screaming in his shitty apartment as she played with it when he detached it for cleaning? Would she try to hit him over the head with it when she thought he wasn’t looking like the cheeky brat he knew that she was?
Bakugou could hear her squeals of excitement so vividly some nights that he woke up from his terror of that night, soaked in cold sweat from a memory of the girl he had failed to save.
Defeated and overwhelmed by his circumstances after being rejected by the very people who sought him out because of his talent, he had ventured to the orphanage that night and on a whim, demanded her to live with him. He would take care of her, protect her, teach her things that she couldn’t learn from anyone else.
The widest smile he had ever seen stretched across Kiko’s face and she accepted his demands with eyes tearing up with joy. 
He vowed to protect her. 
He failed. 
He had an unsettled score with the government officials he had upset on his way out from the lab that day they told him he had been scraped from the program. 
The enraged fighter went on a rampage, tearing down anything in his path and clearing out the experiment rooms, offering freedom and a second chance to anyone willing and brave enough to take it. 
And as a result, many took him up on his offer and fled that place with white walls and food too bland to actually be considered nutritious.
There was no doubt about it. He pissed them off the day he saved the others.  
They had come for her and taken her last year on his birthday as revenge for freeing those they were experimenting on. He found a crumpled, poorly wrapped, newspaper covered package lost in the clutter of his apartment when he got home.
The creaking old door that kept out winter drafts had caved in, signifying that it had broken in with considerable force, and Kiko was gone.
That crushed gift hidden under the stairwell was the only thing that remained of her.
Inside, there was a small metal pin in the shape of an explosion. For his personality. Corny, but the little girl was simple-minded and liked the sentiment she found in things that she repurposed. 
Bakugou always thought it was fucking weird but he hadn’t taken it off ever since that day. 
The metal plates of his arm glided, clinking together softly as the polished steel lifted to trace your jaw, the pin visible on the inside of his wrist.
To keep her close to him always.
He had stormed their stronghold but by the time he got there, they were gone. Everything.
Every vial, all the equipment, every single one of the samples and officials had disappeared into thin air. 
Bakugou had tried everything to track Kiko down, paying off the highest crime organizations to get more eyes out on the street but nothing worked. She was gone.
And she wasn’t ever going to come back.
You were silent when he finished telling you his depressing life story, sure you were bored to death but when he started to get up, he found that he couldn’t get very far with you draped over his body like this.
Bakugou had a fleeting thought that you had fallen asleep while he had been lamenting and rehashing every depressing detail from his past but he noticed the stuttering rise and fall of your back.
Well, at least you weren’t asleep, but now he didn’t know how to feel when he had told you all of that and you had yet to say anything.
“I know you don’t want pity.” You whispered into his shoulder.
He raised an eyebrow but waited for you to continue.
“I know there’s nothing that I can say that would make the pain go away or bring Kiko back,” You said softly. “But I’m here for you.”
Bakugou pressed his cheek against your hair and inhaled your sweet scent, closing his eyes as an unseen weight lifted from off of his shoulders. 
“Thank you.” He murmured quietly with great difficulty. 
You smiled slightly, glad that you were able to provide him with a little bit of comfort. “Anytime.”
The two of you stayed entwined for a few more moments, time stretching as he held onto you, soaking up your soothing presence while you relaxed against his hold.
“Katsuki?” You called quietly when he still didn’t let go after five more minutes.
Tightening his arm around you, he frowned when you struggled in his grip. 
“Stop fucking moving.” He demanded and you ceased fighting in favor of pulling back to flick him on the forehead. “Oi, did you just fucking flick me?!”
“Yes.” You replied bluntly, snickering when he rolled his eyes. 
There he was.
Bakugou protested hotly when you pushed down his arms to untangle from him but you shushed him with a giggle, leaning back to open the box of beer by your bed, grabbing two bottles and fishing for something from underneath your pillow
In the underground city where liquor was the only thing that was plentiful, you would take what you could get. 
Bakugou caught the beer that you threw at him in midair with an expression a mix between annoyance that you tossed it at his face and gratitude that you knew how he needed another drink after that tale. 
“What the fuck is that for?” He scoffed, pointing to the roll of gauze in your hand. “You get a papercut or some shit?”
You rolled your eyes in disbelief, failing to notice how his eyes raked over you to look for any kind of injury you might be hiding from him, and held it up to him. “No, but it looks like you did.”
He almost spilled his beer that he just popped the lid off of, mouth furrowing in a deep-seated frown when he followed your gaze and landed on the cuts on his knuckles from the fight that happened earlier that night.
“Fuck.” He cursed, setting down the beer hard to wipe up the blood.
He hadn’t even known when he got hurt. 
But he didn’t even get started on tending to it when your gentle hands wrapped around his and you took over for him. 
“Here.” You murmured, pouring some water onto a clean cloth and dabbing carefully at his cuts. “Let me.”
“You’re fucking weird.” Bakugou grumbled but allowed you to take over. 
Your touch was so much lighter than the rough pads of his fingers. He was always too impatient whenever he had to patch himself up, jerking at the bandages to get them to lay flat when they wouldn’t cooperate.
It was a fucking pain to stop the bleeding when his shitty fingers fumbled with it. It was a trip to hell and back every single time he had to attend to wounds he got from boxing.
Your nose scrunched up in concentration as you finished cleaning the area before securely wrapping the soft cotton around his knuckles.
“There.” You declared in satisfaction, sitting back on your knees.
Admiring your handiwork with an unreadable expression, it was a second before Bakugou nodded begrudgingly with thanks.
“It’s not complete shit.” 
You giggled. “Thanks.”
He picked back up his drink and took a swig.
Offering up yours, you hid your surprise when he actually recognized the gesture and clinked his glass against yours.
The distinct hum from the music in the establishment below filtered up to the roof, filling the silence and the occasional echo of steel grating against each other. The low lights were pleasant and the ambiance was soothing as you two drank away the night.
You shivered, catching a chill as the night air blew by, but before you could reach for your blanket, Bakugou was tucking you in his side. 
“Get over here, dumbass.” He mumbled, turning his face away so that you wouldn’t see his blush. “You’re gonna get fucking sick.”
You noticed how he still kept your metal arm away from you. That wound was still too fresh and somehow you had a feeling that no matter how much time would pass, things would never quite be the same again.
Playing with the hem of your dress, you smiled softly. “But I wanted to wear it today, it was a special occasion.”
Special occasion his ass. It was fucking freezing out here and all you were wearing was that summer dress. His brow knitted as you puffed out your cheeks, breath visible, and he wasn’t so sure he wanted to leave you out here when it was so cold out.
“I’m sorry.” Bakugou apologized quietly as you lost interest in toying with the pale blue satin and folded your hands neatly in your lap.
At your questioning gaze, he suppressed the urge to roll his eyes but heat crept up his neck.
“For storming out on the celebration you planned, dumbass.” He grumbled, flicking you on the forehead in a similar fashion hat you had done earlier.
Whining, you held onto your forehead as you made an exaggeration of pain. He rolled his eyes at your antics and you giggled, snuggling further into his side.
“You’re warm.” You mused.
Bakugou scowled, cheeks still pink from the embarrassment tingling through his whole body. “Oi, are you fucking ignoring m—”
“Of course not.” You retorted, pinching his side in retaliation for the flick he gave you before your voice dropped a little. “It’s just— There isn’t anything you need to apologize for. I understand.”
Those words, they were so simple and yet, warmth bloomed in his chest from how they fell from your lips. 
And he could see that you were truly genuine.
He had rejected your kindness earlier when Kirishima had told him you had planned out all of this for him. He had never quite been accustomed to generously that lacked a price or some kind of condition.
Then again, he had never met someone quite like you. 
