#morty x male reader
d-x-z · 9 months
Evil morty (from the fanfic) x male reader
Note: If you read the fanfic, I do call back to their times, and I mention this one before, but I will turn them into oneshots >:)
(Posted before the fanfic is published—needed to be proofread, arc 1 needs to be rewritten/improved— for context, evil morty is just morty prime but before he decided to go solo. Pre-rick event)
17+ DNI, 16 and under blogs only!!
IMPORTANT NOTE: if there's weird cuts that skips paragraphs that doesn't complete the last one please tell me cuz my clipboards weird and won't copy paste the whole thing so I have to cut it into sections and I post through phone and it's so fucking awkward to work around
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Desc: snow angels, hot chocolate, ice skating, and a burning heart to warm themselves for the winter... and even a furball to surprise them♡
Type: love/fluff
"YAYAYAYA WAKE UP MORTY!!" The brunette was passed out on his bed as a drool went down his face."MORTY WAKE UPPPPPP ITS SNOWING!!" yelled the boy who was clinging unto his life as he's outside his window. groaning, he started clawing unto the window with his hands.
"I don't want to bother your parents by going through the front door!!" Trying to claw the window open, he then saw morty stir up. The exact moment he opened his eyes, he saw Y/n covered in snow. The only thing keeping him warm was the ear muffs and the sweater he wore, "what the? Y/n what are you doing??"
He yawned as he got up to open the window. Without thinking, he let Y/n in forgetting he was covered in snow "jesus! It's cold!!!" He shivered when Y/n shook his body spraying the snow towards him as well. As y/n picked up the ear muffs he shook off "Wanna go outside and make a snow man? It's snowing right now"
pointing his thumb behind him to the window morty looked at his clock "it's 6 in the morning.. let's go downstairs even mom won't be awake during this hour. It's holidays, " he rubbed his eyes as Y/n followed behind only problem was it was snowing a bit too hard, they had to wait for a few hours to calm down.
Morty went to the bathroom while Y/n went downstairs to the living room passing by the front door to take off his shoes. Sitting on the couch, he looked out the window it really was snowing hard...did he lock his windows??
He thought to himself before deciding to deal with that later. He heared footsteps behind and it was morty in a ugly Christmas sweater "yeesh goodmorning" Y/n tilted his head backwards to see morty, his view was upside down.
“anyways you ate breakfast?” Y/n sat back up to turn around “nah, got hot coco?” morty went away to the kitchen while Y/n followed by “not nesquick, like actual hot coco” Y/n stood beside him in the counter
“that will take a whole 20 minutes to do Y/n..” “it’s not that bad, We got the time it’s christmas! C’mon get the cups i’ll get the stove ready” Y/n opened the cupboard before morty got the mugs from the drying rack
Y/n placed a pot on the stove along with milk, “can you get the sugar and cocoa powder for me real quick” Y/n opened his palm while morty searched through the kitchen and placed it on his hand
Placing in cocoa and sugar he stirred the pot, “vanilla extract, i think summer placed it in the left cupboard the last time i remember” morty checked but it wasnt there, checking the other cupboard he finally got it
Handing over to Y/n. Placing a few drops of extract he handed it back to morty, stirring it morty handed over the mugs opening the fridge to search for the whipped cream “oh my god wait, we need chocolate chips morty do you still have some??”
“oh shit, no sorry dad used it all last night for his ginger bread house” morty rolled his eyes before walking towards him with whipped cream “dang it, it’s fine we still got the creamy version of it
Pouring the hot coca unto the mugs morty helped Y/n with placing whipped cream on it “there’s still some more, let’s just keep it here. They can heat it later if they want some” morty told before bringing the mug to his lips
Sipping unto the hot coca, he cringed and retracted “hot!” Y/n laughed “dumbass i JUST made it” morty and Y/n stood leaning unto the kitchen counter, morty looked at Y/n blowing unto his mug. Y/n looked at morty looking at him before he akwardly laughed “what? Got something on my face?” morty shook hid head no before sipping his hot coca
“well seems like you’re the one that does now” Y/n laughed before his hand reached to morty’s lips, wiping away the whip cream on the corner of his mouth “o-oh, thanks” he felt something
But he couldn’t exactly pin point what he did feel at that moment, “c’mon let’s get back to the living room i think there’s a new episode of south park out” “jesus, how many season’s do they have already?” “dunno, it’s fun watching though”
As the morning passes by, Beth and Summer woke up to see morty and Y/n under a blanket watching the tv.
“seriously? I still don’t understand how you’re a dog person morty” watching dogs surround Tom holland in his puppy interview “dogs are cool! They’re just really fun to be around”
“you wanna get a dog?” morty looked at Y/n crossing his hands with a happy grin “yeah?! Who doesn’t” “what are you gonna name it when you actually do get one?” morty rested his head on Y/n shoulder thinking to himself
“dunno...probably snuffles” Y/n snickered trying his best to cover it “Hey! I can feel you laughing!” morty called Y/n out “of course! But why snuffles? Not like i can stop you from naming your dog” Y/n wheezed at the thought
“they’ll have good fur! And we can cuddle too!”
