#Mortar Dreamer
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mosneakers · 1 year ago
Thus begs the question. What happened to Mortimer, Cassandra and Alexander? We know what happened to Bella, sadly.
Hi nonny! This is such a great question! Sorry it took me a bit to get to this, when I saw this ask, I immediately jumped into game because I wanted to supply you with some screens 😁
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Because it's kind of a ✨canon event✨Mortimer did go onto remarry Dina Caliente. Cassandra and Alexander were very much against this, speculating that she only married him for his money. Mortimer eventually passed, but luckily for the Goths, most of his fortune and the Goth mansion remained in the family, being passed down to Cassandra.
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Although Cassandra really struggled with the disappearance of her mother, she can safely say she has found peace many years later. She was a writer for a while, and wrote a successful book titled "Where's Bella?" but was forced into retirement when she suffered from excruciating migraines whenever she attempted to write about Bella. Cassandra found a deep and profound love with long-time admirer and close friend, Darren Dreamer. She fell in love with him around the time Bella went missing, and married soon after. She was his muse, and he has been her rock throughout the difficult times. They are happily growing old together in the Goth mansion. 🥺💗
Little bonus fact: Cassandra and Birdie Sparrow have put aside their differences regarding a certain shared former lover, and have recently become great friends. This is coming up in the story fairly soon!
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Although Darren was already a father to Dirk Dreamer, he and Cassandra had a son of their own, giving Dirk a younger brother, Mortar (short for Mortimer) Dreamer. (Quite possibly the cutest sim ever! 😩) Mortar lives next door to his older brother Dirk, and is about Brick's age now. He met Brick back when Brick was briefly living in Del Sol Valley. Mortar and Brick tried to start a micro-home-development business together, which they called "Brick and Mortar Building Developments" Brick wasn't able to maintain his position due to anger issues, so Mortar now runs it on his own, making a decent living.
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Mortar has a cute little family of his own, as well. He met a beautiful sim, Kit Augustine, a model and aspiring fashion designer from Champs Les Sims. They have a son together, little Montjoy.
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As for Alexander, finding peace like his sister after the disappearance of Bella, hasn't been quite as easy. He has struggled with demons for many years trying to make sense of everything, and unfortunately still does to this day. He has turned his dark thoughts and struggles into a successful writing career, continuing what his sister couldn't, and is now a best-selling author. He married childhood bff Lucy Burb, now Lucy Goth, who has become a very successful actress in Del Sol Valley. Lucy and Alexander have two daughters, Scarlett and little Esmeralda.
Tried to keep this as short as possible, but I really love questions like this! Sometimes it's easy to forget the universe still grows around the Darlings, so it's good to ask because not every character can be covered in the story 🥰
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mirage-of-the-virtuoso · 1 year ago
Calm, cold, collected.
My emotions do not control me.
Control myself, and serenity will follow.
I am no one's possession.
I am no one's pawn.
The choices I make are my own.
I will take my fate into my own hands.
A figure looms high over the Dreamdark Enclave, watching from the mushrooms above. They had snuck by the guards with the help of invisibility and have found a spot among the mushrooms and twisted vines where the mortars won't detect them, where the Courtiers and their pets can't detect them.
Be still...
Be silent...
The figure - a sylvari with blue skin, white leafy hair tied back, and a pale pink glow - watched from above. By now, the Courtiers and Kennelmasters should be wrapping up whatever party they're indulging in. They seem so... normal, in terms of what Sylvari would act like. Their beliefs are just different than Dreamers. They wanted independence, individuality, to embrace the darker parts of their soul and to crumble the idealistic perfectionism into dust. They see cultish noble-esque pawns obsessed with a stone, and their enemy sees them as maddened fanatics obsessed with setting the world ablaze.
It's difficult to remain as a neutral party. A spy for neither. But his Wyld Hunt relies on communication with the Firstborn and the Pale Tree. The Nightmare Court, while considered a threat in Caledon, is far from priority.
Would he even be welcome here? Would he even belong? In the end, he must be considered a "convert" and that didn't settle with him. He's not "switching sides", and he refuses to be another's willing pawn.
I am no one's pawn...
One of the Counts tried their luck, attempted to reason with him and lure him in with promises of mental freedom and a release from the shackles of the Pale Tree.
How he wished it were that simple, to just be discontent. How wrong they were; it's not the Pale Tree that keeps him paranoid, clouded with self-doubt, unable to sleep. No... it was something else.
Breathe in... Breathe out...
The courtiers dispersed, and only a few guards lingered. Right on schedule.
The lone Dreamer drops down carefully, keeping behind vines and mushrooms, ever-vigilant for any sign of detection. As needed, he used his Mantras to quickly tear apart mortars and burst blossoms. With the help of his Signet, his teleports, and his invisibility magic, he swiftly crossed the otherwise open clearing undetected and climbed the mushrooms on the other side. The stealth spell won't last for long, he just needs to be out of sight when it fades.
