#morgie x fay x james
little-teacupss · 15 days
The Serpentine's jealousy.
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Note: Full credit goes to @skellseerwriting/ @skellseer, for the title, and the cover is still work in progress they didn't give me much to work with ;-;, anyway hope you enjoy this story it will be more Morgie based, and remember you can give criticism without being a prick.
Summary: James and Morgie navigate their complicated feelings for each other and Fay.
Note 2: If you want to be a part of the tag list, just put mail in the mailbox!
Tag list: @giveityourworst and @brokenmilkcrates, go show both of them love and support. Giveit is my co-founder for MFH, and milkc is helping me build lore for this ship!
Note 3: Part one here.
Morgie sat against one of the shell chairs that Uliana had gotten for the lair for decoration with crossed arms as they waited for Hook to get back, he wasn't sure if Uliana had seen Fay or not, but he did, it was strange he'd liked Hook for a while, but a part of him also felt something for Fay, he'd been set up with for different classes randomly, but he never felt this way for her before she was always the nerdy, clumsy fairy who couldn't make her wand work.
He'd liked Hook for a while. They usually spent time together, or he was with Uliana. For a while, Morgie thought Hook may be gay, but now he doesn't know what to think. How could he be gay, but now have confusing feelings for his friend and his girlfriend, or is Fay his girlfriend?
He heard a snapping sound in front of him. Looking up, he saw Uliana snapping her fingers in front of his face, although having a passive look, he knew she was worried about him, she always was.
"You good, Morgs?" .Uliana asked as she stopped snapping her fingers and sat back in her seat, Morgie let out a soft chuckle as he gave a wry smile and said. "Yeah, yeah, I'll tell ya later."
Uliana gives him an uneasy look but nods. Finally, after fifteen minutes of waiting, Hook comes into the lair and takes a seat to Maleficent, who says. "You finally made it, I see, but why are you soaked?"
Hook shrugged as he leaned back in his chair before looking at Uliana as he listened to her talk about needing a plan to get back at the AK's.
After a while of thinking and many ideas being shot down, a light bulb turned on in Morgie's head as he pitched in. "What if we smoke bombed the ballroom for rehearsal for castlecoming?"
Uliana snapped her fingers as she smiled at Morgie for giving her a plan that would make people fear them more.
"That's an excellent idea Morgie."
She said as she began to give everyone their part of the plan who would do what.
They sat around and went over what each person would do, and then for a couple of hours, they sat and played cards or gossiped, it wasn't until they all started yawning that they finally left the lair, and headed back to Merlin Academy, while Uliana, Maleficent and Hades went to the dorms, Morgie followed Hook who decided that he'd spend the night in the Jolly Roger.
He grabbed Hook's shoulder, who turned around and looked at him, Morgie didn't waste any time and got straight to the point and warned Hook. "Look I saw you, I'm not sure if Uliana did, I'm not telling you to stop, but I am saying to be careful."
Morgie was very careful about what he said to the pirate as he was unsure how protective he was over his secret relationship, but also there was a tiny part of him that was afraid the Captain might just order his crew to have Morgie forced to walk the plank, while another part of him was terrified of being figured out for his feelings towards him, but then those strange, never before feelings also appeared the ones he held for Fay, she wasn't a VK, she was soft, very delicate, she was clumsy, and terrible at magic so she couldn't protect herself like Hook could, what if something happened to her because Hook was bad at hiding their relationship?
Morgie shook his head, trying to clear those thoughts from his head, before looking back at Hook, who was leaning against the rails of the dock, and fixing his hair, before turning his gaze back to Morgie and saying. "Need anything else, lad?"
Morgie shook his head and quickly made his way from the dock. Once he finally made his way to the gates of Merlin Academy, Uliana popped out from behind one of the pillars.
She crossed her arms as she approached him, and said. "So are you gonna tell me now what's going on?"
The two sat at a random picnic table as Morgie began to explain. "Well, you already know how I feel about Hook, but some things changed."
Uliana nodded a she listening and said. "Changed how?"
Morgie gulped before letting out a shaky sigh. "Well, do you know that one fairy the one always wearing light blues and periwinkle?"
Uliana nodded as she gave him a small smile as she realized where this was going.
"Well, I don't know how or when it started, but she has to be a vixen or something along with Hook she's all I think about her stupid wand tricks and softness, she can barely even get her wand to listen to her if she keeps it up she'll end up dead if she doesn't get her act straight."
Uliana laughed as Morgie went on a big rant about how Fay must have cursed him or something because it made no sense how he was gay, but constantly thinking about her and Hook.
Uliana patted his arm and said. "Morgs, I could be wrong, but maybe you're not gay, of course at one point you could've been, but maybe you've changed, and if you have that's okay, it's normal, maybe you like both men and women, maybe you like all genders, but you won't know unless you give it a chance and stop blaming it on a fairy who can't even get her wand to work for her, it doesn't mean you have to stop liking Hook, maybe you'll find you two are more alike then you may think."
Morgie hummed in response, unsure of what to think of what the sea witch said. He'd know he was gay for a while, so how could he just abandon it so quickly?
Uliana got up from the bench across from him and made her way over before gently putting her arms around his shoulders, hugging him close, so he knew it was alright.
Morgie grabbed her hand and squeezed it as he looked at the table in front of him, unsure of what to think anymore. One minute, he's gay, and the next, he truly doesn't have an idea what to think anymore.
The two ended up going back to Uliana's dorm, where she let Morgie stay for the night so she could be there to comfort him as he figured out what was going on with him.
Uliana smiled at him as he sat on the floor before joining him and said. "You don't have to decide anything yet. Just try and get some rest, okay, Morgs?"
He gave her a small half smile as he nodded before laying back against the carpet. With his arms rested underneath his head, Uliana patted his leg before getting up and getting into bed, as she began to let out a soft humming sound similar to how a siren would, so Morgie would relax enough to fall asleep.
- two days later, Monday 8:40 am. -
The entire VK group was hanging out in the courtyard, Uliana was sorting their plan, while the other four played cards, but Morgie's focused wasn't exactly on the card game, instead his eyes periodically traveled to across the courtyard where a certain fairy was sat with her nose in a book sometimes waving her wand that'd do absolutely nothing.
Hades snapped his fingers infront of Morgie's face and said. "It's your turn."
Morgie let out a shaky breath before throwing a random card. It wasn't looking great for him anyway, so what was the point of trying when he had more dire problems going on right now.
Hades squinted his eyes at him, but let the game go on, not questioning what was going on with the Serpentine, but before he could think about it any longer, Maleficent slammed her hand down and took all the cards from the middle.
"Another point for Mali?" .Hook asked as he picked the pen up and tallied up the score, unaware of what was going on around him as Hades whispered something to Maleficent, whose eyes traveled to Morgie, but his attention was gained when he felt a sharp kick to his shin, and he let out a loud yelp. "That hurt. What was that for ya bilge rat?"
Hook glared at the sorceress across from him, Maleficent got up and led Hook away from where Hades and Morgie were restarting the game and said. "Haven't you noticed some things up with him?"
Hook looked back and forth from Maleficent to Morgie. Before shrugging, he felt a light tap on his chest as Maleficent gave him a pointed look before walking off back to the table, as Hook let out a soft sigh seeing as he'd be the one to figure out what was going on with his friend.
He stalked his way back over he gently grabbed Morgie by his shoulder and led him away from the courtyard and near an old corridor, close enough to see their crew, but not close enough to hear what was going on.
"Alright, bucko, what's been going on? You've been hanging the jib all day, matey?" .Hook said as he looked at his friend, wondering what could possibly being going on with him to make him so gloomy, compared to his usual upbeat self.
Morgie let out a soft sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair and leaned back against the wall with crossed arms while nervously bouncing his leg.
James, taking in how nervous the other guy was, backed a little away in case he felt claustrophobic and said. "Ay, it's alright me hearty, take your time it can't be that bad as plundering or sinking ships for a living?"
He tried to be light-hearted to try and calm Morgie, who shook his head in response.
Morgie had no clue how he could possibly tell his friend that he held feelings for not only him but his girlfriend, the same one he told Hook to be careful with so they wouldn't get caught, he let out a shaky breath, as he tried to regain composer and control of the situation, he combed his hand through his hair and blurted out. "It's about Fay, alright, I think I- I'm not sure, actually."
James eyes widened a bit, and his mouth tightened a little, but he listened on to what the Serpentine had to say. "But it's not just Fay, it's everything. it's you, her, and I don't understand, i thought I did, but I clearly don't at all."
Morgie sighed as he tried to come up with a way to tell the pirate what was going on, but he'd much rather have the floor open beneath him and suck him into the void the more he went on, he started to adjust his shirt, before he continued. "Look, I'm not trying to get in the way of you and Fay, but you needed to know how I feel for both of you it doesn't feel right not telling you as my friend."
He managed to get out before staring at Hook, who was processing what he'd been told with crossed arms as he nodded before approaching Morgie, who was nervously looking at him, James gently grabbed his shoulder.
