#morning defined as lasting until 2 pm apparently
rotationalsymmetry · 3 years
Returning to the theme of “what goes on in your life is news”…
I don’t have my skepticism glasses on with articles like these. (About the harm of responding to opioid addiction by getting doctors to prescribe fewer opioids.) And the reason why is, I’ve encountered this problem in my own circle of people I know. Not with a chronic pain condition fortunately or with forced tapering, but just one time when someone I knew was in pain from surgery and casually mentioned one time he was having trouble getting his refill on time that he didn’t want to get seen as drug seeking. (I don’t remember the details but I think the consequence was he got less medication than he needed for a bit.) The fear of being written off as an addict affects huge swaths of people, far beyond the number of people who actually get directly denied medication due to being seen as drug seeking.
And it makes sense! The possible consequences of getting that put on your chart…there’s a risk of getting stuck with a chronic pain condition and never being free of pain again, when the medications are there and you just aren’t allowed to have them. Of course people will go to great lengths to avoid that risk. Especially people who have already had the experience of being treated as less than fully human by other people and by institutions.
I’ve heard so many stories of health care disasters in the US and health care “wait, that’s it?” experiences in countries with socialized medicine. Guess where I stand on that issue. News articles didn’t convince me. People’s experiences did.
You know how I got to where I stand on intentional weight loss? Sure, I read some stuff, but the reason I believed that stuff is because my mom dieted on and off throughout my childhood, so when I encountered the narrative of “yeah, dieting leads to short term weight loss, but the vast majority of people don’t keep the weight off over time, even when they’re responsible people who try really hard” that was consistent with what I’d seen. I didn’t need studies (although, there are a metric shit ton of studies cited in Health At Every Size (the book)), I could just think about the people I knew and what their experiences were.
(My dad is about as skinny as he was in my baby pictures, even though my mom is the one who watches what she eats and Dad has never dieted in his life. I can see a utter lack of cause and effect when it’s staring me in the face.) (this is why many people find “fat is good, actually” diets compelling btw — they know low fat dieting didn’t work, but “maybe that specific dieting advice was wrong” fits the same data points pretty well too.)
You know what’s been getting me really pissed off about landlords? Living in apartment buildings.
You know why I became an anarchist? Because I was a good kid and I always did what I told and I got fucked up anyways. And then I read a book explaining how I got fucked up. And it made sense.
You know why I’m a feminist? Because I’ve had my ass grabbed by strangers, and because I don’t like shaving my armpit hair but you can’t just not shave your armpit hair as someone who looks like a woman without getting responses from people. And because I got pressured into a haircut I didn’t like in seventh grade. And if you think “well, it’s just a haircut” then you don’t understand anything about people.
I’m against school bullying because I was bullied. Because I know what it’s like. Because people I know and care about have been bullied. Because people I know of have died.
I’m against rape and for attempts to actively fight back against rape culture and create cultures based on consent and respect for bodily autonomy because, check as many as you like, I was raped, my friends was raped and she closed off emotionally and I lost my friend because some other asshole raped her, because I’ve heard an awful lot of personal stories about people (mostly but not exclusively women) getting raped and the aftereffects of that.
I care about community because I’ve spent a lot of my life being lonely.
I care about disability because I’m disabled. That’s not great, I wish I’d made it a priority earlier. (I wasn’t, like, against disability rights, I didn’t harass part time wheelchair users or whatever, but this is the sort of thing where most problems are actually caused by indifference, not active malice.) But I’m here now, and I’m here because being disabled sucks, and because only some of the suckitude is due to the conditions themselves. And at least now that I am here I’m trying to be solid on the “your struggle is my struggle” thing — I don’t have chronic pain but I’m for the rights of people who have chronic pain, I’m not developmentally disabled but I’m working to change my assumptions about people who are and I’m speaking up for developmentally disabled children and adults, I’ve never had any of the “scarier” mental illnesses (uh, that I’m aware of, I mean how do you know that you don’t have say a personality disorder) but I’m for destigmatizing all mental illnesses and I’m taking time to learn more and I’m for all people with mental illnesses getting assistance with activities of daily living when they need that. Even if it’s not obvious why food and showers and tooth brushing are not happening, the important thing is that they happen even if that means paying someone to make sure it gets done.
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im-hqlover · 4 years
Arranged marriage/Royal AU - Chapter 1 - The wedding.
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A / n - hey, today I bring something that I was planning to do for some time, but I never had any inspiration on how to do this, until I read a fanfic about an arranged marriage between Jason and the reader, and that inspired me, so credits to @writingblock101 ​, who was the fanfic writer that I read. I hope you don't mind me being inspired by your fanfic. (and I must say, it was very good, I just loved reading) 
Hope you like it!
(none of the images used on the aesthetic belong to me, credit to their creators)
Warnings: arranged marriage, maybe some bad words, assault, sex mentions, rape mentions, death mentions, angst, war mentions, cry (Idk if it is necessary, but I will put anyway), maybe english errors/mistakes. 
important details to mention: 
-This is kind of a Royal AU, but time kinda mixes with middle Ages and current time, so some technologies exist and others don't, it's kind of confusing, maybe, but I hope this isn't a big problem.
-The reader is 20 years old, Jason is 22 y/o
-The reader is female.
Pairings: Jason Todd x reader 
Y/n = your name
F/n = father name
M/n = mother name
Kd/n = Kingdom name
F/f = Favorite flower
Words count: 5591
Next chapters: Chapter 2, Chapter two’s alternative ending, Chapter 3
Gender: Cis-Female
Sexuality: Straight 
Height: Shorter than Jason
Weight: Not Defined 
Skin Color: Not Defined 
Hair Color: Not Defined 
Eyes Color: Not Defined
Other details? Y/n is myopic
(I hope I have put all the information, let me know if i forgot something)
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There I was, wearing a wedding dress while the royal seamstress was doing the last details. The mirror was facing me, where I could see my reflection, and my face was not at all well, my eyes were still red from crying.
This moment should be happy, it should be with my beloved Hunter, but unfortunately he ended up being brutally killed in that war. I begged him to flee, to go to a distant place, but we to stay together, but he said that he swore an oath, and that as a warrior, he would never run away from battle. He said he would come back alive, and that as soon as he came back we would be married, but I knew he would never come back from that war, hardly anyone did, and when the news came that he had been killed, I spent days crying.
That war was destroying our kingdom, it was destroying lives, it was destroying everything. I just wanted it to be over soon, and it seems like my wishes were heard, but not in the way I would like it to be. 
The kingdom of Gotham, which had the kingdom of Metropolis as an ally, accepted the agreement to end the war, but that meant that I would have to marry one of the sons of the Gotham's king. They just told me that my future husband was an indomitable warrior, who killed several cruelly, it might not be much information, but I was sure I already hated him. 
- The dress is ready princess, if there is something bothering you just let me know.
- It's all right Madeleine, I think there is nothing that is bothering me in the dress.
The seamstress nods in agreement, she opens her mouth to say something, but ends up being quiet, then someone knocks on the door.
- You may come in. - I answer in a monotone voice. 
I can see by the reflection of the mirror that it was my mother at the door, and as soon as the old seamstress saw the queen, she immediately left my quarters. I don't say anything, and just look in the mirror as my mom approaches me. 
- You are so beautiful.
I don't answer it and just ignore her.
- I know you don't want this daughter, but you know this is for a greater good. 
- You promised me you would never force me to marry.
- I know we promised that daughter, but that was the only solution found to stop the war.
- No! that was the option that was best for the kingdom and for you, because the other agreements you and father would lose territory, resources, money and more! Already with an arranged marriage the only one who suffers is me! - I say sharply and angrily, and soon tears come again, I leave her side and go towards the window. 
- You aren't the only one who will suffer, do you think that your father and I aren't upset about this too? We know how much you loved Hunter, and we know what we promised. But situations have changed, think for your people, how many lives are you going to save, that's the only way.
- No, it's not! There must be thousands of other possibilities, but this is the easiest! Now get out of my room. 
- Daugh-
- I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT OF MY ROOM, NOW! - She was silent and left, I could see there were tears in her eyes, I never fought with my mother, but after that, things changed. 
I took off that dress, and put on a more comfortable outfit. I lay on my bed and started to cry again. What's the use of being a princess, having luxuries and everything you can imagine if you can't have your own life? I just… wanted to be free. 
I get up from the bed after a while, I wipe away the remaining tears, and went to the window. I loved seeing that landscape so far, after the village, there was a beautiful open field perfect for horseback riding, and further away, there were several mountains where the sun disappeared, and when it set, the landscape was even more beautiful. I even made a picture with that landscape, it wasn't as incredible as the real one, but it was still cool. I get out of my daydreams when I hear a knock on the door. 
- Who is it? 
- It's Juliet your highness, I came to tell you that dinner is on the table. 
- Okay. Tell them I'm not hungry. 
- Are you sure, your Highness? You haven't eaten right for days. 
- Yes Juliet, I'm sure. - My voice gets angrier, and then the maid leaves my room. I lay on my bed again trying to sleep, but my thoughts wouldn't let me. 
Tomorrow we will depart for the kingdom of Gotham, and then the journey will take about three weeks if we have no unforeseen events. The trip would be long, and I was tired of just thinking about it. 
I will miss my kingdom. 
The next morning, I was awakened by the rays of sunlight that appeared outside. I sigh tiredly and put the pillow in my face, I try to sleep a little more, but there was a little bird that kept singing and it was driving me crazy, so I decide that it would be best to get up soon, since apparently I wouldn't be able to sleep again. I choose some clothes from my wardrobe, and I go to my bathroom to shower, and after that I go towards the kitchen and get some coffee along with a piece of cake, but I refused to sit by the table with my family. 
The hours go by being arranged clothes and various other things and placed in the carriages, all day I avoided talking to people, and only spoke when my answer was very necessary.  Before I leave, I take a hot shower and put on comfortable clothes, neither screwing up that I would wear tight or extravagant clothes on this exhausting trip. 
The trip was long, especially when there was nothing to do, most of the time I was thinking and sometimes listening to music, and sometimes when I got tired I ended up sleeping, the good thing was that the carriage I was in was just me and the driver, so I didn't need to interact with my family. The days passed slowly, but we finally arrived at the famous kingdom of Gotham. 
I’ve never been there before, but I must say it was interesting, the kingdom was made up of some islands and the castle was on the mainland,  along with some nearby villages, in battle mode it was interesting to note that they had certain advantages on account of the islands. 
I sigh as I realize that we were soon arriving at the grand castle of dark stones like the night sky of the Wayne royal family,  and wow, that was huge compared to the castle I called home, and a little bit scary to be honest. Through the carriage window I could see the sun going through the clouds, I look at the phone to check the time and it was already 3:37 pm. As soon as the carriage stops I open the door, and oh, the outdoors, I couldn't stand being confined anymore. 
I look back and notice that the other carriages were also stopping, I think I must mention that there were many carriages that came so much from my kingdom, as for the allied kingdoms, not to mention that there were other carriages that appeared to be guests from the kingdom of Gotham.  
I don't know how long I stood looking at the whole place, but I came back to reality when I noticed that the driver was calling me. 
- Is your Highness okay? - He looked concerned as he unhorsed the horses.
- Yes Matt, everything is fine, and please call me y / n. - I give him a half smile, while responding in a gentle way, or at least as much as I could do with my bad mood.
- Okay, y/n. 
I realize that my family was near the grand entrance to the castle, waiting for me to join them, and this is what I did, even if against my will. It was not long before soon what I assumed to be King Bruce Wayne appeared to welcome us, and wow, as all of this was not at all fake, two kingdoms that were at war until a few weeks ago act as if they were always friends, that was unbearable and made me sick. 
- King f/n, queen m/n! It is a pleasure to have you in our kingdom. - A pleasure? A pleasure to have your enemy here on your land? How I hate politics and this blatant falsehood. 
- It is a pleasure to finally talk to you diplomatically King Bruce. - My dad shook his hand, and Bruce hugged my mom and kissed her hand. 
I was the one behind, preventing people from seeing me, I am simply taken out of my "comfort" when my father calls me to approach and greet the king. 
- So you must be the princess y / n, it is a pleasure to meet you. - He says as he kisses my hand gently, and I could feel my face heat up, both nervousness and shyness, how, urgh, seriously did he have to be so handsome? I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but see that detail, even though I hated him, I had to admit that he was a very handsome king. 
I mentally punched myself for having these thoughts, first: you can't fall in love with him, no, not even thinking, that would be absurd, second: AGE AHEM. third: um, I don't, just no, that wasn't right. But what's wrong with finding someone good-looking, isn't it? Was your son that handsome too?  
- I-It's a pleasure to meet yo-you too. - Damn, why do I have to stutter just now, y / n, get yourself together! 
- I'm sure Jason will be very happy to meet you. - Jason? I didn't remember exactly the name of my future husband, in fact I don't remember even if they told me his name, but from the way the king spoke, it is probably him.
- Hope so. - Actually my desire was to answer: Ah, what a pity, I don't have that same pleasure, and I'm almost sure that in fact he won't be happy to meet me. But diplomacy, I didn't want to be the cause of a new war. 
King Bruce also shakes my brother's hand, and then invites us to enter his "humble" castle, he didn't say that, but well, never mind. I was impressed, not only was the outside of the castle impressive, but inside, it was just magnificent, they had good taste. 
The king gave us a brief tour of the places we passed until we reached our rooms, he said that we would see each other later.
My nerves were on edge, there were so many feelings, nervousness, anxiety, fear, maybe anger too.  I was not able to spend much time alone as soon as several different servants came bringing my things, so much so that I would get ready for the wedding, so much my personal belongings that would probably stay there from now on. 
After they left I went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then I got dressed, while I was still wearing a towel I just looked at the white dress in front of me, it was beautiful, made with the best fabrics, and made just for me, the way I always dreamed. 
I always imagined wearing a dress like that at my wedding with Hunter, and knowing that I was marrying a complete stranger knowing only what people told me about him, which I must say, weren't very good things,  they disturbed me even more. 
