#more badass mikey
tmntkiseki · 6 months
I have a Mikey doodle in the works since I realized it's been a while since I've drawn him.
No previews, but his expression is more or less this
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brightlotusmoon · 4 months
Runs into the middle of the 2003 Whump fandom, slams this down, runs out screaming "it's shorter than I wanted but fuck it have a damn update"
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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Gremlin must get clean before he can see his little bro.
Little more info: So it’s been a few days for the family but three years for Leo. The prison dimension kept Leo in pretty stable condition, which was a blessing and pure torture. He never had to eat or sleep but he would still feel hungry and tired, and the Kraang used him as a constant punching bag but no matter how bad his wounds Leo couldn’t die.
Also…Mikey is fine! I had no idea that tag would scare so many people lol 😂 but I suppose maybe some of y’all know my MO by now and thought the worst so here he is. Just a little recovery needed from being a badass mystic warrior and saving his brother.
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
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Mutant Manhunt Leo! 2 out of 3 done in the lineup let's gooo
Still super busy, still not much I've finished besides Leo's redesign, so have a couple fun facts under the cut about ur favorite fearless leader(?)
Kinda human-avoidant like Donnie, but not to the same extent. Sure, he'll avoid them whenever possible but he does the same for everyone, yokai included. Plus April is cool so humans must not be all bad
Defaults to planning missions as the established tactitian, and due to a severe lack of Raph aka the tank of the team, they default to stealth and trickery rather than smashing their way in. Makes things more high-stakes and interesting, but not nearly as fun in Mikey's opinion
Also likes going on trips to the city like Mikey, but mostly does so to look for crime in need of stopping. He imagines himself and his brothers as the heroes of the city, doing a thankless job for the unsuspecting citizens until the day their greatness and awesomeness is recognized (he wants to be a badass ninja warrior so bad you guys)
The closest to Splinter, and the quickest to disregard his past actions. Mostly because he understands Splinter was going through a major mental breakdown. He says it's all in the past and that they shouldn't hold it against him, especially now that he's doing better, but Donnie and Mikey aren't all that convinced...
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narcjsistx · 2 months
hi, hi!! if you don't mind, could you please write some headcanons about how Baji will behave in love (when he is somewhere around 12-13 years old), and also about how his friends will tease him/help him. In one of Wakuya's posts it was indicated that he is not interested in a relationship, but nothing can protect him from falling in love. (female reader please and you can make her anyone you want, someone's sister, friend, classmate, etc.)
— Baji Keisuke in love with you HCS ᡣ𐭩
It took a while for him to realize that maybe you weren't just a friend. For a long time the members of Toman made fun of him for this, but only when he talked about it with Chifuyu did he understand that perhaps it wasn't just a simple crush. Will he ever admit it openly? Absolutely not, but since he's done it, it's a big step
He decided some time later that he wasn't going to tell you anything. He already had other things to think about, like the recent failing at school and the duty to expand Toman which had recently been created
Unfortunately for you, he will just treat you like you are his girlfriend without actually being one. Let's say a slightly particular situation in which he would do anything for you but doesn't want to take on the responsibilities of a serious relationship
His only problem is one: he knows how to lie well to others but not to you. More than a few times you put him on the spot by asking him if he wanted something more than just friendship, and his only response was a handful of insults while he blushed like never before. He once came really close to coming out, but realized that if he did, it would probably ruin your relationship
I see him as someone who would fall for the badass type of girl. He'd like someone who can stand up to him in arguments, someone who isn't afraid to set fire to a car with him and maybe even with Kazutora. Probably, making a list of the types of girls he would be with, the list would be like this... 1) badass girl, 2) feminine girl, 3) slightly weird girl
Going back to the previous point, his idea of ​​a perfect date is setting fire to a car together, holding hands and eating fast food junk. In reality you did something very similar to this, but when at the end of the evening you asked him if it had been a date or not, he justified himself by saying "cars don't burn themselves... and you seemed free"
Toman would like you together as an official couple, and the most adamant with this idea seem to be Mikey and Pah. At the end of the meeting Mikey can force Baji to stay even hours just to make fun of him by calling him a coward for not having the balls to declare himself. Pah is unexpectedly so interested in the situation only because he believes that Baji can take "sexual advantage" from it, I'll leave you to imagine what he means...
The type of guy who, despite not being in a relationship, would consider himself off limits. If he is in love with you, only you exist, even if you are not a couple. If a girl declared herself (and let's face it when he doesn't wear glasses he has a nice line of girls chasing him) and he was still in love with you he wouldn't have any problems rejecting her, even in a slightly harsher way if the situation requires it
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midwesternvibes · 5 months
Alright people, it's time for more Villain Leo lore!!!
Today we are diving into Leo and Splinter's relationship!!!
Read under the cut because this got so LONG, these two have so many issues and there was so much to work with.
Alright, so it's no secret that Leo and Splinter have a....less than ideal relationship. You can see throughout all of TMNT history that Leo looks up to Splinter an insane amount, and Rise Leo is no different.
This boy looked up to Lou Jitsu his whole life, and we can often see him doing the same movements and catchphrases that Lou did. Granted, all the boys do, but Leo seems particularly attached to Lou
And we've all seen the smile comparisons, it's insane how similar his grandiose smile is to Lou Jistu's.
The point is, Leo really looks up to his dad, and we can see this in his actions and attitudes towards not only Lou Jitsu, but also Splinter in canon.
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"Trust me pops!"
I mean, just look at how happy he is to be there with his dad, in his element. This episode is Leo at his peak, outsmarting everyone and predicting his family's moments to the letter.
Also, idk about you, but that smile seems incredibly genuine. That's not even a Lou Jitsu smile, that's a 100% Hamato Leonardo smile at his dad whom he looks up to so much.
And what does Splinter say to his son's ask for trust?
"I knew I should have brought Purple!"
That is his SON. His 14, maybe 15 year old son, who is asking for his father to trust him.
....and he responds by saying that he wishes he had brought his more intelligent twin brother instead, who he has already shown an implied favoritism towards in the past
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"And I thought Purple was the funny one!"
"Told you guys I was the funniest."
This is a pretty harmless comment tbh, but Leo takes so much pride in his quips, one-liners and puns that this had to sting a little bit.
There's such a huge amount of content to sift through when it comes to these two, and that fact actually saddens me because I had SO MUCH to pick from when making this post, but here's some highlights.
One thing that I noticed while watching a Splinter and Leo compilation is that during the memory episode, Leo is the only one Splinter directly hits
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NONE of the other three were directly hit like this is any point in the episode and yeah, this could totally be played off as a bit or just a case of wrong place, wrong time, but we'll get to my theory later, right now I'm just laying out the facts.
An important detail I'd like to point out here too is Leo's face after the first hit.
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Guys, he looks HURT. Donnie and Raph are looking at him, checking that he's okay, but he is looking right past them at the shadow Splinter, who is dressed and looks just like his childhood idol, who just hit him specifically right in the face.
Not only his idol even. No, the most pure and unfiltered representation of his father, the man who's raised him his whole life.
And he just got hit in the face.
Ouch. For a kid as emotive as Leo (who I honestly think feels his emotions even more intensely than Mikey when he lets them out), this is a devastating blow. Literally.
Then, let's talk about this scene, you all knew it was coming.
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"Can someone tell my son I am NOT TALKING TO HIM!!"
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"You got this pops! I love you!"
Guys this scene hurts my heart. Like, once again, he can't be older than 15 at this point. Yeah he's being a badass stratigiser this whole episode, but you cannot convince me that he wasn't at least a little excited to see his dad, his HERO in action, and wearing a matching outfit as well, and show his dad, his idol and hero, exactly what he's capable of. Leo absolutely worships the ground Splinter walks on and what does his father have to say to his son"s encouragement??
GAHHHH like yes, Leo was kinda being a little shit this whole episode and could have clued his dad in on the plan a little bit, but honestly that could have ruined everything if Splinter had any holdbacks.
Not to mention, this is the only Leo and Splinter episode we get. Donnie gets the derby, Mikey gets the Hidden City bonding, even Raph gets the ending of the memory episode, and in each, they have a genuine moment of bonding with Splinter.
Splinter never ONCE apologized for his actions in this episode. Not once. RAPH is the one who tells Leo in this episode later on that he trusts Leo, something he's been begging Splinter for the entire time.
All of a sudden, this moment doesn't seem so out of place.....
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"I love you soooo much!" "No, no you don't, I'm your least favorite!!"
This line could totally just be a throwaway line, but as it was pointed out to me by the wonderful @nardos-primetime, the alarms that the boys did for Google home have a REALLY upsetting one for Leo
Go to about 1:57 and listen to that one and just......cry.
NOW that line in "Rat Flu" makes a LOT more sense. Splinter LAUGHED at Leo when he asked if he was his favorite. LAUGHED at him.
But wait, you may ask. What about the ending? Splinter made Leo the leader, obviously he trusts him!
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....yeah, just take a look at their faces here.
Donnie and Mikey are basically horrified beyond belief and in complete shock
Raph is.....blue screening, honestly
And Leo looks completely taken aback and shocked and scared and honestly, I don't blame him. There is absolutely NO precedence for Splinter to do this. He has proved time and time again that he does NOT trust Leo, he never ONCE tells Leo that he trusts him even though he asks for that trust during the entirety of "Unhappy Returns". NONE of them look happy about this new change.
You could see this as Splinter finally giving Leo a chance, but I see this a lot more as one of the more popular Fandom interpretations of Splinter wanting to give Raph a break. Raph had a huge breakdown during the finale and I don't think it's unreasonable for Splinter to have heard of that and decide that his beloved eldest needed a chance to recover.
Who better to pass this burden on to than his least favorite son!
We also see in the movie that this shift in power dynamics really doesn't do much other than create a lot of interpersonal conflict between Leo and Raph, something Splinter does absolutely nothing to help out with, other than telling them to quiet down.
Now that we have all of our evidence (and I put more work into getting evidence for this than for the English project I'm supposed to be doing right now can I just cite this as a source for me being capable of gathering evidence???) we can actually get into the analysis of how this all would affect him.
First of all, I mentioned that I would discuss the repercussions of the memory episode. This analysis is more for Splinter, but I feel like it's still important. We've seen time and time again that Leo is very similar to how Splinter was as a young teen in both looks and attitude. If Splinter truly resents his younger self and how he acted, it would make a lot of sense for him to also subconsciously resent his son who acts a lot like himself at that age. This would cause him to lash out at Leo in his subconscious, the one place where his true thoughts and feelings are on full display.
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I just wanna point out his face again here, Leo looks so hurt. He definitely already knows that he's not anywhere near Splinter's favorites at this point, but it still hurts him to see that get confirmed.
This brings me to my next point of Leo's psyche. He is a very confident, witty, smart teenager, but he's still just that. A teenager. He's anxious, insecure, and very self-reliant. He looks to others for praise often and rarely receives it, usually having to hype himself up. His relationship with Splinter only emphasizes these qualities about him and makes Leo look so much worse in Splinter's eyes because his son is just a modern-day representation of his past self.
Now let's put this into perspective of Leo's decent into villainy.
If Leo is hurting and under the impression that his brothers are maybe starting to dislike him, even hate him, adding Splinter on to this can only make it worse.
Maybe he goes to his dad for tips on how to lead when he feels like he can't talk to Raph anymore and needs his father's advice.
Maybe he sets up a dinner for him and Splinter to just chat and bond instead of sitting at the dinner table with another one of Mikey's meals that he feels too sick with anxiety from his little brother's disappointed looks to eat.
Maybe he goes to his father crying from another nightmare after not feeling welcomed in Donnie's lab anymore after they fought for an hour the day before.
And maybe, just maybe, Splinter waves him off every time.
Laughs at him.
