#morgan rielly oneshot
twirlyleafs · 9 months
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Morgan Rielly x reader
TW: swearing, alcohol and a bunch of fluff
“Have you seen Morgan?”
You had been away from the dance floor for ten minutes and in that time your boyfriend had managed to disappear with both your shoes and your phone. Mitch turned around to look at you and you couldn’t help but laugh when you saw his face. Across his forehead and eyebrow there was clumps of, now stale, cream and he had lipstick smudged across his chin.
“What?” He whined and you just shook your head. Steph pressed a finger to her lips from where she stood behind her fiancé, urging you to not say anything. Looking back up at Mitch you tried to suppress your grin.
“I was just asking if you guys know where my boyfriend went?” You digressed and by the amount of alcohol in Mitch’s system he didn’t seem to think twice about it. Instead his face settled in a deep frown and he shook his head.
“No. And I lost John too. Even Keerfy is gone.” He whined, eyes flickering across the big barn you were currently occupying. The now newly wedded Kerfoots had really gone all. The wedding had been amazing and beautiful and at one point you had glanced up at Morgan to see his eyes watering. When you had leaned into him he had squeezed your hand tighter, pressing his lips against your head for a few seconds. You both knew you wanted this for yourselves at some point.
“Last time I saw Alex he ran past us without a shirt, I’m pretty sure Morgan was chasing him.” Steph quipped, nodding towards the back of the building. Before you could answer Mitch grabbed his fiancés hand in one and yours in the other, pulling you both with him. You turned to look at Steph as you tried to keep up and she just laughed, rolling her eyes.
“If this is him at Alex’s wedding, imagine him next weekend.” She mused, glancing down at where their hands were intertwined. You just smiled. In exactly a week they were getting married and you were almost giddy at the fact that you would get to experience another wedding with Morgan by your side. There really was love in the air this summer. The further Mitch dragged you and Steph the further away from the music you got. You were about to tell him he might be leading you astray when you suddenly heard familiar voices.
“Johnny lay down in our laps!”
“Yeah that’ll be fun! Come on!”
Mitch dropped your hand, waving in front of him triumphantly. He had found all the lost boys. Squeezed together in the photobooth there were several large hockeyplayers, including your boyfriend and the groom himself. Morgan was leaning back slightly, shirt ripped open and tie loosened, smiling up at John standing next to him. Keerfy were next to him, patting both his own and Morgan’s thighs to get John to lay down. You and Steph shared a look, both trying to suppress giggles.
“I’m good, thank you. Besides, I think your lap is reserved for someone else.” Johnny ruffled Morgan’s hair. When your boyfriend gave him a confused look he nodded towards you, making Morgan whip his head around. A large smile settled on his face and once again you let out a giggle. He was adorable.
“Baby!” He practically whined, stretching his arms out. You passed John on your way over and the two of you shared an amused look before you looked back down at your boyfriend. His hands immediately found the back of your thighs as you stopped in front of him.
“You disappeared on me Rielly.” You stated, letting one of your hands stroke some hair away from his forehead. He was staring up at you with big eyes, a slight pink tint covering his cheeks. He had gotten more tipsy since you saw him last, meaning he must’ve downed at least a few quick shots in the last fifteen minutes.
“I’m sorry. Alex wanted us to take some pictures.” He pouted, but smiled again when he saw you chuckle.
“Hmm, can’t say no to the groom.” You sunk down to sit on his thigh, letting your eyes wander up his body. “What’s going on here?” You let your hand wander in under his shirt, tapping his stomach before looking up to meet his eyes.
“Couldn’t tell you even if I wanted to baby.” He shook his head with a sheepish smile and you couldn’t help but laugh. You loved drunk Mo, you loved to see him let loose and relax for once. Wrapping your arm over his shoulder you leaned closer, pressing a few kisses against his cheek and jaw. You could feel him hum, his chest vibrating against your palm. Morgan’s hand fumbled up your body to cup your cheek, bringing your lips to his. You could taste the vodka on his tongue but you didn’t mind. You were well aware that if the two of you had been sober you never would’ve been comfortable making out in front of a bunch of people, but the state you were currently in had you just enjoying the moment. For a few seconds you tuned out the buzzing around you, only focusing on Morgan. When you finally pulled away you did so barely a few inches, your eyes flickering across his face. His cheeks were still flushed but now they were paired with stained lips too. You grinned.
“You’re so pretty.”
“I’m…pretty?” He tried to seem skeptical but you noticed the way the corners of his lips turned upwards.
“Yeah. Pretty.” You confirmed, reaching up to wipe a stray hair away from his forehead. Letting your finger softly trace his face, past the crinkles by his eye down his cheek and along his jaw, finally coming to a rest against his bottom lip. Morgan watched you watch him, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. Even though you’ve been together for more than a year now he still felt just as in love as in the beginning. The look of admiration in your eyes confirmed that you felt the same way.
“I love you.” He mumbled, letting his hand grasp your hip a bit firmer, pulling you closer. The other one moved up cup your cheek, his thumb lovingly grazing just beneath your eye. You smiled at him.
“I love you.” You barely got the words out before he dipped his head, pressing his lips against yours again.
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Episode Two: The Problems Arise.
The Riellys
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You had a lot of questions, but most were ones she couldn’t answer. What were you going to make for dinner? How many times would you have to ask Mitch to keep his shoes off your nice white carpet? Which one of Morgan’s teammates had left the stain on your couch? When were you going ask for the time off you needed to attend Morgan’s charity event? However, those questions all were the answers to why your blood pressure was a little higher than normal. But nothing was raising your blood pressure more than the stress from Morgan’s desire to start a family. You saw the way he looked at Jake and Lucy’s baby and you knew how he was with the kids. you had no doubt in your mind that he would be a great father. But you were terrified. Yea you could help with Morgan’s younger teammates, but they were technically some form of an adult human being. How could you even imagine taking care of baby and with Morgan’s schedule and your hectic job how would you even manage.  And maybe that was something you could overcome someday, but you didn’t think that day was tomorrow, or the next, or a week or a month from now, you needed time. And as much as you wanted to tell Morgan that, you saw how excited he was, and you didn’t want to disappoint him. “If you went off birth control, how long would it take to get pregnant?” you suddenly found yourself asking before you even realized it was coming out of your mouth. “Depends really,”  your doctor started. “It can take up to a year for some women. Others conceive straight away.” All of that information was readily available on the internet, but it was more comforting coming from a doctor. A year was a good amount of time. Maybe you would be ready by then. You could go off birth control now and not get pregnant for a while. Or, like she said, you could get pregnant right away. “Are you and Morgan thinking about trying?” “We’ve discussed it.” She smiled. “Well, if that’s the case, some of my patients like to have one cycle before they start trying so they can gauge when they ovulate. But there are tests for that these days, and there haven’t been any studies that say not waiting that month is harmful. It also doesn’t hurt to start a prenatal vitamin regimen now,” she continued. “You’re young and healthy, Y/N,  I don’t think you’ll have any trouble.” She meant that to be reassuring, but it only worried you more. You were young and healthy. As grateful for that as you were, you wasn’t sure you was prepared to have a baby by the end of the year.   “I am  going to assume you don’t want a refill on your birth control?” You wish you could have given her a quick and easy “no” but the growing knot in your gut swayed your answer. Still unsure, you knew what you had to say. “Actually, could you write me a prescription? We still haven’t made any decisions yet.” She  didn’t hesitate for a moment. Pulling out a pen from her pocket, she filled out the white slip of paper and handed it to you.
With a sigh of relief, you folded the prescription and tucked it into your purse before you got dressed. You made your way back home surprised to see Morgan waiting for you. He wrapped you in a hug moments after you walked into the room.
