#monty belrose
flowerveil02 · 3 days
So, what IS Pokemon Reborn: Rainbow?
I'm glad you asked, anon! I'll put the answer simple above the cut and explain it in better detail below. Me and @nommyzommy will have a deep dive about Reborn: Rainbow in a later post.
WARNING: THIS IS A VERY LONG POST! You can just stick to the summary if you're not in the mood to read an excerpt as long as the bible!!
Put simply:
Reborn: Rainbow (from here forth called RR in this post) is an AU that combines elements of the white and black routes. It also contains original characters and events, including PULSEs, storyline, and even two entire cities with their own geography!
In detail:
RR mixes our favorite elements from both routes and changes some of them a little more to our preferences. It also allows us more screentime for our favorite characters that were kinda overshadowed or just straight-up put on a bus during the game :P Like Florinia, Serra, and more.
It also has new PULSEs and lore for Eve and the subsect of Team Meteor that creates them. And new lore for Team Meteor in general. Lots of the Alcantaras' history and influence is central to the fanfic.
Now, to begin on the characters: We made new characters (that we'll begin posting soon) and new arcs and designs for our favs! (Those are the RRr designs you've been seeing across our posts.) A lot more characters get to know each other, and the theme of the fanfic is a little bit more,, positive? More friendly? I just like games that are more optimistic! :)
And we've made new plot points and storyline! Like great news for Heather, the deforestation of a lot of the region's routes, and the recurrence of characters that were supposedly gone forever... *cough cough, the Belrose parents and Zina Vanhanen*
We've even made brand new cities and geography for them, too!! (Again, we'll touch up on these in a later post with finished maps and fixed details. Like the Jade Jungle is supposed to be bigger, etc.) First is Aquamarine City on Turquoise Island!
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The Turquoise Islands have a tropical climate and are located in the Azurine Lake just under Reborn City. The island and city, Aquamarine City, are largely based on Florida and California. It and Coral Ward are conneceted by a large bridge that crosses the Azurine Lake. The surrounding geography includes jungles, beaches, coves, and mountains! It also has a string of small uninhabited islands called the Scallop Isands and a world-renowned tourist attraction called Draconite Isle, which features a dangerous temple that reportedly withholds treasures!
Second is Flinthearth Town!
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The climate in the Flint Forest is humid temperate with hot summers and cold winters. Being located just south of Spinel Town, the area and town draw inspiration mostly from Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and Texas. Many trains connect it to other territories of the region, including Spinel. The geography of the area is comprised of forests, mountains, lakes, and terraces. Their greatest attractions are the annual Flinthearth Fair (mirroring the Lincoln County Fair among other county fairs) and the abandoned (and reportedly haunted!) Alabaster Castle!
Shout out to @nommyzommy for her wonderful artwork on the maps! Expect to see refined future references for the areas on her page!
Thank you so so so much for asking!!! We'll begin posting about RR more in future updates! It makes me so happy to answer questions like this! And sorry for the longass post :P
Thanks for the ask, and stay groovy! <3
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Your takes/headcanons regarding the rebornverse characters are interesting and I liked a few of them. Do you also have headcanons about Saphira as well?
oh yes so many
Saphira Belrose headcanons!
-she has ASPD (antisocial personality disorder), the only people she has any emotional connections to are charlotte and laura
-she looks a lot like her father
-after her parents passed, she was pretty much raised by her pokémon team. as such, she has a lot of dragon-like tendencies, such as hoarding
-even when she left the orphanage and technically had possession of belrose manse, she didn’t stay there until laura got out. she couldn’t be there without her family
-charlotte got her love of music from saphira’s mixtapes (it was one of the only things she had in the orphanage. she gave them to charlotte when she turned 18)
-she prefers hand-to-hand combat over pokémon battling. she trains with victoria a lot in martial arts
-she inherited a sense of patriotism from monty and caroline, so she’s surprisingly proud of being from reborn
-she only ever calms down from flashbacks by seeing/smelling/touching laura or charlotte (speaking from experience the senses of a loved one can pull you out of them)
-on laura’s advice, she takes up painting to get out her emotions
-she’s ALWAYS hot ALL the time. she’s a whole radiator
ugh love saphira. i hate how she’s mischaracterised so much of the time, hope you enjoyed these headcanons!
thanks for the ask!
also @gree-gon pspspsps saphira content
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gree-gon · 2 months
Since you asked, here are some personal Saphira headcanons! (And some more, too!)
Now, before we begin, we have to admit: we've done a lot of lore and world reconstruction for our Reborn AU, which we call Reborn: Rainbow! So if it sounds wacky, it's an AU. Let's go! (There's a lot!!!)
