#more under cut i guess
existentialfailure · 2 months
my goal this week/weekend is going to be to bomb every fanfic i like with comments/notes and im going to irritate some people by probably spamming their stuff and i've noticed people i guess hate that (dont know why, maybe im just an undiagnosed narc at heart coz i love it) but
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i dont have insurance rn and withdrawal off multiple medications simultaneously is the worst sickness i have experienced since covid let me tell you, HAH (also yes ilu and miss u doc xoxoxo c u in september when im batshit insane again)
ive been in fandom spaces since 2000 as an infant with no business on the internet but taking advantage since i have elder siblings who had much business being on the internet being elder millennials/xers so they absolutely monitored me (no they didnt) and i used to be highly involved and then for some reason??
i stopped??
and i guess thats just parenthood and it worked in the opposite way for me where instead of not going out and eating xanax with my buddies i stopped reading fanfic and eating xanax with my role playing buddies five oceans away.
also insert toxic relationships or whatever somewhere sprinkled in between and or whatever. i'm rambling.
i guess as i've gotten back into writing again, and as ive gotten into journaling (thank you other tumblr users who inspired me to write my mind down when my doctor couldn't <3) i realized im kind of floating in an abyss of my own turmoil and misery and all those other synonyms of it again without realizing it, and maybe it'll be nice to pretend to know people, and by extension it'll feel good to do some outreach and put a little sprinkle of affection in strangers boxes. because everyone can use a little love and kindness. it feels nice. and i'd like to feel nice, so by proxy.
something something, not sure where this is going.
just be nice to people i guess. you don't have to be, but you should. because it'd be nice if people were nice to you, wouldn't it?
idk. i'd like my meds back. i can't believe i lived like this for 30+ years.
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 months
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You wanna hear a good story? Listen to this one.
Mobius + comfort
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sourtomatola · 3 months
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Third-ish part to Light switched AU
All of you need to go thank @anangelcalledinquisitor for the ideas cause I had nothing for ideas until they gave me some. Both boys are suffering XD
Original parts of Light switched AU
Part4 | Part 5
Meanwhile, Y/n Be over here like: (flashing image warning)
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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possamble · 3 months
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Like take for example how she treats healing Laios leg!! We *never* see someone who was healed have lasting symptoms from a heal. It *itches* terribly — Laios looks like he will scratch it raw. The itching implies an incomplete heal — you only itch that bad when something is being regrown or scabbing like when you get tattoos. There’s something that needs to finish healing. This scene always stood out to me— because Falin notices and *heals* it. And that brought up a ton of questions for me (We see her cast magic, was it to soothe the itching? A phantom pain? Why was it itching in the first place? Didn’t Marcille finish the job? Why was he having after effects we never see someone have any before?) and i’m breaking my brain over it because is this an sign of Marcille’s engagement with healing in general? Perfunctory—a means to an end? Morals? I feel like there is something there for us because that scene wasn’t necessary to the plot so why did Ryoko Kui add this interaction? I think how Marcille engages with healing was telling us a lot more than I previously realized because she was in a medical researcher position before coming into the dungeon however when we see how this was practically applied by her was really interesting!! She’s so divorced from feeling empathy for the pain of healing and i think that’s some sort of self-preservation instinct. Idk i just feel like her engagement with healing is so fucking fascinating when juxtaposed with her beliefs on death pls share thots if any
I think what gets hidden in the details about Marcille’s healing is that no, she’s not a talented cleric and healer in the way that Falin is. But Fantasy settings tend to relegate healing towards “holy” and “good” magic that never causes harm—
and Marcille is what you’d get if you put a doctor and a surgeon with a modern, more realistic approach towards medicine in a genre that doesn’t usually allow for that. 
Like, you’ll see surgeons or doctors secretly being incredibly efficient serial killers in TV thrillers everywhere—but a fantasy series with a cleric or healer that’s secretly great at killing is a bit more rare to find(though not nonexistent, admittedly). Healing magic tends to be painted as either a religious discipline that’s not accessible to those who don’t have a tie to a deity or some ineffable force in the universe, or a matter of accessing some natural “life force” that exists in all living beings. 
