#more like an au kinda deal but w/e
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nyaagolor · 1 year ago
I originally was going to make this a comic, but then realized I don't have the skill, time, nor motivation to execute it so it's a textpost now. Anyway.
I was thinking about Dual Destinies (again) and about what would happen if Clay were the defendant rather than the victim-- but the more I started playing around with this tweak the more things got out of hand and now I'm effectively looking at a rewrite
The first change is in the setting: Aura / Simon / Metis / Athena / Clay were all working / living at a rehabilitation center connected to the prison system. Thematically I prefer it to the space theme, it puts a lot more ambiguity on the situation with Metis and Athena (since raising ur child in a correctional facility is. Questionable.), and imo psychologists make more sense working at a prison than like. Nasa.
Clay isn't an astronaut in this AU, but instead some kind of guard / bailiff. This gives us a chance to interact with him in the game itself (he's the one bringing witnesses from the courthouse and he's at the detention center) so we get to actually see him and care about him a little bit more. I'm imagining he gets the job as the guard in the corner of the room in the detention center and if you "examine" that spot as Apollo you'll get some flavor text about him waving to you or smth. Either way, the last case starts with Clay getting a promotion and being responsible for some of their more dangerous / high profile criminals
He calls Apollo shortly after in a complete panic, saying he's been accused of murdering his charge and that he's so so so sorry because he knows how personal this is, but he needs Apollo's help. Apollo immediately agrees to defend him, trying to get him to calm down and just explain. Clay finally admits that the reason he was so nervous about calling Apollo specifically is because the victim of this case is Kristoph Gavin
Apollo decides to set off on his own immediately, because while he does trust Phoenix way more now, the subject of Kristoph is a really sore point for him and he doesn't want Phoenix involved. Klavier, who was banned from prosecuting the case for Conflict of Interest reasons, joins him because he is also extremely invested in this case For Reasons and he has trust issues about it For Reasons. They end up getting Clay declared innocent and in the process of investigating find the lighter, which basically shatters Apollo's already fragile trust in Phoenix because What Do You MEAN the random girl you mysteriously hired is related to the Kristoph case What Are You Hiding Now. The hostage situation with Aura happens in the same way, but this time Klavier forces his way onto the prosecution with Apollo as his co-counsel because the two of them are PISSED
The idea is for Athena to be her own defense, but she's so emotionally rattled that she needs a co-counsel. To Aura's shock and horror, Simon says he'll do it. When she says he's a prosecutor and he can't, he counters that this is a fake trial anyway so the rules don't really apply. The trial is extremely emotionally driven because it's super personal for everyone involved and is just an absolute goddamn disaster. I haven't figured out anything with the phantom yet or how all this ties together, but that's a problem for later
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pwnyta · 11 days ago
Okay first: Absolutely love your Stobotnik art. It's so expressive & lovely. I can't stop coming back to look at it 💕
Second, the movie vs. game au got me thinking, how would the progression of game!Stone from basically kidnapped to loyal henchmen go? I mean, movie!Stone presumably had a fair bit of time working with his Doctor as a government asset before they went AWOL. So how would this Stone deal with basically being dropped into the villainous deep end?
I imagine game!Eggman is doing his best to convince him to stay but like, how would he do that without seeming too invested? How would he give him enough room to get comfortable without risking him escaping? I mean, Stone is a government agent. And a capable one at that.
Also, what does Stone think of this? I imagine he knows Stockholm syndrome isn't real (he's way smarter than he lets on, otherwise he & the Doc wouldn't get along so well) so how does he rationalize that he's slowly getting attached? When do his loyalties shift? When does he finally admit to himself that it's not just admiration or a crush? That he wants to stay, for as long as the Doctor will let him?
Sorry for the long ask, my brain just latched on & the speculation got away from me 😅
One of the reasons Im not a writer is because I just dont think things through like that. I just go with w/e idea pops into my head and just leave it to everyone else to decide the rest.
HMM. Its a good question though! I sorta implied Stone knew of the Doctor before hand so maybe hes just a fan of his work to begin with so he has that soft spot and Ivo can just casually show him all the tech hes working on cuz he sees Stone get all starry eyed over it almost like Movie!Stone looked at him. Just wooing Game!Stone with cool tech and Game!Stone being very open to it.
I did do some more with Movie!Stone and Game!Ivo its not relevant to this but ya know... Just to say I also enjoy the AU. I enjoy more cartoony designs rather than trying to make a design myself that looks kinda like the actor but not all the way cuz I think its kinda creepy ya know? LMAO
Anyways have a very rough doodle
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peerless-minty-cucumber · 2 months ago
SVSSS Liu Qingge is an ace icon in a porn logic plot. In this essay I will…
Okay so, I want to preface this with some clarifications. I'm going to assume most of yall know a baseline definition of asexuality as "when you don't experience sexual attraction." Without getting too into the nuance here, take note of the following:
Being asexual does not mean you hate sex. Some asexuals like sex. Some asexuals have sex.
Asexuals can get crushes and fall in love
Being asexual doesn't mean you have sexual trauma or are a prude or w/e
I am asexual and I think by online discourse logic that means I'm right about everything I say in this essay.
You're free to respectfully disagree honestly I'd love to hear other takes on this.
This headcanon contains a lot of projection. You've been warned.
So recently I reblogged this post that joked something along the lines of "We still don't know if Liu Qingge knows what sex is." And I thought that was a) hella funny and b) kinda true. Do I think he literally doesn't know what sex is? With that sister?? Yeah no I think he knows. But I imagine he doesn't really understand that sex is just kind of a big deal for most people and expected in typical relationships. I mean, I doubt sexual attraction really often discussed amongst cultivators anyway, so if one doesn't experience it, it a) wouldn't make one too much of an outsider and b) one would just assume this is the universal norm. In my reading of canon, he definitely has a crush on Shen Qingqiu, but I don't think he has the sexual attraction. To the contrary, I imagine that he finds the thought of sexual contact with his crush very unbecoming. Perhaps it even contributes to his dislike of Luo Binghe and the BingQiu relationship. I could even spin this into a whole thing where he could be coping with internalised homophobia because he doesn't want to have sex with men so it's fine, right? We know that in general, Shen Yuan is a pretty unreliable narrator when it comes to observing other characters' reactions. But I did find some of his thoughts about Liu Qingge during the Succubi extra very interesting. For those who don't know/recall - in this extra chapter, SQQ and LQG investigate a Succubus hideout and LQG gets affected by what is essentially an Aphrodisiac. SQQ notes that LQG is visibly distressed, but also shows absolutely no signs of desire to act on it in any way – almost as though he doesn't have experience with sexual desire. He's also clearly uncomfortable and angry with his body's reaction – not an uncommon reaction in (particularily sex-repulsed) asexuals experiencing libido. I really like to imagine an AU where LiuShen happened and they're just cute and cuddling and maybe get in a few kisses and after a few months Shen Qingqiu is like "… So are we gonna fuck or like…?" And LQG would be FLOORED because surely that's not a thing people actually do – right?! That's a thing for forbidden porn ballads and demons! I also like to imagine they actually try it and he ends up kinda liking it and unpacking his baggage but he still doesn't get the attraction.
Yall were seriously starving for this essay so I hope I at least kinda delivered. I felt like I had more to say about this but *gestures* stuff happened and my brain isn't super on top of things rn.
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3gremlins · 10 months ago
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wanted to participate in @storybookhawke 's DA met gala themed thing so here's a quick merrill piece (i kinda forgot until the reblog reminder went around so this was a pretty quick sketchy painting :3). haven't done DA art in ages so this was fun in the story ( the met gala theme is based on a j.g ballard short story called "the garden of time", which you can read here if you want!) the characters are trying to push off their inevitable downfall by picking the flowers that briefly stop time. the more flowers they pick, the sparser and less beautiful their garden looks- until eventually doom reaches them as there are no more flowers. i thought it did sort of fit with merrill's character arc a lot of her character arc is partially in her trying to balance the use of blood magic with her personal magic and how she's always tempted by demons (and how even success is tainted and doomed). She's always pulled by two sides- a more innocent, noble side that just wants to preserve her people's heritage and the other where she's willing to make deals without fully understanding the consequences. Every thing she does in the story line kind of pushes her closer towards the inevitable conflict (she can't push off the demon forever/will run out of time)
ALSO i really liked the flower theme and wanted to draw merrill in a pretty yet kinda sexy dress and it fits with her skill tree aesthetic (which is all about plant growth and nature magic). prob not the most avant garde thing but w/e. I know she's usually more associated with daisies but I liked the drama of roses and then contrasted it with the floatier lighter skirt on the other side (in the story the flowers are crystalline so this was a bit of a nod) here's the 15 sec time lapse if anyone's been interested
anyway this was really fun and i might do more but i def won't finish them in time (obvs). it was nice to do an au fashiony design again too, i've missed it
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smokescreenimusprime · 2 years ago
Hello again! I've been scrollign through some of your older au's and just- I need more GoD. I want more possible younger/older brother relationship between Smokey & Predaking, even though technically Smokey's older(he's the little brother, he's definitely more immature than Preds). Also, I have to ask: What did happen when Soundwave tried to groundbridge him off the ship?