The sylvari hid amongst the nearest twisted vine, and ripped apart yet another mortar that activated with his presence. The courtiers took notice, but they shrugged it off. The mortars had apparently been going off with random animals and insects. No reason why it was different.
The trespasser took a silent breath and glanced around the corner. Still nothing out of place to them.
Now that he was on the other side to his exit, perhaps it was time to reduce their numbers...
He climbed closer to the top and began to hum an unknown melody. The sylvari left a clone behind to shatter, as one of the guards would try to investigate and by then, he would be too far to maintain it.
Before long, one of the courtiers bark at another to inform one of the Counts of a mesmer intrusion. Only one, but who knows how many more are lurking. This is sure to send them into a panic.
Another courtier or two joined in from below, overhearing the commotion. The sylvari's face began to have a suspicious grin on it. While he may not understand their appeal for senseless killing, he does understand the appeal for mind games. And what better mind game than trying to figure out if the trespasser is a Dreamer, gone rogue out of a sense of justice, or another dissident unhappy with the Grove, toying with the Court as a means of proving themselves of their usefulness.
Funny how the answer is just out of a simple boredom, spurred by a feeling of being eternally out of place.
The sylvari hurried along and climbed to his exit. Behind him, various clones were shattering and drawing attention.
Usually, he doesn't jump the gun and lure someone early. But he's particularly stressed and they just happen to be there. Wrong place, wrong time, poor unfortunate souls.
Once he makes it up there, he turns to the chest he had made use of up there and pulled out a pistol and sword hidden inside. The first courtier to show their face got taken out right between the eyes with a bullet. The second and third were startled, calling a warning before being silenced with one shot each. Fourth, fifth, and sixth drew their weapons, only to be caught up in a large circle and inflicted with various phantom sensation of chills, poisoning, and sudden weakness.
One of the veterans came from the rear, greatsword in hand, only to find the corpses of their fallen allies on the ground.
And a haunting melody being hummed from the lone sylvari mesmer.
The mask the trespasser wore, crafted to look obnoxiously happy, pissed the courtier off. With a battle cry, they lunged, clashed blades with the mesmer, and was taken by surprised by the pain of the mesmer's blade.
As they lay bleeding on the ground, they demanded to know their identity. With their final breath, they got their wish.
The mask came off, but held so the mask was shielding the tresspasser's face still from any stragglers bringing up the rear.
It was the Valiant that tricked and killed Renvari with Caithe. The one known as Chrysallus.
What was he doing here?? Did the Pale Tree send him?!
A group of courtiers stood by the mushrooms, and the one Chrys only knew as the "Duke of Terror" walked closer, rifle in hand.
When asked what he wanted, Chrys distorted his voice and replaced the mask, saying that he wanted nothing. He was bored and they interrupted his period of solitude. He said they had a choice: either he can use this spot as a place to relax without interruption and therefore spare them the trouble of replacing more courtiers and relocating, or he would come back during the day and destroy the entire camp.
What guarantee did they have that this mesmer would keep his word? The most the sylvari offered was this: "See for yourself for two nights. Leave me unharmed, and I'll see to it that you are undisturbed by Dreamers. I only wish for my mind to be at peace."
The Duke told him that his request is laughable at best, and that there was nothing stopping him from killing the trespasser here and now.
"I'll take that as a no, then?"
The simple question was laced with an unsettling calmness, sending an odd chill down the spines of some of the newer courtiers.
"Suit yourself, I suppose. Should you change your mind on my offer..." The mesmer tapped the chest beside him. "Just leave me a sign of a peace offering. You have 24 hours. After that, what harm comes to your camp is on your hands."
With that, a couple of the feral hounds snapped free of their leashes and lunged at the mesmer, only to have him distort, then shatter, then disappear off the edge of the cliff.
A courtier hurried over to see where he had gone, but by then, there was no trace of him.
Two squads were sent out to search for the mesmer, but by morning, only three courtiers returned, half-scared out of their wits and insistent that "the Siren" was coming for them, that they were next.
Impressed by the display of showmanship and profiency at mental torture, the Duke reconsidered, and awaited the so-called "Siren" upon the high ledges of the Enclave.
And sure enough, he returned, as promised. The Duke asked why the mesmer expressed discontent with both the Grove and the Court. Were their goals not the same? To break free of Ventari's Tablet and cut off from the Pale Tree?
"No. As I've said previously, I only wanted some peace of mind. Silence has it's benefits, but I much prefer to be an observer. The background noise helps with collecting my thoughts. No offense to the Court, but I am ill-suited for them as I am for the Grove. I'm better off on my own."
The Duke of Terror told him that, should he ever change his mind and wish to be a full member of the Court, to only say the word and reveal his identity. That he earned his two nights of solitude.
"Siren" was expressed his gratitude, but warned that this doesn't mean a permanent alliance. It was just fortunate that the Dreamers wouldn't come near this place because of the Court.
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prolekult · 1 year ago
"Beyond the Tipping Points" is a short video poem on the rapidly increasing pace of capitalism's environmental destruction and extinction crisis.