Dungeon Meshi, of course, loves bending fantasy conventions in the most incredible ways, so that’s not how it works here. The series allows itself to contend with the fact that healing a human body requires extensive and painstakingly detailed knowledge of that body.
The reason that Falin might appear to be a much more talented healer than Marcille is because Kui dresses her up in all the archetypal traits of a Caring Cleric, and that immediately clicks with readers expecting fantasy conventions in ways that Marcille's expertise doesn't.
This isn’t to discredit Falin, obviously. She is a talented healer, as attested to by Marcille herself:
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But the interesting thing is that she does it all on instinct, so it’s not an exact knowledge. Furthermore, she uses the gnomish system of healing, which is implied to rely more on the judgment and knowledge of natural spirits (and therefore takes less mana). So it’s not hard to imagine that she would have less exact knowledge of how the human body operates than Marcille does as a medical researcher. 
And that in and of itself raises questions: In a world where magic can immediately re-attach a limb, why would medical research be necessary? But Dungeon Meshi makes it clear that healing magic isn’t perfect, nor “holy” magic—it’s simply magic, like any other, carefully tailored to operate within the confines of what a human body needs in order to keep living. It’s not able to cure everything, and it especially seems to have gaps in terms of being able to treat illnesses that aren’t immediately solvable injuries.
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And that all ties into Marcille's attitude towards it: It's a scientific and magical discipline like any other that requires careful study. There's nothing inherently good or bad about it—it was made by people, for people, and what matters is how you use it.
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So, Marcille was at the academy, studying the ways that illness happens in a body, and carefully writing new magic to counteract or at least mitigate it.
(How I interpreted this was that she was likely part of research teams dealing with complicated things like autoimmune diseases, cancer, and other things where the body isn’t technically injured by a foreign element, but erroneously harming itself due to internal reasons.)
For me, this kind of explains her approach to pain in healing:
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Honestly, what this immediately reminded me of was that a friend of mine had to have surgery on their throat when they were younger, and part of the procedure was waking them up without anaesthesia right after the surgery to make sure that they could still feel everything. They told me it was the worst pain they’d ever felt in their entire life—but from a medical perspective, it was necessary to make sure that none of the critical nerves in the neck had been affected. 
Sometimes in medicine, pain is necessary because it’s not some uncomplicated and bad thing—it’s a response of your nervous system, and sometimes the only indicator that your body is still working the way it should. And I think this is the mindset that Marcille has, which is why she seems so blase about it—she doesn’t think that she’s actually hurting people, it’s just a necessary part of the healing process. 
And in some ways, she just sees it as a realistic downside of the fact that you have to recover quickly in dungeon situations:
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Normal recovery would take months. Healing magic shortens that to a few seconds. The pain is a result/tradeoff of forcing something that would naturally take a long time into such a short timespan. This all makes sense and is Right and Correct and Normal in Marcille's mind. It's not that she lacks empathy and doesn't care enough about not harming her patients: she doesn't think that it's "harm" at all.
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Not a shred of guilt in that face before causing extreme pain. Contrast this to her constant fussing over Izutsumi on the smallest things—it's hard to believe she wouldn't even be a little apologetic if she actually believed this would be hurtful in a way that matters.
I think this is overall, less indicative of any lack of empathy so much as her incredibly stubborn and sometimes ridiculous way of compartmentalizing things to her own internal rules. I’d even argue that this mindset is preferable in surface situations, where people have the luxury of time. Dungeon healing hurts because it has to be fast and instantaneous—but if you're just treating a broken bone that can be put in a cast with slower healing magic to help, wouldn't you prefer that over an instant heal with the chance to cause brain damage, no matter how minuscule the chance is? Shouldn’t your long-term health matter more than short-term recovery and some pain?
To touch on Laios’s leg injury—we actually do see this kind of reaction to healing magic later on in the manga. When Marcille is teaching Laios how to heal, she ends up bowling him over because her cut gets super itchy:
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but then she reacts positively and tells him that it's supposed to happen, before trusting him enough to try it on Senshi.