I wanna see possible Smokey & Preds saving the other Predacons, or if they're not able to, for at least a bonding moment with Smokey comforting Predaking after he's lost his siblings. I wanna see the reactions of the team to the anonymous helper, sending them decepticon info and nothing else. I wanna see their reactions to the supposed ghost, haunting Darkmunt. I wanna see if they blame themselves. Do they think they should've been nicer to him? To the basically kid, who gave up his life to give them the chance to end this war? Who never got the chance of seeing his home planet not plauged by war and destruction? Do they blame themselves for his spark not being able to rest, supposedly stuck here on earth, not let into the allspark and haunting the ones who killed him? Do they blame themselves for his death? Do they?
with Soundwave, this was something inspired from when Smokey yote himself off the Nemesis. Specifically how when he was falling, he ended up turning the Shifter off before he was about to fall through one of the portals only to get knocked aside by Megatron
(does this kinda contradict the S2 finale and how Smokey snuck back in canon? Maybe, but to be fair 1) that part of canon doesn't exist anymore, 2) the Phase Shifter is a little broken and doesn't work the same way anymore and 3) canon broke the logic first so Therefore I'm legally allowed to do the same)
anyways, why Soundwave doesn't talk about it
just. Smokescreen cranked up his Vengeful Ghost Factor to 20. When Soundwave tried ground bridging him off the ship, he simply kept slowly walking toward the mech, straight through the portal as if it didn't exist in the first place. He was relentless in his following, but also very very careful to never be fully in sight. Aside from a few slow following attempts, Smokey just stayed in the walls and floor around him. He'd hide in the floor and grab at his feet, gently brush his hands on his plating when he found him in the halls, would seek our and destroy any and all security cameras he could to make Soundwave just a little bit more blind
Soundwave doesn't mess with Smokescreen very much after that
but on a completely different note, you're absolutely right, Smokey and Predaking have SUCH sibling energy. Smokescreen talks for hours about anything and everything, but Predaking's favorite stories are the ones Smokey read in the Archives. He loves learning about Cybertronian culture, art, history, all those beautiful things which he never had a chance to experience himself. He's also fiercely protective of the smaller bot, and sure said protection is unnecessary on account of the whole He's Already Dead thing (at least to his knowledge), he can't help it
the two also like to go on long flights together. Smokescreen will hitch a ride on Predaking's back and they'll soar through the atmosphere together, nothing but the wind holding them back and gravity bending to their whims. These flights also serve as good secure places for them to talk without any of the Decepticons hearing them since whispering directly into Predaking's ears can get a little tiring for simple conversation
it's actually during one of these flight trips that Smokescreen tells Predaking about the Decepticon's plans to kill the other Predacons, at which he understandably flips his absolute SHIT. He's about ready to go on a fucking rampage and sets a good deal of the sky on fire, and it's only through some very desperate convincing on Smokey's part that the mech doesn't fly back to the Nemesis right that instant and tear them to shreds
so they come up with a plan. Predaking will distract the Autobots and keep them away for long enough so Smokescreen can use the phase shifter to get them all to safety by leading them deeper into the tunnels. Then they'll use the CNA and Synthetic Energon being stored to blow the place sky high so the Decepticons think the Predacons are dead and that they have Predaking's loyalty secured
I'll admit, I'm not too sure where exactly to go from here in terms of that specific plot thread. My best idea right now is Smokescreen hacking the Decepticon Groundbridge controls and stealing energon to keep them all fed which he simply disguises as his usual Ghostly Shenanigans. Predaking definitely affectionately call him their "Preda-prince" but given how close the two of them are it's basically official and he's considered a Predacon in all but frame by all of them
and Y E S with the Autobots. Wheeljack's account of this "ghost" is enough to raise some eyebrows. After all, he isn't a superstitious person, and the fact he's not that skeptical about it..... well, that's a little weird already
and oh boy, wouldn't it be fun if when they tried to take down Darkmount, Smokescreen ended up giving them some help behind the scenes :)
and honestly, the aftermath of that is going to be painful, for both groups. Smokescreen because as much as he desperately wants to reunite with the other Autobots, he can't deny that being behind enemy lines like this could be SUPER useful. He could feed the Autobots information, interfere with the Decepticons plans and technology, lower their morale to make them easier opponents......
it's too tantalising to give up because the Autobots need every advantage they have, especially now, so he decides to pay dead for a little while longer
but of course....... the Autobots are still completely under the impression he's dead. The guilt is all still there, and the fact it seems Smokescreen's spark is lingering in such a wrathful way? That despite everything he's done, the ultimate sacrifice he gave, he's been trapped and tethered to this plane of existence and not allowed the relief of the Allspark
it tears them apart inside :)
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years ago
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Fic Finder
1. Hi! I’m looking for a fic I read on AO3, I don’t remember anything really more than that there was some kind of big entity in a town which noone but Wei Ying could see? The other character’s would be like ”nothing is wrong with this town :-)”. Thankful for help! Have a nice day and thank you for your work <3
#1, can u ask the requestor is Wei ying lived at the edge of the woods/forest ??
FOUND! Not What We May Be by brooklinegirl (E, 29k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Mutual Pining, Bedsharing, casefic, Hurt/Comfort) though its not only wwx who sees it. Great fic.
2. Hello! I'm trying to find a fic where LWJ was cursed/blessed by his mom with a truth spell for LWJ's safety? It's not really the typical, your average "I speak the truth" one, but it's how LWJ can hear lies in the form of sounds that only he can hear! If i remember correctly, LXC knows about it and asked NMJ (blunt truths) and NHS (white lies) to help him control it. There's also scenes where he's stumped because WWX almost always speak the truth (thus making no lie detector sound for LWJ — which boggles him so much because no one always speak the whole truths even in CR — except the couple of times when he was speaking about his time in Lotus Pier). Thank you! (I'm pretty sure this is a fic by @i-like-plan-m but I can't remember the name rn 😅 - Mod C)
FOUND! in the shadow of moonlit flowers by Reverie (cl410) (T, 48k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, cloud recesses, NHS & LWJ friendship, developing relationship, LWJ pov, minor injuries, autistic LWJ, implied/referenced child abuse, aka YZY warning, genius WWX, light angst, hurt/comfort, WWX protection squad, WIP) this one perhaps?
3. hi i’ve been looking for a fic that i read a while ago but can’t remember what it’s called. Basically WWX is hired by LWJ for company/sex and he’s kinda like a sugar baby and stays at his house a lot. LWJ is a rich lan and both end up having feelings for eachother but bc LWJ started basically as WWXs client of sorts there’s some confusion. I remember at one point WWX gets sick and lets LWJ come to his house which he usually wouldn’t do with past clients and LWJ helps him shower and there’s a line where he talks abt the intimacy of letting LWJ wash his crotch (pretty sure he lives w wen qing) Then i think LWJ takes WWX to like new york or something on a work trip
these were the only things i could remember lol @st3wartladle​
FOUND? The Sugar Daddy AU Series by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 106k, wangxian, modern, sugar daddy, sex work, dom/sub, aftercare, semi-public sex, exhibitionism, bondage, boundary setting, relationship negotiation) specifically the first part A Sure Thing
4. Hi! For the fic finder, two fics I enjoyed but apparently failed to bookmark, and now cannot find back...
A) Complete, medium length: Lan Zhan steps into the path of Wen Zhuliu coming for Wei Ying, loses his golden core. Afterwards, he tells no one but goes into seclusion. WWX is fine, and eventually comes to visit in Gusu. LWJ is reclusive as he is not a cultivator anymore (so he grows old faster than WWX), but they still build a connection. No solution for the golden core, just dealing with the new facts of life for LWJ, and building back some hope.
