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1alphabetz · 9 months ago
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Maria Montessori, the visionary educator,
emphasized the profound connection between a child's hand and their cognitive development. In her words, "The hand is the instrument of intelligence." This powerful quote underscores the Montessori method's emphasis on tactile, hands-on learning experiences as essential for nurturing a child's intellectual abilities. It reminds us that meaningful, interactive engagement with the world is a fundamental catalyst for a child's learning journey. Read More: https://alphabetzmontessori.com/ https://alphabetzmontessori.com/contact-us.html
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26songs · 2 years ago
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Happy first day of spring!!🌱 Scenes from over in the meadow😊 our first cover song of the year, only on YouTube and the video is cute! (see last slide) Bonus: we arranged the animals in formations that help children practice subitizing aka recognizing quantities WITHOUT counting— useful math skill! Music produced by Ryan, video produced by Teresa, all instruments played by Ryan, vocals by Teresa and the kids🎶 #overinthemeadow #childrensclassics #kidssongs #circletime #subitizing #montessoriteacher #liveinstruments https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAh80zsByh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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earlyyearslearning · 2 months ago
Montessori teaches about Sensory Education. That is using Sensorial Activities to refine a child’s senses so he can clearly observe and appreciate the world around them. Of the Nine senses (Visual, Chromatic, Stereo gnostic, Tactile, Thermic, Baric, Auditory, Olfactory, and Gustatory) that Dr Montessori spoke about, the Auditory Sense is the one which interprets the world through sound.
To understand auditory sense, Children must first learn about stillness before learning about sound and noise. Grading noises games can be played. These games test the child's understanding of volume, pitch, timber and varied voices.
Visit our website to know more: https://atheneumglobal.education/
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themontessoricg · 6 months ago
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lillibetbunny · 1 year ago
“The child has a mind able to absorb knowledge.  He has the power to teach himself.”
~Dr. Maria Montessori | The Absorbent Mind, p. 5
parents and teachers are not directors, but careful preparers of the development, gentle guides and most importantly observers. they should not intervene a child's learning, especially when she made a mistake. simply observe and watch as the child do wonders
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arttey63 · 1 year ago
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(via "Mommy Help Me Do It Myself, montessori quote, Maria Montessori,Famous People Quotes" Baby T-Shirt for Sale by TeyMank)
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montessoriteacher5 · 2 months ago
Urdu alphabet activity | Urdu preschool | Haroof-e-Tahaji activity in fu...
#Urdualphabetactivity  #Urdupreschool #HaroofeTahajiactivityinfunway 
#Activitiesforrecognition #urdu #TeachUrduthroughactivities #haroofetahaji #montessoriactivities #montessoriactivitiesteacher #montessoriteacher #اردو
 Tehreek Model H/S School I have brought some common and easy Montessori activities which will be very helpful for Kids will get to recognize the Urdu Letters with image-based learning. Thank you for watching my video please like, share and subscribe my channel !!!!!
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svsglobal17 · 2 years ago
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We are hiring the candidates for PGT English, TGT Hindi, Montessori teachers, Accountant, Receptionist for CBSE Residential School. Interested candidates do apply in word document file on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljobs #svslatestjobs #jobsintamilnadu #teachenglishinasia #pgtteachersjobs #pgtteachers #pgtenglish #pgtenglishliterature #tgthindi #montessori #montessoriteacher #montessoriteachers #accountant #accountantjob #frontdeskexecutivejobs #frontdeskexecutive #reception #receptioninst #schoolreceptionist #schoolreception #schoolreceptiondesign #jobsineducation #jobsinschools #residentialschools #residentailschool (at Tamilnadu,India) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co7ynbjh0Tc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cameloteducare · 5 years ago
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Leading Montessori Program for children 18 months to 6 years old in Singapore. https://bit.ly/_3cR20nz _ Equip your child for future success in a nurturing environment at Camelot Montessori Learning Centre. #montessoripreschool #montessorilearningcentre #camelotmontessori #montessoriprogram #montessorieducation #montessoriteachers #CLCwebsite (at Camelot Learning Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCu8nd_lfJF/?igshid=cneu6gvbss0b
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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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With all the upheaval in the world right now, you may have noticed that beyond the basic explanations of the upcoming Passover holiday, I've been doing my best to find books that will also help you and your kids explore some of the things they're currently facing. In light of a holiday that is all about upheaval and change, after all, it makes a lot of sense. Today's pick, "Nachshon, Who Was Afraid To Swim: A Passover Story" (2009), by Deborah Bodin Cohen, is one that I own, and has been one of my personal favourites for many years. For one thing, artist Jago's incredible illustrations are absolutely gorgeous, and it's almost worth getting the book just for his richly coloured, distinctive depiction of Ancient Egypt. But even more than that, it's a beautiful story about bravery. In Jewish rabbinic tradition, Nachshon is the young man who was the first to enter the waters of the Red Sea as the Jews fled their enslavement in Egypt, even before Moses fully parted the waters. This tale gives Nachshon a backstory, as it were, as a well-liked and courageous young man determined to help his community, but whose ONLY FEAR is ... swimming. And when the stakes are highest, it is that one fear he will have to learn to confront. This is a fabulous book for any kid, both to learn more about Jewish history and the history of our exile in Egypt which led to the Passover story, and more broadly to discuss themes of courage and facing those things that scare us but may lead to something better. Available as an e-book. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #JewishNoodlenuts #noodlenutspassover #nachshonwhowasafraidtoswim #apassoverstory #deborahbodincohen #jago #passover #pesach #jewishteacher #learnaboutjudaism #passover2020 #passoverstory #jewishhistory #montessoriteachers #learning #learningathome #montessorieducation #teachingkids #jewishbooks #Jewish #Judaism https://www.instagram.com/p/B-cpmaig31v/?igshid=1rwsnpjprfo2u
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1alphabetz · 1 year ago
The hand is the instrument of intelligence
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Maria Montessori, the visionary educator, emphasized the profound connection between a child's hand and their cognitive development. In her words, "The hand is the instrument of intelligence." This powerful quote underscores the Montessori method's emphasis on tactile, hands-on learning experiences as essential for nurturing a child's intellectual abilities. It reminds us that meaningful, interactive engagement with the world is a fundamental catalyst for a child's learning journey.