So while yes, it was an “incomplete” heal, I don’t think it was particularly telling about her approach to healing. And honestly, judging by the fact that it only distracted him when he was relaxed enough to be cleaning his armour before bed, it looks like she connected all the major muscles and nerves enough not to cause pain or risk re-injury by moving, but just left superficial stuff for Laios’s body to naturally heal. 
Her mindset makes sense in context: She also had to heal Chilchuck and Senshi, while conserving enough energy to immediately start digging for Falin’s body and potentially do a very taxing resurrection spell as soon as possible. 
After that, Falin healed the rest of Laios’s leg injury in a situation where it wasn’t needed, but there were no other high stakes to discourage it. Also, she can’t bear to see others in pain. ambrosiagourmet already did an incredible analysis of how this empathy doesn't really signify perfect altruism so much as Falin's deep discomfort with having to witness pain, so I won't go into that too much—but the important part is, Falin isn't inherently a more caring healer than Marcille. They are both making decisions for the patient based on their own approaches to healing—it's just that Falin's approach is preferable for dungeoneering overall.
(In Marcille's defense, it seems that dungeons are an incredibly specific environment that falls way outside the realm of what's actually taught to mages in most schools. Being a combat-oriented mage actually seems pretty frowned upon.)
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So, in a lot of ways, Marcille is both realistic about dungeon healing (mana conservation by not doing full heals when not necessary, thinking about pain as the condensation of the time it would have taken to naturally heal, etc.) and very unrealistic about it. What she doesn’t realize is that the pain matters: In a dungeon, people have to be up and ready to continue right away, over and over. If it hurts every time, that makes them very averse to being healed, stressed out about getting injured, and affects their performance as dungeoneers.
All that to say… I personally believe that Marcille is very passionate about healing people. Not healing magic necessarily, but medicine as a whole. It’s not just a means to an end—it’s her main area of study only second to her research into ancient magic. And sure, she might have gotten into it because of her fear of death—but what I think people don’t give enough credit to is that her motivations changed from when she was a child. 
You see it here, when she’s laying her dream outright to the Winged Lion: 
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She might be kinda racist herself, hypocritical, and short-sighted (mostly out of ignorance, I’d argue), but at heart, she hates that people hurt each other. She hates that long-lived races look down on everyone else just because of lifespan. She has—arguably very correctly—identified the disparity in lifespans as one of the main causes of interracial strife, and she wants to get rid of it so that everyone can fully understand and relate to each other as equals. 
And in some ways, it’s not even that insane of a dream. 
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Knowing that people used to live as long as she’ll have to, and something changed in the eons since, is it really that weird for her to want to change it back somehow? 
But all that aside—the most important part of this to me is that… originally, she wasn’t actually that hung up on completely equalizing lifespans. She got into medicine because she wanted to, at the very least, close the gap as much as she could in her very long life. 
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She was realistic about it at first. She thought that, by studying ancient magic’s ability to pull from the infinite, she could harness that infinite energy in tandem with medical knowledge to give more life to the short-lived races. 
But as she says it herself, it changed when she realized that she doesn’t have time to gradually unravel it on her own. 
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So, yes. She got desperate. She got crazy. In light of all she did as dungeon lord, it’s easy to assume that she never cared much about healing as a profession, and is just a self-obsessed little girl caged by her trauma and trying to change the entire world to make sure she doesn’t have to be hurt. 
And… she is all that. She's my blorbo supreme but I'll be the first to insist that she is very much a complete hot mess. But my point is that these were very extreme circumstances, and Ryoko Kui has given us all the understated evidence we need to know that she’s actually a very passionate doctor otherwise. This is the girl who freaks out if she’s not useful to other people and not allowed to help:
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Did actually get excited about making safe dungeons for helpful purposes beyond just learning more about ancient magic to fulfill her dream: 
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And in tandem with her own personal trauma—not in opposition to it or to obscure it—cared about making life more peaceful and equal for everyone in the world. Not to mention, she had to have done some insane work to be acknowledged as the most talented researcher at the academy and be allowed onto teams that were researching new healing magics.