B) Similar in vibes, also complete: WWX travels to an alternative universe, where JC died and WWX is somehow the Jiang Sect Leader. He meets LWJ at a conference. The new universes' WWX was not friends with LWJ. LWJ's leg was still broken after the Wen Indoctrination and never healed, so LWJ is wheelchair bound (pushed by Jingyi). WWX builds up a friendship with LWJ but I think in the end he goes back to his own universe. This one sounds like that one fic where the theme was something like 'be careful what you wish for', iirc WWX wanted to see either his parents or JYL alive 🤔 ~Mod L
Any help would be much appreciated! As well as any other dimension travel recs anyone has. Thanks again for this wonderful blog! @vasterthanempires
I found 4A myself! It was love some littler things by shipyrds
4B remains elusive, although the comments so far seem to refer to the same fic. still looking for it!
FOUND! love some littler things by shipyrds (G, 17k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, LWJ Loses His Golden Core, Canon Divergence, No Golden Core Transfer, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst with a Hopeful Ending, Disability)
4B I have read but also cannot recall! Additional details, it was an alternate dimension talisman WWX created, and when he leaves any changes he might have cause are erased but somehow wheelchair!LZ starts an actual friendship with local!WWX? not sure if it was a bonus chapter or an endnote but I recall I was happy that it was a hair ending for both sets...
FOUND? empty as the sky by incendir (T, 23k, wangxian, JYL & WWX, CSSR & WWX, be careful what you wish for)
5. Howdy fine folks of the internet! I'm looking for a Twitter thread fic that disappeared from my bookmarks during some twitter turmoil, if any of yall can help. It was a modern au where wwx got kicked out of the Jiang home and stayed in a shed on school property while using the school showers and eating leftovers from the cafeteria overnight, until lqr, lxc, and nmj catch him. It had some really great depictions of panic attacks and I want back. Thanks
FOUND! Where is home? by SpicyRamen_10969 (M, 16k, wangxian, modern, high school au, implied/referenced child abuse, implied/referenced homophobia, coming out, not Jiang family friendly, supportive LQR, good sibling LXC, fluff, angst w happy ending, WIP)
6. Hi, I'm looking for a fic where lan xichen had harsh realization of his wrong doing by supporting jin guangyao. (If this is actually an Itmf let me know and I will move it - Mod C)
7. Hi, I've been trying to find this wangxian fic so badly. Like canon divergence lan xichen notices that wei ying likes lan zhan during cloud reases arc and starts convincing his teachers to change their style for him and his ADHD Genius and teach him about his own self worth so as to steal him away from Jiang sect. Like Jiang chan has an argument where Wei Ying finally stands up to him and it's so good. Think its ABO, dont remember. Please help
FOUND? might be 💖 Hoards and treasures by apathyinreverie (T, 21k, WangXian, Siblings, Family, not particularly Jiang friendly, YZY Bashing, slightly darker Gusu Lans, LXC being the best brother, Some manipulation, But with the best of intentions, and not between wangxian, Dragon LWJ, Fox WWX, Smitten LWJ, Fluff, perfect happiness, adorable WWX, Romance, Some worldbuilding, courting) although it's FoxWWX and DragonLans not A/B/O
8. Hello <3 I'm looking for a modern AU fic where Lan Wangji contracts Mo Xuanyu as a companion for the night but mistakes him for Wei Wuxian in the hotel they would meet up. So they spend the whole night together and the chemistry is off the charts until Mo Xuanyu sends him a message later (or in the morning after, I can't exactly remember) saying that he never showed up. Lan Wangji tells Wei Wuxian about the misunderstanding and Wei Ying, who was thrilled with his attention, gets pretty hurt and they end things pretty tense. I remember that it's the anniversary of the passing of his mother or her anniversary, and Lan Wangji didn't want to spend it alone. After he explains that to Wei Ying, they try giving their date another chance. That's all I remember for sure that happens, I hope these details are enough!
FOUND! Many happy returns. by orange_crushed (E, 25k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mistaken Identity, Misunderstandings, Grief/Mourning, Loss of Parent(s), Implied/Referenced Suicide, Past Suicide of a Parent, References to Depression, Anxiety, Therapy, References to Anti-Depressant Medications, Escort Service, Loneliness, Everybody’s Abandonment Issues, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Domestic Fluff, Moving In Together, Oral Sex, Penetrative Sex, Hopeful Ending, Recovery, References to Escorting/Sex Work but No Actual Escorting/Sex Work)  
9. I need help on finding a fic. It's about how wei wuxian created his own sect from a past syndicate movements, he transformed it into a merchant/shops/silk road or something similar. He never went with the jiangs or any sects. When he was still on the streets he got betrayed by an "esteemed" cultivator because of false accusations (vendor told the cultivator that he caught wei wuxian stealing from him, but in actuality wei wuxian was at the wrong place at the wrong time), it was another kid that stole a toy from a merchant, if I'm not wrong. He was also a part of an illegal underground fights where he "won the bet" against the strongest fighter. He's also claimed by wen qing to be the killer of a murder because the only one who knows around needles is herself, and she met wei wuxian and taught him the arts of needles. There's also a wei wuxian - xue yang connection by said syndicate because the chang sect was a part of it.
10. hi! i was wondering if you could help me find this one fanfic that i can't for the love of me remember at all!!!
the details are a bit hazy, but basically burial mounds era something happens that fucks up wei wuxian mentally and physically and he starts dreaming about things in the future,,,, meanwhile the whole jianghu is plunged into chaos with disasters and that one specific bird thing.
i think there was one time wei wuxian did a "no shit serlock!" joke but then said "oh wait, wrong timeline."
FOUND? To Ride A Stygian Tiger by Madyamisam (M, 93k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time travel, Angst with a happy ending, BAMF WWX, Dark LWJ, Slow burn, Family Feels, Misunderstandings)
11. hwoooooo! :D back at it again with the asks, thank you so much for your services to the community!
im looking for a time travel fic for my bff!
it's in Lwj's pov in which he dreams about an older version of him, who tells him to treat wei ying kindly, and how the future lwj's world is completely frozen as a result of his sacrifice in order to safe a different timeline.
Future Lwj gets a happy ending in the last chapter!
FOUND? 💖 Looking at You Always, All Ways by Keysmashed T, 29k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, fluff, nostalgia, mild angst w/ happy ending)
12. hi! i'm looking for a fic where there was quarantine and wangxian went to stay at the family house (it was so big like a mansion or an apartment i don't really remember).
remember a scene where jingyi was having a panic attack (?) and wei ying came to calm him down. they were at the balcony. i think they were adopting jingyi.
i don't know if it is finished or deleted.
13. hello!! i hope y’all are doing well ☺️ the fic I’m looking for was definitely on ao3 but idk if it got deleted or I just can’t find it again but here’s what I remember
1) Wei wuxian died taking the arrows to save jin zixuan’s life. Initially people celebrated until the (sentient) burial mounds retaliated and destroyed most of the jin sect and people started panicking and trying to bring back wwx (jin zixuan, jin ling, and Jiang yanli all live)
2) parts of Wei wuxian’s diary was scattered amongst the cultivation world and Jin ling buys the pages and develops a sort of parasocial relationship w his dead uncle who he idolizes based on the image he creates of him thru wwx’s writing
3) i think one of the latest updates (it wasn’t finished when I read it) is wwx coming back as Mo xuanyu and running into jin ling and jiang cheng who recognize him.
Im pretty sure the wens are alive as well (not 100% tho). If this rings any bells please let me know - I’ve seriously looked for this for a solid couple of weeks and I loved it a lot 😭 thank you!! 💓
FOUND? To Be Named by Suibian_613 (T, 18k, WIP, WangXian, XuanLi, Canon Divergence, WQ is out of character, Everyone is probably ooc, canonical violence, Canonical Character Death, Somewhat Sentient Burial Mounds)
FOUND? I shall pay for all your sorrows by MidnightLightHowlite (G, 3k, JZX & WWX, XuanLi, angst with bitter ending)
14. A fanfic where Wei Wuxian is found by Lan Qiren as he saves him from something and then faints. It’s a modern AU, Lan Qiren takes him to the hospital and later they learn that he has fits and he becomes a teacher at the school. Lan Zhan and he marries later on and adopts Wen Yuan from an orphanage run by Wen Qing and Wen Ning. @hebbbb
FOUND? Against Entropy by Duochanfan (M, 40k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, of an underaged character, Amnesia, Drama, Romance, Family Feels, Hurt WWX, Older JC, Homelessness, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective LWJ, Protective LXC, Supportive LXC, Protective NMJ, Supportive LQR)
15. Hi I want to ask is there a wangxian fanfiction where lan zhan is a prince and wei wuxian is a huli jing and becomes his consort by forced marriage but instead wei ying is against this loveless marriage and so everytime they sleep it's always hate s£× until he gets preg and gives birth to a yuan and tries his best to give him love until he dies protecting a yuan from a wen attack and that day he realises wangji actually loved him dies and gets reincarnated and tries to fix things @random-online-reader
16. Hi there! I am looking for a fic that takes place during the war against the wens and mo xuanyu does the self sacrifice to summon wwx who is thought to project himself as his original form, but (SPOILERS) he is immortal and lwj is the reincarnation of his lover. Baoshan Sanren also makes an appearance after the last stand against wen ruohan
FOUND? Old Foreshadows by protos_metazu_ison (M, 15k, WangXian, YLLZ WWX, BAMF WWX, War, Universe Alteration, Sunshot Campaign, Rated For Violence, Timeline What Timeline)
17. Hello, can you help me find a fic?
Generally, all I remember was that WWX went back to the past (Studying at GusuLan Arc) after dying during the Burial Mound Siege. He was so traumatized over it that he has decided he does not want anything to do with the cultivation world anymore. His personality changed (from cheerful to downright depressed, from lively to soulless) so much that everyone began to notice and wondered what was up.
