#more just system concerns but yea
fictive-culture · 1 year
does it mean anything necessarily if you have dreams about being a system? i'm a singlet but on and off questioning plurality (it's really unhealthy for me) (it's at a point of obsession) and i can't tell if this is something i should factor into "maybe look into this" or if it's simply a side effect of me literally obsessing over plurality. i know one specific character was in one of the dreams that i've said "man i'm not plural but if i was i would have them as a fictive i bet" (which is a very singlet thing to say. obviously /lh) and in another recent dream i WAS that character and something even happened that while not directly recreating it reflected a moment in their source that i hadn't seen yet (i didn't know about it until one of my friends responded to my dream saying "no that actually happens though") but i know dreams don't inherently mean anything but at the same time i feel as though my mind would know my mind??? i don't know where i stand on this much like everything else
So I'm going to describe some vaguely relevant stuff related to our system as a starting point and then see if I can provide you with some other advice/information
First, we have a very fun origin in that a lot of things play into other things. So we id as traumaendo because our brain first chose madd to deal with our trauma however our madd eventually developed into plurality. So we are paragenic, but since our madd is caused by trauma, it kind of counts as both. Our madd is greatly affected by our autism and adhd so we hyperfixate on lots of things. That leads to so very frequently gaining members from our hyperfixations. We obsess over something long enough and boom 1-3 new pals.
Second, we have a handful of other sources, a decent amount of stressgenic, one possible willogenic and important to this two somtives headmates introjected from dreams. They aren't fictives of sources that exist, but that doesn't mean that can't happen.
Now, while what I'm about to say isn't a complete list of what could be happening, I hope it helps work as more of a starting point to think about.
There is the possibility that the obsession is caused by preexisting plurality. We did have an interest in it prior to our realization, but mostly because we wanted to try and create a positive plural character. I feel like it isn't uncommon to have some level of intrigue towards plurality beforehand.
This next idea stepping stone thingy is o-genic and oc-genic [both terms are links], which are both neurogenic origins related to plurality caused by obsession oc-genic is ocd exclusive but I'm unsure of o-genic. But basically, just if the brain keeps obessesing over plurality, it could create a system kind of like willogenic but to the left.
Or it could be neither, and you are a singlet who is getting obsession induced dreams about plurality.
There are probably more ideas and theories and explanations for why this is happening to you, but the actual advice that isn't just me sharing neat plural things is you gotta explore. Try talking to them, keep track of things that seem plural, read up on other people's experiences, there could be something plural about this or it could not be, maybe read up on median systems, try meditation, join system servers and find safe places for you to explore, look into willogenic/parogenic system creation if it's something you are interested in doing, stick around here and other system culture is blogs and see what feels familiar to what you are going through. Dreams are really iffy, and while they can mean something, and I believe it is how some systems enter headspace, it could mean nothing. So, while I'd love to give you a solid answer, all I can do is give you things that may be relevant to your experience and tell you to go out and explore. I can also tell you that there isn't anything wrong with questioning and ending up as a singlet. The question isn't always yes, so don't worry about it too much. So, just welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay, and I wish you luck.
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yourmidnightlover · 2 years
(You don’t have to do this) Xavier Thorpe x reader
The try not to kiss each other challenge on tiktok
ahh YES! i hope i brought your request to justice
i'm gonna take this as like a lovers to friends to lovers kinda thing bc there isnt enough of that going around with our beloved xavier
i also wanted to let y'all know that i am working through my requests! inspiration strikes at odd hours, and i'm trying to delegate all of my time respectively to all of the fics i'm working on. but i assure you i will work through everything!
paring: xavier thorpe x reader (duh)
summary: after months of flirting, your friends take matters into their own hands and dared you to do a tiktok trend.
warnings: kissing, tons of tension (also duh),they're cuddly? i don't think there's really anything else but let me know if i've missed something!
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it had been months and months of flirting between you and xavier thorpe. consistent, unending, raw flirting. this included the batting of eyelashes, shoving of arms, longing stares, buying of gifts... everything. the whole shebang.
and god, were enid, ajax and wednesday tired of it. wednesday constantly wanted to claw her own eyes out when she saw you. enid thought it was cute the first two months, but after that she was only confused as to why you would never make it official. and ajax would just tease the two of you. he voiced his concerns with xavier, occasionally with you, but mostly with xavier. he would mostly talk about how dumb he was to not just ask you out or make it official.
so, as enid was scrolling through tiktok, she stumbled upon a certain video of two friends... or mayabe they were more? either way, they were sitting in front of each other, and each one moved closer to the other. the premise was whoever breaks the tension and kisses the other loses, she guessed?
regardless, there was tension and there was a kiss and that is exactly what needs to happen with you and xavier in order to put everyone out of their misery.
so, she sent the tiktok to ajax and wednesday, the message reading:
weregirl: OMG! we've got to get them to do this! they'd totally admit everything!
middleoftheweek: this is repulsive to watch, but i hope it will be worth it as long as they get whatever they need to out of their system
snakes4hair: if this gives my boy the push he needs to make a move then i'll do basically whatever
and just like that... the game was afoot.
"dude," ajax was laughing at the lunch table. you had thrown your legs over xavier's lap, your head resting on his shoulder as he played with your hair. "there's this new thing i saw online the other day. enid sent it to me, and i doubt you and y/n would be able to do it," ajax chuckled as he looked towards enid.
"oh, definitely not," enid shook her head exaggeratedly. "they'd never be able to do it."
"do what?" xavier spoke up as he took a bite of your sandwich.
"yea, do what?" you perked up at the idea of a chellnege. "we could do it, right?"
"hell yea," xavier nodded as he pat your thigh. "we could 100% do it."
"i don't think you could," wednesday said curtly, sneering at both you and xavier's closeness. "at all."
"yes we could!" xavier removed his hands from your hair, throwing them up dramatically.
"alright," ajax spoke up. "i dare you to complete little challenge. you have to record it though, as proof, and post it."
"deal!" both you and xavier looked at each other, giving each other a high five that only resulted in your hands holding.
later that night, you and xavier had retreated to his shed as he painted before they sent you the video you had to recreate.
"seriously?" you scoffed. "they're just sitting there looking at each other with music playing," you looked at xavier as the video played.
"wait," he pointed at the screen. "they're like inching closer to each other. like one does and then the other."
"but why?" you got your answer less than thirty seconds later. "oh..." you glanced at xavier, who bit his lower lip before glancing at you with a smile.
"i never back down from a dare," xavier shrugged as he looked at you.
you nodded, "neither do i."
after setting up the camera with the video on the three-minute setting, about to start recording. you were sitting on the mattress that you had both smuggled in his shed, the one that used to be rowans before... well. yea. both sitting across from each other, your legs were overlapped with each other's. then, the music started playing.
at first you were both smiling, giggling, even. you inched closer to his face first, around 10 seconds after the music started. your faces seemed closer than they ever were before, and that's when the smiles faded and the tension built.
he reached around you and pulled you on top of his lap for his move. the longer this went on, the more it felt like a game of chess, only physical. you swore you could see every shade of green littering his irises. his cologne somehow radiated around you. you made the mistake of looking at his lips, curiosity getting the better of you. he was gently biting his lower lip. it was almost as if he wanted you to kiss it better.
then, you placed your hand on the lower side of his face, nearer to his neck. you could feel his pulse rate picking up. it was exciting to see what kind of power you had over him. you could now feel the way you affected him. now, you saw as his eyes went to your lips which only made you smirk that much more.
he used both of his hands to bring your face right in front of his. he was everywhere. to your side, you would see his hands. his hands took up nearly your entire face, and you loved the way they felt against your skin. part of you never wanted them to leave. you could nudge his nose with your own if you even slightly moved. you were getting close to losing this whole game. you wouldn't. you couldn't.
you tilted your head to the left, bringing your lips closer to his own but not touching. you were so close you could practically breathe in each other's air. you could feel his pulse pick up once more before you licked your lips, you felt his chuckle radiating around your head. but when you looked in his eyes you felt something totally different. it was heavier. it was more.
then, with a mumble, "screw it," he pulled your face into his own, kissing you with all the tension he had built up over not just the past two minutes, but from the past months of doing nothing.
your hand moved up to his hair, running through it like you had so many times. in this context, though, your hand running through his hair was so, so much different. it was much more intimate.
you let his tongue into your mouth happily, nearly breaking the kiss with how big of a grin you had on your face. one of his hands moved to your waist, wrapping around you like the warmest hug you've ever had. your other hand was holding the hand still on your face. you meant it when you said you never wanted them to leave.
truth be told, you never wanted him to leave. you never wanted to stop kissing him. you've wanted to for months on end, but you were too scared of being rejected. you thought he was joking about all of the flirting sometimes. the touches, everything. but this kiss felt more real than time.
"i think i won," xavier whispered as he went up for air. you shook your head.
"i think ajax won," you chuckled as you both began to laugh. "him or myself, of course," you rolled your eyes.
"we all won," he compromised.
"stupid tension, huh?"
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cherllyio · 4 months
Li Jing has trapped Nüwa - A season 5 theory
Now I know, this sounds crazy, but dont worry it will all make sense when i show you my evidence for it:
Evidence number 1: How he has the power to do
Evidence number 2: How he has the right motivation to do so
Evidence number 3: Its is shown IN THE LEGO SETS
Evidence number 1: He has the power to do
First of all, Li Jings "Pagado" is weapon used to "trap" people inside of it(sort of like the calabash). He even used this in the original mytholgy against Nezha, when Nezha tried to kill him(Dont worry, i will make an analysis about them soon).
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And we even see Li Jing! trap MK in the Pagado in the trailer! (Notice how MK is the only one being pulled forward, while the other are getting pushed back) (This was metioned in a breakdown here)
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Second of all, we know this Pagado, is IMPORTANT, with how it placed in the direct middle of the season 5 poster. MK and the rest are even IN A PAGADO IN THIS POSTER. (picture of real life pagoda underneath)
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Evidence number 2: He has the right motivation to do so
If we want to understand how Li Jing's motivations works, we first have to look at where he got his ideals from: The Celistial Realm.
Since season 4, we have all been made aware that the whole "Celistial realm system" isnt that great. The Jade Emperor being a prime example of this, as mentioned by Azure.
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Azure: "But overtime it became clear for me, that The Jade Emperors only concern was kepping his subjects under his boot"
And if we actually start analyzing it further, we realize that The Celistials realms biggest flaw is that they focus too much on "Order".
Bassicaly: Everyone has their roles and needs to follow them, like how Nezha was so intense about his whole "protect the celistial realm" role. So much indeed, that it was WORTH MORE THAN HIS OWN LIFE.
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So it would make sense that in this next season, we would get a direct antagonist(or even villian) who is FROM The Celistial Realm.
Because lets be real, even though MK and the rest are heroes, they dont really follow the celistial realms whole "order system".
They are so incredebly chaotic, that of course someone like Li Jing(whom seems very happy for "intrapping the chaotic", aka putting a circlet on Wukongs head) would not like our protagonists.
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And with all this in mind, how would someone like Li Jing then react to Nüwa? Someone who seems to embrace the chaotic as not "something that needs to fixed", but as something that is vital for this world (a real philosophy in dualism btw).
Yea, Li Jing would not like someone like that.
Anyway last evidence:
Evidence Number 3: It is shown in the Lego sets:
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The only time we have seen Nüwa in the lego sets was something called the "Celistial Pagoda"
Notice how Li Jing is IN that Lego sets, holding his Pagoda, that looks suspingly a lot like a smaller version of the big Pagado.
With all this in mind then....This is how i imagined it went down:
How Li Jing trapped Nüwa
Li Jing one day learned that the creation godess, Nüwa, was creating something called "The Harbinger of Chaos". He didnt know what it even was, but he DEFINITELY didnt like the sound of it.
Therefore, Li Jing goes to confront Nüwa, trapping her in the process, but... what about MK you might say?
Well as RV sketch theorised in their video: "What is MK", MK is acutally Broken/ not complete yet (hence why he is glitching, and also why his stone has that crack).
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Therefore they also theorised that the reason that he isnt Broken/ not complete yet, is because that something happend to Nüwa while she was making him, leaving MK alone and unfinished.
He then, somehow, got brought to live, and found his way to Pigsy.
This then meaning, that if both our theories are correct, Li Jing was the one to trap Nüwa and leaving MK all alone on that mountain.
Li Jing might even have found MK's half finished stone and tried to DESTROY IT. And thinking that he finished the job, he just left it there (not knowing that MK is now the result of that).
Li Jing not only ruins his own family, but also ruins other peoples(deities) families too!
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 5 months
The Past
Charles reminds Hob of someone from a long time ago.
Hob isn’t used to being asked about his past, with Dream being the only exception.
But now, with Edwin and Charles in his life, he was often asked on a daily basis.
Edwin was far more interested in comparing Hob’s experiences to what was written down. It was easier for him to answer those questions since it felt like teaching his History classes. The difference here being these boys knew he was almost 700 years old and his students did not.
A lot of the time, Edwin asked questions about the 1900s, around the time he had died. He’d missed out on not only growing up, but he’d been locked away in hell for nearly 100 years. He was curious, and Hob granted him that curiosity.
It was Charles who asked the harder questions.
A lot of the time, those questions had to do with experiences he should have died from but couldn’t. It was…a bit difficult bringing those memories up, but when Hob spoke about the 1600s where he was homeless and was freezing to what should have been death, he saw Charles’ expression change.
He’d given the boy a hug that day.
He’d asked if Hob had ever been in relationships with mortal people, which led Hob on a very strange and embarrassing yet sad path of all his past relationships. Which meant he spoke about his Eleanor and his once small family.
Then, one day, Charles asked about him.
They were in the kitchen; Hob cooking, Charles flipping through a comic, when suddenly Charles asked, “What was your son like?”
The room went deadly silent.
Hob stared at the eggs, not realizing they were burning until the smell hit him and he immediately moved the pan from the burner and turned it off.
“I-I’m sorry, we don’t have to talk about it.”
“No, no. It’s alright.” He turned to Charles, who looked like a beaten puppy. “I told you both you could ask anything you wanted and I meant it.”
Charles looked hesitant. “Yea…but…”
“It’s fine, Charles.” Hob gave a small, sad, yet reassuring smile before he leaned back against the counter, staring at the ceiling. “What was Robyn like…”
He looked back at Charles, who stared at him with big brown eyes, his face concerned and worried. Memories of Robyn flashed in his head, the face of a young boy who just wanted to make everyone happy and safe.
Hob reached a hand out, placing it on Charles’ head. “Actually…he was a lot like you.”
Charles opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Edwin appearing through the wall. “Charles, we have a case. You can read your cartoon drawings later.”
“They’re comics, Ed. Comics.”
Edwin rolled his eyes and disappeared back into the wall.
Charles moved to follow, but stopped and turned to Hob. “See ya later, Hob.”
“Hopefully not in another week again.”
Charles chuckled. “Hopefully not, but you know Edwin.”
“I know.” Hob smiled. “Just…be safe. As best you both can.”
The ghost boy smiled back. “We will.” And with that, he vanished.
Hob stood there a moment longer, still smiling.
Yes…he was so very much like Robyn…
Just really had to get this out of my system. I like the idea of Charles and Edwin of doing things that remind Dream and Hob of Robyn and Orpheus.
Twitter/X•AO3•Pillowfort •Linktree•Bluesky•Ko-fi
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adoresmiles · 1 month
His Concealed Obsession
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Chapter one.
"I just don't get how you two still have a job when you're both always at my place."
"We just came by to check in on you since the news about your neighbor broke out in the news this morning."
"Oh yeah , I saw it on the news. I feel so bad for her kids. She was always spoke to me whenever we come would come across each other . Invited me over to dinner , go out for lunch and hell she even invited me to spa dates with her and her daughter."
"You talking about Nicole?"
"Yea Jax , the same Nicole you slept with before you married your wife."
"Jaxon Tyree!"
"It was an accident Nani and I don't even know why KP brought it up."
"I hope and pray that my nephew doesn't turn out like you as he gets older."
"With all the amazing women in his life , he's going to come out a thousand times better than me."
"Anyways you need to be careful Kanani, your neighbor who was a well known attorney was murder inside of her."
"Maybe you should come and stay with one of until KP and them get everything done. Cause I be damn if my baby sister gets murdered next."
"I understand you are worried about my safety but if mom and dad haven't said anything about it yet to me then you guys shouldn't either. I'm safe here and I have an alarm system and cameras inside of my apartment."
"Now you know damn well them cameras and alarm systems ain't going to save your short ass."