"How about we figure things out with Fay present, mate?" .Hook waited for Morgie to give an indication that he wanted to, as he watched Morgie look at the ground and cross his arms over his chest before stepping away from the pirate and said. "The last thing I want is for you two to have problems."
James furrows his brows at him before letting out a slow whistle, as he said. "Nothing gonna change. Well, some things will, hopefully, but nothing bad will change, bucko."
James put his arm around Morgie's shoulder and further explained. "Fay's going through something a little similar at the moment, poor wee faes, you'd be surprised by how similar you both are."
After a while of mentally preparing, James led Morgie when he was ready back to the courtyard, but not where the VK's were, but over where Fay was at with her book and wand, being wove around, but nothing happening as she said. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo?"
They watched as she glared at the book before waving her around around and repeating. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo."
Her wand sparkled, but it was becoming clear what she hoped to happen wasn't going to as the book disappeared in thin air, with her mouth falling open and dropping her wand as she look to her hands in shock.
James smiled as he waved his hand in front of the shocked fairy's face, who slowly looked up at him, and Morgie still wearing a look of confusion as she still wondered what happened to the book.
"Y- yes?" .She nervously said while still processing that she had just made her homework vanish, her dark eyes moved from James to Morgie, and back again, as she nervously fiddled with the hem of her skirt.
"Ahoy! Me Corsair, you see Morgie here was thinking of telling you something."
Fay looked at her lap before slowly looking up to Morgie, who gulped loudly as he looked between the two before taking a step closer to Fay and gently helping her stand up.
He pursed his lips as he stared at the nervous fairy who glanced behind him before looking back up at him as he said. "Look, I know we don't- well, it's all strange really, I don't know when or how it happened, but."
Morgie struggled to find the words to tell the fae in front of him who stared up at him as he fumbled to confess to her.
Fau watched him patiently as she was unsure of what he was about to say, but there was a part of her that knew what he was gonna say, as he continued. "For a while now, I've begun to see you differently. You used to be the nerdy fairy who couldn't use her wand, but then I don't know, you always seem so hopeful no matter how upset you get when you don't get it right the first dozen times, yet you never stop trying."
Morgie rambled on about randomly little facts about her he'd noticed over time before looking down at her and nervously looking away when their eyes met.
Fay nodded as he went on, and on about random things she'd do, her love for blueberry pie, how excited she'd get if her wand would finally decide to work, the way she smiled, or how the gleam in her eyes was ever so familiar a gleam.
"I guess what I want to say is- well, you know, I like you, Fay Godmother." .It felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders the moment he got it out, but then a new fear arouse as he waited for Fay's reaction to his confession.
Fay's eyes widened at the sudden confession as she looked up at the Serpentine, whose eyes slitted a bit as he stared at her, Fay nodded as she let a small smile grace her face.
Behind Morgie, they could hear a soft wolf whistle before Morgie was playfully shoved forward and sent flying into Fay.
The two tumbled into each other, Morgie slipped one arm around Fay's waist while the other braced against the picnic table behind her to keep them from falling onto it, when he opened his eyes he realized just how close they were as their noses brushed against one another's.
They both gave a soft chuckle to each before before Morgie lifted them back into a standing position.
Hook finally made his way over and drapped his arms around their shoulders as he smiled at the two deviously and said, "So how bout we give this a wee try, me hearties?"
The two nodded bashfully as the pirate gave a hearty laugh at the two's reactions to his suggestion, after a while of clearing some things up and three planned a time to spend time together soon, so finally after a long few days of questioning everything Morgie laid in bed feeling content at where his life was at the moment.
I want to give a special thank you to @skellseerwriting and @brokenmilkcrates for giving me so much help with setting up queer relationships and queer discovery, so go show them some much love and support!
Another special thank you to @giveityourworst for helping me create the MFH ship and becoming my co-founder go show them some love as well!
I hope you've enjoyed it, and if you want to be on the tag list, just put mail in the mailbox!
Tag list: @giveityourworst and @brokenmilkcrates!
Anyway till the next story! Ba bye!
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saturnisaroace · 1 month
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📸 disneydescendants on IG
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
hii can you do morgie/ hook (seperate) and the reader is like a goody two shoes and like really shy and they notice her because shes friends with ella and bridget
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Morgie le Fay’s head perked up much like that of a dog’s upon noting the third person trailing being Bridget and Ella; you.
A Shy goody two shoes with no voice to speak of, mouse like more then just name but in mannerisms and personality and more, but despite all of this and barely even knowing your name Morgie was finding himself more and more intrigued as he watched you cross the courtyard with your head held down from where he stood.
Morgie knew where his loyalties lie but his heart was in search for someone else whose words of validation, encroachment and praise were as genuine and as sweet as your shy nature. His mother -Morgana Le Fay- wasn’t always there and could be often times be forgetful that he was her actual son, rather than someone she could just blame for all her misdeeds and mistakes in magic and life alike; Much like all villainous parents who walked through life without much of a comfort in their own devious lives, their actions are as inexcusable as their own parental style was.
You could feel his eyes pierce their stare into your head as you quickly glanced at him before becoming flustered upon seeing him smile at you as you ducked your head even further down, much to Bridget’s and Ella’s concern. Morgie felt like he could watch you for days on end and never grow bored, he wondered what your voice would sound like, your laugh, your expressive eyes and so much more to the point that he hasn’t realised that Hook had caught him in the act.
‘The shy ones caught your eye have they?’ Hook asks.
‘What? No. More like bothering me with their…quietness.’ Morgie tried to cover up but failed miserably upon seeing Hook’s unchanged expression as he crossed his arms over his chest. Morgie visibly deflates when he knows the gig was up for him.
‘Okay so maybe I was looking at them,’ Morgie admits but was quick to rectify himself when he saw Hook’s brow being to raise, ‘but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I like them. I was just…looking. Nothing more nothing less.’ He adds in a halfhearted laugh that quickly died in his throat shortly afterwards.
‘I’ve got nothing against you being with them Morgie,’ Hook begins, ‘but you know I can’t say the same for the others.’ He adds as he glances at you before looking back at his friend who had his feelings evident within his expressive hazel eyes. ‘So tread carefully if you are to follow that big old heart of yours. After all I can only act like I didn’t see anything for so long.’ Hook concluded as he pats Morgie on the shoulder twice encouragingly before leaving his friend to keep staring at you like an infatuated fool.
‘I will.’ Morgie says to himself as he finds himself filled with a new found determination.
Didn’t take long to notice your shy demeanour from where he stood in the academy’s vast garden. He has seen you in the company of Ella and Bridget on more than one unpleasant occasion, but here you were in the company of only yourself on a stone bench amidst flowers in full bloom.
You looked picturesque in that moment like a renaissance painting crafted by the most skilful pair of hands in existence. However he wasn’t one to speak this thought aloud to anyone, founding himself more content with withholding such a thought in his chest until he died.
You were quite as a mouse, shy as a one too as you often hide yourself in the background to avoid being seen but James always managed to seek you out without issue, something he saw as an problem considering who you were friends with and the crew whom he held his loyalty towards; he remembers how often you avoid confrontation with him as you’d always side step him when he got too close or even evaded being in the same room as him all the while ducking your head and holding your books close to your chest that they might as well mould into your very skin.
However with neither of your friends in sight hook decided to forgo everything and seat himself next to you just as you closed the book you had took out from the library, holding it close to your chest as he had expected of you to do.
‘All alone are you little mouse?’ Hook asks rhetorically as he smirks at your wide eyed expression. ‘Your friends ran off elsewhere then to be with you have they?’
‘Well I don’t see yours nearby either.’ You said softly as you found yourself easily entranced by his eyes, his hair, right down to his cocky smirk. It wouldn’t have been too bad falling for him had he not been a villain, however live makes things difficult to navigate when you’ve been told how to view things by the adults in your life, rather then allow you to formulate your own opinions.
Hook raised his brow in surprise at your quip, he wasn’t expecting someone as meek as you to have held back such a sharp tongue this entire time. ‘Struck a never did I?’ He says as he leans in closer to you, watching as you leaned away from him but only by so much before you’d fall off the stone bench completely, what you didn’t know was that hook wouldn’t let you fall but wouldn’t let you in on that until it was called for.
‘No, i just know you shouldn’t be seen with a goofy two shoes like me, it’ll ruin your standing in your own group.’ You tell him with slightly more confidence in your own voice but still being shy in meeting his observant eyes, trying to remember everything that Bridget and Ella have told you and start standing your ground.
‘And you think you wouldn’t be crucified by your own friends for being seen with me either?’ Hook replied as you both looked at each other in silence, knowing that both of you were right but didn’t want to agree to saying such a ridiculous thing. Yes your friends would throughly question you on why he was so close to you as would his own, but in this moment that didn’t matter as you continued to stare the other down as conflicting feelings clashed within yourselves.
‘Perhaps,’ you began shyly as you were the first to look away from hook and down at your lap, all the while hook kept his eyes firmly on you and you only, drinking you all in while he could, memorising everything about you and keeping it locked within his heart. ‘But at least mine would be more understanding and see reason.’ You add as you got the courage to stand up from the bench and inside the academy, leaving hook to mull over what just happened and sigh as he remembers what Morgie told him earlier.
