frecklesandfreedom · 7 years
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frecklesandfreedom · 7 years
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//far too often I forget His power and authority over this world and my life// 🎶 Say The Word - Hillsong United 🎶
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frecklesandfreedom · 7 years
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Jenessa Wait
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frecklesandfreedom · 7 years
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frecklesandfreedom · 7 years
Responding to hate with hate only begets more hate. Responding to hate with love isn’t always the solution. Respond to hate w/ INTELLIGENCE.
(via kushandwizdom)
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frecklesandfreedom · 8 years
Ever look around and wonder how in the hell you ended up so boring? Sometimes I wonder if I'll be along forever because I don't seem nearly as interesting as the people I meet.
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frecklesandfreedom · 8 years
How do you describe the moment Facebook informs you that your chances just came to an abrupt halt? Is it by the deafening beat of your own heart now surprisingly in your throat? Could it be by the G force accompanying the drop you felt in your lower extremities when the news appeared before your eyes emblazoned in electric blue and stark white? Even stranger, could it be by the way your mind dumped the entirety of its emotional catalog onto the floor as if it was a sack of garbage its tenants were too exhausted to take out to the bin? What emboldened you to make such a statement without first attending to the gaping hole you knew you’d leave in the wake of your duality? Which face was it that you showed me? Which face was the one she came to know.... will come to know? What was your criteria? Where can I find your detailed rubric, outlining the qualifications, specifications, and modifications of a suitable companion? Did you not check off the boxes in my favor? Were the margins scribbled with notes of “if onlys” and “not enoughs?”  
In this modern world of keyboards and flat screens and ever-shrinking communicative devices, we swipe ourselves into oblivion never knowing that our jokes, our stories, our late-night and early-morning conversations are accompanied by just as equally inspiring jokes, stories, and conversations from lips we’ve never met before, lips we’ve never snapped or seen before us. A duality exists where players are no longer made to focus on one option at a time, but merely participate until all options are concretely made available to them. The ultimate prize being so great that the shattering of the leftovers is but a dull echo drowned out by a sea of little blue adorations sending chirps and whistles to alert us to their arrival. 
When you made you choice, was I even a contender? Or was I just a series of letters to keep you company?
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frecklesandfreedom · 8 years
Date someone who is a home and an adventure all at once.
(via deeplifequotes)
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frecklesandfreedom · 8 years
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Every year, I feel like Autumn slips by without me actually getting to do everything I want to do. Does anyone else have that feeling? I feel disappointed in myself for not doing all the things I want to do. I know you guys want to pack as much Fall fun in as possible before the season flips to Winter, so let’s get prepared early. 
Here’s my list of ways to enjoy Autumn to the absolute fullest this year: 
Go on Autumn picnics. Special thanks to tarmahartley for this suggestion. It’s genius. Here’s what she had to say: “I love Autumn picnics! It’s cool and there’s no bugs so its much more enjoyable! Plus the beautiful Fall colours make for a spectacular background!^)^ Walks are fun as well! ^_^” 
Go on lots of walks. When I think back to my favorite Autumns (anyone else?), I find myself thinking about all the walks I took, either by myself or with friends. I always took tons of pictures and I always love looking back on them. 
Early mornings with coffee & your favorite movie. Take it from a new mom: spend as many mornings enjoying your favorite things! 
Get some cozy socks. This is tiny. Teeny tiny. But the thing I love most about Fall is the first day I can wear my comfy boot socks with my leggings. For real! I’ve already started searching for good, new boot socks this year. 
Don’t stress about it. Here’s the thing: the more expectations you put on yourself to enjoy anything, the more you’ll find yourself disappointed. Autumn is awesome, but it’s still life. Things can still go wrong. That’s ok. 
Throw a party. Fall parties need to be a thing, right? 
Go for a hayride. I always say this is one of my favorite things to do, but the actual last time I went on a hayride, I was like 10. Do the thing you love about Fall, but find yourself never actually getting to. 
Do an Autumn craft. Make some decorations for your room or house, or as gifts for a friend. Make your Halloween costume! 
Bake something new. This year I’m going to try to make a candy corn cake for my son’s birthday. Wish me luck. 
Go Fall camping. You know those aesthetic pictures of people camping in the Autumn, with their flannel shirts and cozy coffee cups and fires? Do it. 
Relive your childhood faves. I’m taking my son on a tour of pumpkin farms this year AND we’ll be going to Halloweentown in Oregon. I also want to get some Indian corn because my mom always decorated with it when I was a kid. 
Enjoy it your way! Don’t like any of these things? Cool. Celebrate Autumn your way! It doesn’t have to be like everyone else. Hate coffee and tea? Don’t bake? That’s fine. Want to ride a motorcycle through the Autumn leaves, go bungee jumping, or volunteer at a soup kitchen in the Fall? Do it, this season is for you too!
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Photo credits: Header image was made in Canva; image is a stock photo from Unsplash; Journal page is from my own bullet journal. 
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frecklesandfreedom · 8 years
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frecklesandfreedom · 8 years
I hate this feeling of not knowing what to do in life.
(via verbautezukunft)
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frecklesandfreedom · 8 years
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I couldn't be happier with the way my hair feels right now! I noticed a difference with the first lather. Usually, after shampooing, my hair feels like I -need- conditioner. With the #ExtraordinaryOils line, I felt like I could've stopped right there and been fine. After my shower, I try to let my hair air dry about 75% before blow drying so that I don't subject it to excessive heat (quick tip: the less heat you apply to your hair, the healthier it will be). After a quick blow dry and a bit of straightening, my naturally curly hair was unbelievably soft. Those who know me know that I am extremely anal retentive about my hair and can't stand to feel like my hair is greasy or oily, so I was a bit apprehensive about a product advertised as an "oil." I can happily say that L'Oreal hit the nail on the head with this one. The natural oils helped to soften and moisturizer my hair without adding that weird "weight" you got with lot of other products. I'm going to continue using the #ExtraordinaryOils line throughout the next week or so. Check back here to see how the products work with other styles... And even other people! ;) Again, a big thanks to @influenster and @lorealhair for providing me with these free samples to test out! #Samp #spon4loreal #ExtraordinaryHair #LorealVoxBox
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frecklesandfreedom · 8 years
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So excited to receive my first #VoxBox from @influenster! Men and women everywhere are getting #ExtraordinaryHair with L'Oréal Paris' new line of products. I can't wait to test it out! Check back with me soon for product reviews and even some styling tips! Never heard of Influenster? Well, simply put, it's a company that provides free products to qualifying recipients for testing purposes. Super easy and super fun! Message me today for your personal invite!
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frecklesandfreedom · 9 years
my granddad just called me to tell me how big his cauliflowers are growing and it was so cute theyre “TWICE as big as the ones you get in the shop”
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frecklesandfreedom · 9 years
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frecklesandfreedom · 9 years
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We all know it’s important to eat breakfast to keep ourselves energized until lunchtime, but how many of us skip breakfast in favor of some extra shut-eye? With these recipes from around the web, you can prepare delicious, healthy breakfast options in advance so you have no excuse not to pop one in the microwave and eat in on the go! And no smoothies, either!
Almond Cereal Bars
Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches
Granola-Oat Cups
Mini Frittatas
Apple Cinnamon Quinoa Bake
Cheesy Chorizo Casserole
Lemon Raspberry Muffins
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frecklesandfreedom · 9 years
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