Until now, reality had not reached me as much as that moment, and soon I began to think not only about the wedding that would take place in a few hours, but the one after.  It was tradition for the couple to have sex right after the wedding, and it made me even more nervous, not just because I never did it before, but also because I didn't want it to be forced, I wanted… to be passionate, even if it was clumsy, but it was good, and I'm sure that something forced and that neither wants, isn't really a good thing. And I was sure he would probably want me to have sex with him, and it terrified me. 
But there was nothing I could avoid, the only thing I could do was to accept it, what if he wasn't so bad? What I heard were rumors, what if they were a lie? I really wanted to believe that, but I knew that maybe I was just lying myself to think about it.
I look at my bags, what if I ran away? I mean, nobody there in that village knew me, so they probably wouldn't recognize me, and that would give me an opening to escape, where to? I don't know, but it sure would be better than here.
I put on some clothes that nobody thought a princess would normally wear, I grab a hooded sweatshirt to try to hide my face, I also go back to the bathroom and turn on the shower, when I leave I close the door, it wouldn't last long until someone realizes , and I'm sorry planet for wasting this water, but it will give me some time.
When I leave the room I look everywhere, I didn't know anything about it, but I was sure I could find a way out. I was careful that no one noticed me, and as I often go unnoticed, it helped me.
It took a while, but I found a way out, and soon I headed towards the village that was there. I didn't have a plan, what would I do now? Maybe that idea was stupid, of course it was, but desperation does things to people, and I was really desperate.
I walked calmly through the crowd of people who were there, it seemed like there was a main street or something. As I walked I heard two women about my age commenting about the wedding.
- Hey, did you know that Prince Jason's wedding is today? - Said a woman with light blond hair to a shorter woman with black hair.
- Yes, it's a pity that he's getting married like that, I'm sure his wife must be awful.
- Clearly. I would certainly be a better wife, he certainly doesn't deserve this marriage.
- Yes, but she is a princess, and we are simple citizens, we would never have a chance.
- Yes, you're right. I wanted to have the chance to stay with him, have you seen those muscles? And those scars just make him hottest. 
- Really do you think so?
- Of course. A man with scars is very sexy.
- Well, maybe.
- Ah, whoever she is, even if the prince doesn't deserve her, she is someone lucky. I would give anything to have the same chance.
I couldn't help laughing lightly and rolling my eyes, if she wanted to be with the prince so badly that she switched places with me? I'd be very happy. The two women realized my presence when I laughed and then look at me in bewilderment.
- Why are you laughing? - Asks with blond hair. 
- Were you listening to our conversation? - Says the black-haired one.
- I'm sorry, I just heard by chance. - I shrugged 
- Sure, tell another one. - The blonde says rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
- How can you like this Prince Jason so much? - I ask curiously meddling in the conversation at both.
- It's none of your bitch business. - The black-haired one says.
- Huh, ok. But I’m pretty sure he’s not that great. Have you heard of the terrible murders he did? - If the two of them were already outraged and angry with me, they managed to get even more.
- Who are you to talk about Prince Jason? You certainly don't know anything about him. - The blonde says sharply, and clearly offended. 
- Maybe. But what good could he have?
- What you heard was half true, because what he murdered were enemies and very bad people who deserved death and who threaten our kingdom, what he did was to protect the citizens. - The blonde replies, it looked like she was going to make a huge speech now about her dear Prince Jason. 
- Of course. - I say rolling my eyes.
- Even more, Prince Jason is very kind to those who deserve it, is very protective and gives his life to save innocents and his people, he is sweet even if he doesn't seem at first. - The blonde continued to talk about the qualities of the prince that I doubted were real, until the sound of horses is heard not far from there, and his knights, masked and not very friendly people. 
I don’t realize when a masked man attacked me from behind, I struggled and tried to scream, but he had covered my mouth, he then pushed me against a wall, grabbing my right arm which was hurting me, and with his other hand still covering my mouth, I was paralyzed for a few seconds, until I managed to react by kicking the weak point of the men, I run as much as I can to the furthest away. 
There were a lot of people running and horses around, it was suffocating me, until someone hit me causing me to fall to the ground and a horse almost stepping on me, but he just stepped on my side, but it was still terrifying, I got up staggering, but as soon as I get up I come across a sword which was being wielded by one of those bandits. I swallow hard and raise my hands to try to protect myself, even if it was flawed. 
If I stayed there he would probably attack me, but if I tried to run it would be useless, since he was on a horse, I didn't know what to do, and I didn't even know if I could do anything since I was paralyzed with fear. 
But before that bandit could do anything I hear someone say: The royal cavalry! And then that guy who was pointing the sword at me had to defend himself against one of the royal knights. I walk backwards trying to get out of there, but guess what, I ended up stumbling on the sidewalk behind me and ended up falling on my ass.
I almost never participated in the fights because I didn't feel well being in these situations, the only times I ended up participating were some rare training sessions and a small invasion that took place in my kingdom many years ago. 
My heart was beating so fast it felt like it would leave my body at any moment. I looked in the direction of the knight who had attacked the bandit in front of me, he looked different from the other warriors, while the entire cavalry wore black and white details on their armor, he wore a red that looked like the color of blood. 
The bandits retreated and disappeared from the village, and as soon as they were gone I heard the voice of one of the knights announcing: 
- Princess y/n, from kd/n kingdom is missing! And it's probably in the village! If you find a young woman who doesn't seem to be from here, let us know! 
If my heart was already beating fast for the whole situation that just happened, somehow I was able to beat even faster, and I felt my face getting hot for some reason. 
Obviously, sooner or later they would realize that I was gone and would go after me. I was still on the floor, without reaction, and soon I put on my hood to try not to be recognized, I notice that a crowd is forming near where that guy reported about me. 
What did I do now? If I ran out, it was more than clear that they would notice me and talk to me, but if I stayed there, someone would soon find me. I didn't realize when that same knight with red accents came up to me, and wow, he was incredibly tall.
- Are you alright lass? - He speaks with his voice being muffled by the helmet, he extends his hand to me, offering his help for me to get up. 
- Uhum. - I just hum in response and take your hand and get up. If I spoke he would notice my accent, and my "disguise" would be over.
- Are you sure you're okay? You are shaking. - I didn't even realize until he spoke, it was true, my body was shaking with all that adrenaline, I felt like my legs weren't going to hold my weight for long. I take a deep breath, trying to control myself, and answer a rather low yes, looking away from the crowd that was still forming not far from there. - Wait, princess? 
I freeze, and look at him, how did he know? I was sure that no one knew about my appearance, maybe I was wrong about that. 
- What? - I ask trying to disguise, but to no avail. - Stay here. - He spoke and then he went to the crowd, towards that other knight, he said something to him and then went to his horse, I knew there was no escape, so I just sighed and waited for that guy to come back. 
What was I thinking? It was obvious that my plan couldn't have worked, it was silliness, it was reckless, it was very stupid. And now I wanted to hit my head against the wall for such idiocy.  
The red knight turned his horse next to where I was, and then offered his hand so I climbed on the horse, I sighed upset but didn't resist, and soon climbed.
- Better hold on tight. - He said, and I could have sworn that under that helmet he was smiling, just a hunch. I did what he asked, even if a little hesitant at first. 
It didn't take long for us to arrive at the castle, and as soon as we stopped at the entrance my parents were waiting for me, and with a not very happy face, of course, there was no way they would be happy after what I did. My dad helps me out of the horse, I almost fell, but it was close. 
- What do you think you were doing y/n? - My mother asks angrily to me.
- I wanted to see the village, to get to know a little. - It was a lie, but should I say that I tried to escape? It was stupid, and I wasn't going to admit that I was going to do that.
- You might as well do that after the wedding! - She says even more angry, and clearly not believing my lie.
- Don't you understand?!? I feel suffocated all the time with this whole wedding thing here, and there, I just ... I just wanted to be alone for a while, or at least enjoy my last moments of freedom. - I say as tears of frustration start to fall. This part wasn't exactly a lie, I really just wanted to be alone for a while, just hoped it would last longer than it actually did.
- We were worried y/n! What could have happened? And why didn't you tell us? We would have let you go. - My father says approaching me.
- Of course, being followed by a guard all the time!! What a freedom huh. - I say looking away.
- This is for your protection! You aren't just anybody, you know very well what could have happened. - My mom comes over touching my arm.
- Don't touch me. - I walk away from them.
- There are only a few hours left before the ceremony begins, it is better to get ready. - My father says stiffly and soon he and my mother enter the castle again and I follow behind them, they took me to my room and left me there alone. In the end, all I did was in vain, I decide to take a shower again and get dressed soon.  
After I put on the dress, some maids came to make up and do my hair. I was quiet all the time, just holding on to all the bitterness that I was felt. But this time I took the opportunity to think about the reason for this marriage, this was what would stop the war at once, people would be saved, blood will be prevented from being spilled even more than it already was, I had to do this for my people, who was the one who suffered the most from the whole war, even if I didn't want to, it was for a greater good, and I hoped it would really end the differences between our kingdoms. 
After they finished doing my hair and putting a beautiful wreath on top of my head, I put on my white flats, I insisted that I keep flats because I found high heels uncomfortable, besides I don't balance myself very well in them. My mother insisted at first that I try, but I refused. 
I looked in the mirror one last time, I was really beautiful, and I was happy about it. I soon hear a knock on the door, it was probably now.
- It's time, daughter. - My mother said entering the room, she was wearing one of the dresses that I had designed.
- Okay. - I sigh and go to the door, my mom takes me to where the ceremony would be and my dad was waiting for me at the big door that would soon be opened for me to enter.
- You look stunning daughter. - I wrap my free arm in my father's arm, and of course, in my left hand was a beautiful bouquet of f/f. 
- Thank you dad. - I say a little discouraged.
- Come on, I'm sure your future husband isn't as bad as you think he is.
- Pff. - I say cynically, obviously not agreeing with my father's speech.
- Give him a chance. - He looked at me, begging me to at least try to make it work.
- Maybe. - I answer looking at the giant wooden door in front of me. I see out of the corner of his eye that he smiled at me.
The sound of the orchestra begins, and soon at the doors open, the bridesmaids with the boy who I supposed took the rings, entered in front of us, the boy passing by following the big red carpet to the altar where the priest and the bridegroom was, and the bridesmaids were soon after throwing flower petals.
I swallow hard, now it was my turn.
Everything there was so beautiful, everything adorned with the things I always dreamed of, thousands of people lifted from their seats in fancy clothes, looking at me as I passed the corridor, chandeliers that illuminate the whole place, and there at the end of the big rug was he on the altar, the man I didn't even know and who would be my husband, when I approached the altar my father kissed my cheek and soon went to join the other guests.
My heart was beating very fast, and I could feel my whole body shaking, my fiance took my hands and he must have noticed that they were shaking, he smiled at me to try to reassure me, I try to smile too, but I hope I have been a smile and not a grimace. 
While the priest spoke a lot of things I was able to analyze the appearance of the man in front of me, he was much taller than me, he had a very muscular body and had some visible scars on his face, he had black hair that you could tell they were kind of curly, and his eyes, when I had the courage to look into his eyes, they were so pretty, a bluish green, that I even felt hypnotized, he must have realized I was analyzing him and smiled confident, my face soon starts to heat up and I look away from him.
I had to admit, he was really handsome. If what that woman had said about him was all true, maybe it wasn't so bad... was it? I expected it, but there was no way I could be sure now, and who knows when I would find out. Some more time passes and finally the time comes for the vows, where I started to get even more nervous, if that was possible.  
- Jason and y/n, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage? - When priest said, I wanted to answer, obviously it was not my will, this is an arranged marriage! 
- Yes. - Jason and I answered at the same time and soon the priest continued.
- Will you honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?  
- I will. - Sometimes I stutter to answer, and try to look away. 
- Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church.
- Yes, we will. 
The priest looked at Jason so he could speak his vows.
- I, Jason, take you, y/n, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. - He seems to have trained a lot, because at no point in his speeches did he stutter or appear to be uncertain about that. 
I take a deep breath, remembering the words I had to say, please don't stutter now y/n. I hesitated for a moment, I looked at my mom and dad quickly, and then I looked at Jason.
- I, y/n, take you, Jason, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.
- To show the commitment of both, to alliances. Alliances are physical symbols of a couple's commitment and their emotional and spiritual connection. They are considered a perfect circle, with no beginning or end. - The boy with a red pillow gives the rings to the priest, who before giving the rings, speaks. 
- y/n and Jason, may these rings be a visible reminder of your feelings for each other right now. - Only if it is out of hatred for each other, because love I am sure it is not. - As you look at them, remember that you have someone special to share your life with. Remember that you have found each other and each in other, and that you will never walk alone again. 
I could not prevent a tear from falling out of the corner of my eye, and every time I remember me "it is for the good of the people".
- y / n, I give you this ring as a sign that I chose you to be my wife and my best friend. Receive it and know that I love you. - I looked at my left hand while he put on the golden ring, it hurt to know that those words were false. 
I took the other ring, and did the same with Jason.
- Jason, I give you this ring as a sign that I chose you to be my husband and my best friend. Receive it and know that I love you. - I stammered in parts, but that's okay. I looked at him awkwardly.
- Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - The priest did a little pause and then continues. - y / n and Jason, no one but yourselves has the power to proclaim you husband and wife. However, you chose us as advertisers for this good news. And so, having witnessed your exchange of vows before everyone who is here today, it is with great joy that we declare that you are married. And to seal that moment, you can kiss. 
Jason puts one hand awkwardly at the beginning around my waist, and the other holds my face, my hands wrap around his neck and so we kissed. It wasn't exactly a kiss, and there was certainly no passion, just nervousness and something awkward. 
When we kissed I could hear the sound of the guests clapping. When we finished the kiss we smiled awkwardly at each other, Jason offers his arm for me to hold, and that's what I did, the bridesmaids went ahead of us, throwing more petals, while we both went out into the great hall. 
Now it was official. I was married.
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A/n - Phew, I finally finished. It took a long time, in fact, I was so entertained writing that I spent 5 hours writing non-stop, consequently I had a huge headache, but it was worth it, because I loved writing it, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
This was very hard, especially the translation part, since it has more than 5000 words, so it is very likely that it have English errors, and if you have found some, please let me know!