“I am so happy we’re doing this,” he whispered, pressing a short kiss to your lips. “I don’t think you’ve ever wanted anything more than you want a baby with you.” He kissed you again, but this time you had to force yourself to kiss him back. you couldn’t lie to him. The weight of the prescription in your purse was making your arm and heart heavy, you couldn’t take the guilt of not being ready to be a mother. And as much as you didn’t want to hurt him, you needed to be honest. “Morgan—” He pressed his lips to yours, long and slow until he knocked the wind straight out of you. “You’re gonna be the best mother ever, and I might be a shit dad, but I am going try so hard—” “You’ll be a great father, Morgan,” you said, pulling away from him. Despite the dimly lit kitchen, his eyes were bright and alive. You couldn’t help pulling his beanie off so that you could run your fingers through his hair. “Don’t ever doubt yourself.” He smiled and kissed you once more. “C’mon,” he said as he pulled you further into the house. “If we wait any longer I will have to take you right here. He already had your hand in his as he flipped the light switch, both the kitchen and hall falling dark as you both climbed the stairs. He didn’t let go of your hand until you were in your room. That light was already on, so you got a full view of the jeans, t-shirt, and socks he left on the floor. “The hamper is three feet away,” you sighed, walking over to your closet. You kicked off your shoes and hung up your sweater before pulling your dress off. Morgan was already in the bathroom, so you made it a point to wave the balled up fabric at him as you tossed it in with the rest of the laundry. “Not that hard.” “They weren’t dirty,” Morgan said, grabbing his toothbrush. “And I’m going to wear them again tomorrow.” You frowned as you grabbed your own toothbrush, layering some toothpaste on it before scrubbing. After you rinsed, you grabbed one of your make-up removers and washed your face. “That’s gross babe” Morgan hummed gingerly as he capped the bottle of mouthwash, sighing out as he opened the cabinet to put the toothpaste back. You watched him linger for a moment, a short smile curving his lips. “Guess you don’t need these anymore.” When you looked over at him, he had your last month’s birth control in his hand. Your stomach dropped as he tossed it into the trash. “I guess not.” you swallowed. You should have taken that as your invitation to tell him that you wasn’t ready, but you couldn’t shake how happy he sounded when he talked about having kids. you wanted him to be happy.  You weren’t ready right this second, but the doctor said it could take up to a year. That could be enough time. Morgan would be happy. That’s all that mattered. Those thoughts slipped your mind once you walked back into the bedroom. With Morgan’s chest pressed against your back, he peppered kisses down your neck, sucking gently as he trailed over your shoulders. You hummed softly as he unhooked your bra, pulling away only to discard it to the floor. His lips were back on your neck within seconds, his arms snaked around your sides. Giggling at his touch, you ignored the fact that you could hear your phone ringing from the kitchen. “Don’t even think about it,” he mumbled into your skin, his hands cupped over your breasts, kneading until his name slipped off your lips. You weren’t  going to. At least, not until it started ringing again. It was after eleven.
“Y/N, it is probably just one of the boys asking a stupid question. “It could be important,” you finally said, slipping away from him. you grabbed the shirt he left on the floor and put it on. “No, what’s about to happen in our bed is important!” You rolled your eyes and kissed him quickly. “I’ll be right back.”
You made your way down to the kitchen and found your phone. When answering it, you found yourself talking to a drunk Auston and Willy. You giggled as you figured out where they were and told them to stay put.
You heard Morgan groan as you asked which one of you were going.
And for a second you were relieved that the moment had delayed for now, and after Morgan had left to pick up his friends, much to his displeasure. You took your pill.
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moonhowlerpack · 6 years
Is This Real? {Morgan Rielly}
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Ask Anything {Here} 
Request: {Here}
Requested by: @daniiisaurio
“Morgan how does it feel like being here for the first time at the All Star?” The reporter held up his mic closer to Morgan’s mouth. Morgan’s mouth contorted into a smile, “Long overdue” Morgan said the reporter chuckled at Morgan’s playful response “One more question before we let you go” the reporter said Morgan nodded.
“A certain player told us you were planning on meeting up with (Y/N) (Y/L/N) later after the game?” The interviewer asked. Morgan glanced at the camera man confused, “(Y/N) (Y/L/N) is here? And who said I was going to meet up with her?” Morgan asked.
“Auston said that-” The interviewer was cut off by Auston’s laugh resonated around the room, “Morgan...Mo... Captain Mo... Mo Mo... I’ve got a surprise for you!” Auston excitedly clapped his hands.
Morgan groaned, “What did you do now?” Auston merely grabbed his hands dragging him from the interview and walked him to the other side of the room where a door was guarded.
“I know you have the biggest crush on (Y/N) (Y/L/N) so I spoke to my cousin about you wanting to meet (Y/N) and so my cousin whose friends with (Y/N) assistant and her assistant told her manager and her manager asked (Y/N) if she wanted to meet you.” Auston rambled out breathing in deeply as he finished his statement.
“And she said yes” Auston said causing Morgan’s eyes to widen and turn towards Auston who smiled widely.
“I’m not even dressed properly to meet her” Morgan sputtered out Auston shrugged, “Well to late because she’s meeting us right here in about 30 seconds” Auston said as he looked down at his watch on his wrist.
Morgan looked at Auston horrified before he plastered on a smile as soon as he heard the door open. You stepped out with a smile gracing your face, “Well isn’t it the future captain of the Leaf’s” You stared at Morgan with a smile still on your face.
Morgan cheeks turned red at the compliment, “Thank you, and really it’s great to meet to such a talented singer as you” It was now your turn to blush at the compliment.
A soft sigh was heard besides the Morgan and you, looking towards the direction the sigh came from was Auston holding his hands together looking happy.
“I’ve imagine this encounter way too many times... like is this even real?”
Words~~ 397
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alcohockey-blog · 7 years
Morgan Rielly imagine
bubble bath
You walked into the apartment you and your long-term boyfriend Morgan rielly shared slamming the door behind you, you had a stressful day at work since the computers went down and being an engineering company you heavily relied on them. your boss was also being an idiot and Aaron the guy who sat at the computer next to you, wouldn’t stop hitting on you no matter how many times you told him you had a boyfriend.
You kicked your heels off and walking into yours and Morgan’s bedroom flopping down onto the bed. You were tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep but you felt dirty, and your hair didn’t feel clean so you decided to take a bath. You walked into the en-suite and turned the bath  tap on, maybe a little too much bubble bath to it.
“oh well” you muttered to yourself. you took of your clothes and got into the bath. On second thought you used way too much bubble bath. It completely covered you and the bubbles were nearly spilling over the sides. You rested your head on the blow-up bath pillow Morgan had bought you since he knew how much you loved relaxing in the bath.
you heard the apartment door open and Morgan shout out “(Y/N) you home”. “Yeah I’m in the bath” you shouted back. You heard footsteps come into the bedroom and then you saw Morgan as he came into the bathroom. “How was your day”? He asked.
”Stressful” you told him as you closed your eyes leaning back against the pillow. “Oh, why was it” he asked. You then began to complain about work using some rather colourful words to describe Aaron which he laughed at.
“Shouldn’t you be jealous”? you asked him.
”No because at the end of the day I know you are going to be here in the bath naked”, he said with a wink. You giggled at that. “How much bubble bath have you used”? he asked.
“Way too much” you laughed.
“Can a take a photo of you” he said.
“Go ahead just make sure I’m all covered” you said giggling. He quickly snapped a photo on his phone and set his phone aside.
“Move forward so I can fit in” he told you. He took off his clothes and slid in behind you so his legs were either side of you. You rested your back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around you pressing a light kiss to your neck which made you smile. He was an amazing boyfriend, god you loved him. “Can I wash your hair”? he asked.
