#mordecai margarita
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franmxm16 · 4 months ago
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[REGULAR LOVE] Shopping Time.
Mordecai y Margarita llevan a sus hijas Rosita y Lisa a realizar las compras y se divierten bastante en el supermercado.
Mordecai and Margaret they're carry their daughters Rosie and Lisa to make the purchases and they have a fun in the supermarket.
Created By @nicomxm23.
Lisa is the @arjb612 OC.
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nicomxm23 · 1 year ago
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Things are getting very hot in the park 🤭❤️💙
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iheartsunset · 1 year ago
My Papa Louie Last Name HCs
(Finally I get around to making this after an extensive list spanning three years)
2024 Update: I had to change some of them due to a few new flipdecks coming out. I can’t believe Yoko is Prudence’s mom!
Louis “Papa Louie” Bianchi
Rinato “Roy” Bianchi
Allegra “Joy” Bianchi
Penelope “Penny” Nickelson
Alberto Marroquin
Prudence Hime-Wagner
Yoko Hime
Cooper Stripey
Greg Stripey
Taylor Morales
Margeurite “Peggy” Porterhouse
James Plummer
Willow Blackwood (formerly Ionescu)
Utah Mahelona
Nevada Mahelona
Saphira “Scooter” Hernandez
Kylie “Koilee” Takahashi
Olivia Takahashi
Cecilia Jimenez
Manon “Maggie” LeMaire
Timm Bower
Martin “Marty Diamond” Fitzpatrick
Colette “Clover Diamond” Fitzpatrick
Margarita “Rita” Jimenez
Rudy “Rudy Spade” Ramirez
Scarlett “Scarlett Heart” Ocampo
Mordecai “Mousse” Doletti
Whitney “Whippa” Doletti
Lisa Pereira
Daniel “Sarge Fan” Rootless
Allan Curtis
Tohru Yukimura
This probably isn’t all of them, but yeah! Most of them!
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rain-draws-all · 1 year ago
Things I've had Rocky do in DnD
Please note that my brother is the DM and will sometimes put in special interests for the group
Ms Tracy J Butler if you read this, I hope you have a good laugh
He's the only male character in this party. The others are a Tiefling Warlock, a Saytr Cleric, and later on a Half Elf Rogue
The cleric will occasionally just take off her clothes and chivalry dictates he must avoid his gaze
Though he will also just randomly take off his clothes so what the hell
First session did the Old Man River Poem when the chance arrived
Used vicious mockery on a goblin that didn't understand him but felt the need to go home and cry. Then he set its home on fire
Rolled a Nat20 on a chance encounter and had a unicorn nearly trample him
Said Unicorn adores him bc he's a virgin (I'm assuming) and keeps slut shaming his friends
My brother gave everyone who wanted one a love interest, Rocky's is a calico tabaxi ship captain (her name is Astrid)
They have a history but not a romantic one as Rocky lost her 400 gold worth of cargo and broke her ship's mast
Unintentionally got the warlock's hand bitten off by a were shark
Don't worry he had the unicorn fix it (begged)
They all have mounts, Rocky's is a fire bat named Novasa. Almost went with Sludge Rudge Begrudge (a snail) but didn't cuz I almost didn't play as Rocky
Keeps loudly bullying the Cleric for her crush on the local shop keep and now he's unofficially banned from going to shop at the same time as her
Went to an endless party also owned by a Satyr. Said satyr kept acting weird to our Satyr So when we investigated his room, Rocky took his "suspicious" fuzzy handcuffs
He also met a teleporting magic chicken named Margarita at that party. She really liked to nest on his hat
During a fight, he broke a man's legs near a lake. And then just left him by the lake. That man drowned but hey technically the water killed him not Rocky.
Found the undercity by following Mordecai (I get chance encounters with Lackadaisy characters except Freckle and Ivy)
Went to an underground gambling ring with the Cleric, her God is one of gambling so she kept cheating
The workers started to realize she was cheating, so in order to make a quick get away, Rocky loudly announced she was having a baby.
