#more like cherry word vomits lol
infiniteimaginings · 7 months
hello! can i request a max thunderman fic where he falls in love with a girl who seems like a goody two shoes but can be casually manipulative in a way nobody notices? thank you!
Sweet Deception (Max Thuderman x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: Max doesn't like the reader because she's similar to Phoebe. A goody two shoes, follows the rules, never breaks curfew. His locker is unfortunately next to hers and he has a few classes with the reader so he hears snippets of her conversations. These conversations peak his interest, not because of the subject, but because of how she responds within them. You intrigue him. Pronouns: She/Her, You/Yours Warnings: Manipulative words, manipulation tactics. Word Count: 2.9k A/N: Sorry that this took a week lol, I literally did everything but write this TvT. I think this is casually manipulative, I had to research subtle manipulation. Also, I focused more on the manipulation aspect so he isn't like, head over heels in love with her. I hope that's okay.
Max Thunderman walked up the stairs of his lair in the basement, making his way to the kitchen. When he looked over he saw Phoebe and you, sitting and watching tv. The two of you heard his footsteps and turned to face him. His face contorted in disgust at how in sync the two girls facing him were, “Ugh.” He grunted, rolling his eyes and walking to the kitchen area.
Phoebe crinkled her brows as she crossed her arms, “What are you grunting about?” She asked him, not moving from her spot, you looking over as well, letting out an inaudible sigh. Max grabbed a drink from the fridge and smiled sarcastically at her, “When I see you and your practical carbon copy,” He spoke, leaning his back on the kitchen island, “I find the need to vomit.” He told her, nodding his head with the scrunch of his nose. Phoebe stuck her tongue out to him childishly, Max doing the same and hopping up the steps and kicking the button to his lair.
You bit the inside of your cheek, adjusting yourself on the couch. “Phoebe,” You said her name, causing her to turn back to you. “I actually have other things to do today, so if we aren’t doing anything I’m just gonna go.” You told her, standing up. The girl stood and awkwardly smiled, nodding, “Yeah! Of course, sorry.” She said apologetically, rubbing the back of her neck. She opened the door for you and you said your goodbyes, giving her a small hug and walking away, typing on your phone.
Phoebe closed the front door and breathed out a puff of air, causing her hair to move out of her face. Max still stood on the platform, his lair door open as he looked at the doorway where Phoebe stood with an expression Phoebe couldn’t understand. When the girl looked to her twin brother she walked a little closer, contemplating even asking the question she wanted to ask. The quirking up of his eyebrow caused her to just shake her head to herself, “Max, do you think I’m boring?” She asked him, brushing her hair out of her face. Max stayed standing on the platform as he thought about it, bottled drink in his hand. He tilted his head a bit, “Yeah.” He shrugged, sliding down to his lair, the door closing and leaving Phoebe with an annoyed expression. She poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue, “Of course.” She mumbled to herself blankly, dropping her hands to her sides as she walked up the stairs to her room.
The very next day at Hiddenville High, Max hoped he had gotten to school early enough to be able to miss you later on going to your locker. Your locker was right next to his and he didn’t enjoy the people he had the displeasure of meeting anywhere near his locker. He reached the locker with a relieved smile, you weren’t there, you must not be at school yet. He put in his combination, shuffling through the small space for a few specific items.
He was enjoying the silence until you walked up with your perky blonde friend Cherry Seinfeld, your expression was fairly neutral but Cherrys had her typical bright smile. When you reached your locker, Max wanted to bang his head into his own, not wanting to hear Cherrys high pitched laugh. This day though, Cherry wasn’t laughing, he slightly tuned into you guys’s conversation.
Cherrys hair bounced with her steps, her hands behind her back, “Did you remember to bring the folder of ideas?” She asked, occasionally looking into your locker, believing you were going to pull it out. You stopped shuffling around in your locker as you turned to her, blinking your eyes. “I didn’t know you needed it.” You told her, tilting your head as your brows knitted together. The blonde's smile dropped a bit as her hands landed to her sides, “I asked you to bring it today, last week.” She reminded you, moving her head with her words. You shook your head, turning back to your locker and grabbing a journal. You hummed to her comment, “You should’ve reminded me yesterday if it was so important for today.” You told her, moving a few magnets on the inside of your locker.
Cherry frowned, playing with her fingernails and looking down, “Well, I didn’t remember until today.” She slightly mumbled. You closed your locker, it closed with a slightly loud bang that caused Cherry to jump a bit. You turned around to her and put a hand on her shoulder, a small sympathetic pout on your face, “Well, you do tend to be a bit forgetful.” You said sweetly, the comment making Cherry nod sadly a little bit, but Max looked at the back of his locker with confusion when hearing the words. You nodded, painting a sweet smile on your face, “It’s okay though!” You reassured, patting her shoulder. “I’ll stop by my house at lunch and grab it.” You told her, causing the girl in front of you to light up with a smile. She clasped her hands together happily, “Thank you, and I’m sorry for not reminding you.” She told you, “It’s no problem, don’t worry.” You responded, walking off to your class.
Cherry had a free period for first period so she hung by her locker, texting a few of her friends to see what to do after school. Max closed his locker and leaned on it, looking intently at Cherry. The blonde felt his stare and looked over, “Hi Max!” She greeted, with a smile, looking back down. Though she greeted him, he still looked at her. She pursed her lips and cleared her throat, eyes flickering up to him as she typed. She finished her message and put her phone into her back pocket. “Well, I should get go-” Cherry began, but she was stopped before she could even pick her foot up to take the first step to her next destination.
Max looked at her seriously, arms crossed, “What she said was kind of mean,” He said, referring to you, standing straighter, “and that’s coming from me.” He finished his sentence, slightly bewildered that he even spoke on it. Cherry was confused about what he was talking about and it showed easily on her face. Max nodded, “When she said you’re forgetful. She forgot to bring something and then said it was because you forgot to remind her. That was rude.” A small breath of a chuckle escaping his lips when apparently Cherry wasn’t getting it.
The girl crossed her own arms, head tilted, her blonde curls pooling over her shoulder, “Were you eavesdropping on us?” She asked him with her lips slightly poked out, eyes gently narrowed.
Max looked at her blankly, one of his hands pointing to the lockers they were right next to. “You guys were talking an inch away from me and my locker, I had no choice.” He stated, stopping himself from rolling his eyes. Cherry dropped her arms and shook her head, a gentle smile coming back to her face. “Well, it wasn’t mean.” She claimed, “She was right, I should’ve reminded her, a week is a long time for anyone to remember to bring anything.” Cherry defended you, which confused Max. Before the brunette could get a word in, someone walked past Cherry, gesturing her to follow and she did just that, leaving Max alone to his thoughts.
Max decided to keep a closer eye on you and your interactions, he tends to try to ignore you but your recent conversations catch his attention. He’s taken note that you don’t just do this type of thing with Phoebe and Cherry, you do it with everyone.
One day, Max was sitting at a table with his friends during lunch, talking about nothing important. At the next table over, you sat alone, scribbling in a notebook.
A boy named Tyler had walked up to you, clearly distressed. You were looking through your notebook, eating, your gaze only flickering up to him for a moment. “Hi Tyler.” You greeted, writing a few things in the journal. He sat across from you, adjusting the collar of his shirt nervously which caused you to put your pen down and look at him with soft eyes. “You okay?” You asked, folding your hands over one another, your voice taking him out of his own head.
Max heard your voice and slightly listened to your conversation, still giving responses to his friends.
Tylers eyes widened and he nodded before shaking his head. You looked at him curiously, as if telling him to go on with why he wasn’t. Tyler took a deep breath, “I know we talked about this earlier but, I still feel weird about it.” He spoke slightly, the words making your lips thin into a line before folding back out, Tyler didn’t notice. “How so?” You asked politely, placing your hands into your lap. The boy rubbed the back of his neck, “I just feel we aren’t really friends anymore since you hang out with everyone else more than me. I feel a little neglected.” He spoke, waving his hands around nervously. You nodded in understanding, “Yeah, I understand that.” You told him gently, moving yourself a bit to get more comfortable. “But,” you began, “We had this conversation earlier, yeah?” You asked him to which he nodded, his hands gripping the edge of the table. You nodded, “Yeah, we did. I said I’m sorry and you forgave me.” You told him and he looked down, he knew you said sorry, but he still felt upset about it. “If you didn’t forgive me and were still hurt, why did you say you forgave me?” You asked him and Tyler gently scratched his head. He eventually sighed, “Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I’m just still worked up.” He suggested to which you looked at him with big eyes, “If you think so, then sure.” You spoke, reaching out and patting his hand that stayed on the table.
Max was listening to the conversation, his jaw slightly dropped as his eyes widened slightly, ‘What?’ He thought to himself, utterly confused. How was it possible that you could get other people to just blame themselves instead of you? That piqued Max’s interest far more than he thought you could.
He watched you more closely, you said these things so easily, so kindly that people just let you. He’s heard so many to the point Max was getting fed up with the people around you, it was absurd how no one noticed. It might’ve drawn him to you, but your friends had to be idiots.
You were talking to Flunky about some sort of idea he presented to the student council and it went badly, he told you that you said the idea would work but you simply frowned, brows pushing together, confusion written over your face. Max heard a phrase he quickly got used to hearing, "I don’t think I said that specifically, are you sure you're remembering correctly?” When Flunky started doubting himself you would side hug him with a soft smile. You would say “It’s okay, you just misunderstood me. Misunderstandings happen all the time.” As if you didn’t contribute to his downfall to the student council.
Max has heard, “I don't think you're seeing the situation clearly. Maybe you should take a step back and think about it.", "I didn't mean to upset you, I was just being honest.”, “You’re so negative, you should be more positive.” All with a bright smile on your face and everyone would just smile back, say you’re right and move along as if you didn’t just completely turn the situation around back on them. He’s never seen someone so, ‘good’, act in such a way, he couldn’t quite explain his feelings on it.
Enough was enough for Max, so one day before the last period bell rang he grabbed you by your arm and gently pulled you behind the staircase. You weren’t exactly shocked by who it was so you didn’t struggle, you walked along with him, asking a small, ‘Where are we going?’ which was ignored until you guys were under the stairs. You looked around a bit, an amused smile on your face, “Hello to you too Max.” You lightly chuckled but Max’s face was stone cold, only a small stem of light reflected in the brown of his eyes.
“You’re confusing.” He stated, arms crossed and you genuinely laughed. You stopped laughing, clearing your throat when you saw his face, “Okay, you’re serious.” You spoke, hiding your mouth with your hand before dropping it back down to your side. Your eyes blinked at him, “How am I confusing?” You asked, a small smile on your face, your brow raised. Max smirked, “I am so glad you asked!” He said with bright eyes before his expression dropped back into blankness, “You’ll say something with your sweet voice, but it’s so hurtful to other people.” Max told you, pointing at you. You nodded gently, arms still at your sides, your head slightly tilted to the side as you spoke, “It’s interesting to me that you perceive my words in that type of light.” You told him, your bottom lip slightly poking out.
Max inhaled sharply before letting out a deep exhale, “It’s been clear that everyone around you is blinded by your displays.” He said, hand waving in the air to gesture to you, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue, “I’m not.” He spoke bluntly, putting his hand down. He then licked his lips, looking around slightly before locking eyes with your amused expression, “Okay, I’ll say it outright since no one else has.” He spoke, walking closer to you, slightly leaning forward to gently tower you. “You’re mean, and you’re borderline evil.” He stated, his lips in a line, pulling back, “And for the second time within the past two weeks, that’s coming from me. “ He mumbled, surprised he’s saying such things.
You sighed, smiling a bit, “Do you feel better?” You asked him, noticing how his shoulders relaxed after saying it. He didn’t respond which made your smile slip a bit before it was placed right back, “I think it’s,” She paused, trying to find the right words and Max tilted his head. Were you stumped because you’ve been caught? You shook your head, disregarding your last thought, “I don’t think I’m evil.” You said simply, your eyes big and bright, but Max huffed a laugh at the comment. He smirked ever so slightly, breaking his majorly serious facade, “Your words are covered in venom but it’s like you manipulate everyone into only seeing honey dripping from them.” He told you, fingers scratching at his eyebrow as he tried to think about all your words. “You're some sort of wolf in sheep's clothing, you bite when someone gets too close to something you don't like.” He continued on, the phrasing causing your smile to drop completely. You bit your tongue slightly before speaking, “I’m sorry you think that.” You spoke quietly, the tone of your voice made Max create eye contact with you.
He smiled, smiled at you. “I thought you were insufferable,” He spoke about prior moments, “but, you interest me more and more everyday.” He told you, this made your eyes narrow in confusion. “I’m sorry?” You asked him, crinkling your brows, your nose scrunched and your mouth twisted. Max nodded, smiling, crossing his arms, “I just told you about how your words are manipulative and responded with ‘I’m sorry you think that’ as if it’s my fault. You’re doing it to me!” He laughed, he didn’t even seem mad about it. “You’re so interesting, I just can't stop myself from listening when you talk to people.” He told her, leaning on the back wall. Your tongue touched the bottom of the top row of your teeth as you looked away in disbelief, “You’re definitely looking into what I say too much, but you find it…?” You paused, leaning on the opposing wall, foot balancing you on the wall. He continued the sentence for you, “Intriguing. I find you intriguing.” He told you, his smile turned into his typical smirk.
Your expression softened, “So, you like me?” You asked bluntly, causing the boy to glare at you. “I said you interest me, you do things that make it so I can’t focus on other things.” He explained, rolling his neck a bit and you nodded. “Right, you totally like me.” You teased, “Quit it.” He responded, rolling his eyes. You shook your head and began walking into the hallway, Max following. “If I’m so…’interesting’,” You quoted, turning to him, “you can meet me after this next class that we’re late to, and we can talk more then.” You finished your sentence and he looked over to you boredly. You guys were by your lockers so he unlocked his and shrugged, “Okay.” he said, shuffling in his locker as if he were busy. You began to walk away with a grin, waving, “Bye Max.” You told him, walking into your class late.
Max was staring at the back of his locker with a matching grin, soon putting his head down on the bottom of his locker, a small flush on his face. He was definitely going to meet you after this last class.