As you rested against his shoulder, Bakugou took the empty beer bottle from you and placed it on the other side of him so that you didn’t break it and cut yourself when you woke up from your little nap.
He gazed out into the city that had caused him so much misery and wondered how it was even possible for someone like you to exist.
Birthdays, he still hated them, but maybe, just maybe, he could start to heal.
It would start by telling that old man that you fucking needed a new place to sleep that wasn’t the goddamn roof.
It was a good thing he knew just the place you could go.
Brushing back the hair out of your eyes, he allowed a small smile to form on his face as you breathed softly, evenly and he smirked against the top of your head as a thought crossed his mind. And even though he knew you couldn’t hear him, he still murmured quietly.
“How do you feel about seagulls and sand, princess?”
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fangirl-writes · 4 years
Pop Culture
Benny Weir x Reader
Request:  hey i hope ur doing well! would u be able to do a benny x fem!reader where she’s really popular and has a crush on him and isn’t shy about it. benny likes her a lot too but he’s scared that she’ll just end up leaving him for another popular kid. so she makes multiple public declarations as well as takes him on a string of extravagant dates to show him how much she truly likes him.
Warning(s): none. A lot of star wars references. Like. A LOT.
Notes: I am doing fine thank you! Sorry for taking so long with this one. This was cute. I got a little side tracked from the main request and just went all in with the star wars theme, I’m so sorry.
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Y/N L/N was one of the most popular girls in school. That was undoubtable. She was a cheerleader, head of the prom committee, former homecoming queen, and her parents were one of the richest people in town.
But the fact that she had the biggest crush on Benny Weir, resident star wars lover, science wiz, and all around huge geek? Unbelievable.
Extremely unbelievable in Benny’s opinion, even if she had grown up in the house across the street from him.
And Y/N wasn’t shy about her crush on him. In fact, she was very unsubtle about it.
She left him hoards of candy in his locker, hung a bouquet of roses for valentine’s day, and stood on a cafeteria table to wish him the grandest of happy birthdays. 
“Benny!” She cooed as she walked down the hallway with some of her other friends, who were currently rolling their eyes so far into the back of their heads that the nerd squad thought they might get stuck.
“Oh, no,” Benny said, a blush spreading across his cheeks as she approached him, Ethan, and Rory, leaving her posse behind.
“Benny, I rented out the entire movie theater for a star wars marathon this weekend, if you’re free?” She asked.
Benny could barely concentrate on what she said because of how close she was. He could smell her sugary perfume and see the school fluorescents shining in her pretty (e/c) eyes.
He stumbled over his words for a minute before spitting out, “Can’t! Already got plans with Ethan, can’t back out, been planning it for months, years, a whole decade. Can’t miss it.”
“We have?”
Benny elbowed Ethan in the ribs.
“Oh. Right, those plans. Yeah.”
You frowned, looking disappointed. “Oh. Okay.”
Your smile returned for a minute. “Can we reschedule then? Is tonight good for you?”
“Ah, well, you know what-”
The screech of the school bell interrupted him and he looked relieved.
“Well, look at that, saved by the bell! Sorry, Y/N, gotta get to class.” He took off down the hallway. It was the fastest Ethan had ever seen Benny run.
You turned to Ethan, looking more devastated than ever. “He hates me, doesn’t he?”
“Who? Benny?” he replied. “No. No, he doesn’t hate you.”
“Then why does he keep giving me excuses? The old Benny would straight up turn me down...” You said, crossing your arms and staring at the floor.
Ethan put a hand on your shoulder. “Hey, Benny absolutely doesn’t hate you. He’s just...nervous, I guess.”
“Nervous?” You echoed. “About what?”
“Well, you’re really popular and he’s...well, he’s Benny. He’s just afraid that you’re gonna leave him for someone like David Stachowski.”
You pulled a face. “Hairy Dave? No thanks. He’s dog.”
“You don’t know the half of it,” Ethan muttered.
“And you guys know I’m the same Y/N, right? Just because I run with a more popular crowd doesn’t mean I stopped liking nerdy things and stopped thinking about my nerdy friends.”
Ethan laughed. “It’s just a big change from how it used to be. You don’t have braces and a star wars backpack anymore.”
You returned the laugh, remembering how you used to be. “Well, I’ll just have to prove it to him. Will you help me?”
Ethan’s face contorted. “Ah, I don’t know...”
“Come on! Help me, Ethan Skywalker! You’re my only hope!”
Ethan sighed. You got him.
“Yes!” You wrapped him in a hug. “Now let’s get to class!”
“Is everything ready?” You asked Ethan over the phone.
“Yeah, good on your end?” He replied.
“Yep. Movie theater is set. All up to you now.”
“On it.” He said before hanging up and shoving the phone in his pocket. He took a deep breath before bursting into Benny’s house and running up the stairs frantically.
“Benny!” Ethan shouted slamming his bedroom door open.
Benny let out a high pitched scream, falling from his desk chair onto the floor.
“They’ve got Y/N!”
“What?!” Benny bolted upright. “Who’s got Y/N?”
“A couple vampires out for revenge. They must have seen us talking at school the other day. They’ve got her trapped at the movie theater-”
“What are we waiting for?” Benny said, bolting out the door passed Ethan. “Let’s go! Grandma I’m taking the car!”
Ethan waved to Benny’s grandmother as he ran passed her, following Benny out the door.
He hoped this worked.
Benny parked the car and was about to run into the theater, guns blazing, but Ethan caught his elbow.
“Wait, wait, we can’t just burst in there! Look!” He said, pointing to the sign that read ‘Star Wars Original Trilogy Marathon - Tonight Only!’ People stood in a line out of the theater, dressed to impress in various Star Wars get ups.
Benny cursed. “Of course, the one time we need to get in there quickly they’re having a special screening.”
“We can use the side door,” Ethan said. “And here” - he handed Benny a storm trooper helmet - “we’ve gotta blend in or they’ll see us coming.”
Benny groaned. “They could be sucking her dry right now!”
“They want us, not her. And Y/N is not helpless. And I’ve got Erica and Sarah already in there scoping the place.”
“You called them before me!”
“They’re vampires!”
Benny just grumbled and put the helmet on, crossing his arms.
Ethan rolled his eyes. “Put on the costume and let’s go.”
Ethan and Benny snuck through the side door, dressed fully in storm trooper get up.
“This sucks, E. I can’t see a thing in this helmet.”
“What do you want from me, B?” Ethan retorted.
He suddenly let out a gasp and turned to Ethan. “Oh my god, E. This is a New Hope. I’m Han, you’re Luke, and Y/N is Leia. Yes! This is like my perfect dream.”
Ethan groaned. “I wish I could argue with you.”
“Ethan, Benny!”
The two turned to see Sarah and Erica running their way.
“What’re you guys doing here?” Ethan asked.
“What?” Benny turned to Ethan. “You called them, right?”
“There’s a bunch of vampires here. Some of Jesse’s old friends that want revenge for his death.” Sarah explained.
“They’ve got the whole place on lockdown. They’re planning on locking all the star wars nerds in here and feasting.” Erica said.
“Oh my god, this is exactly like Star Wars!” Benny gushed.
“Yeah, okay, Han Solo, chill.” Ethan said. “But that does give me an idea. Where are they hiding?”
Erica scowled as Ethan and Benny led them up the stairs like prisoners. “I never agreed to being Chewbacca.”
“Shh. No choice.” Ethan retorted before pushing open the door to the control room.
There were three vampires sitting in there, they were staring out the small window, watching the movie before turning to the now open door.
“Who are you? And what have you here?” One of them sneered.
“We’re with you. Had to dress up to blend in. Caught these two trying to pull the fire alarm. Thought you might want to deal with them.”
