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look y’all don’t understand. montjoy is my baby </3
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chiropteracupola · 9 months ago
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Creamthing d'or passant reguardant, by a sheaf of arrows percée ...and Montjoy also.
[creamthing is the creation of the inimitable @samsketchbook; despite this choice of adjective, I have nonetheless tried my best at a little heraldic creamthing]
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mosneakers · 1 year ago
Thus begs the question. What happened to Mortimer, Cassandra and Alexander? We know what happened to Bella, sadly.
Hi nonny! This is such a great question! Sorry it took me a bit to get to this, when I saw this ask, I immediately jumped into game because I wanted to supply you with some screens 😁
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Because it's kind of a ✨canon event✨Mortimer did go onto remarry Dina Caliente. Cassandra and Alexander were very much against this, speculating that she only married him for his money. Mortimer eventually passed, but luckily for the Goths, most of his fortune and the Goth mansion remained in the family, being passed down to Cassandra.
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Although Cassandra really struggled with the disappearance of her mother, she can safely say she has found peace many years later. She was a writer for a while, and wrote a successful book titled "Where's Bella?" but was forced into retirement when she suffered from excruciating migraines whenever she attempted to write about Bella. Cassandra found a deep and profound love with long-time admirer and close friend, Darren Dreamer. She fell in love with him around the time Bella went missing, and married soon after. She was his muse, and he has been her rock throughout the difficult times. They are happily growing old together in the Goth mansion. 🥺💗
Little bonus fact: Cassandra and Birdie Sparrow have put aside their differences regarding a certain shared former lover, and have recently become great friends. This is coming up in the story fairly soon!
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Although Darren was already a father to Dirk Dreamer, he and Cassandra had a son of their own, giving Dirk a younger brother, Mortar (short for Mortimer) Dreamer. (Quite possibly the cutest sim ever! 😩) Mortar lives next door to his older brother Dirk, and is about Brick's age now. He met Brick back when Brick was briefly living in Del Sol Valley. Mortar and Brick tried to start a micro-home-development business together, which they called "Brick and Mortar Building Developments" Brick wasn't able to maintain his position due to anger issues, so Mortar now runs it on his own, making a decent living.
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Mortar has a cute little family of his own, as well. He met a beautiful sim, Kit Augustine, a model and aspiring fashion designer from Champs Les Sims. They have a son together, little Montjoy.
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As for Alexander, finding peace like his sister after the disappearance of Bella, hasn't been quite as easy. He has struggled with demons for many years trying to make sense of everything, and unfortunately still does to this day. He has turned his dark thoughts and struggles into a successful writing career, continuing what his sister couldn't, and is now a best-selling author. He married childhood bff Lucy Burb, now Lucy Goth, who has become a very successful actress in Del Sol Valley. Lucy and Alexander have two daughters, Scarlett and little Esmeralda.
Tried to keep this as short as possible, but I really love questions like this! Sometimes it's easy to forget the universe still grows around the Darlings, so it's good to ask because not every character can be covered in the story 🥰
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raspoetsan · 24 days ago
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withasideofshakespeare · 4 months ago
Trick or Treat - I've got to ask about Montjoy the Herald from H5
ooh, good one!
First, some ground rules:
We will assume that all of these characters are dressing up in the modern world to give us the maximum possible access to period costumes.
Characters who have actual historical equivalents cannot be dressed up as their historical selves.
I'm going to avoid obvious costumes (ie. Othello's not going to be a military commander, Claudius isn't going to be a king, etc.).
I am absolutely god awful at knowing anything about pop culture at all so if they're gonna dress up as characters, it's either going to be vague archetypes, one of the Four Guys I know from modern media, or characters from other things I do actually consume.
Now... Montjoy! I think he'd go WILD with Halloween costumes. He feels like the kind of person who would be confident enough to wear a costume to work/out and about on Halloween regardless of age. And he has fun with it and looks genuinely good. Not even in the "woah, that guy gave his costume his all!" way. He actually looks great. The vibe I get is that he'd do something cool and conceptual. The first thing that popped into my head was that he'd go as a peacock but not in the 'literal, actual bird' way. Peacock-themed fashion, worthy of a fashion show. He goes to the pet store and buys those peacock feathers that people use as cat toys and attaches them to a jacket or something.
The second thought I had was like... Victorian with a fashion statement monocle and a really fancy (handmade??) coat.
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ladylamrian-archive · 11 months ago
A Very Scandalous Proposal 💍
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My Main Character: Sofia May ✨️
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Book Release Early Access: Feb 5, 2020 - May 13, 2020
Book Release General Release: May 19, 2021 - Sept 1, 2021
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roseythorne · 1 year ago
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korgbelmont · 6 months ago
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Edit of Ava Montjoy as Omen
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heleneplays · 2 years ago
Helene Hayes in The Unexpected Heiress really went for the hot widowed rich milf with a title and came out of the book with everything and love in her heart and her taller and very amazing wife holding her hand huh
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pepsimaxxing · 2 years ago
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she is everything to me I would die for her
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baronetcoins · 11 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Henry V - Shakespeare Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Henry V/Montjoy Characters: Montjoy (Henry V), Henry V of England, Thomas Beaufort Duke of Exeter Additional Tags: woah new character for me, Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort, But very mild hurt, Shovel Talk, Canon Compliant, technically if you squint - Freeform, more not not canon compliant Summary:
O, be sick, great greatness, And bid thy ceremony give thee cure! [...] Canst thou, when thou command'st the beggar's knee, Command the health of it? - Henry V, Act IV, Scene I
In which Montjoy takes ill.
