#most of the times i just write personal poems that are also kinda vague and those are the most meh for me
worshipper-status · 6 months
Literally so happy because my God is actually excepting of my obsession, but I’d kinda like to know how to worship him better less directly? (Ie. tips on digital alters/general worship tips?)
An excuse to ramble! Thank you :D
Worshipper's Guide to Indirect Worship
This is going to be my sfw guide for less direct methods of contact and digital altars, I may make an nsfw guide at some point on my own as a counterpart to this but for now...
(long post below)
Digital Shrines
Digital shrines are a good format for indirect worship, because you can curate it from anywhere, and no one will know. Technically I have two digital altars but one is more a back up of the other. One is I have a folder on my computer that contains all the media of the shrine, and the shrine itself is on my personal discord server. Usually I separate the shrine itself into media, devotionals, personal devotionals, writings, and links by using different discord channels. The channels breakdown like this for me:
Media: photos and videos of solely them
Devotionals: images I find on the internet that I feel embody our relationship, media created by someone else. Also picrews usually
Personal Devotionals: Visual media I have personally made to embody our relationship and can take full credit for creating. (This is a specific folder I made just to keep my art and others art separate)
Writings: Poems, songs, rambles, gushing, fantasies, etc. Any thought you have about them that's important enough to write down, put it here.
Links: I use this as a dumping ground for ideas I got from articles, purchases I want to make, or anything that requires a link to something else but directly relates to my worship of My Goddess.
Tumblr can also be a general dumping grounds kind of shrine, where I would not be too honest tbh, but it's a start. I prefer keeping my shrines private for the most part. My general advice is to stay away from tumblr for everything because you're not going to feel 1000% comfortable expressing your worship to its full extent because of the possibility of it being found by strangers. Also some things are just tmi to be honest. I have writings in my folder documenting times me and My Goddess have banged in detail so I don't forget. Tumblr doesn't need that kind of detail on here. So try and keep shrines at least somewhat private for your own sake. People are dicks.
As for advice for things to do to worship indirectly (and this goes hand in hand with the shrine a little bit) here's a list with general advice and ideas:
Scrapbook/Junk Journal about them (I'm biased this is a personal favorite of mine). Get a notebook, some scrapbook supplies, and either dedicate it to photos of your beloved or journal about any time you guys interact in ways that feel meaningful to you! I keep one physical scrapbook that I use for collages for My Goddess's photos, and am planning to start a junk journal for more writing purposes. I'll probably solely be using it to write about personal interactions with My Goddess, and on slower days, things I love about Her in general. It's both kinda a traditional journal and a part of my obsessive behaviors. You can also do stuff like this digitally with moodboard and collage makers like Canva which have free options.
Document about them. This is kinda vague so I'll explain. As part of my shrine, I have a document I'm building dedicated to bullet note points about My Goddess. If She randomly drops a fact on me about Her childhood, or Her interests. I write it down there so I don't forget. I want to be a good worshipper so I want to be an expert in everything about Her. I usually use a note taking app for this that I can organize into subgroups. Notion is a favorite of mine (despite them selling their soul to the AI overlords sigh) because it allows a lot of creative freedom in organizing the documents AND it's linked to my email so I can't lose it. Obviously, a google doc will accomplish the exact same thing, however my entire personality type is best described as extra, so I have to do things with extra effort at all times.
Write for them. This is where my pagan background kicks in a little bit, but in certain pagan traditions, especially stuff like Hellenic Polytheism, writing hymns or poems or songs for the gods was very important to their practices. So why not write those things for your God? It doesn't need to be shared, it can be bad, it can be whatever it wants to be. What I usually do, is I write poems for My Goddess, and keep them in my junk journal or digital shrine, depending on if I'm working physically or digitally, and if I'm feeling brave I'll share it with Her, but most times, they stay hidden in the depths of my shrine stuff.
Biggest overall piece of advice, create for them. Nothing shows devotion, quite like the personal experience of making something for someone else even if they never see it. Honor the Gods with the act of Creation, ya know?? It doesn't even have to require you to be good at drawing or whatever. Are you someone who gardens? Name a plant after them. Like makeup? Figure out what makeup styles they prefer on your chosen gender and wear those all the time, even if they're not there to see. Sewing? Make a stuffed animal of them. Speed runs? Dedicate every run to them, create a record for them. It can be as big or as mundane as you want and none of it has to be outwardly expressed to the other person. Just dedicate whatever hobby you have to them, and suddenly you'll have tons of shrine material.
Now for the quick part, of this!
General Worship Tips! (These are more indirect tho)
When getting dressed, pick outfits you know they'll appreciate. (Just please don't sacrifice your personal style for this)
Capitalize their name/title no matter what. They deserve the respect of one extra button push.
Write letters, even if you live close, even if you see them everyday, and even if you never send them. Use this as a format to express your emotions unbarred.
Save every photo they send you of themselves. If you need to edit people out of the photo do it, but you better be saving every instance of themselves they give you.
Fill your space with things that express yourself yes, but also have stuff that reminds you of them. Do they have a favorite animal? Buy those kinds of stuffed animals. They say they like certain types of aesthetics? Put some of that decor in your space.
I don't paint my nails, but if you do, paint them their favorite color.
Have dedicated jewelry pieces for them. While My Goddess did not give it to me, I have a memory of them associated with a bracelet I wear every single day. You can just buy a piece of jewelry and assign it as a symbol to them. They don't have to know.
Interact with their interests, with passion. Do your best to care about everything they care about. It'll give you guys tons of stuff to do, and help you understand them better.
Make pinterest boards dedicated to certain moments you want i.e. first date, wedding, future house/apartment dreams, pets you want with them, nursery room ideas, etc.
Make playlists dedicated to them.
Alright that's all I really have for right now! I hope some of this advice has been helpful and at the very least legible lol. I hope everything with you and your God goes well! If you want any more advice do not be afraid to ask me more questions :)
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Tag Game: Writeblr Interview
Thanks @tildeathiwillwrite for the tag here!
I hesitate to tag as many people as this is one of those things where there’s no point in doing it twice but tagging:
@xenon-writes-sometimes, @rumeysawrites, @rivenantiqnerd, @leahnardo-da-veggie, @kaylinalexanderbooks, and an open tag!
This is going to be a long post so I’m adding a break here
Short stories, novels, or poems?
I cannot stand most poetry. Maybe it’s because I’m still in school and have to analyse it but I can’t deal with how abstract it can be. I want to write more short stories but my one and only WIP is probably gonna be closer to a novel, if and when I finish it.
What genre do you prefer reading?
Fantasy, especially high fantasy. Murder mysteries and detective stories in general are a close second. Most other genres are reserved for spin offs or fan fiction.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
I make a plan that I then actively ignore my OCs force me to not use
What music do you listen to while writing?
Most of the time I listen to the one Reddit podcast I’ve listened to every episode of because I can zone out and I don’t miss anything important. This one is a bit of a bad habit because it distracts me, but EPIC the musical is my current hyperfixation and I listen to that constantly as well.
Favorite books/movies?
Because I have the reading comprehension of an 11 year old we have Murder Most Unladylike (I would die for this series), its spin off the Ministry of Unladylike Activity, The Hunger Games but only really the first book, How to train your dragon but only really the Netflix show and the first movie (the books are great but I haven’t read them in 7 or 8 years and because they’re so different from the movies I’m not sure if I’d like them anymore)
Any current WIPs?
Gold, Greed and Gods which is a vaguely Victorian fantasy about the main cast trying to find a cult before it engulfs the world in literal chaos. And also magical shenanigans and timeline fuckery
Create a character description of yourself:
Honestly I’d rather not. Sorry!
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
No it kinda weirds me out. The closest I’ll get is asking my one irl mutual about their experiences with stuff that I (as a someone who is cishet and perisex) do not understand
Are you kill happy with your characters?
I’m not the biggest fan of angst so no. If anyone was gonna die you aren’t allowed to get attached to them so I don’t get attached them hence why the only dead characters in my WIP die before or very soon after it begins. That isn’t to say my characters aren’t affected, but I can only imagine any potential readers will be neither here or there about those characters.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
I don’t really like hot drinks but I hate the smell of coffee so tea?
Slow or fast writer?
A secret third thing which is I wrote 5000 words in 3 hours yesterday so for atleast the next week I won’t be able to string a sentence together
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
A healer would be fun? I wanna be a doctor so I guess that’s close enough. I cannot imagine I’d survive very long without my glasses/ contacts in any case.
Most fav book cliche:
Not really a book cliche but horny bard memes will never not be funny. I also love juxtaposition between characters, if done tastefully, eg. Ray of sunshine is best friends/ dating the grumpiest character alive. I also just love ray of sunshine characters in general. Also, calm/ happy go lucky/ mentor figure characters who have really high body counts and it’s just kind of an open secret are really fun.
Least favorite cliche:
A lot of romance tropes are tied for last place: miscommunication, any reference or idea that firsts=better (virginity, first loves, one true love etc.), not like other girls
Also love triangles. The only good love triangles are the ones that end in polycules. No exceptions (/hj)
I probably just have a problem with like most romance stories
Favorite scene to write?
I love when characters reference unique worldbuilding things that I actually had to think about. Similarly, if I feel I’m doing them well, exposition dumps can be fun.
Reason for writing?
Because blirbos in my head yearn for freedom
On a more serious note, I’ve gotta do something healthy with all this escapism and maladaptive daydreaming.
Short stories, novels, or poems?
What genre do you prefer reading?