I would even divide this chapter into two or three parts, but I decided to leave it all together. So I hope you enjoy a long chapter.
I plan to start the next chapter soon, as I’m really inspired to write this, so it’s better not to lose the inspiration to write while it is here, isn’t it?
See ya!
Until the next cap!
- Ina -
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years
I Hate You, Park Jimin!
Chapter 4
Words Count: 1.9k
TW: None
Link to Chapter 3
Link to Chapter 5
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I glanced at the clock on the edge of my table. It was almost 2 AM. I buried my head into my notes, mentally cursing in my head for bringing this onto myself. I had been spending the last five hours planning the so-called study plan for Jimin. It was extremely time-consuming because I had no idea which level he was at. I kept on rewriting my plan over and over again, constantly having a war on whether it would be too easy for him because that means he would laugh at me and placing the bar high would also not mean a thing. Alas, I gave up. I decided to just go on with my plan and whatever criticism he would have for me, I would just take it. Without realizing, I fell asleep on my study table. I woke up the next morning with eyebags, dark circles around my eyes and a painful neck.
I think I looked like a mess when I went to college the next day and Ah Young confirmed my thoughts when her eyes widened at my sight. She was about to say something but our professor entered the class so she was forced to shut her mouth. When the class ended though, she didn’t hesitate.
“You look like zombie!” She examined me at arms length. “What happened to you?”
“I slept late.” I answered simply and we both made our way to our locker. As soon as I was done filling my bag with the next subject’s books, I leaned against my own locker as I wait for Ah Young to finish whatever she was doing.
I sighed.
“What’s up with you?”
“I said yes to the study partner thing but now I’m not sure whether it was the right decision.” My feet kicked the air.
Her eyes widened at this. “What?!” She almost half screamed.
“Yah!” I glanced around. Thank God no one was paying attention.
“Oh my god-“ she clasped her hands onto her mouth dramatically. Her voice dropped low. “This is your chance, girl. The time has finally come. Lord- I would like to thank you for not letting my best friend die a virgin.” Her palms were now clasped together in a praying manner.
What the heck? “Yah!” I pushed her shoulder and she laughed.
“So when are you meeting him?”
“In two hours.” I said poutily as I looked at my watch.
Her eyes went round. “What?! You’re meeting him today and you’re wearing this?”
I threw a look at her in disbelief. “What is wrong with my outfit?”
“Oh God- girl.” She buried her hands in her face. At that moment, her phone rang. She groaned when she saw the caller ID. I peeked and immediately understood. “Yes- Dad. Yes.. I’ll be there. I won’t be late. I’m going now.” She rolled her eyes as she hung up.
I threw a sympathetic look at her. It had to be one of those formal lunches with her family again.
“I have lunch with my parents. And I’m pretty sure they’re going to bring someone again.” She made an annoyed expression. Her parents had been trying to set her up with a friend’s son and she had been suffering a lot these days. Then she narrowed her eyes at me. “You. You’re lucky that you’re off the hook today. But next time you’re meeting him, I’ll be there to groom you from head to toe. Let’s go shopping soon!” She said and with that she left me.
I shuddered at her words grooming me from head to toe. If Ah Young says that, she literally meant that. I slowly dragged my feet to the library.
I ran my hands through my hair as I sigh. Why the fuck do I have to go through this shit again?
“Jimin-sshi.” A voice called me. I glanced at the girl sitting in front of me. She has medium-short brown hair, sharp and defined facial features. Her dress looked expensive. Her nails were shiny. Definitely groomed.
“Do you not like the food here?” She asked in her low voice. She slowly put down her own cutleries elegantly.
I shook my head. This had got to be the hundredth date that my parents set with some of their friends or business partners or clients’ daughters. I was starting to get tired of it but I wasn’t creative enough to think of ways to rebel. It was strange that none of these meetings ever fluttered the heartless hole in me. Sure I’ve fucked around but never with the girls my parents set me up with. No particular reason why although I know most of them thirst for me. I just happened to draw the line there.
But that was just it. My encounters with girls were either family business or personal pleasure. None of it ever tapped the hole in my heart. Not until recently- a small voice in my head said. I frowned but I brushed it off quickly.
Kim Hana. The name inevitably popped into my mind. She had a very beautiful name. It sounded just right whenever it came off from my mouth although I rarely had the chance to call out her name. The image of her laughing whenever she was with her best friend crept into my mind. She never flashed a single smile to me. Well, maybe you can try being less of a jerk to her, Park Jimin. I shook my head thinking about the way I rejected her when I knew that she mustered so much courage to come and talk to me. I noticed she doesn’t talk much with guys. I barely see her interacting with boys. The thought seemed to please me.
Wait. Am I forgetting something? I glanced at my watch. It was already 4 PM. My eyes widened. Shit! How could I forget about Kim Hana? I stood up immediately and the girl in front of me seemed taken aback.
“Jimin?” She called softly.
“I’m- I’m sorry I have to go.” I ran my hands through my hair, feeling exasperated at myself. I quickly fished out my card and called for bills. “I’m sorry. I’ll send someone to pick you up.”
I said and within seconds I was in my car, flooring the gas and headed towards the campus. Meanwhile, I called Taehyung.
“Hey.” He answered within a second.
“Taehyung, I need your help.” I said and he didn’t question when I asked her to fetch the girl I was meeting just now. He knew me and my sad life story well. Although I was sure their meeting wouldn’t end then and there. Taehyung had a very high sex appeal and he can be extremely seductive. I can attest to that. I shook my head. Although not that I was in any place to judge his sexual life.
I had no idea how long it took me to arrive at the campus but I sure did break a lot of traffic rules to get here as soon as I can. Could she still be waiting for me? I doubt so but my guilty conscience told me that she might just do so. She was that innocent. Mentally, I rolled my eyes.
I was going to head to the library but I kept my eyes peeled while on my way, scanning for any sight of her. I didn’t see her anywhere so I entered the library. I searched every corner. There was none. Maybe she did go back? Now it does kind of seemed stupid if she were to wait for me. Almost two hours passed. But I climbed the staircase anyway just in case she was at the upper floors. A large lake area slash park where most students enjoyed studying on the grass can be seen through the large glass windows accompanying the staircases. I stopped in my tracks. I saw a familiar back sitting at one of the bench. Her long black hair waving softly from the wind. Is that Kim Hana? I wasn’t entirely sure but I went down anyway.
Soon I arrived at the bench near the park. The place was practically empty perhaps because it was Friday, the start of weekend. I glanced around searching for the familiar figure.
Almost as if she sensed my presence, she looked up and her eyes met mine. She looked pretty in her short white dress. No words seemed to come out from my mouth.
Her expression turned cold. I could clearly see that she was angry. Her face was red. Her eyes pierced at me but why does she look cuter to me that way?
I resigned to what was coming. I went nearer to her.
She crossed her arms. “Thought you got killed or something on the way here.” She said sarcastically.
I didn’t reply anything.
“Did you know that I waited for you for 2 hours like a fool?” Her furious expression tickled something in my heart. It didn’t seem right at her innocent face.
“You’re such a jerk. I have no idea why I trusted you in the first place.” Her ranting continued on and on.
She was getting a bit too lengthy with her words and without me realizing it, I leaned in and crashed my lips to hers. I did it without much thought as I was just trying to shut her up. To my pleasant surprise, her mouth tasted sweet and it felt so right on mine that I was tempted to deepen it but I held myself back.
I broke the kiss - except that it was barely a kiss. Our lips merely touched. I regarded her expression. She was obviously stunned but her expression unfathomable for me.
I was mentally cursing Jimin for the past hour that I even ran out of any other curse words to use. I felt a presence near me so I looked up and guess what- he showed up, obviously way past our meeting time. He dressed smartly - white shirt and black slacks. I wondered if he was from some important event briefly but anger consumed me quickly.
When he went near me with his nonchalant look, I stood up immediately. I crossed my arms. “Thought you got killed or something on the way here.” I started with sarcasm.
My anger boiled further when he made no attempt to reply. I crossed my arms. “Did you know that I waited for you for 2 hours like a fool? You’re such a jerk. I have no idea why I trusted you in the first place.” His eyes were on me but I wasn’t sure if he was even listening to me.
He leaned into me and in a fraction of seconds, his lips were on mine. I should be pushing him away but I was too stunned to do anything. His lips went away as quick as it met mine. Even when he released me, my mind still seemed unable to function properly. Our lips met for a brief moment but it was enough to suck all the air from my lungs.
When my brain finally had the capacity to process the heart-stopping (apparently) event, I glared at him. That was my fucking first kiss! How dare he! I raised my hands to slap him but he was quicker. He took hold of my wrist. “What do you think you’re doing?” I snapped at him.
“What? Don’t tell me that was your first kiss.”
I went red. Then I looked away. How does he even know?
He regarded me for a moment. “Are you for real?” He threw an incredulous look at me.
I glared at him as I tried to pull my hands away but he still held it firmly. “Let go of me!”
“Is that Park Jimin? And Kim Hana...?” A voice was heard and we both stood frozen.
Link to Chapter 5
Posted on 200508 11:25PM
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markword · 4 years
Summary: You have had a crush on Jungkook since forever ago, but he’s changed and so have you. But when you get closer to him-in a different way than expected-feelings start to come out of the dark.
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What’s in this bitch: swearing, SMUT, and a lil but of spice✨✨
Side note: this is my first fanfic, so plz be nice and enjoy!! She’s a long one so get comfy and get somethin to eat and get your playlist ready ✌🏼and there will be typing errors so ignore dem por favor
The echoes of your footsteps drilled into your head at an annoying volume. It didn't help that your heart was incessantly pounding either. You sweep by the empty classrooms, books laying on the floor, sprawled out in a hurry. The paper in your hand was nearly as wrinkled as your shirt, picked straight out of your hamper due to the lack of time and lack of any better ideas. The bell rings and kids start to spill out of every classroom, almost taking you off your track. the bell left an annoying buzz in your ears that kept you charging forward. No one has ever given you a note, not in the four years of highschool. The note was battered and slightly torn from your fidgety hands toying with the edges all day. You'd only read it once, out of fear that if you read it again, it wouldn't say the same thing;
Go to the main entrance after last period.
I'll be waiting.
your heart couldn't help but flutter when you first opened the tightly folded note. you couldn't help but think of who sent it to you. He was always on your radar, but not in the romantic sense. You knew it was Jeon Jungkook because of the way the words were scribbled on the paper and obviously, how he closed the short note with his long lived nickname, ¨jk. He was always quiet and reserved in middle school, which would be his defining trait until sophomore year rolled around. rumors upon rumors built up about him, almost taking you off your feet when you first heard them. Jungkook, the quiet and sweet kid you basically grew up with through school, caught with a girl in a school bathroom? for some reason, the rumors were never proven but something about how he swayed when he walked and looked at girls for a split millisecond had them planning baby names. He had silently nudged you toward the conclusion that they were undoubtedly true. The hardest part about seeing his personality take a 180 was the fact that your secret but not so secret crush on him in middle school had quite nearly been strangled to death by the man that stood waiting for you, at the main entrance.
As your pace slowed, your ears and lungs caught up. you knew you were near the main entrance, but you couldn't see over the rushing flow of students going to and fro. you catch a glimpse of the top of his head, and miraculously, he notices you too.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't still have a little thing for him.
you couldn't help it. Maybe it was more of an instinctual hormonal pull, but he was easy on the eyes and in a rugged way, almost dreamy.
His longer dark brown hair, pulled into a small bun, perched on top of his head. his loose black v neck hanging dangerously against his strict collarbones. his baggy grey joggers molded to all the right places but still looking stylishly comfy.
you stride closer to him, and see that he was making small talk with a fragile blonde girl. He erupts into laughter, showcasing his devilish smile. which was always accompanied by his cute dimples. one of the reasons you became so hopelessly in love with him in middle school was that sweet and sour smile of his. You couldn't help but look for it every once and a while in class. You slowly approach him, giving him enough time to wrap up his previous conversation.
"Oh, hey Y/N. Sorry to leave a mysterious note like that" he smiled with his eyes, making the apology that much harder to not accept (although it was a pain in the ass)
"It's really okay. Why'd you want to meet here though? I haven't talked to you for a while"
"That's not true I talk to you everyday in class" he smiled, but it was obvious he was poking fun at you and your nervousness about being there with him. He had to admit, it was a little suspicious.
"Well, what is it then?" you were starting to get impatient, letting your temper mixed with your short attention span to get ahold of you. which of course, didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook.
"Iwas absent yesterday for that chem quiz. can you tell me what's on it? I know you’re smart and you understood the material really well."
You were definitely infuriated, knowing this could've been sent by text or even asked in the fleeting moments after class. you see him at least 5 seperate times a day, why a stupid fucking note to some clandestine meeting?
"Jeon, couldn't you have just texted me? But yeah, Iremember a few questions it wasn't that hard." You were dying for an explanation, but the way his face went blank and uninviting, was enough to gather the realization that you weren't getting one.
"Im taking the makeup test in 10 minutes. Do you think I could cram the answers in time?"
Of course he could. He was insanely and almost annoyingly smart. but just like his soft nature, that disappeared over summer break before sophomore year.
He sent you off with a quick thanks and then casually turned his heels to walk to the chem classroom. Once he left, you started to realize the strangeness of it all. He could've asked anyone in Chem 2, but he asked YOU? With a note to meet nonetheless. thinking about it gave you a headache, so once you turned on your car to go home, you started to think about what songs to play and what dinner will be instead. The car ride home was uneventfully blissful, the usual weird seat dancing and emotional signing to your favorite car songs.