TL:DR, I think she has a lot of empathy for people and passion for helping them, it’s just expressed in a way you wouldn’t expect in a fantasy because Ryoko Kui doesn’t fuck around with her storytelling and genre subversion. She might not be a good archetypal healer, but she's an extremely knowledgeable doctor with a point-blank and intense attitude towards healing and medical treatment (see: her strictness about physical touch when teaching Laios about healing).
For me, all evidence points towards her going back to what she was doing before the story on top of her duties as Court Mage, kind of becoming a sort of Surgeon General for Melini as the head of health and safety for the country and whatnot. 
PS. I will admit that there's explicit evidence she's not good at healing here:
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But this was also like... chapter 3. Written years ago. I personally feel that everything Kui has said about Marcille's background since is enough evidence that it was just a one-off joke before she had an airtight idea about who Marcille was and would be, but I'll concede that it's mostly conjecture.
But again, as I said, I believe that while she might not be the best at the heal spell that's used in Dungeons, she's passionate about being a medical researcher and the field of medicine as a whole.
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jztr-77 · 8 months
A story in 3 drawings or 3 first attempts at using procreate featuring solangelo as my labrat
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Connor stole something from the Hecate kids, tripped and dropped it on Will. It made his hair grew longggggg (insert Willpunzel let down your hair joke here) before his date with Nico.
While Will went to find some assistance, Kayla scolded Connor (with an arrow for good measure).
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Will ended up 15min late since the Aphrodite kids had a blast with his soft long hair. Luckily the bunnies were very patient with his arrival.
Nico was about to be a drama queen but he got blinded by Will's unexpected appearance. (how dare he looked stunning without telling him first?? Now Nico looks underdressed)
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It was a successful date! The bunnies are fed, the lovers are whipped, couldn't ask for anything more.
(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡
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quiescentdestiny · 2 months
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I know you've been cursed, but this can be reversed after everything you lost, every penny that it cost you it doesn't get much worse, but you wouldn't be the first to survive this kind of hell.
•• ━━━━━ ••● x ●•• ━━━━━ ••
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previous jean art mentioned in the tags.
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icecreampizzer · 8 months
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Presenting a compilation of all of my IEYTD OCs so far! They have their own plot going on but idk if I have the energy to talk about that here and now. I already made a post about Black Mamba so they get to have one (1) pic only. Here's some introductory blurbs I wrote for them under the cut!
Mina Magpantay is an aspiring detective with unshakeable determination, even if the situation gets rough. She enjoys solving mysteries and playing in escape rooms. She's also socially adept and enjoys bonding with people. After the Peacemaker fiasco, she has vowed to keep her eyes open for any slip-up Zoraxis tries to make again. Unfortunately, her curiosity ended up getting her involved with a very dangerous operative, after an agent tried to protect her.
Franz Marshall is a very serious agent whose first priority is the safety of everyone involved. Her time in the field changed her worldview a hundred times over, and her disdain for the Agency is almost as intense as her disdain for Zoraxis. It only got more intense after Dr. Prism left, as she was all for her Robot Agent project. She wanted to return to the field after her handling agent got extremely injured, and she vowed to finish their mission. Whatever it takes.
"Dr. Schaden Freude" is a graduate student who's starting their supervillain career early by applying as a part-time assistant in Zoraxis. They're clever, observant, and strangely friendly. They're starting to be more aware of how Zor treats their subordinates, though, and they have...some notes. But it's not like they have the power to argue with them anyhow. As an assistant they ended up being given the task of handling Mamba, despite their lack of experience in being a support agent.
Operative Black Mamba is the fruit of Zoraxis's obsession with the one and only Agent Phoenix, with the express purpose of creating a perfect rival to the Agency's greatest weapon. The problem is that this clone had the gall to build a personality of her own, fueled by her own confusing emotions and motivations, to the point that she's becoming more of a liability than an asset. They still keep her around though...but maybe she's one slip-up away from being discarded completely.