“what if they don’t wanna?”
“what if they have short hair?”
“... I’ll still love him”
“what if it’s a girl?”
“PFFT- okay okay i’ll stop”
Hearing a pair of key’s chime both boys looked behind him “excuse me boys, can you both please wake up jerry upstairs. We’re going to be late for the towns christmas show, if you both want to go to the skating ring early then you better wake him up. And morty go get ready last time you forgot your scarf and gotten sick”
Both Y/n and morty complied before Y/n simply followed morty, “wanna go to some stores after ice skating?” Y/n brought up “im broke, used my last pocket money to get gta 5” “aw boo, okay then”
The towns center was crowded with people, Y/n and the smiths watched the stage as acrobats sang and danced together. Morty once more looked over to Y/n’s face seeing his eyes light up im amazment
Even though the snow is pouring in, and he’s barely keeping himself warm he couldn’t help but feel warm inside. Y/n looked back at morty snapping him back to reality as Y/n shook morty “MORTY LOOK AT THEM!! IT’S SO COOL!!” Y/n excitedly cheered
Instinctively holding unto morty’s hand to not get lost in the crowd, time passed by as now the show finally ended. Both Y/n and the smith family were now in a more cleared up crowd as they dispersed to the different food stalls and venders selling ugly christmas sweaters
“ok you both boys be safe alright?? If you need anything me and jerry are gonna be near the food stalls ok?” both nodded before Y/n dragged morty to the ice ring, morty slipped on the snow but Y/n still pulled him up with joyful laughter as the two boys laughed it out
Standing in front of a guy giving out skates “10 bucks each” Y/n gladly paid for morty before they went over to check which skates would fit them “you still don’t know how to skate Y/n you sure you can do this?”
“you doubting me pokemon collecter?” “you collect pokemon card too!?” Y/n laughed before standing both held hands before entering the ice ring, once they did Y/n instead gripped unto the railings
“okay! Okay! This could be the biggest regret ever!” Y/n held the ring like a scared kitty morty simply stood there perfectly fine “just try walking towards me, v shape remember?” Y/n looked at morty reaching his hand out while the other rest on his hips
Breathing out Y/n made small steps to him, a small smile appeared on his face after morty finally gotten to hold unto him “wow, im suprised you didn’t slip yet” “shut up” Y/n grinned looking down unto the ice
“now follow me, and don’t drag me down when you do fall” morty warned Y/n lightly “pfft, i definitely will” morty rolled his eyes before letting go of Y/n leaving him in the middle of the skating ring
“m-morty!! Asshole don’t leave me here!!” “well, just do the same thing you did before. Just without me holding you” Y/n wanted to panic but he’ll fall on his ass if he did “no! I WILL fall if i try going towards you”
Morty slowly backed up “quickly before the gap starts increasing” Y/n’s eyes twitched before his skate dug unto the ice skidding towards him, morty was actually shocked that Y/n managed to get himself to move faster than what he’s personally comfortable with
“w-wait i don’t know how to stop!?” Y/n yelled, morty moved a bit to the left before grabbing y/n. But he underestimated how fast the momentum went and got dragged along with Y/n
His eyes widened before he dug his skate to the ice preventing them both to fall,
the warm breaths of both boys breezed to their faces, as their faces were so close to one another. Both of their face’s turned bright red, either from the cold or their proximity, Y/n felt warm
His chest filled him with a warm shiver. Before he went to quickly kiss morty, before morty could reciprocate Y/n managed to stand up by himself “a-anyways, wanna go skate else where?”
Y/n grinned while morty looked at his eyes “y-yeah”
“that was fun” morty looked at y/n “you fell 16 times that whole 30 minutes we were in there” “still fun” looking around morty looked at a wishing station, “Y/n, you wanna go wish?”
Looking at Y/n “oh, sure-sure yeah!” he smiled “wait go ahead i’ll just tie my shoes” Y/n raised his eyebrows before slowly walking away “yeah but you need to hurry up m-”
A snow ball was thrown at the back of his head, turning around he saw morty holding a few more snow balls “betrayal!! C’mere you little shit!” he smirked before cupping snow on his hands throwing it at morty
Chasing after him both boys laughed “can’t catch me shorty!” “morty im literally taller than you!?” morty tried throwing a snow ball at him but Y/n dodged “nuh uh” Y/n looked at morty getting the reference
“the fuck you mean nuh uh!?” he quotted back, before throwing a snow ball at his back, morty threw his last snow ball but missed and hit another persons back. Both boy’s eyes widened before Y/n rushed to the closest stall to pretend to check out it’s contents while morty turned around seeming a bit lost looking around
The man looked around in shock and anger, but morty looked at Y/n and walked towards him “best fucking save ever” “best counter attack ever” morty looked at Y/n confused but his face was stuffed with snow
“BLEGH! It came in my mouth!” “mia khalifa’s sex tape” Y/n laughed proud of the reference he made, he helped clean his hair from the snow. And shockingly enough they were already at the wishing stall
Both boys were greeted by the stall worker “and how about you two? Care to give a wish stick a try?” Y/n smiled before pulling out 2 dollars “oh no need for cash, it’s free for couples” She smiled
Both boys looked at her with a blush, but played in for free wishes. The lady shook the box before presenting it to the boys “first think about your wish, then pick out one popsicle stick”
Both of the boys glances at each other before picking out a stick
[your embodied love, they aren’t far from your reach. Maybe they’re in plain sight]
Y/n hummed to himself with a smile
[everything you love, will be there for you. It will never find itself away from you]
Morty’s eyes clicked realizing something before looking at Y/n
“now, kiss the popsicle and burn the tip. It’s a sign of promise that whatever your wish was will come true”
Both boys kissed the popsicle and burnt the tip on the red candle.