You walk in the door with an exaggerated "humphf" when setting down your backpack to go look in the fridge to look for a snack you knew wasn't there. Your phone vibrates on your kitchen table and slightly annoyed you at how it proceeded to rumble loudly against the flat surface. You pick it up only to see that Jungkook had sent you a post on instagram with another message that read;
jungkook:Thanks for helping today, here's this to show my thanks
it was a distorted meme that you'd seen hundreds of times before, but its humor ran out after the second time it beamed on your screen. It surprised you that he sent a meme, but it surprised you even more to get another taste of the old Jungkook you knew. The one who would thank you for helping him out, and seem genuinely thankful. Sometimes you’d catch yourself stealing fleeting glimpses of him in class. you'd often try to pick up on his new tendencies and see some of his old, but comforting ones. He would also space out in middle school, leaving his notebooks riddled with doodles and scribbles to keep himself awake. Just two days ago, he was in a lab with you and you couldn't help but glance at his notebook for a split second; graffitied with little faces and tiny but strategic and pleasing scribbles. You're still looking blankly at the screen, sure that he noticed the "seen" under his texts a while ago.
you: Of course j.k. Ibet you aced it anyways
All of this weird and sudden contact had your head in a whirl. Too many questions and literally no answers. you thought it best to leave it alone for now. But he didn't.
You don't remember when you dozed off exactly, but you knew it was a good night's sleep when you woke up with a dry mouth and a full bladder. You groan and reach for one of the countless half filled water bottles on your nightstand. Huh? a sock?
"Whatever, Ihave to pee" you mutter to yourself. for a moment you didn't realize your deep and groggy voice.
"Wait, what" There it is again! you've never sounded this dead in the morning, even when you were hungover after your wildest night out. You finally flicker your eyes open only to be met by an unfamiliar ceiling fan and light grey walls. You rush to sit up. Something wasn't right. you look down and almost scream.
"Where are my boobs?!" your hands shoot reflexively to your chest, where they always are and are met with a dull smack as your hands hit complete flatness. You scurry out of the unfamiliar, but disgustingly messy bed and dart your eyes to find a mirror. It was weirdly easy to get up and dash to the mirror in the small bathroom to your right considering it wasn't your body you were in.
You stood panting in front of the mirror to see Jungkooks face staring back.
"What in the FUC-"
Jungkook sorta remembers when he went to bed. By sorta he means he knew it was between 8 PM and 1 AM. He's not good at remembering things, besides, he's already up now. He cracks his neck and instinctively reaches his hand down his boxer shorts.
"Where is my-" he suddenly feels his arm push against something warm on his chest while he extended his arm to find what was there just last night. He grabs the foriegn object on his chest, anxious to grab something since his usual apparently isn't there right now. Is this a boob? It was a boob. he reached up to mimic his other hand. and there's TWO? of course there he knew that. He'd seen plenty of them, but feeling them on himself? Hell no. THAT'S never happened before. He sat up, hands still clenched around the annoyingly loose bra that covered-well-HIS tits. His face went tense as he looked for a mirror. He slowly approached the mirror hanging on the door, hoping to not be met with one of his drunken hookups that could've been a witch for all he knows. He slowly opened his eyes.
"Y/N?! Damn. well, she has nice tits, I have to give her that."
You both immediately shot a text to each other, hoping it wasn't a dream, because if it was, you'd both look like idiots. But after telling eachother what happened when they woke up, (Jungkook left out the whole boob ordeal) and you decided to skip school today and sneak out of the house to meet and try to figure out what happened last night.
After throwing on something Jungkook might wear, you couldn't help but notice his figure staring back at you. He really was handsome. You flashed a beefy smile at the mirror and stayed smiling after seeing his signature but memorable smile. You finally talked his mom into letting you stay home just 30 minutes ago, with jungkook in an earbud listening and telling you the best way to make his mom cave. You were slightly annoyed when he said that all he had to do was say he felt sick and your mom was already convinced. It was still uncomfortable hearing your voice through the phone. you sounded really stupid on the phone. you decided to meet at a park close to both your house and his to figure it all out and how to undo it. You had a hard time figuring out how to drive his car but ended up to the park in one piece. well, Jungkook arrived in one piece. there was still no sign of your body yet. Your car comes screeching to a halt next to you before you see your body get out of the car in rage and slam the car door shut.
"Be careful with her she's old" you whine, referring to your beaten up and chipped car.
"Shut up and follow me. We gotta be alone." He grabs your arm and pulls you farther into the park and only loosened his grip when there were less than 5 people around.
"What the fuck happened, Y/N? This is freaking me out. How does this shit even happen? And why me and yo-"
"No, you shut up you're making me dizzy. I don't know my answer for all of those questions. oh god, what do we do at school? AT HOME? WHEN I HAVE TO PEE?" You almost choke on your breath thinking about going to the bathroom with a whole different set of tools.
"I don't know Y/N... I mean I could help you practice..." He reaches down toward your crotch-no- HIS crotch and you flick him away with wide eyes and a blazing stare back at him.
"This isn't a joke, Jungkook. What do we do?" you swallow heavily and look back at your body through his eyes.
"Ew. If I'd known that's what I look like I would just wear baggy sweats everyday..." you whisper it to yourself but since you were both so quiet and focused in thought, he heard it.
"Oh shut up you have a great body, Y/N."
"Did you LOOK? I didn't look, I thought it would be rude. wait-DID YOU LOOK YES OR NO?" you did look. He just doesn't need to know and wouldn't help your case any.
"Of course I did. nice tits by the way." he winked and cracked his neck again. you were too much in a daze thinking about how someone else had seen you naked. JUNGKOOK has seen you naked. Did he just say; nice tits? That doesn't matter, we need to figure this out before you cut off his dick for looking at you.
"We need to figure this out right now." you weren't kidding. if he touched your boobs that would be enough to commit manslaughter. it didn't matter if it was actually you that you were killing.
"We can go to my place now. Let's get something to eat. My mom wont think twice about me having a girl over anyways. She won't bat an eye and she'll leave us alone. Just tell her that we are both sick and want to study to catch up since its convenient. Its our best option." He cracked you a smirk, sending shivers down your spine. it was him alright, just in your body. You get up and start walking towards your beat up car out of habit to leave until he grabs your arm, almost jerking you so hard you would've fallen on your ass.
"Damn Y/N, your body is pretty strong. Stronger than you were in middle school. But lets take my car. I'll drive."
You couldn't help but blush at him mentioning middle school. I guess he really did pay attention to you back then. Your thoughts immediately hone in on memories of gym class when you'd be the best playing any activity and you embarrassed the boys in front of their respective crushes. you couldn't help but let out a little giggle, sounding even better when it came out as Jungkook's grisly and low voice. You settle in the car, and fidget with the seatbelts and keep your head glued on the dashboard to avoid any eye contact just in case you were still blushing. jungkook lets out an audible sigh before turning the keys in the ignition and putting the car in reverse. You couldn't help but look at him, sitting in your body, as he put an arm out behind your headrest to backout. He flickers his eyes between you and behind the car.
"Its so weird seeing my body like this, like from another perspective," you could resonate with what he said, especially since he's manhandling a car with legs wide open, but he looks like you at the same time. "I wonder what I look like during sex..." he mutters the last part under his breath and chuckles, part of him hoping that you would hear.
"Just ask one of your many lady friends, Jungkook. I'm sure they'd love to tell you all about it." You scoff. How could he change so much from the boy you were infatuated with? He was the same in small ways, but barely. It made you sad and frustrated when you realized that you secretly hoped he'd be the same around you after all these years.
"I could. But right now, I'm not exactly myself." You both reach to turn on the radio to drown out the awkward tension that seemed to have seeped in the car. You back off since it technically is his car anyways. He puts on one of his playlists and the first song starts to play. Its not rap and you're almost surprised. But you've known since middle school that he likes more indie and classic rock than anything else. You put your window down and look out with an elbow grasing the bottom of the window, and your hand finding its way to your hair. Well, Jungkook’s hair. Soft. You turn to look at the song name and realize jungkook is glaring at you. You never knew your face could look so scary.
"Don't feel pressured to act any different. Just be you and act normal, even if you want to touch my hair." He snickered and shot his eyes back on the road, making a smooth right turn at the light you'd been stopped at.
"Its a habit. Besides, you've seen me naked Jungkook, who cares if Iaccidentally touch your hair?" you had started to become more and more angry at his annoyingly hot voice. Just by hearing it in classes, you felt a tinge of wetness down under. But you're sure its just because of his voice, right?
"Am I wet right now? Is this what it feels like?" He chuckled so hard and loud you almost see your soul shoot out of the car and get run over. What the fuck do you even say to that? You had an idea as to why it happened but what do you say to jungkook?
He's still laughing a little when he shoots up straight in his seat.
"I know what it is Y/N, you think I'm SEXY."
you gulp. you decide that staying quiet is your best option, the one that will make you look less flustered and more cool about him calling you out.
"You know, Ihad a huge crush on you in middle school. It was almost embarrassing. I think I wrote you a love letter one time but I never gave it to you. You were such a player back then." He chuckles again, but softer this time. He confessed something embarrassing to get the conversation away from the obvious pool of wetness between his legs. YOUR legs.
"I did too." you mumble still looking out the window, trying to hide your excitement at his confession. you were happy but, that was a long time ago anyways. It didn't really matter now.
"Would you look at that, maybe we found out why we switched bodies." His facial expression was flat, almost bored looking. you both sat in silence until he pulled the car into the unfamiliar driveway you left this morning. You get out of the car and he reaches for the door and tells you to make yourself at home, as a joke, of course. To anyone else looking at you two, you were Jungkook, and this in fact, was your house.
"Maybe if we confess our past feelings, we will switch back. That’s the only thing I can think of anyways. You cool with that?" He was pouring himself a glass of apple juice and he set it down on the counter to get another glass for you.
"Yeah why not." you sipped slowly on the cold drink as he led you up the stairs to his room. You settle down on his bed facing each other, almost looking like two young girls at a sleepover talking about their celebrity crushes. you were both sitting with your legs folded and leaning in toward each other, a weirdly comfortable position for the both of you.
"You first." he grumbles with a cheesy smirk.
"Okay," you take a deep breath to collect your thoughts, "I liked you from 5th to 8th grade."
"That's it? I think we need a little more since we are still staring at our own bodies across from us." he was rocking side to side trying to conjure up any thoughts on how to fix your strange situation.
"Maybe we should kiss." He leans forward, which you dodge at the speed of light.
"What are you doing Jungkook?!" Your eyes wide open and stomach fluttering.
"Maybe this is how the spell thingy breaks, it makes sense."
He's right, If the reason you were stuck looking at yourself from this perspective was that you needed to confess and makeout, then so be it. You'd try anything at this point. You missed your own bed. He charges in closer to you slower this time and grabs your face. the way he was using your lips made it impossible to notice how quickly you'd shut your eyes. You opened them to see Jungkook staring at you with wide puppy dog eyes.
"Hell yes I'm back bitche-" He quickly silenced you with another kiss. I worked? You were sure you’d live out your days in another body. But you weren’t mad that his first idea worked out. But you weren’t about to keep your mind on the subject, Jungkook was millimeters away from you with his taunting lips. This kiss was more passionate and more eager. Your legs went limp, and your face set ablaze at Jungkook's fluid and sexy motions against you. He pokes his tongue at your lips, asking if he could enter. You quickly let him roam around your mouth, leaving you breathless and seeing stars. He slides his hands down from your face and traces the outer line of your figure, leaving goosebumps in their wake. you could feel the pool between your legs as your thighs began to quiver under his careful and strategic touch. He shifts you down, so that you're on your back and he is using an arm to support himself above you. you let out a needy whimper and you finally move your arms down his chest to trace his undoubtedly hot body. he flinched when you stopped at his waistband, and you were left just toying with the elastic until he forcefully pulled your shirt off your body, only leaving mere seconds between the deepening kiss. Neither of you were ready to stop. You could feel your body start to heat up against his and he slowly moved his waist into yours at a steady rhythm. you could feel his apparent erection glide across your thighs with every motion. You could feel the heat escape your core when you opened your legs farther, hoping he'd get the hint to touch you where you wanted him the most. You wanted his hands everywhere, but your arousal was too hot and strong to ignore for much longer. He slowly navigated his kiss downward, taking extra care of your neck, sure to leave a couple marks in his wake. once he reached your chest, with your bra still clinging on with the sheen of sweat you both worked up. As he moves his hands to hold you still, they rest on your hips with a tender but strong grip, willing you not to squirm under his touch. He started to kiss along the edge of your bra, frequently nibbling at the tender skin that lay beneath. He was taking his time of course, he'd been wondering what touching you and making you all worked up like this felt. He'd often steal glances at you in class, never letting go of his childish middle school crush. He'd accepted that he'd always feel something toward you, what that was he was unsure. But having you under him, and your back arching your chest towards him made him hungry. He knew he would never get you out of his head after this.
You take your arms behind your back and unclasp your bra hoping he would fasten up and make your horniness subside. He immediately grabs onto one and closes in on the other with tender kisses, licking around your nipple just to hear your sighs that turned into moans between his needy lips.
"Please Jung-" you whine trying to push yourself into him closer. you wanted to be swallowed into this moment. The tension was released, and god did it feel good. He cut you off with a strong and lasting rub against your core, just making you want to whine for more. He was rock hard, so the only thing he accomplished was making you shut up and making you kiss harder and your grip on his hips tighter. He finally slid his hands slowly up the inside of your thigh and his slender but strong fingers snaked their way under the thin cloth that was sticking to your folds. He took a deep and exaggerated swipe across your center, making you shiver with pleasure.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of that," he said, flashing a smile smile in between kisses on your neck.
"Just put it in already I'm dying here..."
With your words, he swiped off his shirt and pulled his pants down, showcasing the famous bounce as his erection springs out of his loose pants. his fingers wrapped around the fabric of your shorts, playing and twisting at them with want. He pulled them down slowly, propping your leg on the bed before throwing the soaking shorts somewhere on the floor. He pushed your thigh open with his now faster motions of his thigh, trying to get more friction against you. You whimper and reach for his erection. before you could fully palm it, he suddenly stopped and stared down at you, trying to catch his breath that had been sucked up by your deep kiss. He slid his thumb across your lower lip.
"Not yet Y/N. Let me do this first. I promise I’ll get to that in a minute." you watch him utter his words in a growl as he slowly drags his soft lips downwards between your breasts and then your stomach before his messy black hair is level with your core.
"I'll be gentle. Tell me if you want to stop at any time, Y/N."
