ricknmaklan · 2 years
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“The Night King has your dragon…”
A more suitable reaction from Dany to finding out her child has been un-dead.
From the s8 AU
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ricknmaklan · 2 years
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Targaryen Week Day 7 : Favourite dragonrider/dragon bond
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ricknmaklan · 2 years
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Hello the World! Here I am rising from my ashes: 1025 days to overcome that disease and settle down in that whole new life. I’ve adopted a new mindset and live my dreams one after the other, even the oldest, even the pretty risky. One of them was to make a living as an artist. So I am announcing you that I will be drawing full time from now on. My main subjects are animals, nature and portraits but I will most likely save some time for TV series/movies which includes GOT and our dear Jonerys.
Commissions are welcomed!
I do not have a website yet but you can find the 2020 fanarts on my Etsy shop:
It is just a start; I am still looking for the best value for money, the correct balance between cost and the high quality I want. So, more products and options are to come. Your ideas and whishes are very most appreciated; do not hesitate to contact me. If you know international carriers cheaper than our national mail systems, please share!
Happy New Year to all!
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
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Jonerys Vanlentines Day 7: Free Choice
Characters from Thumbprint Scar by @frostbitepandaaaaa
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
20 questions game
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @dracarysqueen Thank you !
1. Name: Marianne
2. Nickname: Mad (has nothing to do with the English meaning)
3. Zodiac sign: Virgo
4. Height: 1m67
5. Languages: French, English and not enough Spanish, to my shame, (._.) with almost half the family being Spanish
6. Nationality: French
7. Favourite season: Fall
8. Favourite flower: Wild flowers
9. Favourite scent: Horses
10. Favourite colour: A mix of dark gray, blue and green
11. Favourite animal: Parson Russells
12. Favourite fictional character: Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow and Kahlan Amnell
13. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: None!
14. Average sleep hours: 7h
15. Dog or cat person: Dog
16. How many blankets you sleep with: only one but I have a thicker one for winter
17. Dream trip: traveling through a country of ice and snow on dog sledging – traveling through a country of grassland on horseback – immersive experience in different cultures: preferably Indians and Nomads of the world
18. Blog established: June 2019
19. Followers: 101 Dalmatians ^^
20. Random fact: I haven’t watched a single movie or series since Got S8E5 aired (they fed me enough garbage with those 5 episodes to make me permanently sick of stories from big film industries)
I tag: @reddoorandlemontree , @themandelorians and @doxawoxa
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
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Jonerys Valentines Day 5: Arranged Marriage
“Do you need help mounting, Your Grace?”
She bit her lip, her accursed brain conjuring all the manner of dirty jokes and untoward thoughts at this question.
“If there are no royal stairs to be had, Your Grace, then I suppose I will accept your assistance.”
Any other day, she would have refused. She had mounted up herself so many times it was merely a reflex by now. But this was not any other day.
Jon Snow smiled, maybe a bit shocked, and he allowed himself a chuff of a laugh. He stepped closer and knelt down, making a step with his gloved hands. She stepped into them and was lifted so lightly and gracefully it was a wonder she weighed anything at all to him.
Oh, she thought to herself as she gathered the reins. Stature and strength did not seem to correspond equally with this man.”
BUILT TO LOVE by @frostbitepandaaaaa
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
Source: Iceandfiresource
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Get inspired by the prompts above and create something fun related to them for our favorite pairing! Our theme this year is “Lace and Leather”. That way, there’s something for everyone’s taste, whether you love the filthy stuff or prefer to create more fluffy content. 
For each day, starting from February 14th, choose one (or both!) of the prompts from the Lace (sweet prompts) or from the Leather (naughty) sections. These were primarily devised as drabble prompts, but fanart, edits, gifs, moodboards, etc… are encouraged as well! Post your work on the corresponding day, until February 20th. 
Tag your content with our special event tag, #jonerysvalentines2020 and we’ll reblog it here! Signal boost this post to guarantee plenty of fun content during this wonderful week!
Have fun, and Happy Valentine’s Day, fellow shippers!
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
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"He found them, folded and faded like old parchment within the bed.
Under any other circumstance, he would have found it embarrassing, impertinent, to find his king in such a state. Under any other circumstance, he would have backed from the room as quickly as if he had discovered that it was full of hissing vipers.
But seeing Jon, his head tilted back on the wall, cheek leaned against the crown of her head-- sound asleep though one leg dangled off the edge of the bed, healed him more than he could say. Likewise, the queen had burrowed into the crook of his arm and currently snored and drooled onto his hauberk like a babe."
Ozymandian Chapter 11 @frostbitepandaaaaa
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
I can't believe I have to wait the end of my working day to read it 😭
Thank you so much!!! I am going to be sooo impatient all day long...