“now keep that popsicle and never show anyone, you can only reveal it once it’s been granted to you” she smiled before the two boys thanked her and walked away
“i already got mine granted” “same here” “so what’s yours?” morty looked away before showing his popsicle stick Y/n “aww that’s so sweet! Mine’s cute” Y/n showed him his popsicle
Morty smiled at it “yeah, c’mon let’s go eat”
“morty try these crepes!! They’re really good!” Y/n offered some of his crepes to morty, morty took a bite off it before humming “it’s actually pretty good, want to try this shawarma?”
Y/n nodded before morty offered some as Y/n bit into it, “oh, it’s spicy” Y/n’s taste buds shifted from sweet to spicy “yeah, i just wanted to try some since they’re about to be out” both boys walked by each other before
Morty’s ears perked up and heared something, stopping and looking around Y/n stopped with him, confused. “you ‘aight?” “wait..” morty handed over his shawarma before shoveling his hands throught he snow
Y/n peeked to see morty holding a small dog “w-what!? Holy shit morty!? Is it still breathing, we need to get it near warm fire or something!??” Y/n panicked before morty took off his orange scarf and covered the dog for warmth
“c’mon let’s go to my parents there might be a warm fire around” Y/n followed morty before taking a sneaky small bite into his shawarma
“morty! Dear god where did you get a dog??!” jerry looked at morty in shock, they were sitting at a table Y/n placed their food down “let’s go to that stall they have barbecue maybe we can stand near it for heat!” Y/n pointed out before morty and Y/n quickly rushed over
Standing near the barbecue Y/n apologized for having the dog near the food but the one who ran the stall understood and allowed them to use the heat, even once the food cooked they placed it else where just so that morty can help the dog get warm
“who would leave a dog out here like that??” morty checked that it’s fur was quite dirty, probably a stray. morty slowly patted the dog to try pumping it’s blood flow, Y/n scratched the dogs ear
“poor little guy...” “he probably was abandoned, the snow unfortunately came around these times so he had to survive on his own” morty frowned Beth and jerry came over “okay boy’s let’s go home, Summer’s heading over to her friends house for a sleepover. And then maybe we’d find a way to take care of the poor dog. Where did you guys even find it?”
Beth passed their food to Y/n “we were walking after getting food and morty probably heared a whine under the snow” Y/n looked at morty holding the dog “yeah were going back home, now that morty can’t use his scarf he’s definetly going to catch a cold and the dog needs warmth and probably food”
“so you’re gonna keep the dog?” “of course i will!” “it’s funny, didn’t we talk about dogs this morning? It’s like some christmas miracle you just got him” Y/n held beth’s hair blower and had it to low heat
The dog was conscious but very weak, morty still kept it laying on his scarf a small plastic bowl with left over food from yesterday “what are you gonna name him? It’s a boy right?” morty nodded
“hmm, snuffles.” “you’ve got to be kidding me” “what? It’s the best i can come up with! And he also has nice fur!” morty patted the dogs belly “you could’ve gone with snow balls, his fur is white as snow. And either way he even looks like a snow ball when he curls up to sleep!”
Y/n explained before morty gave in “ok fine, snowballs...” the dog looked around before sniffing the bowl. Y/n brought it closer to it before it started eating slowly. Y/n sighed and leaned near morty since the heater was closer to him
Morty looked at Y/n with a smile before cupping his face to kiss him
“merry christmas Y/n”
A smirked laid upon Y/n face looking at morty
“merry christmas morty”
Note: ... I still wonder how i still written them as friends during this. It’s called a psuedo relationship, situationship is more sexual and negative i think? which is not what im looking for. So a psuedo fit’s more better since it’s more on acting like a commited relationship even though both never really talked about it. And i thought about homoerottic relationship but google lables it to be more of a sexual desire thing too which i don’t think is what im trying to find so idk how to lable these two.
BUT ANYWAYS they’re friends with benefits i think? Google went and said “people who fear to really confess to each other” but i don’t think that’s the case between those two, they’re more like. Like. Losers that doesn’t know what to when it comes to love so they just literally “go with the flow”
I will post the actual full fanfic instead of making one shots like these about them without much context and ig ‘canon’ plot explained so probably around january i’ll be posting it
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aliciamorov · 10 months
Rick Sanchez season 7 simping moment part I don't even know
This ep is crazay damn
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I love this man god
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This is so cute btw
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Is this seat taken 🤭
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He's eepy
(the scene is hilarious 😭)
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Overall the ep was weird as fuck but very cool
Thank you goodnight everyone 😘😘
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deadqueerboys · 10 months
Rick: Where's your Rick?
