#yandere jack frost
Base Yandere Jack Frost Headcanons (+ Scenario) Jack Frost Nipping At Your Nose (Rise Of The Guardians) (ROTG)
#JackFrost #Yandere #YandereJackFrost #YandereROTG YandereRiseOfTheGuardians #YandereScenarios #YandereHeadcanons #Headcanons #Scenarios #ROTG #RiseOfTheGuardians #JackFrostROTG #JackFrostxReader #Reader 
[Hello My Sexy Muffins and welcome to one of FIVE Christmas yanderes I am doing this years. First Up is Jack Frost, so please do Enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: Jack Frost IS Over 100 years AT LEAST and is not yandere in canon. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously. Simping for fictional characters is fine just make sure you are not being gross or illegal about it. Also that you separate fiction from reality. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Jack Frost From the Rise of The Guardians- 
.Jack Frost is a free spirit and loves to just have fun and make joy for people. 
.Though he does not like that no one knows who he is. 
.When more and more kids know who he is the more he is seen and he loves it. 
.Though there is someone who is no longer a child who belives in him. 
.Grown up and still believing in Jack he does not know how to talk to you. 
.Kids were easy enough they loved snow days. 
.Also he feels something he has never felt before. 
.He would first try and follow you without you seeing him. 
.The more he would watch you the more he would fall for you. 
.It becomes darker and dark each time he is away from you. 
.He goes to the north and he is concerned that you an adult could still see not just Jack but all of them. 
.You still have hope and wonder about the world. 
.Jack is always the type of guy to make you laugh and smile. 
.When you are grumpy he will get you in a snowball fight to let loose and have fun. 
.Though if someone threw a snowball at you too hard he would not be happy with that at all. 
.He would be the type of yandere that is a bit of a stalker but in a more casual way. 
.He just so happens to be outside your work. 
.To be escorting you from home to the store and so on. 
.Also since no one else can see him he uses that to his advantage where you would not be able to tell him to go away if he was annoying you. 
.He also uses not being seen to his advantage when you go on a date with rivals. 
.They will slip on ice a lot or get snow blasted at them so much they get sick and they cannot even go on the date in the first place. 
.Or freeze the car battery and so on. 
.That is right Jack is a bit of a jerk and petty type of yandere when it comes to rivals. 
.He confesses to you while ice skating with you. 
.Being sweet and kind that you most likely would not be able to say no. 
.Though if you do he is shocked he thought everything was going so well. 
.He will become unstable and maybe a snowstorm will engulf your town as he tries to calm down. 
.This cannot be you could have not said no. 
.Though you are most likely going to say yes to him and kiss him. Not caring that it looks like to any adult watching that you are kissing the air. 
.He would lift you up and fly with you. 
.He would also make it so that the moon would make you into a spirit like him. That way he will never ever lose you.
(No One's POV) 
Jack Frost started to make it snow in your hometown. You did not care for the snow but you also did not hate it. You much more liked it when you were a kid and could play in it. But now shoveling it was a pain. Jack Frost was having his usual fun when a snowball hits the back of your head. The kids scatter and Jack Frost winced. Thinking you could not see him. You turn around and look to see who did it. Your eyes land on Jack and they widen. He was Jack Frost you remember him from when you were just a child. 
"Jack!" You call making him freeze and stare. "Jack Frost!" 
He knew you now did mean him and he is frozen as you throw your shovel down and run across the street to meet him. 
"You can see me?" He asks shocked not knowing what else to say. 
"Of course, I can!" You laugh. "Wow, you really have not changed a bit, not even your clothes." 
He was confused. How did one of the many hundreds of kids he met, is able to see him as an adult? Also looking at you, your cheeks darken a bit with the blood rushing to them from the cold. 
It made his stomach do flip-flops. "I got to go!" He says and zooms off. 
He had talked to the north who said he knew. You were one of the very few if only now, adults that kept their childhood wonder and hope. A very, very rare thing indeed. Jack asked if he would be able to spend time with you. North told him yes, though he could not neglect his duties, the children came first. 