“Sure” you responded handing him the shampoo bottle. He squeezed an amount into his hand and then began messaging it into your hair. After he washed your hair you washed his. You both go out the bath wrapping fluffy towels around yourselves and walked into the bedroom. You dried off and stole a pair of Morgan’s sweats and hoodie to wear, you always steal Morgan’s clothes plus he loves it when you wear them he says It makes you look adorable.
“Come on lets go and order Chinese and cuddle on the couch while watching movies” he told you.
“Are you even allowed to eat that during the season” you said while laughing slightly.
“I can eat what I want thank you very much he responded”. He ordered the Chinese food and you both cuddled up together on the couch watching 50 fist dates, it’s one of your favourite movies and whenever you put it on Morgan always says he doesn’t mind watching it because he loves you which you find super sweet. The food arrived and you both ate it silently while watching the movie. You soon both finished eating and you both went back to cuddling with Morgan laying down on his back and you lying on top of in with your head resting on his chest, it was getting late and you felt yourself drifting off to sleep, Morgan kissed the top of your head and said I love you as you fell asleep.
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jollygoodswag · 5 years
Ya know how there's a NHL hockey discord that fuckin rocks? Now we need one for all Tumblr hockey babes to talk and chat about their fridge bois
And I propose these sections (sub categories) (and not the only sections we could make!)
One group for each team (but like we won't call it Toronto Maple Leafs it'd be like Leafy Bois, it won't be Pittsburgh penguins, it'd be Phil Kessel is a Stanley cup champion x2!!! )
There's be also under categories for specific players if wanted (MO RIELLY FANCLUB EYY)
Fridge bois
Good bois (presided by Mo Rielly and Colton Parayko as no one have ever hated them)
NHL rants
Real life rants
Our bois' Bois (pictures of pets)
Swag Bois (where all the cringy pictures we have of them mysteriously appear)
Also I'm serious about this but I suck at technology and all that is internet (including discord) so pls someone just roll with it and I'll be glad to chime in whenever! It'd be cool if this was a communal thing so pls reblog ! (unless you don't want to then pls don't feel obligated!!!) Also we can just make written chats if no one wants to actually talk!!
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maattabean · 6 years
Yoooooooo. Can we get some Mo Rielly/Auston Matthew writing? Your AM boyfriend one was amazing. 💕😍💕😍
so i did mo as a boyfriend! please enjoy!
» ok he can be like really reserved at times» but like once you get to know him he opens up» the sweetest guy ok» will do anything to make you happy» anything» dates are a regular thing» nothing too extravagant though» his favorite dates are when you go to the park and lay out on a blanket in the grass » he loves to take his dog, maggie, with you and shes loves it too bc why not?» not big on the whole pda thing» but he always holds your hand» you catch him staring at you all the time» he could be warming up for a game and he’d stare at you» speaking of games» you hate sitting in the wags box so you sit in the crowd» mo loves that though» he loves when you get really into the game» and when you wear maple leafs’ blue » he expects cuddles after every home game» and i mean every home game» boy is honestly such a baby oml» lays his head on your chest» loves for you to play with his hair or lightly scratch his back» holds you securely against him» like sometimes you can’t even get up in the morning because he’s holding on so tightly» will try and cook dinner for you and i do mean try bless him
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Vodka *Requested* (Morgan Rielly)
This was requested by @a-kate3 (it won’t tag!) who wanted some Mo Rielly fluff!
I hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think!!
Requests are Open!!
Warnings: Alcohol
Up Next: Auston Matthews
You were over this week. Your boss had run you ragged, you were entering into the exam period for your online courses for your masters, and your best friend had stood you up to go on a date. So you were doing what any normal person would be after the week you had...getting drunk.
You had claimed a seat at the bar part of one of Toronto’s most popular clubs...not because you had any actual intention of clubbing...you just enjoyed people watching. Friday nights were perfect for that, summer was halfway over and students were getting the most out of everything while they could.
You laughed softly to yourself when you noticed a guy about your age walk into one of the columns supporting the ceiling. His friend quickly grab him and direct him over towards the bar where you were, just two seats down.
“No more Kappi. I’m cutting you off.” The blonde man said. He got his friend a water and handed him some french fries. “You’re already going to hate me in the morning.”
You laughed again as the clearly wasted man attempted to slur out that he was just fine. It barely sounded like English, and based on the accent you detected, there was a chance that it wasn’t.
“Do you think you can manage to stay put while I go find Aus and Willy?” Blondie asked. His friend blinked slowly before nodding...well, drunkenly. “Good.” Then Blondie disappeared into the gyrating mess of bodies. The friend, Kappi, looked around and then turned to the bartender.
“Shots!” He slurred. The bartender raised his eyebrow but filled a glass. You sighed but decided to save the man some regret for later, so you slid into the seat next to him.
“Sorry Hun. You’re cut off.” You looked at the bartender who was extending the shot glass. “I’ll take that, though.” You tossed it back and then looked at the man sitting next to you. He narrowed his eyes in confusion.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Y/N. Trust me, if you remember this tomorrow, you’ll be grateful that I didn’t let you have that. Your liver will thank me for the reprieve now.”
“But...it’s my birthday.” He shot you a puppy dog face as he began the transition into sad drunk. “Willy said I could do whatever I wanted!”
“Based on the fact that I can actually understand what you’re saying now, I’m going to assume this isn’t your first time being inebriated. So here’s what we’ll agree on. I’ll buy you some greasy bar food, my birthday present to you. And after you eat it and give your stomach sometime to absorb the alcohol in it...we can do shots together.”
He smiled. “Deal!” And 25 minutes later, after sharing a platter of nachos and potato skins with you, there were three shots lined up in front of each of you.
“Ok, ready…” Each of you picked up a shot. “Go!” And then the race was on to see who could down them first. The third glasses slammed down simultaneously. “I guess it’s a tie.” You giggled.
You were giggling...so maybe it was time you gave yourself a bit of a break. Four shots in 30 minutes was definitely going to help you reach your goal of being drunk...but you didn’t want to be blacked out. Kappi wasn’t much better and the two of you were leaning on each other for support a bit more than you would have liked. But….you were feeling all warm and cozy inside, so it couldn’t be that bad.
“Alright Kappi,” You heard a voice behind. “Are you ready to g-” The voice cut off as evidently, Blondie from earlier discovered that his friend was no longer alone. “Who’s your friend?”
“I’m Y/N.” You said...or slurred...the jury was still out. You gave him a thorough once over with boldness you never would have had sober. “And you’re cute.”
“Thank you. I always know drunk compliments are true.” He turned his attention back to his friend. “Let’s go. Aus and Willy caught an Uber back to my place. They’re waiting on us.”
“But Mo! I can’t leave my drinking buddy. She’ll be lonely!” He protested.
“Yeah...and I’m not done looking at you. Wanna do a spin for me, so I get the full picture?” You were definitely going to regret saying that in the morning.
“Mo” appeared to be losing his patience. With the both of you. “Take a picture. It’ll last longer.” He told you and then turned to Kappi. “Let’s go man. Your birthday technically ended 27 minutes ago.”
While he talked to Kappu you got your phone out and after making sure the flash was on, club lighting was so sketchy, took a picture of Blondie.
He looked at you completely flabbergasted. “Did you just take a picture of me?”
“Yup.” You hiccuped and then giggled again.
“Why would you do that?! Give me your phone!” He demanded.
“You told me to take a picture. I did. And no! It’s mine!!” You slipped your phone into your back pocket to guarantee that he wasn’t going to snatch it.
“I didn’t mean for you to literally take a picture….UGH!” He ran his hands through his hair while mumbling about DDs and stupid choices. “Whatever. Let’s go Kappi.”
“No! I’m not leaving Y/N!” He grabbed you around the waist and pulled you in front of him. “She gave me food. She’s my pet.”