Evil Morty: I don't have one, I have a M/n.
Rick: A M/n?! You're kidding me? I don't see my ex husband in years.
Morty *whispering*: I can't even wonder why..
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Morty: wha- what is it M/n
M/n: it’s Ricks phone… he’s been on TikTok for over a day watching those space weasel robot things
Morty: oh no
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
I want to flirt with the old man (C-137 Rick) just real shameless
Rick Sanchez (C-137) being flirted with
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Not even sure if this is a request anon, but it sure is now since me too. This is like season 6 Rick btw, so hes secretly a softy, because i said so.
-          Now Rick being Rick it would depend on the timing or who you were. If you were just a rando he met at the bar or on an adventure, and it wasn’t life or death. Rick would flirt back, maybe even take you off to a side room if you know what I mean ;))))
-          If you were someone more constant in his life, like an ally or an old friend like birdperson, he would still flirt back but it would be a less “get in my bed” type, and more play flirting between friends. He would play it as a joke unless you made it obvious you actually wanted him romantically.
-          Then he would be flustered and not truly know what to do, but again Rick being Rick there is no way he would let you know he’s flustered. He would rather die than let people know he feels things.
-          He might start making you things, like inventions or whatever you might need. He would lay it on thick with his own flirting, but it would be super over the top to counter your own shameless flirting.
 -          Your first kiss is definitely when hes absolutely wasted. You would be flirting with him again, maybe draped over his back and making kissy noises and he just turns his head and kisses you. He would grab your jaw and really get in there, tongue and everything. Then he would pull back, stare at you, tell you that your cute, and pass the fuck out.
-          He would have forgotten all about the kiss when he wakes up the next day because he was so drunk, but when you start acting all blushy and shy he checks the cameras in the garage and sees what he did.
-          Rick isn’t one for words, so he would just start showing that it wasn’t just a drunk action. He would keep making you things, but this time he would be more personal about it. Maybe he would even gift you stuff of his, like a flesh curtains shirt or he would take you out on “adventures” that are pretty much just dates.
-          When the two of you finally confess and get together the flirting gets cranked up a thousand times more, the two of you are all over each other and over the top. Using the dumbest petnames and always kissing, well its mainly you kissing Rick all over his face and hands.
-          Summer starts fake gagging when it happens, and its probably led to some Smith family arguments because Rick and you are so annoying sometimes with your flirting.
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j3st3r-13 · 1 year
Are you open to requests rn?? Bc if you are, may I pls request Rick Sanchez with interdimensional traveling bf?? If your requests are closed feel free to discard this! Thank you
Rick Sanchez with an interdimensional travelling bf!
rick is used to being the only one who can, so when you have it mastered as well? he doesnt take it well. hes terrified that your gonna supass him so in true rick fashion, he immeditly takes his young grandson to try and kill you.
your just taking a moment, taking a nice drink when some old grandad lunges at you, you dont now why or how hes here. but you fight anyway.
ricks fighting to the death so you flee, hes prepared. you're not.
enemies to loversssss
you begin preparing for rick now, your device is effecient and working. your equipment is leathal and your so ready for this grandad.
rick and morty are getting ice cream when you walk out of your own portal and kick rick into a wall.
you kick the shit out of one another until morty drags him home.
you could chase him to his home, threaten the family. but you dont. in some sad way ricks given you purpuse, so you let him go and wait for him to returm the favour.
It's like peter griffin and that Chicken man
after a few months it feels less like a fight to the death and more like a hangout between friends
youll ask him about how Beths doing as you nearly break his jaw, he asks you about your local bar before hurtling you through a window. its carthatric
one day, your having you usaul "hang outs" but ricks clearly pissed that day, and slices open your abdomen with a lazer.
he freaks
your ears are back up and running long before you can crack open your eyes. your drifting in a sort of haze. the pleasent buzz almost drowns the conversation you still cant see. "your boyfriend has received severe abdomen damage, Doctor Ajsdhswfhasjdkfhvh, its confident that they will recover soon."
"he better. now fuck off." his voice is even more hoarse then usual and he sounds... nearby. ricks here. hes with you. he hasnt left.
your eyes blearily open, and a tired grin breaks open your face. "you didnt deny it, rick."
the scientist practically jumps a foot in the air, before clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his neck."yay. your alive. i wanted your shit- what?"
your grin grows impossibly wider. you've done many things to Rick, reigned hell on his life. but making him nervous? That's a first. even your most elaborate traps he figures out in moments. "he called me your boyfriend, you didnt deny it."
"fuck off, i liked you better asleep."
