#morning frost x reader headcanons
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Ice breaker
(Meant to be platonic but could be romantic) ouaw krew x reader
Masculine reader
Horror and angst(reader death and resurrection, extreme elements)
(Also I spelled Kremys name wrong, ignore that, that literally didn’t even happen)
You walk into the room, the metal door slamming behind everyone. Everyone snapped their heads back, weirded out but not particularly shocked, only twig and Gricko gasped at the sudden loud bang. This house was a nightmare since you arrived, you all had been invited to a dinner party but, you had been locked into the house with the only way out being a hidden spell somewhere within the house. Looking around the current room, it was dusty and cold. There was an arm chair with a thick wooly blanket, a fire place, and a small coffee table with a glass of solid ice. You shivered slightly, still not use to the cold. Hootsie bumping my leg empathetically.
“Why would they put a lounge in the kitchen?” Gideon asked aloud, picking up the blanket before setting it back down.
Kremmy quickly agreed “I don’t know gid, this whole house is a fucking labyrinth. Shower under the stairs, fucking oven in the library, it don’t make no sense.”
You began to stutter and shiver “Why is it so cold?” The air nipping at your skin forming goose bumps.
You felt gricko bounce up next to you, patting your leg.
“It ain’t that cold, maybe a bit chilly.”
You watched as torbek clumsily looked around the room, you yawned loudly. The cold always made you so tired in the cold, feeling your eyelids begin to drop slightly. As everyone looked in the room, searching for a key to get out of the house. You and gricko stood next to the entrance door, your eyes taking in the room. It was an average lounge room, more narrow than long. The walls looked as if they were slowly decaying, the beautiful blue wall painting looked muddy and watered down somehow. The fireplace somehow still looked warm, despite the relative absence of life within the house. Finally your eyes flickered onto a beautiful jewelry box. Torbek waves gently at you as twig pointed at the same jewelry box. It looked like a renaissance painting, a beautiful pink garden complimented the white and gold of the box. Torbek picked up the small jewelry box, curious to know its contents. You blinked in confusion as before your eyes, a small string snapped from it. That’s when you heard the grating sound of the door on the other side begin to close. The metal began to slowly scrap as the door began to close and the sound of loud air filled our ears.
Everyone’s heads snapped as they began to realize what was happening, pausing only for a moment before kremy broke the silence.
“Oh fuck! Everyone scram hurry!” Kremy ordered, being so far back you looked at gricko and picked him up. Hootsie taking lead as she bounded to the door. One by one everyone filed out: frost, then twig and torbek, Gideon who threw Kremmy as quick as he could. Then it was just gricko and you. The door begin to get lower and lower, your legs they could with no luck. The world began to spin as you quickly realized you two weren’t going to make it. Realizing it was too late for you, as the door dropped too low for you to get through you dropped to your knees and slide gricko into the other room. Locking me alone in the room.
As the door slammed shut, you lay on the floor. Breathing heavy, you look up when to the door hearing the frantic banging on the other side. Shuffling closer, you began to bang back, feeling relieved and terrified at the same time. You curled against the door and scanned the room, looking for anything dangerous. Muffled voices just beyond reach, words you couldn’t even comprehend. It wasn’t until you heard something from within your own mind.
‘Can you hear me, are you there?’ Frosties voice rang clearly in your head.
“I-I’m here frostie, is everyone alright?” Shuffling to your feet you rise up slowly.
As you caught my breath you soon recognized the sound of air being pumped into the room was still there, and it was getting colder. You quickly found myself shivering harder than before.
‘Everyone is alright, are you alright? Is the room you’re in safe?’ Frostie questioned.
“It’s getting colder Frostie, I-i know I complain a lot about the cold but I think there’s cold air being pumped into the room.”
‘Do not panic, you’re going to be okay. Go find something to keep yourself covered. Look for anything that you could exit.’
You began to slowly do as told, picking up the blanket and looking around the room. The room was quite large, all the vents being high into the air. Chilling the room from top to bottom. You try and keep warm, rubbing hands together. Soon you had searched the entire room. Behind every bookcase, chair, and even the fire place. You looked up into the fire place, unsure and skeptical if there was even an opening, considering you never saw a chimney on the house. Maybe you could climb out, if you could shimmy your way up. The only thing you feared was how dark it looked. No light meant no exit. You sighed and just curled up in the fire place, wrapping the blanket around yourself and shivered. Until you heard the banging intensify as it quickly turned into rapid slamming.
‘Did you find anything? Gideon and torbek are trying to break the door down. Twig, Kremmy, and I are going to seeing if we can somehow unlock it.’
You squeaked out a small reply “No frost, it’s still getting colder. The air is pouring in fast, frostie I’m not made for this. I can’t withstand the cold like everyone else. I was made for the desert, I was made for sweltering heat not the cold.” You began to hyperventilate, feeling your heart beat quicken and pump within your own chest, panic consuming your mind.
‘Shhh, shhh it’s okay. We’re going to get you out, just stay calm. What ever you do, do not try and remove anything on your body. Try to get as many things on you, no matter how you think you feel.’
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You breathed out, the heat creating gaint puffs of air in the room. The pain soon seeping from your skin to within your flesh, piercing your arms and legs and your teeth chattered like a rattle.
‘When people experience hypothermia they tend to feel as if they’re hot and remove their clothes. So whatever you do, do not remove your clothes.’
You felt tears swelter in my eyes as the cold air prick your skin, the blanket doing nothing to soothe my ice touched skin. You shivered hard as the banging slowed down. Your heart sank when you heard what sounded to be like more air being blasted into the room, your heart beat quickens as I curl into myself.
‘Are you there? Answer me please’
“Am I going to die frostie?” I squeak out. “I think more air is being poured into the room. I-I can hear something.” The room began to feel darker and darker, my eyes felt heavy and I grew more and more tired.
‘N-no, don’t worry that’s just Gideon. He’s going to try and melt the door. Perhaps go closer to try and feel the heat from the fire.’
You began to crawl to the door, like a shivering baby. As you got closer the sounds of Gideon blasting the door become louder and clearer. Your arms gave out and you could only curl into a small little ball, vibrating and crying. Your heart beating out my chest as the sound of blood rushed to your head. You tried to steady your breath as the room became colder and colder, your hands and feet were becoming more and more numb as it seeped into your chest. You looked up at the vents and saw tiny icy crystals began to form around the vents. If only they could freeze over. Watching the ice creep out farther and farther from the vents, you felt hopeless.
You waited for what felt like hours, even though you could hear Gideon’s fire. The air was stealing all the precious heat away. Your eyelids felt like closing, as the coldness seep deeper and deeper into your flesh consuming you. As your eyes almost fully closed a sudden voice sprung into your head.
‘How are you feeling? The door is almost gone. Gideon is going to take a break and try going at it again.’ Frost projected, his voice making your heart beat.
“Frostie, I’m tired. I feel, warmer. I think I can feel Gideon’s fire. From this side now.” You murmured, the sudden realization making you slowly curl closer to the door.
As quickly as your body was cold, it suddenly became very warm. You were still shaking but it felt better. As the warmth of what you assumed to be the door seeped into your skin.
‘That’s good, that means maybe we’re making progress.’
As you lay your back against the door, you never realized that you couldn’t feel the heat coming from behind you, it felt as if your entire body was slowly being heated up. Ice like crystals soon encapsulated the entire room, freezing it over. You felt sweat dripping from your forehead, you felt uncomfortably hot now. Your eyes began to droop again.
“It’s really hot, I’m starting to sweat” you laughed, you slowly laid back down. Comfort pouring into your heart as you hummed quietly.
There was a long pause in silence, as your eyes fluttered back open. Heat began to pool around you as you felt hotter and hotter. You didn’t think about it too much. Just happy to be slowly warmed up, yet your feet and hands were still numb.
As you were peacefully breathing you heard frosts voice ring in your heard fretful and alarmed ‘Listen to me carefully, do not remove your clothes. Whatever you do keep that blanket on you.’
You smiled and blinked, confused and frightened by the serious tone. “I’m not a whore frostie, I know how to keep my clothes on.” You slurred giggling a little. “It’s starting to get hot in here, are you sure Gideon stopped? I’m gonna move from the door at least.”
Suddenly, you heard the sound of Gideon’s fire starting up again. You flinched from what you thought was the sudden heat burning your skin. Scampering away from the door. Panicked once again as you realized what was happening, the room wasn’t heating up. Gideon didn’t make progress, hypothermia was setting.
‘What ever you do, stay covered. Is there anything else you can use to keep yourself warm?’ The desperation in his voice was missed on your ears, you began to feel too tired to move and too tired to think. Only wanting to be out of the room as soon as possible. Ice crystals now nipping at your blanket.
“Frostie, I’m tired. I’m really tired, the room is covered in ice. I, I think I should just stay by the door. I feel so so tired.” Your eye lids began to fall again, as you curled on the floor. “Do you think I can go to sleep frostie? Maybe if I close my eyes I can wake up and everything will be fine. Right?” You whispered.
‘Yn, do not go to sleep please. Just stay awake for a few more minutes.’
He pleaded, your mind already slowly giving away.
The room became darker and darker. You watched as ice slowly crept toward you, until it touched your skin. Your eyelids became heavy and cumbersome. You could just rest for a while, everyone was safe. That’s all that mattered. Torbek, gricko, twig and gid, everyone was safe. You saved gricko, that’s all that mattered. You deserved a little rest, you’ll be okay. Even as frost desperately tried to keep you awake, knowing sleeping would only lower your body temperature. You slowly closed your eyes. His voice slowly fading into the background. You felt comforted by his voice no matter how terrified he screamed.
On the other side, frost looked up at the others. Terrified and frantically, there had to be a way to help you.
“What happened, is everything okay? Why are you making that face?” Kremmy questioned frost, the sound of the fire blasting drowned out his voice.
Frost gave Kremmy a look, it wasn’t good.
“Gideon, isn’t there anyways to hurry it up?” Kremmy pleaded, frantically pacing back and forth.
“I can only go so fucking hot! God dammit!” Gideon bellowed, completely and utterly frustrated and hopeless.
Torbek was curled in a small ball, weeping pitifully as Hootsie, twig, and gricko tried to comfort him.
“This is all torbeks fault, if only torbek hadn’t picked up that box.” He moaned out in a desperate bargain, if only he had done this, if only he didn’t do that.
“It’s not your fault torbek! He’s going to be a okay! Gideon will have him back out in no time!” Gricko tried desperately to sound optimistic.
Gideon felt the feeling of helplessness overcome him, Grickos words only made him feel shameful. Whatever he was doing wasn’t working, he wasn’t strong enough, his fire isn’t hot enough. The overwhelming anger of it all boiled inside him until he let out a frustrated scream, and began to wail on the door. Hot fire engulfing his fist, punch, after punch, after punch to the door. Leaving a bigger and bigger dent.
Kremmy, seeing the door finally give way stopped perked up and smiled. It looked as if it was going to break. Soon he began to cheer Gideon on, as the dent became deeper and bigger.
As you slipped into a deep sleep, you slowly found yourself sitting up. You looked around the room and saw everything. The ice growing thicker and heavier on the vent, the old fireplace, looking down, you saw yourself. Curled into the tightest little ball, slowly breathing. Tiny bits of ice slowly creeping up your blanket and skin.
You suddenly felt two cold hands slowly pull you up and away from your body.
“It’s time to go, little one. Your journey is over, it’s time to leave.” The voice was whispy and soft. It made you shiver.
Slowly looking up, you saw what you feared most in this situation
“Who are you?” You asked, even though you knew the answer.
“I’m here to protect you, you’re safe with me.” It whispered, its hood shrouding it in darkness.
Looking back at your body, you squirmed and tried to escape its grasps. Only to realize your body had stopped breathing. It lay limp on the floor, a peaceful dreaming face looked back at you.
“I can’t die. I can’t die yet. My friends, they need me. How will I protect them?” You pleaded frantically, as you wiggled and shuffled trying to get out.
“You don’t have to worry about them, you’re gone. You have to come with me. I will keep you safe.” It ordered
You cried out in desperation and despair, as you watched yourself being slowly pulled away from your still body. Your vibrant skin now dull and frost bitten, leaving your cheeks a now red hue while your skin slowly turns an ugly blue. You shook and pleaded with the angel of death, but it was an unrelenting force. A force which you fell powerless to.
As the angel slowly carried you, farther and farther away. The room grew to shades of gray, going lighter and lighter. The sounds of metal crashing to the floor was faint and dream like, too far to fully grasp. As you began to give in, the angels warm arms comforted you. Like the little match girl, you were finally warm again. It reminded you of the comforting feeling of home.
As the door crashed onto the floor, Gideon, frost, and Kremmy shoved into the room one trying to outrun the other. Gideon hoisted your body over his shoulder, he hissed at the pain of sudden frost and ice on his skin. As they all quickly shuffled out of the room.
“Alright, gid just hold him like that okay, get him warm. Gricko, can you maybe, I don’t know, check his pulse?” Kremmy began to order, spitting them out as fast as he could.
Gricko tried to do all he could to find any signs of life, stating you weren’t breathing. As he grabbed your wrist, his heart sank by how cold your arm was. Frost tried to gently rub any ice off of your body, removing the frozen blanket from your limp body as torbek stared at your lifeless figure in horror.
Gricko squeeze every pulse tightly, desperately trying to find any sign of life. Any sign that you were still save able.
“Maybe I could perform CPR, Gideon lay him on his back.” Gricko planned, quickly beginning chest compressions.
It hadn’t been that long. Maybe you just needed a little help, a little boost!
Frost and Kremmy looked at you, your blue face haunting their souls. You looked peaceful, frost thought. ‘If only I was able to keep you up a little longer’ he wondered.
As you were being carried away farther and farther, your life flashed and danced around your eyes. Beautiful lights filled your vision, as you danced at shows and wasted your life. You saw your greatest mistake repeated over and over and over. The horrors of your reality, your actions danced before you. Using cheap drugs to cope with the loss you caused. The angel stroked your head gently, pitiful.
Your eyes flickered and that’s when you saw something that made you smile, you saw your home. The first time you ever felt apart of something after your first love, the first time you felt human. After having your humanity stripped from you, after being treated like a wild animal. An object to admire and use, you felt like a creature to behold and loathe. No matter how kind Mr light was to you, what they’ve done for you brought back your humanity.
It was everyone together in twigs inn, a week after you met everyone. A week after you left the carnival to cure yourself of your inhumanity and shame. Everyone was happy and laughing. You were laying on top of Hootsie as twig gently brushed your now short hair. Gricko dancing with frost, all be it terribly but they looked adorable and hilarious. Gideon and torbek trying to fix a light bulb and Kremmy playing music. You had never felt more human, it was a home you never had. A home you never thought was possible.
The warm light shinning made you feel warmer than you’ve ever felt. It made deaths hands that much colder, as you found new strength and a new purpose you jerked up and out of the arms that held you. Falling to the ground you felt your self falling faster and faster until you realized you can’t hit the floor.
All you could hear was air rushing past your head as memories began to fly by, your life flashing and fluttering behind you over and over faster and faster. You screamed yet no sound came out, you cried yet nothing was heard. You grasped for something you couldn’t reach, you kept falling faster and faster, until you felt it.
The floor hit your body, you were thrown across the room. Your ghost like body, skidding across until your back hit the wall. You got up surprised to feel nothing at all, you looked for your body. Until you saw the door opened. Quickly rushing to your body you saw everyone gathered around. Quickly making way you squeezed past them, unnoticed.
Hearing Kremmy mutter something “he’s gone gricko, stop”
You reached down and touched your body.
You felt your body, your cold lifeless body. Slowly melted into your hands. Oozing into one another you felt them mix and combine, your spirit and your mud mix into one. Until you felt your heart beat, and Gricko pulled away. Everyone pulled away just as you had made it. All you saw was darkness, all you felt was the cold floor against your back as you waited to hear anything.
Fading in and out all you heard from within your mind was a gentle hiss “you win this time”
As your consciousness faded back in, you heard voices frantically speaking.
“He’s gone gricko, just stop”
“He can’t be gone, just lay him back on Gideon.”
“I don’t want his fuckin body on top of me, he’s dead.” Gideon snapped, staring down at you outraged and upset.
Gricko tried to plea before frost cut him off
“They’re right gricko, you need to stop this. He’s gone, let’s just take a quick break and figure out what to do next.”
“This is all torbeks fault, torbek is sorry, torbek is so so sorry.” Torbek wailed, before curling into your cold body. His scruffy fur tickling you.
“Shhh, you’re alright torbek. You didn’t know there was a trap, alright.”
Suddenly your body began to shiver, you were so so cold. Your skin felt frozen and blitzed. Shivering out of desperation for warmth. Desperately trying to find comfort and salvation. Feeling torbeks fur on your body as if it were a warm blanket. Torbek got up quickly, confused.
You mustered all of your strength to you could squeak out was a small “cold” too quiet to be heard. You heard the room instantly go silent.
Your sprawled body began to shake harder and harder, seeking warmth and comfort.
“Mr. Kremmy, do bodies usually move like that?” Torbek whispered.
“I-I’m not sure, Rigor mortis doesn’t usually happen so quickly or that violently.”
You heard them shuffle closer and closer to you, before you were once again surrounded by everyone.
“Holy shit! Can you hear us? Can you hear us?” You heard twigs voices call out.
