#morgs ramblings
morgan-n-cheese-91 · 16 days
I love when Anakin's all up in his head angsty and dislikes Cody for the sole reason that Cody and Obi-wan are dating and Anakin's peanut brain just can't handle that. And Cody is like "What the fuck is wrong with that guy? You know what he's not my problem." and is just like professional around Anakin and Anakin is like constantly foaming at the mouth.
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morbid248 · 3 months
Thinking about radio songs in malevolent and just,,
We start with 'you call it madness, I call it love'. This feels very apt for the first 4 seasons, when thinking about Arthur and John's struggle between madness and love. It's a song about love and loss and one person being all you dream of despite everything, even if it's crazy. It's about devotion, and betrayed trust, and learning the true nature of love. How it creeps up on you slowly until you finally meet the person you grow to love, and you build yourselves around each other until you're inseparable. How even after they hurt you, even if they call it madness, in the end, you still love them. And by season 5, they've both accepted that they love each other and they would rather die than separate, than lose each other.
But not only that, this song is a sweet love ballad. A real slowdance type song. Something dreamy and romantic.
But 'come easy go easy love'? Almost the exact opposite. Not only is it incredibly upbeat, but the lyrics? The theme? The song is about rejecting the idea of long-lasting love and embracing modern ideals. The song says you cant form regrets if you never let anyone get close. You don't have to waste time on forming bonds, you can be free and independent, and you wont be sad or in pain if you have no one to reminisce about. Never sticking around, never being there, never caring.
If 'you call it madness I call it love's about love and devotion, 'come easy go easy love' is about flippant indifference.
All in all, I am not a patron and i am terrified for what this means for the next episode
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applesforaliens · 1 month
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guess who got md hot topic merchhhh ME!! AAAHAHHAHAHAHAHSHSHAHHSHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH went to the mall today and i had to preorder the uzi shirt and also tbob (the book of bill) because ITS SOLD OUT!!!!!!! IM SO EXCITED AAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Real question though, should i wear one of the shirts to school or should i be normal?
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mortuarywriting · 5 months
Rocking up late because I've been Very Ouchie but I was tagged by @pfhwrittes @glossysoap and @dragonnarrative-writes in the "Last Line" thing! This one is for the Isekai
You look at him, dryly stating, "help, help. I'm being repressed," before sighing, taking a deep breath, and trying again, "alright, what's the rest of the news that's going to ruin my day?"
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mrsbakashi · 1 year
there are some albums i'll never be able to get over. melodrama by lorde is one of them.
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I pretty sure Scarlet Scarab was only written for a one-off jokey Batman: the Brave and the Bold episode, BUT I MISS HIM! HE’S JUST A LIL EVIL GUY! LOOK AT HIS COLORS! FUN! BEAUTIFUL!
love he’s got the same close relationship he does in the og reality, but applying the same logic to a Young Justice!Jaime, I NEEED to know how the scarab behaves/personality. Like, is he apathetic and nonchalant? Eager to help and oblivious to endangering other people in the process? I think it’d be hilarious if both Khaji Da’s are just always up for murder it’s just a personality difference lmao.
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wayward-wren · 2 months
slams down DOOR you are a BLESSING you are KIND you are PATIENT oh wait now im thinking of 1 corinthians 13. love you dear
LOVE YOU TOOOOO I'm so glad you're back on discord I missed youuuuuu
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i-am-a-fan · 2 months
How long will LBD posses Pirate MK ?
And will the crew have to look for MK ? If LBD disappeared with MK for a while to make her plans come true, than the crew wouldn't know what she did in the time and what horrors MK had to witness
Probably about a week to a month. Around the same timeline that Bai He was possessed.
Yeah! And you are absolutely right Sun Wukong can technically contact him telepathically, but that’s all dependent on Mk actually having control of their body.
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enigma-absolute · 1 year
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amplexadversary · 1 year
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morgberrystreet · 1 year
So I had my cousin and her friend over today to deep clean my house (they have a cleaning business)
But didn’t tell my dad since he freaks out about other people touching his stuff.