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beeshoesometimesdraws · 5 months
YOU 🫵 please tell me like anything and everything about your wolfwalkers au.
also for no reason in particular do you have a colored ver/ref of any of the characters. or just, like, their colors in general?? for no reason other than curiosity. of course :3c
Hehehehe >:D
(I have a finished ref of the BM twins and that’s it rn, I’ll put em in at the end for ya)
Now onto the word vomit :
Timeline-wise, the wolfwalkers au takes place in more recent times, at least up to the point of the latest episode of mgafs because those events are not canon to this au (im kinda cherry-picking what I want to be canon here or not as i go along, some things may change tho)
That being said lots of things stay the same but there are also lots of things that go differently both in past and present
The twins have already been separated for a long time and are still reluctant guards for FC, them being wolfwalkers making them all the better for the task; they were given radio collars by Monty to keep track of them even when they’re in wolf form
As for Ruin and Solar and all that happened there…Solar still dies in this au because of Ruin’s plans though there are some key differences, and let’s just say that more than Solar’s energy residue stayed behind :) (*cough*if you ever watched wolfwalkers you might know what I’m getting at*cough*)
The origins of the celestial fam being wolfwalkers is kinda the same as with how things work in the Death’s Keepers au w/ the reapers: it all started with KC and the “killcode” being the code that the creator basically implanted magic into and thus the fam have these abilities due to the creator embedding it in all their codes (even Earth)
This code and them being wolfwalkers also affects their animatronic appearances and behavior (claws, sharp canine-like teeth, prey drive—some having it stronger than others, enhanced sense of smell, wolf hierarchy and pack behavior—and no not a/b/o stuff, I mean like accurate wolf hierarchy and pack behavior, which if y’all don’t know what I mean by that I will gladly rant about it if asked)
They shift using magic and their magic is strongest at night, though they can shift whenever they want to
It’s weird to a lot of them shifting from something that is mostly mechanical to being wholly organic though most of them have gotten used to it by now (a lot of the other animatronics think it’s weird but also kinda cool, Monty makes a lot of furry jokes and Moon hates it lol)
They all had to learn at one point or another that yes, you are no longer fully a machine and can be hurt or even killed as easily as any other person or animal (*cough* Eclipse learned this the hard way *COUGH*)
Going back to them more accurately representing wolf behaviors and such, I’m a nerd for anything to do with wolves and wolf genetics are one of the things I love the most (as many probably already know from my rants-)
That being said, all of them when in wolf form have their own things assigned to them, like how a few posts ago I talked about how Eclipse has the KK gene (basically black coat gene but the rare one because wolves with this gene rarely survive to adulthood for reasons that to my understanding are still mostly unknown—this is because the wolf I made based off him in WQ had it and I liked the idea of it)
Lots of the stuff that happened earlier in the tsams canon timeline happen in the timeline of the au, like Eclipse being created from Moon and Sun separating and then creating the twins and Lunar, the October takeover, etc etc
I’ve drawn them—BM twins, Lunar, Eclipse—as puppies before and mentioned Eclipse being a sickly pup due to his genes at some point and that still holds true though I’ve made alterations to my og plan for the story
Originally things were gonna diverge heavily from canon in the timeline and take more inspo from the Death’s Keepers au though wasn’t really vibing with it so I scrapped that idea
Instead things will still go relatively the same as in canon, as I stated before, and while yes Eclipse and Lunar and the BM twins were all technically “pups” at one point, it was when they were in the mindscape and they grow fast being magical and mechanical beings (so their aging is like wolves in that sense; only taking two years or so to fully mature into adults)
The others were all puppies at some point too (Sun, Moon, Earth, etc) but like I said they mature and grow fast in both wolf and mechanical form since I’m basing their aging off a wolf’s
As for Eclipse being a sickly pup, not only his genes in wolf form but his coding plays a role in that, being buggy and unstable for the first year of his life due to being a new ai created from a jumble of somebody else’s discarded code
Despite them not being around as long as some of the others, the BM twins (nicknamed Hunter and Bam in this au) are the most experienced and skilled in their wolf forms, especially when it comes to hunting
This need to hunt and prey drive while in wolf form has given the others more of an open eye to the twins’s pov and how their minds work, which has helped them in the long run as Foxy and others have more sympathy and understanding of their situation (Foxy may not be a wolfwalker like the celestial fam tho he’s been told of it by Monty and seen firsthand the others as wolves and how they behave/work)
Injuries gained in wolf form can be easily healed if done properly as their magic aids in the healing process and their injuries usually do not carry over to their mechanical form though that’s not always the case (it really depends on the injury and the severity of it)
For example, Eclipse later in the timeline has a permanent limp from an injury not healing correctly both in wolf and mechanical form due to the time when he fucked around and found out the hard way :)
That’s all I have to share rn, thanks for giving me an excuse to rant about this au :D
(They don’t have their radio collars here cuz I forgor)
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thespiritofstars · 11 months
Married Lawlight Headcanons:
Pet Names:
Light: calls L 'dear'. 'Sweetie' if he's being passive aggressive.
L: calls Light 'honey'. 'My love' if he's in a good mood.
Light: learns it quickly. Makes great meals. He always wears an apron because he hates stains.
L: has never touched a frying pan in his life. He can't boil an egg (that's a joke. or is it? hehe). Probably could make something if he wanted to but the quality would be questionable.
Light: eats like a prince. Even when he's alone. Excellent table manners.
L: eats like a gremlin. Practically shoves food into his mouth. Sometimes makes slurping noises just to mess with Light. It always works. If he's drinking tea and he hears something surprising/shocking, then he will spit it out. Light forces him to clean it up.
Light: sleeps peacefully. Heavy sleeper.
L: suffers from insomnia (that's already canon). Light sleeper. Probably talks in his sleep. If Light is ever awake while L's napping, he gets startled by his mumbling. It creeps him out. He doesn't think he'll ever get used to it. He also kicks (capoeira!). Light isn't too bothered by it though, because he loves him very much (aww). Although he might push L off of the bed if he's in a bad mood and can't put up with that shit (don't worry, the floor is carpeted! or has a carpet, you choose. I hate carpeted floors tbh. I'm a carpet lover haha).
Light: wants L to worship his body, definitely (I AM YOUR GOD). Praise kink? I don't think so. He already knows he's perfect (his words not mine). Hand fetish? Yeah, why not. He loves watching L bite his own nails and fingers. Has to look away so he doesn't get a boner (LMAO). He likes choking L (hello, Kira).
L: foot fetish (I'm sorry but the foot scene lives rent free in my head. It's also a tag on ao3: L has a foot fetish. So, yeah. HE CANONICALLY KNOWS HOW TO MASSAGE FEET. DID WATARI TEACH HIM?? Maybe he did it to alleviate the pain on L's feet caused by the way he sits and L learned it that way). He will drop whatever he's doing to give Light a foot massage if he asks for it. Voyeurism perhaps (he stares a LOT). Knows how to use his tongue (I'm looking at you cherry stems tied in a knot) so he's amazing at giving blow jobs. Maybe biting? He bites a lot of things so idk. I think he would bite Light at least once. Just to see how he would react lol. Scent kink (Light smells great. Of course he does) steals some of Light's clothes just to sniff them. Light finds it endearing and reasonable (he knows he smells good. L taking his clothes only serves to stroke his already over-inflated ego). Likes being tied up (he handcuffed himself to Light for 100 DAYS. Kinky). So I think he'd be into handcuffs and Japanese rope bondage. Canon states that he takes on difficult cases to prolong the time he spends solving them. Because this way he's keeping himself entertained for longer. You know what that means. ORGASM DELAY/DENIAL! Don't know if he does it to Light but he certainly likes it when Light does it to him. Dacryphilia because he likes seeing Light vulnerable. You bet he licks those tears, baby! (definitely has a mug that says YOUR TEARS. In Cloister Black of course).
Light: tries to avoid L. Fails spectacularly. They always end up making out (if he isn't vomiting and stuff). L gets sick afterwards. Light nurses him back to health (has to gently coerce him to take medicine he doesn't like because it's too bitter, or eat food that isn't sweet). Sees it as a mild inconvenience.
L: doesn't avoid Light. Is grumpy, which makes him more sarcastic than usual. Overdramatic. Thinks he's dying. Being sick makes it almost impossible for him to sleep, which in turn makes him even grumpier. Wants to cuddle with Light but Light evades him very skillfully (rightfully so).
Light: will try to come out on top. Not looking for a middle ground (Thought process: I can't be wrong. I'm perfect!). Acts smug when he wins.
L: tries to de-escalate. Doesn't like bickering with Light. Feels bad every time they do. Doesn't care about winning, just wants the fight to end.
Light: neat-freak. He vacuums the house every day (no dust in his house, no sir).
L: clean but not as obsessed as Light. It's good that he always has his feet on whatever surface he's sitting, this way he doesn't have to lift them when Light is vacuuming or mopping the floor (isn't that great).
Light: in standard Japanese fashion, he bathes every day. Likes bath bombs (especially red ones, THE BLOOD OF HIS VICTIMS, YEAHHH! Maybe blue and black too because they remind him of L).
L: bathes daily too. They usually bathe together, unless one of them is sick or angry. Likes bubbles. Maybe he has a rubber duck (it would be cute).
Light: wears red (L's favorite color because he likes strawberries. My mental gymnastics are top notch, aren't they?) lipstick whenever he feels like it. When that happens, L always ends up having lipstick on his clothes and face.
L: uses nail polish from time to time (shown in Death Note 13: How to Read. Yeah, I know it's a joke but now it's a headcanon woohoo!). Very good at three-dimensional nail art (look at the comic panel, DAMN L. WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT?).
Things they like about each other:
Light: L's laugh. Will crack jokes endlessly just to hear him laugh. It makes him feel amazing. He doesn't know why. Was completely awestruck the first time he heard it.
L: Light's reactions. Seeing his face change expressions is entertainment for him. He will constantly try out/say new things even without meaning them, just to see how Light will react.
Things they don't like about each other:
Light: L disagreeing with him (Why can't you see that I'm right?).
L: Light's stubbornness (poor guy can't catch a break). It exasperates him.
Light: never forgets them. Always gets something for L. Either a present or himself wearing something naughty, or both (he canonically wears a corset at some point in order to carry the note, so, my headcanon is that he buys a few corsets once he marries L. He loves wowing him, feels a sense of accomplishment every time he does. He wears other things too, but corsets are his go-to. L has a thing for them, they look restrictive and he likes restraints so...).
L: has memory problems due to insomnia. Has to mark down a lot of things so he doesn't forget. Sometimes he ends up forgetting anyway. Light forgives him (because that's what good husbands do). Whether he forgets or not isn't of any consequence however, because either way, he will buy Light the best thing money can buy. The gifts are so extravagant that Light feels guilty. He tries not to show it, but L (being L, the world's greatest detective) can see right through him. L does everything he can to lessen his guilt. By showing him a lot of physical affection (all kinds of kisses, hugs, handholding, having him sit on his lap, caressing his hair and whispering sweet nothings into his ear).
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moms-r-us · 2 years
Saying hello to month 9🥲🅿️🤍💙
If I have to be honest, this journey has been one amazing, yet emotional rollercoaster ride for me. I have gotten to the point of being uncomfortable and just ready to POP. I’m going to take my time and write down how I felt, and what I went through from month to month, up until this point.
Month 1.
More like let’s skip to the next month because I didn’t even know at this point that I was actually pregnant.
Month 2.
Pheeww🥲😅. A lot of emotions , yeah? My highlights of this month had to be wondering if I was actually pregnant, or if it was just an ectopic pregnancy? The wait was draining.
Month 3.
Sickness, sickness and more “morning” sickness. Don’t let the word “morning sickness” trick you ladies. It can happen at anytime! Can you imagine the torture of having to vomit water? Even doing something involuntary like breathing felt like torture 😂 like what? Am I allergic to the air now?
Month 4.
Still more vomiting, tiredness, a lot of mixed emotions. I started getting to the point of feeling isolated from most things. I felt like I actually lost myself and that I had no support system. I began keeping to myself, deleting all socials because I couldn’t stand the “embarrassment” of being a young mom, especially ME. I kept telling myself that the world would be disappointed in me because I should’ve known better, I mean, I am smart for this, right ? LOL. as if the world even cares, as if the world does anything for me? Girl please.
Month 5.
First bump. 🥰 such an emotional experience. From having a flat stomach and “what waist” ??? To looking bloated AF🥲😂 I still believe I looked cute. This month has to be the month where I had a mini pep talk with myself to “stop giving a fu*k”. This is the month where the few people who are close to me, found out about my pregnancy. I didn’t want to keep it a secret anymore, because seeing the bump made me realise how real things were getting. Yes, I still had A LOT of emotional days where I would cry myself to sleep and feel like I “lost myself” but after a few hours I’d be ok. (Maybe thanks to food as well) also, why am I forgetting so much ????? Am I sharing a brain 🧠😭?
Month 6.
Two brains in my body but I’ve never felt so dumb? Wasssss going on 😂😭? Why am I in the kitchen ?
Bigger bump and baby kicks 🥹🥹🥹🥹. How beautiful? Once you feel those movements and those kicks, everything seems to stop. You start appreciating life, you start realising how amazing the gift of nurturing a life inside of you is. You immediately become in awe 🫢 of how beautiful nature is? The gift of life ? It’s as if your baby can literally feel everything that you feel. When you’re having a day filled with tears and worry, and he/she starts moving like crazy, as if they’re trying to reassure you that everything will be okay.
Month 7.
Okay , I’m getting a bit tired now😭 I’m gaining wayyyy to quick? Stretch marks? Swollen feet? Can’t sleep? Everything hurts? Oh and the cherry on top, my baby just has to treat my bladder like a soccer ball 😭😂 but it’s the “joys” of pregnancy, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
Month 8.
Prepping for the nursery , baby shopping , still gaining, tired as ****, can’t wait for baby’s arrival , tired again, ready to really pop now because I AMMM TIREDDDD 😭😭😭 someone tell me why he’s kicking my ribs? Punching my bladder ? Come on😭 my feet are also on fire, send help.
Month 9.
At this point I just want my baby here. 🙂 please ? Please.
This pretty much sums it all up!
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cherry-pop-soda · 2 years
building on the end of my last post: “moral of the story I guess is never let go of the dreams you have as a kid. because chances are, they might be right”
I know I pretty much never talk like this on tumblr but. I really have been thinking about the part above a lot in the last two weeks. All throughout my childhood I loved drawing and poetry and dancing and singing and basically everything of the sort. I still do.