“You can’t keep humans as pets, Kappi. But if it’s really that important to you, then she can come, too.”
“Wanna come Y/N?! We’re gonna have a sleepover at Captain Mo’s.” He whispered the last two words.
“I love sleepovers. I’m in.”
“Great.” Mo said. “Now let’s go.” He went to lead the two of you out of the club but before he got there, you reached back and downed another shot, Kappi doing the same. “Guys! That’s enough! We’re going...now!”
The two of you laughed some more but followed him out of the door. This night was going to be great.
What was I thinking?! You thought as the morning light pierced through the windows in the room. You blinked sluggishly trying to process the blinding pain in your head...and why you weren’t in your bedroom...or even in your apartment. You did a mental scan of your body...all clothes and extremities were there. Why were you in a strange place?!
You sat up in the bed you were laying up on and cradled your head while memories from the night before blurrily made their way through your mind. Shots...Kappi….more shots….Blondie...drunk singing...blackness.
Groaning because of your stupidity and because your brain was protesting movement you stood up. After orienting yourself, you noticed a glass of water and two pain pills on the dresser, you swallowed both down before cautiously approaching from the room. Passing another room, you saw Kappi sprawled on a bed, still passed out from the night before. You made it to the living room and had the front door insight before a throat clearing from your right caused you to freeze.
“Did you sleep well?” Came the voice of Blondie from the night before. Glancing over you saw him leaning against a kitchen island with a mug in hand.
Blood rushed to your cheeks. “Yes. I’m so sorry. And embarrassed. I just had a really bad week and then yesterday was the worst, so I made the terrible decision to get drunk. And I probably ruined your night and your plans for Kappi’s birthday….and I’m just so sorry!” You spilled out.
He chuckled a little bit. “It’s ok. We’ve all had those days, and you definitely didn’t ruin anything. Kappi had a great time...whether or not he’ll remember it.” He shrugged. “That’s up for debate.”
“I’m still so, so sorry. I just invaded your apartment….”
“It’s not the end of the world. I’m kinda the dad of my friends, so I’m used to it.”
“....The dad? You don’t even look 25.”
He laughed lightly. “I’m not. I’m 23. Just basically all of my friends are younger than me. I keep them in line.”
“I respect that. And seriously, thank you so much for letting me crash here last night. I’m still super sorry.”
“Seriously, wasn’t that big of a deal. Do you want any coffee?”
“No,” You politely declined. “I have to get home to Vodka.” At his concerned look you quickly explained, “That’s my dog’s name. He stayed with my friend last night. She has the apartment below me. Speaking of...what complex are we in?”
“Oh! I was concerned that you had a serious problem. My downstairs neighbor has a cute puppy with a name like that...Rum or something I think.” You both laughed. “And it’s Toronto Main.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes? I live on the third floor...is that bad?” He looked genuinely confused.
“I live in Toronto Main….on the second floor. I moved in like two months ago. You thought my dog’s name was Rum?!?”
“Is that what you’re choosing to focus on? That I didn’t know your dog’s name? I can’t believe you live just a floor below me.”
You gave a small laugh. “It is pretty crazy. At least I don’t have far to go to get home! One last time….thank you!”
“You don’t need to keep thanking me.” You waved bye and headed for the door before his voice called after you. “Oh! Y/N!” Blondie shouted before coming after you.
“Can I have your phone for a second?”
“Why?” You arched an eyebrow.
“You might not remember, but last night you took a picture of me,” He rubbed the back of his neck and gave an awkward chuckle. “I just thought I could delete it for you.”
“Oh, I remember the picture. I also remember you telling me to take it. I think I’ll keep it.” You winked and opened the door, “Never know when my upstairs neighbor might need blackmailed into quieting down.”
“Y/N!” He yelled after you.
You just laughed and continued down the stairs. “Feel free to come visit me anytime, Blondie!”
“My name is Morgan!”
Let me know if you see any blazing errors!!
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
New Years Update(s)
With this hellish year finally coming to a close I want to first thank every single one of you that has followed me and come to chat or commented/reblogged my writing. It’s because of you guys that getting through this year has been easier. 
That said, I’m trying to get back into the swing of things after a little break. (Granted I finally get to go home this weekend and have Christmas since my entire family contracted Covid right before the holiday so life has been a little dim lately.) 
First, I’m updating my fic recs navigation so keep your eyes peeled for changes there and send me authors masterlists or works that you think I should check out because I haven’t been doing much reading lately and I want to support the amazing writers on this site. 
Second...and probably what you care about more...I want to start writing again so here’s what we’re going to do. For every ask I get with one of the following titles of my WIPs, I’m going to write at minimum 100 words over the next few days/as is feasible. So if there’s an update you’ve been dying to have me work on here’s your chance. Works I’m willing to work on:
Promises Part 7 - Auston Matthews and Morgan Rielly
Atypical Summer Part 2 - Auston Matthews
Honest Love Part 5 - Cale Makar
Untitled NSFW cale/calvert’s nanny oneshot - Cale Makar
Second Chances Part 6 - Jake Guentzel
Proving Your Worth Part 14 - Jonathan Toews
Crush Part 3 - Matthew Tkachuk
Life Changes Part 12 - Paul Bissonnette
Collide Part 2 - Sidney Crosby
Good Samaritan - Colton Parayko
As always, you can also send me canon questions for any of my series or just general thoughts about your favorite hockey boys. 
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twirlyleafs · 10 months
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”I knew I could take him.”
Morgan Rielly x reader
TW: blood, swearing
“What the actually fuck is wrong with you?”
That was the first thing you said, hissed even, to Morgan as he embraced you after the game. He stopped for a second, arms still around you, before leaning back slightly with a frown on his face.
When you looked up at him, ready to cuss him out again, you could clearly see the remnants of the fight. The blue and purple starting to take form around his eye and cheekbone and the screaming red scrapes over his cheek. His nose looked fine, better than you expected after seeing the blood gushing out of it when he left the ice. Morgan had raised his eyebrows, looking at you expectantly. One of his hands had settled on your hip and his fingers squeezed you slightly.
“You could’ve gotten hurt. Like really hurt. He’s big, a fucking giant-“
“I knew I could take him.” Mo shrugged, realizing what you were upset about. He had assumed that you would say something about it, being the first fight he’d been in since you started dating. “I’m strong you know.” A small smirk played on his lips as he stepped closer to you again, pulling on your hip. You frowned, pulling away. “Oh come on baby, you can’t actually be mad about this? It’s part of the game, it’s hockey.” Morgan tried to explain, dropping his arms to his side. You knew that, and you understood where he was coming from. The last seven months you had learned the ups and downs of hockey, you had seen a few fights on the ice and not once had anyone gotten seriously injured. But it was different when it was Morgan, and honestly you were offended that he couldn’t understand that.
“Let’s just go.” You muttered, earning a look from Morgan that said really? Without another word you made your way down to the underground garage. You knew Morgan was following you, even without looking, because you could hear the flops of his slippers and an occasional sigh. He stopped next to the car, waiting a few seconds before unlocking it. When you still didn’t speak up he let out a louder sigh, finally letting you in. The car ride was just as silent, until you came up on the intersection that determined if he was going straight home, or to your place.
“So?” You didn’t look over at him when he spoke, but lifted your head slightly to let him know you were listening. In the corner of your eye you could see him grip the steering wheel tighter, you knew he was annoyed. “Should I just drop you off at your place?” You felt the lump in your stomach move up your throat.