Your eyelids fluttered open for a second as gricko grabbed your wrist and tried to get a pulse.
feeling him touch your vein made your skin crawl worse than the cold and you jerked your arm away from him, growling like an animal. Before you began to curl like a wilting flower. Whispers of disbelief and gasps of horror erupted within the group. Until Torbek broke the chain and grabbed you, wailing in relief and euphoria. He cried out squeezing your shivering form into his damp scruffy fur. Cheers began to erupt from the crew, gricko and Gideon squeezing you as frost tried to keep people from crushing you.
You curled into their arms, before falling asleep again. This time, no man met you on the other side of sleep. In fact nothing met you, it was a peaceful dreamless sleep. When you woke up, you were lying down as gricko attended to your frost bitten hands and feet.
He looked up at you sheepishly as he grabbed some bandages “oh good your awake!” He said as he began to take off your shoes “yeah, so, here’s the thing. I took a Quick Look at your feet and hands while you were asleep and we’re gonna have to amputate them. Now you’re awake though so, you better start drinking.” Gricko informed you, wrapping your bloodstained hands tightly.
Horror struck your heart like a sharp iced needle, contorting your face at the mere thought of loosing your arms and legs. Until you heard a chorus of snickers and giggling “just kidding! I’m gonna be making a banana paste to help with the frost bite, you’ll be fine in no time.” Gricko cackled, as he finished wrapping your hands. Frost gently stroked your hair.
“I’m glad to see you alive, yn. You had me scared when you told me you were going to sleep.” He smiled.
You smiled back at him, “don’t worry, I just get really tired when I’m cold. I don’t know why, but it happens. I’m pretty sure I did die though.”
Frosts eyebrows furrowed in confused and fright as you began to recount your experience with death, and how you it went. Twig brewing some nice warm tea for you. Everyone began to laugh and talk, as you were finally home and the night was filled with laughter, warm drinks, and banana paste on your toes.
#once upon a witchlight#once upon a witchlight x reader#once upon a witchlight headcanons#once upon a witchlight x reader headcanons#kremy lecroux#kremy lecroux x reader#kremy lecroux headcanons#kremy lecroux x reader headcanons#gricko grimgrin#gricko grimgrin x reader#gricko grimgrin headcanons#gricko grimgrin x reader headcanons#morning frost#morning frost headcanons#morning frost x reader#morning frost x reader headcanons#Gideon coal#Gideon coal headcanons#Gideon coal x reader headcanons#Gideon coal x reader#torbek#torbek headcanons#torbek x reader#torbek x reader headcanons#twig toadspring#twig toadspring x reader#twig toadspring headcanons#hootsie grimgrin#Hootsie grimgrin headcanons
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A-Z Fluff Headcanons; Morning Frost
Legends of Avantris; Once Upon A Witchlight
(prompts by me)
Summary: Fluffy relationship headcanons about what it would be like to date Morning Frost from Once Upon A Witchlight, a DnD campaign hosted by Legends of Avantris.
CW: ED mentions (L for Love Language)
Word Count: 6.7k
A—ctivites: What would they prefer doing with you? What do they like doing?
• Frost would love to read with you reading alongside him, or even just parallel playing alongside him, or just in the same room. He would love for you to lay your head in his lap as he has a book in one hand, the other gently caressing your head in a silent way of saying ‘I enjoy your presence, thank you for being here with me.’
• He isn’t just closeted indoors, he’d love to explore areas with you as well. He’d prefer if it had something to do with initiating his skills to keep his mind working, but he’s fine if not. He’d take you around the carnival, show you the games and events. He’d also love to just walk around town with you, window shop, read some fliers, anything of the sort. He prefers to stay with you and to keep his mind busy, he doesn’t quite enjoy activities where you’re not doing anything at all. He feels trapped that way, whether he’d admit it or not. It reminds him of the Order.
B—enevolence: How would they show kindness towards you? What would they do for you?
• He’s always including you in things, adding your thoughts into consideration whether in the group setting or just you both alone. He will show you initiative, expressing to you that he cares about your expressions and concerns. He’s also there for you to vent to no matter what, he’s a wonderful listener and can give great advice when you want it.
• Expect a lot of check-ins. If he notices you’re acting slightly out of place he’s already clocked it, immediately and privately asking what is wrong and if you are okay. If you seem upset, he trailing behind the group and gently asking in a low voice so the others don’t hear. He would never put you in the spotlight like that, but he does want to address the issue immediately to resolve your emotions.
C—omfort: How would they go about comforting you? How would they grasp being comforted? How do they handle comfort in general?
• He is the word of wisdom, even in the word of comfort. He will listen to your expressions if you choose to speak to him, and would ask you if you’d like advice. If you do, he’d give you the best advice he can for the situation. He will always preface if he understands personally or does not, always expressing that you should never feel inclined to listen, but he is always going to give you his thoughts and his logic of what to do or what should be done. There is a good chance he may just say “I will admit, I do not understand how you feel in this certain situation, though I do want to properly understand through your eyes so I can better support you in some way.” He is always going to be 100% upfront with you with these sorts of things.
• If you don’t want to talk to him, he will never force you. He will instead ask if you’d like a distraction from things, or if you’d like time for yourself or just a moment of silence with him. If all you need is to cry, he’s holding you into his chest and gently massaging circles into your back and holding your head. If you need to scream he’s got a pillow or folded blankets. He’s there to support in other ways.
• As for comforting Frost, I honestly don’t think you’d really ever tell that he’d need it. If he’s upset, you’ll only be able to tell if he’s being outright passive aggressive, crying, or swearing. By then, he’s extremely at the limit of his emotions. He’d prefer being alone at that point, he doesn’t want people to see him that way. He feels uncomfortable, unnatural? He feels worse when someone coddles him in those moments, so if you do want to comfort him in those moments it’s most likely going to be if he asks. Otherwise, helping at a distance would be the best course of action. In some cases, gentle scratches behind his ears may work to relax and ease him as well, but only if you guys are already laying down.
D—ates: How would they go about dates with you? What are their preferred dates? What would they not like as dates?
• He honestly isn’t a really big date person, believe it or not. He never really thinks much about them, but when he does he prefers something related to your common activities. He wants very personal, non-public dates with you. You guys can do one of those dates where you both start an art piece and swap with each other every 5 minutes for 30 minutes to add to each other's works, or sculpt the same thing from clay together. Playing games together, swapping things with each other, things like that are his jam.
• He’d also love to have a picnic under the stars with you. The both of you could make the food together, or Frost could ask Kremy to prepare the food for the both of you instead. While under the stars, he’d love to info dump about it to you if you’d like to listen. He just wants really intimate moments with you, and when there’s other people around he doesn’t feel like either of you are truly yourselves.
• I don’t think there are any dates he’d inherently refuse to go on or would hate, but he’d be uncomfortable going on a date that is fancy or uptight. He would feel like there is too much pressure for the both of you, you both wouldn’t be yourselves, and he doesn’t like that.
E—ffort: How much effort would they put into your relationship? How would they show their efforts?
• He’s putting everything he can into this effort. There’s something you both need to work together on? He’s on it for solutions. You need more support from him? More work load from him? He’s on it, he’ll balance it and make it all work. You need him to relax, back off for a bit? Aye, he’s on it. He is going to make sure this relationship is balanced, that there will be absolutely no foul play of the sort in any instance. He’s putting in his all.
• Even if it’s nonverbal from you, he’s going to pick up most of the cues. If he doesn’t pick a cue up, he’ll observe the situation more thoroughly next time. He’s going to reseal those cracks that form with a proper foundation, or at least try his best to.
• Keep in mind the poor tabaxi would unconsciously keep a work load on his back with this. He’ll get so wrapped up in the cracks he might forget about other things of the relationship, at least at first. He has hidden anxieties, and they like to roam in those secret cracks that form. Remind him he’s doing great, that he can relax and not be so tense with the situation. It’s a two way street, you both have to meet and work it all out. Remind him he’s not alone, because he will forget.
F—ight: How would they go about fights with you? How would they handle them? How would they resolve them if at all?
• Frost is a very calm and reasonable person, I really don’t think you would actually argue with him other than a minor disagreement that gets resolved rather quickly. Frost always wants to get to the solution and find the paths of resolution. I don’t see him really starting anything either, it would most likely be something that starts over very minor things from either misinformation or confusion. However, it also depends on how you do about arguments as well.
• If his partner is even headed like himself, it would easily be talked through and communicated. The argument would be over sitting the hour, the both of you talking about solutions to the issue or even discussing how to resolve it in the future.
• If Frost’s partner is rather argumentative, it could go two ways. Frost would stay level headed, trying to explain in a way that would diffuse the situation while also adding his side of it all. If the partner is also stubborn with arguments, he’s going to get irritated. He will never get mad by any means, but getting irritated he might get a bit more short with you and a lot more direct to get it over with.
• After an argument, no matter how heated it was, he’ll always apologize for acting out of line, even if he wasn’t at all. It’s ingrained into him that he is the person who should be blamed and at fault due to the Order. It is a habit he can not break no matter what, he was conditioned to be the peace while also staying strong and stern with his beliefs.
G—entle: How gentle are they with you mentally, physically and emotionally? How do they show these things?
• He’s so careful and gentle with you, though not that you’ll shatter like glass and you’re in a fragile type of way, more like a one of a kind sentimental piece he wants to last forever. If his partner is on the more fragile side, he’ll calculate his words and expressions when it comes to comfort or even expressing negative news of any kind. He doesn’t look down on you in anyway, and he wants to express that he doesn’t and doesn’t want to make you feel like he would. He won’t baby you and infantilize you, he won’t treat you like you’re this steel wall unneeding of attention.
• Frost is very particular with making sure comfort and safety is first for you. Being in the order for so long, he was conditioned from the beginning that he must be a steel wall at all times, and it honestly ruined him. He doesn’t wish that on you, or anyone, ever in his life. He is scared he will make you feel this way, make you feel like a shape of clay to be mended some sort of way.
• When he holds you, it’s always going to be full of tender respect. He will only ever touch you in reasonable places, never once lingering where he shouldn’t. His touch is like he’s holding a pillow he cherishes, it’s very soft and makes you want to melt in his paws. He wants to give you everything he didn’t have as a child.
H—onesty: How honest are they with you? Do they hide things from you? What do they hide?
•He’s the most honest person you’ll ever meet. If you ask him something, he’ll tell you right away. If something happened that he thinks you should know right away, he’s already on it. If he doesn’t want to tell you for whatever reason, he will express that he doesn’t want to for a reason he’d vaguely explain and then ask if you’d really like the truth or if you’d like him to keep it. He isn’t going to lie that he doesn’t want to tell you, why would he? He may have secrets, but the only secrets he’d only really avoid are ones he views as traumatic.
• Secrets about his past and what he went through to become a sorcerer are things he’d prefer not to say, as well as ones about the event of Episode 46. He’ll tell you anything you want to know, and if he honestly doesn’t know he’ll say that. He has no reason to hide anything from you.
I—Love You: How would the first “I Love You” come from them? Would they say it first? How would they react when you tell them that you love them?
• There are three ways this could happen. As a set personal rule of his, he will refuse to say ‘I love you’ first. He finds the phrase really intimate, and he holds it to the highest importance and is very seldom using this phrase. He thinks it’s disrespectful to use it like throwing candy out during a parade, if you’re saying it all of the time it starts to lose its meaning. ‘I love you’ is something he saves for when he knows you are his person 100%, that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He doesn’t even say it to his friends, and he doesn’t even say it after you guys cuddles or kiss. And ‘I Iove you’ can take years to get out of him. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, he just wants to save it for the perfect time to express he loves you properly for the first time. And if he does say it first, it’s definitely a minimum of a year, a maximum of 2. This is only if both of you are waiting to say it.
• If you say it first, he’ll be slightly weary depending on how early in you use it. If you start to use it immediately he’ll express how he feels about the phrase and request you to wait a little longer before saying it. He really wouldn’t want the phrase to lose its meaning. However, if it takes you a few months (a minimum of 4 depending on the circumstances) and you tell him you love him, he will most likely say it back after.
• Now, lastly, if he was in a forced confession ordeal he’s going to hesitate and be very fearful, not wanting to scare you away or even disrespect you. He isn’t immune to peer pressure, and if he’s pushed into saying ‘I love you’ earlier than on his own terms, he’s going to make sure he makes the moment as sentimental as he can. He wants to expressed that he does genuinely love you by explaining his reasoning right after he tells you. Imagine Gricko teasing him and (in a friendly ‘help my anxious friend’ manner) ushering him to tell you, that sort of thing.
J—ealousy: How would they express their jealousy? How would they handle their jealousy? How would they approach you with it?
• Frost would be very quiet and at a distance. It takes a lot for Frost to become jealous, but when he is jealous of someone flirting with his partner or gifting you gifts that aren’t from him, etc, he’ll never direct that jealousy to you negatively, it will always be towards the other person. His eyes will be fixated in a hunters look towards said person, tail swaying in aggressive and agitated flicks, body stiff and unmoving. He won’t let you see it, though. The only thing you’d see would be the flicks of his tail side to side.
• Frost can shake off jealousy fairly quickly when you are in his arms again. He’ll shake off the stress with the fluff of his tail and groom your head a few times as a stress relief. He will never outright say he is jealous, or that he is jealous of someone around you, and even if he does attempt to keep it hidden, he won’t hide it very well. You’ll see the subtle hunter’s look in his eyes as he looks at you, much softer when they look at you though still there. You’ll see the fluff of his cheeks, neck and tail from the stress. You’ll see the slight stiffness of his shoulders, more relaxed than when he looked at the cause of jealousy. You calm him.
• He gets this way mostly because of his time in the Order. He isn’t insecure, it’s just the matter of being challenged by someone else in an attempt. Frost is jealous of the fact that they can express verbal affection, they have something he doesn’t, and it may win your favor. As much as he trusts you, he is always jealous of the fact they are better at something than he is, especially towards his lover.
K—iss: How would they like to kiss? What is their “style?” How do they react to kisses? How do they treat kisses?
• He’s very savory and sweet with his kisses. He’s not very big on PDA, it’s just something he doesn’t do very often. A kiss in public would be a peck on the head or cheek, very soft and gentle. Kisses are also very intimate for him, while he doesn’t mind them being littered about, he still thinks they are very intimate and sentimental. He doesn’t mind very quick pecks in public, but that’s all there is to kisses in that area.
• In private, on the other hand, it is very different. He’s drunk on lovingly lipped kisses, melting into your lips whenever he has them. Kiss him on the lips and he’s looking up at you like a love sick kitten. It’s one of the only times you’ll see how big his pupils grow like a cat with yarn. It’s a physical way of ‘I love you’ to him. He’ll go nuts if you hold each other and kiss a long lip filled kiss, but only the lips. Any other types of kisses on the mouth aren’t very common with him, he believes there are certain kisses for certain moments. If you’re laying down for the night (in private, so like an inn for just the two of you) and you kiss him once, expect about 30 minutes of sleepy off and on kisses together.
• Now, since he’s a tabaxi, we have to include grooming, cmon. Grooming his partner is more or less an indirect kiss to him. He’ll wake up in the morning with a tired sandpaper tongue in your hair to stimulate his understimulated mind, or calm himself for the night to get ready for bed. He loves grooming your hair, or even your shoulders as you both cudde. It’s another intimate, yet very multiple meaning, type of ‘I love you.’ Expect to be groomed in the mornings and nights at the very least, even if it’s very small kitten kisses.
L—ove Language: What is their preferred love language with you? What love languages would work best with them?
• He is a large acts of service type of guy, as well as a big listener. He’s observant all of the time, he’s always listening to little things you spew out no matter the situation. Sometimes you don’t even need to say anything, he’s noticed something and has made a mental note of it already. He will perform tasks to cheer you up, make some things easier, along those lines. He wouldn’t mind cuddles, though he isn’t very big on it either.
• He’ll make you breakfast in the mornings after he meditates when he has the supplies, making sure to have a balanced nutritional serving to start the day. If you have issues with eating, especially with portions and limitations of food, he’s clocked it. He’ll very cautiously make sure you eat enough calories for the morning, even if he has to hide what he makes inside of it all.
• If he notices you’re low on something, you’ll find the tabaxi gifting it to you within the next few days. If he notices there’s something on your mind bothering you, he’s getting something to express your issues or just getting/doing something to cheer you up. He notices, even if he won’t straight up say it. He’s going to do anything at all to show you he cares for you.
M—emories: What memories would they cherish with you the most? How well would they remember things about you?
• He likes to think a lot about the more sentimental memories between him and his friends, but especially with his lover. He will cherish your dates, your talks, your learning experiences, but when it comes to sentimental values he’s all over it. If you made him a gift for him to keep on him always, he’ll remember the delivery and the meaning behind it and keep it on him. He’ll remember little subtle things that you yourself might not even notice about yourself. He’ll see how your eyes light up in certain situations, he’ll see how your shoulders slouch when you’re disappointed. He’s already filing it away in his head.
• When the confession happens, it is his favorite memory for quite a while. He’ll think about it, your reaction to it and the actions that come afterward. If an engagement is involved, that’s immediately his next favorite. There will of course be your firsts for everything, and he loves those milestones. He’ll cherish the milestones internally for the rest of his life with you. First kiss, first cuddle, first date, things like that. He’s a very analytical person, I wouldn’t see why he wouldn’t cherish these moments.