I tried to make myself stop so many times growing up because I thought it was bad and cringy and wouldnt get me anywhere. I always wanted to write poetry but I stopped trying when I was 11 because I thought the words I wrote were cringy. I loved to sing but I stopped when I was twelve because I thought I sounded bad. I used to love drawing but I stopped doing that when I was 13 because I was never good enough to satisfy my own perfectionism.
and now it makes me sad because I was so harsh to myself for no reason. I had a small crisis about a week ago because I kept thinking about the future and how nothing really seemed interesting to me and I had no idea what I wanted do with my life, basically. but the more I think about it the more I realize the answer was right there the entire time. it was sitting in front of my face virtually my whole life. art, especially music related art, is something i’ve enjoyed and been passionate about since I was like 7. and I keep thinking that all those times when I wanted to do art maybe I was right. maybe I was right when I was 7 and I would dance in the kitchen to songs on the radio. maybe I was right when I was 9 and I heard florence and the machines for the first time and decided to try singing. maybe I was right when I was 11 and tried to write bad poetry late at night. maybe I was right when I joined dance classes and picked up singing again at 15, maybe I was right when I decided to get a guitar, maybe I was right when I started writing poetry/lyrics again a month and a half ago, and maybe. maybe I was right when I thought “this might be what I want to pursue”.
and here I am now. even though I tried to stop myself from all those things I picked up nearly all of them again. I wonder why we all have such big dreams as kids and why they always seem to wither away. maybe the reason is because as kids we haven’t learned to be afraid of failure yet. I definitely am afraid of failure, but all I really know is that this time I could be right about what I want to pursue. I hope i’m right.
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dawnagustd · 2 years
friday || jjk
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Dilemma: Prologue | Part I 
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➹ title: Friday ➹ pairing: jungkook x female reader ➹ genre: baby angst(sorry) | fluff | humor | eventual smut | fuckbuddies to lovers | slice of life ➹ summary: The one time Jungkook uses his key, he doesn’t need it at all. It’s Friday morning. Why are you home? ➹ rating: 18+ ➹ word count: 2k ➹ warnings: strong language | suggestive/sexual references | vomiting | she’s sick y’all(poor thing) & she’s mean | mentions alcohol | awkward silence | jungkook’s pov | bickering | jungkook’s on his last brain cell by the end | pet names  ➹ author’s note: Sorry we’re late. I may have dropped a bit of angst in here but not a lot. Have fun with this one lol. ➹ playlist: Best I Ever Had by Drake | Make Me Better by Fabolous ft. Neyo
series masterlist | main masterlist | taglist form | mail box | playlist
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During weekdays, Jungkook spends his time working on the top floor of a corporate office building. But on weekends, he’s just a single guy enjoying life.
Swapping out his designer suit for a fresh denim set, he hits the highway every weekend, heading in the direction of your city. An hour’s drive is nothing when a slice of heaven is waiting for him here. You’re his outlet, his escape from the lifestyle he only upholds for the sake of his position in the company.
All of his employees at the office chatter amongst themselves about which one of their coworkers he entertains, but the truth is that none of them has his attention. He’s not interested in anyone other than the woman he’s been seeing off and on since college.
This arrangement started the first year of university, and he’s surprised it’s lasted so long without anyone settling down officially. Somehow you always find your way back to each other no matter how long you’re away. It’s been four years since the last time you reunited, and it doesn’t seem like either of you are going anywhere anytime soon.
He’s comfortable with how it is most of the time. However, there are moments he wished he saw you more often—although he won’t complain. If you’re happy with how it is, then so is he. As long as he gets to see your face and hear your voice at least once a week, he’s good. 
Still, he’s gotten greedy. You’ve probably already noticed how his visits have become more frequent, and the duration of his stays longer. That’s why you gave him a key. 
He’s never used it, though. Even when he shows up unannounced, he knocks, and you’re always here to greet him. However, this time he’s here on a Friday morning, and he knows you’re at work, so he has no choice but to let himself in.
He figured he would surprise you with some after-work sex since you canceled last week. He’s got a meeting over lunch with a potential client tomorrow; why get a hotel room when he can crash at your place? —A warm bed and a hot meal guaranteed. 
He likes spending time with you; the sex is only the cherry on top. Your personality is what keeps him coming back, and your hospitality. You treat him like no one ever has, and he cares for you more than he’s ever cared for anyone—despite him never mentioning it aloud.
A smile forms on his face as he approaches your door, knowing he’ll be greeted with the lingering smell of your perfume when he opens the door.
Jungkook lets himself in for the first time, but the action doesn’t feel strange. This isn’t his place, but he still feels at home here. It’s warm and inviting, kind of like—
“She’s home?” he mutters when he enters and hears noises coming from the bathroom.
After closing the door, he walks into the living room and throws his bag and freshly dry-cleaned suit on the couch. He then steps deeper into your apartment and enters the hallway that leads to the back rooms. The only light illuminating the space comes from a small opening in the backroom door.
He calls your name first, but when he hears you coughing and choking, he pushes it open without thought.
“Are you o…kay?”
His mouth falls open when he sees your trembling figure hunched over your toilet, struggling to keep your hair out of your face. Jungkook rushes over to you and gathers your hair in his hand. He smirks at the fluffy bundle of black strands, biting back his chuckle because of the inappropriate flashback that goes through his mind.
He rubs your back as you try to catch your breath, pausing all of his questions until he knows exactly what’s going on with you.
“Jungkook,” you pant. “I didn’t know you were—”
Before you can finish your sentence, another wave of nausea hits you before you can turn away, and you’re hurling bile all over his sneakers. Jungkook’s eyes widen with shock, but he immediately springs into action.
“Oh, you’re definitely not okay. Come here.”
You try to convince him that you’re fine, but he just swoops you up and places you in the bathtub. 
“What are you doing?” you question, and he responds with a scoff.
“Um, I’m saving my $200 shoes.” He quickly slips them off and puts them in the sink. Thankfully, they aren’t as bad as he thought, and the floor caught most of the damage. “Let’s clean up, and I’ll take you to urgent care.”
“No!” you reply in a high-pitched voice.
“No?” he repeats. “Why not?... No offense, but you don’t look so good, love.”
“Fuck you, Jungkook.” You start taking off your clothes but pause when you notice he’s still standing there. “Can you please get out?”
“But I’m cleaning this up.” Jungkook gestures toward the vomit on the floor. “And you’ve got nothing that I haven’t seen a thousand times. Carry on.”
Your long sigh and eye roll make him stop in his tracks. He understands you aren’t feeling well, but he’s just trying to help.
“Do you want my help or not?” he asks.
“No, I want you to get out,” you answer, pulling your knees up to your chest. He can see the frustration radiating from your body as you sit there quietly, waiting for him to leave. “I just don’t want you to see me like this.”
Jungkook nods and grabs his shoes, understanding that this might be embarrassing for you. However, he still has questions and doesn’t want to leave you in this state.
“I’ll go in the kitchen and clean my shoes. Just call if you need me.” With that, he leaves and shuts the door behind him. 
The kitchen is his favorite part of your apartment, besides the bedroom. An island sits in the middle, and he enjoys sitting there and watching you cook while he drinks a beer. You’d slide him a cutting board and some veggies whenever you feel like he’s too relaxed, but he doesn’t mind helping you. 
It’s intimate moments like those that make him question whether or not there’s more to the relationship than sex. You bond over the smallest shit and even call each other just because. It’s crazy because he usually hates phone calls, but somehow, he can talk to you for hours.
Jungkook grabs the baking soda from the cupboard and walks over to the fridge to get a beer or any alcohol you might have stashed in there.
He opens the door and is surprised to find absolutely nothing inside. That’s odd for you. You always keep it stacked because you don’t eat out much; everything you eat usually comes from your kitchen.
Shrugging, he pushes it to the back of his mind for later. He’ll run to the store and grab you some things once his shoes are clean.
He places his sneakers in the kitchen sink and begins to clean them as the YouTuber instructs. After the smell of puke is no longer present, he pats them dry and grabs them. He walks out on your balcony and leaves them out to dry while he sanitizes the sink.
When he shuts off the water, he can hear your footsteps in the hallway. Jungkook turns around to greet you, but you walk past him and head straight for your living room. He finds you lying under your blanket when he enters. 
“You good, babe?” he asks, sitting beside you.
“No,” you murmur, burying yourself under the fabric. “I’m tired of this.”
Your sniffles tug at his heart, but it’s at that moment that he realizes what’s going on.
He clears his throat and pieces his words together, not wanting to make the moment more awkward.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
You lift your head to glare at him.
“Why would I want to talk about that, Jungkook?”
“Sorry,” is all he can say. 
Silence follows, and just when he’s about to break it. You beat him to it.
“I can’t suck you off this time, so there’s no sense in hanging around,” you state.
Jungkook turns in his seat with a frown. “What?”
“Did I stutter? I said you aren’t getting any this weekend so leave me alone,” you repeat.
“I wasn’t–Forget it. I’m going to the store. What do you need?”
He gets up and stands in front of you, but you throw the blanket over your face before he can look at you. Jungkook shakes his head. Your stubbornness has nothing to do with what’s going on with you. You’re always like this when you’re upset.
“I’m not going to argue with you because that just doesn’t solve anything. I’m in town until Sunday, so if you need me, I’ll be around. I’ll get you some food and bring it back here. But if there’s something else you need just shoot me a text. I’ll find a hotel for the weekend, so I don’t bother you,” he concludes.
He grabs his things and looks at you briefly, wanting to say something else, but he’s unsure of what to say. Instead, he retrieves his wet shoes from the balcony and slides them on before tying the laces and making his departure.
“Later. I’ll swing back here to bring your stuff, but I won’t wake you if you’re asleep. Just call if you need me, okay?”
You don’t answer him, and eventually, he leaves. It’s not until he’s on the first floor of your building does he get a text from you. 
10:15 am Pretty Girl: i’m such a bitch. i’m sorry.
Jungkook laughs as he reads the message, then searches for his car. When he locates it, he throws his bag in the backseat and hangs his suit on the car’s backseat grab handle. He responds to your message once he’s in the driver’s seat.
10:19 am Him: it’s all good. do you want anything in particular from the store?
10:19 am Pretty Girl: yeah, i couldn’t make it to the store last night. i can zelle you the money. just text me the total
10:20 am Him: don’t worry about that. i got you.
As many times he’s crashed at your place and eaten your food, he owes you way more than that. He’ll buy your groceries; he just wants you to focus on feeling better. 
10:20 am Him: just send me the list. i’m headed to target now.
You send him a list of snacks, but he still plans to buy you some other things in case you want a real meal. He locks his phone and tosses it on the seat, thinking he’s got this in the bag.
Only when he arrives at the store does he examine the list carefully and what he discovers makes him gulp. His eyes scan his surroundings, observing the people passing by looking at him as if they know he’s in deep shit.
10:28 am Pretty Girl: Cookies n’ Cream Cone ice cream, oranges, celery, any kind of dark chocolate, and something salty like pretzels
10:35 am Pretty Girl: oh, and if you don’t mind, can you get me some of these? i need the organic kind so this brand if they have it.
10:35 am Pretty Girl: img.73
He’s out of his league and he doesn’t know who he’s supposed to ask for help. But he can’t leave you hanging.
10:36 am Pretty Girl: it’s okay if it’s too much. i’ll get them tomorrow. i should be feeling better then
10:49 am Him: no trouble at all, baby. i got you.
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banquetwriter · 2 years
would it be possible to ask for a jj x reader, where reader is neuro-divergent and has issues meeting new people. when jj introduces her to the team she has issues keeping her stims under control. so she gets really embarrassed and maybe starts having a panic attack, so jj helps settle her. after "coming back to reality" reader is embarrassed but the team is like it's ok. while jj is still holding her she looks at jj and says something along the lines of "thank you for being my comfort human".
sorry, this got long-winded. it's cool if you don't want to do this. just a thought 👍
୨୧ Comfort ୨୧
pairing: JJ ♡︎GN!Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。, panic attacks, not edited
summary: ʚ when you get overwhelmed meeting the team JJ is there to help ɞ
words: 811
AN: ANON I’M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, i swear i set it up to upload automatically but it didn’t work 😭, you never specified what kind of neuro divergence so i just left that open and used my tics and stims lol
AN 2: this was a lovley request thank you sm babe and your my first emoji anon :3!
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⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈
Your nervous tics often annoyed people. And quite frankly so do you. The occasion vocal stims the hand flapping. It made people stare, the judge looks. It got even worse when you are anxious. And unfortunately, you have been anxious a lot lately. You have finally completed your life goal of becoming an FBI agent. After hyper-focusing on it for 27 years, you finally made it. Unfortunately, you have to do the things you almost hate most in the world. Meeting new people. An awful experience.
What if they didn’t like you? What if you make a complete idiot of yourself? What if you make a big mistake? Something you should know, but forget? You took a deep breath. Stepping off of the elevator. Flapping your hand on your way over. You walked quickly into the bull pin. Stopping short realizing you had no idea where you were going and your bag hit your leg awkwardly.
Until you saw a familiar face. JJ, she has been a haven in this all. It was never raking when you first met her but after a while, you began to like her. She was gonna be your little helper until you got a more solid footing at the BAU. “Hey y/n!” she says in a cheery voice. Her cherry perfume fills your nose.
A comfort filling you. “H-hi JJ.” you stutter slightly smiling at her. She gives a smile back bumping your arm. She leads you to what is essentially your doom. The room was full of strangers. Not only full of strangers but those strangers happen to be some of the smartest people ever.
You took a deep breath as she opened the door. The room seemed so big. Everyone turned to look at you. You felt all their eyes glaring at you. “This is SSA y/n y/l/n…” but the rest of JJ said got lost to the blur that was your mind.
Finding it increasingly difficult to keep your happy smile and normal stance. You couldn’t just go and flap your hand so you had to stick to rolling your wrists.
Eventually, JJ stopped talking, you don’t what she said or what she was implying you do. So to try and figure out the situation you smile at her nodding and look back to the team. One of the guys was already standing up with his arm stretched out.
So you were going to meet and shake their hands. “Aaron Hotchner, nice to meet you,” he says. I hope he can’t tell my hand is shaking so much. After I eventually shake everyone’s hand, I feel as though I could vomit.
“Hey JJ we're, did you say the bathroom was?” I ask my voice coming out a tad squeaky. “Oh here lemme show you.” she offers. We rush out of the room, and alone with JJ, I feel a bit safer. “Hey what’s going on?” she asks stopping outside of a random office.
“Nothing is wrong, I just get nervous about meeting new people because of my-“ you started trying to keep your voice calm but it was hard. “y/n, I know, I read your file,” she said nodding, her hand grazing your back.
You took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I was trying so hard not to panic but I can't help it.” you stutter out. Embarrassment is raising on your cheeks. This shouldn’t be happening, I mean come on! You were a full-grown adult and you should not have to worry about this anymore.
“It’s ok y/n, we’re just gonna take a quick break-in here then get back to our work,” she says, opening the office's door. “In here?” you ask in a squeaky voice still. Trying to rub the tears from your eyes. “Yes in here, it’s my office,” she says turning the lamp on.
The office was small and bit impersonal. You never once saw her in here before. “This doesn’t feel like you,” you mumbled pointing to the room. You sat down in a chair, the glow of the lamp already calming you down.
“Yeah I know I’m never really in here,” she mumbles pulling out a humidifier, she presses a few buttons and it starts to spray something. After a moment you know it’s lavender.