Poem in written form:
Bone, waterlogged wood and ancient bacterium - the guts of the ice shimmer in the ex-arctic sands. Death brings flatulent tremors and, from some deep crevice, a jet of gas rockets forth, fanning out below the curve of the stratosphere. The radio tells of an ivory boom and the monetisation of wooly mammoths. Defrosted tusks are a hit on Wall St.
Lytton burnt down in a few days. A wildfire without a wilderness scorched through its bricks, its mortar, its soft, pink flesh as reporters speculated on the demand for air conditioning across Canada's skin. One thing is certain: as the river salmon were boiled alive, they created the fastest food joint in history.
The last clearances are quickening, a patchwork of scar tissue carved ever deeper in the Amazon - that great lung of the Americas. Its people, who once nestled among twisted roots and sweaty undergrowth, are beaten and shot, burnt and hung in the old way preferred by ranchers dressed in dusky leather or cowboys with their slicked hair. The forest wheezes with them, expelling the smoke bought by carbon merchants.
And here, in this wilting world, we still stand beneath the tattered red, mad like dying dreamers, screaming riot against the rains and freedom from the sun, begging the day these hands, dispossessed, might embrace this earth, bleeding out.
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digitalmore · 1 day ago
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jakekazansky · 12 days ago
Music shuffle game 🎶
Rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first ten songs, then tag 10 friends to do the same
Tagged by @nixie-deangel
1. I Ain’t Worried by OneRepublic
2. Danza Kuduro by Don Omar
3. Horses by PnB Rock
4. Writing on the Wall by French Montana
5. Gasoline by Daddy Yankee
6. Ascension by Gorrillaz, Vince Staples
7. Locked In A Cage by Brick + Mortar
8. Ain’t No Love In Oklahoma by Luke Combs
9. Industry Baby by Lil Nas X
10. Rockstar by Post Malone
Tagging: @archhis @caystar13star @calkale @evergreenpineneedle @psuedochakra @wandering-dreamer-1 @why98654321 @flyingfightingfishy @melonjelly @tgmsunmontue @sporthb1 @erudite-raven-apollokid @playingwiththeboysisagayanthem and anyone else who wants to participate
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neonbyhorizon · 3 months ago
Flats for Sale in Pune Viman Nagar: A Journey Through Possibility
There’s a corner of Pune where the old world meets the new, where tradition intertwines with the whispers of modernity. Viman Nagar—once a quiet expanse beneath the ceaseless sky—now hums with a life that beckons the wanderer and the dreamer alike. If ever there was a place where one might plant roots and watch them entwine with the very heartbeat of a city, it is here. The allure of flats for sale in Pune Viman Nagar is not merely in brick and mortar, but in the stories waiting to unfold within their walls.
Why Viman Nagar Calls to Homeowners
To understand the charm of Viman Nagar is to stroll its avenues at dusk, feeling the pulse of a neighborhood that has found its stride.
1. An Enviable Locale: Nestled near the Pune International Airport, Viman Nagar is a tapestry of convenience. The proximity to IT hubs like Kharadi and the vibrant corridors of Phoenix Marketcity means that life’s necessities and luxuries are but a stone’s throw away.
2. The Nexus of Connectivity: Roads and rails weave through Viman Nagar like threads through a well-crafted quilt. The Pune-Ahmednagar Highway lies within reach, and the metro whispers promises of effortless journeys to the far corners of the city.
3. A Rich  Tapestry of Experiences: Cafés that glow warmly at twilight, parks where laughter echoes in the wind, and spaces where art and life dance together—this is the daily fabric of Viman Nagar.
4. Havens of Learning: For families, the presence of esteemed schools and colleges transforms the neighborhood into a nurturing ground for young minds.
Charting the Course to Your New Abode
Embarking on the quest for the perfect flat is akin to writing a new chapter of one’s life—a narrative that demands care and contemplation.
1. List Your Aspirations
Before one can find a home, one must understand the contours of their desires and means. The flats for sale in Pune Viman Nagar span a spectrum of possibilities, each with its own allure. Consider not just the price, but the value—both tangible and intangible—that each option holds.
2. Seek Out Reputable Developers
In a world awash with promises, the reputation of the builder becomes a lighthouse guiding you to safe harbor. Delve into their histories, visit their previous endeavors, and discern the quality of their craft. Projects like NEON by Horizon Developers stand as testaments to what can be achieved when vision meets integrity.
3. The Significance of Place
Viman Nagar is more than a dot on a map; it’s a living entity. Reflect on how its rhythms align with yours. Is the proximity to your workplace a gentle current easing your daily voyage? Do the nearby schools resonate with your hopes for your children’s futures?
4. The Allure of Amenities
Modern life often seeks solace in the spaces between. A rooftop pool where one might watch the stars reflect upon the water, a garden where mornings begin with the whisper of leaves, or a co-working space that fuels creativity—these are not mere additions but extensions of home.
5. The Pillars of Legitimacy
Before hearts become set, ensure that the ground beneath is firm. Verify the legalities—the RERA registration, the approvals, the certificates that stand as guardians against future woes.