Erica hissed at them and the leader, grabbed her by the chin. “Such a pretty face. Shame we’ll have to kill you.”
Erica kneed him in the crotch, making him groan.
“Look out! They’re loose!” Benny quoted, letting go of Sarah’s arms so that she could assist in beating the crap out of the three of them.
It was a good thing that Star Wars was a rather loud movie or the crowd might have been alarmed by all of the noise.
“All right, you scum,” Benny said, grabbing one that was barely conscious. “Where’s Y/N?”
“Tell me!”
“What?” Benny yelled at Ethan.
“They don’t have her. This was supposed to be a surprise for you. We were gonna find her in one of the empty rooms in the theater and then she was gonna take you to an empty theater and you two were gonna watch the marathon together. But now she’s alone in a room with a bunch of vampires around.”
“What?” Benny shouted. “For the love of- You go and get her, we’ll hold them here.”
“You mean we” - Erica gestured between her and Sarah - “will hold them.”
“Yeah, whatever, just go her!”
Benny pulled off the helmet and sighed.
“She really likes you, you know.” Sarah said.
“Come on,” Benny said with a bitter laugh. “Maybe right now, but once she gets me she’ll be off to the next guy in a week. That’s how they all are.”
“Not Y/N.” Erica replied. “She doesn’t get around. Never has. Her last boyfriend was a dick so if she’s pursuing you, she must really like you.”
Benny sighed. “Yeah, I know. I’m just scared. We kinda run in two different circles now, you know?”
“And you can’t overlap? According to what? The rules of high school? The world isn’t so black and white, Benny.” Sarah encouraged.
Ethan rushed down the hallway, looking on the door numbers for 2187 (a number you had modified for the surprise).
“Yes!” Ethan said, reaching the door. He quickly pulled it open to find you laying there on a table, decked out in an impressive Princess Leia costume. It looked like you’d fallen asleep.
“Y/N!” He called and you sat up.
“Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?” You said cheekily. “Where’s Benny?”
Ethan rolled his eyes, pulling off his helmet. “No time!”
“Come on, say the line!”
“What? No, you don’t understand-”
“Ethan! Say the line!” You whined.
He sighed. “I’m Ethan Skywalker, I’m here to rescue you.”
You grinned broadly. “Thank you.”
“But seriously, I’m rescuing you. There are vampires here, and we need to get back to Benny, Sarah, and Erica.
“What?” You shouted, processing the information.
“Sarah and Erica are vampires. Good ones. But there are evil ones here that are planning on sucking the souls out of everyone in the theater and we’ve got to get them and you out of here.”
“What? Where’s Benny?”
“Come on!” Ethan encouraged and, just like the movie, you ran out first despite not knowing where you were going.
You met back up with Benny, Sarah, and Erica in the hallway, as they were backed against the wall with more vampires on the way.
“Where are they all coming from?” Sarah said, spraying a holy water gun and knocking one down.
“I don’t know but I know for sure we can’t get out that way.” Benny said.
“Looks like you cut off our only escape route. All the doors are that way!” You replied.
“Oh, I’m sorry, perhaps you'd like it back in your cell, Princess Leia!” Benny bit back at you sarcastically.
“Ethan, are the sprinklers still lined with holy water?”
“I don’t know. I never did anything to take it out.”
“Let’s give it a try!” Erica said, pulling out her lighter and holding it up to the sprinkler above her head, covering herself with her leather jacket and Sarah holding up an umbrella she had been using as a weapon.
The water almost immediately started spraying out, setting off the fire alarm and soaking the vampires attacking you, burning and hissing all the way down.
“What is your problem?” You hissed at Benny.
“Well, we wouldn’t be cornered if you hadn’t lured me here! And by using Ethan! I feel betrayed!”
“Oh, I’m sorry for trying to prove to you that I like you!”
“Ha! If you really liked me you wouldn’t have become so popular! Leaving your real friends to rot in geek town!”
“That wasn’t my fault! I did what I liked! You guys are the ones who thought I needed to change just because I did similar activities to the other rich kids!”
“Guys!” Ethan interrupted. “Not the time! We need a way out. Now.”
“Oh for the love of-” You rolled your eyes and opened up the trash cute. “Everybody in!”
“Ew. Do we have to go full star wars?” Sarah asked.
“Would you rather chance the holy water river?” You replied, pointing to the floor that was slowly filling up with more water.
“Good point. Let’s go!”
Sarah entered first, followed by Erica, then Ethan, then you, then Benny.
You all were spit out into the dumpster that was full of candy wrappers, old popcorn, and soda cups.
Erica toppled into Sarah and Ethan rammed into her. You managed to avoid their collision only to have Benny slam into you from behind.
You all groaned at the impact and rolled around for a minute, picking popcorn and sticky candy out of your hair and clothes.
“Oh, I’m gonna need a shower.” Ethan groaned.
“After this I think you all deserve a spa.” You said. “I’ll buy.”
“You better.”
“Well, that was not how I foresaw this night going,” You said, standing up with the others and pulling a candy wrapper out of your hair.
Benny stood up, picking garbage off his clothes, and let out a chuckle. “What? Did you think that I was gonna give in just because of your big gesture?”
You turned on him with fiery eyes. “Would you just get it through your thick skull? I like you, okay? I’m not gonna break up with you in a week, I’m not gonna cheat on you, I’m not gonna try to convert you to a jock. Benny I’ve liked you since third grade! I just got enough confidence to tell you and you keep avoiding me every chance you get! If you don’t like me would you just tell me? It would save me a lot of time and money!”
“Not that that would be a problem for you, rich girl!”
“Well, I’m sorry my parents are wealthy! I’m sorry you live with your grandmother and not in a mansion! We’re different but quit painting me as the villain in your pathetic hero story!”
You both were fuming at each other. Erica, Sarah, and Ethan were standing with wide eyes watching this go down.
“Well, maybe if you had just stuck with your real friends we wouldn’t be in this situation!”
“I did! You guys are the ones who treated me like I’d been converted to a cult!”
“Not much different!”
“What is your problem with popular people? You have some sort of nerd code that says you can’t get along with them? Weren’t you the one who was friends with David Stachowski?”
“That’s a different story! He chose us!”
“So did I!”
“No. You didn’t choose us, you chose to have sleepovers with the cheerleaders and go to country club parties and be homecoming queen!”
“I can have more than one group of friends, you know? But do you know who I had hoped would be there for me when I needed it? You guys. Ethan was. You’re the one who keeps running away from me!”
“Well, I’m sorry I think I’m not good enough for you!”
“You’ve always been good enough for me!”
“Well, then I guess I’m saying yes!”
“To what?”
“Everything. All of it. Every date you’ve asked me on, every invitation to a dance, every declaration of love. Yes. I love you. Yes.”
Tears were in your eyes now and you threw yourself into his arms, burying your face into his neck.
Benny hugged you back, as tightly as he could without hurting you.
“You smell like garbage,” you whispered.
He laughed. “So do you.”
Suddenly there was clapping from behind you.
You turned to see Erica slow-clapping. “Well, as much fun and as that rom-com moment was. Can we get out of the dumpster now?”
And you did.
It was safe to say your Leia dress was probably ruined, but you would probably keep it anyway.
Benny held your hand all the way to the car.
You hoped this was the start of something wonderful.
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People's Paradise - Part 2
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Summary: Steve’s feelings for you are growing but so are Bucky’s feelings for you. You are unaware of your appeal that just makes everything more complicated.