‘You look at them with the most adoring gaze while yet cursing out their name and everything they stand for, you hate to like them but like them too much to actually hate them.’
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supercap2319 · 1 month
Chloe: "Are Hook and Morgie, you know....gay for each other?"
Y/N: "They are. But so is your mom and Bridget."
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EEEEEEven more incorrect quotes! Merlin Academy Gang! AND MORE. Kinda long? Idk
(and ships)
Hook: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Uliana: It's Hades's turn.
Hades: Don't die.
Uliana, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
(so beautiful 😭 I don't know how to explain, but this is canon now)
Maleficent : Now it's time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first.
Fay: *sobbing*
Maleficent : Look, I'm not sure where to go with that.
(She's used to her and Hades banter and fights. Fay still needs to get used to that)
Fay: What the hell is wrong with you?
Hades: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
(mm. Yeah.)
Hook: Goodnight to the love of my life, Morgie, and fuck the rest of y'all.
(just a normal day)
Morgie: *is throwing stones at Ella's window*
Ella: You have a phone for a reason, Morgie!
(Love my little chaos goblin. He absolutely knew what he was doing)
Ella: Hey, I was wondering, have any of you guys ever seen Morgie’s bedroom?
Bridget: No, they refuse to let any of us visit. You know what that means.
Maleficent, nodding: Dungeon.
Hades, nodding: Rich.
Uliana , nodding: Homeless.
Ella, nodding: Secretly in the mafia.
Bridget: What? No, I meant they’re messy. What the hell is wrong with all of you?
(Hook not being there because he's in Morgie's bedroom right now. they are cuddling)
Ella: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Bridget.
Fay: You just said it again.
Ella: I am not a role model.
(don't worry Ella. She knows worse. She just doesn't use them)
Bridget: Accidentally indulged in too much ‘free time’, turns out I’ve been reported missing for over six months and presumed dead by most local and national authorities.
(once she went back to wonderland and didn't text anyone anything. Just sulking in her feelings for Ella)
Hades: How do you do that?
Charming: I'm fearless.
Hook: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad.
Charming: I'm mostly fearless.
(Mhm. But fair)
Bridget, on the phone: I better go…kay, call me later… byeeee!
Hook: Friend of Yours?
Bridget: Nope, wrong number.
Hook: ???
(Hey. She's not gonna pass on making new friends 🤷)
(add some glassheart)
Chloe: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along?
Red: What did you just say-
Chloe: Foetons! *Laughs*
Red: Wh-what?
(love how Red is just confused. Chloe making puns/dad jokes. Canon, actually)
Ella: Please pray for Chloe.
Bridget: What happened to them?
Ella: Nothing, they’re just very stupid.
(not her own mother saying that (he doesn't know tho lol). But honestly that's after the vase incident.)
Red: Chloe, you're my best friend.
Chloe: Best friend? BEST friend?! Bitch, I'm your only friend.
(oop- true)
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Morgie/Fay: Would never stab anyone.
Ella/Charming: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Hook/Maleficent: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Hades: Would stab without warning.
Uliana/Bridget: Would stab as a warning.
(I wanted to put Bridget in the last one lol. Like if someone went too far and hurt one of her friends she'd be like *stab* don't do it again or next time it will be worse)
Uliana: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Bridget: Those are wanted posters!
(yeah. Still)
Maleficent: *looks at Hades*
Maleficent: Baby boy. Bad Boy.
Maleficent: *looks at Fay*
Maleficent: goody two shoes
(changed it a bit lol. Also Me just randomly shipped Maleficent and Fay because gay. Just a crack ship lol)
Red: I got an idea!
Chloe: Does it involve breaking the law?
Red: By now don’t you think that’s a given?
Chloe: I was just trying to be optimistic.
Red: Don’t bother.
Chloe: You're not my friend anymore.
Red: I was your friend?
(Red. You just called her your best friend a few seconds ago! She's just trying to play it cool. She's screaming on the inside.)
Red: Sometimes I talk to myself for no reason.
Red: Me too!
(oh no. She's mad. PSST. I HAVE THREE ACCOUNTS ON DISCORD AND ACTED LIKE TWO OF THEM WEREN'T ME. I HAD CONVERSATIONS WITH MYSELF, BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WAS ONLINE AND I WAS BORED 😭 I was very invested in my own dramas that I created. It also started with only two accounts 🫠)
Queen of Hearts, to Red: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Red: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Queen of Hearts: You just told me you're pregnant.
Maddox: Congratulations Red, you're glowing!
(Red can speak Italian and Spanish and also has a hidden British accent. There, my new headcanon)
(a little surprise)
Mal, staring lovingly at Evie: I would die for you.
Evie, doing their own thing: Then perish.
(Mal, you know not to interrupt Evie while she's working)
Mal: As a responsible adult-
Evie: *chuckles*
Mal: … As a responsible adult—
(Eeeviee, don't do Mal dirty like that. Even if you aren't wrong)
Evie: What do I get?
Mal: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Evie: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Mal: It won't be you.
Evie: I'll get my coat.
(what are they planning o~o)
Cinderella: What’s your greatest weakness?
Red: Interpreting the semantics of a question, but ignoring the pragmatics.
Cinderella: Could you give an example?
Red: Yes, I could.
(why does it feel relatable even tho I don't remember actually having done that)
Red: I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.
Chloe: Ok.
Red: Wait, why such a muted reaction? Did that not sound cool?
(Same Red, same Qvq)
Red, digging their grave: Long story short, this is ma grave.......Want me to make you one too?
(Omg Hunter! Is that you? ✨ love the owl house 😭😭😭. This is making me think Red fucked up a mission from her Mom. Like Hunter did.)
Red: I’m going to get so much done today.
Queen of Hearts: I’ll hold you to that.
*8 hours later*
Queen of Hearts: So how much did you get done?
Red: One thing.
Queen of Hearts:
Queen of Hearts: Well, that’s one more than usual.
(QvQ me TvT)
Mal, at Evie: You're my significant other.
Evie: Yeah I am!
Mal, at Celia: You're my child.
Celia: Yes boss.
Mal, at Uma: You're my bitch.
Uma: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Mal, at Carlos: My bestie.
Carlos: Naturally.
Mal, Jay: HA, GAY!
Jay: Fuck you.
(Jay x Gil 🤸)
Chloe: Wow! Celia made you cry?
Red, holding back tears: Yes, and they said some really mean things that are only partly true.
(Daaamn. She can do that tho. Wow fr)
*at an awards show*
Chloe: Can I carry you on my back like Mal did?
Red: I don't think Evie would like that.
Chloe: *pouts*
Chloe: *carrying Red on their back*
Evie: What the hell??
Red: What was I supposed to do? Say no?
(Evie was panicking over Chloe's suit/dress because she made it for her. Do not ruin her designs. She will not take responsibility for what happens after that)
This was gonna be longer but I shall post it now anyway.
Hope you liked it.
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faceless1bastard · 1 month
Uliana: Go to hell! Hades: Where do you think I come from?
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perfect-revenge · 18 days
彡 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 . . . .ᐟ ⭑
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♡ — constantly tired means constant naps .ᐟ ♯. ft the fearful five ⌇
♡ — content : gender neutral reader, based on the fact I’m a very sleepy person lol, fluff, pre-established relationships, separate villains x reader !
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⭑ ♯┆ULIANA .ᐟ
Uliana walked down the academy halls, she was a woman on a mission. Students moved out of her way, either you moved or Uliana would move you. No one wanted to piss off the Sea Witch, especially since she already looked annoyed.
The Sea Witch starts opening doors and moving curtains, like she was looking for something. Opening the door of one of the classrooms, she finally found what she was looking for, or more like who.
At your desk, you were sitting. Your arms were crossed on the desk, your head resting on them as you slept. Ulianas posture relaxed as she let out a sigh of relief at finally finding you. Of course you had fallen asleep at your last class, you were constantly sleepy all the time.
She walks over to your sleeping figure. You looked so peaceful that Uliana would’ve left you sleeping if it weren’t for the fact that your current napping spot was an empty classroom.
Gently shaking your shoulder, Uliana smiled softly as you woke up. You always looked so pretty to her when you did anything. Kissing your forehead, she spoke with a gentle tone “C’mon. You can sleep in my dorm.”
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James walked through the deck of his ship, yelling orders to his crew. Uliana might’ve been the group's leader at school, but in his ship? That’s where he ruled. No one taught twice before doing as he said. If he said jump, the crew would only ask how high.
Looking around the working crew, James furrowed his brows as he didn’t spot the familiar look of his partner. He grabbed the shoulder of a random crew member, stopping them in their tracks.
“Where’s Y/N?” He was still looking around, not even paying attention to the crew member he had stopped.
“I, uh, I don’t know captain.” The crew member replied nervously. The Captain sometimes got cranky if his partner wasn’t with him for long, so the fact he didn’t know where they were only made them scared over how the Captain would act the whole day.