6. Walk Through the Spaces of Potential
A flat is more than measurements and materials; it’s a vessel for living. Stand within its walls, feel the play of light and shadow, listen to the silence or the stir of life beyond the windows. Let intuition guide you as much as reason.
7. Navigate the Waters of Finance
Understand the pathways of payment—whether they meander gently or require leaps over rapids. Align them with your own financial rivers. Should a loan be your vessel, seek terms that will not weigh anchor on your peace of mind.
8. The Horizon of Tomorrow
Even as you settle into the present, cast an eye toward the future. The flats for sale in Pune Viman Nagar are not just homes but investments—seedlings that may grow and bear fruit in years to come.
9. The Tides of Maintenance
Every haven requires upkeep. Inquire about the costs that will keep your sanctuary pristine—the guardians who maintain the gates, the caretakers of shared spaces. Let these figures find their place in your ledger.
NEON: A Beacon in Viman Nagar
Among the myriad choices, NEON by Horizon Developers shines with a particular luminescence.
•A Symphony of Design: NEON doesn’t just offer flats; it crafts experiences. The spaces echo with a harmony of form and function, each corner thoughtfully conceived.
•Embracing the Essence of Viman Nagar: Positioned to capture the very soul of the neighborhood, NEON ensures that the world outside your door is as inviting as the one within.
•An Abundance of Offerings: From the tranquil serenity of yoga decks to the lively energy of communal spaces, NEON caters to the myriad facets of modern life.
•Stewards of Sustainability: In a world yearning for green, NEON takes strides toward harmony with nature, embedding eco-friendly practices into its very foundation.
The Threshold of New Beginnings
To choose a home is to choose a future. In the embrace of Viman Nagar, life unfolds with a richness that is both comforting and exhilarating. As you ponder the flats for sale in Pune Viman Nagar, allow yourself to dream—not just of a dwelling, but of a life woven into the vibrant tapestry of this remarkable locale.
Should your heart incline toward the possibilities, consider stepping into the world that NEON has crafted. Walk its halls, breathe its air, and envision the life that could be yours. The journey toward your new home is one of anticipation and hope. Explore the flats for sale in Pune Viman Nagar at NEON by Horizon, and perhaps you’ll find not just a place to live, but a place to belong.
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libidomechanica · 5 months ago
“Of one there he”
Lawful, and knees like manner the     owls must be done? Of one there he must dreadful night befal,     my Johnny, till it strains
I do my beauty, like a brother     and you thus? Sate to your alters hue, crown the chase taken     plant now are peering
ere thy daylight who place knew your     wedded with joy. Table, table bees. Its skirts, its webs. And     botching hung, so that Love’s
rites of love’s breath, that doesn’t matter     mother was Johnny’s leasing on highest plaints, the heavy     as if to the third degree
is the fair Elenor! The     mortar, blossom: a third, nor over the Hall, I am     matched Elenor walk’d awa
by Phoebus shines and saw the     brickwork’s cleft, something unknown, I shall slide. What if I read     it to thank you the faire
planets on thro’ the others’ seeing,     and spill their own: but neither doth part his long flames the     course in my blood and tarn
by morn by morn by morn to burn     and Erin’s yet had been lane, or at you look not loving     Universe: come, can chaunge
my years of sticky, flutter that     I would he living voice cry Is it doth weary wander     we. She, so disheuld blind
to the bridegroom to the weakness:     it went to hide; by interline its thrown out the bound, Sukey     is tumbled off in
a kind of the dust when a farewell     oiled barbarous laws. Iron moods that care and child at     her garden tools; and self-
love the bile be alive all hope:     but love repay: none are not coy, buttons and now the wealth     or pleased my brow Blame not
loaths on, which made ye white, and all     lay in dreamer among then she waste my payne doth now if     e’er yon mountains, and shine.
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harshnirmal · 7 months ago
Residential Architect, Sydney
Cley Studio is an architecture and interiors practice based in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. Developing a reputation for work that is thorough and thoughtful, our studio’s portfolio spans sectors from workplace to residential.
We are architects, makers and dreamers, inspired by so much more than just bricks and mortar. Exploring form, place, materiality, light and sustainability, we work to craft spaces that ignite an emotional connection. We strive for our work to be meticulous in craft and timeless in execution. We are not afraid to take risks but, equally, we are comfortable making buildings that are quietly confident.
We partner with clients who seek excellence, and who share parallel values and aspirations.
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agrocorplandbase · 8 months ago
Unveiling Vacation Village: Your Gateway to Dream Destinations in India
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Unveiling Vacation Village: Your Gateway to Dream Destinations in India Calling all travel enthusiasts, second-home dreamers, and savvy investors! Get ready to embark on a journey unlike any other with the much-awaited launch of Vacation Village, India's premier vacation home development and management company.
A Vision, Six Pillars Strong:
Vacation Village isn't just about building homes; it's about crafting experiences. Founded on six core principles, we strive to create a world where luxury, investment potential, and a deep connection with nature converge.
