nilefreemans · 3 years
32 for andromaquynh!!!!
You wear matching masks at a masquerade party.
The flow of fabric around her is almost dizzying, the shine of delicate silks shinning off the low candlelight of the room. To the back of the room, an orchestra plays, and Quynh takes a look at her companion whose green-grey eyes watch the room behind a simple black mask as his hands play expertly at the cello. Subtly he turns his body to the left, his head tilting down and Quynh moves in that direction, understanding his single.  She sees the target easily enough, a pompous gentleman with a hunger for power that only rivals his hunger for fame. Sir Merrick was quickly abusing his power, kidnapping innocents and holding them for ransom under a different name, and he hired people to kill his competitors.  Slowly she makes her way in his direction, moving through the crowd easily, ready to make her move on the man.  The song changes to that of a more sultry dance and there’s a hand on her waist, spinning her and Quynh turns, hidden knife in her hand tucked against this stranger’s throat.  The stranger is a handsome woman, dressed in a suit with a mask that was identical to Quynh’s own, and just like Quynh had a blade to this woman’s throat, this woman had a blade to her side.  “As much as I’d love for you to kill the bastard,” The woman says quietly, with no fear of the blade at her throat as she looks at Quyng with amusement in her beautiful blue eyes.  “I’m afraid I need him alive a little longer to get the information I need to save someone who is very close to me.” The woman says and she pulls the blade away from Quynh’s side, tucking it back into her coat with clear and careful movements, showing Quynh she wasn’t a threat.  “I might not get another opportunity,” Quynh says, tucking her own knife back into the sleeve of her dress, dropping her hand to the woman’s shoulder, and letting her lead her into a dance. They’re closer to the band stage, the music covering their conversation easily, and she catches Nicolo’s eye, knowing he will step in if something goes wrong.  “I’m asking for three days,” The woman replies, dipping Quynh low and lifting her easily going back into the steps of the song. “After that, I will help you kill him.” Quynh hums in response, considering the woman’s offer. The plan for tonight had been to separate Merrick from the rest of the party and let him talk about himself long enough for Nicolo to slip away so they could make it look like Merrick suffered an unfortunate accident.   “How could I trust someone I don’t even know,” Quynh asks as she’s spun around while lifted, mirroring the couples around them.  “Andromache the Scythian,” She replies with a smile, and Quynh’s eyes widen in recognition. Andromache the Scythian is someone who had a reputation in the world of assassins.  “I assume you know my name,” Quynh says, the dance coming close to an end,  their steps slowing with the music.  “And that of your companion, my research never mentioned di Genova being able to play so beautifully,” Andromache says and Quynh smiles, stepping back as the song ends, giving a curtsey to her unexpected dance partner.  “Three days time,” Quyng reminds the woman when they part. “You’ll meet me at The Garden, and we will take care of our mutual problem together.”  “I look forward to it,” Andromache says as she takes Quynh’s hand while she bows, kissing her knuckles and looking up at Quynh through her lashes.  Andromache, Quynh thinks, is frustratingly charming. 
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
💍 + dinahollie ?
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Actually wait didn’t they actually get married in canon at some point? Wasn’t that the one that everyone was like ‘lol it won’t last’??? ANYWAYS
Def a private/closed ceremony & reception for their various JLA friends/coworkers (so ppl can attend both in/out of identity as they feel comfortable)
Dinah’s got the birds n leaguers alike as her bridesmaids
Babs is her maid of honor but Zee insists on handling the Bachelorette party “Oracle is sweet but she d o e s n t know how to throw a rager for an entertainer”
Ollie’s bachelor party on the other hand is a quiet night in comparatively speaking bc Roy (the Best Man) knows it’s all he really needs by this point aksj
Again, Dinah’s doing flowers, Ollie’s hiring a DJ, seating arrangements are rlly more of a first come-first sit kinda deal bc they know their friends will sort that shit out lmao
Wouldn’t be a Superhero Wedding without a Villain Crashing it but I honestly keep drawing a blank on who it should be but I just REALLY love the drama for that kinda thing so just fill in that blank w/ ur own Fav for now aksjak
Send me a ship+💍 for some wedding headcanons!
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if ur doing fic prompts uhhh “Never trust a man whose smile steals the breath right from your lungs.” + constangreen
(Okay, finally getting into it)
John set down his empty glass hard on the table. “Shit.”
Ray looked over at the other man. John’s blissful mood that he’d had after coming back to life had started dropping off steadily. After Gary had gone to pack away the rest of the food, it had started dropping more and more. The old John Constantine was coming back, which was a shame. Ray had liked the John who had come back to life with a smile and a plan and determination and hope.
“You want to talk about what’s happening?” Ray finally asked as John started on  his second glass.
“Not really,” John muttered. “But I have a feeling you won’t let it go.”
Ray shook his head. “Nope. Something’s bugging you. I want to be able to help you with something. So...out with it?”