Satyr Cleric was clearly not pregnant but I rolled a Nat20 and got away with it.
Now they won't go back to the casino out of embarrassment (well her's not Rocky)
Later on he somehow, SLAYED A DRAGON. Like he got the killing blow. He kept a fang as keepsake and got a dagger made out of it.
Made friends with a Fae Prince who's just as chaotic as him. His name is Jasper
Helped Treants and as a reward they gave him 10 gallons of Treant Maple Syrup. Currently has 4 gallons left
Set up a daycare deal with a swamp witch named Zamboni (Don't worry he's not the babysitter)
So he's wanted in one city that's not actually a city it's more of a group traveling merchant shops/ships on the ocean. That's where he got his ear nicked in this world
He decided to sneak back on... in drag. DESPITE HAVING DESGUISE SELF
His love interest Astrid gave him a black ball gown to wear and her first mate gave him a blonde wig. Our Warlock did his make up that looked like a 6 yr old experimenting with a makeup set.
I had to roll for every interaction he did. When I rolled a 2 he tripped and ripped the dress down the back. The wig fell off as he tumbled
They immediately recognize him and he went sprinting back to the ship he came on in his underwear and boots.
What he did to be wanted was "accidentally?" set fire to a boat that turned out to have fireworks.
I think this is when his love interest caught feelings bc she's usually stoic but was cackling at this
He ate rocks with harpies
He melted a man's face off for threatening his friends (and his sweetheart) during a pirate battle
During the pirate battle Astrid gave a man four butt cheeks
And a gods damn Turtle Dragon showed up wanting to kill the fighting ships but Rocky knowing the spell Tongues was able to talk it out with her and she destroyed the pirate ship
(Here's where special interests start to show)
They helped Iplier Fischbach King of the Court of Finaf, received a Mr Hippo Magnet as a token
Cooked with Undyne and Papyrus from Undertale (surprise it caught fire)
Had to climb a gi huge fuck tree as he was the only one with claws. Paragliding down with a giant feather that he could barely lift
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jane-lafurry · 1 year ago
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Día 9:Mordecai,Margarita y Jane como Loid,Yor y Anya
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kitty-buster-moon-simp · 1 year ago
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Kitty-Tober Day 17✨:Familia Mauraddie (Maurice X Maddie/Madelline), Maurice, Maddie/Madelline (Mi OC, La Hermana Mayor De Mi OC Omiju/Opheline), Richard Y Valentina Como La Familia Heeler De Bluey, Bandit, Chilli, Bluey y Bingo
Me Basé En Un Dibujo De Mi Amiga @jane-lafurry De La Familia Mordaret (Mordecai X Margarita/Margaret) Como La Familia Heeler De Bluey, Así Que Créditos
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biblebloodhound · 6 months ago
A Great Reversal (Esther 8:1-17)
“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” Jesus (Matthew 20:16)
Reversal, by Margarita Lypiridou, 2021 That same day King Xerxes gave Queen Esther the estate of Haman, the enemy of the Jews. And Mordecai came into the presence of the king, for Esther had told how he was related to her. The king took off his signet ring, which he had reclaimed from Haman, and presented it to Mordecai. And Esther appointed him over Haman’s estate. Esther again pleaded with…
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judy42wolf · 4 years ago
Cuando era un poco más menor,fuí muy fan de Regular Show también era re simp de Mordecai xd
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lackadaisycats · 5 years ago
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Patreon art. The prompt was for a sort of Master and Margarita/Lackadaisy crossover, with Mordecai as a Behemoth stand-in (vaguely). “Manuscripts don’t burn,” is, of course, from Bulgakov’s text.
------------------------------ Lackadaisy is on Patreon - there’s extra stuff!
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thequimmqueen · 4 years ago
I found a song in Spanish as it suits Timm and Quinn with a little dialogue.
Timm: Siento la humedad en mí, de verte llorar y hablar.
Quinn: Si es que tú te vas de aquí, creo que a mí me va sufrir.
Timm: I feel the moisture in me, from watching you cry and talk.
