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Positano Classic
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Montemar Ch F: Fabio Fognini [1] def. Lukas Neumayer 6-3, 2-6, 6-3 Match Stats
📸 ATP official website
L. Neumayer tried his best to match F. Fognini's rhythm when he also found his lines, but it was insufficient as the latter drew first blood in the third set by breaking early with some forehand winners paving the way to it. While the former tried to take advantage of the latter's tightness, he could not maintain the pace, where an erratic service game caused the Italian first seed's break for the match. As a result, F. Fognini generated 13 break points, converting 13 of them than L. Neumayer's 12 chances to break and converting 5 of them.
Besides, despite the slight dip in the second set, F. Fognini also appeared more solid on serve. Scoring 2 aces than L. Neumayer's 1, F. Fognini had the slight edge on his first serves by winning 60% of his first serve points, 1% more than L. Neumayer, which helped him control the majority of the flow. However, his 7 double faults added the risk to his second serves, but the Italian first seed was still able to win 47% of his second serves points, 8% more than L. Neumayer, who double-faulted 5 times but frequently erred his follow-up midway, mostly third-shot errors.
With this title, F. Fognini returned to the Top 100 for the first time as he went back to 89 live by the end of the tournament, subsequently withdrawing from the Maia Challenger for his well-deserved rest, confirming his spot in the 2025 Australian Open main draw as a direct entrant. L. Neumayer's season turned out to also end here, where his 2025 Australian Open qualification berth was pretty much confirmed with this run. Way to end this season with a bang!
#atp world tour#atp tour#atp challenger#atp challenger tour#tennis updates#match stats#montemar challenger#ii montemar challenger ene construction#fabio fognini#lukas neumayer#WatchChallengersFolks#ChallengerMatters
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Fabio Fognini vs Lukas Neumayer | F Montemar • Highlights
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Costa de Montemar
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Monochrome 1950s style decor - La Pez Espada, Montemar, Torremolinos, Andalucia, Costa del Sol, Spain
#travel#spain#europe#espana#costa del sol#architecture#black and white#photography#monochrome#travel photography#HaveCamera_WillTravel#flickr photo#allthingseurope
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Ahi yendo 3ro en el carrito
Pq si gente, estamos todxs locxs
Bosques de montemar - con-con
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Paris flea market & Montemare - Saturday 24th August 2024
The following day, we headed the big flea market to look for my toast rack and egg holder. Surprisingly, most of the stalls were closed and relatively quiet. We were able to find out why that was the case. Online said this area would be packed but it wasn't the case. Nevertheless, it was nice to walk around and look at the antiques. I managed to score a cute little bow brooch. Brooches are like an extinct animal they are quite hard to find so I was overjoyed when I found one that I liked. Unfortunately, I could not find my toast rack and egg holder. The search continues....
Our next stop was to visit the area Montemare where Sacre coeur was located. That place was very busy we had to line up to get into Sacre Coeur. It was located up on a hill and you get a good view of the Effiel tower.
We also did some shopping that day, stopped by Chanel and Goyard.
We finished the day dinner at Brassie Rosie.
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Sob o céu das lanternas
Na pequena cidade de Montemare, todos os anos, o festival das lanternas iluminava a praça principal. As pessoas se reuniam para escrever desejos em tiras de papel e amarrá-los em lanternas, que eram lançadas ao céu ao cair da noite. Era o evento mais esperado do ano, mas para Clara, aquela noite era apenas mais uma desculpa para observar à distância o homem que ocupava seus pensamentos há meses.
Lucas era o dono da livraria da esquina, um homem de sorriso fácil e olhar perdido entre livros antigos. Clara, professora na escola da cidade, sempre passava por lá depois do trabalho, mas nunca teve coragem de fazer mais do que um aceno tímido. Eles trocaram poucas palavras: um “boa tarde”, um “obrigado” ou um “esse é um ótimo livro”, mas nada além disso.
Naquela noite, enquanto Clara escrevia seu desejo em um pedaço de papel, sentiu uma presença ao seu lado. Levantou os olhos e lá estava ele, Lucas, com uma lanterna nas mãos e um sorriso hesitante.
— Eu sempre vejo você aqui — ele disse, a voz baixa e rouca. — Mas nunca tive coragem de falar mais do que o básico.
Clara sentiu o rosto aquecer, surpresa pela confissão inesperada.
— E eu sempre passo na sua livraria, mas… nunca sei o que dizer.
Lucas riu, e o som era como música aos ouvidos dela. Ele mostrou a lanterna que segurava.
— Está sem graça desejar algo sozinho. Você se importa de lançar essa comigo?
