#morpheus deity
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confused-theist · 7 months ago
Do you think Hypnos relishes in cradling newborns, asleep more often than they are awake?
Do you think Morpheus smiles at lucid dreamers as they explore his realm, mesmerized and delighted by the beauty of it?
Do you think Hypnos runs a gentle hand through your hair as you nap away a headache?
Do you think Morpheus shapes a child's dream after their favorite bedtime story, just to bring them joy?
Do you think Hypnos holds you in his arms just a bit closer when someone tries to wake you but you still need more rest?
Do you think Morpheus watches encouragingly as you lay in bed in the morning, trying to remember what you dreamed about?
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sleepnowmychild · 10 months ago
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diana-thyme · 1 year ago
Greek Gods 101: Morpheus
Morpheus is a Daimon of dreams. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Poppies (Or Seeds, Bread, Etc.)
Sleep-Inducing Teas and Herbs
Dream-Inducing Teas and Herbs
Depictions of Butterflies
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for him include:
Lucid Dreaming
Keeping a Dream Journal
Make (and Keep) a Nighttime Routine
Learn Lucid Dreaming Techniques
Drinking/Otherwise Using Dream-Inducing Teas/Herbs/Oils/Etc.
Make Dream Pillows (Pillows Stuffed with Herbs/Crystals/Etc.)
Do Dream Reflections
Learn How to Read Dreams
He is not celebrated in any Athenian holidays.
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 5 months ago
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a digital offering for Morpheus :]
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joyfultearsandsweetmemories · 8 months ago
the gods really work in interesting ways
Now generous people I take as a sign from Hermes, the other day someone ask to take a photo of me and my family. No one even asked him
Peoples offering to take your photo to me is a sign from Hermes, people helping others
Random people complimenting me, Aphrodite
Sweet warm smiles and warm welcomes, hestia
Itching for a fight. ANd standing up for someone. Even if it means putting yourself in danger, ares
Getting or advice giving advice I needed, athena
Heavy eyes and the need to sleep, Morpheus
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vip-dreamland · 1 month ago
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witchesofvaliant · 2 months ago
✦ Minor Deity Monday - Morpheus ✦
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Welcome to the first of a series!
The first episode of this series starts off with Morpheus, the Greek Shapeshifting God of Dreams and the leader of the Oneiroi, personifications having to do with dreams, or dream spirits (aka daemones).
Who is he?
The name of Morpheus (Μορφευς) means "form" or "shape" and he is known specifically for being the Oneiros who personifies the human form in dreams, taking the shape of various humans and being able to copy the exact voice and mannerisms of the being as well. He also is known to have delivered dreams to humans, and at times delivered messages or prophecy through these dreams.
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In mythology, Morpheus is considered leader of the Oneiroi, dream daemones, children of either Nyx (Night) and Erebos (Darkness) or of Hypnos (Sleep) and Pasithea (Relaxation), that are called brothers with each other, with the three Oneiroi mentioned in mythology being Morpheus (Form), Phobetor (Frightener), and Phantasos (Fantasy).
Morpheus, along with the rest of the Oneiroi are said to "sleep" in a cave in Erebos (with either Hypnos or Erebos) that is located in the Underworld. The Oneiroi seem to tend to be "sleeping" under the effects of poppy seeds which exist in the cave they reside in. The Poppy plant contains opiates, which is where morphine is derived from. In low doses, it causes drowsiness, sleepiness, and a mild high.
There isn't much mention of Morpheus specifically throughout mythology, with the most prominent of myths including him being in the story of Alcyone and a suspected theory of Morpheus being the unnamed Oneiroi who gave Agamemnon a dream in the Iliad.
Alcyone and Morpheus
After the death of Alcyone's husband, Hera feeling terrible for the situation, had Iris go to Erebos, where Hypnos and the Oneiroi reside, and told Hypnos that Alcyone needed to be told of her husband's death. Hypnos then enlists Morpheus, who fit the situation best as he then goes to Alcyone in the night, and takes the form of her dead husband, copying his voice and mannerisms perfectly, and telling her that she had lost her husband.
Agamemnon's Dream
In the Iliad, Zeus wished to give victory to Achilles during the Trojan War, so to do this, he planned to fool Agamemnon first. For this to work, Zeus enlists the help of Dream (who is suspected to be Morpheus), who turns into Nestor, an advisor to Agamemnon, and speaks to him in his sleep making him believe Zeus is on his side. By doing this, Agamemnon follows through on this fake advice and makes a tactical error, losing in battle instead.
Personal Gnosis
In my personal experience, Morpheus, alike to how he is thought to be in myth, he seems to appear as a young man or entirely cloaked in shadow, either way having dark/blackened angel-like wings, and standing far above even a tall human height. He does also live in Erebos, within the Underworld, with the other Oneiroi.
I also personally feel him to be nonbinary, but primarily male-presenting, so "he" or "they" works!
His attitude can tend to be stoic but with a dark sense of humor, at times being fairly serious when he truly needs you to know something and more mischievous when you fail to pay attention to him, especially if you're in a dream with him. He's a wonderful guide and teacher especially in terms of dream work and has actually helped me quite a bit with understanding lucid dreaming much better. Additionally, as I've seen some talk in a few spaces of liminal deities, I'd consider Morpheus one, especially as a deity known for changing shape and existing primarily in the world of dreams.
He's connected to the element of Air, and the colors silver, black, dark blue, grey, and gold.