"You need a guard dog and damn gun. I keep telling you to go ahead and get a gun and take classes on how to use it properly."
"Nope , I refuse to get a gun. You know how I feel about them ever since that damn party."
"Kanani you're killing us right now right now."
"I know and I'm sorry. Look how many who have guns out here and they don't even use it properly?! You have kids going to school shooting their teachers , grown ass adults who went to school coming back for revenge, young black men taking each other out."
"Hate to say this, but it's this shit happens everyday and everywhere Nani."
"Yes but also if we stop giving the wrong people guns and do a fucking throughly background check then it wouldn't be problem. Lock your guns away from your children. It's more  gun violence out there than love and I just refuse to be apart of it."
Kanani stated to her two older brothers as she walked around her kitchen counter to get herself a glass of juice.
"Think about it from our perspective. What if you were in that situation? Would you have fought back ? Call the police ?"
"Calling the police and locking them inside the closet. The closet doors lock from the outside and plus in order to even get inside you need my finger print and the code to get inside the door."
"Not saying I'm on her side here but trying to break down these doors are heavy as hell."
"It sounds like to me you're on little KP side right now. I don't suppose to say this but this per- hold on ... hello? Wassup uncle Mike?"
"While detective KP over there chatting away. Let's talk about where you are going to be staying."
"I'm not leaving my house because of some killer is on the loose. If I feel like I am in great danger then I'll show up on either yours or KP door step."
"You're going to give me gray hairs before Jordan even turns eighteen."
"That sounds like a personal problem Jaxon. Why are you trying to control something that you're not able to control yourself?"
"Because you're my baby sister Nani. If anything were to hap- if someone were to hurt you , I'll gladly sit behind bars for killing them. That goes for KP too! I'm yall older brother and it's my job to make sure that you both are good at all times. Yeah KP a detective and all but that don't matter to me."
"Jaxon I appreciate you and I know you're concerned about my safety but you have to trust me. If I feel as if my life is in jeopardy then you'll be the first one to know. Plea-"
"Aye Jax we got to go , uncle Mike and uncle Marcus need some help with this case. I can drop you off back the fire station or you good?"
"I'm good , Nani can drop me off back at the station."
"Nope , sorry can't do it. I have to go get ready before my friend comes over for our lunch date."
"Damn it's like that?"
"Sure is , now can you guys go so I can go get ready? I need at least two hours to mentally prepare myself."
"We didn't even finish our conversation."
"I'm staying home and that's final. Please don't forget that one of you has to pick up mom and dad from the airport tomorrow afternoon."
"Well I can't do it since this is my weekend it work."
"Why can't you do it?"
"Because I'm the one who dropped them off and plus I have back to back meetings for my store grand opening."
"Oh yeah I forgot , yeah I'll pick them up tomorrow then. I'll have Jordan tag along with me to keep me entertained on the way there."
"Aight now, we out! Be safe and don't be out here grown. We locking the door behind us since yo ass wants to walk away without giving hugs and shit."
"And share your location too, love you big head!"
"Love you too, now bye!"
Kanani expressed to them both as she walked down her hallway that lead into her bedroom. She loved her brother's but after dealing with them for long , she needed a mental reset. Their conversation regarding the circumstances of her neighbor was not necessarily needed. Yes , the situation is sad but it doesn't involve her. She could see if she was there and witnessed it but she wasn't.
Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on her door. A look of confusion displayed on her face as she looked down the hallway of her home. Kanani wasn't expecting anyone until the next couple of hours. So she was confused on who or what could it possibly be . Dropping her unfolded blanket onto the ground , she decided to go and see who it could be.
"This better not be one of these neighbors kids knocking on my dam- oh hey David, what brings you by?
"These are for you señorita Kanani."
"My favorite flowers, they're so beautiful. Do you know who sent them in?"
"Frangipani plumeria. I unfortunately don't but they did leave a note for you. I have to get going , the other set of flowers are placed on your table."
"Thank you David!"
"Anything for you señorita Kanani. It seems like you have a keeper in your hands."
"That it does , hopefully this note tells me who it is."
"Have a good day."
"....hmmm who the hell sent me two sets of frangipani flowers. Dile si al cielo dime si a mi. Well that is cute of them to put my favorite song on there. Seems like this person really paid attention to me."
Kanani smiled once again as she smelled the freshly picked flowers. Frangipani flowers were simply her favorite since they reminded her of Hawai'i , where she was originally born. Now cheesing ear to ear Kanani quickly arranged the flowers to her liking before rushing off to prepare for her day.
"Today is going to be a really good ass day for me."
"dile si al cielo dime si a mi" : say yes to heaven say yes to me
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blue-sadie · 9 months
The Ones I Don't Remember
Moon System x Wife Reader
Series Masterlist
Prt 1 of the Different Versions Series
Summary: waiting is more tiring then being together, what changed was it you or him?
Warning: car crash
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Yn/3rd person pov
I huffed lightly as I played with the cold food on my plate, I was waiting for him but I knew it was a lost cause my eyes lazily moved over the clean apartment that I cleaned and decorated for this very special occasion.
I'd be lucky to even get a 'looks good' from one of them, I sighed dropping my fork onto the plate running my hands over my face "I'm so tired" I whispered the feeling of hurt crowding my heart again I let my hands fall to my sides as I got up rolling my shoulders to rid of the stress.
I picked up the two full plates of food putting them into his microwave and grabbing a few containers to put away the left overs, my phone buzzed with a notification but I ignored it putting the leftovers into the fridge, it buzzed a few more times before it turned into my ring tone echoing through the apartment.
I closed my eyes taking a deep breath before picking it up "hel-" I spoke but got interrupted by his rigid breathing "come pick me up" he muttered I already know who was talking.
"Marc w-" he didn't let me finish my sentence before hanging up another notification was him sending me his location "unbelievable" I let out a forced laugh as I rolled my eyes.
I grabbed my keys and coat taking my time to get to my car, he made me wait so I'm making him wait, I sighed getting into the car putting the key in with a click the radio started to play softly as I turned the car on, the soft tones slightly calming me down.
I pulled out the parking of his building only glancing at my phone for directions "on our fucking anniversary" I spat my knuckles turning white as I gripped the steering wheel.
It was 30 minutes to get to Marc's location it was in the outskirts of the city, it was a dimly lit road only surrounded by a few abandoned buildings I couldn't see anything in till I squinted looking carefully I saw the wreckage of about 6 cars the puddles of blood but no bodies.
"What the fuck" I muttered bringing the car into a holt "what have you done" I whispered unbuckling my seat belt and climbed out looking at the damage that has been down.
"Finally" I jumped as he landed infront of me his suit overed in blood and his mask was off his face littered in splats of blood and tiny cuts "what the fuck happened" I muttered gesturing to the mess.
"That's none of your concern" he grumbled as he rounded the car to get to the other side "kinda is when your covered in blood" I muttered my anger slowly raising as we climbed  into the car.
"Its not mine so it shouldn't matter" he sighed using one of his hands to run a hand over his face leaning on the car door his eyes staring dead ahead.
I bit the inside of my cheek holding back on my anger "but why tonight" I asked my voice bearly louder then a whisper he huffed turning his head towards me his eyes glaring holes in the side of my head.
"Yea like I can tell a God to wait till tomorrow" he muttered, my heart pinged with pain 'but you used to do that' I thought back to the good times before everything turned to shit.
The date nights he planned, to him showing up at my work with 2 dozen roses and my favorite coffee or when he forgot a date the lengths he went through to make it up to me what changed?
I glanced at him my eyes filled with hurt "what happened to us" I murmured my voice slightly wavering he dropped his head growling in annoyance "let's not talk about this yn" he didn't even use my nickname anymore.
My eyes glazed over with tears as I bit my lip "we have to talk about it sometime" he groaned as I spoke again I could see him clench his fists tightly "we could work this o-".
"Just stop ok" I tensed as he raised his voice at me "there's nothing to fix because it can't be ok" he seethed with anger a silent cry rippled through my body and I turned my head away so he couldn't see my tears but that's when I saw it.
"Marc" I murmured but he didn't answer "marc" I said making him shout again "wha-" but he couldn't finish a car had rammed into us hard making us swerve into the barrier "fuck" I cried out in pain as the indent squished my leg and my head collided with the door.
Marc's eyes stared at me with concern and pain of his own but he didn't speak "Marc d-dont leave me" I cried as he got out "no" he yelled and another impact made the car flip over the barrier.
I screamed out as the car rolled only stopping with it came into contact with a tree landing upside down I cried out more as the metal dug into my leg my blood running dripping onto the roof beside my head.
I looked around trying to look for something to help me pry me out but there was nothing "marc" I yelled but started coughing soon after my lungs felt like they were collapsing.
My eyes started becoming hazy and my mind foggy I must have lost alot of blood I reached out my hand to grab a hold of the metal that was impaling my leg, I screamed out as I slowly pulled it out of my leg with my remaining strength.
"Fuck" I yelled the pain and blood only increasing "yn" I heard marc called and his thundering footsteps fast approaching "yn" his voice was filled with panic as he came to a stop at my door.
He pulled open the door his breath hitching as he saw my state he carefully kneeled down beside me pushing his arms underneath me, I cried out in pain as he lifted me up.
I heard him speak but the words were muffled "t-tired" I whimpered my eyes becoming more heavier with each passing second, the only good thing was the pain was slowly subsided my eyes slowly fluttered shut.
"Stay with me stay with me don't you dare close your eyes"
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Perfectly “Fine”
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder • Even in the apocalypse you know how to handle things in a way that keep you steady. But now the Saviors War has come to an end…and something ain’t what it used to be • ANGST/SFW • TW: Canon Violence / Panic Attacks / Nightmares / PTSD
Requested by: Anon
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“Think you can handle being with Dixon in the Sanctuary?”
“Are you asking…because it’s Daryl I’m going to be with? Or because it’s the Sanctuary”
“Mostly cuz it’s the Sanctuary. The people that suffered Negan’s wrath deserve kindness, but we also need people we trust to take out those who still believe in Negan’s ways.” Rick finishes his explanation to notice Y/N’s restless leg and the way her contoured to concern. “Y/N. If anythin’ happens. You can always radio us. Or talk to him”
It’s hard to be in a relationship
——But it wouldn’t stop me
Y/N sighs rising to her feet as she makes her way to her truck they had loaded up for the trip to the Sanctuary. Rick frowns watching her open the bed to it and double checking everything they are taking over while Daryl gives her a confused look from the side of it.
“Okay. We’re set”
“I know” Daryl states watching her face fall on her way out of the bed before closing it. Did that strike a nerve? He suddenly frowns already not liking the idea of living at the Sanctuary, but more specifically her living there as well.
Y/N followed Daryl who took lead on his bike as she couldn’t stop thinking of every possibility that could happen in the Sanctuary.
Someone could instantly kill us
——It’s fine. We took their weapons away
A root could break out
——People have straighten out since the end of the war
We should take away any chemicals that could poison us
——Don’t think any of these people know where they are
The tapping on the stick shift stopped when Y/N reached the Sanctuary. She sighs feeling a bit of relief but it didn’t take long for her anxiety to kick back in when some of the residents stepped out of the building.
“Let’s keep it organized alright? Or no stealin’ from the truck. Cuz we’ll know” Daryl states taking lead on getting everything off Y/N’s truck.
It took a few hours for either of them to settle into the Sanctuary and Daryl was surprised when Y/N offered that they’d share a room together to keep an eye on each other’s back until the dust settles.
This is purely non-romantic
——It could be
Y/N found a room that had a bed and a futon. Strange what people wanted in the end of the world. Or what people wanted in the sick twisted system that the Saviors followed. Overall just. Weird. She felt weird and uncomfortable everywhere she was in the place and couldn’t drop everything to go back to Alexandria to find her security back. Have to work on it. Finding a new security.
“The hell yea doin’?” Daryl questions Y/N who was making her bed on the futon receiving a puzzled look from her. “I’ll sleep on the couch. You take the bed”
“No I’m already…Uh.” Y/N frowns crossing her arms, her right index finger tapping her left elbow a couple times. 7 times to be exact. Before sighing and grabbing the thick blanket from the bed and tossing it over the futon. “Fine. But we’re switching every other week”
“I can work with that” the archer sighs once he sat on the couch watching Y/N crawl onto the bed curling up in herself as much as possible hugging her knees to her chest. “Rick is kind of a dick for having us do this”
“He has his reasons…” Her frown seemed to be more permanent since they’ve been there and his heart broke at the sight of it. “Do you think we’ll be safe here?”
“I don’t know”
“But I promise I’ll keep yea safe” Daryl makes that promise as he watches her features relax and the frown subside.
I don’t want to be here
——But he’s here.
The Sanctuary needed a lot of work and Y/N took initiative on organizing the pantry and gun locker that had very little compared to from before. You know the reason. Daryl was helping some of the men fix the front doors that were broken do to the truck crashing into the building. They had already took care of the walkers that infested the building and cleaned up but now it was simply making it another community.
After a few hours Daryl went to check on Y/N finding her still in the pantry. To be exact it’s been three hours and Y/N had already put everything new in the pantry while keeping everything precise. Daryl couldn’t have seen anything more organized except for when the old world was still running and it used to be a person’s job to restock shelves keeping tabs on everything in stock. Pretty much saying he feels like he’s in a closet sized supermarket.
“You chart everythin’?”
“Yes. Everything is accounted—“
“Sorry I need to grab something real quick” One of the residents came running in grabbing a can of food which lead to him knocking over a couple.
“Seriously?!” Daryl yells when the guy ran off after grabbing such. “Should write—-“ he didn’t have to tell her what to do as she already realigned everything and write down the inventory number before putting the notebook away in her pack. “You’re always on top of everything”
Just bring it up. He might not like you anymore.
——Everyone else knows. He should know.
“I guess. Uh. Are we working on how to get farming going on here next or…?”
“Or. I gotta do my usual sweep. You can plan out somethin’ if yea want, I can…meet yea outside?”
Y/N nods giving him a small smile as she walks past him out of the pantry to go do such while he watches her walk away. Something is off about her… his worry made him think too much about everything she’s doing even if it seemed normal.
But it wasn’t.
Her compulsions were in the more “normal” category. Organizing over and over again. The odd number tapping patterns. The bad switched with the good with her thinking. This place made them kick into overdrive, anywhere else kept it more dormant but she felt like she was caving in in an unpredictable environment.
Rick made a mistake.
——He knows best.
Daryl thinks I’m a freak.
——He never confirmed or deny that.
I’m at my fucking limit.
——We are. Fine.
“How’s Y/N holding up in that place?” Carol questions the archer as he took Y/N’s truck to grab some of the trade from the Kingdom to help them get started with farming. “It’s a new environment”
“She’s been there before. What’s new about it?”
Carol gave him a questioning look as she thought the most observant person she knows who know by now. “It’s just a question, Daryl. How is she?”
“Fine. I think” Daryl shoves the last crate into the bed before closing the trunk. “She doesn’t talk to me if anything were to bother her”
“She internalizes just like you, Daryl” Carol states and hopefully that was enough for him to check in on her. But she should really explain to Daryl what else could be going on. “You mind if I join yea back there?”
“Don’t yea have a kid and a boyfriend?”
“Seriously?—-Yes but they’d understand if I’m gone for a few days”
“Then tell’em and I’ll be waiting.” Daryl scoffs even more confused as he gets into the car moving the things Y/N had in the passenger seat out of the way only to get a hit nosey.
This girl and her writing… Daryl had always thought Y/N was a writer of some sorts as she always had a journal in hand. Hell, when the prison fell it was the one thing she came out with and thank god he stayed a moment for her to stick with him and Beth at the time. She’s always had it with her. Never thought to ask about it. Then right now an opportunity to look in it has risen.
[Entry 54]
Today was stressful. Everything fell out of order…Carol is missing, Maggie is at the Hilltop, Daryl was taken by Negan, Rick is lost in his own mind again like back at the prison when we lost Lori, and there’s more to it. But the more I think about everything wrong, the more I want to take myself out of it. I can’t keep everything together anymore. Glenn is dead. Abraham is dead. More are going to die. He could die. Fuck I can’t. He can’t die. I don’t want him to die. It should’ve been me. It should always be me
[Entry 11]
This place is nice. We definitely do not fit in a farm house. At least Carl is fine. He’s fine. He’ll live to live in this goddamn hell again. I don’t understand how people lived as long as they have. But we’ll make this work right?
[Entry 12]
That didn’t last long.