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liquidstar · 10 months
i think that on here we've kinda talked a lot about how the traditional "coming out" narrative presented in popculture is flawed in reality. because it always presents this idea that you have to tell everyone who you Really are, that youre Hiding parts of yourself, that you can never be You until you bare your Secrets to the world. and that actually this isnt because people feel entitled to your personal business but that its hurting YOU when they dont know your personal business so you should really just tell them. (but also dont be "too" proud because thats annoying :( act mostly cishet please but dont lie about it! hehe!) it will work out every time for sure :)
but ofc thats not how real life works. i mean, naturally i understand that there are OF COURSE people out there who want to be loud and proud about who they are, and that this is incredibly important to their identity which theyve suppressed for so long. but that "coming out" narrative is harmful because it ignores many of the reasons it had to be suppressed to begin with. its fucking dangerous! its dangerous to a lot of people for a lot of reasons. they can lose their support system, family, job, house, and their entire life. both in the sense that they'll be completely uprooted from it, and in the sense that they could be killed. so constantly presenting the notion of "coming out is good for you no matter what because its the Only way to be your Real Authentic Self and also you HAVE to do it eventually because thats how this narrative is just Meant to go. be a good little queer and please dont stray from this path."
and the problem is that plenty of young LGBT+ people completely internalize it too! ive had so many convos with young people worried about coming out to their conservative family because, well, theyre supposed to! and their minds are completely blown when i tell them that actually they dont have to do that. that theyre under no obligation to tell everyone their business and its okay to just keep being them w/o making an announcement about it. ESPECIALLY IF IT PUTS THEM IN DANGER!!!! and to be clear this issue doesnt stop at age 18 or at moving out or anything like that either, there continue to be many obstacles for many people that make coming out unsafe, or just a bad life decision to uproot everything Right Now. it's okay to just be in the closet and it isn't a moral failing like cishet media wants to convince us. we all agree, right?
good! but here's what my actual real point is:
when we talk about this, for some reason, we seem to only reaaaallly be talking about the gay side of it, right? like im sure lots of people imagined, like, teenage gay boy movies. maybe a couple lesbian and bi characters too perhaps. and that makes sense because thats like the most common narrative for this sort of trope, so ofc those are the first examples we imagine. and ofc theres the more complex addition of "passing" when it comes to trans versions of this story, the idea that you gotta look a certain way to be "valid" adds another layer.
so i think its time more people started to acknowledge this about trans people too, right? i think we can all agree with this on paper already; no trans person is obligated to come out or present a certain way if theyre not in a place where they currently are able to do so. physically, mentally, financially... or just because they dont wanna! whatever the circumstances are, there is no criteria they have to meet to be vindicated in this. it doesnt only apply to 14 year olds living with shitty parents who plan to move out soon and become "Really Trans" (as if they didnt count before conforming to The Narrative), the person could be 40 and never planning to be completely out, and its the same. they dont owe you this "showing the world who you Really are in order to [earn the right to] Be Yourself" crap. thats their choice only.
however, i also think that even if most ppl on here in lgbt circles on here agree with the general sentiment... sometimes it doesnt always get applied it practice. though the whole "truscum" thing kinda died down (thank god) i still think that rampant transmedicalism has left its scars on lots of people and the things they internalize, combined with similar cisheteronormative messages in popular media about how your narrative Should go and how you Should act and look to be respected, and its Morally Wrong not to fit that mold.
so when encountered with people who dont pass, who dont TRY to pass and instead actively choose to look like their agab due to the fact that they are literally in the closet irl (lest we forget people have whole entire complex lives outside of the net) this sort of short circuit happens in ppls heads, where that internalized idea of "but you're supposed to be THIS WAY! youre not doing it RIGHT!" pops back up and they end up labeling that person as fake or Not Trans Enough for this reason.
and i do also think part of this stems from people not having enough sympathy for those whose paths are different, because they were told not to. theres a Right way, and they did it the right way. and likely they struggled for it a lot, so isnt it unfair that people are doing it the Easy Way (as if its easy to be closeted to begin with) and claiming theyre like you? thats Wrong. they have to Earn it. you lgbts should all get mad at EACH OTHER actually! this will help your community be better [in the eyes of cishetero society that doesnt really want you to exist to begin with]
additionally the reason im emphasizing the internet side of this so much is because... well, in this day and age, thats the space lots of people go to to NOT be in the closet. to at least microdose on being "out" while in real life they very much arent. like i said before, being in the closet is rough and taxing, suppressing yourself hurts which is why so many people wanna be loud and out and proud! not everyone can though, so turning to a place with relative anonymity to get that is great, and i think its probably saved a lot of people. but also because of this, its pretty much the only way to get the scenario this is positing to begin with- where you know a stranger can know that youre trans even if youre otherwise closeted completely, just so they can tell you that youre Not. but how many people in the past do you think lived lives where they never let these feelings out at all? how many alive today do you think dont even express them online?