The warlock sighed and rubbed his eyes. “It’s something I heard once. Never trust a man whose smile steals the breath right from your lungs. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.”
“That sounds like someone giving advice, but bad advice?” Ray frowned. “That’s what Nate’s smile is like and I trust him. Behrad too.”
“Of course you do,” snarked John. “Except that’s you. With me, those words...it’s more than trust. It’s...getting closer with someone else.”
Ray tilted his head. “Closer? Is this you and me closer or Desmond closer?”
The look John gave him confirmed his suspicions, so Ray pressed on. “You said you’ve been thinking about it lately and....oh. This is about Gary, isn’t it?”
“You said it, not me,” John replied, taking another sip.
Ray waited, raising an eyebrow.
“Alright, yeah, it’s about Gary.”
“You’re falling for Gary,” he realized. “That’s...something. Well, each to their own, I guess.”
“We can’t all have a fairy godmother to fall in love with,” John snapped back. “But when I was dying, I was thinking about Gary. The past few months together have been...good. Really good. Then they were about to end in an instant. I didn’t want to leave him alone.”
“Is that why you left him everything?”
John nodded. “Save for some trinkets, he got it all. I hoped it would lessen the blow of losing me.”
“But then you came back to life and kissed him, then shut him down.”
“Because with what’s about to come, he might be right in the line of fire. And if Astra knows about him, she’ll target him too. You know Gary, he’s a marshmallow. If he dies, that’s my fault. All because I fell for that beautiful smile.”
Both men were silent for a few moments. Ray pondered over his words. John drank some more.
“Look, I can’t tell you how to live your life,” Ray finally said. “Life’s too short, that’s what you told me when I was talking about Nora. You also told me that you have too many regrets. Why add another?”
The other man nodded along.
“So, is Gary worth it? Is he really worth loving, even with everything that you face?”
John exhaled. “I think he is.”
“But he’s going to get hurt sticking around like everyone else. Look at what happened last year.”
“We made a lot of mistakes last year,” said Ray. “It’s Gary’s choice if he wants to stay with you. But if you think he’s worth, then go get him, John. You have enough regrets. Don’t make this another one.”
The warlock chuckled. “You give a hell of a speech, big man.”
“Learned from what I had to hear,” he grinned. “I’m going to go update the Legends that you’re still around. You stay here and rest. I think there’s enough time to take away a regret.”
John turned his head towards the kitchen that Gary was coming back from. “I’ll work on that.”
Gary was quiet when he entered the dining room. He was disappointed that Ray had left without saying goodbye, but asked if John wanted to play a game of chess. John agreed, watching Gary set up the pieces. In the back of his head, the nasty little voice reminded him what kind of person he was, that Gary would be more blood on his hands in the end. He already even had that with the nipple and Neron.
But then he remembered Ray’s words. What he had told Ray was getting thrown right back at him. If he took the step, he could live with one less regret. The step was a big one though.
“I’m sorry,” John finally spoke up as he moved the knight.
“You already apologized earlier,” Gary replied. “You were in pain. I was...being me. It’s okay.”
John shook his head. “No, it’s not. And it’s not for tonight. It’s been for pushing you away all the time.”
“I get it,” Gary’s eyes were on the board instead of meeting his. “I know, I come on too strong. I always have. I’m too much.”
“Sometimes...but you always mean the best. You always look to see the best, Gary. Hearing that someone sees something good in you after a lifetime of screw-ups...do you know how that feels?”
Gary shrugged. “Well, uh...sort of?”
“It’s overwhelming. And yeah, you see the best too much, but I see it too little.”
Gary’s hand was on the queen. “Where is this going?”
“I told Ray that I had nothing but regrets,” John said as Gary made his move. “He told me that maybe I should think about having one less.”
His hand moved his pawn out, leaving his king exposed. Gary stared at the board, then back up at him.
“I don’t know how much time I have left, but I want to spend what I do have with you.”
Gary leaned back. “This isn’t a joke? You’re not going to throw it back in my face?”
“No,” John shook his head. “It’s real. One less regret to die with.”
A shy smile flickered across Gary’s face. “Okay. So what to you want to do?”
“I feel like celebrating being alive again. Care to join me?”
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habibialkaysani · 5 years
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you’re the medicine and the pain, the tattoo inside my brain, and baby, you know it’s obvious - I’m a sucker for you
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craptaincold · 4 years
there’s a scene in buzzfeed unsolved where ryan and shane are staying in this haunted hotel that’s like. really nice and there’s a jacuzzi tub and they both awkwardly sit in it together (in their swim trunks) and anyways, this happens with cisco & hartley and siren is off camera dying of laughter while also sending lisa a snapchat of the two of them that says ‘two dudes, chilling in a hot tub, one foot apart ‘cause they are gay’
lisa: god i wish that were me.
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starcitysirens · 4 years
you & your dog are both very pretty!!!