Pairing: Bucky x reader; Bucky x angel!reader
Warning: non, just fluff and feelings
Author’s note: I hope you'll enjoy this story. Please be aware that English is not my first language. And thank you to everyone who reads my stories and especially to those who write nice comments. I’m so overwhelmed by that that I can't reply (because I’m just blushing and giggling). :D 
Part 1 - His angel 
You and Bucky woke up and parted before anyone else could see you. Around lunchtime Bucky came into the common room, pissed off because his psychiatrist is the most annoying person he has ever met and because he wasn’t allowed to go on missions like the others. Then according to the doctor he was still unstable. To his surprise he found you lying headfirst on the couch. The pink headphones on your head and the slight movements of your feet implied that you were listening to music while reading a big book. Bucky leaned against the kitchen counter pouring some gin into his glas and watching you. Suddenly you looked up like you felt his presence in the room. „Oh. You’re back. How was it?“, you asked taking your headphones off. Bucky didn’t answer and just shrugged. You nodded in understanding. „Why are you here? Why aren’t you on their mission?“, Bucky asked. „I’m not allowed to go on missions. This would be interfering the human order and I would cause problems with that. Angels are watching me 24/7 to make sure I stay put.“ You looked outside the window realizing how warm and sunny it is. 
„Do you wann go out with me?“. Bucky almost choked on his drink. „Like a date?“
„Oh. I meant do you wanna go outside with me- there’s a lake nearby and it’s really peaceful there.“, you smiled at him with your big (y/e/c) eyes and Bucky hadn’t it in him to say no to you even thought he just wanted to stay home. „But I don’t swim.“ You beamed at him. „You don’t have to.“
Half an hour later you both arrived at the lake and Bucky instantly regretted it. The lake was beautiful indeed but dozen of people were there as well- running, swimming, laughing and shouting at each other. „I thought you said it’d be calm.“, Bucky muttered annoyed. „Did I?“, you said happily already looking for a nice spot. As you and Bucky lay down you couldn’t help but chuckle. He looked so out of place with his jeans and shirt and shoes still on. In contrast you lay on your stomach with a red bikini that Bucky cursed himself. Why did he decide to come to the lake with you. You were pure temptation and it took Bucky everything to resist you; to not touch you. „Why are we here again?“
You turned to your left to look at him. Bucky lay on his back but his upper body was up like a small crunch while his elbows supported his weight. His sunglasses covered his eyes but you were pretty sure screwed his eyes. „I like it here. It’s people’s paradise. Everyone here is happy and carefree.“, You hummed and started to read the next chapter. Reading it out loud so quietly that only Bucky could hear you words. The voices and laughs of the children faded away and he almost dozed off if a volleyball wouldn’t have been flying in your direction and Bucky caught the ball effortlessly with his right hand. 
Seconds later two college students were running towards you both. „I’m so sorry.“, said a high-pitched voice. The girl seemed nervous, playing with her hair and fluttering her eyelashes. „Nice catch.“, said a boy’s voice, clearly impressed. „Would you like to join? We play beach volleyball over there.“, He nodded to the girls and boys to his left. 
Before Bucky could decline you closed your book and looked up. „Beach volleyball sounds fun.“ The boy was obviously stunned by your appearance that he had a hard time trying to catch his breath. „You can play too.“, His voice was dry and nervous. „Awesome. Give us a minute.“ You clapped happily in your hands. 
„I don’t want to play volleyball with these kids.“, Bucky snarled angrily at you. „C’mon. Just one game. If you don’t like it, we will leave after that. I promise. But I’m pretty sure it will be great“
„Have you ever played it before?“, asked Bucky annoyed. „No, I haven’t but I watched the olympics last year.“, you winked at him.
You and Bucky were in opposite teams and you both dominated the game clearly. So after 3 rounds they decided to make it even more interesting. 2 versus 2. Bucky and a girl called Amanda, who was extremely good at this sport and you and a boy named Leon. Before the game started you grinned at Bucky. He looked so normal at this moment. Carefree. He laughed and you could see the little wrinkles around his eyes. He got rid of his shirt some games ago and just like the other girls you enjoyed the view of his trained body. His abs were glistening due to the sweat. This game felt like a game just between you both. Two soldiers who were tired of fighting but in that moment you both were free and normal and enjoying life.
„Be honest. You just won because of your angel power.“, Bucky chuckled as you walked to the car. You threw your head back laughing. It was already dark outside. You both spent more time at the lake than you thought. „I can’t help it. I’m an angel. I can’t turn it off.“ You looked at Bucky taking in his smile and his happiness. „I’m happy that you enjoyed today.“, you said sincerely.
„I felt like the boy I was before going to war. I thought I’d never feel that way again.“ He was thankful. Thankful that you were by his side. 
Back in the compound you guys were greeted by a rather angry Steve. „Where have you been?“ He looked furious and you couldn’t understand it. „What? Did something happen on the mission?“, you asked terrified walking up to him. Your hands were caressing his trained triceps in a comforting way. Steve shrugged off your hands. „I’ll tell you what happened. We came back from our mission and you both weren’t there. You weren’t there.“ Steve looked at you directly, accusing you to the seemingly bad thing you did. You looked around to the other avengers who looked away awkwardly. You looked back to Steve, crossing your arms. Bucky observed you intensively. You seemed unsure and puzzled. „And that was wrong?“ First, Bucky thought you were provoking Steve with your question but then it dawned on him. You didn’t know how Steve felt. You were an angel still trying to figure out how to be human. Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly annoyed. „Where were you both?“ He asked.
„At the lake. We played beach volleyball.“, you smiled looking at Bucky. „You two were at our lake?“ Steve looked at you in utterly disbelief and almost heartbroken. You widened your eyes, knowing you must have said something wrong. „What? No, I mean… I don’t own this lake. Other people were there as well.“, you tried to justify your actions, thinking that Steve meant a posted property by using the possessive pronoun. He just stared at you, shaking his head and stormed out. „Steve, wait!“, you shouted but he ignored you. You slouched your shoulders and walked into your room. 
You couldn’t sleep that night so you decided to go on the balcony. You breathed in the cold, rainy air and studied the stars above your head. „I hope you don’t mind“, Suddenly Bucky stood next to you, imitate your actions by starring at the stars as well. He lighted a cigarette and exhaled. „I’m sorry about the argument with Steve.“, he said softly. „Don’t be. He was just upset because the mission was a mislead. I’ll talk with him tomorrow.“ 
„He was worried about you.“, stated Bucky. „That’s the reason why he was angry with you.“
„Really? But I’m way stronger than everyone else. That doesn’t make any sense.“, you mumbled. Bucky smiled. „Yeah. That thing never makes any sense.“, Bucky looked away from the stars and studied your face. „I enjoyed the day at the lake. I enjoyed your company.“ He whispered. „Sometimes I get the feeling that I’ve known you before. That I’ve know you my whole life.“
„Impossible.“ You whispered looking into his blue eyes and then on his lips. Bucky smelled of cigarette and coffee and rain. It was an intoxicating smell that you couldn't really focus. He was just centimeters from you and in seconds you would feel his hard lips on your soft ones. Suddenly a lout thud was heard as if someone in the kitchen dropped something. You couldn’t see the person because of the darkness. You gulped, stepping away from Bucky, making space. „I think I should go to bed now.“, you mumbled sloping your shoulders. Bucky gazed after you, regretting not kissing you. Regretting letting you go.
Adoration - Part 3
@jessyballet​ @geek-and-proud​ @xlostinobsessionsx​ @cataves​ @intothesoul​
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purebarnes · 3 years
the family feud fic was amazing, if you made a series with just reader in interviews I’d die
‘Infinity war cast on mtv news compilation
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ— during the release infinity war, you and some of the cast stop by to some trivia and questions with josh horowitz
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ— 1.4k
ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀꜱ— clingy seb, nothing but fluff here
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ꜱᴘᴇᴀᴋꜱ— people seemed to like the other seb one that i did so here is another one. originally i was going to do more of these but you said you wanted more reader!interviews so here it is.