I mean, this is a kid who relys on others to build him up, to praise him and love him because after all....
Who is he without his family?
Maybe it's time to find out.
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Link to an AMAZING ficlet by the FANTASTIC @beetleviolet
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bitin-and-barkin · 10 months
Yandere Donnie
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Yandere Donnie would act Obsessive, Controlling, and Dependent.
When April first introduced Donnie to you, you guys fit together perfectly. Like two pieces of a puzzle.
You just GOT him in a way nobody else did.
You were so much like him, yet so different.
The entire time you two were together you two DOMINATED the conversation, April could barely get any words in.
You two traded numbers and from that point on, Donnie wouldn't do anything without you.
If he wasn't nagging April about "when she will bring you over again" (He was too nervous to ask you to come over, which is a first for him) he was texting you or calling you or gushing about you to anyone who could listen.
But how could he not!? You were PERFECTION embodied! He was obsessed with you!
You kept up with his smarts and sarcastic quips, even offering your own.
Although you weren't a tech prodigy you thought a similar way (the right way) and were OBVIOUSLY smarter than his dumb-dumb brothers.
Anytime that he had something to say, you hit back just as hard in a lighthearted, sarcastic tone.
You were also so badass too! Just the general air around you screamed "Cool, emotionless, mysterious, bad boy." You were so dominating and so strong! You were what he wanted to be!
But the thing about it was that you weren't emotionless, far from it.
Although you guys often competed there was never actually any bad blood. Despite being just as good as him (and possibly better, although he'd never admit it), you never held it over him.
You listened to him rambles about science and junk happily, but not in a I'm-only-listening-to-be-nice-but-I-don't-actually-understand-or-care but in a I-love-your-passion-and-can-understand-it-completely way.
You asked questions that he'd never even thought about.
And you were emotionally intelligent too!
You were kind, caring, and oh-so sickly sweet.
He didn't need to put up any sort of mask in front of you, as you made sure you made sure he knew you loved him in any form!
Even the moments when he was ashamed of who he was, when he was worried he would never be enough.
His intense moments of "emotionless passion" or his arrogant moments of dumbassary.
You pushed him to be better while accepting him as who he was.
You made him feel like MORE than his tech, he never felt like he had to hide anything from you, as hiding something from you, just felt like hiding something from himself.
All of his deepest secrets are shared and he expects you to do the same
You made him feel secure, like no matter what he did you would never leave him.
It was like you were a combination of himself and Mikey, his two favorite people in the world! (You were first though, of course)
Even when he was acting like a dumb-dumb (Although he'd never admit it) you held him accountable while still being understanding.
You could understand what he meant without even saying it!
It was like you guys were mind melded or something!
You were like him, a kinship. Almost a frenemy, rivals with how much you competed, but more friend then enemy.
You were almost a teacher to him in a lot of ways, but you never talked down to him or treated him like he was stupid for not understand things that came to you or other easily (like emotions, cough cough)
And he made sure (or at least tried his best) to do the same for you.
For example, whenever you make something techy from the countless facts of science Donnie had taught you he'll cherish it, probably getting an entire shelf and case for any inventions you make for him (and he won't "improve" or "modify" the work to become more efficient, no matter how much his hands are itching to)
Honestly it got to the point where you two were never seen apart.
Donnie began to see you as an extension of himself.
Or, more specifically two parts to something bigger.
Think Glitz and Glam from Helluva boss, or Sapphire and Ruby from Steven Universe, or Fireboy and Watergirl from those dumb cool math game games.
You were him, he was you, and you guys would never be apart.
You guys were two peas in a pod, best friends, yin and yang, fire and water, connected in an unbreakable way he wants to brand your name into his skin and he wants you to do the same for him
it was like a villain and his sidekick, expect none of you were the sidekick! You were equal after all, in his eyes. He genuinely values you and your opinion above everybody elses, and how you felt about something was just as important as he felt about it (aka, very important) He feels very strongly about making sure thing are "fair" between you two.
At first you were fine with this little obsession he had with you two hanging out, you couldn't see the red flags screaming in your face, but then he got oh so controlling.
He might not care about what you wear or how you dress, but every bit of tech in your house is replaced by his own, all suited to prevent hackers and stalkers from accessing your location they all have trackers on them, and the next time you fall asleep he will embed one into your skin
He doesn't mean it with malicious intent, he just wants to protect you as he would protect himself. You deserve protection after all, he just wants to make sure you're safe from any "stalkers."
He kindly searches your room for any "suspicious devices" placed by "creeps" he takes this opportunity to put in his own cameras to watch you from every angle in your home, you get more time away from him but he watches you while you sleep.
He gives you little trinkets and tech made by him just for you they all have cameras in them, he loves watching you
And your health is watched like a HAWK.
He's constantly calling you over to his place, under the guise of "making sure your healthy" and he does do that, he does!
It's like your a permanent hospital patient, with you being strapped up and poked and prodded.
Your heart rate would be constantly monitored with a watch he gave you along with your blood pressure, temperature, blood sugar, and steps per day.
The slightest cough will be treated like a medical emergency. His place would be disinfected and you would be "bedbound" from your illness.
Only he can see you when this happens, after all he's the only one who can care for you properly.
Honestly, I can see him medically abusing you, Munchausen syndrome by proxy style.
He'll give you new meds under the guise of healing whatever menial injury you got, only for you to get sicker and sicker. Hell, he might even put you under anesthesia and give you a couple of injuries (can't have you feeling pain or remembering it!) like breaking your legs and blame it on your "new disease."
Narcolepsy, bouts of paralysis or blindness, chronic pain, he'll do whatever makes you hang out with him more! Of course, none of it will actually be permanent or lifelong, he can stop it as quickly as he started it, but why would he do that when it's so affective?
And when you get ill, he'll insist he can be the only one to care for you. I mean, medical bills are expensive after all! Why waste your money when you can just go to your old friend Donnie!?
He'll have you lean on him for support, making you ill enough to the point that you couldn't even leave the sewers as you could barely move your legs and your entire body felt like it was in flames just so you guys can hang out together a little more
(To be honest it's less about the control he has over you and making you depend on him, and more on making you spend more time with him. But if he needs to make you dependent on him, he's not complaining.)
You'll have to stick with him until this "flare up" of your illness gets better. And he'll keep you trapped there with him through your disease until eventually he begins to break, as that now that you're by his side what the point of putting you through so much pain?
And so he'll down the dosage of the medicine he used to hurt you, just to make you feel a little bit better. But you take this as you healing, and you suggest to him that maybe, just maybe, you could go back home now? I mean you're getting better now, so you don't need to be around him ALL the time.
When he hears this he'll act calm at first even though he feels his blood running freezing cold and he'll help you pack up to go home, only for the next morning for the pain and paralysis come back, stronger than ever and making you cry and beg for it to stop
(He might even keep you trapped with him in this way, physically unable to leave and having your punishments being an up in the illness)
Sure, he'll feel guilt for making you feel so much pain and he'll miss your more fiery personality, that now has been dampened down due to your pain, but at least you're now next to him.
He'll help you learn to function to the best of your ability while ill, giving you a wheelchair and braces and the best prosthetics known to man.
But at the same time, he'll still be making sure you're still dependent on him, but independent enough where the old personality he fell in love with comes back. Independence dependence, per say.
Upping your meds just enough so that some days the pain still engulfs you but keeping it low enough so even on your neutral days you can engage in your battles of wits and words between you two that he oh-so-loved.
Good enough to function normally on your good days, bad enough that you writhe in agony as your skin flares up in pain on your bad ones.
It's all so you're still you, but he is still a part of you.
The same thing can be said for him. He is still him, but you are still a part of him. A MAJOR part.
And if you're ever pissed at him or resistant he'll drug your food with sleeping meds to make you more "soft" and "pliable."
But none of this dependence on him compares to how dependent he is on you.
As time goes on you can't get ANY time away from him.
Even before he does anything too drastic (before he practically kidnaps you) you are pretty much stripped of all your privacy and autonomy.
He's always following you around, showing up at your house unannounced, sneaking into your work/school to meet up with you in the bathroom, and any single moment you can be around him he WILL be around you.
The only moment of peace you get is in the bathroom and even then, if you're in there for longer than two minutes he'll begin to rant to you through the door.
It may frustrate you but to him it makes perfect sense. After all, two is better than one, so why would you ever need to be apart?
You guys are just better when with each other. You cover each other flaws and weakness and boost up each others strengths.
You need him and he needs you He needs you more than you need him, it feels like pulling teeth or losing a limb or peeling skin if he can't feel you, touch you, breath the same air as you
You're always there with him. Without you? It just feels so.. lonely. And he's not one to mull over being alone, in fact he loved it before he met you. But now? It feels like he's missing something vital, like an artery or a lung or his heart whenever you're away.
Wherever he goes he's always thinking about what you would want or what you would say, your voice taking up a special little part of his mind that was beginning to collect dust.
He felt your sadness, your passion, your anger, as if it was his. And whenever you smiled, he felt your smile like it was his own. It's so quiet now without you. He was always used to hearing your breath or your heartbeat, to the point where it felt like second nature to seek out it's comfortable rhythm He'll make a recording of your breathing pattern and put it as background noise in all of his favorite songs and make something to copy and let out the vibrations of your heartbeat tenfold, that way he can lay down on the floor of his lab and quite literally feel your heartbeat as if it was his own
So, when he explained all this to you so casually you finally began to get why he always wanted to be around you. it was unnerving at first sure, especially the way he looked at you with such desperate, mad eyes when he explained it to you after you said that you needed to get back home. Now that you knew this though? It just felt selfish to leave him alone.
His relationship with others falters as if he is talking to someone you also need to be involved, and the same goes for if someone is talking to you (this doesn't bother him as he firmly believes you are the only one he needs, his brothers and april are just an afterthought)
I mean, he doesn't hate his brothers! They still are his brothers after all, and he loves them. And he's happy to spend as much time with them as before you came into the picture, but you always need to be there, involved, and considered. You're practically part of the family, part of him! Part of something bigger and better! Just don't split you two up or else he'll scratch his skin raw, just ITCHING to hang out with you again
Whenever he's apart from you it's a bit like when Raph goes savage, but less angry and more anxious and scared shitless. Ever since he'd met you he'd never had to be alone this long
You can go out, do whatever you want as long as he's with you but you can't go home to your family, they aren't good for you
Your friends are weirded out by this and so are his brothers, with them pretty much telling you guys "Hey your relationship with each other is pretty weird. Why are you always around each other?"
You two deny this though, you out of innocence and naivety, thinking that Donnie would never invade on your personal space despite the uncomfy feeling you get when he butts into your conversations.
He would never hurt you or control you, despite how he stops letting you sleep at your OLD home, as now he always wants you to sleep in the same bed as him in your guy's room.
Despite that he's already began bringing your stuff into his your guy's room, setting it up as if you live together you practically do, your family thinks that you've ran away as it's been a month since you've gone home
He's also oddly touchy.
You see, a lot of you prolly won't agree but just think about it;
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He's almost ALWAYS touching someone, as long as he initiated the contact he seems to be fine with and actually LOVE physical touch.
I just believe he doesn't like hugs because of his "emotionless bad boy image" and because it feels like he's trapped, and going to be suffocated. Like he has no control.
But with you? That's not a problem.
Although most touches with him are the ones as shown here, small things, touching you is GROUNDING for him.
He needs them in fact. You're his grounder, his shoulder to lean on, his support, a part of him. He needs your touch, he needs you. Often times you are the only thing that can calm him down from any "episodes" he has.
Besides that, although he'd never admit it, he's also quite lonely.
He loves his brothers but he feels fundamentally different from them, different from anybody else in the world.
So if he found someone who got him in the way he'd always wanted? He'd never let go of them.