He agreed and went out to do some of his duties before he went to see you again.
Once he got back to you he sees you talking to some man holding hands with him. Jack felt a knot in his stomach and he quickly made the ice appear under the man who slipped and almost took you with him. 
He did not know what this was but he DID NOT like sharing you with anyone. You Are HIS! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy all of my muffins!] 
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ketketstaber123 · 1 year
A Horrible Post. I should be ashamed.
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(Y’all remember this base? Please tell me it’s creator so I can credit them properly)
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peachyys-posts · 1 year
Basically the guardians with y/n
Bunnymund: (points at y/n crying on the kitchen floor) who did this
The guardians:…..
Sandman: *points at pitch black*
Bunnymund:*attacks pitch black*
Pitch black: HOLY SHIT
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cheesemilk · 1 year
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jackfrostvn · 4 months
Is Jack Frost a yandere?
This is a question I have asked myself a lot since first creating the game. In the beginning, I would have said no- jack is not a yandere. But after developing his character more I have decided that he does fall into a certain category of yandere (if loosely) which would be the submissive type. The type of person to do anything for the person they love even if it means destroying themselves in the process- so no, he is not the traditional yandere, he does not kill anyone for the mc (unless pushed to the absolute extreme) and he is aware (for the most part) of what is right and wrong and deters from doing anything to upset the MC.
I have also seen a lot of people who play the game to think it is a (traditional) yandere game and I’m hesitant to put the yandere tag on the itch page because I do not want to mislead people. Jack is complex character, he has a lot of flaws and depending on your choices will affect his ending in the game.
I want people to enjoy the game- and I hope my weird explanation for Jack’s character makes sense and clears the air :)
So- is Jack a Yandere?
To an extent— yes.
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dustysanses · 1 year
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Yandere furry
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ssecond-hand-faith · 6 months
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Can you all stop being so god damn TALL!?
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(jack) frost in the glass window
—alone on the expedition, with your shelter buried in the snow, you couldn’t help but think you were far from being alone.
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—a/n: the edit on the maze commission is taking a minute so...i finished another very old thing while yall wait!! this is very tame, more on creepy atmosphere than anything, but still, hope you enjoy anyway~<3 i tried to incorporate all the common lore as i can in this piece too.
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—tw / tags: gn reader, isolation, haunted, implied confinement, reader is in an existing relationship, implied kidnapping, implied teratophilia(?), implied exophilia(?), general yandere themes(?), long post, sfw.
—featured character(s): jack frost? (implied)
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“Alright,” you sighed, suppressing the urge to grimace as your partner donned a mask and secured shaded goggles. You could hear the ecstatic sled dogs blaring their songs, their yowls resonating throughout the vast, untouched sea of snow. “I don’t see why we couldn’t wait for another day for the supply run.”
Your partner’s name tasted slightly sour with your irritation.
The weather forecast had been quite clear about the coming blizzard. For your partner to leave now was not an idea you could agree with, fearing for their life.
Nor were you comfortable being alone, in the middle of the nowhere tundra. This cabin always felt so oppressive, small, in ways you couldn’t describe. It was as if there were presences much larger than just you, your partner, and the dogs—and you couldn’t see them beyond the shadowy horizon of trees and snow.
“Maybe, but we’re running out,” your partner tossed a thumb over their shoulder toward the still-closed door, where the dogs were still howling, “of their food. There ain’t no hunt around I can get for ‘em either.”
You finally allowed a grimace to wash over your face.
Before you could argue, your partner yanked on the last glove and gave you a long look. “If I don’t go tomorrow, those stinkers won’t have enough energy for the full run—and I won’t be able to come home with a full supply for another month. You know how ridiculous their metabolisms are.”
No matter how much you wanted to protest their decision, they were right. It would be gambling with not only the dogs’ lives, but yours and your partner’s as well. But, staying here alone was not an idea you wanted to entertain either.