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with the pressure of doing interviews before any movie would come out would peeve you out because you had a trouble time not trying to spoil anything. obviously you were no mark ruffalo or tom holland but oh boy was it frustrating. in marvel, they would do their best to situate people with others because they want everyone to be together and also comfortable.
you never had a problem with they would place you in with because you were very friendly with everyone but it was so much like school—where you could pick but you need to have a balance with who you would be paired with. when you did other avenger movies sometimes it would be you and the chris’s.
for the interview you would get paired with sebastian, anthony and winston because your publicist would make the best way for everyone to be together. she knew what it was like if you anthony and sebastian would be together so obviously you didn’t mind and either did the boys which was fine if they weren’t close with you.
you see everyone gathering and did your best to greet everyone and when it was your time to get interviewed with the boys, you all left. “let’s go, you three.” you all three would end up making it to josh where he was getting set up. obviously greeting the man and the rest of the crew, you all started positioning yourselves. since they only had three chairs they had to bring you one, putting your seat next to sebastians.
as josh went to explain what they would do, you sat down next to seb crossing your legs and putting your head on his shoulder. you would notice that he would take off your name tag and switch it with yours as they all did that. mackie noticing you two switching them getting jealous so he would grab winston’s so he would match with the couple, scoffing at them.
grabbing seb’s hand until you heard the camera rolling starting the interview, “you could probably name all six of the infinity stones.” josh asked when everyone all looked at each other when you would answer right away. “uh, time, space, mind, soul, reality and power?” you would say when the boys looked at you impressed. “actually you got it.”
they would all cheer for you when he kept on going with his questions. “what’s the name of the guardians of the galaxy’s ship?” you would actually wouldn’t know that because you haven’t really remembered anything about that movie. “the, uh, millennium falcon.” anthony answering proudly but getting shut down by sebastian. “no.” you would shake your head in disbelief at mackie while winston would just agree with him.
“what are the names of the aliens that invade earth at the end of the avengers?” truth be told, you actually were in the movie so it might accuse that you should know that but you honestly forgot or just weren’t paying attention. “oh, oh, oh, the dudes that came with centipede dude.” you would be thinking on your own little world, “y/n, you should know this— was it the chitauri?” winston answered the question celebrating on his own without his boys.
winston getting upset that no one was cheering with him, “ay! i’m alone? celebrate with me!” he would tell them as you would watch him and chuckle as he kept going. then going on to other questions, “could you describe what y/c/n powers are?” josh asked and you would stay back and see if they honestly would know. the boys being them would go and raise their hands to be funny as they would like to say.
josh picking anthony as he would star his chaos already into this question, “see, i went to elementary school. i can deal with kids.” chucking at your friend then looking at seb to see what he was doing. “she had the ability to control space and time metaphorically—quantum.” winston would intervene him when he kept going with explains the powers you had. “with the quantumization of her hands.” he would also do some hand movements like you would do in the film but you thought he was so hilarious.
“and she does this pop-and-lock thing to make it happen.” anthony would say making you burst out in tears from the ridiculousness that came out of this mans mouth. he would turn to you to tell you he was right, “you know im right—i mean yeah.” you would agree rolling your eyes then focusing on the next question.
going to play another game with all the men, you loved to do those games since it would create a whole amount of fun with them. Josh’s team giving all four of you chris head outs to play the next game making you gawk at the chris’es. you’d play around with the heads as you still were a child at heart, “don’t break them y/n.” josh would joke around with you pouting and placing them on your lap while anthony would tease you constantly, “she’s always breaking stuff.” rolling his eyes at your direction.
sebastian chuckling then watching you with his blue eyes that made you fall for him even more, you two literally could have a conversation with just your eyes as weird and cliche that would sound. you two just knew each other so well that it would just work that way with you guys. “which chris like taxidermy?” josh asked and you grew confused as you weren’t sure what that meant or even was. “what’s that?” you’d ask him then him telling you what it was.
“uh, i don’t know...” you would guess putting up chris pratt’s head up as the other chris’s didn’t seem to be that way but not in a mean way obviously, you and mackie both putting up the right answer. sebastian and winston choosing evans as their answer as anthony would cheer on the side. “i know my weird people.” as the next question appears you all seemed to know the answer pretty quickly. asking who would be the most theatrical in high school, “him of course.” hold up evan’s face, “how does everyone know this—something about those tap shoes that lately have come out.”
josh asking another question and you right away just knowing the answer because of a past experience you had with chris. “you knew that pretty quickly y/n.” josh commenting at your speediness as you chuckle, “care to comment—so when we would work on a film together, he would like speak to me in conversational german.” fanning your self making seb look at you as he didn’t know that. “huh, didn’t know that—didn’t think it mattered.” you would mutter smiling lightly then leaning his stare.
“which chris won the fantasy football league?” you rolling your eyes and holding up evan’s head up when you knew the answer. “he never stops talking about it.” you’d mutter annoyingly at the thought of them both. finally getting asked which chris was the most charming and none of them picking evan’s, you picking evan’s. “you said evan’s—i just felt bad.” you would chuckle as they would all burst out laughing finally finishing the interview.
thanking josh, you all four left to go meet up with the others as you guys were all done. the rest of the day consisted of just hanging out and eating lunch with the cast since it would be that that time around. walking out to see sebastian walking out when you grabbed his arm to ask him if he was alright. “you good—yeah.” he would answer you showing that it he was fine, “are still upset about the Pratt thing, babe that was a long time ago.” you would remind him.
“you should of just told me, aren’t we supposed to tell each other everything.” he said looking down as you went to grab his hand and rubbed your finger against his palm reassuring him that none of that mattered. “you’re right. look, i’m sorry alright.” pushing yourself to him, kissing his cheek then leading him out to everyone.
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so happy u reached 300! maybe u could write about what it would be like when peter introduces you to the avengers (ik everyone writes these but i love the concept and ur writing so much 😭)
and it can be anything, blurb, headcannon it’s up to you !!!
Thank you and I’m happy to give my take on this! I decided to just make it a little blurb, I'm very, very sorry it's so late, I hope you like it hun, love you xx
Nervous Introductions
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader 
Summary: You're a little nervous to meet the other Avengers
If Peter was considered soft and quiet, then his girlfriend was just the opposite. She was confident and outgoing, everyone she met fell in love with her. A people person to say the least, and Peter felt incredibly lucky to have someone like her as his person. For some reason he couldn't quite figure out she had fallen just as hard as he had. Peter loved her more than anything, he thought she was the best person in the world, and he wanted to show her off. To his friends, to aunt May, to random passerby's in the street, and of course, to the Avengers.
As soon as she'd found out he was Spiderman he'd brought up the idea. He wanted to show off his pretty girlfriend, and prove once and for all that she was real. Despite the pictures and texts he'd show everyone, they still seemed to think she was fake. They insisted she was just a friend no matter what he did. She had seemed excited at the prospect, until the day of. She'd been uncharacteristically nervous since he picked her up.
"Are you ready?" Peter squeezed her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her forehead as they entered the elevator.
She took a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah."
"You seem nervous."
"I'm not," she shook her head, "I'm excited to meet them, I know how important this is to you."
"It's okay if you are, they're the Avengers, most people would be nervous."
"I'm not nervous."
"Okay," he chuckled, pressing another kiss to her head, "But I'm right here if you are."
"No, no, you know me P, I'm not really a nervous person."
"I know, but it's okay if you get nervous sometimes."
"I'm not nervous," she groaned, "Come on Peter, I got this, hype me up."
"I don't need to hype you up if you aren't nervous," he smirked.
"Shut up," she rolled her eyes, "I'm just worried they won't like me or something."