"i love you too, Rickie."
he pauses eyes wide and he just looks at you. searching your face for any hint of a lie or cruel joke. when he finds nothing he speaks. "who wouldn't? now move up in that bed," you raised a brow and rick scoffed. "Don't get your dick all excited its easier to see interdimensional cable this way. if you gonna be such a fuck-"
your hands to grip his lab coat. touch soft rather than cruel. silently begging for him to stay, you don't like hospitals and he knows that. he knows everything. his bony hands hold your cheek and the movement leaves you breathless, hands that are built for harm. healing. healing you, just you.
sorry if this isnt exactly what you wanted but I got caught up lmao. feel free to request though. its always fun to write for yall and I love hearing your ideas. yall so creative. :)
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scoliosisgoblin · 2 years
(I'm doing one cause I'm inspired)
Beth: So, m/n, dad-
M/n: Yeah?
Rick: Yes, sweetie?
Beth: Well, you two have been together for a while now, I was just wondering... how did you two meet?
Rick: Strip club.
Beth: Wow, at a place that objectifies women? So romantic.
M/n: I was the stripper.
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●°~Rick Sanchez x Male Reader
Summary: Reader falls asleep on rick while watching a movie with him.
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It's was a dumb comedy, romance movies, and tbh rick was almost asleep himself.
Every time there was a cheezy lovy dovy moment, rick would groan and complain about how shit this is. You'd laugh everytime he did, it was funny to you. And every time you'd laugh you'd get yet another pillow thrown at you. It was a dull 1hour and 30 minutes but moments likes these made it... a little less dull.
But it was fucking late and you where tired, so about 1hour and 2minutes you could feel your eyes closing. You forced them open multiple times, but you couldn't stop gravity tho.
You fell onto ricks shoulder, the familiar smell of alcohol hitting you like a punch. While still conscious, you felt him jump and look at you. "What the fuck are you doing?" Your throat was dry and your eyes where to heavy to try and open again.
And in an instant you where out. You fell down so now your head was in ricks lap. In your sleep you hugged his legs, cuddling them. Rick stared down at you, completely dumb founded.
He tried to shake you awake but you where knocked out. Nothing was gonna wake you up now. He groaned picking you up.
He layed down on the coach and layed you on top of him. You cuddled into him once again, softly groaning in your sleep. He was real pissed about this. But what the hell.
He pet your back, slowly moving his hand up and down. He watched the last painfull minutes of that movie like it was real torture. It wasn't the same when you where asleep, but now seeing you like this, he didn't want to wake you up anymore.
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tiredcatboysinc · 5 months
Kiss by the plastic ocean
Hello everypony, today I offer Batter/reader fic. Tomorrow? probably nothing
Summary: The Batter didn’t like to stay in one place for too long, it put him on edge and made him nervous. You made him nervous. You were his player for fucks sake! You shouldn’t be standing here, you should be getting on with the damn story!
Words: 1050
Warnings: None
The cool breeze of Zone 2 brushed past your face, a few strands of hair blowing lightly in the wind. The Batter stood silently next to you as you looked over the small cliff that led to the ocean of plastic, his arms crossed tightly over his chest with an unimpressed look on his face. You had suggested taking a small break from all the purifying, aka beating the shit out ghosts, and walking. For once, Batter had taken you on the idea and let you lead him to the cliffside. Now he was regretting his decision as the breeze blew on him, his brows furrowed heavily under the brim of his hat every time the wind blew too hard. When you suggested a break, he expected something else. He maybe thought you’d drag him to the library, at least then he could beat up any ghosts that he so happened to see.
The Batter didn’t like to stay in one place for too long, it put him on edge and made him nervous. You made him nervous. You were his player for fucks sake! You shouldn’t be standing here, you should be getting on with the damn story! Every bone and muscle in his body was tensed, holding back the urge to grab you by the scruff and pull you back to the plot. One of his fingers taps impatiently on his forearm, yet this went unnoticed by you. Your eyes were shut softly, you inhaled the scent of the air. Of course, it smelt like plastic and slight smoke, but it hadn’t bothered you yet. The scent was almost comforting to you, yet you weren’t sure why.
Maybe you had just gotten used to the smell, or, perhaps, it smelt like home. That was silly, of course. Though in a way…the scent made you feel safe, it made you feel like nothing was wrong. You decide that whatever the reason is, why ever you’ve come to like the smell of the Zones, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that you were okay with it, and you were. A small clearing of a throat knocks you from your peaceful bliss, and you open your eyes to find the source of this cough; The Batter. You can feel his eyes shooting a heavy gaze through you even though they weren’t visible. Your eyes gaze back, though your look is much softer. As your brows furrow you frown a little “What? Are you not enjoying this moment, Mr. Batter?” you question, your voice having just a tinge of mischievousness. Though the heavy sarcasm covers that mischievousness.
Batter groans, leaning his head back to the sky. “We should be getting on with the story, dammit,” he grumbles with annoyance dripping from his tone. You whine in playfulness, turning to him with a pout on your face. He doesn’t face back to you, but he knows what you’re doing. You always pouted when he complained about anything, in honesty, you pouted at anything you could. His mouth turns to a grimace, his brows furrowing even deeper than before. Another whine is flung from your lips, your pout intensifying as you whine louder. The Batter grips his arms tightly as he pulls his shoulders up, his jaw clenched tightly as he groans through gritting teeth. Batter knew you needed to start going again, but goddammit if your stupid ass pout didn’t make him want to let you do what you wanted… Another grumble leaves his mouth before he sighs out “...Fine.” and you jump with joy, literally. You giggle happily as you wrap your arms around The Batter in a hug, smiling up at him gratefully.