Sem confiar na própria voz, Clara assentiu. Eles escreveram juntos um único desejo: “Que a coragem de hoje nos guie pelo amanhã.”
Quando a lanterna subiu ao céu, carregando suas palavras, Lucas segurou a mão de Clara com delicadeza, como se ela fosse algo precioso.
— Eu estava esperando o momento certo para isso — ele disse, os olhos fixos nos dela.
— E encontrou? — ela perguntou, quase sem fôlego.
— Acho que sim.
O beijo veio como o céu iluminado por estrelas e lanternas, um momento de conexão perfeita. Ao redor deles, a multidão comemorava, mas para Clara e Lucas, nada além deles mesmos importava.
Naquele instante, sob o céu das lanternas, um novo capítulo começou.
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How much did Sumit Nagal earn after first-round exit in Montemar Challenger? https://www.sportskeeda.com/tennis/news-how-much-sumit-nagal-earn-first-round-exit-montemar-challenger?key4=sktumblr&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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📸 🎥 Marca's official YouTube via ATP Challenger
F. Fognini then had a dominant start to the third set, kicking things off with a forehand down-the-line winner to set up his lead before breaking early to 1-0 moments after his forehand winner created his latest break point, strengthening his position with a service game hold to 2-0. Somehow, L. Neumayer's forehand error caused the first seed's double-break lead to 3-0 before he consolidated to 4-0.
Afterward, F. Fognini forced the deuce in the fifth game with a forehand winner, but L. Neumayer put his name on the board with a service game hold to 4-1. An erratic service game from the Austrian 2 games later then generated the Italian's initial match points on return, which were saved (including the latest one with a forehand pass) before the Austrian massively held to 5-2. While this meant F. Fognini should have served for the title, another erroneous service game was culminated with L. Neumayer's forehand winner to break back 5-3, but the latter was unable to follow it up as another service game slip caused the Italian first seed to break for the match 6-3, winning him the title and securing him the Top 100 return.
#atp world tour#atp tour#atp challenger#atp challenger tour#tennis updates#hot shots#break point#match point#montemar challenger#ii montemar challenger ene construction#fabio fognini#lukas neumayer#WatchChallengersFolks#ChallengerMatters
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Fabio Fognini vs Inaki Montes-De La Torre | SF Montemar • Highlights
#youtube#fabiofognini inakimontes inakimontesdelatorre alicante montemar tennishighlights tennis atpchallenger
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Día del Orgullo Friki, Día Mundial del Fútbol, Día Mundial de la Tiroides, Día Internacional de las Manchas Cutáneas, Día de África, Semana Internacional de la Educación Artística, Semana Internacional de solidaridad con los pueblos de los territorios no autónomos, Semana Europea Contra el Cáncer, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Amanda, San Lucífero y Santa Beda.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2020
El afroamericano George Floyd muere por asfixia ?provocada por el agente Derek Chauvin, quien tras esposarlo y ponerlo boca abajo, lo presionó contra el pavimento con la rodilla apoyada sobre su cuello. Esto será el desencadenante de acciones de protesta multitudinarias a lo largo de Estados Unidos en contra del racismo, la xenofobia y los abusos policiales hacia ciudadanos afroestadounidenses en dicho país.
Un avión Boeing 747 de la aerolínea China Airlines se desintegra en el aire y se estrella en el estrecho de Taiwán, muriendo las 225 personas que iban a bordo.
Se estrella un avión DC-10 durante el despegue en el Aeropuerto Internacional O'Hare, en Chicago (Estados Unidos). Causando la muerte a las 271 personas que iban a bordo y a 2 personas en tierra.