"Everyone likes you," he laughed, "It's okay that you're nervous, I can do the talking if you need."
"I'm not nervous," she snapped, rolling her eyes as the elevator doors opened once more, "I've got this."
He just nodded, pulling her behind him with a small smirk on his lips, "Well come on then, we don't want to keep anyone waiting."
She followed behind him silently, examining everything they passed by, looking out for any superhero that may have been lurking in the halls. Ironman, Captain America, and Black Widow. Those were the only people supposed to be there, so she wasn't ready for anyone else. She was glad it was such a small roster, three a-listers was more than enough if you asked her.
"Would you look at that? I guess he wasn't making her up after all," Tony smirked as he spotted them in the doorway.
She clenched Peter's hand tight, "Guys this is (y/n), (y/n) this is Mr. Stark, and that's Steve, he's Cap-"
"I know who they are," she spoke in a small voice that only he could make out.
He was shocked, she'd never been so quiet before, "Right, just making sure."
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Natasha," Natasha smiled, offering her a hand.
(y/n) shook it once, "You too."
"So, how'd you two meet?" Steve beamed, seeming oblivious to her obviously nervous state.
"We go to school together," Peter reminded, "(y/n)'s from Brooklyn."
"Really?" his eyes lit up excitedly, "Me too, where'd you grow up?"
"Right by the Brooklyn bridge," she blushed.
"Alright no one cares what street she grew up on," Tony rolled his eyes, "There are much more important questions to ask. Like what do you see in Peter?"
"Hey!" Peter's cheeks flushed, "Don't ask her that!"
A small smile kept onto her lips, finally cracking her nervous shell.
"I'm just trying to make sure she's got good intentions," Tony defended, hands raised in surrender, "I gotta make sure she's not a spy, or encouraging you to drink underage or something."
"Like you're one to talk about underage drinking," Natasha scoffed, rolling her eyes before addressing the girl again, "You can ignore them."
"I'm not trying to corrupt Peter," she assured, "Or spy on you guys or anything, well maybe find out some embarrassing stuff about Peter, but nothing malicious."
Peter groaned while Tony smirked, "Well if you want embarrassing I've got hours and hours of Peter's mission audios on back log."
"No," Peter shook his head, "We are not going through those."
"Aw, why not? I bet you're just rambling on about Star Wars or something," she giggled.
"Well last week he wouldn't shut up about how he was gonna bring his girlfriend over and we'd all see that you were real," Natasha snickered, "I'm still not sure he didn't pay you."
"He did," she laughed, "He's doing my homework for the next two weeks."
"Babe," Peter groaned.
"What? Am I not supposed to tell them?" she teased, "Sorry, I thought I only had to pretend we were actual dating around May."
"We are dating," he rolled his eyes, "Is it really that hard to believe I'm dating someone?"
"Well, kid, you don't exactly have game," Tony hummed.
"What? Peter's got mad game," (y/n) smirked, "Didn't he tell you guys how he asked me out?"
"Please don't tell them," he groaned.
"Tell us," Tony demanded.
"We were in P.E," she began, a small smirk starting to creep onto her lips, "We were on opposite basketball teams guarding each other and Peter got the ball. So I'm trying to like, steal it right? And I'm getting in his face and everything and when I tried to grab the ball we ended up slipping and Peter fell on top of me. So I try to get up but he's just sitting there staring at me and I asked him what was up. And you know what he says?" she glanced at Peter, who's cheeks were about to catch fire, "Come on, tell 'em P."
"I told her she looked pretty on the floor," he sighed.
"So I started laughing and he didn't say another word until class ended, where he asked me if I'd ever gone on a date and then asked me if something I would be interested in doing with him."
Peter pressed his forehead to her shoulder, hiding his face while everyone burst into laughter. He watched quietly as her nerves dissipated and she turned back into her normal bubbly self. It was easy to see that they were hanging off her every word, as almost everyone she spoke to did. Pride bubbled in his chest as he watched the rest of the Avenger's fall for her the same way he had. By the time they left he was sure they wanted her on the team more than him.
"I love you, you know that?" he wrapped an arms tightly around her shoulders, kissing the top of her head as the entered the elevator.
"I love you more," she sang back, wrapping her own arm around his torso, "So, how'd I do?"
"I think they were crazy about you."
Her cheeks dusted red, "They weren't as intimidating without the superhero get-ups on. You really think it went well?"
"I think it went absolutely amazing, but I knew it was going to because you're you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"That you're the most amazing person in the world and everyone who meets you falls for you. It was bound to go well."
"Sap," she rolled her eyes before getting onto her tip toes to kiss his cheek, "It wouldn't have gone nearly as well without you there, I think I would have been a bit of a wreck without you."
"I'm glad I could help. I'm always here for you if you get nervous okay?"
She nodded, "Same goes here. I got your back P."
"And I've got yours, always."
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fybillielourd · 5 years
I grew up with three parents: a mom, a dad and Princess Leia. I guess Princess Leia was kind of like my stepmom–technically family, but deep down I didn’t really like her. She literally and metaphorically lived on a planet I had never been to. When Leia was around, there wasn’t as much room for my mom–for Carrie. As a child, I couldn’t understand why people loved Leia as much as they did. I didn’t want to watch her movie, I didn’t want to dress up like her, I didn’t even want to talk about her. I just wanted my mom–the one who lived on Earth, not Tatooine. I didn’t watch Star Wars until I was about 6 years old. (And I technically didn’t finish it until I was 9 or 10. I’m sorry! Don’t judge me!) My mom used to love to tell people that every time she tried to put it on, I would cover my ears and yell, “It’s too loud, Mommy! Turn it off!”–or fearfully question, “Is that lady in the TV you?” It wasn’t until middle school that I finally decided to watch it of my own accord–not because I suddenly developed a keen interest in ’70s sci-fi, but because boys started coming up to me and saying they fantasized about my mom. My mom? The lady who wore glitter makeup like it was lotion and didn’t wear a bra to support her much-support-needed DD/F’s? They couldn’t be talking about her! I had to investigate who this person was they were talking about. So I went home and watched the movie I had forever considered too loud and finally figured out what all the fuss was about the lady in the TV. I’d wanted to hate it so I could tell her how lame she was. Like any kid, I didn’t want my mom to be “hot” or “cool”–she was my mom. I was supposed to be the “cool,” “hot” one–not her! But staring at the screen that day, I realized no one is, or ever will be, as hot or as cool as Princess F-cking Leia. (Excuse my language. She’s just that cool!) Later that year, I went to Comic-Con with my mom. It was the first time I realized how widespread and deep people’s love for Leia was, even after so many years. It was surreal: people of all ages from all over the world were dressed up like my mom, the lady who sang me to sleep at night and held me when I was scared. Watching the amount of joy it brought to people when she hugged them or threw glitter in their faces was incredible to witness. People waited in line for hours just to meet her. People had tattoos of her. People named their children after her. People had stories of how Leia saved their lives. It was a side of my mom I had never seen before. And it was magical. I realized then that Leia is more than just a character. She’s a feeling. She is strength. She is grace. She is wit. She is femininity at its finest. She knows what she wants, and she gets it. She doesn’t need anyone to defend her, because she defends herself. And no one could have played her like my mother. Princess Leia is Carrie Fisher. Carrie Fisher is Princess Leia. The two go hand in hand. When I graduated from college, like most folks, I was trying to figure out what the hell to do with my life. I went to school planning to throw music festivals, but always had this little sliver of me that wanted to do what my parents pushed me so hard not to do–act. I was embarrassed to admit I was even slightly interested. So when my mom called me and told me they wanted me to come in to audition for Star Wars, I pretended it wasn’t a big deal–I even laughed at the concept–but inside I couldn’t think of anything that would make me happier. A couple weeks later I went in for my audition. I probably had never been more nervous in my life. I was terrified and most likely made a fool of myself, but I kind of had a great time doing it. I