Daryl should’ve stopped by now but he continued to read her entries and they were very…dark. He didn’t know that she’s been feeling a certain way since the quarry and it was almost always after something bad has occurred. The events have triggered her. He thought all of these entries were bad and he really wanted to stop reading, ditch Carol, and check on Y/N who he mistakenly left alone in a shithole. His anxiety only grew when he read something that brought warmth in his chest and his body to relax for a second.
It wasn’t an entry. It was a list. She likes her lists…
He’s smarter than he looks
His tracking technique is impressive
He cares so much
The way this man gives so much for everybody else
He always brings enough for everyone
His subtle smile is perfect
He’s been through so much
He makes me feel safe
The archer quickly looks up from the notebook, closing it and starting the car once Carol buckled herself in.
“You were reading her journal?”
“You know about it? What’s in it?”
“I know what could be in it. Doesn’t mean I know exactly what’s in it”
“Then explain”
“Explain what?”
“What could be in it”
“Daryl, Y/N has OCD. It’s not life threatening unless it gets bad. She writes everything down to calm herself.” Carol swiped the notebook from the archer’s grasp. “Why did you read it when you clearly didn’t know?”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean? I just thought she was…quirky?” Daryl sighs only to hear Carol scoff to the comment. “What!”
“People with mental illness still have to fight in the goddamn apocalypse. “Quirky” is offensive to some because it down plays what’s really going on”
“You know a lot”
“Daryl. You have PTSD. So do I. We have our coping mechanisms. Who do you think respects them the most?”
Y/N suddenly jolts awake from the futon hearing the screaming as she shot forward turning toward the sound that came from Daryl’s sleeping form. She rises from the futon and brought herself in the bed with him watching him shake in his sleep.
Daryl suddenly felt his body relax and the shaking stop as he curls up a bit in her embrace.
When the archer woke the next morning he found himself with Y/N in the bed with him. Instead of her holding him they migrated to where it was him holding her. He stayed in that position for a little while longer
Once the truck was parked, Carol stopped Daryl from getting out as the two look forward finding Y/N sitting on the edge of the loading dock. She heard the truck but didn’t think much of it, he was coming back that’s all she really put to thought as she looks up at the night sky.
“I’ll take care of unloading. You give that back to her” Carol handed the notebook to Daryl as he stepped out shortly after.
Her smile was the first thing he noticed as he draws closer to her, especially when it started to fade when he lifted the notebook to her line of sight handing it to her.
“It was in your truck when I borrowed it”
“…did you…uhm” Y/N frowns gripping the notebook in her hands tapping the back of it rapidly in another rhythmic motion. Daryl suddenly took her hands gently into his after putting the notebook to her side. Her anxiety in the moment lessen but was still there waiting for his words.
“I was worried about yea” Daryl frowns feeling her squeeze. “The longer we were here the more you didn’t wanna talk. Hell neither did I but I knew what I was feelin’…just wanted to know what you were feelin’.”
“I just…didn’t want you to think I was weird”
“Why would I think that?”
“Because OCD has always been seen like that…by everybody else. In the old world it didn’t help that movies would associate it with serial killers. Same with bipolar or schizophrenia.” Y/N frowns gripping onto him tighter as she felt the air leave her lungs trying not to over think about it but she felt like she was losing. Her anxiety caught her when Daryl pulled his hands away but before she could think of every negative thing, he brought her hands to his shoulders before bringing his forehead against hers.
“Gotta breathe for me, doll.” Daryl knew she was starting to have an anxiety attack, he wishes he could do his own research on OCD and know more so he could be more prepared. He’ll learn. He’ll learn for her, from her. All he could do right now is have her latch onto him as he helped her steady her breathing without focusing on it too much to trigger herself more.
While the archer was taking care of her, Carol kept a respectable distance from them just in case. But she never had to worry. He would understand eventually.
Months have passed and the Sanctuary was turning for the better. They had managed to get crops going where the saviors used to grave the walker graveyard, turned it into a garden for their main crop being corn that would help with gas and sustenance. The pantry has the same system as the one in Alexandria where one person would come through to do inventory and make a list for a future run. The empty cells were turned into rooms and some the doors were removed but were still used for privacy areas. It may still look very factory like but at least it wasn’t like a prison anymore.
Daryl stood outside of his old cell surprised they even changed this place for the better. His old cell being one of many solo spots to relax. A lantern, a chair or rocking chair—whatever they could find, and a small table. They looked like singular study rooms in colleges and that was the idea Y/N was going with when she thought of it.
“Hey, you ready?”
A smile was quick to form on his lips when he heard her voice. Y/N smiles warmly to the archer when he brought his arm around her shoulders kissing her forehead.
“Mhm. I have what I need” She smiles up at the archer as he captured her lips with his. “Come on. While we still have light out”
There’s always something calming about motorcycle rides while the sun is slowly fading from the sky. Watching the sky go from bright blue to hues of orange and purple before inevitably fading to black like the end of a movie.
The difference is the sky lights up at night showing the stars that shine bright enough to get lost in her beautiful E/C eyes.
Daryl hasn’t stopped smiling since they left and when they returned it remained, unlike the other days of going to such a heavy place. But knowing that she’s safe and calm in his presence…
Everything is perfectly fine.
238 notes · View notes
You’re my best friend
Hobie Brown • They/Them Pronouns • Just a couple of besties in the spider society giving mentors a hard time while also making the best of the time they get together. Even when shit hits the fan • SFW/Smol ANGST • TW: Some tragic backstories mentioned / Minor Injuries / Miguel being Miguel
For @cabinofcontentment
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“The big angry panther really wants me on this anomaly?” Hobie scoffs walking beside Jessica on their way to the briefing room.
“Yes and I thought you would be a little more excited for this one”
“Now why is that?” The punk tilts his head a bit curious, but was met with annoyance from one of his mentors.
“Hobie. You don’t read the anomaly reports before these meetings do you?” Jessica asks watching that devilish smile of his emerge. “Alright. Well you’ll enjoy your partner on this one, they have not shut up about their excitement”
“Now I’m curious on who it—-“
“Hobie!” The familiar voice was music to his ears watching the figure run out of the darkness in Miguel’s office into the light revealing Y/F/N Y/L/N.
The spider person of Earth-838. A universe that is prepared for most problems that may or may not arise. So why have a Spiderman in this universe? Well shit still happens at a level that doesn’t concern the Illuminati. Leaving it to Y/N to take care of where they reside in the West Coast.
Hobie has always admired them since they’ve joined spider society around the same time he did. They were a chaotic little spitfire with their dark silver suit with sea-foam accents on their arms and legs. Then the outlier of the deep red spider sprawled on their back. They were one of the few organic spider people, he grew to know and that arachnid gracing their shoulders is a part of the organic webbing and improved vision. If you think about Spiderman from Earth-199999 and his suit’s self defense system “Kill mode”, that’s what they have. Except it’s infused to their spine and comes out whenever they need it. Never for killing though. That’s a bit extreme don’t you think?
But Y/N wasn’t in their suit for that meeting. They had been called for a briefing in the middle of one of their self care days.
“Are you exciting for this anomaly? We are helping Spider-cat in his universe!”
“Oh I didn’t—-“
“Yeah I figured. I’ll catch yea up enough so Miguel doesn’t have a tantrum” Y/N smiles about to inform Hobie but they couldn’t help but notice the laugh they got out of Jessica. “Oh Ben owes me ten bucks” they smile even more when Jessica playful glared at them to the whispered comment while Hobie chuckles to himself.
Hobie was informed enough by Y/N’s standards when they reached Miguel’s floating pad. He instantly knew the man would be in a mood and a clear give away was the eight legs sprouting out of Y/N’s back launching them off the ground high enough to avoid the computer panel Miguel had thrown their direction.
“Aye. We don’t need an in work injury now do we?” Hobie scoffs as Y/N hops back down from the ceiling feeling Jessica’s hand rest on their shoulder once their tense expression subsided.
“You are late. Y/N could’ve taken care of it by now”
“Right. Well. Are you going to speak or continue to have a fit?”
“Just. Y/N get suited and you two head the fuck out already. If you need backup, Jess is on call” Miguel sighs turning away from them to return to his personal anomaly search.
The three headed out of the room not even after five minutes of being in there. Guess Miguel wanted his frustration taken out on someone almost in a literal physical sense. Hobie watches Y/N stretch their back slightly once the legs retracted, noticing how they pierced through what seemed to be a new jacket.
“You heard Miguel. You need backup, I’m there” Jess reminds the two before going to check up on her new mentees.
“He seemed a bit miffed this mornin’” Hobie comments on his behavior while following Y/N to one of the locker rooms so that they can get suited up given he was already.
“I heard a rumor that he found more information about the 42 anomaly. Before you and Jess came, he was talking about it with me…then got pissed and tossed his cup of coffee at me that time”
“…Alright?” The concern in his voice shot right through them as they instantly grabbed his shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m okay” Y/N smiles before pushing him back playfully, entering the locker room to get suited up.
Entering Spider-cat’s universe was exciting for Y/N given they were curious if it was all cats or only animals. Like the movie zootopia, something they watched from someone else’s universe, except not humanoid. It was the first one. All cats.
“You can’t take one home” Hobie spoiled their seeded plan knowing Y/N was pouting behind their mask. “Let’s find Peter before—-“
Suddenly a cat tree that was made into a building barreled its way toward Hobie and Y/N, Hobie quickly taking his guitar and strumming loud enough to rapture the building while Y/N had quickly moved the cats out of the way of the fallen debris.
“WHY AM I IN A PLACE FULL OF FUCKING FELINES?!” A Doc Ock anomaly was their target as his tentacles grabbed building after building and tossing them all over the place while Spider-cat quickly webbed them up to avoid any of them hitting other cats.
“Isn’t the story of Spider-cat a bit gruesome?”
“Different spider-cat. There’s 3 from what I understand. But one isn’t actually a spider person.” Y/N informs as they started to make their way to help Spider-cat take care of the Doc Ock with Hobie following shortly behind.
As Doc Ock continued to toss the buildings toward now 3 spider people, Y/N did their best to latch their web onto them and quickly swing them back toward the villain as Hobie started to grab cat after cat directing them carefully away from the commotion even if it meant tossing a few into a big web he made.
“This guy torturing cats!” Y/N groans as their legs formed from their back to help them move quickly against the building.
Spider-cat let out an angered hiss toward Hobie indicating he’s the one torturing the cats because again, he was tossing them into a web to avoid them getting hurt by the anomaly.
“Sorry, fella. I’ll take care of it when we’re done”
“More so I will. Since I know how to get rid of the webbing faster than most spider people” Y/N quickly comments as they launch themselves toward Doc Ock with an extreme force courtesy of their spider legs from their back.
But as they were retracting themselves back into place, Doc’s tentacle suddenly grabbed some of their legs forcing it out of Y/N before throwing them into a nearby building.
“Y/N!” Hobie yells as he quickly picked up the pace in his step taking his guitar and knocking the doc off his feet noticing the webbing latched onto his ankles.
Soon the doc was dragged through his own mess and lifted off the ground, both Hobie and Spider-cat watching Y/N had gotten themselves out of the rubble tugging on the anomaly throwing the doc over them and harshly into the ground. Enough to knock the villain out. When the two came over and Spidercat took care of tying the villain up, Hobie noticed Y/N shaking a bit.
“Hey—Y/N, are you alright, mate?” Hobie tried to get them to respond but given when he tried to lay a comforting hand, they retracted. “Alright. Alright…Come on my feline friend. Let’s clean up this rubbish”
While the two took care of such, Y/N took the trap Miguel invented to secure Doc Ock and have him transported back to the spider society watching him disappear before going through the rubble making sure no one left anything. But also picking up two of their legs that the villain managed to actually rip out of their back.
“Yes Y/N?” The small hologram appeared by their head and instantly took note of the situation. “You should be seen at spider society immediately. Has this happened before?” She asks watching them shake their head as she didn’t wait to call in Jess to help Hobie and spider-cat clean up.
Hobie never liked this part of the job, cleaning up in a sense was simply taking care of whatever the anomaly may have left. Having to leave the destruction of the universe to the locals. But after doing his part and taking in a few locals’ attention by giving them pets, Hobie watched a portal open revealing Jess.
“Oy!” Hobie calls out to gain her attention as she let Lyla do a quick scan of the area. “Why are you here?”
“Lyla sent Y/N back. Did you not see what happen?” Jess questions Hobie who was just as confused as she was, hoping that he’d give her some answers.
Next thing the two knew, Spider-cat trotted his way over and meowed into his watch which lead to the scene being played out for them. Hobie’s normally neutral expression went to anxiety watching Doc Ock grab Y/N by their spider legs and tearing two off when tossing them.
“Fucking hell…”
“Shit. Lyla do a scan of the scene for…yeah. Then we’ll call it—-“ Jess turns to watch Hobie leave through a portal making her sigh. “I can’t be mad at him”
“Everything is cleaned up. All Spider-cat’s deal now”
“Alright. I gotta go check on my kid” Jess refers to anyone she mentors as her kids, Y/N being one of them.
Entering spider society, Hobie looked around for his partner not finding them in any of the places he’d think they would be. Even went to the infirmary and couldn’t find them there. Next thing he knew, a hand through a portal grabbed the back of his guitar strap pulling him through and into the universe with Earth-838.
“Why did you go to the society first?” Jessica caught him off guard as most injuries would get reported.
“Thought they’d be there”
“Their injuries were too much for our docs to handle so they went to the Illuminati of their universe to get checked out.”
“How do you—-“
“Do you not use any of the utilities at the society?”
The punk instantly gave her a deadpan look to her question as Jessica couldn’t believe she even asked that.
Y/N’s universe knew about the multiverse and took care of anomalies in their own way. But given their connection with spider society with the help of their own spider, the worry was very small for incursions.
The two walked through the Illuminati building and was met with Dr. Palmer and her infectious smile.
“They’re alright. The arachnid in their spine is similar to a few species that are able to regenerate their legs. So they’ll be back in a few weeks” Palmer shows an x-ray of their back to Jess while Hobie decided to slip past them. “But it will be painful and best if they don’t be on call for a while”
“I agree. We have enough capable individuals to cover for their time. What did you do with—“
“Y/N buried them. We aren’t going to question it, even if Richards wants to desperately.” Palmer laughs leading Jess to the main laboratory watching Richards getting his hands smacked away from Hobie as he was sat beside Y/N who was trying to hide in the rafters. “Reed. Cmon. Give them a break”
“I wanted to check the hematoma before they returned home. But this one is being rather annoying” Reed sighs only to be smacked in the head by a boot. “Excuse me!”
“Hobie!” Jess exclaims as both Hobie and Y/N pretend like nothing had happened. “Are you serious?!”
“What? He was botherin’ my favorite person. Just doing everybody a favor”
“By throwing your shoe at Mr. Richards?!”
“Who says it was my shoe?” Hobie flipped himself to hang upside down from the beam they were sitting on as Y/N did the same thing mimicking him before slipping slightly. They were on pain killers from the pain and it wasn’t a good idea to do their spider shenanigans. But when they fell, Hobie quickly webbed them and carefully setting them on the floor.
“Okay hun, how about let’s not get any more injuries and get you home” Jess laughs helping them up and removing the webs off them.
The two took care of getting Y/N home and Jess left Hobie alone with them for just a moment knowing he can’t stay in their universe for too long. Because of Miguel’s rules. But she wasn’t going to rat him out, she has a soft side for the both of them.
“Alright?” Hobie gently nudged their shoulder as they were sitting on the balcony of Y/N’s apartment overlooking the beach.
“Mhm. You…uhm. Gonna spend the night? I know it’s not your thing”
Hobie scoffs in a playful manner wrapping his arm carefully around their shoulders.
“You’re my best friend, dear” He smiles watching their eyes light up to what he’s to say next. “How could I say no to yea?”
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popcornforone · 7 months
A Frankie “Catfish” Morales Fan Fiction
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Well Frankie… sometimes a need just needs a scratch & you were it… so happy Frankie Friday everyone. This is just me getting something out of my system.
Synopsis:- You wake up early & hear a noise… he couldn’t be home could he?
Word count: 2500
Warnings:- DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! Pure smut hardly any plot. PIV sex, oral, swearing, cream pie, spitting, chocking, talk of masturbation, rough passionate longing sex, home intruder theme to start, description that might go too far. Yes I was feral I needed an outlet okay?!
Thank as always for the read peoples. All feedback is welcome. I hope you enjoy.
As your 6am alarm goes off you whine, your phone buzzing away & you turn over & try & hit the snooze button.