Thank you! 😊
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mortdeheros · 4 years
good god i’m so sorry you were getting such nasty anons? you don’t deserve that. here’s a little positivity for ur inbox in form of some of emojis i just think are neat: 💜👻🧶🐣🦋🦇🐢🦕🦦🦔🌹🌺🌸🌟☃️🪁🏵🌌🌄🧸🏳️‍🌈
Fun fact Otter and Dino emoji’s cure my sadness. Thank you so much! This message really made my day a lot better. 
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criston-cole · 5 years
dark thought (and highly unlikely bc the writers aren’t That Smart) but what if the reason lena’s mom was played by katie is bc lena doesn’t remember what her mom looked like (temporarily ignoring the concept of things like. photographs)
THAT HURTS. i wouldn’t give them that much credit bc this was prob just a budget decision but THAT IS SAD so i like it
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lucyfrostblade · 4 years
i HAVE to suggesst "The Abyss Surrounds Us" (& it's sequel "Edge of The Abyss") by Emily Skrutskie if you havent read them already, it's a scifi/fantasy w pirates n sea monsters n LESBIANS (n its lowkey kinda enemies to lovers if u dig that) and i absolutely LOVED the books and wish i could wipe my memory n reread them
i unfortunately have some issues with Emily Skrutskie so i am going to pass but thank you for the rec nonetheless!!
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echoquery · 4 years
the mcu discussion on ur beautiful ot3 gifset,,, i’m so sorry. u deserve better
literally terrorism...
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raviposting · 4 years
the flash / 911 (TELL me buck and barry wouldn't be good friends tho)
OOOH you right you right they absolutely would lmao. Also I’m just imagining the 118 just popping up after villain fights and going “oh great another flash situation” and barry is just like “HEY i have feelings you know” 
A crossover ship I’d dig: HMMMMMM. I’m pretty content with 911 ships here lmaoooo so it’s hard ughhhh. I’m gonna go with. Buck and Iris because I think she probably would find him charming and I can see those two having good chemistry together
A crossover BroTP I’d dig: idk why but I do know that I would love a Chimney and Cisco friendship like asap. Also I think Caitlin and Maddie would be such a sweet friendship??? They’d be so supportive of each other I love it. :) 
Oh gosh and also??? Cisco making all this cool tech for Chris???? Being a mentor??? Chris being an up-and-coming superhero?????? Oh my god I love it?????????
A crossover Frenemies I think would be inevitable: OOOH frenemies hmmmmmm. I think Lisa would get along hilariously well with Hen and it drives Athena up the wall because her best friend is getting so chummy with the Golden Glider. Hen never helps her on anything, minus the one time that she treated The Mirror Master but like that was one time or twice
A crossover badass duo I think would be inevitable: Eddie and Cisco!!!! Eddie and Cisco!! Tell me that when Cisco is making things (the entire 118 really) he doesn’t throw in a little extra for Eddie and then one day they’re just chilling and a villain comes in and they’re like!!! Using tech or heck it they both have powers they’re using them woohoo 
A crossover animosity I think would be inevitable: Oh gosh. I guess.....I mean anyone with Reverse Flash??? I can see the Grant family in particular just extra hating him lmao
Send me two fandoms!
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nilefreemans · 4 years
could you do rainbow flag for dinah or helena for the icons?
like or reblog if using ||  my other icons
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my other icons
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goldheartofsteel · 4 years
galavant x aos
A crossover ship I’d dig:
-Since it’s me, clearly Isabella x Daisy & Piper x Gwynne
A crossover BroTP I’d dig:
- Coulson & King Richard
 - Sid & Trip
A crossover Frenemies I think would be inevitable:
- Galavant & Lance Hunter
A crossover badass duo I think would be inevitable:
-Piper & Gwynne
A crossover animosity I think would be inevitable:
- Madalena & AIDA or Madalena & May
Send me two fandoms and I’ll tell you
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someone PLEASE tell john to appreciate gary more. im begging u. but also ease the john being nice to gary in otherwise gary might stop functioning altogether
YES PLEASE IT IS NEEDED. Give me something of juicy. We have John validating Gary, he was the first person to validate Gary e v e r! I need it again! I need the writers to just commit to the ship instead of dangling bits of it here and there. COMMIT!
But yeah, go easy on Gary. He rarely gets validation so we gotta do it little by little. I need that content. This ship rarely gets love, and I will BASK in all content
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yesokayiknow · 4 years
24 + me (would you recommend me to a friend)
yes of course!!! i love u cap and the way u brought us all together!!!
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no absolutely not.
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craptaincold · 4 years
siren: this is my girlfriend lisa, her boyfriend cisco and his boyfriend hartley. no we do not take questions. cisco, behind her: we’re literally doing a Q&A for our show siren
siren: we are taking no further questions at this time.hartley: we didn’t even take any questions you were just introducing us
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