“Maybe I should go with you—” you tried, but your partner interrupted you with a shake of their head.
“No. If something goes wrong out there with me and the dogs, we won’t have enough supplies for both of us. Here, there’s enough to last you a couple of weeks. I just need you to hold down the fort,”
At the wrinkles in your crossed face, they sighed, straightened their insulated jacket, and tapped your face. You turned your chin out of their reach and they tutted, lowering their thickly gloved hand. “The dogs and I will be back before you know it, babe. Alright? Everything will be fine—and I’ll keep the radio with me.”
You huffed, before your tension softened. With yet another sigh, you closed in and readjusted your partner’s mask. “Sorry. You know I just don’t like being alone in this weird cabin.”
They laughed, grasping your hands to their lips. “That again? It’s just an old homesteader’s cabin. The family that used to live here, were a bunch of homebodies who never bothered no one.”
“Yeah, those ‘bunch of homebodies’ got a bunch of weird rumors from the locals, you know. Something about missing kids.” You grumbled in reply, leaning into their warmth with a resigned slump.
“Rumors are rumors. Just be happy we got a nice roof over our heads for this expedition.” They reminded you kindly. Retreating from your presence at the sound of one dog’s near-screeching demand, your partner tugged you into a hug and pressed their cheek against yours with a mumble, “You’re a trooper, I know you’ll be fine. I’ll call you when I get to the point B and loaded up with the goods, okay?”
It was hard to agree, but you weren’t ignorant to the urgency. With a sudden pang of unease, you relented and huffed, “You better be safe and come back to me in one piece.”
They chuckled at your grumble and crossed their heart with a near-mocking promise.
You smacked them for their attitude, but it was enough to upturn your lips a little.
Just like that, you stood in front of a fogged window, watching your partner start the sled dogs with a confident shout and steer them through the snowy landscape. You remained until they were no longer dots on the horizon and your shoulders sagged. Already the cabin felt darker, with every shadow seemingly creeping ever so closer to you.
Shivering from the chill, you shook off the residues of your disappointment and decided to pursue brewing your favorite hot beverage for comfort. Stocking the fireplace with more wood wasn’t a chore you were keen on doing right now, but any distraction was better than dwelling on how creepy this place was. You rubbed your hands and resigned to yourself to being alone for gods only knows how many days before your partner and the dogs returned.
“I’m an adult,” you tried boasting up your confidence, to ignore whatever entity that continued to haunt this old cabin. “I’ll be fine.”
You were being silly, the feeling of constantly being watched wouldn’t make sense in such an icy, isolated land. There were no other living souls else out there in the immediate proximity for miles around. It was probably a hungry predator eying you like a meal.
If that was the case, you already had several guns nearby for self-defense.
But it wouldn’t explain the feeling within the very building itself—
You shook yourself out of that train of thought, realizing you were overworking your imagination again.
You needed your hot drink.
Bundled up in nothing but layers of blankets, you sat before the crackling fireplace and flipped through your book.
Yet, you couldn’t seem to absorb a single printed word off any page. Every letter you read blurred together in a jumbled, black mess. Your brain was in chaos, riding high on anxiety you couldn’t let go of.
You couldn’t stop your knee from bouncing and your hands from trembling. Your blood ran hot and your ears rang loudly from the eerie silence. Your throat hurt—
Abandoning your book to a nearby table, you tightened your cocoon and grimaced at how hot you felt—yet your exposed face was so cold, even with the fireplace roaring a mere several feet away. You felt helplessly alone.
Checking the grandfather clock not too far away for the umpteenth time, you buried your face against your knees in defeat. It was getting dark—and pacing around and trying to fruitlessly distract yourself as the blizzard rattled the cabin, had only helped in feeding the anxiety.
Reading was a futile endeavor, with you hyper-alert to each howling wind that passed over the roof and some distant wails, doubtlessly from some lonely arctic animal.
…You hoped they were from those animals and not some yeti-like creatures from the unknown depths of the frozen wasteland. It would be far too silly to believe otherwise, but you feverishly prayed anyway. Nothing more than your imagination acting out from sheer loneliness.