This also goes for touch. Despite his touch aversion he often wished he had someone who he felt safe and comfortable enough with to hold, or someone who he felt loved enough with to the point where he could be held. So when he met you? All of his unrequited dreams of physical affection with someone whom he truly felt connected to came out.
He often takes your arms and rubs his hands back and forth on them as a stim, or does the same thing with your back while laying his head in the crook of your neck.
Something that he does pretty much whenever he can is sitting on your lap, not in a weird way though.
You two will be sitting on the floor (He's gotten a preference for sitting on the floor as it makes this activity more comfortable)
And you'll be causally laying against the wall, legs spread as Donnie sits between them and you peer over his shoulder.
Maybe you two can be just chatting, or maybe reading a book together or playing a video game together, with you giving him tips as he controls.
You two also often sit in opposite positions, with him peering over your shoulder as you sit on his lap.
Something else that also happens is him clinging to your back like a kola, with him running his hands over and over again over your thighs and arms as a stim.
And sometimes (often), he'll even run them over your chest and stomach.
This happens especially when he's having meltdowns, so you can't just shove him off.
And if you tell him to stop? He won't. Maybe he will for a while, but he'll "forget" and get back right to it.
If you tell him how it makes you uncomfy or how it's weird? He'll tell you that you're crazy. This is a completely normal friend activity, your just overreacting.
He especially does this when laying in bed with you, as he expects you two to sleep in the same bed. (You'll cuddle like this lmao, and donnie is the one clinging to you like a kola oddly enough)
Something else he also loves to do with you is parallel play.
You see, because of his independent nature, despite his obsession, not every waking moment will be spent talking to you.
But something that he still loves is just existing with you nearby, aka parallel play.
You two spend a lot of your time doing your own thing, maybe him coding as you watch movies or him napping as you play video games.
He loves doing this, and you like it too! it gives you back the freedom that was stripped away from you
Its the perfect solution! You and him can keep your independence while still being together, acting as one!
And during these moments, to stay connected, he'll use small, little touches.
A hand on the shoulder, sitting back to back (his favorite), an arm wrapped around your neck while you game on the couch, resting his face on your hand as you sleep. He loves them all.
And if you ever try and deny him any of this? Or slowly move away from him?
Well, he won't let that happen.
He's dependent on you.
He controls you.
He's obsessed over you.
He NEEDS you.
You won't ever go home or be alone again.
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This was way too long, but I love him so much <3 It was itching at my brain until I wrote it down. This could work for platonic or romantic yandere, I prefer some form of queerplatonic. Overall, I believe his yandere-ness to be a very "we are pretty much one lmao" type thing because I am also autistic but touch averse and I often feel isolated from others around me, as I feel as if I could never be vulnerable around them. I often dreamed of someone who just GOT me in a way that nobody else did. This led me to be very interested in the idea of "fusion" from su as the act itself seemed so intimate; Two beings becoming one, being able to share a body and coordinate a mind, become something bigger than their parts to the point where you're a new person? That would be amazing. So I imagined that with Donnie. He believes you two are the same person in the way that Stevonnie from su is shown to be when they first fuse. It's obvious that there are two parts of you but just the way you work together just feels so natural. Idk, this is just heavy projecting and may be out of character, but I love the idea of dependent Donnie <3 Very much Jason Dean from Heathers vibes
Also, this is all BEFORE kidnapping, imagine how bad it would be after that. He values your opinion heavily and always takes what YOU want into considerations, except the certain "hard no" topics like ones that came to your safety, including those constant health checkups. He's no expecting you to agree with him all the time, but he is expecting you to listen. He would never hurt you, and you know that, just as he knows you wouldn't hurt him (no matter how much you should) so why won't you listen to him? He's only trying to help.
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tangledinink · 11 months
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Oh my goodness, guess what? Chapter 29 of I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? is now up! And on a Monday, too. Gosh, just like old times. Yet another family secret is revealed from somewhere no one expected it. Read it on ao3 or below the cut!
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“No, no, keep watching, seriously! They’re about to do something sooo cool!”
“Leo, you say that about every stupid street magic video you make us watch,” Donnie complained, rolling his eyes. “And it’s always something stupid.”
“It’s not stupid! It’s super cool!” Leo protested, huffing loudly and glaring at his brother in offense. “I pretend to think that your dumb science stuff is cool!”
“No, you don’t!”
“Well, I could, if you didn’t say magic was stupid--”
“We can literally do actual magic!” Donnie cried, throwing his hands up. “And you’re still into this fake bullshit?”
“Yes,” Leo confirmed easily, rewinding the video slightly. “And I’m restarting so that you guys can watch properly. So there.”
Donnie groaned.
“Both of you quit fightin’,” Raph said, shifting slightly so he could look over Leo’s shoulder, seeming only mildly interested at best-- but still interested! Suck it, Donnie. Raph knew something badass when he saw it. Leo grinned, shifting slightly so he could let his brother see better.
“This is a ridiculous waste of time,” Donnie muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. “We’re gonna miss the subway home.”
“We’ll get the next one,” Leo assured, waving him off. “It’s fine, Dee. There’s another train, like, every five minutes.”
“What New York City do you live in?” Raph muttered, glancing down at him and raising a brow.
“More or less!” Leo insisted. “I just wanna finish the video, and then we’ll go! We can’t go without Mikey, anyway.”
“What do you mean without--?” Raph’s head bobbed to the left. It bobbed to the right. He did a full 360 spin. “Wha-- Where the hell did he go!? He was here a minute ago!”
“He forgot his gym bag back in the locker room,” Leo said, waving a hand dismissively. “So he ran back to get it.”
“When you and Donnie were arguing about the best Jupiter Jim sequel, like, five minutes ago,” Leo explained breezily, leaning into his brother’s chest as he spoke, passing his weight over for Raph to hold up for the moment. Maybe physically pinning him in place would keep his head from vibrating off his shoulders. It usually helped. “Chill. He’ll be back in a second and then we’ll get out of here. Watch the video.”
“Leo!” Raph protested. “We’re supposed to stay together! Remember!?”
“He’s not even leaving the building, Raph. There’s still a couple kids around! And he’s literally down the hall,” Leo scoffed, rolling his eyes. “He’s not five., I’m pretty sure he can handle it without us escorting him.”
“If you want us to chaperone him down the hall to fetch his bag,” Donnie said, not looking up from his phone. “Then you will be the one informing him of such, dearest Raphala, because I have no intention of being the one to tell him that.”
“It’s like you like Dr. Delicate Touch,” Leo sighed, shaking his head. “Do you miss him when he’s away? Is that it? Is that why you’re like this?”
Raph sighed, scrubbing at his face with his hands.
“Fine,” he finally relented. “But if he’s not back in two minutes, Raph is going after him! And you two are comin’ with me!”
Leo smiled a tiny bit.
“Yeah, okay, deal,” he agreed easily, pressing play on the video again. “Now here, watch. This dude is about to for-real make a whole-ass building disappear!!!”
Agent 64’s eyes flew open.
There was danger.
He could taste it on the back of his sandpaper tongue. Every hair on his body jumped up on end as he flew to his feet, wriggling from April’s relaxed grip, his back arching and his claws extended.
“Ow! Mayhem, chill! Watch the claws!” April hissed, startled as he suddenly woke from his nap, previously curled up and dozing in her lap, wincing at the prickle in her thigh. “What’s your deal--?”
He would maybe regret hurting her if it weren’t for his heart banging wildly in his ears. He could feel it. There was danger. Something bad was going to happen. Someone was in trouble. His tail puffed up like a bottlebrush, he whipped around wildly to face the human-- both his favorite and his charge-- biting out a frantic, chittering warning. And spirits, he had never wished so desperately up until now that humans were able to understand the nuances of his language. Because while her brows crinkled with concern, a thick fog of confusion colored her eyes glassy all the same.
“Mayhem? What’s wrong, little guy?” She pressed, her bottom lip worried between her teeth. “Are you hurt?”
Agent 64’s tail whipped with frustration, a short, stuttering growl escaping him.
There was danger. There was danger. He was sure of it-- and he didn’t have time for this.
The cold, dusty tile of the school hallway did a lousy job breaking April’s fall. A short yelp of shock wrenched itself from her throat as she tumbled over herself, the crackle of mystic energy still prickling at the back of her neck, as she found herself quite suddenly sprawled about the floor as opposed to curled on couch in the comfort of her living room.
“OW! Mayhem! What the hell?!” She hissed, narrowing her eyes to scowl at the yellow creature. His only response was a sharp, strangled squeak, tearing himself from her arms and to the floor.
April resisted a groan, sitting up just enough so that she turn her head to glance over at Leo and her other two brothers, who were all giving her a rather startled look.
“Hey, guys,” she said, wincing a bit as she got to her feet, brushing herself off.
“Are you okay? What are you doing here?”
“Beat’s me!” She huffed, placing a hand on her hips. “Mayhem just started freaking out all of a sudden! I dunno what’s going on!”
“Do you think something’s wrong?” Raph asked, his brows furrowed with worry as he bent down to look at the little creature, still puffed up and pacing back and forth, chittering frantically at the group. “What’s goin’ on lil’ man?”
“He can’t be acting like this over nothing! There’s gotta be--” April broke off, his lips curving into a frown. Leo and his two brothers? That wasn’t right. “... Hey. Where’s Mikey? Shouldn’t he be with you guys?”
They didn’t understand what he was trying to say. The big one reached for him, but Agent 64 dodged out from under his hand, ducking away and breaking into a sprint. He just had to hope they’d be wise enough to follow him-- the only reason he didn’t simply teleport himself away. He couldn’t waste any more precious seconds trying to secure their allyship for the coming fight.
He had to be there. He had to be there now. The air reeked of it.
Danger danger danger danger.
His hair beads clicking along to the rhythm, Mikey bobbed his head with the beat banging about in his head, humming softly to himself and tapping his fingers against the side of his thigh. Ugh, this had to be one of Donnie’s EDM songs, didn’t it? He couldn’t remember any of the lyrics or anything-- just the thick, heavy beat. It colored his steps as he wandered down the dimly lit hallway, shouldering open the locker room door and sighing softly to himself. Gosh, he had had this song stuck in his head all day long, but he still couldn’t figure out the name of it or where it was from… It was starting to drive him just a tiny bit insane. Maybe he could get Leo to help him figure it out on the way home-- he was really good at this game.
It was probably one of Donnie’s songs. He had probably picked it up from Donnie. He was sure Donnie would know the answer if he asked-- Donnie always knew the answer to pretty much everything.
But if he asked Donnie, it wouldn’t be a game. Nah. It’d be way more fun to ask Leo. As soon as I get back, he thought to himself, swinging open his locker door.
As predicted, his gym bag was still here, hung up on its hook all neat as if it was meant to be there and hadn’t been left behind. Thank god. If it wasn’t here, then it’d for real be lost and it’d be a whole thing. That’s how you know the Adderall is wearing off, he thought dimly to himself.
His backpack retrieved, he slung the bag over his shoulder, kicking the locker shut and turning to start the trek back to his brothers. His legs weren’t especially long, but he still made every effort to stretch them out with each step, picking up a jaunty pace so as not to keep the rest of them waiting.
The song still played in his head, and Mikey mumbled along to the wordless melody under his breath, fidgeting with the straps of his bag. The longer he thought about it, the more sure he was that it was something from one of Dee’s playlists. It had to be, right?... This was exactly the type of thing he always listened to… Sharp and stormy and loud. Thudding and all-encompassing. The rhythm wasn’t quite as fast as you might expect from the genre-- it sort of drew itself out.
Made you wait for it.
And then eventually, the pace started to pick up.
Each synthesized thump came quicker.
And louder.
Closer together.
Building up, bigger and bigger.
Tickling the back of your neck.