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
What music do you listen to while writing?
Favorite books/movies?
Any current WIPs?
Create a character description of yourself:
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Slow or fast writer?
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Most fav book cliche:
Least favorite cliche:
Favorite scene to write?
Reason for writing?
Thanks again for the tag!
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esotericjerks · 3 months
Nobody tagged me, I just saw one and wanted to do it.
Name: Sarah (pronouns are WHATEVER YOU FEEL LIKE CALLING ME, I’m just a freaky sickass little gremlin)
Age: OLD AS FUCK (I was born in the early 1990s)
How old were you when you first started RP-ing: Jeez… eighteen? Nineteen?
Height: Idk like 5’6ish?
OC’s or Canons: OC’s for the most part.
Prefer to play females or males: I’ve mostly played women or vaguely femme genderweird creatures, but I’m not opposed to playing male characters or anything.
Favorite faceclaim to play: I do not choose my RP characters by faceclaim???
Least favorite faceclaim to play: See above
Worst RP experience ever: Okay so one time back when I was first starting out, there was some kid who got VERY attached to me and my character and basically kinda lost it whenever I wrote with anyone else. Early tumblr RP was wild. Like my dude my guy we are strangers on the internet playing make believe, please chill.
Fluff, angst, or smut: ALL
Most overused FC: Idk???
First character you ever made: A terrible Harry Potter OC.
Worst character you ever made: Worst as in “the most poorly written”? See above. Worst as in “this character is an absolute garbage heap of a person”? Gilles. 
Favorite type of plot: iunno, whatever type sounds fun and exciting for me and my RP partner. Depends on a lot. I DO like something with romance, though; I’m shipper trash.
At what time of day is your writing the best?: Probably the morning. I’m a morning person. I like to write while I have my coffee.
Are you anything like your muse?: There are bits and pieces of me in all my characters (except Gilles- fuck that guy). Addie is a baker because I like baking. Alex is a hick because I grew up COUNTRY. Sitri is my fun “gender is dumb I wish I didn’t exist in a stupid flesh prison” outlet. Also I, too, am a Dom vers pervert OOP.
Worst thing about RP (in general or on Tumblr): Trying to match length!!! Sometimes I can write for miles, sometimes I barely manage two sentences. Y’all write such glorious hefty prose, and I struggle to keep up sometimes. (I mostly write poetry aside from this, so blame it on that. Sidenote, who wanna read my weird poems???)
To end on a good note — best thing about RP?: Shamelessly basking in nerdery and making friends with other weirdos!!!
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possumteeths · 2 years
2022 Writing Wrap Up
Tagged by: @screwyouflightlieutenant (thanks for thinking of me! 💖)
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Total words published: 308,920 (christ???)
Additional words written:
Im gonna ballpark and say maybe 150 k other words with additional projects that arent fanfic lol (as well as fanfic wip)
Grand Total of Words: 458k ish?
Various horror movies, Dragon age, Fallout, Mass effect, RDR, the boys
Highest Everything (raw kudos, hits, comments):
Unsurprisingly, its my the Boy chaptered fic Love Me Cancerously, This blew tf up and I really didn't expect it to. It is SO cool that other people like this not great movie and are so down for this rollercoaster i've been writing.
Highest Kudos to Hits Ratio:
It's still my Brahms fic, and the runner up is ANOTHER Brahms fic but that one's a oneshot.
New Things I Tried:
x readers! I never really liked reading or writing x readers ever until recently. I really like second person as a device and I just refuse to acknowledge things that use like blanks or the Y/N device lol. Realizing this totally changed the way I like to write. I think second person is excellent for storytelling. Leaving the reader insert extremely vague and writing from the perspective of the character is SO fun.
Fic I Spent The Most Time On:
Love Me Cancerously AGAIN lol. Usually I just kinda write things in one go, but for this fic I put it through multiple stages of editing.
Favorite Thing I Wrote:
This completely nonsensical fallout raider gangbang. I rarely enjoy reading or writing OC x OC works, but I really unlocked something in my brain with this fic. I am so in love with the characters, they still live in my head. I wanted it to be SILLY DUMB and it was just so much fun to write. This is the most "me" I think of anything I've ever written, and I fully just went balls to the wall ridiculously porny and it was so much fun.
Favorite Thing I Read:
dude ANYTHING by my buddy @ventiswampwater (here's her ao3) every single one of her fics make me INSANE. We have such similar ideas of characterization for this DUMB movie that for some reason we're obsessed with. I love cerebral poetic weirdo porn I just consume everything she's done over and over again. Seriously some of the best x readers i've ever come across.
@some27-url 's Deacon X SS series, I cant get ENOUGH of this fucked up dynamic. I gush on and on about this and I dont want to be annoying but I cannot shut up about how much I love this series
OH! This Yautja harem x OC work I found, literally I've never had the patience for LONG LONG fics before but I honestly wish there was MORE of this. I loved!! the characters and everyone involved, the story was so smutty and good. You dont need to know shit about predator lore this fic may as well be its own story. This fanfic is better than any smutty xenophilia/monsterfuckery romance book that i've ever read.
@brimbrimbrimbrim 's Vigilante x reader fic was so much fun, characterized SO well. It was silly fun and I loved it hahaha like I love this author but this fic really stuck out to me hahaha.
Writing goals for 2023:
I'd like to just bite the bullet and submit to publications as well as random magazine challenges or whatever else. I often debate whether I should or shouldnt for so long that I then miss the deadline for the actual challenge lmao! I submitted to a few horror magazines as well as some poems to indie publications asking for submissions this year but I'd like to just submit as much as I possibly can because fuck it y'know. This year, I got ONE poem selected to be in a book and then it was actually removed from the eventual publication coming out in 2023 so like... lmao?
New Works:
I've actually been editing my short story horror anthology off and on, cleaning it up and formatting it and all the boring shit. I'm looking to trad pub or at least submit certain stories to challenges. I'm also hoping to saddle up and adapt my raider gangbang fanfic into a more developed story that I'll eventually KDP publish. As for fanfics, I've got SO many fkn horror baddies x readers in the works rn, and like 21u314398240 90% done fanfics that I just need to edit and publish to ao3 lol.
tagging: @some27-url @gaeadene (girl I gotta know how many words u uploaded this year LOL) @ventiswampwater @korblez @wolfbirbisme @flaggermuser @butterbabyflapjack
Happy new year yall! Lets go full nuts and write WHATEVER ur silly lil heart desires. I declare this year the year of balls to the wall FUCK IT on ao3 lmfao
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kurlyfrasier · 2 years
You said anything, right? So... I have two characters whoshare a friend group, one is very charismatic and everybody likes her. The other is more of a rich loner. He secretly like her, but the issue is... Never written any form of romance. I don't know how to say he has feelings for her subtly. I have no idea what I am doing, and you said ask you anything.
Hello Nonny!
I am honored you sent me such a lovely Ask!
First off, I am no professional. So I apologize if this answer is terrible/cheesy advice, or doesn't answer your question at all. Also, I apologize now, this got away from me and ended up being kinda long lol
From everything I've read: fanfics, published books, advice on Google, etc... - they all have one thing in common. "Show, don't tell." I know, seems vague, right? And can be a real struggle at times, but that seems to be the common denominator.
Second off, I live this reality lol sort of. My hubby just doesn't…really…like people…in general. So I've learned a lot just by being in a relationship with him and have learned that a man of few words speaks with his actions.
Now, if you're wanting something more specific, I have a few suggestions.
Your rich loner (may I call him Loner Boy?); is he awkward and shy? Is he confident in his abilities? (whatever they may be). Does he spend a lot of time with the girl? Or does he like her from afar? Maybe have him do something nice for the charismatic girl (whom I shall affectionately call Charisma) that she doesn't know about. He's rich, yes? Does Charisma like material things? Have Loner Boy buy her something. Heck, have him buy her something anyway, just to see if Charisma does like material things (maybe he'll learn something lol). She doesn't necessarily have to know in the moment that he bought it for her if you don't want her to. Maybe Loner Boy could do something as simple as carrying something for her. Doesn't necessarily have to be something heavy, especially if he's more on the lanky side (unless he's got super strength or a crazy cool prosthetic arm or something, of course- Wait. Does he have arms?) Is he naturally a nice person? Towards everyone? If not, being nice to Charisma would show his partiality.
I have a friend who love love loves the little touches: brush of the hand, accidental shoulder/leg bumps, that sort of thing-
OMG! Does Loner Boy like reading? Does Charisma like reading? I always find it funny when a guy reads a girl's favorite book (or vice versa) despite not being much of a reader/hating the genre LOL
Anyway... Maybe he writes poems about her in a journal and she ends up with it somehow? Or the same, but with a sketchbook.
Then there's always the things we can't control among things we don't even realize we're doing until it's too late: dilated eyes, the instinct to touch the other person, staring, smiles, awkward blabbering, leaning towards each other, finding everything about them to be amazing lol and so on.
I tend to base aspects of my characters off of people I know. For example, I told you my hubby speaks with his actions more than words. So, I ask myself (sometimes I ask him lol) what he would do in this situation.
With all that being said, I also follow @dearwriters (and many others who I can't think of at the moment, sorry guys) who posts some awesome stuff about writing who would likely, and is more qualified, to give better writing advice than me. Also, I Googled and found a few promising links: Romance 101, Not Schmaltzy, and 3 Great Ways. Take note; I did not read these lol I just thought they looked promising.