You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down as JJ crouches in front of you. Her left hand rubbing your right arm. Grounding you. “It’s gonna be ok y/n,” she says in a sweet voice. And this time you start to believe it. The world doesn’t feel like it’s going a million miles an hour and more.
“JJ?” you ask quietly, looking at her. “Yeah? She says her face slightly fallen. “Thank you for being my comfort human,” you mumble, feeling finally at peace.
She smiles, a warm feeling spreading throughout her.
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irl-dogboy · 3 years
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you are challenged by couple bucky and zemo! why yes i do only draw to cater to myself why do you ask. obligatory pokemon au for bdsp day, everything is the same except they have cool monsters because they deserve it. their full teams and the reasoning behind my choices are under the cut because i am a massive pokemon nerd
short descriptions because i word vomit a lot. theres tons more to all of these choices but im cutting it back. 
also these teams r made with symbolism n stuff in mind i am rly bad at balancing actual working pkmn teams lol
bucky’s team:
silvally (ace): okay so silvally is the obvious choice, literally made by an evil organization for the purpose of killing things. i didn’t know what memory to give it, so i just went with the ice memory because winter or something
hisuian zoroark: we dont know much bc new game but a destructive and baneful white lupine pokemon from a distant region that emerged after perishing in the winter? white wolf. also has sick eye makeup
hydreigon: hydra remnants go brr. i just think bucky deserves a cool dragon also
meowstic (f): white feline pokemon. calming abilities. alpine
lucario: i mean honestly this is just a winter soldier reference somehow. fighting steel dog its somewhere in there
rampardos: bucky’s partner from the 40s. there’s a fossil joke to be made in there somewhere. rampardos is commonly paired with bastiodon, a shield pokemon, so i think there’s a really good opportunity to work w steve there too
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zemo’s team:
mewtwo (ace): also kinda obvious ace. one of a kind pokemon genetically modified in a lab to be incredibly powerful and also incredibly vicious, and is known for manipulating its victims. zemo probably also has the mewtwonites cuz hes dramatic like that
sawsbuck: sawsbuck is very regal in all of its forms and i think it fits but i mainly picked this because its spring form has cherry blossoms on its antlers
yamask: yamask are born from the graves of the lost and carry around a mask of their faces in search of someone that will recognize them. pick a deceased family member of your choice
drampa: straight up this is just representative of oeznik. doesnt look like him but nice dragon that is also an old man
bisharp: blade pokemon, giving him the fucking sword he deserves. also i am obsessed with the visual of eko scorpion-era zemo with a bisharp at his side
empoleon: i imagine this was the pokemon that zemo grew up with. not only is empoleon super fucking strong but its also classy as hell. he would
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guys i have a life i promise.
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kiyoomeii · 3 years
strawberry shortcake / f!reader x l lawliet / wc: 1.5k
lake scene, knee deep in the stars / this simple season is all ours, yeah / “simple season” by hippo campus
a/n: for the past four days i’ve only been thinking about soft!l lawliet and how much i want to lay in his lap someone pls pay my bail from simp jail  also! ayy first one shot ig??
cw: the use of the word ‘shit’ three times, kissing, very self indulgent, no editing just grammarly lol
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Today will be one of the few times you two have gone out together since L is meticulous about keeping his identity private, and you’re grateful for the change of scenery. Instead of being cooped up in his hotel of the week, you’re out wandering a botanical garden in Tokyo. Of course, Watari made all the arrangements for the park to be conveniently closed to the public that day, but still, it’s the thought that counts.
In your left hand is a wicker basket filled with food, and your right pinky looped around L’s left pinky. As you walk through the garden, the fresh smell of flowers fills your noses and the sunshine filters through the cumulus clouds, causing droplets of sweat to collect on your back.
With anyone else, such extended periods of silence would be uncomfortable, but with L, it feels like home.
You feel a tug of resistance on your pinky and turn back to see L engrossed in a flowering tree. “What’s that?” You join him in inspecting the tree, clutching his dangling arm tight to yours and resting your head on his hunched shoulders.
“It’s a Magnolia Stellata, or Star Magnolia. I’m surprised they’re still in bloom right now.” L makes no effort to explain himself, instead opting to put a finger to his lip.
“Because…?” With your head still on his shoulder, you look up at him expectantly. He often makes statements like that without explaining himself since he assumes that everyone else knows what he’s talking about. It used to bother you when you first met, but you’ve learned that it’s just because his mind is moving a hundred miles a minute. Now, you just ask him to elaborate, and it surprisingly doesn’t bother him. When other people ask him questions that he thinks are blatantly obvious, he grows annoyed but masks it in his voice by scrunching the toes of his left foot. But with you, he never does that. Instead, he’s patient and kind. You can see it in his eyes.
“Because they are particularly susceptible to frost damage and we had a handful of very cold days this March,” he answers coolly. Where he stores this knowledge about flowers native to Tokyo despite him being from England, you will never know, but you’re thankful for the information regardless.
“Oh, I see. Thank you," you sigh. Together, you stand marveling at the light pink flowers and feeling the breeze on your backs, which causes L’s hair to sweep over your face. He quickly brushes it away for you with his free hand.
“And don’t worry, y/n, it’s not wilting; the petals are just wavy like that.” He gently tugs his arm away from you to signal that he’d like to move on, and once you release him, he takes your hand in his and leads you through the garden.
It has taken L a while to become comfortable with you enough to initiate contact first, but you’re glad that he can now. When you first began dating, things were uncomfortably stiff. You have the habit of word vomiting any time there’s too long of a pause, and L has a habit of withdrawing into his thoughts, so the first few months of dating was just a lot of you oversharing and him just listening.
You didn’t actually think he was paying attention until one day you mentioned how as a child you carried around a stuffed animal, which you affectionately named Ollie the Otter, and lost it on holiday in the US with your family. Within just three days, he bought you the exact same version of your beloved childhood stuffie. You had long since grown out of your stuffed animal phase but were touched nonetheless that he put in the effort to find you the toy, proving that he cares about you in his own way.
Ollie Jr. now sits on L's bed, always tucked under his comforter as if it’s sleeping. Sometimes, though, when L is up late at night doing work, he will wedge the otter between his knees that are pulled up to his chest and rest his chin on it so that he can smell the traces of your perfume on it. He would never admit to it, but you’ve silently watched him work many times before to know that it wasn’t just a one-time occasion.
“Would you like to stop here, y/n?” L gestures to a patch of manicured grass under the shade of a cherry blossom tree.
“Sure. Will you help me lay out the blanket?” You untangle your fingers from him to open the picnic basket you have been carrying. Truthfully, you were relieved that he wanted to stop because the basket had become increasingly heavier throughout your walk. L nods and waits for you to give him an edge of the beige checkered linen blanket so that you can place it down on the grass. As soon as it’s laid out, L splays himself out on it and watches you unpack the food.
His mouth is nearly frothing at the sweets that you place at the edge of the blanket. “I know, I brought your favorite: strawberry shortcake,” you pause to look back at him with his mouth slightly agape. “But you gotta wait until everything’s ready.” Suddenly aware of himself,  L obediently closes his mouth.
At last, you sit across from L with a plate for you to share. L’s eyes grow wide as he reaches for a piece of cake until you swat it away. “Hey,” you coo in a sing-songy voice, “not so fast….” You take the fork out of his hand and cut off a small piece of cake as you feel L’s jet black eyes intensely study your movements. Silently, you lift the fork up towards L’s mouth. “Open,” you say sweetly, waiting for him to comply, which he does quickly. With a smile, you gently feed the cake to L and watch as he closes his eyes in bliss.
One part of L is telling him to be alarmed at the obvious loss of control he’s experiencing, but the other is telling him to relax and allow you to take control of the situation. As he quickly calculates the outcomes of each choice, he realizes that you’ll probably get your way anyway and that it’s no use to object. “’S it good, L?” He opens his eyes to see you watching him intently and nods. “Good, I’m glad. Now gimme a bite, will you?” A sly smile spreads across your face as you pass the other fork to him and wait for him to give you a piece.
The two of you pass some time taking bites of cake, feeding each other strawberries, and talking about random things—from the way L doesn’t like the way the grass pokes his skin to how you’re excited to finally be done with university in a few weeks. Finally, you lie down beside him and situate your head on his chest while his lean fingers languidly massage your scalp. Your breathing quickly syncs together and your chests rise and fall like waves lapping the shore.
“I’m glad we got to go out today. Thank you, y/n.” L picks up your hand resting on your belly and gives it a quick kiss. L had been working on a particularly difficult case for the past few months, which had just wrapped up, so the two of you hadn’t been able to see each other much lately.
“You’re welcome,” you rolled over onto your stomach to face L. “And thank you too. I know how hard it is for you to go into public, but I’m glad to know that you’d do it for me.” You watch as a quick smile paints L’s face, and at that moment, you feel your heart bursting with affection towards him.
“Of course I would, y/n, and I’d do it again, too.” His normally ivory-colored face flushed with color, causing him to turn away from you out of embarrassment.
“L?” He senses you staring at him and slowly meets your gaze again.
“Yes?” His onyx eyes catch yours.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” he replies, not skipping a beat. You smile as you pepper a few kisses on his jawline towards his lips and when finally your lips meet, he presses into you more firmly than you expected. His technique is a little sloppy, but you know he’s trying. When he’s like this, trying to show you his affection instead of explaining it, he’s like a puppy who wants your attention, and who are you to refuse?
“L, I—" you say in between passionate kisses, “love you.” He immediately pulls away from you to study your facial expression. Oh shit oh shit oh shit maybe this wasn’t a good time I shouldn’t have—
“I love you, too.” He responds quickly, pulling you into another series of needy kisses.
With the whole park empty, you don’t have to hide your affection for each other, and oh, how you wish it could be like this all the time.
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clonewarslover55 · 3 years
I totally forgot to send this in but I saw your post again and it reminded me! I'd love to see Vau around Mird's pups if they had a litter and that made me think about seeing Vau around babies. Like maybe someone is like, oh kad threw up on himself and Vau's not busy so he's like oh I got it. Just calmly washes him off and changes his clothes no big deal and everyone else is like omg wtf?? How do you know how to do that??
Walon Vau taking care of Kad
Omg yes! I loved this so much I decided to do a drabble on it.
Notes: If you haven’t read Memories then the ending of this won’t make much sense….
Warnings: baby vomit, Walon Vau doesn’t sleep because *Trauma*, I have never had a child nor dealt with one of this age so I may be wrong about handling one...….but Kad is also highly intelligent for a toddler so some things may seem incorrect but they’re not. Idk, just enjoy this lol
Walon Vau was sitting in the common room, just reading something on his holopad. Mird was asleep on the couch beside him, snoring gently. It was peaceful and very silent for Kyrimourt…..Well it was the middle of the night after all. Reading was his favorite pastime when he couldn’t sleep. Either that or exercising.
He glanced up when he heard sniffling, seeing Kad tottle into the room. He raised his eyebrows.
The poor toddler was covered in vomit and had obviously just woken up. Walon stood up and walked to him slowly, “Poor Ad’ika. Not feeling well?” He spoke softly, the little boy nodding. “Mhmmm….” Kad whined.
Kad sniffed loudly, hugging his stuffed nerf close to his chest. Walon frowned, kneeling in front of the little boy. He held out his arms, “Come ‘ere. Let's get you cleaned up. It’ll make you feel better.”
He rubbed his eyes, hesitating. He glanced at a still sleeping Mird then back to Walon. The very intelligent kid then nodded again before walking into his arms. A smile twitched onto Vau’s lips as he gently picked up Kad.
He felt his forehead with the back of his hand, “Well, you’re not running a fever. That’s good.” He smiled when Kad nodded like he understood every word. The kid was incredibly smart ....so maybe he did. Vau didn’t know. He never spent a lot of time with Kad.
He carried Kad into the freshers to give him a bath. The toddler was staring at him with big brown eyes the whole time. The vibes he had slightly unnerved Walon…….But he was also just a baby so he wasn’t that bad.
Walon undressed Kad as he filled the tub with water. Kad tried to undress himself, apparently he thought he was grown enough. Vau couldn’t help but chuckle at the little scowl he wore when Vau undressed him instead of letting him do it.
First Walon sat the stuffed Nerf beside the sink, in Kad’s line of sight of course. Then he tossed the clothes in the hamper that sat in the corner; then kneeled by the tub, a squirming toddler in his arms. He shook his head slightly and rolled up his sleeves. Kyrimorut was supposed to be temporary….and here he was bathing a child that wasn’t even his own….
Usually he only bathed Mird, so it was different sitting a toddler into the warm water instead of a Strill. Kad splashed around the warm water, clearly already feeling a bit better.
Walon found the toys that Darman and Kal had bought for Kad to play with in the bath. In the same cupboard there were also some clean pajamas and extra soft towels. Poor Kad had bad acid reflux at times, so this clearly happened enough.
He washed all of the mess from Kad’s face and hands. Kad splashed water everywhere, getting it all over Vau’s clothes. He sighed as he washed the toddler, ignoring the water that was now everywhere.
“You’re very messy Ad’ika.” Walon mumbled as he poured a cup of water over the child's head, Kad giggling in glee. He chuckled at that, the child splashing some more.
Once he was finally all clean Vau drained the tub and removed Kad from it, wrapping him up in a towel. “Do you feel better?” Walon questioned while toweling him dry. The little one nodded quickly, a wide smile on his face.
Walon helped change him into fresh clothes and a clean diaper, Kad yawning once he was done. “Sleepy?” Walon asked in a soft voice, the child nodding as he rubbed his eyes with a tiny fist.
He sat Kad on the floor as he wiped down the water that he got everywhere. Once it was all dry he tossed the towels in the hamper. Walon then picked Kad back up, the toddler nuzzling his face into his neck.
He handed Kad his stuffed Nurf before carrying him to where he slept. Vau checked the bed first, apparently he had only gotten the vomit on himself. That made it easier for Walon. He wouldn’t have to look for sheets.
Walon sat Kad in his crib, tucking him in. Kad yawned once again, hugging Walon’s hand. “You’re welcome.” He whispered, pulling away. Kad fell asleep as quickly as most young children do. Once he was asleep Vau turned around.
He was greeted with a half asleep Darman. “What-” Walon cut him off before he was accused of anything. “He threw up on himself and crawled out. I was already awake in the common room when he wandered in looking for you.” Darman crossed his arms, an eyebrow raised.
Walon sighed, “I bathed him and put him back to bed. You’re welcome. You need to get him some medicine for that acid reflux, he seems to be especially bad at night. Poor kid needs his rest.” Darman was speechless.
“I….How….How do you know this?” Walon shrugged and averted his eyes from the Commandos. Darman blinked at that. Vau walked to him and moved around the clone, leaving the room.