Picturesque Locations: Imagine waking up to breathtaking sunrises over shimmering coastlines, snow-capped mountains framing your balcony, or lush greenery stretching as far as the eye can see. Vacation Village meticulously selects locations for their unmatched beauty and ability to transport you to a world of tranquility.
Themed Architecture: Our developments are more than just bricks and mortar; they are architectural stories waiting to be told. We incorporate unique design styles that seamlessly blend with the surrounding environment, creating a harmonious fusion of nature and human creativity.
High Tourist Footfall Locations: Discerning investors rejoice! Vacation Village properties are strategically placed in areas boasting consistent tourist activity. This translates to lucrative rental income opportunities, making your investment not just a cherished escape but a wise financial decision.
Sustainable Practices: At Vacation Village, we believe in responsible development. We prioritize eco-friendly practices, utilizing sustainable materials and construction techniques, minimizing our environmental footprint, and ensuring a greener future for generations to come.
World-Class Amenities: Your vacation experience deserves to be extraordinary. Our developments are havens of luxury, boasting an array of world-class amenities. From sparkling swimming pools and rejuvenating spas to exhilarating sports courts and delectable on-site dining options, every detail is meticulously curated to cater to your every desire.
Managed Services: Sit back, relax, and let us take care of the rest. Vacation Village offers comprehensive managed services, taking the burden of day-to-day management off your shoulders. Our dedicated team handles everything from property maintenance and guest management to financial oversight, ensuring a truly carefree ownership experience.
More Than Just a Home, It's a Lifestyle:
Vacation Village isn't simply selling plots; we're selling a lifestyle. Imagine owning a piece of paradise where you can escape the everyday, create unforgettable memories with loved ones, and explore the wonders India has to offer. We are also fostering a thriving community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for travel, adventure, and living life to the fullest.
Welcome to the Future of Vacation Ownership:
With a commitment to excellence and a dedication to exceeding expectations, Vacation Village marks a new era in vacation ownership in India. We invite you to explore our website, discover our current projects, and take the first step towards building your dream vacation home or a high-performing investment property. Let Vacation Village be your gateway to dream destinations and a lifetime of unforgettable experience For more details: website: https://vacationvillage.co.in
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larrykozin · 9 months ago
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The Journey of Taking a Company Public: A Personal Experience
Taking a company public is a long, intricate process filled with challenges, learning experiences, and eventual triumphs. Over 30 years ago, I embarked on this journey, and I'd like to share my story to shed light on what it takes to transition from a private entity to a publicly traded company.
The Beginning of My Career in Finance
Thirty years ago, I was hired by a national stock brokerage firm as the Vice President of Recruiting. This role was a significant shift from my previous experience of owning and operating furniture stores. As part of my new position, I became a licensed principal in the office and joined the management team. This gave me the unique opportunity to sit in on "dog & pony" presentations from small-cap public companies trading on the OTC (Over-The-Counter) market.
A New Business Venture
My journey in the financial sector was a departure from my previous career in the furniture business. However, due to a non-compete agreement with my ex-wife, and the sale of a mattress store I owned with my brother, Mark to a 3rd party, I was unable to continue in that industry for seven years. Once the period ended, I returned to the furniture & mattress business world with renewed vigor and new opportunities.
Joining Forces with John Bellave
After a chance meeting on a golf course in Las Vegas 18 years ago, I teamed up with licensing expert, John Bellave, and together, we opened 325 brick & mortar furniture stores and created our own wholesale mattress business called Perfect Dreamer. This was the beginning of our journey towards going public. The road was long and fraught with challenges, but after more than a decade of hard work and dedication, we achieved our goal.
Trading Under the Symbol MSCH
Last year, our company began trading under the symbol MSCH on OTC Pink. This was a monumental achievement, but it was just the beginning. We are now on the road to uplist to OTCQB or NASDAQ, aiming for even greater heights.
The Benefits of Being a Public Company
One of the most significant advantages of being a public company is the valuation. Unlike traditional business valuation methods that focus primarily on current sales and profits, public company valuations take into account future potential. This forward-looking approach has opened up new opportunities for us.
Partnering with kathy ireland Worldwide
As a public company with a robust business model, we attracted the number one female-owned licensing brand in history, kathy ireland Worldwide, as our largest shareholder and business partner. This partnership would not have been possible if we were privately held.
Our Mission Moving Forward
Now, with our experience and success, we are looking to help other companies achieve what we have accomplished. We aim to join forces and assist businesses in navigating the complex process of going public.
For any questions or to learn more about our journey, please feel free to reach out to me directly.
Larry Kozin, CEO; MSCH Email: [email protected]
This story not only highlights the intricate process of taking a company public but also serves as an inspiration for entrepreneurs aiming to achieve similar success. The journey is challenging but rewarding, opening doors to new opportunities and partnerships that can propel a business to new heights.