Letting out a huff of annoyance, James let the member go with a wave of his hook. If you weren’t on deck with him that means you were below. Walking down the kitchen he skimmed it over before going back up, down to the crew's cabins he did the same before going back up. No luck. Only one place left.
Going to his quarters, James opened the door slowly and peaked in. He opened it fully and walked in when he didn’t immediately see you. Seeing a lump on his bed, he chuckled as he walked up to your sleeping form.
Sitting on the side of the bed, James pulled the blanket down from your face. He gently patted your head with a smile. Leaning down, he kissed your temple and whispered in your ear.
“Time to get up, love.” He heard you mumbling something before you moved your head, seemingly trying to dig your head deeper into the pillows.
“Five more minutes.” You muttered, making him let out a laugh. “Alright, alright. Five more minutes.”
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You were sitting on your bed, back against the bed's headboard. Morgie laid his head on your lap, enjoying how you scratched his scalp as you played with his hair. It wasn’t uncommon for you two to lay like this on days where you either had no plans nor were following Uliana around terrorizing classmates.
Today was one of those days with no plans. The day had felt even longer than it should have for some reason and you were so glad it had ended, and that you could finally have some quality time with your boyfriend.
A minute passed before Morgie raised his head from your lap to look at you. Your hand had slowed down and halted on its motion. Looking at your face, he could see your eyes were closed now and your body relaxed. You had fallen asleep while sitting up and scratching at his head.
Chuckling, Morgie moved your body down to lay on the bed instead. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close as he closed his eyes to join you on your nap.
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⭑ ♯┆HADES .ᐟ
Ulianas rambling had stopped making sense to you a while ago. There’s a vague memory about it being about Bridget and how “pathetic” she was for “bribing” people into liking her with the sweet treats. You already had some theories on where the Sea Witches hatred had come from, raging from crush in denial to severe mommy issues. Regardless, her rants had been rather boring and repetitive.
Hades sat by your side, one hand playing with his flames and the other on your thigh. He was also bored out of his mind of the constant ranting so he had stopped paying attention as well. The hand he had on your thigh was slowly massaging it. It reminded you of how cats would make biscuits on their owners, which made you chuckle.
His focus on his flame broke at the sound of you chuckling, making him turn his head to look at you with an eyebrow raised. You simply gave him a tired smile, resting your head on his shoulder. Grabbing his hand, you laced your fingers together and played with it. Hades smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head, going back to playing with his flames.
Finally, after a lot of talking (seriously, how strong is someone’s hatred that they can talk badly about them for so long?) Uliana decided the other villains could do whatever they’d like. Hades waited for you to move before he did, but you stayed still. Looking down at you, he could see that you’d fallen asleep on him.
Chuckling, Hades rubbed the back of your palm with his thumb. His unoccupied hand went to your shoulder and gently shaked it as he whispered in your ear.
“C’mon baby, time to go.” He watched with a smile as you let out a groan and rubbed at your eye. He stood up and grabbed your hand, pulling you up to lead you to rest on your dorm together.
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Maleficent walked around a store that was run by three witch sisters. If anyone saw her, they’d say she looked like a child during Christmas. She wanted to search the thing from top to bottom, no shelf or case being left unseen by the fae.
You had found the store randomly in one of your walks. It had been somewhat tucked away down an alleyway. Your first thought had been to bring the fae to the store as it had many things that you thought would interest her.
Now you sat on a cushioned bench watching her explore the store. You could feel your eyes desperately trying to close while you forced them open. You really wanted to stay awake and look at your girlfriend's rare moment of expressing her excitement and joy, but the tiredness was really getting to you. Closing your eyes for a moment wouldn’t hurt, right?
Maleficent took the bag from the blonde witch and turned to you, only to find your head slumped down and your arms crossed. She rolled her eyes— of course you fell asleep, you always did. Walking to you, she looked at your peaceful face for a minute, a smile on her face. But she quickly forced her face to look stern, to not be seen as soft, as she poked your shoulder till you woke up. Her eyes had a glimpse of mischief,“C’mon, I’m done here. Let’s use these.”
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minzart · 1 month
Blazing eyes
Maleficent x Reader(GN) x Hades . ROR-VKs & You
“professor-” he slams the door close, leaving you alone… you naturally louch yourself to the door and try to pry it open, sadly it won't budge “cursed old fucking man -OPEN! ABRACADABRA! PRESTO! BIBIDBOBIDIBO! COMONNNNNN BITCH-”
“poor thing has lost it” Hook whispers.
“we haven't tried bitch as a pass wold tho” Morgie added in “didn't work, but it would have been so funny if it did”
“alright alright alright” Uliana gets up from her seat “calm down, we don't bite”
“much” Hades adds and seconds later Maleficent hits his head firmly.
Or... how you got recruited as a new VK and the drama that comes with being friends (and for some more) of the young villains
In a world of princesses, princes, knights, evil fairies and gods you were neither, perhaps one could say you were even less, a commoner, a plebeian with the most average sprinkle of magic yet to set foot in Merlin Academy again. Never a stand out and when your voice was heard it was almost as if the room could swallow it whole for how little it mattered in the grand scheme of things.
What would you be when you graduated? A tug? A squire? Perhaps if lucky an advisor or even a right hand confidant of a big name hero or villain. Maybe just a normal baker, who's to say, after all, the unremarkable have their own gift, destiny, profecies and duty wasn't yours to claim after all, so your life is yours and yours alone to mold, change, waste, thrive and live.
But oh that doesn't mean you can't impact lives, no, rather the opposite, you can be the last straw or the first domino that will never see the finish line but will be remembered as fondly and bitterly as the eyes that saw you last.
And our story starts not by your eyes, but by hers, a young fary sits bored out of her mind in a perfect, dreadful, evening at detention with the fools she calls… allies…. Yes, that felt… correct enough, and with the infant God she could only denominated as a passing interest at best, a boyfriend at worst.
Morgie, being the little snake that he is, can't keep still and out of the woods for long before he starts budging the magical reinforced windows, she won't blame him, after all she herself did the same thing some months ago and now the windows have a reflective spell to “keep students safe”, as if they didn't threw out weaklings out of those even before her… “sneeze incident”, as if she could even make mistakes, that was a purposeful fire breaking breath right into the window's direction and not because Uliana's cologne was too strong that day, absolutely preposterous of principal Merlin to spread that ridiculous rumor about her, she had to curse twice the students to shut their giggles that week all because of that pompous old man.
James had given up cheering for Morgie and now laid back, boots staining the desk shining his golden rook and by his pout being extremely disappointed in his eyeliner not being as sharp as it was 20 minutes ago.
“Uliana~” he called, a melodic tune echoing in the almost empty classroom “dear, scariest witch of the sea, seafoam of my dreams”
“call me that one more time and I'll give your other hand to tictoc as a gift asshole” the leader of this little band of mischief smirked, pointing her little switchblade at him, she sat at the teacher's desk, marking one more tally to their monthly visit and, before being interrupted, curiously checking to see if new marks were made by new potential allies “what do you want?”
“do you have that miraculous eyeliner in you again? I think I missed a spot” the young sea witch rolls her eyes in amusement and one single tentacle leaves her back, the black tube almost reaching Hook's good hand, then it doubled back and threw it in his bad hand's direction, the boy caugh it without much fuss and dangled it in her direction, wiggling his eyebrows in victory.
“much thanks beauty”
“your parents should have named you Narcissus”
“and you should try being a pitcher to this years baseball team”
“you would be too good for them tho” the young God spoke from behind the black fary, playfully passing the same blue flame around his fingers “I saw Jame's fumble a bit this time”
“I didn't fumble anything!”
“yes you did”
“did not”
“did too”
The door of the class is slammed open by what Maleficent can smell is the dire's magic, his voice getting closer and closer, Uliana decides to move to the closest chair, not interested in prolonging the tedious lesson with an extra 15 minutes of more lecture.
“I'm again so thankful you could come dear” Merlin's voice echoed inside “it's so hard to find generous students like yourself, always ready to help the ones with the most difficulty”
All teens roll their eyes and look at each other's direction just to confirm that they weren't just hallucinating the most basic and fakest sweet talk to ever exist, and by all means they did experience each “baby's first manipulation” attempt, and they were not as fake sounding as his.
“you are too kind professor” the nervous little laugh gave away whoever they were wasn't as ingenious as half this school seemed to be ”I did say i wanted to try everything once at least in my years resolution papers, and I mean it”
“such admirable dedication to academics I sure hope you pass a little bit of that for this… study… group” the hesitation in Marlin's voice made Morgie snort and fall to the ground, wich made Hook tremble and poke his own eye, which prompted him to swing his hook in ager back, ready to curse the son of Morgana, but his hook went flying off its place hitting Hades’ foot, making the God scream in pain, losing control of the little flame that hit the teacher's desk making if catch fire so bright it flames so wild that a stray one reaches Uliana's pants.
It is in that moment that you and professor Merlin walk in the class, the VKs growling and cursing at each other in the middle of chaos. The professor calmly puts the fire out, as does Uliana, Hook grabs his hook back, Morgie scrambles to go back to his seat, Hades takes a deep breath, hair turning back to it's blue hue and Maleficent holds the biggest ugly laugh she can fell boiling from the deeps of her core.