“Thank you…” Dar said. Vau nodded, walking back to the common room. Darman checked on Kad, his son sleeping peacefully and not smelling of vomit. “Wow…” Dar chuckled, shaking his head. He couldn’t believe it.
Vau clicked his tongue and patted his thigh once he got back into the common room. Mird looked up and hopped off the couch with a loud high pitched yawn. “Let’s get to bed.” Walon muttered, handing his holopad to Mird so they could carry it.
He walked into his own quarters, Mird right on his heels. He quickly changed out of his damp clothes, his mind flashing with memories of his past. Mird sat the holopad on a nightstand and crawled onto the bed.
Walon sat on the foot of the bed beside Mird, gently scratching its head. “I haven’t done that in years, Mird.” He muttered, his golden eyes staring at the floor, his mind somewhere else.
“It's a lot different without Rose helping me or watching…. And without Stella crying because she can’t bring her favorite stuffy into the bath with her.” He smiled at the memory of his young daughter, the beautiful little girl that was so much like her mother. And perhaps a little bit like her father…..
“I know you miss those girls too.” He rested his head on Mird’s side, the corners of his eyes burning. Mird whined, licking its master's hand.
Sadly the daughter of Walon Vau and Verda Tal Rose was nothing more than a memory now. Luckily, she will never be forgotten.
Tags: @leias-left-hair-bun @iamassbuttkingofhell @catsnkooks @azem-thefourteenth @colorfulloverbatturkey @blueberrybubblesandboba @ahsokatano-thetogruta @jedi-mando @peacefulwizardfox @hounding-around @julyzaa @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @Strangebroadwaykinks @fyrepen33 @mistflyer1102 @kamino-mermaid @cherry-cokes-posts @cherry-cokes-world @darmanfi @silverinkandstardust @chewychewyque @majorshiraharu @ravenpuff01 @808tsuika @meabravo
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lucaonthropy · 4 years
Okay so first off, don't get me wrong, Langa and Reki are very sweet and shippable (is that a word?) either romantically or platonically -- also fuck Adam by the way -- but I think Matcha Blossom (lol I'm obsessed with this ship name) is more … idk, compatible? 
No hear me out. Langa and Reki are quite the polar opposite and even though that's a cute trope, there's a lot of things that can screw up their relationship because they are too opposite of each other. (Well, I hope there isn't any major trouble in canon) (Look I'm worried over that preview okay). 
Now I've read a lot of Matcha Blossom fics where the author says that they are polar opposite. Actually, they are not, in my opinion. They have different opinions on things, like skating, sure, but they're not polar opposite. Both are opinionated, both are passionate in their own things, both are (ah, somewhat) mature … or well, both are childish sometimes. They compliment each other pretty well, aside from their bickering. 
See it like this: you read one fic about Renga drifting apart and you realize that it could actually happen in canon. That it makes sense and quiet in character. (again, I HOPE that does not happen, but yeah)
But you try a Joe-and-Cherry-drift-apart-angst fic and, while in fanfictions obviously anything can happen, you won't be able to imagine that happening in canon. They are just … always getting pulled to each other and that pull is strong, despite all the insults and disagreements. Like, they have this vibe where while they fight all the time, we all know that they won't drift apart too far. Or maybe that's just me. 
Again, this is only my opinion … and thoughts vomit, so take whatever you want to take from it. Now, I'm gonna get back to crossing my fingers for tomorrow's episode. 
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dylanxmin · 4 years
painkiller ∣ 2 ∣ j.hs
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breakups are habitual, ordinary maybe even easy for some other people, and maybe it could be easy for you, too, if you haven’t been dumped by your boyfriend after finding out that you were pregnant. no, it wasn’t easy even a bit. and a stranger who wants to be your side doesn’t make this all easy for you, at all.
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pairing; jung hoseok x reader
genre; angst, fluff, humor, pregnancy au, strangers to lovers au, single!mom au, slice of life au,,
warnings; angst, and more angst(we will have less angst in time i promise), swearings, mention of sexual harrasment(it’s a light scene) 
word count; 7.4k
rating; nc17
a/n; heyo!! i know i’m pretty late, but it took me ages to write, and it was hard for me to gather my thoughts to turn them into writing,, but yes, here i am with the episode 2!! i hope you can enjoy this episode as much as the first one. i’m really happy with the feedbacks i got with the first episode, and i love to write this fic, so thank you for encouraging me more to write about this hoseok and y/n. i still need your feedbacks tho lol,, love you all ♡
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taglist; @xxluckydreamsxx​ ,, @parkminhee​
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‘Can you please take this to Jin?’ Jimin asked the man who passes by him, causing him to stop, eyes narrowed after he looks at Jimin. ''You know I would, but I have to finish this resource, and he doesn't want to see me before I finish this,'' Jimin begs once again, eyes taking the shape of a puppy. What Jimin said is not a lie, and he is drowning in research for a patient, where Jin asked him a lot while ago, and he is a bit scared to see him before he finishes this. 
''Okay, okay. Give me that,'' Jimin coos, wiggling his body before handing the file to the man who saves him, with a big grin on his face. ''I owe you big time!'' he yells, while the other man takes a turn at the big white corridor. His big grin fades after he turns his papers, he has a lot of things to do yet, he finds himself procrastinating, as he always does. 
Hoseok folds the file in his hand, sighing to himself, and asks why he always finds himself while agreeing what Jimin says. And not only on work, but he also does this at home, where he feels too lazy to do the dishes or the laundry. Hoseok loves him, loves him like a brother, but he has to learn to say no. Both for his and Jimin's sake, otherwise, he will find himself while beating his ass. Hoseok takes another turn, where Jin's room is, but before he could open the door, someone does it before him. 
Hoseok barely holds himself from crashing on you, his eyes wide open due to the sudden move. A little whimper leaves his lips, but you were too busy to hear that or even see him. He goes silent after seeing the tears on your eyes, the pain, and uncertainty on your face. A very familiar face with the familiar emotions on it. Hoseok's mouth takes an 'o' shape, eyes watching you to getting away from him. 
While trying to understand what just happened, he enters the room after knocking two times. A line appeared between his brows, familiar yet unknown feeling fills him, he wants to shake his body, head to toe. ''Is she?'' he doubts, eyes finding his friends who have the same confusion on his face. Hoseok couldn't understand why he was feeling this way, and why he was happy to see you again. He lets a deep breath, closing the door before heading to the chair, and sits where you just left. ''Well, it's a small world, huh?'' Jin laughs as he said something funny, but Hoseok crinkles his nose, gives him a blank stare in return. 
''Wait... she is pregnant?'' his eyes went round, for some reason he couldn't bring these two things together, even though not knowing you enough to come up with a character analysis. ''Yes, but good news, she wasn't drunk, rather than what we think,'' Jin gave a half-smile, open his arms to emphasize the good news he was giving. 
On the contrary to his friend, this news wasn't good for Hoseok. He remembered how you looked down in the dump the day he first saw you, and after seeing you with tears on your eyes, he felt heartbroken. He didn't know you well, but he couldn't help but want to reach you and talk to you about this. 
''Hobi, don't tell me that you are thinking about talking to her or something... please,'' Jin grunted after seeing how sadness clouded his friend's features. Jin knew well enough that Hoseok would do something such a thing. He couldn't understand why, but Hoseok always tried to help others, even without knowing them, so Jin was sure that he would that once again. 
Just like Jin afraid of Hoseok's whole face lit up, he throws the file he holds in his hand at Jin's desk before leaving his office in hurry. The doctor hit his face with his palm, shaking his head in disbelief. ''He never learns,'' he sighs, grabbing the file for distracting himself from his too friendly friend. 
While Jin is already focusing on the work, Hoseok finds himself while eavesdropping the conversation you have with your mother, as he heard you calling the person as 'mom' over the phone. He didn't mean to overhear your phone call or acting like a creep once again, but he couldn't approach you after seeing you on the phone, in a deep conversation. He was just going to wait until you finish your call, as he said to himself, but courage left his body after you get up from the bench. His body betrays himself, and he stands there only to watch you getting away once again. 
''Aish... stupid legs,'' he scoffs, leaning the back of his head to the wall, chewing on his bottom lip. He swears himself to come to your side when he sees you again. And his instincts say him that he will see you again. 
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Fried eggs, boiled eggs, or any kind of eggs, it didn't matter how they made it, or why they made. You hate it. You hate it with all of your presence. While the scent of the very disgusting thing starts to spread, there is no way for you to refrain from jerking your body from your bed, hitting your toes to every possible object in your room, thanks to your sleepy head. This is how you start your beautiful day. 
Spasming and ratching above your toilet, nails digging into the napkin you hold one of your hands, as your life was depending on it. 
As you barely hold your head up and eyes still tightly shut, you prayed to not dripping your newly cleaned floor. Fortunately, throwing up with closed eyes wasn't your first time, but they were only caused by your drunkness, rather than pregnancy. 
And this is your story how you found yourself above on the toilet, pouring everything inside of you. Your nose crinkled at the sight, pushing the flush after throwing the napkin that you wiped your mouth. Morning sickness officially trying to end your life, as it was interrupting your sleep every morning, which a pregnant woman needs sleep. And stealing your food, vitamins, and all the other beneficial objects from your body. Also, the things that a pregnant woman most needed.
After you lift yourself from the ground and splashing cold water to your face, a little drop takes a track from your sleeves, dripping the white cotton rug. When the very hideous smell hits, closer this time, you stop wiping your face to the towel. No... no. He did not do that. 
Your eyes find the man's big grin in the mirror, but his grin fades after seeing your petrified glares staring the pan he holds with big confidence. ''Don't you dare to take one step closer,'' you warn the man with red hair, eyes darting over the pan and his rounded eyes. His eyebrows waggled, holding the pan a little higher to your dismay. ''Aigo... I present to you the best breakfast and this is my reward? And I'm waiting here for a big fat thanks. What a shame...'' 
''Tae, just hold that scum far away from me!'' 
''Stop being a brat and thank me, you brat!'' he pouts while holding out the pan, but his eyes sparkled with horror after seeing you cover your mouth while letting a loud gag. ''You are just being dramatic here,'' he says, turning his back at you, but he holds himself from making a sound while visibly ratching. If Taehyung had a list of weird habits of him, throwing up after seeing, or hearing someone throwing up would be on the list. He makes a speed walk in your corridor, trying not to hear your sound. 
You push the flush once again while listing how to kill someone before getting physically fight in your mind. Poisoning is the first thing to comes across your mind, but you let those thoughts slide from your mind before heading inside. He was too young to die anyway. 
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The red-haired man lets out a big sigh, the brooding eyes meet with yours. ''I still can't believe that you are pregnant,'' he throws the last cherry tomato to his mouth, chewing it loudly. ''and when are you going to visit Yuri, she is still super surprised,'' he says nonchalantly while making a small sandwich with salami and the fried egg. 
''You mean my mom?'' you questioned, voice comes out hoarse as you hold your nose while sending him deadly glares. ''and can you just not eat this today?'' you gestured the salami and the egg, turning your head to another side, trying to hold your gag. 
Taehyung scoffs, murmuring how you destroyed the beautiful morning for him, but he can't take the risk of making you vomit all over the kitchen, so he moves them away from you. ''Better?'' he asks after opening the kitchen window, and you nod appreciatively. ''Yuri-... I mean your mother called me after you gave her the news, and told me everything. I hope you won't get back with that bastard because we said pretty good things behind him,'' he plastered a smile on his face, adjusting his hair by brushing it with his hand. 
''I'm still upset with you if you haven't realized it. I'm your best friend and you didn't even bother to give me a call. I wait for three days, but nothing.'' he rolled his eyes, arms crossed above his chest. 
Well, he did have a point by being upset with you, but you hold yourself from giggling as you remembered his face when he comes to your door yesterday, at two o'clock. Eyes of him seizing you in disbelief, one of his hand resting on his chest, above his heart, shaking his head side to side, slowly. He emerged inside, telling you how angry and upset he was, but as you were pregnant he wasn't going to yell at you and make the baby sad. Rather, he gave you the 'how could you' look for a whole night long. And, for your belief, it was worse than him yelling at you. 
He would scold you when he can, between changing every fabric that contains the very memories of your ex, aside with his scent. The scent that tearing your heart, suffocates you to death. He would be cursing and swearing in every two minutes behind your ex, send him the most negative thoughts, mentally. You hardly convince him to send his stuff to charity, and not to burn. 
In his defense, burning them would clear the bad aura he left behind. More likely, that may or may not ease the fire and the hate Taehyung feels about him. Probably won't, you guessed. 
''This is all new for me Tae... Even I can't believe that I'm pregnant,'' you shared, taking a sip from your tea. The weird taste of it made you scrunch your face, but Taehyung made you this saying it was good for a pregnant woman. ''And before I visit my mom, I have to get used to being like this,'' you peek a glance to your belly. As you said to him, it was too new for you to face your mother with a living creature in your stomach. 
Yet, you don't think you will ever get used to this feeling. 
''Okay...'' he nods, licks the chocolate from his fork. But soon after, he gets up and tells you that he had enough of this gloomy atmosphere. He cleans the kitchen, and not letting you help him even though you try, he kicks you out from your kitchen. After he finishes, he tries to guess if it's a she or a he, or maybe neither in his defense. Asks you a lot of questions about pregnancy, makes a couple of jokes about how you knocked up and then he starts to look for baby clothes. When he can't decide what to buy, he calls your mother, but the conversation even comes to your highly charismatic doctor, and you show them his picture. 
It's not the best side of him as it was in the hospital site, still, it was enough to drop Taehyung's chin to the ground. He threatens you to stay away from him, narrows his eyes to reassure you that he was serious, but you just put a couple of slaps on his shoulder between in your laughs. 
''There are people out there, looking like a statue, plus, a brain on their skull. Yet, my naive daughter chooses the stupid one and an ugly stupid,'' your mother sighs, shakes her head, causing Taehyung to burst into laughter. You on the other hand whine and pout the very offensive comment your mother did. Not that she is not right, but how could you possibly know that your three-year relationship would end like that. ''I hope this baby chooses to be like you. At least from the outside,'' another laughter raises from your best friend, your mom won't stop teasing you and ganging up with the redhead. 
''I thought you two would be the wind on my back, not to spit on my face,'' the old woman looks at you the same way as the younger adult. Eyes narrowed, lips pressed together. Both of them try to understand what was that supposed to mean, and you giggle, still surprised by the similarity of the old lady and the young male. It's not a wonder how people thought Taehyung as your mother's son, rather than you. 
''She is just making up words to get us, don't fool by it, Yuri!'' Taehyung warns, mouth twists in disgust and disbelief. And the called woman agrees, hums, and nods her head. You were being a third-wheel between your biological mother and your very best friend. At least you were feeling, and you start to pout. Arms crossed over your chest, having an attitude without making a big fuss. 