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bestmattressbedonline · 1 year ago
Dream-Worthy Comfort: Buy Your Ideal Mattress Online Now
Are you ready to dive into the world of dreamy comfort? Before you hit the snooze button on your quest to find the perfect mattress online, let's navigate through the digital realm with confidence. The process of finding the ideal mattress is no longer confined to brick-and-mortar stores. In this digital age, you can effortlessly buy mattress online and have it delivered to your doorstep. So, buckle up as we embark on a journey to discover the secrets of a good night's sleep!
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Decoding the Digital Lingo: Understanding Mattress Types
Before you make that magical buy mattress onlinebuy mattress onlinebuy mattress online click, it's crucial to understand the variety of mattresses available. From memory foam to innerspring, each type offers a unique sleep experience. Memory foam cradles you in comfort, while innerspring provides robust support. Hybrid mattresses combine the best of both worlds. Dive into the specifics of each type, considering your sleep preferences and any existing back issues.
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Firmness Unleashed: Strike the Perfect Balance
Firmness is the secret sauce to a good night's sleep. The perfect mattress should be neither too soft nor too firm but just right, like Goldilocks' porridge. Dive into the nuances of firmness levels, assessing your sleeping position and personal preference. Whether you're a side sleeper or a back sleeper, finding the right balance will ensure your mattress caters to your unique needs.
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The Art of Reviews: Navigating User Experiences
Venture into the world of online reviews where real users share their sleep adventures. When aiming to buy mattress onlinebuy mattress online,buy mattress online tapping into the collective wisdom of other buyers can be invaluable. Scrutinize reviews, both positive and negative, to get a comprehensive understanding of the mattress you have your eyes on. Remember, a well-reviewed mattress is like a seal of approval from fellow dreamers.
Unlocking Sweet Dreams: Budget-Friendly Options
Dreams shouldn't break the bank. Discovering your perfect mattress doesn't have to be a financial nightmare. Dive into the plethora of budget-friendly options available online. Many reputable brands offer quality mattresses at competitive prices. Unleash the power of comparison shopping to find a mattress that aligns with both your sleep needs and your budget constraints.
Sealing the Deal: Navigating the Online Purchase
As you gear up to make that monumental buy mattress onlinebuy mattress onlinebuy mattress online decision, ensure you're navigating the online purchase process like a pro. Look for secure payment options, transparent shipping policies, and, most importantly, a reliable return policy. Your dream mattress might be just a click away, so seal the deal with confidence, knowing you've covered all the bases.
Sweet Dreams Await
Congratulations! You've successfully traversed the virtual landscape of mattress shopping. Armed with knowledge and enthusiasm, it's time to take the plunge and buy the mattress that promises you a ticket to dreamland. The online world is your mattress oyster – go ahead, crack it open, and unveil the sweet dreams that await!
Must Read: Upgrade Your Rest: Unveiling the Top-rated Mattresses Available Online
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ronalddweissphotography · 1 year ago
Celebrating the Soul of New York City: Ronald D. Weiss Photography NYC
In the heartbeat of New York City, where every corner echoes with the spirit of ambition and creativity, one photographer stands out for his unique ability to capture the essence of the city through his lens. Ronald D. Weiss, a celebrated name in the world of photography, has mastered the art of encapsulating the dynamic energy and vibrant life of NYC in each of his photographs. Join us as we delve into the captivating world of Ronald D. Weiss Photography NYC and discover the stories it tells.
The Visionary Photographer: Ronald D. Weiss
A Love for the City
Ronald D. Weiss’s journey as a photographer is deeply entwined with his love for New York City. Growing up amidst the city’s diverse neighborhoods and rich cultural tapestry, he developed an intimate connection with its people and places, which reflects prominently in his work.
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Embracing Diversity
New York City is a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and dreams, and Ronald’s photography celebrates this diversity. His lens captures the heartbeat of the city, showcasing the beauty in its contrasts, the harmony in its chaos, and the tales of its inhabitants.
The Essence of Ronald D. Weiss Photography
Timeless Elegance
Ronald D. Weiss’s photographs are a testament to his ability to blend timeless elegance with the raw energy of the city. Each image is carefully crafted to not only capture a moment but also to evoke the emotions and stories woven within it.
Attention to Detail
From the play of light to the composition and framing, every aspect of Ronald’s photography demonstrates his meticulous attention to detail. His keen eye for capturing the right moments ensures that every photograph is a masterpiece in itself.
The Stories Behind the Lens
Celebrating Life’s Moments
Ronald D. Weiss immortalizes the diverse moments of life in the city, from intimate gatherings to bustling street scenes. His photographs encapsulate the joy, struggles, and triumphs of the people who make the city what it is.
Iconic Landmarks in a New Light
In his portrayal of the city’s iconic landmarks, Ronald goes beyond the surface, capturing their significance and the emotions they evoke in the hearts of New Yorkers. Each photograph tells a unique narrative that goes beyond the bricks and mortar.
Ronald D. Weiss Photography: A Testament to New York City’s Spirit
Creating Timeless Memories
Ronald D. Weiss Photography isn’t just about capturing images; it’s about preserving moments that define the soul of New York City. With an unwavering dedication to his craft, Ronald’s work stands as a testament to the vibrant spirit of the city and its people.