However, I remember a scene which pushed him to flee Gusu. He was walking and listening as NHS talked and talked trying to get him back to his old personality. They met NMJ on the way. WWX on pilot mode said that he (NMJ) has heart demons and without ado removed the resentful energy lingering inside NMJ. This shocked the Nie brothers, the Twin jades and JC (the latter two having just arrived and witnessed WWX manipulating resentful energy).
WWX obviously panicked, packed his belongings and flees from GusuLan because he thought they would kill him again due to his manipulation of resentful energy.
Please help me find this fic. I've been searching the web for weeks. Sadly, my browser history was disabled at that time and I don't remember the title. @heratheslytherinqueen
FOUND? Possible Works 2 - Numb by Hauntcats (M, 6k, wangxian, angst w happy ending, unhappy WWX, time travel fix-it)
FOUND? Without end by barisan (M, 70k, wangxian, major character death, time travel, suicide attempt, hurt/comfort, depressed WWX, protective LWJ, good uncle LQR, bad parents JFM & YZY, not YZY & JFM & Jiang friendly, implied/referenced child abuse & self harm, BAMF WWX, WIP)
18. So there was this fic in which wei wuxian modified nei huaisang's fan or something like that so it can be used as a weapon while in CR and also at some point nmj wrote a letter thanking him and asking him what he would like as payment but wwx replied that it was a gift for a friend
I don't think this was a major plot point of the story though. Thanks
FOUND? Eyes Wide Shut by Netrixie (T, 65k, LXC/NMJ, wangxian, canon divergence, no sunshot, everyone lives au, enemies to friends to lovers, identity porn, mistaken identity, misunderstanding, slow burn) when I read that I immediately thought of this fic just bc it sounds so similar, but it's lxc that gives nhs the fan, and nmj gets mad at lxc for it. and also it's nielan. maybe this is what you're looking for?
19. Hi again! I'm in need of help for finding a fic that I forgot to bookmark AGAIN🥹
How i remember it, It's how WWX died and get "resurrected" as a ghost thing by another character (could be Hua Cheng, could be Luo Binghe idk they definitely wore robes with the color red and black lol). So WWX started chatting with his "savior" and they told him that he can grow powerful by eating other demons in the BM(?) But as he grew powerful, he also shapeshifted as a white tiger for a while because he needs to hunt to maintain his human form, and by doing so he needs a lot of demon meat so he needs to catch food with his tiger form a lot (I'm kinda confusing myself if WWX started as a tiger from beginning or not, but it definitely involves him as a ghost/tiger!)
Other details that I kinda remember: 1) he re-introduced himself to the cultivation world as "Wei Wuqian" or something similar, he thought it was funny 2) nearby people who lived around the place WWX would hunt depicted him as a guardian/god and would gift him some spicy meat as prayers 3) said people would defend him when cultivators were trying to hunt this weirdly nice, babysitting as a secondary job, only likes his meat spicy tiger kitty that they call "evil spirit, dangerous and needs to be gone" 4) I think he has white hair but can change to black, it could be somewhat glowing hair but I'm not sure about this detail 5) LWJ definitely tried the "give big kitty spice and he'll play nice" trick he got from the village people to see if it was a malevolent ghost or not 6) tiger!WWX had been written eating a corpse in the fic at least once
FOUND? Wuqian, the Local God of Yiling by Grace_ShadowWolf (TaubeLePigeon) (M, 77k, wangxian, WWX & LSZ & LWJ, major character death, canon divergence, angst w/ happy ending, god WWX, Chinese mythology & folklore, pining, temporary character death, WIP)
20. Hi, I'm looking for the the story I've read before. I think it's about Wuxian are cursed to feel pain each time Jiang Wanyin close to him at Cloud recesses. It's kinda Jiang Wanyin bashing. I think Wei Wuxian took the cursed meant for Lan Wangji.
FOUND? I’ll Take the Path of Thorns by Admiranda (G, 6k, wangxian, cloud recesses study era, curses, not JC friendly, clever WWX, baby wangxian)
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zmediaoutlet · 9 months ago
wait we get to make you talk about ships? crowley/jack. what about that
girl you know you can make me talk about whatever you want. have to ask me to shut up probably!
I appreciate the audacity of this ship, first of all. Like Crowley dies the minute before Jack's born, right? That takes stugats. Like even more than that one determined Garth/Benny shipper. (Here's hoping Sheppard and Alex Whatshisname get married next.)
So your choices are full AU or an interesting post-canon thing where Jack dredges Crowley out of the Empty, presumably to smile at him and ask him all kinds of questions Crowley really doesn't want to answer but, whoops, New!God is completely immune to manipulation and you gotta be honest, because your lies will be super obvious and what's the point of that? So that's kinda fun.
but w/e, let's talk AU. Who cares how it starts in this sort of place. Like, whatever, Crowley gets a Jack Kline to dandle on his dadly knee instead of an Amara -- sure. I mean first of all let's all appreciate how hot that idea is, right? Woof. Blonde smiling shiny boy and Crowley's got 50 plans that he's meticulously arranging in the background and all kinds of manipulations and angles and uses to which the boy can be put, but also... god, he's shiny. And innocent in a true way, unlike pretty much anyone else Crowley ever deals with. The Winchesters are half-rotten even if they're determined do-gooders; Jack is just -- a fresh dawn, a spring morning. All the more appealing to try to spill some black ink onto and yet -- the purity is so thorough that he doesn't want to. He might do it still, because demons are demons no matter what, but...
There's also something appealing there about Crowley getting a kind of revenge on Lucifer by mucking up his son. Like you can imagine it as purely petty. Getting the kid on his back and wailing through a first orgasm and Crowley taking a polaroid from the side with a big grin like Happy Father's Day! Best served with a size of jizz, lol. And it could also be something to needle Sam and Dean with, since they're his dads too, although tbh I feel like Crowley should keep that one Real secret because Dean's general "no murdering Crowley" policy might end SUPER quick. (I don't like thinking of him as a shotgun dad, but given this particular kid and this particular suitor it's probably justified. Meanwhile Sam has a straight-up fury aneurysm.)
I guess I haven't mentioned Jack's side of the whole thing but lbr, Jack's ass is up for anyone who will be nice to him and offer to teach him things. Crowley is so willing to teach. Plus I bet being a super-nephilim, with all the power that implies, he's probably got a practically non-existent gag reflex!