I hoped this helped at least a little! Thanks for the ask! And if you decide to post your story somewhere, let me know. I would love to read it! Or tag me if you post it here on Tumblr.
Most of all, have fun writing!
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Okay fuck it doing that writing meme. I put it in a randomizer. Gonna do however many a day until I’m done or get bored
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Oh man at the risk of sentimentality it’s the positive feelings I potentially bring to readers and the weird connection that comes with that. There’s one fic in particular I have that’s very long and was very hard to write but every so often I get comments like wow this really made me reflect on life itself, basically. And I was reflecting on life while writing it. But also sometimes I get comments that are just like HNGGHHHH THIS WAS HOT/SAD/SCARY over something I thought was an audience of one (aka me) kinda thing. It’s just really cool how art can forge connections like that, even if it’s just as brief an interaction as a one sentence comment on ao3.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
There’s lots so I’ll talk about one of the stickiest quotes in my head lately. It comes from We Had to Remove This Post which is a novel that’s a psychological study of the toll that thar working content moderation takes on the narrator:
So what kinds of things did you see? It’s crazy how often people still ask me that, even though it’s been sixteen months since I left Hexa. People just won’t stop trying, and if my answer doesn’t live up to their expectations—too vague, not shocking enough—they simply repeat the question, putting it slightly differently. “But what’s the worst thing you ever saw? [long description of something fucked up here that I won’t just spring on my tumblr followers lol but then the rest of the quote goes like, bolding added by me] That house where the bathroom light is still on at night, that’s where she’s sitting alone on the cold, hard floor. But that’s not what people want to hear. They want me to give them something new, things they’d never dare look at, things that are far beyond their imagination, which is why Gregory asks, “But what’s the worst thing you ever saw?” rather than “How is that girl doing now?
I have a job that sometimes makes people go “what’s the most fucked up thing you ever saw” too so that’s when the book sunk its claws in and never let go. But I feel like “how is that person doing now” is the foundational Thing that makes me into writing
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
It’s not terrible advice but often misunderstood but that’s a rant for another thing. And I really like filing away memories of sensory details that are slightly surprising or are just Something enough for later use (random case in point I got pretty bad sunburn at the beach recently even though it was overcast and so I was assuming my cheeks hurt from the wind when it was actually the sun and if you ever see that in my writing now no shhhh you didn’t). Sometimes I mix and match these sensory memories for added specificity. I hope this makes sense, meds I have that make me sleepy are kicking in.
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sometimes i wonder if i'm depressed or not but then i go over my old poetry and not only do i 100% confirm that's the case but that that's been the case for a while now lmao
#anyways after finishing going through my first poetry notebook (yes there's more than one lol) i can conclude i only write about 4 things#which i guess it's nice cause i could publish four poemaries with each distinct topic lmao#but like half of the poems are like 'i'm broken nobody likes me the darkness engulfs me' and like... i get that i was writing to canalize#all those feelings#and it worked#but like as someone who's actively trying to get better it's a bit rough#there's some poems here and there that i really like tho#and the poems that are not about me are pretty okay too i really enjoy them#i have a bunch about the sea and the nature and the moon and the stars#those are nice i like those#i wanna write more of them#the most iconic ones are#one eulogy i wrote about my dead friend#i was really impressed cause i don't remember writing it and i like it a lot#a series of poems i wrote while at the beach house and were heavily inspired by sea imaginery#and one depressed poem about listening to olivia rodrigo on my bedroom floor which yeah#for what i understand i am better at either vague / whimsical poems that talk about nature or fantasy characters or whatever#totally unrelated to myself and my experiences#and also ones that are extremelly personal and specific like the olivia rodrigo one or the eulogy#most of the times i just write personal poems that are also kinda vague and those are the most meh for me#so i learned from this experience :) i'll keep that in mind next time i sit to write some poetry
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fairestwriting · 3 years
Sorry for adding onto your (most likely) already busy pile but is it alright if I put in a request?
I was wondering how/what Leona, Azul, Riddle, and the Leech brothers (all separately) would act/do if they have a crush on a hopeless romantic female reader? (Maybe how they’ll try to “woo” them/get them together?) Emphasis on crush, they’re not together yet 😅
In my opinion hopeless romantics are not so much about the perfect dream lover (chivalrous, gentlemanly, etc), but more about finding “the one” that we’re meant to dedicate all our time to. Sure, we do find ourselves more attracted to guys that’ll fit the description of our “perfect”, but generally we’re able to accept just about anyone, so long as they show their sincerity. It doesn’t have to be anything big, it’s the feelings behind them that counts. Small gestures with undeniable feelings behind them are weighed much more heavily than big gestures with little thoughts behind them. Not my words but I feel like this sentence describes it perfectly “Hopeless Romantics are in love with love”. No, they don’t have to sing me poems and proses, gift me flowers at every meeting, or serenade me under the balcony. Though I’ll admit that I had written pages upon pages of love poems on a single crush We are obsessed with the idea of finding someone made just for us, for us to love and be loved in return.
Just me turning to fictional characters to cope with the harsh reality... we really aren’t made for modern society 😔
+ if you like my writing, you can buy me a ko-fi to support me!
Leona Kingscholar
For a while now, Leona really did think he found hopeless romantics stupid. He just doesn’t get why someone would put so much importance in something as vague and fleeting as romantic love.
Then he ends up falling for you.
Needless to say, his crush is something that constantly taunts him. He really feels so confused around you, as if he shouldn’t like you as much as he does. He never thought someone like you would catch his attention, you just seem so... soft, sometimes. Leona is usually straightforward about his interest in people, but when it comes to you, he doesn’t really know how to go about it.
He knows you’re not somebody who would be swayed through his meaningless teasing, that you’re the sort of person who wanted devotion. And it isn’t like he doesn’t want that with you -- Though, he’d rather die than admit this right now -- but he doesn’t know how to express it.
He still wants to show his interest, but for you, he does it differently. He flirts more subtly, teasing you less, and when you’re alone, he almost acts sweet, way easier to fluster. When you’re sweet to him back, he feels so stupidly warm and fuzzy and he loves it hates it.
Falling for a hopeless romantic definitely is the way to break Leona. It might be the only way to catch him off guard romantically, even.
Azul Ashengrotto
Similar to Leona, Azul kind of looks down on the concept of love, but for a slightly different reason. For him, it’s that he doesn’t like being vulnerable, so letting himself have this level of closeness with someone feels just... too troublesome. The chance he’d be hurt is just too much.
So he didn’t do anything about his crush on you, at first, he was trying to just wait it out like he usually does. Then, he hears your opinions and expectations with love, and things change a bit inside his head.
He’ll always be uneasy trying to make moves on people regarding that, but knowing you were so... sincere, it made him feel like trying might be worth it, this time. Ironically, what a dubious guy like him wants is someone genuine, who he didn’t feel the need to play all these games with.
He gets a little bolder with you. Inviting you to Mostro Lounge often, letting you try new recipes that still weren’t in the menu, sometimes taking you out, even buying you small gifts of things you seemed to like. He wants to show you that you’re special to him, while still keeping some subtlelty.
Riddle Rosehearts
Oh, so you’re the same!
Riddle never talks about it, but everytime he thinks about love, it’s in a similar way to you. He wants to find someone who would be his one and only, a girl who would love him just as much as he loved her. He’s endlessly embarrassed by this, sort of convinced that his expectations are just too unrealistic, but he can’t help but dream.
When you two launch into a rare conversation about relationships and he finds out you agree with him... man, if he already had a thing for you before, now he was just smitten.
Sadly Riddle is very awkward when it comes to romance. He feels like you two would make such a good couple together, he’d be the best boyfriend he possibly could be! But he gets shy when it comes to expressing his feelings, and in the end, all he can do is hope you catch on to what it means when he’s trying to spend time with you often...
He shows his affections mostly by... sort of mundane things, like inviting you to the Unbirthday Party and asking you to sit next to him, or offering to help you study, or inviting you over for tea when you have free time, being sure to remember you favorite drink and desserts... if you’re also oblivious, it might be hard to know he likes you. 
He’ll be working hard on a confession plan, though, if you two want the same thing, then he’s more willing than ever to risk it all for a romantic relationship.
Jade Leech
As he starts understanding his own feelings for you, he starts trying to gauge information about your preferences so he could plan how he’d woo you, and that’s how he finds out you’re a hopeless romantic.
He thinks it’s so endearing, honestly. Jade loves to spoil, he wants nothing more than to be the one to give you all this love you crave. He thinks often about how well he’d care for you.
He makes sure to be sort of obvious about his crush, wanting to get his feelings across more than he usually would. Jade is always there for you, happy to help and advise, he’s an acts of service kind of guy so it’s mostly how he’d try to express the fact that he loves you.
It takes a while to get an actual confession out of him though. He knows you have high expectations and has sworn he’d meet all of them. Even if you’ve told him you didn’t put that much weight on grand gestures, he did want to make his confession something impressive, if only subjectively. He wants to make sure everything is meaningful, and shows through how much attention he’d been paying to you for a while now.
“Hopeless romantic” might be part of his type, honestly, Jade is a guy who lives for this mutual devotion you strive for.
Floyd Leech
A hopeless romantic and Floyd would be... a complicated pair. 
Floyd is very casual about love, you see. The second he knows he’s fallen for you is the second he decides you’re his, and he’s yours, and that’s it. He’s casual with his affection and doesn’t mind things like relationship labels at all, he doesn’t even see the need for an actual confession, really.