Call Us: (210) 350-9000
Read More: https://alphabetzmontessori.com/
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Warning Signs on Choosing the Wrong Nursery for Your Child
A parent needs to do his research about choosing the right nursery for his child. It’s often a complicated process, and most parents feel sceptical about taking their decision. Montessori teachers and caregivers are often the only ones that show genuine compassion and empathy towards kids. They are always around to pay more attention and shower care and love for your children. However, you must ask your child about the regular happenings from time to time. It might not be in the best interest of your child if you leave them ignored. They don’t like to be a bully among their friends.
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Safety Measures
The safety and health procedures demand much closer attention from the teachers and caregivers. A parent needs to ensure that their favourite nursery follows a specific disciplinary protocol. While picking and dropping, they need to handle your kids very safely and softly.  Few small details like the manner in which they deliver nutritious foods for children, replace a kid’s diapers and help them wash their hands are a few critical points of consideration. You’ll soon get an idea of their safety practices.
Smooth Interaction and Communication
There are a few critical aspects of a preschool or nursery that improve the thought process of a child. Parents need to ensure open communication between the educator and caretakers of their children.  A nursery is probably not right for your child’s future if they are not prepared to provide smooth communication between you and the teachers. Some of them would not even schedule an appointment with you; make sure you stay away from these wrong nurseries. Find yourself enough space for communication while checking out a few of them.
In an attempt to gauge the ambience of a nursery, you must pay it a visit with your child. It’s always a tough decision for you to leave him under an unknown person’s care.  You must pay closer attention to every minute details and ensure that the centre is prepared to take care of your child throw the growing phase.
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earlyyearslearning · 7 months ago
Why Choose IIMTT? 🌟 Discover the top reasons to kickstart your Montessori teaching career with globally recognized training at IIMTT. From expert guidance to international certification, we've got you covered. Ready to make a difference in young lives?
👉 Learn more at www.iimtt.org
🎓 #MontessoriEducation #TeacherTraining #IIMTT #EarlyChildhoodEducation #CareerInTeaching
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montessori-please-blog · 7 years ago
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Watercolor painting🌟 . Peace. Love. & Art🌈 . . . . . . . . #montessori #montessoriathome #montessorieducation #montessorischool #montessorikids #montessorichild #montessoriactivity #montessorihomeschool #montessoriinspired #montessorilearning #montessorilife #montessoriteacher #montessorilearning #followthechild #montessoriteaching #montessoriplease #mariamontessori #montessorimaterials #montessorimom #mom #montessorimethod #learning#activity #funactivities #finemotorskills #insta #instapic #instalike #instagood #instagram#follow 🌟🌟 (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmH113iAaB3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17r0hhiofn8ui
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lillibetbunny · 1 year ago
recently, I've been indulging in reading about montessori, the theory and its principles. I am in awe as I learn more and more about it, not only is it a more natural and personal form of education, it promotes respect and discipline while gently unleashing the child's potential. it is absolutely wonderful and I can't wait to learn more.
i'll share tidbits of what I read about montessori here <3
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arttey63 · 3 years ago
What is The Montessori Method?
The Montessori method is an educational methodology, developed by the Italian pedagogue Maria Montessori in 1907. Its name comes from its creator and who carried it out successfully in her primary classes in Italy. It establishes a learning system based on the natural development of the child, and not on the need to put all children in the same mold.
In the Montessori classroom, children are encouraged to learn at their own pace and in their own way. Because of this, children are able to learn to read and write at a time when they feel most comfortable, instead of being thrust into instruction before they are ready.
Children who attend a Montessori school also typically perform better on standardized tests than those who attend traditional schools. They are more likely to have success in math and reading, and have an easier time learning foreign languages.
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