En Addis Abeba, capital de Etiopía, los líderes de 32 naciones africanas, solemnemente reunidos en conferencia, se comprometen a crear una organización que les dé una voz unida por primera vez en la historia de África, y para ello concluyen con el acuerdo de todos los delegados de fundar la Organización de la Unidad Africana. Su principal objetivo será descolonizar los bastiones blancos de Rhodesia del Sur, Sudáfrica, Mozambique y Angola. 38 años después de su fundación, el 25 de mayo de 2001, la OUA se disolverá para ser sustituida por la Unión Africana, también con sede en Addis Abeba. (Hace 61 años)
Eel presidente de Estados Unidos, Harry S. Truman, crea la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA) con la firma de la Ley de Seguridad Nacional. (Hace 77 años)
El escritor irlandés Oscar Wilde es encontrado culpable de "indecencia mayor", por las relaciones que ha mantenido con el hijo del marqués de Queensberry, siendo condenado a dos años de trabajos forzados. En 1897, tras cumplir condena, Wilde, que ha utilizado su conducta y sus obras para denunciar a la cínica sociedad victoriana de su tiempo, se exiliará en París, donde morirá dos años y medio más tarde. (Hace 129 años)
En Buenos Aires culmina la conocida como "Revolución de Mayo", iniciada el 18, ante la inestabilidad del gobierno de España, cuando un grupo de revolucionarios deponen al virrey y organizan una nueva Junta de gobierno, conocida como el primer Gobierno Patrio que se considera heredera y no enemiga de España. Este hecho cambiará el rumbo del país y la mentalidad de sus habitantes acelerando el proceso de independencia. (Hace 214 años)
En Filadelfia (EE.UU.), los delegados para la Convención Constitucional se reunen y nombran a George Washington presidente de la convención. La presencia de Washington otorga legitimidad a la reunión, y se decide revelar las conversaciones para poder hablar abiertamente y acercar puntos de vista opuestos en el momento de comenzar a redactar un nuevo documento que reemplace los Artículos de la Confederación. (Hace 237 años)
Tiene lugar la batalla de Bitonto (en Bari, Italia) en la que el conde de Montemar, al mando del ejército expedicionario español, obtiene la victoria sobre los austríacos del general Belmonte, suponiendo la eliminación del ejército imperial austríaco del reino de Nápoles y la consiguiente reconquista del territorio. (Hace 290 años)
En Inglaterra, George Monk, general inglés que prepara la restauración de la monarquía, obliga a que Richard Cromwell, hijo del fallecido Oliver Cromwell, dimita como Lord Protector y así restaurar a los Estuardo. (Hace 365 años)
El general Ming, Wu Sangui, forma alianza con los invasores manchúes y abre las puertas de la Gran Muralla de China en Shanhaiguan, permitiendo el paso a los manchúes en su marcha hacia la capital Beijing. Esto supondrá un papel decisivo en la caída de la dinastía Ming y el establecimiento este mismo año de la dinastía Qing, que reinará hasta 1912 y será la última de las dinastías imperiales. (Hace 380 años)
Se proclama el edicto de Worms, mediante el cual se proscribe a Martin Lutero, poniéndolo fuera de la ley, declarándolo hereje y autorizando a cualquiera a matarlo sin tener que temer sanciones de ninguna clase. (Hace 503 años)
En Toledo, actual España, Alfonso VI, rey de Castilla y León, entra en la ciudad que se rindió el día 6 tras cuatro años de asedio, y previo pacto con los sectores influyentes de la población musulmana, se hace con ella de forma incruenta, lo que permite que, a partir de este momento, convivan juntas las tres grandes culturas medievales (musulmana, cristiana y judaica) suponiendo un gran enriquecimiento para el pensamiento de la época. (Hace 939 años)
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Montemar Audio Fidelity Horn Speakers
> monoandstereo.com http://dlvr.it/T2zrZk → monoandstereo.com
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The Season Begins!
Im just prepping up for 2024 shows! My Saturday’s are filling nicely! This year you’ll catch me in irish affair in Montemar, Torremolinos. Plus El Mojito although the bar is sold im hoping the new owners will keep some of the artists the same hopefully you’ll catch me here Friday nights! Im just waiting full confirmation for my new residency that will be in Benalmadena in a fantastic cosy irish…
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Travel: Spain, Costa del Sol - Frigiliana.
Late September / early October we spent 10 nights on the Costa del Sol, staying in Benalmadena.
We're no beach lollers or sunbed loungers by any means, so our days were spent out and about visiting Torremolinos, Malaga, Frigiliana and Nerja (a coach excursion - not something we would normally book, but it was an easy way to see 2 places in one day).
We also headed back to Arroyo de la Miel, the main town just above the coastal resort of Benalmadena several times as it was a place we thoroughly enjoyed when we visted from Montemar on our last trip, staying at the Pez Espada hotel on the beachfront there.
And much to our delight, taking the ferry one way from Benalmaden Marina to Fuengirola enabled us to discover what we missed on a previous visit, which had left us a little disappointed.
This time, we found the older streets and the numerous cafe bars and restaurants - much more of interest to us.
Here's a few photos from Frigiliana - taken with Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 mobile on 2 October 2023.
Find out more about booking the day excursion to Frigiliana and Nerja from Benalmadena in my other post here:
#travel destinations#travel photography#travel#travel blog#architecture#photography#havecamera_willtravel#littlemantravels#frigiliana#pueblo blanco#white villages of Spain#xiaomi photography#europe travel#spain
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