assumed they would never call me, but after that audition, I realized I wanted to give the whole acting thing a shot. I was definitely afraid, but as a wise woman once said, “Stay afraid, but do it anyway … The confidence will follow.” About a month later, they somehow ended up calling. And there I was, on my way to be in motherf-cking Star Wars. Whoa. Growing up, my parents treated film sets like a house full of people with the flu: they kept me away from them at all costs. So on that fateful first day driving up to Pinewood, I was like a doe-eyed child. I couldn’t tell my mom, but little sassy, sarcastic, postcollege me felt like a giddy, grateful middle schooler showing up to a fancy new school. On that first day, my mom and I sat next to each other in the hair and makeup trailer. (Actually, she wasn’t really one for sitting, so she paced up and down and around me, occasionally reapplying her already overapplied glitter makeup and feeding Gary, her French bulldog.) Between glitterings, the hairstylist crafted what was to become General Leia’s hairstyle, then it was on to me: little Lieutenant Connix. Funnily enough, my mom had more to say about my hairstyle than her own. Even though she complained for years about how the iconic Leia buns “further widened my already wide face,” she desperately wanted me to carry on the face-widening family tradition! Some people carry on their family name, some people carry on holiday traditions–I was going to carry on the family hairstyle. So after we tested a few other space-appropriate hairstyles, we decided to embrace the weird galactic nepotism of it all and went with the mini–Leia buns. She stood in the mirror behind me and smiled like we had gotten matching tattoos. Our secret-handshake hairstyle. On the first day of this thing I could now call “work,” I walked into the Resistance Base set for rehearsal and J.J. Abrams, the director, told me where to stand and what to do–basically just press some pretty real-looking fake buttons. But I have to say, just pressing those buttons and observing the rest of the scene was one of the most fun things I had ever done. I had no lines in the scene, but my mom kept checking on me like I was delivering a Shakespearean monologue. “Are you O.K.?” she asked. “Do you need anything?” I scoffed at her maternal questions like a child embarrassed by her mother yelling goodbye too loud in a carpool line: “Mommy, go away! I’m fine. Focus on you, not me!” In the moment, I was humiliated that my mom was moming me on my first day of work, on the Star Wars set, of all places. But now I realize she was just being protective. Sets are extremely intimidating–I was too green at the time to know that–and she assumed I would be scared as hell. But weirdly, I wasn’t. At risk of sounding insane, something about this bizarre new world made me feel right at home. I had found a place with an empty puzzle slot that perfectly matched my weird-shaped puzzle piece. That night, on the long London-traffic-filled ride back from set, she turned to me and smiled. “Bits,” she said. “You know, most people aren’t as comfortable on sets as you were today. Especially on the f-cking Star Wars set, of all places!” (Excuse my language, but that was her language.) “This might be something you should think about doing.” At first I laughed, assuming she was kidding. But she continued to look me straight in the eye with no inkling of irony in sight. My mom was telling me I should act–my mom? The lady who spent my entire life convincing me acting was the last thing I should do? It couldn’t be true. But it was. I haven’t had many moments like this in my life–those aha moments everyone talks about. This was my first real one. My mom wanted me to be an actress. That was when I realized I had to give it a shot. She used to sarcastically quip that she knew all along what a massive hit Star Wars would be. As with most things, she was kidding. She was absolutely and totally beyond shocked by the massive global phenomenon that was the first Star Wars trilogy. It changed her life forever. Then, when it happened again almost 40 years later, she was even more absolutely and totally beyond shocked. It changed her life yet again. But that time, it changed my life too. I thought getting to make one Star Wars movie with her was a once-in-a-lifetime thing; then they asked me to come do the next movie and I got to do my once-in-a-lifetime twice. On our second movie together, I really tried to take a step back and appreciate what I was doing. I couldn’t tell her because she’d think I was lame, but getting to watch her be Leia this time made me feel like the proud mom. Watching the original Star Wars movies as a kid in my mom’s bed, I never imagined the lady in the TV would get older and get back in the TV. And I definitely never imagined we would end up in the TV together. But that’s where we ended up. Two little ladies in the TV together–Leia and little Lieutenant Connix. We wrapped The Last Jedi a little less than six months before she died. I went back to L.A. to film the show I was on, and she stayed in London to film the show she was on. One of the last times we spoke on the phone, she talked about how excited she was that the next movie in the trilogy was going to be Leia’s movie. Her movie. She used to say that in the original movies, she got to be “the only girl in an all-boys fantasy.” But with each new Star Wars movie, the all-boys fantasy started to become a boys-and-girls fantasy. She was no longer a part of a fantasy, but the fantasy herself. Leia was not just a sidekick one of the male leads had on his arm, or a damsel in distress. She was the hero herself. The princess became the general. My mom died on Dec. 27, 2016. Two days after Christmas, four days before New Year’s and about a year before she was supposed to appear in her final Star Wars film. Losing my mom is the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. I lost my best friend. My little lady in the TV. My Momby. And I inherited this weird, intimidating thing called her legacy. Suddenly I was in charge of what would come of her books, her movies and a bunch of other overwhelming things. I was now the keeper of Leia. About a year later, J.J. called me into his office to talk about the plans for Leia. We both agreed she was too important to be written off in the classic Star Wars introductory scroll. This last movie was supposed to be Leia’s movie, and we wanted it to remain that, as much as possible. What I hadn’t known–and what J.J. told me that day –was that there was footage of my mom that they had collected over the years that hadn’t made it into the movies, footage that J.J. told me would be enough to write an entire movie around. It was like she had left us a gift that would allow Leia’s story to be completed. I was speechless. (Anyone who knows me knows that doesn’t happen very often.) J.J. asked me if I would want to come back as Lieutenant Connix. I knew it would be one of the most painful, difficult things I would ever do, but I said yes for her–for my mom. For Leia. For everyone Leia means so much to. For everyone Leia gives strength to. For my future kids, so someday they’ll have one more movie to watch that Mommy and Grandma were in together. So they can ask me about the lady–now ladies–in the TV and tell me to turn it down because it’s too loud. I grew up with three parents: a mom, a dad and Princess Leia. Initially, Princess Leia was kind of like my stepmom. Now she’s my guardian angel. And I’m her keeper.
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cades-outsider · 4 years
Eli/Hawk X Reader
Warnings: This may get you in your feels for a sec! Very slight smut warning!
Fighting Gravity
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You would be lying if you said it wasn't tough, it was the hardest thing you have done. It's not easy breaking up with someone but you felt as if you had no other choice.
You were with Eli before he turned into Hawk, before he started becoming someone who he despised the most, he became his worst enemy; a bully.
Just as if the day could get any worse you had to be at school, well it was lunch time so it wasn't so bad. I mean you were already halfway through school just two more classes, that you also share with Demetri.
"Listen to me Y/n" Demetri says catching your attention.
You playfully roll your eyes as you know that he's going to tell you a cheesy Star Wars joke, that will most likely be funny to only you and Demetri and we'll Eli if he were a 'nerd' again as he calls it.
"Which Star Wars character works at a restaurant?" He questions, already laughing at the joke he was thinking of.
"I don't know who?" You ask sarcastically.
"Darth Waiter" Demetri says, now fully laughing at his own joke.
He laughs at his own joke caused to you to laugh, plus it was a cheesy move. The laughing dies down as you and Demetri stop, in the middle of the hallway. Eyes subconsciously connecting with each other's, you both feel yourselves being pulled towards one another.
"What the h*ll do you think you're doing nerd?!" You hear someone yell causing both you and Demetri to pull away, have being caught.