Soon after you talk hours and hours, Taehyung and your mom got your sympathy before he gets up to head his home, insists on making you come with him, but you refuse for thousand times. ''You know I'd stay but the couch isn't good for my back,'' you giggle before kissing him goodbye and he leaves after telling you to call him for even the smallest thing. 
The ease on your shoulders fades, sorrow gathers on your chest soon after Taehyung left. Once again, you are grateful to have him in your life. From the first time, you two met in the elementary school, said man never left your side, up this day.  You two hold the hands of each other when you had your first vaccine, and never stop holding. Somewhere the friendship of the two turned to the friendship of the four when Taehyung befriends with Yoongi and Namjoon. 
You love them, adore them for the chaos they bring to your life. That's why you kept your mouth shut about this news, as you knew that they would go crazy, won't leave your side for a moment to be a helping hand. For having and pressing that kind of attention, you should get prepared before. You need to accept the situation, first. 
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Six-week pregnancy hits you hard. Not just the morning sicknesses, but also sore, swollen breast due to the change of the shape. Yes, they look bigger than ever and you like how they filled your oversized bra, but the light pain made you uncomfortable. You try to massage them on the shower with your shower gel to ease the ache and constantly refused the help of Yoongi. He offered you to help with the massage thing, which you only sighed and shake your head in disbelief.  
Side of this, you start to pee for like a thousand times a day. Day or night didn't matter, and you always find yourself sleeping on the toilet, waking up to a new need to pee. It was frustrating, annoying, and blood boiling. 
You push the flush once again, adjusting your clothes before heading to the work. Before passing your sneakers to your feet, you take a glance at your long-forgotten heels. Pointy, tight shoes only manage to cause you more burden on these days, so you decide to stay away from them. Who would like to have sore feet while dealing with pregnancy? Not you.
''Give me a break...'' you turn the wheel, heading to another parking lot as some jerk decides to put his car to your spot. There is plenty of parking lot, but this one was the closest to the elevator and you didn't want to park another place to walk all the way down here again. Because of your unstable emotions, you feel too tired lately, worn out, and wanted to cry easily. 
Your hold tightened around the wheel, head slowly falls on it after parking your car. You try to breathe, but it's useless. Everything feels too much, eyes tearing up, while defeat sits on your shoulders. Too much failure. Too much loneliness. Too much agony crept towards you, to your chest. All these days, you acted like there was nothing wrong with you. Like you weren't dying inside, like happy to be pregnant. Or, happy to be dumped. 
Long story short, you weren't. You were waking up to vomit on your throat, ache on your chest, and the first thing you see was your dirty toilet before heading to work. A cramp grows in your chest, won't letting you breathe that you need desperately. Hiccups fall by your lips one by one, just like the tears on your face. Does it have to feel like this? Does it have to hurt like this, you didn't know. 
So many people want to make you happy, who will be your side from the start to end, but somehow this feeling of loneliness won't leave your mind, your heart. You want only one of them on your side, even though you don't accept to be pregnant. But the only person you want on your side, wouldn't be your side. 
You reach to your purse, take a napkin to adjust your face. The business won't work itself, as your boss always says. People need games to play. Most likely, rich people. 
Elevator doors open with an irritating voice, too old to continue working you think. Before you take a step, you hear your name right beside you, causing you to startle. ''Did you made breakfast? If not, join me.'' the man in nothing but sweatpants and a simple shirt, greats you at the door with a big grin. He wishes you won't find a lame excuse to refuse him. 
''Ohh, Damian... you scared me!'' hand placed above your chest, you seized the man. One of his hand in his pocket, mug on the other one. The suiting scent of the coffee fills your nostrils. ''Well, I don't have an appetite for breakfast,'' while you press your lips together, his grin widens on his face, almost covering it completely. 
''Coffee then,'' he turns on his shoes, not letting you say anything before heading to the small kitchen in the office. You sigh, but feeling too tired to turn him down and to deal with his insists. ''Actually, I would like to have a tea instead,'' he turns, eyes widened with your sudden request. Both because you really did follow him, and choose tea over coffee. The brown-haired man knew you more than three years now, and he knew you well enough that you would always choose coffee over tea. 
''That's also good,'' he doesn't want to waste his chance by asking you too much question, so he just smiles. He refreshes his coffee, while you take a sip from your tea. Smooth peach fills in your breath, warms your stomach, nose wrinkles with the warm feeling. ''Thank you,'' you hold your mug up, bowing your head slightly with a smile. 
''Aish... I want to kick his head and his ass. Why he has to be a jerk like this!'' right before the man who stands on the kitchen talks again, his mouth shuts as the voice of long heels, and whinings fill the room. You great the woman with long black hair with your head, while she takes her place on the other side of the table. ''Who thinks he is? I know he is the head of the creative department, but ughhh-- he just annoys me,'' you press your laugh, while the girl covers her face with her freshly manicured hands. 
You exchange looks with Damian, he doesn't hide his smile while playing the hair on his neck. ''Don't you think he is annoying? Y/N?'' hand on your wrist disconnects your stare, and you turn to see round pair of eyes, burning with rage. You found this oddly amusing and also too familiar. 
''Stop pushing Y/N to talk bad about her friend Nara,'' Damian finishes his drink after scolding Nara with an irony. You let your smile out, feeling better after burying your anger and fears to the back of your mind. In fact, you were too busy to think about your low life at this office. ''Fun fact, he is also my boss,'' you narrow your eyes, pointing your forefinger at his face, ''not just yours,'' 
He looks at your finger, then behind you and Nara before speaking. ''Speak of the devil,'' he jokes, waving his hand. You both turn your backs to meet the man you gossip about, Nara lets out a loud groan, hands covering her face once again. 
''I didn't know that I was paying you to chat all day,'' the man in a cream suit leans on the kitchen bench, raising his brow. ''Well, you don't pay us exactly,'' you raise your brow, imitating him but fail to hide your mischief on your tone. 
''If so, don't come at me asking for a raise,'' Nara rolls her eyes after hearing his annoying voice. She really finds his voice annoying. Irritating, and mostly his voice always drives her crazy. 
''Joon, you wouldn't do that. Not to your best worker,'' you pout, but both Damian and Nara protest what you said. They find your high confidence ridiculous and presents their objections. But the head of the creative department can't handle the mess and raise his voice to gather the attention on him. ''Okay, okay, okay. There is no raise near soon, so save this fight for another meeting, alright?'' 
He holds his hand up, regretting to open the topic of the raise. Both you and Damian let a light chuckle, while Nara rolling her eyes at him. Namjoon sends a cringy wink to her before leaving the kitchen, causing Nara to make vomiting sounds. 
Bitter liquid finds its way up to your throat, so you choose to run from there, following Namjoon. Avoiding the numbness on your throat for not to humiliate yourself on the work by vomiting and then explaining why you were vomiting all around the floor. Aish... you would never want to experience that. 
''Don't you have an appointment with--'' between in your overthinking, you cut his words with a loud whine. You close the door behind you and face him. The so-called boss looks at you with round eyes, mouth parted slightly due to your sudden reproach. ''Did I say something wrong?'' 
''No... of course not Joonie,'' you give a little break, scratching your neck in embarrassment. Not that he said something wrong, but more likely what he was going to say would only cause more gossiping and a big fuss that you couldn't handle in this exact moment. You take a seat in front of his desk, rubbing your palms on your thighs. ''I just... don't-- not ready for everyone to hear, you know?'' 
Namjoon's heart aches for a second, seeing you ill at ease and weary makes him upset. He wasn't that oblivious to not recognize how tired you look with the dark bags under your eyes, cursory makeup you do to look more lively, hiding how you feel actually. He just wants to take you from this nightmare you live, but he is too powerless to do so. 
''Sorry Y/N... I'll try to be more careful,''  you smile at him, waving your hand like it's not a big deal, but he knows. ''But, you do have an appointment, right?'' 
''Yes, I have,'' you pause to take a sip from a bottle of water he has on his desk. Out of the blue, you feel dehydrated. ''That's why I barge in here. I need to leave a little bit early today... You know what for,'' Namjoon sized you up with a fond smile on his lips, and you knew that he was up to something, probably going to say something to boil your blood. 
''You came here to ask permission, as I'm your boss, huh?'' opposing to his cocky, annoying expression, you could feel your jaw clenching while eyes twitching. Everyone thought having a friend who is your boss would have benefit for you but in reality, it was annoying. He continuously bragging about this, even after your shifts, while having a joyful meal. ''Joon, I swear that I will sue you for sexual harassment,'' you glare at him, but he lets a scoff. 
''As they would believe you,'' his finger goes between you and himself, forehead creased. ''I'm sorry but obviously, you are not my type,'' you literally growl after his statement, rubbing your face with your palms. What a frustrating human being... 
''I'm leaving,'' you get up between his laughs and attempts to make you stay longer, but you shut the door behind. While sighing and heading to your desk, you feel sorry for Nara. That woman tries not to kill him and tries not to lose her mind because of all his bullshits. You send all of your blessings to her. For hers and Namjoon's sakes. 
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''Tell Jimin that if he won't hand me the research I assigned him until the end of this week, I swear the god I'll fire his pre-nurse ass--'' when you enter the room after knocking, two pair of rounded eyes lands on you. You eye them with wide eyes, not expecting to hear these words from your Doctor. ''I'm sorry... I knocked on the door but--'' 
''Y/N! I was waiting for you-- come in,'' despite his red face and visible veins on his neck, his tone comes out sweet like the first appointment you had with him. You give a faint smile in return with a little head bow, closing the door behind you. ''I just need a minute, okay?'' you nod. 
Standing under the white light, eyes focused on your shoes. You should have stopped chewing your lips when you feel nervous, but you never manage it. You liked Doctor Kim, but being in this room will always make you nervous and tense. Being here made your nerves go crazy, pain on the chest and the reality of your situation would always hit you hard in here. Realizing the truth, the truth of being in an unwanted pregnancy haunts you every time you find yourself in here. It's only the second appointment you had, and you shouldn't feel this worn out by this, but you know that every time, every appointment will feel like this. Stressed, vulnerable, and trapped. 
You were too caught up with your own thoughts that you could only hear someone was calling your name after a couple of minutes. ''--Pardon me for keeping you wait, but I had to deal with these papers. So, how are we feeling?'' Doctor Kim's familiar gentle smile stands on his lips while addressing you, hands clenched each other on his desk. You open your mouth to say something. Mostly lying about how good you were, how everything was so great, but the pair of eyes catch your attention. 
Wide eyes staring you in shock and curiosity, lips turn into a pout, slightly parted. Soft brown hair stands on his head, matches with his brown orbs. Very familiar glows he got in his eyes, you think. Very familia--
''Oh let me introduce you to Hoseok,'' Doctor gets up, holding his hand up, pointing the man who confuses your mind. ''This is our greatest nurse, Jung Hoseok--'' 
''We should stop meeting like this,'' the nurse holds his hand up, waiting for you to do the same, but he surprised you with his absurdity. You would remember if you met a man like him. Men who smile like the sweetest peach. The smile that warms your stomach for no reason and the uncertainty made you uncomfortable. The same irritations you feel when you met with the clingy stranger. The day you learn--oh no... ''You always look the same. With the same dead eyes, I guess,'' 
''How--why? You?'' you feel the heat crawling on your neck, bottom lip shaking with the need to say something, but you only be able to sigh. 
You did watch a lot of movies. Both stupid and semi-stupid. Coincidences, serendipities, and all the unexpected meetings you didn't believe. You watched it all, and you gain mature enough not to fall for those stupid movies. Not letting yourself keeping your hopes high, but if you would do it if you keep your hopes high, you wouldn't want to waste those cute coincidences with these two strangers. But as your eyes go between Doctor Kim and the nurse named Hoseok, you could tell that you waste all of your luck. 
Not that you believe though. 
Hoseok feels his heart race quicken, even though he tries to hold himself being obvious, he can't control the shake on his hand. To his luck, you are too caught up with your thoughts to realize it. You were too caught up with the thought of turning your back and run to take fresh air, but that would be so extra. Even for you, so you just stay there. 
When you finally hold his hand to shake it, he gives a relieved sigh. And you don't know why his hand feels so soft and warm. Hoseok's let out a little 'oh' sounds when you take your hand from his grip, pout stands on his lip with the wide eyes because of your sudden move. But you didn't want him to take his hand from your grip, so that's mean you should take it. There is no way that you will stand in there, holding hands with an odd stranger. No way. 
''Did you drink the amount of water I ask, Y/N?'' thanks to your doctor, the most awkward moment you had with the complete stranger eases in time. You nod before he explains why he asked for you to drink water. Things that he explained before, but you were too distracted with pitying yourself and having zero clues about this. ''--we need this in case of any abnormalities on the placenta, checking the cervix for any kind of change...'' you just lost in his words, the unknown words you can't understand babbling in your ears, but your blood run colds when you heard the only familiar word. ''--and the best part, you could hear the heartbeat of the baby. You'd want this, don't you?'' contrary to his smile, you stare him blank. 
You stand there bewildered. Heart pumping the blood faster, cold enough to freeze your fingertips, and the weight on your chest send tears to your eyes. You did not come here for this. You did not. 
Hoseok's eyes wander between you and his friend. He feels anxious about the way you look. The way you bug-eyed looking Jin, chest moving up and down the way he never sees before, and he thinks it's going to explode. The tight and wobbly voice that comes from you even worries him more. ''I--I didn't... Do--do I have to do... that?'' 
You don't know how desperate or pathetic you sound, you didn't care. The only thing you know is that you weren't ready for this. Don't want to do this. The doctor sees the tears, but stays and sounds calm. ''Of course, you don't have to. But I believe it would be better to listen, both for you and the baby.'' his modulated voice ease your heart just a little bit, but you can't understand how this affects you better? Or the baby. ''You can think about this while changing your clothes, okay?'' 
You nod. Too worn out to speak, to find your voice. 
While you drowning in the thoughts of whether you should do it or not, having a mini-crisis inside of your mind, with the knock at the door you flinch. A frown takes its place on your face, and you open the door after adjusting the gown you just wear. Brooding chocolates immediately find yours, size you up with the same pout on his lips. 
Unintentionally, you look down before closing the door partly. Being partly naked in front of him made you uncomfortable, even though he is a nurse. ''Hey,'' he waves his hand in small, tries to smile but it fades because of your deadpan look. You are not in the mood for unwanted conversations. ''I just wanted to... wanted to check on you and ask if you want me to--'' his voice goes so quiet that you couldn't hear what he says in the end. Seeing how he blushes, you understand that he says something you would refuse. 
''You wanted to ask?'' you extend your head, raise a brow to make him repeat. 