He turns his head away from you, pulling the brim of his hat to cover his cheeks that began to burn. “Don’t think this will be a normal occurrence, we’ve got to continue…” He mutters as his stomach turns with embarrassment. A few of the Elsen that had been sitting around the cliffside, doing the same as you, glance over as you giggle profusely. You’re almost vibrating with giddiness, so much to the point you almost don’t notice how Batter’s face is beginning to glow with a blush.
When you start to calm down, you notice his glowing cheeks as well as his poor attempt to hide it. His jaw clenches even tighter, if that’s possible when your giggling pauses. Your eyes are now fixated on his embarrassed expression, and a mischievous grin creeps up your face. You stand on the tips of your shoes, leaning as close as you can to Batter’s face. “Is someone embarrassed?” You sing out, making sure to emphasize ‘embarrassed’. He doesn’t respond, his eyes looking off into the distance as if he now finds the ocean interesting. Batter swallows harshly when your voice drops to a faint whisper, only one that someone as close as him could hear “What’s wrong, love? Did I fluster you?’
That’s it, you’ve killed him, Batter is now dead and it’s your fault. The Batter’s face is now as red as a cherry, his breathing stiffened as he slowly brings his gaze to you. You’re just so… close. It makes his heart race with how you look at him, a hidden look of yearning in his eyes. As if you could read his mind, you place a hand on his shoulder and tilt your head slightly. That stupid smirk never leaves your lips, and now, he thinks, would be the perfect time to wipe it off. A tense swallow is given from him, your stiff breaths lingering in the air.
Batter pulls his hat off, holding it to the side of your face. Effectively blocking the view from anyone looking. His free hand falls to your lower back, and he pushes you forward gently. Your lips fall into his, in a nervous, yet loved fill kiss. Of course, you reciprocate. Your hands slide up to cup his cheeks tenderly, and you feel yourself smile into the short kiss.
Batter pulls back first, his eyes meeting yours in an equally as flustered gaze. You blink, and then you smile. “You should do that more often.” You giggle, and Batter averts his gaze quickly.
“...Only if you’re lucky.” He mumbles as a small smile creeps onto his face.
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What would Yves react if his darling is like that psychologist from rick and morty, like she is calm, level headed and always ask him if he is comfortable or okay and lets him talk about jis feelings with out a hint of judgement, even though she knew what kind of person he is
You can psychoanalyze him all you want, but he will not budge. At most, he will just smile and let you keep talking. Yves adores that you're concerned about his feelings and judge nothing of him, but he thinks you wouldn't understand. Or you couldn't handle what he has to say.
You can hear him talk, but it's all fluff and no substance. He reroutes the conversation back to you effortlessly no matter how many years of experience you have. You could deconstruct his personality calmly and lovingly, yet his ego wouldn't be threatened, Yves already knows that about himself. He's just nodding to you reiterating what he discovered decades ago.
Yves is a tough one to crack because there is nothing to crack. You're simply barking up the wrong tree, if you ever want to know his entire life story, you will need to access his vault. Which is close to impossible unless he deems that you must witness it. But that is reserved for the most tolerant of shock, the most unsound of minds. Yves doesn't need a therapist. He knows what he is feeling and he knows how to fully control his emotions. He isn't lost, confused, anxious, or in need of a listening ear. Yves has his eyes on the prize at all times and his mind is clear.
So in the sense of vulnerability, Yves isn't human. If he isn't comfortable about something, he will let you know. He doesn't need anyone to give him permission to complain.
Yves would really rather talk about you instead.
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buglism · 1 month
Fandoms / others
“Welcome user; access granted, loading menu”
Sebastian Solace, Pressure (roblox)
What we do in the shadows (TV show)
Undertale (and some AUs)
Monsters (aliens, ghosts, demons, orcs, vampires, etc!)
OFF by mortis ghost
Dead By Daylight (Survivors & Killers)
Valorant <3 (all of them!)
L o a d i n g . . .
L o a d i n g . . .
L o a d i n g . . .
L o a d i n g . . .
This will be updated when need be
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aliciamorov · 11 months
A POST TO SIMP FOR SEASON 7 RICK AHHHH (the photos are so bad bc i was taking pictures of my laptop☠️did I even write that right)
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wet hair rick ✅
he gets more and more hot with every season (i want him so bad)
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deadqueerboys · 10 months
Morty: You killed the man who killed your wife, now that it ended we should-
Rick: Kill the man who killed my husband.
Morty: Your what?!
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M/n: *currently passed out*
Rick: what happened to him?
Morty: he cut his finger and freaked out from all the blood
M/n: I.. I’m o..okay…. Need Water..
Rick: HONEY?!!