You weren't expecting him to be gentle, or even offer an out for you. All the rumors of him being a brute and rough when it comes to sex and intimacy. You could see the old parts of Jungkook shining through. before you could think about it anything else he pressed his lips against you, lips pursed around your clit. a shake engulfed you, sending shivers up your spine and out of your mouth as a long moan. his tongue grazed over every inch of your center at least 3 times before he started to slow down and suck on your clit, leaving you able to feel every vibration of his ruffled moans against you. before you could recognize that you were almost at the peak of gushing-
"Are you still okay, baby?"
"Y-Yes. Oh GOD!" he had pushed two fingers into you, making you buck your hips into him. He grabbed your thigh with his other hand, silently telling you to stop letting your reactions distract him from the task at hand. Literally. He curls his fingers upward and moves slowly, applying just enough pressure to make your eyes roll back into your head, but gentle enough to keep you just below the line that would make it hurt. He was taking care of you, just like he said. You couldn't help but let your mind wander to his various conquests as he quite literally lapped at you like a starved man. Did he treat them like this? Was he this sweet but seductive with everyone? Are you the first to be thinking about this? His nibble at your folds broke you out of your daze. It doesn't matter now anyways, he was with you and he was good at making you feel good. Just keep going, you thought. It only took another nibble and his tongue in your heat to make you start to see a light.
"Jung- I'm-" you squealed. He just kept going, knowing that what he was doing was the ticket to your long anticipated orgasm. You quickly find yourself grabbing at his head of hair, just to help yourself ride out your climax. You feel the wet drip out of you, and Jungkook's tongue licking it up with lustful motions. Once he cleaned you up to his liking he lifted his head to look at you. Your eyes closed, chest heaving, and sweat making your face gleam. You really were beautiful, he thought to himself. But he wasn't done with you yet. He leaned over you and moved the baby hairs stuck on your face to the side. His doe eyes were searing into you, making you shift under him. You brought your hands up to rest on his chest. He really was beautiful, you thought to yourself. But you weren't done with him yet.
"Let me get a condom. Or are you on the pill? Its up to you, whatever you're comfortable with, baby." His term of endearment took you by surprise, but it didn't feel weird coming from his mouth, almost natural to him. You liked it, it even made your stomach hollow with excitement, but you'd never tell him that.
"I'm on the pill. I don't mind at all jungkook." His grin leaked into a smile, that adorable, sexy smile of his. it practically taunted you, knowing that his now stretched out lips were pressed up against you just mere minutes ago. You watched as he finally pulled down his boxers, allowing his painfully hard erection bounce out. The head, red and angry with understimulation, with beads of precum trickling down his length. He was big, just like the rumors had said, but you weren't expecting that he'd have the perfect length and girth. You knew after you felt him, it would be hard to go back. Especially since just his lips and tongue made you feel something you'd never felt before, something you'd think about at night while you played with yourself.
"Are you ready? I'll be careful with you if you're worried that it might hurt." He sat next to you on the bed, looking for any sign of regret in your eyes. Instead, he found your hungry eyes looking him up and down, completely naked in front of you.
"Don't hold back Jungkook, if we are going to do this I want to feel everything." You could barely focus on anything other than him. His abs, and the way they flexed when he let out a guttural laugh. His Adam's apple, that bobbed up and down when he would talk to you. His long, messy black hair, and how it framed his face. His rosy lips and how they pouted when he wasn't talking. Everything about the man sitting next to you was perfect. His features were just the same as they were back in middle school, but they became more mature and more sexy than cute.
"I'm excited to feel you around me Y/N. I've been thinking about what it would be like, and now you're here, and you're all mine." he uttered before leaning in for a soft kiss, making it easier to hide your face that was obviously blushing at his words.
"If you don't want me to hold back, Iwont" he whispers into your ear, making you wet all over again. His hand found your thigh amid deep kisses, and pushed it farther so he could fit himself between your thighs, allowing his erection to slowly graze over your dripping center with every motion. After Jungkook gathered enough of your arousal on himself, he decided it was enough to allow him to easily slip into you and lose himself in you. You grabbed his hip, angling him parallel to your body, begging him to ease himself into you.
"Please Jungkook..." you whine again.
before you could finish your sentence you felt his tip graze your entrance, teasing you with the heat. He was STILL teasing you? You grip your arms around his torso and force him closer, automatically pushing his length into you, but still not bottomed out yet. He was big and you wondered if you could realistically fit all of him in you. As soon as you pull him closer, Jungkook loudly grunts and shoots his head back at how well you fit around him.
"You feel so good Y/N." He breathes, starting to pump in and out of your heat. He didn't hesitate to throw your leg over his shoulder, allowing him further access into you. Within seconds he finds your g-spot, (he figured it was there since you let out ungodly moans when he hit it) and continues to hit it with each thrust. Each thrust was greeted with a slapping noise and the sounds of your arousal being moved around by Jungkook. His thrusts became more slowed, but deeper, grazing your cervix. The stretch that once felt uncomfortable started to feel pleasurable.
"Right there Jungkook, please don't-" you were too out of breath to even finish your sentence.
Jungkooks heavy breathing would've sent you over the edge right then and there, but he somehow kept you from coming to elongate the feeling of you around him, filling up his senses. His thrusts started to get sloppier, but still had a lustful drive in them. He shot his arm up to the wall, giving him support against his fastened pace. He grunts and shoots the other hand to use his thumb to circle around your clit, making you arch towards his touch.
"I'm gonna-" he spits out, clenching his jaw.
Not long after he warned you, you felt him throb against your insides, a warm pool filling you up. Just the sounds of Jungkook as he released into you was enough to make you follow suit not long after him since he rode his high within you.
"Sorry Ijust-" you put your finger up to his plumped lips to make him shut up.
"Don't say sorry Jungkook, It was perfect. Maybe too perfect..." you look to the side to avoid his taunting gaze. But he grabs your chin and demands for eye contact.
"I've had my eye on you since middle school, Y/N. And Iintend to keep it that way," He kisses your forehead before he gets up and throws you a hoodie that smelled like him.
"Get up butthead, we are getting icecream." he says through his stupid little grin.
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Her Favorite Time of Day
Pairing: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts (Established Couple) Word Count: 1,717 words Request: Nope! Warnings: It's a lil angsty, but it's really fluff
Summary: After a long day of working at Stark Industries, Pepper Potts looks forward to one of the rare times within her workday where she gets to see Tony within the office. A bit of loving closeness is of course to ensue.
A/N: I imagine this takes place during somewhere between Iron Man 2 and Infinity War ( I know some kind of gap! xD ) I totally welcome feedback as this is my first time writing a non-Reader centered work :) I recently got into Pepperony, and even though I initially wrote this as a Reader / Anyone, I saw the potential for some Pepper / Tony and went for it! 
ALSO: I I'll posted this over on Ao3! ( Here! )
Could time go any slower?
Virginia "Pepper" Potts thought to herself as she watched the analog wall clock slowly tick, tick, tick away of every minute left within the hour. Time seemed to be moving at an astonishingly glacier pace, when all she wanted to do was see Tony, head home, kick back, and relax. The day itself had been a taxing one with all the newfound assignments that had found their way onto her desk and with merely an hour left before the end of her workday, she couldn't possibly find the motivation or drive to give a damn about what was in front of her.
Nevertheless, she pushed on, forcing herself to type each word that followed the next within her report on the recent spending trends of Stark Industries, typing as fast as she could with her eyes trained on that damned clock. She started to watch as literally at 4:59 PM as the clock ticked it's final one, a feel of slowed time waved over her as it felt like Father Time himself was teasing her. Thankfully, he knew mercy, as 5 PM hit right on the dot. With relief, Pepper slumped forward letting her forehead land on the keyboard, adding an space after space after space to her document, and gave out a long awaited sigh.
Even with the hustle and bustle of the office during the day, it was always interesting to hear how right at the end the office seemed to be renewed with a new breath of life as everyone made their getaway. A woman in the office next to Pepper's would quickly pack her lunch and her personal things before heading off to speak with her friend down on the 1st floor. The man overseeing the mailroom would actually lean back and watch as everyone crowded the way home, waiting the 5 or so minutes for it to thin out before even lifting a finger to do the same, but Pepper? Pepper knew this was the time to get her things and head upstairs towards the 3rd floor offices to see her Mr. Stark. This was really one of the few times Pepper even got to see him during the day, since with her now being the one in charge, Tony usually had a lot more time to do what what he felt was more deserving of his time. But, nevertheless, each time she saw him within the office, it was always a nice time to be had.
Pepper waited as the halls filled with gossip, laughter, and the hurried sounds of dress shoes and heels hitting the grey tiled floors before making her way towards the back stairwell to make her ascension. The clacking of her heels on the concrete steps always reminded her of the taunting sound of that analog clock, but she endured it to maintain her professional style. Soon, she accessed the 3rd floor offices with a beep of her keycard, and as she entered she was much like the idle rock that rested within a bustling creek. The offices poured out with staff and clients as they too longed for home, heading towards the lower office floors to make their weekend escape. The scene was much like going against the tide, as Pepper passed through, sliding and weaving, until she finally came to stand at the doorway of one of the glass walled conference rooms.
And there Tony sat.
For the second time today, she saw him, sitting at the head of a glass conference table with a lovely backdrop of Manhattan, hand on his forehead, and phone in hand. He looked as well kept and professionally dressed as he did when he greeted her in her office this morning, but seemed just as tired with the day as she was, with his day being filled with an endless stream of meetings that could have literally been an email. His surprisng weariness made her smile sometimes, just knowing how hard he worked to get where he was and how even at his weakest he still wanted to going. Pepper tilted her head as she just watched him there, taking on his phone, and slowly made her way over to his side. She had grown skilled at muffling the sound of her footsteps on the carpeted floors, and nearly startled him once she spoke up.
"Rough day?" She teased as Tony whipped his head up from his phone, lifting his head from his hand.
"Oh! Hey, Pep," Tony's eyes lit up as he saw her visage. Her presence had always done that, "Yes... It has and I can confidently say 100% certainty... that I don't miss this at all," He chuckled as he leaned back and sighed, "A 3 hour meeting to go over why you shouldn't try unsupervised tests with older versions of the Arc Reactor tend to do that." He scoffed as he reached over for one of the side chairs and pulled it over beside him for her to sit down. "But enough about that stuff, I already talk to you about that every day. How was your day?"
Pepper smiled as he presented her with this throne chair at his side, and sat beside him, legs crossed and head leaning on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her. You two never worried about "office etiquette" after work hours or when the office was as empty as it was now, nor did Tony actually even care. It was only 5:15 PM and the office floor was as quiet as a library on a Friday night, though the mere presence of the CEO and the familial founder in the space space can do that, too.
"It was alright, just more of the same thing." Pepper cuddled her face into his black blazer jacket. It smelled of his cologne, a deep calming scent of rain near a woodsy cabin within the midst of Fall, crisp with October spices, and a hint of oil and his own natural scent. It always made her feel so relaxed and it was a truth that he knew very well. She already knew once her head hit his shoulder that he was wearing quite the smirk. She soon felt as his fingers curled around her hip and slowly kneaded at her side to relax her. A soft sigh slipped past her lips, and her breath had tickled at his neck only slightly. It was quickly apparent with the tension she felt from his fingers pushing into her skin and the sudden clearing of his throat. Pepper stifled a giggle as Tony tried to keep his eyes fixated on his phone then, not wanting to make a deal of it.
She too then looked to his phone, seeing that even now, 30 minutes after the workday had ended, Tony was still looking at notes about needed materials and previous tests and results he had saved about his suits. It only made her laugh as she moved her hand to his thigh and patted him there.
"What?" Tony asked, sightly moving his head to look over at her.
"You never cease to amaze me - Or stop working." Pepper moved her arms to wrap around him, propping your chin on him as she looked up to meet his gaze.
The locking of their eyes on one another only fermented the adoration they both shared for one another, and she felt it he pulled her in closer to his side of his chair. Tony moved to put his phone on the table softly, and reached for her chin, pulling Pepper in for a soft, delicate kiss. His lips were the right kind of soft that simply complimented hers completely, with a slight rough feel from his perfectly sculpted goatee. His touch mirrored that as well, has soft at first contact, but yet the hands of a man who labored hours of hard work. She smiled at the nuzzling of his nose with hers and pulled herself in even closer to his body, even though there was no godly way the two could be anymore in sync with one another.
However, it didn't stop Tony from trying.
That soft, tender kiss soon grew with want and dedication as Pepper felt his hand lift from her chin to pull her crossed legs overtop his lap. There they rested as his other hand pushed into the back of her red locks on a journey for those roots he loved to grip and pull. A gasp from her lips passed onto his own, and underneath the back of her knee she felt his want for her straining against the zipper of his slacks. That workplace etiquette that they had "both" believed they could ignore was starting to show a line that was slowly becoming more and more defined. In this moment of need, intense want, and craving, Ms. Potts wished it would blur as it started to get harder and harder to pull herself away. Her hand started to venture into his silky, raven black hair, allowing her fingers to claw up the back of his head which earned her a deep groan as he pulled back to bite at her bottom lip.
His eyes caught hers again in that instance, and it was then that they both knew it was well over time to go home.
"Tony..." Pepper panted out as they both came to stare breathlessly at one another. "We-"
"...Should head out?" Tony smiled at her, causing her to give a mirrored smile and nod.
Within the next few minutes, the both of them had gathered yourselves again, heading towards her office where he got the last of his things, and headed towards that back stairwell to make their way downstairs to freedom. Pepper walked in front of him, not thinking much about how she walked in her skirt and heeled ensemble, but rest assured Tony did. He reached passed her to push open the exit door, his face coming exceedingly close to her own as he towered over her, slightly tickling her cheek with the stubble of his beard. Pepper blushed as you moved forward, leading them both down, and out of the building, finally on their way home.
This was really one of the few times she even got to see him during the day, and.... it really is a nice time to be had.