you know that sort trope (often stereotypes in media) of a trans person "crossdressing" only when alone, in order to get a short bit of relief or euphoria that they cant in their closed life? i think that today we have the internet to do that. i think its kind of the same thing. but its also very different, because its not as private. its still secret, because its anonymous, but its also something shared with plenty of strangers at the same time. they dont know you irl, so its safe, distant, and gives you that rush of being yourself, and being referred to correctly by others too. theres community, theres support, and theres friendship too, once you get to know those strangers. its not a "second life" or a "persona" is just a side of yourself you dont show elsewhere, an identity that needs to be let out one way or another.
who the fuck are we to deny others the right to this life-saving connection just because they arent out? because they dont pass or dress the Right way irl? because we decided they arent trying hard enough to "fit in"? because they dont plan to change their lives to fit the right narrative anytime soon?
should they not be allowed into the community then? that would be perfect wouldnt it? leave many who need support out to die, because they did it Wrong. fight within our community over who is doing it Right until we've broken it in half. the righteous ones [according to cishet standards] are surely going to be treated with respect once they get rid of the Bad ones, right?
yeah, i dont think so. thats horseshit. we're stronger together than we are apart, thats why infighting is so useful to those who dont want us to be strong to begin with. its important to help each other, boost each other up, even if some of us arent playing the "right" part irl. are we really just going to sit around and accept the cishet norms as rules to live by? fuck that. not everyones story will reflect it, and you have to accept them anyway if you want a strong community. it doesnt matter how much they might look/act like their agab irl, if theyre telling you otherwise take it at face value, respect them the way you would any other. again, many of us agree with this on paper, but i think we still have to put work into acting on that too.
the end <3
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non-un-topo · 1 year
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More clothing studies, this time from my fic Axis. I was aiming for authenticity while also trying to have each of their personalities show a little bit in their clothing choices. Two for Nicky, to show his layers.
#tog#the old guard#for reference the fic takes place in 1625 in iceland. i still don't think they're bundled enough though lol.#nicolo di genova#yusuf al kaysani#andromache of scythia#no quynh :(#these were a n i g t m a r e to crop correctly. tumblr why are you like this.#hence the cropping might look a little weird#siggy draws#i think these sketches took a month and a half lol. now i will be quiet about this fic and focus on writing something else.#what do we think about this style? the differently coloured lineart and the slight lighting? and the rough colours?#also i forgot my siggynature on ALL of these but that's ok. you know who i am sdfghf#my new obsession is clothing details i guess!! could always make it more detailed though! with lots of practice i can try.#no real director's commentary on these drawings like i usually write for my sketches asdsfgfd#just that this is mostly what they wear in the fic. add a coat for andy maybe and some mitts for joe.#and more weapons and bags and stuff#can't really see nicky's braids but he's got one big french braid and a few tiny ones on the sides of his head connecting to it.#his hair is like shoulder-blade length. it's about the symbolism!! of not making a change for a long time!! until he does cut it!!#and andy is wearing quynh's necklace under her shirt of course </3#joe rolls his pantaloons above the knee for maximum movement (horseriding) and fashion (gay)#i have a crush on the first nicky sketch like he's so cunty for no reason#well. he's possibly supposed to be having a serious conversation/argument with andy#kudos to the ref picture i used of luca just standing Like That
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screwpinecaprice · 11 months
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@fedriz-marini 😁 She's pretty fun to draw. Though I admit my attention got divided for a time that I didn't stop to think about what the texture of her pants is until it's all over. 😅
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averlym · 1 year
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"one day, i cut him an apple. when he saw it, he laughed" (click for better resolution!) ,,, tag from @elliotly