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queen--kenobi · 10 months ago
Can you explain more about this Tymon and Elayna dynamic? I'm curious how this all gets going. Like I've picked up on bits and pieces and Elayna's deep hatred of the Lannisters, SO I WOULD LIKE TO LEARN MORE
Ehehehehe yeeesssss time to reintroduce my terrible awful evil son
So. Tymon is Jason and Tyland's younger brother. He's a year older than Elayna. Tymon is... well. The best way I can describe Tymon is That Annoying Rich White Guy? Like in a modern AU he's the lacrosse player who got into an Ivy league because his family is a legacy family. He is actually smart and charming on the surface but underneath all that, he's absolutely awful. The type of guy who's never heard no in his life and has a meltdown because of it
Elayna gets warded to the Lannisters when she's about 8 or 9. Alon has his first major sickness so Elayna’s older brother sends her to the Lannisters. Since Tymon is about the same age as her, they do gravitate towards each other. When they hit 12/13, Tymon realizes he's attracted to Elayna. And being an entitled 13 year old decides yeah, he's going to marry Elayna
It gets complicated because they're still basically kids. Elayna doesn't necessarily know what she really wants or likes. Also she thinks she knows him, and this is the first guy who's shown interest in her in a not overtly creepy way. So she's receptive at first and she ignores some red flags that crop up
I haven't exactly figured out what the specific thing that makes her go "wait. Hold up" is yet? At least, not for canon. Based on what I'm thinking for other AUs, like him branding someone in the Western AU bc lbr that's some shit the Lannisters would do, it has to be Bad. I have some ideas floating around. But yeah. Tymon does something that is a very "oh fuck he's dangerous, and he will hurt me" thing. Elayna had been having doubts anyway, but this just freaks her out. She starts spending less time with him and in general trying to avoid him
Elayna also notices he doesn't care about her in a love way but a possession way? There's some discussion of her marrying a Tarbeck, and Tymon flips the fuck out over it. It's very much in an abusive partner type of way even though he and Elayna were never technically together
Elayna tries avoiding him but a) Tymon has made it clear he's the only one allowed to marry Elayna and will get violent over it and b) Elayna is literally living with his family so there's no one she can turn to. Since Elayna is saying no, Tymon bounces between love bombing Elayna and trying to make Elayna’s live a living hell
Mind you. She's 12? 13? When this starts. And she endures 3-4 years of psychological abuse. And unfortunately she does have to learn to be like the Lannisters to survive during this time period. The only person on her side seems to be her dad. Seban, her older brother, is even kinda like "what's the big deal? It'd be a great opportunity" blah blah blah
Eventually Alon gets Elayna under the guise of taking her back to Castamere, probably so as "not to tempt Tymon" or w/e. But as soon as they're on the road Alon tells Elayna he's set everything up so Elayna can live in KL as either Helaena or Jaenna's lady-in-waiting. Obviously once Tymon finds out he's on his way to KL but like. Tripling down on everything because how dare she run away
(Bonus fun fact: in the modern AU they go to high school together, they have this weird relationship of like... they're not actually dating but also they kind of are? They keep on saying no they're just friends but they make out at parties. But then the next day in class they'll be at each other's throats for who has the best grade and being super competitive in a nasty way. They end up deciding to go to prom together but... They end up sleeping together and being each other's firsts. Which then less than a week later Tymon tells Elayna no he's not taking her to prom, someone like him doesn't take girls like her to prom, and anyway he's had a girlfriend this whole time. And he does this several days before the SAT/ACT. Which Elayna realizes later he timed it in an attempt to make her so upset she'd completely bomb the test
Bonus bonus: unfortunately. Tymon is Hot.
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This is his FC, Brandon Sklenar. Imagine him but blond)
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thestobingirlie · 2 years ago
some ppl do too much w making eddie v traditionally smart/knowledgeable or w having steve say that eddie is one of the smartest people he knows (as though steve's best friends are not robin and dustin). i have also seen ppl make steve say that eddie is the smartest person he knows which,,, okay. sure. we're all a little delusional sometimes ig. then use this as a springboard for him just not trying in school or w/e bc he doesn't care despite him clearly caring enough to repeat senior year three times instead of just getting his ged. this also works against what i find most appealing about eddie - like some ppl want him to be a bad boy played straight who is super smart and competent and i do not understand that. i like that eddie is a drug dealer that just can't graduate high school obsessed w his nerdy interests who is not cool and also not v competent outside of his specific interests, particularly in the intense survival situation he finds himself in. that's what makes eddie fun to me and it's also why any fics or aus that make him hyper successful/famous/competent/badass/etc never feel authentic to him as a character imo. they just rarely let the fact that he is a soft-hearted, nervous person at heart shine and that is what i like most about him. also ppl don't appreciate the way steddie defies expectation enough - like when it comes to dealing w the weird, scary world of the upside down you expect eddie to thrive and steve to flounder when steve is actually the borderline hypercompetent one in those situations, even at the very start. that's what makes the pairing fun and so few ppl appreciate that bc they just want to force them into overplayed archetypes.
oh it pisses me off when people try to make eddie scholarly. boy is on his third attempt of senior year. like, he’s clearly trying to pass, but he can’t. and that speaks to trouble with class more than eddie just not trying, or teachers purposely holding him back, which i’ve also seen in fics and just doesn’t really make sense to me. i feel like a drug dealer is the kinda student you would want to leave high school lmao
eddie is definitely not the smartest person steve’s knows, and that’s not a bad thing! no one has any trouble making steve out to be the biggest idiot alive, but for some reason people have a hard time making eddie seem dumb. like, i think i’ve mentioned this before but i saw one fic that said steve only passed high school because his dad paid the school or something? to try and make it seem like eddie was better in school and it’s so stupid! there’s nothing wrong with being bad at school, but so many people just can’t seem to accept that eddie is bad at school, and steve was slightly better, considering he passed the first time.
and yeah! eddie’s a pathetic loser, and i love that about him! he’s a 19/20 year old still in school, obsessed with d&d. people who take that loserness away from him ruin his character.
you would expect eddie to really find himself in a real life d&d game, become a badass, but instead he flounders. he can’t handle it. which is a fun contrast to our other geeky characters. and people that try to make eddie the saviour and steve the one that totally looks up to him, is weird. the fun of steddie is that eddie starts out expecting steve to be a douchebag, and yet he ends up as someone he wants to emulate and become. eddie finds out steve is the epitome of a hero, rather than an asshole jock. (and though i don’t doubt that eddie has traits that steve would love, he’s not gonna be really looking up to him as a genius. because that’s just not who eddie is)
(also, this is kinda irrelevant, but it made me think about kas!eddie, and how people always make him super badass and brutal, and i think it would be funny if he was just a failure at that too. like, not very good at fighting, just treats this shit like a d&d game. literally just a hinderance to vecna. not on purpose to help the others. he’s just shit at it lol)
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threadsun · 2 years ago
For some reason the pacing in this one feels too fast to me but I don't know how to fix it, so! Here is the final part of the intro fic for the cult au. I won't send in the entire fic post until you're online again, I'd hate to clog up your inbox more than I already have ^^;
You turn to see, well, an e-boy. You don’t mean it in a rude way, that's just the best way you can describe this guy “Nick! Perfect timing, change of plans. I’ll get your opinion on my latest edit later. Do you think you could take their grace to see Bo?” Nick’s eyes light up when Shaun calls you your grace but they otherwise hold their cool expression “Of course, follow me your grace” Nick gives you a little bow before turning to leave “W-Wait, you’re already leaving?”
You turn back to tell Ian you have to go, but you’d love to hang out later “Yeah, and besides we gotta get you into costume if we wanna stay on schedule” Ian visibly relaxes a bit “Oh, ok, I’ll see you later then” You bid them farewell and head off to go see Bo. You two walk in silence for a while when you hear a clinking sound, it’s not metallic, it kinda sounds like if you knocked two pieces of porcelain together. The sound comes from Nick’s pocket and you ask him if that’s his fidget toy
“Hm? O-Oh, yeah…sorry” You tell them it’s fine, whatever helps you get through the day, huh? “Heh, yeah” …Cool, cool cool cool, this conversation is going great. You decide now’s a good a time as ever to ask their pronouns “He/him, you?” You tell him your pronouns “Cool, cool” Very cool, so cool, you’re so very cool right now and definitely not wondering if he hates you, that would be silly…Yeah, ok, this is a bit silly. You’re sure this guy thinks you’re fine, you’re just panicking again. Just breathe. Geez, how many anxiety attacks can a person have in a day? Why can’t that number be zero?
“Hey, are you alright?” You tell him you’re fine, just stressing out over…everything, you guess "Damn, god's relatable" That manages to get a laugh out of both of you "Sorry, I guess I just wasn't expecting that. It's cool though, nice to know I'm not the only nervous one" Wait, he’s nervous? Nick pauses for a second "...I'm seeing god for the first time since I was seven, yeah, I'm a little nervous" He says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world, and you guess it kind of is. These people think you’re a big deal, it would be weirder if they weren't nervous around you
You tell him that there's no reason to be nervous, you don't bite "Aw, I was looking forward to that" Nick slaps his hand over his mouth "I am…so sorry. I can't turn it off" You laugh and tell him you get it, telling him you do stuff like that all the time “Right, thank you your grace, you’re too kind” You want to correct him and say that that’s the normal response but you don’t know if that’s safe. It’s gonna be your job to pretend to be god now, fuck, how are you even gonna do that? Ok, you can question that later, right now you need more info
You ask him about Bo "Oh, yeah, he drank some water yesterday. He's not doing great but I'm sure once he meets you he'll be on the mend. He just needs a new purpose, a new master, I'm sure of it" His reasoning is pretty good but he sounds more like he's trying to convince himself than you. You tell him you're sure he'll be fine, and that it sounds like he's been doing a great job taking care of him. Not everyone's strong enough to take care of a dog like that. You watch his face turn from as pale as porcelain to firetruck red "Huh…thank you your grace"
As you continue to walk your eyes are drawn by the giant fucking house in front of you. Holy shit "Yeah, it's pretty big, huh? You like it?" You shake off your surprise and tell him it's massive "Yeah, don't know how the founder lived there personally. All that space would drive me up the wall" …what?