N—icknames: What type of nicknames would they call you? How would they treat the nicknames you give them? How important are nicknames to them?
• His nicknames will be mostly more formal, as in ‘my love’, ‘my dear’ and anything else along those lines. It’s more intimate sounding, more polite. It slips off of his tongue to address you daily, it’s officially your title to everyone around you. He will have some other nicknames for when the both of you are alone, more personal ones. He has little names for you that reflect your personality, your favorite things, your little mannerisms. It’s something much more relaxed than the formal names he often gives you, something more personable. Only the two of you will know if these names, he will only sulumly use it and will avoid wearing down its importance (which in his eyes is using it constantly).
• Nicknames are titles to him, and they are important to him in the aspect that it gives you a sort of personal trust with one another. You are his love, he is yours. He loves being given nicknames by you (as long as it isn’t outright an insult) and even if it sounds a little silly, he was given that name by you. He may request not to use MF, but he secretly kind of likes it as stupid as it is. Just use it behind a closed door, he might allow it../hj
O—bviousness: How obvious was it for you to notice they liked you? How obvious is it now for other people know if you’re together or not?
• You never knew. You never would have suspected it. He hides it so well, no matter how close you both end up being as friends, you will never actually tell he ends up falling for you. No one in the group except for Gricko would know, maybe even Kremy. They’d only notice through how his eyes soften for you just slightly when your back is turned, how his tail sways in full content out of your sight, how his voice very slightly raises in tone. Very, very small things that can easily be missed if you aren’t looking. Even if you do notice how he does more things for you, it would never come off as a romantic crush on you.
• He would observe you, watch and try to see if he can figure out if you like him back. He’s very cautious, he’s anxious and aware that he might misinterpret any signals and confess when you weren’t interested at all, he'd ruin your friendship. He’s very, very cautious of you and how you view him. If he doesn’t want you to know, you’re not knowing. The only way either of you would end up together is if you confess first, or if Gricko helps Frost out to confess to you.
• In other words, he could be crushing on you any time between months to years and you may never know.
P—ersistance: How persistent are they with the relationship? Are they proactive in the relationship to keep it fueling?
• He’s going to be very persistent to make sure the relationship is working and healthy. He’ll be consistent with his affection with you, having one-on-one moments with you, making sure you feel cared for and loved by him, etc. If there is something that needs recalibrated in the relationship he’s on it, if he needs to seesaw the responsibilities of the relationship for a bit when you don’t feel as motivated some days, or vice versa, he is always going to be persistent on making sure it is never one-sided.
• I feel like Frost would always make sure to have some plans already pre-meditated to try to fix solutions quicker. He wants to prepare for these things, basically. If he isn’t prepared, he’ll make sure to compensate and handle it accordingly.
Q—uest: If you were being challenged in the relationship, how would they take it? How would they work through it with you?
• Frost is always challenged by a lot of life situations, so this would be nothing short of just another day. However, despite his outward appearance to not be bothered, internally he’s going to feel so much more pressure and worry over these challenges. He cares for you, he loves you, he doesn’t want these challenges to scare you away or make you feel unwell in any sort of way. He wants to fix and solve these challenges as quickly and efficiently as possible, but the worry is still going to be there.
• If the challenge is external, his first priority is you. He’ll want to talk to you about it, come to an agreement on how to work forward together. He wants to tell you his reasonings and hear your own, he wants to make sure that before anything is set in stone when moving forward that you are content, or at least comfortable with the option chosen. He will never combat something like that without you, unless he absolutely has to.
• If the challenge is within the relationship, he wants to work it out with you. He wants to fix anything he can, work with you and work on himself if need be. He doesn’t want to lose the relationship with you no matter what it is. Talking first, and if that doesn’t work, he’ll probably work behind the scenes to fix whatever the issue is. Tinker about and experiment with it, in a way.
R—espect: How much respect do they show you through the relationship? How do you show it? What does respect mean to them from you?
• God, he has so much respect for you. He respects you in everything you say and do, if you’re dating him there’s no doubt about it. He’s respectful of every boundary you have, of every decision you make. He’s supporting you and respecting you as a person. He will never utter a negative connotation of you, and he will never let anyone talk about you that way either to your face or behind your back.
• He holds you to the highest regard, almost just barely higher than himself in some instances. He is thankful for you. Respect is given, however you have earned more respect as time goes on. Respect is very much conditioned into him from the Order, and he doesn’t let it go very often. He believes everyone should have respect, but you deserve so much more in his eyes.
S—afe: What would they do to ensure your safety with them? What would they do to make sure you feel safe with them as a person?
• Frost is, of course, a very observant person. When in new, potentially dangerous, areas he is always watching. His ears are swiveling, he makes sure you’re beside him and/or in sight of him. If you want to stay in his arms he will keep an arm around you, maybe even his tail. If you want to ‘hide’ so to speak, he’ll let you have his robe to be enveloped in. If you voice that you feel unsafe, he’ll fix it immediately. Don't want to go into that forest? He’ll find a way around. Don’t feel comfortable in this inn? No problem, you guys can find another one or camp outside the town outskirts. Don’t like the person scurrying around? He’ll fix that.
• When it comes to combat, he will constantly be monitoring where you are and your status. He will tell you in your mind where you should move to so that you are out of range, and if he finds a weak point in a particularly strong opponent. If you get injured he’ll find his way to you, guard you with his body and get you to safety if possible. He trusts your ability to decipher the danger of a situation, but just in case, he’ll always be right by your side. Pull you back with his paw or tail, teleport you away, anything at all. He would do anything to protect you, blow up as many minds as he can.
T—rust: Do they trust you in the relationship? Do they feel nervous or completely relaxed in the relationship?
• He knows you very well if he’s going to date you, and he is very comfortable with himself and his insecurities. He trusts you and it never crosses his mind at all if you might be cheating. You’re out at a bar and talking to a guy other than Frost? He watches the situation to make sure you’re comfortable and safe, but doesn’t eavesdrop or look over. He knows you’ll make the right choice, he doesn’t have any doubts about it.
• If you both are talking about a topic and someone tries to say you may be lying, he never would consider the fact that you might. He trusts your words and that you would tell him, if not anyone else, the truth of any situation or knowledge. He isn’t blind sighted by any means, but he puts his trust into you for practically everything once the both of you are a couple. He trusts you with his robe, his personally impactful belongings, all of it. He doesn’t do that with just anyone by any means.
• If this trust is broken once, however, it will never be repaired again.
U—topia: What is their perfect dream/future like and where do you play a part in it?
• Frost’s main dream is to, at the bare minimum, have you and at least Gricko and Hootsie by his side no matter where he does. He doesn’t have a solid end goal in his life, he doesn’t think about having a house of his own or a secure job. If he has to, he will, but he’s a very ‘go where the wind takes me’ type of person in the sense that he has never really had the habit of security no matter where he was, not that he remembers anyways. He’d love to have all of his friends, though he is prepared if there is a split in the group. He just wants you and Gricko and Hootsie. I feel like he really wouldn’t care where you all end up, he won’t complain either way, though he’d be much happier still traveling and digesting knowledge from around Avantris. But there is 100% a defined want he has thought about and looks forward to in his future, and it’s kittens/kids. He would like 2 children preferably, with him remembering to be an only child he felt rather lonely because of it, he wouldn’t want that for his kids. However, if he can’t have kids in his lifetime he’s already accepted it.
• If you decide to settle down, he’ll happily work with you to find a place to live. He’ll do some quests on the side, find a main secure job at a library or educational placement. Or, if available, he’d love to stay in the circus setting. Kids would be easier in this setting.
• If you decide to continue with your travels, Frost would be just as compliant. He’s used to this traveling, there’s nothing he’d change about it. It’s been your life for so long already, why change anything about it? Kids wouldn’t be impossible in this route, though Frost wouldn’t want to bring kids around if the living or situations were unsafe or unhappy.
• Basically, either choice has sacrifice to him, there isn’t a single desired future/utopia in his mind that fits his every want. As long as he has you, in the simplest terms, he’ll be fine.
V—alue: How much do they value the relationship? How important is it to them?
• He believed this relationship is one of, if not the most, important relationship he’s ever had. Despite his relationships with his friends, ex-flings, or even his parents or master, your relationship is the most impactful and important. He is giving you his all, his vulnerable person and his iron will.
• He believes that this relationship has so much to give, in not only a cooperative sense, but also a life-learning experience. He adores you, he loves you, even as indirectly affectionate as he is. If something happened to this relationship, he will 100% be a different person if it was broken in anyway.
W—ish: What is something they wish could happen when it comes to your relationship? Why?
• I believe the one thing he would wish for in the relationship is to be more affectionate. He sees these couples show each other affection and care and love, he wants to do that with you. He wants you to feel loved and cared for, he wants you to never doubt his love for you. He feels as though because he isn’t as affectionate in an open setting, you will feel as if he’s hiding you or doesn’t love you. That’s not the truth, he just doesn’t know how it is properly supposed to be done, at least in his mind. He is indirectly worried about the whole situation, that something will happen in some way if he is open with his relationship to you around strangers.
• Other than that, he’s very content. He never asks for much for anything, so I can’t imagine him wishing for much in a relationship that he works and cooperates with his partner with all of the time. Any wishes of relationship improvement is talked and worked through.
X—tra: Freebie!
• Despite not being very affectionate outside of closed doors.. behind closed doors he’s such a kitten when he wants to be. He’s holding you when you’re both laying down for the night, he’s nuzzling his cheeks into you and holding your middle as you work on something. He twists his tail around your leg or waist when he can. He is happily expressing his care and attention to you once you two are completely alone behind closed doors.
• Are you cold? He’s your new heat source. Have a headache? He’ll hide your face into his chest and purr, run his paw over your hair and groom it down. Have a bad day? He’ll help you relax and wrap all around you.
• When he’s in a particularly more playful mood, expect him to roll over on you or against you. Have you ever seen a tiger do those plop rub things? Yeah that’s him. He lets his cat instincts unfurl with you when that security is kept. Be prepared for Frost to look up at you with those big tiger eyes as a silent plea to let his cat instincts loose to show his love for you. And if he has a ball of yarn? Oh boy, be prepared for a lot of Frost pounces.
• But of course, imagine all of this with that neutral monotone look. It makes it 10x funnier, but he just can’t emote facially except for an occasional smile, so imagine Frost playing and pouncing on yarn with the most “-_-“ face known to man. This is partially a coping mechanism for him, partially him fucking around because he usually can’t.
Y—earning: How do they react to you being gone? How do they cope with being away from you? How would they treat you when you come back?
• With all honesty, I believe Frost would be relatively fine being without you for a few weeks. He’d feel how his arms are empty every night you’re away and not sleep as well as he would with you there, though he wouldn’t start to miss you and want you back until maybe 5 days in. After that, he’d start to progress with how much he misses you, wanting nothing but to groom you in the mornings and nights and hold you close. He understands you’re away for a reason, and he won’t outright complain or make a fuss about it. The others will definitely notice, though.
• Frost doesn’t realize just how drunk on your love he is until you’re gone for a week or more. It’s his ritual to hold you at night and groom your hair or give you little kisses, it’s his ritual to wrap his tail end around your leg as you stand beside him while the both of you tag behind the group, it’s his ritual to hold your pinkie as you walk together. He catches himself expecting you in his arms every morning after a few days, and ends up disappointed without you.
• He definitely acts fine and his life is unbothered relatively, though after maybe a week and a half he wants you back already. 2 weeks feels like a month to him without you there, just come back!! The others definitely noticed him being slightly more irritable than usual without you there, whether the tabaxi noticed or not. They 100% noticed how his tail stutters at the mention of your name when you’ve been gone, and they noticed how the tabaxi’s golden eyes have sunken in from improper sleep.
• “I’m fine, {y/n} will return in no time.. Gricko don’t touch that, it’s {y/n}’s. Don’t touch {y/n}’s stuff. It’s yours? It smells like {y/n}, leave it be for now.” Usually he wouldn’t care, but when you’re gone he just wants to smell your things, have your scent so it’s like you’re still beside him.
• Expect a ton of nuzzles, happy tiger chuffs, cuddles, grooms, and kisses as soon as you get back. He’s rather impatient, wanting to scoop you up and carry you off to have a moment with you. He wants to make up what was lost while you were away.
• The Order conditioned him not to be dependent on a person, never be weak in the absence of the person you admire or desire. He insists it didn’t affect him, though it really did. He’ll want to tear up walls for you, waiting for you to come back all while he tells himself that he doesn’t care that you’re gone. He’s very contradicting about this very simple thing, but it’s just one of those minor things the tabaxi can’t shake despite his intelligence and self awareness.
Z—eal: What would they do to the extent of your relationship? Is there anything they would sacrifice the relationship for?
• He would do anything he needs to. He’ll put a lot of patience and time into this relationship, even if it takes a long time. He’d fight for it, figuratively and literally, and do anything to keep the bond strong and unwavering. He’s never had anything to sacrifice for himself, though if there is something that he’d struggle to sacrifice are his friends. They mean so much to him, but you mean a lot to him too. If he had to pick between one or the other, it would be almost impossible for him to truly pick unless he was forcibly pulled to one. Either choice he’d have incredible guilt, he’d never fully be happy after a situation like that. If it came to the chance that he had to pick, he just wouldn’t, and that is one of the times you’d see him give up on trying to solve a solution. In other words, he’d do anything at all for you and this relationship.
#legends of avantris#once upon a witchlight#unexplainedfanfics#fanfiction#legends of avantris x reader#morning frost#x reader#morning frost x reader#headcanons#ouaw headcanons#legends of avantris headcanons#ouaw morning frost#morning frost headcanons
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HOTD Headcanons
i can hear the bells // p.1 & p.2
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⤷ pairing(s): aegon ii targaryen x reader & cregan stark x reader ⤷ warning(s): mentions of sex, alcohol, general rudeness ⤷ a/n: please forgive me for Aegon 😖 part two with jace and aemond will be up soon…hopefully i acquired a hand injury today soooo… whoops lol
―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―
★ cregan stark



The betrothal came with Jace after his security of the north and the Stark’s oath. You were to fly in a fortnight to Winterfell and become Lady Stark. You find yourself in tears at night but Baela spends all night with you, making you feel better about your new northern life.
You struggle but understand that you will be alone at your binding to Lord Stark. Your family is at the precipice of war and they need the alliance
The North is cold and sparse but it’s expansive desolation is half the charm. The cold will get taking used to
There is no reception and few words at your arrival other than Lord Stark, Sara Snow, and a half dozen of his men. It’s cordial and quick, as there is war to attend to
On the morning of, Cregan’s half-sister is warm and lovely, braiding your hair in the Targaryen way but dressing you in the Stark. It is foreign but quickly becoming familiar
As you walk towards the weirwood under the swirling, quiet snow, you mourn the absence of your mother and siblings. Your father, who has long since perished within the scarred halls of Harrenhal and Luke whose death still makes you shed tears.
Cregan is handsome, ruggedly so. He’s not the man you envisioned yourself with but he will more than do. You like his frost bitten cheeks and his long brown hair. You like the furs that surround his body that make him seem warm and inviting. He’s also almost a head taller than you, you can’t help the blush that creeps up your cheeks. You hope he chalks it up to the cold.
Cregan did not imagine marrying a Targaryen princess. But he can hardly look at you, for you are far more beautiful than he had imagined
He surprises you with a feast, not with any flowers or the grandeur of the weddings you attended in childhood but there is music, food, and people dancing. You learn quickly that the Northerner's like to have fun and enjoy a good party.
Your and Cregan’s first dance is nothing short of awkward but it’s full of laughter as he spins you around and as you step on his toes. His large hands encases your own as he guides you through the dance floor.
You forget about what’s brewing in the south and relish in the feast, while simultaneously falling in love with your husband
The bedding ceremony comes around and Cregan’s timid at first. He’s unwilling to hurt you. Sweet and kind, Cregan is not rough for now
You think forever could be lovely with him
★ aegon ii targaryen



The two of you have been betrothed since your fifth name day and doomed from the beginning
It isn’t love at first sight, not at all. In fact, he gives you the look of disgust when you first meet at his sixteenth name day tourney. Aegon makes it a point to make fun of your clothing and insults your intellect, of which he is lacking you muse.
There’s not many more meetings between the two of you before the queen suggests you acquire a room at the keep. You’re not thrilled but you cannot refuse.
It’s not until a month has passed since your arrival to the Red Keep that he decides to acknowledge your presence. There are moments in the months leading up to your union that he’s almost sweet, almost affectionate with you. In the ways that he touches your wrist, brings you things you might enjoy, or spends most of his time with you
Over time you start to believe that maybe there is love there. That you and Aegon can come to be companions and lovers. At least you can say that you are falling in love with him
On your wedding day, he takes the white and silver cloak adorned with twin Direwolves and crimson red Weirwood leaves and practically throws it to the side.
His kiss is sloppy, uncouth, and embarrassing. You don’t reciprocate instead choosing to wait out the shameless display.
Aegon gets drunk at the reception.
Far into his bottle of wine, he calls you the wolf whore. The northern barbarian, he whispers in your ear. That’s when you decide you have had enough
You’re sure that if your brother was able to join the festivities away from the castle, he would have killed Aegon
You go to bed alone on your wedding night, tears stain your sheets and serious thoughts of running away plague your mind
It’s almost dawn when there’s a knock at the door and the creak of it’s hinges stirring you from slumber, he’s quiet and tentative something you hadn’t experienced with Aegon. He crawls into the bed, but doesn’t approach your form.