So he’ll be so affectionate with you, he’s constantly showering you in love. But... he’s so casual about it, his feelings might not get through completely to you. You might not realize he’s crushing on you at all, because of how chummy he acts with everybody else.
It’s a strange situation, because you’ll be talking about how wonderful you think it’d be if you found your one and only, and Floyd will be right there wondering why you’re saying things like that when he’s right here, he’s your one and only, right? Are you telling him you just haven’t noticed that he loves you?
He’s confused when you talk about love, if you were all about sincere gestures why aren’t you catching on to his feelings? He’ll actually blurt that out one time, probably. Floyd isn’t one to keep quiet about his crushes for too long.
Once you understand where he’s coming from with all the affection, he might actually be a good partner for you. He loves you so, so, so much, and it shows! Just in, you know, kinda odd ways sometimes.
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bettsfic · 4 years
hello! do you have any writing exercises you would recommend to someone who is trying to get back into the habit of writing fiction after not doing it for years? I've wanted to write for a really long time but was always held back by insecurity and fear
1. beliefs & techniques
read kerouac’s “belief and technique for modern prose.” as you can see, it’s kinda nuts, but the gist is, it’s a list of 30 “rules” or really just vague thoughts kerouac values about writing. try writing your own list of 30 rules/thoughts/ideals you have about writing. 
this exercise is important because it begins the practice of metacognition. what will help you grow most as a writer is to write about writing. i recommend handwriting this list and sticking it in an envelope to open in a few months or a year, and see if any of your perspectives have changed.
2. the imperative (choose one, or try both!)
option 1: read jamaica kincaid’s “girl.” consider a way in which you feel you’ve been led astray, someone has failed you, or you’ve felt stifled or constrained in some way. then, try to write your own version of “girl,” by writing a list of commands you’ve been told in the form of a story. 
option 2: read lorrie moore’s “how to become a writer.” then, think of something you’re very good at, something that you’ve developed an expertise in. a la “how to become a writer,” write a story in the form of a tutorial. you could also try this as fiction, and do something like “how to get a restraining order from elon musk.” or at least, i hope that would be fictional.
both of these stories use the imperative to build a narrative. by constraining the structure into a list of commands, you’re immediately freed of a lot of creative decision-making you’d otherwise have to do if you were to write, say, third person literary past chronological order. you’re also writing about things you know. i don’t necessarily believe in the “write what you know” adage, but i do think sticking with what you know can be a good place to start.
3. make your own writing exercise toolkit
here’s how you can set up an ongoing writing exercise practice. 
first, write a list of 20 things you love. i don’t mean material things, or things you like. i mean things you care about. things you’d die for. things that, when you think about them too long, you start crying or feel like you’re going to explode. they can be concrete, like “a cup of tea on a cold afternoon and a good book” or they can be abstract, like, “courage.” the point is, they all have to be things that excite you or fulfill you. things you can think about or talk about or do for hours. number them 1 through 20.
then, do a bit of searching and find a list of stories, essays, or poems that you haven’t read before (or ones you haven’t read in a long time). they should be short. if you don’t know where to start, check out matt bell’s thread of 365 short stories he read this year. by the way, he also has a monthly writing exercise newsletter! i’m also very fond of the longreads weekly newsletter.
once a week (or however often you want to do this), pick one of the stories/essays/poems and read it. while reading, consider how it’s constructed. what voice is it written in? how does it move through time? what is the inciting incident and rising action? how does it resolve? who are the characters, and how do they grow? find something you admire about it, that you want to “take” for your own writing. maybe you want to try out the structure, like the kerouac exercise, or maybe the narration, like the kincaid/moore exercise. maybe you like the way images are described, or how the scenes fit together. or maybe there’s something you hate about it, and you want to try to do the opposite. or maybe you want to try the thing you hate, to see if you can better understand it. pick something about the piece, and think of it as a prompt, the way i’ve written the prompts above. 
then, roll a d20 (you can google “virtual d20″ and it brings up one automatically). correspond the result of the d20 with the list of the 20 things you love most. that will be what you write about. the idea is, it should be easy, since it’s something you love. 
for example, let’s say i want to read kiese laymon’s “how to slowly kill yourself and others in america,” which is one of my favorite essays. what i admire most about this essay is its structure. while i read, i would take notes about the way it’s put together, and i would summarize the basic beats and movements. i’d note that the essay focuses on four moments that have a common theme. obviously, i do not want to steal from mr. laymon. i want to learn from him, in the same way as when you eat a good meal, you might ask for the recipe. so, i’d roll my d20, and let’s say i get “courage.” i would then write an essay or short story in which i focus on four scenes or moments of courage. 
i’ll do one more example. let’s try “afterglow” by allegra hyde. i think this one is trickier because it’s a fabulist piece, but after reading it, i noticed that it’s a sort of braid with three main elements: the gatorade, the donor show, and the divorce. the gatorade is an unreal element of the story tying together the present conflict (the donor show) and the past conflict (the divorce). so maybe i’d pick 3 things off my list instead of just one, and write a story about my favorite stuffed animal coming to life, with a present conflict involving my best friend (or a character much like him), and a past conflict involving loyalty. or, i could broaden the prompt and simply take the fabulist element of turning into the thing you consume, while writing a story about loyalty. 
if you run out of your first list of 20 things, you can make another list of 20 things that make you angry, or 20 things you’re afraid of, or 20 questions you have about yourself and your life. you could even make a list of a hundred things all together, and roll a percentile die.
i hope this helps. please don’t be afraid or insecure. everyone has to start somewhere, and the best place to start is just to play around writing about things that bring you joy. 
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anarchyforcanon · 2 years
3, 8, 11, 15, 26 (lucifer), 30 ;333
3. what movie/game/ect. helps calm you down?
mass effect!! specifically mass effect 2. it is my all time favorite game and is a special interest of mine along with supernatural. sci-fi thriller bordering on horror and its just such a wonderful game with loads of lore, ambience and fun. i always love to talk about it when given the chance. it’s also what slightly inspired me to want to be a game writer. (my cat is named after my favorite character as well, mordin.)
8. what color do you think goes best with your personality?
hmmm either a pale yellow or emerald green, like my blog. i do have trouble understanding my own vibe so that answer may be kinda skewed with personal preference so lemme know what color you think of me as :))
11. vague about your crush(es)
oh god. well i’m not sure if it’s a platonic or romantic crush, as i have trouble differentiating the two. i do struggle being vague so i’ll just say a bit about them. i’ve known them for numerous years and probably the longest and most understanding relationship i’ve had. they are very wonderful and i do have a word doc i write love poems in, tho i’m not sure i’ll ever be brave enough to show them. we used to enjoy a lot of video games and hiking together tho now times have changed
15. do you prefer space or the ocean?
space!! i’m not too knowledgeable about it in a factual sense but i am very interested in it
26. what do you think about genderbent lucifer?
love!! not sure if you specifically mean just plain lucifer genderbent but i very much enjoy young!mary, sarah and jess lucifer for vessels. will always be found reblogging lingerie for them 😌
30. what instrument do you wish you could master?
well i did play the viola for a little while but never got close to mastering it. i do think i would enjoy the piano tho, i love music with it
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lunarreaper12 · 3 years
First in regards to my last ask: what lil things does killer to make nightys day better? I'm very curious~ Also is nightmare not able to use glitter? (Was it called glitter? I think so...)
Second: soo i wonder... Is killers room close to nightys? (Would probably make sense but who knows the palace is surely big...) And did killer ever fell -accidentely(?)- fell asleep in nightys room? How did they both handled the Situation and reacted to it? Any soft moments at all? 6w6
Also will killer watch nighty at night sometimes too (not the creepy way)? I mean is he sometimes worried about nighty and his safety when killer himself is not exactly on duty (i sure am) ? I would assume there are guards or Barrieres maybe to protect the Kings at sleeping times (i hope at least, tho other guards could also pose a threat ...?), as that wouldn't pose a Problem to dream much i think as he is much loved, it could be rather a dangerous time for nighty... ? Cuz he isn't treated or respected as a king as preciously as dream ... Rather they want him gone.
Which brings me to my next question... Are the other guards and Palace stuff taking their job seriously when serving or protecting nightmare cuz he is not really being fancied by others? (My theory on why the tea and coffee tasted Bad to nm could be maybe cuz they were kinda doing it on purpose or just not caring if it would be to his liking at all... U know, to spite him. But who know..not me.)
Also was nightmare ever attempted to be assasinated at all since the kinda truce with his brother? Probably but idk. If yes.. How did killer prevented it and/or dealt with them? Or how was it handled at all to make sure nighty is safe?
Is not me or do the asks get longer? XD oops.
Oh you have stumbled upon some of my favorite bits of Lore~!
*Rubs hands together* Let’s get this started!
What little thing does Killer do to make Nightmare’s day better? 
Killer des various things depending on what Nightmare is doing at the time! Like what was written in “Take a break”, Killer may bring Nightmare treats and tea throughout the day if he’s working primarily in his office. Nightmare likes the quiet while he’s working, so Killer is actually much less talkative when he thinks Nightmare needs the silence.
If Killer sees that Nightmare is having a bad day, he’ll scatter some of Nightmare’s favorite things around where Nightmare will find them. Favorite flowers, little puzzles, (Nightmare likes playing with puzzles when he’s bored), at one point Killer left a plush toy in Nightmares office. The toy disappeared, and last Killer saw it, it was tucked under Nightmare’s arm when he accidentally walked in on the King sleeping. Killer isn’t certain where the toy goes to during the day, and he hasn’t caught Nightmare asleep since then.