Utterly freezing, you scooted a little closer to the fire and rubbed your hands and feet, desperate for some heat to calm your shivering nerves.
The shadows crept closer.
You remained fixated to the fire, imagining yourself and your partner on vacation in some warm country, perhaps relaxing on a beach on a sunny, cloudless day. Not a speck of white snow in sight.
Absently, you plotted to guilt your partner into finishing the job early, mentally outlining how you would get your way. Schemes formed. Imaginary debates followed, maybe ending in deals and offers to sweeten the proposals.
...Anything to ignore the darkness looming ever so closer with every breath.
Then something fluttered.
You whipped around, your sudden movement tumbling layers of thick quilts off your shoulders. They piled up on the rug around you.
“Just some wind,” you said to yourself, not quite convinced that it could move the window curtains like so from inside the cabin. They were heavy, designed to prevent snow blindness, especially in the early morning.
There were certainly no wind inside the house either.
Shaking your head, desperately trying to curb your growing anxiety, you turned back to the fire and pulled the blankets back over your shoulders. You hastily reassured yourself, “Just a trick of the light,”
That was all it was.
Maybe you should just go straight to bed, you decided. But, it was almost impossible to sleep when it was so bitterly cold.
Still, neither was it good for you to be inducing yourself in the state of panic over the littlest thing, just because you were lonely and trapped in the middle of the white nowhere.
“Bedtime it is,” you sighed, roughening some ashes around the roaring fire to bank it. There were few other choices otherwise, and you were reluctant to extinguish the fire when it was colder than hell itself.
Gathering your quilts around you, their hefty weights nearly pulling you down to the floor, you marched to your bedroom like some kind of caped idiot. Your shoulders started to ache a little, but you refused to release your cherish blankets, ignoring your age. You walked past a window, minding the knickknacks in your path and mentally complaining about how crippled you’d felt as you got older.
You paused.
“Huh?” You turned, twisting in your quilts as you leaned back to the window.
Your brows furrowed in annoyance at the sight of the opened curtains. Clenching the thick fabric, you grumbled, “I didn’t open this.”
You jerked them close, not willing to suffer a case of snow blindness the first thing in the morning—
Your screams swelled, but it couldn’t leave your throat as you refused to acknowledge what you saw. Your mind was loud, screaming like the symphony of the sled dogs, but you forced yourself to maintain a mask. You just needed to go to bed.
You didn’t see a pair of wide eyes staring down at you from the top panes of the window, through a fine dusting of frost. You didn’t catch a glimpse of something very tall standing waist deep in the snow, unmoving even against the raging blizzard. It simply didn’t exist.
Just a trick of the light from the fire.
The shadows in the cabin drew closer as you retreated to your bed.
It got colder.
In the distance, you heard the fire flicker out to its last ember.
You tried not to shove yourself under your bed, pretending that everything was normal. Tucking yourself under your quilts, you curled within yourself, and closed your eyes, bidding for a peaceful sleep.
You did not see the white fog of your breath escaping your lips.
Icy fingers curled over your biceps through the layers of quilts.
You forced yourself to pretend, suppressing the growing urge to whimper deep in your throat.
“You cannot hide from winter—for I am the cold you cannot escape from, my dear.”
Your partner will inevitably come home to an empty cabin, with every inch covered in fine frost inside.
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ryliesthings · 1 year
Peter: who ate my pizza rolls.
Dachabo: ask tate you know he ate them with his fat ass.
Tate: now who the fuck is you talking to bitch and first of all I’m lactose intolerant. And secondly use your brain pizza rolls have cheese and cheese has milk dumbass
Dachabo: bitch do you want to fight because I am not scared to fight yo fat ass!
Elias: you know his fat ass gonna sit on you.
Doe: I know you ain’t calling my best friend fat. Didn’t your ex kill you!
Elias: boy shut you bitch ass the fuck up.