“Well babe,” he muttered, sarcasm dripping from his words. “I don’t see the point in hanging out if you’re not even speaking to me.” You didn’t answer but to your relief Morgan still didn’t take the turn to your part of town. No level of annoyance would make him actively choose to sleep apart from you. The air felt cold around the two of you in the elevator ride up to his apartment and the second you entered he made his way to the bedroom, not even sparing you a glance. You knew you were the one who started this, and you were without a doubt still upset about the fight, but you seriously hated fighting with Morgan. He wasn’t an angry person and the two of you rarely raised your voices at each other. Instead, when he noticed you being mad or he himself got upset he’d just distance himself from you for a while. It was how you usually handled disagreements and it usually worked, but tonight you hated it. You let a few tears roll down your cheeks as you quietly maneuvered around the kitchen, picking out the ingredients to make sandwiches. Morgan was always hungry when he got back after a game so you knew he’d make his way to the kitchen sooner or later to get something to eat. You fried some chicken and chopped vegetables, toasting some bread at the same time. It didn’t take more than fifteen minutes before you heard Morgan trudging down the hallway and in the corner of your eye you could see him stop right in the doorway. You knew he was watching you as you assembled the sandwich, cutting it into two triangles before placing them on a plate.
“What do you want to drink?” You asked, still not looking over at him. With something between a sight and a groan Morgan pushed off the doorframe, walking towards you. You didn’t resist when he grabbed your hips, turning you around to face him.
“Please stop sulking.” His voice was soft, apologetic almost, but his words had you shaking your head.
“I’m not sulking Mo. I’m-“ you didn’t really know what it was you were doing, trailing off as you hung your head.
“Then what? What’s wrong? I’m fine, you’re fine. No one’s hurt and we won the game. I don’t get why you’re so upset-“
“How would you feel watching me get punched in the face?” Frowning you finally looked up at him. Morgan’s eyes flickered between yours, probably noticing the signs of your earlier crying. “You wouldn’t find it disturbing to see my blood all over my shirt and on the ground?”
“That’s not the same thing. It’s part-“
“It’s part of the game I know.” You interrupted him, breaking away from his touch. You walked a few steps before turning back around to look at him, dragging your hands through your hair. “I get that Morgan, I do but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s fucking scary. You were bleeding so much, you have a black eye for gods sake! And I sat up there not being able to do anything. I couldn’t even come see you. Sure you’re fine but I couldn’t know that. You skated off the ice and I had to sit there and hope that you didn’t have a concussion or a broken nose or a broken hand or whatever. I know it’s your job and I know it’s hockey but even when you’re on the ice, when you’re Morgan Rielly of the Toronto Maple Leafs, you’re still my boyfriend and I think I’m allowed to worry about you.” You hadn’t even noticed you started crying again until you tasted the salt on your lips. Embarrassed you quickly reached up to wipe your cheeks, turning away from your boyfriend. He watched you with big eyes for a few seconds before he regained control of his body, taking a few quick steps towards you. You couldn’t help but let out a small sob as he wrapped you up in his arms, quickly tucking your head under his chin.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered against your head, swaying you slightly from side to side. “You’re right, you are one hundred percent right baby.”
“I just don’t like seeing you hurt.” You sniffed, making Morgan squeeze you even tighter.
“Come’er.” He bent down slightly to grab your legs, hoisting you up into his arms. You let your arms snake around his neck, head still pressed against his chest. Morgan carried you into the living room, sinking down into the couch with you in his lap. “Look at me.” He urged after getting comfortable, softly grabbing your chin. You obliged, leaning slightly away to be able to come face to face with him. Morgan offered a soft smile as he wiped your cheek with his thumb. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” You puffed out, leaning into his touch. He leaned closer a pressed a few featherlight kisses on your face, lapping up the last tears. When he pulled back again he was pouting slightly. “I want to tell you that it won’t happen again but I can’t, you know that right?” You nodded with a sigh. He was right earlier, it’s part of the game. Morgan kept stroking his thumb across your cheek, down your chin and your bottom lip. “But I can tell the medical team to call you if I ever have to leave the ice, so you can come down right away, hmm? And I can promise you to always win the fights.” When you couldn’t help but smile his smirk grew. “And we can make a deal.”
“What deal?” You were curious now, making him let out a soft laugh.
“Every time I get into a fight, which isn’t often thank you very much, I will owe you.”
“Owe me what?” You shifted on his lap, so that you were more or less straddling him. Morgan leaned back slightly in the couch, letting his hands trail down to squeeze your thighs.
“Whatever you want baby.” He mused. You pretended to think about it, scrunching your eyebrows together for a few seconds. Morgan couldn’t help but laugh.
“Fine. Deal.” You nodded, pulling up your hand for him to shake. He shook his head, reaching up to grab your face instead. You giggled as he pulled you down, pressing his lips against yours.
60 notes · View notes
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Player: Morgan Rielly – Toronto Maple Leafs
Mentions:. Mitch Marner & Auston Matthews
Warnings: none
Preview:.You never thought you would be at an award show, so you understood where she was coming from. It was moments like these that reminded you that Morgan’s life was bigger than you realized. The boys were off doing something for the show. Being Stanley cup winners came with many responsibilities.
Word Count: 1326
The Masterlist is here.
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“Do you think they’d let me take a photo with Tyler Seguin?” Steph looked over at you with a
completely straight face as she took a sip of champagne.
“I don’t think so,” you laughed, relaxing against your chair. You were at the NHL awards. Auston, Morgan, and Mitch were all nominated for awards.
“But what if I tell him my boyfriend’s Mitch?” Steph continued, frowning into her glass.
“I don’t think Tyler cares who Mitch is.”
Steph sighed and downed the rest of her drink. “He is literally the only reason I came. Now the
highlight of my night will be making sure that Mitch doesn’t get so drunk that he trips over his own feet.”
You couldn’t stop the laugh. You liked caring for the rookies when they had a little too much to drink. It was quite entertaining. Steph though had very little patience for her drunk boyfriend and on more than one occasion you thought she was going to push him down a flight of stairs.
“Still can’t believe we’re here,” Steph said after a moment. “Seems a bit surreal.”
You never thought you would be at an award show, so you understood where she was coming from. It was moments like these that reminded you that Morgan’s life was bigger than you realized. The boys were off doing something for the show. Being Stanley cup winners came with many responsibilities.
When the waiters came around with drink refills, you grabbed one by the arm and offered him your biggest smile. “you wouldn’t happen to know where the ladies’ room is, would you?”
He lifted a brow as he handed you another flute of champagne.
“Uh… yeah, they’re backstage. I can show you.”
You smiled, pushing your chair back as you looked over to Steph. “I’m just going to freshen up my make-up.”
“Don’t be long,” she said. “I think they are coming on after the commercial break. Wouldn’t want to miss Mitch tripping up the stairs.”
You shook your head, laughing quietly to yourself. You got out of your seat and clutched your purse in your hand, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear as you followed the waiter through rows of seats.
Out of the corner of your eye, you caught Morgan staring. He was off to the side of the stage with a laughing Mitch and Auston. You decided not to pay him any attention. You figured he needed to keep his mind focused on his part.
“It’s straight down the hall,” he said after you crossed through a door. Everything was blindingly
bright, a complete contrast from how dim the room the show was being held in was.
“Thank you,” you said quickly.
You did your best to stay out of the way of all the assistants and the whole slew of people babbling into earpieces, weaving between them carefully as your heels clicked against
the floor. It wasn’t a short walk by any means, but you moved as quickly as you could, securing the door to the women’s restroom shut before You stopped in front of the mirror.
You were recapping the tube of lipstick when the door swung open. You turned your head just in time to see a grin sweep across Morgan’s face.
“This is the ladies’ room,” You said, narrowing your eyes as you leaned your hip against the counter.
Morgan shrugged, shutting the door and twisting the lock until it latched.
“You are supposed to be going on in just a few minutes,” You told him, sighing as he took a few steps closer to you.
He hummed, grinning wildly as he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you against him as you knocked your make-up case off the counter.