Your eyes travel slowly through the most infamous trouble makers of this school, from Uliana's defiance, to Hook's flirtatious, Morgie's mischievous, Hades’ unimpressed and Maleficent's cold stare. Taking a deep breath and clenching your bag you turn 180 degrees and start marching out of class, professor Merlin was not so happy with your attitude since he decided to grab your shoulders firmly and smoothly turn you back around.
“today class, a very generous classmate offered to help me supervise you all” Merlin smiles “which is just so great because I'm need for a very important meeting and am already-”
And in that moment you made the biggest mistake you could have made that day, you defied the authority figure right in front of the punks wannabes of Merlin Academy “absolutely not” you dance around his grasp and just didn't bolt out right in that instance because the old man was blocking your path.
“now now” your name falls from his lips as if he's talking to a child “I know you have the good it takes to help those unfortunate individuals”
“I don't have shit!” you could feel all eyes turning to you, the class has your attention.
“language child!”
“I could teach math and potions and curses and counter curses to anyone, but being responsible for a whole class that will harass me to death if I don't let them out was not in our agreement sir“ you try to dance around the sorcerer again.
“watch your tone, those are very heavy accusations”
“yes we would never do something like that” Uliana puts more log to this blazing circus as Morgie tries to hide better the straw and paper balls he just finished doing in broad daylight for all to see.
Merlin cleans his throat, bringing attention back to him as he side eyes the girl “as I was saying, it will only be for some minutes! I'll be back as soon as possible” the headmaster starts to get out of the door still facing the class “I'm sure you can handle them”
“professor-” he slams the door close, leaving you alone… you naturally louch yourself to the door and try to pry it open, sadly it won't budge “cursed old fucking man -OPEN! ABRACADABRA! PRESTO! BIBIDBOBIDIBO! COMONNNNNN BITCH-”
“poor thing has lost it” Hook whispers.
“we haven't tried bitch as a pass wold tho” Morgie added in “didn't work, but it would have been so funny if it did”
“alright alright alright” Uliana gets up from her seat “calm down, we don't bite”
“much” Hades adds and seconds later Maleficent hits his head firmly.
“we can be civil see” she shows her gang, all… sitting in various degrees of proper but sitting still nonetheless “now what's you name? I didn't catch it seeing some so…”
She looks you up and down, judging from you clothes to your hair to your posture, her month forms a thin line as she thinks in how to describe you ”comum, sticking it to that old man was kinda impressive”
You rest your head in the door, a defeated sigh leaves your lips with your name in it, Uliana tests it a few times and sits in the closest table “you don't happen to have famous parents do you?”
“take a guess” you mumble, choosing to sit down and accept your fate.
“that explains why I don't remember seeing you around here”
“we are in the same classes…”
“I skip those, anyways, so the headmaster is in a meeting? Do you know what class it’s happening in? ”
“why would I know?”
“You two just seemed so close y'know” You roll your eyes, a headache already forming inside your head.
“he got my name wrong but sure whatever makes my life easier, did any of you try breaking the windows?”
“Morgie dear was just about to start biting them” an offended “hey” can be heard in the background as the boy momentarily stops gossiping with his friend.
“do you know if it's a spell? A charm? A ward? We need to get going and I think you would be happy with us gonne too”
“it could be a potion for all that i know”
“you are quite useless aren't you?” her eyes lock with yours, daring you to fight back… you double down.
“you have no idea” you raise your chin and summon your biggest smile “a snail is more useful than I!”
You immediately let your facade down, head resting between your closed arms “just leave me be and continue doing whatever it is that you do”
The girl grins in amusement “aren't you spunky, color me impressed” she gets out of your table and lowers herself to your eye level “I see some potential, we could be friends, what do you say?”
“...” for a moment, the young sea witch thinks “hook, line, and sinker” but her expectations are shattered as you point behind her and says “your rescue has arrived”
Turning around she sees her little group of misfits, the ones that were still out there one stacked on top of the other, curse book in hand, they wave excitedly to her and signal for all to move out of the way.
Hades immediately gets up pulling Maleficent with him, and a blast breaks the glass “it wasn't supposed to shatter it!” The caster panics, making their little tower lose balance and fall, hopefully they weren't hurt too badly.
Uliana sighs annoyed, but moves to the window anyway “out we go then! Don't think I forgot about you, I'll be keeping a close eye, and if you change your mind, you can find us it's not that hard” she looks at you as her four tentacles graciously take her down and out of detention.
Hook winks at your direction and jumps out “pleasure meeting you sweet, sorry we couldn't talk longer schemes to make, pranks to pull you know the drill”
“bye!” Morgie waves at you as he also jumps out.
Hades moves to leave, a half wave at your direction as he waits for the horned fae take his hand, Maleficent looks at you up and down, he eyes lock with yours, they glow a neon green and you feel as there are eyes everywhere “see you around”
At least it's only you, the shattered window and deep feeling of dread creeping in your back.
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
Hello!! I saw you have a groups option on your descendants masterlist and was wondering I'd you'd write something for the Descendants 4 vks, maybe one where reader is a hero kid and a detention monitor that somehow ends up making (slight) friends with them? I hope I explained that well and no worries if you can't do it, thank you! Have a nice day :))
oooo okay okay! I can definitely try for you 🫶🫶 ; sorry this is so short, I just didn't have any ideas lol ; thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy!!
FEARFUL FIVE ; detention
summary ; youre an AK and a detention monitor, and make friends (kind of) with a group of vks
warnings ; language
word count ; 488
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The VK's landed themselves in detention after attempting to steal the forbidden recipe book, which was expected to you, unexpected to them. You sit in the library, watching over them as they quietly chatter amongst themselves. You couldn't care less about what they did, as long as they were sat in their seats and behaving, you'd be happily enjoying your book.
"They're kind of cute" Hook whispers to Morgie.
Morgie shrugs. Uliana behind them leans forward. "They're an AK, shut your trap"
Hook shrugs, leaning back in his chair.
You glance up from your book, the obnoxious whispering getting on your nerves. "Please, just.. talk like normal people. The whispering is annoying as hell."
Hades and Maleficent snicker.
"Sorry!" Hook flatly replies. He looks to Morgie, the two sharing an eyeroll.
You turn back down to your book, feet resting on the desk in front of you.
"Whatcha reading?" Morgie asks, leaning forward.
You look up, not moving your head. "It's a little thing on magic, spells, and sorcery," you reply.
Uliana, Morgie, and Hook share looks. Meanwhile, Maleficent files her claws for nails while Hades paints his fingernails black with nail polish at the table beside Uliana.
"What kind of magic, spells, and sorcery?" Uliana asks, intrigued.
You shrug. "Like love spells, earworm spells, dumb stuff. I'm looking it over for a test"
"Are there any spells that could... maybe cause people harm?" She continues
You shrug, looking up at her. "Not in here, nor in any book in this library. Any books with 'dangerous' spells or magic in general are restricted"
The trio whisper amongst themselves before Hook slightly slaps Morgie's shoulder.
"Ehm-" Hook speaks. "Where are those books residing at, then?"
"Merlin's office," you answer. "There's a solid wall filled floor to ceiling in books. Such a shame, even if there's only one bad part, it has to be restricted"
"Yeah... how sad," Hook flatly replies, looking up at the clock, reading 3:59.
"So... if someone were to try and get access to those books?.." Uliana leads on
"I shouldn't really be giving away information on this, especially to VKs..."
Morgie quickly puts on his puppy dog eyes. "You know... not all VKs are that bad. We're just adventurous and curious, and people think we're evil because we accidentally do bad things"
Hook rolls his eyes, finding the gaslighting kind of not fun at all.
"Can you please tell us?" He continues. "We'll be your friends for life."
You sigh, your heart quickly falling for Morgie's lies. "Well, you'd have to sneak into his office, and some books have special magic locks on them, so you'd have to break through them. You could probably use some simple little spell, or probably melt them for that matter. I dunno for sure-"
"Alright, well, we're out of here. Thanks for all your help." Hook smiles
You watch as the group collect themselves before walking toward the nearest exit.
"Uh, yeah. Bye..."
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that-fruitier-emo · 2 months
Okay okay okay
So like
Thanks to @gayfandomnerd225 for pointing out the inconsistencies in the descendants universe.
So like
Main characters obviously Hook and Morgie cause
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Gay pirate dad hype men
But so basically, it'll take place when Hook is around probably 19-20. In this, James Hook comes from this line of pirates. So this takes place when he gets his own ship and own crew. (Before the events of Peter Pan)
[There was this TikToker who analyzed Hook's outfit and said he's a modest rich kid so I'm rolling with that]
His probably father gives him an adequate amount of money to start off his journeys overseas, and the pre-established Hook legacy to count on. And during this he'll meet other Disney villains and whatnot.
[Ex. Ursula, an such.]
But then suddenly one day this boy {Morgie} appears in his cabin, sort of on the run. Like, bro straight up appears into the captains cabin.