Killer also has left notes around. Little encouragements, jokes, or even poems he thought Nightmare would like. Nightmare hides these where no one will find them, just like the plushy.
After Killer was allowed to spend time in Nightmare’s room, he started checking what books Nightmare seemed to like, and would go out to find new books he thinks Nightmare hasn’t read when he was able to! (He usually just puts them where Nightmare will find them, rather than just giving them to him).
Can Nightmare use glamours?
Yes! Nightmare and Dream actually have much of the same abilities, and using glamours is one of the ones they share! Using a glamour is just not something Nightmare prefers to do unless it’s necessary. He could of course use this if he wanted to walk around without people staring, but he hates the idea that he needs to hide himself to have a normal walk around his kingdom.
He’d rather deal with people staring at him than hide from his own subjects.
Is Killer’s room close to Nightmare’s, and has he ever fallen asleep in Nightmare’s room?
Killer’s room is close to Nightmare’s in case of emergencies! The same goes for Cross and Dream. As for whether Killer has fallen asleep in his room? Well, sometimes the Guard works a bit too hard and accidents happen... Plus, when you have the Moon King reading to you in that low voice of his... Well, anyone’s bound to fall asleep to that!
Nightmare didn’t notice Killer had fallen asleep right away, and when he did? Well... Looks like I have another writing prompt don’t I? (I’m such a meanie >w< I can definitely write this one out real soon though! I know exactly what would happen >w<)
Does Killer get worried about Nightmare at night while they’re sleeping?
Oh boy, absolutely. At first he wasn’t super concerned about it, but... well... Something may have happened one night and Killer nearly never slept afterwards, for fear of something similar happening again. I’m trying to be a bit vague because this is actually a big spoiler, specifically relating to Killer’s actual design. When I finish Killer’s design, I’ll write about it in the same post! I’m being very vague on these answers this time around, aren’t I? XD Sorry!
Moving on though~
Do the other guards of the castle take their jobs seriously when it comes to Nightmare?
Hm... well, yes and no? You see, the Captain of the Guardsmen is actually rather familiar with both of the Kings! As such, he does take care to assign the best guards to the castle. There’s always outliers though, and while yes the Guardsmen would prioritize Dream over Nightmare in an emergency, I wouldn’t say they’re the worst guards in the world. 
That being said, You’d be right in assuming their security is a bit lax when it comes to Nightmare’s safety. This also ties in to the previous answer in regards to something having happened one night... and well, the Captain wasn’t happy to hear about the Guardsmen he’d assigned’s poor performance.
The guards may not like Nightmare, and may even want him gone, but the vast majority of them would never disobey the Captain or the Kings, regardless of their personal beliefs. The Captain has a high standard for his men, and wouldn’t trust just anyone to guard the Kings. I would say something really messed up would have to happen for the guards to actively turn on Nightmare against Dream and the Captain’s wishes.
I do like your theory by the way! And I would say it’s partially correct! The servants definitely don’t take as much care in preparing things for him as they do for Dream. There was probably the rare scattered events where the servant’s actively made something taste bad when preparing it for Nightmare, but most of the time it’s simply a lack of care. 
Has Nightmare ever had an assassination attempt on him since the truce?
Unfortunately, Yes. Several. These assassination attempts were mostly made before Killer was assigned as Nightmare’s Guard actually. Nightmare is still powerful and skilled in his own right, and with the assistance of a few castle guards the attempts were cut short. Nightmare never let Dream know of these incidents though, as he didn’t want his brother to try and get involved. Nightmare was mostly concerned about Dream ordering an entire group of guards to follow him around. Dream had already been insisting on a Royal Guard just to improve his image, imagine how much of an overreaction he would have to knowing his younger brother was actively being targeted by assassins!
After Killer was assigned to Nightmare, the assassination attempts died down for a short time. At least, so Nightmare had thought. The reality is, is that Killer is far better at his job than Nightmare thought he would be... And even if Killer didn’t much care for the job in the beginning, he wasn’t going to waste an opportunity to have a bit of “fun”. It’s not like Nightmare needed to know.
And that’s all I’ll say on that before I end up spoiling something >w<
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midearthwritings · 3 years
hello! for a matchup please, LOTR or hobbit. she/her, 25, 5’7 and kinda medium hourglass-shaped, short light brown hair and green eyes, vaguely goth/dark academia aesthetic. i’m passionate about history (esp music history) and languages and i’ve been collecting antique books since i was 15. i’m v solitary and keep to the same tiny circle of friends, but in that circle, i’m actually the funny irreverent friend. i’m kind of hotheaded and judgy but trying to do better. lowkey hopeless romantic but it takes a lot to get that side to come out. my favorite color is pink, i love flowers and the ocean, and my favorite animal is the owl. also i’m bi if that helps! tysm
@composermistress here you go! Sorry for the wait!
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Between you and Elrond, it is more of an intellectual love than anything else. You both seek the comfort of the other's presence in your discussions and studies.
What Elrond loves the most about you is how passionate you are. He loves the way you sometimes ramble about your favorite subjects, and he could go for hours just listening to you.
He taught you a lot of things. Mostly languages. He says you're a fast learner which makes it even more enjoyable for the both of you.
Somehow, you and Elrond never had a fight. Why? It is a mystery to everyone. Even the healthiest couples do fight. Yet, you never do. Sometimes you think it's because you both are so similar to each others, that you both are made of the same material.
Elrond is very subtle when it comes to showing his affection to you. But he will, from time to time, offer you a book and telling you that it his one of his personal favorites.
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Lindir admires you. Not in a creepy weird way, but in a "this is the person I wish to spend my life with". He adores everything about you, even the dark sides of your personality.
What he loves to do the most is playing harp while you read a book. You don't need to speak to spend some good alone time. You both like the comfortable silence.
Lindir often writes poems about you, in many languages. Although he sometimes feels insecure about them, he always read them to you.
Of course, you keep a copy of every single one of them in a book. You often dream that someone, one day, will find this book, and feel the love you both had for each others.
He does not like to fight with you, and when it happens, he will either apologize immediately or change the subject.
Lindir is very discreet about the both of you. Not that he is ashamed, absolutely not. But he sees you more as a treasure that he selfishly wants to keep to himself.
I hope you liked it! Sorry again for the wait!
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kindest-way-to-say · 3 years
okay so. i’m just gonna rant. about some pain i’ve been experiencing for a while. like, we’re getting into it
if anyone would like to put in their two cents, feel free. im kinda just yelling about my problems into a void, but im definitely not gonna stop people who might know what this is from giving me advice.
idk. my brains shutting down a bit.
TDLR: my left arm has been in constant pain for three days. it’s probably nerves or something. i’m very addled rn. i hate the world i want to sleep for a millennia. i also have had similar, smaller pain issues over a course of 4 months. i hate it here. i would very much like this to not be a thing, please.
so this story starts the mid may. my last month of school. i’m suffering through just to end this bullshit. but i notice that p much every time i have to do some slightly more than normal walking, some random body part of mine will just be in this sort of dull pain.
and i just kinda go. huh. okay. ow. and brush it off. this continues. it’s pretty minor, (like barely a 1/10 on a scale) but enough for me to be mildly annoyed by it on occasion.
go to two weeks before my school lets out for summer.
i get appendicitis and have surgery for it. i’m fine. that situation went better than expected, i was just not the most comfortable.
appendicitis pain traditionally presents in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. right next to a shit ton of nerves. and the pain i’m going through starts to affect my leg. can’t really walk without alarms going on.
it gets better. i’m not like. comfortable, but i’m just taking ibuprofen a few times a day and managing decently. 3.5/10 pain level average.
but then, as i start going out and living life as a teenager in the summer (hanging out with one person semi-regularly, and doing weird family lunches), i start to notice that most times i leave the house, i’ll come back home with some pretty decent pain in assorted parts of my body.
like my back will hurt, which i just blame on my shit posture. but then it’ll be a weird muscle connected to my ankle or some shit when i am very well known for hating any and all sports except for hockey. which i don’t play.
so i’m not doing things to pull muscles, but i’m feeling twinges of pain kind of a lot. which sucks.
but i brush it off, now consciously keeping an eye on it and taking ibuprofen when needed.
pain levels steadily rise over time, but it’s still at about a 4/10 for the most part. there’s the occasional spike to a 6, but that’s not frequent.
keep going on to mid-july. every time i leave the house, i’m feeling dull ache/twinges in multiple places and my knees feel really fucking off a lot of the time. almost like if your knees were crooked or something?? idk.
but it’s still 5.5 on the worst day. so i just kinda hesitantly mention this to my mom. who’s used to me complaining anyway, but i make it clear that it’s been going on for a while, and it feels like somethings wrong.
and she says “oh yeah we can think about seeing a doctor.”
and i just. okay! cool. fun. rad. sick. vague pain. that’s my favorite activity. i love everything about this.
but i just grit my teeth and bear it. still doing the ibuprofen thing when my ignore it and distract yourself strategy doesn’t work.
now, end of july. trucking along. i’m at least in mind discomfort pretty much all the time. sucks. hate it. i’m concerned.
go to the 31. i pull a crazy all-nighter because i have chemical imbalances in my brain and shit just happens. i stay up for like 44 hours. wild. i sit at my desk for a while, drawing and i notice “wow my left shoulder doesn’t feel that great. huh. i have been sitting here for a while.”
so i go do something else but it doesn’t feel fantastic. almost like a buzzing in parts of my back and my upper arm. on my left arm. i am right handed. don’t know what that’s about.