He’s nervous Aegon confesses, stranger to the unknown feeling of love and respect from anyone. That there has been no teaching of what love could be or is. He admits that he could see himself learning with you
#cregan stark x reader#aegon ii targaryen x reader#aegon targaryen x reader#aegon targaryen#cregan stark#hotd#hotd fanfic#house of the dragon#headcanon#asoiaf#angst#aegon x reader#aegon ii x you#aegon ii targaryen
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x gn!civilian!reader
Warnings: Fluff, NSFW Content towards the bottom (labeled)
Summary: How Miguel would behave in a relationship!
A/N: I promise I will write smut based on NSFW headcanons soon!!
Word Count: 2K (barely edited)
Meeting/Finding Out He’s Spider-Man
Miguel had met you during one of his patrol nights in Nueva York. He was stopping by the small Mexican place he frequented when you and a group of friends walked in. You had come from a nearby bar and the group agreed to end the night with great Mexican food to help lessen the hangovers bound to appear the next morning. You instantly caught his attention and he watched you as you conversed with the group.
You were the first to order your food and had come to stand beside the superhero as you both waited for your orders to be placed on the to-go counter. Despite having the strong scent of alcohol on you, Miguel could still smell your hypnotizing scent and it made his head fuzzy. He almost didn’t hear you when you started talking to him and asked him about his night.
Even when his food was ready, he held onto the brown paper bag and waited with you until your food came. He continued talking to you and marveled at how easy laughing and talking with you seemed. He only left after you got your food and the rest of your friends came to join you. He bid you a goodnight and walked out of the small restaurant with the sound of your voice echoing in his ears.
The second time he saw you, he was in his civilian form grocery shopping. He had passed by an aisle when a familiar scent filled his senses. He quickly back-tracked and looked down the shelves of food to find you standing there with two boxes in your hands. He entered the aisle, standing a bit away from you and pretending to mind his business while sneaking glances at you.
When he came to stand next to you, you had to physically avoid looking at the well-built and tall man. You didn’t want to seem like a creep and eye-fuck a stranger, but when he picked up a jar you couldn’t help opening your mouth. “That one’s always too sweet, you should get this one instead.”
Miguel almost flinched when your voice met his ears. He looked down at the jar he had grabbed at random, seeing it was a container of frosting. He looked at you before following your finger where it was pointing to a different brand of the same flavoured frosting. He didn’t need frosting, nor did he like it all that much, but he instantly switched the jar in his hands and placed the one you recommended in the cart. He saw that you were choosing between two types of chocolate cake, and he let you complain to him about how there were way too many different variations of chocolate cake mixes before helping you choose one.
You had both continued shopping together as you left the aisle, walking alongside each other and chatting. As you both walked out of the store, Miguel offered to help you place your groceries in your car before asking for your number. You had happily given it to him and you both talked on the phone before he asked you on a date. The date had gone well and after another date, you both started dating.
You were still unaware of his secret identity as Spider-Man for a few months, but it had been revealed after you had come to his apartment for a surprise visit to find him standing in his living room in his suit. You had both stood still, watching each other and trying to process the scene before you. You had been the first to react, doubling over in laughter as Miguel sweated in his suit. You had to hold onto the door handle as you wheezed, exclaiming: “Omg, Migs, you should see your face right now!”
The tension instantly vanished and he was only given a strict warning to be careful and to not hide anything from each other anymore. He had instantly agreed, happy that he hadn’t scared you off and that you accepted him. All of him.
SFW Headcanons
Miguel knows how busy he can be with work, knows how forgetful he can be about everything outside his office. So, he told Lyla to keep a file on you. He has notes about the things you like, important dates, clothing sizes, things you want or talked about with great passion. He wants to make sure all his information is accurate and it is edited regularly. He just wants to make you happy and he references the data constantly when he tries to make you feel better or wants to get you a gift.
You’re Miguel’s passenger princess/prince. He knows you are 100% capable of driving yourself, but when you’re with him he doesn’t want you to worry about anything. He just wants to spoil you. He’ll keep a throw blanket and neck pillow in the backseat in case you get tired or cold, he might even buy you your usual order at your favorite coffee place if he’s picking you up or if he passes it on his way home. If you open your glove box, you’ll find some of your favorite snacks waiting for you along with other things like hand sanitizer, band aids, or small things for you to play with if you get bored.
Miguel also refuses to let you open doors by yourself. He’s opening the car door for you all the time and he’s racing to get out before you. (I imagine he’d be like this.) He always opens the door to your house for you, even if he has stuff in his hands. He’ll let you walk into any establishment first, holding the door with twinkling eyes as he follows behind you like a puppy. You joke with him all the time that he looks like a proud doberman with his chest puffed out in pride after being a gentleman for you.
Of course, he calls you terms of endearment in Spanish. When he says anything super romantic or cheesy, it’s in his smooth Spanish. He gets too embarrassed to say it in English, and it’s easier for him to put the words together in his mother tongue. He makes it easy to remember that Spanish is labeled a romance language.
If you don’t understand/speak Spanish, he’d be more than happy to teach you. Though you’d have to be the one to ask him, because he finds a certain joy in being able to say anything to you in Spanish without you knowing what he means. He finds it adorable when you scrunch your nose up in confusion before letting out an annoyed sigh when he refuses to translate it for you. He’s completely fine if you have no interest in learning the language, but he only hopes you take the time to appreciate the culture.
Miguel loves spoiling you, so it’s common for him to surprise you with gifts after he comes home. They can range from flowers to jewelry to even clothes. If he finds something that reminds him of you, it’s being bought and gifted to you. He loves the looks of joy on your face when he presents them to you and he definitely doesn’t mind the shower of kisses you cover his face with in thanks. And if you complain about how you don’t want him to spend so much money on you, he suddenly turns deaf and walks away.
Miguel loves helping you with domestic chores, even ones that he finds annoying to deal with. It makes him feel normal again, like he’s just Miguel. Not Spiderman, not the leader of an elite group of Spider people. He’s just Miguel with his amazing partner living a normal life.
Miguel likes when you text him about your day or what you’re doing. Not because he’s controlling and wants you to feel limited in what you do when he’s away, but because he simply loves taking those few seconds to distract himself from work to talk to you. He likes knowing you’re okay and finds your random texts about whatever happened to you today cute. It makes him more eager to go home and hear you go into more detail about the day’s events.
Everyone has their “cleaning music”, or the songs that you play as you clean on lazy Sunday mornings as a way to motivate you. Yours were old love songs from the 50s. Miguel had no clue those songs existed (living so far into the future) and you only listened to them because your great-grandmother passed it down as a family cleaning tradition. But they soon became Miguel’s favorite songs to hear when he walked through the door or slipped in through a window after a hard day of work.
He would find you cleaning or cooking as the old tunes played softly in the air and he would beeline for you. He would wrap his arms around you as you cooked, slowly swaying your bodies as you hummed along and he buried his face into your neck to inhale your calming scent.
If you were cleaning, he would drag you onto the couch with him, making you lay against his chest as he pressed soft kisses to your neck and shoulders. After a while, he would close his eyes in content and fall asleep to quiet love songs and the feeling of your warmth pressing into him.
NSFW (more headcanons here)
In the first few months of dating, you would both do sexual things together, but didn’t go all the way at your request. Miguel respected your wishes, but that doesn’t mean it was easy for him. There were so many times after Miguel had touched you or tasted your sweet juices that your arousal-drenched underwear would go missing. Miguel would leave back to his apartment or to the bathroom, jerking off desperately as he held the cloth to his nose.
Miguel loved buying you toys and lingerie. He always gave them to you, seeing the blush on your face as he leaned down and whispered in your ear to show him that they’d be brought to good use. Those days usually lead to Miguel grinding you on his thigh while you wore your new sets or sitting down and jerking off as you laid in bed showing him exactly how your new toys would be used.
Miguel is more than willing to do whatever you’re in to, and you’re the same. Miguel loves that you feel comfortable asking him to do certain things to your body and it makes him that much more eager to do them correctly. He’s always open to trying new things if you ask, his only goal being to make you feel good and to fulfill your sexual needs. The only thing he would say no to is letting other people join in on the fun, he refuses to let anyone touch you the way he does unless he fully trusts that person and knows they have no real romantic interest in you. He can’t risk anyone taking you away from him.
Miguel is a dominant man by nature, but if you want to be the dominant one for the change, he quickly gives you the control. He loves seeing you so feisty and demanding what you want from him. He always knows he’s in for a treat when you ask him for control and he’s always beyond satisfied when you’re done with him.
If you’re a reader, Miguel is reading all your smutty books. He wants to know what has you shifting on the couch and he loves whispering in your ear to let him try it out on you. If you ask nicely and promise a good reward, he’ll even read the male lead’s lines during the scene for you to enjoy. Be warned, he will have a teasing smirk on his lip when he reads them out and he’ll hold it against you just to see you get embarrassed.
The first time you suggested recording you guys having sex, Miguel went absolutely feral. He was having the time of his life recording you breaking on his cock and whining out his name. He was especially teasing and degrading that day, basking in the way you were so turned on by him recording you. He frequently looks back on that video, watching your face and body intently as he pumped his cock in the confines of his home or securely locked and soundproofed office in the Spidey HQ.
I won’t be able to write for a few days as family will be coming to stay with me for a bit, so the next two to three posts will be pre-written. I’m sorry in advance for the rushed content.
#atsv miguel#across the spiderverse#miguel o'hara#miguel o'hara x y/n#miguel ohara fanfiction#miguel ohara x you#miguel o’hara x reader#spiderman 2099 x reader#spiderman 2099 x you#across the spiderverse smut#miguel ohara fluff#miguel ohara x reader#spiderman 2099#miguel ohara headcanon
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Desperate-Gay’s Masterlist
|| rules for my fics || upcoming wips ||



player x reader
leah williamson
abs 18+
constellations 18+
constellations II
stop squirming
throat 18+
sharing is caring 18+
just one more 18+
secret santa
a christmas tease
alexia putellas
too hot 18+
needy november
you’re not sorry
alex morgan
its a little childish universe✨
scary talks at midnight
pent up energy 18+
sweet after spice
alessia russo
ali krieger
the look of love
champions 18+
mary earps
needy girl 18+
stress toy 18+
family recipe
mary anon fics: 1 2
steph catley
baby just say yes
a treat a day keeps the calvin away
stina blackstenius
meet the wife
my sleepy girl
emily fox
guilty confession
aitana bonmati
frost bite
lucy bronze
distraction 18+
katie mccabe
dinner rush 18+
ingrid engen
actions have consequences 18+ (kinda)
mapi leon
costumes 18+
jenni hermoso
home gym 18+
christen press
kristie mewis
safe with you
emily sonnett
rivals 18+
ona batlle
forever & always
esme morgan
electric love
kyra cooney cross
stomach bug
millie bright
romeo & juliet
kim little
unexpected confession
player x player x reader
magda eriksson x pernille harder
*request anyone, i’ll probably write for them!*



character x reader
francesca bridgerton
coming soon…
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two shots of ristretto, please!
One must have heard of espresso, but ristretto? No?
Well, translated to 'restricted' in Italian, ristretto is another version of espresso, but of a sweeter and more intense quality than the latter— though, you reckon, there's no entity in this world, sweeter and more intense than that white-haired, blue-eyed enigma-turned-menace of yours.
▸ yakuza heir! gojo satoru x uni classmate! fem! reader; TIMESKIP; dad! gojo satoru x mom! reader; FLUFF AND HUMOR GALORE; popularising the headcanon that gojo is so terrifyingly gojo for everyone, except his crush; the said crush's smart & not dense, for the first time in my stories; there is yakuza so there's a gun and there's a tiny bit of violence; brief appearance of utahime, shoko, suguru & nanami; POST-TIMESKIP: the most adorable twins ever, sachiko and sachiro, are back, with tons and tons of fluff!!!!!
▸ belongs to the series 'tang!' — same universe as the work 'every rose and its 'twin prickles'' — but you can treat this as a stand-alone fic if you wanna!
▸ i know i described the reader to be smart and stuff, but the thing is: she is smart, of sorts, that is. and the post-timeskip portion is tooth-rottingly fluffy but not for satoru; sachiko & sachiro will never let their papa get some loving from their dearest mama... AND this is 4.4k wc long— idk how i wrote so freaking much! anyways, whatever it is–
▸ i don't own the characters, the image or the divider used. please don't plagiarize or translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
Gojo Satoru was born with three things.
His name.
His looks.
And, of course– the baggage certain to tag along with the above two.
Cup of coffee languishing in the frost of your ignorance, you lock gaze, the first time, with the famous infamous scion of the Gojo’s, an awfully stormy morning at the café your friend works at.
Said friend looks halfway on the path to sweet, sweet dreams, resting her head on folded arms on your table — smiling, you tuck a wayward strand of hair behind the shell of her ear, and return to your sly spying on the group seated couple of feet away. You think you see Gojo look at you yet another time — it must be an error of your eye, you reckon, given how he's giving a sharp grin to the man across from him, in the very next instant.
Yeah, that's what it is. No one can possibly switch from shooting that level of thoughtful gaze to that level of feral grin in that short span of time. Yeah, it must have been a mistake of your silly eye.
Anyways, whatever it is, to say you hate drawing attention to yourself will be the greatest understatement of the century— so you decide to look away for a beat, to avoid even the faintest hint of suspicion, eyes going back to the chemical reactions strewn across the mess you call notes— only to snap back to the white-haired boy, widening in horror from the click! then the scene crashing onto your brain.
Gojo chuckles, eyes flitting from the gun aimed at the space between his eyebrows to the man holding it. "Aww," you register him croon, that self-sabotaging dumbass, "resorting to such cheap violence so quickly, Zenin-san? Grew tired of a civil conversation already? Tsk. What a pity."
Another time and you think you'll consider this precise moment to be when you wake your friend up and slowly sneak away into the kitchen then out, via the back door. Another day and you know you'll consider this very second to be when you return your focus to your assignment on carbohydrates, all the while hoping you or your friend won't be cast into a brawl none of you are a part of—
Too bad it isn't another time or another day, though.
Biting back a grimace, you shut your laptop and rise from your chair with a loud clatter.
"Forcing someone isn't really a nice way to make a deal, y'know," you hum, walking over to their table and plopping down onto the free seat next to Gojo, "what is better is to explain the pros and cons to the one opposite to you and try to convince them. Gently. And if that doesn't work, manipulate the hell out of them. But this?" you shoot the metal gun a disappointed glance, shaking your head, "this is a method even I know I shouldn't use to get my rival to agree to something, though I'm not from a criminal background."
The man– Zenin, you correct yourself; the second largest yakuza clan right after Gojo's family, your memory supplies after a beat – gives a slow look from the weapon to you, a scowl appearing on his features. And barks – voice, a disgusting grating noise to your sleep-deprived self.
"Who the fuck are you, girl? And why the fuck are you interfering in this?"
You pause. Okay, this wasn't what you were expecting when you first strolled out here. You were expecting a yell, a scuffle; worst case, the gun aimed at your precious brain. But this? One question about your identity, and the other about your reason for approaching them? You haven't prepared yourself for this!
Frowning, you cast a glance to your left, only to find the white-haired boy stare at you, staggered, with wide eyes and flushed cheeks; then at your friend who's snoring away like she doesn't give a damn about napping at work; then at the man glowering at you.
You sigh, rubbing your temples.
"Who the fuck I am... that's for me to know and for you to find out,” you answer, smirking, before growing serious again as you rush to explain, upon catching a murderous glint in the man’s eyes, “I mean, c'mon, y'all are the yakuza. This should be a piece of cake for you, shouldn’t it?"
The man's glare only worsens in result; stamping down the apprehension in your mind, you continue, "And as for why the fuck I'm interfering in this—"
You abruptly fall silent.
Offering the boy beside you a panicky glance.
Wondering what the hell you can say in reply.
Should you say, "I've been listening to you threaten the poor boy for a good thirty minutes now, saying he's gonna face dire consequences, or some shit like that, if he doesn't share the area in the east with the Zenin's or refuses to marry their third daughter— who I'm pretty sure, y'all have made into nothing but a maid, a cook and a broodmare. Poor girl, being spoken of by her own family member to a stranger boy, as if she isn't a human being but something with no life or ambition. But, hey, how you raise your kids is honestly your own problem and I’m not here to drill some lesson into your head– though I guess, folks like you could really use some. Anyways, whatever the fuck it is, I'm here because I JUST CAN'T SEE ANOTHER BEING FORCED TO DO SOMETHING AGAINST THEIR WILL. AND I’M GONNA PROTEST AGAINST IT AS LONG AS I’VE A BREATH LEFT IN MY LUNGS."
The inner-you tsks at the outer-you.
You groan inwardly, shifting to the next plan already.
So, must you say, "Gojo's my classmate, who has been sitting behind me since the first class of the year, and very weird to say, but I have also been finding him here at this coffee shop, every day I visit since that day, sitting at this specific table and scribbling in a notebook for hours at end— and, yeah, way weirder to admit out loud, but I guess I have also formed some kind of attachment to him? 'Cause of which, I feel, I get worried when I see him being actively threatened? And, yes, of course– all the while I totally ignore that he's next in line to a notorious criminal family or the fact that he's never even noticed me once before today."