Morgie being on the run from Merlin, because his mom is Merlin's sworn enemy that means he's bound to have all of Camelot up his ass. So he's laying low, but living up to his name, he's a very powerful sorcerer and offers to help Hook if Hook gives him his word he won't be turned over to Merlin.
And at first their relationship is purely platonic and transactional, they grow much closer to each other. Especially because Morgie can only talk to hook in secluded parts of the ship like his quarters, so Morgie primarily lives in the captains quarters with Hook.
[Morgie does test his limits and appear to hook in different spots around the ship, probably talks to him throw a puddle of water at some point]
Then for the big climax
Merlin finds out what Morgie is doing, and comes after him. Hook doesn't like that because they both know they genuinely love each other. Then he helps Morgie out of that, probably by putting some sort of enchantment on Merlin. [To explain why he's so scatterbrained]
After dealing with Merlin the dudes are paranoid as fuck, and they're like, "We genuinely care about each other, were at least going to come out and state to the crew that we are dating" (courting I think it would be back then) but also informing the crew of the existence of Morgie.
They get this feral ship cat to catch mice, because Morgie originally just did a lot of that in one of his animal forms. And they take in this kid that was abandoned by their parents, this kid being Harry Hook when he was about 14. And Harry's parents abandoned him because he's AFAB and acted more masculine, and that was like really frowned upon back then.
But they take him in and are basically like, we're pirates, we don't give a fuck, what the fuck is gender anyway. So they technically adopt Harry.
And then I'll incorporate Peter Pan and like, other Disney characters somehow but this is all I got so far.
Do you approve?
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little-teacupss · 12 days
The trapped Fairy. Part 2
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Note: I'm just gonna be switching up the cover every now and then since I have so many, so hope you enjoy seeing different covers every now and them! Special thank you to @brokenmilkcrates because they are helping me write this story!
If you want to be on the tag list just put mail in the mailbox!
Tag list: @giveityourworst, @brokenmilkcrates, and @skellseerwriting!
Warnings: kidnapping, manipulation, mocking, gaslighting, coerced kisses, NSFW off screen if you squint from the past, and seasickness
Summary: After a few days at sea, Fay begins to feel the effects of being on a boat and doesn't feel so well.
Note 2: Part one here
The days were long, and the nights were short, but for Fay, it felt as though time had frozen forever trapped with two monsters who used her for their entertainment, at the moment she was sat with Hook as he played the piano, while Harriet listened to him play while playing on the floor with random toys she'd drug out and was now stacking up into a tower.
James took Fay's hand and guided to the piano. Although she would rather not be touched by him, she had to keep up a front for little Harriet. How could she ever try and make her see her father in a different light?
"Focus." .She heard a thick accent say before the music continued. She glanced to her right where Hook was sitting next to her. She pursed her lips as she tried to play, but she was never good at piano her fingers weren't long enough.
Finally, Hook decided he was done playing. He closed the cover for the piano keys and turned to Fay, who was currently staring down at her lap and fiddling with the hem of her skirt, as she had no desire whatsoever to look at the pirate or fellow fae who currently was up on deck, James gently took hold of her chin and directed her to look at him, he gave her an earily sweet smile before he glanced down at where Harriet was playing with her toys and babbling nonsense as most four year olds do.
He then brought his hook up to her cheek and brushed it against her skin, making her shiver from the temperature difference. He slowly dragged it from her cheek and to her jaw before completely pulling it away and saying. "I promise once were home things will be better."
James said with a soft chuckle before he leaned in, but as he leaned in, Fay leaned back. He narrowed his eyes to her before pointing his hook to Harriet. "Aye, now we wouldn't want to set a bad example for our wee duckling would we?"
Fay looked into the direction of little Harriet, who wasn't paying any attention to them as she continued to stack random objects. She let out a soft sigh and nodded. James smirked at her while shaking his head before leaning down and placing a delicate kiss on her lips, one that, at one time, she would've been happy to receive, but now it seemed more like overworking then a loving gesture, James deepened the kiss a little by taking her jaw and lightly tilted her head before he pulled away and left one final peck on her pink lips, before turning his attention to Harriet who was still playing on the ground.
"Ay! My wee duckling, what do you say we go up top for a little while." .He got up from the bench and made his way to Harriet, who excitedly squealed when her father came and lifted her up, James gave Fay one more mocking smirk before leaving the room and locking the door with an audible click.
She heard the soft stomps he made going up the stairs before she heard them from above her head, letting out a soft sigh Fay made her way to James' bed where she'd lay down and contemplate every action that'd gotten her to this point, a part of her still thinks back to when they first ever talked without having to be paired together in class, it was after castlecoming, they had just pranked Bridget, but they had followed her to Bridget's room where she reversed the spell using her wand, but that night Bridget had thrown her out no longer wanting anything to do with her or Ella, so after being kicked out of Bridget's room she had bumped into the two troublemakers who had been watching them, but she should've seen it then that look they both gave her one they'd never given her before, until that night, who could've thought one night would forever define her life.
But unfortunately, there's no going back now she's tied to these people all because of one moment of vulnerability and weakness, how sometimes she wishes she could go back and change everything, but Fay can't and that's something she knows.
Meanwhile, James had carried Harriet up to the top of the ship, gently setting her down she immediately dashed over to Mr. Smee and Skully.
James watched her for a while with a relaxed expression before he made his way up to the helm where Morgie was stood at and listed against the railing.
"Hey, how's Fay doing this morning?" .Morgie asked when he said James came up the stairs, James smiled as he came over and leaned against the railing as he said. "She seems better today, no longer fighting as much. It's been four days at sea, so she's adapted quite well. She spent a little time playing with Harr', and then we played my piano while Harriet listened."
James said as he recounted the time he'd spent with Fay in his cabin, let out a soft sigh before turning his head as he watched Mr. Smee chased Harriet around the deck as she pulled onto random ropes and pushed random barrels over, Hook let out a soft chuckle before walking over to the other side of the helm and let out a whistle making Harriet and Smee stop dead in there tracks and look up to see Hook with a soft smile as he beckoned Harriet up with his hand, he walked down the stairs and helped her up seeing as her little legs weren't capable of bringing her all the way up, he carried her up and set a barrel in front of helm and grabbed the wheel and said. "Alright now, do what I'm doing Harr'."
Harriet clumsy put her hands onto the many many handles and acted like she was spinning it when, in reality, Hook was doing all the work, but he humored her when she'd playfully give commands he'd repeat them as she squealed. "Can they Reef the sails!"
James let out a chuckle before shouting over the deck. "You heard your captain, you slimy gits, Reef the sails!"
Harriet giggled as she watched the hands quickly get the lines, main sheet, sails, and reefing them, and moving barrels around.
"See, one day you'll be the captain of the Jolly Roger!" .James whispered in Harriet's ear before tickling her sides, smiling at her as he watched her giggle and squeal. Then he heard Morgie approach and shift into a random bird and fly around Harriet's head. She made little grabby hands as he flew around her before settling on her hand and ruffling her hair gently.
The three spent hours fooling around and directing the ship in the right directions before finally Morgie brought a tray of food down to Fay, who was still laid on James' bed curled up and looking out the windows, he walked over and sat on the bed and gently patted her leg signaling her to sit up, she grumbled and shifted so she was now laid on her back glaring at the man above her as he sat the tray aside and looked back at her his eyes slitted and became a bright amber color, he gave her a sickingly sweet grin as he carefully grabbed her and lifted her into a sitting position and softly said. "You've been so good today. Fay, don't ruin it now."
Morgie lifted his hand and caressed her cheek, but it didn't go unnoticed how she jerked back, his jaw tightened a little, but he decided he'd let it go for now as he reached over and grabbed a sea biscuit and handed it to Fay and he continues. "Eat up, you've gotten rather thin while we've been out at sea, but once we get to Neverland we'll have much better options!"
Morgie leaned forward and kissed her forehead as she nibbled on the sea biscuit he'd handed her, but it was no use the more she looked at it the sicker she got to the point her hand flew to her mouth and quickly jumped off the bed, opening the window and letting out last night's dinner out of the ship, she heard quick shuffling behind her before a gentle hand began to run down her back and shushing sound came out, before another hand came up and gently wrapped her hair up to keep it out of the way, finally after a while of heaving and spitting, Fay brought herself back in and leaned against the wall under the window, as Morgie carefully put his hand against her forehead, since he was a Serpentine he was much more sensitive to temperature changes.
"You're a little hotter than you should be." .He whispered out before carefully picking her up and putting her back onto the bed. He tucked the blanket around her before running out of Hook's room and shouting from the deck. "Hey we have an issue down here!"
Morgie shouted before running back down to where Fay was laid on the bed, with one hand against her forehead, clearly not feeling well at all, a pair of footsteps came down next and in came Hook with Harriet in his arms, his head cocked to the side when he entered as he watched Morgie placing his hand against Fay's forehead.