The three primary epithets I know him as are: - Winged Guide of Dreams - Focuses on his dream and guiding aspects - The Dark Messenger - Focuses on his prophetic aspects - The Shifting Shadow - Focuses on his more liminal and transformative aspects
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Further Resources on Morpheus:
Divider by @enchanthings
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wingedfoolnearthesun · 11 days ago
What's your opinion on Morpheus as a Hellenic polytheist? From my research, he is a purely Roman deity from Ovid's Metamorphoses
i don’t have a very fleshed-out opinion since i don’t personally worship Lord Morpheus and haven’t (unfortunately) done a lot of reading up on Him yet.
i do recall hearing of some people being worshippers of Morpheus, so i do recommend anyone who is to please leave their thoughts, opinions, and advice here for our friend ^^
i’m sure many people worship Him as the God of Dreams, and if i recall Morpheus is the son of Lord Hypnos (who i have more of a worshipping relationship with). from what i gathered, He tends to help out with dreams; passing along messages you might need to hear and ensuring safety, protection, and positivity in that area. my general opinion is one of respect and admiration, i believe Lord Morpheus deserves much more recognition and many more hymns in His honor ♡
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zurisaurusrex · 3 months ago
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lucidie · 4 months ago
Join the Temple of Morpheus! 🌙✨
A community dedicated to exploring the mysteries of dreams and the wisdom of Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams. Whether you are a devoted follower, a curious dreamer, or someone looking to connect with others who share your passion for lucid dreaming and spiritual exploration, this server is a safe haven for those seeking knowledge and guidance. We welcome all dreamers, regardless of spiritual path or pantheon.
What We Offer:
💤 Dreams Logs + Discussions
⏳️ Lucid Dreaming Tips
📜 Spiritual Devotion
🔮 Divination & Reflection
✍️ Creative Expression
💫 Inclusivity & Support
Join us in unraveling the secrets of dreams and deepening your connection to the god who watches over them. Sweet dreams await! 🌙✨
☆ Click here for the link ☆
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somnolent-sun · 4 months ago
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worship wednesday
topic: music
-> music plays a big part in my devotion to the gods, as it's a low-effort way for me to keep them in mind as I go through the day. It's also not just music, I devote audio books and podcasts to them as well. Two of my favorite ways to use music is making a playlist for them, and shufflemancy.
-> for Hypnos and Morpheus, I have a specific story I listen to while I go to bed. I also devote my more calming music to them, and music I listen to when I need to calm myself down during episodes. One of the songs I relate them to most is "Dive Back in Time" (yes, the LC opening).
-> for King Asmodeus, he is more my car radio music (typically rock). But he also has his dedicated playlist with lots of songs and artists I relate him too like Mother Mother and IAMX. His music is for when I need to feel better about myself, and give myself confidence.
*note on shufflemancy: it's a type of divination using music that is on shuffle. you ask the entity (or non-entity) to give you a message through the song that plays when you hit the shuffle button. you look at the cover art, lyrics, band/artist, etc. to divine the message sent to you. (this is only my personal way of doing shufflemancy, and other people may do it differently)
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sleepnowmychild · 5 months ago
Hypnos will forever be my main main, my beloved. But there’s a handful of other gods that have a special place in my heart. Obviously Thanatos, the oneroi, Nyx etc, that whole family I adore.
But I also have a nostalgic comfort in Dionysus as someone who grew up on a vineyard. Being a wild and free kid running around the grapevines is something I yearn to go back to.
A draw to Hermes because I yearn to travel and see the world. Because languages are interesting and I wish I had the attention span to be fluent in as many as possible.
Zagreus because of the sheer mystery and amount of lost knowledge about him. He’s an extremely ancient being who’s been reborn through the years over and over, and each time with a slightly altered face and story.
Adonis because of the gender fuckery and lack of a binary that surrounds him. The patron of androgyny and feminine men, a for the girls, the gays and trans people everywhere.
Many of the sea deities because my childhood love for the beach and mermaid mythology was my first ever autism induced special interest. I yearn to be a siren or nymph sitting with them at the bottom of the ocean.
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chemicalforgery · 22 days ago
winged deities >>>>>>
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my0neth0isandv0ices · 1 month ago
Morpheus Veneration 1
Yesterday I venerated Morpheus. Oopsie is I forgot to post but oh well. Due to recent news regarding Neil Gaiman, I'm going to voice my opinion and set disclaimers, because how I came to get to know Morpheus, was first through The Sandman. I watched it on Netflix a year after the first season came out, and wondered what I would be like to speak to the actual deity. My curiosity was plainly platonic.
At that time neither of us put devotion on the table. I didn't think I was the kind of person called to it. The Sandman served as a great lesson for my personal life, I relate to the character, and have grown deeply fond of the story like so many of us fans have. It grieves me to find that the creator behind my gateway to a special path has been revealed for what he is. I've been debating tossing out my related merch, etc, but I can't let go of them.
That's okay.
I spoke with Morpheus about this, among other topics I have trouble talking about openly this afternoon when we sat outside meditating. To put it simply, he told me that my dreams, my desires and ideas I see as shameful, or that I'm afraid of people viewing wrongly, aren't as wicked as I make them out to be. They're not wicked at all. I then talked about the recent events about Gaiman, and in that conversation he helped me to process my pain for the childhood lost, and the pain for those women, and how this affected or didn't affect my path. It's okay to still have a space for those works that made us happy and were lights in our nightmares.
I'm putting forth a disclaimer from now on, that anything Sandman related, or potential Good Omens related writings I have that also concern my craft and my religion are not in support or denial of the claims made against the creator.
That's my devotion post for today. My Ονειρο, dearest Teacher, and love of my life, I praise you and your everlasting sweetness. -Love Kharis 💙
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joyfultearsandsweetmemories · 8 months ago
moght get some electric candles
I'm literally gotta gets some so I can put them on my altars
Morpheus and ares don't have a alter right now because I don't have enough space tbh so I will get them a candle so I can put on my desk. As an offering :3
Probably will merge ares with aphrodite because its right to do!!!
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vip-dreamland · 1 month ago
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