He just walked in the door from work and within half a minute said “okay who was here? This isn’t how you clean”
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morgan-n-cheese-91 · 2 months
People I think would be a part of Master Windu's book club:
● Ponds - whether he likes it or not he's there for the soom (space zoom) calls and he gets the interesting parts read aloud to him (he's the biker bf to Mace's booktok girly gf)
● Cody - joined bc he was bored during his brief stint in the 91st, but has since become invested. has his own secondary club amongst the 212th command staff
○ Obi-Wan - reads over Cody's shoulder, inputs his opinions when stealing Cody's soom call snacks
● Fox - his vibes for a book club are immaculate. was offered a spot soon after posting, has the hottest takes
● Bly - joined after reading over Cody and Fox' shoulders while on leave, begged to join, has some of the most indepth takes on the books, also a hopeless romantic
○ Aalya - simular to Obi-Wan, reads over Bly's shoulder, adds thoughts when relevant
● Master Ti - strong willed booktok girly, is the reason they read "Where the Crawdads Sing" and "The Woman in Cabin 10"
● Master Che - joined for the book recommendations, stayed for the gossip
● Madame Nu - founding member
● Kit - has the same book vibes as Mace but more high energy, brings the best snacks for in person meetings
People banned from Mace Windu's Bookclub:
● Yoda - grandmaster crimes + troll + old = banned
● Anakin - this club is Mace's restbute from that lineage's insanity, he barely tolerates Obi-Wan joining over Cody's shoulder
● Depa - Mace does not want to know what his child thought of "A walk to Remember" or "The Girl with the Pearl Earring"
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morbid248 · 2 months
Binged all of woe.begone in a week and a half. Went through the five stages of grief about 20 times. Mildly obsessed. Need to buy a cowboy hat
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applesforaliens · 1 month
Murder Drones appreciation post!!
(and silly images)
I will be forever grateful for Murder Drones and the impact it’s had on me!! I hope we get a season 2 but if not, that’s okay. This series has brought me out of my shell since I found it only 5 months ago. It’s crazy that this little show about murderous drones has been so important in my life. I’ll forever hold this show close to my heart. Thank you Liam and the entire team at Glitch for making this amazing show. I hope the fandom will continue to grow for years to come. Anyways, enough of the sappy stuff!!
Since we have 1 week before the Murder Drones finale, here is a collection of my favorite scenes/shots from each episode!! :D
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mortuarywriting · 7 months
📚 🧚‍♀️ Just one or both if you'd like 👉👈
I can do both!! These were super neat to think on!! the second one is absolutely why this gets a read more. I went off the shits. So sorry about that.
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write
Hmmm sometimes it's seeing the right prompt, sometimes its seeing ideas being tossed around and thinking on it, sometimes its taking the canon and seeing how a seemingly small but significant shift would impact it and how that would domino effect! I love playing with worldbuilding sandboxes so much that sometimes the fics themselves fall to the wayside ">>
🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time
OUGH this is such a hard one!! How do you choose a favorite child!! I'll scoop from the top and be read for filth for it I think but. Worth it i think. Anyway you get them alphabetically
Auron - Final Fantasy X
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This is it. This is your story. It all begins here.
I. boy I am really not immune to Dark Knights in the FF franchise the more I think about it but! Auron has always been such a good character and I associate him so much with a song I LOVE... Auron is just one of my favorite companions, I love the insight he brings and how he was a Guardian for Yuna's Father as well as her. He's also one of Two Nickels I realize I'd have for Dark Knights in Final Fantasy Game who [REDACTED].
Death - Darksiders 2
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All who live know my name, all who oppose me shall know Death.
Caaan't find a decent pic of him and I don't really wanna go and redownload the whole game for screenshot purposes yet. Aywho-
Darksiders 2 is all about Death, the oldest of the Nephilim/Horsemen of the Apocalypse proving the innocence of his brother War (seen lower in the list) for the crime of allegedly starting the Apocalypse early. Between this game and the Abomination Vault book preceding any of the games I really appreciate these two, Death being a ridiculously smart but also an apathetic asshole who only cares for a small handful, plays things close to his chest... He's a neat character and I appreciate just how far ahead he seems to plan and the lengths he'll go to make sure it all goes as he wants it to. Metal as hell.
Because War has his I also have to show Death's horse so this is Despair
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And this is his Reaper Form
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Fray Myste - Final Fantasy XIV
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Bastard of the Brume, Fray was taken in by Ser Ompagne and became trained in becoming a Dark Knight with Sidurgu. By the time we meet them Ompagne is long dead, and Fray has just been defeated in a duel.