“10 more minutes” you mumble before burying your head back into your pillow. So soft & warm. You pull the bed sheet up a little because it had slipped while you had slept. Your bare back feeling a little chilled as you’d obviously turned in the night. The temptation in your half sleep to slip your hands between your thighs & have a touch. Usually your morning shower gives you the time you need to self pleasure but every now & then an early wake up might require even more moments.
But then your ears prick up. There’s a buzzing coming from the bathroom. Did you leave the extractor fan on over night? That’s what the noise is. You must have done so you burry your head back into the pillow to get a few more minutes sleep. As your legs stretch you do realise the air is slightly damn. No way you think. You didn’t leave a tap on over night. You’re now concerned & you pay a little more attention to the room in a half haze. Eyes adjusting, not wanting to put a light in incase it’s a burglar or something even worse. There’s always a small baseball bat under your side of your bed, for protection. You slowly lean down & grab the handle, as you glimpse at the door. there is a light on & a small moving shadow. Someone or something is in your bathroom. You make sure your breasts are covered & you bring the baseball bat up to the side of the bed, ready to confront who has broken into your apartment & is in the bathroom.
The door flys open & the room bursts into the bright light of the bathroom & fills with the steam from the room flooding your senses. You squint & make sure a hand is on the bat. But then your hand lowers the bat & you sit there open mouthed, eyes popping out of your skull at the sight in front of you.
Today was the 8th.
You’d completely forgotten, it had been so long.
He’d obviously came home from his mission extremely late & had leapt in the shower so not to wake you in bed at 5am. All the sweat & muck from travelling back washed away & gone. He’s not even wearing his hat. That luscious thick mop of hair has been rubbed maybe twice by a towel which is probably more than his body. Yes he has come out of a steam filled hot small bathroom, but there is a lot of hot water on him. His hairy chest glistening. Those broad shoulders calling out for you. Lips that need a kiss. A beard that needs to graze your skin. Powerful thighs ready to keep you in place. The only issue is how he is holding his towel. He’s not wrapped it around him. He is litrally holding it in place to cover his penis. It’s white & crisp the towel. You can see in the reflection of the mirror his Glorious arse & you can see his tip too as he standing legs slightly apart. Yea your man is that big.
“Morning beautiful” he says. A grin on his face, as he sees you look him up & down, knowing you’re admiring everything. He knows he looks good.
“You… you…you’re back!” You stumble through your words, trying to hold back at the fact that you want him to rail you right now.
“Yep, didn’t get back to base til 3am, sorry if I woke you baby, but I needed to see your face before you leave for work, 42 days has seemed like a life time”
“I’d do the hours minutes & seconds but my brain isn’t computing as I’m still half asleep”you giggle & stretch. The baseball bat is in your hands as you do this, so you can show frankie how prepared you were to take someone on, but he’s not paying attention to that. The bed sheet has just dropped down your body. Your erect nipples are on show & he licks his lips expectantly. His own hand loses grip on his towel & it falls to the floor. You eyes now widen at his penis. Long, meaty, veiny, starting to get excited. A small amount of saliver drips down your chin. You grip the bat as if it was his shaft. “I’m awake now”
“Fuck yeah baby” his hand ruffles through his hair, water still falling from it. He takes a few steps & drags the bed sheet off. His eyes dark at the sight that lays before him. “Rise & shine sexy, time for a morning wake up”
He is big & powerful. He has to be for work but he has you quivering beneath him in seconds. Those tree trunk thigh, still damp from the shower touch your own. You toss the baseball bat on the floor as you pull him down on top of you, hands straight into that thick hair, which he tussels abit again. The water dripping onto your hot body, almost sizzling as it lands.
“I missed you frankie”
“Not as much as I missed you” he licks his big flat thumb, a long slow lick. He smirks as he then takes it, trails it down his body inbetween you both, over your tummy & pelvis. It makes contact with your clit at the exact same second his lips find yours.
You don’t know what it would feel like to kiss a rose, but his lips feel soft & look redder than usual, he’s nipping around the edge of your mouth too. It’s more lots of little kisses, which are the same amount of movements as his thumb pleasuring you. He’s addicted to your moans. He asked you before this mission to leave him some voice notes. He’s got off you to going oooh baby every night for the last 42 days. Now he gets to hear it in person. You missed his touch, his skin, his kisses, his teasing & now you’re about to get all of him.
“Oooh baby”his eyes light up as you say that your hand gripping the bedding already.
“So pent up” he says as he slowly parts your legs. “Did you touch yourslef baby? While I was away?” You nod & go hmm & the gasp as his erect penis slides across your clit. Your hand thats not holding onto the bed squeezes his arse & he moans. “My little Princess couldn’t help herself, but it wasn’t me was it”
“No what” he says as he withdraws the feeling of his penis on your clit.
“No my sexy catfish”
“Oooh baby, this will make up for those pathetic…. Oooooh nights”
“Jesus ooooh fuck”
“Oooh god”
You’re talking over each other. Frankies been away longer before, but this morning at 6:15am the stretch of him filling your cunt up has you both concerned your gonna cum instantly. He stalls on his second thrust as you both talk & moan over each other. When it’s one of you this feral it’s easy to control but when it’s both of you there’s not much hope.
“Frankie oooh Frankie” he then kisses you & pushes all the way in. Loud moans come from the kiss from you both, even though your mouths are tied together. Oooh that talented tongue, you know that will make you scream in another way later. His eyes flicker open & make eye contact & he slowly pulls back from the kiss but leaves his penis buried inside you, & by inside he’s balls deep, any further & he’d be in your ribs. Youre filled.
“Sorry baby, I don’t want to cum in 11 seconds” he says & slowly starts to rock in & out taking his time.Hes got an arm wrapped underneath you while the others hand is stroking your body, which is very damp from his residue of shower water.
“Make it last Frankie” he stretches & he somehow goes even deeper. You grab fist fulls of his hair & he starts to move more. A slow pace soon becomes delicious.
“Oooh baby girl, you know I will” he’s got the devil in his eyes, a naughty glint as he finds his rhythm knowing he’s not going to coat your walls straight away. “Fuck… missed you, missed this cunt” your head is rolling back. “Come let your hand join in the fun baby.” You don’t need to be asked twice. But as your hand goes to start it’s stroking, he snatches & grabs your hand & sucks all of your dainty fingers. You moan at the sensation of that & the way you’re being satisfied as he fucks into you.
“Gonna taste all of you sexy” & he then lets some saliva drip onto your fingers before letting your hand go. You are glad it’s your hand now, it’s sopping from Frankies exploits but you know just how to rub your nub to make sure you keep going. Frankies own large hands grip into your hip. His face is already straining.
“Fuck oh god”
“You like that sexy”
“Yes Frankie”
“Gonna cum? Gonna be a little slut & show me how much you missed me?” He’s brought up the word slut. The way he always says that word is so deep & always arouses you. Your friction increases your legs opening more. Moans escape you both.
“Oooh I missed the moans”
“Frankie oooh fuck yes yes yesssss” your first orgasm hits. Your body trembling. Your soul feels like it’s left your body. As your mind explodes frankie quickly withdraws & spins you so your on your front, lying flat on the bed, your own cum dripping onto the sheets.He holds your head in place as he lies almost flat on top of you. You didn’t have time to register that he’d withdrawn or complain. He’s back inside your core, his favourite warm soft spot, furvently thrusting again. Your arms stretch out ahead of you onto the pillow. One of his handslock with yours. Your two & his one gripping onto each other & the bed. You whine & moan into the pillow. You then screech as your arse is slapped.
“Frankie fuck Frankie” you can imagine the site of your pussy so sensitive being almost split open each time with his girth length. He’s so large & his pace is blistering. His weight on top of you as you lay face down makes the experience even more pleasurable but your just happy frankie is not only live, but home. Morning sex is a bonus.
“Oooooh yessss fuck” he cries. It almost feels like he’s in your stomach. He’s so deep & he is wrecking your core. Even for Frankies usual lustful approach to sex, this is more than he has done in a long time.
“Oooooh yes yes yes yes ooooh yes oooooohhhhh” you mumble into the pillow. But your not face down for long. A large hand take you by the neck to lift your head up & you grip the bed even more.
“Didnt hear you sexy” Frankie whines. “Be more vocal wake the town up”
“Frankie” the grip tightens.
“I want more Frankie” slap against your arse
“Oooh fuck” he grips your neck even more. Your body is still flat beneath him but if he keeps pushing at this rate you’ll be a pretzel against the headboard. Your body jolts with each thrust. You know the face he’s pulling. Because you know how much your face is probably contorting. Your eyes rolling into the back of your head as he pounds at your body.
“More Frankie fuck ooooh yes”
“God you’re so tight today” another smack. “Missed you & ooooh fuck fuck yea missed this cunt, missed you moan” he grips tighter & uses his fingers to twist your head by then chin so you can see his own face. There’s is his red sweaty exasperated face, teeth grinding just centemiters away. You pant & look up at him your mouth opening, gasping for any air at all.
“You want some?” Its strained his voice & you nod & Frankie spits in your mouth. The sweet taste of his saliva on your lips. You know he does this if he wants you for more than just what he’s getting. You both have needs but sometimes Frankie’s are heightened. “Good girl” his eyes light up. A frenzied kiss is sealed on your lips before he lets go of your neck & pushes your head into the pillow.
Frankie was already going at a pace but this was having you quiver beyond belief. Screaming his name into the pillow. Your orgasm makes your whole body shake as you lie exhausted into the matress. He’s still pulsing away.
“God oh fuck fuck oooooohhh yessssss baby” he screeches, cumming hard, spraying his seed inside you. Your already drenched core filled to the brim, you know there’s gonna be a little bit of a mess when he withdraws. Your head is free from his hand & you raise it from the pillow, both your body’s shuddering as you get the air back into your lungs. You moan as he removes his penis, but then you quiver. Feeling his nose just below your arse as he licks up the essence dripping from your early morning pleasure. Frankie the king of oral. Oooooos escape your mouth but then stop as he rolls to the left of you.
“Fuck baby” he says looking up at the ceiling, his erection still firm. He takes his hand & starts to stroke. It makes his large hands look small. You slowly roll over & start to cress & kiss his chest before resting your head on it.
“Call in sick?” He does his big brown puppy dog eyes at you. It’s not an ask it’s a request.
“I have a presentation today Frankie I can’t just…” his lips find yours.
“Keep work words out of your mouth baby.” He says once you break”I’m home & I want to make up for lost time”
“My presentation isn’t until 2pm, I can work from home” your use air quotes & smirk at him.
“That’s my girl.” He says kissing your forehead. “Save your voice”
“& you think me being with you will save my voice” you roll your eyes. Knowing how vocal you’ve both just been.
“Good point” he laughs.
“I can keep my mouth occupied” you start kissing his chest more.
“Oooh kisses, I have missed them”
“Oooh I was thinking more than kisses Frankie” you’ve reached his happy trail. Your own much smaller hand joining his to encourage his erection.
“Oooh baby”
“Oooh Frankie” it’s not long before your hands are replace by your mouth to make sure you have a taste of this beautiful morning.
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ahc-au · 4 months
Hello, I have so many questions for this au and this one portrays the aftermath can't be more accurate. 
To the usual cases of some people who get involved in huge news and constantly judged by society along with victim blaming , dichotomy, etc . 
Judging by the views of people whether they are involved with Darius’s dirty business or not , would Cody be facing difficulties in bringing light to his uncle’s crimes that brought up trouble to other people working in O’Neil Tech and other related companies ?
Would Dark Turtles face discrimination due to the fact they are underage kids who shatter their former employer’s illusion of glory along with under the guise of the CEO position , causing the downfall of  “one of the greatest people in society ” or probably the fact that they are clones that consist of DNA of both vertebrate and one of the most invasive alien species among the galaxy (not sure if the newspapers have posted or anyone knows it ) and causing numerous concerns on this one due to the hazardous case on Moonbase before .  
As well as the President’s temporary custody of them, what measurements would they take if they are planing to engage in activities like traveling ? Is it not as strict as in NNYC where people has fully aware of or remains the same ? Also here’s a specific question, since Cody’s age has almost reached to mature level and concerning that Dark Turtles’ maturity level has great contrasts on both physiology and mentality .
Even though if some of the cloned subjects have mature mentality but they do not have sufficient experience due to psychic link of other people’s experiences instead of their own . 
How long would they be considered as “mature” as an adult? Like over 18 or 21 in growing age or gaining enough experience ?
What are your views on the differences between growth of genetic cloning and normal growth ?
🌙 We’ll see a little bit of this a few more chapters ahead (because we do wanna dig into O’Neil Tech a little) but yes, Cody does indeed struggle somewhat with taking over, having played part in Dunn’s downfall. He was already viewed as a boy genius though and it was always kind of expected that he’d inherit the company eventually, so a lotta people are just like, “yea okay.”
🐢 The Dark Turtles do face more backlash, partly because they were seen just like y’know. Doing crimes! So people are already somewhat inclined to dislike them. And playing part in Dunn’s trial probably makes some people think that maybe the Darks are just doing it to get out of their own punishments. Being as big and hulking as they are, AND being easy to anger, they often get seen more as henchmen and less as the manipulated children they are.
The fact that they’re Kanabo clones is a scandal in and of itself too, especially since this revelation came shortly after Stockman’s assassination attempt and the consequent forgiveness of it — it seems that the topic of cloning bodies and ethics and laws of it is becoming popular now! It serves to dehumanize the turtles at times, something that Cody is quick to try and reassure them about, with mixed results.
(Also Dunn was really not “one of the greatest” in any way. Guy was one CEO -of a company he inherited, by the way, it’s not like he was a founder or anything either- on one planet in a massive alliance made up of multiple solar systems. Let’s not overestimate his influence and accomplishments.)
🌙 Honestly right now the kids aren’t planning to travel anywhere. When they go out, they are followed by an EPF special unit bodyguard, and mostly they just like to go to the mall, now that they somewhat understand how it works. Blue occasionally ventures out for plants or plant related stuff, and Cody is slowly organizing his things at O’Neil Tech :) But like, yea, they just sort of wander around. The world is big and not everyone is always paying attention to the news, so the odds of them getting recognized are, I’d say, 50/50. The bodyguard might actually draw the most attention, unless it’s Hambone, who’s short enough to not get noticed right away next to four giant turtles.
🐢 Honestly, the age thing is sort of up in the air rn. Generally, right now, the Dark Turtles are legally classified as minors both on account of how long they’ve actually been alive and on account of how little experience they have with the world around them. How old are they supposed to be? When will they be considered adults? Should it be based on the Splintersons? Should it be based on how long Kanabos live for? Should someone make a legal definition specifically for clones? Many questions, few clear answers. But worry not, they will be asking them, too. After all, they know so little about themselves, the poor kids. The blank spaces will start mattering eventually.
Long story short: All great questions! We will get to them! :)
— Trauma
PS: Personally, my take is that if you grow a clone to be physically a certain age, it’s always gonna fuck them up, and I’d compare it to someone growing up as a very sheltered child. You might be able to survive in a certain very specific environment (Purple can drive the Terrorpin, all of them can fight), but there will be huge gaps in your knowledge, especially regarding social interaction and norms (“we all have genders.”—“We do?”) (“so is no one else gonna use ‘PresiDad’?”) and stuff typically taught in schools (Purple is the only one who can read and spell correctly with no trouble).
Additionally, with the turtles so freshly made, they don’t know very much about their own bodies! Think of all the things that you know about your own body and it’s functions and malfunctions — you know that puberty comes with a lot of gross changes, you know that a headache might mean you’re dehydrated, you know that a stomachache might mean food poisoning, you know if you’re tired you need to sleep and if you’re overwhelmed by a crowded room you need space and quiet.
The Darks don’t really know… ANY of that. Purple might, and they might all wager a guess or two, but it’s all guesswork. That is the biggest trouble with their origins — they were never meant to be alive. They were just meant to be weapons.
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not-goldy · 9 months
It's only been 1 yr since this new ammendment. And it's gonna be even easier in 10- 15 years as single parent system is increasing rapidly because most korean woman wants to get married/get pregnant and birth rate is declining. So if he wants kids while also being with JK.. all he wants to do is adopt a baby while being single dad officially. He satisfies all official criteria as of now.. he got money and influence which makes legal processes easier and makes him 10x privileged than average single parent.