Another click! bounces off the walls into your ears, making you draw away from your mind back to the situation at hand. You settle for offering a shrug.
"Why I'm here is because Gojo is one of my acquaintances and I just can't seem to stand someone being forced to do something against their will."
Your statement earns a mocking laugh from the man, but before you rush to defend yourself and the fact you spoke the truth, a calloused palm rests on your forearm. Gojo's gaze flits from you to the gun still pointed at him then back to you. You feel a mild tremor in his fingers when they meet your skin. Good heavens, Gojo must be really scared, huh?
His careful voice reaches you, a far cry from the haughty tone he was employing with the Zenin fellow earlier, "It's best if you leave now. Go take your friend and go away. And don't come back here. At least not until sometime later, yeah? Things are gonna get a hell lot messy and I don't want you to see that."
For the first time in many days, the buzz of caffeine in your veins weakens, giving way to the thrum of worry you feel at Gojo’s words. Has this bastard already accepted his fate!? Hell no! Not if you can help it!!
You give his arm a light pat.
"While I leave you here, all alone, huh?" Shaking your head, you click your tongue. "Nope! Not gonna happen, mister. My parents raised me way better than that. Besides, you might not be knowing me but I've been knowing you for a while now, and despite what everyone says of you being the crown prince, or whatever, in the underworld — I ain't leaving you here, with your life at the mercy of a person who doesn't even have a shred of respect for others' freedom of choice and stuff."
A noisy yawn sounds in the background, soon followed by a noisier series of snores. Gojo's mouth opens and closes a few times, like a funny fish, before he inquires, voice brimming with disbelief, "You... have noticed me? Since when?"
You blink, then chuckle. "Of course, I have. Since the first day, if I'm being honest here," you reply, then add as a hasty after-thought, so that he doesn't see you as a weirdo, "I mean, it's tough not to notice you, y'know? Not when you're—"
A deafening crash interrupts you in the middle of your sentence. You look away from the boy to find the man standing now, face contorted in a mix of fury and desperation while he shifts the gun's muzzle from Gojo to you, then back to Gojo, words leaving him in a harsh yell.
A second deafening crash reverberates through the small shop– and you think you see your life flash before your eyes– but not before the man drops to the ground, most probably unconscious and hopefully not too damaged to lead a functional life, and very earnestly not dead. The gun clatters to the ground beside him. You turn to your classmate, eyes wide. Gojo returns your gaze, unblinking and slack jawed.
Heart thundering in your ears, you hurry to explain yourself, "I–"
"You smashed that plate on that guy's head."
Gojo’s blunt words bring you to a still, making your eyes drift to the fragments of the unlucky glass plate, to the unluckier but-totally-deserved-it Zenin, then back to your classmate. A little more awe on the boy’s face and you think his jaw might hit the floor.
You nod slowly.
"Yeah, but as self-defence. I mean, you saw how eccentric that man was acting, right? I had to do something to protect both of us," you explain, looking away from the pair of blue eyes watching you closely, to your friend who still seems to be lost in the land of sleep (how much exactly did she drink last night, huh?) to your grey sneakers, voice growing mumbled with every other syllable you utter.
"But that doesn't mean you've to feel some sort of debt towards me or anything. I too was kind of at mistake then, I guess... what with me rambling so fucking much when there was a literal gun at your head. I should have acted with more tact then – if I had done so, then maybe this mess could've been avoided. I mean, I've never seen these things before in my life, y'know? Except in TV shows, that is. Yet, this foolish me here thought she could just swoop in and save you like some sort of a hero..."
Sullen, you trail off, face growing warm from embarrassment whilst your mind devises a plan on how to clear up the mess you created, many thanks to your foolhardy nature, when a muffled laugh reaches you. Gojo's eyes twinkle in enjoyment at the bewildered huff you give him.
"You did save me like a real hero back then, y'know," he says, grinning a wide grin – before it disappears, making way for a much reserved, much shyer(??) version. A giggly voice within you whispers he looks just as sweet as he did with his cute dimples. The boy continues, carding a hand through his mess of white hair, with a casual glance at the man, "And, as for the mess you keep mentioning, don't you worry. Gun shots create more mess than a plate smashed on the head. And if I can clear that within a minute– this won't even take me a full second, Miss Hero. Don't you worry for this at all. But, yeah, thank you."
Now, you don't really know if it was the sincerity in his voice as Gojo thanked you, or the fact that he has to clean up the mess you made in the first place, or the stunned feeling so clearly visible in the blue colour of his irises when you admitted to noticing him— whatever it is, you find yourself not wanting to leave anything unsaid between you both.
Moreover, the realization that lives are considered extremely low-on-value in the world of crime, so much that guns are whipped out at the tiny disagreements or boasts are made on how quick a gunshot mess can be cleared by them — this realization doesn't make things any easier for you.
Giving the injured man and your napping friend a momentary glance, you return your focus to Gojo, whose eyes are now narrowed at his mobile, and speak those words weighing heavy on your mind right now.
"I really noticed you since the first day, Gojo," you say. The boy pauses his typing, confused gaze darting to you. "But not just 'cause you're the Gojo Satoru, or 'cause you're really pretty — which you totally are, by the way— but mainly because you had ambled into our first class, on the first day, a magnificent hour late, with your two friends— and my first thought seeing you was, what sort of a fucking entitled brat is this guy, sauntering in as if he owns the entire place."
A beat passes before the boy erupts into chuckles, though the tense quality of them doesn't escape your notice. Pocketing his mobile, he shoots you a small smile. "And what about noticing me after that? It was just my name and looks which kept your attention hooked onto me, wasn't it?"
The question– the mumbled way it was asked, more so– sends you into a brief bout of musing silence. Gojo's eyes remain trained on you the entire while — quite contrary to the innumerable adjectives you've heard to describe them: oceanic blue, sparkling blue, mesmerising blue, kind-of-startling blue– you think they're just... blue. So blue, you wonder if there's anything as blue as that gaze peering down at you.
Perhaps not.
Lips curving into a smile, you hum, "Yes and no. Yes, 'cause that was the main reason why my eyes kept trailing you whenever we were in the same place. No, 'cause they were the reasons only until I realised what kind of person you are, and how very different you're from what I first thought of you. I got new reasons after those."
"Mind telling me those new reasons?"
Gojo's nervous question widens the smile on your face. Casting your friend a glance — goodness, how many drinks did she really have at the party she went to last night — you reply, making your voice light and friendly, "Your personality made me curious. You are old money, with good looks to boot— you're literally the heartthrob of every girl on campus! Still, I've never seen you with anyone from them— never with anyone outside your group of three friends — though, I got to admit, the blond boy looks nothing less than constipated for a week, when he talks to you."
That last comment draws a chuckle from the white-haired boy. The tightness in his shoulders seems to relax a bit, you note with relief. Face still carrying the same smile as before, you continue speaking.
"And the second point which made me curious was how different you behave in different places. Your voice rings across the cafeteria every day during lunch yet you stay so quiet here for hours at end. You once said you've never been much of a book person, yet I always see you in this shop, immersed in your notebooks. And– what has struck me the most of all is the way you tend to go out of you way to annoy others – I've been sitting in front of you in class for a good three months now, yet you've never ever irritated me in the slightest. Kind of strange, ain’t it?"
Stunned silence comes as the answer to your question, what with the addressed classmate of yours, rooted to his spot on the ground, blue eyes as round as the plate you had smashed on the man's head some time ago and the expression on Gojo's face, almost as if you've grown a couple of heads in the while you have been chatting with him.
Or more like monologuing, now that you think about it.
This guy is always so chatty with others: he was even then with that gun cocked to take his life — then why the fuck is he so unspeaking right now, eh?
"Oh God, Satoru, I can't believe your plan of lurking in the places she goes to, to catch her eye, worked out!!" "Are you asking her out right now, bro?" "Can you all please move? It's raining like hell outside and I'm not really keen to get my leather jacket wet, thank you."
The noisy rumbles of rain and thunder stream in through the opened door, before the latter is closed again, snapping you out of your internal monologue, a bit too sudden and harsh for your liking. Three pairs of eyes regard you with an utmost curiosity — you return them a blink before dragging your eyes away and looking at the boy a good foot away, only to find him resolutely staring at the overhead lights. Two pretty long (and pretty weird) seconds pass before you finally decide to tear your gaze away from him to the rain-soaked glass window of the eatery.
A face with creased brows and warmed cheeks greets you from your reflection.
Screwing your eyes tight shut in an attempt to ward off an annoying headache you can feel build up, slowly yet steadily, you let out a sigh.
Friendship with the Gojo Satoru seems good enough but romance with the Gojo Satoru... that doesn’t seem half-as-good, right?
Your son's insistent voice, coupled by the tiny fist he slams down on the table, breaks you out of your reverie and you turn to find Sachiro wearing a frown, tears brimming in his eyes– eyes which move away from his father and sister to you, pinning your drowsy form beneath the weight of their moisture.
Stifling a weary sigh, you place the menu card back on the table and coo, "Aw, Sachiro! What's wrong, baby? Are Papa and Sachiko saying mean things to you again? Are they still teasing you regarding today's incident?"
Although, you suppose to yourself, catastrophe might suit what happened today, way more than the word 'incident'— what with the shrieks, cries and yells resounding through your flat in the short time you took to get ready for your Sunday lunch at a restaurant. Rubbing his eyes a little, the little boy scoots closer to you and nods weakly, wrapping his tiny arms round you. Pressing a kiss to the top of his head, you direct a stern look at the two sitting across from you.
Sipping on the welcome drink, Sachiko just shrugs back at you.
"I'm not the wrong person here, Mom. He is," your daughter explains, pointing a finger at her brother, then retracting it at your frown. Your husband snickers from beside her. “Yeah, sweetness, it’s Sachiro who’s wrong. Getting confused on when’s your birthday is no small mistake. Besides, our darling little munchkins taunt me the entire time if I ever make a mistake, no? Can’t see why they can’t stand a taste of their own medicine, then.”
The sobs muffled into the cotton of your dress grow in intensity and misery. Sending her father a vicious stink eye, your daughter moves to observe you and her brother, a cute little frown on her face.
"Okay, fine," she relents after a short beat, returning the lemonade to the table, "Guess I was a little wrong. Maybe I shouldn't have teased him so much, along with Papa, for messing up the date of your birthday. I also should not have said, he doesn't love you, some time back."
A very weighted moment passes. The little girl jumps off her seat and reaches your side of the table, tiny arms reaching out to wrap around her brother. It takes a minute, and a small nudge from your side but soon enough, your two kids are hugging each other; Sachiro, a wailing mess, whilst Sachiko, being the older of the twins that she is, keeps saying 'sorry's' and patting his head, the exact same way their father does to them in times of their grave distress — when they throw a tantrum and get a nice long lecture from you, that is.
Fond smile creeping onto your lips, you tear your gaze away from the two adorable angels of your life to your husband.
Relieved to find him sans any teasing smile, you receive a gentle look from him, his hand reaching out to interweave his fingers through yours. You let him with a content hum, basking in the simple domestic joy seeping in through the sweetly scented air of the restaurant. A pair of plush lips press to your palm; biting back a giddy giggle, you throw the owner of said luscious lips a meaningful wink.
Though... you doubt how much of your meaning could be conveyed to him... given how the two of you jerk back from each other a mere instant later, at the loud clearing of a throat from Sachiko and an angry 'Papa! Go away!' from Sachiro.
Stomping back to her chair and settling into it with some effort and a huff, you watch an extremely pissed shadow form over the little girl's face, worsening as she twists and cranes her neck up to face her father. You really, really think your husband must not chuckle in this way in the face of such a thunderstorm— not when your daughter is shooting daggers with her gaze; and certainly not when your son is shooting that gloating smirk at him.
Another time and you think you’ll look at that glare and at that smirk, then proceed to be on cloud-nine, realizing your children, despite being xerox copies of their father (both in looks and manners), did inherit certain features from you as well— something which a terribly competitive voice inside your head claims, is a great win— now, however, is decidedly no such time.
Not when the person you’ve loved for these many years and know, will continue to do so for an eternity, looks one step away from being tormented to death– by none but the two milk-toothed lights of both of your lives.
You watch Sachiko’s frown deepen, more than should be possible for someone her age, then begin.
"Papa, I'm sorry but I have to break our deal. Sachiro is right. We two are the strongest duo of twins in the multiverse — we can't let you break our team this way. So, what if my brother makes a mistake? He's a young baby and babies are allowed to make mistakes, aren't they?"
You wonder if she truly understands she was born a mere six minutes prior than her brother... and not six whole years, as appears to be the case right now. Holding back chuckles, you spare the person, addressed in the ‘not-really-apology' apology, an amused glance, then nod your head solemnly at her words.
"They are, baby. They so are," you agree in the very next instant, then ask, a genuine inquiring inflection to your tone, "But what deal did Papa make you agree to, baby? Sounds pretty serious to me, to be honest."
"Oh, it wasn't anything, sweet cheeks," your husband begins with an awfully nervous-sounding chortle; too bad, your daughter is quick to beat him to it. Throwing him a smirk, you can only describe to be devious, she looks back at you and grins. "Two weeks back, Papa found me in the living room, late at night, staring at shooting stars through the windows. And I found him walking away from the kitchen, eating a giant chocolate bar. Papa said you’ll be very mad because we didn’t listen to what you said, so, we should make a deal and become a team to keep this a secret from you."
"Papa made that deal– only to divide us. So, our strong team can be destroyed and he can easily defeat us and keep you all for himself, Mama," your son chips in, puffy eyes narrowed into a very hard glare. Your daughter agrees vehemently from the opposite side.
Your eyes drop to the glass of lemonade before you; you try your best to stifle the yawn.
This fight over your affection has been going on since the time your children turned four or so... and despite them nearing an age of six in few months, no end can be seen in the horizon, to this war raging within your home...
And as for the matter of Sachiko being awake way past her bedtime? You reckon you can't really do much on this, other than repeating the rules and the reasons behind each one of them– especially of punctuality and an adequate sleep– to her, like you did the last time... though, you think of toning your lecture down a little this time, considering it wasn't a video game but a meteor show she had stayed awake for... besides you too used to be — okay, no, wait, what???
Your husband's sheepish grin collides with the incensed glare you aim his way over the table. Letting out a frustrated huff of an exhale, your face turns away from his, choosing to stare at itself in the clean glass windows instead — too, too mad to acknowledge that white-haired, blue-eyed menace of yours, whining apologies with a pitiful gaze.
You screw your eyes shut and let out a sigh.
Being married to the yakuza king, Gojo Satoru, is a story, you deem, it couldn’t have been better, but being married to the sweet fiend, Gojo Satoru?
Oh, sweet– no, strike that, you fucking hate that word—
Oh, sour heavens above.
That's a different story altogether.
▸ if you've reached this point and still love me and/or my writing, istg I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH. writing something inspired by one's self-ship is so satisfying but so difficult, ngl. A BIG TYYY TO YOU WHO IS READING THIS LINE RN AFTER READING THIS MONSTROSITY OF A ONESHOT *sniffles*
▸ masterlist
#gojo x reader#gojo x you#gojo satoru x reader#gojo satoru x you#satoru x reader#satoru x you#jjk x reader#jjk x you#gojo fluff#gojo fic#gojo satoru#jjk fluff#jjk fic#jjk fanfic#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#kit posts 📝
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Avenger!Loki x AvengerM!Reader headcanons bc I don't see enough of them on here(or maybe I'm js not looking hard enough)
When loki first arrived at the compound(or stark tower, whichever fits your scenario) he mostly kept to himself because he only knew Thor
After a while, you two began interacting more : chatting in the mornings before meetings or missions, him telling you about something he read in a book or gossip he heard around the building(he's a huge gossiper)
Once you actually become closer(I'm talking like best friends) he would be touchy- not in a sexual way, it's more of a way to let you know that he feels safe around you and that you can feel safe around him(flashback to when he found out he was a frost giant and didn't want to touch odin because he thought he would hurt him)
if things do end up becoming more than platonic he would be respectful(not that he already wasn't good at doing that before) but he would feel more protective over you because he feels that he deserves to be alone and he wouldn't want to lose you(I don't think he would be overly possessive, just sort of insecure for a bit)
sorry it's short it's my first one but if you want more feel free to request something!!