#ambrose wellington bassford#vincent aurelius lin#adamandi#whkjfhgdg i feel a tad audacious directly tagging a creator. but the tags left under the last bea post... i have a lot of thoughts#here is the brainrot very specific to the musical and the cut fruit thing uM here you go <posts. disappears.>#the quotes are all taken directly from the yt captions!! there are so many parallels here let me just. vaguely analyse everything#labelled like a sci diagram of sorts because vincent (and i have a soft spot for science/visual art kids like me)#also dark academia so fig. 1 and footnotes and the slight yellowing paper texture#i guess i'll tackle the symbols then the quotes? for the poses i looked btwn the two vincent monologues/interactions w ambrose!#<i've tried to draw the actors as best as i could. but i suppose the characters being recognisable is enough??? hhh>#this is of course about the apple cutting so the apple unravels in the bg: the smooth skin of the apple on ambrose's half in painted blende#and the rougher charcoal peeled apple on vincent's side. because different art styles and textures favoured parallel the apple so bad#footnote 2: artistic sensibilities differ referring to the art styles and also preferences. but also visually the apple skin tears - broken#footnote 1: more about texture; ambrose and ceramics and perfection.. waxy apple skin without any imperfections#apollo bust is also there! can i also say the lyric''contrapposto confidence'' made me laugh a bit too hard. art student inside joke i gues#footnote 3: about the biological drawings from dissections. but also the flesh of the apple and dissections. and how i hc? vincent would#similarly dissect his relationship with ambrose to process.. i mean he does keep writing stuff about people..#fig.1: direct reference to scene // it's looking like a speech bubble but if you see it as diagrammatic then it also points to the markings#on his face. the organic imperfections is what i am saying#fig. 2: technically also about the apple (all the main black boxes are apple quotes) but also linked to the chisel ambrose is holding..#like.. don't enjoy flesh and skin? turn into?? marble?? :OOO. sdafgfjhkl // fig. 3: technically also the apple. but also vincent @ skask#also visual parallels: ambrose holding chisel!! vincent holding scalpel!! classics and bio... alright i will stop here ksdjf#it is also worth to bring up perhaps that in asian households such as mine there's the whole cutting fruit as intimacy and love#(oh and in true me fashion to make a bad pun.. fruity behaviour...possibly...)#like it's such an obvious symbol i know someone who is directly referencing it for their school artwork yknow? so like as a sneaky represen#that part really got me. went a little bonkers (screamed silently in the train when i first saw it.) even before any Implications set in#then the whole asking their mother and she telling him ''it's cleaner'' then ''why would i feed you something bitter?'' my parents at me fr#hjadsfgshj ok enough enough thank you for reading to the bottom and partaking in my nonsense. mortifying ordeal of being known.
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meyerlansky · 3 months
i really wish the worst year of my life on a personal level was not happening while i also have to be on Good Behavior for a new job with the threat of unemployment looming VERY near
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purpurussy · 16 days
what part(s) offended people?
imo this isn't a spoiler since he removed it from the script but here's a quick warning that this post discusses tit content anyway
sdjsfhggdl i dont wanna keep addressing it bc the more i talk about it the more it looks like i was really offended by it which i wasn't 😭 but
in the phantwerp show dan made a comment along the lines of "we're not normative. i mean not mainstream, we're not autistic" and then he said something like "well everyone's a little bit on the spectrum" which may have been sarcastic but i couldnt tell lmao it wasn't like obviously sarcastic (also im heavily paraphrasing here). he obviously didn't mean anything upsetting by it, he way he worded it sounded a bit clumsy and did not work with the show imo. and could definitely be taken the wrong way out of context. and yeah i felt like the audience (at least the people around me) were also just like "?? huh wtf is he trying to say" lmao it wasn't offensive as much as it just didn't make a lot of sense?? and it was an odd way for him to address a potentially sensitive topic. im personally glad he removed it, it's clear that he didn't mean any harm by it but imo the show is better without it.
i just hope he doesnt feel bad about it bc like he didn't say anything heinous or whatever dsdlfsjlfjl 😭 it was just kinda odd
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
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spinchs-field · 2 months
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the dog wants walkies. it’s that or… well, i shan’t say.
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