Do you all really think Jikook 'luckily' won that lottery system to enlist together? Be fr. They might have started the procedures in August but I bet they didn't had to go through 'computer lottery selection'.. they got power, they got money, they got influence, they are governments fav child who they want to finish service fast and start milking, they will be promoted two times faster than average soldier, they will be appointed as head roles in their camps, they will be allowed for companion enlistment if they applied for that, THEY ARE BTS... ONE OF THE PROMINENT PEOPLE IN SK. If SK government approved a Korean queer couple to enlist together and turned a blind eye towards all those protests against it... they don't mind Park Jimin adopting a baby while being in a relationship with Jeon Jungkook. All they want is a official record signing Park Jimin is a single parent, just to make legal sides clear... with whom he's raising that kid is not their concern.
Yea I'm done with them.
They know and admit Jikook have privilege and power but fail to see how and where that privilege and power works in their favor.
Personally I don't want them to just adopt, although any child they adopt would be so lucky- and my goodness would it be nice if they adopt children of different races😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I will uproot my life and volunteer as nanny with no pay for the rest of my life. I will take care of them kids like they are the most precious beings on this earth🥺
I do want to see their own biological kids too you know?
A Mini Min with his father's eyes and lips and if they turn out even more androgynous with big booty then what😩
Also they will be so loved by us BTS and their kids🥺
One wrote in and said, well single father has nothing to do with Jungkook. They think JM would have to cut Jungkook out of his life at some point in order to live a traditional life.
They are very very highly ignorant if that's what they think. Jungkook will forever be a part of JMs life unless they fall out of love at some point- and even then they would be very good friends too.
Like I said it's his choice and he certainly has options if all that is in his way is institutionalized homophobia.
They came up with a travel documentary as an excuse to go on a trip together before serving they can certainly come up with a billion other creative ways to enjoy a fulfilling life together.
If not, then all the more reason for them to enjoy it while it last. What is it JK says, make hay while the sun shine.
Two years ago I almost broke up with my girl for good because of these uncertainties. I knew I didn't want children, didn't even consider let alone desire marriage because coming from a very conservative Christian black home, that's not an option to marry a woman. You can't be gay and you can't be unmarried and childless. And for me, those who know think it's some sort of phase I will outgrow once I'm faced with reality.
So while I am this way, hiding the truth of what I am from people in my life, openly living in my truth when I'm away from my family- I'm learning to stand up to them. To confront them with my truths without shame and with confidence.
I'm not hiding anymore- may be a little. Lol. But I'm not making excuses anymore. I'm not telling them, I'm still young I'll worry about that latter. I'm not saying, she's just a good friend. That the rumors are false. That I'm waiting for the right one, that I haven't found the right man- I'm not saying all that anymore.
I may not able to tell it as it is but I'm telling exactly what it is not.
No I don't want a wedding but yes I do want life long commitment and I want legal rights with it dammit
I want consistent immutable inalienable rights and that is more important to me than having kids getting married and all that other stuff.
I want to be able to live my life in peace and not worry about changing laws that give one minute and take away the next.
I want freedom. I want paradise.
and may be one day I'll want children may be I won't.
I want what I want and I don't want what I don't want. I'm manifesting for myself through positive affirmations.
Nothing is as black and white as they make it seem.
And I'm cautious in this discourse because some have committed suicide rather than "face reality" or choose to conform to these societal standards they are perpetuating and wielding over jikook's heads.
They are perpetuating the very thing oppressing us and the very thing we spend most of our lives fighting.
They are not saying if Jikook are gay this system would be a challenge for them as it has been for others, they are saying this is the system and Jikook have no right to go against it. This is the system, they must conform to the status quo as many queer men have and they will.
There's something oppresive, sinister and disturbing about that to me. The lengths they will sink to to invalidate Jikook is crazy.
On the flip side, pointing out Jikook's privileges too too much also alienates them and puts a target on their backs as we might make it look as if they would not have to face all the many real struggles others face due to their sexual orientation in SK. It's a lose lose situation however you look at it.
It's their life their choice and whatever they choose to do is very valid. I'm sorry to Jikook they have to deal with this and I pray things get better in SK over time as you have rightfully pointed out.
I stand with Jikook and every queer person in that system. Things are a bit better today compared to years ago but boy are they living in the vip region of hell.
And Bang PD's advice to that artist about the challenges he would face if he chooses to live his truth and wear heels will always give me comfort especially the fact he was willing to help him make it work in his career in spite of the odds against him
I know, there are people close to jikook with the same mentality. They know the "reality" and situation on the ground, they empathize with them, are willing to direct them on how to make it work if they choose this path and so they don't feel isolated.
Please help me support Jikook okay? Stay with them to the end, pray for them love them fight for them.
The challenges they face, I wish I could say it's all just fiction, it's real, it's dangerous, it's traumatizing, the mental turmoil alone is
Support Jikook. Jikook is real.
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fictive-culture · 1 year
Fictive Culture! ✨️
[Normal Text: Fictive Culture! ✨️]
Hi! Welcome to Fictive-Culture another Fictive Culture is blog!
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📝 Here you can send in asks related to being a fictive in the format of Fictive Culture is or something more specific like OCtive culture is, Obscure source Culture is, Specific Fandom/Character fictive culture is or anything else that falls under the Fictive umbrella! 📝
✉️ You may also send in not fictive culture is asks talking about your life as a fictive, your system, source, or life outside of being a fictive! However, for our own mental health, we ask that you do not use our inbox to vent in detail when it comes to things like abuse and trauma. If you need clarification feel free to ask! These will be tagged #fictive rambles!✉️
❓️#fictive questions and concerns, is our tag for answering questions about fictive things or general system things if they come up!❓️
❕️Sourcecalls are currently closed! They will be set on a different schedule than fictive culture is asks of once a day! The Source call card was made by our spouse&. Our one rule regarding this so far is that we will not post Sourcecalls from minors regarding nsfw sources.❕️
❔️CLOSED #Source Guesser is a blog game where you send in a poor description of your character source and my spouse and I try to guess who you are there is no queue just whenever we feel like it❔️
🩷 We are not here to judge you based on your source, so all fictives are welcome. 💚
While we don't have a DNI* as they aren't really useful we are accepting of all system origins, poc and bipoc, mentally ill, aros and aces, neopronouns, xenogenders, all mspec labels, contradictory labels ex: bi lesbians, therians/otherkin/alterhuman and self dx.
DNI: cthonicascendant and his fucking BIL
Some things about us!
🌟We are a Mediple/Diversian system and TraumaEndo, mostly Paragenic, but a few other origins as well. We are primarily a system of introjects with only around 10 brainmade out of 100+ headmates. The autism and madd were just like yea we fucked up /light hearted. We are bodily 22, and you may refer to us collectively as Spade/Jest It/Neos We also run the @median-culture-is, @brainmade-culture-is and @paragenic-culture-is blogs. We just think they're fun and love the community :) 🌟
This was a section just @ ing blogs to boost the blog but now I wanna use it to list active blogs that are cool :) @plural-culture-is @empty-system-culture-is @autospec-culture-is @pluraladvice @mediple-culture-is @factive-culture-is
👤Taken Anon Names and Emojis Under the Cut👤
Please end your posts with (blank) anon so I know it isn't a specific headmate name or sign off
Single emojis: 🔥, ☁️, 🧶, 🌌, 🪓, 💜, 🧨,🧠,🍝,💉,🔪, 📺, ⚕️,🧸,👻,
Double emojis: 🐀🌊, ❤️🐢, ⚙️💫, 🎨🦔, ☀️🌊,🧠✨️,✨️🕯,☮️💾,🌀🪽,⚡️🔥,🌲🌠,🔮🐀,🫧🧁, 🐍🌒,🕰📀,💀🔒,🖤🌙,🧸❤️,💚🖤,🌠🌙,🌥🪷,
Word emoji combo: nw💫
Word: Compass
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somerandomg33k · 4 months
I just got paid today. About $2100 in net pay. Typical for about 110 to 120 hours of work over two weeks. So $375 into the joint account I share with my brothers that I live with to cover for my portion of rent and bills. And I will put another $375 next paycheck. $700 towards the Chase Amazon credit card. $200 to the bank credit card. $150 to my friend Lynnaquinn, good enough for groceries this week for her and her spouse, hopefully. And $250 for Johanna to get her out of the red and have enough for her phone bill, hopefully. Accounting for the $106 payment for my PC, and all other future charges covered on my two credit cards, I pretty much have $383 left in the checking account today. Or will once all of other the charges go through. So yea, just got paid $2100 and it is almost gone.
And still want to spend a little money on myself. Spending $100 for vbucks just to get more Fortnite skins, even after owning 573 of them. And after already spending $6000 on Fortnite in the two years I have been playing it. Getting myself a frozen pizza just because as well.
But yet, part of me just wants to instantly give Phoenix the $380. Because they are also really struggling. They expressed they can't keep going on like this. Been like this for years for Phoenix.
Another Paycheck that once I instantly get it, I need another one. I don't have enough to make sure my friends have a comfortable life. I don't have enough to get my teeth fixed. Haven't been to the dentist in years. And I emotionally broke down at the suggestion I should focus on myself and take care of my credit card debt. But that also feels impossible.
I hate budgeting. So I am really really bad at doing it. I just feels like not spending money at all. When Fortnite players, like my friends, talk about "saving vbucks" there is no such thing as saving vbucks. All saving vbucks is is simply not spending vbucks. Not getting the skins you want in the item shop.
The only way I see making any dent into my credit card debt is not giving money to my friends in need. Not spending as much money as I do. Or working as much overtime as I can. 12 hours days 6 days a week. Or any combination of the three, or all three. And when I do work 12-hour days, I have like 15 fifteen minutes in the morning, all used to get dressed and leave for work, and then whatever time I give myself when I come home for the evening, which is maybe two hours at most. And no more because I shouldn't stay up beyond 2 am.
I don't know how much more I need to earn at my job to feel whole. Or to feel well. Maybe double what I make now. But how fucking likely will that happen for someone without a college degree in this economy.
But I fucking hate thinking like this. I hate being concern with money. I hate getting pay over $2000 and it is still not enough. I hate that my friends are in poverty and will probably just never get out of it. I hate there is no end in sight for this cycle. I hate the fucking system that we live in. And hate how there are many people that will defend Capitalism. Or believe, "You just have to vote for the right people to be our benevolent dictator. And they will improve the system. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho." I hate feeling powerless to end of this misery. And I have other friends and family members that are suffering too..... I just feel..... bleph.... meh .... urg.....
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Hiii !! I saw ur bsd request so if its okay can i request an Chuuya x reader where reader couldnt sleep tho they just went to the grocery store it was almost 3am but then they got attacked by an ennemy and chuuya saves them since reader is just a normal civil ♡♡
*Me deciding to write this at 1 am* I think I made this a little too comical at the start just cuz I’m laughing at my own inability to sleep… ever. The tone does shift slightly but overall it's not too jarring
I definitely took the request and ran with it so I hope it’s still to your liking even if it went in a slightly different direction anon!.
TW// Blood and violence
Word Count: 3.5k (yea idk why it became so long either)
Tumblr media
Staring up at your darkened ceiling you wondered how the youtube video that prided itself in the title, “By the end of this video you’re guaranteed to be asleep!” failed in its one and only purpose. 
It was 3 am.
You had work tomorrow and you had counted about 137 sheep by now, not feeling any less tired than when you started. If anything you were getting antsier. You switched your sleeping position for the 30th time, hoping this one would change quite possibly anything about your current disposition. Yet, of course, nothing. 
So you got up, and in a fit of annoyance, you threw your teddy across the bedroom. You motioned to decapitate the other when you paused and recollected yourself. 
It was definitely the lack of sleep that was making you adapt your boyfriend’s mannerisms. 
His tendency to throw fits when things wouldn’t go his way was something you may have accidentally picked up. Realizing this, you hurriedly made the decision to go wash up and collect yourself before you began to copy his murderous stages in his fits. 
You ended up wandering into your kitchen somehow. The lack of sleep was clearly affecting you because it felt as though you were periodically blacking out. While you showed some concern about this fact, you figured you would be fine when you got something in your system. Perhaps the hunger ate away at your capability to sleep peacefully.
The moonlight filtered into the room through the brief cracks in the blinds, creating subtle arrays. If only the tranquility of the room would aid in your endeavor to gain some respite.  
“Milk… yea… warm milk might do the trick.” You mumbled to yourself as you flicked on your kitchen lights and ushured out the dim moonlight. Trudging slowly towards your fridge you noticed the quaint roses that sat beautifully on the island. 
They were from your aforementioned boyfriend, Chuuya Nakahara. 
The previous comments regarding him would cause someone to have a mental image of a crazy, and possibly lethal, person. While they would be partially correct, he was more like a shouting pomeranian, a really sweet and loving one. He thought of you constantly and would check up frequently, especially since his work kept him away from you quite often. 
Actually, he had called around 1 am to make sure you had put away your work and gone to sleep. He really cared about you and truthfully it was endearing but you wished he worried about himself too. He was obviously calling you at 1 am so he wasn’t getting much sleep either. You brought up your concern to him softly. Turns out he was on a stakeout mission and would most likely be unable to sleep. 
Ironic, really. 
You weren’t doing anything and yet you couldn’t sleep either. Must’ve been a soulmate, string-tying-your-sleep-schedule-together thing. Next he comes over, you’re going to treat him to some princess-styled pampering. He really needs a break.
After adding some water to the rose pot, you returned to your previous mission. Just because you were in discomfort and dying internally did not mean the flowers deserved the same treatment.  
Opening the fridge you were greeted to the sight of nothing. 
There was no milk. 
And suddenly, you could really care less if you took after your boyfriend. 
With sleep deprivation fueling any and all organs in your body, you made your way to the local grocery store. You groaned slightly at the wind that tickled your body even though the light jacket you wore. It wasn’t cold by any means but the wind at the dark of night always felt sharper, as if warning everyone to be alert.
Chuuya always warned you against going outside at night. It was an obvious thing to be wary of, yet it was something deserving of more concern in Yokohama. 
The city itself was riddled with crime and destruction. It was especially dangerous for those without abilities of their own. With no method of self-defense, at night, the streets became wolves prowling around, hungry for their next victim. And oh were there a surplus of potential victims to be found in Yokohama. You just had to be careful to not be one of them. 
Typically, you would heed Chuuya’s warnings, he practically knew Yokohama’s underbelly like the back of his hand. But the grocery wasn’t too great of a distance away from your apartment, and the walk to it was already feeding into your senses; clearing your mind. You figured the recent stress from your work may have subconsciously been pricking at your ability to sleep. 
If you were quick about it, there really wouldn’t be any need for concern. Plus you were doing your best to be keenly aware of your surroundings. Any sound that echoed through the streets had you quickening your pace and checking yourself, particularly regarding the location of your wallet and phone. 
You would be fine, sure you had no ability but that didn’t mean you were stupid. If anything, living in a city like this had caused you to pick up some tricks here and there. 
Chuuya himself had a powerful ability, and sometimes you would be lying if you said you didn’t want one like it. With his ability, no one could really touch him, or you for that matter - should you be with him. 
Although he wasn’t particularly a fan of that idea. The thought of someone using you as a possible leverage against him left him in a cold sweat. That was the last thing he wanted; his position putting you in danger.
Thinking of your boyfriend’s constantly anxious character when it came to you made your mood shift to one a little more bitter. He’d lost enough in his life, he shouldn’t have to worry about you being another person he’d lose. You would make sure of that.
Your thoughts returned to your surroundings and your destination. You figured you could pick up some supplies to cook up something for Chuuya too while at the store. 
It was a win-win situation, you thought. And with that, plus a slight cheer in your step, you quickly made your way to the grocery. 
‘All right, that should be it.’ You thought to yourself as you walked out of the mart. The wind was the same as before; scraping your cheek the moment you faced its direction. 
‘Tonight had no reason to be this cruel.’ 
It really was. 
An hour of sleep was all you asked for, and instead, you got handed a side mission to get food. But hopefully, it would be the last thing you needed to catch some sleep.
“Chuuya I hope you’re getting more sleep than me, even if it’s a power nap.” You mumbled into the night with your head facing the stars in fatigue. At the very least, you exhausted a lot of your energy, feeling more ready for sleep now than 2 hours ago. 
You traded the receipt in your hand with your apartment keys in your pocket. The small jingle they made was the only sound heard in the vacant parking lot of the grocery, even the register in the store was as silent as a ghost.   
That all-consuming silence did feel a bit odd. 
A chill went up your spine as you slowly registered the eeriness of the night. It was a feeling akin to being stuck at a graveyard at a time you knew you shouldn’t be there, or rather, you weren’t wanted there. 
“Um excuse me miss-” 
The groceries you held were scattered on the ground, some rolling a brief distance before stopping. The voice of the employee had left you a bit more than just ‘frightened’. Perhaps the fact you were so vulnerable was playing up your nerves to a degree you couldn’t possibly calm them; thus, resulting in your current predicament.  