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Hello! I really enjoy your posts they are really nice to read or re-read! I was wondering if you could do Fyodor headcanons (you could add chuuya dazai and more if you’d like) but fyodor x Gn!reader headcanons and how they would get ready for the holidays? Maybe make gingerbread houses or set up lights together? Feel free to ignore! :3
your ask just made me realise how close Christmas is goddamn~ I loved writing this. hope you like it anon♡♡
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊, 𝑭𝒚𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓, 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒐 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡/ silly
☆ I'm gonna start off my saying that Fyodor most likely isn't particularly interested in the winter holidays, but he enjoys spending time with you. as long as he sees you smile, he's happy
☆ he's a big fan of baking; gingerbread, cupcakes with white and red frosting, deer shaped cookies. he loves it. although he doesn't always get involved, he spends hours on end by your side in the kitchen
☆ as for lights I think he likes those simple golden fairy lights; the flashy ones exhaust him fr
☆ hates to admit but he lowkey enjoys christmas movies; there's something extraordinary soothing about watching those sappy, same script films. it's a break in his routine
☆ I see him playing christmas music on the cello; but don't make him listen to commercial songs on the radio, he'll throw it out of the window
☆ he tells you stories about Russian christmas traditions or any other culture really
☆ he loves cuddling up to you under fluffy blankets while you two enjoy a cup of tea
☆ he's a sucker for the scent of oranges and cinnamon, so he'll buy some scented candles and place them around the house
★ you guys know those advent calendars with little chocolates for each day of December? yea, he has one of those
★ Dazai has never had the luxury of doing such mundane things as a kid; the Port Mafia isn't exactly a place to celebrate Christmas. so he puts a lot of effort into everything
★ loves to hang colourful lights around the house and other little ornaments (striped socks, christmas globes with that fake, glittery snow)
★ one evening he shows up with cookie shapes and asks you to make gingerbread with him
★ a marathon with Christmas movies is a must; you two sprawled on the bed with a mug of hot chocolate while the films roll in the background
★ he kisses you under the mistletoe every morning to "practice for the Christmas evening kiss"
★ he definitely wears a santa hat or reindeer horns while decorating the house. and knows "All I want for Christmas is you" by heart (it started off as a joke but he can't stop)
★ keep the mulled wine away from him
☆ because of work he's often too busy to help you decorate the place, but his heart swells with joy when he comes home one evening and finds your shared apartment nicely adorned with lights
☆ I feel like he also prefers more dimly lit lights, or even candles
☆ does his best to find time to bake something with you. he's a big fan of Panettone and sweetbread with sugar frosting
☆ buys you early presents for sure, to compensate for his absence
☆ look me in the eye and tell me this man doesn't wear fuzzy Christmas socks
☆ loves listening to jazzy music while you two spend time together. period
☆ he may not be that involved in the decorating process, but he does spend Christmas with you and does most of the cleaning after
#bsd#bungou stray dogs#bsd x reader#bsd fluff#bsd dazai#dazai osamu#dazai bsd#bsd headcanons#bsd x you#dazai x reader#fyodor x reader#bsd fyodor#fyodor dostoyevsky bsd#fyodor x you#ango x reader#ango bsd#ango sakaguchi
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Earth 2-Barry Allen x Male!reader headcanons

*I'm currently doing a rewatch of the arrowverse and got to the earth 2 episodes and earth 2 Barry was so adorable I just had to write something for him. Anyways here's a quick recap for earth 2 for anyone who's forgotten because I surely did; Barry is still a forensic scientist, Iris is a detective, Joe is a lounge singer, Caitlin, Ronnie and Cisco are all evil metas and I brought Eddie back just for fun since Barry is with reader
● you're a new detective who fell for the adorable nerdy forensic scientist Barry Allen of earth 2
● when you originally asked him out on a date he thought you were just messing with him cause everyone at the station knew he liked you
● but why would the handsome detective (who was also his best friend Iris' partner) want to go out with him?
● Iris assured him that you really did like him and that date eventually led to you guys getting married 3 years later
● every morning before work you make breakfast while he makes the coffee
● it's a nice peaceful moment to start your day and spend quality time with Barry
● you also help him pick out a bowtie that matches whatever sweater and vest he's wearing that day
● double dates out with Iris and Eddie to see Joe sing at Jitterbugs
● as well as having dinner once a week with his parents
● you hear the "so when are we getting grandkids" question all the time
● "soon mom, soon"
● he's so pure and never swears
● he only says "what the heck" or "dang it" or "fudge"
● it makes you laugh at how sweet it is
● watching sci fi shows with Barry and not knowing anything that's going on
● he tries to explain to you all the sciency stuff behind it which still doesn't make any sense but he gets so excited and is so cute doing so you happily listen to him
● being impressed by your husband every time he creates new tech to help in your hunt for Killer Frost, Deathstorm, Reverb and other metas
● Barry keeps tracks of every meta you have put away and all of your other achievements to brag about how great of a detective you are
● one time you and Iris faced off against Killer Frost and Deathstorm and she nearly froze you to death
● Barry never left your bedside in the months you were recovering
● "Barry stop worrying I'm okay"
● "you're the love of my life Y/N I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you"
● "well it's a good thing you don't have to find out"
● when you get approved to go back to work Barry and Iris throw you a big welcome back party
● Barry is super romantic
● he plans something big for every anniversary from the anniversary of the day you met to your first date/first kiss and even the day you proposed
● you don't know how but he manages to get reservations at the most exclusive restaurants in Central city
● Iris "so what did you and Barry get up to over the weekend?"
● "Barry surprised me with dinner at that fancy French place downtown"
● "how?? Eddie and I have been trying to get a reservation there for months but they are booked until next year"
● even though you've been together for years Barry is still so nervous in the bedroom like it's the first time
● he's clumsy and always knocking things over, you've had to replace so many lamps in your home
● he gets embarrassed by how his body reacts to you and still apologizes for moaning too loudly or bucking his hips uncontrollably
● which you always have to reassure him that it's okay for him to enjoy what's happening and that you love how turned on he gets
● especially when you are role-playing and pretending to arrest him
● or when he sees you in your gym clothes after a work out
● he really can't help staring at your biceps it's his weakness
● when earth 1 Barry shows up to fight zoom he is shocked to find out you two are married (as you are Joe's partner on his earth that he's been crushing on) after you take him to an empty hallway at the station to make out when he was pretending to be your Barry
● your Barry finds out and is not happy about it, "he got frisky with my husband?? I have to find this guy and give him a piece of my mind"
● "you're so cute when you're jealous"
● Cisco "I've been trying to get my Barry to ask you out Y/N for so long now I have proof that you guys would be adorable together"
● Barry "maybe we are just meant to be on every earth"
#the flash imagine#barry allen imagine#barry allen x reader#earth 2 barry allen imagine#x male reader#headcanons
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down bad series, forever is a long time series, obesessed with you series, revindicare series, flight rendezvous, bad for you mini series ( with 'where you belong and what happened in hawaii"), try me, daddy's got you, the artn of eating p*ssy, maps, super soaker, safety net, give me besos, full throttle, full throttle extended, cupid's kisses, touch starved, what kinks lewis has, "do i feel good daddy? you like that?", "look at yourself", cockwarming lewis, sinful and unholy thoughts 1&2, anal exploration, picture drabble, picture drabble 2, first time after pregnancy, never too mad at you, marks, case closed, it's been a while- @mauvecherie-writes
plus baby makes three, she calls me daddy now, one night; 1,2,3; if this is love... mini series; a long time coming series, just do it, show me, 4am drunk calls, forever & ever & ever & ever --- but not right now, lil' love, true peace, thirsty or parched series, taste the rainbow, love will remember, anon ask 'imagine... headcanon, forgive me, i am not a sinner mini series (search lewis hamilton fanfiction)- @royallyprincesslilly
i'll teach you, family hair day (search lewis hamilton x reader)- @shaytheeprettiest
, prompt list 8 "you said you wanted to be my friend", prompt list 7 "can you read my essay?", pormpt list 9 "can you pick me up?", it's just us against the world' jealousy, jealousy (search lewis hamilton imagine)-@thisismeracing
between us series (with: when our eyes met, clubbing night, i want you, not your girlfriend, commitment, grenanda, paddock time/paddock queen (2), tension/you got what you wanted/memories, yacht day, carnival days, you could never be me, paris fashion week, abu dhabi, welcome to namibia, halloween party/my little bunny, feels like vegas, welcome home, what are you afraid of? parts 1 and 2, bikini posts, wrong one, more tna a face, unimpressed, no matter how much they want it, i want it more; a part of you, lewis birthday, long distance relationship, confession, world champion, surprising paiama, twins dream, chocolate never tasted that good, family dinner, i know your secret, rovos rail, first red carpet, i wanted to protect you, just you and me, broncos game, pillow talk, friendly- @peyiswriting
cuff it, breaking point series (search: lewis hamilton x black reader)- @hopefulromantic1
instagram au, y/n pregnant headcanon-@words-4u
imagine series- @writinginfinite
the hamilton series- @yourstrulynix
bubble baths; god, i love you, motivate, wildside, we're meant to be, you're all mine, lace fantasy, baby angel, temporary fix/2, mykonos, partition, my champion, dress, the 1 series, purple frosting, baby steps, moments, on his thighs/ 2 (on his tongue), toffee- imthebadguyyy
call it what you want series- l@lew8s
lazy mornings, miami, fighting and making up, love songs, premiere, knight in a black race suit- @theundercoversquid
soft, soulmate shorts series- @itsfeckinwimdy
our cave, collapsing/epilogue, feel so close, freefall, in our humid afternoon, feel its idle hum, til kingdom come, ocean blue, when we're cheek to cheek (i feel it in my teeth), lay all your love on me, lights out, slow show, out your hands on me, between days, only now i see the light, a familiar home, take me back so tenderly, i stand in ruins behind you, both our skin, just the two of us, short form fics (lh)- @lewisyellowhelmet
the final push, matchmaker (search: lewis hamilton x reader)- @justjams2003
getting eloped (search: lewis hamilton)- @venus2eros
expect the unexpected, the best mistake, worth the wait-(search: lewis hamilton imagine)- @pierregas1yx
tiny hands (search lewis hamilton x reader)-@bellinghamilton
untouchable/2, the merc boys (search lewis hamilton)-@yungbludz
good boy- @tamix44
out of time series, acquainted series, professional series, rendezvous series, old flame series, forbidden fruit series, ina another life, miami, how do i make you love me?, the edge, into the nght, teammated, between friends, violet skies, ordinary life, the teacher, la petit mort, wicked games, rescue me, paris, his attention, boy dad, did it work?, our spot, the stranger, you know better, birthday girl, you're mine now, trouble, cabin in the woods-@lostinlewis
anonny ask: parents lewis x reader, anonny ask: breal, anonny asks: teasing, after hours, anonny asks: morning fun, off limits, anonny ask: post wedding s*x, anonny ask: babymaking, anonny asks: possessive!lewis, anonny ask: more than friends, anonny ask: overstimulation-@paradisehamilton
sweet escape series, falling through the cracks (search: lewis hamilton fanfic)- @lvis44
graduation- @saintslewis
antartica, workplace crushes and life lessons, little white lie, living the dream- @formula-hamilton
#the plug#librarian at your service#let's chat#sip tea#talk fanfiction#talk sir lewis hamilton fanfiction#talk lewis hamilton fanfiction#sir lewis hamilton x black!reader#fanfiction#lewis hamilton x black!reader#lewis hamilton fanfiction#sir lewis fanfiction
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I have been tortured by this fic idea for weeks so im shoving upon your soul. So basically-- its a platonic like 'teen + Gricko (or the krew in general)' and like. Reader was taken as a child to perform in the circus that he rescued Hootsie from. So its like... he meets them and he realizes what happened and so he rescues them and Hootsie. And its just all the found family.
I apologize in advance for how jumbled and messy this ask is. But like, the idea of parental krew with a teen reader who's never really had parental or familial relationship before makes me so happy.
Anywho-- Your writing is wonderful and makes me so happy and stim so so much!!! Much (platonic) love frendo!! :D
YESSS i was thinking of making some platonic kid and Krew or teen and Krew stuff!! I feel like Kremy and the teen would butt heads at first because carnie kid that has known nothing but conning (cuz that’s what carnivals are to some degree) and then the master of the art just wouldn’t get along at first because Kremy doesn’t have the patience when the teen is refusing to be ordered around. It would take a while for them to warm up to each other, and when they do they’d be sizing people up from behind the tent like “think we should try ‘em?” “Yea” “yea 😈” “yea😈😈” and insert evil little giggles.
The teen and Gideon would be like a 7/10 chance it would be a really wholesome “lemme teach ya the ropes kid” type relationship.. unless the teen is like a really testing person then Gideon would be the “how about I teach you how to fight.. with my fist in your face” and the two bickering and at each other because Gideon is 100% a 16 y/o boy at heart because I said so. But then they’d respect each other after some stupid contest or something and then they’ll both be like “😈gonna punch that stupid tree” “do it big guy I’ve got your back” or something stupid just for fun as a bonding experience or smth. Twig would probably be the exact same instead she’d try to bite your face or some shit.
The teen and Gricko would be like the relationship between Gricko and Will from the campaign, if you haven’t gotten that far ahead basically Gricko will try to be “cool” to “appeal to the masses” to get your approval of him because he’s funny. “What’s up my… skibidi sigma rizzlord” (he actually talks like this to Will im being deadass/srs) and do the arm crossed 45° turn. Then he’ll learn he.. literally doesn’t need to do that please stop doing that by the Gods- he’s your dad, boogie woogie woofie!!/ref he’ll be giving you gifts unprompted and treat you like his kid right off the bat even if you don’t want him to, you’re stuck with him, he’s the dad now
Frost would respect you, like genuinely respect you right off the bat. You’re scared of the new environment? He gets it, he’s giving you some peace with the offer to help you any time. You’re angry all the time? That’s fair, he understands to a degree and he’ll let you take your anger out on him (even if it’s attempted physical, kids’ not gonna land a blow) but he will respect you. He’ll observe and listen to you the most immediately, be the most open minded. He’ll take it easy and test the boundaries occasionally to test the swampy waters, he’s there for you but also firm in expressing that he deserves respect too like how he gives it. I feel like no matter the onset of the teen Frost would be accepted the fastest. Then they’d talk shit about everyone behind everyone because Frost is the wine aunt that talk shit about everyone because I SAID SO. “I hear Gideon say he ate Kremy’s leftovers and blamed you” “Fuckin bitch.. -_-“
Torbek.. :( I love you Torbek.. the guy would be scared of an angry teenager, hiding behind anything he can like a thin trunked pine or a light pole—comically thin or small things from his frame. His worst nightmare.. is unsurprisingly emotional teenagers. I mean.. why wouldn’t it be? Even if the teen is really soft spoken Torbek is scared of the probability of the kid snapping from emotional pressure. He’d love to try and make friends though, offering things and including them in his drawings, stuff like that! And if the teen says something mean he’d say that, but then not really change anything?? Eventually the both would warm up to each other but like.. idk I just imagine it being comically funny to watch.
And then obviously the teen and Hootsie are best buds, no other option, everyone loves Hootsie T. Cutesie Grimgin and that’s a fact.
I’m so happy you like my writing!!! /gen I plan to write more im just a busy college student 😔 I shall prevail, and I shall feed this fandom of my heart and soul with a lil bit of my blood and tears mixed in it if it’s the last thing I do
#legends of avantris#once upon a witchlight#loa & reader#ouaw & reader#loa + reader#ouaw + reader#ouaw headcanons#loa headcanons#legends of avantris headcanons#fanfic#fanfiction#loa#ouaw#x reader#morning frost#gricko grimgrin#kremy lecroux#gideon coal#torbek#hootsie grimgrin#twig toadspring
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Hi!! can I please request headcanons with Jill valentine x f!reader who likes baking (fluff)
(Sorry my English kinda sucks)
btw, I like your blog :D
Jill Valentine with Reader who Loves Baking
(A/N: Of course! I think this idea is so cute! Also I am glad you are enjoying my blog! It’s just a safe space for crazy ass simps like me lmao)
If you are a baker who would own their own bakery, Jill would come visit all the time
Oh, she’s on her break at work? She's visiting
A free morning? Shes coming in to help you get ready for the morning
(Most of her helping consists of watching you frost cupcakes and stealing a cookie occasionally)
You make her pay in kisses
She says it is worth it thought because she loves the little giggle you let out every time she kisses your lips or cheeks or nose or forehead
If you didn’t have a bakery, you would be baking at home all the time
Probably baking something new every day or every other day
And Jill would be your tester
Got a new recipe you want to try?
Jill will eat anything you make
She would sometimes sneak in the kitchen to take some before they are done cooling
She’d burn her tongue and you’d have to lecture her
But she’d say it was worth it because it was good
And sometimes she’d try to help which would end in a mess of flour or frosting
Your apron and clothes would be a mess
Your nose or cheeks might have frosting on it
Jill would lick it off and laugh as you blush and roll your eyes
She started purposely getting frosting on your face so she could lick it off and make you blush
You probably got her back at some point
It was messy but you both had lots of fun
I also believe she would get you a “kiss the baker” apron just so she had an excuse to kiss you more too
Also you better get to the sweets quick after they are done or else they might be gone (depending on how much was made)
Try to bake in bulk
Because she will also sneak to the kitchen in the middle of the night to eat some
She just overall loves your baking and loves trying to help you
#fanfic#fan fiction#writing#resident evil#x reader#video games#jill valentine x reader#re3 jill#jill valentine#jill resident evil#re3 remake#re3make#resident evil 3 remake#resident evil 3#re3 jill valentine#fanfiction#fandom#residentevil#request#requests
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Hello!! I hope I’m not bothering but, can you do a headcanon of reader who comes from 2023 and she is a hugee Levi admirer but she doesn’t really show it because she believes that he would never feel the same fore her, cuz he doesn’t really believe her when she told Erwin, him, Hange + the other vets that she comes from our world and he just acts cold towards her. After some months I think she would tell Hange, who becomes her best friend that she admires Levi a lot and Hange accidentally tells Levi when he complains about not trusting reader. How would he react? I mean maybe he did complain but all the months reader has been there he noticed she’s not a bad influence, she really cares about people and she’s struggles at training.🫶
Hi!! ~~ You’re not bothering me at all, sorry for the wait. I’m sorry if this … is … like nothing you asked for haha SORRY, it’s just that this idea had too many ideas inside and I couldn’t find a way to mix all of them? And, at the same time, I made some arrangements to make it more believable, at least for me.