Breathing down your spine.
Thundering onward.
The anticipation would almost swallow you whole.
Until finally the beat dropped.
A tiny smile turned the corners of Draxum’s lips crooked.
It was almost amusing-- how careless they were. He wondered how safe they must think themselves to traipse the city openly like this. As if he wouldn’t be perfectly capable of hunting them down. As if he wasn’t patient enough to wait until one of them was alone.
All he would need was a simple capture charm.
From up above in the rafters, he watched the smallest of his experiments. He was still cloaked in their silly human form. Relaxed. Oblivious.
Perfectly easy prey.
After this, he could simply pick the rest of them off.
The second his target walked within range of him, he lashed an arm forward. Magenta light leapt outward from his palm and pounced.
He didn’t see the figure in the rafters.
He didn’t hear the pound of footsteps in the distance.
He didn’t even see the flash of light.
But he felt the whisper of magick.
Raph didn’t know why Mayhem was freaking out, but he didn’t have to. Because all of a sudden, every single one of his big brother senses and alarms were flipping out. And he felt this awful, gnawing weight of dread in his stomach.
He didn’t bother to wait and check with the rest of his family, to see if they felt the same thing or if they intended to follow. Once Mayhem took off running and that dread took hold-- he did, too.
He could hear other footsteps behind him. Usually, Leo and Donnie were both capable of moving significantly faster than him. But not right now. Raph wasn’t sure if it was the fact that he had a head start or just that he knew Mikey was in trouble. But his throat was tight with the very beginnings of panic. All his muscles were lit up with searing red heat. He was moving as fast as he possibly could. Maybe faster than that, even. And no one was overtaking him.
He needed to know where Mikey was right now.
Despite the dead-sprint, it felt like it took ages for him to reach the locker room. He didn’t even stop to open the door so much as he slammed into it, shifting his body just enough to let his shoulder take the impact, the barrier crashing out of the way, crumpling beneath him, just the way he knew it would--
His eyes caught sight of Baron Draxum’s crouched form right away-- curled up in the rafters like a fucking jaguar in the canopy. This dark, sickly pink coil of mystic energy reaching from his extended hand and reaching out towards his little brother’s back like a bullet.
Raph’s heart stopped in his chest.
For just a second, the rest of the world froze, too.
The rest of the world… except for Mikey.
His back was still to Draxum.
But his heels were already in a pivot.
His head hadn’t even turned fully yet. But already, his hand flew up behind him, palm stretched out wide and elbows locked. The very beginnings of a fiery golden light sparked to life around him like a halo. His entire body jerked hard and braced--
And he caught Draxum’s magic in his palm.
Without even looking, he stopped the spell dead in its tracks with one raised hand, curling his fingers around it with this sharp, awful hissing sound, sizzling and popping like a forest fire. Like something burning.
He tightened his grip and the magick shattered like glass beneath his fingers.
And then Michelangelo turned around to face Draxum fully, his head tilted back so that he could meet his eyes.
“Mikey! Come look!”
Mikey’s head bobbed at his big brother’s frantic cry, immediately heading over in his direction.
“What is it?”
“A baby bird!” Raph exclaimed, kneeling down, and sure enough, when Mikey leaned over he saw the little creature-- tucked up behind a dumper in their alley, their feathers all poofed up and fluffy.
“Whoa!” Mikey gasped, crouching down as well so he could get a better look. The little bird seemed to shiver, but didn’t try to get away-- just stared at them with its big black eyes. It was kind of scraggly and funny looking, with this big round yellow beak and fuzzy feathers. “He looks so funny…”
“We gotta help him!” Raph whimpered, his bottom lip trembling. “He’s all by himself! He musta fallen or gotten lost or somethin’!”
Mikey paused, tilting his head slightly to the side.
“You think?...”
“Well, a cat might get ‘im or somethin’!” Raph cried. “I’ll go get a shoebox, and we can bring him inside! You watch him, okay?”
And Mikey considered this for a moment, glancing from his big brother to the baby bird, his nose wrinkled up slightly.
… If he fell out of his nest, then why didn’t he feel afraid?
Mikey couldn’t quite place it, but it just… didn’t seem like the bird was that upset or scared. If Mikey fell out of his nest and couldn’t fly anywhere and was lost and all alone, he was pretty sure he’d get scared and upset, at least, eventually. But this little guy didn’t feel that way at all. Mikey could just tell.
Maybe a little… frustrated. But determined. Excited, almost.
Mikey could feel it.
“No,” he finally said. “I think he’s okay.”
Raph frowned a bit, looking down at his brother incredulously. “But he’s just a baby!”
“Yeah, but he’s not scared!” Mikey argued, pointing.
Raph tilted his head to the side.
“How do you know?” He argued.
Mikey wrinkled his nose, considering this for a second before he shrugged.
“I ‘unno!” He finally declared. “I just do! You don’t?”
“... No,” Raph said, perhaps pouting a bit. “He’s a bird.”
“Well,” Mikey argued, crossing his arms over his chest. “I think he’s okay! I don’t think we should take him inside. I don’t think he’d like it. I think maybe we’d be, like… stealing him.”
“We can’t just leave him!” Raph protested, and Mikey paused, considering this, his lips curved into a pout.
“... Can we watch him for a little bit first, and see what happens?” He suggested after some thinking. “So then we know no cats will get ‘im or anything.”
Raph sighed. “... Yeah. Okay,” he finally agreed. “But if he’s still there in thirty minutes, then we should bring him inside. Okay?”
“Okay,” Mikey agreed.
They were golden-- so very much so that they were nearly white, as if superheated by the sun itself. They were built from nothing, it seemed, save for light and energy itself, but playing a melody of clinks and clatters regardless, filling the air with the sound of metal-on-metal.
The chains that materialized from his baby brother’s body.
They moved almost too fast to see, curling like snakes, twisting and shifting at Mikey’s command. With a forward thrust of his arm, leg sweeping around and his hands clenched into a fist, they obeyed him instantly, echoing his movements and flashing forward-- screaming-- howling towards their target.
Draxum just barely had the time to leap out of the way, flinging himself to the side and correcting his trajectory as he fell, frantically dodging the onslaught, and Mikey chased him. The chains twisted midair to follow the yokai, forcing him to dance and dodge backwards, hardly able to even conjure the occasional counterspell or strike in between running.
Running from Mikey.
It was all happening too fast for Raph to follow properly, but he realized, distantly, that Mikey’s eyes were glowing, light pouring from them and streaking down his face in globs of color. Like he was crying. Like he has tears made of honey.
Draxum lashed out with another spell, trying to find ground, and Mikey’s chains screamed out to meet them, shattering it midair. For just a second, Draxum gaped, his eyes wide as he watched. And in that tiny moment of hesitation, Mikey pounced.
He leapt forward like a beast on prey, his palm outstretched, reaching for Draxum, to touch, to grab--
At the very last second, the yokai yanked himself back.
In an instant, a bubbling black light enveloped him like a shadow and he blinked away-- as though he had never been there in the first place. Mikey stumbled slightly, lurching in the empty space left behind, his body jerking slightly at the sudden halt.
He faltered, wavering for a second, rocking on his feet. He blinked slowly, staring at the space where his opponent had once been as his shoulders slumped. In the silence and the still, ragged pants clattered through his chest. Raph swore he could hear them echo.
He blinked, swallowed, and finally found his tongue again.
“... Mikey?”
Raph gasped softly as he watched the little bird they had been watching leap up with a flap and flutter of its wings.
“It’s trying to--”
And it took him a few tries. But after a few false starts, the tiny creature took to the air. And in nearly a moment, it was gone, swooping away from the alley and out of sight.
“Whoa!” Raph gasped, his eyes widening. “Did you see that? That was so cool! He could fly all along!”
Mikey glanced back at his older brother and grinned brightly. “Yeah!!!”
He could tell. He could tell that that bird had been so happy to make it into the air and start to fly.
He could tell Raph was happy, too.
The halo that was surrounding their baby brother faded. The tears fizzled and dried up, the glow leaking from his eyes faded away with a flicker. And for a second, Mikey stood in one spot, staring off at nothing, his face flushed and his shoulders heaving with deep, shuddering breaths.
After a second, he coughed-- once, and then twice, hunching over slightly at the force of it. And he spat something shimmering and gold out onto the floor.
And then Raphael watched in horror as his eyes rolled back into his head, his knees going out from beneath him.
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smutinlove · 3 months
goodbye i love ur fanfics sm. (specifically carls ofc)
i just live for ur angst fics yk??
sensitive reader pls but she kinda a badass
reader goes insane for some reason,
rick,glenn, carl notice that she hasnt been sleeping/eating/drinking.
she would stay up every night watching the window.
to the point they would have to force her down and eat,
it turns out carl wasnt even talking to her but instead hanging out with his friends (ron and mikey)
small mindset inspo for reader(eversince they arrived at alexandria reader and carl didnt spend time 2gether)
she has no1 to talk to so yeah... u choose the ending ofc!
They say change is good, but sometimes change can fuck up your life. That's what happened to you.
Every day went by with you staring out the window, day and night. Your head was filled with a million different thoughts. Thoughts you wouldn't utter a word about to anyone. Why?
Nobody really noticed you anymore. Out in the wild, before Alexandria, you were a valued member of the group. You and Carl were practically besties (and more) You and Glenn had also had a fun time talking to each other.
He was like a father to you.
But now... you didn't really have anyone.
Everyone was doing their own thing, and you just sat near the window every day—barely sleeping and eating.
Was anyone even worried? Probably not. Why? They didn't notice you. You were a shadow that everyone was ahead of.
It was another lonely and gloomy evening. An evening full of you staring outside the window—observing the weather... and maybe the citizens of Alexandria. (If they even left their homes. Cowards...)
You were numb, tired—pissed. No one. You had no one, right?
"Listen to me!"
You opened the window, letting some fresh air in. It was a soft embrace on a glum Saturday evening.
"Carl! Glenn!"
You felt a strong shake. Was the world tilting? No. But you definitely were.
You saw two worried faces staring down at you. One shook your shoulders while the other yelled your name. "Y/N, are you listening?"
Such a soft voice. So soothing. The tone made you melt.
But reality struck and it was painful. There were people talking to you while you remained unresponsive.
"Perhaps she has gone mental!"
"Carl!" Rick scolded.
"Huh?" You finally managed to utter. Your voice was rough and hoarse from not speaking. It hurt.
"She speaks!" Carl chimed. "Not funny, Grimes boy," said Glenn.
The blue-eyed boy beamed. "Welcome back, love." Carl said, a small smirk falling in to place on his face.
Rick left and came back into the room, holding a plate of eggs and bread. He also had a glass of juice. He placed both things in front of you. "Eat, Y/N. Please."
You couldn't. It... was strange. You just couldn't. But you had to. You should. And you would. And... you could.
Your hand trembled as you reached for the piece of bread on the plate. You also noticed the smiles on Rick and Glenns' faces. But Carl was glaring at the now closed window.
What was he staring at? Mickey and Ron. The two were talking and laughing outside. While he was stuck with you. It wasn't a bad thing that he was stuck with you. No. Never.
"Have you been sleeping?" Glenn asked, noticing your eyebags. You bite into the piece of bread, slowly swallowing and chewing it. You were tempted to lie, but that wouldn't solve anything. "No."
"Why?" Rick asked. "Talk to us. But you don't need to."
"Can... can I talk to Carl?" You asked. "Just Carl."
The two older men gave each other looks before nodding and leaving the room.
"What's up?" Carl asked nonchalantly. You gulped. "What's up with you, Carl?" His name came out as almost a scowl.
"What?" He tilted his head.
You stopped eating and took a sip of juice. "Carl," you felt hesitant. But you needed to. For answers. "Carl, we don't hang out! We haven't talked properly since we arrived here at Alexandria!"