“Y/N,” he mocked.
You frowned. “You shouldn’t be in here.”
He shrugged, locking his arms around you. “I just want a kiss.”
You sighed. “No, I just fixed my lipstick.”
“Just one,” he pouted. “I only want one kiss.”
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to kiss him; You did. He looked cute in his suit and he smelled nice. You just thought there was a time and a place, and it definitely wasn’t right now.
“One, he said, grinning as he ducked his head. His nose brushed against yours, dimples the size of quarters formed into his cheeks. “Kiss.”
Before you could tell him no, his lips were pressed against yours, trapping you in a long, indulgent kiss. You didn’t know what he’d been drinking, but it was so strong that the taste left you dizzy. Sighing into his mouth, you forgot why you were so against it in the first place.
When you tried to pull away to catch your breath, Morgan stole a few more short kisses, grinning against your lips as he pulled you closer.
“That was more than one kiss, Morgan,” You sputtered out, completely winded and gasping for air. Had he not had a hold around your waist, you was sure you would have melted into a puddle on the floor.
He didn’t say anything. Instead, he smiled and kissed you again, pushing you back against the counter as he ran his hands up and down your sides. The way the fabric of your dress moved against your skin drew out a string of quiet giggles that got swallowed up in Morgan’s mouth.
“Trouble,” you said, pressing your hands to his chest to push him away. “You’re nothing but trouble.”
He grinned. “You can give me some time in the penalty box later.”
You rolled your eyes at him as he leaned in for another kiss, his lips barely brushing mine before you both heard the soft echo of the maple leafs players being announced on stage.
“Shit,” Morgan cursed, dropping his arms from around You as he staggered back. He was already fumbling with the door before you could stop him.
“Morgan!” You winced, rubbing your hand over your forehead. It was too late. He was already halfway down the hall and not paying you any attention.
Sighing, You quickly picked up your make-up from the floor, shoving it into your bag before you sprinted down the hallway. By the time you got back to the show, Morgan was out of breath and flustered on stage.
“Uh…sorry had to have a quick trip to the bathroom. He whispered into the microphone as you sat down in your chair. Both Mitch and Auston were almost in tears laughing. They could hardly get through their bit.
Steph shot You a knowing look, one brow twisted as she grinned. “Nice shade of lipstick your
boyfriend’s wearing,” she said into your ear. “Did he pick it out himself?”
You blushed, pressing your lips together. You tried to stop him, wanting to tell him to wipe his face, but you never got the chance. Judging by the red stain smudged over his lips, the whole world was going to know what he was actually getting up to in the bathroom.
“I can’t wait to read the headlines tomorrow,” Steph mused as the boys said their parts.
“What do you reckon they’ll say?” you whined, burying your face in your hands. “You don’t want to think about it.”
“It could be worse, yeah?”
You frowned. “How could it possibly be worse than this?”
Steph shrugged. “At least he made it on stage?”
You sighed. “I think I’d rather he didn’t.”
“Drink this,” Steph laughed, pushing your glass towards You. “You’ll forget all about it after a few more.”
As You watched the camera pan to Morganon the big screen, a napkin in his hand as he finally wiped his face on the side of the stage. You downed half of your drink and prayed people would forget about this by morning.
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Morgan Rielly - Morning Cuddles
Hi can you do a cute Morgan rielly one with like morning cuddles with him like a sleepy Morgan who just keeps asking to be cuddled. 
 Nothing beats the feeling of waking up next to the one you love. This morning was one of those mornings. You opened your eyes feeling Morgan’s strong arm wrapped around your waist. You smiled to you self before rolling over so you were face to face with a sleepy Morgan. 
You watched as his eyes slowly moved back and forth. You watched his bare chest slowly rise and fall. You watched his lips a little part and pushing soft snores out. God you love this man. 
You rolled back over to grab you phone off the nightstand and unlocked it. It was 8:30 am. Shit. You need to get some shopping done before your family got in town this weekend, but you were so comfy and warm. You placed a kiss on Morgan’s arm before grabbing it and getting out of bed all to be pulled back down.
“No.” A sleepy Morgan said placing a kiss on your bare shoulder. 
“Morgan I have to go shopping before my family gets here.” You said laying your head on his shoulder. 
“We can do that later, I want to cuddle. I haven’t been able to cuddle you in a week.” He said placing his nose in your hair. 
He was right. Morgan just got back late last night from a week long trip with the leafs. You missed him, so you had no energy to fight with him. 
“Okay, I’ll cuddle but we have to go shopping later today, I mean it.” You said placing a kiss to his cheek. 
“Deal.” He said pulling you closer to his naked body smiling at his win.
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hey-its-ellice · 7 years
NHL Oneshots/ Imagines (whatever you want to call them)
Updated: 5-27-18
Anaheim Ducks
None Yet
Arizona Coyotes
Tell Who What?- Dylan Strome
Skate Date -Jakob Chychrun
Small -Jakob Chychrun
Boston Bruins
All I Want for Christmas-David Pasternak
Buffalo Sabres
Wait...what?- Alex Nylander
Calgary Flames
None Yet
Carolina Hurricanes
None Yet
Chicago Blackhawks
None Yet
Colorado Avalanche
Little Pizza- AJ Greer
Columbus Blue Jackets
Missed This- Josh Anderson
Small Town Visit- Josh Anderson
Heart-to-heart- Josh Anderson
It Doesn’t Look Good- Zach Werenski
Brad!- Zach Werenski
Drunk- Zach Werenski
Brother Bear- Markus Nutivaara (brother-sister imagine)
Brother Sister Time- Markus Nutivaara (Brother-Sister imagine)
Sick- Seth Jones
Dallas Stars
Umm...-Jamie Benn
I Love You- Tyler Seguin
Buzzed?- Tyler Seguin
Detroit Red Wings
None Yet
Edmonton Oilers
Translator-Leon Draisaitl
I’m Sorry- Leon Draisaitl
I’m Sorry Part 2- Leon Draisaitl
Put Him Back- Connor McDavid
Florida Panthers
None Yet
LA Kings
If found Please Return To..- Alec Martinez
Minnesota Wild
None Yet
Montreal Canadiens
5 Years- Alex Galchenyuk
Shoe Check- Alex Galchenyuk
Nashville Predators
Bad Day- Derek Grant
New Jersey Devils
None Yet
New York Islanders
None Yet
New York Rangers
I Can do it Myself- Jimmy Vesey
Sam’s- Kevin Hayes
Meet the Team- Brady Skjei 
Ottawa Senators
None Yet 
Philadelphia Flyers
I’m Not Like Him- Brayden Schenn
Skate- Brandon Manning
My Fish- Nolan Patrick (New)
Pittsburgh Penguins
Gretzky- Sidney Crosby
San Jose Sharks
None Yet
St. Louis Blues
None Yet
Tampa Bay Lightning
Cuddle?- Mitchell Stephens
Toronto Maple Leafs
Swedish Holiday-William Nylander
Freddie- William Nylander
Party- William Nylander
skön- William Nylander (New)
Happily Ever-After- Nikita Soshnikov
Goon- Auston Matthews
Violet- Auston Matthews
Haunted House- Mitch Marner
Prank- Mitch Marner ft. Auston Matthews
Lock Screen- Morgan Rielly
Little Goalie- Freddie Andersen
Finding and Adopting are Not the Same- James Van Riemsdyk
Long Enough to Know- James Van Riemsdyk
Vancouver Canucks
Fine- Brock Boeser
Vegas Golden Knights
None Yet
Washington Capitals
Make Me- Tom Wilson
Winnipeg Jets
NHL Awards-Patrik Laine
1980′s Olympic Team
Jacket- John Harrington
Fighter- Rob McClanahan
229 notes · View notes
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Player: Morgan Rielly – Toronto Maple Leafs
Mentions:. None.