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hobo4lyfe11 · 7 years
[ KBTBB Co-Writing Fic ] Hate At First Sight ❤ At Last Glance Part 4
Fandom: Kissed By The Baddest Bidder Rated: Drama, mystery, thriller, romance KBTBB OC: Ryoko Inui / Kyoko Nakama ( @hotcocosharing ) Main Interest: Soryu Oh Summary: Ryosuke Inui feels conflicted about whether he should tell the truth to his admired Boss or, assist his possible long lost, older sister in her prospect to get back at Soryu and the Ice Dragons. A/N: Time to get to know Soryu, and how he interacts with others while fighting with his own internal thoughts. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Warnings: RIP Baba’s fedora Word Count: 1695 words
Soryu Oh’s POV
“Get a hold of yourself Inui!,” I reasoned, shaking him out of his hypnotic state,
“Her? Who’s her?”
“Was that her? No, it can’t be…”
Apparently, he was so out of it that neither Samejima, nor I, could break any sense into him; he even started talking and questioning himself. Paying absolutely no mind to either of us, Inui seemed to be fighting his own inner demons before quietening suddenly and, standing there in deep contemplation. Maybe he’s calmed down - enough to respond somewhat like a human being:
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“Inui, did you recognise the person at all?” “…No.” “Did you at least see what they looked like?” “…No.”
Growing up in the world of dirty tricks and hypocrisy has strengthen my ability to read people and judge one’s character and I’ve known Inui for far too long to be fooled by such a poor attempt to deceive me but, he isn’t a bad person and, I trust him wholeheartedly so, I’ll let this go for now. I’m sure he’ll tell me when he’s ready because right now, he is in no state to be interrogated.
“Soryu, I’ve never seen him like this; as weird as he is, he would never repeatedly say ‘It’s not her’ to the dog…while she’s asleep,” voices Samejima, the feeling of worry very imminent and exposed.
Hmm, to talk to the dog while she’s asleep… he must feel quite shaken by the surprise encounter from last night. What can I do to help him settle? or is this an ‘Inui’ thing that can’t be fixed? Mm, this truly is quite a dilemma. The ticking of the clock, partnered with the swirling of thoughts in my head, is interrupted by the call I was unenthusiastically expecting this early in the morning.
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“Don’t ‘Hello?’ me, Soryu. We need to find the bastard who stole the data containing our highly confidential files immediately! If you don’t get to the penthouse in 5 minutes I WILL destroy that stupid fedora!” screeched, Eisuke’s electronic voice.
You could essentially feel his anger seething through the phone knowing this happened so shortly after the incident with the defective security program; that we reinforced. But, no human can get to the penthouse from here so, it looks like Baba and his fedora will suffer the wrath of King himself. Heh, I’m pretty sure Baba has an infinite supply of the exact same fedora hidden all over the penthouse anyway.
The bell that welcomed me to the 51st floor was followed by the choir of muffled cries of despair, hysterical laughter and a whiff of tobacco, informed me, that the deed has been done. I stand outside the double-doors of the penthouse lounge and offer my thoughts up to fedora #63 that was sacrificed this morning.
Baba throws his crying form at me the moment I step foot into the lounge, while Ota rolls on the floor laughing - with tears in his eyes.
“Why didn’t you come sooner Sor~ Boss scowled at me for 5 minutes and then started attacking my beloved hat!” he whines for a minute before pulling fedora #64 from a secret compartment under the couch, causing Ota to laugh harder, more smoke to fill the air and Eisuke rolling his eyes harder.
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“Enough with the nonsense. Tell me you’ve found the guy and he’s been wiped off the face of the Earth, Soryu.”
“They escaped. Whoever this was, knew their way in and out of the security floor and had access to all of the entrances and exits.”
“But the only people with that much access are us, and staff with Class 1 clearance,” inputs the fedora-adorned Baba.
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“Or, the person could just be seriously skilled. No alarms or signals were triggered so the dude must have overwritten the system before you got there.”
Silence ensues and I hate to admit it but, the lazy cop makes a good point. The incident with Inui has been eating away at my brain for the past 7 hours so I decided to throw the information into the midst of our discussion.
“We can’t rule out the possibility of the culprit being a woman,” you could practically hear 4 jaws drop, “ Inui said something about ‘it’s her’ after his confrontation with the suspect but has become completely delusional recently.”
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This new intel seems to spark an idea within that blond head of Ota’s, “I know a woman who doesn’t have Class 1 clearance but, is good with security tech,” he continues with a smirk, “Our little Koro~”
“We don’t have enough evidence to start accusing people blindly,” I can’t believe I’m defending this woman, “Like I said, Inui wasn’t in any state to provide any hard evidence and, it’s not like she’s the only woman on the security team.”
As the cogs and wheels in Eisuke’s head pieces everything together in his mind, the devious grin that stretches across his face assures a fate that welcomes empathy from those around the victim.
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“Soryu, go fetch our little toy and put her on a leash - we’ll prepare her for her visit with the doctor.”
Yep, I actually feel sorry for her,
With Luke out of the country, her appointment was delayed and so in the mean time, she is to be under surveillance by either the Ice Dragons, or myself, at ALL times. Her long fingers fidget and twiddle as I accompany her to the Ice Dragon’s HQ, where she’ll be staying from now on. Last night she was supposed to be responsible for alerting me to any suspicious activity or tampering with the servers but, I received nothing from her. Was she distracted from her post or was she really a part of the heist itself?
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“Come, you should get used to this place because you’ll be here a lot. I’m going to make you my assistant until we find out who did all of this so don’t disappoint me.”
Behind the spectacles that frame her alluring eyes, surprise is written all over her face as she opens her mouth to object but seeing as she had no choice, she quickly reconsiders her previous action. As useful as I thought she was, she caused an awful lot of trouble for me and, I will not drag everyone around me down due to my incompetence.
“I have to get stronger in order to overthrow that vile dictator.”
Dammit. I let my thoughts leak out again. It happens more frequently now, that my mind is over-filled with thoughts of the Auction, Bidders, the hotel, the Ice Dragons, the mafia, Ryuun, My Grandfather… and her. I honestly don’t think that she’s behind all of this catastrophe - she seems too innocent, too sweet; too graceful.
I’ll clear her of her bad name quickly, that way, the Bidders will stop suspecting her and then she can return to her dream job. Pathetic. I even dragged her into this whole mess, all because I wasn’t able to capture the intruder last night. Don’t worry, I’ll impress you with my skills as you did me, before.
“Inui, I’m going to give you a chance to redeem yourself; take this woman to her apartment and search every nook and cranny for the stolen data files and any questionable materials, if any there are any.”
“R-r-really? THANK YOU, BOSS, I won’t let you down!” Inui shouts over-enthusiastically, shifting his eyes between the woman and myself. She doesn’t seem to be making eye contact with him, probably because she feels uncomfortable around him. I don’t blame her though, Inui’s earnest personality can be overbearing, even for Samejima and I. Here’s to hoping he’s in top shape to do this mission alone.
It’s past 11 pm and I find myself checking the clock as it ticks away teasingly - each second feeling longer than the last. The anxious tapping of my fingers against the oak desk plays a rhythm that, won’t make their return any quicker but, temporarily eases my restlessness. Not knowing how I made my way to the entrance way, I’m the first to greet the returning pair as they both have a melancholic air about them.
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“Anything to report Inui?”
“No.. Nothing.” Hesitation, sadness, and uneasiness are laced through the words that fall from his lips. Is it naive of me to assume that it’s probably part of the slump he found himself in recently? He seems so distant, it’s concerning me, I’ll ask Samejima tomorrow morning about how we could help him get over this oppressive obstacle.
At least that proves that she’s got nothing to hide, so that should ease the suspicion that surrounds her until Luke comes back to examine her.
“Time for bed.” I dismiss, grabbing onto Kyoko’s thin, pale wrist and dragging her off to her room. She throws me a look of doubt as I stand there waiting for her to fall asleep before leaving her and retiring for the day, myself.
“I’ll leave as soon as you’re out. Don’t worry, I have no intention of taking advantage of defenceless women, in fact; I despise such disgusting behaviour so go to sleep already.”
After a good 30 minutes of wearisome tossing and turning, and the occasional glance of awkwardness that she threw in my direction, she was lulled into the land of dreams as her even breathing settled and her feathery eyelashes flutter closed. Of course, she was so occupied with trying to ignore my presence, she forgot to take off her glasses so, I make my way to her side with light and careful steps, gently grasping each side of the frame and pulling it away from her enchanting face.
A bit of her soft hair cascades down, onto her cheek and my hand impulsively catches the strands and tuck them snugly behind her small ears. I’ve never really taken the time and effort to get to know a woman because I thought they were all lecherous creatures made up of lies and were defined by their ability to seduce a man for the sole purpose of materialistic gain. Maybe not. Maybe she’s different. Maybe she’s like ‘her’.
A soft smile plays on my lips and I turn around to leave,
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“Good night.”
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jam2289 · 5 years
Fighting Local Government Corruption - Part 1 of ?
In Dalton Township, Michigan we currently have corrupt and dishonest government officials attacking small farms and businesses.
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It recently came to my attention that the farm that I get goat milk from has been sued by a neighbor and the township. There are three tactics that they have tried to use against Hidden Creek Farm so far. The owners of the farm explain the situation well. Then I will dive into the dishonesty that the township supervisor Tony Barnes has shown so far, the immoral and illegal intimidation tactics that they are using, and what can be done about it. Here's a post that Hidden Creek Farm made on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HiddenCreekFarm/
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Dear friends, family, customers and small farm supporters,
We wanted to give you all an update on the difficult situation we have been dealing with since last Tuesday…
As you know, Lee and I have put our heart and soul into Hidden Creek Farm. Owning a farm that would serve a community with healthy food and practices had been a dream of ours long before we bought the property in Dalton township. While Lee was working his full time job, I diligently started my research in 2013, and spent many hours gathering the information on running a successful farm.
Once we acquired our property at 1230 West River Road, we started the process of becoming environmentally verified through the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’s MAEAP program. MAEAP (Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program) is a voluntary program through the state of Michigan. MAEAP verifies that we are in compliance with farming GAAMPS (Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices) that apply to our farm. We successfully achieved MAEAP Verification in March 2017, after working toward this goal for approximately 2 years. According to the Preface of every GAAMP, “Agricultural producers who voluntarily follow these practices are provided protection from public or private nuisance litigation under the Right to Farm Act.”
We are now entering our 5th year of operations and have never had a complaint, nor have any of our animals run loose without restraint or left our property. At the beginning of the week I received a phone call from Dalton Township. Immediately the next morning I went to the township to hear what the problem was. I found out that a neighbor had filed a COMPLAINT about traffic on West River Road following our prior succulent sale. I also met with 3 township officials in a closed room. Shortly into this meeting I was told that I am not supposed to be operating a farm with animals under the township ordinances, and the upcoming succulent sale would be a safety hazard for the community of Dalton Township. I became overwhelmed and politely excused myself from the meeting at that point.
The next day (Wednesday) at 12:10 pm, I received a voicemail from a lawyer. However, I did not hear that voicemail until around 1:50 pm as I was doing chores. He left a short message that he was about to enter court at 2:00, and he hoped to see me there. I had not received any notices or paperwork at that point. I dropped everything and made it to court. I sat in a courtroom with handcuffed criminals for 2 hours until our case was heard. Mind you, I had no idea why I was even there. To my surprise, there were 2 lawyers. One representing the Township, and one representing our neighbor. Apparently the neighbor’s lawyer went to the township, and shortly thereafter the township hired their own lawyer. The township filed a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) for our upcoming mothers day succulent sale, and also planned to cancel all of our future events. One important fact to note: they are doing this with OUR tax money that we all pay in Dalton Township!
The 2nd lawyer was for the neighbor to the east, who has filed a lawsuit and wants us to shut down all operations at Hidden Creek Farm. They are also trying to sue us for $75,000 in nuisance damages. Again, referring to GAAMPs, “Agricultural producers who voluntarily follow these practices are provided protection from public or private nuisance litigation under the Right to Farm Act.” They claim they have enjoyed a relatively peaceful residential lifestyle but within the last few years we (the Defendants) have changed the way they (the Plaintiffs) now live.
This is the same neighbor who came over on his tractor and helped us plow our field for planting. The piglets were in the exact same location under the shade trees bordering our property lines at that time. All it would have taken for us to move our pigs would have been a simple neighborly visit to let us know of any issues. But that never happened.
When it was my turn to speak, I was told I couldn’t represent myself and I had to find a lawyer in 1 day for the next court date which was scheduled for Friday. Mind you, it was about 5 pm when our court session ended. So, I was scrambling trying to find a lawyer to represent us. All calls made to lawyers went straight to office voicemails. The only person we were able to connect to was an emergency farmers aid hotline (Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund). We’ve been paying members of the FTCLDF for 5 years. This is exactly why we joined! We heard about the FTCLDF after a couple of other Michigan Right to Farm Cases. We arrived home sometime around 6:30 and someone was waiting in our driveway to serve us all the papers from both lawyers.
Thursday became an outpouring of support. A member of the Michigan Small Farm Council was able to connect us with a lawyer that was available and willing to represent us on Friday. The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund agreed to retain this lawyer for us. Huge sigh of relief, for at least the Friday court date. We also had the state inspector over from MDARD who again checked out our property and were told we are in complete compliance with applicable GAAMPs. We brought his signed report with us on Friday.
In court Friday afternoon, the Judge honored the TRO in favor of the plaintiffs. We had to post our court ordered cancellation for the Mother’s Day succulent sale (that was to be held the next morning) publicly and on social media. This gave us a very short window of time to find a relocation spot that would be big enough to hold our customers. We want to thank Tony Barnes for helping us find the perfect location in such short notice.
On Wednesday, May 15, we attended the meeting of the Michigan Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development, to ask them to address language in the Farm Markets GAAMP that was used by the court in the decision against us. While the language in this GAAMP could not be addressed during that meeting, the Commissioners did pass a new resolution in support of small farmers being able to sell their farm products on their own land. Specifically, the resolution states that “...it is the position of the Commission that all farm products as defined by the Right to Farm Act grown on a farm may be sold by that farm from that farm’s location and that those activities conform with the Right to Farm Act and the Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices.” We have another inspection on Monday, which we hope will find us compliant with all applicable GAAMPs, and able to continue on-farm sales of our products.