That's your fucking house? Nick chuckles "What you and the house get up to is none of my business but I'd say so" you're pulled from your bewilderment when you feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up "Well hey there, I was starting to think you'd never show up" You turn to see Berry who is…right next to you? How did he "We managed to get everything inside but we couldn't bring it into your room with Bo in there"
You thank him and take a half step back to try and get him out of your bubble but he steps with you staying uncomfortably close. You try to look for anything that isn't Berry to focus on when you see Joseph leaned up against the house. You wave over to him to catch his attention, he seems to flinch at your acknowledgement and gives you a meek wave in return "Well it's a good thing you showed up when you did, that mutt probably would have keeled over by tomorrow if you didn't show up"
You hear the clinking of Nick's fidget toy getting louder but he doesn't say anything. You tell Berry Bo sounds like a strong dog and probably could have held out a little longer. You're not sure if you believe yourself on that one but Nick seems to relax as you say it "Huh, if you say so your grace" Nick starts walking towards the house and you follow him, thankful for the out "He might growl at you but as long as I'm here with you he won't bite" Nick opens one of the front doors for you, the heavy thunk it makes as it closes making you wonder if the damn thing was made of stone. You two walk up a flight of stairs and down a hallway before he stops in front of a door, your things neatly stacked next to it
"Ready?" As you'll ever be. Nick opens the door and his voice becomes a bit softer "Hey Bo, how are you feeling?" You hear a growl and then a voice? "Why is he here?" Is there someone in Bo's room? "Huh? Oh, Berry and Joseph were just delivering their grace’s things" You look past Nick to see someone lying on the bed, their voice is dull and hoarse "Their grace? They're here?" Nick opens the door fully and you finally see it, their ears and tail, their voice, the way their clothes hang from their emaciated frame, Bo
He perks up as you say his name “Your grace?” You can tell his energy is low and yet he spends whatever he has left into wagging his tail for you. You have to walk to the other side of the bed to get a proper look at him, he looks sick, pale and boney where you’re sure he was once full of life. You greet him, telling him your name before extending your hand to him to sniff, you see his face drop as he does “Why…why do you smell like him?” You ask who “Berry, I mean, not all the time, but sometimes he smells like that in the mornings” You can feel the blood drain from your face, no, no no no, don’t be silly
You tell Bo you probably just use the same soap or something, does he not like it? “Wha? No I…If it’s yours I like it” It’s only once Nick reenters the room do you notice he ever left, man he’s quiet. You see he’s holding a stick of jerky and ask Bo if he could maybe take a few bites, for you? Nick smiles at you and hands you the jerky “Mhm, I-I can do that…I’ll be good” You hold the jerky up to him as he takes a few bites. You can feel Nick’s excitement radiating off of him as you let Bo eat from your hand. He’s slow, chewing each bite thoroughly before taking another, only eating a bit before he stops
“I’m sorry, I feel so full already” You tell him it’s ok, gently patting his head as you tell him he did such a good job for you. You smile as you hear his tail thumping on the bed behind him “Thank you your grace” You see him start to tear up “Please…don’t go” You cup his cheek with your hand and tell him you’re here to stay, which means he needs to get better for you, deal? He giggles “Deal”
!!!!!! I love Nick sooooooo much, the fidget toy and the jokes!!!!!!!
Also Bo being able to smell Barry on them 👀 and Barry being such a creep
God this is so good Moon and I kept stopping to talk about how good it is as I was reading it to them!!!!
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henriiiii-1001old · 2 years ago
Actually I'm gonna send another au ask (I hope u don't mind XD) I kinda wanna know whats up with "Spider Puppet" (the design rules so much) and also any other fun facts you have about AltThatcher/Puppet from Unholy Gift?
his name is technically "the puppeteer" because haha symbolism CFVGBHN
so fun fact about puppet, he was made to not be able to have any sort of weird flaws other than his pure form. however, overtime puppet just got like. reeeaaally pissed at gabriel because half the time he's not even in full control of himself. he is literally a puppet to gabriel.
so he just bottled up a lot of anger, and his spider form didn't truly emerge until ruth escaped. so he was just extra pissed at that point. so pissed to the point he grew his hair slightly longer and formed 4 extra arms and 6 more eyes. anger issues paired with technical daddy issues can do a lot to a man SDCFVGBH
but he can use his extra limbs to climb walls and shit so that's cool. and fucking freaky. LIKE. F R E A K Y. ESPECIALLY SINCE HE LOOKS LIKE A VERY FUCKED UP THATCHER WHILE DOING IT.
and oooooo fun facts!!!! :DDDDD
was made by gabriel to be a sort of "perfect alternate". he would have no flaws when mocking a person's appearance, making him the least detectable and would only be able to further gabriel's plans. this however backfired when he realized that puppet couldn't actually mock personalities and for the fact that puppet eventually tried overthrowing him. whoops.
is associated with the color pink!!! specifically a dark pink to contrast thatcher's lighter green color. also to be complimentary to ruth's yellow while still contrasting by being assigned a darker color.
was actually the alternate that made cesar kill himself. and since cesar's conversion to becoming an alternate, they have been literally best friends. cesar takes a lot of his personality from puppet.
was ALSO one of the alternates that played a part in mark's death. he was the one shot by mark too. the technical real cesar was there too, but he just did the voice stuff as well as the phone call to lure mark to the torres house.
this is probably gonna be taken out of context by proshippers so listen to me VERY CLOSELY. he THOUGHT that he had a crush on ruth for a while. i just think this is a funny concept so it's here. DO NOT TAKE THIS AS ME TRYING TO SHIP!!!!! they would be in an EXTREMELY ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP IF THAT WERE THE CASE, in which they technically ALREADY ARE due to puppet literally mentally, emotionally, and physically tormenting ruth by keeping her in her own home without any means of escape without some sort of very cruel punishment. PLEASE PLEASE do not take this the wrong way.
continuing from the last one since i hopefully set that straight: puppet probably went to six all like "BRO IM IN LOVE HELP WHAT DO I DO" and six is just like "um. idk man you're not supposed to feel that stuff. and i haven't felt love since i became an alternate lmao gl w that". he does eventually realize it was only a weird side feeling of being obsessed with becoming thatcher, so he was probably just like "i must be besties with her or else i am not thatcher, but i am him so i'll be fine" and he just completely misread his own feelings. mostly because he's not supposed to have them but yeah :/
kinda hates tiffany. they only hang out with each other bc they cannot tolerate any of the other alternates other than cesar and adam. so they kinda just deal with it LMAO
his hair is kinda supposed to look like horns!!! like lil devil horns :DDDDD yes i took that straight from my old william design shut up CFVGBHNJ
uuhhh yeah that's kinda it for now! i hope you enjoy as another alt thatcher fan :3c
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desertfragments · 10 months ago
okay bc @desertgourd asked
the thing that gets me about jay is that shes just.
okay so like. i kinda stopped writing her bc she basically got over her abandonment and mental health issues, she got better, right? and healing is cool but as an end point its a bit boring.
except that recently, i was writing her and its like. she didnt, actually. like as much as shes doesnt talk about it, and pretends like shes fine, shes not. and then she just didnt figure out how to grow up.
which in her hero au is like half the issue. she grows up as a sidekick and thats like. it. she knows how to take orders (badly) and how to fight, but then thats all she knows. after she ages out of the program or w/e, then its like. what is she supposed to do with her life? the people who she thought were something like family are also fucked up and distant, and maybe dead. (and the same vibes are there in her main too)
and then she goes out and starts living a normal adult life, but she cant hold a job because she gets bored and gets into fights with her managers, and doesnt really know what the deal is with social cues and being friendly (her whole personality is a very carefully constructed facade of bravado and and cockiness thats NORMALLY (to her) pretty well founded but then in real life, its just annoying)
and like. yk. she used to fight people for a living, and its really really hard not to do that at her job or just casually. and then i think too, theres sort of a feeling of isolation with the whole thing bc she cant talk to anyone about her past or about any of her issues, and then theres like. a masculine sense of distance (you dont talk about your mental health issues or struggles as a guy and shes a guy)
so she doesnt make any friends and doesnt talk about her past bc then if she does then everyone looks at her weird when she reminisces about the good old times that she had as a kid when you nearly got shot by a supervillain. and no you Definitely dont have unresolved trauma about it!