Quinn: If you leave here, I think I will suffer.
How about?
Hey no te preocupes, Soy chilena entiendo español XD
La verdad no reconocí la canción ni letra pensando que iba a ser tipo "que quieres de mi" de luis fonsi.. pero! Wow! Conozco esta canción de hace años- solía imaginarme a mordecai y margarita con ella 😂
Y Pensandolo de esa manera.. Sí.. Me da Penita unu
Está genial gracias!! La agregaré a mi Playlist de Canciones quimm!!
Speaking of quimm songs, @acsrandomstuff ! Could you send me that one song you shared me that fits quimm again? I might do a Long post with all the music that makes me think of them!
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franmxm16 · 3 months ago
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[MORDARET] Happy New Year 2025.
Hey guys i'm back here but i wish you all happy new year and thanks for all this time.
Created By @nicomxm23.
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nicomxm23 · 2 years ago
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Kiss me❤️💙
(Alternate version)
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ronidodley · 8 years ago
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:/ al final, que bueno que terminaron como amigos
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jane-lafurry · 1 year ago
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Día 14:Tanjiro y Kanao como Mordecai y Margarita
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redempti0nnn · 8 years ago
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Regular Show
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roxyminimoose · 4 years ago
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Los ninos avatars, una madre y un bebe extrano
me encanta este juego Sims3 tiene variedad de cosas para agregarle a tus personajes menos vida propia, se un dios y escoge su destino muahaha ha ha
TOP 5 Episodeos romanticos de regular show
Mis episodeos romanticos favoritos : 5.-Fancy Restaurant:Musculoso trata de imprecionar a los padres de starla llavandolos al restaurante elegante y mostrando lo decente que puede ser para asi imprecionarlos. cuantos de nosotros no tuvimos una situacion asi con nuestras citas, en mi opinion uno de mis episodeos mas divertidos y geniales de musculoso y starla => yay! somos amigos y odiamos verte deprimido la ultima vez que starla te boto estuvimos triste y lo solucionamos. No,en realidad no querian hacer el trabajo de musculoso. 4.-Bad Kiss:este capitulo mordecai besa a margarita, y todo bien exepto por el mal sabor de boca que tiene mordecai y de ahi mordecai se averguenza hasta que rigby decide usar su maquina de tiempo para asi tratar de evitar mal aliento, en eso al final del capitulo mordecai  decide no besarla y todo normal. una manera muy descabellada de terminar asi, y es el episodeo favorito del JaimitoGayquintle }=3 La moraleja es que uno debe prevenir el mal aliento porque nadie sabe cuando ocurrira tu primer beso, una semana, un dia o en este momento!! y lavense los dientes siempre. 3.-Play date: uno de los episodeos mas divertidos y adorables de mordecai y Cj, mas cuando muestran una fuerte relacion, y Cj fue coperativa con mordecai ayudandole a cuidar a thomas(el hijo dle demonio), divertido. 2.-Skips story: cuando skips cuanta su historia cuenta de cuando se volvio inmortal y trar estar contando la historia empieza a hablar cuando conocio a Mona una gran chica por cierto, y hasta que ella se interpuso en la pelea y es aplastada por el techo matandola U-U uno de los romances al estilo de los  80 o 90 y una pareja increible. y conmovedores momentos. 1.- TGI Tuesday: debo decir que el capitulo tiene todo lo que hace emocionante, musica, ecenario y caracteristica en los perasonajes y tambien  mirarmos a una pajarita torpe enamorada, es decir margaret muestra carino a mordecai. hay que admitirlo, vamos este capitulo fue una oportunidad que mordecai pudo aprovechar para besar a margarita! los demas capitulos como "Meteo move" y "pick up margaret"fueron muy apresuradas. pero como siempre jaimito gaga(gay)quintel tuvo que meter la pata siempre no. el meme solo TOP 5 Episodeos romanticos de regular show https://www.deviantart.com/minimoose1231/art/TOP-5-Episodeos-romanticos-de-regular-show-484624252
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