"I... I thought you wanted a life, Y/N. Even if it isn't like before."
You huffed. "Carl, I wanted you! You're my best friend. Fuck! But no! All you have done for the past few weeks is hang out with Mikey and Ron, forgetting about me!"
Carl looked taken aback. "Y/N, please—"
"—No! No more. Get out!"
"Y/N, no. I won't."
"Get the fuck 'outta my room, Grimes!" You yelled with the force of a thunder storm. He nodded and made his way for the door when he turned around and said, "I'll be here. I'll... wait. And I'm sorry."
He left and suddenly the world just became louder. The peace that was once there had been evaporated.
Is it over now?
Maybe not. Maybe it is.
───── ❝ authors note ❞ ─────
Okay you sorry fucks! BEG ME to release a part 2 of this. BEG ME. GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES! grrr
anyway i love angst
also this is like such a cool moment for me. i just published two carl grimes fanfics in the span of two hours. im so hip and cool
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sapphiretanto · 2 years
(CW: Ranting/Venting; the fic I am talking about will not be named, nor will I give the author’s name away. Please send me a message if you want to know)
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Did we even watch the same show? He’s not a caring, big brother? He’s a stick in the mud?
The only thing I’ll give you is that he’s full of himself… because he’s an idiot teenager with badass fighting skills and weapons. Of course he’s gonna be a cocky little shit. Most people with Leo’s skill would be.
I’m going to assume that you mean part of the time he’s full of himself. But if you mean all the time, then I’ll correct you there. More often than not, he is actually very insecure— a very common trait among the Leonardo’s.
“Maybe I shouldn’t be leading the team?”
“It’s all my fault. I let the guys down!”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again”
“I’d just hold you back. You guys train, I’ll watch. It’s all I’m good for anyway…”
“I’m a liability to the whole team”
“I won’t be much help out there anyway”
Leo is a perfectionist and this shows in the way he leads— coming across as bossy or arrogant— and how he treats himself. The guy just got out of a three-month coma after he had the shit kicked out of him and what does he say when he’s by himself after everyone else went to look for Raph in the woods?
He holds himself to impossibly high standards— both placed by himself and some of the misguided lessons he was taught.
Alright, now for the stick in the mud part. Leo is a fucking dork (I mean this in the most affectionate sense). He loves Space Heroes to the point where he quotes it during missions. He likes puns, is fascinated by Japan culture, martial arts, meditation, etc. He trains very hard to excel at ninjutsu/martial arts— both so he can help his brothers in combat and because it’s a passion of his. That doesn’t make him boring in the slightest. He has some of the most ridiculous dialogue throughout the series:
“Alright guys. Let’s put Old Mother Hubbard back in her cupboard!”
“Hello!? Space Heroes!? Captain Ryan! Didn’t you see the episode where they fought the Cortexecons?!”
“Awesome! Oh, this is so rad! I feel like Van Helsing, but way cooler than him, actually. Way more rad than Van Helsing”
“Alright guys, prepare to dish out the mighty wrath of justice!”
“We don’t know he’s gonna do anything bad. He could be on his way… to… church!”
“I… don’t really have a pinky?”
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He can’t lie for shit which leads to him saying silly things:
“Be cool. Be cool.” *answers phone* “uh.. hey man! What’s… what’s going down? *Raph says they better have not watched the Crognard finale without him and Leo laughs nervously* W-who, us?! Of course not! But I bet if we did watch it, we would have found it anti-climate… climactic!”
*gets asked by Chloe if there’s other turtles like him* “Nope! Uh-uh! Just me! Mr. Imaginary Talking Turtle!”
“He’s just kidding, Mrs. O’Neil. Kirby’s…uh.. on a.. safari! In Puerto Rico! And he won’t be back for a while.”
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And he’s not the goody-two shoes and suck up people think of him as. He has gone behind Splinter’s back on several occasions, snuck out both willingly and unwillingly. The guy dressed in black and caused petty crime with his sister and her girlfriend Shinigami because he was pissed off at Shredder.
As for not being a caring brother. You mean this guy?! This Leo?! ⬇️
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Couldn’t be this Leo, right? There’s no way he’s a mother hen— being both doting and getting after his brothers.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full!”
“Mikey, you never cease to amaze me”
“Leo never left your side” — April when Raph was reduced to a mere plant by The Creep
“I’m sorry about Spike, Raphael.”
“Donnie, don’t lose sight of who you are!”
“Nice job, D”
“Donnie, the go karts worked great. Nice job!”
“Mikey, come on! It’s not that bad! And Raph promises not to make fun of you anymore.”
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Not the Leo that uses all his strength and stays behind in the Technodrome holding Kraang Prime so his brothers and April can escape. Not that Leo who while just barely awake after a coma goes after a mutated monster in the woods to get his family back. Not that Leo who forced himself to stay calm so the others can be calm while they go through the most insane shit, or cannot grieve in the moment because he has to ensure the rest of their safety, so his focus during missions and battle is scattered in different places. Because he couldn’t possibly help bandage their wounds, worry when they’re hurt and not give up on a family member. Not Leo preventing Donnie from straight up unaliving Don Vizioso because Leo doesn’t want his younger brother to do what he did and change him like it changed him. He doesn’t sacrifice himself over and over because he loves his brothers, right? Right??
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
Alright question if they were sparring even without their Ninpo who do you think would win, Donnie or Mikey? In the movie Leo tells Mikey that he’s a badass Mystic warrior, I wonder if he was the only one or did he and Donnie share that title.
Ooooh I like that question~
I think if they were fighting using magic, (Like...just magic. No tricks or conditions or anything like that. Pure comparison of power levels) Mikey would definitely win. Because while Donnie can be incredibly deadly, his mystical powers are closely tied to his intelligence. He needs to know how things work in order to create them. Which means he can't just make his most powerful cannon more powerful with a snap of his fingers. Mikey's magic, on the other hand, is very much about his emotions. And emotion is a thing that has essentially no limits and tends to get heated during a battle. So the longer you fight Mikey, the stronger he gets.
Although Donnie could have easily outsmarted Mikey, if it had been allowed in sparring haha
If they were sparring without any magic, Donnie would probably just trip Mikey and then sit on him. Mikey has a lot of valuable skills, but he hardly ever trains ninjutsu, preferring magic haha
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znitsamluv · 1 year
𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 !
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𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 . Pt.1
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐳 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 <3
Warnings : some swearing ig ?
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° Mikey is usually busy with his business with Bonten and is hardly home but when he is there he makes sure he is giving his full attention to his family especially your son .
• It was dinner time and Mikey noticed you and s/n exchanging looks before you started talking.
° " s/n wanted to ask you something since last week but you were busy " the look you were giving Mikey made him immediately know that if he refused what was going to be said he will be in deep shit .
° " I have a big game tomorrow and I wanted you to be there to watch... But if you are busy I understand" Mikey's heart sank the moment he saw s/n eyes look slightly sad as if he was expecting a rejection, Mikey had an important meeting with Bonten tomorrow but he won't risk losing any more time away from his family.
° that's how Bonten ended having the meeting in the Stadium of the match 💀 They all wore normal clothes and caps but that didn't cover for the fact that they were literally talking about criminal business beside normal citizens .
° whenever s/n score Mikey would smile warmly and clap elegantly and then side eye his colleagues to see if they were cheering along with him .
° the proudest father ever .
° better believe s/n is getting hella presents the second the match is finished.
• Sanzu
° loud af in the competition hall .
° might even bring a banner with your daughter's name to show his support while your daughter is melting from embarrassment 😭
° would get hella side eyes from families beside him from his funky hair color and obnoxious behavior but they all don't have the guts to say anything.
° a mother complained about his inappropriate language and ' abuse of swear words in front of innocent souls ' so Sanzu had to be held back by you and was petty af that he started swearing louder 😭
° He heard a mother call your daughter a crazy bitch after your daughter rocked her son's shit in the taekwondo match, he excused himself to the bathroom and spotted them and immediately held his gun to them .
° " call my daughter a crazy bitch again and I will show you who she got her craziness from , if I saw you again better believe you will be six feet underground, .... Consider this a promise "
° once the competition ended he was the first to run to her and pick her up to spin her around while telling her how amazing she did .
° would rub it in Ran and Rindou faces the day after in the office telling them how badass his daughter is and brag about her for the rest of the day.
• Kakucho
° Kakucho has all of your son's timetable in his office so he doesn't miss any moment even if he was busy he will squeeze a 20 minute between the work to at least drop your son off to his training.
° He loves asking his son how training went everyday and even though Kakucho is tired and his eyes are red from overworking and lack of sleep he still sit and listen to s/n rambles about how tiring the training was and how a teammate of his was rude .
° he asks Mikey for a free day before your son's important match everytime and he is always the first one to arrive at the match hall .
° the other families really like you and your husband and how you both raised your son so expect lots of greetings when you both arrive .
° before the match starts Kakucho excuses himself and goes to your son to give him some encouraging words .
° " Hey buddy , no matter the result me and your mother are very proud of you, you trained hard and I believe you will do amazing, as long as you play fairly I know you will win . Now go and show everyone who is s/n Hitto "
° Kakucho usually stands in a corner the majority of the match where he has a better vision of the match going on , he is always on the run if s/n falls or get hurt .
° Once your son scored the final goal that sealed the match he claps and proudly says with his whole heart for everyone to hear " That's my son!"
• Koko
° Koko is usually busy so he tries to at least be included in any way so he buys your daughter any training clothes she likes or equipment that will help her better , no matter the price he is going to pay .
° since your daughter plays tennis she has a bad habit of breaking her racquet after losing so Koko has a whole room full of expensive racquets so she can replace the one she broke .
° " The moment you see the one you are playing against is crying from losing make sure to take a pic for me "
° Koko has a whole album on his phone of your daughter posing while her rivals are crying in the background.
° He once had to take the rest of Bonten with him because he couldn't miss your daughter's important competition but he also couldn't dump his work .
° Better believe the whole place was filled with cheers and screams of encouraging words just for your d/n ( Koko told them whoever cheers the loudest will get a money raise ) .
° D/n was going to play against a boy so as an elegant girl she is she wanted a handshake for good vibes yk before the match.
° but the boy gave her a smirk and looked her up and down before laughing.
° Koko was boiling with anger but remained calm and crossed his legs watching his prideful daughter do what he told her " don't leave him till his is crying"
° D/n didn't have mercy she literally dominated the whole match not even letting them score a single ball , to the point he started crying and begging for an early end of the match.
° taking out her phone she snapped a photo before sending it to Koko who was in the crowd clapping proudly.
° Let's just say D/n was the main talk in the building of Bonten and in meetings for the next few weeks .
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Season One was Fun, but it’s the Reason for All of Chat Noir’s Problems
While season one of Miraculous is certainly not perfect, it’s got a lot of good content. Fun episodes, interesting character setups, and interesting plot setups make it a solid opening season to this type of show. There is, however, one massive flaw, the repercussions of which we’re still feeling to this day. That flaw is the dynamic that it establishes between Ladybug and Chat Noir. A dynamic that works great for a duo, but falls apart when you add a larger team.
General Talk About Team Dynamics
When you’re writing a story with a team or core group, the characters need to be designed around each other. How will they interact? Who are the key characters? Who is the leader? Who is the brains? Who is the comic relief? And so on. 
Each character should, by and large, fill a unique role. This is especially true in larger cast because you’re going to have to balance writing all of these characters, so you need to have clear logic for who will be doing what. This is a big reason why having 18 heroes with only one clear main character is a terrible idea. There just aren’t 18 unique roles to be filled. There will be overlap and characters will end up being defined by their powers and little else. That’s why most shows cap out at 7 or 8 people in that core team and why the core team usually starts as much smaller group.