Our biggest ship for Saph is Saphira x Victoria! We think they'd be so cute together and help each other cope in times of need. Saph enrolls for Apophyll Academy to help her with her anger, where she meets Vicki! Their relationship is very slow burning, and it takes a very long time for them to realize they're really in love. Also, Saph x Mako is so so super cute! >W<
Post-championship, Saph remodels her gym to be the Reborn region's official League Conference Arena! She moves her gym battles to Route 4, where she and Charlotte battle in doubles as the last position in the non-E4, specializing in Dragon- and Rock-types! (Charlotte changes her type specialty to rock in Rainbow). They get their own field, too! Laura and Bennett still battle in doubles in the E4, but they have a custom field now!
Along with her new gym, she becomes the sherpa of the Tanzan Mts, so she can still protect her family! She also watches over the mountain range on Route 4 and just gains a fascination for mountains in general.
She wants a family of her own sometime in the future, but she's not ready for motherhood just yet. Vicki, not so much - she can wait a couple more years! XD
Rather than being missing for ten years, Monty and Caroline (the Belrose parents) have been missing for closer to seven years. The Belrose triplets are in for a pleasant but shocking surprise when they discover their parents aren't actually dead, only missing, due directly to the fault of Team Meteor (including some new Meteor OCs we've made!) They're eventually reunited sometime after the events of the game, since we love ourselves a happy ending!!!
She opens up a little bit more in the post-game but still keeps her protective and reserved personality. Vicki thinks this is endearing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you so so sooooo very much for inquiring about our headcanons!!!!!! We really appreciate it and plan on posting about it soon! We love all of your hcs, too! Our ask box is open, if you ever want to ask us!
-Vicky and Saph are really cute together :3 i have a friend that really likes them, you've prob seen her art around here. Thank you for also liking Sharkfang as well ^^
-ohh i see :0 that's a cool take on it !! charlotte changing to rock types is very interesting
-i can def see her liking mountains, it's v in character for her dragon theme
-contrary to most ppl's opinions, i think Saphira would be a great parent tbh
-making your own happy ending with the parents is so real honestly 😭😭 the Belroses suffer sm they deserve something good
- !!! that last one i agree with so much !!! she grows but is still herself through and through
no problem ^^ i loved hearing about them, i may even drop some of my own in your ask box
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cypher-ds · 5 years
August HuniePop Updates!
The Kitty Cat’s New Master - Chapter 15
Read it on fanfiction.net. Read it on Archive of Our Own. 
“Round two, bitch.”
Zoey and Suki-chan PWN the World!  - Part 4
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Read it on DeviantArt
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amethystblack · 3 years
How did Monty and Caroline Belrose looked like and what were their personalities?
there's a hint to how they look on a certain item in game! it's small and vague but that's what i got. the rest i'd rather leave to imagination anyway.
as for personalities, there'll be a chance to learn about some of that in e19 too!
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crystal-archives · 4 years
Charlotte Belrose (16):
• Mostly inherented her love for Fire Types, thanks to her mother.
• Recieved Vulpix at 4 from Caroline's breeding projects; most of her mons were children from the former's ones.
• Often would cause mischief and already was a troublemaker back in her younger years.
• Originally a playful and active girl, who loved to play around till the tragedy and become a bit distant and bitter, as a result from guilt.
• After Monty's death, Charlotte had a hard time to deal with in the orphanage, as her sisters had resented her, her mother's condition and the bullying made her to become apathetic and distant since 9, not trying to feel any pain from the tragedy.
• She would often visit her mother, when she was brought as well and even sleep with her.
• Her strong bond with her made Charlotte a bit suspicious of Sigmund, as he would spend time with her as well. Since then she kept an eye on them both and doesn't know, what he want from her.
• At 12, Charlotte witnessed her mother's death at the hands of a Pulse-Charizard, when the Grand Hall was attacked- sacrificing herself along with her Internape. Elena Molinar also was there, when it happened and was forced to take the girl away, while Caroline died.
• However her last words (Stay strong like a bright flame and never let your heart and life turn off because of misery) inspired her to stay strong and began to train for the Gym Leader Qualification and taking her mother's place in succession.
• Her Volcarona originally belonged to her mother, but she gave it to her, before her death.
• Charlotte is resembling Caroline in both tactics (using Eruption and Burning strategy) and pyrotechnic usage (gained access at 15).
• Her smoking habit started at 14 as means to cope with her issues.
• She secretly joined the Magma Gang and is known under the alias "Inferna", for more freedom and fighting against the injustice in Reborn.
• Charlotte is close friends with Eliza, despite being the daughter of the man that put her sisters a lot of pain, but sees her as a troubled girl innocent to her father's crimes.