So, at this point, we are uncertain about what is to come. We are working on securing legal representation, hopefully with support from the FTCLDF. In the meantime, there is a fellow farmer that has created a “Food Freedom (front) - Join the Quest (back)” t-shirt fundraiser ($25), with 50% of the proceeds going to the Michigan Small Farm Council to help with farm legal fees. Each t-shirt purchase comes with a free Food Freedom sticker (5” oval). PLEASE CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE YOUR T-SHIRT AND HELP SAVE ANOTHER SMALL FARM! https://www.loyaltees.clothing/food-freedom
We encourage everyone to check out the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund at https://www.farmtoconsumer.org/, and the Michigan Small Farm Council (free membership) at http://www.michigansmallfarmcouncil.org/ Become members and/or donate if you are able and know that both of these organizations are there to support us if/when we find ourselves in situations like this. There is a very strong small farms network here in Michigan!
Hidden Creek Farm exists to serve our local community, and without your support we would not be going into our 5th year of farming. Please keep us in your thoughts as we maneuver through this difficult situation. We will post updates as we are able and would like to ask you to join us in our Quest for Food Freedom!
Sincerely Lee and Crystal @ Hidden Creek Farm
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The worst part about this is that it's not the first time this has been done. And if we don't do something, then it will keep happening to more and more people in the community, good people.
After I became sick in Africa in 2015, the help that I received from Hidden Creek Farm has been instrumental in my recovery. I'm not the only story like that, there are dozens, or maybe hundreds, of people that have been helped by or have enjoyed Crystal and Lee's farm. It's the support of these good people that is required to keep small farms protected from government overreach and corruption.
Luckily, Mark Baker of Baker's Green Acres has been able to begin helping Crystal and Lee, and has made some great videos about the issue. The Fox 17 News network has picked up the story and has been able to inform people. But, that's not enough, not nearly enough.
Standing up to tyranny can be a scary thing. But, if good people don't stand up against tyranny then tyranny will rule the day. I cannot accept that in myself. I cannot stand back while the township harasses and intimidates good people and do nothing.
Here are the three basic tactics that the township has used so far:
1) Dishonesty, secrecy, and lying. Crystal was not served papers that she was being sued. She received an email just hours before the appointed court time. The idea here is that she wouldn't see the email in time and wouldn't be able to make the court date. If she didn't show up then the judge would have no choice but to rule against her. This is essentially a con game that the lawyers of the township and neighbor Ken tried to pull on the judge. Such immoral and illegal tactics aren't acceptable at any level of government.
In addition to all of that, the township supervisor Tony Barnes has been repeatedly lying to people and telling them that the township is not suing Hidden Creek Farm. They are suing them, there is a paper signed by township board members, and they cite multiple reasons for suing the farm. This type of lying is often expected in politicians, but it shouldn't be. It's still immoral, and there is something we can do about it in our township.
2) Intimidation. Since Crystal read the email only minutes before the time that she was to appear in court she didn't have a lawyer. A farm helper that went with her didn't even have his wallet and ID on him because he was in work pants and they had to leave the minute that she saw the email. Then, the lawyers from the township and neighbor Ken tried to get her to sign papers without a lawyer in a secluded room of the courthouse. This surprise and attack method is effective intimidation, and completely unacceptable.
3) Bankruptcy. Since the dishonesty, secrecy, lying, and intimidation haven't worked against Crystal and Lee, the township has decided to pursue their third method of destroying community farms and businesses, money! They have issued a restraining order against Hidden Creek Farm, stopping them from conducting business events. This lowers the amount of money that the farm can make. Also, since they are being sued, they have to start paying legal fees.
Now, think about this, where does the township get its money from? The citizens. That means that the taxes of the citizens are being used to sue this farm. Does a farmer stand a chance against the deep pockets of a government funded by public taxes? No. The township aims to bleed the farm to death by reducing their business and draining their savings through legal fees.
What can a citizen do?
First, I'll cover what I'm doing. Then, I'll cover what everyone needs to do to fight this type of government corruption.
I emailed the clerk of Dalton Township and requested a spot on the agenda for the June 10th Township Board Meeting. Here's my email.
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I would like to request 5 to 10 minutes on the agenda for the June 10th meeting to address the board and attendees concerning the township's policy toward small farms.
Jeff Martin
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I am a citizen of the township, so I have the right to speak at the board meeting. But, they would prefer that the citizens they are trying to intimidate be quiet and docile. So, they are limiting my speaking time as much as they can.
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Anyone wishing to speak on an matter, at any board meeting, is always welcome to speak during public comment.
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It's interesting to note that in the last couple of days the township opened that email 19 times, but they still spelled "any" wrong when they responded.
You can only speak for three minutes in the public comment section. And the township wishes they could take that time away from me too. So, I decided that I needed to do more. I bought a website today specifically to address this issue. It should be started in the next 48 hours and will continue to be developed. Sign up for the mailing list as soon as the site is up so that we can start organizing.
I also made a public Facebook event for citizens to be aware of and attend the board meeting: https://www.facebook.com/events/802517473467484/
And, there is now a Concerned Citizens of Dalton Township Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2275100969473041/
I can make a speech and start a website, but I'm going to need help too. I know that the township supervisor Tony Barnes has earned the reputation of being dishonest over his last few years in office. He's the most dangerous type of politician, one that isn't attached to the truth, one that thinks he's above the law and can make the law, and he's articulate. Almost everyone that talks to him thinks he's a good guy, even when he's lying to them about suing innocent local farmers. I know that the township has been using these same tactics against other local farms and businesses. We need to collect and organize these stories of moral and legal violations.
We also need to file an official complaint against the corrupt activities that the township board is currently involved in. This list should be written out, it should be made available for citizens to sign, and it should be presented at the township board meeting.
Standing up for citizens rights is an anxiety provoking proposition. I know, because I'm afraid of the township coming after me and harassing me. Local farmers and business people are especially afraid of the township targeting them if they get involved. But, let me ask you this, how long before they come after you anyway?
This type of tyranny and corruption is like a weed that grows in a garden. When it's small you might not notice it. But, as it grows it slowly reaches it tendrils further and further, grabbing everything that it can, choking the life out of your flowers and vegetables, and slowing killing everything that was good in your garden. At no point is it fun to root out the weed, but it must be done, and the sooner the better.
Good government requires constant vigilance on the part of citizens to make sure that the weed of corruption is not growing and taking root. We have failed in Dalton Township. Yes, it's a moral failing on the part of the township board members, but it's also a moral failing on the part of the citizens that have not noticed and have not taken action, and it's a failing on my part. But, it is possible to be redeemed. All that is required is to be aware and to act.
June 10th at 6pm there is a Dalton Township board meeting. There is a meeting every month. Coming there and being present is making a difference. It's not necessary to speak, support the people who are speaking. Signing a list of moral and legal failings that the township board is guilty of is making a difference. Signing a petition to recall the corrupted members of the board is making a difference. Showing up to the election and voting in representatives with moral fiber is making a difference. Citizens can and do make a difference, all it takes is organization and action.
Here are the notes that I'm organizing for my speech at the meeting.
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tyranny, weed in the garden, grows from bottom soviet solzhenitsyn, moral failing of officials and citizens representative, strength plus morality, immoral actors, eternal vigilance, opportunity for change, injustice, universal individual rights, due process, small farmers and small businesses as cornerstones of community, ukrainian famine, the worst kind of politician dishonest corrupt and articulate, do not underestimate give the devil his due, sets an area precedent and example concern of everyone in the area, bastiat legal corruption, grover cleveland, prometheus
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Standing aside in the face of tyranny only means that you will suffer more, later. Standing up to tyranny and corruption means voluntarily confronting the problem that has been placed before us and rising to the challenge. I encourage you to stand with me.
You can find more of what I'm doing at http://www.JeffreyAlexanderMartin.com
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notyetjaded1 · 8 years
1-117 :) please answer all of them
don’t mind me as i just use this as an excuse not to stare at my own face until i go to sleep
previously asked questions here & here! 
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?
Oooooh. The state of the world and politics and equality issues, figuring out my life purpose and real abilities, why I always have the inspiration to film at the most inopportune moments, and fucking taxes, man. 
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone?
Actually…yes! Sometimes! People are super cute.
4: Do you find it easy to trust others?
Fuck no. Not in the slightest. And yet here I am, sharing my life on social media and video. Constantly. Weird. 
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night?
Sleeping. Because I’m secretly 80 years old. Don’t judge me. 
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?
No one. Because I don’t get drunk outside of definitely safe spaces. Because I’m paranoid af and, as we just discerned, do not trust people. 8: Are you close with your dad?Relatively, yeah! :D9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right?Lol, nope, sadly not. Been a little while now, actually? When did I film that Q&A…? 11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?Water. Because I’d like to survive as a semi-healthy human being. And water is fucking good. 12: Do you like hickeys?Giving or receiving? Giving, fuck yes. Again, I’m a literal vampire who likes biting people far more than I should. Receiving. Ehhhhh. It’s a weird mix of, hey, I like the aesthetic of bruises and all that other pseudo-grunge bullshit and, hey, I don’t like the idea of other people having their physical mark on me. So. Yay. 13: What time do you go to bed?Fuck me, too late. I say as I try to get in bed between 9 pm and 11 pm because I have to be awake at 4:45 am to get ready for work and I know that I am constantly tired. It used to be closer to bewteen like 11 pm and 1 am in my college days and I fucking miss it because I used to be so much more productive, fuck. 14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
Kind of? Yeah, I feel like there are people that I have high hopes and expectations for and yet…they never seem to be able to live up to them. Because there’s a horrid mismatch between their goals and the steps they think they need to take to achieve them. Vague. I know. And yet. But at the same time, when there’s evidence to suggest I shouldn’t trust someone with certain things, I do tend to lower my expectations so they can’t let me down, so there’s that. 15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both?Nope, not at all! I am very right handed. 16: Do you always answer your texts?hahaha, no, I’m the worst. I try to get to them within a certain amount of time. But like. I really am the worst with social interactions. I apologize in advance for being a shit human being. 17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?Nope. Because I have no idea who that would be. 20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?How many times have I now seen/watched Jack play Undertale and how the fuck does his screaming help me fall asleep?? 21: Is anyone else in the room with you?Not at the moment! 22: Do you believe what goes around comes around?Not in the karma kind of way; at least not really. Like, self-fulfilling prophecies, sure. You create your own expectations and then either that makes them happen or it makes you on the look out for it. But I do think if you behave a certain way, it’s bound to bite you in the ass. 23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now?Not in the slightest. Four months ago fucking sucked, man. All of the family stuff going on + existential crises (literally, could not function, was so anxious) about school + do I/don’t I continue youtube, and all the world bullshit? Yeah, no. 2016? Was not a good time in my life. 25: In the past week, have you cried?I’m not even kidding, I was about a breath away from crying when I saw snow in Denmark. I’m emotional, okay. 26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing?Currently? Surprisingly enough, navy blue. 27: Do people ever call you by your last name?Nope! Thankfully not! 28: Is anyone ignoring you right now?LMFAO probably. 29: Do you have a best friend?One best friend? Nah. Really close friends who I adore and appreciate. Absolutely. 30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?…yes because I’m secretly a very jealous and insecure person. 31: Who was your last call/text message from?@dreams–die–today!33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you?Yup. 3 of the…4?? people. 34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?Um. Hm. twenty…six…? seven…..? we talked about it and I literally have the worst memory. Sorry. 35: How many more days until your birthday?191. Apparently. 36: Do you have any summer plans yet?Hopefully start a new job!! But we shall see! 