We find Fray, pick up the Dark Knight Soul crystal from where it had fallen beside him, and he becomes your mentor upon your waking up. You touched something that would hurt yourself and others along the way and BOY HOWDY does he have excellent threats of violence. Will follow you around on your job quests and heal you while you're being a dumb tank. He writes your quest journal entries and is such a sassy bloodthirsty shit
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Fray is the other of the Two Nickels I realize I'd have for Dark Knights in Final Fantasy Game who [REDACTED].
Jarlaxle Baenre - Forgotten Realms
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I am Jarlaxle. I have been everywhere.
Lets start with Jarlaxle was born the third son of the Highest House in Menzoberranzan- a city where the houses are constantly trying to kill the house ahead of them for status and do so to not get caught, their goddess Lolth favoring those who get away with no evidence to damn themselves. To that end there's a firm rule enforced by Lolth- every third son is to be sacrificed to her- two male children are expendable and acceptable but any further are sacrificed after birth.
Jarlaxle's mother, ruler of the highest house and having kept that seat for Ages, went to acquiesce with that upon Jarlaxle's birth.
Lolth told her no. Jarlaxle was to live, he was too interesting.
He has since made this an everyone else problem. Man has connections in the underdark and surface, everything he wears is in some form enchanted, he's proficient with just about everything, and he is so fascinated with various things and just wants to see what happens next and how it can help him get ahead. I love him. I wanna study him under a microscope. Every character that's been in a campaign he's turned up in has vibe checked him and decided they want out of the room right now immediately. Most notably my dude who was sometimes part moose said "I'd like to leave, actually"
Urick - Drakengard 2
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A masked man who lives a life haunted by the curse of death. Three years ago, after a tragic incident, he made a pact with the Reaper, although the price he paid for this pact is unknown. At first glance he appears to be a carefree, lively character who could never bear a grudge. However, on rare occasions, his jovial facade can't quite conceal the truth...
To preface the significance of this-
A Pact, also known as a Contract (契約 Keiyaku?) in the Japanese version, is a contract system in the world of Drakengard between a human (or other humanoid race) and a beast. By merging their souls together, the human gains supernatural powers, and both participants gain a second chance in life should either or both be close to death. The human must pay some price for the pact, and if one should be fatally injured, it means death for both unless the pact is broken. Beings who have formed a pact with each other are referred to as "pact-partners".
Urik's pact is his mortality. Straight up he does not have a heart in his chest anymore. He's just a generally chill guy and while I haven't gone through Drakengard 2 in years (thanks playstation for 0 drakengard or drakengard 2 rep) I remember him fondly. I forgot how much I loved him and that his wiki trivia describes him as "Urick is good at playing dead." The game quote they chose for him is "Just because you can't make any friends, doesn't mean you should take it out on the rest of us" which is what he says as he's about to save your character's life.
plus lookit this smile
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War - Darksiders
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You can look me in the eye when I kill you.
Darksiders is a game about oops, the apocalypse started on earth! Heaven and Hell start duking it out in the streets and humanity suffers for it. Humans die out, earth is in ruins, and all of it is conveniently laid at the feet of War - youngest of the Four Horsemen who has gotten in trouble for fighting with humanity before (please see left arm being fuckoff huge gauntlet. That's a prosthetic. Death cut his arm off for that bullshit in the comics).
Now, War is a man of his word and high code of honor- he said he'd leave humans be and he did. He's been framed and the Council- those in charge of keeping the balance and the bosses of the Horsemen- gives him a shot to prove his innocence and find the actual culprits with a Watcher keeping tabs and reporting back.
This is his horse, Ruin
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This is his Chaos Form
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War is voiced by Liam O'Brian and the Watcher is voiced by Mark Hamill. so that's fun. Samael in game could also get it but that does not a fav make.
Also fun lore fact: all the horsemen's horses are the same species. The horse just reflects the rider once they've bonded. Fun magic shit.
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mrsbakashi · 11 months
just bought my cousin a digital graphic table because he likes to draw and has drawn some pretty stuff on paper and i want to support him in every way i can so he can become a talented artist like you people in this website
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