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gree-gon · 2 years
What do you think of Monty and Caroline Belrose, even though they are posthumous as in the story? What are your headcanons about them (also their relationship with their daughters)?
To me they seem to be the best parents. Like a normal family with happy times before the fire incident. Especially Saphira seems to honour her father as the partly dyed her hair with the same colour as his. I think it's heartwarming
*rubs hands* i do have some thoughts about this yes yes
long ramble ahead, maybe a few minor spoilers?? (not important to story)
I've heard from Elias that those two were p silly and switched gyms for months one time, so i headcanon them as pretty playful. They both love a playful battle and just having fun with it. I feel like Monty would be more calm and quiet, while Caroline would be more energetic and has a bit of a temper, like Arc said on TV that one time.
I feel like Saphira had a close relationship with her dad, and that he's the reason she chose dragon types and dyed her hair that color, like you said. Charlotte maybe the closest with her mom as they have similar qualities. Laura hmm, she's the middle child so maybe both? I could see her being the closest with their mother though.
This is a more personal HC not really based on much, but I HC that Monty's signature pkm was a haxorus, and Caroline's being a blaziken (bcuz of the torchic)
a more random one, mostly just for fun, is that some of Saph's pokemon were initially Monty's (methinks the haxorus and garchomp) just to fill the angst hole yk. Last one is that Saphira hasn't changed anything in her gym, as Monty was the one that created the game in there and she wants to leave it like that to honor him. Same with Charlotte and her mom's gym.
but yes, based on the picture and stuff they seem like a happy family, I'm so sad they lost that :(
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crystal-archives · 4 years
Headcanon AU: Saphira Belrose (24)
This conducts character analysis and lore. Remember: This is an alternative timeline, where some events have changed.
• Her real dream was to become a model (aside being a Dragon Ace maybe), but had to give them up due to taking over Monty's gym position, after his death.
• She was more of a typical "Big Sis" and "normal teenager", but slowly changed into a stoic and aggressive person after the hardships she underwent. Though she still has her emotion, but doesn't she them.
• She wasn't that interested in becoming a Pokemon Trainer, but she still loved to train her dragons back them as a child.
• Her father gave her a Dratini, Tyrunt and an Axew when she was 5 years old.
• When her Belrose Residence was caught fire and her father died, Saphira was 16.
• During her 2 years stay at the orphanage (or I call it Lapis Treatment House), she often clashed with Dr. Sigmund due to his methods on and what happened to her family. Threats and escalations where exchanged.
• Saphira became the parent figure and protected Laura and Charlotte from constant bullying, after Caroline became unable to do so.
• After becoming a legal adult, her mother, Caroline, managed somehow to take her daughters only for 4 years before she died in an accident. Turns out she made a shady contract with the doctor, so her daugthers would be protected at her will.
• However Saphira's behaviour became worst when Caroline died after 4 years and Labradorra City was occupied by the Coldcution Family, forcing her to take some horrible choices, which made her slowly unstable, causing her to leave her sisters back at Lapis Ward.
• The reason: Saphira tried to kill the Chairman of the Yureyu Company and patriarch of the Coldcution Family, bit failed and got arrested for 8 months.
• After being released, she was in a unstable condition and that broke her down to the point of not talking to people till 2 weeks. Only people, who were close to hear could communicate worh her.
• As a result, she left for a 2 years hellish training with her Pokemon to make herself stronger. She mostly trains at Tazan Depths and Charos Mountain.
• She has a vengeful desire towards Sigmund (suspecting him about her mother's condition) and the Coldcution Family (taking charge as a co- government in Labradorra City and oppressing her people) and her hatred only grows.
• She doesn't trust Eliza Connal at all due to being Sigmund's daughter, although her actions tell otherwise.
• Despite being hardened and stoic, she still is caring and protective towards her family and her city. However enemies might use this against her.
• She and Titania became the Second-in Commanders for the Reborn Resistance.
• Saphira once had a girlfriend from Calcenon City, but broke up with her due to fearing becoming her a potential target to Team Meteor. They lost contact 6 years now.
• Her team consists of Dragonite, Tyramtrum, Haxarus, Goodra (found at the Water Treatment Center as Goomy), Salemence (at the Charos Mountain as Bagon) and Druddigon (inherented from her father).
• She's bestfriended all Steelix at the Tazan Depths; especially one shiny nicknaming it "Crysorock".
• Physically she's a force to reco with, but mentally not so.
• Despite giving up her model dreams, she does a few mini jobs for the Monthly Magazine.
• Often she would put others above her own needs (such as sleeping or eating), leaving her often physically (and emotionally) vulnerable.
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