The size of your team is a huge factor in deciding how clearly the character roles need to be defined. If it’s a team of two, then the fact that the team is so small will make the characters feel important just because they’re the main focus. This means that you can get away with one of the characters being more silly and less obviously important. One of the best examples of this is Kim Possible.
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That show sees the titular character doing most of the heavy lifting. She’s the fighter, the badass, the brains, the one everyone knows. Her partner, Ron, is mostly there as comic relief. However, you don’t watch this show and think “why is Ron even there? Why doesn’t Kim bring X?” Because there is no X. Kim and Ron are the only options, so Ron can be as silly as the writers want him to be without coming across as just another part of the team. There are even episodes centered around showing that Kim and Ron can’t function without each other. They are the only viable team.
Let’s contrast them to these four:
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The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are four of the best know hero characters in modern media and they are exceedingly well balanced. While different versions will mess with the family dynamics, the general pattern is that Leo is the serious leader, Raph is the tank/second in command, Donnie is the brains, and Mikey is the artsy comic relief. The property would not be enjoyable if you didn’t have all four characters there to balance each other out.
However, if the world is ending and you have to pick two turtles to save the day, then you’re probably not picking Mikey for your roster. He’s a strong fighter and a fun character, but the roles that the other three play make them better picks in almost every scenario.
This is true for pretty much any show with this kind of dynamic. If you have a comic relief character, then they’re going to be fun. They might even be the fan favorite! But from the perspective of the story, the comic relief character is there to lighten the mood and assist the team. The other ones are there to take charge and solve the problems. The only way to get around this is to give the comic relief a strong second role that elevates them to more than just the comic relief. (Quick note: this isn’t something that you need to do, btw. Mikey is fine as-is because he doesn’t need to feel more narratively important for the story to work.)
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A decent example of a character who is both the comic relief and a key member of the team that you can’t remove if you want to win is Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender. If you look at the core team, Sokka is the one who is usually cracking the jokes and lightening the mood. He also has no powers, making him the weakest fighter. However, he’s also the one who makes the plans. He’s the “idea guy”. Take Sokka away and the story doesn’t work. The team can fight without him, but they probably won’t win without him because they won’t know where and when to fight.
This is Chat Noir’s problem.
Team Dynamics in Miraculous
Miraculous season one didn’t make Chat Noir a Sokka. It make him a Ron and that worked because there was only Chat Noir and Ladybug. Chat Noir didn’t need to have his importance clearly defined, he was important just because he was Ladybug’s partner. He was the one who kept her from fighting alone. No one else was treated as a viable alternative.
But she’s not alone anymore. There are 17 other people on her team. We’ve seen her fight with different groups and win even though Chat Noir wasn’t able to make it (something that you would never see in Kim Possible). This is the problem. The issue that’s been building and building ever since Rena Rouge first got her miraculous.
If you ignore personal preferences and just look at the roles filled by the different miraculous holders, then Chat Noir doesn’t feel like the obvious pick to stand beside Ladybug. What does he offer that no one else does? What is his unique role outside of comic relief? What makes him scream “duteragonist”?
To fix this problem, you have to go all the way back to the beginning and either nix the larger team or rewrite season one to establish Chat Noir as something more than the comic relief. This doesn’t need to be an aspect of his powers (though I do have thoughts on that). Looking at the previous examples, we see that Donnie is vital because he’s extremely good with technology. Sokka is vital because he makes the plans. Chat Noir could have been vital for a reason as simple as “Ladybug trust him above all others and they constantly work together.” But that’s not what the show did. Alya is both Ladybug’s second in command and her sole confidant. The one who knows all the secrets. Now that Alya - and the rest of the class - have permanent miraculouses, be ready for even more episodes where Chat Noir feels like he’s just there to be Ladybug’s silly arm candy. Which isn’t a problem if Chat Noir is mostly just the love interest a la Tuxedo Mask, but if that’s all he is, then maybe don’t have his family be the center of the plot or put his name in the title?
(Yes, I simplified some of these characters' roles. I'm just making broad statements here to provoke reflection on the writing. I'm not critiquing any property save for Miraculous.)
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aeruia · 6 months
So for Tokyo revengers I was thinking of this idea where its a Fem! Y/n with short hair and who yk a little bit tall. She's very close to Emma, so one night they go to the shrine where the gang meets up and they think that this "guy" is bothering Emma so they attack him but, here's the thing, Y/n isn't aggressive so she fights back only when necessary, so she doesn't really fight back, she just dodges really well, until Emma blurts out it's a girl not even a guy. and their js like ...fr?
Y/n is calm and rarely loses her temper or show any signs of outbursts or nothing, she's very neutral. She's constantly getting mistaken for a "pretty boy".
That's only the beginning because later on the story, EMMA IS ACTUALLY BEING STALKED, BUT SHE DON'T KNOW. She encounters some dangerous situation (I'll leave those to you) but Y/n saves her every single time. so near the ending of the story, they were going another gang meeting to tell Mikey what's been going on, so he can put a stop to it. THEN Y/N GETS HER HEAD SMACKED, I MEAN SOMEONE REALLY BOPS HER ASS and knocks her out. BUT, someone ( I was thinking mitsuyai) find her passed out near some random grassy area BUT SHE'S ALONE. EMMA GOT SNATCHED. So when Y/n wakes up and finds herself in the shrine (Mitsuya carried her there) AND EMMA IS NO WHERE TO BE FIND. SHE FLIPS THE FUCK OUT.
So lets js jump to Emma's POVS after she got snatched, so to summarize it basically, Emma accidently witnessed a murder crime and she's the only one that has proof (like a selfie or sum picture) but she doesn't realize it. SO THE KILLER GOES OUT FOR HER BEFORE SHE CAN REALIZE AND GO TO THE POLICE. so yeah,
Now this can't end like this, OBVIOUSLY
Y/n ends up finding where Emma is, so she goes by herself and BUSTS UP IN THERE AND BEATS HIM UP, Im talm about some real ass beating, like Y/n loses her calm nature. and Y/n saves Emma. So after, Y/n feels hella guilty bcs she couldn't keep Emma safe, and then Mitsuya comforts her and they kiss in the end.
we need more badass Y/n tbh w you bruh.
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the ask is the summary :3
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pairing/s : mitsuya x fem!reader (implied)
warning/s : mention of kidnapping, knives, about murder (?), not proofread !!
word count : 3,014
note : this took me long and i think all of my brain juice is gone /j i might probably post another one if i finished it :3 and also i kinda rushed this 🙁 I can't think of a title and my friend helped me w/ it !
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you were just casually hanging out with emma near the river as you kick rocks while emma tells you about the gang her brother has. she tells you everything about it and how it was made. it really piqued your interest since you really love it when you discover new things about emma and her siblings.
emma was your very close friend, you two are inseparable, she was the bestfriend that you could ever ask for. she's always there for you whenever you need her and you're grateful for that of course, you pay her back by being there whenever she needs you too. you and emma always got each other's back.
“ oh i also almost forgot to tell you the gang will be gathering in the shrine tonight, you wanna come with me? ” you stopped kicking the rock you have been kicking as you looked at emma with your eyebrow raised. “ you don't have someone to come with you? ” you asked, emma’s shoulder dropping as a frown came into her face.
“ you don't wanna come with me? ” her question made you laugh as you put your hands on your hips. “ i’m coming with you, i can't leave you walking alone or something might happen to you. ” you answered her as she just smiled in reply.
the night arrives and someone knocks on your apartment, opening the door to see emma standing there ready to go when you're still not even ready. your hair disheveled, clothes still those comfortable shirts you always wear whenever you only stay at home.
“oh, you’re early. give me one minute” the [h/c] haired girl said and smiled quickly closing the door making emma sigh. “ you always do this, [y/n]! ” she shouted as she patiently waited for you to get out of your apartment.
you closed the door of your apartment and locked it double checking if it's actually locked. you can't risk losing another thing from your apartment.
“ finally, took you long enough and you're just wearing the outfit you had when we were hanging out earlier this afternoon.. ” she said and blinked as you just laughed.
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the walk from the shrine didn't take that long but you were tired from walking as you whine about how the walk was so long and that you feel you're gonna collapse every time you take a step.
emma dismisses your exaggerated complaints and goes to where the gang is. everyone noticed that emma was walking towards them as they were about to wave at her when they noticed someone was following her, thinking that it was a guy bothering her again.
they quickly took action, of course. draken quickly pulling emma away, making you lift your head up and seeing that the members were about to launch at you, making your eyes wide like they have seen something they shouldn't have. your first instinct was to look for emma and you saw her with a tall man. he was hugging her but you couldn't careless at least she's not here.
the members were throwing punches and kicks at you, making you dodge all of them one by one. you were only dodging the attacks they throw at your way, blocking some of them if necessary.
emma was still a bit shock when draken had pulled her close to him as she needed to blink a few times before actually seeing the scene in front of her. she blinked a few times again to see if she's actually seeing was real.
the guys were trying to beat your ass up but here you are just avoiding and blocking their attacks as she remained from her position stunned. “ you know him? ” draken asked as emma looked at him with a confused look.
“ what? him? ” she asked in confusion. ” yeah, him. ” draken answered back making emma put her lips into a thin line.
“ she's a girl. ” she blurted loudly enough for the members to hear. as they freezed in there spot and slowly turned their heads to look at emma. “ she's a girl..? ” they all said in unison as emma could completely hear the confusion in their voices.
emma nodded. “ yeah, a girl.. i would never bring a man in here. ” she answered. “ what? i don't see a girl, i’m seeing a boy with feminine features here. ” a black haired boy said with sassiness, his eyebrows furrowed.
that made you raised your eyebrows and chuckle by how sassy his voice sounds.
“... yeah, stop talking now baji or you might embarrass yourself.. ” a blonde boy whispered at his bestfriend earning a smack from the head making him wince.
“ remember someone mistook you as a girl? yeah, you don't have a say in this. ” he said making him remember that someone had mistaken him as a girl once too. baji’s face turned into annoyance, smacking him in the head again as the two started bickering at each other, emma pulling you away from the group of guys sighing in relief.
“ thank god, i thought i would be dead by now. ” you said as you wiped fake tears from your eyes making emma roll her eyes. “ you always exaggerated those things! ” making you laugh when she said that.
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everything went well except for when they tried to beat you up.. they apologise and that's enough for you knowing people mistake you as a boy well a pretty boy when they look at your face. sometimes people even doubt that you weren't a girl.
“ aren't they nice? ” emma strikes a conversation with you while you two walk back into your apartment. you shrugged your shoulders and nodded a bit. “ i guess? i still can't move on to the fact they tried to beat me up ” you said, slouching making emma snort as emma bid you a farewell when you both reached your apartment’s door as she walked away to go home.
you felt bad for making emma walk you from your apartment and making her walk alone in the night. you could've let her stay in your apartment for just the night but her stubborness isn't one to fight. she will keep insisting on going home alone that you caved in and let her walk you home.
opening the door from your apartment as it made a little sound but you closed it again as you looked back and shouted “ text me when you get home! ” as emma just gave you a thumbs up making you put your lips into a thin line and shrug, going inside quickly laying on the couch not even bothering to take your shoes off.
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it's been a few weeks since the last gathering at the shrine and noticing emma has been looking pretty tired lately. ever since you and emma hang out with a few people around some bad thing happens, luckily you know how to defend for a little bit and buy some time for both of you to leave.
you asked emma about this but she had no idea what's going on too. “ you really didn't tell anyone that you're getting stalked? ” the [h/c] colored girl said as she put her lips into a thin line. ” yeah… but hey! i just told you? ” she said and smiled awkwardly at you making you facepalm as you can't help but sigh.