M/n: you’re so pretty when you worry *passes out again*
Inspired by true events that happened to me
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Hey there! Saw requests were open was wondering if I could get some yandere!rick prime headcanons? I know he doesn’t “technically” care about anything but I could see him as the type to be like “I decided you’re mine so you’re mine” kinda thing! thanks for the writing we love and appreciate you for it!
Yandere Rick Prime
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How did you know Prime Rick is one of my fave Rick and Morty characters anon 👀
Tw for yandere themes, ig?
 -          You are right to believe that Rick Prime would have no love for another person or living creature, as he sees little to no worth in others and their lives. He especially would hate other Ricks, or anyone related to Ricks.
-          But if you happen to catch his attention somehow, I wish you luck. Now, it would be difficult in the first place to catch his attention in a way that he doesn’t want to test you or want you dead.
-          Maybe you are rare in the multiverse, maybe other versions of you work as a great companion or lover for other Ricks. That would be enough to catch his attention in the beginning at least, so he would find a version of you that fits his palette the most and take them.
-          Prime Rick has most likely taken multiple versions of yourself before he comes across you, but when they stopped serving their purpose or grew boring, he would get rid of them, each in different disgusting and violent ways.
 -          When he stumbled across you in the multiverse though, he became hooked in the way an addict is hooked. Now, he has no romantic love for you, it’s more the love one has for their car or their pet.
-          You are different from other versions of yourself, seeing as you have no Rick or Morty. Actually, you had grown tired of your Ricks shit and told him to shove it after a few too many adventures went south and after your Rick verbally abused you too much.
-          That really had Prime interested, as most versions of you always bent over backwards for Ricks and put up with the treatment. Prime started stalking you after that, researching you and your habits like one would an insect or newly discovered animal.
-          He will go through your things with little care, not caring if you realize he’s stalking you. I mean, what could you really do against him if you ever caught him?
 -          He stays hidden in the beginning more for the fun of it, wanting to see if your dimensions Rick will notice him, or if you will ever figure it out.
-          Prime has a good laugh when you assume its your dimensions Rick that has been going through your things, stealing your clothes, or even taking your toothbrush. In reality its Prime who’s been taking all of it, adding it to an ever growing “pile of research” that in reality is more akin to a shrine.
-          His interest in you bubbles into obsession at some point, not that Prime really minds it one bit. His thoughts are consumed by you, and he has decided by himself that you are his version of (Y/N) whether you like it or not.
-          Prime starts planning on taking you with him, having seen how many Ricks take their version of you on dates or adventures, he wants that too, just to try it out he tells himself. Not because his obsession has grown to the point where he lives and breathes you.
  -          He loves how different you are, he wants to take you apart and find out just why you are so starkly the opposite of other versions of you.
-          He’s convinced you are specifically made for him, and that the reason you grew tired of your own Ricks shit was because he wasn’t good enough, and that since Prime is the true Rickest Rick, you will be perfect together.
-          Prime will lose his shit one day when your dimensions Rick shows up to your place, trying to apologize the way Ricks do. It even looked like your Rick had cut down on his drinking, cleaned himself up and tried to adjust his behavior.
-          Right as Prime is about to go in and kill the Rick, you just scoff at the other man and tell him to go die for all you care and slam the door in his face.
-          Prime is delighted because this just fits the theory in his mind even more, that the only Rick right for you is himself.
 -          One day Prime will simply wander into your life. You’re sitting on the couch in your living room, maybe trying to find a job or similar, when a green portal opens above the couch.
-          At first you think its your dimensions Rick and are ready to unleash hell upon him when he lands on the cushions, but the arm thrown over your shoulder isn’t wearing a lab coat, and looking close this Rick has completely different hair and looks younger.
-          Normally you would have yelled at the random Rick anyways for barging in on you like that, but something about the look in this Ricks eyes and the way his smile just seemed a little too sharp at the edges made something tingle in the back of your mind.
-          The tingle was fight or flight, and where among (Y/N)s you were different, because yours always told you to fight compared to other versions of yourself who always took flight. For once it didn’t just tell you to run, it screamed it so loud you tried to fling yourself off the couch.
-          But Primes arm was iron tight around your shoulder and pulled you right back down, the Rick cackling at your attempted scramble, seeming extremely amused as you tried to hit, scratch, kick and even bite.
 -          You could do nothing but struggle as Prime wrapped both his arms around you, pulling you against his chest, not even reacting as you nail him between the legs in a last attempt to free yourself.
-          When you have tired yourself out completely and finally look up at the Rick, Prime shoots you a smile that would almost be sweet, if it wasn’t for the fact that he had blood splattered all over his face.
-          That’s when you finally notice how he seemed to be slathered in the stuff, trying to flinch back when one of his hands come up to cradle your face in his palm, leaving a wet bloody handprint against your skin.
-          “Come on (Y/N), why are you trying to leave so badly?” he coos as if taunting you. Some part of your brain notices that he isn’t burping or slurring like other Ricks you’ve met, but the survival part of your brain didn’t care much for those facts.