go to sleep sunday night, i wake up to it just being worse. (also i have some weird circulation problems because of genetics. just random shit. no pain whatsoever. just funky.)
like wtf that’s a 4 right as i’m waking up. what the actual fuck. don’t like that.
but i was raised catholic so none of us talk to each other. so i just joke about my body organizing a shitty coup d’état to a friend and chalk it up to a fucked up muscle. but it’s like kind of moving?? a bit?? weird as fuck. don’t like it. still dull pain, but certainly something that pops up into my conscious mind like 10 times a day.
i didn’t do anything would result in a pulled muscle (trust me. my school is really intense about theatre and show choir. hard core choreography in everything that i practice 3 times a week during school+whatever play/musical) so i’m really just making excuses to soothe my brain and i know it. full denial.
i took ibuprofen the first and second day. can still tell it’s happening, but it sucks less.
yesterday i play a shit ton of guitar, and i can feel my upper arm cramping up and shit (which. oW. 5.7/10. WHAT THE HELL.) even though there is no strain on my left arm except for pressing my fingertips into some strings. no shoulder shit going on.
so i try to stretch out. no help.
and then the adhd medication instead of sleeping medication debacle happens and i don’t go to bed even though i actively tried to multiple times. i write a poem instead.
hurts mildly the whole time. it starts kind of limiting the functions of my arm. which. what the actual fuck. stiff, a bit seized up in especially bad pain moments.
i get focused on writing a poem and shit i only 20 minutes to get ready to leave for my appointment.
i forgot to take any ibuprofen, and it was already reaching 5.85 levels from sitting in my room.
in the car and in the orthodontist office, my left arm is completely fucking useless to me. half of my brain at all times is focused on like “oW OW OW OW OW” because it’s reached a point where i can’t really ignore it. it’s just there now. moving it isn’t great, it sitting in place isn’t fun either.
i’m at 6.5 levels. from the round trip of like 20-ish minutes, it’s raised that much. a lot of internal dialogue about it.
on the way to the orthodontist, i’m talking to my mom about it. she, sounding kind of annoyed, asks “what, do you want to see a doctor?”. i say “honestly? yes. it’s been 3 days nonstop. steady rise. there’s something genuinely wrong. i’m concerned about it.”
it feels like someone is poking around inside my arm with electricity or some shit. whole arm. shifting localizations and slight fluctuation in pain level. rapid escalation even just today.
i explain what it feels like in less wordy terms. and she says “that’s sounds like it could be nerve-related.”
it’s been three days. i’m exhausted. this has already taken a pretty significant mental toll, let alone discomfort level.
i have a high pain tolerance. i only started actively complaining about appendicitis pain the night before it exploded. that shit festers longer than overnight. i had been i pain for half the week before i said shit. and i just kinda sucked it up until i felt like i couldn’t walk without needing hella support.
but it’s really fucking getting to me. shit ton of weird tension, buzzing. just. constant painful buzz moving around.
i express this. “it’s a non-stop pain bad enough to be something i am fully aware of at any given second. if i stare off, im probably thinking about my arm.” and she kinda dismisses it.
it’s been like an hour, and i’ve gone up to 6.8 levels multiple times. based on patterns, it’s not just gonna stop any time soon, and i’m really good at working around weird problems like this.
like i said. pain every time i go out.
i’m good at hiding when i’m not 100%, but this is beyond me. it’s like someone’s just stabbing me with tacs over and over again. on my entire left arm and on the rare occasion, part of my leg.
i’m so genuinely uncomfortable, and i would this to not be a thing anymore.
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89tczier · 5 years
the losers and their tumblr blogs
ik there’s already a billion hcs out there but none coming from my niche hellbrain soooo
richie (tttrashmouth)
his blog is one big ADHD mess, he has a new interest every few weeks and his blog changes accordingly, though there are several common ones 
he never seems to lose many followers for it though
his original posts are funny enough that people put up with it
he’s that user that you start following out of genuine interest and then realise that you’ve already rbed a lot of their popular posts and you’re like
oh shit, i know this fool
he has tags dedicated to each of his friends, they’re usually filled with shitposts or one of their Big Interests 
eddie has two tags, one he knows about, one he doesn’t, and gets mad at richie for not telling him who the tag is for 
the one he doesn’t is full of really gay shit
stan (corvid-company)
stan’s blog started out as a big vent but it was starting to get Unhealthy™ so they switched up their content 
stan knows about richie’s secret tag for eddie and constantly gives richie shit for it like they vague posts about it all the time to get under richie’s skin
‘the intricate rituals of creating a seperate LoveCore tag for the best friend ur pining for....... like the richard siken of it all.......’ ‘THIS IS BIPHOBIA STAN’
it’s 70% bird watching stuff, 20% posts for mike, 9% vaguing about richie’s gay shit, 1% abt being nb (because i fucking CAN ok)
they also have a pretty impressive following, some of it is due to being mutuals with richie, but a lot of it is due to the Wholesome Bird Content
its a surprise to them but they get so damn happy when they receive asks and stuff about their favourite bird watching spots or how to distinguish between different subspecies 
‘i dont know who this guy is, nor do i have a particular interest in birds, but what kind of fucking person would i be if i DIDN’T follow them?’
their tag for mike is pretty cute too, usually its just FarmCore but Romantic stuff they finds, other times its little thoughts they has about them
bev (marsh-makes)
initially set up to advertise her store and products 
she makes things like pins and sew on patches that are really fucking good
she gains a pretty big following from that, people like her stuff and she has a really good quality track record
richie models for her sometimes and everyone kinda loves it
she has a lot of stuff about ethical fashion and makes a lot of posts about the problems with the fashion and clothing industries (eg fast fashion and sizeism)
she also has some quality shitposts
‘i dissociated for like five hours one night and woke up with the best skirt i’ve ever pleated and a top to go with it. my power is unmatched’  ‘op are you ok????’   ‘ye i got a kickass outfit why wouldn’t i be’
eddie (kaprisun)
his blog is pretty simple: things he’s interested in, whatever his friends tag him in, and roasting the shit out of richie
‘tttrashmouth will never be content because he knows im funnier than him’   ‘ur not wrong, eds’
a lot of richie’s popular posts are shittalk between the two of them
he also gets into a lot of discourse because he’s feisty like that, usually about comics or comic book movies
‘imagine thinking marvel is better than dc based on 3 movies’
yes he’s a dc fanboy
he’s not as anti-marvel as he can come across he just really doesn’t get the hype around it 
he Also has a secret romance tag for richie and its half stuff of his own, half rbed from Richie’s Secret Eddie Posts unknowingly (and a bit of bens)
he tags them with ‘mood’ and it gives richie a heart attack each time
mike (hearth-and-heart)
farm core!!! original farm core content fresh from the oven!!
he takes photos around his farm and posts them and ohhh everyone loves them
same energy as stan’s blog (he has a lot of photos of them and the two of them together as well)
he also writes important dates down as well as books he likes
a Solid shitpost now and then but it’s mostly Pure and Wholesome content
people love his photography and unfortunately it gets stolen a lot but other aesthetic blogs but he doesn’t mind so much
he also is the only loser other than bev with an actual Impressive theme: it’s sleek and really fits the vibe
though every now and again he’ll rb one of richie or bev’s shitposts just for a little variety 
bill (deadbrgh)
he posts horror stuff (both from other people as well as his own art/writing) and little bit of vent/rant stuff
his rants are about tropes in horror he hates (eg: ableism and other general bigotry)
his vents are usually about grief or trauma, and he keeps them properly tagged and under a cut
his horror stuff too, he makes sure to keep everything tagged properly and has a link to the tag list in his description 
he sometimes makes a Spicy addition to richie’s posts, and people are like ‘wait why does this Super Serious and Talented creator follow that goblin??’ 
he also rbs a lot of ben’s stuff, people think they’re the same person for a hot minute because ben also writes and draws, but their styles and aesthetics are totally different 
‘people thinking me and eggboy are the same person is really flattering but unfortunately im nowhere near as ripped as he is’ ‘luv u bb’
then people think they’re dating, but also think the one of them is dating bev
they never clear it up
ben (eggboy)
all of his poetry and drawings 
he also makes a lot of lovecore posts that are definitely not for beverly at All
his a few of his poems get really popular so he kinda blows up a bit and he is Unsure How To Handle it
his first haiku for bev is his most popular like people go crazy for it
where his drawings are more stylized, bill’s are more realistic and gritty
people always think he’s straight tho and he’s like ‘could a straight person do this??’ *proceeds to capture the Essence of adoration and devotion*
bev rbs every one of his original posts and hypes him tf up, they collab on a few things and bev puts some of his Iconic lines on patches
the january embers line,,,,,,, people lose it
a lot of his stuff ends up in mike, richie, eddie and stan’s respective Love tags which he finds Perfect
he writes a poem about richie and eddie’s obliviousness and they’re both just like ‘god i wish that were me,,,,,, sounds familiar tho,,,,,,’ 
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ferusaurelius · 4 years
Nihlus Fic Headcanons
My latest fic, The husbandry of victory is blood (on AO3), is basically a Nihlus Kryik and Mass Effect mercenary/batarian culture headcanon backstory where @expertmakodriver reacted by asking me to ... please translate w/e I was on about.
So here it is! The English translation of my Nihlus Kryik worldbuilding art project.
In reality, this type of character sketch is something I would normally keep private. But since we need more Nihlus content, both it and the headcanon basis are all public and free to use and/or transform as you see fit without attribution.