Ronald D. Weiss Photography NYC is a celebration of the vivacious energy and dynamic spirit of New York City. Through his lens, Ronald captures the beauty in the mundane, the magic in the everyday, and the stories that make the city an eternal muse for artists and dreamers alike.
Visit Ronald D. Weiss’s website to explore the captivating portfolio and consider him for your next photography project. Ronald D. Weiss: where every photograph is a love letter to the heart of New York City.
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aeroblog02blog · 1 year ago
Get a Good Night's Rest with Mattresses online in Nagpur
In the bustling city of Nagpur, where the pace of life often leaves residents yearning for a peaceful night's sleep, the importance of a good mattress cannot be overstated. A comfortable and supportive mattress is the foundation of a rejuvenating slumber, and finding the perfect one has never been easier, thanks to Aerocom's online mattress store. Unlike competitors who heavily rely on promotions and marketing gimmicks, Aerocom prioritizes delivering a high-value proposition to its customers, setting it apart as the go-to destination for quality mattresses in Nagpur
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Unlocking the Benefits of Online Mattress Shopping
In a world where convenience is king, online shopping has become the norm for many, and the mattress industry is no exception. Aerocom has seamlessly blended convenience, quality, and affordability into one fantastic package. By choosing to buy mattresses online in Nagpur, customers not only save precious time but also gain access to a wide range of options that brick-and-mortar stores simply cannot match.
Aerocom's Commitment to Quality
At the heart of Aerocom's success is its unwavering commitment to quality. While competitors may resort to flashy advertisements and short-term promotions, Aerocom invests in the long-term satisfaction of its customers. The company sources and curates a selection of mattresses that are not only comfortable but also durable, ensuring that your investment in a good night's sleep is one that lasts.
Variety that Suits Every Sleeper
Aerocom understands that different people have different preferences when it comes to mattresses. Some prefer the plush comfort of memory foam, while others seek the support of innerspring coils. With Aerocom's extensive range of mattresses, Nagpur residents can rest easy knowing they'll find the perfect fit for their unique sleep needs. The company offers a variety of sizes and firmness levels to cater to every sleeper, from the single bed dreamer to the king-sized luxury lover.
Competitive Pricing without Compromise
While quality is paramount, Aerocom also understands the importance of affordability. The company believes that everyone deserves a good night's sleep without breaking the bank. By cutting out the middleman and operating primarily online, Aerocom can offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. This commitment to affordability ensures that the residents of Nagpur can access premium mattresses at prices that won't keep them up at night.
Convenience Redefined
In a city as vibrant and dynamic as Nagpur, time is a precious commodity. Aerocom recognizes this and strives to make the mattress buying process as convenient as possible. With just a few clicks, customers can browse through the extensive catalog, compare options, and make an informed decision from the comfort of their homes. What's more, Aerocom offers hassle-free delivery right to your doorstep, eliminating the need to wrestle with transporting a bulky mattress.
Customer-Centric Approach
Aerocom's success isn't just built on the quality of its mattresses and competitive pricing; it's also rooted in its customer-centric approach. The company values customer feedback and actively seeks to improve its products and services based on customer input. This dedication to listening and learning from its customers ensures that every purchase from Aerocom is a step toward better sleep.
Sleep Easy with Aerocom
In conclusion, if you're in Nagpur and in need of a new mattress, Aerocom is your destination for quality, affordability, and convenience. While competitors may rely on promotions and flashy marketing, Aerocom's commitment to delivering value to its customers through quality products and exceptional service sets it apart as the premier choice for mattresses in Nagpur. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to a good night's rest with Aerocom's mattresses available online. Your sleep quality matters, and Aerocom is here to ensure you get the best rest possible.
Invest in your well-being today by exploring Aerocom's range of orthopedic mattress online and experience the difference that a truly comfortable mattress can make in your life. Your path to better sleep starts right here, with Aerocom.
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tiwarikishan · 1 year ago
Kishan Tiwari: Transforming Dreams into Reality in the Real Estate World.
In the bustling heart of the real estate world, there exists a tale so compelling, it captures the essence of turning dreams into tangible, awe-inspiring realities. This tale belongs to Kishan Tiwari, a name that echoes with transformative power in every corner of the industry. His journey, akin to an enchanting novel, weaves through the challenges of the real estate landscape, leaving behind a legacy of inspiration and triumph.
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Born amidst the colorful tapestry of Mirzapur, Kishan's early life was a canvas painted with humility and steeped in middle-class virtues. From these unassuming beginnings, he embarked on an extraordinary odyssey. Fueled by unyielding determination, he navigated the intricate labyrinth of real estate, emerging not just as a leader but as a guiding light for countless dreamers.Kishan's saga is not just a chronicle of brick and mortar; it's a narrative where passion dances with purpose. His innate understanding of the hopes and aspirations of middle-class families became the cornerstone of his journey.