“be thankful i always tag along with you..” she mumbled and huffs, making emma stifle a giggle as you think of how to tell her brother mikey.
after that you couldn't help but keep thinking about what emma just said to you. there’s not many people in the park, no families, friends or kids playing in the wide park. only a few couples here and there having cute or sweet picnics in some areas.
emma stopped in front of a bench as she sat there, patting the left side of the bench signaling for you to sit so you did. “ this week is tiring! ” emma said as she sighed loudly, leaning back to rest her back on the bench. you can't blame her for saying that since she had been getting followed by some creeps.
“ it really is, you want some ice cream so your day isn't that bad? ”the [h/c] girl said as the wind blew, their hair swaying from the wind as emma nodded. “ ice cream can solve anything for us, so, yes i want ice cream. ”
laughing at her reply as you stand up from the bench, putting your hands in your jacket’s pocket. “ alright, i will buy some ice cream for us, you can rest there just wait for me. ” you said as emma thanked you.
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you thanked the vendor as you gave her the money, walking away with two ice cream in hand as you tried to walk faster to not make the ice cream melt further.
“ one little bit of melted ice cream for you! ” you said and smiled sweetly at her, her ice cream kind of melted and got some on your hand. emma's yellow eyes look at the ice cream and on your face back and forth before accepting the ice cream.
“ you should wash your hand first. ” emma suggested making you agree as you left her again on the bench, going into the nearest bathroom to wash your hand.
you hummed, finished washing your hands as you shake your hands to dry it before leaving the bathroom.
you heard a scream, not the scream someone would do if they are playing tag freeze or something, your eyes widened the one who just screamed was familiar. it was emma! you were taking your sweet time in the bathroom washing your hands completely forgetting about emma being alone.
luck wasn't on your side today. where emma was sitting there's not that many people when you left and they had probably left the park. the only thought you have was you hoped she was safe back to where she was sitting but you couldn't see the familiar honey blonde hair you always see.
frantically looking around scanning your surroundings carefully. still not seeing your best friend. you were about to run to tell mikey but someone hit you in the head hard enough for you to get knocked out.
you let out a grunt as you did your best to look back to see whoever it was but as soon as you were about to look back your eyes felt droopy as you couldn't help but close them as you fell from the grass.
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mitsuya was out in the park, walking to relax for a bit when he was nearing a certain field he could make out a figure laying on the ground as if unconscious. he was concerned for whoever was that as he quickly walked faster than before to check it out.
his eyes widened when he saw a familiar short haired girl. he was thinking that maybe you fell asleep here but emma was nowhere to be seen. that made him more worried as he quickly picked you up with ease. luckily mikey’s house was a bit near the park. (just imagine it 😞)
gently placing you down on the couch as mikey looked confused as to why you were unconscious in the park. “ did something happen? “ was the first thing that came out of his head when he saw you.
” what happened? ” mikey asked the lilac haired boy as he took a deep breath before answering him. “ i don't know, i was just strolling through the park when i saw her and emma wasn't with her. ” he couldn't believe what mitsuya told him as he looked at him “ what? what do you mean? “ he asked again, trying to see if he didn't just misheard him.
mitsuya sighed and explained everything to mikey hoping he understood since mikey just kept nodding his head when he was talking, thinking he's trying to process all of it. “ let’s wait for [name] to wake up then she can tell us everything. ” mitsuya nodded as he removed a few strands of your hair away from your face.
a few minutes later, you started to move as you squinted before opening your eyes. still feeling a bit of pain in the back of your head where you got hit by a metal or something. you groaned as you sit up, rubbing your forehead as if to lessen the headache you were feeling. a shadow covered the light was passing through the entrance as you looked up to see mitsuya and mikey standing.
“ hold up.. since when did i get here? ” you asked, completely confused as mitsuya chuckle. “ i carried you here since you were unconscious in the middle of the park and I didn't see emma around. where is she? ” the question completely made you sigh in disappointment.
you can't really hold it a secret now since emma is missing, you don't where she is so you told mikey and mitsuya about emma’s situation in the past week. noticing the change of mood and the silence was too awkward when you finished telling them.
“ i’ll find her. “ you said seriously, standing up to start searching for emma but mitsuya stopped you. “ be careful, alright? we'll tell the gang about this ” nodding at his words as you waved them goodbye before starting to search everywhere.
they probably hadn't hide somewhere far since you didn't notice any bikes or vehicles. that's when some randoms started talking about an abandoned house near the river and that there's probably dangerous people staying there.
[name] raised and eyebrow as she thanked them in her mind before running towards the opposite direction where you and emma would always hang out. that's supposed to be where they held emma captive. you were always curious about the abandoned house there but emma would always tell you to don't mind it so you didn't.
the place wasn't that heavily guarded since you're in front of the door in no time. taking a deep breath as you kicked the door open knowing that if you just knocked and tried to talk politely they wouldn't open it and just escape.
and there it was, you saw your best friend tied into a chair as you can't help but feel happy that she isn't hurt or there are wounds in her.
“ not so fast. ” someone said, throwing a knife directly at you making you dodge and backed away from emma not wanting for her to get involved. ” ah, you're that murderer huh. you're not good at it. ” you said putting a hand on your hip.
the murderer just raised an eyebrow and laugh. ” that's funny for you to say. i guess you're looking for a death wish here? ” that made you laugh out loud as you shook your head. “ you're the one wishing for death here. “ the [hair color] haired girl said with venom.
she felt angry but she doesn't know why. iko ( the murderer’s name let's just say that so I won't keep repeating the same words.. ) launches towards her as [name] tries to predict what will be his move. he wasn't even trying to hide what he's about to do as he grabbed a pocket knife from his pocket and runs pointing it at her.
it was pretty predictable, making you just stand there, jumping if he was too close before kicking him on the back while he fell on the ground, sliding a bit before [name] started beating him up, punching him here and there or even kicking him.
letting out a sigh as she stopped when she feels that he won't stand up as she walks from where emma was tied up and unties the ropes easily, emma hugging her tightly.
you hoped that the cops will be coming in this house or else, he might be on the loose again.
“ i’m glad you're alright!! “ emma said as the [hair color] haired girl raised an eyebrow as if she wasn't just the one who got kidnapped. “ girl, what? you're the one getting kidnapped here. ” emma laughed and released the hug as she smiled.
you both left that abandoned house as if nothing had happened there, quickly going back to their house, mikey sitting on the entrance looking like he was waiting for someone to arrive. you and emma weren't even that near in the house but mikey was outside quickly.
“ emma! ” mikey said, his voice filled with relief when he saw you with his sibling by your side. emma quickly runs into mikey’s arm hugging him tightly as a familiar lilac haired appeared behind mikey as he made his way to you.
“ we’re gonna let you two have time. ” mitsuya said as he grabbed your hand and intertwined it with his, his thumb rubbing at the back of your hand.
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mitsuya drived to the beach as he dragged you in the sands, never letting your hand go as he sat on the sand while you did the same, leaning your head on his shoulder.
” i know it has been bothering you, tell me all about it. ” he said, as you sighed. you can't really hide what you're feeling when you're around him. he can read you like a book.
“ it's not bothering me. i could have kept her safe but i didn't even did that. it was a simple thing but i can't even do it properly. ” she explained, making mitsuya nod, feeling his head move up and down.
“ look at me, ” he said, making you sit straight back up and look at him. he was already looking at you. “ don’t worry about it, what's important is that emma is now safe. ” he added, you were about to say something but he stopped when he suddenly kissed you. it wasn't that long kiss but it felt long to you since you were taken a back.
he laughs at your cute reaction as he pinches your cheeks. “ you're so cute, you know that? ” you pouted at what he said as he just kept laughing.
maybe he was right, you should think too much about it now that emma is now safe.
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04.09.24 // ©aeruai
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ilivelikeimtrying · 2 years
I've read fics where Leo's brothers are surprised he could land Usagi like, at all, but I have yet to read a fic where Usagi's friends are surprised Leo fell for... well... Mr. "I Once Had A Grape Stuck Up My Nose For A Whole Year".
Like, I love all the fics where Leo falls first, or where he's the goofy crushie one and all his brothers are teasing, or even when they're both idiots in love, but,
With the way Leo acts, I think maybe his brothers would have imagined him to aim for someone suave and cool, like someone badass who carries themselves like a champion (except for Raph, he doesn't wanna admit it and prove his brothers right with the whole "Mother Hen" thing, but he'd rather not see any of his brothers dating anyone till he's dead (and even after that)) and then he falls for Usagi Yuichi (or Miyamoto whichever floats your boat), the dude they once saw take two steps towards a table and ended up destroying half the restaurant. The guy who has tripped and fallen flat first on his face, IN FRONT OF THEIR TABLE, and spilled drinks on them more times than they can count.
And then proceeded to watch (well, Mikey did, the other two didn't know) as their slider brother quickly/slowly but surely fell head over heels- I'm talking heart eyes, a lot of sighing, and a lot of giggling accompanied by red faces and heart EVERYWHERE- for this clumsy (but sweet) rabbit.
And the only one who doesn't know, like genuinely knows at all, is Usagi, he's not even catching on to the flirting and comments he just laughs with them with the genuine happy "You're my best friend too dude!" attitude and Leo just thinks that maybe he doesn't like him at all like that and Usagi's friends (seeing their friend needs some serious help) are like "No please it's not that he's just dumb!" and do their best to get them together, while Leo's family (more specifically Splinter, Raph, Donnie, and Casey Sr. (Mikey a little at first for his own reasons until he realises they're being dumb)) try their hardest to make sure the two DON'T get together.
April, Mikey, and Casey Jr. are happy for Leo.
So now it's just a battle between both groups with their two favourite idiots caught in the center of it. Funny part? They're both oblivious to it.
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anisespice · 1 year
tall fem reader?
tall fem reader!!! thanks for the request, anon :)))
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hq ver.
pairing: college!tr x tall!fem!reader
warnings: mature language, MDI, suggestive language, reader mentioned in chifuyu’s but not present, mild mild mild cat-call in hanma’s - just crack overall, honestly lol feel free to let me know if i missed anything!
notes: planned to make this a whole x whoever you want type beat, BUT figured just doing a headcanon broken into different heights would be more efficient lol plus MORE CONTENT - gonna make a pt. 2 with some hq men, but for now — t.rev! :))) hope you enjoy <3 !!
tagged: @fantasycantasy , @illegalspacecow
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small — ♡
When it came down to a relationship, MIKEY wasn’t shallow enough to let physical appearances stop him from pursuing someone he wanted—He liked what he liked, fuck what anybody else had to say about it. The blonde never had issue with your drastic height difference, seeing it as more of a perk than anything else. His best friend was tall, so why not his girlfriend? It just meant whenever he walked down the street, he’d look like a total badass with his two attractive beanpoles at his side.
However, a lot of the buzz on campus mostly centered around Mikey’s height rather than yours. It never bothered him, but it certainly got you tight anytime someone tried to uplift you whilst putting him down in the process.
“A shrimp like him wouldn’t know how to handle all that leg of yours, mama. Lemme take you out tonight, show you a good time with someone who’s more on your level, whaddya say?”
Mikey would merely give them a dead-stare; unbothered king. You, on the other hand, didn’t hesitate to knock them down a size or two.
“First of all, your busted-looking ass could never be on the same level as me. Second of all, where my man lacks in height, he makes up for elsewhere, so he handles me very well, thank you. You’re probably the type to just shove it in without any sort of technique, thinking that’s enough to get a girl to finish. My man won’t bust once until I’ve came up to four times, the fuck can you offer me besides being six-foot? Hm? That’s right, not a damn thing. Remember that next time you talk shit, dirt-neck.”