Please, I’m begging anyone who might want to use any of these ideas in whole or in part: write it and save me from having to do it myself. You do not need to credit me, but I would appreciate a link to your work so I can promote it! :)
Tfw you actually need to annotate your own fic...
Long post - everything is under the cut!
Organized by the order each element is referenced in the fic, with the divided sections labeled as [NUMBER] on the left.
Edited 5/28/2021 because I forgot some things.
[Title] “The husbandry of victory is blood” - Taken from “Sparta Says No” by A.E. Stallings. I actually thought about using this as an alternative title for another fic, but I figured this background sketch for Nihlus more aligned with the themes. I strongly suggest you go and read the poem without taking my word for the following interpretation: the contrast between growth and destruction, and civilization built through conquest or through agriculture. I enjoy the high-level commentary on society. The metaphorical encounter between farming and war is something I wanted to bring to my work, and I wanted the title to color the tone of the epigraph from Virgil’s Georgics. On a more personal level -- my grandfather joined the military in part to seek out opportunities he wouldn’t have had if he’d stayed on a farm, and I decided to draw on that experience for Nihlus.
[Epigraph] - Virgil, Georgics Book I (tr. H. R. Fairclough) - I picked a public domain translation of the poem and went hunting around for a line that had juxtaposed farming and war imagery. It’s a fairly common classical motif! Wars often stopped and started based on the seasonal harvest and the necessity of feeding the community and supplying the troops. You can’t fight a war and gather in wheat at the same time. Digging up the weapons pf the dead in farm fields is a powerful image. My take on Nihlus draws on the tension between fighting and negotiation that I also connect to the symbolic opposition between agriculture and warfare. The Georgics are also just really neat.
[1] Half-face markings - I could write a whole headcanon post on turian colony markings and how mercenary modifications fit in with them (and I will at some point). You’ll see in this fic that I regularly use terms for how much ‘real estate’ the colony markings cover. My HC is that there are variations of colony markings that can be worn as minimalist (smallest critical details), half-face (upper or lower, may include simple full-face designs without a lot of paint), full-face (both, usually more elaborate), and full-crest (what it sounds like on the tin). These are all just different styles and up to personal preference, though there are a few cultural connotations or stereotypes about people who choose which version. Plus I felt really bad for people who might have super-complicated full versions of markings and wanted to give them something more aesthetically lightweight that would have the same meaning. 
[1] Batarian trader patois - An evolving lingua franca with many dialects. Nihlus is uncannily fluent at the one spoken in the Terminus, which is mutually intelligible with the dialect spoken in the Attican Traverse. This is a language without a formal codex that sounds a little strange even to batarians born into the Hegemony. Since batarians have been around and in contact with the Citadel and council races for ~1000 years longer than turians (true if the timeline on the wiki is correct, but I haven’t done the backdating myself), I HC that batarians have a more refined and developed spacer and trading culture. Traders and smugglers are infamous for liking to be beyond Hegemony control and when their government withdrew from Council space, they just kept up with business as usual. Many of them have a shared religion based on debate and argument over the meaning of the Pillars of Strength and the way to live an honorable life.
[1] Terminus languages - They exist, both with and without formal linguistic codexes available to ordinary citizens of Council space.
[1] Hierarchy basic - The common turian colonial language spoken in Hierarchy space. Nihlus was born outside turian space, so he had to learn it from his parents and from educational videos. While he has only a vague accent, certain words and phrases he uses come off as very strange to turians who were raised in Hierarchy space.
[1] Draughts - A popular ancient board game dating back to before the Romans. Pieces move by sliding on the board or jumping over each other to capture. I originally wanted to use river stones as a metaphor, but Nihlus at that age had never seen naturally flowing water. I figure everyone has a version of a capturing/marker/stones sort of game.
[1] Amma and appa - Batarian words for grandmother and grandfather. Nihlus is a bit of a ‘surprise’ baby for his parents. This nice older smuggler couple are longtime associates of the mercenary group and, while they have never done fighting themselves and have no children of their own, they are friends of his mother and father and are absolutely delighted to “adopt” him. He is their smol spikey grandson, they teach him to speak and act like a proper young batarian, and anyone who argues with them about how exactly he is related will end up on the wrong side of an airlock.
[1] Vatar - A canon planet in the Mass Effect universe with a cold and inhospitable environment, located a short relay hop away from Omega (“downtown”) in the Terminus Systems. Mercenary groups have outposts dug into the surface. I rolled with it. 
[1] Falx - The turian name of the mercenary group Nihlus is born into. A falx is both a Roman entrenching tool and also the most overhyped Dacian curved blade weapon you’ll see in ancient art and literature. In essence? The word has been used to refer to both weapons and farming tools for a very long time. The group is a batarian-lead mercenary company with a very long history of turian cooperation, which enjoys stable political ties to other such batarian splinter groups. Traders and smugglers often form the links between them. The batarian word for members of this same group translates as “harvesters” or “reapers.” HAHA. And you thought this was a no-Reapers AU…
[1] Truce customs - A batarian mercenary outpost thing. If you’re friendly and in mechanical distress, or if you have something to trade, it’s not unusual to head to a known group of mercenaries and ask for truce on tightbeam broadcast to get someone to meet you or actively flag your ship with their ident codes (aka: make you temporarily register in local space as belonging to their ‘fleet’). This is usually for medical essentials, emergency mechanical trouble, and also serves as an informal way for Terminus merchants and traders to make a living without having to worry about being boarded every time they deliver the groceries. It’s considered a grave breach of etiquette to violate truce terms and those who do are hunted down as examples to the rest. Truce terms make “ordinary life” possible for outposts that are otherwise on the edge of traveled space.
[1] Trade-cloth - A canon quarian cultural object. Mentioned in the the fandom wiki and probably part of a quarian codex somewhere. Intricately patterned cloth is common on the Migrant Fleet, but the personal cloths are seldom given to outsiders. Nihlus’s gift is one used in trade, but displays a pattern with more ‘friendly’ cultural connotations than something that would be sold and mass-produced in a shop. It was made special for him by his childhood quarian friends. It’s something that it would be appropriate for him to wear like a scarf on formal occasions when he’s dealing with quarians, or when he’s invited to quarian parties or festivals.
[1] Colony crescents / Falx sickles - Yeah there’s some repetition here, but it’s mostly to contrast the two. I HC that Nihlus’s base colony markings are already curved. “Sickles” are embellishments which add a cutting or combative edgeline in some places and very overt stylized weaponry to standard colony markings. They are additions or alterations that are unique to mercenary groups and may read as “flamboyant” or “aggressive” because they are noticeably different in appearance to Hierarchy turians. This is more or less on purpose, and is a bit on the taboo side. One does not wear these additions or draw their markings in these styles without genuinely belonging to one of these groups -- the patterns are not easy to reproduce correctly or in the right places, and they are generally a source of stigma in Hierarchy basic training.
[1] Sand-bath - How you clean a turian when water is scarce and everyone has to share it.
[2] Draw and fire from retention - The shooting-sports specific term for “shooting from the hip.” Kinda. This breakdown of a scene from Collateral, one of my all-time favorite Michael Mann films, will give you an idea. All of the referenced gun techniques are also more or less real, and lining up your body posture so that it helps with aiming and putting the rounds where you want them to go is a real thing.  Nihlus has a great deal of practice in shooting as self-defense and was training alongside professionals from a young age. Going to the range is one of his hobbies (but not mine, I’m lame and that’s loud).
[2] Triginta Petra - A canon Mass Effect world that is a dustball home to hardscrabble turian farmers. Kavala Kryik’s family were some of the first colonists and they’ve been scratching a living from the surface since she was nine years old. They are very proud of this fact, since it gave them opportunities they wouldn’t have had on their native Oma Ker (also a canon turian world).
[2] Laskaris - Nihlus’s mother’s original family name. Kavala Laskaris. While I don’t have any particular headcanon about whether or not turians do the whole ‘changing surname’ thing when they marry or pair off or whatever, Kavala really liked both the alliteration and the overall aesthetic. Joked with Inaros Kryik, her husband and Nihlus’s father, that she only married him for his pretty colony markings.
[2] Lupulin - Literally, hop acids and the essential oils that you get from ‘hoppy’ beer. A direct reference to hops (Humulus lupulus) and brewing, because why not? Actually is a mild sedative and produces a bit of a chemical high.
[2] Stiletto - A pistol from Haliat armory (turian weapons manufacturer).
[2] Blooded sickles - Worn only by mercenaries who are full / fighting members of Falx or their direct allies. Batarians have their own culturally-coded marks, some of which have been adopted and/or adapted by their turian members as embellishments to colony markings. I HC that newer “commercial” groups like the Blue Suns and Nyreen’s Talons, without a shared cultural background, are imitating this style of marking rather than the other way around. Merc-born turians with old-style batarian trade connections tend to recognize each other through these symbols, which are used most often outside of Council space (i.e. the Terminus Systems and the Attican Traverse).
[2] Pillars of Strength - Canon batarian religious artifact. I treat them as a text or a particular philosophy that values free will and independent action as the signifiers of ‘strength.’ While I don’t have a fleshed out or specific HC for what the ‘tenets’ are, I do know that slave implants are treated as anathema.
[3] Struthious - A reference to Earth ostriches. Some kind of chicken-like prey animal that turians like to cook and eat. Mostly because the thought of Nihlus running around like a chicken to entertain his sisters made me laugh.