Warnings: None. Pure Fluff
Preview:. Watching him stand there all bundled up in his coat and hat, nearly tipping over from all the bags well, it melted your heart. You let him finish his complaints and made your way over to where he was standing.
Word Count: 538
Here is the Masterlist
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“Just one more store.”  You were already halfway through the door, not giving Morgan the chance to protest.
“It was one more store five stores ago!” Morgan cried, following closely behind as you made your way through displays of nutcrackers and reindeers. It was the week before Christmas and were way behind schedule. The mall was packed and you had already been stopped multiple times. 
“My arms have gone numb! I am carrying like five million bags. I can’t feel my fingers. It’s cold and I’m tired. I want to go home.” Morgan cried as his eyebrows scrunched and lips pouted, his knuckles white as he held the three shopping bags in each hand. You might have told him it wouldn’t take long, but you got a little carried away after the first store, and here you were three hours later.
“I’ll just be a minute, Mo. I promised the boys we would make gingerbread house and I can’t make gingerbread houses without a gingerbread man cutter.”
Morgan groaned. “This is absolute torture. I don’t even like gingerbread. And you know the guys aren’t even going to be able to even do it right.”
You rolled your eyes as you searched for the aisle you were looking for.
You know there is nothing holly or jolly about any of this and you said it would be fun! I’ve yet to have any fun. All I’ve done is carry around your bags and try on three different shirts, shirts that weren’t even for me!
You had been shopping with the boys plenty of times. You had dealt with enough temper tantrums between Mitch and Auston to know that it was best to just let them get it out.
Watching him stand there all bundled up in his coat and hat, nearly tipping over from all the bags well, it melted your heart. You let him finish his complaints and made your way over to where he was standing.
“I’m sorry. You’ve been so patient all day and here I am dragging you into another store.” You smiled, closing the space between the two of you as you reached up to fix the collar of his jacket.
“Mmm” he muttered, biting at a piece of skin on his bottom lip. “You’re an absolute pain in my ass you know.”
“Where are your manners, Morgan?” You laugh.
“Dunno,” he shrugged repositioning the bags in his hands.
You smile rolling onto the tips of your toes, placing a quick kiss on his nose before settling back on your heels. “Just let me find that cookie cutter and then we can go.”
“Or you can just forget about the cookie cutter and we can go now.” Morgan tried with a smile leaning towards the door.
You smile, shaking your head. “I’m not going to forget about the cookie cutter. But you head to the car and warm it up, I will be there in just a few minutes I promise.”
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Episode One: Let’s Get Started
The Riellys
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You had just gotten home from a long day at work. You changed out of your scrubs and took a shower. You figured Morgan would be home soon. He had texted you that he was staying late to skate some more after practice, something about helping Mitch with something.
You went downstairs to begin working on dinner, you were just pulling out your phone to get a head count in the group chat when you heard the front door open.
“Morgan?” You called out.
“Just me babe!”
“Is anyone joining us for dinner?”
“Nope just us my love.” He answered wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Ohh, okay.” You respond taking out just enough for Mo and you. 
“You sound disappointed that you are only sharing dinner with your stud of a husband.” Morgan chuckles peppering kisses to your neck from behind. 
“I just like to make sure my baby leafs eat.”
“Technically, they are my rookies.”
“Do you feed them captain?”
“Sometimes!” he tries to defend himself.  
“I hate to break it to you but ordering takeout is not feeding them Mo.”
“You got me there.” He chuckles
You finish up with dinner and enjoy the rare night in with your husband without five other people sprawled out across your couches.
Morgan was watching game tapes as you cuddled into his side.
“Let’s start trying,” Morgan says suddenly.
“Trying what?” you mumbled cuddling closer to your husband. You were expecting a suggestion for a cooking class or some other ridiculous idea of his.
“Trying for a baby.”
Nearly asleep, you were suddenly awakened by a single word. 
“You want a baby? Since when?” you swallowed.
You felt his body shrug. “A while actually.”
“So… now?”
“Yes,” he said, pulling you closer. “I have a steady career. I mean the schedule is a little hectic but we have gotten into the swing of it. I hear they’re quite fun to make.” He tried wiggling his eyebrows.
“You want a baby because you’re bored and horny?”
“No,” he laughed. “I want a baby because I want nothing more than to have a child with you.”
You were suddenly out of breath. “You think we’re ready?”
“I don’t think anyone’s ever ready,” he replied. “But I don’t know what we’re waiting for. We’ve done plenty of traveling and living the past few years, and now I’d really like to start our family.”
 We already were a family. A small one, but still a family. You had the team and enough rookies to take care of. You had no doubts about how good of a father Morgan would be, you doubted your ability to be a mother.
“So?” He grinned, turning onto his side.
“I guess I could schedule a doctor’s appointment.” You gave a quick nod, the thoughts of being a mother was making you nauseous.
232 notes · View notes
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Player: Morgan Rielly 
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Mentions: Mitch Marner, Matt Martin, Auston Matthews, Jake Gardner, Connor Brown.
Warnings: Curse words I think?
Preview: You stood there with Mitch while you awaited your fate. The familiar first notes of a song played over the speakers. You and Mitch both looked at each other with a chuckle but you decided to play along.
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You had gone at with all the guys out to celebrate a big win for the Leafs. You were sitting on Morgan’s lap a beer in your hand as you indulged in some stupid conversation with Lucy. That was until Mitch had discovered the Karaoke machine in the VIP section of the bar you were in currently.
 Everyone groaned knowing the night was about to take a turn towards horrible singing. You were actually excited. You always loved karaoke and you couldn’t pass up blackmail videos. Mitch set up the machine and looked back towards your tables, “who’s going to duet with me?”
 All the boys were finding other places to avert your eyes but you stood up. “Let’s do this Mitchy!” you giggled as he pulled you on the small stage. You went to glance down at the machine but Auston and Connor took control.
 You stood there with Mitch while you awaited your fate. The familiar first notes of a song played over the speakers. You and Mitch both looked at each other with a chuckle but you decided to play along.
 You and Mitch sang along to Endless Love both playing around on stage. The song finished and you finally noticed the pout etched onto your boyfriend’s face. You got down and brought yourself back to the table. You went to sit back in your place in Mo’s lap but he leaned forward and set his arms on the table blocking you. You rolled your eyes and fell into the seat next to him.
 “You really going to act like that?” You asked. You knew Morgan got jealous whenever he got drunk. You weren’t sure how far he would take this. He ignored your statement.
 You sighed. “You’re being a brat you know.”
 “You just sang a love ballad with Mitchell, I think I got that right.”
 “You think I meant anything that I said…to Mitch?” you asked incredulously. You even gagged a bit. “That boy is like our child you idiot.”
 “Whatever” He shrugged and took another swig of his beer. You just shook your head and got up from the table. When Morgan got drunk, he got jealous. When you got drunk, you got mad.
 You walked up to the bar and ordered something stronger than a beer. The bartender handed you the glass and you almost engulfed it. Lucy walked up with a laugh. “Mo giving you trouble?”
 You glared at her. “He’s jealous over Mitch, as in Mitchell Marner.” You both looked at each other and busted into laughter.
 “Well, Jake is currently in the metaphorical penalty box as well. Shall we see how many minutes we can rack up?” she giggled gesturing towards the karaoke machine.
 You smirked. “Girl, Let’s get ejected.”
 You watched as Connor and Zach finished a rendition of Don’t Stop Believing. Once they were finished, you and Lucy stepped on stage playing with the machine. Lucy showed you the song and you giggled with a nod. She pushed the play button and handed you a microphone.
 The notes of the Beyoncé song rang through the speakers. Steph and Sydney cheered from their seats. You and Lucy sang through the first verse of Sorry and you could see Morgan and Jake slouch in their chairs.