This is NOT a Levi x reader story. More like Levi adopting another child story lol there’s nothing romantic in it, almost “paternal” you may say. I felt it would be cuter if she was quite young, like a teen, so her clothes, attitude and social-media addiction were entertaining. Sorry, anyways, here it is the best I could come up with. Hope it’s not that bad!
Warnings: none. FLUFF
Word count: 3278.
Summary: Y/N was a teen living her normal life until she travelled back on time to aot period. So technically Aot canon time is like “history” for her.
If you liked this consider checking my masterlist for other stuff I've written (Click here for the link.)
An old-fashioned girl
How she arrived there was a mystery, even for herself. One morning she was on a school trip recording a tik tok dance with a classmate and the other she was in the middle of nowhere. ‘A forest?’ she thought ‘in the middle of Rose?’ Important to highlight that she didn’t refer to it as Wall Rose because… walls were a thing from history books, too many decades ago.
Sneakers sinked on the frost as it crunched under her weight. Her eyes searched for a sign of a crosspath, somewhere with stepped on grass that would guide her, a rubbish bin that would have some map on it. Her mind began to wonder if she had fallen asleep on the way there and her friends had played her a really bad joke.
“IT’S NOT FUNNY!” She shouted.
But nobody replied.
“Come on guys! This is not going to get you that many visits on youtube”
Grave silence. The fear started to creep in as her feet took one step after the other and she reached nowhere. Turning over her heels, hectic eyes searching to spot a difference in the repetitive background of leafless trees. Her lips parted, the air that came through her nose wasn’t enough anymore. Checking her phone again, something was definitely off. No signal, no internet, not even a single Wifi close by.
She had repeatedly called 911 hoping that the emergency line would work anyways, somehow. Nothing. She ran, ran for her life and, as if her senses sharpened on the necessity of fighting for her life, she began to spot how off the situation felt. ‘There’s not a single piece of rubbish on the ground’
At some point, she grew tired and soon hoped to have chosen the P.E uniform over the regular one because raising her skirt up against some dressing codes and only wearing mid leg’s socks wasn’t helping to fight the cold. Her own arms wrapped around her frame, trying to provide any warmth and a sense of security. Soon she realised how the school uniform was made for staying inside the building, with calefaction.
Because the white button up shirt with small red and green lines, the thin burgundy sweater that was slightly too big for her frame compared to the small tartan english green and maroon skirt that she raised up after leaving her house (so her mom wouldn’t complain that it didn’t reach her knees) wasn’t keeping her warm. She had had a burst of confidence that morning, her crush told her she looked cute and her friend and her recorded a Tiktok. She remembered all that… How did she get there?
“HELP!!” screaming from the top of her lungs, anyone, someone. Not trying to lose hope, she insisted on it even if her throat began to hurt. Refusing to take her water bottle out of her backpack, fearing that she may need to ration it. Suddenly, her mind tried to come up with all those ideas that people in movies didn’t have in a case of extreme conditions.
A sound pierced through the silence. It felt overwhelmingly loud and high, as if a plane’s gears were ringing right on top of her. It was like nothing she heard before, covering her ears with her hands and closing her eyes in slight pain. It was sudden and terrifying.
“Oi, what’s going on here?” The man landed on the floor as if it was nothing. He walked slowly towards her, putting away some sort of control under a jacket as he moved closer.
“Captain!” A younger voice called from the top of a tree. She raised to look up, an ash blond guy that landed on a tree as … ‘as if he is spiderman or something, what the hell’ “Do we keep going with morning practise?”
More people appeared, all of them with a sort of uniform that she described as ‘Those seem awfully uncomfortable… what’s wrong with these people, all dressed up as some sort of freak avengers.’
The short man just nodded to the others that were spectant of his orders before turning around to face the girl. “Civilians are not allowed on the training fields.” His voice was deep and demanding as he got closer. His steps forwards were confident, completely opposite to hers that slowly dragged her frame backwards.
“Sir, please. May you call my mom? My phone is not working and I don’t have any signal” Leaving aside any fear of how absurd the situation felt, she insisted on reaching for help.
The man stopped and frowned in confusion “You’re lost.” he affirmed but there were tints of unsureness on the declaration, as he tried to understand her.
“Yes! I was with my class on a trip to the national park here in Rose and I don’t really understand what happened. I tried calling the police-”
“The police?” He interrupted her “Here? In wall Rose?”
The brief silence as they both tried to understand each other.
“Yes! But I couldn’t find anyone from the national park until now-”
“National park” He was repeating her words as some broken record and she was starting to lose her patience.
“Sir, please. I just want to call my mom and tell her I’m alright. Could you lend me your phone?” Her voice levels kept rising as it also broke in desperation.
The repeat mentions of words that the man had never heard before started to make him doubt her sanity. His cold eyes that had been doing strict eye contact travelled down to her clothes and frowned deeply.
His lack of action made her break in tears, why was he taking so long? Was he going to help her or worse… hurt her? Panic finally unleashed as she started to hyperventilate and cry. That somehow made him snap.
“Calm down, kid” He reached forward and she quickly walked backwards “I’ll take you back to the building until whatever you’re high on washes off,”
She created more resistance than he expected, usually people recognised him or the scouts uniform. Either to respect the law or to search for help. She was not following any. She swore that there were no words to express how grateful she was for her phone, ipad and the rest of the electronics on her backpack. Because, otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to explain without being considered mental unstable that she wasn’t from there.
Well, technically, she was from there. She had lived in Paradise all her life but not from 850 Paradise, definitely not. Or the walls as they called it, apparently Paradise was a term for the island that they hadn’t found out about just yet. The first week, they were all quite sceptical. Hange was extremely curious and made her feel not so alone. The squad leader insisted on spending as much time as possible with her, trying to understand the situation deeply.
Erwin asked plenty of questions, calm, relaxed. As he had all the time in the world to allow her to feel safe, she felt like a rat in a lab. Everybody had their eyes fixed on her and what she did. He seemed convinced of her innocence. The Commander didn’t set many rules, only two; first, that she didn’t leave the building for her own safety. Second, that she changed clothes because they could be a bit “distracting” apparently.
The comment felt offensive and she wished to talk back. Insist on her freedom to wear what she pleased without consequences, that it was her body and her choice. The rebellion of refusing to change lasted shortly as soon as she realised how easily the other teens blushed deeply looking at her bare legs. Adding to that, checking what the other female cadets wore once out of the uniform made her feel quite self conscious.
After a couple of weeks, even though she had shut down all the devices, the phone didn’t turn on anymore. The afternoons were long and boring. Most of them began to talk to her more freely. She played cards with the teens when they were done with their duties. Talked to Hange as they worked. Even asked Erwin for a spare notebook and pencil, if he had any, to write down a sort of diary. He agreed, even insisted that it may be a good idea. Only Levi refused to acknowledge her. Despite being the first one she encountered, he was the last to believe her.
The differences between her time and that one began to become more noticeable each passing day. Clothes were itchy and hard, soon she concluded that elastic was the best thing humans invented after the internet. “Mattress” was a bold word for those empty long pillows they slept in. Everything was humid, tasteless and dark. ‘Correction, deodorant may be the best invention after taking regular showers,’ She didn’t blame them, water seemed like a scarce resource and Captain Levi, who barely talked to her, seemed to have a passion to scold her.
Even if he was the only one who somehow maintained a level of modern society standard of hygiene, he found her actions abusive.
“You’re going to use all the water of the walls”
“You changed clothes yesterday, you think wood grows on the trees?”
On and on. It appeared that the mighty hero she read in her history books was a short annoying man.
Food tasted horrendous, and water didn’t seem that drinkable. The cadets invited her to train, just to spare some time. After all she was far from military training and Levi refused to give her any real weapon, including the 3dmg. How they were able to resist those harsh conditions with just some boiled potato in their stomach was a mystery to her.
‘I’m never going to romanticise old dresses and cottagecore again,’ They killed a chicken for dinner and she almost fainted when she saw it. Despite being tired of eating only boiled veggies, remembering the animal alive as she watched the chicken’s breast on her dish made her appetite disappear.
One day in particular, the cadets were taken to the industrial city with Hange. Erwin had left to deal with some particular details at the Capital and YN had finally found herself alone. Alone to face dinner time.
Grown tired of those itchy long skirts and uncomfortable not elastic white trousers; she decided that since no one was around, no one was there to judge her modern clothes. Back on the uniform, arm crossed as she squinted in determination.
“I do not fear you,” She murmured as if the inanimate object could understand her “I’m a woman of a free country, with high end education, the power of equal rights and the blessing of having lived until now in the same period of time of Rihanna and Taylor Swift. I’m stoppable”
Suddenly a strong breeze came in from the window and blew off the only shakable candle she had turned on. The place went pitch black.
“No, no, no!” She insisted as she tried to turn it back on. It was a regular problem in her life now, candles blow off stupidly easily. The habit of always searching for the light switches as she entered a room wasn’t abandoning her yet and it always left a feeling of disappointment.
The light came back again and she scoffed pridefully, as if she had discovered fire. The fire trembled under her breath and her eyes opened in fear it may turn off again.
“Omg, candles have the stability of my mental health,” She murmured and then chuckled to herself “That would have been such a tweet,”
Quickly she grew conscious of her monologue and became slightly ashamed. Back to business, she turned around to face her fears… the wood cookstove. Or so she guessed, there was wood around so it must have required that, right?
“I got a A in calculus 3, I can turn on a stove,”
She opened what seemed to be a place with ashes and threw a bunch of hard-wood logs all together, turned on a match and threw it inside. It turned on and she jumped of happiness. Moving quickly to chop some potatoes and carrots to cook a soap, she began to sing “A single mom who works two jobs. Who loves her kids and never stops. With gentle hands and a heart of a fighter!”
Moving back to the stove to check on it as she danced around. “I'm a surviv– …or?” Her mood dropped significantly as she realised the fire was off. Frowning in confusion, she tried again.. And again… and … again.
“Maybe I’m not truly hungry, I’m just anxious. '' She cried out loud between heavy and loud whinings. Messy tears ran down her cheeks as she was sitting down on the kitchen floor eating the raw carrots she had previously chopped. “Where is my ASMR playlist when I need it?”
“What the fuck are you doing down there?”
Levi’s deep quiet voice echoed in the stone room, making her snap her head up to her left. He wasn’t wearing the uniform, at least not completely. White trousers, the tall combat boots but combined with a black turtleneck sweater. He had heavy dark circles under his eyes and he didn’t seem happy to see her.
“How long have you been here?” She questioned as she raised.
“All day,”
“I thought you left with the rest,” her voice was soft as she noticed his lack of interest in keeping a conversation going.
“What have you been doing?”
YN stood there, wet face, crystal eyes as he moved around the kitchen. The jug he brought with him was back to being full with water. When he turned around, his eyes moved naturally to her clothes and then back to her face. She still had a half eaten raw carrot on her hand as her puppy eyes begged him for some compassion.
“What do you what?” Levi shot the question as he had no time to spare.
“I’m hungry,”
“I’m not your mother, nor your babysitter. Cook yourself something,” His ice-cold reply made her realise why she had been crying on the floor and the tears appeared again.
“I can’t, the stove doesn’t work,” She whined.
Somehow that made him concerned, taking long steps to the stove, grabbed a special type of gripper that was hanging on the side, raised some steel circled from the top and checked.
“Tch, of course it's not going to work if you put the damn wood on the ashtray,” The captain complained as if it was obvious. Pushing his sleeves up to expose his forearms and not get the clothes dirty, he grabbed the logs and took them off. “If you think I’m idiot enough to believe that you don’t know how to turn a damn stove on, you’re mistaken.”
She remained silent, her quietness made him snap back to see her.
“You don’t know how to turn a damn stove on? What are you? Some wealthy brat or something?”
She didn’t reply right away, it was becoming exhausting how after all this time he didn’t believe her narrative. “Where I come from, stoves are different,” her low voice made the words come out stuck together. But he understood.
“Yeah… where you come from.” He insisted on pure disdain.
It was borderline offensive in her humble opinion. The man she had read a lot in her history lessons, how dedicated he was to the cause, how altruist he was to help the little kids after the uprising. Nothing of that correlated to the man that was there. ‘Maybe this is why they tell you meeting your heroes it’s not a good idea,’
Under his scrutiny, he realised that despite his cadets and her being probably the same age, she appeared younger. ‘War turns children into adults quicker,’ he concluded, considering that whatever she said was real. True or not, Levi quick realise that whatever she was, she was a fucking brat. One that was crying in the kitchen because of hunger. He felt stupid for a second for giving a cold shoulder to a kid.
“I’m making myself a stew, if you want some say it now” He said and her face brightened up instantly.
“Yes, please!”
Her eyes followed his actions attentively, old stoves definitely had more than a single trick on them (compared to modern ones, obviously). Levi opened the air conduction, so it would escape, checked something called “stove control” and left it open, then the top damper needed to be opened too. He grabbed some twigs and deadfall, only added one hardwood log and turned all that on with a piece of paper from the ash door and then closed it.
The difference was rapidly noticeable, it lid and roared quickly. Once it began to look warmer, he added larger bits of kindling from the top and regulated the temperature with what appeared to be some side grating. She chopped more vegetables and the room was filled up with the cracking of the fire. Levi didn’t talk, just haste his pace around the room as he multitasked the preparation.
Milk was in some steel container, the pot was placed on top of the stove despite the fire not being in direct contact, the spices were hung from the roof to dry them up. ‘Life is easier when you just have to order a big mac on ubereats,’
“You’re quite the chef, Captain,” Her enthusiastic voice echoed in the empty room as she watched the meal boil with dreamy eyes. Quick side eyes from his part as he mixed the stew around with a wooden spoon.
“This is so aesthetic, we could have posted on instagram” She kept admiring how rustic the wood cookstove looked with the chopped wood to a side, the wooden spoon and the stone wall “Being happy is simple, what is hard is enjoying simple things. That would have been a great caption,”
They looked eyes, she smiled at him, he kept frowning.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Levi’s monotone voice, despite its natural uninteresting tone on it, sounded slightly confused as he was doing an effort to understand anything she said.
“It’s a place where you put pictures so others may see how your life is,”
“What's a picture?”
“It’s like a drawing but extremely realistic and done instantly,”
Levi’s thin eyebrows were still drawn together as it seemed almost like whichcraft what she was describing “Why would anyone care what your meals look like,”
“It’s fun! So everybody knows what you’re doing all the time,”
“That sounds like a fucking nightmare”
“You say that because you’ve not seen those in deep cleaning videos and vacuums’ reviews”
“What the fuck is a vacuum?”
“Oh dear…”
PD: did I have to search how a wood cookstove worked to do this story? Yes. Did I watch a youtube video of 45 minutes? Obviously. Do I deserve a kudos for that? absolutely haha
#levi ackerman#levi#attack on titan#aot#shingeki no kyojin#captain levi#levi aot#snk levi#snk#attack on titans#levi x reader#levi x y/n#aot levi#snk levi ackerman#levi ackerman x reader#levi ackeman#levi attack on titan#shingeki no kyoujin levi#captain levi ackerman x you#captain levi x reader#captian levi x reader#captain levi fanfiction#captain levi ackerman x reader#captain levi ackerman x y/n#captain levi ackerman fic#captain levi x you#levi art#levi fanart#levi shingeki no kyojin#levi x you
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Yandere! Jack Frost X Fem! Human Reader Headcanons.
cw: obsession, possessiveness, angst, stalking, abuse, power difference, kidnapping, manipulation, isolation, little nsfw.
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When your family moved to that quiet neighborhood, winter had already turned everything white. Your mother, nine months pregnant, barely had time to settle in before contractions took her to the nearest hospital. You came into the world on a cold December night, with the snow falling gently outside. Since you were little, you got used to being alone; your parents worked a lot, so most of the time you shared it with yourself. You didn't complain, you enjoyed the tranquility, creating worlds in your imagination that made you see the world with a special spark.
Jack had always been a spirit that fed on the belief and imagination of children, but like many magical beings, he depended on pure faith. It was on one of those days when he saw you for the first time: you were alone with the company of the wind and the snowman you were beginning to create, far from the bustle of the other children playing in the street. He approached you curiously, discreetly helping you as he handed you snowballs, but it was surprising to him when you turned to look at him, thanking him. You could see it. You believed in him. This thrilled Jack, as you were one of the few who did. His first believer in a long time.
From that day on, Jack became your best friend. For long winters, he was the only one who accompanied you as you built snowmen, laughing and running through the snow together, skating on frozen puddles, chatting on cold nights where only the two of you seemed to exist. As you grew up, Jack became your constant companion, not just in winter, but in every season; he watched you silently, with a big smile and a special sparkle in his eyes. To Jack, you were his best friend. His only one.
The years began to pass faster than Jack would have liked, and with them, came the first blow to his heart. You no longer played in the snow like before. When he created little gusts of wind to call you, you simply closed the window and curled up with your phone in hand. You no longer ran excitedly out into the first snowfall or talked to him in the garden. The other guardians began to visit you less and less. The Easter bunny stopped hiding eggs in the garden. The tooth fairy no longer appeared because your baby teeth were long gone. Santa Claus drove by in his sleigh delivering presents, but you no longer seemed to feel the same spirit for Christmas. Even Sandman and the Bogeyman, though present in dreams and nightmares, were no longer a constant part of your life. Jack, on the other hand, couldn’t leave. He was the spirit of winter, yes, but more than that, he was your friend. Your companion. Your only one. Watching you change, watching you drift away, was a pain that seeped into his being like an icy blizzard.