-          “W-what do you want” you growl out, trying your best to glare at the man holding you still in his lap with just one arm. Prime laughs at your expression, the dark look on your face making his heartrate quicken. Never had a version of you looked so murderous, even when he was ripping them apart.
 -          “Well, I’m here to pick you up. As your Rick, we should always be together” Prime said with a large grin, the grip around your waist tightening as he said he was your Rick.
-          The grip on your face grew rougher as Prime pulled your face closer to his own, his eyes boring into yours. There was a light in them that made a deep pit of dread grow in your stomach, your tongue peeking out to pet your suddenly very dry lips and mouth.
-          Primes eyes immediately snapped down to the movement, his pupils dilating somewhat as he saw the pink of your tongue. Prime didn’t love you, not romantically like other Ricks loved their (Y/N), but he wanted you.
-          “I already have a Rick” you finally force out, the dread growing larger at the way his eyes snapped up again, staring at you like he could pick you apart piece by piece with just this attention.
-          Then he started laughing, so hard it made his whole body bounce and making you bounce along with it. Releasing your cheek, he wiped away a tear that had gathered from his laughing before he spoke.
-          “Oh, that guy? Where do you think I was before I came here?” he asked, seeming to take great joy in the way your eyes widened, and your pupils shrank. “Come on, you couldn’t expect me to let that fucker live after touching what’s mine, took care of that little family of his too” he purred, leaning in closer, his tight grip keeping you still even as you tried to struggle.
 -          A flare of anger and anguish spread through your body, even though you hated Rick, you didn’t want him to die, or for the Smith family to die either.
-          Seeing the way your eyes filled with fire made Prime excited, he loved seeing just how different you were, and he loved your reactions.
-          When you opened your mouth to yell at him, Prime surged forwards and grabbed your chin before forcing his tongue past your lips and into your mouth. You tried to struggle but the grip on your chin and the grasp he had on your hips kept you from getting away.
-          Prime groans in pleasure when you try and bite his tongue, blood filling your mouths and mixing with the spit and dribbling down your chins. He can’t keep his eyes from rolling back as you bite hard enough to sever his tongue, the piece of flesh going limp in your mouth.
-          When Prime finally pulls back, a string of blood and spit connecting your mouths, you gag and spit out the muscle, retching to try and get the taste and feeling to go away. Tears gather in your eyes as it finally hits you just what Prime had done, and how crazy he was.
 -          Forcing you to look at him once again, you struggle to see through the tears as he sticks out the non-severed part of his tongue, horror washing through you as you see the muscle regrow with ease.
-          Something flares up inside you, this time a deep gut turning fear and need for survival as you try to struggle once again, tears running down your cheeks as you continue to gag on the blood in your mouth and memory of biting off his tongue.
-          Seeming to have grown tired of your struggling for now, you don’t notice Prime injecting you with something until your body goes limp. You can’t even choke out words as Prime wraps his arms around your waist and stands up, lifting you without any issue.
-          As your vision started to darken you could hear the sound of a portal being opened, your thoughts turning to mush as your head finally gave out and you fell against his shoulder.
-          A few tears ran down your cheeks as you fall into unconsciousness, wetting the shoulder of Primes jacket as he carried you through the portal. You had no idea what he was saying, his words blurring together as you fall unconscious, but you were sure whatever he had to say was bad news for you.
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j3st3r-13 · 2 years
Rick headcanon for having a short boyfriend? (also hello I am trans if that's ok idk I like to specify) ckwvhw vwb
Rick sanchez with a short trans boyfriend headcanons
Thank you sm for the ask kirbybooo your hcs are under the cut <3
Rick's like 6'6 I think he's so tall, which is means he towers over you at all times, you reach his chest and that's it he finds it hilarious
He has to bend down to kiss you, however when he wants to be a little shit he won't bend down so he can laugh at you. You can either try and pull him lower and get called needy or you can walk off to which he will grab you by the wrist, pull you back and kiss you and call you dramatic
If you bind then he gets some amazing binder from space which is more Comfortable or if you had surgery then he would take you to the actual best doctor in the galaxy orrrr he would do it for you
Continuing on from last point man's would offer to give you a new fully nodded chest which you can change to fit you perfect specifications
Rick would use you as an armrest all the time you cannot escape
If you needed to change anything document wise, he would change everything like that name, sex all that on all systems.
God fucking help any fucker that tries to give you shit for being LGBT+ your mad scientist will tear them apart for you, he won't tell you it happened and might wipe your memory cause he doesn't want you upset. He says it impedes his work but he's full of shit he just wants his bf happy
You once wore his blue sweater and it came to your thighs/knees, once Rick saw it he had to take a moment to compose himself
You guys pillow talk all the time, and he always listens to any struggles you have gender related or otherwise. He may be tinkering but he's listening really and making something to fix your problem
Rick buys you a step tool, you throw it at him
He asks if you need a booster seat for the ship and you nearly kill him. You must have the patience of a Saint
Despite his nihilistic facade rick adores you, although he teases you for being a short ass that only reaches his chest he finds it cute (he'll never admit it tho)
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