Still shaken from the sudden appearance of the employee, you bent down to grab the dropped products. You noticed another hand helping you; it was the employee. 
“Ha, you’re lucky there wasn’t any glass in there huh-” He seemed young, maybe around your age. He appeared energetic, even in the dead of night with presumably no sleep. He was the only one working the night shift too, you truly sympathized.
“Y-yea, looks like that’s the only lucky thing to happen tonight..”
“My apologies for startling you miss, that wasn’t exactly my intention.” He handed you the last product which you promptly put back in your bag, awkwardly shifting away in an attempt to end the conversation and go home. It felt as though you had already lost two lives in that scare alone, you might as well run home now and preserve the last one. 
Besides, the fact that the boy had snuck up on you without making a single sound in the already stilled night was a tad unnerving. 
“You seem really tense miss, something wrong?” He seemed to shift closer to you, possibly in concern. Yet, the dullness in his eyes had your hand twitching; the jingle of your keys serving as a reminder of where you had to be.
“Ah- you know it's just late and I don’t think anyone could particularly say being alone at night is something you can do while being carefree. Um was there something-”
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Uh- what does-”
“Where is he?”
Your heartbeat filled the void left by the lack of noise in the night. Suddenly, you weren’t just shaking because of the salient winds. 
There was a swift motion in front of you; blurred by your panicked eyes and the speed at which it took place. He stood there, more or less emotionless, whereas your eyes were as wide as plates, staring back at him in horror.
You dropped down to your knees, clutching your stomach. That warm feeling that filtered out from your body left you cold; the sound of your heartbeat slowly disorienting you.
It was blood, you were bleeding. 
The boy threw a dagger your way, so fast you had no time to process what he had done. If you were shaking before, you were certainly incapable of stability in your current condition. You weren't even sure if you were capable of vocalizing a coherent sentence right now; your voice felt like a dimmed candle, barely heating its radius.
“Wh…wh-y..” You managed to croak out, wincing at the pain simply talking caused you. 
“Eye for an eye. Isn’t that how it works?” His head shifted its weight onto one side as if he was questioning you. Yet there was barely any sign of human emotion in his eyes. He began walking towards you, the sounds of his steps echoing in the barren lot. 
You couldn’t move your head up to look at him, so you had to settle for the sight of his feet making their way over to you. 
‘Badum Badum Badum’
If he didn’t finish you first, your incessant heartbeat would. 
Even with your eyes a little clouded, they stayed locked on the feet of the boy who appeared less lethal than he was. His feet stopped before you. The feeling of his ominously desolate eyes staring you down wasn’t something you could miss. With fear locking you into place, you couldn’t move to look him in the eyes. 
It was then he knelt down to look you in the eyes instead. Being able to fully inspect him now, you realized, his eyes weren’t dull. 
No not at all.
They were simply so full, full of unbridled fury that it was hard to pinpoint anything else in his eyes. That far-off look was just a mask for whatever he held underneath. And what was held underneath was hatred, and for you, it seemed. 
“Quite the catch you got. That boyfriend of yours I mean.” He brought a second dagger next to your cheek. The tip threatened to cut you should you move, and with how much you were shaking, it had already pricked you.
“That Port Mafia bitch cut down my brother not long back, and the law of equivalent exchange states that to obtain something, something of equal value must be lost. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I followed through with what he started.”
Ah yes, the Port Mafia. 
It was hard to ignore what Chuuya did, who he had to cut down, and how his actions affected others. After all, you considered his sins to be yours the moment you gave your heart to him. His work wasn’t something you couldn’t change about him, it was something you accepted was a part of him. You loved Chuuya, he was deserving of your love. And so, you were willing to pay for any sins he committed, because, at the end of the day, you wanted him to have peace...
“Being an assassin has its perks you know. I’ve been silently watching you and waiting for this perfect moment. Once you’re dead, I’ll give him your body in the same condition my brother’s- URK-!”   
...But for Chuuya to have peace, you knew you couldn’t die. 
Mustering all the strength in your body, you swung your keys at him as fast as you could. The keys left a gash on his neck, one which he was clutching with his hands now. The only opportunity you would have to escape with his hands now preoccupied.
You quickly made space between the two of you and ran as fast as you could, stumbling slightly as you got up. The groceries were discarded the moment you got up, they would only slow you down. 
Your pace was bad and your vision was even worse. 
You knew he would find you if you even tried running off in the direction of your home. Although an alleyway was the worst place to go, it was the only place that was close in proximity and provided coverage from the streetlights. 
There was no way you could run anymore. You’d lost enough blood by the time you found an obscure corner to slump down on in the alleyway. The dagger was the only thing holding back the rest of your blood from escaping your body, and it still wasn’t enough. 
The heartbeat in your ears dimmed down to the point you could finally hear the quiet of the night, but you weren’t sure that that was a good sign. Your hands felt cold and weak, but still, you moved to grab your phone from your pocket and called the only person you thought could save you.
The ringer continued to resonate in your ear. Not knowing how long your hand would have the strength to hold onto the phone, you prayed he would pick up soon. 
Your hope of him being with you seemed to dwindle with each ring, until finally, a sound. 
Although you could barely move or feel anything, your head still turned to that warm voice you knew and loved. With the phone still ringing for him, there he was, running to you. You weren’t sure if the lack of blood was making you see things too, but you really hoped that was him, even if it felt impossible.
“Chuuya… y-you came..” He got to you in the blink of an eye. Particularly since your blinks were becoming just as slurred as your voice. You felt his arms wrap around you, gently lifting you up off the ground. 
“Of course I would- Hold on, shit-! I’m so sorry, let’s get you patched up quick, just- just hold on okay?! Please, please..”
“Don’t… worry.. I won’t .. leave you..” Before you lost consciousness, you felt his lips graze the top of your head, alongside a drop of what felt like rain. 
His grip on you tightened as you let go of your consciousness. 
You were in safe hands now so you could finally rest easy.
When you next awoke, it was to the sound of repeated beeps and the hushed murmurs of nearby staff. It was the hospital. Your head turned to look at the heartbeat monitor which had wires that trailed back to your body.
‘Well that explains the beeping- good to know I’m alive at least.’ 
While the beeping was the first thing you took note of, you paid extra attention to the red-headed man resting his head in the space next to your legs. 
‘Looks like it wasn’t a dream then..’ You reflected as you hung your head back, snug against the pillow. 
Truthfully, when Chuuya appeared before you, you’d thought you were seeing things. After all, you had just called him seconds prior, but here he was, resting rather peacefully next to you. 
So he had come for you. 
The moment you attempted to move your torso in order to reach him, an excruciating electrical current shot through you, forcing you back to your original position. Your shuffling woke up your resting visitor as you continued to wince in pain. 
“Y-y/n-! Let me go get the nurse-” Chuuya shot up, as though he wasn’t just resting just seconds ago. Even through your hazy gaze the panic and frustration on his face was something even a blind person could see. 
It had been some time since you had last seen him this way, and you couldn’t help but feel a tinge of sadness. He was panicked.
 “Chuuya wait! Please stay..” You spoke breathlessly, it felt as though you were slowly drained of all your energy the moment you awoke.
You tried to move your hand to grab him, but all you could muster was a hapless imitation. He stopped before he could grab the door and carefully, he turned back to face you. His eyes were flushed and his head lacked that oh-so-familiar fedora, so his hair ended up appearing messier than it would look any other day. 
Least to say, he looked as well-put together like a bride whose wedding plans all fell short. 
Even if it hurt, you chuckled anyway. A soft smile played on your lips as Chuuya nimbly took his place next to you, hesitant to make eye contact. This was the most quiet you’d seen Chuuya since the day he drank so much wine that he was passed out for a whole day. And again, you laughed, not letting your abdomen’s current condition restrain you. 
Now Chuuya was looking at you like you had grown another head. At that, you tried to collect yourself and finally speak to him.
“Chuu listen, I know you probably think what happened was your fault, but don’t blame yourself ok..? Look at me right now- I’m still alive, a little bruised up- but fine!” 
He looked as though he was angry, but you knew better. He was in pain. He was regretting everything and recalling every mistake that led to this outcome. 
Your eyebrows unconciously knit themselves together in disquitude. You turned your gaze away from him momentarily, reflecting, while he continued to stare at your absurdly white bed sheets. 
After a pause, you starting again. This time, more somber and raw in your tone.
“Thanks for saving me… I… I don’t know what would’ve happened had you not come in time- I mean I think I held up well enough right?” You turned back to him nervously chuckling. 
The air in the room was becoming more thick with the words Chuuya couldn’t say. The wait was intense but you just wanted him to say something. If anything, to know he was okay too. 
“It- I… I was done the mission.. I was going to come over to check up on you when I saw what the bastard had done … and I saw you running- I’m not done with him yet, he’ll get what he dished out tenfold but-” Chuuya paused. His head tilted up to finally meet your eyes. 
“I’m sorry..” 
He mouthed some words but each one was held back as if he was unable to pick what he wanted to say most. So you began to say what you knew you had to express.
“Truthfully, Chuuya- I.. I was so scared. Everything feels like a haze right now because it felt like a horrible nightmare. I don’t want to think about it because I know if I do, I won’t stop shaking..” And now, your hand was quivering at the thought of the night prior. Chuuya’s gaze fell to your hands which he swiftly wrapped in his own, protecting them from everything that plagued your mind. 
“...I’m still scared… but I feel safe with you by me. I wasn’t going to let him take me down with him… because I want to be with you from now until forever.” 
Coming so close to death, you knew the words a person had to say before they regretted not saying them at all. It was better to express every weakness and strength, emotion and secret before everything fell down and all you were left with was the words you held tightly on the tip of your tongue.  
When Chuuya came and held you again, careful not to touch your wounds, the two of you took solace in the beating hearts of the other. Chuuya was scared to lose you, you could tell as much from his embrace. 
“I’ll always come for you.. I’ll always come and protect you. I promise that with everything I am.” 
And if he could read your touch - and you certainly wish he could - it would speak volumes of your love and trust for him. But most importantly, it would tell him; 
‘I’m not going anywhere.’
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rayofmisfortune · 6 months
Hey, it's the anon who asked a while ago how painful it was that Moon of all people interrogated Ruin :') things seemed so simple then :')) It's 100% my denial talking rn, but how likely do you think that there's more to the story? The way Sun pleaded with Moon to wait and kept saying how this didn't make sense seems to be hinting there's something more going on. (1/3)
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Oh hey! Yea- things really were simple back then 😭
Oooh you do have a point there anon. I've been... suspecting something more going on in that merged system of Ruin's for a but now. Their behaviour does NOT make sense. They act one way one time, then a different way the next time... it's a little concerning.
The suppresant theory is... wow a VERY clever idea. I've rambled a lot about my own theory of the cure not working fully 1st try and needing to be taken periodically to have any long lasting effect.. but the suppresant would make as much... well even MORE sense with their actions.. the Creator does not make mistakes...
In hardware sure. But not software. NEVER software.
Kind of makes you wonder if... Ruin arriving in the TSBS dimension was a part of the Ruin Creator's plan all along... and if so... BOOOHOHOY does that open a whole new can of worms for us to sort through.
Moon's and Ruin's deal entailed a race to get to the Creator (tho i'm still pretty sure it was originally a race of who can get their task done faster. Ruin getting to the Creator, or Moon making/finding a cure to the Ruin virus, I may be remembering this wrong but oh well, it's in the past now). And I can't help but wonder if THAT wasn't the real reason Ruin was here. To get to our Creator for... an upgrade of sorts? Something he could not do himself. Each Creator has a different field they experiment in in their own dimension, right? I'm unsure as to what our Creator's goal is (a lil rusty on my tsams lore know how) but it seems rather plausible?
And... if this Ruin we've had on our hands since the end of October has really just been pretending the whole time... i'll hold onto my stupid lil theory which is based on nothing but a few times Ruin Eclipse has spoken through Jigsaw in the past... did they have an accent at the time? NOPE. Did they have an accent after being cured? YOU BET YO ASS THEY DID!
We'll just have to.. wait and see what today's episode brings I suppose qwq I'm not particularly looking forward to it... have a bad feeling about what's to come haha jfjfjf
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draconic-ichor · 5 months
The Cat, The Sun, and The Moon
Fnaf fanfic
Sun/moon x female oc
Part 9
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, biting, blood, predator/prey dynamics, mentions of past trauma, cannon typical horror
Summary: Things deteriorate further, and Tabby decides Moon needs a little adventure out of the apartment as well.
Feedback appreciated, 18+.
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Sun blinked back online, systems feeling sluggish from the lower temperature. Sitting up, the sound of cement granted against the metal of his exoskeleton, he grimaced into the sunlight.
He was on the roof again.
And his clothes were gone…
Sun huffed, lifting himself to standing. He glanced around, finding Moon’s outfit quickly.
The rising sun started to warm him, making movements easier, as he grumpily pulled on the sweatpants, forgoing the hoodie since he was just going to have to change soon anyways.
He was painfully aware his counterpart was offline, in rest mode or forced updates, he didn’t care to find out.
He swung a leg over to the fire escape, words low and growly.
“Self centered.”
He climbed down to the apartment's balcony.
“Piece of…”
His voice-box grated as he sat crisscross on the balcony floor, rays tilting to beginning charging. Huffing out to release tensions before they flared too high. Sun tried to focus on any little sound of the waking city, closing his optics.
The sound of a complete charging cycle roused him from his meditations. He blinked, standing to return to the apartment.
Something was off…
He tilted his head, listening.
Walking quietly his mood dropped into worry as he spotted light filtering from the office door. Padding up, he knocked softly.
“Moon?” Came Tabby’s voice, strained with tiredness. Throat sounding dry as well.
Sun wilted a bit, despite his best efforts, faceplate leaning on the door as he responded softly, “…No.”
“Sun?” She sounded surprised, adding more to herself than directed at him, “Shit, what time is it?”
“Can I come in?” He asked.
He turned the knob, peeking in to see her at her computer, the dark circles under her eyes were only partially hidden by her smeared makeup.
“Have you been up all night?” He asked, free hand clenching into a fist with concern.
Rubbing at her cheek, streaking old mascara into an even worse mess, she answered sheepishly, “I guess so. Is it morning?”
“It’s seven thirty-six am…” Sun spoke in a way that was desperately trying to hide his disapproval, adding lower, “You work today…”
“Yea…yea I know.” She nodded, looking away. Forcing a weak smile, Tabby attempted to sound sure as she assured, “I’ll be fine though!”
“You’ll be fine?” Sun echoed.
“I’ll be fine.” She nodded, trying to convince them both at once, “I’ll just clean up a bit and buy like an energy drink or something on the way.”
“Star…” Sun frowned.
“I’m used to long nights.” She waved away his concern, standing, “This will be nothing.”
Sun stood to the side to let her pass, worrying his hands together as she rambled on about past experiences of sleep deprivation. He followed behind her as she went to the bathroom.
He caught the look that flashed over her features before she realized he was there: weary and self-reproachable. Turquoise eyes shifted to meet his gaze through the mirror, giving him a weak smile before starting to wash her face.
She hardly ate breakfast, mostly filling up on coffee before rushing out of the apartment.
Sun stood, just staring at the apartment door, optics far away and unfocused. He worried his hands together, rays retracting the longer he looked. He withdrew more into himself, feeling out of place.
You could only organize a one bedroom apartment so many times.
Sun knew that…weeks ago.
He filled the madding silence by stacking DVDs into a tower, carefully replacing them in alphabetical order before doing it all over again. It was almost therapeutic.
By the time he detected the door’s lock clicking open he’d been at the repetitive task for hours. Jumping to attention, his most recent tower was knocked over, making a plastic-y hollow sound as the cases clattered across the floor. Sun winced, swiveling to check if it was noticed.
If it was, Tabby showed no sign of caring about it, struggling to get her shoes off. She kicked them away, dropping her bag to the floor before stripping out of her work clothes. She looked about as bad as she felt, eyes dull and downcast as she made her way across the apartment.
He rushed to pick up the DVDs, placing them on the shelf with habitual ease.
“I missed you today.” Sun smiled, straightening to following behind her as she went into the bathroom.
“I missed you too.” She nodded, voice soft as she ran cool water to splash on her face. Sun noticed the little wince at the much brighter light of the bathroom.
“Sunshine…are you ok?” He asked, his excitement of her arrival fading.
“Y-Yea.” She didn’t look at him, “I just have a headache.”
“Can I make you something?” He offered, “Tea? Soup? Anything?”