As the years passed, Jack began to visit you less and less, but not because he didn’t want to. You had joined in on adult life; Now you had new responsibilities and much more complex problems than in childhood, which began to extinguish you little by little, taking away your childish innocence, giving way to new things and leaving you little time to enjoy the nostalgia of your days. Jack couldn't forget you. The image of you smiling as you raised your hands to play with the snow in the past winters remained alive in his memory. He knew that you no longer needed him as before, but both of you could still see each other; after all, deep down you never stopped believing. He knew that you could go back to the way things were if he just convinced you.
He began to observe you from afar, watching you leave your house every morning for work and then for university. He was always there, although subtly. Sometimes when you looked out the window, you felt a blast of colder air than usual or saw a frost forming that wasn't there before. Little snowflake shapes formed on your window when it was fogged up and even snow fell in one spot in the garden when you were in the yard. You didn't take it too seriously, minding your own problems, which annoyed Jack, causing him to increase his magic. He wants you to remember your childhood, to come back to him, feeling more and more desperate. He doesn't want to be forgotten. He can't. Jack begins to feel a deep emptiness, a feeling he's never experienced: abandonment. Without you, it's like he's losing his reason for being. Then his feelings darken.
What were once innocent little calls had now become disturbing calls. The streets were so slippery that you avoided going outside, staying in your house where he could see you. Some nights, when you went out with your friends, the winds became stronger and the roads became more dangerous. The storms became more aggressive when you tried to go too far. The power outages in your home were becoming more frequent than usual. And little by little you began to notice something strange; the frost marks on your window were no longer drawings, but words: “stay with me” “don’t ignore me.” Every time you tried to forget him, the cold in your room became unbearable, the icy fog crept into the corners of your room and your fogged-up mirror reflected more words. Even your breath became visible when the weather wasn’t cold enough for that.
The snow fell softly that December afternoon. You walked down the sidewalk with your hands inside the pockets of your coat. A few steps behind you was Jack, although invisible to everyone but you; he had to remain hidden still. He watched each of your movements and each of your expressions, but that afternoon was different. You stopped at the door of a coffee shop; Jack could see how your cheeks turned slightly pink and your gaze softened when, upon entering the place, a boy stood up from a table raising his hand in your direction. Jack gritted his teeth and held on to his cane tightly. A shiver ran down his spine as he saw you sit next to that boy and share a chat between laughs and smiles that seemed to have a hidden meaning.
Because Jack knew it. He knew how things worked in the human world. First it was just a friendship, then romance came, then you would have a partner, then marriage would come and finally children. Then you would no longer have time for him. You would no longer see him. You would no longer need him. Your image of a mother, a wife, in the arms of another, apart from him, drove him crazy. Jack had always been by your side; No one else knew you like he did. No one had been with you on lonely nights when your parents were working. No one had seen you grow, change, laugh and cry in the privacy of your room, only Jack. But this guy, this intruder, wanted to steal you away from him and Jack couldn’t allow it.
It started with small sabotages. No matter how mild the weather was that day, an unforeseen snowstorm always appeared when that boy was around. Soon the scale began to climb with unexpected accidents, your friend’s bike getting completely frozen in the morning, then it was a fall on the ice that left him with a twisted ankle and then came the fever. A sudden and severe cold that left him in bed for days, the doctors couldn’t explain it. You began to feel restless. All of this couldn’t be a coincidence, you knew it well. You knew who it could be about, but you didn’t want to believe it. Your faithful friend, the one who had accompanied you for so many years, doing something so cruel? It couldn't be possible.
It was a winter afternoon as you headed to your friend's house to visit him and check on his health when you saw him. Right in front of you was your old friend, Jack Frost. He casually approached you, trying to tell you about the good days you used to spend together years ago and how hurt he was that you had forgotten him, but you stood your ground, not playing along. That face twisted with falseness and that innocent voice he was using told you that there couldn't be any honesty in his words. Getting straight to the point, you tried to get him to react, telling him that what he had done was not right and wanting to know why he had done it. In return, Jack just looked at you with a disturbingly calm and cold face, wanting you to understand that he only wanted to protect you.
And in an instant the city disappeared. The buildings, the lights, everything faded in a white flash. When you opened your eyes, you found yourself in a completely different place. A winter wonderland stretched out before you, with frozen mountains in the distance and an almost nighttime sky covered in dancing auroras, but what disturbed you the most was the silence. There was no sound of cars, no voices, no trace of human life. They were alone.
Jack called it “your home” where from now on you would live together, without friends, without family, without responsibilities, where no one could bother them. He didn’t want to be cruel to you, but he had no choice but to lock you in an ice room when you tried to escape. Why couldn’t you cooperate with him? Why didn’t you love him like you used to? Now you could finally be together again; you had to be happy. You had to love him like he loved you.
Jack would keep you in that freezing cold room, even though it might look beautiful inside with snowflakes falling and crystals sparkling under the blue light, in reality it would be a cage you couldn't escape from. The environment would become even colder if you tried to do something against him, leaving you shivering until you apologized or showed submission. You wouldn't even try to escape again after the last time he had partially frozen your legs or arms, keeping you outside in the coldest temperatures until you learned your lesson, not even caring about your tears that barely managed to slide down your cheeks due to the cold, quickly crystallizing.
On the other hand, if you behaved as he wanted, you managed to win him to treat you more kindly, giving you warmer clothes or allowing you to move around a larger area and even leave the room for a while, under his supervision, of course. Even if you begged for your freedom, Jack would show false regret, but with a sweetly cruel tone, telling you that it was all for your own good. He would go so far as to force you to smile at him and talk to him lovingly without enduring your looks of hate or sadness, quickly getting annoyed that you ruined his mental fantasy of his perfect world, pressuring you until you acted the way he wanted.
It was lucky when a little bit of heat managed to permeate your body or the place; that's why, when his body begins to collide with yours, you feel a slight heat, which your body instinctively hopes won't end so quickly. As your body is laid back and your back makes contact with the ice table, Jack takes care of keeping your legs apart as he sinks into you with need. Lifting your legs over his shoulders, he gets to watch as his cock slides in and out of your opening. As you hold on tightly to a nearby tree and feel the snowflakes fall on your hair and make contact with your skin, Jack, behind you, while his pelvis hits your ass relentlessly and he listens to your panting become more intense, makes sure you know that there is no better way to stay warm than that.
His smile would widen tenderly when you slept next to him, wrapping you in his arms to comfort you from the same cold that he had imposed moments before to shorten the distance between you. Over time you would realize that that was the only place where you belonged, he was sure of it. He would do whatever it took to make sure you never left his side. Just the two of you, like in the beginning and like it should always have been.
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#rise of the guardians#rotg#jack frost#jack frost x reader#rise of the guardians x reader#yandere jack frost x reader#rotg jack frost#headcanons#rise of the guardians jack frost x reader#rise of the guardians jack frost#yandere jack frost#yandere rise of the guardians
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@thvkei; cute lil things our boys do during winter ⟡ part one.
ft. takemichi, mikey, and draken x gn!reader
genre. fluff, headcanons
notes. this post is sfw, but this account contains nsfw content. please do not follow if you're a minor.
as hard as he tries to be the stoic, protective boyfriend, something about the way the snow spills fluidly from the abundance of clouds above his head makes his heart retreat to his childhood days.
he loves winter, but hates the cold. you find it funny how he humors himself by building snow castles and other childish matters, yet complains when the icy burn of frost bites at the tips of his fingers.
CONSTANTLY gets caught underneath the mistletoe. he finds it so embarrassing but he loves kissing you so he can't complain.
gingerbread-house-decorating-competition in which his literally falls apart in front of your eyes and you hysterically watch him try and piece it back together.
no matter how long you've been dating, he still gets flustered when you take his cheeks between your palms, soothing the redness that consumes them due to the biting cold.
takes you to see a christmas play but it turns out to be for kids. you both get bored and end up running out, giggling whilst plotting to meet up with his friends and get tipsy on eggnog and mulled wine.
big fan of hot chocolate, but is absolute ass at making them. how someone can be bad at making at hot drink, you aren't sure. however, after his first and only attempt, you ultimately decide that you'll be in charge of making them from now on.
leaves buying christmas presents until last minute bc he thinks he can handle it... wrong L bozo. 💀
panics on christmas eve and embarrassedly calls you in the middle of a clothes store asking what your size is.
ends up buying you a pair of matching pjs, they're super cute 'n fluffy <3
tries so hard to wrap your presents but he literally can't figure out how to make it look neat for the life of him 😭. skill issue tbh.
running up to him before he can slip out for work in the morning, wrapping his scarf around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek while he quietly recognizes how lucky he is to have you in his life.
ice skating date where takemichi falls so many times you swear he will be littered in bruises the following day, which you were right about.
flu season. he believes he's immune, (he's not), and always ends up sick.
taking a hot shower together to warm up :))
BLANKET HOGGER‼️ steals the blankets from you when you're asleep, so you have to literally have to fight him for them. falls off the bed.
literally a winter fiend.
unbothered by the cold but always faces the consequences, which is lowkey annoying cuz he always catches a cold 'n then you have to babysit his ass back to full health.
steals all your coats, hoodies and jackets even though he has his own.
when you question him on it, he either lies about stealing, (even when he's LITERALLY wearing it), or deflects your accusing tone with a compliment.
"you know, the snow really brings out the color of your eyes. they're s'pretty, y/n. ♡."
"mikey 😐."
if you're stupid enough to even TRY and wear a scarf in his vicinity, you better run cuz he will grab that shit 'n force you to share.
forces you to make him hot coco (with whipped cream 'n marshmallows ofc)
he loves decorating the tree, will put you on his shoulders to place the star at the top ˊᗜˋ
intently watches you wrap presents. sticking your tongue out, fiddling with the tape 'n trying to hold it all together. he thinks it's so cute and endearing, he can't bring himself to help when you look so adorable.
gets concerningly pale?? i mean, he's already pale, but when he's cold, he gets like even whiter LMAO some1 help him
loves making snow angels
takes you on his bike to see the christmas lights!!
starts snowball fights out of fucking nowhere. you swear he almost gave you a concussion once but he denies it ever happening smh. 🤥
trying to do a christmas movie marathon but tbh good luck bc this man can't focus for more than 5 minutes.
as well as being a blanket hogger, in winter, mikey and the concept of personal space become complete strangers. bro will cling to you like you're tryin' to go somewhere when actually you're just trying to sleep.
one of the best winter boyfriends omg!!
constantly warm. it's like hugging a fucking radiator, but in a good way :D
the feeling of waking up next to him in winter is unmatched. your head lies on his chest, and his bicep holds your waist against him with the perfect strength. soft snores pass through his open lips, blonde locks strewn across the pillow.
late night trips to the convenience store bc u want snacks!!
constantly shoving an extra layer of clothes on you, just to be safe.
personally isn't a fan of the cold, but bares it for you.
you force him to go ice skating with you, but all it takes is one fall and he's stomping off the rink cussing out the ice whilst you cling to him, drowning in your own giggles.
strokes you hair as you watch christmas classics, feeling his chest vibrate with gentle laughter as he cradles you against him.
laughing at him because he's wearing mittens LMAO
surprise attacking him with a wrestle in the snow, only to end up pinned beneath him panting and tapping out because his bodyweight is crushing you.
would take a lot of convincing, but would wear a onesie if it really made you happy.
going on a cut-your-own-christmas-tree-farm date and my god does he make a fine lumberjack.
even though you’d been extra cautious, you still got sick. but don't worry, ken takes care of you.
that is after he's lectured you on wearing warmer clothes even though you literally wear at least two hoodies every time you walk outside.
gets pissed when you shove snow in his hood and doesn't notice until he pulls it over his head. 💀
making cookies together but somehow coming out with triple how many you were acc supposed to make so your kitchen was practically overflowing with the damn things.
going on a date to see the fireworks. draken stares at you with love and true adoration in his eyes as you gawk at the pretty streams of light, lips forming an 'o' as you admire the way they shoot through the sky. he's never been happier.
please do not repost or steal my work ─ i don't allow translations or resposts on any other platforms.
#✩°。; tilliewrites#THIS MADE ME SOB#tokyo revengers fluff#tokyo rev fluff#tokyo revengers headcanons#sano manjiro#tokrev#headcanons#draken x reader#draken headcanons#tokyo rev x you#tokrev takemichi#hanagaki takemichi#takemichi x you#takemichi headcanons#ken ryuguji#tokrev headcanons#mikey tokyo revengers#mikey fluff#draken fluff#takemichi fluff
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sivyera's masterlist
requests are open!
before you request, read the rules!
rules for request → here
Started: 08/06/22
Last Updated: 01/01/25
my other masterlists - avatar masterlist httyd masterlist
Marvel ↴
Dating Bucky Barnes but being Sam Wilson's best friend
Dating Doctor Strange would include..
Dating Bucky Barnes would include..
Dating Sinister Strange would include..
Dating Defender Strange would include..
We weren't meant to be, so let me go. (Sinister Strange x reader)
Made for Kill. (Peter Parker x hydra!reader)
Vikings ↴
Ivar the Boneless│Fluff alphabet
Arcane ↴
The night we felt true love. (Cassandra Kiramman x fem!reader)
Arcane characters as love stereotypes.
Arcane characters as Disney couple.
Dating Ekko but Vi has a crush on you…
her secret lover headcanons (vi x reader)
Twilight ↴
10 things Edward Cullen loves about you
TWILIGHT characters as love tropes
Twilight characters dating islamic reader
hot chocolate (bella swan x fem!reader)
undying love (paul lahote x fem!vampire!reader)
dating headcanons (jacob black x imprint!human!reader)
Harry Potter↴
nsfw headcanons and kinks of harry potter characters
sharing is caring (ron weasley x reader smut)
Raya and the Last Dragon ↴
Dating Namaari would include..
My hero academia ↴
I won't let anyone hurt you! (Bakugou x reader)
Onward ↴
Ian Lightfoot having a crush on you would include..
Gravity Falls ↴
Cuddling with Dipper Pines HC’s
Perfect. (Dipper Pines x shy!reader)
Love languages with Gravity Falls characters
Jealous HC's with Gravity Falls characters
Dipper Pines│Fluff Alphabet
The Basketball Diaries ↴
Dating Jim Carroll would include...
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes↴
Dating Blue eyes would include...
Blue eyes│Fluff Alphabet
dating caesar headcanons
Peter Pan 2003↴
Dating Peter Pan would include...
Peter pan being obsessed with you would include...
Vis a Vis (Locked Up)↴
Vis a Vis characters dating headcanons
Turning Red↴
Dating Ming Lee would include..
My Little Pony ↴
my MLP headcanons!
Lego Ninjago movie ↴
Dating Jay Walker would include...
Lego Ninjago characters as eye color wallpaper (tik tok trend)
Lego Friends (Friends: Girls on a Mission) ↴
Lego Friends characters and their sexuality HC's
Lego Friends dating HC's
8 mile ↴
Cuddling with Jimmy Smith Jr HCs
Dating Jimmy Smith Jr would include..
Don’t worry (Jimmy Smith Jr x reader)
Touchstarved B-rabbit x touchstarved reader hc’s
The Collector↴
Dating Arkin O’Brien would include...
Rise of the Guardians↴
Dating Jack Frost would include...
Team Fortress 2 ↴
Dating Scout/Jeremy would include...
Inception ↴
Dating Robert Fischer would include..
Robert Fischer│Fluff alphabet
His guardian angel.
Chain the Night. (Robert Fischer x reader)
American Pie ↴
Dating American pie characters would include...
The Devil All the Time↴
Yandere TDATT characters being in love with you would include…
The Treasure Planet ↴
coming soon...
IT 2017↴
your lips, my lips. apocalypse. (henry bowers x reader)
Saltburn ↴
game 00.1 (felix catton x reader)
Rampage 2018 ↴
Dating Harvey Russell would include..
Dating Sergeant Calhoun would include...
PEN15 ↴
Dating PEN15 characters would include...
coming soon...
The Batman 2022↴
coming soon...
Fate: The Wings Saga↴
coming soon...
coming soon...
Actors/Celebrities ↴
Dating male celebrities would include...
dating Pedro Acosta would include.. - Pedro Acosta x reader
Fluff alphabet - Cillian Murphy x reader
��Morning’ - Cillian Murphy x reader
Electric touch - Cillian Murphy x reader
Dating Cillian Murphy would include.. - Cillian Murphy x reader
Dating Elizabeth Olsen would include.. - Elizabeth Olsen x reader
Beautiful - Elizabeth Olsen x reader
Alex Høgh Andersen│Fluff alphabet - Alex Høgh Andersen x reader
Dating Eminem would include... Eminem x reader
star girl! - Hailey Bieber x reader
F1 and MotoGP drivers as love types
Dating PJ Duncan would include..
Disney characters as boyfriends/girlfriends
Disney princesses and their sexualities, my headcanons
Disney/Pixar characters dating hc’s
love headcanons for the great prince | bambi
cinnamon girl (frozen 2 elsa x northuldra reader)
puck and pirouette (inside out 2 riley andersen x fem!reader)
puck and pirouette, pt. 2 (inside out 2 riley andersen x fem!reader)
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