''--stay with you,'' 
''Would you want me to stay with you while listening to the heartbeats of your baby?'' he said in a small panicky voice, eyes searching your face to get ready to hear your reply. 
You stay dumbfounded. It is something stupid, even sounds stupid. You would refuse this. Refuse this immediately. Without thinking about it. Before your heart warms and the hammering on your chest eases. But you open your lips to ask the question you shouldn't ask. ''Is it okay for you to do it?'' 
''Well, I'm a nurse... and if you want this?'' Hoseok wasn't expecting this. He wasn't expecting you to agree on this, wasn't expecting to see the way your eyes glow. The very professional nurse wasn't expecting his heart to melt with the way your eyes blink before replying to him. But it does. 
''Then, I want you to stay. With me,'' 
You had no idea why you agree with him on this. You had no idea how to feel when you open your legs to Doctor Kim, right before you hear the heartbeats. ''You will feel a little pressure, just stay relax,'' the soothing tone of your doctor returns, and just like he said, you feel the uncomfortable pressure inside. When you clench nailing your palms, squeezing your eyes shut, a hand wraps around yours. 
Normally you would flinch with the sudden touch, or feel uneasy. But the way he holds your hand soothes you, the way his light squeezes on your hand makes everything a little bit better. These were unusual things to feel, probably hormones made you feel like this, but you feel grateful to him for staying on your side. 
The way you think 'not him again' when you saw him again, now left its place to gratitude for you. 
''Okay, I think we are ready to hear the heartbeats, huh?'' when your eyes met with Doctor Kim's, you forget how to breathe. Breath stuck on your lungs, your stare stuck on his, and you stuck on the white stretcher. You feel overwhelmed after hearing the intense mechanical beats. You didn't know what to do, how to act after hearing the heartbeats. Agony crept towards your chest, the ache is physical to feel when you covered your chest with your palm. You feel doomed. Vulnerable. Broken. 
Trying to swallow the bitter taste on your lips only made it worse, tears shimmered in your eyes. This was all real. You were pregnant, dumped, and all alone. Everything was happening and you weren't dreaming at all. You never wanted to cry out loud this much, to scream until your throat goes sore and maybe you would faint due to the tiredness. Maybe you would shut your eyes, and never open them again. You wanted to get rid of this ache. 
''It's okay. It's going to be okay,'' Hoseok couldn't help himself from patting your arm, trying to ease your mind. Seeing the tears on your face, the way you squeeze his hand when the beats filled in the room, devastated him. Yes, he only saw you three times, but you never looked this bad. This injured.
''Y/N, are you okay? Can you talk?'' even though you want to reply to him with words, it looked impossible to make a sound. You nod, trying to tell your doctor that you were okay, despite its a lie. ''Would you want to stay alone for a moment?'' 
You didn't know if you nod again, or made a 'hmph', but both of them left the room and leave you alone with your gloomy thoughts. Not that you know what to think, how to feel, or how to act. Why can't someone decides this for you? Why it has to be you? You didn't ask for this. You never wanted this. This... baby. You never felt this alone in your life. Down in the dumps. 
Trying to move was hard, due to the heaviness of your body, your mind. Numbness takes over both your mind and your body, as you try to change your clothes. Lifeless movement only occurs as a handicap on your way to the door, plus, you weren't ready to see anyone. But to your dismay, there was only Doctor Kim, sitting on his desk and writing. Probably for you.
''Ah. Are you feeling better?'' he wondered, lifting his head from his computer. Eyes of him examining your actions, your face to catch your true feelings while you gave him a faint smile. You answer him before wiping your forehead. All the stress made you sweaty. ''Oh, I'm. I'm okay, thank you,'' 
He smiles, points his front, invites you to sit. And you do as he says, taking your place while wondering where Hoseok went from the back of your mind. It was the best not to see him after your little breakdown, but still, it didn't stop you from wondering. ''There is nothing wrong. Baby and you look good, there is nothing to worry about,'' he gave a half-smile before continuing, ''but... Let me ask this Y/N, even though it sounds like I'm crossing the line. Would you think about seeing a psychologist? It's okay to have breakdowns and having troubles as a pregnant woman, and it's not something to abstain about.'' 
''I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable, but as your doctor, I'm offering you this. This is our second appointment and you had troubles within both of them. It can be helpful for you, and the baby.'' 
Keeping eye contact was something hard for you to adjust, so you just stare at your fingers, play with them. Although you know he was right and trying to be helpful, you offended. You can't help but feel disparaged. Feel stupid. Being this obvious about your situation was your fault, crying and looking like a wreck. ''I'll think about... it,'' you sniffled, wiping your nose before meeting with his gaze. 
''That's great. You don't have to do it, but if you do, that would be great for you Y/N,''  he said with a quiet empathy, smiling fondly to reassure you. And it wasn't all act. The blonde doctor sincerely wanted to be sure of your health. Both physically and mentally. 
Then, he gave you a paper filled with what you should do incase of fatigues and constipation, side with the essential tests you should do, and the multivitamins you should take. And you left his room after saying a pale goodbye. Probably he was pitying you, but you can't do anything about that, don't you? Well, there is always a choice where you don't cry like a baby every time you came here, but that already wiped from the list, you sighed. 
Exhaustion fills your muscles, your bones after finishing all the tests and check-ups. They were advising you not to go hard on yourself, even though they wear you out with all of these works. Not to be dramatic but you were the last one in this hospital, without counting the doctors and all. With droopy movements of your feet, you head to the exit, imagining your comfy bed, and the midnight snacks you will burry your face. Ahh, you could feel your heart getting warm with the thought of your bed. 
One-step, and you are out, leaving this place, and the heartbeats of the baby behind. Before terrifying misery stuck to your chest, you flinch by the touch on your shoulder. ''Oh, shit! It--It's me,'' you watch the man in dark clothes holding his head, grumbling with a pout on his lips. 
''Ah.. I'm sorry, but why are sneaking me from behind?'' you try to lean on him to give a good look on his head, but he steps back. 
''Did you have to hit me?'' he sighs, rubbing his head while still pouting. ''Gee... you got heavy hands, don't you?'' you try your best not to laugh at the sight, but he was forcing your limits while whining like a crybaby, all pouty and still rubbing his head. ''I'm--... sorry,'' 
''Aish... and you laughing?'' you pressed your lips together to hold your laughter behind, but you failed after seeing his smile. ''I'm smiling because of my rage, don't dare to think that I forgive you,'' 
''C'mon, I didn't hit you that hard,'' his eyes went round, scanning you from head to toe, hand on his chest in disbelief. ''and now you making a big deal of it.'' 
He lets out a gasp as he caught off guard. ''I could have brain damage,'' he mocked, taking his hand from his chest. 
You both stare at each other, without saying another word. You didn't know what to say, and he didn't know how to ask the question he wanted to. Hoseok glanced up to the ceiling, swallowing his words with loud gulps while you chewing your lip, and staring your shoes. In three minutes of silence, you couldn't understand the heat that was placed on your cheeks, as well as the quivering in your chest. It just made you uncomfortable, and you start to move on your feet. 
''I think I should--'' 
''Can I ride you home--'' 
Both of you choke in your words, staring at each other with wide eyes, and two pairs of red cheeks. You should say no, and head to your car and never look back, as this better for you. But part of you just want to accept his offer, and let him drive you home. ''I came here with my car,'' you told, but wishing him to find a decent excuse to drive you home. 
''Oh. It's okay then. We will see each other again,'' he cocks his head to the side, ''right?'' Hoseok didn't mind looking desperate if he doesn't look like some pervert, it was okay to look desperate. He wanted to talk to you, know you better, and maybe help you...? He didn't know what would you say, but couldn't help but want to spend more time with you. 
''Yes. I mean, I'll come here often, so...'' you won't except but you disappointed when he agrees not to drive you that easily. Even though, this was the sensible thing to do. He waved his hand before turning his back and leave you alone, reminding you to take care while walking away. 
You waved back, saying 'goodbye' while forcing a smile. When he disappears, you hit your head for acting like some dumbass. Why did you want him to take you home? Who was he to drive you? Were you always this idiot when it's come to a handsome man? 
No. This was all hormones talking and thinking. It couldn't be you. You didn't find him handsome. Or cute. No. 
Now you are going to your car, and drive it to your house. To your bed and snacks. The bed where you sleep alone, and eating your depression snacks. Yes, sounds like a good plan. 
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lvlyhao · 4 years
A/N: took me long enough to post, I know, but thank you to that last anon for reminding me of the series lol with school i tend to forget what i have and haven’t posted but i’ll do better from now on. i hope you like this :)
important: this chapter includes mentions of vomiting and though i’ve already put a warning for violence and gore in the masterlist, i’m saying it again: please don’t read this if you are not okay with that!!!!
word count: 2.1K
pairing: qian kun x reader
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © cherry-hyejin 2021.
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“I’m heading out”, your hands fondly squeeze Taeyong’s shoulders from behind him. He does not look up from his task for a few seconds, counting rolls of gauze. Then, upon processing your words, he twirls to face you. His eyes trail up and down your figure, making a mental checklist of everything you need to be safe. Apparently, one thing is missing.
“Take Jaehyun with you”, he asks, “or maybe Yuta. Johnny is always good to have around, and so is Renjun. Those swords of his are no joke”, he rambles, losing focus. The way he places his hands on his hips and sighs tells you he’s absolutely drained. “Or maybe I should go with you—”
Shaking your head fervently, you pat his cheek for his attention, observing the streaks of noon sunlight across his face. He stares at you with concern and shifts his weight.
“You’re staying right here and so are the boys, Tyong. We haven’t found a survivor in weeks, and taking one of them is always more stressful than anything”, you reason. Recollections of how the boys attract trouble wherever they go cloud your mind, far too many to count. The air suddenly feels too chilly, with shivers running down your spine. 
“Just stay here and maybe find a way to rest. You know Doyoung won’t mind keeping track of the supply for you.”
At this point, he knows it’s no use arguing. 
“Just be careful… and get back before dawn”, he adjusts the collar of your jacket, thinking back to the weather outside of the grey walls of the dorms. “All I’m saying is you never know what you’re gonna find.” Giving you a tight-lipped smile and a nod, he resumes his job, and you leave him. Headed to the heavily locked iron doors guarded by the towering figures of Shotaro and Sungchan, you ask yourself if there was any hidden depth to Taeyong's words.
“You never know what you’re gonna find, huh", you mutter.
Now, roaming the deserted streets on your own and basking in the orange glow of the afternoon, you just think he was wrong. 
It’s already been a couple of hours since you left: you’ve explored parts of the district you barely even knew before the virus, seeing all kinds of animals scurrying around your path. You’ve also eaten the rice balls Jaemin packed for you, and you’ve gawked at the decaying building that used to be your favourite theatre. It’s all the same as you imagined it would be. Not many walkers litter this part of town—just 7 or 8 you managed to avoid—and no people. No one worth rescuing.
Wandering like this, in silence, brings back memories you're not sure you like. Weekly game nights with your friends, attending Jisung’s dance presentations, playing in the park’s playground at night... All of those feel foreign to you, parts of life too good to have ever been yours. Still, the need for a shot of wistfulness takes over, and you sigh. Better now than when it gets late, then. With a shake of your head, you pick a destination and start moving.
You’re conscious of your surroundings as you keep one hand on the bow and make your way across the square. Dry, fiery leaves crunch under your boots, being the only sound you pick up. Nothing looks out of the ordinary, either. The same old abandoned stores seem to look down at you, their busted windows moaning in the wind. But, right then, something jabs at your gut. It's a silent alert to a threat you can't see. 
Damnit. You better pick up the pace.
As soon as you make a turn to the left, spying the pizza place you used to visit, you freeze. Walkers, maybe 10 of them, whimper and try to get past the debris to reach something inside a pharmacy.
How could you not notice them earlier? They’re not a quiet horde, and the awful stench is not something you should have missed either. Have you been that lost in your nostalgia?
Whatever happened, you don't have much time. If the undead are making that much effort to get around the rubble, there has to be someone inside. A fellow human being—hopefully, a nice one. Someone you can help.
Acting out of instincts, you drink in your surroundings. Having your back hastily pressed against a tree trunk is not ideal, but it's what comes to you. While you can't call yourself a strategy master, jumping right into action is not the right plan when someone else's life is in danger. 
Mind racing, you know you need a better shooting spot now if you want to make a move. Drawing them out to an alley is not a totally bad idea either. They wouldn't be able to escape, and maybe then they could flee.
As soon as you found a perfect corner for that, the screech of old door hinges catches your attention. A second later, shattering glass.
Shit. They broke in.
With no more time to assess the situation, you quickly climb up a rotting picnic table. The zombies, some missing a limb, slowly drag their feet towards a man in a plaid, blue shirt. 
He's petrified, head lashing from side to side, looking for a way out. You know very well there is none, and soon enough it will be too late. He’ll be just at reach for those disgusting, putrid fingers. If they get a bite in, it's over for you, and it's over for him.
That’s when you take the stupidest decision of your life.
The boy might just get whiplash from how fast his eyes find yours. His are dark and desperate, but there is something else to them—to him. Something you will never find it in you to explain. 
It could have been the way the stares right at your soul, or how his face displays every emotion from relief to terror. You could even say it was how his knees buckled under his weight or his fluttering hair in the wind. You can blame your reaction on a lot of things, but none of them startles you as much as yourself. 
A cold hand grasps at your heart, squeezing it tightly in your chest. Blood drains from your face, and your frame shakes in the wind. You know this sensation all too well to have doubts, although it is what you swore never to feel again. Fear. Not for yourself, no, even when the undead start walking towards you instead. You don't—can't— care enough about your life, and you know it. It is all for him, the beautiful stranger you are going to save.
The first two arrows find their aim, speeding right through the undead’s skulls, but something shifts in your arms. The rest of your arrows now seem to swerve a bit to the sides, lodging themselves on necks or shoulders. In other words, not where they are supposed to. 
Oh, how much you hate that the walkers will only die if you damage their brains.
“Annoying bastards, I swear—”
Falling into a state of near panic, you drop to the floor unceremoniously and race to the horde. If your bow won't do the trick, your other weapons will.
Momentarily thankful for their lack of agility, you pull out the knives hidden on the sides of your shoes. In a flurry of drive, you slash and stab everything around you. While throwing some hand-to-hand-combat here and there, your eyes start to burn. The walkers smell even worse from up close, you bitterly recall from past encounters. It's one of the things that make fighting harder—the urge to run away from them at every second.
The more daring among them clutch at your clothes, keeping your movement limited, but you manage to cut off their hands. The slick sound it makes is enough to make bile rise up your throat, but you swallow it back.