Jonerys Secret Santa 🎁
Merry belated Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @ricknmaklan! You had several amazing ideas, but I settled on a short one-shot mashup of the following two prompts that you provided:
“Under Jon’s government, the North has grown as powerful as Dany’s armies and dragons. They have giants who can throw spears as big as the Scorpions, mammoths, strange explosive weapons offered by the Children of the forest after the NK was ended, etc. In short, they have as much magic as she does.”
“Dany is moving north peacefully to negotiate. During her journey, she enjoys to put on simple clothes to blend in the population with Missi, Grey Worm and Jorah and try to get to know the northerners before she arrives at Winterfell. But she keeps running into this mysterious young man everybody seems to love and who leaves an awkward sensation in her stomach.”
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Title: Kismet
Rating: Mature
Summary: Daenerys has traveled covertly into the mysterious independent Northern kingdom. While there, she finds herself running into a mysterious young man whom she feels a strange but compelling connection with.
@ricknmaklan: I loved this prompt! Please let me know if you’d want to read more and I hope you enjoy it!!
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
Your secret Santa here - and I just wanted to let you know that I am still working on your fic. I’ll have it done by tmrw but I just wanted to let you know that I haven’t forgotten you!! So sry for the delay and happy holidays!
Thank you for the little note ^^ No worries! I am the queen of missed deadlines lol so I know how hard it is. I had to finish my gift today because I am leaving tomorrow but I really pushed my limits. Don't do the same, have fun and take your time, 2020 is not here yet ;) This is so exciting!!!!!
Happy Holliday Santa! ❤️
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
Hohoho @reddoorandlemontree​, time has come to pack your little present! But first let’s check I am not forgetting anything... or anyone. You ask Santa a happy ending futur Jonerys with Targling (or 3).
So let’s see what we’ve got:
Happy is here !
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And 1 Targling
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And another one !
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And a twin sister for our little guy makes 3 Targlings!
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Everything is ready to go !
MERRY CHRISTMAS  @reddoorandlemontree​!!!! I wish you to be overwhelmed with as much love as those seven, today and for the many years to come. 
Your Secret Santa
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
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She.... is my queen
So today I got my Daenerys tattoo! Complete with the crown and lemons she deserved 😭
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who commissioned me this year- wouldn’t have been able to get this done without you guys ❤️
Also, please check out my fantastic tattoo artist on her instagram: https://instagram.com/katabdy?igshid=1a1fa5n1cvyd3 her name is Kat Abdy and she’s an extremely talented lady!
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
yay, another salt!fic
to scrub the lunacy from my eyes that was that ‘deleted scene’ (i guess they took mercy on us in some respects… right? RIGHT??? omg i hate it so much) and to also get my juices flowing now that i have a job and a, y’know, schedule, i decided to rewrite that fucking horrendous piece of trash. jon. snow. deserves. better. anyway, enjoy Jonerys fam! soak in this lovely, lovely salt!
read it on ao3, if that;s more your fancy. 
The convoy came to a slow, lurching halt. Hooves squelched in mud, horses whickered, shield and spear clattered as thousands and thousands of feet stopped before the gates of Winterfell.
Jon felt discomfited as he dismounted, made for Daenerys’ saddle and helped her down from her own. He made very sure to draw his hands away immediately, though they yearned to linger there under her cloak and gather some of her dragon’s warmth for himself. It was eerily quiet.
She settled into the frosty mud beside him, brushing off her coat, and looked upon his home from this new vantage— only some five paces away and not from the back of a horse. Or a dragon.
As she took it in, he looked at her, gauging her reaction. He watched as her eyes took in the fresh timber of the rebuilt gate, swung open to receive them.
All emotion was locked away, only a bland, if serene, smile gracing her face.
She was as nervous as he was.
Afficher davantage
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
“The only thing I will not enjoy is smut in which the woman says things as "hurt me" to her partner.” We’re in total agreement here! Also I will track your page, so feel free to make a post with any questions/concerns you might have between now and The Exchange and I will try to address them. I hope you like what I come up with.
Sorry it took me so long to answer: I'm already freaking out I can't finish my Secret Santa gift in time! I am sure I will love your story as we totally seem to be on the same page! Your offer is so kind, I will gladly let you know anything that comes to my mind. And of course, whatever questions you have, they are welcome! 
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
Wow - you have a LOT of great ideas! I have to say I’m loving the North storyline where Jon has a ton of magic at his disposal. I also like the last idea with Jon becoming Dany’s guard. I’m trying to figure out which will work better and how to write it in a believable way. Btw, are you opposed to smut or rated R material?
Thank you!!! I am glad you found something you like and I am very happy with the 2 prompts you preselected. I am looking forward to read your story! 