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chiropteracupola · 8 months ago
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everybody is excited about my octagon
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guinevere-of-smiths · 1 year ago
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The Unexpected Heiress, Ch. 5 | Ch. 6
I'm not even sure what I want to say with this, just that I find the parallel in their viewpoints interesting and potentially heartwarming. John's own engagement was obviously a love match, so he isn't speaking from personal experience. That leaves observation. There are plenty of bad marriages he will have seen over the years, but part of me likes the idea that he was thinking of Gemma when he said this. I just enjoy imagining that for all the shit they give each other, deep down, they really do care.
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mercurygray · 2 years ago
Thirsty Thursday/Friday- something involving horses or dogs for the Regency AU.
Shoving this together with a prompt from @junojelli, who says 'Some Regency AU from the POV of Annie, who has been instrumental in her brother's engagement'
Annie had never been to a house before.
Her friends had laughed at that, when she'd said it aloud, but there were houses and houses, and Belleau was a house, the kind you had built by Robert Adam when you were elevated to the peerage and made a duke and expected to entertain in that style.
The heat of late summer was slowly descending upon London and everyone was making plans to retreat to the country, if such a retreat could be had, and so, of course, the Duchess had invited the unmarried sister of her fiance to come and stay.
It had been quite the thing, to take Sir Lewis's carriage from London, and stay at an inn along the road, and come up the drive the next afternoon jolting and tired but treated to such a view. The house, too, was a marvel, with fully fifteen maids out front to meet them and someone to take her bags, and a bedroom the size of a palace just for her. And the Duchess is mistress of all this?
Annie had only ever expected to visit a house like this one as the governess, and never a guest. But a guest she was, with all the rights and privileges therein, curtseyed and catered to. Should Miss Winters like tea, in her room? She said yes only because that was what ladies did, after long journeys, but she'd only taken a few sips before throwing on her shawl and going to explore the rest of the house, which soon led to the rest of the garden, which then got her out to the stable block, where she was quite ignored by the grooms and allowed to explore at her leisure.
They did not keep horses in London - quite an expense, her mother would have said, and a hired coach did them very well when it was required. But Dick had taken her to see the Household Cavalry, and feed the grays, Annie laughing at their soft, snuffling noses tickling her hand. Dick had met the Duchess several times for a ride in Hyde Park, and Annie knew she loved her horses.
How could you not, when they were creatures like this?
She walked along the stalls, admiring their great heads and liquid eyes, stopping to hold her hand out, flattened, as Dick had shown her, for one tall dark fellow to sniff and fuss over, his ears forward and relaxed and quite at his leisure. He made a noise and swung his head, and Annie realized she was not alone - there was another woman, waiting just behind her. Another house guest, probably. Dick said there would be several. "Are they not magnificent?"
"Indeed they are," the woman agreed, coming to join Annie with a brief smile. The horse Annie had been petting gave a contented whiffle and leaned into the other woman's hand. "They keep a lovely stable here. Quite the best in the county."
"I was told tomorrow there is to be a steeplechase," Annie shared, "which the Duchess will win, of course."
"Who told you she will win?"
"Oh, my brother - Captain Winters. He says she is far and away the best rider of all of them - and she knows the course the best, but that does not signify quite as much as how she can handle it. Sir Lewis was teasing him about it in the carriage here," she added, loyally, "but my brother would not hear it said otherwise."
"That is rather like Sir Lewis," her new friend agreed, still scratching behind the horse's ears. "What a compliment from the Captain - he rides very well himself." She paused and looked over at Annie. "You have a good eye for horses, Miss Winters - this is the Duchess's favorite."
"How do you know?"
She gave a brief chuckle. "I should hope that was obvious."
Annie turned and looked, really looked, at the woman to whom she'd been speaking and with no small embarrassment realized her error. "Your grace!"
The first (and last) time she had seen Joan Warren, she had been dressed to pay calls, and the meeting had been that of an instant - here, in the stable, without hat or pelisse, the Duchess was another woman entirely, very out of character with soft-dressed hair and a shawl around her shoulders, and a hunter nipping at her ear. "Pray do not trouble yourself about it," Joan assured her, smiling ear to ear and batting the animal away a little. "It is nice sometimes to not be recognized."
Annie had another thought. "Please do not think badly of my brother for that story about the carriage. He does not talk out of turn about you, I promise."
"I did not for one moment believe he did," the Duchess assured her. "And I am sure Montjoy enjoys being told he will win," she added, scratching the horse under his chin. "He loves it as much as I do."
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rosesnink · 1 year ago
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Someone tell me how in the three fucks they're the same person
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iiireflexiii · 2 years ago
Germyn Montjoie Eifel town view half-timbered houses
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