"Is our wee fairy a little seasick?" .Hook asked as he approached the bed, gently setting Harriet on the ground next to Morgie as he put his hand against Fay's cheek, her eyes cracked open a bit as she let out an exhausted hum sound in response, her hands reached for the blanket around her and pulled it tighter as she turned her head from the two men who were checking on her, James let out a soft whistle before gently moving Fay's hair out of the way, before walking out of his cabin and back up to the deck, about five minutes later he returned with a large bowl and a rag, he jerked his head at Morgie telling him to move as he sat in his original spot, he dunked the rag in the water before squeezing it tightly and ringing it out, before carefully placing the rag on Fay's throat, he then said. "The cold rag should make her less nauseous, but if it doesn't work, we'll have to figure something else out."
He said as he brought his hand to the side of her face and gently caressed his thumb under her eye. She squinted at him before shaking her head and shifting away, not wanting to be bothered by the pirate or the other fae, Hook let out a soft sigh before tucking the blanket around her making sure she was fully covered, he then turned his attention back to Harriet who'd wander off to play with her toys while he had tended to Fay, and then he turned to Morgie and said. "We'll have to move a cot in here. We don't want Harriet getting sick from Fay."
Then his gaze fell back to Fay, as she tried to sleep, but she was clearly too miserable as she tossed her head back and forth, James got up and stalked across his room before opening his vanity drawer and pulling out a bottle and then walking back over to where Fay was laid, he dabbed some of the liquid onto his fingers before rubbing it against her lip while whispering to her. "Come on, just a little bit it'll help."
Fay let out a pitiful whimper as she pursed her lips before rolling over to face away from Hook's plucking. She felt a hand run down her back and gently patting motion, James watched her before leaning down and kissing her cheek before getting up from and turning to Morgie. "Watch them while I get the cot."
Morgie nodded as he watched the captain leave the bedroom and go up the stairs. After the footsteps were out of hearing range, Morgie turned to look at Fay, who was curled into a ball, with her eyes closed tightly shut with the blanket cocooned around her.
He slowly approached the bed before sitting next to her and gently running a hand down her back and said. "You'll get better soon, I promise."
Morgie continued to watch her till his gaze traveled to Harriet, who was staring at Fay from her place on the floor surrounded by toys, Morgie let out a little sigh before he beckoned her over and lifted her onto the bed to sit next to Fay's resting form, as he began to explain. "Now you can't sleep with Mama, for a little while she has to get better. You don't want to catch what she has, do you?"
Harriet let out a little gasp before shaking her head as she looked at Fay, whose eyes opened a little to look at Harriet. She lifted her hand and ran it through Harriet's hair before giving her a tired smile.
"I'll be better soon." .She reassured as she combed through Harriet's wind tangled hair, who scrunched her nose at her as she detangled it Fay then retracted her hand and grasped the blanket as she let out a yawn, the rum was clearly kicking in, Harriet giggled because she wasn't used to her mom acting so odd, but she scooted off the bed and went back to her toys in the corner of Hook's room that he'd set up just for her when she was born.
Fay laid her head back down after she'd watched Harriet play for a little while before finally shutting her eyes and falling into a deep slumber.
Meanwhile, Hook was up by the helm watching his crew make quick work of scrubbing the deck and the lockout basket up top. Some secured the lines and made sure all the sails were in perfect condition as they sailed closer to their destination. They were about a week away from Neverland.
"Captain! You're really hanging the jib." .Mr. Smee noted how James had a rather sour expression on his face as he watched his underlings perform the tasks he ordered them too he turned to Smee. "Go make yourself useful, Smee, instead of yapping ye lips."
The sea captain was in no mood to deal with the older man, and nor was he in the mood to be up top when the love of his life was laid in bed overcome by sea sickness, but James pushed through and continued to guide his crew and ship to their next supply stop, it was a secluded village where not many stopped unless you were of pirate heritage, most of the towns folk were pirates who were to old to continue their time at sea due to disability or they just grew tired of the pirates life, but for James Hook the pirates life is he all he'd ever known, so he never could see himself ending up as these old bilge rats, for the day he dies he wants to be put to sea from his Jolly Roger by his closest of mateys.
Hook let out a sigh as he rubbed his temples with his good hand before bringing it back to the helm to steer them in the right direction into the harbor to park the Jolly Roger. At the moment, he could only hope that Fay really did have seasickness and it wasn't some other kind of mysterious illness, but for now, he can only hope.
Hello! Thank you so much for reading this story, and I might be making a part 3, so stay tuned for that . Thank you so much to my friend and support @brokenmilkcrates. it goes show them some love! He's made a great ficlet about this and two amazing hcs about James Hook!
If you want to be apart of the taglist just ask!
Tag list: @giveityourworst, @brokenmilkcrates, and @skellseerwriting
Anyway till the next story! Ba bye!
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laughing-moonlight · 1 month
If we're all agreeing Hook and Morgie are Harry's gay Dads, that makes Harry the first second generation Descendant, like, ever. Because Morgie is a Descendant himself. And I think that's pretty cool.
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skellseerwriting · 1 month
What is Love? (Baby Don’t Hurt Me)
Love Clueless!Morgie x GN!Reader Part 1/2
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Thank you anon for the wonderful ask! I never would have come up with this on my own. I was worried it was getting too long, so I’m splitting it into two parts (currently working on it!)
Word Count: 1,446
Warnings: Morgie worries others don’t like him, Morgie doesn’t know what love is, Morgan Le Fay is mentioned as being cruel, Morgie didn’t grow up being loved :(
Summary: Morgie doesn’t know what love is. Seeing you being loved by your friends leads him to ask you to teach him what love is.
What is Love?
This was a question that had recently began to plague Morgie Le Fay’s mind. People talked about loving other people; they loved their family, friends, partner, and even famous people who didn’t know they existed. But what did that even mean? Was the love they felt for their friend the same as their parent?
It was clear to him that those who felt love towards others felt a special sort of care to them, but what did that mean for Morgie? He didn’t really care about his mom. She was barely crueler than some of the other nasty people he had to deal with growing up; Was Morgie supposed to love her because she was his mom? Part of him felt that he should have, but the other part thought of nothing but apathy (but perhaps those two things could coexist? Is it possible to love someone and not like them?).
And then there were his friends. It wasn’t uncommon to hear the “good” kids throw around “love you” to their pals. When he tried using it, all of them (especially uliana) looked at him like he’d presented a dish of rotting food. Hook was the only one to give a rather forced laugh and clap him on the back with a “Don’t tell me those happy idiots are starting to rub off on you.” It was never brought up as Morgie never did it again, crushed. After that, though, he couldn’t help but question his feelings towards them.
Don’t be mistaken, Morgie does care for his friends, maybe even loves them. However, he’s come to recognize that unlike himself, the others were uncomfortable with the kind of care and affection they all lacked growing up. And this, in turn, made it impossibly more difficult to understand what love was, and how people felt it towards others. None of it made sense to him. He felt lost as the brainrot began to consume his mind over the course of a couple weeks.
He started to stare and obsess over the way he saw other friends behave. So often there were hugs exchanged, gifts given (friendship bracelets and charms were a common one, he noted), and sometimes even kisses on the cheek.
Why couldn’t he have that? Did his friends just not like him enough? But Hades and Mali were dating, and they never did stuff like that, and their relationship was really healthy!
It wasn’t until he saw you interacting with you friends that he did a double take on all he had observed. Everybody you ran into seemed to treat you like a close friend. Whether you were holding a door open or approaching someone to compliment some random little thing, everyone would smile when they saw you.
But you didn’t give anything to them. You didn’t hug any of them or otherwise engage in physical contact. If everyone else did that then why didn’t you? How come you had so many friends?
Maybe, he thought, just maybe, you knew something he didn’t; the secret to love. If it was some hidden knowledge you could share, perhaps he could learn how to make others love him. He could even get his friends to love him. All he needed to do was understand what love was.
He just wanted to feel loved.
“What?” You had a baffled expression, like he spoke some unknown language.
 “Will you teach me what love is?” He asked again in the exact same tone, thinking you couldn’t hear him over the school bell and clamor of hallway foot traffic.
Expression still the same, you looked left and right as if looking to see who might be listening.
“Why do you want to know? I thought villains hated love.”
Morgie scratched the back of his head, slightly sheepish.
“Yeah that mostly rings true. People like my mom and friends don’t seem to like the concept.” He went still for a second, pondering his next words slowly. “But… because of that, I don’t really understand it. Like, someone can like their partner, but if they go and show love to someone else it’s wrong. But it’s somehow not the same as friends, which people can have as many as they’d like- and I just don’t get it.”
Your eyes widened as you took all his words in. He really didn’t know what love was? Better yet, he -a villain- wanted to know what it was. Did the world turn upside down?
Regardless of your experience-based opinions, you found his sincerity endearing. Why wouldn’t you help him out? The worst that could happen is some mistreatment from the VK’s- and you were already used to that.
That was not the worst that could happen, you realized, as you sat at the foot of your bed.
After entering your dorm when school hours were over, Morgie had taken to staring at your room in abstract wonder. His fingers glided ever-so-gently over little knickknacks and bobbles you had collected over the years as gifts. Occasionally he would pick one up like it was a baby bird, carefully turning it over and setting it back down once he was done looking at it. Then he came across a picture frame of you and your family. You couldn’t read the expression in his eyes.