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?Very much so. :) 38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?Not necessarily keeping things? Like. Not secrets really. They just never really came up? 39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?Anyone? Not that I can really think of? 40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?Nope, can’t say I have. 41: Do you think age matters in relationships?I mean, yes, to the extent of legality, consent, maturity, and power hierarchies. 42: Are you available?In…what…way? Emotionally? No? Schedule wise? There is nothing on my calendar for 10pm on a Tuesday night? 43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended?Real, strong feelings in what way??? 44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?I spent my entire middle and high school life wanting lip piercings. Hardcore wannabe emo kid right here. 45: Do you believe exes can be friends?Absolutely. I think if things ended well and consensually and whatnot, you do you. :) 46: Do you regret anything?LMFAO YES. 47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?Literally too much. Should I be on YouTube, video ideas (anxiety v depression, inspiration v self-criticism, etc.), school, suicide prevention job opportunities, research, clinical work, social mishaps, etc. etc. etc. my mind is a joyous place to live. that’s a lie. 48: Did you ever lose a best friend?Not like…passing away kind of lose, but I have had best friends that I am no longer friends with. 49: Was your last kiss a mistake?Nah, I enjoyed myself. 50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like?Because…I don’t actually want a relationship? Plus define like? Plus again, that social anxiety thing. 51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?I…don’t…think so?52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed?Literally messaging them right now. 53: What was the last thing you ate?I had some green juice thing? Hello, yes I am from LA, how could you tell? 54: Did you get any compliments today?YES BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE ON TUMBLR MAKE MY HEART SING. 55: Where are you going on your next vacation?Las Vegas, I think? For Backstreet Boys! 56: Do you own anything from other countries?My brother just brought home wine from Israel, does that count? 57: Are most of your friend guys or girls?I think I have a pretty good/even mix of both! 58: Where have you lived most of your life?Los Angeles. Or the surrounding cities. For all my life. 59: When was the last time you took a long drive?Vegas, a few months ago. :) 60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?Once. I was in elementary school. Nothing happened. And then never again after that. 61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house?Nope! That would be quite rude! 62: Who do you text the most?Lately?? I actually don’t know?? 63: What was the last movie you saw?Moonlight! 64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?The fact that they don’t exist?? 65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?….one? I think one? Was that 2011……? Fuck, I should ask. I literally don’t recall. 66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you?Nope, they’re not! 67: Do you curse around your parents?Yes, because I literally cannot help it. Don’t let me around small children. 68: Are you happy with where you live?Sure, relatively. Especially lately since there’s been actual rain! 69: Picture of yourself?http://shaynainshambles.tumblr.com/tagged/my-face70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?I think both. Which is weird. I like the intimacy of monogamous relationships and I’m a very jealous person? But also like…I like open-ended relationships because intimacy with many people, please yes. 71: Have you ever been dumped?I actually have not. 73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?Um. Yes? Again, that 2/4 people being fwb thing. 74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?the other because I’m a socially awkward fucking mess. 75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?I like hair. Also collar bones. Also arms. Also smile and eyes. And everything. People are just very pretty. 76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?@dreams–die–today, I think?? 77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?Nope! 78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?Nope!! 79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?Jack-motherfucking-septiceye. You all. Literally, you all. getting asks and comments and building a community of human beings. helping people. psychology/inspiring mental health awareness and advocacy and integration. etc. etc.  etc. 81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?I feel like that has happened more recently than ever before or ever imagined…82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?About never, actually? 83: Do you miss your last sweetie?Um….what? 84: Last time you slow danced with someone?lmfao 85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?I…think…so…? technically…? briefly??? Idk. I literally don’t know. 86: How can I win your heart?Oh, let me count the ways…figure it out ;p 87: What is your astrological sign?Leo! 88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM?Sleeping…89: Do you cook?I mean, if I had to, I could learn, but nope. I can steam vegetables, I am set! 90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?Technically? I often do not talk to my “old flame” for months at a time, but that’s pretty much the usual for us. 92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?I really prefer the multiple close relationship thing. Idk, about dating. Dating is weird. But. Yeah, I think time and making sure you enjoy each other’s company is good before just like…committing.93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?I don’t really. I really am finding myself far more interested in people after I start getting to know them as human beings. Like, physical attraction is great and yes, absolutely a thing. but if I’m interested in them any more than something pretty, I get invested based who they are, etc.? The more you know. 94: Name four things that you wish you had!Money, self-confidence, a supportive and engaged community, the ability to be successfully mindful and productive when I want to be. 95: Are you a player?In what way……? 96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?I….don’t think I have? 97: Are you a tease?Tad bit. Maybe. yes. sorry not sorry. I kind of love it. It’s fun to be flirty and tease and shit, man. 98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?Not yet! 99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?Not like…happily ever after kind of idea of love. But I do deeply care about people. 100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?Absolutely. Ya’ll are fucking lovely. 101: Hugs or Kisses?Mmmmm. Do kisses with hugging involved count? 102: Are you too shy to ask someone out?Very much so. Hello. 103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?Hair. 104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?Can be? I think it’s just a term of endearment. Which I’ve started doing, so who am I to comment. 105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?No??? That’s not okay?? Unless there was consent from all parties involved being like…yes, I am aware and in full, enthusiastic support of this. 106: Do you flirt a lot?Hello, as I’ve said, flirting is my horrible way of connecting with people and stress relief. I’m sorry. If it does bother anyone at all or make them uncomfortable at any point, please do tell me and I will not do it. 107: Your last kiss?happened?? at some point?? 108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?Nope, have not. 109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month?Yes? I think it was less than a month ago? 110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be?@51centurywoman and/or @thelootqueen because ya’ll are fucking incredible ;p 111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next?Uh. I have an assumption but who knows? 112: Does someone like you currently?Apparently?????????????????113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone?I have many feelings for people constantly. 114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?Serious flings. 115: Ever made out with just a friend?Glowing endorsement for fwb currently, yes. 116: Are you happier single or in a relationship?I’m honestly not that reliant on relationship status? I really like having people i can have fun with and be intimate with and just like..enjoy and have them enjoy. that makes me beyond happy. 117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it.Opening the floor to you folks: any other questions? also, what kind of content do you like to see/hear? Also, tell me something positive that happened to you today! Let’s take a moment to focus on the good. :) 
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newyorktheater · 7 years
My annual New Year’s Eve last-minute guide features the Broadway show schedule for New Year’s week, and other theater, as well as parties, concerts,intimate dinners, cruises, and quiet or healthy alternatives that are still available to do on New Year’s Eve 2018 (when 2017 turns into 2018) in New York City. Some events are free, some are outdoors — and then there are TV listings.
Only eight percent of Americans reportedly plan to go out on New Year’s Eve. For those New Yorkers (and New York visitors) who haven’t made those plans yet, here are some ideas:
The New Year’s Eve tradition in Times Square began in 1904 with a rooftop celebration to greet the New Year. Three years later, they started lowering a ball.
From the organizers comes this overview of New Year’s Eve in Times Square, so you know what is in store for you if you decide to stand at the Crossroads of the World for New Year’s Eve
Keep in mind: Revelers start arriving late in the afternoon on New Year’s Eve. By approximately 3:00 PM., the Bowtie of Times Square (42nd to 47th Sts. between Broadway & 7th Ave.) is fully closed to traffic. The crowd, which in the past has reached in the millions, could go as far uptown as Central Park, 17 blocks away.
Another way of saying this: If you want to be within naked-eyesight of the Times Square ball, arrive in the afternoon, and be prepared to stand immobile until the ball drops at midnight.  Huddle with friends and loved ones for warmth – or make new friends.
Times Square offers an outdoor evening of entertainment.
Confetti, “2018” sign in lights, lots of hugging and wishing for a Happy New Year
I’ve spent three New Year’s Eves in Times Square, which is probably two more than necessary, but found each memorable. Do remember that the highlights will be televised. See What’s on TV, below.)
You can also watch the festivities online.
Open Table lists some 700 restaurants  with “New Year’s Eve offers” Most of them offer a choice of seatings – either earlier in the evening, so that you can make it in time elsewhere for the stroke of midnight, or party-hat-equipped seatings that lead up to midnight, where you can often turn on a TV so that you can watch the ball drop in Times Square. Open Table provides all sorts of filters — you can look for a table for 2 at a “charming” French restaurant at 7 pm in your specific neighborhood.
Have a favorite neighborhood eatery that’s not listed on Open Table? Go to the place NOW, and ask them whether they will take reservations.
Ito Aghayere and Matthew Saldivar
Only two of the shows currently on Broadway will be offering performances on New Year’s Eve, both matinees– Junk (which is at Lincoln Center) and Once on This Island (at Circle in the Square.) This is a huge decrease from the 15 matinees last year.  (New Year’s Eve fell on a Saturday then; this year it’s a Sunday.) Then eight of the shows will offer performances on New Year’s Day, all of them evening performances.
Keep in mind several of these shows are closing soon, so this may be your last chance to see them.
Closing January 7, 2018: Junk
Closing January 14, 2018 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Miss Saigon
Closing January 21 Meteor Shower
(If tickets are not available through the box office, try buying tickets here)
Of course, New York theater is far more than just Broadway, and some Off-Broadway and Off-Off Broadway shows are not just happening, but getting into the whole excess thing that means New Year’s Eve to so many in New York. Prime example is Sleep No More, which for New Year’s Eve adds something called the McKittrick King Masquerade, “live performances and an open bar all night long.’
Similarly XIV Company offers its  “Nutcracker Rouge,”  (a “baroque, burlesque” not-for-children take on Nutcracker Suite) at a new theater in Bushwick, Brooklyn, followed by a party with the cast.
Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular (two performances on New Year’s Eve, in the morning and the afternoon.)
That Physics Show (showings at noon and 3 p.m.)
The Enlightenment of Mr. Mole (2 p.m.)
Sistas The Musical (4:30 p.m. — at St. Luke’s Theater, 46th west of Eighth, so perilously close to Times Square)
with performances on New Year’s Eve (and, through Goldstar, at a discount)
Who’s Holiday
Bright Colors and Bold Patterns
Drunk Shakespeare
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There’s a New York for almost any taste, so why would it be surprising that Eventbrite lists some 1,000 New Year’s Eve parties? Some 90 of those are listed as free (that’s my taste.) Others are obscenely expensive.
You can dance at parties set up in Times Square venues, such as the Marriot Marquis and the AMC 42nd Street movie theater, “six floors of fun” for as little as $39 (that’s after 12:30 a.m. admission) and as much as $2,100. Most promote a great view of the ball dropping (which — do you mind my pointing out? — is an insane pitch, but apparently an effective one. Maybe that’s a good summary of 2017)
Then there are the super-hip (and less expensive) parties in Brooklyn.
BangOn!NYC no longer holds their bash at a secret location. They now have a new home  in East Williamsburg, which they’ve turned into an intergalactic extravaganza with psychedelic art installations and roaming fire breathers below a spinning planetarium.
Purple Rain Dance Party. For the fourth year in a row, Syndicated, a movie theater, bar and restaurant in Bushwick, Brooklyn will project the 1984 movie” Purple Rain” on the wall while dj/vjs The Hogstad Brothers spin Prince classics like “Raspberry Beret” and “Cream.”  Purple Rain or Prince-inspired costumes/attire “strongly encouraged.”
  Many suggest throwing your own New Year’s Eve party, and offer vaguely insulting step-by-step tips on how to do so. The most memorable advice for throwing a party came from Joan Crawford, who was quite a partier in her day (see above). Her advice (see below)  can be summed up as:
Have a mix of people as your guests, but nobody with dirty feet.
Secretly drug them.
(P.S., don’t do this.)
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St. John the Divine Concert for Peace.
An annual event since 1984, when it was founded by Leonard Bernstein. This year’s concert will feature excerpts from Bernstein’s Mass in celebration of the maestro’s centennial year.   Artists in residence Judy Collin and theater composer will make their own musical offerings in a program that concludes with Joseph Haydn’s Te Deum, to welcome the new year with affirmation and joy. This concert is free, first come first serve,  although ticketed seating is also available starting at $40.
The New York Philharmonic at Lincoln Center: Bernstein on Broadway. Annaleigh Ashford, Christopher Jackson Laura Osnes, and Next and Aaron Tveit will perform from West Side Story, Wonderful Town, and On The Town.  Bramwell Tovey conducts.
The bad news about this concert is that it’s sold out. The good news is that it’s being broadcast live on PBS starting at 9 p.m.
Phish at Madison Square Garden for the 11th year in a row!
Cardi B at Knockdown Center The Bronx rapper breaks loose in Queens. The singer of the hit “Bodak Yellow,” entertains along with DJs Venus X, DJ BEBE, DJ Shelby Sells and DJ Pro Style at the cool arts center housed glass-manufacturing plant built in 1903 in Maspeth.
Television at Bowery Ballroom
With the repeal this year of the hated 91-year-old Cabaret Law, which banned dancing at all but a handful of licensed venues (fewer than 100), you could argue that life is a cabaret (or at least could be) at all 25,000 eating and drinking establishments in New York City. But “cabaret” has come to define specific genres of intimate entertainment at just a few, relatively small venues, such as those below.
Tip: Most cabarets offer two seatings on New Year’s Eve. The one earlier in the evening is far less expensive. Many of these performers return to these venues every New Year’s — a wonderful tradition that makes last-minute tickets chancy, but worth trying.
Sandra Bernhard: Sandemonium at Joe’s Pub
Natalie Douglas at the Duplex — her 18th New Year’s there
  Cassie Levy at Feinstein’s/54 Below
Steve Tyrell at Cafe Carlyle
Bazazz! at Don’t Tell Mama “A sequined variety starring Rick Skye as Liza Minelli”
The Birdland Big Band at Birdland Jazz Club
Annual Prospect Park Fireworks – free. at Grand Army Plaza
Coney Island New Year’s Eve Celebration -4th annual celebration, with free fireworks on the boardwalk
Central Park Fireworks (See also midnight run below)
Big selling point of all these cruises — a close-up of the New Years Eve fireworks over the water. Most include a buffet, open bar, and dancing with a dj. Drawbacks: These cost hundreds of dollars, and many are already sold out. (But there are cruises during the day on New Year’s Eve”
Circle Line New Year’s Eve Cruises
 Zephyr New Year’s Eve Family Cruises
The Kadampa Meditation Center in Chelsea, $30 for non-members, provides a way for you to “ring in the New Year “with compassion and beneficial intentions!” — hors d’oeuvres, meditation, and no alcohol. (Pre-registration is required.)
New York Road Runners’   Midnight Run in Central Park
Shorewalkers Happy New Years Day Hike — Hiking the shores and parks of upper Manhattan starting at noon on New Year’s Day, which gives you a good excuse to go to bed early.
20th annual Bike Ride and Outdoor After Party, from Time’s Up environmental action organization, which meets in Washington Square Park at 10 p.m. and bicycles en mass to the Belvedere Castle in Central Park.
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ABC: Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with hosts Ryan Seacrest will again feature Mariah Carey, despite her disastrous performance last year.  For the 46th year, ABC invites viewers to a “Rockin’ Eve,” although the show has been without longtime host and producer Clark since his death in 2012. Other performances scheduled by Camila Cabello, Nick Jonas, and Sugarland; and Britney Spears from Las Vegas.
CNN: After 10 year, New Year’s Eve Live will no longer pair Anderson Cooper with Kathy Griffin, after her joke holding the severed head of what looked like President Trump earlier his year. Her replacement is Andy Cohen. (I can’t help quoting what Anderson Cooper said in 2013: “I don’t know anybody who has a fun time at a party at New Year’s Eve. That’s why I work on New Year’s Eve.”)
Fox: Fox’s New Year’s Eve with Steve Harvey: Live from Times Square Celine Dion, Backstreet Boys, Macklemore featuring Skylar Gray, Flo Rida and Neil Diamond.
  PBS: Live from Lincoln Center New York Philharmonic concert, Bernstein on Broadway (!)
TV Marathons
AMC: “Breaking Bad” marathon all New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.
E!: “Parks and Recreation”
FXX: “The Simpsons.” The marathon starts with The Simpsons Movie at 6pm ET/PT and is followed by a ten hours of the best episodes.
IFC: “The Three Stooges”
SYFY: “Twilight Zone”
WPIX: “The Honeymooners”
 And, in a nod to a new era, here’s “100 Best Movies on Netflix”
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  New Year’s Eve in New York City 2018 Last Minute Plans My annual New Year's Eve last-minute guide features the Broadway show schedule for New Year’s week, and other theater, as well as…
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