so her life is just a bunch of dead ends one after another bc she doesnt really know how to get past herself and do really (seemingly) basic things, how to control her temper and strength, and the only time that she really feels alive is when shes fighting, but those actual opportunities are few and far between, and then the nature of combat means that you are getting hurt even in practice (the wrestling scene rn is a bit fucked bc all the champions had injuries) so theres only so long that she can actually keep doing it before her body collapses out from under her
its just a lot of nothing that she doesnt really know what to do with. she peaked at 12 and now shes 22 and getting older and its just. gestures vaguely. what now?
and then. bc i like thinking about it. theres sort of a parallel with red? bc for him, hes also stuck in a loop of murder, sick, try to live with yourself that i think in this au jay would be familiar with. but i think where they kinda differ is that red as a monster is sorta just resigned to being a monster bc jay would just think that. yk. killing someone with excessive force for resisting. is normal
anyway with the two of them, its kinda fun bc its like they dont know how to be live, but jay actually has more a sense of morality than red would have (hes had to justify the death and has gotten used to following his instincts, no matter how bloody they might be) and would yell at him for it, but red has more of a gauge for normalcy and would point out that something was fucked up with jays childhood
also theres something interesting about red and how he keeps repeating patterns of behavior that he cant figure out how to break. jays the same way but in a wider sense thats like. idk theres a sense of hopelessness with her life that mimics what reds going through
theyre also kinda fun bc reds pretty quiet and hostile where jays loud and friendly, and jays impulsivity drags red out of his shell to actually do things. idk its a fun dynamic that im kinda into
maybe its just me but i think theres something interesting about former child superhero!jay as an adult whos like. yeah the only things i really know how to do are really violent and horrible things, and im an adult now who never actually learned how to do anything else, so idk how to live.
and then its like.
idk that paired with red whos essentially the same, but currently going through it, and its sorta. idk. ive learned how to live with it and actively enjoy doing harm, but still have to live like a normal person despite the fact that were fundamentally different
theres a fun sort of dynamic between the two of them bc of that, like some sort of weird mentor/mentee potential. and they work together bc they both have the same sort of Stuck Where I Am vibe and it hink personality wise theyre really different and hit on a dynamic i like lmao
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punkcherries · 4 years ago
What if Simon tries to get rid of Ryan since he knows Ryan doesn't like him, idk if it would be when he killed tuba and it's a "you wanna be next" situation or he tries to separate them after the fact (like trap him somewhere) and manipulate min into thinking Ryan left, but bc min doesn't 100% trust either of them he and kez stage something where she "leaves" to go actually find ryan
oh simon DEFINITELY tries to put a wedge between ryan and the rest of the group, but leaving him trapped in a car somewhere is both devious and could be an interesting parallel w/ when samantha left simon when he was a kid,,,, i feel like for the sake of a Neat Overarching Plot™ or w/e as things would go assuming things follow the arc of book 3 itd be a bit too much a bit too soon since itd probably happen before simon axes tuba but its still a VERY interesting thing to think abt 👀
#cherryz txt#infinity train#ryan beats up simon au#simon actively trying to wean ryan out and min not really noticing is another facet of the drama that builds i think#i think grace might be a lil in on it since ryan doesnt take well to being told what to do#simon could easily convince grace hes more of a liability than anything so grace would like#keep min distracted while ryan slowly gets pushed out and tuba along with and they keep min and hazel#mins a very understanding type and more emotionally uhh controlled?? in tune?? level headed. than ryan#so when he warms up to grace its easy for her to get him to start to kinda understand her perspective#ig empathetic might be a close enough word but idk. hes a soft man yk!!#and its easy to see ryan and simon bickering as just a Childish Thing that he has to help ryan with since hes the Mature One or w/e#so its easy to see him not actually thinking theres somethin goin on.... im rambling i think im losingthe plot a lil JFSHDFKJSD#LOTTA DRAMA IS THE TLDR HERE..............#grace dealing w a grieving 6 yr old and also grappling w fucking over 2 of the most genuine guys shes met on that train in a While.... girl#and then when she tries to fall back on her old tactics to weasel her way back into their trust and it doesnt work#and ry and min go off w amelia to help hazel and have to work thru their even MESSIER issues cus of the apex shit.....#tragedy is when all of the characters end up worse off than when they started right jfhdgjkgdfjk#IM RAMBLING IM RAMBLING SORRY JDHFSJKHJKDS <3
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bctoastyyy · 3 years ago
do you have more of that no one cares au
I had no idea that No One Cares AU would be so much of a hot take tbh kjshdfl I thought it wasn't very original. BUT THIS IS GOOD NEWS I've loved everyone takes that they added hehe. So um I went a bit off the rails with this response,,
Danny w/ the ghosts:
Sam: “Danny, the box ghost is back.”  D: “What’s he doing?” Sam: “Some lady by the flower store gave him all her recyclable cardboard. He’s building a fort. You wanna go get rid of him, or?” D: “What, no. He’ll get bored and go home, you know that.” Sam: “Why do you look upset, then?” D: “He didn’t invite us to his fort :( “  Sam: “We’re at school, though-” D: “IT’S THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THING, SAM.”
T: “Tell me more about this…internet web site.” Tucker: “YOU’VE ASKED THE RIGHT PERSON.” T: “I asked the ghost child, actually, BUT YOU SEEM MUCH MORE SOCIABLE.” D: “Oh, sure, he seems more sociable now, not when he kicks my ass at video games, but go off I guess.” T: “WHAT IS THIS ABOUT A VIDEO PLAYING GAMES I HEAR.” Tucker: “dude you thinking about what im thinking? Technus, buddy, we’re going to show you a fighting game, you’ll love it.” T: “A VIDEO THAT FIGHTS GAMES- THAT SOUNDS COOL”- punches danny in the face- “I’LL GO FIRST, WHERE IS VIDEO PART AT.” D: “Actually you gave me an idea. we play smash bros WHILE fighting.”  T: “THIS SOUNDS HIP AND POPPING LET’S DO THAT.”  Tucker: “I’ll keep score.”
E: “Haha you think I could brainwash all the teens with my sick ass tunes if I tried?”  D: “Oh, worm? Probably. But I don't think you need to brainwash anyone though, everyone already loves your music.” E: “Ain’t that right. Okay, dipstick, wanna see how far I can throw you with my new guitar chord instead?” D: “Yes.”
S: “Where are you, whelp? I’ll get my hands on that pelt of yours, mark my words.” D: “Mark? I thought you were Skulker.”  S: “You cannot hide from the Ghost Zone’s greatest hunter!” D: “No, I can, you just don’t want me to. I get that, that’s cool. I gotta get back to class though, you want to pick this up later?” S: “Oh. I was looking forward to deadly hide and seek :(“  D: “You’ll get your shot big guy. Just don’t terrorize anyone until school’s out? Or do you want to get in the thermos for time out-” S: “No. Do you want to get in my net to see how far I can throw you?” D: “Yes. See if you can launch me right into my classroom and I’ll give you an extra kick to the face, deal?” S: “A true hunter knows patience and never backs down from a challenge.”  D: “I love how dramatic you are.“ 
Mr. L: “Mr. Fenton, where are you going?” D: “Ghost.”- goes ghost in the middle of the classroom - Mr. L: “Which one?” D: “Eh, dunno.”
P: “Danny, you like the stars and stuff, right?” D: “I do like space, yes.” P: “Tell me about the signs- I’m trying to win an argument, Star says our signs aren’t compatible, but they totes are.”  D: “Um. Do it anyway.” P: “Isn’t it important though?” D: “Do it anyway.” P: “So true, bestie, thanks.”  D: “I just do stuff regardless of the consequences.” P: “So true bestie, thanks.”
V: “Cujo only listens to me when I’m wearing red, what does that mean? I thought…isn’t it bulls that don’t like red? He’s a dog…” D: “If he likes red, then wear red more often? I dunno I could ask Technus or uncle Vlad to make you a red ghost suit or something. Might respond better to…ghost red.” V: “Really?” D: “Makes sense to me.” V: “Hmm, fine, okay, but it needs to make me look cool.”  D: “Naturally.”