[4] Cutter - Bigger than a personal clipper and better armed, with living space for a crew. They come in various sizes and are smaller than frigates.
[4] Cup of mourning - A turian funerary ritual. On Taetrus, performed with a distinctive form of dark ale. Different colony groups have different cultural traditions.
[4] Thalia, Tomyris, and Traian - Nihlus’s three turian siblings. Thalia and Tomyris are his younger twin sisters. Traian is the youngest and his baby brother. While they’re only hinted at in this fic, I do plan to make some references to them in the Air Needing Light arc at some point. There’s also a chance they’ll get their own short!fic appearances.
[4] Hierarchy military grants - A HC pool of money that the Council races put up to fund large-scale basic training for anyone (turian or another client race) completing compulsory citizen service.
[5] Talons and suns - Generic references to other symbols that are common incorporations for mercenary groups. I HC that these were adopted and color-coded by the Blue Suns and the Talons rather than conceptually created by them! 
[5] Fuck the cause, we’ll die for a drink! - Profane versions of the turian Hierarchy anthem are popular drinking songs among the merc-born. If it’s a patriotic and well-known song, you can pretty much guarantee turian mercenaries have parodied it.  Awkward for colony-born squadmates who find these renditions hilarious and catchy—but also a little horrifying.
[6] Optio Sideris, 85th Atrax Legion, Fifth Cohort Operations Section - A one-off turian Blackwatch OC I may bring back in another fic at some point because I ended up liking her. The Hierarchy military organization borrows from the HCs I use for the Air Needing Light AU: 85th Atrax Legion is a joint special forces organizing legion made up of six cohorts. The 5th Cohort is informally known as Blackwatch, while the “Operations Section” is a generic term used by intelligence operators. Optio is a mid-tier leadership rank.
[6] Batarian body language - Batarian language and manners are highly dependent on physical cues according to the Mass Effect canon. I took this one step further with a HC that Nihlus is essentially a native speaker of turian-adapted gestures that translate successfully into batarian social patterns. This physical vocabulary is most refined and most present in culturally batarian mercenary and trading groups with a strong history of turian association and recruitment. While older turians can learn and approximate the gestures, they are best learned and absorbed in childhood. Nihlus “speaks” a form of gestural batarian that places him as a native of the Terminus Systems.
[6] Interrogating batarian prisoners - No torture involved! Optio Sideris trains Nihlus in a more practical form of intelligence gathering that involves building rapport, establishing trust, and remaining consistent. Even pirates or smugglers who would not normally give information to a Hierarchy patrol flotilla can be convinced to—if not speak—occasionally offer hints about the locations and activity of slavers. Nihlus is notable for actually being conversant in traditional batarian moral interpretations of the Pillars of Strength, as well as being able to walk the fine cultural line between guarded respect and abject deference. 
[6] Merc Red - Nihlus’s batarian nickname among the patrol flotilla’s prisoners. A sign of individual respect, since it contains no profanity and is just blandly descriptive.
[7] Broken weapons - A traditional sign of thanks between two non-allied mercenary groups when one has agreed to truce terms. Mostly symbolic.
[7] Tattoos - The permanent marking method of choice when turians are full-grown and have developed a strong preference for the color and personal style of their colony markings. Nihlus decides on a complex ‘full-crest’ Taetran colony pattern embellished with Falx blood sickles. This is more or less him being loud and proud about both his colony origins and his mercenary background, as well as putting them on an even footing by tattooing the entire pattern: mercenary symbols and all.
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adustierstar · 4 years
Lawblr Book Club
Hello naughty children, it’s time for Nissa’s Opinions
Coming in RIGHT under the wire for October book club, but still. I have read the reboggles I could find on T’s tag (bc tumblr search is what it is), and now it’s my turn.
General Questions:
1 - What did you like best / least?
I liked the worldbuilding a lot - I want to know more about the Reaches and the Travelers and why everything is made of wood in Kolonya?? Least... we will get to lol
2 - Would you read more by this author?
mmmmmmmmmmaybe. Like I want to know wtf happened, but I’m also still pretty mad about the ending. We shall see.
3 (a) - If this story followed a different character’s POV, who would you pick and why?
tbh the last thing this book needs is more POVs
3 (b) - Did you like how the three different sister’s POV was used to push the narrative forward? Did it make your reading experience more or less enjoyable?
idk, it was a little slow for my tastes. I did like that the girls all had different perspectives, but I wish they’d had more different personalities. Like Ren and Akeylah are the same person, just brought up with different abuse. And if Zofi has a personality beyond anger, she’s probably the same, too.
4 - What scene stuck with you the most?
I really liked the first time Ren and Zofi confronted Akeylah in the library - it was kinda “did we just become best friends?! YUP!” but also FINALLY gave them a team vibe and distinct specialties.
5 - What kind of lingering questions were you left with (besides the obvious cliffhanger WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO ME ELLEN)
literally what was the point of this being its own book if the single main conflict wasn’t actually resolved???
6 (a) - Could you relate to the characters & their story arcs?
Meh. I mean, a little bit? But overall I didn’t find them terribly relatable.
6 (b) - How do you feel about each character’s ending?
7 - Were there times you disagreed with a character’s actions / would have done something different in their shoes?
8 - Were you rooting for any character or pairing in particular?
I wanted to like Akeylah best bc she seems really sincere and genuine, BUT then suddenly all of her “I’m a secret genius” calculating stuff comes up and it’s a little tough to reconcile those things. I liked each of the girls okay, but I didn’t feel like there was a clear answer to who should rule (aside from Ren’s musing about all 3 of them, maybe).
9 - Do you picture any specific fancasts when reading the book?
The only one I have any clear idea what she looks like is Akeylah, but I can’t think of anyone who looks like that, you know? I think of Zofi as looking like an angry Ice Climber from Smash Bros. And like...idk maybe Letitia Wright for Ren? Maybe Lupita Nyong’o or Gugu Raw for Rozalind, unless she’s supposed to be the girls’ age, then somebody younger, I guess? Idk.
Story Specific Questions:
11 - Did you enjoy how each girl’s secret was teased out? Do you like when authors slow-roll this kind of information?
I do like a slow rollout (”who taught him ‘rollout’?!”), I think there’s a lot to be said for setting readers loose in medias res, BUT I also think it wasn’t handled amazingly here - idk maybe it’s just me, but I felt like it was sort of stage-whispering. Like “oh no I hope no one guesses my TERRIBLE SECRET!!! I would be in SO MUCH trouble!!” It just felt very obvious to me, although the secrets themselves weren’t obvious (the first time we learned about them).
12 - Do you think each character was fleshed out sufficiently, such that you had a sense of the different personality for each sister?
Not really? Kind of. An attempt was made with the girls, but basically no one else got any dimension whatsoever.
13 - Do you have guesses on who the blackmailer is?
Not really, bc this book broke every rule of how to write an engaging mystery. Like literally the only people who could POSSIBLY be it from the information we have are Rozalind, Vidal, and Andros, none of which really make sense given everything else, but like???? I guess Rozalind is my best guess bc she was acting kinda sus re: the acolyte etc. But I think that would be a bad choice unless a lot of other things change between now and that reveal.
14 - Was Yasmin a believable antagonist to you?
Like. I thought she was SCREAMINGLY obviously a red herring the entire book. She was brusque with the girls, and there was some weirdness in the first scene where the girls meet the king where I thought maybe she was possessing him, but that’s obviously just the weird mind link thing they did, and that’s it. Like being a bitch isn’t illegal.
15 - Do you think the daughters’ secrets were defensible actions?
Kinda? Like, definitely understandable, but like, is murder ever defensible? Ren had no reason to suspect her information would be used the way it was (whether or not Danton knew is something I’m not convinced on either way), Akeylah had no reason to believe she wasn’t cursing the man she fully expected to kill her (although MAYBE she should have paid closer attention during the cursing itself?? Like, the distance seems like it should have played a role in how hard it was to find “her father”), and Zofi perhaps overreacted, but used what seemed like appropriate force at the time in defense of another’s life (or rather she couldn’t/didn’t want to  think of a way to simply restrain or incapacitate Nicolen, so stabby stabby). Was it stupid? Yes, for all of them. But they’re children (are they 18? I forget how old they’re supposed to be. Also, why are they the same age, if they are? was that just Andros’s Good Fuckin Year?)
16 - How do you feel about this unique system of magic?
WEIRD. I NEED MORE INFORMATION. WHY does the blood have to be drawn? Where does it go? What is the scarring situation with these people? What about the SHARDS OF GLASS permanently embedded in Zofi’s legs? Speaking of which, how the FUCK are Travelers out here hand-blowing glass in a mobile way??? That’s not a pick-up-and-carry craft! What’s the cooldown period for tithing? Why is it CALLED tithing? Who are you tithing TO? What negative effects are there for tithing for too long? Zofi mentions that they exist, but this is never explained. I feel like after all her reading, Akeylah should be able to answer these questions for me. BUT SHE DIDN’T.
17 - Was the theme of racism sufficiently handled?
Handled..??? If by that you mean vaguely suggested as existing and occasionally seems to have affected some characters’ lives, sure. Like, the closest we got was “Vidal’s not as racist as some other people yay!”
18 - Do you have any theories about the poem found in the library?
tbh I don’t even remember a poem in the library, just the notes about the weird echo situation.
19 - How did you feel about the cliffhanger ending?
BAD. VERY BAD. It was like the ending of Cars in that it retroactively ruined a lot of the book for me. NOTHING was accomplished in this ENTIRE book WHY
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