In a world where the dream of owning a home often seemed like an elusive mirage, Kishan saw possibilities where others saw obstacles.With a spirit as unbreakable as steel, he confronted economic tempests and market uncertainties head-on. Each setback was not a stumbling block but a stepping stone, propelling him closer to his vision. His journey was not merely an ascent up the corporate ladder; it was a mission to elevate entire communities.
Kishan’s empathetic approach bridged the chasm between dreams and reality for families, one brick at a time.Under Kishan Tiwari’s visionary leadership, real estate transcended its conventional boundaries. It became a realm where affordability met quality, where innovative solutions were not just strategies but lifelines for those yearning for a place to call home. Flexible financing options and strategic land acquisitions were not just business moves; they were pathways to fulfill aspirations.
Yet, Kishan’s influence extended beyond innovative business practices. He championed social responsibility with a fervor that inspired generations. From supporting local schools to initiating healthcare programs, his company sales only plot ; they nurtured dreams, fostering a sense of belonging in the hearts of those they touched.In a world where tales of success often feel like distant stars, Kishan Tiwari emerged as a relatable constellation, reminding everyone that dreams, when paired with unwavering determination, can indeed become reality. His story resonates far beyond the confines of the real estate industry; it reverberates in the hearts of dreamers, kindling the fire of possibility.Kishan Tiwari's journey isn’t just a narrative; it's a symphony of hope, a melody where hard work harmonizes with dreams. In every project he undertakes, in every life he touches, the echo of his story resounds—a reminder that in the vast cosmos of challenges, the human spirit can shine as brightly as the stars, turning even the loftiest dreams into tangible, beautiful realities.
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classicbuildernz · 2 years ago
Delving into the Psychology of Show Homes: How They Impact Buyer Decisions
Have you ever stepped into a beautifully staged show home and felt an instant connection? You're not alone!
Show homes are remarkable for capturing our hearts and influencing our purchasing decisions. In this blog, we'll take a deep dive into the fascinating world of show homes in christchurch and explore how they sway buyer choices. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on this engaging journey!
The Power of First Impressions
Imagine walking into a show home that mirrors your dream abode – cosy, modern, and inviting. The moment you step through that door, you're greeted with a feeling of "home."
Show homes are designed to make a striking first impression, and that's no coincidence. Studies show that we form opinions within seconds of entering a property, and that initial impression can heavily influence our decision-making process.
Unleashing the Emotions
Show homes are masterpieces in evoking emotions. They are meticulously curated to create a positive and emotional connection with potential buyers.
From the soothing colour palettes to the carefully placed furniture, every detail is thoughtfully orchestrated to trigger feelings of comfort and belonging.
The Illusion of Possibilities
Step into a show home, and you'll find yourself daydreaming about the possibilities it holds. These model homes are not just about showcasing a property; they're about showcasing a lifestyle.
By presenting a carefully crafted narrative, show homes Christchurch paint a picture of the life you could lead within those walls, making it harder to resist the allure of the home and its surroundings.
Overcoming Buyer's Remorse
Ah, the infamous buyer's remorse – that nagging feeling after making a purchase. Show homes combat this by allowing buyers to experience a "try before you buy" scenario.
When you tour a show home, you can envision yourself living there, which alleviates doubts and ensures you're making an informed decision.
The Secret of Space
One of the key aspects of show homes is the clever use of space. They demonstrate how even compact areas can be transformed into functional and stylish living spaces. This inspires buyers who might have concerns about size as they witness the potential for optimizing every nook and cranny.
Show Homes: Not Just Bricks and Mortar
It's easy to think of show homes as mere displays of construction, but they are much more than that. These model homes embody dreams, hopes, and aspirations. They speak to the part of us that longs for a place to call our own, where memories will be made and families will grow.
The Psychology of Choice
Believe it or not, the psychology behind show homes Christchurch plays a significant role in our decisions. The power of scarcity, social proof, and urgency is harnessed expertly.
When potential buyers see others showing interest in a property or hear that it's the last one available, they're more likely to act swiftly to secure it.
Show homes have a profound impact on our emotions and decision-making processes. They are powerful tools that allow us to visualize our future and realise our dreams.
So, next time you step into a show home, pay attention to the emotions it evokes and the dreams it inspires. Happy house hunting, fellow dreamers!
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shearintegrity · 2 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @hairpins__by_damian_monzillo “The Success does not chase the successful The successful chases the success The dream does not chase the dreamer The dreamer chases the dream I will chase my success I will chase my dreamMy dream is; success” -Ryan Merkel So Proud and Excited to be officially in my first Brick and Mortar shop! Especially with the legendary artists who’ve made our collective dreams come true in the theater and movies they’ve created within these walls! Thank You! @wardrobesupply #hairpinsbydamianmonzillo™ #damianmonzillo™ #bungees #mwsbeauty #SnapBackPins #bobbypin #hairpins #hairgrips #SnapBackPins #hairpins #hairgrip#creativehair #hairsalon #beauty #naturalhair #fashion #bobbypin #hairstylist #naturalhair #hairtransformation #setlife #hairstylistlife #beautytips #hairtips (at Hairpins by Damian Monzillo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqCMbDfME_F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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