This was worse, you thought again. This was worse, because here, like this, he was just a boy. A normal kid like you and not one who tormented others. When you looked at his soft countenance, you felt your heart flutter at this seemingly innocent boy who didn’t know what love was.
Snapping out it, you pull his attention away from the photo by calling him over. He sat next to you right at the edge of your mattress. Then, he looked at you expectantly.
“What?” You asked.
“Well… are we going to start?”
Oh, right!
“Yes!” You began, smile returning. “Yes of course, the- uh- reason why you’re… here.” This was already going bad. Maybe you should just cut your losses.
“Well, to start, what do you know about love?” Better see what he knows first and go from there. He seemed to think for a moment.
“I know that when people love someone… they care for them deeply. But I don’t quite understand the differences between the different kinds of love. They all seem the same to me.” The longer he went on the more unsure he seemed. Then, he whispered “That’s not… bad, is it?”
Pushing your pity aside, you quickly respond with an “of course not. It’s not your fault. I could get why it’d be confusing to someone who doesn’t really feel love from others. That can also include people who don’t feel certain types of love themself. You seem like a really sweet and caring person, so I’m sure it won’t be to hard to help you understand.” You tried to not mentally slap yourself at calling him “sweet” but if his reaction was anything to go by, everything you said was motivational and cheered him up.
“Okay.” He grinned, then added. “Another thing I don’t get is why some people love others who don’t treat them the same. Like, I’ve seen so many friends just giving each other things and being all gushy and stuff. But they treat you the same despite you not doing all that gushy stuff. So why do they like you?” After he finished, he realized his last remark sounded incredibly rude. Luckily, you didn’t take it that way, and -despite how confusing his question- you seemed to know exactly what to say.
“That’s because of my love language.” you smiled.
“What’s that?”
Shaking your head gently, you held up five fingers. “Love. Language. The ways someone shows love, and the ways they prefer to receive it. There’s-” you start counting down on your fingers, looking up at the ceiling. “Gift-giving, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, and…” you racked your brain. “Words of affirmation.”
He looked at you incredulously.
“What do those mean?”
You smiled at him again as you pondered these last few minutes. You were unsure at first if you even wanted to do this, but now you were certain. At first you were afraid, but that disappeared the moment he entered your dorm.
Morgie was kind; you could see it. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t also mean. People are allowed to be complicated. But as you think about everything that you have in mind to help him learn what love was, one thing was for sure:
You were going to fall in love with him.
And you were looking forward to it.
“I’ll show you.”
Part 2
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supercap2319 · 2 months
James Hook, his eyes gleaming with a wicked light, takes a swig of rum. "Well, well. Look whit we hae 'ere, fellas. A pretty boy." Morgie and Hades surrounded Princeton Rose.
Princeton eyed the three vks. "Back off."
Hades' eyes flash with dark amusement at Princeton's boldness. "Or what, little prince? You'll summon your fairy godmother to save you from a little attention?" He steps closer, his leather jacket creaking, and Morgie follows suit, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, what's wrong, little prince? Scared of us?" His eyes flashed like a serpent's.
"I'm not scared of you three. I wanna know what Uliana's planning to do to Bridget as revenge for the flamingo cupcakes. Tell me." Princeton demanded.
Morgie lets out a low whistle, impressed by Princeton's bravery, while Hook's expression darkens, his hook glinting in the light. "You think you're clever, don't you, prince? But Uliana's plans are none of your concern."
"It was an accident. Bridget warned Uliana not to eat the feathers on the cupcakes. You can't punish her for that."
Hades smirks, his eyes raking over Princeton's form in a slow, possessive sweep. "Accidents have consequences, little prince. And if Uliana wants to make an example of Bridget, that's her prerogative." The three young villains got closer to Aurora's son. He didn't bat an eye. "I'm not gonna let you hurt an innocent girl. She doesn't deserve to be punished for being nice."
Morgie chuckles, eyes glinting with amusement as he leans in close, speaking low in Princeton's ear. "Oh, Princeton. So naive. But that's what makes you so charming."
"Whit dae ye say, fellas? We teach him a lesson?" Hook smirks menacingly. Hades' hand shoots out, grabbing Princeton by the throat, lifting him off his feet as he sneers into the prince's face. "A lesson, you say? Indeed, we shall teach this foolish prince a lesson he won't soon forget."
Princeton struggles against hades. Mal's dad was—is a real jerk. He knows he can't beat a god, so this is gonna suck for him. He kicks Hades in the stomach, causing the God of the Underworld to let him go and hunch over. Morgie's eyes flash with annoyance as he steps forward, his hands crackling with dark energy. "You shouldn't have done that, Princeton." He hisses, raising his hand to cast a spell.
Princeton gets up quickly and runs away from the three vks. Hook's laughter echoes through the hall as he watches Princeton flee. "Th' wee prince thinks he kin outrun us?" He turns to Hades and Morgie with a wicked grin. "Let's give em a chase, boys. It's been a dull afternoon."
They run after Princeton.
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Random Descendants Incorrect quotes
(with ships)
Queen of Hearts: Why are you drinking, Red?
Red: I don’t drink anymore, so don’t start with that.
Queen of Heart, holding an empty water bottle: So why was this under your bed?
Queen of Hearts: NOT IN MY DAMN HOUSE!
(such a great mother)
Red: If a demon possessed me, I’d just be like, “Okay, take it from here, good luck man.”
Dizzy: Truth or dare?
Chloe: Truth!
Dizzy : Do you-
Red: I dare you to kiss me.
Chloe: *kisses Red*
Dizzy, to Celia: They said “truth”, right?
(pretty sure it was a dare 👀)
Chloe: So you like cats?
Red: Yeah.
Chloe: *tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
(Chloe is jealous of Earl getting Red's attention. Context here)
Celia: Dumbest scar stories, go!
Maddox: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.
Dizzy: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned.
Chloe: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.
Chad: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it in my hand and I got a really bad burn.
Red: I have emotional scars.
(that's Chad in college)
Ben: Hey, what have you two been up to?
Carlos: We were helping Evie write their vows, but they kicked us out because Jay was making inappropriate suggestions.
Jay: How is "Mal, I love your sweet ass” inappropriate?
(why kick Carlos out tho 😪)
Uma: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees?
Mal: Bees?
Mal: Wait-
*Harry approaches, shaking a jar of bees menacingly*
(yeah. Ouch)
Mal, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?
Jay: Yeah, sure.
*A few minutes later*
Jay: Here you go.
Ben: Why am I here?
Merlin: Fay, you'll be working with Maleficent and Hades.
Fay: Alright! My fantasy threesome!
Everyone else: *blank stares*
Fay: ...Of people on a team.
(I understand lol)
Morgie: *Takes a sip of milk and gags*
Morgie: Oh my god, is this expired?
Morgie: *Takes another sip of milk*
(Morgie why are you so relatable)
Mal: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
Ben: That's great, Mal. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
*Bridget sneezes*
Ella: Bridget, are you sick? Here, let me wrap you in a blanket and hand-feed you some warm soup while singing you a lullaby!
*Charming sneezes*
Ella: Oh my god. Shut the hell up.
Bridget: I eat cheerios because they’re heart healthy.
Bridget: And my heart has been severely damaged, so Ella, if you’re out there—
(This makes me imagine that Bridget confessed her feelings to Ella at Castlecoming, Ella took it well but doesn't feel the same and also avoids Bridget while at the dance. Bridget was heartbroken but accepted it, then she got turned into a monster. Ella has been avoiding her and didn't go to help. I don't know how feelings work lol. You make it make sense)
Chloe: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Red: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Chloe: That one. I want that one.
(let's hope the caterpillar wasn't smoking)
Mal: Do you always have to attack me with your words?
Audrey: Would you prefer me to use a brick?
*The Squad is on the bus, and a child is crying*
Uliana: *rolls eyes to the sky*
Bridget: *makes funny faces to get them to stop*
Hades: *puts their earphones on at 100% volume*
Hook: *doesn't mind, doesn't bother*
Morgie: *is the reason they're crying*
Maleficent: *enjoys in silence*
(Morgie accidentally scared the child)
*when a child starts crying in public*
Charming: *tries to make the child laugh*
Tiana: *tries to play a game with the child to make them calm down*
Fay: *gives detailed instructions to the parents*
Ella: *ignores the child*
Jaladdin: *is the reason why the child is crying*
(I'm the baby. And that reason is valid)
Fay, entering Maleficent room: Hades did it again.
Maleficent: Peace disturbance?
Fay: What no-
Maleficent: Arson..?
Maleficent: uh....Attempted murder?
(Yeah they live together. So what?)
Fay: Can I bother you for a second?
Hades: You're always bothering me, but go ahead.
(Yeh. Basically)
The end of the beginning.
I'm tired so I shall sleep 😪.
I wanted to add more but I shall post it now already.
Ok byeee
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faceless1bastard · 19 days
Hades, texting Maleficent: Text me when you're home safely. Maleficent: I'm home dangerously. Hades: Stop it. Maleficent: I'm home lethally.
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