kym0103 · 10 years
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First day of life up until 6th grade 
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Jumped all the way to Freshman year of High School
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Then I cut my hair Junior year, why did I do that
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Slowly it started growing back and then….
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I finally felt comfortable to express myself (the picture on the left was my debut)
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At this point in my transition I am 6 months into HRT
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A year on HRT
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Over a year and a half on hormones. My transition hasn’t been the clearest path but I am so happy that I am on it.
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kym0103 · 10 years
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Signs in the bathrooms at Bristol Uni for Trans Awareness Week.
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kym0103 · 10 years
And I understand. I understand why people hold hands: I’d always thought it was about possessiveness, saying ‘This is mine’. But it’s about maintaining contact. It is about speaking without words. It is about I want you with me and don’t go.
She was always holding my hand (via everythingyoulovetoohate)
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kym0103 · 10 years
Transgender FTM Crowned Homecoming King in Texas
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kym0103 · 10 years
I’m sorry, but if lesbians can control themselves in a girls only changing room with ass naked woman waltzing around. Then I figure men should be able to control them selves with clothed girls walking down the street. Just a thought.
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kym0103 · 10 years
Maybe I’m too busy being yours to fall for somebody new.
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know (via theclassvillain)
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kym0103 · 10 years
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kym0103 · 10 years
If someone wants a romantic relationship with little or no sex, let them.
If someone wants a sexual relationship with no romance, let them.
And if someone wants a completely platonic relationship with no romance or sex, FUCKING LET THEM.
Destroy the idea that a relationship must have sex and/or romance to be “real”.
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kym0103 · 10 years
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These posters are in the stalls of the bathrooms at my university (at least in the ladies, I haven’t asked anyone if they’re in the gents too. I hope so though). Thank you National Union of Students for doing it right. If only they put these posters up in all public bathrooms
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kym0103 · 10 years
Women-only parking in China
"'It's just that women have a few issues with vision when parking.'" Really?...
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kym0103 · 10 years
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because the wind is gonna blow no matter what.
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kym0103 · 10 years
"Dating Masculine Women Is Not the Same as Dating Men"
A friend of mine just posted this article on Facebook. I find it interesting and relevant to the way I dress/look. Enjoy!
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kym0103 · 10 years
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My favorite Canadian posts. Happy Canada Day, eh
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kym0103 · 10 years
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So today on the bus there was this little boy, he was talking to his mom about how he had a crush on someone in his class. His mom asked him “Oh, what’s her name, honey” and he said “no”. All she said was “Oh, is it a boy then?” with a smile on her face, and then asked what his name was. Then the boy told her to guess and so the conversation went on. This is how a parent should react, all respect to this woman.
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kym0103 · 10 years
Remember: the time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. Life’s cruelest irony.
Douglas Coupland, Shampoo Planet (via observando)
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kym0103 · 10 years
I didnt know what to say to you
so I stayed quiet and said nothing
which translated into me not caring
which made you not care
and now 
here we are
with misconstrued messages that were never even sent 
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kym0103 · 10 years
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