The answer was quick and simple, spiking through his casing. Sun moved out of the way as she crossed the hall.
“Maybe we can watch a movie?” He reached out for her, “Or, or, or, maybe-“
“I…” Tabby looked away, “I just want to go lay down, okay?”
Sun’s outreaching hands withdrew slightly, fingers curling into his palms. He forced his faceplate to keep the smile that painted over it.
“Well sure!” He agreed, masking his words in a cheery tone. His head tilted, a shadow of his desperation cracking through as he watched her. An optic twitched.
“Star?” He asked as she passed him.
“Yea?” She asked tiredly, not even turning to meet his gaze.
“Could,” he ventured, tone needy and searching, “Could we cuddle then?”
Tabby paused at the bedroom door, hand on the handle. He saw how her fingers clenched in the slightest, shoulders sagging before she spoke.
“I have a migraine.” her voice was low, “The light makes it worse….”
There was much more implied in the tense silence that yawned after her words, making Sun flinch a bit.
He couldn’t go where there was no light…
He straightened, fiddling his fingers together. Nodding, his voice strained to convey normality, hell even a bit of false positivity, “Of course!”
Sun’s voice was just a touch too loud, making her wince again.
“You just go rest, and and and,” his smile almost hurt, “I’ll be right here!”
“…yea.” Tabby acknowledged the sentiment just enough to escape the interaction.
Sun watched closely as she closed the door behind her, painfully aware of the small click of the lock. Now away from any prying eyes he cracked, tightening enough his movements jerked as his head tilted.
Optic twitched, wandering back into the main arena of the apartment, desperately looking for something, anything, to clean.
It was spotless.
Everything was done.
Things organized and reorganized.
The twitching worsened, metal fingers clinking together.
“Moon?” Sun whispered, deadly low. His voice was almost just a staticy hum.
Moon was online, he could tell. He heard him.
“Moon, if you ruin this for me…I’ll…I’ll…” the words glitched.
M: You’ll what, Sunny?
The words were flat, no challenge yet no fear in them.
Sun grabbed at his faceplate, fingers clawing into his rays. “Well golly, I don’t know what I’ll do!” He smiled wildly, chest hurting, “I don’t know what I’ll do…”
His anger gave away into despair, rocketing through him like a comet, burning him from within.
M: Sun…
“Moon…I…” Sun crouched down, hiding his face in his knees. His body shook, rocking a bit to release tension.
“I love her, Moony.” Sun whispered, voice strained, “I love her a whole lot…”
M: Sun…
M: Sorry, I don’t…I don’t know why I-
“I know.” Sun whispered into the fabric of his pants, words wobbly and uneven, “I know…”
The bedroom door was still shut long after darkness fell, standing like stone before the lunar animatronic.
Moon was on all fours, faceplate pressed against the door, listening. He could just faintly pick up the soft sounds of snoring.
Tabby was sleeping.
His optics blinked open, moving away from the door slightly.
That was good….she needed sleep.
So why did he feel restless?
Moon took a few steps into the main area, pausing to listen again. Pressing his faceplate into the floor, he could hear the murmurs of a different tenant, the soft buzz of a strange tv.
Nothing to hold his attention for long, lifting his head to continue his rounds of circling the tiny living space. His optics caught sight of something, bright fabric drawing his attention. He snapped towards it, pawing closer to find one of Tabitha’s plushies laying on the living room rug.
It was the Moon plush…
Sun must have taken it earlier to give himself some company in wake of our recent silence.
Moon thought sadly, coming closer to look over the toy. Something inside him shifted.
His head tilted.
He pulled the plush closer, staring at it as if it would move.
“Hate you…” Moon whispered, words coming out like growls.
Claws scraped the old wood off the floor, grimace seared into his faceplate. A static-y sound left his voice box as he stared down into the small sewn eyes: bright blue thread staring back.
Mocking him.
He hissed, “Hate you.” Hands caging in the little plush. His optics burned red as he brought his thumbs down over its small face, digging his claws into its eyes.
“Monster!” He gorged them out, ripping into the stuffing, “Hurt everyone.” His voice rasped.
Clawing into the plush further, sobbing sounds choked out of his voice box, optics squeezing shit.
“Hate you.”
He wished he could cry, could release this rotting feeling.
“Everyone hates you.”
Wished that his body was flesh, that it would rush to comfort him with chemicals, sooth his mind. But nothing came: no tears, no relief, no kind hand.
Just him, that little doll with a false face, and rot.
He swallowed, looking down at the mangled toy.
Blue orbs gone.
Gone…no reminder of what he should be.
Of his failure…
Of his mistakes…
His chest hurt, looking at the wads of stuffing, part of him desperately wanting to scoop it up.
Desperately wanting to be held…
In a moment his demeanor shifted, face hardening as he ground his teeth. He pushed the doll away as if it was filth, lip curling.
“Deserve everything.” He hissed as he passed, stalking towards the balcony doors on all fours.
Sleep only brought the slightest relief to Tabitha, blinking open her eyes to the first shafts of light that peeked through her curtains. She swallowed, mouth feeling dry and heavy.
She needed water.
Standing up, she unlocked her door and started shuffling across the apartment, half awake. She stepped on something substantial, something soft that squished and gave underfoot.
Instantly sobering from her sleep haze, Tabby cautiously looked down, images of dead mice making her stomach tighten.
It was stuffing.
Relief eased the tension at the fact it wasn’t the gross remains of a rodent she'd stepped on first thing in the morning, was quickly replaced as her mind caught up with her more, eyes following the mess to its source: the torn up plush.
A little sound of surprise left her lips as she knelt down, scooping up the remains of the innocent toy.
A pain ran through her chest, guilt washing over her all over again. She clutched the toy tighter, thoughts pooling ever darker until the sound of the balcony door sliding open ran a steak through them.
Sun walked through the threshold, looking sour as he stepped out of Moon’s sweatpants. He grimaced slightly when one foot got caught in a leg, hopping a bit in an effort to free it.
“Did you do this?” Tabby turned towards the balcony.
“Do what?” Sun asked, leaning down to pull the sweatpants off his foot, once bare he turned and shut the glass door completely.
“This!” Tabby held up the toy, tone a bit more sharp.
His faceplate tilted up, he padded closer curiously. Looking over the mess, his rays retracted.
“….no.” Sun answered softly, worry and hurt thick in his voice, leaving Tabby little room to question.
“What did Moon do last night?” She asked, worry thick.
“I…don’t know.” Sun admitted turning away. He padded to the hall closet, busying himself with getting dressed to make distance between them.
Tabby didn’t relent, watching him expectantly.
Sun pulled on his hoodie slowly, going on, “I went into full rest mode…I have no idea what Moon did…”
He crossed the apartment to place Moon’s outfit on the counter to wash later. Taking a breath he didn’t need to steady himself to turned back towards her, coming closer as he spoke, “Maybe we can get you another one?” Sun offered, hopeful. He forced a smile to accompany his words.
“I’m not upset about losing this!” She held up the toy for emphasis. Seeing Sun’s smile falter at the volume of her voice, Tabby softened, wiping her cheek with the back of her hand. She sniffed, “I just…am worried and sad he would do this. I don’t know how to help, he never wants to talk to me and I just keep fucking things up…”
“Starlight…” Sun hummed, leaning closer to her.
“I don’t know what to do.” She sniffed, looking up at him.
Sun tilted his faceplate to bonk softly against her forehead, smile fully faltering. He thought for a moment, optics shifting about.
“I can try to fix this?” He offered, cupping a large hand around her much smaller ones, cradling the toy within.
“Could you?”
“Can definitely try.” He nodded, adding more softly, “I need more material though…”
“I can take care of that part.” Tabby wiped at her face more. Sniffing hard she mumbled, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He hummed, taking the toy to carefully set on the table. Sun urged her closer, scooping her up in a hug.
“I’ll get snot on your shirt.” She huffed, relaxing into his hold.
“I’m used to it.” Sun hummed.
Tabby shot him a sharp look. She didn’t crythat much!
Practically reading her thoughts, Sun reminded, “I watch a baby three times a week.”
“Ooooh…right.” She softened.
“Silly.” Sun chuckled, curling his body around her affectionately.
“Mr. Sun?” Dakota’s voice broke the animatronic from his trance.
Sun blinked back into the present, looking down at the young girl. Her dark eyes were big and worried.
“Are you okay?” She asked, tilting her head.
They sat at her little art table, coloring and making crafts together. Tabby had been at work for hours now, this being one of the babysitting days.
Sun’s optics shifted down, jumping a bit in surprise.
The crayon he’d been using prior now lay snapped in his tightened grasp.
“Oh I’m so so so sorry!” He exclaimed, guilt washing over him as he dropped the broken tool as if it burned him.
“It’s ok, Mr. Sun.” Dakota reached out to pat his arm. Her concern melted his heart.
“I’ll replace this.” Sun looked down at the broken crayon again, “I promise, I’ll bring a new box Wednesday, little comet. I’m so so sorry.”
“We can still color with it.” Dakota smiled finally, cocking her head downwards to ask, “What’ure you drawing?”
Sun glanced down at his picture, realizing he’d drawn a messy version of Moon in his stupor. His rays retracted. “I…uh…I drew Moondrop.” He looked up to ask quietly, “Do you remember him at all?”
“His candy!” Dakota nodded, standing up to race into the other room.
Sun shifted to check on the baby, finding him still resting after his afternoon bottle. Just as he turned back to the table, the girl returned with a book. She held it up proudly, showing off an open page.
“It’s Moondrop!” She announced, pointing a tiny finger to the page. It was a book with brief information about the animatronics from the Plex: this page in particular showing the iconic poster with the character Moon was based on.
It was an odd feeling, every time Sun saw the characters they were made to model, like he was wearing someone else’s skin.
And in a way…he supposed he was.
“Yes, Star.” Sun nodded, “That’s Moon.”
Dakota nodded along with him, beaming.
The realization that that poster was her only reference for his counterpart dawned on him.
She turned the book back towards herself, looking it over with a more serious look on her little face. Pouting out her lip in concentration, she asked, “Where does he work?”
“Well, he works with me.” Sun informed softly.
“But I never see him!”
“Is he sick?”
“Kind of.”
“Can we make him soup?” She asked sweetly, “Mommy says soup makes you feel better.”
Sun smiled, shaking his head gently, “Soup won’t help, I’m afraid.”
“Awwwww….” She sulked.
“Thank you, though.” Sun reached out to ruffle her hair, “It’s awful sweet of you.”
She giggled, previous discouragement quickly forgotten.
Sun was quiet, watching as the child returned to her crafts.
He felt far away from the colorful little table.
“I stopped at the craft store on the way home.” Tabby sighed, holding out a bag at arms length.
Sun carefully took it, glancing inside as she went on, “I tried to get matching fabric from memory but….”
“It won’t be the same…” Sun finished her thought, voice sounding defeated.
“Should it be?” She ventured.
Sun’s rays drooped, agreeing, “I suppose not.”
They both turned to look at the toy, sitting broken and sad on the coffee table. Tabby reached out to squeeze Sun’s free hand a bit, making him let out a little sound. His head tilted towards her, murmuring, “Go rest for a bit…I’ll work on this.”
“Are you sure?” She asked, offering, “Can I help?”
“Not enough room for extra hands.” He admitted, but added softly, “Thank you, though. I can handle this, Sunshine.”
She nodded, going to take some medicine before laying down.
It was dark by the time she woke, bolting up a bit. She grabbed her phone: 9:31 pm…
Moon was in the same spot he found himself any night recently that weather would allow…on the apartment’s rooftop.
He lay on his back, staring up into the night sky. His hoodie had been left in the apartment, clad in only the old grey sweatpants and his hat.
Moonlight mixed with the glowing lights of the city reflected off the bare metal of his chest. Moon’s hand absentmindedly felt over the exoskeleton of his chest, fingers tracing the seams of cured silicone that littered them. Optics never leaving the sky, wishing to see the stars more clearly.
The light pollution and smog made them very difficult to make out even to his mechanical vision. His fingers curled in harder to his chest, threatening to damage the casing, closing his eyes to the yawning feeling of longing.
A sound made him sit up suddenly, faceplate swirling towards the fire escape. The metal creaked with added weight, the clink of shoes to follow. A pastel form appeared, Moon’s fight or flight response warning as he realized it was only Tabby.
She huffed, lifting herself over the lip of the roof. Brushing some of the rust from her clothes she padded over to where he sat.
She’d never followed him up to the roof before…
“Hey big guy.” Her voice was soft, guarded.
Moon looked her up and down, eyes reverting back to their normal half lidded state as his surprise waned. He huffed out, “Dangerous for you.” As he lay back down.
“You like to point that out a lot.” Tabby snickered, kneeling down beside him.
He made a dismissive sound, not offering her any other attention.
Tabby wilted a bit, following his gaze up into the sky. She wasn’t much for sky-watching, their place in the city guaranteeing a level of dissatisfaction to the hobby. Despite that, she attempted to get comfortable beside him, laying down on the concrete.
The cold of the roof seeped through her clothes quickly, sending a chill over her skin. Tabby crossed her arms over her chest, straining to look for any little lights in the dark sky.
They just lay there together, no idea for the time that passed. If not for the cold, Tabby would have started to drift a bit.
Moon made a sound, rousing her to attention.
“Why do they look…different?” Moon asked, voice gravely in its low tone.
“Hm?” She tilted her head slightly towards him.
“The stars.” He clarified, reaching his hand up towards the sky. His optics searched around as he tried to find the words, “So dark.” He pulled his hand back, clutching it to his chest, “….so far away?”
Tabby sighed softly, “It’s because we are in the city.”
Moon tilted his faceplate towards her, optic flicking away from the darkness.
“The lights drown them out.” She explained, “Out in the country, far away from any towns, they would be beautiful.” Her voice sounded wistful, closing her eyes as she painted the idea for her own mind as well.
“Have you?” He asked, voice hardly audible.
“Seen the stars?”
Moon rolled on his side, full attention on her now. A single claw scratched at the concrete roof, anticipation alighting his eyes.
“Never like that.” She admitted, a note of disappointment tinging the words.
Moon shifted a bit closer, the space between them warming up from shared heat. His teeth flashed a bit from his lip.
“Can we?” The words were light, much more than she’d heard from him in weeks. The shift in his melancholy blind-sighting her for a fleeting moment.
“See them together?” He asked more pointedly, part of him worried she misunderstood the question, while the other wrestled with the thought she wouldn’t want to spend the extra time together in the first place.
“That would be a long, long drive.” She admitted, watching him withdraw a bit. Quickly catching him before he completely hid away, she went on, “But…some day, I want to take you far away and see them.”
His gaze turned hopeful, a soft smile shadowing his lips. He nodded.
Tabby rolled back, looking up into the sky once more. A sigh left her, long and slow, as her mind wandered.
“I've hardly ever left the cities, just moving from one to another…” she admitted almost regretfully.
Moon watched her closely, single red optic never blinking.
“I want to see the ocean, and the mountains…” she thought aloud, wistfully, “So high we can touch the stars.”
Rolling back on her side, Tabby nodded, “If you’d both come with me?”
Moon shifted, looking away as he clutched his hands to his chest. The sounds of the city as the only thing filling the silence between them.
“You don’t have to.” She soothed, voice gentle.
Moon shook his faceplate a bit, the metal making a hollow sound as it bonked against the concrete. His voice box seemed stuck with glue, words far away.
Tabby withdrew, mouth a thin line.
Sometimes they felt close, but all that warmth and familiarity could be washed away in a fleeting moment. Moon became quiet and hidden, bunching up in on himself to look small. He almost seemed scared?
Or maybe shy?
She thought, looking away as the gears turned in her head.
“Hey!” She exclaimed, excitement infecting her tone as she sat up suddenly.
Moon jumped at the sudden outburst, fans kicking up as he looked at her wide eyed.
“Let do something fun, yea?” She leaned over him, propping herself up on her hands.
Moon looked completely bewildered, hands going to wring his hat a bit without thinking.
“I know things have been…strained…between us.” She gave an awkward smile, “But maybe going out together is just what we need!”
“G-going out?” He echoed the words, optics widening further.
“Yea!” Tabby beamed, “I know somewhere I think you’ll love!”
Moon looked away worriedly, making Tabby double down, “No, you’ll love it, I promise! We have to drive tho so you gotta put a coat on.”
“Worried I’ll get cold?” He huffed, goading a response.
Tabby huffed herself now, snapping back, “No! I just don’t want people to stare at your shiny naked ass.” She crossed her arms as she finished.
Moon gave a gravely laugh at that.