Read him straight to filth. And God forbid Mikey had his gang with him anytime some scrub tried to spit game, best believe they’d dog the guy until he scurried away in humiliation. It always filled him with great adoration for you wherever you checked someone in his defense, your entire relationship giving off the same energy as that one meme with Kevin Hart’s character being protectively held by the lady. It’d been put in the groupchat a number of times just to tease the delinquent, but he’s unashamed at the fact you could easily pick his ass up. If anything, he was all for it, even requested piggy-back rides from you more often than his right-hand man—Draken’s back appreciates your sacrifice.
Now let someone try and spit game at him.
“Yeah, normally guys feel emasculated when their girlfriend’s taller than them, y’know? I’m surprised you don’t, though. No offense, [_____] just doesn’t seem like a good fit for you. I mean, must be tough to lay in the same bed, or even put her in your lap without feeling smothered or crushed. Wouldn’t it be much better to have someone a little smaller-”
“She could sit on me until my pelvis collapsed, and I would thank her. And, full offense, if I was single, still wouldn’t pick you even if you put a gun to my head. Keep my girl’s name out your mouth, you don’t deserve to breathe the same air let alone be on first name basis. Now, quit wasting my time—Do you have the notes from yesterday’s lecture or not?”
You don’t play about him. He don’t play about you. Period.
And as far as sharing a bed, cuddling or otherwise, Mikey was a sucker for being held like a damn squishmellow. Didn’t matter if you took up most of the leg space, dude would be wrapped around you like a python, so snug and warm you’d be lucky to even escape his grasp for food or the bathroom. Once he’s sleep, he’s SLEEP, and then you become the squishmellow.
“Mikey, I will be right back, turn me loose-”
“Zzzzzz…” out like a light. Drooling and everything, face smushed up against your boobs, just content. You’d think he’d been working the graveyard shift. And God forbid he ended up laying on top of you, sprawled out starfish style…you for sure weren’t going anywhere then.
Even if you expressed this dilemma after he woke up, the blonde merely yawned. “Just pick me up and carry me with you…”
“You’re smoking crack if you think I’m gonna haul your ass with me into the bathroom. I love you and all that, but we ain’t at the stage where I can comfortably use it with you in room.”
He shrugged. “Mm. Guess you don’t have to go that bad. G’night.”
“Shh, I’m sleeping…”
A gremlin. But, your gremlin. ♡
medium — ♡
CHIFUYU still can’t believe he bagged you, frfr.
There’d be moments where you’d catch him staring, as if he figured you’d disappear the second he took his eyes off you.
It’d get a little creepy sometimes, but it was endearing all the same. He wasn’t the shortest guy, though he wasn’t the tallest either, and standing next to you was a constant reminder of that. Not that he held any resentment toward you for it, he absolutely loved your height. However, there was always some form of insecurity that would resurface anytime someone called attention to it.
And today, his best friend and co-worker, Baji, would not only be the culprit, but an unlikely source of reassurance.
While they were stocking up inventory, the ravenette couldn’t help but notice the stool his friend was using to put a box in a particular high place. Wearing a mischievous grin, Baji pointed. “Oi. You should take that home with you. That way your girl won’t have to strain her neck when she kisses you.” He snorted, thinking he was the funniest man alive.
Normally, something that lame wouldn’t phase him, but guess today he was feeling a little more sensitive. With a grunt, the former blonde coolly spoke, “Maybe you should shut the hell up, and stock the damn shelves.”
“Whoa. What’s up your ass?” Baji furrowed his brows, walking over to lightly kick at the stool’s metal leg, making it jerk. Chifuyu sharply gasped, latching onto an empty shelf to steady himself. He exhaled, relieved, then shot a glare. But, Baji wasn’t perturbed.
Chifuyu sighed. “Nothing. I’m fine...”
“Fine my left nut. You don’t get short like that unless there’s something on your mind,” not the best way to phrase that, but at least he was genuine. Chifuyu rolled his eyes, coming down off the stool to brush past the ravenette.
“Not in the mood, alright?”
Baji was left standing there, dumbfounded.
The entire vibe had been thrown on its head, and he didn’t understand why. Awkwardly, he went back to assorting through the contents within the nearest box, bottom lip stuck out in thought as he briefly glanced at Chifuyu’s back mere feet away. It was like an itch he couldn’t scratch. He knew not to pry, but curiosity always won gold in the end. Baji replayed the conversation in his head, using his impeccable deductive reasoning to draw his own conclusions.
And then suddenly, an epiphany.
Without a hint of warning, the ravenette quickly walked over and slapped his friend in the middle of his back. Chifuyu yelped, nearly dropping the box in his hands before whipping around to fix Baji with a wide, incredulous look. “T-The hell?!”
“So. She dumped ya, huh? [Sigh] Look man, don’t beat yourself up, a lot of guys fumble the bag from time to time. If ya need a shoulder to cry on…don’t use mine, but ‘tora might let you-”
“Hah?? What are you—[_____] didn’t dump me, dumbass!”
Baji blinked. “Oh. My bad, jus’ figured that’s why you’re in your feelings.”
“And you thought the best thing to do was to hit me, then tell me to cry on someone else?” Chifuyu squinted when the arsonist gave a shrug. He sighed again, carefully setting the box down. “It’s not about [______]. Well, technically. The other day we had lunch with a few of her friends. They apparently have been dying to meet me for some time. And things were going great until…”
Chifuyu trailed off, leaving Baji in suspense.
He grunted. “‘till what? Jus’ say it, bet it isn’t even that bad-”
“They were shocked to see her with someone who barely came up to her elbows.”
Silence filled the storage room. Chifuyu continued to keep his eyes trained elsewhere while his counterpart merely stared for what felt like hours, but only seconds. And then…
Chifuyu looked up and sneered, blushing furiously as he threw a chew toy from one of the boxes at the fiend. “Hey! Don’t laugh! Do you have any idea how humiliating that is??”
Baji, to his dismay, effortless caught the toy, even squeaking it a couple times just to annoy him more. Taking a moment to collect himself, the ravenette still wore his sharp grin as he spoke through airy giggles. “So? Who cares what they have to say?”
“I do! They’re [_____]’s friends, everyone knows their approval is just as crucial to the relationship as the parents…if not more.”
“Mm. Pretty sure you’re overthinking this.”
Chifuyu gave a sarcastic laugh, “Pretty sure I’m not.”
“Alright. Lemme school ya on how women operate when they get in their little cliques.” Baji dusted off his hands, missing the eye roll the former blonde gave once again. With his pointer held high, he declared, “If majority of the friend group is taken, they’re just being protective. No doubt they’ve been there for every heartbreak, every fight, ‘nd jus’ don’t think anyone’s good enough for [_____]. Jus’ gotta keep your head down, and don’t give ‘em any reason to be weary. Simple.”
With a slow, skeptical nod, Chifuyu pursed his lips at his fellow delinquent. It wasn’t unlikely, so at least he’s correct in that regard. However, the line between facts and feelings began to blur the further Baji continued.
“But, if majority of them are single, then you’re screwed either way —Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.”
“Wow, that’s so helpful. You sure schooled me, Baji-san.”
“‘m serious. You gotta watch out for the single ones in the friend group. They’re all passive aggressive, try to get under your skin, push your buttons. Then, before you know it, they’re in your head, get you so worked up only for them to turn around and play victim, saying you can’t take a joke, and now you’re the fucking bad guy! Classic textbook emotional manipulation—Don’t fall for it. ‘cause they’ve got it down to a science, I’m telling ya.”
Chifuyu’s eyes widen at the sudden intensity that overtook the room, taking a small step back when Baji jabbed his finger at him, as if he were warning him of some conspiracy. “Uh…you good?”
Baji took a moment’s pause. Then, he cleared his throat.
“Sorry, got a little carried away. All’s I’m saying is, don’t sweat. Lotta chick’s pick on the best friend’s new fling, t’s like a war tactic—Poking at our fragile egos ‘nd all that. But, seems like you did fine, otherwise you’d be crying all over ‘tora right now.” Baji shrugged.
Chifuyu blinked, now his turn to be dumbfounded. “Huh.”
He frowned. “‘Huh’? I jus’ gave you some killer, black-pilled insight on cracking their code of conduct, and all I get is a dry-ass ‘huh’? Tsk. I’m charging you next time, goddamn freeloader.”
Chifuyu glared, but softened soon after. After taking his words into consideration, the former blonde couldn’t help but feel lighter. “It’s just... didn’t expect that to actually make me feel better.”
Baji scrunched his nose. “The fuck’s that supposed to mean? Oi, don’t ever doubt my knowledge. It may be selective, but I got it when it counts. Besides, thanks to me you won’t take that stool home after all.”
“I wasn’t planning to take it home in the first place.”
“Right. Keep telling yourself that, elbows.”
large — ♡
“Hey, baby, those legs go all the way up?”
It was moments like this where you detested not being able to blend in with the average crowd. Attention always seemed to gravitate toward you no matter how hard you tried to avoid it, like being covered in honey while trying to walk in front of a herd of bears. And it didn’t help that you were currently wearing heels tonight, accentuating your legs even more in the little, black cocktail dress you sported. You were headed to a party a mutual friend of yours was throwing, and you wanted to surprise your man by wearing the new Jimmy Choos he bought you, knowing how much he loved how your legs with the extra height on them—Evidently, so did the prowling degenerate on the streets.
You had elected to ignore them. HANMA seemed to have other plans as he came to a complete stop in his tracks, slowly turning around to walk up on the moron who had the nerve to open his mouth. Low, golden eyes gazed down at the waste of space, face calm but a murderous aura oozed off him like pheromone, suffocating the slimy bastard into submission as he attempted to shrink away. But, he wasn’t about to let him get away so easily.
A wide, eerie grin spread across his face. “Could’ve sworn I just heard you cat-call my girl right in front of me. But, you wouldn’t be stupid enough to do that. Right?”
The guy nervously looked back for reinforcements but his buddies were already long gone. Hanma’s grin immediately dissolved from his face, kissing his teeth before grabbing the guy by the front of his collar and twisting. “Fuckin’ hate repeating myself.”
Hanma wound his arm back, dead set on knocking the guy into an early grave until you intervened at the last second. By grabbing onto the balled up fist, you brought it to your lips to place a tender kiss on the inked skin. You felt his muscles relax, but he still held the offender by his shirt, only slightly playing attention to you cooing in his ear.
“Baby, you promised no fighting tonight, remember?”
“I know, doll, but this fucker,” he shook the guy around in his tight grasp, unhinged grin making its appearance once more at the sound of him blubbering, “deserves to have his shit rocked for even looking at you. I’m just gonna teach ‘em a little lesson about manners, that’s all. I’ll be quick.”
You scoffed, “You and I both know you don’t do quick.”
Hanma snickered. “First time for everything, right?”
Tugging on his arm, you were able to redirect all of his focus onto you, sinister eyes melting into sweet caramel as his pupils dilated the second they locked on yours. It always did something to him whenever you came up to eye-level. Sure, you were already pretty tall but the heels nearly had you towering him. It gave him a weird sensation, one that made him want to drop everything and worship you like the deity you were. Especially in situations like this.
Hanma felt like the smaller one for once. It drove him insane.
You fixed him a stern look. “Drop him.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, he discarded the guy onto the pavement like an old can, wild eyes eagerly watching you and waiting for your next request. Taking his free hand into yours, interlacing your fingers, you led the rest of the way by pulling him from the nobody now cowering near a bush, no doubt rethinking his life choices while you kept onward to your destination. You didn’t get all spruced up to not be seen tonight, and you’ll be damned if any more time got wasted on some loser he’d put in a coma after one hit. After a short moment of silence, you expected Hanma to be mad at you for not letting him knock someone’s teeth loose. But when you glanced back at him, you should’ve known you’d be greeted with absolute smugness as you shook your head in mirth.
You elected to ignore the obvious tent in his pants…but he’d surely plan for you to do otherwise later on.
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