#more to come! probably.
laterisers · 4 months
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We're Malachite now. (redraw of this scene lmao)
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fairuzfan · 5 months
Please consider spending time to learn more about Afro-Palestinian experiences and living under occupation while Black and Palestinian, along with Afro-Palestinian resistance efforts throughout the years. Here are some valuable articles and resources:
In the heart of the Old City, generations of Afro-Palestinians persevere in the face of occupation by Mousa Qous
Putting the pieces together: Fragments of oral history in exile by Samah Fadil
‘Afro-Palestinians’ forge a unique identity in Israel by Isma'il Kushkush
The Africans of Jerusalem by Mousa Qous
The History Of Afro-Palestinians, Past And Present by Fayida Jailler
African-Palestinian community’s deep roots in liberation struggle by Electronic Intifada
Remembering Fatima Bernawi: Historic Palestinian fighter and liberated prisoner (1939-2022) on Samidoun
Fatima Barnawi, founder of Palestinian Women's Police and veteran prisoner, dies at 83 by Middle East Eye
On Fatima Bernawi, Women's Struggle, and Black-Palestinian Solidarity by Elom Tettey-Tamaklo
Afro Palestine: the African Diaspora in Palestine (not an article but a quick video summary of Afro-Palestinian history)
Note: highly recommend checking out Mousa Qous, the founder of the African Community Society, for his writings above all!
African Community Society of Jerusalem:
Their website— organization centered around the Afro-Palestinian community in Jerusalem.
General info about the group
ACS's instagram to learn more about Afro-Palestinian history.
Here is a write-up about the African Community Society, their impact within Palestinian society, and Afro-Palestinian history in Jerusalem specifically. Highly recommend taking the time to read this if you can.
Please take the time to watch this Documentary by Stephen Graham about former Israeli prisoner Ali Jiddah where he takes the viewer on a tour throughout Jerusalem and describes the unique struggles the Afro-Palestinian community face. He is quite a friendly guy and very funny:
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Abby finally meets FNAF game Michael Afton
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egophiliac · 21 days
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was this anyone else's first thought, or
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eldritch-ace · 1 year
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I too think he deserves a kwagatama
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redthemarten · 6 months
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Press F for the guy who just dug his own grave
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floweroflaurelin · 8 months
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Huevember day 4: The Penitent
O corse of the Locked Tomb, I have loved thee all my life, with mine whole soul, and with mine whole strength. I would to God that I find grace in thy eyes. Destroy me according to thy word, for I love thee. ✨⚔️💀⚔️✨
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chrisrin · 2 months
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Tycoon is here, to steal your heart!
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valrvn · 1 year
enough talk of boy pussy. I am here to discuss man cunt
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lynxgriffin · 8 months
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Faint Courage
It's Halloween, and it's Deltarune's anniversary! What's more appropriate than scaring some kids?
This comic basically acts as a prequel to last year's A Deal With The Devil and Some Self Reflection. Hope you all enjoy!
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spielzeugkaiser · 11 months
How it started-
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How it's going!! They are a family and I am!!! also draw the hug you want to see in the show but they are forgiven because them meeting in brokilon was still soooo tender my HEART-
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bigolialragu · 2 months
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dbz fun
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zosanbrainrot · 2 months
Current thought is just… Zoro, covered in blood, holding his child Chopper
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always here for a blood covered Zoro!!
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Your teen Michael Afton looks like a delinquent, I love him.
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He definitely plays with a lighter
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egophiliac · 4 months
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don't think I'm not still deep in the episode 7 brainrot. because OH BOY AM I
(also one more extremely, obnoxiously self-referential thing, I'm -- I'm so sorry)
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molaning · 2 months
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cyno becomes an idol
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