 You and Lucy enjoyed your time belting out the rest of your song. You both wound up in a fit of giggles once it had ended. You stepped off stage and helped a quite tipsy Lucy down before she fell.
 You both opted to go to your own table instead of heading back to the one you had shared with Morgan and Jake. You both had begun a new conversation about her upcoming wedding. Suddenly the first few notes of a new song played across the room. You glanced towards the stage expecting to see a new drunk rookie destroying a new song. You swung your head back towards the stage when you saw the blonde mop of hair standing in front of the mic stand.  
 Morgan was trying his best at singing “Something I’m Good At” by Brett Elderidge. A song you both belted in the car often, he knew how much of a fan you were of this song. He was looking right towards you, and you could feel the apology in his eyes. You finally allowed a grin to spread across your face.
 Morgan finished the song and hopped off the stage walking towards you and Lucy’s table.
 “Can I steal her for a second Luc?” He asked
 Lucy turned to you. “Penalty Kill”
 You giggled and took Morgan’s outreached hand.
Morgan led you out a back door and out into the cold Toronto Air. He draped his jacket over your bare shoulders. You stayed silent, you knew the song was part of his apology but you liked hearing you were right.
 “I know I was wrong to be an ass about that song with Mitch…” He started.
 You smirked. “You were what?”
 “Don’t Push it.” He chuckled.
 “What? I can’t enjoy being right?” You giggled.
 “You’re lucky I love you.” He quipped pulling you close.
 “I could say the same.”
 “You’re right.”
 “That never gets old.”
 Morgan rolled his eyes and placed a kiss to your temple.
 “What was Lucy talking about when she said Penalty kill?”
 You chuckled. “Me and Lucy may put you and Jake in metaphorical penalty boxes…”
 Morgan just shook his head.
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Player: Morgan Rielly – Toronto Maple Leafs
Prompt: The boys discover that you play hockey.
Mentions: Mitch Marner, Auston Matthews, Connor Brown, Matt Martin.
Warnings: Curse Words
Preview: You recognized the video as soon as the music began playing. It was your senior video. Of course Mitch found the most embarrassing and long video of you. You made a mental note to kill your old teammate for posting it.
Characters:. 1257 words.
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You were trying to, unsuccessfully may you might add, clean your kitchen after dinner. You and Morgan had been dating for a little over six months. He had kept you to himself for the first few months, and now you could see why.
Ever since being introduced to his teammates, for some reason your apartment was now the coolest hangout spot in all of Toronto. You had no idea why at first but you quickly realized they probably enjoyed the free home-cooked meals.
You were still washing dishes when Mitch walked into the kitchen. “What are these Y/N?” he asked curiously. He held up two hockey jerseys.
Your breath hitched at the sight of them. You had hidden your college jerseys way in the back of your closet, hoping Morgan wouldn’t find them. Or noisy teammates apparently. You didn’t exactly indulge him in the fact that you played almost your entire life. Hockey was his thing. You weren’t sure how he would take the fact that you played the same sport. You had a good thing going, so you just never told him.
“What were you doing in my closet Mitchell?” you questioned trying to change the subject.
“We were trying to find clothes to give Brownie a makeover, but that is beside the point! These jerseys have your last name on them!”
You just shook your head, trying to think of a good excuse. The rest of the boys had become intrigued.
“They are old jerseys of my brothers.” You tried.
“So what’s the super small hockey equipment for?” He asked in some ridiculous detective voice he was trying. Auston held up your duffle bag you had stuffed in the back corner of your closet.
You sighed putting the last of the dishes away.
“Okay so I might have played hockey, it’s no big deal.”
Morgan looked at you quizzically as did the rest of the boys.
“You played hockey? What position did you play?” Connor asked.
“It was never that serious, I come from a hockey family, I played hockey. That’s it.” You replied trying to downplay your college career.
The boys just nodded and you had hoped that was the end of it. You figured the guys would be off to play some video game as they normally did. It was better than the alternative which was driving your neighbors insane to no end with their rough-housing.
That was until you noticed Mitch entranced by his phone. The pit in your stomach grew two sizes. You prayed he would find nothing. You gulped as you watched him.
You all moved to the couch and you sat down. You were still watching Mitch intently hoping he was talking to Steph or tweeting something ridiculous. 
You started watching whatever the guys had put on when Mitch suddenly made you jump.
“AHA! Found it. Detective Mitch is the best!”
“And what is it that you found Mitchy?” Matt asked looking up from his seat on the floor.
“I have found a highlight reel of our little Y/N here.” He grinned at you evilly.
You groaned as the guys got excited all trying to lean over Mitch’s phone.
“Y/N has airplay you know” Morgan quipped and you shot him a glare.
“No please!” you begged but you already knew you had no choice in the matter.
Mitch set up the airplay and the guys all settled in delighted to see how you played. 
You recognized the video as soon as the music began playing. It was your senior video. Of course Mitch found the most embarrassing and long video of you. You made a mental note to kill your old teammate for posting it.
The video started showing you playing on the ice and a few goals of yours.
“You played center?” Auston asked. You just nodded pulling the blanket in your lap up to your face, trying to hide the pink tinge flooding your cheeks.
“You have a pretty good celly Y/N.” Connor noted
The video had switched to show you goofing off in the locker room dancing around in your pads.
“Oh my god, she is basically Mitch” Matt added watching you try on your goalies gear playing around.
“Auston has a better ass in gear though, sorry Y/N.”
Morgan hadn’t said a single word so far. You glanced at him as he watched the screen attentively. His expression was unreadable and it worried you.
You looked at the screen and you knew what was coming next, a lump filled in your throat.
“Okay I think that’s enough of embarrassing me for one night.” You tried reaching over for Mitch’s phone. 
“No, No, No. It isn’t over yet.” Mitch quipped. You both wrestled for the phone and then you heard it the music that signaled the part of the video you dreaded. 
You sunk into the couch as far as you could. You stole a quick look at the boys. They were all staring at the screen their mouths ajar.
There on the screen, your fight reel was playing. You had a temper on the ice and when someone messed with your team, you came for them. You watched as you skated away from a fight blood dripping down your face. You think your face matched the red tinge you had on the screen.
Morgan was the first one to finally speak up as the video came to an end.
“You were an enforcer?”
You didn’t think it was possible but you could feel your cheeks get hotter.
“I might have had an inclination to fight people when they fucked with my family.”
“Our sweet little Y/N was a Goon?”
“Man she puts you to shame Martin.”
“Don’t tell my girlfriend, but I don’t think I have ever been more turned on.”
Morgan suddenly grabbed your hand pulling you up off the couch and then towards your bedroom away from the guys chirping.
He dragged you into your room and shut the door.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Morgan asked softly.
You sat on the bed with a sigh.
“I was worried about how you would react. Hockey is your whole life, and I wasn’t sure how you would react to me playing.” You said honestly.
“Why wouldn’t I be happy about the girl I love being able to share something as important to me as hockey.”
You almost fell off the bed. “What?”
Morgan’s cheeks matched your own. “Well I love the fact that you can play hockey and Well I love you.”
You were speechless. Morgan rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything…”
You stood up and walked over to Morgan who was now staring at the floor. You grabbed his face in your hands “If I knew telling you I played hockey would finally get you to say that, I would have told you a month ago.”
“Only a month?” He questioned raising an eyebrow.
“Well it’s when I wanted to say it for the first time.” You smiled.
A grin crept onto Morgan’s face and he kissed you.
You both pulled away when you heard the hollering outside your door. You rolled your eyes as you opened the door. You were met with the guys almost falling into your room. You laughed.
“We have the coolest parents ever!” Mitchy declared pulling you and Morgan both in for a hug.
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