W: “Are you guys serious?! How can Fenton be a ghost? That doesn't make any sense! He's trying to brainwash you all into believing his elaborate prank, can't you see that?! Am I the only sane one here!" Anyone at casper high tbh: "Wes, I don't care."
Dash: “FENTON!” D: “I’m kinda busy right now, Dash,” - shoves observant into the floor - “these guys keep trying to get me to go to my ancient time dad’s deathday party. Which is a joke because I don’t think that guy has ever been alive, and like, Frostbite already told me they’re just trying to trick me into visiting so they don’t have to babysit Clockwork. I already visit like, every other week, how much more can they want from me, jeez.” - while he’s talking he uses his hand to freeze the observant’s head(? eye?) before shoving him back into the floor - “Sorry, what did you need?” Dash: “I was just gonna see if you wanted to come to football practice after school today. We’re going to the nasty burger after.” D: “Nasty burger you say? Deal. But I’m not into football, that’s more uncle Vlad’s thing, and besides, when he makes me play it with him he cheats every time >:( “ Kwan: “How about we just see how far you can throw a football? I bet it's like farther than like, five football fields!”  D: “It’s more than five but okay.”
J: “Uncle Vlad says you burned the monopoly board?” D: “He’s a businessman, Jazz, he doesn’t deserve to play monopoly.” J: “But dad loves monopoly :(“  D: “Only because Vlad does. Mom helped me burn it.” J: “She does hate monopoly.”
D: “No.” Vlad: “What do you mean, no? It’s only America’s favorite passtime!” D: “I don’t want to watch the Green Bay Packers.” Vlad: “No ghost training for one month.” D: “Where’s the remote, its football time.” 
Elle: “Danny what do I do, he keeps wanting me to watch football with him.” D: “Tell him that he shouldn’t have kept the gene that hates football when he sampled me.”  Elle: “Y’know, that is kinda his fault now that I’m thinking about it.” D: “So true, lil sis, so true.” 
F: “Great One! I am so glad you’ve visited!” D: “Yeah :) ! Sorry though, I just gotta ask, why do you call me Great One, again?” F: “You’re great, that’s why! Do you not think that you are great enough to be called that? :(“  D: “Oh, no, I just thought it was because I told Pariah to chill the heck out and he went back to bed.”  F: “That helped. You stopped the ‘hissyfit’ of the millennia.”  D: “That’s what the observants kept telling everyone until I stepped in, isn’t it.” F: “Indeed. I do not like the observants :( so I did not listen. No one did. That is another reason why you are so great.“ 
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years ago
Have u heard of the leviathantale au by @skumhuu ? If u have, what r ur opinions abt it and how do u think ur dragon balance au would react?
I… I have no idea what you’re talking about *scrambling to hide many many bookmarks, chaotic discord rambles, and small doodles—*
Fbsjfb Y e s, I have heard of leviathantale and follow everything that has to do with it very closely... ;w; Sku is a huge inspiration to me, writing and drawing wise, and it’s an amazing AU. Honestly the reason why I fell in love with BSP+Dream so goddamn hard. And kinda the inspiration for those merskeleton drawings Oh So Long Ago, though they were based on freshwater fish instead of ocean lmao.
But yes, I adore it very much, am constantly refreshing that tag on AO3. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ As for the dragos reaction…
It’s mostly confusion lmao, but probably a lotta intrigue too. Honestly Leviathantale is pretty similar to their situation, just a mermaid version?? And they deal with AUs a lot, so it’s likely not a huge shocker to learn about, but still interesting at the very least.
Drago Ink would be the one that’s utterly enthralled by them, askin all the (intrusive) questions and gettin all the answers, but that’s mainly just his general interest in AUs and character design as the Protector. He definitely gushes about how he and Error are “destined for each other even in other worlds.” … Then harasses Blue a lot cuz “look, omg, the fishy BEI trio are so cute, Blue, look at them, ERROR WHAT IF WE—“
(Error shuts that train of thought off very fast wheeeeze)
Reaper thinks it’s hilarious, and is also pestering Geno about how they’re “destined” for each other fbsjfbsk Geno be his Treasure through and through, no matter the circumstances. But he’s also probably super cocky about how dope Leviathan Reaps looks, like goddamn. 👀👀 The two would get along well together, I’m sure XD
After the initial intrigue, Noot’s is pissed, because now his boys have EVEN MORE reason to call him a fuckin octopus, cuz apparently it’s TRUE in other worlds (and they definitely start making kraken jokes when he’s especially pissy). He’s also probably highly fixated on the merCross. His instincts going haywire for that poor fishy.
… Killer definitely makes a comment on how Dream’s just as sparkly and bright no matter the world, which flusters the boi quite a bit. XD
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zorlok-if · 3 years ago
Your Blog looks so freaking cool holy moly- also. Could you tell us a little bit about the poly romances? like what kinda vibes/flavours/themes are they?? I am very excited to put my grubby poly hands on all of them
Okay, I've been working on this one for a while now cause it made me realize that I had to think about these more. I think when I originally put the poly route options in the masterpost I'd just copied and pasted them from a list called "potential Z poly routes?" So, here's an answer and list that I've actually put a lot of thought into:
🌹 Dev and Adam/Eve: Finally resolving years of hatred and misunderstanding, their mutual feelings for Z are the common ground they need to also find each other once more. Lots of pent up tension (and you get to enjoy all of it).
Intense emotion, tender, forgiveness, warmth, fluff, passion, (re)discovery, curiosity, understanding
Can be: romantic + asexual, romantic + sexual, platonic + asexual, or platonic + sexual
🌹 Dev and the Celestial: Friends w/ benefits turned poly QPR. Just a couple of people who want to have fun, cause trouble, engage in mischief, and not take existence too seriously while being with and supporting the people they love.
Mischief, chaos, adventure, indulgence, exploration, curiosity, pranks, respect, encouragement, schemes
Can be: romantic + asexual, romantic + sexual, platonic + asexual, or platonic + sexual (romance just between Z and Dev)
🌹 Danny and Adam/Eve: Protectors protecting each other. Individuals who are concerned with morality and have a tendency towards self-sacrifice. Very emotional, deep care and understanding. The sweetest and most adorable coupling (+ moments of intense angst).
Caring, healing, inquisition, fluff/angst, heroism and martyrdom, protection, safety, help, gentle
Can be: romantic + asexual, romantic + sexual, platonic + asexual, or platonic + sexual
🌹 Adam/Eve and the Celestial: Develops from a fascination with one another and an immense respect for the differences between you all. Challenging each other intellectually and morally, posing questions each other never thought to ask. (Also can involve lots of discussion on gender and identity.)
Respect, understanding, ideals, searching, mystery, discovery, debate, morality, challenging
Can be: romantic + asexual, romantic + sexual, platonic + asexual, or platonic + sexual (romance just between Z and A/E)
🌹 Danny and Ciel: Forced. Proximity. A relationship that deals mostly with helping one another, understanding each other, and working through parallel situations with care, respect, and understanding.
Change, health, saving people from themselves, caring, fluff/angst, mystery, curiosity, complexity
Can be: romantic + asexual, romantic + sexual, platonic + asexual, or platonic + sexual
❤️‍🔥 Ciel and [Secret RO]: An intense, passionate affair. A power triad looking to bring the world to its knees.
Heat, fire, passion, strength, resolution, wild delight, overindulgence, burning, conquering
Can be: romantic + sexual or platonic + sexual (secret RO only interested in bringing Ciel in as a sexual partner, never has feelings for them as they do for you)
Poly routes I'm also considering adding:
These may be added or swapped for some of those above if I decide they make more sense or would be more compelling.
🌹 Danny and Dev: Another heavy mystery and intrigue one, big on discovery, mutual respect, and helping one another through grave trials
🌹 Danny and the Celestial: Slow burn for the Celestial to finally trust Danny, built out of immense personal respect and great trials
🌹 Adam/Eve and Ciel: Only like a darkest timeline kind of situation, falling from grace, solace (highly unlikely to implement just a kind of evil AU that lives in my head)
🌹 Dev and Ciel: Same as above, The Darkest Timeline's Sexy Mad Love Triad™️, corruption, destruction, power and hunger, supporting one another unconditionally
🌹 Adam/Eve and Danny and Dev: Little sleuth polycule (probably won't implement because it's just a lot to code but this is super cute to me and has a positively lovely little vibe)
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