And your question is really thoughtful! : I am totally fine with smut and rated R material. The only thing I will not enjoy is smut in which the woman says things as "hurt me" to her partner. 
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
Hi! I'm your jonerys secret santa this year. Am so excited to do this! Okay, so I'll be writing a oneshot for you. What should it be about? I'm open to canon and modern aus, cracky ideas, sizzling smut, angst with a happy ending, and a whole lot more. One of the few things I'm not comfortable with is writing post-s8 fics (I refuse to accept s8 as canon), but other than that, I'm all ears. So, hit me with prompts. What would you like santa to bring you this year?
Santa !!!! I was already so excited to do this but your message is just the best, I feel so blessed !!!
I am a bottomless pit of ideas when it comes to prompts… I’m afraid I am going to give you way too much to read, sorry…
What I like in Jonerys stories is the fire and ice allegory as a representation of their tempers as much as the balance their union brings into the world. I like Dany’s excess fire (as a creative power source not madness!) and Jon’s lack of it (as a guy who lost his hopes and ability to believe after his resurrection and all the harassment he endured). I love reading about how Jon’s ice anchors Dany better and how her fire grows back his wings. My favorite settings are missing scenes from season 7 on Dragonstone and alternative stories of their meeting. Season 8 does not exist.
If this is inspiring enough for you, I would be delighted with anything you enjoy writing about it. If you would rather write from prompts, here we go:
About missing scenes from season 7 on Dragonstone:
Cersei sends Euron Greyjoy’s fleet against Dragonstone during the night. Dany and co. wake up to find the island surrounded with ships. All her advisers strongly oppose her bringing out the dragons because one third of the ships are equipped with scorpions. Jon comes up with the idea to attack the ships from under water as the scorpions were designed to strike flying dragons, not swimming dragons.
During his Dragonglass search, Jon is irresistibly drawn by an extremely difficult tunnel to access. He finds a tremendous amount of dragon’s stone eggs there. He decides to show his discovery to the Queen. He is surprised to find out she has mixed feelings about this.
Dany expresses her concern about the Dothrakis’ future in Westeros. Jon claims the key issue is communication and that they must learn the common tongue. The Queen doubts she can ever convince them to do so. Jon offers to give it a try as he heard they were horsemen and respected strength.
After mining Dragonglass all day long, the King in the North spends his nights in the castle library in search of anything he could come across to defeat the Night King. Dany cannot fight her curiosity very long and ends up joining him every night pretending she can help with the Valyrian manuscripts. Her family books do talk about dead creatures and long nights, they also talk about children of the forest, dragons and she finds out her great uncle’s date of death, Aemon Targaryen, is missing from the records...
About alternative meetings:
The North, led by Jon Snow, has defeated the Night King and ended the Long Night. Cersei’s disastrous management of the South during this four years long winter led the people to revolt.  Daenerys fed the revolution and easily overthrow the Mad Queen when the time came. Now she wants the North but its King refuses to come down South. She moves her armies north to teach him a lesson. But under Jon’s government, the North has grown as powerful as Dany’s armies and dragons. They have giants who can throw spears as big as the Scorpions, mammoths, strange explosive weapons offered by the Children of the forest after the NK was ended, etc. In short, they have as much magic as she does and she cares for magic creatures more than anything. She cease the battle and opens negotiations. Apparently that King has the same soft spot as she does for magic endangered species.
Same context, except Dany is moving north peacefully to negotiate. During her journey, she enjoys to put on simple close to blend in the population with Missi, Grey Worm and Jorah and try to get to know the northerners before she arrives at Winterfell. But she keeps running into this mysterious young man everybody seems to love and who leaves an awkward sensation in her stomach.
After his resurrection, Jon does what he said: he goes south because Sansa never made it to Castle Black to prevent it. He is empty and has no goal. He wanders aimlessly Meereen streets when a gang of thugs starts claiming his pretty sword. He is spotted by Daario as he effortlessly gets rid of them and is offered a job in Queen Daenerys Private Guard. Somehow Jon is getting the Queen’s attention by doing absolutely nothing.
Did you find something matching your own interests so far? If not, let me know, there is a lot more in stock. I wish you can have as much fun writing as I will have reading your little story!!!
Can’t wait!!!
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ricknmaklan · 5 years
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Instead of my usual fanart in honor of a certain atrocious finale I present to you my series titled Artistic Renderings of Game of Thrones Actors Valiantly Powering Through Interviews About Season 8 (seriously if you haven’t seen these interview clips, highly recommended.)
(Hey guys! This is my viral post from a few days ago, there’s quite a number of uncredited versions going around already, would appreciate you guys spreading this or the original tweet / Instagram post!)
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