Apprehension, and Moon’s inherent dislike of the car, strained his mood. Whatever mirth tickled around his chest now absent as he crunched himself up to fit into her tiny front seat, knees almost touching his chin.
Tabby has changed her clothes into something a bit more sturdy and dark, hair tied tightly back in a bun. She didn’t normally go out looking like this, making Moon’s curiosity thicken.
He looked away quickly when she glanced his way, instead focusing on the streetlights as they passed beneath them.
“I’m sorry…” Tabby’s voice came softly, glancing away again from the road a bit as she clarified, “About the other day.”
Moon just huffed, shifting to look out the window.
She gripped the steering wheel a bit harder, rambling to fill the silence and to soothe her own guilt. “I shouldn’t just assume the worst about you…you know?” Eyes flicking to see if there was any reaction. When one didn’t come she sighed, “It was shitty of me.”
Moon’s hand raised to do a ‘so so’ gesture, faceplate never turning from the window.
Tabby drove in silence, the awkwardness threatening to eat her alive.
“What about some music?” She offered, hand already going to the radio.
Moon turned to give her a narrow look of warning, Tabby instantly putting both hands on the steering wheel again.
“Okay, no music then.” She felt sweat on her lower back, this maybe being her top three of worst car rides.
“This is it!” Tabby announced, bringing the car to a stop.
Moon furrowed his nonexistent eyebrows, faceplate tilting.
They were in the parking lot of a long abandoned fast food restaurant, one that sported a multi level indoor playpark. Many of the windows were boarded up with large pieces of plywood, outer walls covered in graffiti.
Tabby got out of the car, going to pop the trunk. Moon got out more slowly, still trying to take everything in.
The sound of the trunk closing drew his attention, a look of confusion over his face.
Tabby smiled mischievously, holding up some flashlights and a crowbar.
“Wanna have some fun?” She asked, wiggling the crowbar.
“Where did you get that?” Moon frowned.
She scoffed, handing him a flashlight he truly didn’t need, “They are like ten bucks on Amazon. Come on.” She gestured.
He followed close behind, still trying to piece things together.
She looked up at him, smirking, “You miss the jungle gym right?”
He gave a small nod.
“Well this one has your name aaaalllll over it.” Her voice tinged with excitement, “Let’s play.”
Moon tilted his head, optic widening. A smile crept across his faceplate, nodding eagerly as Tabby ripped off one of the boards sealing the back entrance.
Anticipation made his fans kick up as he helped pry the door open. It creaked open with the sound of splintering wood, dust raining down on them.
He peeked inside, smiling widening.
“I used to work here…” Tabby explained as they wandered through the derelict dining area, colorful seats coated in a layer of grime scattered around the many round tables.
Moon didn’t respond, faceplate swiveling about to take everything in: old drink cups and food wrappers littered the floor, a cutout of the chain’s mascot standing in a lone corner. It looked at them with a big painted smile.
“But this,” Tabby announced, pulling open a set of double doors, “This, is where the magic happens…”
Moon stalked forward, hunching over a bit to investigate.
This was the play area: a multi level jungle gym made of plastic tubing, slides, play areas on each level, and plastic windows. The colors were dulled by years of neglect, dust coating every surface. The room echoed with the sounds of their steps, Moon’s posture changing to excitement.
He was practically buzzing, wishing his zip line was here.
“Well…” Tabby gestured upwards, “Have at it!”
Not needing to be told a second time, Moon was off. Reminding her of a released greyhound.
He ran about like a wild animal, climbing up the structure inside and out. He was deft and fast, just a blue blur about the rainbow plastic.
Tabby sat on a dusty old chair to watch, leaning back a bit as a smile reached her lips.
Moon was laughing, jumping to the ceiling rafters with glee. As he jumped to the next it gave a low groan.
Tabby leaned forward, worriedly.
The rafter bowed before snapping, it and the animatronic falling into the play structure with a clatter.
“Moon!” Tabby yelled, standing and cupping her hands around her mouth to call out again, “Moon! Are you okay?!”
A tense moment of silence answered her, Tabby steeling herself to climb up just as a fit of giggles broke out.
Moon crawled out of the twisted metal, a large grin across his faceplate. He smiled down at her, giving a thumbs up.
Tabby deflated, calling up, “Be careful!”
“No!” He called back defiantly, quickly resuming his explorations.
Rolling her eyes, she sat back down, pulling her phone free from her pocket to pass the time. She got lost within the tiny screen, unsure of how many minutes ticked away.
A sound made her look up.
Moon looked at her expectantly.
“Play?” Moon hung upside down, bouncing a bit as he attempted to lure Tabby in. When she looked apprehensive he shook the bars harder, voice more urging, “Play, Play, Play?!”
“I think I’m too big, buddy.” She looked at the old structure nervously.
He paused, head tilting to the side. He crawled closer, “No. Very small. Fit juuuuust fine.”
She bit her lip, Moon wilting.
He hung more limply, whining out, “Star said we’d play?”
Tabby huffed, “I did, didn’t I…” she sounded defeated, making Moon perk up.
He rattled at the bars again, chanting for her to join.
Kicking off her boots, she reluctantly entered into the play structure, batting away the cobwebs that tried to cling to her hair and clothes. It took a good moment for her to traverse the maze to find the opening where Moon was waiting.
“Okay…I’m in the tubes.” Tabby huffed, shifting around to sit more comfortably, her feet up against the fall wall.
“Let’s play chase.” Moon smiled, big and wide, his optics shining, “You run and try to hide, and I come after you.”
“Sounds unfair.” She crossed her arms.
Moon shook his head, trying to keep an air of calm over him despite the excited vibration that rattled through his whole form. “No, no, no.” He corrected, “I’ll play fair, I promise.”
Tabby squared her jaw, leaning towards him a bit as she held out her right hand. “Pinky promise?” Her smallest finger offered out, almost as a challenge. Her sea green eyes flashed in the darkness.
Moon’s smile returned with a vengeance, eagerly shuffling closer in the small space. He locked his pinky finger with her own, rasping out, “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“You don’t have a heart.” She teased, making him roll his eyes.
“Cross my wires and hope to die.” He corrected lowly, optics narrowing.
Her lips cracked a smile.
But as she attempted to pull away, his finger gripped hers tighter, drawing her closer. She winced, eyes darting between the hold and his faceplate.
He leaned in closer still, huffing out synthetic breath into her ear. “The rules, kitten.” He whispered, “I’ll give you three minutes to hide before I start hunting. You can run as far and as fast as you want.” His voice was deadly low, causing a shiver to crawl up her spine.
“But if I win.” His smile spanned his faceplate, “If I catch you….You’ll be mine.”
As soon as the words sank in he let her go, the promise made.
He sat back on his haunches, detecting a spike in her heartbeat. Tabby swallowed, backing away to give herself room to breathe.
The dust heavy air suddenly felt stifling.
Moon’s voicebox rasped, his claws flexing excitedly at Tabby’s sudden look of panic. She shuffled around to her hands and knees, stumbling over herself in her hurry to hide.
His voice echoed off the plastic tubing. Tabby’s knees already aching from her crawl-running. No matter how far she seemed to go, his voice always seemed close, ever counting.
Finally she found a spot, far away and secluded, that she felt safe enough to stop. While trying to calm her thundering heartbeat she came to a sudden realization:
The counting stopped.
Tabby sucked in a breath, holding it in her lungs as she strained to listen.
The eerie silence was replaced with something even worse.
Moon was singing.
The animatronic’s gravelly voice sang along to his music box, glee evident in his tone alone.
“Round and round the cobbler's bench
The monkey chased the weasel
The monkey thought twas all in fun….”
The music stopped for just a fleeting moment. Tabby heard a bang much closer than she expected, hands going to her mouth to stifle a squeak.
“POP goes the weasel!”
The singing started again, much clearer:
“A penny for a spool of thread
A penny for a needle
That's the way the money goes…”
The scrape of metal against plastic echoed off the tubes, a gravelly voice chucked out the next line, “Pop goes the weasel!”
She bolted, adrenaline fueling her. An aching pain radiated through her knees as they scraped against the confined space, the old bolts holding the structure together snapping at her from static electricity. Her heart hammered in her ears.
All the while the singing continued, echoing around her.
He was everywhere, all at once. The image of his earlier romp flashing through her head: how quickly and easily he traversed the derelict structure.
“Round and round the mulberry bush
The monkey chased the weasel
The monkey stopped to pull up his socks…”
“POP goes the weasel!”
“Half a pound of tuppenny rice
Half a pound of treacle
Mix it up and make it nice!”
Tabby crawled through a cobweb, falling back a bit to sputter and wipe at her face. A red glow caught her eyes as the flash of teeth called out, “Pop goes the weasel!”
“Fuck!” She cursed, jumping into a nearby slide. Dust rained down, the bolts snapping and biting at her. One particularly loose one catching her hair and pulling it free of the bun.
Her sock clad feet hit an old play-mat, jolting her.
She thought darkly, the slide only went to a different part of the structure instead of fully to the bottom. The darkness, mixed with the maze-like build had Tabby realizing she was thoroughly lost in the mess of rainbow plastic and foam coated bars.
She didn’t have long to mull over that as the singing picked up with a vengeance. Looking up, she just saw the animatronic dropping down on top the the layer she was currently in, giggling madly between words:
“Round and round the cobbler's bench
The monkey chased the weasel
The monkey thought twas all in fun!”
He was having the time of his life…
She thought before running again.
Like a scared little rabbit though its tunnels, as a viper hunted it down.
She burst out of the tube, falling into a small plastic room opening up somewhere within the structure. Tabby eyed another tube on the far side, trying to crawl toward it.
A hand shot out of the tube she just escaped, grabbing her ankle.
“Pop goes the weasel!”
Tabby squeaked, falling on her side as she was pulled backwards. She looked back, stomach suddenly dropping.
Moon was upside down, clinging to the top of the tube as he effortlessly crawled forward. His face was illuminated red by his optics, teeth looking exaggerated in the low light. He looked terrifying.
Oh fuck.
Tabby thought.
This was a mistake…
She kicked off his hold, trying to make a last ditch effort towards the far tube. She didn’t make much progress.
He darted from the tube on all fours, dropping down easily from the ceiling seconds earlier. A finger hooking into a belt loop of her jeans, pulling backwards.
Tabby lost balance, falling to her stomach.
“Fuck!” She yelped.
He pressed against her, faceplate dipping in dangerously close to her face. Tabby tried to raise up, her head being forced back into the plastic beneath her instantly. Moon’s hand tangled in her hair, using just enough force to keep her in place.
A low chuckle escaped him, making her tremble.
“I won.” He hummed into her ear, body caging her in.
“M-Moon?” She started, his hold tightening a bit to pull on her hair. She winced, falling silent.
“Shhhhhh.” He hissed.
The space felt hot, the smell of plastic making her head spin. She could hear the sound of Moon’s fans kicking up, steam a coming threat if he couldn’t cool his systems.
He carefully pulled down the collar of her oversized sweater, artificial breath huffing over her skin. Feeling her tremble, he chuckled again, low and slow.
After everything she was going to die in a stupid fast food play place…
She thought darkly.
Tabby felt teeth scrape the nape of her neck, panic pulling her back into the present. She tried to raise up on all fours, unable to with the weight of the animatronic over her. Moon clasp a hand over her mouth, stifling her yelping.
He forced his faceplate more into her, biting down. His teeth sank into the space between neck and shoulder, only using enough pressure to mark her.
Tabby’s body surged with adrenaline, and…was that arousal? Back arching at her body’s own will.
Moon faltered, hand slipping to allow a mewl to leave her lips. Sensing her vitals he pressed more into her, teeth popping skin. His tongue bathed over it in a mixture of curiosity and the desire to soothe the sting.
Her mewl thickened into a moan at that, Tabby trying to swallow the sound in embarrassment. He tilted his head at the sound, tongue trailing up the back of her neck until his mouth pressed against her ear.
“Fighting so hard.” He jeered, “Yet you enjoy every moment.”
She started to struggle again, Moon propping himself up to allow her to wiggle onto her back. She hissed, bite stinging as it hit the hard plastic through her shirt.
She froze, eyes locking onto his, catching her breath.
His optics were half lidded and hungry, a large hand moving to caress her face. Tabby could feel her heartbeat in her throat, the space suddenly feeling closed in and intimate.
Moon’s thumb moved to swipe across her lip, Tabby opening slightly unintentionally. His optics were fixed there.
“Moon?” She whispered.
Gaze flicking back to her eyes, he looked like a man starved.
She reached for him and that last thread snapped. Separate storms collided, crashing into one another.
His lips pressed against hers, warm to the touch. She closed her eyes, pushing back against him. Moon took seconds to force his tongue into her mouth, curiously exploring her taste.
It was odd, the animatronic not producing saliva or any kind of moistening agent in their mouths. His tongue was dry, tasting almost sterile. She could only detect the smallest hints of copper, wondering if that was her own blood instead of anything truly his.
Artificial breath huffed out, mixing with her own as he pulled back ever so slightly. Tabby panted, staring up at him, face crimson. He licked his teeth, a smile slicing his face in two before he ducked back in. Whatever he tasted on her, he clearly enjoyed it.
It was nothing like a human kiss, mouths too mismatched for that; yet it was zealous and needy, making her feel wanted in ways she never thought possible. Tabby held onto him as he lifted her, pushing her gently into the wall of the opening.
Quickly feeling overwhelmed, Tabby broke the kiss for needed hair. She hugged him, face against the soft material of his hoodie. Moon made a sound akin to a purr, shifting back to sit.
She tried to even her breathing, legs easily wrapping around his narrow waist for stability. Moon leaned back, faceplate clinking against the plastic wall, fans in overdrive to cool his systems.
“So I guess you enjoyed the tubes.” Tabby huffed, relaxing a bit in his hold. He made a rasping chuckle.
“Who knew letting you run around like a feral animal was all you needed to open up. She sighed, teasing in her tone.
Moon put a hand over her face, stifling sounds, “Shut up.”
They rested in the darkness for some moments, Moon clicking on his music box to fill the silence. A realization dawned on Tabby, however, sitting up. Moon opened his eyes, tilting his head to the side.
“Wait.” She thought aloud, “Wait, wait, wait….I thought we needed like a bonding exercise or something because we weren’t as close. But you just kissed me!” She turned, pointing at him, “We’re you just shy the whole time?!?”
Moon gawked at her for a moment, suddenly pulling his hat down, hiding his face.
“Oh. My. God.” Tabby playfully hit him, “You were!” She wrestled him for a moment to get the hat off but as soon as his face was revealed she made another upset sound.
Optics were black, faceplates frozen…Moon had shut off his faceplate.
“That’s no fair!” Tabby stood on her knees, grabbing a limp arm, “I've caught you this time!” She showily bit at his forearm, blunt teeth clinking against the metal.
Moon made a smirking sound, optics blinking back to life, it thickening into full laughter as she tried to look intimidating.
“Brat.” He took her face to stop her biting, smiling toothily at her.
“You have no room to judge.”
S: She’s right…
M: Shut up.
Tabby was home, cleaned up, and safely tucked in bed, Moon waited quietly until her breathing evened.
He carefully stood from the bed, having cuddled Tabby to sleep after their little adventure. Looking back, his optics scanned over her peaceful form, taking in every little piece of her
A smile reached his faceplate, feeling lighter than he had in weeks.
Moon crossed the room, closing the door with programmed delicacy. Main directive complete he now had another job to work on…
Moon typed away at the computer, careful to listen for the door across the hall.
He was snooping again…
But this time, by request.
His optics scanned the screen, shifting to look at the medical discharge paperwork and compare information.
He’d found it.
“Sun.” He murmured, looking over the information, “I got in.”
S: You actually did it?
S: You’d think hospitals would have better security…
M: It took me weeks…
S: True, true.
Moon read on a bit more, sighing.
M: There’s not much here…
S: She really hate’s hospitals.
M: Enough to not go for broken bones.
Moon shifted through the files, finding no record of her seeing medical professionals for the past fractures that the animatronics had discovered through scans. Fractures that healed oddly.
S: Check when she was a child.
M: I am.
M: ….
M: Nope. Nothing.
Sun was quiet, yet Moon could practically hear his worry. Moon looked further to discover Tabby made yearly visits to the doctors fairly religiously until five years ago. His brows furrowed.
S: She didn’t go after the fire to protect us…
S: Even though she was burned.
Moon’s frown deepened, remembering the multiple fracture points, healed in little knots of bone. She’d been lucky they hadn’t been full breaks, still things of that nature left untreated was risky.
S: Who was she protecting then?
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