“C’mon, Y/N”, you pant, kicking what had once been an adult woman in the chest to send her down to the asphalt. “You’ve had tougher battles than this." With a breath as deep as you can manage, your knife cuts at another zombie.
It is true, you know. It's impossible to count the times you’ve been up against groups of 20 or more. You were always fine. Right now, though, wincing from multiple wounds scattered around your skin, you question how the hell did you do it.
Hurriedly glancing to your right, you notice 5 are already dead—well, dead-er than they had previously been. The lady you kicked struggles to get up, giving you a gap to spin and bury your knife into her scalp. She goes limp right away, and you stare. 4 more to go.
Just as you retrieve your blade and turn to face the other walkers, something bites your dominant hand. Hard.
With your knife tumbling down in a metallic clunk, fire shoots up your arm. The first thing you do is wiggle your hand back and forth. Some part of you thinks it was going to let go like it’s some sort of dog. You realize you were wrong when darkened saliva flows into the cuts, your mind going blank with agony.
You figure it was one of the undead you had pushed down before, only to lose sight of him later. And, yes, wiggling was a poor attempt at getting him to drop you, but you did it out of pure alarm. Fear is gradually taking over you now, freezing cold and impossible to fight.
With only your non-dominant hand free, you sloppily sink your blade down however many times it takes for the corpse to stop moving. The pain you feel is sharp, travelling through your veins like blue fire. As his grip slackens, the body slumps to the ground, a wet thud echoing. Despite the agony that threatens to blind you, you're aware of the other 3 walkers you have yet to take down.
One is easy enough, with an arrow embedded deep on one side of her neck, and another coming down on her brow bone. Repugnance swirls in your gut, and you have to look away. Their skulls are incredibly soft.
Your remaining enemies pace at either side of you, circling you with dead eyes and faltering strides. You keep your wounded hand close to you while the other clutches the leather grip of your weapon. It's time to put an end to this.
Choosing to go for the right first, you slash at his chest, grimacing at the black blood that oozes. It taints his shredded red hoodie and sprinkles at your front. The shudders that course through you in silent rage give you the strength to finish it off.
In one clean, powerful strike, your knife goes through an eyeball, but he collapses a bit too fast. You can't recover your blade.
Having no weapons on your hands, even for a second, is critical. The walkers are borderline sluggish, but it was easy to lose track of them: your severed hand was proof.
To your relief—or mild disgust—, hasty strides bounce at the pavement behind you, followed by heavy thuds on a slimy surface. It takes no more than 3 seconds for the last body to tumble by your feet, face down. 
It's only then you see the skull, or better, what is left of it. Blood and brain flow over a gaping crack, done by something sharp. You could guess it was the heavy, black rock that you find before you, held in the hands of the man you are supposed to be saving.
From there, you realize his medium length hair is a faded blue, with dark brown at the roots. A grey university hoodie hugs his slim figure under the plaids, matching his cargo pants and busted sneakers. His face is all sharp angles and soft edges, but his gaze is nothing short of magnetic.
Wide, chocolate eyes glare at the body with such horror your own throat tightens. Then, with no words shared, he lets go of the rock and stumbles back like he cannot believe what he did. Your own eyes divert to the cloudless sky, hearing him vomiting on the concrete in a matter of seconds. Poor dude.
Pity, combined with the reminiscents of adrenaline and dread, settle in you. Your thoughts boil down to one small detail: the Sun is setting.
The throbbing on your hand momentarily vanishes, lost in the memory of Taeyong very clearly telling you to be back before dawn. Aside from that, the memory of what you did to get the walkers' attention still burns at your mind. That goddamned shout. Having a sense of hearing as acute as they did, you are sure any other zombies around you are coming your way.
You have fucked up big time.
final notes: ik chapter one wasn’t all that exciting but i’m hoping this one is better wheeze two more to come, stay tuned <3
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omegawolverine · 4 years
hey!! we haven't really interacted much, but I was hoping to get to know you more!! what kpop groups are you interested in? I'm not familiar with many of them and I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about them? (no pressure, you don't have to if you don't want to!!
yeah of course I can tell you some!! my top three groups are nct, seventeen and stray kids, but i stan a handful more than those (I can talk about the other ones more if you want, I just dont wanna overwhelm u with information lol)
stray kids - my ult, currently has 8 members but started with 9 (we dont really talk about the ex member bc he turned out to be a really shitty dude), debuted in 2018 but had a predebut survival show in 2017 that determined the members of the group. even though the survival show isnt necessary viewing to stan them, I still recommend it bc it's a big part of their history (although it's kinda hard to find now with eng subs, unfortunately :/)
stray kids were monster rookies when they debuted, and (in my opinion) consistently self produce bangers. I'd recommend songs like gods menu, question, awkward silence and heros soup to get an idea of what kind of music they put out (they do a lot of different genres so I just picked a few of my favorites that arent too similar in sound). if you wanna get to know personalities more, you should probably check out some of their variety show episodes (weekly idol and whatnot, I'd recommend watching vlives but ever since they updated the website idk how to work it lol)
nct - has an infinite concept meaning the group can basically have new members whenever the company decides they want to add more. the group has subunits: nct u (interchangeable members, basically anyone can be in it depending on the song), nct dream (was supposed to be just for minors, but after fans complained a bunch about mark lee leaving the group since he was 20 years old, they made it so that there wasnt a graduating system anymore. not really sure what the concept for the group is now lol), nct 127 (none of the members leave the group but members can be added whenever) and technically wayv is apart of nct but sm (their company) half the time acts like they arent (wayv is a chinese subunit). uhhh this group is really hard to explain considering it has like 23 members now? I believe? does lots of different genres, each subunit has different dynamics, but overall they're all very talented and charming! I can't spit out facts about nct like I do skz bc I've been stanning skz since predebut but I only started stanning nct in 2018 and it's hard for me to keep up with them bc of all the different units 😭 but ik they debuted in 2016 and each subunit has put out a lot of bangers. I'll suggest a few songs from each unit tho :> (and if u wanna get to know their personalities, I'd recommend you watch variety shows for each unit like I said with skz. it's the easiest way to get to know a group, in my opinion)
wayv: moonwalk, take off, dream launch
nct u: 90s love, yestoday, the 7th sense
nct dream: my first and last, love again, 119
nct 127: cherry bomb, simon says, 0 mile
seventeen - even tho they arent my ult, this group has talent that wows me more than any other group ever. literally not a single bad song, deadass the kings of choreography AND they're funnier than any other group I've ever stanned. would highly recommend seventeen as a group to start off with because even though they have a lot of members (13), theyre very memorable and they never fail to impress.
they debuted in 2015 ? I believe ? with, as I said, 13 members. each member falls into a subunit of either dance, vocal or hip hop, but these units dont serve a huge purpose as they make most of their music as a group and then each unit will usually have a song on the album. this group produces all of their music and has a huge part in basically everything they put out, making them a self produced idol group, which I think is poggers. i also just think this group is poggers bc they've made me enjoy ballads even tho i usually find them boring as fuck. if u wanna get to know them, try watching their episode on men on a mission (it is on netflix) I genuinely think it's like the funniest variety show episode I've ever seen a group do.
some song suggestions: very nice, fear, clap, still lonely, fast pace
sorry if this is a lot, I didn't mean to just word vomit in response to this ask but kpop hyperfixation went brr and I just regurgitated everything I could think of lol
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
Do u have any tvd requests or wips rn? Xx
Just for you here’s part of the Mikaelson Brothers x Hogwarts fic that I simply couldn’t help myself from writing. It’s got hints of like every kind of supernatural thing I could think of. It’s got soulmate AU vibes hardcore. I just really simped for this and hopefully it’ll be done soon but I daydream this one a lot so the writing process is waaaaay extended (I know lol, I truly am pathetic) Xx 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *  
“There you are, sweetheart,” her gentle voice breaks through you dreams, pulling you from the same scene you’ve grown used to seeing for the last couple weeks, “you’re going to miss dinner sleepyhead.”
You awake to a familiar picture: your books sprawled across a desk in the middle of the library and a fiery redhead with a soft smile holding a semi-crumpled cardigan towards you. Her eyes twinkle with laughter and familiarity. This isn’t the first time Arabella has found you asleep after you told her you were going to be studying. When you look down at your divination textbook you notice a small pink smudge from your cherry lip gloss. You wipe your fingers around your lips, collecting the rest of your smeared makeup.
You stifle a yawn, stretching your limbs out with a soft groan, “shoot, I fell asleep again. What time is it, Ari?”
“Quarter to six, hun,” she reaches out to brush some fallen hair out of your eyes, “we should really get a move on. Are you feeling okay?”
You nod, this time the yawn interrupting any intention to answer that you had. Your head buzzes lightly with the remnants of your dream. For weeks you’ve felt something on the horizon, something meant just for you. Three pairs of brown eyes and the warmest feeling in your chest. It’s the same feeling you’ve been waking up with every night, if not a touch stronger this evening. You don’t mind it though, it layers a warmth to your bones that this winter in the castle has stripped from you.
“I haven’t been sleeping too well lately is all,” you let Arabella help you slip your cardigan back on, straightening it and your tie, evening the yellow and gray stripes. 
Her hands still against your shoulders, her concerned green eyes meeting your own half open ones, “still having those dreams, sunshine?” 
You nod once more, sagging slightly from the weight of your tote when she loops it over your shoulder. Your skin tingles with slight electricity, lulling your already fuzzy brain into a deeper haze. You tug your sleeves over your hands, scrunching your fingers into a fist to try and regain some awareness.
“Hmm,” Arabella pushes the same strand of hair from your forehead again, removing her headband and putting it on you instead to keep your unruly strands in place, “remind me to make you some tea before bed. I have some herbs from the greenhouse that might help with them. Let’s go get some food into you first though, ok?
She links her arm through yours, pulling you alongside her towards the dining hall. The corridors are mostly empty, spare a few behind students. Much like yourselves, they hurry in the same direction, following the wafting smell of roasted chicken and pumpkin pie. You can’t help but shiver as you watch them rush, feeling like someone forgot to tell you something. As if everyone knows a secret that you very well must have snoozed through.
“Hey Ari,” you tug lightly on her sleeve to get her attention, “why is everyone in such a hurry? Did I miss something?”
She looks confused for a moment, her button nose scrunching tight before her mouth falls open, “oh yes, that’s right! I forgot to tell you! Some seventh year prefects overheard McGonagall talking about some exchange students from Ilvermorny. They’re supposed to be here for dinner!”
Your skin crackles with electricity, the air static with anticipation, “Ilvermorny? They’re from America?”
She nods her head cheerfully as the two of you approach the towering doors of the dining hall, “I know, it’s crazy right?”
You can hear the buzz of activity emitting from the hall before you cross the corridor, a dull roar that lights you with an even mixture of excitement and nervousness. 
“They certainly think so,” you motion to the giggling fourth year girls who scurry past you, their chatter no doubt about the possibility of Hogwarts’ newest additions. 
The current coursing through your body sings when Arabella pulls you through the doors. The dining hall is a flurry of activity, each house no doubt wondering if they’ve gained any new members tonight. The thought of some new Hufflepuffs warms your heart. You haven’t had any new faces around in ages it feels like. You let her lead you to a few seats left open near the front of the hall, next to the small stage.
You fall into your seat with a sigh, graciously accepting the plate of food Arabella hands you. How she made it so quick you aren't sure. Magic probably, that would make the most sense. When you glance over at her she has her wand out, levitating food onto her own plate. She always puts you ahead of herself, something you can't help but feel bad about sometimes. Regardless, it warms your heart immensely to be lucky enough to have such a caring best friend. You catch her eye and she passes you a loving smile and a wink before lowering her plate. 
As you take the first bite of your pumpkin pie, ignoring the nudge you get for eating your dessert first, Headmistress McGonogal taps her wand to the podium in front of her.
“Students,” she clears her throat, waiting for the noise in the great hall to quiet, “as quite a few of you have already heard by now,” she searches you all with a glint in her eye, a small smile on her lips, “we have a few students joining us.”
The great hall buzzes at her admission, a current running through the entirety of the student body and, most of all, you. Your head feels like it’s spinning. Like you’ve just drunk a litre of fire whiskey and that if you stand up there’s a good chance you’ll fall right over. You drop your fork but the clatter it makes doesn’t register with you as much as it should. Arabella looks over at you, clearly worried, and raises her eyebrows, placing a warm hand on your back. 
As you go to shrug your shoulders at her, the doors to the great hall open once more, “ah, and here they are! Please, everyone, show them your warmest welcome. They have come a long way, all the way from Ilvermorny in the United States.”
McGonogal continues to speak about Hogwarts and its connection to Ilvermorny but her speech is drowned out by cheering from all over the great hall. Well, you’re pretty sure it is. Your pulse is thundering so loudly in your ears that you can’t hear much of anything at all. Arabella stares at you still, growing more and more scared as the seconds pass. You think you say something, you open your mouth at least, but whatever words come out of your mouth don’t reach your ears. Arabella’s hand tightens her grip.
You close your eyes, squeezing them shut tightly, desperately willing your senses to go back to normal. It almost works too but then you breathe in and are hit with three scents so hard that you almost vomit. Not because they’re terrible, though, they’re anything but. No, you almost puke because of how fast you’re swamped in pine and buttery leather and the entire damn sea and how quickly it makes your heart rate spike. Are you having a heart attack? What is going on?
When you open your eyes the great hall is spinning and you know for a fact that you’re the only one experiencing this carousel ride. You have to get out of here. You push away from the table, standing on legs much too shaky for your own good. Arabella calls your name and it sounds like she’s behind a thick sheet of glass. The trees and leather and sea wraps around you again and your knees almost give out. There’s only one thing you can think to do and you don’t hesitate to do it. You run like hell. 
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yioh · 4 years
YEAH BRO THIS SITUATION IS SO FREAKING PAINFUL BECAUSE BOTH SIDES ARE TRYING SO HARD BUT ITS LEAVING KUROSAWA BROKEN AND IT FUCKING HURTS TO WATCH LIKE . WE'RE GONNA BE FORCED TO WATCH THIS ANGEL PERSONIFIED C R Y NEXT EPISODE AND ITS .... Nn OOOOO I CANT ,,,, but also the preview actually Inside the ep is v misleading bec it looks so tragic and angsty where as the longer 30 sec preview on yt actually shows adachi and kurosawa talking and adachi taking care of him and idk it looks so soft and adachi doesn't run away either i think so 😭😭😭😭😭 i lowkey think ep 7 won't hurt as Much ( i mean it still will) but im just v v v excited abt adachi being forced to think abt his feelings now lol
AND YA ROKKAKU AND CAT BOY !!!! i feel like this will make the 2 stories merge which is going to be a god tier plot line purely because tsuge interacting w more ppl and having fucking telepathic powers w his bff is pure Gold khsodjdxbdkd
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