Jack: all of you motherfuckin prepubescent bitches can shut tf up!
Monika: what’s going on in here why is everyone screaming?
Micah: someone ate peters pizza rolls and he’s making a big ass deal about it.
Peter: you can shut the fuck up before I slap the piercing out of your tongue bitch.
Micah: I’m not finna waste my damn time on yo ass stop talking to me.
Ayano: bruh y’all giving me a fucking headache! (Y/n) ate them by accident!
Y/n: yeah I did. My bad.
Peter: it’s okay darling.
Jack: okay now go back into your pigsty of room you Emo depressed lookin ass bitch.
Peter: I’m not finna fight a goddamn ghost.
They fought
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mariahyanderes · 1 year
Yanderes reacting you sick
John Doe-
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He would be in doubt what that was but after you tell him He would understand that you are sick he would try to help
Maison Talo
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He would already know that you are sick But he wouldn't pay much attention to it but when he has time he'll take care of you
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Think of a baby he would take care of you I would spend the whole time spoiling and caring for you, he would take vacations to take care of you
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He would be like TK but a little more nervous but he still won't stop teasing you
Tate frost
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He would also take care of you he would make chicken soup for you very warm
Sunny Day Jack
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He would be more very very very worried about you he would ask if you are ok all the time
Tk is not yandere, I just put it :]
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helpfandom · 9 months
platonic yandere Jack Frost and runaway teen reader
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How interesting... He mutters to himself, not expecting a response from you. It's not often that he sees a run-away. But it's when you reply back, that he's more interested. After all, it's even rarer to see someone believe in him, much less someone who's a teen!
This is what makes him intrigued, what makes him obsessed. He pretends to be normal, to not be a spirit. And so, he leads you to his hideout under the guise of another run-away. Of course, you can't stay like that [in the outdoors next to the spirit of winter], but neither of you realize that until it's almost a little too late.
He doesn't realize that humans can't stay next to a cold source while outdoors in winter, but he does realize that he can't let the only person who has been able to see him in most of his time as a spirit slip away from his fingers, not when he has them in his cold hands.
So, he asks for help, what should he do? What can he do to make sure that the one person he can actually talk to about 'Normal' things is okay? That they won't suffer the same fate that he did of death?? However, no one can answer him. If anything, they admonish his behaviour, sadness apparent on Frost's face as he realizes that none of his 'Friends' will help him. However someone is willing to help...
However since this is not a team-up, he refuses the offer from Pitchiner Black and refuses to let him around his new friend, fearing what he may do to manipulate them.
So he slowly creates a new world, a new area for him and his friend to play in! A new winter wonderland where they can runaway, even if they can't escape.
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mellsfern · 4 months
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Sum Jack from @jackfrostvn and my OC Riley. She would def be a wild child even if she is a pink girl at heart. Also she would fall so fast for the "stranger" caring for her wounds.
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ketketstaber123 · 1 year
I stole many threads/post to make this low quality thing
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peachyys-posts · 2 years
Jack:*watching from the distance* who’s idiot is that?
Jack: fucking dumbass OH WAIT THAT MY IDIOT
Jack:*running towards them*
Y/n:*running way from jack*
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b-00-biez · 11 months
What are some of the most interesting Yandere games you've played? Do you have a few recommendations? Please and thank you 🥺💕
The yandere games I've played were Sunny day Jack, John doe, My dear hatchet man, My boyfriend etc. It's really hard to name all of them since there's so many but honestly most of them are in itch. io you can play it there and download it on PC but some of them are playable right on the website. Just search the genre visual novel then romance and there're a bunch more games you can play right there beware though some have 18+ themes depending on the ending you got all the games I highly recommend are in the hashtags go check it out!
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sylveon-and-velveon · 6 months
Okay all my Creepypasta OC's ref sheets are done.... just by going off of names who should I do first for the Visual Novel OCs?
I'll go in the order of this poll and the one on my alt Twitter <- This one only goes for 4 days as of posting this BTW
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