"I-uh well-" Demetri stutters before you speak up, Demetri sighs in relief.
"Why do you care? We aren't together anymore" You exclaim, as Hawk walks closer to you both.
"Yeah I wonder why, it's not like I wanted you anyways" He smirks.
You knew what was happening, you knew that he was just putting on a facade to the students that don't give a crap about him.
"Oh yeah? And how's that working out for you" You smirk.
"Quite well actually, I don't have to see your ugly reflection everyday" Hawk snarls.
"Yeah well neither do I" You scoff, almost saying something bad but you bite back your lip. Knowing that's Eli's insecure spot, that you shouldn't bring up.
  You bite back the urge to say something you'd regret in the long run "whatever I'm not even in the mood" you roll your eyes and walk away.
"Come on Demetri" You demand as he follows behind.
  "Uh- what was that?" He asks referring to the almost kiss.
  "I- I don't know" You admit honestly.
  He decides to not ask any more questions even though it kept running around his mind. After lunch, the day went by pretty fast you were driving on the way home when you got a call. It was Demetri.
Both Demetri and Moon decided to get your mind off of things, so she threw you a as she called it a 'get over hawk' party. Which was what Demetri called to tell you about of course.
"Come on Y/n! This will help you in-lighten your inner spiritual self!" Moon says jumping up and down, clapping excitedly.
"Fine fine fine...." you mumble, knowing you couldn't say no to Moon.
"Yay!" She exclaims happily.
"Come on I have the perfect dress for you!" She says pulling you into her closet full of dresses and unique outfits.
"Here! Take this!" Moon pushes the dress into your chest, excited.
  You don't even get time to check out the dress before Moon rushes you into her second closet, "rude..." you mumble playfully.
  You slip on the dress, with no problems at all. It fit ever curve just perfectly. "Wow.." you gape as you spin around looking at yourself in the mirror.
  The dress included a slit in the middle from your thigh and it was a sparkling blue shade, with spaghetti straps.
  Not even a second later Moon barges into the closet causing you to jump, she squeals cheerfully "o-m-g you look so sexy!" She says smirking, proud of herself.
"Wait, why am I wearing a dress when I'm just going to swim anyways?" You question.
"Oh you silly Y/n! We're showing Hawk what he's missing!" Moon says smiling as she grabs some of her green juice that she made.
"Okay.." You nod your head, trailing off.
"Plus I bought me a matching colored dress!" She says holding up the dress.
You gasp "it's beautiful Moon! You'll look gorgeous! As always" You gush.
Moon smiles slightly at the compliment "well what are you waiting for! Let me do your hair" She says ushering you in the chair.
After a couple hours Moon had finished your makeup and hair turning you around to see your beautiful reflection in the mirror.
"Wow.." you gape at the magic Moon had put into.
  "I know right!" Moon agrees.
  "Oo- I'm going to slip on my dress!" She exclaims happily as she rushes into her bathroom.
  An hour went by and people were finally here, kids eating pizza in the corner, some drinking beer, and some already throwing up in the lawn.... 'pfttt lightweights' you giggle to yourself.
  In the middle of your direction you seen Hawk and a group of his friends sitting around him, a red solo cup in his hands as his fierce eyes scan over the partying people. Only to be met with your beautiful shinning eyes.
  His demeanor changes almost immediately, he was tired of putting up this act yeah. But he did not want to go back to the kid with the weird lip, so throwing this act away was a no at least for now.
  His eyes sparkle with admiration as he scans your beautiful features, and your sparkling blue dress. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander to the slit in your dress which revealed your right thigh.
  Just then Demetri walks over to you with a wave "hey Y/n, would you like to I don't know per say go for a swim?" He asks, beating around the bush.
  Sparing a side glance at Hawk you notice his jaw clench as he squeezes his red solo cup causing whatever liquor that was held inside to drip down his hands and onto the floor.
  Deciding what harm could do you nod "I'd love too" you reply as he leads you both to the pool outside, few people in the pool which confused you considering it seems like people always head for the pool first at party's.
  Unzipping the side of your dress you reveal your white bikini that Moon had bought for you three days prior as a best friend-adversary gift along with a matching gold necklace.
  You of course returned the gesture as this was your best friend were talking about, you fold the dress and put it under your towel so it wouldn't get wet.
  Demetri had already started getting in the pool, sitting down as you got in slowly enjoying the cold water against your warm skin.
  "You know Y/n, you look not the term I would use... but you look mighty fine" Demetri compliments causing you to giggle but roll your eyes playfully.
  That is until you hear a cup hit the concrete ground next to you, "you just can't stay away from what's mine can you Demetri" Hawk interrupts.
  You look up at him in shock, obviously it was just a compliment so why is he getting all worked up. I mean when people compliment Hawk you certainly try to start anything with them.
  "Hawk, cool it" You say softly, not wanting to come off as rude.
  "Oh so I'm supposed to 'cool it' while I watch Demetri flirt with you? H*ll no." He states bluntly as he starts walking closer to Demetri.
  Deciding you didn't want to see one of your friends get beat today, you pull yourself out of the pool. Gently you grab hawk by his forearm, grab your towel and push him into the pool shed full of floats.
  Roughly you slam his back against the wall causing a couple floats to fall off the wall "we need to talk" You state.
  Hawk's breathing picks up at how close you both are, "no talking" he says sliding his hands onto your cheek, rubbing his thumb in circles against your skin.
  "Just kissing..." He mumbles before placing his lips upon yours, pulling your body closer into his causing him to get wet since you just got out of the pool.
  You pull away leaving Eli with a hurt look as you push onto his chest pressing him against the wall firmer "we talk and sort things out then I give you what you want." You state firmly.
  Slowly Hawk nods, giving you puppy eyes "Look Eli, I love you I really do. But I don't like watching you become someone who you used to hate, I don't want you to inflict pain mentally... and physically like others did to you" You exclaim softly, rubbing his cheek soothingly.
  His jaw clenches before he soon relaxes "i understand Y/n, and I'm sorry I just didn't want to be the weird kid with the lip anymore..." He mumbles, slowly tearing up.
  "Eli... baby, you were never the kid with the weird lip. I love you for you, not strength, muscles, or popularity but you. I loved your corny jokes-" You rest your arms around his neck "-I loved your shyness, I loved your battle scar baby... it's what makes you my Eli" You finish as a small tear falls down Eli's eye.
  "Don't get me wrong, I love your confidence now and I love your hair but I didn't want you to get to wrapped up in it" You mumble softly.
  "I'm sorry Y/n, I really am" Eli mumbles, digging his head into your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist.
  "Don't be Eli, baby I understand what happened and I know why it happened but just know I always loved and always will love the real you" You say smiling as you lift his head up with your thumb.
  You run your finger over the scar on his lip before placing a gentle, loving kiss upon the scar "this is beautiful Eli, don't be afraid to love who you are" You praise as Eli feels his heart warm up with love.
  Eli reaches down and picks you up by your thighs before placing you on the little couch that laid in the room, he places his smooth lips on top of yours letting you feel his vulnerable state.
  He tugs in the middle of your bikini asking for permission if he cold take it off but before you could respond someone busts into the shed causing you both to jump.
  It was some horny couple making out and slamming each other against the walls removing clothing not even paying attention or noticing you two.
  "Seriously?! Get out!" Eli yells, startling the couple causing them to rush out half naked.
  You giggle as you rest on your elbows, sitting yourself up a little as Eli sits on his knees halfway straddling your thighs.
  "You think this is funny huh?" He teases has he bends down leaving kisses on your neck.
  "Yeah, I love the rush of being caught" You exclaim, catching Eli off guard.
  "Oh really? We'll see about that"
Thank you @peachymelon69 for requesting! I hope you enjoyed!
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